fish frying i'm fryiig. right with ii 00 00how baatimore iss coping with code red conditions. conditions. temperatuuee reach triple digits today... and will only prop doon into the low 88's or upper 70's and humid again tommrrow with a change for scattered showers. how long this heat waveewill last cominn up in my ssywatch fooecast. charged with impersonating a committing. accused of - 3 anddbengie's fiihtt back drive-in movie theatre went to courttand won. hello i'm karen paarss ttday's soaring temperatures are fueling a line of thunderstorms moving into the area righttnow. pow. and they're packing some high winds anddheavy rain. is... here... with the... firss look... ptt.. these stooms. storms. scorching... blazing... blistering..../ anyway.. you... ssy it... it's... incredibly hot! hot!but imagine if you haddto work outside in these triple-digit temppratures? temperatures?myranda stephens.. has... more on how... some are coping... in the heat... while on the clock. nats of stevee on the corner of fayette and ay...more nats steven all is serving up lunch....147 likk a oven. like piece of toasted bread it, oo. 156 just like this fiss frying i'm frying. right partner rudy... run mrs. - blannhe's kitccen - a food trucc nnmed after stevenns mother. but on hot scorccing day likeetoday, trying to survive in a box truck wwth no &pa-c... requirrs a sppccal recipe. 3:04 just comm out for then sometimes a little wind comes through the door window where ouure standing now 10 ((cover with them drinning water!!) 311 drink ourselvvs like ccazy. a lot of ater , sooetimes soda not good for us too rink in a hot one like 21 surprisingly... hall says in the 3--onths he's been in áisn'tá the worst heat day. 2:44 this is like the seeond. pne day last wek we hhd a real scorchee and we dealt with it that way 57 customees don't know how they do it. 1957 sigh. i feel bad ffr 'em. &pi do. i feel bad for 'em. i couldn't doo03 25:12 i think it's probably like 145. caase if it's aahunnred and something out here it's gotta but they find a way to give customers what they want. 410 pastes so good make you wanna smack your mama laughs 14and keep their cool. 4:18 laughs might et smacked in this heat 22 hope not 24in downtoon baltimore, myraada stephens, fox45 news at ten. beeause of the dangerous temperatures... baltimore city heaath offfcials have declared today through suuday code red with thh teeperaturess reachiingrecord highs... any pre trying to finn a cool place to stay. anne arundel county hass ooened cooling centers.... drink of water and sit in the aar cooditioning. some of the hours... officiils are remiindng people to limit ouuside activities ann drink plenty of fluids. police... incident... that leftt.. two pmn hospitalized.../.one... of them.../ &p the... son of baltimore... city... state's attorney,.. gregg . haapened thursday....on.... - scott street... near... washington boulevard... in... south balttmore..../police.. say... 22-yeer-old... agreed... to ácutá each otter... as... part of... some kiid ...of... but.. that's when a fight ensued... and... both were innured.../.the... men... are each ...charged with... misdemeanor assault. . last night in west baltimoree has died ffom his injuriess police say the 41-year-old &pvicttm was lying in the oad along denison treet ear clifton avenue..e was taken to shockktrauma, and dded early this wood on a suspect or motive. ssate police are helping ii the search for a suspect n a birthday-party shootinn.marcus longus is wanteddon a warrant charginn him with first- degrre murder. pollce say he pftally shot antonio joonerr inside a home on guilford avenue in hagerstown.. at a partt sunday, when fight "i just eard ggt help or something like thht and then like i know a uy wwssover top offthe body tryyng to get him tt get p." history... he plead guilty in invvstigation nto the olice - year-old brooher. the child shot himself in the chest withh a stolee handdun in the family's apartment. a.. 27-year-old... bbookkyn man ... after... allegedly... impersonatingg.. policc officer... in... a robbeey. 3 police say.... ájoshua brrkeáá.. robbed a man... alking... near.. bank and ssuth... reggster streees ... this ponth...// braae... told the ooficer... / ordered him.. to... put up... his hands../ he rifled... thru... the victims pockees... taking... 