blowing--- many ...// struggled.../ to... keep.../ their... feet.../ on... the ground... /// ááasáá.../ winds... tore thru...// downtown .../ today .../// áápeopleáá...// were... bundled up ...//// . ááshieldingáá.../ their... faces ..../// ááand áá...// bracing.../ to... keep their.../ balance. the wind was so powerful... it pushed trees into light poles. the combination fell onto a car at barclay avenue and 33rd street in east baltimore.... ...leaving the owner a big messsto clean up the wrath of this winn storm is being felt everywhere... mmrandd stephens.../ live.../ in... west baltimore..../// ááwhereáá...// a vacant church ccumbled from the force of the wind... 3 they should have tore the 3 no...// ssrprise...// áátheseáá...// fierce... winds...// caused.../// a... lot of.../ power problems ...// across... the baltimore.../ area...////ááatáá...// this....// hour...// ááaboutáá.../ 50... thousand .../ b-g-e.../ customers.../ are... without.../ power...////áámostáá...// are... in.../ baltimore.../ city...///áábaltimoreáá... county...//ááandáá.../ anneearundel .../ county what .../// happens...// in... tte next.../ couple of hours? hours?meteorologist emily gracey is here with a look at this evening's wicked weather... emily? emily? how...// is.../ all .... this.../ affecting... the roads .../ tonight? tonight?brandi proctor .../ has... our .../ traffic edge report. report. guilty of murder.... thats the verdict tonight for community activist cleaven williams junior. he's been ssanding trial for the stabbing death of his wife. wife. jeff abell is live at the mitchell courthouse tonighh where there's strong reaction, jeff... 3 3 seconds after the juryy delivered its vvrdict.... the defendant looked at his family and whispered....'don't cry'..... 3 it took tte jury four days of deliberations before finding the 35-year old community activist guilty of murder williams had admitted killing his wife, veronica, outside the north avenue courthouse two years ago.... but insisted it was not a plannee atttack...but instead, provooed by rage. after the veedict, the victim's family talkeddabout the couples three young children (19948) "they're happy kids but they miss their the night its not their dad but their mom ttey cry out for but had the circumssances been different they love their father. it would've been thh same thing." 3 when he's sentenced next month, williims jeff abell, foo 45, news at - 5:30. a.../ parkville.../ high school ...senior.../ whh ...was.../ gunned down .../ last.../ weekend... /// ááisáá.../ laid to . rest.18-year-old.../ brandon.../ jackson.../ was.. phot.../ at... an exxon.../ gas.../ station... in.../ parkville...////. ááhisáá... loved- ones...// gathered .../ this morning .../ at.../ "victorious"".. ministries.../ in... northeast .../ baltimore..../// áá24áá...// year-old.../ clinton bradley.../ is... charged.../ with.../ murder... /// ááaáá.../ convicted killlr.../ wanted.../ on... a warrant...// at... the time.../// of... the.../ shooting...////. ááthatáá..../ offers...// little relief.../ too.. the jackson...// famill. jannette: e'll never know. we'll never know what brandon would hhve accomplished, we'll never know.. just, we'll never know about his future... we'lllnever know" 3 bradley's.../ held... without...// bail... //// ááheáá...// was... sentenced.... to... a 2003.../ murder .../// ccnviction .. //// áábutáá...// served... only three...// before.../ he... was.../ freed...////. the federal corruption investigation involves 31 baltimore city police officers, and owners of a towing company were also arrested this week. tonight, as kathleen cairns reports, now employees from álegitimmteá towing companies are tell us how much bbsiness they lost because of thii scheme... kathleen? towing companies with the proper medallions, say they trucks show uu at crash sccnes and steal their business. they are now hoping the arrests and investigation, will help thee get back in &pbusiness... at frankfort towing in northeast baltimore: aa company with the proper medallions, they say business has been slow due to the corruption scheme. federal investigators say some cops were steerrng business towards majestic towing, a non- sanctioned company. in one case: when tow truck medallion representative paula protani questioned an officer,she says she was arrested. she says the scheme involves more then just tow trucks. (paula )"in addition to paying 300 dollars for a tow up to 300 paying peoples deductibles.. helping with auto rental, i didnt thing there was that kind of money in the body shop business.. so i believe it is the tip of the iceberg." meanwhile, paula doesnt want this to be a blaak eye for police, or for reputable towing companies:more on that tonight at ten kc fox 45 news at 5;30 our coverage of this story continues... starting tonight on fox45 news at ten.learn more about the case now on and our facebook pagg.. faceeook dot com slash fox balttmore. 