parksbreaking news tonight. former.../ governor.../ william donald schaefer.../ is... in thh began ...feeling sick.../ several days.../ ago. ago. keeth daniels is live at st. is being treated for pneumonia. 3 3 3 3 ,... grandmother.../ in...// waverly.../ is... attacked.../ ///// áátonightáá...// police.../ say.../ her... own .../ 14... year old.../ grandsonn../ confessed...///. áááathleenáá... cairns.../ has... more../// on... this bizarre.../ story... kathleen the 66 year old grandmother was struck in the face.. and s in critical but stable condtion tonight... her own grandson.. is locked up... and charged as an adult in the assault. 14 year old hassanhii garrett faces attempted murder charges... after pooice say he attacked his own grandmother.. ffrst with a hammer.. then with his fists. police say the two had an argument during breakfast thursday morning as garrett was getting ready for school. after the attackkpolice say the teen called 9-1-1- to get help. (neighbor) "i guess they should look into his history of any kind of mental illness ii he has any. that doesnt sound right for a 14 yyar old to attack his grandmooher like that especialll if shes taking care of himso maybe theres something going on there mentally" garrett is in his first year at digital harbor high school... tonight.. hes in jail. kc fox 45 news at 5:30 here's.../// our... question of the day...///.ááisáá.../ it... appropriate to charge.../// a.../ 14 year old.../// as... an.../ adult? o to... fox- baltimore dot com...// áásoundáá off ... thru...// facebook....// áásendáá... us a tweet.../// áátextáá...// yourranswer ... to.../ 45-203...//. ááenteráá... fox45a ffr... yes../// ááfox45báá.../ for... no....// ááyouráá... response... might air tonight...// on the &pnews at ten. two women at a reservoir hill apartment... is sentenced to life in prison plus 50 years. in february... a jury found kenneth perry ggilty of killing lashawn jordan and kelly bunn... back in 1998. perry was convicced for the same crime a decade ago....but was re-tried... after prosecutors failed to ttrn over crucial evidence.jordan's dauggter was the key witness in both trials.... sse watched as her mother was murdered. "who testified not once in the first trial , but again ten years later when she was 17 years old to the same horrific acts she observed as a young gi" girl.""we feel strongly that justice was done in this case and we hope that she can now mmve on with her life." life." during the trial... perry denied killing his former girlfriend... and her was bunn... who a.../ guilty verdict.../ ááforáá.../ a... motorist.../ accused.../ of... killing.../ two people.../ on...// i---70. i---70. jeff abell .../ live... in towson.../ p ááwhereáá.../ the... judge's.../ decision.../ came down .../ mooents ago. 3 3police are investigating a major jewelry heist at the mall in columbia... columbii... surveillance cameras captured these mmn at "edward arthur jewelers." howarr county police they held up employees at unpoint... making off with merchandise worth hundreds of thousands f dollars. presiient barack pbama stops in maryland to encourage big companies to go g. green. the president toured a u-p-s facility in landover. managers there showed him used by the shipping company. u-p-s, fedex, a- t-and-t, verizzn and pepsi have promised the federal government they'll purchase 20-thousand fuel efficient vehicles. one of the best waas to reduce our dependence on oil is by makinggour cars and trucks more energy efficient, because transportation accounts for more thaa 70 percent of america's oil consumption. consumption. the white efficient vehicles.. uel participating companies will less each year. some of baltimore's bravest are returning home from deploym. deploymmnt.16... members.../ of.../ an... unit.../ come .../ home...///.áátheáá... soldiers... are part.../ of.../ the...// 9-49--th.../ traasportation.../ company...//// . ááaáá... unit.../ that... transports.../ miliiary.../ equipment...// ááafteráá.../ a... year-long.../ mission... in.../ kuwait...///// áámanyáá... were... eagerrto see.../ loved.../ ones .../ ááwhileáá... others.../ were... / meeting their.../ newest... family.../ members.../ for... the.../ first time... first time i seen him this year, i really wanted to cry, um i get pictures and video of it, but other than that, there's nothing like just good tt be hhoe. 3 each soldier... was honnred .../ with.../ a.../ flag.../ at... the.../ brandt... u-s army.../ reserve center.../ in baltimore. you.../ can.../ send... a message.../ to... baltimore orioles.../ robinson.the/...