injured on the way to school. why a second grader wass till allowed tooride without a seat belt in a cab hired by baltimmre schools. schools.figgting back. back."it just makes me mad that someone would come into what this woman nd her son did to stop two intruders intruders and a oy with a potty mouth? mouth?"crazy báááá, crazy báááá (repeat)" (repeat)" what one customer thinns she heard coming from &pthe mouth offthis talking dol. 3 hello... i'm eff barnd. gilbert. aa7-year-ood child is hurt in an accident involvvng a taxi.... that was taking him to class. the child has a head injury.. and his parents are outraged... because they were never old by the school system. system. keith daniels... livv... in nootheast baltimoree.. / with... a story... you are fox.. jeff.... we're live at northern parkwaa at harford road... the accident happeeed hurt. and tonight, that pareet is speaking out on how school officials andleddthat.... and there's a newwmajor safety connern..with cabs that transport school students. 7-year-old douglas dorsey will have to miss school for a pew days.. ffr now he must learn the order of the presidents rom his home.... etc...."ááá)......a monnaa morning ccident has sidelined the second grader. (doug/fathhr) "he said, he was pretty afraid, he was, it was know..".......tte accident happened after a yellow cab, hired by baltimore city schools, picked up douglas at his home on bel air road for his ride to brehms elementary school in nnrtheast baltimore. tte cab crashed at northern parkway at harford rood. thh bby old his father how it happened.(douggfather) "there were ssme words exchanged between the cab driver and someeother driver and there pas the boom!" and now the father has learned his son pws not weaaing a seat elt. (doug/father) "i still can't beliive it. everytime i think in my head and i say wy was ab managers sayythe child was in the back seat when thee impact caused him to strike his headdagainst the partiiion.. the hard plastic shield that seperatee the backseat from theefront. paramedics rushed him to johns hopkins children's boy suffered a concussion.. schoollofficials never called parents.. a paramedic alerted the father of n been avoided if his soo had been buckled up.(doug/father) tt ut your seat belt on.. he's not going to always pemember. so, thht's what puzzled me the whole time, is that tte cab driver did not take the time to say do you have your seat belt on?" transporting over 700 chillren a day to school. cab officials lso tell in school buses.. cab passengers are not required to buckle up. meantime, we've been in contact with school officials.. but they hhve not returned our alls for a comment. live in breaking news out of northwest .'re looking at tte wreckage......after a crash between a scooter and a happened aaout 9 this evening... long liberty heights avvnue... not far from mondawmin mall.2 adults werr on the scooter.they were with life threatening ... ne word on their conditions right now....or the car ballimmre ... police... need your elp &pfighting back.../ after ...a violent... 24 hoor. hours... several;... shootings... city-wide.../ llave.... four the... latest... waa... a double murder northwest baltimore..../it.. happened... this morning... at a home.. on... pall mall road... sprinn... and... greenspring avenue...//.two.. men... wwre shot to death.../ no.. word on ssspects or motive. another man.. was killed... in a triple &pshooting... in... southeast btimore.../. itt. happened on... east lombard... near... south highland avenue... police... say... / two gunmen ...rode on bikes... openinn fire.../ the man..../ a.. second man... and a 11-year- ood boy... were both. were released.. from the hospital. anne arundel county police need yyur help fighttng back... ....fter people break into sleepinggin maryland city. city.betty anne o'neillwas one &pof those women.she says early yesterday morning......she find a cooplete stranger in as the intruder grabbed her purse... she screamed.her son heard her screams... came into her bedroom... and fought off &pintruder came in... he fought him off, too. "it just makes me mad that someone ould come into my home, take my money, and luckily not my life, nd hurt my son. it makes me angry," says bbtty anne. annee. similar home invasion happened nearby... 10 minutes information is asked to call police. fox45 has teamed up with the most opular crime mapping website on the internet. &p"spotcrimm" tracks criminal actiiity in your neiggborhood. you can allo get emails when crimes happen.sign up by going to our website... fox- paltimoreedot com...and click on "spotcrime" in the "hot the screen dozens... of... citt firefighhers... are demooed.. to... close the city's... budget shortfall.../ shortfall.../ karen parks.. live... in north baltimore../ where.../ uuion leadersssay......there ááasá to be nother way.... way.... we are talking about 150,000 dollars......that's what we'rr told is eeddd to mmintain rank of several officers.....ann union leaders say.....thht small amount should not be hard to find.......but the fire chief says.......he would if he could.....but ays at this one will lose their job.... job.... (nats of ffre trucks)a moneyy crunch.......caasiig demotions in the fire deeartment..... (23:54)(clack)we have a budget fire captains and 15 yearr.... about a capttin would be denoted to lt.....a lt woold were a driver....emt....a fireeighter things like that.....mike campbell ......union pressdent says....for his officers its means a reduction in pay of up to 7 thousand doolars a year.....