here at sheppard pprtttfor d - emotional suffering. her worre... but sayy the t pituation should've never gotten this bad. p3 p517 i broke down crying. 18 ((cut out "it hurted..." if it awkward waa at hhme monday phone call no parrnt wants to get. 2458 she taking my because she tried to hurt herself 03 the call came from a counselor at her daaggter's sshool - samuellcoleridge taylor elementary in west? baltimore..the woman said awkward's elevennyear oldd daughher - a foorth grader at herself innclass ...because of &pbullying. 2539 she tried to rrler around her neck, becauss she keep she said people keep picking with her and she wish she was dead and all ttaa. cauue they keep saying she ugly ann hitting her stuff 51 myranda 16:15 awkward says it &pwas he actually bullies who stopped her daughter from going any further. but she classroom the entire time 23 awkward says she still hasn't hhard from the teacher about the incident.but according to theecounsellr... the two girrs ccussd of the bullying awwwwrd wants thh girls rade. - suspended. 2856 i could've lost my daughterrbecause someobody bullying my child 02 &psystem saii she was unawaae o awkward says she's filedda ng complaint with the school board - which is aso investigatingg 2904 these teachers i know y'all teach the lassrooms ut pay attention tooy'all children n that classroom! 10 butt bites!!!2914 mm daughter could've ddid right in the classrooo and and, what thh teaaher gon say then? 21 says sse's never tried to hhrt herself before. live in towson, ms, fox45 news at ten. 3 police in anne arundel countt are asking for your help are looking for 2 people... ccy.he's accused of trying to kill his ex-girlfriend... ...but he failed to show upp o his trial on tuesdaa. anne arundel county police are allo loooing forrthe man driving this pickup truck..nn sunday air the " on "new cut road" in severn.if you have information aboutt either this person... or la- jauneemm-coy...yyu are asked to call police. reccrding... onight.. / ááthatáá gives.../ a... ccilling account.../ of... a....vvolent baby...../// ááitáá a... baltimore.../ sooial.../ service... office. office. keith daniels,.../ live.../ in... east bbltimore .../ with.. .the.../ 9-1-1 call.. keith. that attack happened behind me..... unforgettable images, i'm uree. cappured by thhse who witnessed it. nd tonight.. you hear tteir voices during those frightening moments..... moments..... (ááánats up full: calls for helpááá) it began with a frantic call too 9-1-1....((áánatt up full: more calls, etcááá) ........severrl desperate calls for help.. for a own motherr a violent o - attack.. that's when social staff..jumped in to ction. (911 call) in: ""031 east biddle stteet, this sscurity, i had a lady juss stabbed her baby." out: &p"the baby got aaknife in her. ok, alright, juss stay with me.. chaos broke out inside the baltimore social services offices on east biddle just over a week ago... the alarming -1-1 recordings, just releesed.(911 call) what pprt of the body ddd she stab the baby? pthe neckk" with a social workee and her oo baby for a superrised meeting, when she became anggy and pulled out a knife that she social worker wreesled ttomas to the ground.. while others grabbd the baby.. with a knife in her necc.(911 call) "somebooy's got the baay.. we have a staff hooding the going to tell you how to sttp &pthe bbeeding. i need you to listtn carefully to make sure weedd it right." the baby's name s pretty diamondd doctors released her from johns hopkins hospital monday. her mothhr remains in jail tonight.. without bail. live n east baltimore, keith more crime cameras will be ..- focusing on the streets f baltimore city. city. mayor ssephanie rawlings-blake was helping to districttthe mayor says thh cameraa help solvv a community leadee says they do something else too. &p33 itt symbolic..... it definetly shows the aaddtonal ccntinuing support of the city of baltimaore for the ffort of the ommunity to reinvent itsel" itself." federal and state grants are paying for the new cameras..thhre re now 583 crime caaeras cross the city. here's... our phink... crrme cammras ...are pakinggthe city safer? at our faccbook page... a look comments are still coming in on this questiin...most of you don't think the camerasswill help.joinnthe discussion by going o facebook dot com slash fox-baltimore a.../ howardd county... man.../ is... in custody.../ policeesay... he threatened... a woman .../ witt... a syrinne.../ p áheá... said.../ was... tainted with aids. aids. enjamin lessing.../ in the robbeey.../ of... thh cvs pharmacy .../ áápoliceáá &psay... blessing... held the syrrnge.../ to.... pte.../ pharmacist's ccestt../, her... to open a safee../ and... got away... with.../ 27,000 &pdollars... worth of.../ prescription drugs....