mega millions.. i would bee going to foga de chaoo.every pay and getting fat the right way!" 3& by the way...tonight's mmga millions jackpot is for 31 pillion dollars... alot of &people aae cominn in this shop hoping ittwill onceeagain.. produce a winner.. lv in windsor mill kc fox 45 news at 5pm a.... police involved shooting.../ is... under investigation... tonight tonight it... - happened... just after.../ in southwest baltimore.../ at...// oakkurst place... and dukeland 3 ...reports of... a man .../ threatening... to stab - ended up ...being shot... by police../. áátheáá & man... fled the scene... / and... lattr... checked himself... into the hoopital...//. ááhe'sáá...// expected survive.. 3 prince george's county police have charged a man in thee - 6-year-old boy. boy.police say he boy shot himself in the chest aater finding a loaded gun in a greettgrandmother's house in died..pooice have chaaged thee ownnr f the guu, 20-yyar-old raymond brown, with eckless &pendangerment.neighhors, are reacting toothe traaedy tonight. 3 mos says: "it's sad foo anybbdd, but a six-year-old, life's just begun for them." ///butt todavis says: "this is everyyparent's worst nightmare. t'ssoor worst well."police say brown wws staying at the house where the &pboy lived. he's beinn held tonight on 45-thousand dollars bond. 3 3 the.../ republican... 3is....smaller tonight....// áááickáá santorum ... is... dropping out.../ of... the race .... ááandáá giving... mitt romney his support. 3 santorum's.../ one-time... double digit - lead... in theepplls.../ started sliiping.../ &pwere... no onger .../ &&pthere.../// ááhisáá decision... to suspend ...// p llo... has to do with... his... younn daughter.../ bblla- /// ááwhoáá was... born... withha -3 serious.../ chrommsomal ...conditioo---/ ááandáá... has been... hospitalized twice.../ ssnce.../ santorum... &plaunched his campaign. 3 "we are not done fighttng. we -3 are going to continue to fight ffr those voicess we re going -3 to contiiue to fight for those who stood up for uu and gave - us that air under out wings and allowed us to accomplish things no politiccl expert would hhve ever expecced." pexpected." itt romnny ...released a statement.../ coogratulattnn santorum...// 3 ...//// áámeantimeáá...// newt gingrich... says .../ he's... commiited to staying in the race. 3 state lawmakers are heading home after wrapping up the 20-12 general assembly.but the a major tax bill failed to pass. and s john rydell tells -3 us...that's sparked word offa possible special sessiin... session... 3 (rydell) "the 012 session is -3 now history but it is still unclear whether governoo o'malley ill call lawmakers bacc into aaspecial sesison to - complete some unfinished 3 signing dozens of bills into & law...the governoo was all smiles.but it was clear....e was still upset with legislative leaders for failing to ass aatax bill to help fund... the budget. &p(governor) "which is really a ddmn shame."and with no 3 more than 500-millioo dollars in additional cuts. (governor))"we are cutting by a quarrer of a billion dollars what we invess in our chhldren'ssfuture."thee governor lays part of the - blame on senateepresident mike millerr..who he saas put gambling ahead of the tate's priorities.but miller calls it a minor bump in tte road.he & says if the so-called doomsday budget takes'' a lawmakers who oppose...aay tax hiies. (miller) "if you don't have the chutzpaaorrthe nerve or the guus or the gumption to pass taxes, that's what's going to happen, okay, and that's what happenee, so now & maybe hose peopll who don't pant to vote for revenuee wiil say we'll come togetherrand pake it happen."(rydell) "and during odaa's ceremony, the governor was reminded by a -3 reporterthat he mmde no mention of a special sesison, &pand the governor replied "no i didn't." attthe state house, john rydell, fox 45 news at 5. 3 to hear mooe offwhat the governor and top lawmakersshad to say about the strange ending to the legislative session... o to our webbite at fox-baltimore-dot-com-slashh raw news..- 3 pand if ou wann your voicee heard, the contact - innormation for maryyand's leggslative leaders and the 33 fox-baltimore-dot-com...once pour thhre just click onnyour voiie. -3 3 thattbrings us o our question oo the you think 33 your best interest? go to foxxbalttmore dot com and tell us what you think. you can lso sound off througg facebook. send us a tweet.. -3 attfoxbaltimore. and you can texx your nswerrto 45203. enter fox45a for yes.. or fox45b for no. 3 a man .../ accused of sseuallyy 3 a ...middle school student .../ ááadmitsáá... prosecuttrs... have enough evidence... tooconvict him. &p3 22-year old.../ sean...// schleighh ... entered an alford plea.../ to... a charge... of... attempted... & first degree sexual assault...//.ááhe'sáá &p ccused ...of trying... to assault a boy... in the bathrrom .../ of.... holabird... middle school... nearly two years ago.../. ááheeá facee 3 baltimooe... prosecutors.../ are... dropping sexual abuse charres .../ against ...a. admmnistrator..../ ááryanáá.../ & coleman... was accused oof.. abusing.../ a... 17-yeer old ssudent.../ at... city college... two years ago.../. áábbtáá 3 prosecutors... dropped all charges,.../ áácitingáá lack of 3 3 a.../ 29-year--ld... annapolis man.../ who.../ -3 police saa ....rove away .../ from ...fourr... traight.../ car--accidentss../ while drunk.../// is... rrested...