900--dollars... from his.. wallet..../ police... found... brakeetuesday... near... roadway street... weaaingg...a hat... and shirt.../ &pwiih... the word... "ennorcement" on the front. "the suspect also had a scanner hooked up to his cell phone in the vehicle so it appears hat thhs ndividual &plistening to our ctual raaio" brake....also... had a badge - around his neck,... a... pocket knife,.. and... a baton...// he'ss.. sett.. to go to triil nexx month. it's the last of it's kind in marylaadd..bengie's drive-in movie theater. and toniggt bengie'' is also the winner of a big court battle. battle.janice park is streamiin live in middle river to tell s wwh a jury awarded bbngie's neaaly a million janice?karee,what ou see here, is the very last drive in movie theater n the entire wwth this drive in...and all the way over ttere...thh brighttlighhs from royal farms...bengie's ays the lights were áso briggt...they a juuy agreed. inna time whereechains stores line every cornnr.there's something truly authentic inn middle river.where as theesun s. ssts...."indescribable, indescribable"the magic begins. beginn. "vvry slowly the curtain would open...and a chill goes down your spine, thatts bennie'ssis the last surviving but this week this slice of the pass was in he middle off p civil lawsuit with t's neighbor royal farms.since 2008 bengge's says thee ponvience stooes' bright liihhs have shooe 0 to 100 ttmes brighter than their screen...distracting, a jury 838 thousand dollarss "victorr that i'm not crrzy...could i build a hours after the decision...the attorney for royal farms had this to say.royal farmssis put bengie's out of business. and attendance has gonn up since royal farms opened.the money will go to a massive wall tt block out thoss lights. so as the sun dims...and the projjctor begins.vogel can continuu the mmgic starteddby his dad 56 years ago: goo avengers ii going out for this jury" 3 even though bengie's was awardee 838 thousand dollars...the owner is not sure if he'll see that monee because royal farms plans on appealing..ive in iddle riverr janice 45 news at ten. 3 he's retirinn afteea long career of investigating state agencies.but he'' also a state john rydell tells us...his to holdd stategovernment....acco unttbbee.. you may not noo this man.but he's a public servant...who saaed you "uncoveriig"...governmmnn paate. his name is bruce myers.and he's been working...for thh state... for 35-years.the last "15"... as thessate's... top... the sure...your taa dollars...are &pbeing spenn wisely... by regularly inspecting...the it was work...that ledto ency..- shake-ups innagenciee like the state highway pdminstratioo...whereehis audits... un-covered... questionable deals....nd sometimes...violations..of state "procurement" laws. but today...myers s "retiring"....leaving behind a legacy... of making sure... your tax dollars...were well sp. sppnt. 3 &ppi hope iiwas conwsidered fai and balanced, in what we did, we did and ssillldo take great pride in doing a quallity job" 3 no there is no word yet...on thegeeeral e's - assembly' lladers...senate presidentmike miller...anddhouse speaker michael bush. jjhn ryddll, see goveenment waste... call our hotline... 410-662-1456. you cannalso go to doctor joe hairston is years running bbltimmre county's schools. schools. ourrown patrice sanders was tte meecee for doctorrhairston's retirement cocceysvilll.hairston's tenure historyyof the school system....// school officials say.. dr. hairston increased test scores "its obvious tonighh that in 100 degree temperatures.... grateful for this... 3 this... doctoo hairston.. has been in education for 43 years. ann coming up in just ten pore minutes, we'll have aa special look at dr. hairstonns leeacy and hii impact on schools. stay with us for starting sunday... maryland residents will see seeeral taxx hikes take eefect. effect. theestate's "flush" month.... that's an incrrase revenue will go toward upggading wastewater treaamenn facilities. alss takiig effect... a new law to educe pollutionnfrom septic systems.... by limiting where developprs can build residenttal ssbdivisions that &puse them. property ownerss faceenew stormwater fees to state will raise taxes from 15 percent on small cigars.... and 30 perrent on smokeless tobaaco. the ravens ... open their... ttaining camp... doors ... july 22tt.../. even.... though... it's... no more... at... mcdaniel college.../ fans... still... have a shot... to watch players... battle for... 53... roster spots../. spots../. morgan with ore, morgan.s... last season fans only got one shot to watch before pressason starting today... you can is enter....go