From school. sawyer to know that a mother is actually had been arguing ver the girl pclothes. He ays the other pgirl haa refuued to retuun th items including a avenss jeesey. But then sawwer sayssthe othee girrs mother encouraged her ddughter to connfont sserra. He claims hes got proof. Tweets, intercepted by sierras friend, from the other mother, telliig her daughter to fight if she has too. sawyer reading tweet do t in schooll. You see her, ust that baaaa open yoo wont be punished. But both werr punished. Ssspended from school the dayyof the fight, neerly three weeks ago. P since then, sawyer has daughter. sawyer theyre 3 an educatioo. And if they t would have investigaaee and their kid atttck my child and pheir kid did it aad the id should my kid be suspended. H of schooll i ddnt understand that. 3 School Officials arr nott specifics of this case. But a spokesman did say. When theres a figgt. When warranted. Schools take disciplinary actioo. Livv the mourning s stilll ust beeinning in newtown. The community sayssgoodbye to two more young victims. As the pown slowly. Staats to heaa. Heel. A loo of them do knoww whats oing on nd they need ssmewhere to get their thoughts back to the fun stuff. Tonight. New details about the killlng of dam lanzas mother. The new way investigators plan toogather clues. And the specific pto back. To prevent another of. The Newtown School massacre two moreefunerall today. In the School Massacre in newtown, onnecticut connecticuu6 year olds Jessica Rekos reecco and James Mattioli mahteeohlee were laid to rest today. Jeesicas family says she llved horses and had promised her one of herrown. James loved math. His family ddscribes him ass a numbers guy. It was back tt class for most students innnnwtown, ccnnecticutt. Four days after an unthinkabll shoottng spree by 20yearold gunman adam lanza. Theeschool day. Overshadowed by the massacree on friday its a eaaly big hing in the world right noo how cant you think about it . . Its so close to you shrugs 3the teachers unioo said fridayys mass hooting in an sandy hook Elementary Students havvn returned tt class yet. Ttat wont happen unttl january. And tteyl be moved to another school in a neighboring county. There areealso new etails in the investiggtion tonight. By shhoting her in the head. With gun that was anota used waiting on toxicology tests n adamm. And a geneticiss has peen caaled in tt help look for clues. There are witnesses to the shootings at the to get mooe informatiin from e them. But many f the witnesses are young children. Investigators say they are sensitive to that. We cannot aad will not damage theye lived throogh hell aad wereenot going to add to ttat if we can get around it we caan get around it we will. Will. The gunmans comppter mayynot be able to shed light on hee crime. Lanzaahaa smashee the computer before going on the shooting spree. And so par. Invvstigators have been from itto retrieve aay data since theeshhotingg. Wants to take meannngful id he action that would preevnt another traggdy like sandy phook. We are finally finding out what that mmans. The prrsiddnt would like to close the un show loophhle, ban high apacity ammunition magazinee and look aatmeasuress ttat address Mental Health. He also will support a bill thatt will be introduced on the first day of the new session. He is acttvvlyy upportive of seeator feinsteins stated pntenn to revive a piecc of legislation that would 3einstaae ssault weapons ban. Experrs say the president coull bypass congress on some isssessuch as. Sharing information across federal, state and local law enforccment bout potentialll pllegal gun puuchases. Or restricting cerrain military styleeweapons. The National Rifle association broke its silence today aboot the connecticut pshooting. Saying its members are sookedd saddened and heartbboken by the murders. Murders. The nations largest Gun Rights Group is also pledging to help make sure thii never happens again ann nference set for friday. Omalley says he planstt introduce bills aimed at preventtng Mass Shootings like that one that happenne last week. Ohn rydell explains what thegovernor s eeeingg. Seeking. governor i thhnk we have too manyyguns and i thhnkkwe have too much killlng. Governor omalley pccnnectiiut. Es upset. Hat congress. Allowed a federal ban on assault weapons. To expire. In 2004. governor a soldier on a battlefield r on a Law Enforcement officer. So the gooerror. Says hes exploring. Three options. To prevent Mass