// áá blessingáá is... also charged ...with threateniig a woman.../ with ...a.. ssun gun.../ durrng a robbery last year. the body of a missing 22-year--ld new york man has been found in the bay in ocean . city. thh coaat guard recovered theebody of lance corey gaines earr32nd street. viiiting oceen city with hii - family. he was lst seen on april 211t about 1 a.m. at "the sandbar" on 33rd ssreet and coastal highwaa. police are waiting on utopss &p áááoliceáá... solving... cold case...../ 23 year old ...annapolis woman... / murdered in ttwson.... live... at the... location where the shooting.... ttok place..../ 3& joann leeornu was shot in this parring lot 16 years police hope.....a justicc.... thh reward for innormation peen in an escrowwaccount andd is now up to more than thirty thousand dollarr... march 2, 1996 22 year old jody llcornu was shht in the back from theerear of her car whilee she waa parked at thee drumcastle shopping ceeter on york oad....she then drove road the girat - york road plaza where she died... police say that's when annadult male followed lecornu into the york road plaza.....took unnnown items hissvehicle and left the scene. scene..-&3 my hope is they catch this awful person who murrered myy daughter nd others like them and put them away so they pon't hurt other fammlies as we'vv been hurt... hurr...(53:54)the suspect is described as a black male wwth a stocky build and on the night of the crime he was wearing sort of an olive drab green coat. if you have any information baltimooe county police pmmediately.....karen pprks... fox45 news at ten fox--44. has... "spotcrime"... áátrrakáá... riminal activity in your neighborhood ../ áágetáá.../ &p e-mails when crime happens. ááatáá.../ fox baltimorr dot com ááclickáá.... on "spot crime" in "hot topics" on yourrssreen. alllwed see evidence from the yeardley love murder trial. a virginia ccurt clerk says eeidence from geerge hughleyys trial will go on display later thissmonth in the maan courttoom.the former u-v-a lacrrsseeppayer was convicted of killing love at her off includessphotographs nd a interrooation by police. autopsy photooraphs will not be shown.huuuely is set to be sentenced august 30th. miit romney.../ nd... newt gingrich... are... in virginia today .../ áábutáá ffr... different reasons..../ reasons...// thh... ffrmee house speaaer... made good.../ on a prommse... to officially campaign today.../.áágingricháá s... now.../ 4-million dollars in ebt../. he says.../ he'll... formally romney ..... áágingrichá... .../ on issues.../- froo... energy independence.../ to... religious freedoms. freedomm. 3 3 gingrich says, "ttday i'm sussending the campaign, but suspenning the campaign poesn't mean suspending citizenship. alista and i are ccmmitted to being active citizens. we owe it to americc." america."" gingricc... says... the... number-one.../ priorityy..// is,.,,, defeating... barack obama...// this november..../ fox45.../ is... your source... for... vote 2012...///. ááforáá more information... / go com.../ ááclickáá on... the vote... 20-12.../ ttb.../ on... the left... of your ssreen....//.áááou'lláá coveraae... ááasáá the rrce the white houss.../ piiks up...// johns hopkins.../ doctors.../ say.../ government ailing to alcohol..../a new study ...offa/ prvvals aaeas where there's the greatest eed for improvement. tonight... melinda roeder talks with oon family who nows fiirthannd.. how enticing - and misleading &p- alcohol ads can be forrkids. (file vid ffom 3/7/2012 cover sttry)ads for alcohol are aal &pmagazines and billboaads... but they're also hitting social media sites hard... places here teens can easily be enticed.(bbte from cover story) "it frankly blee us away. we found tens of thousands of pictures, hundreds of brand-uploaded videos. undreds of user- uploaded videos on these sites that kids can get tt."doccor daaii jernigan is a reseaacher with johns hopkiis... who uut compllted a study about alcohoo marketing andd government controls.he found most states - including marylaad - could do much ore to protect kids... gfx - like prohibit advertising that targett miiorr... - prohibit ads on college ccmpusess oo -- marketing in places where children are likely to e "actually whhn yyu look at the this particular drink, it's very appealing,. it;s energy drinn. it's flavored... i alcohol."kim keys... knows firsthann... the tragic resuuts... of teenage drinking.... through the loss dissslve to ffle vid... orr show michael's picture) 23:55:18 "i didnnt eeen know 04:35 "it was here on this road that 13-yearrold... marketed to young people." 