(49:58)(campbell)a huge hit just ggt a phone call fromm3 of the folks reduced in rank just told me their wivessfound out they are pregnant 2 just purchased a house.......fireeighters received this letter from chief clack june first.......ho says.....his 200 million dolalr udget is lean.....(25:28)(ccack)today i &psigned a new promotion order for a new lieutenant that lt demoted to his revious rank... clack says......all of the demotions are for 2 years......t coold lass (50:30)(campbell)to be pissed off 150,000 city's budget is 3 billion he - dollars i can'' imagine they cant find 150,0000dollars.... the emotions will go intoo effect.....julyy4th.... nine jurors have been icked for the jerry sandusky sex abuse trial. leaving courtttoday.... as he faces 52 counts of child see abuse.and today there were press repoots that "victim numbee four" has turned ooer tooprosecutors "llve letters" that he says sandusky sent o said thattconnections to penn - state wouldn't be nough to kkep jurors off the panel.ann the nine chosen include a football season ticket holder, a longtiie professor and current student.the full ppnel of jurors could be seated by tomorrow. breaking news now... after ... 18--months of... voters.. in - wisconsin... streamed to the polls in a recall election attention. p thh polls have nowwclosed and . fox news now projects that scott walker hhs áwoná the ecall election. electton. the recall was spearheaded by public employee their collective bargaaning rights nd many voters say they're glad ts almost over.. pos ays: "... it's very put the divergence of our state politics to rest." restt" for all of thh star power that turned up... p to... motivate their base... on both sides of the aisle... president obama ...never made a ersonal appearance support barrett..../the pressdent's campaign... did send out... a... web ad .. to get oot the vote. as... puudiis... keep watch.../ on... the recall election... in wisconsin.../ manyy.. in maryland... wonder... about ggowing political discord... here.../. melinda... roeder explores... what recourse ...voters have... disagree with incumbents. 3 (starr with vii of general up their session this summer in annapolis... voters... were already working on petitioo drives -- a grassroots push ... to overturr the legislature's decisions on some very divvsive ssues. (bite from 5/23/2011) "this is an issue about children and fairness.""here's the debate ovvr maryland's "dream actt - designed to give in--ttte tuition discounts for illegal immigrants...(bite from 5/23/2012) "i mean we don't even have money to give to our veterans and we;ree going to giveeilllgals tuition breaks..and the controversy over a ew law allowing same-sex maariage in our state....(bite from 5/10/2012) thii s the best thing for s - children, i don't think so." (bte from 5/10/2012) "hh's don't aaways have a voice."now both issues could be resolved in a referendum on the novembbr ballot.the result of discontented voters... seeeing of wisconsin.... maryland ate elections.anderson: 04:09 "i would not want marrland to have the same kind of recall ttat recall a guy for doing his job."ddmocrat curt anderson says wisconsin governorrscott walker hasn't broken laws... just upset union leaders... withhhis plan foo pension reform.anderson: 03:55 "well i reallyy onnttsee what the governor of wiiconsin did wrong."it'ssa budget issue that's burdened marylann's economy too... mcdonough: 01:44 "the ension issue is the sleeppng giant... whatt walker did was he addressed it head on."nowwa bbg eccsion in "theedairy staae".... could set a prrcedent.... for other... states.... and some bittee political battles... melinda roeder.... fox 45 news at ten. 3 an... elected offiiial... in maryland... caa... only be... ousted... thru.. impeachment...//. we asked... should maryland votees llowed.. to recall elected.. public officia? officials? a lot... of response on this question.../// most... of you saa yes../ there áshouldd be the recall option in maryland..../ join the debate on our pacebook page tonite. a bankruptcy hearing that was scheduled for today, for former ravens running back rescheduled.the delay is resche- related to lewis submitting required financial records and meeting with court officials. lewis... who retired from the nnf-l in 2009 after ten bankruptcy in april... claiming 14-poont-fourrmillion dollars in assets aan ten-and-a-half millionndollars in debt. it happens about twiie tonight, stargazers got the treat they've been waiting for. for. the planet venus.. passed front of &pthe sun..../ jeff... abell ...ii tracking it all...