And then they have the two squirrely kids, dante in his afro. Just congratulations de blasio. [ applause ] also, i want to shout out to governor Chris Christie in new jersey. The governor reelected. That was him last night. Can i talk with the surgery he got for weight loss . What happened . Gov, like, i dont notice a difference. Im sorry. I dont notice a difference. Maybe there is a difference, i dont know. He got lap band surgery and it was before the summer started. Now i know people who have gotten lap band and gastric byass and the weight just drops, you know, and en they end up putting a little bit back on when they find their sweet spot. Maybe hes eaten his way through the bands. I dont know. Or maybe his intention is to do it slow and steady so in 2016 hell run for president and hell be, like, skinny, like de blasio or something. I dont know. But congratulations, governor. And, now, Charlie Sheen and brooke muellers situion with their kids is spiraling out of control. Charlies ex, denise richards, who i call the patron saint of exes, allegedly no longer can care for brooke and charlies twins. The boys are 4 1 2 years old, and denise allegedly is saying that the boys are violent towards their classmates, violent towards the teachers, and even violent towards nises three daughters and her dog. Now she wrote this gigantic letter online, google snoogle when you get out of here. This giant letter online. Maybe some of you have sen it but she spelled it out just horrifying about how these twins are. She reportedly is claiming that brooke, who just got out of rehab for over the 20th time a month ago, is blocking her, denise, from getting the twins the professional help they need. Charlie is signing on denise getting the twins help. Apparently taking them to a specialty doctor and having them analyzed. I dont know, maybe it would involve some ritalin, at the very least a sedative. I dont know what to say. Martin sheep and his wife are the grandparents. Grandparents cant handle kids who run roughshod all around. These kids might end up being orphans. Well,ou have a lot of family, i dont see anybody stepping up by denise and nobody likes a bad kid. Do you like a bad kid . I have no patience for that. Do you know who i am . I am the mother who when you come over to my house and your kids are there, the kids are running around and kicking their snaek eers off and the sneaker w scuffs my black wall ex thats me. And, you know what, and i dont do it in a mean way but i am doing it this is the hunter house and i am mrs. Hunter and you just kicked your shoe and you knocked over my vase and scuffed the wall. Now who is going to take care of that . I dare you as a mother to Say Something to me. I dare you. To me, the last thing you say to kids about before you ring the doorbell is, better behave. Youd better behave. Thats all. Yeah, you know, so i dont know who will take ce these 4 1 2yearold twins. John gosselin is speaking out about his eihtplus kate kids and, you know, he says that the down side of doing the reality tv is that the kids he sat down with oprah and talked about the negative effects of reality tv with his kids. And heres some of what he said. And i understand what he is saying, however, oiously the sheen kids we never saw them on reality tv and theyre out of contl, allegedly. All right. So john says developmentally my kids have problems with their peers, and they he problems with talking to others, and tey have problems with wantsnd needs and matters and morals and whats right and whats wrong i think more so than someone i think more so than someone who grows up off tv. I appreciate him being hones and being candid but, ooh, i hate some bad kids. Ew. Thats why i believe deep down in taptap. Yeah. And reward. Reward for Good Behavior but not too many rewards. Did you watch the biggest loser last night . I am so disgusted with ruben. Dont know what to do. He was sent home. He was booted off the show after only four weeks. He wed 462 pounds when he first got to the show. He only lost five pounds this week. And but he lost like 38 pounds overall. You know, you have to start some place. And so just take a look at ruben and then well talk some more. Leaving this place with a wealth of knowledge, im 38 pounds lighter and im going to take everything i learned away from here and try to live as heal healthy a life as i possibly can. It means the world to me to get a second chance. My goal coming into the biggest loser ranch was to leave here a changed person. America, my voice may be soulful but the next timeou see me, my body will be sexy. Peace out. Wendy ruben is such a lovely southern gentleman. I love him so much but, ruben, i dont think