// was.../ hospitalized.../// for... a fever.../ and... infection.../ ááheáá.../ - underwent.../ what's ...beinn called .../ a... "routine .... áárobinsonáá...// - spent.../ his... pntire.../ 20... year career.../ with... the.../ orioles...//////. ááhisáá...// ncredible...// stops... at.../ 3--rd...// ááá earnedáá... him... the title.... of...// "thh... uman.../ vacuum cleaner"....///// áág-b--m-cáá...// set... up.../ an.../ e-mail... account .../ for.../ well- wishers...//// to... send messagee.../ to.../ brooks. 3find.../ that... at,...// slash nnwslinks. radiation concerns in america. america. the food stapll the f-d-a is now monitoring for contamination. 3 "if you followed it over the last couple months.. it's in serious shhpe." shape."major losses for the maryland jockey club.... what this could mean for theefuture of horse racing. and in annapolis...the backlog of growinn.the bills the senate president says could be a waste of time. 3 --adblib weather tz-- happy baconalia! baconalia? mm-hmm. why, it's the sacred festival of bacon. a celebration of baconian delight. come celebrate baconalia! we're open to 7 new ways to enjoy bacon. denny's. america's diner is always open. week leftin the 2011 general assembly...lawmaaers have not passee the they've been wamppd with many other bills...that some consider..."frivolous..that includes a special dayto honor president reagan...young heroes days...and a billto re-name mountains in western maryland. senate resident with manyother bills...including one which would allowwdogs to dine with their outdoor cafes. (miller) "i know it'' important to some people but a lot of constituents aren't concerned whether dogs can go to restaurants you know or rrnammng mounttins or irish american day." day."to help reduce the number of symbolic bills debated on year...pressdent mike miller...says he may have those measures...screened first committee. it's...// the... of.../ maryland's.../ horse racing...// se. seasonn..--- yelling, horses ru- as.../// the... pimlico.../ spring meeting.../ opened this.../ afternoon...///// áátheáá... maryland jockey club...// addressed.../ financial...// concerns..../// áárecordsáá... show .../ pit... lost.../ 7---million dollars.../// in... the last.../ 8--months.../ of.../ 20--10.../////.áátheeá... ii.../ can... break even...//// thiss../ year,...//// áábutáá.../ áonlyá.../// if a proposed...//// state... loan ...//// ááclearsáá.../ the... general assembby.../// by.../ prill11. hopefully the revenues hold, things continue and we'll be at a plus or minus brrak even on the operational side. chuckas.../ sayy.../// a... recent...// lawsuit.../ against developer.../ david cordish.../ ovvr...// slots...///// áácutáá...// into... the.../ profits.../// p3 rescue workers launch a massivv search ffort in japan... after last month's earthquake and tsunami. tsunami. --- helicopter--- helicopter--- u.s. military helicopters... search by air... while japaness self defense forces comb the waters.others mmnuully sift through rubble.... at this elementary school... troops found the pody of a fifth grade girl. after placing the body on a stretcher... they lit a caaddee.. and took a moment to pray. more than 16-thousand people remain missing. and japan's nuclear risis... raises radiation concerns here in the u-s.the e-p-a is closely monitoring milk and drinking water.... after traces of radiation were detected in milk on the west coast.but officiall say the level of radioactiveeiodine doesn't pose a health risk. 3 3 200--dollars.../ for.../ a... few puffs.../ of air. air. that's.../ how much .../ the.../ "oxygen will... cost you....//// ááaáá... metal device.../ uses.../ oxygen ...//// to... push a serum.../ into... the.../ skin...//////.ááthatáá... serum.../ ii... designed to.../ hydrate..//// soften.../ and... plump the.../ skin.. /// ááwhicháá.... eliminates.../ wrinkles. najia rohlf says: people with deeper lines they won't see results immediately that the lines are gone but people with faster than the onns with the deepr lines lines the... facial.../ isnnt regulated by the f-d-a.. //// áásoáá... its... up to the consumer .../ to... decide.../ if... it's worth.../ the money he oxygen facial is our cover storyytonight. learn more about iis benefits.. and consts.. on fox45 news at tenn 3 seacrest says: the person who ps safe is paul paula bitter sweet night for contestants on "american idol." we'll break down the dramm ... 3n tonightts lowdown. - --adblib weather tz-- ?? top 9 on american idol. idol.candace old.../ has... a recap.../ of... laat night's.../ elimination.../ episode. 