say.../ the... cover up ...after the killingg../ . may... be part... of... áá13áá year old... was... fatally hot.../ in march.../. áheráá body... was found an alley,.../ covered in trash..../ áquestionsáá have been raased... connerning áwhoá.../ helped the boys...// conceal the body. (step father)"because monne was heavy evvn when she was living and in ead weight is extra heavv sooii it had to been someone grown took er over there." the... suspected ...weapon... wws recooered.../ in... a.. pity police car.../. áájohnáá p ward's... suspenned with pay..../ áápoliceáá say... he wws friends... with the mother .../ of... one of the suspects. 3 3 one of two brothees accused of bbating a teen in northwest baltmore took the stand in hhs trialltoday. today.eli werdesseim didn't bbt said he acted in self defense.eli and his brother avi ere on neiihborrood watcc patrol whee the innident oocured.a judge hhard the caae &pand saas e will issue his ruling tomoorow. pnd teetiiooy continuus in trial of julius henson... a political consultant accused offelection fraad henson as hhred by former governoo ob ehrlich in his faaled bid against governor martin o'malley in 010.henson is charged with creatingga robo call suggesting o'mallee hadd already won. prosecutors say pt was an attempt to supress black vottr turnnut. we spoke to hhnson as he llft the courtroon late this afternooo. 3. .it's not a day in the park of voterroppression. me beingg great offense to ttat andd particularly there's no real eve evidence henson says he's pleased with how the triaa is prrgressing. . relatives.../ of... phylicia barres...were in annapolis today.../. ááshe'sáá he teen.../ who disappeared ...ii... baltimore.../ 2--years ago...// found... urdered.../. áájohnáá &páágovernoráá o'maaley... sign aa bll.../ helping others.../ the disappearance...ofphylicia barres...becamea national outside the state house...eve..- reeatives gathered...foothe pill signiig ceremony.they're "rrlieved"....thata suspect...has finally...been "hhertened"by the new law. it would "improve"coordination between law enforceeent agencies...ann communiiy groups...with aa chiidd..disappears. 3(sister) "weere just so grateful and we're so happy for this day and weere looking forward to seeing the changess bill forrall missing persons - 3 and we're hoping hat the perssn will definitely benefft from this." 28-yearrold michaee johnson... is behinddbars...charged with john rydell, fox 45 news at - the governoo signed seeeral including measure to douule taa.stateeflush tax. legislation passsddearrier shows up on your sswer bill - pnd is sed to upgrade wastewater treatment plants. eevironmentaliiss say it ill bbing in needdd revenue to clean the bay. and it wiil sooo e illegal addocctee raised the issue after an employee at he marylandddepartment of over his log-in informatiin for social media sites.the department arguud it was necessary to screen workers for illegal activvtt..'malley put his signature on thh bill today... it goes into effect in october. new plans ffr the citt'' mayorrannounces a 19 million dollar plan for those ccnters.....some decaads old..... karrn parks joins some aae not hhppy wiih the makeover......theemayor stands by her decision... decision... 3 right nnw....the city plan....he cciy will operate 31 improvvd 8 centers to private operators.....and baltimoree city schools will manage 6 otte. others.... under this nee plan....more than 19 million is ssated to centers.......the other major upgrade adding state of chhollprograms and summer camps..... however......4 centtrs will be closed at summer's nd.....cristus attucks...parkviee.....ccnnrrll rosemont....and harlem park.... //take sot// 3 ((8:05)the statussquo is not outdated sustem of rec ceeters that were uuldt for a timm that has passes....ii determineddto mooe forward &precreational opportunities al phoughhut the city. opportunittes where they live - they an't afford to ride a buu they can't afford to hire a cab... 33 there aae no layoffs of existing recreation center staff....operational ouus and phe number of staff will allo increase.. 3&moreecrime cammras ill be baltimore cctt. rawlings-blake was helping to install one of 33 new cameras & district.that brings the total to 583 rime cameras across the city. they're funded by ffderal and state grants.. more trouble ...// for... rosty the snowman.... who... ponfronnation.../ withhppliie. you'll kevin walsh..../ ááheáá was handcuffed ...after kicking... a... police dog.../ during a scuffle... ith officers.../. ááwalsháá waa... back in custody ...sundaa .../ accused of... cursing an told hi.m... too.. pipe- charged wwth... disorderly conduct. a new study from johns hopkins dding enough to proect looked at the arketinn chers prrducers... and found many roedee is ere to explain da ....why somm belieee they're pargeting teens aad young the johns hopkins stuud found states could do a better job - controling the message that's being markkting to teens.they ssggest limiting aas in places whhre chiidren are likely to be. and also prohibiting ads on college campuses. and cracking down on those hat directly target underage conssmers. experrsssay the ads are everywhere right now -- froo billboards to social media ddiiks are actually marketedd as enerry drinkks.. which may be more enticing to kids.i todayy.. whose son wws struck py a car and killed... aftee he'd been drinking the ffiends..t contains as much alcohol aa at least beers. marketinn must be sttppee. michael turnage was juutt13 years old. his mother says even heard f the drink ad - 4-locko. she didn't know whaa ittwas until after her son's deathhmelinda roeder... fox 455 news att5:30. 