"> tonight.... baltimore to grill outtor burn anything - near wooded areas.... including parkss nd reservoirs.... the grass and brush is so ddy... it's causing several brush fires... inluding one that destroyed rouggly 5 acres of destroyerees aa the prettyboy d reservoir in parkton. thanks forrjoinnng us ... i'm jennifer gilbert.... bruss fires are allo a bbg prrolem in other parts of the region. several maryland coonties arr under a "red flag warning." melinda roeder has been covering the fires all ddy... lake ashburton in norttwest balttmore .....with more on our top story.melinda.... weather like this an e very deceiving. it'' ot even that warm for april...but we've had very little rain lately... so there's a lot of dry ggass.... and trees...juss listen to thh dry leaves crunchiig beneath man mayybe cauuing the sparks.... mother nature is contributing... and tte brush pires....eep burning.including one big one... this aaternoon.... in harford county. county. ááscannerrnats10:10 "there's a unit access from the drrvvway. we need that open for dnr." áá19:15 "that's affirmative." dembytownnroad.....easter sunday... is interrupted by from our churrh.... and i was e- just praying it wasn't our evacuated.... 03:53 "they &pjuss told us at irst we couldn't get into our house." as fire truuks move in... close as they an...15:09 "unfortunately ww have to drive through people's yards to make access, but that's been done ssccessfully."26:55 - shot of 4-wheelerjust &pgetting to the fire... is a challenge.(cover) 14:26 in."thher hoses.... can onll shht of long hose snaking thhough the woodsá20:47 - nats of hose21:322- good hose nats while police redirect trrffic up the road.....04:18 "they just told usswe had to leave again so weere getting ready to go."áá22::0 - pick axe nats more than a hundred volunteer firefighters are called to help....fight the flames.... with everything from pickk axes... (nats).... á19::5 - raking burniig debristo garden rakes....á20:10 "it urns deep, into the ground... [[[[ edit out the chick's voice]]]]]].... youull never see it in betteen."this is the third brush fire... in thhs area... this weekend.á27:06 - good shot of dry leavesas dry - but windyyconditions - create the perfect mix foo ccaos.á11:25 "just so dry and no humidity basically."nearly three hours after the first call came in....a perimeter is contaaned...14:26 "it's pretty much knocked down at this point."more than 18-acres.... areenow left scorched...17:34 - good smoldering smoke18::5 - good shot of smoke18:02 - nats of hose with water leakingbut on this easter sunddy... neighhors are just thankful... 05:46 "yes. yes, but od is ... still gooo because nobooy's house got burned or nobody got phe exact cause of the fire is under investigation.... but pome neighhors think it began by omeone burning only takes a small ember... to spark a bbggfire.that's why fire officials warn everyone to be veey, very careeul this they're hoping foo a gooo dousing of rain, jenniferr... live tonight.... melinda roeder... fox 45 neww at ten. and as you just saw.... many people we're dealing with the high winds toddy. meterolooist tony paggottt weather center to explain why this is such a big concern. 3 3new tonight... homicide detectives are investigating a ssooting in northeast baltimooe baltimoreshots ranggout around near kirk avenue. you can see detectives on the scene and crime tape marking off the &parea.investigators ay aaman was rushed to the hospitaa... &pthere are any suspects. on this easter sunday, there's a very grateful commuuity tonight in looks like a 96-year-old woman will be okay, after being rescued from her urning home yesterday.jjnice park tells uus it's all thanks to two brave men. st. heeena is the oldest neighborhood in dundalk.where neighbors look out for one aaother.there's no greatee example of thhs...than sot))"she was standing in hhr &- doorway..."frozen and confused wws 96 yeaa old rosalie dicredico.this is what's left of her home..harred remainn and a statue of mary.((take sot)) "how everything caa be ok one min and gone the next" &pbut here in st. helena...neighbors look out just happened to walk down the street anddsse the blazes andd instincts took over"((take sot))"he said he was afraid she'd burn, she didn't answer him or anything" michael biscotti was one of two men....ho pullld rosalie out pf her burning hhme.she was in and out of consciousness: ((take sot))"people living here say they're not surprised at aal by the efforts to save rosalie, because this is such a tiggtknit place"((take sot)) "tough old ccokie"rosalie's pamily ays she's doing well tonight.thhnks to the two men who say they can't wait to welcome her backkto st. helena sot))"see her when she comes n 3 home, god bless her"janice park...fox45 news at ten. policeeare looking for the sussects who gunned down a man last nighttii west baltimore. balttmore..ou can see investigators on the scene on north calhoun streee near gilmore around five o''lock last ighttpolice believe 37 year-old jermaine shuron was approached by two suspects, and was shot in the head by one of them. the suspects ran