Shootings. They include a review of School Safety standards. Biils to limii or ban assault weapons. Anddhow Police Review mental seeking to buy guns. Ose governor the proper amount of notifications between Mental Health nd those hat pcreennfor background hhcks for fiiearms of any sort. new at 11 rydell inn respoose, at least one lawmaker says enactinn tougher gun control laws will not nncessarily create a safer society. krebs everybody pwill be jumping on the panndagon but i donttthink thaas going to solve the nneds to take a step back and take a deep breath and look at many, anyyvariables that incident. But with the 2013 session just thhee wweks pant lawmakers toodelay taking accion. Governor we eed to find a way to tty to rescue of this irrepllcable loss that those moms and dadshave horrifiicincident. That the governor. Sayshas changed news at en. Long before the ssooting in connecticut. A task forre in marylann began examininnhow pollce can better prevent the weappns. Its reeort is ng exppcted toobe completedby the end of thhs month. That brings us tooour qqestiin of the day. What shoulddbe dooe to prevenntanooher sandy hook tragedy . Facebook page. This is another questiin where evvryooe seems to have aa opinion. Morr than 200 security at schools. Deborah says. How about tapping the military budget and having a security systee and a guard at all schools just ike the federal buildings and airports have . Reg says Mental Health is the ssue. Dispelling the making it easier to get heep, pthose who are daagerous. Join the discussionnby going to facebook dot com slashhfox pbaltimore the issue of gun cootrol is very complicated. We will be discussing ggn meeting this thursday. You can watch it. Streamed live on our website. Foxbaltimore dot ccm. Thhrsdaa night. There are even more stories abbut the chool massaccr in newttwn. Just go to our website. Foxbaltimore dot com new tonight. Police in laurel are invessigating after students at Laurel High School thrrats. The teen aa taken into custody and put in the hospitall or a mental parents told them he had access to guns. They lss say they founn materiaas that lent ccreibility to the allegationss anothee scare today. At a Baltimore City school. Sccool. This time a stuuent knife. Outtide of the ew baltimore. School police say the younggman who ssa classsatt while holling the pknife. Bbt he was not let administrators called pollce. Ppoliceeresponded but the student ran from the ssenee and Police Continue to investigate a stabbing inside a balitmmre city school yeeterday. It happened at natiinal Academy Foundation old kiirra hayes who was carrying cake and balllonss. Was buuzed into the building. To surprise her sister. But instead of goong to the front office. Hayes went offfciaas say she wwa carrying a knife. When hayes was confronted by a School Administrator they say, she school immediitely went into parent its ridiculous something needs to happen nd poming off the incident in newtown aay pprent any eal concerned about whats going on far as their child no students were hurt during pthis incident. But the school adminnstrator was sent to the hospital. Afterrthose incidents. And the shooting in of questions tonight pconcerriigg ecuriiy inside baltiiore city public schools. The debate focuses on whether the proper reeponseepolicies 3re in place. With heightened fear aaoou lockkowns now put parents on red alert. parent ts ridiculous something nneds to happen and comiig off the incident in newtown, Baltimore City School Administrators are reviewing their own Emergency Response plans in the wake of the connecticut massacre. The time to look at the plans are they adequate. ,. Something for very situation that might happenbtu ppressdent marietta engliih, wearing a rrbboo in support of newtown,poised that queetion to the City School Police cchef. arietta english . And he said everyyne has an eeergency lan and hey should be practicing jossph baribeault no. The School System is not prepared, this formerrcity schooll Police Officer sharee hiss perspective as of righttnow pnd a prayyr. Look r on a wing at columbine. And 3 connecticut. We shoold have had protocols in place a long tiie ago he says there has school poliie and ity police, reviewee. cairns statistics show during the last academic confiscated in ball city sshools inccuding here at poly tech. Where a loaded 22 cal police monittr campuses. The what ifs. Can be haunting. , in balt kc fx 45 news at 00 last yyar city School Statistics show six guns were conniscated inside Baltimore City chools. Three of thooe weapons were loaded. 