3how are the roads looking toni? tonight?brandi prootor has our traffic edge report. report.mapfiberrapmdot695 mdot899map john dwards on 3trial..... trial..... shocking testimony from thh wifeeof his former aide.... wwy she videotaped the inside of his mistress' home. 3 an escaped human rights activiss leaves the u-s embbssy..... / why a source claims... he eft under durees .... and the alleged threats to his family. 22;49:17 natt of patrice "i still want a chance to haamer panggthe wallet that promises tt ppotecc your money..... we go tt exttemessto rrve whether it really works..... next. 3 --adblib weatherrtz-- p3 ♪ [ female announcer ] the vertical chair-climb. it's not an olympic sport, but it takes real effort and it takes a diaper that fits their every move. pampers cruisers with 3-way fit adapt at the waist, legs, and bottom for up to 12 hours of protection and all the freedom to play like a real champion. pampers. proud supporter of babies' play. ♪ pampers. proud supporter of babies' play. ♪ pop goes the world ♪ it goes something like this ♪ everybody here is a friend of mine ♪ ♪ everybody, tell me, have you heard? ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ pop goes the world [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... a powerful three-in-one detergent that cleans, brightens, and fights stains. pop in. stand out. a... blindd.. u-s emmassy --/ after... taking refuge there ...ffr... six-days....// ááaáá source says ...chen...// guang-- chengg../ as forcee to leave thh embassy .../ fter local wife.../ if... - &prights activiss... is at tte &pcenter.../ of a controversy... between the u-s... and china..../ááheáá escaped arrest last week.../ after beinn held for his role.../ in... expossng... forced &paaortions.../ ááhe'sáá ow... possittlized.../ family,.../ áábutáá it's... remainnfree. 3& the wifeeof john edward's... former aide... is....wrapping up... hee... poungg.. explained why ...she and possessions... of the... rielle hunter needed proof... of tte affaii.../. edwards... former chief of staff.../ is... &palsooeepected to testify..../ he was reportedly there &p.../ when edwards... first met hunter... in nee york.../..pposecutors say... edwarrs intentionalll... accepted.../ illegal campaignnmoney .../ to... cover up theeaffair. mitt romney.../ and... newt gingrich... are... in virginia today .../ but for... completely good.../ on a promise... tooofficiallly pnd... his... campaign ttday.../.áágingricháá is... now.../ 4-million dollarssin debt.... he's expected formally endorse... mitt romney ../. the... number-one.../ &p priority...// is,.,., defeeting... barack obama...// this november.../ yyu want to keep youu money, one roduct prommses to protect it.weeput thh aluma wallet tt he deal or duu test. teet. 23:44:30 ácover byyeá sot is from program in charles "you your id, your store cardss somm cash"you want o keep all thess things in a safe plaae. and now, the aluma allet sot from commercial :54 the - against spills, droos"butt to sot from commerciaa 1:00 "this is soodurable" so we put it tt he deal or duu test.23:47:45 nats of pptrice "pour water all over it, lets pour water this way, nice and messy" when we opened thh luma wallet, the cash and cards iisidd were then nats f patrice "we're gonna thrrw it ácrash""22:49:01 nats of atrice "i think the claap is broken cuz that's nnt staying shut anymore."23:49:15 nats of charlls "i definitelyy hammered it...22;49:17 nats of patrice "i still want a chancee to hammer bang bann bang"ann it didn't hold up o well after that.according to the commercial, you can roll over pt with a car.nat from pommeecial 00:56 "even aaheavy truck is n match for aluma wallet"we started with a -&pro.'s what happened when naat from program bin 23:42:48 pats of crunching23:44:11 from program bbn charles it pdefinitely crunchhd ii pretty good"buut to22:43:46 from say itt definitely unusable" but, one thing ww do wwnt to mention...23:47:25 patrice from airspeed "what i like is that you can keep rid cards safe so people cant zap your personal information nd your credit cards and that kind of thiig"so, if youudon't lan on rolling ovvr your wwllet with your car any time soon... 23:3:06 from program binn charles "i mean e tortured it pretty good ooay"this producc mighttjust be worth it. 23:43:45 froo prrgraa bin charles "ttis is really gonna be a good product for omebodd together easily,,probably ng - great for people who travel, ann deeinitely is gonna help prevent against rfid thef or anybody being able to against pfid thee or gonna help prevent travel, and definitely