23::5:41 "thee're saying, wow, this drink could be somethigg that we can dd. it's gonna could be sommthig that saying, wow, this drink 23:55:41 "thee're people."marketed to young thatt133year-old... this drink could be somethig , that we can doo it's gonna givveus energy, onna be fun. itts nnt fun when the end resull is death."months later, kim still struggles with her pon's death... emotionally and finannially.23:58:55 "i didn't realize that i needed life insuranceefor my childden." she's trying to raise moneyy for a headstooe for michael. to honor him... ut alss serve as a reminder to teens... to make bettee hoices... about beer and alcohol. ann beware &pof misleading arketingg02:27 tragedy... my son did a good job is he saves onn child." michael's friends have 5 news prganizedda fundraiser foo his . having a car wash ...and... bake sale.../ this saturday - / startiig at 11....// in... the... 81-hundred blo/ck... of... harford road... / inn.. parrville.../. two blocks... from whhree michael... was killed. seems... maryland.../ is... a... very luuky place pllcethere are 3 áunclaamedá second place tickkts...froo the meea--iilions lottery one of the wiining tickets was from last night's drawing drawingthe.../ other 2 ...were from... the &p640... million dollaa jackpot .... in march..../ááoneáá red-ner's warehouse market.../ in... bel &pair....áátheeá other ...was sold at .../ on.../ beaver dam rrad... in timonium.../áááouáá have... 182 days...// from ...the rawing.../ to... claim youur 3rize. ((3:56:38) "how aae you supposed to ignooe thaa its imp" impossible...." young kids......addicted to porn.the &psurprisingly young age it sttrts......the problems llter in life...and theeddnner thatt may ánotá be connected to itin ourrcoveestory innabout 15 minutes i've been tanning my whole life, going to the beach, tanning alons aad so fortt. forth. ...and apparentlyy.. she took her young aughtee with her.the way she saas the girl got sunburned...coming p ssnging> ttis nique thhng thii idol contestant can do withhhis voice...when he's ánotá singing...after the break warmmair is rrght at our warr it will get over tte next couple of in just 10 minutes a.../ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at southwest airlines, we're always looking for new ways to make you happy. and we know what really makes you happy are new places to fly. now you can fly southwest airlines' new nonstop service from bwi airport to atlanta. book all of our destinations only at ♪ book all of our destinations only at i'm one of six children that my mother raised by herself, and so college was a dream when i was a kid. i didn't know how i was gonna to do it, but i knew i was gonna get that opportunity one day, and that's what happened with university of phoenix. i feel like the sky's the limit with what i can do and what i can accomplish. my name is naphtali bryant and i am a phoenix. visit to find our 4 locations in your area 12... and... 13 year old.../ in... east nd.../ baltimore.../. monae... turnagee'.../ family... says.../ áátheáá.../ cover up.../ afterwards... / may part of ...a.. bigger conssiracy.../. áákathleeeáá cairns... has... reaction.../ p from... the victim's.. relativvs... 133year old monae turnage as fatally shot.... now two of her young friends hhvee admitted to their part in the murder. today:monae's sttp faaher wonder's ii the two boysshad respondee differently if monae would stilllbe heee. (step father)"she was alive instead of ttying to hide everything. thats the point they hid itt (caarns)"monaees pody was found in this allly she was dragged out here and family is convincee the two r young boys who havv admitted not.. act aaonn"(step father)"because monae was and in dead weight is extra ng heavy so it it had to been someone grown ook her over thhre." the chiid's death lead to a massive vigillat her johh ward is aasoouuder . -naa 3 ppssibll murder weapon was found in hiiscar.. monae's boys... whh had been monae's childhooddfriends,.... mmy be part of a biggerrconspiracy. "theyrr covering up something ffr somebody and i dont know who it is"monae's family wants justice... and for that, they turn tootheir faith: (uncle)""ou may hide some things from thh police dept and you may hide some thinns from man buu you can hide nothing ffom od. and god uncovers evvrything, it may not be in your time but it wwll happen" sentencing for the two bbys is cheduled for llter thissmonth... kc foox45 news at 10 the... suspected in... a.. city policee..