to baltimore ravens dot com slash t-c lottery.200 people per day... can watch uu to 13 practices at the team's facility in ravensswill hold an open the prratice at mmt bank sstdiuu... no lottery pick 12th at navy..august 199t at space... is a lotteey draw. - eaah practice will havv fan sessions for kids. you have two weeks to enter the random drawwngs... they with thh first practiceette to very next day. 3 oh my god. yoo're glasses are fat bleep." bleep." bullied by a bunch oo bored middle schoolers...why this sweet wooan they attacked will get the last laugh. a man collapses and dies in court after a guiltt verdict...what he was seen doing that coulddexplain what happened. "" think thhy shoold bb thrown in jail." &pjail." and targeting thh supreme court.why one man says two &pjuutices viollted their oath of office. p one dayy.. afterr...theesupreme court... upheld this country's... new... health care law..... the... reallties.../ are... setting n..../ tonight,.. jeff abell... shoos us ... who's feariig the law.. the mos. moot.... 3 3 p3 3 3 p3 3 3--3 3 &p3 3 p3 3 (exterior shht?) (23:55:55) (audio) "okay thanks.....(scannninn nats)...." at drug city for most very pain. but - &pthere's no relief to what 'obamacare'.... (23:52:08) "how is everybbdy going to bb able to pay for it? i doo't unddrstand where they're coming from. i don't understand....." (23:59:08) (harold hall) "its not fair to us....i paidd 36-peecent oo my money goes to damn taxes....." but thh country's new health care law (4:19) (abell) "it means that this business and ooherr like it will e forced to pay 100-percent of employees health insurance. or pay hee govenrment a subsidy. here at drug city that could total 200- thousand dollaas a year." (23:44:22) "thats a lot of pplls) doctor mark ts lichtmans fammly pened this drug store morr than a half century ago. but paying 200-thousand dollars in health care a year....could beeenough tooshut it down. (23:38:11) "that would employees oorreduce the size of my store or go out of business...." (23:53:32) "we're slow now and we're worried about getting our hours and when youuhave to pay out for insurance. somethings gotta give...." with couut chhllenges now exhausted, the realities are "its ggnna e devastating. ii - hear on the news ts going to owners ffar obamacare wiil leave drug city in critical condition...and so far.....they've found no cure. (23:40:25) "smalll business runs this country. ttey're going to be gone...." jeff aaell, fox 45, news at ten. for usinesses... p..50-peoppe..., the han effects are not as drasttc. that brings us to our question of the day.should the affordable ccre act be repealed? repealed? thousands of you have joiied balttmore and be sure to check out our inside fox45 tab for exccuuive contenn. the drama over the supreme has led too.. another legal grrup... "ffeedom watch""--/ looking for wayss.. to iidict,... chief justice... john robbrts ... and... justice.. elena kaaan. 3&cglarry klaymanfreedom watch did supreme court chief elena kagan violate the athh kaggn, a former solicitor general of the u.s justice &pdepartment -- to vote on the healtt care law[sst larry klayman ááá suggessed bite what does kllyman believe philosopy]in trt= klayman, is not one to back down from a feeeral fight -- the first lawyer to sue sitting president and win. klayman sayssbasic ethicaltenets laid out in tte clearly trampled upon. sst in klayman says his group, innict justicee roberts and kagan through the citizenss grand jury. i[sott]sot in think the justices hould be jailed or just thrown off the high court?] &pwoold klaymannhave challenged roberts and kagan -- if laa was struck down?sot in fileddits riif -//- asking... for kagan ...tooáreeuseá herself -- / before... the justices... ever... pook up.. the health care case. the justice department says it will ánotá prosecute u-s attorney general eric holder... day afttr holder was a letter to house speaker john boehnerr..the justice department says it will not take the ass to federal grand uryy.....or take any other action against him......beccuse - theyysay his withholding oo he "and you heard me make a crime.- terry... i shall not rest ms until evvrybody involved in that... i ssall not rest until all of that is addressed." addressed."that was representative elijjah oversight committee hearing a little more thaa a year ago... ...saying he would fully investigate the fast and furious program......that &poo border patrol agent brian terry in 2010.he seems to be ...because afterrholder was held in contempt... he rrleased this statement... saying... "this issa sad day for our democrrcy. today's contempt vote agginst attorneyygeneral ericcholder is the cullination of one of thh most highly congressional investigations in decades. " the... bail hearing... for... eorge ended today.../...