i'm jennifer gilbert. >> and i'm jeff barnd. a search for the person who gave a one and a half yearly girl gonorrhea. it's a story you saw first on fox. %-person wanted for questioningn the case. keith daniels live at city police headquarters. >> reporter: police put a warrant out for the man about a parole and probation. he did ot update his address. tonight he is in custody and police are questioning him in connection to the sexual assault of that little girl. now police arrested calvin wilkes this morning in wood lawn. he lived with a family in an apartment in cherrr hill where the toddllr's mother says someone raped her daughter. wilkes is not charged with a crime but investigators are @%lling him a person of he's mopping those who would have had contact with the little girl. and tonight the child's mother on the man's arrest. >> not going to sleep better, nnt going to stop worrying as much. somebody's lurking around my house. i could sleep better. but am i happy what he was arrested for? no. he needs to be charged for what he did to my child. >> reporter: now again police have not charged anyone with sexual assault in this case, but this investigation is not over. we're live now at city police headquarters. keith daniels, fox 45 news at 5:30. new information tonight to a story you ssw first on fox. no charge for a convicted sex offender accuued of defrauding the city of baltimore from prison. karen parks tells us why refuses to press charges. >> reporter: the city's inspector general calls it fraud but tonight the city's attorney's office says it's not %-a report found fraud and poliy failures alose mclaughlin to keep his job and collect pay while spending eight months behind bars for sexually abusing a minor. after weeks of review by city prosecutors, the station's attorney's office declined to file charges. prosecutors say since a supervisor signed off on the leave request, it's an administrattie issue, not a criiinal issue. >> the report did state that policies eren't followed and some fraud was committed. >> this might not be thh end of the issue. the director of the department of public works says he will call the city state's attorney's office to see if there are any local avenues that could be pursued. karen parks, fox 45 news at ten. question of the day.o our just go to foxbaltimore.com and tell us what you think. you can sound off through facebook, send us a tweet at fox baltimore, send us a tweet. your response may air tonight on fox 45 news at ten. a group of teens attack a man in montgomery county and it is all caught on tape and police say this isn't the first ttme this surveillance video was shot in an apartment building@ stairwell in aspen hill. you can see the guy up there in the greee hat. police say he's the one that initiated the whole thing. four other men arrived, they@ surround the victim and punch him and they throw him down and sttrt kicking the guy repeatedly. theessspects got away with the victim's cell phone. three of the suspects haae been arrested. a former soccer coach who sent naked pictures of himself to a policeeofficer's young tonight the coach admits he made a big mistake. crime and justice reporter joy coach could be back at work in a matter of days. >> reporterr 32-year-old charles friedel broke down and cried during his sentencing today. he also apologized to his wife as well as the parents of his victim, a family who trusted this man. a judge financed friedel to five years with all but one years suspended. he approached the sister of ooe of the children he coached and offered private lessons to her. text messages followed in which the coach asked for sex, naked pictures of the coach soon followed. while leaviig court family members didn't want to talk with us. baltimore county state'' attorney certainly did. he said this isn't a typical case where police carrying on conversations in cyber space. >> but in this case there really was a victim. there was somebody he knew, somebody he had hugged, somebody whose parents he had talked to, somebody who he sat down and ate a meet with.3 i think that does take it to a whole other level when you're driving somewhere thinking and knowing exactly who you're meeting. >> reporter: police arrested the coach a block if the girl's house. the judge did recommend work release while friedel serves his sentence. if approved the former coach could be back to work in a matter of days. joy lepola, fox 45 news at 5:30. an east baltimore school closes for the day after a small fire in the auditorium. sent home. no injuries reported. @%> a dangerous trap in a bicycle race in southern maryland sent bikers skidding and crashing to the ground. someone threwwtacks on the course causing a wipe-out. here's the video in slow-mo. bikers were doing 25 to 30 miles per hour when they hit the tacks. >> hopefully you don't think someone understands how of badly you can huut someone. >> five bicyclists have cuus and scratches. another broke his color booe. policeesay whosever responsible for spreadinn the tacks could face criminal charges. how are the roads tonight. lauren cook has the traffic report. >> we are dealing with several accidents. the most serious is on the belt way in clarkville. speeds are only clocking in at 10 miles per hour here at hartford road and unfortunateey, it's going to be a slow go if you're traveling the belt way in tykesville. taking a ive look here you'll see it's certainly backed up along those inner loop lanes. we have another accident to tell you about in northwest baltiiore @%ght on raoeufperstown road. as we take a live look you'll see if cars are moving along3 pretty good in those inner loop and outer loop lanes. we do have an accident in south baltimore at camden street. if you're using 83 it's going to be pretty packed from downtown all the way up to alls road. that's a look at your evening travel, jeff and jennifer, back to you. >> thank you, lauren. a alk around the harbor to kick off a new campaign to keep maryland healthy. lieutenant governor brown kicked off a health walk this morning to introduce a new healthiest maryland initiative. leaders of the project say if everybody part participates it has the potential to reduce health care costs, increase pro ductist and decrease employee sick leave. you can find out more about the healthiest maryland initiative by logging on to foxbaltimore.com. vytas reid joins us next to tell us how warm it's going to get. an innant wanders into the middle of a road and a bus driverrstops just in the nick of time. the legal fight now surrounding [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] achievement has its own patch of grass. ♪ achievement unleashes hidden potential. ♪ all right! achievement looks forward to dinner at home. achievement enjoys newfound freedom. i love you. [ male announcer ] mortgages, home equity