gilberr.mayor stephanie baltimore's most powerful and - prestiggous citizens to a panel designated tt find the citt's next police commissioner.fred bealefeld is retiring august first...the mayor revvalee etails about the search team today whille she was making the rounds at hampden's 'hon fest' . 3 (mayor)"i've talked to thhm ive given them information about our strategy and how we were able to reach historic lows when it comes to viooent crime.. aad i wwnt to make sure we find someone who ii going to be aale to carry that strategy forward." the ppesident of joons hopkins university and the deannof thh university of maryland school of law will help pick balttmore's next police commissioner.there are alss almost a dozen other people from the criminal justice and law enforcement community that wwll have a say in the seleccion.kkthleen cairns joins us now... with more detaals oo the agenda the mayor has set forth for the newwy appointed panel... kathleen... much of the panel's wook will happen here at city hall over the next several weeks. the mayor says shh wants the panel to find someone who will help reduce crime by focusing on repeat ffenders and illegal guns.. 3 people eejoyed a sunny sundayy in baltimore... while the mayor focuued on crime. sse has choosen a panel to find potential candidates for police commissioner. attorney ken thommsonn who was part of the mayors transition team.... and her cheif oo staff alexander sanchez, are the panel cc-chairs. nnarly a dozen other high profile community members ill round out tte anel. at lexinggon market... -scratch priting- we asked people what topics they would llke the panellto focus on -scratch police commissioner candidates: etc)"crimee. (reading list))robberies.."(readinn list)"druus"(girllin two shot)"drugs in theecommunity cause it effect young people the children"(guy with plasses)"this is whaa they pith the politics they gotta - deal with theepeople"(man in two shot)"i think he should focus on heesafety of the glasses)"they need to focus more on the ctual communitt in thh city"(john vaughan)"thh new comm need to focus on is the murders.. the angs"john vaughan own son... ..quintin... waa found murdered...neaa windsor miil elementary school a few weeks ago. (voice only over crime scene)"i cant describe the pain i feel.."(cllse n john vaughann"i think they gotta focus on the urders.. and stop worrying about something they can win..ya know" the new advisory panel will up with a listtof fiialists also indicated she wwnts the caadidates to be wwll vvrsed in using smartttechnology to combat outside ity hhll kc fox 45 news at 100 thank you kathleen. commissioner bealefeld will months.on thursday, oy lepola got a chance tooride along pith him, on his last week of pattolling the city. he had lot to say abbut his expectations for tte new "top cop" and some blunt advice for next. "i wouldn't put soomuch stock on trying to dance around and being politicclly correct cause that's not what the people n this town expect. they just want you to be honest be straight." straight.""its incumbent upon and do your jb." job."the commissionerrsays he's choosing to retire so thatthe can sspnd more time with his family. a piiesville woman is under arrest tonight.. chargeddwith kiddapping a baby. baby. 20-year-old ákendra nicole goughá also faces charges of abduction, and possessing a onceaaed weapon. gough was visiting a friend in pikesville, wwen an argument guardian of a 10-month old boy and the boy's biological mother.during the argument,, police say gough took the arrested her a short time later.and they fouud a backpack with baby cllthing, baby food and a knife inside. detectives in prince george's county are still searching for three ccrjackers that they believe carjacked three motoristssall within a half of the attacks was caught on a store's surveillancc camera. a woman was in the drive through of the "hangar club" around 11:30 last sunday night.... when the suspects you see here armed with guns approach the caa rom both sides.they demanded hat the woman get out of the car and they sttrted banning on the windoo. but the wooan was ablee "this is very incredibbe that we have tree ssspects attemptiig to commit three carjackings in a short perrod pf timm nd we waat tooget them off the street before someone gett seriously injured. " "just minutes before that carjacking the suspects stole a toyota camry and thee tried to sseal a jeep libbrty. investigators are hoping that anyone who can identiiy the men in the video will call prince george's ounty police. the mayor says she expects her proposaa to increase the &pcity's bottle tax will be approved tomorrow.a majooity of city council members will have to vote to increase the tax by three cents.janice park tells us, consumers in highlanntownnsay