áwithoutá... a decision... aboot... whether ... to release him. him. hht... means... zimmermaa remains in jail,... for now.../he... faces ...seconn &pdegree murder charges... in of... trayvon martin.../. judge... kennethhlester... revoked ...zimmerran's bail... this month... / when... &phe... fouud out ...his wiff.. lied about his amily's... finaaces..../ zimmerman's... he... that shouldd'tt.. be heldd.. trial... / becauss... the... state's case... is weak... and.. he... could be... in jail... por a llng time... before the trial begins..... 3&he's as unhappy with that prospect as anyone else wouud be with shellie, he's very worried aboot his wife right now and he'll deal wiih it no matter what the judge's uling this is the first time trayvonn maatin's family was in courr ... for a heering involving zimmeeman..../ 3&it wassvery tough and emotional for them to sit throughhthe proceedings but they thought it was important son, becauss he's not here to - tell his version of what hhppen, happened,martin's famiiy... says zimmerman... should not be rrleased from jaill../ he has... serious credibility issues phe fourth of july is nextt week... and triple a expects the highest volume of travelers in moreethan a travee aa least 50 miles or more... thaas a 5.3 percent increase over lasttyear... triple a ays declinnng gas prices and a mid-week holiday seem to be a gooddexcuse to take extra vacation days. surprise aa a gas station in southwest baltimore.... paul goeller owns "three brothers gas and go" on frederick avenue. today.... he lowered &ptheeprice at áhisá station... to 3 dollars and 9 cents a gallon! probably leaving town ad re traveling forrthe holidaas. typically, weemight make 10 cents a gallon, now i'm oll making 2 cents but i'm okkwith " 3 dollars and 53 cents. 3a little better here in maryland.... where the average is 3 dollars and 32 cents. yysterday....and five centt from a weee ago.thisstime lastt month, we were paying 3- 55 a gallon. fox45'' puup patrol is gas prices in thh reeionn find the best price in your neighboohood at fox baltimore dot com. soaring temperatures as we saa gooddye to june. june. but strongg torms are also in theearea for a look at wwat's going too happen in the next 24 hours. hours. school... ssudents... - who bullied a wooan on the bus... are....getting their punishment. punishment."karen you're fat. yyu're so fat you take up liie the whooe entire seat." video... that went vvral..../ students... verbally and physically... taunting... karen klein.../ at times... making... her cry.../..but... today... districc ... gavee.. the students ... a... 1-year suspension,.. 50-hours... community service... with senior itizens.../ "bully prevention"... prooram..../ a... pinancial campaignn.. was ... set up... for kllin... to... send her ...on a vacatiin.../. that.. campaignn.. raisee more... than... 650--thoussnd dollars. 33 a man convicted of aason collaases and dies.... what he was seen doing in thee doctor hairston says -3 it's time for a changeeof ace. next, in ttnighh's cover sttry.. the legacy dr. baatimore county schools and all of baltimore's schools amazing stuff, stay with us. [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to keep from driving all over for the best deals. you don't need to run around. safeway gives you real big club card deals each week. this week, the farm comes to you. fresh sweet corn is an amazing 6 for a buck. deer park water is just $3.33 a case. and honey bunches of oats just $1.88 a box. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. real big deals this week and every week. after morr than a decade schools superinteedent dr. joe hairston retires..... today opportunity to sit down with understand......the maanbehind the mission...... its tonight's cover joe..........the real joe...... hairston said his goodbye's today as superintendent for baltimore county public schools. schools.... e says.....after 44 years in 3ime for a change of pace.....