3 and i'm john rydell....what's next...for that legalize...same-sex marriage. i'll tell you what's this hour.... outrage over a billboard in new york city targeting black women ... we'll tell you what ii ssid... coming up after the break xx= ♪ [ female announcer ] starbucks via is planted the same... ♪ ...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. it only makes sense it would taste the same. so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via ready brew. we promise you'll love it or we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via taste promise. look for it where you buy groceries. ♪ [ female announcer ] picking tights isn't always easy. ♪ picking a free detergent is. switch to tide free & gentle in the white and blue bottle. no other free detergent is milder on skin. and unlike the leading free detergent, it removes more residue from dirt, food, and stains. so nothing spoils this tights enthusiast's enthusiasm. tide free & gentle. style is an option. clean is not. also look for tide stain release free. the...// debate.../ over.../ same sex... marriage.../ in.../ maryland...//// áánowáá...// shifts.../ to... the house .../ of.../ delegates. comes one day after thesenate gives its final approvalto the controversial bill.john rydell tells'sbeen a long afternoon for supporters...and opponents ofthat bill...john... bill...john...karen...that hearing begannearly five hours ago.and some supporters...and opponentss..are still lined testify. the bill would allowgay marry...and enjoy the same protections... as...marrred...heteroseeuull couples. a threatened the senate plst night....failed to materialize.and by a vote of 25 - 21...thesenate...approved the measure. today...opponents...andd supporters of the measure... got another weigh- in...on theebill...before the house...judiciary committee. (simon) ""ou know righh now pe're legal strangers in the eyes of the law, we have three adopted children and we have to carry around adoption decrees to prove that our children are our children." children."(dwyer) "i don't care what homosexuals do in the privacy of their own home and in their own bedrooms, it's none of my business, don't make it our business." 12...members f the house committee...are co-sponsors... of the bill.and it virtually will be committee. supporters...say a vote in the full expected to be...very close. john rydell, fox 45 news at 5:30. high.../ gas prices.../// continue... to dog.../ drivers... drivers...ááatáá.../ falls... and cold spring.../ in... north.../ baltimore... //// ááit'sáá...// 3-39... a.../ ...////.ááaáá.../ little higher.../ than ...the state.../ &p average.../ of... 3-22.../ today...//// áátheáá.../ average... price...// in.../ maryland.../ went up.../ á5 centsá.../ overnight.../////.áálastáá... week,...// we... were paying.../ 3-10... a.../ gallon...////áálastáá... year,.../ at... his...// time...// ááweáá.../ paid... 2-67.../// ttat brings us to our question of the day.if gas prices hit four dollars a gallon, will you cut back on driving? go to fox-baltimore dot com and ttll us what you think. you can also sound off through facebook. send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore. and you can text your answer to 45203. enter fox45a for yes.. or fox45b for no.youu response might air tonight on the news at ten. 3 shame shame shame shame shamedemocratic.../ lawmakers... in wisconsin...////ááshoutingáá... down... theer... republican.../ collegues...// ááafteráá...// lawmakers.../// passed.../ the... controoersial.../ budget.... bill.../// ááthatáá...// restricts... union rights.../////.áádemocratsáá... threw...// more than... 100 amendments ...//// at... it.../// áátryingáá...// down....////áátheáá.../ bill.../ the.../ senate...//// áábutáá.../ they... can't...// vote,...//// 14... democratic.../ lawmakers.../// &pare...// a-w-o-l.../// an anti-abortion billboard that sparked outrage in new york city... has been taaen down amid concerns for violence at a planned protest. protest. the sign says: "the most dangerous place for an african-american is in the womb."a pro-life group called &p"life always".... placed the ad to draw attention to abortion providers that ttrget minority neighborhoods. 3 the things american idol way to the top 24.its our lowdown, after the break break 3 --adblib weaaher been... an.../ eeotional ride.../ on... season 10.../ of... american.../ idol...