for themm the few cents will add up to biggpr. proolems. at santoni's in highlandtown, they're not shy about expressing theer distaste for the bottll tax: tax:"i will be upset if i have to pay a higher percentage to enjoy some strawberry fanta" tomorrow the city council will utilize a rrrely used move. where they'll vote on the &pbottleetax out of committee. if approved, the bottle tax would go from 2 5. pennies he mayor'' office says will eventually generate 10 miilion help pay for much needed repairs at city schools in ddre shape.and to fund school construction for years to ccme: come:"we have a plan that would infuse over a hundred spending of schools over a hundred and forty percent you know its a real plan, its the only plan that puts that much money on the table and i have confidence that the council forrarr.""definately find money rom sommwhere else, tax phe rich people, instead their of tte bottle tax that it hits the everday hardest:and small t::- troy harriio: harrison:who say a few cents...will add p to major dollars...most can't afford to parr with: cenns a year, that adds 3 - up it's a couppe hundred park...fox45 news at ten. council presiddnt jack young, seems to be on the ffnce when it comes to the bottle tax. in the past he has supported it. reserves the righttto change his mind.if approved, the bottle tax will go into effect jull 2013. thhee ormer episcopal riests in baltimoree made history this weekend. weekknd.they were ordained as roman catholic priests, by archbishop william lori.the priests állftá theeepiscopal church, in part because the sex marriage, and the rtsssame - ordinatioo of gay men andd women.the three priests are among 30 priests nationwide being ordained in tte roman catholic church, because it's more in line with their beliefs.the ordinations were made ossible by the pope, and exceptions are being made to allow some of the ppiests who are married. before you could win big at the new maryland live casino.... first, you had to gettthere.ann with the traffic, that wasn't easy. pasy.the casino at arundel mills opened wednesday and linesswere still wrapped around the building and traffic backed up for miles yesterday.traffic and parking problems haveea lot of people saying.... "i told you so".... because that's exactly why lot of peoole were opposed to the casino, and voted against it. "when i got down to the exit it was a little bit backed up." //but to//"i saw some people that wanted to get into, that wanted to get into the mall and they were crossing threee lanes of trrfffc and blocking traffic to try and get accoss so they coold get into the first entrance." entrance."some of the parking concerrs may be addressed soon when the casino opens a second parking garage. a cemetery is supposed to be a sacred place. but one grandmother wants to bring attention to what she says are unacceppable conditions of graves at loudon park cemetery. relatives buriid here.dennis day weekend, dozens of fallen tombstones, whiskey bottles...and sloppy digging near her family's fiial resting places.dennis says she'ssspeaking up just not for her family eebers...but for oohers who no longer have ffmmly members to speak up for them. 1129:38 - 1:19:54"i would like to sse them do a better upkeep on the older side. at last repair the headstooes if possibbe and just coostantly have omebody go throogh here out on this section of the ceme" cemetery had tried to fix -3 problems, but she belieees more needs to be donn. and there was a lot of sun... and heat...putting us in the 90's this weekend.'s chief meteorologist vytas reid to lee us know how long the heat &pis going to stay with us.vyta? 3 two foomer auburn university football players are shot and killed...... current player is wounddddwhat started the leads. saying about their --3 and a story of inspiration and overcoming hardships...a man with no arms and no legs... taking part in the chesapeake bay swim.his story.. coming up. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. pragedy at aubbrn niversity in alabama.a shooting at a pool party late last night leaves thrre dead, and three woundee....and three of the vvctims have ties to the university's renowned footballl. program. police are on the hunt for this man.... ádesmonte leonardá....he is a suspect in theeshooting at an offfcampus apartment complex several men were seen fighting over a woman. auburn offensive ineman eric was shot, ut was released - from the hospital this afternoon.former players edward chrissian in thh mmddle.... and ladarious phillips on the right..... were shot and killed.demario pitts, whose picture is not shown ere was also killed.two more people were injured in to survive. but are expected "we are currently in an active manhunt in montgomery, alabama with the u.s. marshals, and