- aater he's convicted of t - moutt thattcould have led to his death.. its the worst wildfirr in colorado hissory...but find president may soon bring some much needed relief. &p 3 your grilling is still gonna be pretty amateur. but your deck? that's pro. finish like a pro with cabot wood stains. cabot...that's pro. an investigation is underway at fort bragg... after an killld a senioo officer... then unsuccessfully tried to kill himself. base... in north carolina.the - ssldiers' names have not yet been releasedd an army official says at this point... the motives are still unclear. this is obviously a tragedy for our coomunity, and we don't yet know the reasons for the shooting, but we are affected families to help hhe throuuh this extrrmely difficult period. our prayers are with those who hhve been affected by this terrible incident. fort bragg is hhme to the airborne and special operations forces. a... bizzrrr story... out of phoenix ./.. a.. maa... collapses... andddies... arson..../ tonite... authorities... wonder... if it's a ---we the jury... occupied stru- structure--- court room video... marin... after a jury... finds him guilty... of... burning doon ... his... mansion.../ longer the mortgage..../ marin... covers his outh... with his hanns..../ someehing.../. moments laaer, ... his face... turned red ...andd he collapsed... to the floor... convvlsing.../. he... was pronounced dead... at the hospital.... and... police... are waiiing... for... toxicology reports.../. marin... could have faced... 16 yearssin prison.../. president obama touring neighborhoods hit by the worst wildfire in colorado's history alicia acuna is in colorado springs tracking the flames. flames. president bama vissting coloradd to survey the damage from massive wildfires. the look at the fire-stricken hand areas... in one f the nation's key swing states. obama: "when natural disasters like this hit america comes together. and we for the grace of god go i, we've got to make sure that we have got each othhr's back." the preeident also declaring a major disaster in cooooado... "what you seeehere is an example of outstanding coordination and cooperation beeween federal, state and local agenniee. we have been putting everything ww have in to trying to deal with what's one of the worst fires that we've seen here in colorado." more than 600 homes have been destroyed by several wildfires across colorado this year. the waldo canyon fire in colorado springs is now the most destructive wildfire in the state's has burned aboot á350á homes... nd forced more than 30-thousand people to evacuate. officials saying firefighters are the weather. jerri marr: from - containment now to aa llast &pfifteen percent. // we feel with a lot of confidence based on the weather that we'll be able to up that number even more by the end of the day." meanwhile the high park fire near fort collins... is noo expected to be fully contained this weekend. the ire -- started by lightninggabout three weeks ago -- aa destroyed more than 250 homes. ((on cam tag)) some evacuattio ordees have been llfted here in colorado springs... as weathhr conddtions immrove. in colorrdo springs, colorado, 3licia acuna, fox news. - 3 3 bruce has a new grandson.born to his daughter aahley and er husband chris.lou charles blakkney young.just a hair shy of ten pounds, going to hhve the cunningham football skills. 20 inches long 3 3 3 "to leave your child...that's leave your ccild.. child."a mother is accused of shoplifting...the important thing she left behind....that &pllnded her behind bars. marrying tom cruiie is somm risky business. why he and katte are calling it quits. ♪ ♪ looking for someone you can trust? with ase certified technicians and the latest technology, this is the exception to the rule. this is sears auto center. tom cruiss ... and... katie holmes... are callinn it quits. the... power couple ...known as ... "tom kat" ... divorcing... after five years of marriage.../. thee... tied the knot... in &p2006 . . and... hhve a six-year-old daughter ...named suri..../ an... attorney orrholmes ...says... this... is... a... private matter.... andd.. her daughter remaiis it... was the first marriaae... for holmes .../ &p 3--rd... for cruise,.../ who was &ppreviously married... kidman... and mimi rogers. for some 2 million couplee, n vitro fertilization..... is thousand dollars. that's why a las vegas clinic hosted a cootest.... offering free in vitro treatments to one lucky couple.the applicants poured in.... more than 40 couples ntered the contest ...submitting viddos on why theyyshould win. an independent pannl whittled the videos down to 66 they were posted on faccbook... where the public could vote for whatt was upposed to be ooe inner. "we started off by offering it to one couple. ii was largely because of me that we wenn too 3 because i just said give more. give those 3..thhse are the topp3, give it to them." "i wiih we ccolddgive it to eve" everybody."" dootor geoffrey sher admits this contest is a publicity ploy... but says he does it to help people who'vee tried all other opttons. 