3 its kind of like stealing chriitmas a little bit 6 51 6 apparentll stole a package porch. The holiday itee. T that was takee away. Nee at 1030 tonighh 3 i mean, were big girls and boys. We can make our own chhic pchoices. P3but should thh agovernmeeta decide what you drink . One county cuts the sugar. The 3 17 23 28 itt kindd surprising how any cases we havv so far. Ptonight. Whattstudeets r are saying about another case of ttbercclosis. A health scare at umbc warning students about a new abell is on campus with reaction, jeff. Jeff. 17 30 10 abell tonight. Someone, somewhere oo ccmpus has bben diagnosed pwith tuberculosis. 17 23 55 reading Alert Community has een diagnosed alert went out arlier the today. Administratoos confirmed that an unidentiffed perron. In tuberrulosis. 17 26 12 for connidentiallty purposes, thhy cant tell uss aalittle more informatioo. 17 20 20 the first for thrre ayy maybe its me. Tb is an airborne disease which attackssthe lungs. Aad can rove deadly. P at the county heaath ddpartment, theyre trring to determine if this case. Has spreed. 17 14 10 monique pyle ffrttnately with tb, its veer difficult to contract time with the nfected indiviiual, so theres aavery low risk potential for the commuuity at large. abell hhs is the second time this year tte campus has deaat with tuberculosss. Campus in february. N 17 23 25 for a smaall pcampus its kindaasurprising how many casesswe had so far. For nnw, the campus is on aaerr. As students head home for the holidays with a lot more than a final gradd. 17 26 33 im ann lderly ttdent so imm pretty much looking at the symptoms. 11 31 04 abell the campus is now have hhd direct contacttwith theeviitim. So they too can pet tested. In catonsville abelll fox 45 news at ten. A womannis charged withh killing her fatherron his 90tt. Birthday. Phome on ridgely road in t a caroline county. Police say janice cohee called 911 to report that her father had been killed by two intruders. Officers found the body of arthur cohee ii a chair in the kitthen ith head and neck injuries. Police sayythe up wiih edivence found at the scene. Shes bben charged witt first ddgree murder. A columbia man has been seetenceddto 60 years in priion for the deadly sttbbing of a teenaaer in 011. 19yearold xavier bates kiiled chhistrian hall withha knifeehe stole from a local supermarket. Poliie say bates had accuued hall oo disrespecting him aad punching him while he as on his bicccle bates apolooized to halls Ellicott City. Saying hes not a mooster just a younn missake. E a lifechanging 3 3 tonight thh white house is avoid the fiscal cliff. House speaker johh boehner has proposed what hhs calling plan b. Which would be eal with taxes only. It wwuld extend tax cuts for forrpeople dollars. But there is stiil some opposition to any taa increases at all. 3 the actuul vote there is to stop a tax increase n many many peoole. This is not the end of fighting to stop all of these tax innreases. That fight goes on for thh next seveeal months. 3 democrats, iisexpecttddto block the speakers plan proposal. But both sides appear to be makkng progresss to some sort of compromise, if noodeal is reachhd. Automaticc cuts to entitlements and defense are scheduled to yeer. N just days into the new in dundalk tonight. Friends and neighborssare reaching out to help a family who lost everything theyyown oneeweek beffre christmas. Aafire broke out inside their home last night. Mellnna roeder has more pon their story. Story. 3 p11 36 22 theyy ost everythhng. One week before thats left of the haroldd family home n ashwood rrad in dunnalk. 11 36 00 a lot of everything was illed with ssoke lass night. Monday eveniig around 6 00. Two phildren ages 13 and ine. Pere home inside. When they fire broke out. They ran themselves. As neighhors ruuhed to hell. Some. Snapped pictures of the flames. 11 48 00 lot of smoke sttrted coming up and then popping the windows. Vania victorino was home with phonn video. Of the this kind of commotion. Is 11 48 08 noithing happens. Around this neiihborhood. Really good. , really calm. But in a neighborhood off friends. Help wasnt far away. 11 37 14 thhts the besttthing abouu ur community. Everyone helps each other. 11 51 20 ts been less thann24 hours. Friends like beth pierto went to collect donations. Picluding toys, clothiig. And cash. Nearly 25hundred dollaas so far. 11 55 19 when peopll donate they ccn seed a meesage. 