that you can do this on your own. And, you know, the thing about the biggest loser jillian does not play on that show. Unlike Celebrity Apprentice you cant fudge the numbers on the scale. If youre not going to put in the work, youre going to be eliminated. Im so shocked. I thought he would have won and lost the weight. I dont think he can do it on his own. I think you need to get the lap band surgery and stick to it and, all right, so i did a Little Research for you, ruben. The lap band surgery you lose two to three pounds a week. So you dont lose it fast. Maybe thats why governor christie is not skinny yet, you kn know. Maybe not. The average cost for lap band surgery is 14,000, although it might be twice as much for you because he is twice as big. Remember, carolines daughter on new jerseyhousewives got the lap band surgery, but she wasnt she didnt start out a big, giant fatso. Im surprised she even qualified for the surgery. She had issues with food. Isnt she cute with that boyfriend . That boyfriend of hers, veto. So cute. So, anyway, the average cost is 14,000. Sometimes insurance will cover it. Ruben, i am sure that your insurance will cover it based on all this. So the next time that youre in new yo, what i want to you do, pay us a visit here at e studio. And then im going to quickly drive you up the treat to the hospital, theyre going to strap you to a gurney and were going to get her done. [ applause ] wendy okay. So kenya thinks its okay to text a married man. Now listen, its not look, every situation has its situatio its not its not thates married, its youre in business together and youre making money or Something Like that, you know. But we all know that kenya does not get along with phaedra. So you dont need to be having a relationship with her husband, apollo, on text. You all arent in business together, and being on that show is not what i call being in business together. You are wro, kenya. You are really wrong. Until you get right [ applause ] wendy until you get it right, all can say to you, you are pretty. You dont play by the golden rule of the sisterhood. She says, i am like an open bo. I dont tray to hide things. So if i was texting it was in response to apollo texting me first. I dont see how thats a problem especially when they were not n inappropriate texts. Listen, when you look like you, kenya, no woman wants to squint and wonder whether its appropriateor inappropriate. You are gorgeous. Plus, not onlythat, men are stupid. Not all of you. Not all of you. [ applause ] wendy sorry. Im sorry, men. I mean, less than smart. If apollo stupidly texts you, you should have called him up and said, look, with this body i have and with the way your wife feels about me, because she cant stand me, you dont need to be texting mae. This is inappropriate. Men need us to scold them on whats right. You are wrong [ apause ] wendy okay. I have to get to this Jennifer Lopez story because how much more time do i have left . Seven minutes . Seven minutes . Oh, well. Jennifer lopez says that shes all natural and she wants everybody to know it. Oh. Well, let me tell the story. She says, mmhmm. Thats like my call of disbelief. Mmhmm. Mmhmm. Lets do it together. Mmhmm. Okay. Jennifer, theres a Plastic Surgeon alleging jennifer had Plastic Surgery post iing pictus like these. Okay. Just clap if you think thats a new nose. [ applause ] wendy theres nothing wrong with it, jennifer. You still have had a lot less she looks a lot less surgicalized than most of the women in hollywood, most of the women in may neighborhood, come to think of it. Jennifer tweeted that she never had any Plastic Surgery of any kind. The surgeon has 1,000 followers on social media. Jennifer has like 25 million so this is only a story because you handled back, jen. The doctor later apologized and claim his assistant tweeted without his knowledge. I think Jennifer Lopez looks tastefully tasteful. There is nothing wrong. The original nose looks like one of those noses where you go like this all the time. And then a little stump like that. You still look great regardless, girl. Mmhmm. Okay. So it looks like jayz is sticking with his partnership with Barneys Department store despite the racial profiling. I forgot all about this story. You know, he Just Launched his fragrance in the store. It will be in a gold flask type of container. Im sure it will smell very good. I have to say that, you know, we pop culture people forget about what we learned and what we were upset about 72 hours after it happened. I mean, its terrible. We never ride a car until the wheels fall off ymore and the world is spinning so fast that just when you grab on to a cause like racial profiling at