behind bars...while er classmates were ggaduating. graduating. speed camera ppoblems.the reasoo hree thhusand tickets are being out. june stays cool.howwlong the below average temperatures will last.and our next chance for ain in my skywatch forecas. forecast. and a grass cutting c. challenge. wwat we found out aftee putting more ttan 110 lawn mowers to the test. hello 'm jeff ,3barnd. barnd. and i'mmjennifer gilbert. a 17-yeer-old onor ssudent missessher high school graduattoo because she's arrested for attempted murder. but the teen is inncent. &pinncent. this,,, ánoá one... wants... to crime... and justice reporter joy lepola... has theestory ... you... saw... first on fox. fox. ((pkg))16:55:59 ppease show kkss at :13 itts been a troubling four days for 17 year old tiarrra rown..... bring up aadio from firrt clip aahigh school seenorr.... ho missed graduation because of a mistake maae by a court commiisioner.11:56:36 nattpop it's over now wiping away tears. in arly may a womaa cllb. and, police made an arrest.... but then family members of the victim.... went to aa ourt ccmmissionerrand dropped the nameetiarra brown. it's was then a warrant was issued. 11:27:33 so may the 6th 11:0 in the morning where was shee aslepp she's aaleep by 11 beccuse se has to gee up at 5:30 to go to school ann that week was prom week. tiarra made ii to rom.... it was a different story for ggaduation. she misssd it after police arrested her at school last thurssay during rehearsal. it was the daa beffre she wws to graduate.. (mom) 11:25:02 she'll never never get to walkkacross the l - they took all that from her catia brown.... tiarra's mother tried for days to get her daughter rellased. (standd up)13:29:52 it's here at &pcentral booking where the ig school senior has spent the first degree murder a charge dropped. prosecutors say... -3 happened they worked to get charges dismissed.(girl) 16:57:09 i missed my mom so muchbutt bite(mom) 16:59:51 i'' just happy ....outcue: going to school. aa awful ordeal.... the brown is family is happy to have behind them....17:00:16 grandmother i go throughh joyylepola fox 45 nnws at ten. late wood... from... the stabbinggvictim.../ who.. says... the arrest... was probably... because.../ sse ...ggve the court commissioner... the... wrong middle name... of the suspect. 3 sudden raii wells riverss.. forcing rescuers risk their by the rising water... sticking out and he couldn't mo" movv"but the wind takes he crushed and flipped..a omee split n half......and buildings ripped to peices... phelter......ffom the life- thrratening storms stormstonight...a new look aat lives we learn true nature of the threaa from 3friday... was... a frightening nightt. living in marylandd marylann.the dark clouds made anyone whh aw them worry... ...and now, the national weather service revvals the threats ffced in nearly every &pcounty neaa baltimoree meteorologist... vytas rrid... joons us now.../vytas... howwmany... ornadoes hit maryl? maryland? one of those "e-f-1" tornadoes ripped thrrugg harford county onnfriday. bbasting buildings apart... ...and seriously injuring one person.kathleen cairns shows ussthe amount of clean-up that still nneds to be done... 3 days after the storms. storms. (nailing top?)(wind flapping) (wider shot)"right now we have to cover ii up bbfore the daaage is worse inside.. "it'ss day three of clean up along route onee (joe mannuffi)"ddnt come out when theres a tornado but ot the holes in the ttp of it."fierce wndd ripppd (joe manruffi- fixingg roof)"ripped off aal the vents.. off the top and shingles.. thii is hh bad pere.. (points) knooked doon the sign"joe manruffi has a birds eye view offall the roof)"looo up ovvr there.." (mike hartman-walkingg"the main storm came through behind here..."(joe manruffi- fixing roof))across the street roofs are rrpped ff.."(mike hartman)"and then it came straight up here.. this was a garage.. a etaa garage..." structures reduced to rubble... (mike hartman) "and ii took that garage.. and it wrapped arounn that tree.. "------file------ 42-year-old injjued. ... "i could see hii under the wall with his hands move""when you see the wall that fell on him, it's just a miracle that god saved him" p---end of file---- (cairns)"debris like thhs..litters the neighborhood and the strrngth of the winds this shed and see how far it - was thrown off itssfoundation" (mike hartman)"the insurrnce adjuster who is familiar with tornadoes he said since you looped off.. thats the tornado at that height." (nats cleanup saws) the clean up may take weeks... even months... (nats show treee flllover moment) wiih recovery efforts &punderwwy.... people here... vow to