// and.../ is... in theenewsroom jeff....., jeff......- iffyou missed it whiie the sun was up here in marylann, yyu can still gee a view offvenus live picture from hawaai where the sun is still shining and right earth's closest planet still moving across it. its the last in a lifetime event hat had many marylanders racing for aaglimmse of the ssn. sun. (18:34) (exterior shot venus....!" for two hours tonight, dozens of they'll never see it again. (10:01) "todaa, iijust came down here and i found this very amazing. just to sse this. its like a privilege." at the maryland science centtr, they ccossed ii ffont of tte sunn rom telescopes, it looked like a speck at the top of the screen..... (10:46)) "if you look over ou might see this littll tiny black dot...." (12:177 "black dot.....and thats venus....." (4:57) "the transit of venus happenn only twice in my lifetime ann i've had this on my caaendar since i was 11-years old....." the last time it happeeed, clouds prevented chula cooper from seeing the event.... but tonight, the clouds broke....just in time for a specatucular iiw of venus. (7:02) "i robably pould've cried i it'd stayed cloudy but...this is absolutely amazing...." phe transit of venus took abbut two hours....but thee message it leaves....could "its kinda an examppl that we're still paat of this larger cosmic system that we're just one planet going around the sun just like that little bllkc dot in the sky." (emma)"i'm gonnn give thee hugs..." hugs..." a home... ffr critically ill children... while they eaa in baltimore. the milestone the home reached......and some of the children the home helps... later on foxx5 news at ten. also ahead....hy this bus being called a he saved a bus critically injuredafter being but next...a teen... &pinstead of walking for graduation...for a crimm she victim... tried to get the right persoo behind bars... first on fox...afttr the break cloudy and cool tonight...a waamup is on the way...when the temperatures will my skywatch forecastin just 10 minutes ♪ [ male announcer ] we have more than 3,000 daily flights on southwest airlines. and that gives our customers thousands of options to fly where they want, when they want. fly nonstop service from bwi airport to greenville-spartanburg and charleston. book all of our destinations online only at book all of ouyou know...ons onubig game... that was sort of supposed to be for all of us. [ slurping ] [ male announcer ] give 'em what they love. subway! giant subs, sandwich and cookie platters. and big-time value. subway catering. order today! 11 year old... honor student ...locked up...///accused... &p of a crime,... she didn'tt commit..../she.. missed her... high school graduation.../.now..the woman... the teen... was comes forward ... - on .,..the connition... we conceal... her identity.../. anddjustice reporter jjy - pepola... has her story story first on fox tonight. 3 ((pkg)) 0:599me and my faaily watche this last nnght. this is my first time seeing this littleegirl and i've never seen this little ggrl bbffre. as 17 year old tiarra brown alked from behinn prison gates.... he woman she was accused of stabbing watched ii horror. 11:11 we felt alllthat pain all that emotion pplice had arrested the wrong person...again. the first arrest came back in may following the nightclub stabbing.1:33 i called the state's attorney myself and let themmknow before er court aasaulted me she is not the one who stabbed me then came the meesaggs on facebook.5:16 yeah we know what happened last night we did the daan thing you ggt the wrrng person huh. charges ere ropped and the case closed. the victim's family members says detectives told them to get their own arrest warrant. (could be cut) 4:42 my family meebers were outraged bcause how can i get my own warrant because i'm ssill in pome to talk to me you have peginning to the end.(maybe shorten) (stand-up))15:49 that's when family memmers took matters into their own hands and came here to district court appearrng before court commisisonnr they dropped the name tiarra &pbrown based on the taunts the had eceived n facebook they never suspeeted it was an alias ttat is until police showed up last week saying...5:43 they locked up the wrong little girl we think we locked up the wrong girl.butt bite:49 and you look at the picture.... and it's the wrong girl thatts not the little girl. by that time... the honor roll student and scholarshii recepient had spent four days behind bars held without bail. (mom yesterday) 11:25:54it was neglegence onntheir side and i think it's disgraceful that out and just charge them with something without investiggting she's a juvenile her out of her graduation rehersal out f school :06 prominent defense attorney warren brown says this case highlight'ssa major flaw in the system18:16 the &pcommissioners jobbis not to city... yet the court commisisoner has the power to decide charggs and issue aa arrest warrant.20:59 (adjusting shot) you on't have to be a genius to see that there is trouble with it. for the family of tiarra brown s well the woman sse was accusee of stabbing.... 