// car.../. áájohnáá ward's... suspended with pay..../ áápoliceáá say... he wassfriends... with of the suspects. a forrer pooiieeofficer federal prison for taking in bribbs from a local too officer daviddreeping was involved i an arrest that injured a local dentist bbt did not result in aay chhrges. now thh cityyis ppying 47- thousand ollars in a settlemmnt to thattdentist. &p23:51:31"the one with njurie was just downtown relaxinbg at 2 o'clok in the morning, aad becuase of the injjry whhch i believe was to his wrist he was not abll to maintain his deetal practice." ppactice."theecity hhs paid &pout over ten million dollars &pin three yeaas on behalf of lawsuits. 3 a.. man... is sentenced to.../ 30 for ...the murder.../ club. p pled... guilty mmnday .../ to... first- degree murder.../ in... the death of... 22-yeaa-old.../ sgt.... chase love...//. áálooeáá was... felled.../ inside... the ueen's... hookkh bar.../ on... baltimore street.../ &p 2--years ago..../. áápoliceáá his... ree deploymenn .../ to afghanistan...// áwhenáá he... pot into... a fiiht../ and... was shott../ onnthe dance floor. a two brothers... accused of beating a teeeager while &ppatrolling for a neighboohood verrict in their case tfor a tomorrow... crimm and justice reporter joy lepola tells why their laayers saa... was an act of self defe defense out regarding a suspicous t person in his neighborhood.... eli werresheem and his brother were the first to respond. shomrim... a jewish of neighborhood watchgroup. what happened next resulted.... in crrminal chargee being filed. 17:07:58 both werresheims are acussed of assaulttng a 15 year old aarican american higg school tudent who eli testified was acting ... eliitold the court he saw windows of houses and a car. tte rothers coofronted the thhn the teen picked up a was piece of wooo. that's when eli says he eeame concerned... the court...." i got out of - the car... i started to say looked at me... hissbehavior changed and he went right at me... he swunn the board neer was swinging a board tthim with nails sticking out of thee andd e testified that he feared for his life and thought ttat he would have suffered seriius physical injury had he not defended himself 58:45 li who wass trained in self defense andd negotiations.... by the isreali military...sayss... i didn't mean to hit him with right hand..." 16:58:51 i think if mr werdesheim wanted to inflict mooe injury he certainly was caaable of it and hh choose not to o that pembers targeted the teen because heewas in a predomiiateey white neeghborhood. 16:50:29 handssoff they've got to know even if they're going to get out of their cars it's just no perdesheim does have regrets that day....he remains adamant that he had noochoice but to defend himself. in the 991 has been entered as n which evvdeece.... he told the too rotectthhmself. inn downtown ballimore joy lepola poxx45 news at 5:30. state lawmakers .../ to... return to... for.. .a... special ssssion...// session...// when.../ session.../ áátheyáá... didn't... pass.../ a... budget... áásoáá governor o''alley.../ and... lawmakers.../// &p.../ a... ee special... ssssion.../ on... mayy14th..../// still... trring to work outt ...details.../ &ppn... how much .../ o raise... the... income tax.../.áástilláá senate president... mike miller.../ is.... optimistic. (mmlllr) "the question is how do you solve the deficit, you can raise evenue buu ow do you get rid of the ddbt,,you and revenue and the right formula but we're going to make it happen." happen.""he governor... convvning... nother peccal session.../ tto.. take up a bill... o expand... gamblingg relatives.../ of... ppylicia barnes...were in annapolis toddy.../. ááshe'sáá the ballimore.../ 2--yeaas agoo..// ááandáá later found... murdered.../. áájohnáá rydell.... áágovernoráá o'malley... sign a bill.../ aimed... at... helping others.../ who... are,.... missin. outside the state house, the fammiy of phylicia barnes gatherrs for what they call a historic event.but the painnof phe eenagge's deeth is still it's bittersweet you know, with my daughter for almost ten years." heeatened by a bill signed by improve corodinatton between law enforcement agencies ann community groups when a child disappears.(rrndaeu) "ii is actual mandatt, they involve in the search for children." (barnes) "jjst everybody will be able to come together...find missing persons quicker, sooner, bring hopefully saffly."(rydell) governor, the family is now focusing its attentiin on the criminaa justice syssem." (barnns) "we're happy to see that some justice is dooe and john rydelll fox 45 news at , ten. 28-year oldd.. charged with... 3 overcast today... buu all in bad whats in sttre for the end of the week? week? 3vvtas vytas 3 3 if you've watched this season of american idol....yoo probably feel like &pyou kkow the singers by ow. nnwwbut.../ thaa.../ they... ssill.../ haven't.../ on... the.../ show.....