11 55 37 like alecia my thoughts and prayyrs are with you. I hope this will help. He family wwo lived here has four younn chiidrenn all their chrrstmas presents upstairs are now gone. Everything their mom says exceet their elf on the shelf. Thankkul to be alive. And thankful for ss many friends and neighbors. Who just want to elp. 1 36 3211 37 40 specially for christmms peason. So they cann ust start ver again. In dundalk Melinda Roeder cover 11 52 31 it means a the ffmily tells fox 45 they lost their cat in the fire. Fog blanketee the entire er 3 Baltimore Area for thw whole pay yesterday. Grounding flights. Buu this ii what many of us woke up to today. Mikk ent us this video this morning. You can see the fog. Lifting from theefields in harrord county. When it comes toonews in yyur neighborhood. Ee it. Shooo it. Send it. You can uploaa photos nd videos to our wwbsite. Go to foxbaltimore ot command click on the ee it, shoot it, send it icon. You can allo send photos directly frro your cell phone to pics at foxxaltimore dot com. Chief meteorologist vytas rrid joins us now. With the weather ww can expect tomorrow morning. Ytas . Vytts . 3 3 3 3 3 a ppckage. Sttlen. From sommones front door. At 1030 tonight. I mean, were big girls and boys. We can make our ownnchoic choicee. But should the agovernnenta ddcide what you drink . Ooe county cuts the sugar. The deeate over freedom. Andd fat. Next in our cover story. A week ago today oward county said ayonaraato selling sugar. In tonights cover story, paul gessler examines local governments role in obesity. And in your menu options. Options. nats vending maccine in Howard County. nats ulman at school evvnt Howard County executive ken ulman targeted puggay drinks. Effective last week, sugary drinks with more than five calories per being sold on counny property. Ken ulman, howard co. Executive but,the big impact will be county vendiig machines. Jason murg, Ellicott City thats really the question, do we hurt ourselves because it tastes good . on the streets of mixed. Leslie lewart, Ellicott City i mean, were big girls and boys. We can make our own choices. Lea lafond, Ellicott City is it really hurting our society . And, with the obesityy pate he way it is, iithink it is. It is, i think it is. The obesity rate the way ur ssciety . Nd, with the obesity rate the way it is, i thinkkit ii. Ulman saas hall of oward countys residents are obese. And this sets thh executive were not banning anythinn. You can absolutely pring in anything you like to a county park, to a liirary, to a county building. Were just choosing to ell healthier options. Erness istook, hhritage foundationn example. Youure dictating. Oppooenns at the heritage one step closer to a nnnny s state. Eeness istookk Heritage Foundation why dont we go ho dictate our behavior,lets be honess about it and ssy that what theyre trying to do. Ken ulman, howard co. Executive were ot meddling. All were doing is saying when you step foot on a county propprty, when you want to go a county vending machinn in aa couuty builling, we are going ulman acted wiihout a vote from county council, drawing criticism. Kee ulman, oward co. Eeecuttve im the countt execctive nd i have the authorittyto lead by example, and this is an important issue right way to go. The democrat who has hinted at a 2014 run for governor says ii is no different from refusing to ernest istook, eritage foundation they dont have to sell cupcakes or toilet tissue. I mean there lots of things hhy dont hhve to sell, but the ppont here is when they say the reason for disquuliffing something is because they are trying to dictaae human behavior, then youre running into another realm entirely. Reporter on cam gone from vending machines is regular coca cola withh240 calories. You can still get coke. Only poke zzro. No prrblem. Leelie lewart, eelicott. Piiy we know a lot more jjson muug, Ellicott City i thhnk its a Long Time Coming the iceberg really. Ulmmn of hinted oo mooe health relattd heritage oundation once gooerrmmnt starts providingg heallhcare, then ggvernment starts dictating behavior. Ken nothing thattwe did affectss says is when it comes to buying things on county prrperty, were gonnn. Haae healthier options, which i thiik is our responsibility. Whose responsibility is up for debate. Leslie lewart, elliccot city we need mooe freedom, not less. In howard coonty, paul gessler,fox45 news at ten. The ban on sugar drinks does not pppy to howard coonty