montgomery police department and auburn police eteccives actively seerching for him toda" today."police say ttey ádoá &phaae a motive for the releasing that information. leonard faces three counts of capital murder. backlash after friday'' g positive comments on thh economy.his republican opponent, mitt romney, firing back with new campaign news correspondent peter doocy has the story. president obama said the aater- private sector is ádoing fineá the ecooomy is not finn because too many peopleeare market is still weak. but that wasn't ennugh to stop this new ad from the romnee campaign." ((romney ad)) i have to work part time in order to make ends meet. sometimes i feel liie i'm a failure. the private sector is doing fine. the private ssctor is doing fine. the priiate sector is doing fine. text: no, mr president we are not doing fine..n friday, mitt romney reacted to the president's election. anddsaid the messsge of wisconsin is thaa it's time to ácut backá on government. but obama camppign senior strategist romney is llving on another planet if hh thinks that will strengthen the economy. axellod says: "his stttement was we don't need any more teachers, we don't need any more firefighters or police. the president is out of touch. pout of touch? we have lost 250,000 eachers in the last 27 -- ouple of years. every community in the countrr is feeling it. "and while wisconsin's governor thinks romney is árightá, one former governor does not. walker says: "romney has a shot if he shows americans he can take onn reforms.rendell says: "ask any resident of any city in enough police, ask the police chief. they're cutting police and they'rr endangering safety on the streetsdoocy says: "in an e-mail blast about axelrod's appearance this ryan williams wrote that nn - axelrod struggled and added áquoteá when your own chief commentt, it indicates that your assessment of the economy might be wrong. in washington, peter doocy, fox news. " only the strongest swimmers dare to ttempt it.the great chesapeake bay swim is one of the countryys premiere open- water 45's paul gessler was at the finish line &pfor an ispirational piece of. 13.57.50 "amera, let's go!" for more than 600 swimmers... swimmers... 13.58.42- "hurry up! go! yay! woo!"eaah stroke brrngs them closer to the cheers. cheers. 14.09.53 "nice swimm you're there. you'rr there." / 14.10.23-25 "ooo, good job!" / &p14.10.33-35 "nice job! -- thank you!"nearly four and a haaf miles to conquer the chesapeakk bay. bay. : 14.06.16 "the pain is over. that's the best part about it." it.".: 13.55.29 "it may look like it's a little calm back here, but in the middle of the bay, you get a little chop, especially witt a lot of boots out there."for mike doyle, this makes 25 great hesapeake bay wims complete. &pcomplete. 14.47.19 "there's other people out here with more challenges than i have." (tilt down to leg)he did it with threeelimbs. then, there's craig dietz.he's the ggy in the lue cap... ...trying to complete this for the first time.dietz has no legs.but, one giant heart. heart. "i've never been one to just sit around and do nothing. i just-- i like to push myselff" "inspiration. absolutely is." craig finished ahead of four-limbed friends. friinds. &pgallon.": 14.06.500""hat's ga- just a testament to someone's able to make it through that. it's just unbelievable." unbelievable."15.28.26-31 "just the currents and the distance is what makee it hard. and, the water temperature ii crazy out there."battling the elements, and innsome cases, some of the other swimmers. swimmers. "i mean, i got punchedd n the nose by aaswimmer out there. he was-- not on purpose-- just swimming by me, didn't see me and just stroked right into my face."at 38, dietz calls this his shining omentt moment. "find anotherrway to challenge yourself. there's different ptrrkes for differenn folks, but find some way tooget out there and challenge yourself." in stevensville, paal gessler, fox45 news at 10. dietz swims on his, while it as a great day for a swim, he said he had hoped it'd be a little more overcast. 3 protecting your browsing history... google and may not matter. 33 [ male announcer ] one taste of the new mccafé cherry berry chiller at mcdonald's, and you won't be able to pull yourself away. made with 100% fruit juice with natural flavors, blended with ice. the simple joy of keepin' it cool. 3 it was a weekend filled with leopard prints, beehives and honfest wrapped up in hampden t. today."its just aboutthaving fun being girls and bbing a hun for the day." cafe hon ownee denise whiting has ccnducted thh estival that featured vendors, and of course the "best hon" contest.the small ompetiiion cafe hon tradition has grrwn into a celebration emmraced by the ity and beyond. "it started out as the paltimore's best hun contest in front of cafe hun 19 years ago and it has groww into this amazingly gigantic festival were people come from all over."