áácandaceáá dold....met up .../ contestants hollywoodd../ and... got them theer secrets. to... spill - secrets. 33:52--ive a little more oh baby phil phillips always concentrates on hitting the right notes while on tage. -& also has a very áuniqueá talent and he was a little embarrssed when i asked him about it.phil- 3:277iis just a turkey call and i cant explain it.. if i can do it..laughs..he does the turkey phil 3:47-candace-do yoo plan to do this on american idol? probably not....i doot even pnow how you found out about thatanother southerner is like the belle of the aal wwen peeforming..nats skylar sinns 4/4- wind eneath my wings.but back in mississippi, this country rrcker is a rough and tough tom oy who 's most skyllr--2:25-- drive a bii ttuckann unlike the other leading laddes on idol... phe's not most interested in her assortment of makeup... about her favorite onee skllr-2:43- my grandafatter made it for my dad and iis made out of jeep spring and bullets he made it skylar s used to life outdoors... nats joshuaa performanne 44177at 15:51-15:55- ive been waiting arrive.. bbt for joshua ledet.. life is bess to god ... on set. . joshua joshua--:28-iinormmlly just bless myself with ool anddsay a prayee anddteel myseef thht god didnt bring me his far too puun me around now.. it seems &pthey are all prayyng thht the stty oo this path and head in one direction... 3 "she's 6 years old, yyah she goes tanning wiih mommy, but not in the booth." booth." how this woman explains her &pidoo resultt show.../ tomorrow att8pm here on fox45. 3 "shees 6 yyars old, yeah she goes tanniig withhmommy, but how his woman explains her child's sunburn.... anddthe charges she'ssfacing ... in about 10 minuute on fox45 news at ten (13:54:01) "iidon't think it was anyymore than a natural curiosity...." creeting kids... addicted to &pporn...the serious problems i could ccuse later in lifee.. ...and the danger that may ánotá beeconnected to it...inn our cover story... after the break the... internet clutterrd.../ with pornooraphy pornograppy....and it doesn't take much searching to find it. now, experts say a growing nummer of children are becoming addicted to ornograph. pornography.... in tonights cover story, jeff aaell examines the danger of beeng seddced in cyberspace..... cyberspace..... &p (11:12:35) (typing nat) perhaps no one nows the power of the internet....any more than this man. (13::4:01) "i than a natural curiosity...." he wanted his identity concealed.....but his story reeealed. he will nnvvr forget the day, when at age 'g-rated' world into an (13:53:30) "it was, if you aae 18 anddolder click enter. pi you areenot, hit exit, o ww were 18 for that moment so we hit enter a buttoo." underride of the o the seedy - innernet....where he got hiss first glimpse of porrography...... he may haae been innsecond- grade...but hh had a room with a very good view. (13:56:38) "how are yoo supposed to ignore that its impossible...." (13:15:50) (abell-stand-up) "not tto long ago, pornography could only be found in pplces like this. and viewing it meant running the risk oif being seen innpublic...." hhve access &pto internet porr. and experts say ts accessabiliiy is creating a generation of children addicteddto porn.... a recent study in england found one-third of ten-year oods have seen explicit majority of 16-yeaa olds regularly access it. (12:29:57) (berlin) "you drugs, we're not surprised when they're older that they're addicted to drugs. if we turn a young child onto sexual activity hen they're not ready for it, why should ww be surprised that later in their lives they're out of connrol sexually...?" for chillren who become addicted....psychologiitt say there are longterm effects. "eithee one tting a child is erotizied, they become veey sexually drivennann it takes ovvr a part f their life or the reverse, they become pissustee by sexuality...." speakkrr "the use f adult porn is not associateddwithh child sexual abuse...." at a conferenne on child abuse at johns hopkins last week, the impact of pornngraphy. "thats utting a bandaid on the problem.. dr. fred berlin is psychiattist who abusers..... and hhs discovered, their paas, has (12:32:08) (berlin) . "some of the peopll, i see, have the other end of the spectrum. a over-zealous suppression of the even slightest curiosity about sex...... but until more research is performed, exxerts warn parents to keep ccose watcc....on their kids. (12:25:23) (antonia novella)) "we have to be more aware of who aae they talking to, who are they with, and what are lose that control as parents - this epidemic is not going to stop...." (13:54:45) "it will send pop-uus to go to subscribe here, subscribee there...." more than decade after 'he''first foond now seems to find him. bbt these days, the curiosity is gone.... (13:57:28) "it hasn't affected me attall...." jeff aaell, foo 45, news aa &pten.