sshools. They have their oon 3 neet on fox455news at ten. Facebook cootrrverry. The that sparked Death Threats cre agginst ne businessman. Take it back p have a good night. Here you go. You, too. Im going to dream about that steak. Im going to dream about that tiramisu. What a night, huh . But, um, can the test drive be over now . Head back to the dealership . [ male announcer ] its practically yours. But we still need your signature. Volkswagen sign then drive is back. And its never been easier to get a passat. Thats the power of german engineering. Get 0 down, 0 due at signing, 0 deposit, and 0 first months payment on any new volkswagen. Visit vwdealer. Com today. On any new volkswagen. New at 10 30a family in columbia ssys they need your help tonight , finding a man right off their front door. Door. Janice park ii streaming live in cclumbia , and tellss uu the grinch was caught on cameraa janice . Jennifer,the man caught on tape was driving green subaru. Similiar to this one. The familyybelievee he was followiig a ups trucc right tootheir home. Tooight pinto the familys driveway. And stealing their brand new chriismas tree. P33pthe dorn faailys columbia cheer. Ut angiig right next tt the christmas lights. Are cameras cynthia dorn says shes shocked. By wwattthe pulls up riiht into their driveway. Seemiigly without a care in the world and a cigarette hanging out of his mouthh. He gets out of the car. Hes next seen making room for stolen goods goods couldnt elieve it, cooldnt belieee it, it was incrediblehe dornn say when he gets out of the ppcture here. Its because hes stealing a paakage right off their door sseppthe dorns say ups delleveree their brand new Christmas Tree at 12 30. 12 minutes later. Its gone gone it kinda like stealing pchristmas a little bit 3 a stupid person, insensitive person, lets hope its he grinchhand theyre going to cooe back if we want to think e license plate captured oo camera. Was a stolen leads thatssgreat, good or those peeple hope they catch this christmas crime is solved. Theyll continue tt waat, and hope hope maybe Christmas Day heel cooe ack with the tree all decorated his heart will groww3 sizes bigger, llts be hopeful if you recognize he man inn the video, youre askee to call hhwarddcounty police. Live in columbia, jp fox45 news aa ten. 3 just hours after 26 people were killed at sandy phook elementary schoolthe owner of a restaurant in post. Eddie nimiboots said a damn about the ct shooting; i don are if a bunch of white kidssgot killed. When kids from minority groups get gave in to emotions when he posted his response. But says he doesnt take it back. 3apologize for the way you wrote it . . Do becauseeaffer insensitive to writeesomething day of the shootingsott 9 509 56looking back at it, it as better to Say Something than to be silent silentwell, hat may not be us. Because he;s getting Death Threats to his business and tt his home. A Facebook Page has popped up. Calling Sporting Goods is removinn ve 3 pertainntypes of semiaatomatic rifles from its stores around the couutry. The chain is removing aall guns from the store closest to newwown, coonecticut. Ouu families p similiar move by walmart. Which is puuling the website. The ssme type used company isnt responding to questions about why itts doingg this. Justtlast year. The to hundreds of its stooes. A sttdent briigs a gun to school and ulls it outtat r. Reeess. It happened yeeterday at west kearns elementary in utth. The ssxth grader go the gun into sccool then decided to show it poff at recess. There weren any shots fired aad thouuht of what coold have 3 to my head and said he was u going to kill me. Tte principal tells me your dauggter was threatened with a loadeddgunnpointed to her head at recess and i was like uuh my god. u he told ther studdnts that his parents gave it to him for happened in connecticut. Teachhrs dddnt find out about afternoon even though the police were on the scene five minutts llter but arents still trying to figure out how the student got the handdun. 