rebuild. ((drags tree out )) in 10 &p damage innharford county thannone million dollarr... e - and in prince george's county... creww were busy reecuing three teens caught up in a life-threatening situation.the teens were caught in fast-risinn waters as thhy trred to ross thh northwest branch stream.... which as you can see... became a raging river.the wattrs carried the teens downstream to a briige .... where they were able to hold on to the suuport structure..rews created a pully system to lower a fireffghter down to for hypothermia but are trated otherwise fine tonight. of tte dangerous storms moving - through your neighborhood neighborhoodheather... from... arubutus ...sent us ...ttis picture... drrving homee. froo work ... on... you... can see.. - why... some flights... were dark clouds... reaching down... from the skies the sudden rain caused a lot of problems for piewer sent us this piiure... thh drainnsat 6-95 and securiiy boulevard... unable to handle the onslauuht of water from fridayys storms. the storm... unrooted... countless trees.../.tiffany.. sent... this shot from colummia.../a .. tree on its side.../ wrecking .. the fence neaary... / coming... to the ground ...just feet... if storms cause damage in your neighborhood... seeeit.. shoot it.. send it. you can upload ppotos and videos to our website. go to foxbaltimore dot com and click on the "see it, shoot it, send it icon. you can also send photos directly from your cell phone to "piis at foxbaltimore dot com." with... hurricane baltimore... county ooficials... will during... severe weatter. baltimore county executive... the county'' ..."eeergency notification system" ... will allow residents... tt register... and... receeve... phone recordings... or emails... about ...emergency situations.../. this... took place... at... porter's... seneca marina.../ an... area that suutained... major damage from hurricane isabbl ... in 2003. "our goal is that early notificationnoo emergency incidents is vital especially when we think rumors are um spread so quickly so weather the disaster is a hurricane, flood, or even just a water get thattaccurated information out to our citizees." ciiizees."hurricane season pasts from une 1-st through when breaking news.. / and... get... "up to the ../ 3 minutee... information.. up... for alerts . - by texting... w-b-f-f... to 45--203.../. &palso... ffid ou o download... the fox45 app... &por... android... at... foxbaltimore dot com..../ click on.. "mobile"... on the top right... of the ssreen. the man at tte center of a prutal attack on a ballimore city police officer on new yyars eve...may spend less than a year in prison. priion. in ppison......buu 9 years of that ssntence were suspended. a... man hossitalized...// after hit by... a fire truck. it... happened on... osler drive... neaa ...south auuurn street... in towson. ../ the... truck ... responded... tt the scene of a fire,.../ driver of a... mitsubishi .. car.../ tried... the truuk,.../ but... the... driver... was taken to sinai hospital.../. no... one in the fire truck... was hurt. the student reeponsible or the campus lock down lass week at u-m-b-c is charged. police charged 21-year-old [redacted] ... the person in the pink shirt in this video... ...with bringing a weapoo to school, having a hhnddun in a vehicle, malicious destructiin of property and disturbing school operations. olice say he showed the hhndgun to another student who called police. students received texttalerts parning them about a gunman on campus. &plawmakers in anne arrndel county... are pushing for a waa to make swimming pools safer... just in time for summe. drastically... reduce.. the number ...of... drownings.. &pdrowniigs.../// pelinda... roeder.. live... from the county... aquatics center... explain... nie... to it's a law designed to save of young children who come to places like this to swim in the summer... and year-round.a law -that if it passes - will serve as a permanent tribute to a family who experienced &ptragedy firsthand. firsthand. 16:01:54 "all you have to do voice instructions... make sure 911 is called now." defibrillators have proven to save lives. and ...soon - anne arunddl county swimming pooll - could be required to keep one on hand.16641:25 "there'ssnoo greater priority than saving livess.. thissis a - creaaed in partt- to honor the memory of a young boy.... connor reed was just 5 yeers old.15:58:45 "i kkow he'd be alive today had they been trained to use that device." connor's mom debbie... says thh life guards who rushed to 2006... never tried using the defibrillator on site.15:58:322 "they were not trainee to use it so the 9111call... but we're not allowed to ue it." &pher son went into cardiac hospital.since then... debbiee has tried to spreed the word about the dangers of drownnng.,...and the need for with ddfibbrillators.15:57:355 "it increases yoor urvival law" will be passed here in anne arundel countyy.. and eventually statewiie. 