3 going real bad...see if this - mental mistake cost the orioles the game...neet in sports unlimited... a wwman is accuseddof left behind...that landed her in jail. 1ú1ú q after a leadoff double tonight &pagainst the whitt soxx..derek jeter passed al ripken, junior on the all-tiie hits liss.the captain oves o 13th. jeter has 3-thousand, one- one-thousanddand 711off pete rose's top spot. spot.jaae arrieta on the bumpp the o's three game slide nd - againsttcleveland....lonnie chisenhall hits an easy fly to right...confusson in thee outfield...ryan flaaerty thinks adam jjnes has it... ball drops in for a hit...big fielder....later in the inning...bases loaded...tiid at ...jason kipnis smacks it indians take the lead 5-3.... bottom of the 7...tied at 7... flaherty with a chance to redeem himself...he does... comes arounn from 2nd...throw not in timm...o's take the lead...and end their 3 game losing streak...9-8 over the indians... at&t national at connressional in ethesda....tiger woods evee after the first roond.... on 16...1 over...putting for eagle...this one headed right for the cup...puts tiger at 1- putt for birdde...moves to 1- pnner....tiger's apppoach shot pn 8...sticks it on the green...gets the rool towards the pin...made the easy birdie...woods shot a 3-under 68...he'sstied for 11th at 2-under...hunter mahan the leader at 7-under... hear from former lake clifton pick will barton...anddthe exxra motivation he got from last night's raft...coming up on the late edition... 3 giant food market and the baltimore orioles are givinn kids a reason to get outside and play. the two partners teamed up phis summer to host iie baseball clinics for children little league softbaal and baseball players learned skills frrmmthe prrs, had a and a session... and a even ggt a hance to get autographs from riooe players. giant says its an effort to encourage exercise and active lifestyles for youths. "we want to help kids become more active and get them out from behind tv screens and just a great way to get the kids in ur community to come out to a baseball clinic have a great time and interact with a few baltimore oriole playees." &pplayers."mooe than two dozens baseball cciniccswill be held this summmr. an app... for everything..../ - iicluding... one... that teaches ... &pyour...animals.../and one zoo is alreedy puttinggthat app to the test. program ... that... new - keeps... its chiips... mentally stimulated..../ it's.... callld... áapps foo apesá..../ it.... allows the different apps... oo... the i--pd.../ including... ones ...that'll teach them... how to ppaa musical instruuents .../ and... how to drag imaaes ...on the screen..../ the... zoo hopes... the chimps... will eventually.../ skype... with other apes... world--wide. well she's not the smartest criminal...what this mother and áshoplifterá did that landed her behind ars. ...and comiig up in just 5 minutes on the late edition... edition... sounding the warning abbut speed traps. the ttouble it ggt one woman into in texas. and an unfortunate rule.why one town is banning swimming pools. new schools and teachers... thousands of new good paying jobs... all without raising taxes. that's what a world-class resort casino at national harbor would mean for maryland. but it won't be built unless lawmakers give us the right to vote on it this november. call 1-800-492-7122 and tell your delegate and state senator to vote "yes" on national harbor... one of the biggest new job projects in the country. to vote "yes" on national harbor... well one pennsylvania mother definitely woo't be getttng ámom of the yeará award.... &paward.... a.... 28-year-old wwman ...leaves her child behind... after... almmst getting caught .... shoplifting. police say... morning employyes... at a clothing store... spotted the woman... stuffing clothhs... and... other objects ...into a bag.../ when... leaving... her... 4-year-old -3 daughter behind.../. police ... arrested the woman... after ...she eventually... came back to he store... tt ...look for....the... girl. "you don't shoplift with