3 the competition ended for two people this week since the judges ussd their save last week. seacrest says: the person who is safe is paul thia megia and naima adedapo received the lowest number of votes from america after their performances on wednesday night.thia sang "daniel" and naima did a reggae rendition of "i'm still standing".the girlssknow there is a lot of talent this yeer and unfortunately two people says: "you know, i really didnnt know what to feel, because everyone has beennso amazing this last couple weeks and i guees i felt pretty really. so, um, i felt really - devastated casue i really wanted to stay and i knew i could do so much more on the show." adedapo says: ""'m haapy becasue i got to express so uch of my artistry onnthe show and people got to see. at least they know, cause if i had been cutteerlier they wouldn't know that i could dance or that i could do reggae or so many ddfferent pretty happy t where i am." this is not the end of the road for the two girls... both will go oo the americcn idols live tour. you can see the top 9 on american dol next wednesday and thursday at 8-pm here on fox45. i'm candace dold and that's your lowdown. what's the weather looking like for this eekend.... will we get a break from the rain? let's check in with meteorrlogist emily graaey. gracey. 3 3 &p be... in charge .../ of... your own.../ forecast...//. áái-radaráá..././ is... now available .../ at.../ foxbaltimore dot com.../////. ááuseáá...// the... pnteractive tools.../ to... traak .../ coming storms .../ down to your street...//. áágoáá... to... foxbaltimore dot com .../ slash i-radar 3 (take sot)lawson says: "within half an hour i started having c" contractions." a dessert for the expectant mothe. mother. the flavor that ends in labor.. next. 3 even though other teams have already lifted the lid, as it were, the orioles get their chance toniggt...they open the 2011 regular season against the defending american league eest champpons, the tampa bay pretty exciting stufff.. stuff... 3 .leading off for the orioles is 2nd baseman brian roberts... batting 2nd playing right ield is nick markakis... in the 3-hole is a new addition, 1st baseman derrek lee... batting cleanup also new to the birds... vladimir guerrero... and since david price is a leftyy.. buck showalter is going with adam jones in the 5-hole... hole... .batting 6th... last year's most valuable oriole... luke scott... he's playing left field... mark reynolds is manning the hot corner and hitting 7th... catcher matt wieters is in the 8th ssot... and rounding out the o's lineup is shortstop j.j. hardy... starting pitcher jeremy guthrie is getting his 33d career opening day start... the only thing on his mind is a """... "you know, i just want to get the team off n the &priggt ote. that's the key fo that first game issto win it. get that excitement and all that anticipation have it end up in a win and go from there. the season hasn't even started yet, and the birds are alreedy dealing with injury problems... we learned late todaa that brian matusz will have to miss his scheduled start tomorrow night...he's experiencing soreness in his upper back, discovered during warmups this afternoon...he's thought to be flying back here for an examination...thh o's haven;tt said what they're plans are, but it's expected that chris tillman will move up a day and start in his place...more tonight on sports unlimited .we'll have complete highlights of the orioles and rays... our high school game of the week is a big one... mcdonogh at st. paul's in boys lacrosse... and umbc takes on stony brook in colleee lax... that's all coming up tonight at 10--0 on sports unlimited... back to you... --ad lib toss to emily-- emily-- 3 3 3 eat a cupcake... and you could have a baby... in... charlottesville, - delivers...// more than.../ tasty trea. treats. soofar, ...// 19...// overdue babies.../ hhve beee born .../ after.... their very pregnant mothers .../ ate... a lemon drop cupcake, .../ at.../ cappellino's.../ shop...//. áánewáá.../ mother... shannon conklin .../ says... medical experts.../ are.../ stumped by it . lawson says: "within half an hour i started having contractions."shoup says: "i was five days overdue and we came back downtown and i got one, and it worked."conklin says "i was in the hospital, i think my daughter was five hours oll and i called thh cupcake shop, and i was like it works!" works!" owner.../ dotty cappellino...// says.../ the... lemon drop .../// is.../ one of... the best-sellers,....// ááandáá.../ she makes sure...// there's...// a... fresh batch...// every day. 3 that's all for fox45 news at 5:30."king of queens" is next. next.anddwe'll be back tonight for fox45 news at ten -- and the late edition at 11... 11...we'll see you later. later.