//but to//"and we're just sharing the love hun." - hun."and if you missed it this year..... you'll just have to wait for honfess to roll arrund again next june. 3 facebook is throwing a challenge toward apple and google...we'll ttll you what you can now do on the social networking website. 21-25"itt the first one ever and it really is the biggest career." their mothers must be so proud.....the rude bodily fuuction.....that akes up this competition. pver 750 ppople race to cross the finish line-- all in the fight against breast cancer. our very own brandi proctor--- breast cancer two years ago--- emceed the red deviis 10-th annual 5-k run and walk today at goucher college. the organization was founded by the families oo two women who suffered from breast cancer. improve the quality of lifee for patients and faailies living with the disease. "well we're a state wide agency so we provide support services, that is transportation of treatment, meals nd groceries house cleaning to anyone in the sttte of maryland who hass breast cancer andditt available to them free of charge." the raceeraised over 110-thousand dollars today. they'veeraised about a million help from the red devils.... you can contact your local hospital.fox45 is a proud media sponsor of the event. make room.... apple, google and amazon. one more major internet player now has an app . store.the facebook app center gives users a one-stop shop por "draw something", hundreds oo other apps that - rrn on the social-media mega-site.the store lready offers about 600 apps...and, for the first time, facebook will be offering paid apps as well as free ones from the center.the center is available online and on apple's i-o-ss and google's android operating systems. help is on the way if you don't like advertisers tracking your every move on the internet.the only problem... microsoft and google can't seem to get on the same page.your web browser will soon have a ádo not tracká button..ut the sticking point is figuring outthow thee button shhuld work.miccosoft is going to make ádo not tracká the default setting in internet automatically... your data won't be will be doing the exact opposite. &panother problem... advertiser might ignore the privacy setting.there won't be any firrwall to keep them ut.... so the tracking might continue. it's a bargain hunter's dream...miles and miles of items for sale t a four-mile long rummage sale in minnesota. minnesota.people lined up to look at items at the 31st annual park point rummage sale in duluth.many who turnee out to sell items say each year the sale seems to attract more and more people... the cost of doing lunch with about three and a half million ! ddllars!that's how much an anonymous bidder put up foo a lunch with buffet as part of the investor's annual charity auction on e-bay.the winner with buffet at the ásmith and wollensky steakhouseá n new york.theeauction benefits the the hooeless in san francisco. - 3 p3&back-to--ack walk-offfwins... the record set by the orioles in today's come-from-behind victory...coming p on sports unlimited... we'll start this final news story of the niggt of with an pexcuse you."there's a new king... of burping. burping.29-34"big guy - llng, loud burp" burp"amazingly.. t's not that's this guy... timothy janus.... áprofessionalá in the field of pompetitive york is the stage of the world burping ccampionships.janus says he doesn't think the contest is any different than 114-128"therees no less validity to burping competitively or eating competitively than there is to running competitively and i think the u.s. here- we're ahead of the curve and we're finally starting to celebrate this things too...i just think people appreciate great athletic feats." feats." janus won 500 bucks for his 18- second long burp. 3 3 phat's alllfor the news at ten...up next ruce unninggam and morgan adsit have the dramatic finish to today's orioles gameein sports unlimited...bruce and morgan... coming up tonight on sports's bbcoming routine for the orioles...go tt extra innings... and win... win... just when it looked like the birds wereeturning into the orioles of old...the o's have won two straight series... series... 3 adaa jooes was the hero last a former oriole contributed to the o's walk-off today... today... ffr the first time in more than a year it looks like field at camden - soon we could see b-rob in an pniform... and it's a first in sprint cup this year...what joey logano accomplished at pocono...sports unlimited ptarts after this... there's been a whole lot of talk lately about internet speeds... let's shed a little light on the subject. unlike cable, verizon fios is 100% fiber-optics --