// ááitáá... happened friday...// friday...// ááeriiáá cast-ronova... was caught... by police....// -3 onn.. bywater road.../// in annapolis...., ááwhereáá... he... left.../ his... green expedition.../// crashed... into home, 3 say... more chargee,...// could -3 be pending 3 prosecutors have rested their caae in the trral of twin - brothers accused of setting a dog on fire in west baltimore. 3 travers and tremayne joonson are - facing animal cruelty charges. police say the brotherr set a pitbull named & phoenix on fire ii may f 2009. testifyy the case may not go to the jury until the end of this week. &p3 how are the roads looking tonight? tonight?lauren cook has our traffic edge report. rrport. maps- 695greensprinn-fiber-baak tt mapsátake cams hotá 33 some youngg 3 bassball playees got ooo ews todayy today. the.../ city.. .and... the bbltmore orioles.../ reached hold...// the... pity... public schools... baseball championshipp../ yards. &p3& at.../ the... 3 ááseverrláá high school... ball ppayers.../ whh.... had the chance... to play at camden -3 yards .../ talked about.../ how special is... for ttem. 3 ""ts always rrally exxittnn.....its a beautifuu 3field." &pfield." this year's championship game.../ willlbe.../ saturddy ...may 55h. controversy rages on over the death of ttayvon mmrtin. 3 the grrwwng frustratioo.../ and... hat's next... in the invvstigation. 3- 3 i'm just thinking i just want to stop the truck, because i don't want to crash, and i don't want to know what it feels llke. - 3 a buu driver as a heart attack behind the whhel//.the quicking thinking student who... helped advert disaater. 3 a hit and run caught on tape! theedramaaic video...and the condition of the victim tonight. 3 3 keep records.. but also protecc your identity.the & documentt you need to tash.. or keep.. and for how long... w to owowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow 3 waaching and waiting for the special prosecutor's decision in the trayvon martin shooting casee case. you are looking live at another demonstration underway in ballimore city tonight calling for justice for trayvon thee 17-year old was shot and killed my pimmerman in theer sanford, floridd community. sandra endo explains why any 3 be controversial. controversial. 3 tensiins are rising over the shooting death of trayvon martin, as the nation waits to learn whetherrneighborrood watchman george zimmerman will -3 be charged with a crime.i hope it doesn't turn out too bad for him because i donnt feel that, personally i don'' thiik it was inttntional.i pray that the judge see justice in the right way, beccuse trayvon, we &pdo need justice for him. prosecutors are still wwrking to determine whether there is enough evidence to file 3 be sent to a grand jury. meanwhile, zimmerman set up a website asking for donations &pto his legal fund and aalowing him to speak out forr he first time about the inciddnt. he sayy his life was changed by the event and he's had to leave his home, school, employer and family. . the attorney for martin's family says the florida teen is the one who paid the ultimate price.we just want simple justice rrght now. we're a little disturbed by his statement in how he weighs his interruption of liie compared to trayvon's. the community where the shooting happened in february remains deeply dividedd some suppoot zimmerman, saying he rotected theirrhomes, butta police car was found tuesday morring with bullet holes in it -- according to police.the martin family is calling for peaceful prrtests.this happened to our son, so no one could bb morr hurt than we are, and we're florida, i'm sandra endo. 3 brand... new... 911 calls.../ áájustáá....- after... a.../ navy... f-18... ssammmd into a virginia beach apprtment complex....// á oneáá woman hru..../ jammed ...emergency ...caal lines.../ and... said.../ someone... just parachuted .../ nto ...her patio. patio. i've already talked to somebody when the planeewent down (uninttlligible) rescue -3 people here for the pilot on my paaio.operator: the pilot is on your patto?caller: yes. and nobody's here. i keep calling and caaling. there's - no ambulance. 3 amazinglyy../ no one was killed... when the pet.../ slammed into the buildingg..///. & áátheáá jet... was on a - training mission.../ and....experienced... mechanical failure... shortly after takeoff.../. áátheáá navy's... offering... 23 hhndred dollars.../ to.... ach person ...whhse apartment.../ was destroyedd 3 sttdents leap into actton when their bus driver passes out behind the wheel. wheel. this is the conscioosness while taking students tooschool in milton, washington. he slumps over at the wheel and the bus picks up speed. the out of church when a young studentt jumps up and rabs the wheel, ttrnssthe keyyto shut of the - engine and pulls withhall his strength to try to miss hitting the church. 3 3&p"so i take action. i leap off - my chair. i grab the wheel, turnnit right. get it to the - right side of the road. i take the keys outtof the ignitionn - and the engine sttrts shutttng off, slowinggdown." 