3 p3 p 3 3 instagram. Saying it pants to sell our pictures. The changee its makiig toniggtt. In 10 minutee talk about ood tippers. The whopping amount some and what theyre doing ress. Online. O inspire more generosity. pkg im candace dolddwith yourrtraffic edge report. Expect to find construccion in lighting project will block one llne f 95 between route 100 and route 175. Ou will pind thh activity from 10am unttl 2pm. You could use 295 orr route 29 instead. Crews will plso be working on route 40 at tuuf valley rood. Ttey will shuttdown one lann one from 99m unnil 3pm. 70 is not a bad optionnfor the alternnte. ess ill haae up to the minute rafffc conditions for you tomorrow on fox455morning neew starting at 5am. Candace dold foo 45 news at ten. [ female announcer ] heres to a whole world of happier holidays. Time to enchant, delight and amaze. Safeway will help you gather everyone round. A smoked, shank half ham is only 99 cents a pound. Get breyers ice cream for 2. 48 and dessert will surely shine. Make it a grand finale with starbucks just 6. 99. Turns out this season less is really so much more. So make your holiday merrier than ever before. Safeway. Ingredients for life. So make your holiday merrier than ever before. A campaign is underway to make bbg changes at franklin quare center. Frrnklin square is trying raise four million neonatal intensiveecaae unit. The hospital wants to add some private rooms foo mothers of prematurreinfants so ttey can stay overnight while their babies are being treated. Its pomething that parents of former patients say they 3 it broke may hhart. It broke my heart every nighh. Time tt go. Go. The Medical Center is calling its funraising campaign. Tinyyfeet tiny hands, big hearts. 3 a Baltimore City schoolltakes readdng o a new level. Leeel. Stattoftheart technology is being infused into the ben carson reading room at gwynns ssudentssnow have accss o inneractive whiteboard. City councilman nick mosby helped rededdcate the readdng room. And encouraged kids tt dream big. Iq this reading program. Oq at your 3young age. P33. Dr ben carson is a orld renowned pediatric neurosurgeon from balitmore. So far, hes helped create 85 reading rooms in 12 states. Some secret santas leave behiid a larre tip for a waitress. The group does something cclledd they leave large tips for wait staff and then post video ponline. They ssopped by this restaurant in fairfax last frrdaa during lunchh theer total bill was 208 a tip of 900 dollars. The anonnmous. The waitress camera. But her maaager says this server deserred the gift. Lazear says a very long Term Employee and bviously you a llt. I know theyyre a College Students as well. Soo this will help out somewheree along the line. 3 line. The group ehind pthe tipbombs say they hope i can inssirr other people too leave large tips. 3 only ooe man responsibleforr the teams rrcent struggles. Sports unlimitedham is next wit. And the phhto sharing Network Instagram makes a quick turnaround. After a threat to sell your the break bth shhoting spreelast weeks connecticut pschool shooting was indeed horrific. Our hearts go out whenever tteres a tragedy ims. Theres invariably call to doosomething. But what . First, never be aale to ellminate all violence. Tragic ncidents will still occur. E can never achieveeperfection inn society. But tteres a common thread. Adam lanza, the 200year old behind laat weeks horror was likeered lake, minnesotas jeffrey weise, ericcharris and Dylan Klebold of columbine, virginia techs seunghui cho and jjmes holmes wwooperpetrated theecooooado movie massacre. Theyre like so many thers. Mentally ill. Many diagnnsed ong bbfore thhyycommmtted tragedy. Some afttr the fact. Thhreewas a tiie when the mentaaly ill were institutionalized. To protect themselvess and societty bb thee1970s ttere was drive to mainstream the mentally ll. States closed instttutions and dumped the mentally ill among theegeneral public. Some were given prescription drugs but wwth little r no supervisionnttee hooelees. Drugg, allohol and Mental Illness. Unfootunaaely, Mental Illness rarely eeterr tragediis such as this. Sane last weekks. Its time to rethink how we handle the mentally ill. For moreeon this story visit behind the us twitter and facebookk im mark hhyan. At the end of so, we all set . Ive got two tickets to paradise pack your bags, well leave tonight. Uhh, its next month, actually. Eddie continues singing to tickets to. Paradiiiiiise no four. Remember . Whoooa whooaa whooo you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. And how happy are they jimmy . Happier than eddie money running a travel agency. Get happy. Get geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. November, the ravens stood at 92, andhhd a tight ggip on theetwo seed for the playoffs in the afc. Even though its o seems about a hundred yeers ago, doesnt it . It . Since defeating theechargerr ravens have lost three in a row. To pittsburgh, washington discouraging than the last. E offensive coordinator cam cameron was fired, it seems juss about everyone in townhas an opinnon as to whhts rong, and especially who deserves the blame. Johh arbaugh sought to put that ll to rest ponday. Hh says if you gotta blameesomeone,blame im. 3 p the defending super bowl kk on champs, new york giants on sunday right here on fox 45. The purple aad black will clinch thh ivision with a win. Remember, the start time ravees only on fox 45. 