may have lee to the death of a randallstown teen - killed at the hands of an off-duty police officer. in a first on fox... myranda stephens speaks with the victim's friends and hears whaa they believe may have happened. karen, police are whether the officer who killed 17-year-old christopher brown... was justified. unarmmd teen ay a childish prank... may have started it al. all. 4056 i meen it's mixed 17-year-old bryan llazer doesn't know how to feee about &pthe sudden death of his best friend. 4058 it's a lot going it's the irst time i loss somebody like a brother to me 04 17-year-old christopher brown of andallstown was killed tuesday night during a fight with an off-duty police &pofficer. according to police... the officer chased tte teen inno some bushes... after he noticeddsome damage fell unconscious during tte - &pstruggle.he later died of asphyxiation. 3852 i know he couldn't really run that ast cause he just had surgery on his leg 57leazee - who's known brown for years - says he saw his bess friend that niggt... not loog bbfore he was killed. 3809 we were talking..he asked me if i want to go outside and i said, nah, i had to go study um,,aad he jjst went on with theeboys that waa outside 20 leazer says he's now leaaning the boys may ave been goiigg around the neighborrood ringing doorbells and throwingg rocks at homes. 3918 i mean it was just foolish, it was rrally unnecessary behavioo. that late at night, should've just stayed in the house you know 28 but both leazer and others who knew bbown say he wws not the kind of kid to get intootrouble. e was a member of the r-o-t-c, involved in church... and recently took uu ceandra 28:45 he was just working on his camera eye, but because he wanted to start is own business 52now his family such a smart young man could end ppdead... possibly beeause of a prank. 40:41 i want everything to get solved. i want everybody to know what happened iiwanna know what happenee 47butt bites!!!40:38 &pi just want you know like peace 41 brown's funeral is set for next saturday at 10-a-m at colonial bappist church. a viewing will be held the day &pbefore. colonial baptist church also plann to ay tribute to brown tomorrow morning ... during serrice. live outside baltimore county police headquarters, ms, fox45 news at ten. 3 violence overnight in baltimore city...... city...... a man and a woman were both shoo early this morning near ward couut and east eager treet...... ptreet......anothhr man was shot seveeal times near east 36-th street and old ork road. road.and a 20-year-old man was shot in he chest on west lexington ann gilmore streets. aayone with information should contact police. theeman accused of killing been charged. 22-year-old has sharmell thomas has been charged with second-degree murddr after police ay he shook 14-month--ld desmaree braxton. thomas first told police the toddler had a seizure and lost consciiusness, but later admitted that he shook her. doctors also found bruises on her body.... "it's haad when you hear aggreesive you know that type - of force or ssmething so helpless or small." small." thomassalready hhd an opee warrant that stemmed from a dommstic violence ccse back in april involving the child's mother. a fire broke out early this morniig in west baltimore. it north carlton crees did report dangerous roof conditions to the building.there werr no reported injuries. crewssare still trying to determinn the cause of the fire. we are learning more tonight abouu a group busted by a-t-f agents in north balttmore. peddral drug and weapons charges after a raid n thursday.according to court -d killing an undercover a---f agent and taking his share of the spoils from a police planned robbery of a fake drug stash house.but a-t-ffagents and baltimore city police &pcoomit that robbery.. and d possible murder.federal agents haddthe mmn undee iivestigation for about a month.the undercover operation became public in thursday'ss shooting. heard booms.. i thought ittwas actually from the innnr harbor cause the neighbor was talking abouu the sailabration tten the swats..." coold juss see - swatts.." the suspecttshot in the aid is in the hospitaa... doctors say he'll beeo-k. meantime... the other uspects &pfor bail hearings. hundreds offthousands are to celebrate the marylann war - off1812..... its a family friendly sail-a-bration thaa you don't want to miss.. miss.. (show the flag)(nats of the star spangled banner) fort mchenry......(nats of star spangled banner)the birth place of the star spangled year's sailabration....... (15:26)celebrating the 200th anniversary of the war of 1812 which america foughttagainst the british and america was a history lesson for some......(19928) its the reinactmenn of 1812 like my grandparents said...... and a daa of duty for others......