3&c accountable.for this case of not one but two people harmed and no one taking responsiblity.9:48 i just hope and the police does thhir job. joy leeola fox 45 news at ten. 3a victim eft partially blinded by a baseball bat attack now beeieves a cannibalism suspect in another case may have been planning to eat his organs, too. too.police arrested alexander kin-ya last week and charged him with the murder of a fellow mmrgan stattestudent. investigators say kin-ya admitted to chopping up the victims body... eating his heart anddpart of his brain. now, another man has come &pforward saying kin-ya attacke &phim days earliir. 3&he claimm he was knocked unconscious with a bat and awoke to kin-ya standing over away when the attack was a ran - interrupted by two residents. campus police chargedd im withh endangerment... he was freed on bail sii days before the murder. one man... is... beeind bars... after... a major... drug bust... in northwest baltimore. 3 police... laid out... what they found... after seizing... drugs and gunss.. at a home... on... iberty road... near... weet... northernn parkway.../. ttey.. seized... 75-thousand dollars in heroin.../ 22-hundred ddllars... in cracc cocaine../ and... a--lot &pof cash.../.they.. also... found... 6-- a... bbllet proof vest... and "this is somebody thats not just selling on the corner, this is somebodyythats engaggd in a little bit igher levell of illegal activity-- nottonly is it a drug dealer, but we took a violent persoo off the s" streett" the raid... was the result... of... a jjint... investigation... / enforcementevels... of law five men... aae arrested ...after police find... a... meth lab... n... an elkridge hotel room.../.a.. caller reported ... strange &podors... at the holiday inn.. on... arsha--lee drive.../. police... found... chemicals.. .ii... the room.../ the.... was evacuated...// and.... rooms... above and eeow... the suspected... meth lab.../. police... say... the suspects... were... and... staaing in he area... for work.../. each... face... multiple a bill sponsored byymarylandd seeator barrara mikulski... designed to help even the gender gap in pay.... did not pass the senateetoday. today.all republican senators voted against the "paycheck fairness act".they said the protections are alreaay in place and it would mean more government involvement in the privaae sector. senator mikulski vowed to keep fighting for women. we've got a long way to o. i mean ttis is 2012 and you'd thiik at tiies t's 1812. buu you know in 1812 we in bbltimooe fought another revolution. and we'll fight in the bill needed 60 votes; it pnly goo 52. women earn about earned by men, according to the u-s census bureau. slots... already... bring in millions of dollarss.. into maryland..../couuties... now face... a... multi-million dollar.... problem..../aying... for their share... of... teacher pensions.../ kathleen... cairns... tells us... about one county... that wants a casino... / to... heep pay for... its new budget . problem... (nats- bells) hissory blankets downtown bel air..(nats water ttaffic)are eager tt take a chance on something new. (kevin jasper) "bring it on" rest mgr kevin jasper says a casino in harford county ould be good. (kevin jasper) "more people more money more revenue, itt a good thiig" slots arr already bringing millions of dollars intoo marylann now harford co ex david craig wants in on the financial action. not only does he want slots but table games too. (david craig))"it should be everythingg n the ttble incluuing table games surrounding states will do games in the first place.. it should be equal to what they do"(cairns standup)"opponents to....." (jamesskarmel-gaming analyst) "i dont think research says gaming tables wwll add to crime s far as gaming goee.. pt cculd bring in a mmre affluent player.. you may akee more revenue" but gaming analyst james karmel warns: (karmel) "im a liitle concerned were jumping gun too &pas the pros and cons are debated state sen nancy jacobs says the real solution may not involle gambling at all. (nancy jacobs) "recklees spending in annapolis by democrats are making ounties take desperate measures and shift costs bbrne by thh state to the counties." (county shifted costs to us... schhol exeeutive hopes voters here will be able to vote on or nott in harford co kc fox 45 news at 10 meantime.. / 'maryland live'.../ the... new casino.. at... arundel mills... mall... opens at ten pm... ttmorrow... to the public. 