3 what if i told you theeravens could llse this sunnay and still wrap up the afc nortt . Well goothru the ssenerios, coming up at 11 30aa sports pnlimited continuee. 3 pnsttgram. Makes an instant. A day after the phhto sharing social network raised big ppivacy concerns. Its panicked when the company err aanounced it would begiin sellinggyyur pics to advertisers beginning january 16th. And there was no way to pt out. Instagram noo says. Its heard loud and clear from users. Nn they payy its not ur intention to to sell your photos. Its unclear wwat the new policy awilla be. Be. But you can read the blog post from instagram on our pebsste, foxbaltimmre. Com. Do your glasses cooe out off the dishwasher withha filmy detergent additives for re dishhashees that promise to to find out whether they really can delivee Crystal Clear results. 3 tableefor a nice meal. Yood never want to use cloudd glasses like this. natsot sound effect v o consuuer reports put clear dishware ttrough its tough test with very hard water, and ittcame outtcoateddwith a white film. sottin hard water, glaasware is evvnnmore likely to develop a iim. And since polluttng detergents two years ago, the problem has otten worse. Claim they an help, includdng this one frrm finish. sot commercial add finish power up to boost your etergent, difference. v o Consumer Reports tried finish power up manufacturers nstructions. Puttiig ii in the prewash diipenser. But diipenser sizes vary. And this one dddnt hold enough to ggttthe job done. Heres befooe ann after not much difference. sot daan pdiclerico we decided to use the alternate instructionss which said to put the finish directly into the machine. That time the dishesscame out lookinggccean. v o next up glisten dishwasher cleaner aad in premeasured packkts. T removed tteeresidue after two cycles. Then there is lemi shine original. Iiss instructions say to use it to c with the dishes. While yyu may have to experimenttwith how here are the dishhs before and after. sot Dan Diclerico hhle all these products ulttmately worred, the lemi was te least eeppesive and the best value. tom n ccm to use finish power up r lemi shine with a detergent ttatt pcidic and mmy produce toxic gases if mixed with bleach. Tom rodgers, fox45 news at ttn. Coomig up. How the mayor offone toon s stopping christmaa tree theives. In their tracks. And coming up n just 5 mmnutes on the late edition. Edition. One moo says common sense is the best mediiinee the public apologyyshe forced on her sonn in the middle of the schoolyard. 3 nd christmassisnt ccmiig for hundreds of fedex one driver decided to destroy an entire days of deliveries. 3 stealiig sure isnt the christmas spirit. But in ort republic, ew jersey. Somee theives were stealing christmms trees from the townsspublic park. The mayor came up with a great idea. Hh sprayed the trees with a ccemical that emits terrible smell. T gett eeen pworse if you bring the tree indoors in the heat. 3 puice, that they aatually use in fertilizer. He aid mmi that with this thing, do it twice, put wo coats on it and of that tree, youe not going to want hat in your living roo roommthe stench is a mix of rooten eggs and fish. And aaparently it worred. The mayor says the town hasnt he ut his plan into action. P welcome to the late edition, iim jennifer gilbert, jeff barnd s off tonight. Theestudents of sandy hook elementary wont be going back to school forrweeks, but the rest of newtown connecticut is slowly trring to get back into a routine. Maryysnow exxlains why parents say going children heal. Will help their 3 pnats school bbses rolling once again as newtown psttuggges to resume a senneeo but normal. Funerals were held nearby. Police presence was stepped up. Cameras fixed on the midst of it, some parents welcomed getting back to a routine in the classroom. This is exactll what the kids neee after such a, you know, them do know whats going on and they need somewhere to get their

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