(16:12)itssso children today about where people came from and the sacrifices of the mann many peopleewho gave their lives so we could be free...... thousands came see &pthe iiternational paraae of mooe than 40 tall shipp and naval vessels.....(13::4)this is probably one of the most incredible gatherings ever out and the reathtaking air show throughoot the day.....(16:34) (cover this)beautiful day patiotic citizens in baltimore......(show he some missed the days events le .....and enjoyed a nap with a nice cool many others.........took home mememories that will last a lifetime.......(14:26)it says that its important its aircraft from show......then n &pthe fllg)..... these are just a few of the photos sent to s today from the sail-a-bration.thee blue angels definitely one of the more popular attractions to. today...scott haggard sent in these great shots of the planes flying over ft. mchenrr. mchenry.anooher great shot boy clearly enjjying the shhww the blue angels are puuting on. flying overhead....this angels picture seet in by heather. heather.check out this one from frank neukam... taken festivities..... .the ships were another big draw.... over 40 tall ships iito the inner harbor. if you see news. áásee itáá... shoot it send it. ááuploadáá photos and videos to foxbaatimore dot com . ááclickáá on the see itt shoot it send it icon. ááoráá... send photos from your cell to "pics t foxbalttmore dot com." many churchee came out today to support marriage equality just minutes before thh annual unitarian church of baltimore to support the actions of the protect religioos liberty and legaaize same-sex marriage. 3"drumminn" "drumming" hundreds of people joinnd in for the á20-12 pride paradee that kicked off in mount vernon. parade goers got a chance to ride the 12-person ááharm city pedal bikeá. while enjoying dooens of floats, pars, and treet performances. "the people that are here the crowd the support itss absolutelyyamazing the energy is great we haven't started -& really cool and really gooo to be here." here."the pprade alss held a ááhgh heelá race to see who could run the fastest in a pair of stilettos. in an election-year policy chaage, the obama administration said friday it illegal immigrants wwo entered the u-s as children if theyy meet certain requiremeets. congressional reaction to the news was swift, and occasionally, harsh.athena jones repprts. reports. 3(nats)senate minority eader pitch mcconnelllrefused to answwr shouted questions about the obamm administration's new but the reaction frommotthe congressional republicans was strong.texas congressman lamar smith - hairman oo thh house judiciary committee -- calls phe movv aa "amnnstt" that would encourage fraud and illegal activityi think the american people are getting tirrd of this president piiking and choosing wwat laws to enforce. that's not the democratic way. aybe you can do that in a dictatorship, maybe you can do that in united states. some members took o twitter -- senator ccrolina, tweeting... uth - hard work of fixing an the numeeous fronts." republicans say the presiient is bypassing congress, which as repeatedly failed to pass ream act peggslation that would give young uudocumented immigraats &pillegally by tteir parents -- a path to citizznship if they meanwhile democrats -- like dream act co-sponsor senator pick durbin -- areeapplauding the adminiitration's move.i believe that this is an important step forward.. republicans incluudng itt romney say... they want measures before they will ever consider changes in immigration laws. it was a day filled with nuns and bike riders..and it was all done to support he elderlly over 60-bikers joined tte ffr their annual rock, roll and ride fundraiser..the evvnt helps raise money to replace worn out everyday items the years fstival focused on replacing worn out chairs, "the homm itsslf nneddd a lot of upgradinngum we weecome various kinds of help and support and the bbkers were good enough to pitch in aad help us raise some money."&mone 25-million dollars...but they there. 3 &p and frightening moment at an air show.a plane crashes to the ground.tte initial cause is cominn up. and preeident obama'ss &pclaim that the priiate sector is doing finn has ome people pn baltimore saying... say what?!?! 3 3 last week president obama made headlines when he attempted to summarize just how tte private sector is doing during these tough economic times. &pttmes."the private sector's doing ffne." fine."those five words gave republican nominee mitt rrmney all the ammunition he needed &ppresidentt.. using economic - statistics and unemployment s the private sector doing fine?that has jeff abell asking... say what? common sense says 9-1-- calls should be ussd for sandwich ooder? so why did one- rooher mclennon placed a phone arrived to pick uppthe food he because he saysseven though he wanted extra cheese and mayo, he requested less meat. pompany's phonn so that he the could caal policc. opprator says: "you're calllng 9-1-1 beccuss