3 "i ran up and tried doing chest compressions, but his eyes were rolling back and i could tell it was getting harder for him to bbeathe." 3 "it was scary aad exhilarating." (reporrer: "because?") "because, i mean, you want to know if hh'ssokay but then again it's happening so fast yourrheart's pumping. itts breeahtaking aad breath- giving." 3 paramedics rushed to the bus anddtook the drivee toothh hossital. his condition is unknown toniiht, thaakfully no pne was hurt on the out of control bus..- 3 confusson and chaos at the end of the legislative session in annapolis last night. night.the.../ general assembly... adjourned .../ after ...failing to pass ...aa revenue plan .../ needed.../ to... -33 avoid.../ mmllions... in... budget uts. cuts. today.../ we're.../ askiig... if ou think lawmakers.../ are... workiin... in your best interest ..../.../ jim writes... some are, but for most of them, absoluttly 3 doos it snow in summer? summer? so notta lot of support for lawmakkrs on our facebook. 3 go to fox- 3 baltimooe dot com and tell us - whht you think. you can also sound offfthrough facebook. send us a weet.. aa foxbaltimore. and you can text your answer to 45203. enter fox45a foo yes.. or - fox45b or no. 3 3 a mistake gives drivers a lucky break... break... the... unbelievably... low price.../ texas driiers... paid at the pump. 3 3 --adblib weather tz-- 3 drivers got a big break at the pasadena, texas some lucky people got to fill pp their cars for a steal- one dollar a gallon! 3 a... technical glitch... at this & gas station... changed the price... at the pump...// monday night..../ áátheáá news... spread on facebook..../ áápeopleáá caae... from... far away.../ to... take advantage... of the bargain. the.../ 3 "we didn't believe it, so we got here. when i got here, i my wife's car, my dad's truck and his other truck. i ended up ffur cars up just with like 55-dollars." &pp3 thee../ lucky -3 break... lasted ...several hours.../. ááonceáá store empllyers... discovered the mistake,.... the & pumps... were... shut down..../// ááriggtáá now,.../ we're... paying... more than.../ triple... that amount ...for gas....// áátriple-aáá... says... the national average... for a gallon of 3-92 a gallon. 3 3 hen.../ news breaks.. / & ááaccessáá the... latest information ...right... on your... cell phone....// áádownloadáá the... fox45... mobile news app p...for your drood... or... i-phone..... ááitáá has... headliness. traffic.. and weather conditions.. / -3 ááalláá at... your -3 fingertips.../. áágoáá to... foxbaltimore dot com .../ and... look forr.. "mobile".../ on... the screen. 3- 3 an outbreak... of head lice. lice.the cause ...for the sudden spike.../ and... what... you can o... to avoid.../ bringing the bugs home. 3 3 theee's a nnw weapon innthe fight against heart disease. johns hopkins cardiologists discovered ttat giving &ppatientssssatin therrpy before a hearr attack actually decreaaes their chances o heart disease and other related problems. doctors saa the new treatment works best when combined with changes in diet and exercise for high risk patiints. 3 new research... finds... fishh 3 not have .../ as... many benefits... as once... thought...////.. -3 ááthatáá according... to a study.... &p puulished... ii this week's... archives.../ of... internal meddcine.../. áátheáá supplement become popular ../ for... promoting ...heart health ...over the ears...// áábutáá this... new study says.../ omega-3 ...fatty aaids... in pish oil.../ don't hell people ...with a history .../ of... heart... disease. 3 the... number of people... getting ...head lice.../ is... on the rise. rise.experts say.../ spring break... is a major time.../ for....head licee../ áápartlyáá because ...of he increase... in the use of heemets ../ foo biking,.../ baseball, and & oftball..../áákidsáá... -3 are... also... having slumber pprties...///. ááparentsáá 3 their children...// regularly... /// and uss .../ a... lice comm... once a week...// during ...the.../ school year. 3 ford.../ -3 is... recalling... more than - .../ 140-thousand... of its.../ focus models.../ pábecauseáá.../ of... the... potential.../ for.. .a... wiper-motor .../ failure. says.../ in... certain.../ 20--12... models... / ááaáá.../ seal... in the connector.../ of.. .the... passenger-side... windshield -3 wiper.../ may be ...missing...//.áábecauseáá oo that../ &p. water ...or other... contaminants .../ could accumulatt.../ in... the connector... / áácausinnáá the wiper... to stop... working...///.ááfordáá will... notify owners.../ and dealers .../ wiihin...// a... month. 3a... new study... finds.../ drivers... who buy ..a... hybrid car... / -3 won't buy... another..../ ááthatáá according... to research "auto information"... commany.../ "r-l polk."...// áátheáá eport - ...also inds.../ hybrid vehicles... make up ...only.../ 2-point-4 percent... of the new vehicle marret .../ as... of... 20-11.../ áá downáá ffom... 2-point-9 percent in 2008. 3 3 maryland's mega millions winners. 3 the occupations f the group... &p who... came & forward .../ and... what thee... plan on doing... with their winnings. -3 3- 3 --adblib weather tz--