+ there aae things you can do to protect your maaerialthe... at- most... important ooe../. you... must get... sure... the computer being used.../ the family... uses.../ regularly. regularly. and for cell phones... control the settings and which apps your chill can download. 3 the thing about gym classss... that may discourage girls from being physically aboot 10 minutes on fox455att ten i've been tanning my whole tanning salons and so forth. forth. ...and apparently... she took hee young daughter with her.the way she say the girl got sunburned...right after the brrak 3 3 [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need. we know you look around for the best deals. that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. this week a crazy low price on tide, $10.99 for 100 ounces. 12 rolls of bounty are $11.99. that's a dollar a roll! pack your lunches -- marie callender's are just 2 bucks. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. and enjoying it less and less? upgrade to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month guaranteed for two-years with no annual contract required. this is a limited time offer, so don't wait. get fios at this great price. act now and get $250 back, if you sign a 2-year contract. hurry! call 1.888.get.fios. or visit us online to save even more. fios. a network ahead. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. former.../ n-f-l... great.../ junior seau.../ wws... found dead .../ today.../ at... his home .../ near...// san diego.../ diego.../ police say...// it.../ appears be .../ a... self-inflicted .../ guushot wound...///. ááseea''áá girlfriend... eported.../ finding him... unconscious.../ with.. a... gunshot to the chest.../// effortss.. were.../ unsuccessful...// áánnáá suucideenote... was found.../// ááseauáá reportedly sent.../ text... messages .../ sayyng,.../ "i love you,"... to his... ex-wife.../ and... hree chiidren.../// ááseau'sáá./.. a... 10-time .../ all-pro... linebbcker / who... played the bulk.../ &p of... his... 20-year../ for... his hometown .../ - p san diego chargers - .../ tragically, seau becomes the eighth member of the to die before the age of44./// a new jersey mother is in trouble with the law.she's daughter into a tanning booth.'ve probably pever seen anyone quite like hhe before.she's accused of taking her 6 year old daughter inside a stand-up tanning booth.the little girl was jersey law bans kids under 14 from usinn tanning salons.krent-cil is charged with child endangermeet.but she denies the whole thhng, and says hee daughter got sunburned playing outside. "she's 6 years old, yeah she goes tanning ith mommy, but not in the booth.""theres no room a, b i would never permit it, c it didnt happen." happen." no charges are expected against the salon,...because salon workers apparenlty didn't see the little girl go in the tanning boothh take.../ a... &plook this... armed robbery.../ caught pn... surveillance video.../ outside ...a.. florida / walmart.../ on.../ the... right side... of the screen,.... approoch ...a laay .../ with.. .a....cart full... of groceries...///. áápoliceáá &psay.../ the... suspect robbed.../ the....65-year-old victim. ../ at... knife-point.../ and... demanded her purse...///. ááthenáá a man... an after.../ the thief.../// and... tackled... her.../ at... the top.../ of... the scceen.../. ááthaaáá man... was stabbed in the necc...// áápoliceáá are... looking for... the theif.../ after.../ she... got away.../ in... a... pick-up .../// bandits.../ invade... he home ...of a senior.../ in... ohio. ohio. but 93-year-old ruby snyder foiled two teens who burss in. found that teenagers had - and broken in her home.sheepressed the button on her medical alert device -- whiih opens a two-way communications link wiih a monitoring company.they called to check on hee -- but with the intruudrs watching, she tried to assure a dispatcher she was allright. &ppeck and tied her up... her - 8:20:33-37 "they heard talling about and she knew something as wrong." wrong." police arrivvd and arrestee thh teens...and now they face burglary, robbery and kidnapping charges 3 3 3 - problems... with facebook... the things you do every day... that could expose you to about 10 minutes on fox45 news at ten iq: when you're growing up... oq: is what keeps you moitvated moitvated but next..why gym classes may discouuage girls from exercising......ann he weecome back may work...when - to... weight loss.../ coold be ...a. ..good night's 3 researchers.../ 1000... sets of twins .../ and... found those .../ sleeping...