you &pdon't like the way thatt they're mmking your sandwich?" (covered by ggrphic)caller says: "exactly." (covered by graphic)operator says: "then don't buy it!" (covered by grap) graphic)well at least the 9- 1-1 operator had sooe common sense. she diddsend police who told mclennon to do the same thing....just dont buy it. he walked hhs way into pisttry...and we wereealive to sse it. you're watchhng darr devil nik wallendaaas he walked across successfully complete the -fea 18-hundred feet across the iconnc landmark that stands 2-hundred feet in the ir. and wire. it took him aboot 26 see him ttere sprinting o the finish line. walldena is a 7-th generation are devvl. a beautiful way to start the weekend.and a beautiful night pireworks... fireworks lit up the skies over thh inner harbor....elighting the thousands that havv come out thissweekend.putting a capper on thheddys star-spangled sail-a-bration events. gracey has more on this gorgeous weather... emily. emily.., 3 prince passess way leaving the country wwth a very big problem. 3 company commanner says you got a terrible miision and some oo you won'ttmake it back." back."a top secrrt miision that was hidden for decades ffom the the ripcord association is working to bring recognition for neglected merican heroes. a non-descript envelope 3 started a journey for us at pox 45 it contained a simple letter from the llvinn wife of pn american a cover story encore we feature this marvelous group of brothers who call themselves the "ripcord association"... jjff barnd has tonight's covvr stooy....we who stand alone togá together.á 3 3 friday nighta members of the 101st airborne division re-unita re-unitea& 3together againa againaa& 3 3 3 3 there's a lot of comraderie and lauuhter hereaas old families catch-up ith each other at an annual evvnt ripcord associationa "the gathering"a&they're preearing for whats cominn on saturdaya& a vietnam memorial to honor their friends ho gave ears ago.. 3 3 - this is what remains of the u-s forces who fought in the wara among the bloodiest and leaat knownnhistorya the ripcord 3 1970... the vietnam warr exhausts americans on the sahna& hamberger hilla bring more baddnewsa& severely divides a nation it's president (nixon?)a anddlays áallá the horrors of war aa the feet of u-s troopp a& fighting a foomadibllefoe a& a half a world awaya ///sot/// ///vo/// the 101st was ordered to taae ripcord ill ááeepááinto ememy territorya& a jungle &pvalleya& from there, thh 101st could pour fire ddwn n the ho che mehn trrila&& supply lines, and dessroy ememy supply bases in the was ordered to hold that &pgrounna& at all ccstsa ///nat/// or/// sst/// freddie//////vo///freddie "point man" in that battlea& leading fellowwgrunts inno the busha& often aking first contact with the enemya& the average life-expeetaacy for a "point-man" in battlea pressdent nnxon kept the bombing of neighboring cambooia and laos hiddee, which meant the battle f riicord was strictly cooerta practically no-one kkew that these men were under constant forcesa& by vastly superior for& ///vo// march thru july 1970, the 101st airborne is oottumbered 6--to--1... surrounded by nearly 30-- thoussnd north vietnamese troops.. who clearly see the importance of getting the americans off this battle &pscarred mountain--topa brutal fightinga 248-us s of &psoldiers from the 1011t lie deada scores woundeea others missinga ripcord is quickly abandoneda& 3 33 3 many heroes of the 101st airborne who survived the quaggire of ripcord 42 years ago chose o cooe to the &pvietnam memorial together as group. ssmm never even considered making he trip alonea they couldn'ta& in their teens and 20's they fought for each othera now maay of these into heir 60's are repeating historya fighting for eacc otherr with a love that is incommrehenssble to most meric& 3 surrounded bb áthiiá familya& in áthisá season of &phis lifea& joe baggett's ready to face old demonsa& and re--unite with friends adorning this wall, for the fiist timeaa& timea& 3-- 3 after the screaminn eagles abandoned everything was left to aar force ombs raining down hellfire from the sky. sky.. ripcord was the last &pmajor ground battleeof vietna. vietnam. helicopters taking refugees from the roof top in saigon/// the war ould last another agonizing 5 more yearsa and cost more than 58--thousand american livesa livesa the fog of it's unbelievable... these heroes havv beee leff ut in the cold for so fox 45 ááhankingá our veterans for - what they do abroad nd here at home. can leaan about the battle of ripcord...why it was coveeed up and learn more about these ammrican heroes.go to fox baltimore dot com... click on newslinks. 3 some developing news tonight out of the inner harbor.a baltimore city police officer is taken to tte hospital after he as tasered by a fellow &pofficer.both offiiers were responding tooa call at the renaissance hotellthe offiier ssffered minor non-life threatening injures. a horrific plane crash in idaho. what happeeeddthat made the pllne spiral out of control. affer sooe baa eccnomic news... both candidates hit the campaign trail. 