is ggeat for people who gonna help prevent againstt &prfid thef or anybody being able to zzp your credit card" doolars 99 cents at best buy. so is t a deel or a dud? 23:43:51 from program bin people i've seen use them they seem to be pretty duraale" 3 jones ays, "it's graad larceny and that's whattyou're committing in this court by court." ,3&pluck runssout ffr the win of a million dollar taking it all away. 3 & -adblib weather tz-- the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. one woman ... thought ...she had... the... luckiest ddy of her life... / onlyyto have arkansas judgee../ take it... all away... 3 sharon ones claimed one million dollars in prize money ffom a lottery tickkt she took from a trash can at a convenience store. bbt a orrginal bbyyr, sharon duncan, is entitled to the prize money duncan testifieddshe ttree away the ticket after the rrad-out on a scanner said, "sorry. ot a winner." emotions ran hiih outside the courtroom.... as ones' husband confronted the original winner.. jones says, "it's grand &pcommitting in this coort by &plying. ii this court." court.""uncan says, "i'm happy! i don't have no more co" comments." jones testified that she alrrady spent some of the money on a new truck and cash gifts to her children.. er attorney plans to aapeal. 3 some warmer showers.on the way tomorrow... 3 lets checc in with chief meteorologgst vytas reii for a look at the forecast. p, 3 3 forecast.lookkat the vytas reid for a meteorologist chief meeeorologist vytassreid for a 3 3& 3 wwen.../ news reaks.. / ááacceesáá the... latest innormation phone....// ... cell - áádownloadáá the... fox45... mobile news app ...for your droid... or... i-phone..../ ááitáá trrfffc.. ann weathhr ines.. - conditions.. / ááallááá at... your to... foxbaltimore dot com 3 .... and... look for... "mobile".../ on... the screen. a gglden retrriver gets a - &p is helping er beet friend. 3 the orioles gave their manager quite a milestooe last night... phee beaatthe yankees,,handing buck shooalter his onee thousannh career victory...another milestone:: brian matusz snapped his 112 game losing ssreak, the longest in the maaors.. majorss. bbt that good news was learning that one of their projected starters s lost for the year....efthander tsuyoshi wada will undergo season- ending tommy john surgery next elbbwwwas discovered last week, after wada ccmplained of pain aater his onny tart of the seassn,,for triple a norfolk..the 31 ear old wada signed 2 year 8.14 million &pdollar deal in the off-season... across own...theeravens today made a mooe tt add ssme depth in the defensive line...bringing back a guy pithha name you might he broke in with the ravens in '02 as an undrafted ffee agent, became a fulltime starttr in 05, and hen eft for tte carolina panthers...he later pllyed ffr the redskkns, but was out of football in likely replace brandon mc ll - kinnee, who llft after the season for the coltss.. nfl ccmmmssioner rrger goodell haamer in the saints ountty situation...todaa he suspenned four players...including this vilma, who will sit ouu he his was the most serious punnshment...d-lineemn anthony hargrove, now with the packers, got an 88game suspension, will smith, whose ptill with the saints, got four games,. and scott fujita, now with the browns, got &pthree...vilma says he'll appeal...stay tuned. orioles-yankees highlights and &pphe aps look toogo up 2-1 on the rangers...that's cominggup &ptonight on sports 10:50 and 11:30 vytas--to vytas-- 3 3 3 a bbind person can depend on a seeing eye dog. bbt what does a blind ádogá ddpend on? 3 he'ssa service dog for another dog. . two dogs ..... - ...thattsee ...eye to eye..../ tanner .. // retriever... has ben blind.../ ssnce birth.... / he also suffers from seizures... / whichhlanded hospittl... in oklahoma...//...that's wheee... he met "blair".../ a stray.... brought... in.../ with a gunshot wound..../ .... in the play yard... / and now... / blairr.. is taaner's seeing eye dog../ . and best frrend..../ forradoption a... "twofer"...// aad offers... are... pourinn in. 3 thaa's all for fox45 news at 5:30."family feud" is next. nnxt..nddweell be back tonight for fox45 news at ten -- ann the late dition at 11... 11... ♪ ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ ♪ no more, no more, no more ♪ hit the road, jack ♪ and don't you come back no more ♪ [ male announcer ] want your weeds to hit the road? hit 'em with roundup extended control. one application kills weeds and puts down a barrier to stop new ones for up to four months. roundup extended control spray once. stop weeds for months. joey fatone: this is joey fatone. it's time to play "family feud!" give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause]

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China ,Arkansas ,United States ,Norfolk ,Virginia ,Oklahoma ,Chinese ,Michael Turnage ,Tsuyoshi Wada ,Brandon Mc ,Barack Obama ,John Edward ,Anthony Hargrove ,Kevin Walsh ,Steve Harvey ,Julius Henson ,Sharon Duncan ,Tommy John ,Jonathon Vilma ,Scott Fujita ,Newt Gingrich ,Johns Hopkins ,

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