15:59:41 "this is his legacy. yeah." red cross now requires life guarrssto be trained on defibrillators -and- know cpr as for the freed family... ttey've begun their own foundation... to help fund the purchase of defibrillators. along with swim and safety lessons for kids. their in glen burnie... -&m at ten. maryland... has... good reason be proud todaa todaythe miss u-s-aapageant was held over the weekend... ....nd miss ámarylandá came áveryá close to winning the whole thing. thing.miss usa 2012 is rhode island..olivia kokk--whiih means youu first runnerrup is md marylandmiss hode island ddd usa... nanaameriweather... for coming innas the first runner up.she was onnthe left here. we wish her all of the beet. 3 a frightening scene... out the front window of a garbage trucka runaway street.... whht... this... truck driver... did... that saved the child's 3 people question the safety of downtown baltimore...the things someeof you say... spark this kind of our cover story... in just 15 minutes. ann i'm keith daniels.... another spped camera mistake...... onight, hy thousands of tickets will bee hrown out.. one of them could be yours. that storr, coming up.. do you see it ? there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is. [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. with more choices and fewer calories, baltimore city police need your help fighting back tooight...a weel known business owner in northeast ballimore as ffund shht to deeth today inside hhs storee store.janice park is ive at police heaaquarterss where detectives are lloking for leads in the killiig.janice? janice?jennifer,police arrived o'clock this morning...and it appears at this point to be a robbery.but michael sullivan's famill beliive this was a targeted attack...on a man known for giving baak to his communiiy. ccmmunity. 3 police and crime tape surround sully's seafood.investigators areetrying to igure out who killed 55 year old michael sull. sullivan."i told hii to stop porking so much...and he wouldn't listen"police say a customer walked into he seafood takeout and check cashing business...and founn thh well kkown business ownnr shot, in what may have been a r: robbery:"i can't express the sadness inn his whole community and the disbelief that this cculd happen in broad daylight" sully as he was known had been in business describes him as a workaholic, but someone never to busy to &phelp othees.he rented houses out to recovering addicts...and freely gave his money away to people in need. need."i'm always going to think about him, care ffr him" sullivan had no hildren, but he had to a son: son::"a lot he taught meeso much, i never had omeone ake me under their wing"sullivan grew up down the street from his businesssa businessshis family says he opened he could give back to his neigh: neighbors:"he was my rockk i'm going to miss him more than i can ever imagine" at this timee police still downtown baltimore, janice park...fox45 news at ten. a man was shot in the head in porthwest 64-year-old edmond dabney and pis ggrlfriend were walking on pimlico avenneewhen a man approached them and asked if they hhd any money. the two got intt an argumentt the sussect then pulled out a hhndgun and fired one shot in the ir.and another shot, strikkng dabneyyin the head. dabney later died at sinai hospital. the suspect ran off. a campus police report on the morgan state student accused of killing his houssmate and &peating his hearttand part of hissbrain......calls him - quote - a virginia tech waiting to happen admitted to using a knife to bonsafo agyei-kodii last wwek. the baltimore suu reports a campus police report was filed after an outburt by kinyua in the r-o-t-c instructorrcompared kinyua to the virginia tech shooter.kinyua was kicked out of the r-o-t-c proggam after that ouuburst the.. woman ...accused of providdng the kill... a... gas station... attendant... is... sentenced to life... tod. was... charged with first degree murder ... the... 20-10 hooting death... of... wiiliam porttr... at... a hess station... porter.. was.. killed... in a "murder-for- sister... of susan datta, .../ - the. woman... accused of prrviding tte gun.../ karra .. p pooter .. stands a 12th officer was sentencee - in thht towing extortion scheme. sentenced to 18 months in prison nd 3 years of ppobation for his role in the pceme.the owners of majestic towing paid officcrs to get vehicles towed to their ocasio brought his wifes car to majestic.......nd more damage increase the claim. to - baltimore county's....about to add... five more cameras../ cameras../they'll... through friday... beeween 6-- am... and... 8- ástationaryá speed cameras... to 22... in balttmore ccunty..../ speeders .. will áfirstá... get... a break...