3 guys, i'm home! sara lee one hundred percent whole wheat bread. with thirteen grams of whole grain in every slice, and delicious taste in every last bite. sara lee. so good, it's gone. 3 3 3 ffx45 skywatch weather ii noo at our fingerti. fingertips. ffxbbltimore dot com. you can use fox45's powerful doppler radar to tracc coming storms. the interaative tools et you see xactly when rain or snow wiil be over your house. go to foxbaltimore dot com slash i-radar. 3 saudiiarabia's hard-line crown prince has died.the royal court announcing his death but not the cause.he was believed to ave suffered from heart troubles.prince nayyff crackdownnon al-qaeda in thh country following the september eleventh attacks. he's the second crown prince to die in the last seven months.theemooarchy now as no a ccash t annidaho air ssow providee for some scary poments, but only minor injuriee. the stunt plane appeared at the legacy air show in rexburg. power and went into series st of rolls, bbfore crashing on a only one in the plane ... aad no one on the ground was hurt. local fficials are now investigating. both presidential candidates are aware the electionnwill most likely turn on the &peconomy.president obama and mitt romney were on the campaign trail this week, both touting their economic ideas to put thh country back to work.peter barnes from the fox business network as this report. it was a buckeye battle over the ecooomy and small business. tte resident was inn clevellnd ohio hoping to jump after some recent bad news on theeeconomy, with ssower the risks from europe and the washington.obbma says, "i've cut axes for small bbsinesses eighteen times. i have approved fewer regulations in the first three years of my presidency than my republican preeecessor did in is. and i'm implementing over five- hundred eforms to fix regulattons that were costing folks too much for no reason." aides billed the remarks as he prrsiient's fiist economic speech of the general battleggound state. but the president offered no new economic proposals, just a repeat of previous ones such assmore government spendinggon infrastructure, energy and education. in economic reeovery, not a speeeh- employers or big eeployers that you know in your know that run a retail tore or a small manufactuuer and say did pressdent obama's policies help put people back lees likely for you to hire ppoppe?? remember that no republican has ever won the white house wittout ohio. polls show the president and romney neck and neck here. that's it for this edition off the small business report. peter arnes, fox bussness network. he holds the guinness orlld record forrthe heaviest living athlete on the planett but seemed to be is greatest challlnge yet. american amateur sumo wrestler ámanny yarbroughá stands 6 foot 7 and weighs 700 poundd. but despite his size, he ays he hha traveled throughout the years on airplanes just fine... &pmaking special arrangements ahead of time with airlines and even buying extra seats. but thanks to delta airlines "armress rule" yarbough was force to cancel a gig he had in italy. 3&"i coulddsee ii i just tried to get on with one seat then they'd have an argument. but seets paid for." for." the ruleestates hat thh armrests on each side of a seaa must be commortably lowered to hold a passenger, and if ot, additional seats must be purchasee.but its up to theedepartment of transportatiin to decide if there wws any discrimination in yarbrough's case. after three yyars of close exaaination a baltiiore judde finally deccded that maryland was prooessing nearly all of &pits food stamp applications o time. theedecision comes after a of ailing to timely process at applications for food sttmps, cash ssistance and medical assistance for families. human resources says the state has been processing at leastt 6 percent of the applications onn time.but advocaaes who brought the case are now wwrried that without the pressure of the lawsuit, the state wont keep measures in place to ensure permaaent progress. &p3 theef-d-a makes some changes when it comes to birth control. what they're backktracking on. 113-116"it's different, its not a maan stream sport like pasketball or baseballl... baseball..." it's a sport that'sscatching a frederick teen has become an internet sensation. the f-d-a is chaaging its consumer guidd to birth control. is now deleting contraception... the morning pfter pill and the copper i-u-d... stop an egg from implanting in the womb after fertilization.the f-d-a sayinn earlier this week hat the copper i-u-d -- quote -- "changes the lining of the uterus, making it harder for an egg to attach".but now the copppe i-u-d is no looger listed in the guide at all.the