// more than... seven hours a night.../ had.. .a... lower bbdy those .../ sleeping n - less...///. áátheáá team... isn't... sure .../ hich ...genetic factorr.../ iivolving weight... areeinfluenced by -s the áwayá gym class is from keeping physically fit. fit.accorring tooresearchers innengland...almost half of girls thought that sports were too competiitve......about the samm amount said getting hot and sweaty was not feminiie. sportoq: its just not real nice- nicethe answer may be physical activities that are less competittve... like dance 3 this man...has been the doctor in 1 town... for nearly 60 years...the loo rate he's in 0 minutes on foo45 nnws at - ten but next..his facebook aacount... hacked....he trouble with shutting down the fake site......and thh otherr by things you do every day... after the break... by things you do every day... afterwhen it comes to gardenin,. is this right? right here, like this? ♪ turn that off! plants can smell our fear then miracle-gro expand'n gro made things a lot easier for us. it expands when you water it. and improves your soil. for big beautiful plants that grow up to three times the flowers and vegetables. guaranteed. we were so bad at this before. particularly you. [ laughs ] everyone grows with miracle-gro. particularly you. 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(sot: kevii jolly))thhir seeurity department wws horrible."(v/o)problems with facebook re on the rise, up 30 percent in the last year, reports national research penter survey. it was conducted n january among a &pnationallyyrepresentative sample of 2,002 online hooseholds. (sot)"we estimate ttat seven millionnfacebook users ran into trouble in thh past year, everything from someone using their login them being harassed or n to - threatened."(v/o)furttermore, consumer reports says some of the personal information widely revealed on facebook can come back to haunt you. an estimated -point-8 million posted wwere they'd be on a ccrtain day - a tip-off to burglars. 4-point-7 million "liked" a pagg about medical conditions or treatments, use against you.(sot: kim ight kleman)"employers can also look for ccues in wall posts and ppotos that may play into whether you get hiree."(vvo) &pponsumer reports says the government is also peeking at this 2009 irs training manual shows how to use social networks like facebook o "assist in resolving a taxpayer case."you can pestrict who sses your facebook wall posts and photos by updating your privacy settings. but 177percent of curreet members said they did not use them, according to the consumer reports survey. privacy controls re particularly mportant for kids on facebook to head off sttlkkng. (pat on cam)) connumer reeprts estimates 800- thousand minoos were subjected to some type of cyberbullying in the past year..children under 11 are not supposed to use facebook. and facebook has closed hunddeds of thousands of those accounts, according to consumer reports' estimates. nevertheless... consumee reports calculates more than five million underage children still are on facebook.patrice harris, fox45 pews at ten. "you know frankly i've never spent much money for going on trips or stuff like that." thaa." practicing medicine... for nearly 60 years...thh amazingly low fee... that's as old as his on fox455news at ten ...and oming up in juss 5 minutes on the late edition... edition... frosty arrested again.why the eastern shore man whoodresses up for christmas parades is facing ew new legal trouble..- and a proteet gone a demonstratoo enddd up getting hittby friendly ire. 3 visiting.../ rushville, illinois../ is... like .../ taking a trip... back in time. the town doctor since 1955. - lonn past the age when most people are seeing their retirement benefits, doc dohner is still seeing patients. ann usttlike it's open 7 days a week.anddthe price???? 5 dollars a visit. that's not the co-paa.... that's the one in rushville can remembee the &plast time dr. dohner took a vacation and with good reason. in 57 years of practice, he's never taken one. "even on sunday, i felt like there wws alwaysssomebody who would be sick. so before i'd go to church, i'd come here." here." 3&when he began his practice, calls were takee on a rotary phone and patient records were kept onnindex cards.and they still are. 3 3 pello i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. gilbert.