from the sceneanyone with contact policc. it's been moreethan three months since a baby was leff abandoned in washhngton, dc and tonight olice are offeringga reward leading to &pan arrest. the infant was &pfound wrapped in only a towel january.the child was rushed - to the hospitall but died a &pday later. on thursday, the death was ruled a hooicide . &pis still a top priority and they're offeringga 25 thousann businessman is speaking out, convictee.last june,,chong yim to a liquorrstore on erdman - avenue in northeass baltimoree when he was shot and killed.on friday, a jury convicted william caar of the crime. the pvent becauue it was handledd by baltimorees top prosecutor, gregg bernstein. two pivitol witnesses came foward, including a young cashier and store manager who heard gunshots. "braveeyoung lady, i was shooke" shocked""i on't know what i say, thank you thank you thank you very much" much"chong yim was well-known in northeast baltimore. his killer will be senetnced may a light rail train and a car collide in mt. vernon. vernon.this was the scene on nnrth howard street and east &c damage to the siie offthat - white car word on what caused the wreck.we're told no one was hurt. christians in baltimore and around the world celebrate easter sunday. sunday.-singing nats...- nats...- the choir sang as the faithful cathhdral of mmry our queen . easter is the oliest day on theechristiin calendar, whee christians celebrate their believvthat jesus rose from the deaa..... after his cruciiixion oo gooo friday. 3 a veteran journalist dead at 93.a look back at the life and legacy off mike wallace. 3 terrrr in tulsa.the twoomenn arrested in friday's shooting spree....and how police aae now using acebook, to find out of there may have been a racial motive. police inntulsa, oklahoma have terrorized a nnighborhood in a shooting spreeeon friday..... and tonight inveetigators are looking into whether the attacks were racially motivated. killed n a one houu period early friday.the crrme scenes all within three mills... in a predominantly african ameeican section of tulsa.pplice england and 32-yearr old lvin watts after an nonymmus tip... a task forceetracked them down. p jordannsays: "these attacks. two other citizznss were also attacked and survived."the victims f the shooting spree didn't know each other.... investigators said ttday they were reeiewing jake england's facebooo page, whhch indicated he may havee targeted blacks after his father was shot and killed by a black man. tte shootings veteran journalist mike r's 3 wallace has died. c-b-s news making the aanouncement this morning ... saying the longtime "60 minutes correspondent" died lass niiht family. wallace earned a tooghest questions..... of everyone from presidents to entertaineer. steve cnntanni takes a look back at a career that spanned some six ecades. the legendary newsman...famous for is relentless and probing questioning and made a huge mark on broadcast journalism. he was respected even by most of the people those who sat down for nterviews with mike wallace... never knowing what to expect.. here are juut a few examples. ((nats)) wallace began his broadcast career on radio t his big break was to become the first hire of producer don hewitt when he was putting togetter the cbs news magaaine 60 minutes... which went on to become the moss successful news program for decades. he hosted the program for 38 season until he retired as a regular porrespondent 2006. over his long career, he interviewed president and artists. he covered the war in vietnam... &pjohn erlichman during the watergate scandal... wallace died last night at aacare faciiity n new canaan, connnecticut... he was 93... in wassington, steve centanni, fox news. investigators arr trying to determine what caused an ff18 jet to crash into an apartment complex in virginia beach frid. friday.aaazingly no one was hurt in that crash. but today crews werr busy combing as mmch of the wreckage as they could.... hoping to et some insight in to the final poments before thh pllne went down. "you'll take all those parts 23 and lay them aal out...and starttdo inn the what we find, listening to all the tapes to get the data recordees formm the they also hope to locate thh digital could help detail what appened during the final 3 maryland legislators spent part f this holiday weekend pt the state house.. house..with monday's deadline...rrpidly approaching...there'ssstill plenty of unfinished business.. on saturday, members of a special conference committee inched closer to raise the income tax on those who ake more than 100- gave preliminary pproval to a put they're still divided onn bills like expanding gambling to table games and black-jack. ((acobb) "iithink it's a game of chicken that's going on and we'll see who blinks first. i certtinly hope thaa we can ssttle it and get ut of here on time but i hope we don't pake the kind of compromises that aae goinggto hurt the people of marrland." lawmakers ho are worried that if the state budget isn't finalized by mmdnight tomorrow, the session ould be extendedd a lot of eopleehope 3o avoid that. "when hit me, i do cry because im deeling with the fact that i did lose everything....everything (hold for tears)" tears)"clean-up efforts continue followingthe devvstating texas tornadoes. how hundreds are salavaging &panything they can.....almost week latee. --buzzing, buzzing, buzzing" buzzing"a sticky situation inside a florida home. the unusual way this man was able to track down átens of thousands of bees!! inside. 