changes are significant because a number oo religious, groups view contraceptives that prevenn iiplantation as the equivalent of an abortion. more than 15-percent of new children.but according tooone ptudyy.. human breast milk may be linked to blockingá the using miceethat have fully ed - systems. they found that mice did not beeome infected when given theeh-i-v virus in whole breast milk from women without the virus. the studd suggestss that ittmay be possible to isolate compounds in breast milk that destroy h-i-v.those compounds would then be ussd to fight the virus that causes aids. with summer just around the corner many teens might find 444percent of teens who want summer jobs can't get ttem. this is the lowest itssbeen sincc world war two.many jjbb that would typically be taken by teenn are nnw filled by adults or immigrants looking to get whatever job they can "i'm out here to raise money for my college funds soowhen i praduate high school i can go on and build on my education." education."the u-s buueau off llbor statistics also say low job rates for teens coulddbe by choicee..many teens are sppnding their summer n band activities that involve college. it ooks likk gymmastics and called "parkour".the creative - and sometimes dangerous even the u-s military is starting to train its troops to do it.joee dd smith has the story of a teenager in frederiik who's become ooe of áparkoursá internne stars. stars. its funny... when he's sitttng down... he seems so normal. 29044 i play on a regular &pbaseball team.. and just have a regular life so far i hope. but maciah thooas doesn't sit down very often.... and he's far from normal maciah, a is a parkour expert. also caaled free rrnning, parkour is the method of moving from unique and aahletic way.8:26 whennmost of us see come tt a playgrrund, what do we see? maciah. he's kind f seeing things rom a whhle diff. persppctive. 3043 most ppl see a place they can jump around and stuff, not a place they have a passion for, and justt just see a place where i can - explore y pasion for parkor and free runninn, / a place to start my career i guess.a career? that's right, he wants to be a sttnt-man, or sponssreddambassador of tte sport, ann he's alreadyyfound a way to get paid for what he lovee to a quarrer millioo hhts, this clip as already paid off to the tune almost does it again with our one of maciah'' tricks online 26:18 it's diiferent, its not a main streaa sport like basketball or baseball, 2812 you feel you an accomplish anything, its just youuknow you can do this trick most feel like you've acccmplishee something most pl caa't. his father scott, wasn't always this caam when watching his 5412, i was a little uppet at first. but he kept telliig us about his new sport he was into. and a year later... he's sold. 5431 i've always tried to encourage the gifts leeson. he just watches r a - thiss 2703 its more dangerous if you're scared off it. rather than being comfortable and doing your pest t it, most of the fear makks it dangerous.maciah he's always thinking about tte - nexttbig thiin. maybe dad will be on itttoo?5449 no, but i do think about him dding &pitand i'll live my life through him. in north 45 new at tee. 3 jason hammel flirts with a no-hitter in atlanta...sse if the o's staater held the braves in sports unnimited... an at a baseball game lass night will remember the datt ffr the rest of her life.the double- surprise she got....coming up. the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. a fan at detroit tigers baseball ame had the nighttof nnght.first her boyfriend surprises hee when he gets on bended knee and asks her to marry him...and she accepts and would get the ring put on her fingee.tten later in the gamee. one of the players fouls off a ball... her fiance' misses it...but guess who ends up with the souvenir. what a day for her! 3 3 3 thanks for joining us ttnight.....happy ffther's ay lets go to morgan adsit with tonight's sportssunlimitee..... unlimited..... coming up tonight on sports unl. unlimited... no-hitters have become trend in baseball this year...find outtif jasonnhammel is the latest pitcher to keep a team hitless....tiger wwods was the co-leader after 2 days at the u-s open...where he is after the 3rd round.....and i gg 1-on-1 with ravens runningg back anthony he's handding the load with ray rice out of minicamp...sports unlimited starts right now... it's the best division in baseball...a-l east... o's two games behind new york for thh battle tested...inttrleague ppay with the best ddvvsion in thh n--...atlanta f the game two of the series tonight... jason hammel.... hhs best career .then hammel gett his down onnstrikes...hammel no hits through of the 4th...beachy walks chris davis with 2 outs...least of atlantaas concerns...beachy calls for the training sttaf... right arm....after 2 more

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