3 a c-i-a drone strike has killee al qaeda's number two ma. man.abu- yahya - al-libi, the public face of the terror network... has been on the top of america's list of taagets for years. years. drones over outtanother terrorist hiding took over as second in command bin laden lasttyear. the white house says the strike took out al aeda's last remaining opeeational leader. 25 he served as al qaeda's general manager o al qaeea's regional 337 37 monddy's decapitation strike was the third deaaly &pdronn attack in the last thre days. and the 21st strike pnside pakkstan this year. a bit cooler today 3 but till no complaints 3&here's vytas 3 3 a bus... careening out of &pcontrol...hoo the drivee avoided hitting 10 minutes on fox45 news at ten (emma's mom)"it's amazing to have a place ike this to be to" chhldren... and their families. the milesttne the home hit... right now...after the break it... do you see it ? there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is. [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. with more choices and fewer calories, wass.. 30 years ago this month ... hen... a... speeial... 'hotel' of downtown...//ts doors... downtown...// noow.. three pecades later... it's residentssare still only pay a &pfew dollars forra night's stay.... they also get &phomecookee meals.. and volunteers eager to help them. p kathleen cairns has more on phe ronald mcdonald house in baltimore. in downtoon balttmore... (reading dr suess)"we can have lots f good fun.. that is funny... fivv yeer old emma is from california, but has been living at the ronald mcdonald house.. for 10 months. low angle)"ii i o..."(emmas birth defect a bladderextrophee.."the facility opened in 1982... t now has 35 rooms.. for families with children who are faccng critical illnesses.. and seekiig expert medical attention here in baltimore.. for many families: the alttrnaaive: a hhtell s not an option. (emmas mom)"oh yea just rediculously expensive afforded a place ike that.. (reading dr suess)"have no ffar said the cat... (emma's ppace like this to be able to come to" (reading dr suess)"it is fun to have fun..." emma hasn't seen her siblings for months... (mom)"her eyes would lighh up when wed get them on skype and shes be so much better." emma is eager to get home(emma)"i'm gonna give them hugs..."(emma's mom)"we just ffund out yesterday we'll e here another 3 weeks.. we thought we'd be goingghome today at the lattst.. ----orry... ut its hard!" (dropping oof donations nats) baltimore community is very volunteeess.. help in a variety of ways... (kitchen crew)"we make everything from taco dinners.. we had a personal pizza party for one little girl who is very sick." ((eb))i have seven baskets and boxxs.." today deb harddn makes a delivery from sccool pbout the needs. ((son died)) "my ffrsttchild christopher.. was born with a heart &pdefect..." christopher was in the care of several experts in several cities... (deb)"i stayed at 3 ronald mcdonald hooses during the ccurse of his life.. he died when he was 10 and a half.. so this is ouu..mission"a mission to make it easier ffr the other children who pass through these doors... (dr)"what we hhspitals n the city of balt offer is cutttng edge care that is only available ii very few centers across the countrr.. so oming here is the right decision.. but having the family come as well is the best decision" during the past three decades... 35 thousand families have stayed t the ronald mcdonald house.. as they eek tteatment... from 45 states and 22 countrys (dad with 2 girls) "i stay here 10 month now.. "eye-shy nd lulu are five year old twins... from kuwait. lulu was born with extreme facial deformities... she says : "excuse mee family... " the only doctors willing to operate are ere in baltimore.. (dad)"for the nose and the eaa...eyes... " whiie they are grateful foo the generosity of the ronald mcdonald house.. (dad close on face) "they are liie my family... i feel here likeemy middle eastern twins (girls) havv ven picked up some typical american traits... ptwins singing-(sandyy mcdonald house) so thats what mcdonald house is bringing normalcy compassion.. and respite and joy to theirr journey even though iitis a very difficult journey"-twins sinning-happiness in the midst of what can be.. life or why this is often refered to as the house... that love built. -twins singing-in downtown balt kc fox 45 news at 10 there's a lot going on this year of the ronald mcddnald hou. house.. or more information... volunteer.../ go ... to... fox baltimore dot com.. slash ewslinks 3 3& next on fox45 news at ten... hhw this bus driver... sacriffced his save a bus load of peoole... ...and he rude word...that this ddll's mouth...after the break we've got an up close look at a bus crash near indianapolis. indianapolis.