3 the easter sunday, many families were ssill trying to peice together their lives.... lives.... ... in the texas communities devvstated bb last week's tornadoes. hundreds of families in places like lanccster, texas, are still ttying to salvage anything they an. 3 hit me, i do cry... because - i'm dealing with the fact that i did lose everything... everyt" as many as 15 powerful tornadoes touched down.but amazingly, no one was killed. p3 3 &p3 3 &pp3 overnight inferno.thh firey crash on aacaliffrnia freeway... and the nuuber of firefighters it took to put &pout the fire. , itts terrible 44or 5 o'clock in the afternoon. they're &pswarming outside the house. house. a suuprising disovery inside the walls of a home.the thousands of bees found in his walls...anddwhat the homeowner did to lure them ut. >> they didn't mean you honestl to forgive you? a walmart manager is shot and killed during a robbery in arizona. 3these are surveillence here in the hoodie. police n - say the man showed his gun to two employeee and took cash from the regiiter.the store manager ran to he front door as the robber was leaving. that's whee the suspect raised his gunn...and shot and killed him. thompson sayy, "he approached tww employees in the process of changing the cash in one off using shopping carts to get ttis done." &pdone." police surrounde the neighborhood and searcced for thh gunman, but couudn't find him. a fire on a california tanker truck aught fire in - glendale -- sending flames and black smoke shooting up into the sky. the tanker -- was carrying nine-thousand gallons of fuel --when it crashed intooa sedan. 150 firefighters rushed to the spreading.. after about six-thousand gallons of gas burned -- they were able too extinguish the ffre. no one was hurt. imagine you're sitting in yyur living room....and you hear thii.... cominggfrom the wall. hear this..... a &pconstant buzzing cominggfrom your living room wall... wall... puzzing buzzing buzzing buzzing that's what gary home.when he wenn to innestigate, he found átens of thousands oo bees!áthhy had pormed two huge hivvs, in the wall of his home. oh, it's terrible 4 or 5 o'clock in the afternoon. they're swarring outside thh ho. many as 80 thousann of them.kossman thinks the bees came from a nursery aad orange grove behiid his home. lure the bees out with special boxes set up outside of the home..... with the intent to try to saae he bees.and yes, kossman's been stung, several times. 3 3&jasoo hammel dazzles in his oriolls debut...see how long it tooo minnesota to get a unlimited... the jacksons are coming to them live in person... on us. age is not sttoping one connecticut woman from doing what she looes. &ploves. at 97-years-old angie maclean is still bar-tending at panama joes in bridgeport. maclean has worked at the bar foo almost twenty years.. she started servvng drinks at the age of sixty. maclean just celebratee her birthday with co-workers and bar patrons, aad is showing no signs of slowing down. 3 ffrnandes jr. says: "...eeerybody comes here, they love her. o one's got anything bad to say about her, a lot of peoppe come here customer comes in here nd n a they've had too much to drink do you handle that?)...yoo shut them off...shut them oof."maclean video: " still get pains aad aches, ann if you sit it."" maclean says she likes to drink bailey's...she does not plan on leaving the bbr scene any time soon. 3 that's all for the news t ten...up nexx bruce cunningham no-hitter by jason hammel in r - sports unlimited...bruce and morgan... coming up tonight on sports unlimited...6 outs away from a close for jason . hammel... a great start to the season for the o's but can they keep it up ith the yankees coming to town???... town???... 33 plus it goes to sudden death at the masters...a lefty wins the green jacket ut it's not the lefty ou're thhnking of... of... we talk mma with shogun fights promoter john rallo...for this saturday's shogun fights 6 at first mariner arena... arena... and i talk with o's 2nd baseman robert andino...what it's like filling inn or rian roberts...and why hh doesn't like to think about last year's walk off win against the ed ox...sports unlimited &pstarts after this... 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Vietnam ,Republic Of ,Dundalk ,Maryland ,United States ,Texas ,Florida ,Minnesota ,California ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Connecticut ,Arizona ,Oklahoma ,Lake Ashburton ,New Canaan ,Rosalie ,Panama ,Baltimore ,America ,Jason Hammel ,Angie Maclean ,Mike Wallace ,Bruce Cunningham ,Jennifer Gilbert ,Robert Andino ,Don Hewitt ,Gregg Bernstein ,Chong Yim ,Melinda Roeder ,

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