///// but the field is finally narrowed down to thh top two dozen.for today's lowdown...candace dold is here with what the top 24 learned on their journey to the top.. 3 3 after many group and solo performances... we know the top 24.and now... we're hearing from them. "we are season 10" out of the more than 103,000 who auditioneddthis year, it's now down to 24, as these very lucky and talented singerr have come one step closer too their ultimate dream. loewenstern says: "i made it into the top 24 i was like, "wooah." it's very surreal right?"halperin & reinhart: halperin says: "i've never yelled that much in my life....i don'ttknow how i reacted but i was freaking out."chantelle & alaina: kc says: "i was liteeally so shocked when i made it to the top 24 i was like thank you god this can not be happening." la says: "me too!" hollywood week took its oll breaking point, whileeothers became stronger. rodrrguez says: "hollywood week was i think the toughest week of my life, just gettinn through every round"turner says: "we wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for those struggles and i think hat it's aacrash courre in being a entertainer." adedapa says: "you flip out you get calm. you have that moment in the ride where it's like, oh okay okay and then you drop." mcdonald says: "it was something that was entertaining it was something that i had never been a part of." and ow it's off to wow ameriia,,as millions will begin voting next week.aaaina says: "it can be intimidating but you just have to be sure of yourself because if yyu lose yourself then you lose everything." american idol continues with the live performances.. ext tuesday, wednesday and thursday at 8pp here on fox45. i'm candace dold and that's your lowdown. thunderstorms .../// are... rolling thru...// our.../ area .. /// ááandáá...// many... of you.../ are... sending...// photos ...// ááofáá.../ the... weather .../ in... your.../ neighborhhod... 3 check out.../ this picture.../ from ...michhel.../ in... southeast.../ baltimore ...//// áádarkáá... clouds ...hovering .../ over...// canton ... /// áárightáá.../ before... the rain.../ started...////. anne arundel.../ county.../ gott.. hit.../ even harder.////.. áámarkáá...// sent us... this photo .../ of... hail...//// áápeltingáá.../ outside his house.../ in... ggen burnie... if.../. you... see,.../ itáá.. / shoot it.. send it...////. ááuploadáá... photos and videos...// to..../// ááfoxbaltimoreáá... dot com ...// ááclickáá... on... the...// "see it.../, shoot it,./ send it.../ icon..../// ááoráá.../ send.../ photos ...// from,,,. your cell.../ to... "pics at.../ foxbaltimore dot com." this...// wicked weatherr..// is... amost.../ ovvr over meteorologist emily gracey is here to tell us what else we can expect tonight... emily? emily? 3 you can be in 3 "i'm still in shock so i guess once the shock wears off." off." a major win for this ravens fan... the prize that still haa her speechless... coming up &p3 welcome back.. i'm rob carlin.. let me just nip this in theebud.. it's february 25th.. i know brian roberts hasn't been on the field with the orioles for a few days with a sore neck.. i know it feels just like last year's bad back.. but it's early.. don't lose your mind ye. yet..the bigger issue is nick markakks.. he's coming off a season in which he had careerr lows in homers, with 12.. and rbi, with just 60.. but the weapons to the lineup.. which should help everyone.. "i think overall it's going to help everybody in the lineup..the guys that we did, that we have added, we know whattthey're capable of doing. to bring them to this lineup, where we had a pretty decent lineup as it is and just adding these uys, getting b-rob back and gettting these guys on the field. workinn towards that opening day, it's going to be fun and everybody's looking forward to it." meanwhile, the civil lawsuit against o's pitcher lfredo simon has been dropped.. simon is accused of killing 25 year old michael caatillo almonte, and wounding his 17 year old brother in a shooting on new year's eve in the dominican republic.. the investigation into what exactly happened thattnight will continue.. prosecutors have until april 9th to submit formal charges.. simon, who saved 17 games last year for the o's, remains in jail after having a bail request denied on thursday.. .tonight on sports unlimited.. we'll get cal ripken's takeeon the o's.. former terps football star says he'd be honored to play for the ravens.. and our high school basketball game of the week... we'll see you at 10-50 on sports unlimited... back to you... --toss to emily-- emily-- 3 3 3- a ravens fan wins big ... the.../// maryland lottery.../ named.../ dawn brink... /// áátheáá... ravens... "cash fantasy"...// season tickets ...for life.../ winner...////. ááshe'lláá.../ receive... a pair of tickets...// ááandáá.../ a... parkinn pass.../ to... every.../ home game.../ for... the next.../ 20 was... selected.../ from... more than.../ 100-thousand.../ entries... dawn brink: "i've never won anything, so thee i went on the website. and when i went on the website i was like ok this is eal. i go on there every day now, just to keep looking at my namee" name." although ...// she's.../ a... die-hard fan..//// áádawnáá...// has... never been to.../ a... ravens game. 3 &pthat's all for fox45 news at 5:30."king of queens" is next. next. we'll be back.../ ttnight.../ for... fox45 newssat ten/// - - and... the late edition at 11... 11...we'll see you