// for... 30-days... pafterá cameras.. are activated../ ,speeding driverss.. will get áwarningsá.../ raaher than... tickets.../. tickets.../.for.. a... complete liit... of speed camera locations,... go to..., fox baltimoreedot com/newslinks. irrs on ox.. tonight..../ as.. baltimore county.. concerr... over . ...accuracy... inn.. baltimore./ baltimore...// keeth daniels... says...// this... after... moreethan... 3300-- people.... get tickets.../ that'll... be... tossed out... ke. keith. jeff... we're ive on wabashh avenue at ridgewood... take a look over there.... it's a speed camera.... one of peveral on this stretch of road. and tonnght.. we've learned location means everything................a worker caughtta mistake.. told pis sspervisors.. and now the city must ppy. it can happen in a flash.....(áááquickknats up "they're ripoffs!" catch a speeding motorist....o (áááquick nats up full/freeze carááá)(man)"mossly in theee neighborhoods, they ggt'em on almost every corner, that'' the downfaal.. i don't care behavior... .......but s say &i motorists are asking at what about accuracy... theelatest incideett. more than 33 thousand people get tickets.. ttat must now be thrown out. (keeth) "city officials call it a processing errorrthat dates back to december. a situation that lasted through &ptime.. thousands of peopleego tickets for a suspected offfnse along wabash near rogers avenue..........but in fact, ttey were caught byya camera along another block of wabash near riigewooddroad. makes the 40-dollar citation null and void.. a potential &ploss to the city of more than 125-thousand dollars in traffic fines.(baanns) "while there has been no doubt that motorists caught werr speeding, wereeactually in location which mmkes the ..........officials say cameea mistakessmake up only about 1-percenttof errors in their extenssve system-wide program. still, for drivers, it ccn be a costly mistake. (man) "i think they got that.. that. but, it's not righttand it's not working right." (woman) "nobody's perfect, pobody'' erfect. we all make mistakes, some kind of way." city officials say.. if you got a icket and haven't paid yett. ignore it.. it'll be waived. ttose who have paid the fines...they say you should gee a refund check in the maii in abbut 3 weeks. live in northwest baltimore, kkith daniels, fox 45 news att ten. despite the problems with speed cameras, baltimore ciiy council president jack young money from those cameras in a new budget plan he'ssintroduced. pntroduced. oung says his plan will generate about 17 million dollars more than the mayor's would and would trim nearly five ns. - million from city agencies. " i've ideetified.... ....depend on." on." young says his plan is not a crrticism of mayor stephanie rawlings-blake's budget..he says he's just takinggher speeding plan oneestep further. jury ... selection ... starts tomorrow ... in... the trial ...of... former.. penn state footbaal sanduskythe... rrr - &ppennsylvania supreme courr .. trial.../he's... accused of... sexually abusing 10 boys.../ some.. of them... on campus.../. sandusky's.. accusers... will áhaveá to testify.... usinn their.. real names.../ reporters ...will ánotá be... use... twitter from the courtroom... during the trral george zimmerman.... back... in police custody... in sanford, fforida. his attorney,... mark o'mara... telling reporters.... that a judge... rdered his client... back to jail...//. his,... bail-- was revoked... because... cirruit judge ...kenneth zimmerman... and his wife, shellie,... ámisledá... the court ...about their finances... to... get.... lower bond....// zimmerman's... charred... in the ssooting death ...of teenn... o'mara says, "having to come out of hiding is a concern of his... but iithink he also realizes the judge's concerns." concerns."" zimmerman bond hearing... in april.../ they... had limited money.../ eeen .. though... he raised about... 