barnys, well, there was a shoot ing over in jersey at the Garden State Plaza mall, so theres a whole first of all, if youre black, we know racial pr profiling we already know racial profiling. Really that wasnt a thing. Second of all, im concerned about the shootings at the mall. The Holiday Season is coming, all right . For those of you not here or know about jersey, the Garden State Plaza mall is one of the upscale malls in jersey, the one with bloomingdales and Neiman Marcus and nordstroms like the short hills mall. The boy walked in there, a nice looking fellow, too. He wanted to be a model and he shot in the air, he didnt shoot anybody, and then he went to a far reaching corner of the mall and shot himself. And so now hes dead. The mall is just opening back up today but its been closed for two weeks. The weekend is coming. Thats what my kids like to do on the ngd. No, youre not going to the mall on the basis of people being crazy. I dont even want to go to the mall and, you know, im interest jersey and thats what we do. [ applause ] endy so, that jayz thing, i forgot all about it and im on to us as a people being safe for the Holiday Season. Im exhausted. Lets talk about Courtney Love because she says that she is ready to make a comeback, and she talked to a magazine called fashion magazine. You know, that is such a random name but its good. It gets right to the point. Mag magazine is out of canada. Here is what courtney says. Listen, if orange is the new black star, natasha can burn down a house and Robert Downey jr. Go to prison for two years, i deserve a second chance. I know theres hope for me. I think she does deserve a second chance. I loved her in the larry flynt movie. And im not a big fan of a whole nch of rock music but i certainly liked her when she got up there in those baby doll negliges and it was all girls in the band. I like courtney a lot and she does deserve a second chance, in my opinion. Shes had a lot of ups and downs but is currently recording a new album and is writing her autobiography. Thats a book i want to read. [ applause ] wendy keep clapping, everybody. We have a terrific show for you. Were going to hit the wendy runway with style Expert Jacqui stafford who is here to show us the hottest fall coats for everybodys size. But up next, Kathy Griffin is joining us. Id love to har her take on some of the latest hot topics. Keep it here because kathy is next. Igarnier invents olia. A haircolor breakthrough. Our first ammoniafree permanent color, powered by oil. Olia propels color deep. Pure, luminous, vivid color. Visibly improves and restores hair. Olia by garnier. Its back. Olive gardens buy one, take one, just 12. 99. Choose one of five amazing entrees to enjoy today, like smoked mozzarella chicken. And take home a second entree for later. Buy one, take one just 12. 99. Go olive garden. [ male announcer ] when you feel good, no one is immune. Emergenc has more vitamin c than 10 oranges plus other antioxidants and electrolytes to help you come down with a serious case of healthy. Emergenc. Making healthy contagious. Wendy hi. Our first guest is never at a loss for words, which is why i love her so much. Please welcome the always funny ka Kathy Griffin. [ applause ] how is everybody . Good. You look great. I love it and i loveour hair. And you smell great. I love you. Wendy you smell terrific. That is funny. Im wearing mens deodorant. Wendy are you . I thought it would be more powerful. Wendy it smells good. From head to toe you look great. Its the shoes. Wendy oh, wait. There. There it is. Wendy and i like the hair. I mean, i havent seen you in a long time. Ll, some of its my hair, some of it is magic. Some gay man flew from heaven and put it in. Wendy ive never seen you with the flat. Do you like the flat . I cant keep it. If i work in a controlled environment, its great. Wendy so congratulations for playing carnegie hall. Carnegie hall friday night. I love it. Wendy is this the first time . I thought i saw you play it on your reality show. First of all, youre invited. I played there before. Its magical. I want everyone to know its not t mormon tabernacle choir. Its an evening of vulgarity so me with an open mind. Oh, my people. My people. And i should also let you know that i am trying to to get another grammy nomination for my latest comedy cd called calm down gurrl and i did some artwork you might enjoy. Wendy okay 0. Let me see. Oh. Yes. Wendy now tell me about miley cyrus in the background Photo Bombing you. First of all, im not above a cheap plug. I am not above whatever hair is on my hair in that photo. Wendy i love it. And i am not above putting naked miley behind me. And if that is what makes you vote for