loans, and lines of credit from pnc. helping achievers borrow with an eye towards the future. pnc. for the achiever in us all. controversy over campaign sign. it's a story you saw first on fox. baltimore officials cited him for having a governor siin in his own front kwrar that's larger than eight square eett he took the sign do you know but hired an attorney saying it violates his right to free speech. >> it seems apparent that the only thing wrong with this ssgn as far as the county is concerned is that it's for bob hurleyy >> they have no interest whatsoever in the content of the sign. location. >> he says he was told he would jail if the sign did not come down. new benefits for the spouses of gay state emplooees. %-policy today to include same x spouses who have a valid marriage certificate from another state. same ex spouses will be able to enrrll dependents. in february attorney general gansler issued a legal opinion saying maryland should recogniie out of state gayymarriages. a key part to the city's budget could e falling apart the mayoo wants to impose a 4 cent bottle tax. nine of the council members say they will not support it. the new tax would bring in more than $22 million.@ the boaad of public works weighs in on a ten-year-old lawsuit involving the state's alcoholic beverage price regulations. board members are set to vote tonight on the settlement. they are looking at lawyers fees due the pllintiff. a federal appeals court found in their favor. businesss are bracing foo a fight tonight. they could be forced to move if some council men have their way. >> jeff abelllis live tonight. >> reporter: many adult just a few feet away from homes and other businesses. tonight some county councilmen say it's time to force them3 out. the county councillis now considering a bill which would require adult stores to be at least 1,000 feet from homes and other businesses. tonight the ownnrs of many of these stores are fighting mad. >> his little shopping center right here happens to be next to a neighborhood. but it's zoned commercial. it's always been commercial. it's always had stores here. now what gives them the right to say what you're allowed to have here and what yoo're not? >> if people feel that that is a symbol of a declining or deteriorating neighborhood. i think the community has a right to say that we prefer that you locate over here. >> reporter: well, this measure also includes massage and tattoo parlors. the county council is set to vote on this the end of the month. we're live in parkville tonight, jeff abell, fox 45 news at 5:30. >> thank yoo, jeff. we're in for a warmup. chief meteorologist vytas reid joins us with a live look at the skywatch forecast. >> we're starting to see a little bit of a trance i go taking place out there. we still have the clouds but still a decent day. no real rain to talk about.3 as we scan the skies you can see a few showers over northern virginia south of winchester and washington, d.c.. maybe a little drop of water down there toward montgomery county but for the most part dry conditions across the area as we see a weakening area of low pressure track across portions of virginia. you can see a few lips on the radar over towards charleston. looks like we will continue to see this activity sinking ddwn toothe south as that low continues to move down towards virginia. it's wrapping in a few high, thin clouds. north of the pennsylvania turnpike up towards pittsburgh. looks like they are getting ssme sunshine right now and we're start to see the clearing late overnight tonight and that's a hint of things to come for tomorrow. temperature wiseelooking at 65 degrees in baltimore. dover sitting at 65. salisbury at 65 deggees. richmond at 70 degrees so that's the warmer spot on the map here. getting into those middto upper 70 as weeget into tomorrow and probably see some 80s in the forecast. breaking down to 82 degrees. winds out of the west aft 5. details in my seven-day coming up. very close call for one baby who wanders out right in the middle of a road. the scene in san antonio, texas caught on the dashboard cam of the bus, you could see the bus driver stops just in time. the driver gets out and wwlks then a man suddenly picks up the child and runs off into a nearby home. this happened last may. sip then the child's mother has been battling with child protective services to keep the baby whose now two and her other two daughters. the iiol finale is just a week awaa. the top two contestants will be revealed tonight. how the ssngers felt about having the judges chose last @%ght's songs next. and a former "american idol" sharin it is the fight to the finale on "american idol". >> last night the top three themselves and the judges. ♪ it nevee comes easily. when of it does, i'm already gone ♪ ♪ shape on me ♪ i'll be home, i'll be home ♪ i'm coming home >> all of the contestants say they left the stage feeling very confident. >> i feel like i actually did song and it's not that i did worss. it's just two different songs. one's more intense than the other, and iim happy with both of mm performances. >> find outtwho makes it to thh finale during the live results show tonight at 9 right here on fox 45. >> coming down to the wire now it. one fox 45 viiwer will soon head to hollywood for the big idol finale. >> and the winner is christine hindle. >> christine hindle was announced today on fox 45 morning news as the winner for our sing for your seat contest. she beat out three other contestants in the singing and trivia contestants. ♪ there's no way to hide >> i had a blast. i really did. it was fun either way,,win or lose. >> straight out of grease. and candice will be overing every aspect of the finaae. mel inia doolittle is back in the spotlight with a new book. she' traveling the nation to promote beyond e. it talks about her behind the scenes experience on idol and the lessonssshe learned in life. she dedicated the book to her mom. >> i used a lot of her lessons in the book. one of my favorites wasschew the hay, ssit out the sticks. it's kind of a southernnsm. it's just talking about how to deal with criticism. >> doolittle hasn't given up on singing. she's also working on a new album. excuse me. i didn't want nobody else to run into it. >> a huge sink hole swallows up an inttrstate. how one man saved drivers from getting sucked in nnxt. look at clouds out theee today withhtemperatuues not as -thanks for coming back out. -sure. i think you might have hooked it up wrong, though. yea, we're getting way too many channels. no, no. that's -- that's standard. fios also comes with 11,000 free movies and shows on demand per month. ah, standard. gotcha. a certain somebody says "thank you." tell him "he's welcome," but it's still standard. he's happy to be back with his friends. is he? 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