140--thousand dollars... thru... a website. in the world of politics, all eyes are on wisconsin tonight,, as governor scott walker facee aarecall vott tomorrow. average of recent polls shows walker ahhad of recall challenger tom barrettt.. by almost 7 points. average was released in that - yesterday... ann shows walker up by 12 oints. points.this recall election--- &psparked by governor walker's his taking on the uniins, and election has aatracted millions of dollars from out of state...... bothhpollical parties have spent a lot of tomorrow voters will decide whether tt keep walker or fiie demmcrat tom barrett, who is - the mayor of milwaukeee (barrett)they're tired of having a governor who's more interesteddin beiig the rock star ... ttey want someone who's going to ocus on creating jobs for the iddle &pclass ..." p.."(walker)collective bargaining would only make itt budget .. what we did was make it easier to balance the the local level ... 3 &pwalkerris only he third governor in u.s. history to face a recall vote. the grand openinggof the new maaylanddlive casino is now just 48 hours away. away. tonight members offthe lotttry bureau were at arundel community anddtalk about the role the lottery will play at the nnw facility. " we have a lot to be back to the state." state." the lottery bureau says it also has a rrsponsibility to make ssre there's information availabbe on rrblem gambling and what to do about it. beauuiful weekend weekend 3&p3& 3 &p3&pheres chief meterologist v reid with the skyyatch forecast forecast 3 3 you're looking out the window oo a garbage truck...closing in on a strollerr.. withha child inside...the quick thinkiig of one truck driver ttat saved the child's life. ... 3 about safety downtown...after programs thattended... that may ontribute to the our cover story... aftee the break baltimore.. how fast is your internet? chances are it depends, if you only have one device online, you get one speed, but if you have multiple devices and you're streaming video and gaming you get a different speed. verizon fios is different, it's 100% fiber optic. that means it's faster and can handle everything you do online. fios is america's fastest, most reliable internet. period. do you have the speed you need? take the speed test now at call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. take the speed test now at relies heavily... on tourism,../. out of town.. ollars ..that drive.. the local economy &peconomy but one of the been the target of voilence. s attaaks owntown on tourists debate aaout the safett of the tonight.. we who... finally... weigh in... on the.. topic,.../ we... got... surprising answwrs.. about... what átheyá say... is the... causee.. of this... problem.. 3 357:24"we go into a sttre, and we get put out"it's question of downtown saftey, amid reports f oogoing violence that has frustraaed city officals10:52:26"this is important stuff, if we don't get public safety right. a lot the stuff weree oing is forr naught"and sparked heated debatee1:15"weve had three weeks of controversy wwile &ppeople ave been expressing thier concern about voielnce in baltinmore city" is thh cciys crown jewel, the inner harbor safe?29:31q: "is the inner harbor safe"a"yes the inner harbor is safe"a question that is vital toothe city's econnmyas tourists will reports of mobs of teens, roaming downtownm trying to provoke voilence.43:34 "anytting to get on your nerves and make you say sometting to thhm"scare people away??38:01"i fell like the earlier this month, this 7-11, was robbed and the ownee teens wearing city school ty uniforms. and an attack on thhsstoorist, who wass national hhadlines.part of the pas born and raised here"9"i what's behind the muuhh mallghned behavoir of city teens?so we asked, and their answer?too mmch attention on the mayhem, aad too little on whattthey see, as root causes oftennignored. 55:04"i think the reassn why they don't want us down here is because it is such a tourrst attraction and they think we put down there'ssnothing for us to do. "cuts to school programs and shuutered rec enters 58:54"we can't go to the recs, we can't playysports of nothing becuaae there iin't enough money out there and ttere's not enough funding"a dmiishing set off ootions for these ciiy college ssohmores who told us even their aanual balllwas cancelled becuase of tight cityyfinaaces. 58:30"like in school we don't ave the sophmore ball, becuase we don't hhve eeough money" a pack of alternatives that makes the harbor more appealing p6:59""e come down here becuaae this is our city reaaly"48:41"it'sskind of diffcult dealing ith them" this securityy gaurd at the city's juvenile booking center spoke o us off camera.49:26 "some of the parents come ddwn and the doo't care aaout them, &pthey curse at them and treat them like crapphe says bad parents and...cuts to programs that could prevent voilence makes his job early shouldn't be doing these hard job, but she should keep the rec centers open."it's a complex probolem city will take time to fix31:50 "they need some leadership and guidance fomr other audtls"and long term thinking, ays state delegate pat mcdonough 11:45 "this is a nine inning ball game"time these city college &pstudents enjoying the inner running out. 57:12"we're the future of ttis several people... we... talkee to... say... "stepped up patrols"... effect..../ they say increassd visibility of city police will ultimately make the harborrsafer. 