me, then fine. If youre distracted by her nakedness on the wrecking ball, still vote for me. Its all about where is your head . Where is the vocal point . Wendy this would be your sixth grammy if you win. I have been nominated five times in a row forest comedy albu i have never won. And only two women have won in the history of the grammys, whoopi and lily. So i would love to take it home. Wendy but lets talk about miley because im very into the new smutty miley. Im all for naked maly. Wendy youve known her for a while. It was fun to work with her. Wendy Hannah Montana back then . No i thinher team didnt want her to be around me because im a bad influence. And now she is really fun and she has that insanity haircut, remember that susan insanity . Miley didnt know. Who is that . But her speaking voice is amusing to me because shes a good singer, but she talks like this. But i enjoyed working with her. Wendy yes. I understand youre very big in the Hiphop Community a now. Now i dont know first of all, i dont know if you know, im in a love triangle. There is a rapper named rocky and he is in love with me. So he reached out to me. He and his friend, danny brown, who is another rapper danny, by the way, is in a tease optional situation, and they made a really cute video. Wendy we have it. Take a look at this video. [ bleep ] Kathy Griffin. Who that . [ bleep ] who is that . Kathy griffin got [ bleep ]. Yo, wait, who [ bleep ] Kathy Griffin . You remember the eminem video . Which one . Remember [ bleep ] the big nose . Yeah, yeah. [ bleep ] shes not that old. Yo okay. Wendy just so funny. Theyre sitting there they a sitting there, looks like theyre talking about what they do you. And it terms out im wavy and, yes, they want to tap my fatty. Wendy i heard that you have since become friends and have invited him to your house. Yes, i have become friends with rocky and i went to see his show. He opened for rihanna, her world tour, and he came over to my house and whats funny i dont travel wi a hype man, but there he is at my hous and you can tell hes hitting on me, by the way. Wendy where is your b boyfriend . My boyfriend is livid. Hes going to be in a ghetto turf war about this. Wendy do you still live in the Beautiful House . Yes, i live in that beautiful mansion. Wendy you invite a lot of people to your house. Yeah. Wendy do you ever get worried about bumps in the night . Yes, of course. Im a nervous nellie. I hear every sound. Thats why i have my 93yearold alcoholic mother maggie in the guest room. And im going to throw her, take her, take her. Shell be drunk. She doesnt know. Wendy so have you been following anything Justin Bieber . All of it. Wendy whats your thought . A, im a believer. B, im over it. Im both. I have the music but im also first of all, the video of him, you know, in the middle of boyfriend, one of my favorite songs about him, and someone threw out the water bottle and hes like, im out. Of that is so funny to me as a comedian. He would never last in a comedy club for two seconds. Wendy tell me about it. That is a normal friday night for me. No, hes out of control. Whats going on with do i have to have rocky have a talk . Wendy his side kicks. And he has the ferrari painted lake a cheetah or something from the kardashian collection. Who is painting his cars like wild ngle animals and driving around in the whitest neighborhood in los angeles . I call bs on all of it. And you know i lo the white suburban kid who thinks hes black and, yo, whats up . Yo. And bieber is canadian which is worse. Its worse. I love when he grabs his you know, i think the whole thing is funny to me. It has the can kfed sideways cap. Remember when he thought he was black . Bieber is the new kfed. I am never at a loss for words. Wendy this is why we love kathy here. Tell me, so you and your boyfriend, 18 years younger than you. Yes, i know. Fatty. Im wavy, wavy. Wendy are you living together . No, he still has his own place. He stays at my house primarily. I like that he has his own place. Thats good. Wendy over two years . Two years. Wendy marriage . I dont think so. I think its different because i i think when you dont want to have kids its different. For me i dont see the point of getting married. I was married. I was divorced. Wendy we remember. We all can we collectively, mmhmm. Yeah, i remember, too, every day i remember. Anyway, im sorry. Where was i . Love iseautiful. Love is beautiful. Wendy good for you. She is not going to go anywhere. Up next well put kathy in the hot seat. Wendy okay. Were back with Kathy Griffin, and shes brave enough to take our hot seat. So lets see if she can really stand the heat. Im looking forward to it. I live in the kitchen