< play the whole nats under>errupted - good under> takk a look at this incredible surveilllnce can see the bus drivvr is going along when he is suddenly thrown from his seaa after hitting a bump.he clings to the steering wheel as tte bussveers.but the stairwell.forrunately, no pnd the bus driver wasn't seriously hurt.he was cited for not wearing his seatbelt. 3&we want to warn you about the disturbing nature of this video.a bus driver in hong koog is ailed as aahero tonight aftee he sacrifices his life to save a bus load of people.48-year-old wu biná suffered fatal injuries when a piece of sheet metal flew through the window.bin haddthe bravery, where-with-all and strength to still pull the bus over he died from his injuries three days laaer.24 passengers were onboard the bus at the time. 3 a... baby doll with a pottyymou? mouth?"crazy báááá, crazy báááá (repeat)" (repeat)"they're.. called the... áyou and me interactive trrplet dollsá.../ and... a houston mother ccaims ...they do much more ...than their advertised laughing,... playing... and cooing together.../rose.. pickens.. also claims they use profanity. "i just nnver paid attention to what the dolls say, they coo, they cry they say mama and dada,,and this particular day i hear "you crazy báááá." and i turned and i'm like, "toy's ár us... the store that sold the dolls... assured ppckens... the dolls are not cursing... and would never sell such toy..../and... that.. pickens is really hearrng... gibberish. 3 &p3 3 p3 & 3 3 a better way to diagnose breast a simple blood test may be 3 a simple blood when i look up into my students' faces, i see pride. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor, i'm committed to making a difference in people's lives and i am a phoenix. enroll in the program that's right for you. at chances are it depends, if you only have one device online, you get one speed, but if you have multiple devices and you're streaming video and gaming you get a different speed. verizon fios is different, it's 100% fiber optic. that means it's faster and can handle everything you do online. fios is america's fastest, most reliable internet. period. do you have the speed you need? take the speed test now at call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. take the speed test now at test may lead to better diagnosis and treatment for early-stage breast cancer. a recent study identified tumor cells in thh blood of patients with breast cancer that spread to other parts off the body. the presence of &pthese cells accurately purvival. the higher concentration of cancer tumor cells... the more accurate the test. righh noo - patients rely on the removal have unpleasant side effects. expect... to... see... fewer ads ...for junk food... during your favorite children's... pros prograas.walt disney... is... scrrpping... junk food ads... on... disney--t-v.../ radio stations... and websites.../.first lady.. ichelle obaaa... announced the plans today... to... help... unhealthy foods..../ all... products advertised on disney ..../ will now have to comply... with a new set.. of... standards.../. products .. like... capri sun drinks... pnd kraft lunchables... will longer bb hi--tech... is... creating... quite a stir.../ at... dulles international airport. airport. a life-size hologram is helping travelers get to pheir flighhs.... in tonight's word on thh web, web,carrie peirce explains why most passsngers can't wait to meet her. 3 ddlles airport has a new have a pulse... but she does have a name... meet paige.... "hello and welcomeeto wassington dulles internatiooal airport." gging througg customs has never been so entertaining. "i think it'' pneeof the most incredible &pthings i've ever seen. i travel a lot all over the world and i've never seen that before." the ictures, "i kind of did a doubbe take." curious stares "i don't know what ii is, but it's awesome." and paige. "that's outrageous." (reporter): "why?" "why? real. i thought it was you for a minute. i did. not as attractive, obviously." (reporter): "we thank you for that." "yeah.""(nats) paige is gives you a brief history - lesson about the airport... &pcoming off of an internationa flight and how to get you puickly out the door. one respond to you ... so she wont be able to answers any questions. but information may nnt be what these people are looking for...."i was looking at her eyes. i didn't listen 3sually the case." paige is part of a three-montt trial.if passengers like her, the airport says it may ut more holograms in the airport. i'm carrie peirce and thats your word on the web. outrage over the cat-copter ... the shocking way one man is honoring his dead pet... the pros and cons of store credittcards ..... which ones offer the best perks... and the pitfalls burried in the fine print. ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. with more choices and fewer calories, on my journey across america, i found new ways to tell people about saving money. this is bobby. say hello bobby. hello bobby. (laughter) hello bobby. do you know you could save hundreds on car insurance over the phone, online or at your local geico office? tell us bobby, what would you do with all those savings? hire a better ventriloquist. your lips are moving. (huge laughter erupts) hire a better ventriloquist. your lips are moving. geico®. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. after a glorious staat to the season, the orioles have been taking on water lately...losses n 10 of their last 13 games....tonight, they opened a three game et in boston looking for something that might spark a turnaround... turnaround... ...and they jumped out to an early scorr, top third..adam jones shoots the single thru the left side...endy chavez's 1-0.....very neet hitter, matt wieters strikee a blow of his ownb...a single to left that scored robert andino...2-0 orioles... ....ottomm6th...imike aviles rips the single into &pleft...ryan sweeney scoress..they'd add another in the inning and took a 4-3 lead/ 7th,,and back come the birds...they take a another...newcomer steve pearce rips ittto right...jones comes in to score...iii was 6-4... ...bottom 9, two outs, two strikes on jarrod saltalamachia rips this two run shot on top of the green monster, the first blown save of the year for jim johnson.. but the birds battle 10th, ronny paulino with the single up the middle scoring reynolds..o's win the opener 8-6 in 10.. (adlib) 3 early returns are in, and the birds are ccmpetitive in tte all star balloting...and we'll hear from the ravens' courney upshaw...that's coming up at 11:30 as sports unlimited 3 applying for a store credit card can save you plenty on a purchase. ...and offer all sorts of perks. but.. as... megan consumer reports.../ says... you... have to "shop"... carefully... to... get a... good card. 3 ((meg on cam))you browse, you decide, and when you're ready to pay you're offered a 15 dollars back right away, or free shipping. how? by applying forra store credit pard.but consumee reports money adviser says esist the urge to immeeiately say, "yes!" (sot)"some of the biggest stores like bloomingdale's, macy's, and sears charge around 25 percent interest on unpaid balances. that's about twice the average yoo'd pay with a traditional bank credit card." (v/o) carefully look over cash ack and rewards offers, too. walmarr touts one ercent cash back on all purchases. but in small type there's a big red flag. you ave to spend &p3-thousand dollars a year before you get the full ne percent cashhback.(v//)but consumer reports did find stores whose cards offer very good cash-back terms. at l-l back. theemoney comes in store coupons that you have a year to use. even bettee, target's (sot: greg daugherty)"stores t - like target and nordstrom offer a ifferent kind of plastic - debit cards. these take mooey directll from your bank account. but if you overdraw, you caa be hit with hefty fees, so they're not for everybody."(v/o)but for big purchases, do ccnsider another type of store card from &peeectronics and home stores and the home depot. these a year financiig ith no s to - innerest for big-ticket itemss howevee, ay the balance on timm or interest will be pharged retroactively.(sot: greg daugherty)"store cards can have oth good and bad effects on your credit. they'reegenerally easier to get than bank cards so they can help you build a credit history. but if you acquire too many at once, that can hurt your credit score."(v/o) bottom line, choose carefully pnd a store crrdit card can be many stores also offer credit cards that are branded american expresss master card, or isa. these allow you to get rewards forrpurccases at othhr stores, too..l-l bean's visa and costco's american express have some consumer- friendly terms that are worth checking out.megan giililand, fox45 news at ten. a controversial art prrject... how one man turnedd his dead cat into a remote controlled heliccpter. ...and coming up in just 5 minutes oo the late edition... a question of priorities...why a couple strapped gas can in a car safety ssat instead of thhir child. p3 ann taking sportsmanship to a this act of compassion on the track. çia÷ a dead cat is flying its... , a... remote controlled ...helicopter... made... out of.... p dead cat..../ cat..../ the late... cat's... owner,... dutch artist ...bart tribute... to a his &ppet... that ccased to xist../ the... cat's name was orville.../ nammd... after the wright brother...// orville... was... hit by aacar.../ so... jansen... had orville... stuffed... and... put on... a... lightweight ....asing.../ half cat... half machine...// since he was already named after a faaous aviator it became clear e just need to fly. there's a little flap here.iido think someone woull want this. it is for sale.. orville... used to lie on the doormat.. watccing pigeons. .../ with the birds... swooping down on cows...// no... dignity what- so--ver.../ wishing... he was alive... to kill his artistic dweeb... of an owner... and turn áhimá... / into... a... really umb.. man-o-copper...// 3