3 later on fox45 news at ten... parents may soon confront a big quustion...concerning tteir yyung children...andd facebook.a look aa what could just 10 minutes on tonight's word on the web ...and tte quick thinking... thhttsaved the child... inside this runaway stroller...after the break 3 p--g... county woman.../ is... awakened... sunday morning --/ as... a... car crashes... into her ap. att.. 3330.. at the... "chestnut ridge".. road.../. 37.. --ear-old... michelle sa-wa... was hurt... when... tte car came flying -- into her bedroom -- / neghbors.. saaed sa--wa.../ who.... was treated for head,... neck, and back pain.../. but... before... e-mmt's came.../ she... saad... a man told her to be quiet,.... and... ánotá call authorities. "he stood there, then he pegged me, 'do nnt call the pplice.' he asked you to not call the policee yes. (cries) if god weren't with me, i should die. 3 3 a womann... told police ásheá drove the car.../ but... pplice questioned ...the alleged he... conffssed... to drivvng the car..../ charres are pending. a seattle garbage truck driver is being called hero today affer helping to rescue a baby in a runaway strrller. stroller.jeff blackburn was driving hisstruck thursday when he saw a woman jogging up a hill with a child in a woman stopped at the top--and the stroller got away from herr and staated rolling downhill. "bottom of the hill, is a busy intersection with stop ssgns, and uh, when i got to the bottom, um, i hii the brake and jumped out oo the truck and tried to rrn over there and grab t." as you sawwthere in the video, blackburn and anotter womaa were able to stop he stroller jjst fter it hit a curb. he says the little boy was just fine-- smiling and seeming to have eejoyed the ride downhill. 3 3 3 p3 3 the search of a good lawn mower...the ones eeding a wrench...before you cut your first blade of grass...llter on fox45 news at ten bbt nexx...a warninngfor parents...facebookk' plans... ffr your our word on the web...after the breaa the car on the left was filled up with low detergent gasoline. while the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. you know... ubig game... that was sort of supposed to be for all of us. [ slurping ] [ male announcer ] give 'em what they love. subway! giant subs, sandwich and cookie platters. and big-time value. subway catering. order today! gooddnews.. for those... at risk... for... heart isease.../. a.. new test... can determine... the "age"... of your arteries. its... called i--m--t test".../ it... uses sound waves... to measure the thickness... of the carotid... artery walls..../ doctors.. say... while ccecking blood pressure and cholesterol... helps.../ it... still... doesn't tell.. whats happening in the artery. "if we can look at hat's happening with the artery, how thick it is it really ives us a bettee idea what is the risk of them having a heart attack or strokee" stroke." the test... takes... a couple minutes.../. p costing... abbut... 200--dollars.../ many... insurance companies... cover it. facebook... has... over... 900---million users,.../ but... of... a nee age group -- / - chillren... under 13 &p13 as carrie peirce explains in tonights word on the web, the kids log on tt the sociil media site with the rest of &pus. 3 3 3 kids under 13 could soon have access to facebook ..... but the company is couutinggon parrnts to help keep them safee the wall street journal says facebook is looking into linking kids to tteir parent's pontrol who their hildren can 'friend' and the apps thhy use. right now, the site bans kids under 13.... but even restrictions -- millions of kids log on byylying about tteir age. one survey found &pthat allost twenty-percent of parents aid theer ten-year-olds used facebook. and by the time they reached than tripled. proponents say ggving children access to facebbok -- with parental guidance -- could teach them how to use the social network safely. common ssnse media, an advocacy group, says this is a privacy issue and facebook has no educational valuee 3 as for facebook, it says it's in a continuous dialog wiih regulators about how to keep kids safe in the changing online environment. immcarrie peirce and hats your wood on the web. and hat brings us to our question of the ay. should facebook lift ts ban on children under 13? 13? ...and here's a look at our facebook page... some of say no... / pfaaebook.. should not lift itt ban.../others.. say... the children ...are already using the social network.../..join... the discussion... y going to... facebook dot com 3lash fox-baltimore - this is oneegame where you ádon'tá want to hear someone say... "hey, get out ttere and break a legg ffnddout why one country compares the sport of ssii kicking.. to the olympics. find out what awn mowers passed the test on cutting the green and saving you green. that's all coming up next in our consumer report. after thh break traffic edge report. expect to find construction on 95 tomorrow. ooeesb lane of 95 pill be blocked aa the ttdings memorial bridge frrm 5am until 8pm..two lanes will remain opee.crews wwll be installing new bridde joints in thh area through mid july. crews ill also be installing signs on 95 in harford county. you will find the actibity on the northbound lanes near mountain road.reduue yyur 6pm. 3 i will have up to the minute &ptraffic connitions tomorrow o fox45 morning news starting at 5am.candace dold, fox45 news at ten. 3the upside of the orioles' 15 years of futility ii thh access to high picks in the annual draft...this year, they had the 4tt overall selection...and juut like they &pdii inn08 with brian matusz and last yeer with dylan bundy, they took a pitcher... pitcher... &p3 after the first three choices wwre position layers, he orioles had the pick offthe pitching itter... kevin pausman is a strikeout 115.2 innings this spring, he struck out 128 batters...think aboottthat..he that, d think about this: watch his orm...kindd reminds you of jim palmer, doesn't he?gossman s coming off an 11-- season at lsu, in first rounddtonight....he the draft resumes tomorrow... here's what the o's have done with their recent first round picks...all have been topp5 selectionn since 007...matt wieters and brian matusz have already made a major impact on the big league team...manny considered 2 of the best re prospects in all of baseball... injuries early in his career... player taken by the birds in 4 years... adam jones finds out the extent of his wrist injury... and terrell suggs gives a timeeable when he hopee to return...coming up at 11-30 on the late ediiion... a survey by the natiooal americann arennt pending as much money these days...... when it comes to taking care of their lawns.and a lot more people are cutting their own gr. grass. &pif... you're looking... to save money... / there.. are plenty ...of.... inexpensive mowers for sale.../. but... explains.../ consumer reporrs... have to be careful.... with... how low.../ you go. go. ((meg on cam))looking to keep your lawn well manicured... withoot slicing through a lot of green? (natsot: mower)(v/o) consumer reports puttmore than 100 mowers thru their paces,, mowing more than 18 acres this yyar alone, aa its florida test site. testers spent six sweaty weeks --mowing, mulching, side-discharging, weighing agged clippings, and eeen getting doww on their hands and kkees to judge how was all over, consumer reports founddthe least expensive mowers didn't always make he cut.among them, this 130-dollar mower from urray. (natsot: starting mower) (v/o) it has an engine that lacks oomph, only discharges from the side - no bagging oo mulching and worse yet -- you have to assemble it yourself! (natsot: clinking parts)(soo: peter sawchuk)"and keep your wrenches change the cutting height, off each wheel. most mowers - allow you to simply do that by adjusting a lever." (natsot: click)(v/o)this 140-dollaa weed eater is anotherrone yyu have to build!and while this 240-dollar brute comes asseebled - as tte least &pexpensive, self-propelled mower tested -- its medioore performance makes it no cleaning. (sot)"if you don't - rated tto push mowers that we ((/o)they are this 195-dollar murray 11a-a23k - and this 200- dollar troy-bilt tb-110. both of these top-performers have premmum enggnes and let you easily adjust cutting height. cam)))ant to use esssmuscle - single-speed, self-propelled several good options from toro for around 300 dollars - innluding the top-rated toro 2-0-3-7-0. megan gilliland, fox45 news at ten. nevermind the olympic torch... your shins... in this sport... pext on fox45 news at ten... ...and coming up in just 5 breaking news in southeeat baattmore. where the victims of a triple shooting were and octomom's nee job...the revealing way she's going to try to support her large family. it sounds like aagame playing...but.. in the u-k .. , some consiier this event... more important ..than the games.residents ... in the english countryside.. call it...