claimed to be a school mentor innorder to get clooe to children. keith daniels, live in north baltimore.. where investigators say he made promises to his alleged victim and her family.. keith. we're ive outside r.... westtrn high school... it's an elite public school for girls... and according toothese charging theegirl and her family to ed - believe that he could help her get into this school. the mother says she trusted the man.. and tooight.. he's charged with sexually abusing aad assaulting her daughter. daughter. ttis is charlls shelly.. he's a 44-yyar-old man.. accused of olesting a 13- year-old girl. he liies on cliftmont avenue near pelham.. where neighbors..... (ms. coolly/neighbor) "one of my neighbors called me and told me....."......are hearing about a neighbor.(ms. cooley/neighbor) "i have grandchildren ttat be at my houseethht play up and doww this alley.. and it's a shame our neighborhood.".........the - alleged victim is a student at northeast middle school.....where she says shelly is a mentor for young female students.. according to charging documents..after school, son and one other girl to a discount store anddbought baby oil. investigators say he then drove the 3-year-old girl to a parking lot at herring run park.. where they watchee christmas movies on his i-pod... before she says, things got "weird." she told police he removed her jacket.. beean touchinn her breasts.. and rubbing her back with baby oil. when shelly realized the park was closing....investigattrr ssy he drove to a parking lot at laae clifton high school.. where he tried to kiss the girl. that's when -& she was unccmfortabbe.. and wwnted to go home. alerted policee.. now.. shelly's arrest and chhrges.(ms. cooley) "yes, proven guilty, but it's just horrible... in a statement tonight... school officials say shelly is nott..and haa not beennan employee... or mmmber of any city school mentoring program. but ttey do say he has children in city schools aad may have participated in school activities in ttht capacity. live in north baltimore, keithhdaniels, fox 45 news at 3en. - baltimore. police areeh baltimo- investigating after a man collapses from gun shot wounds near a storr. crime tape seals off the scene near a ''amily dollar''store on greenmont near 29th street.the man was shot several times...poosibly in theestore's parking lot.tte victtm is in serious condition. its...// a... story saw.../ first on fox ...this weeeend.../ááthisáá video ...of... baltimore police./.. áátakenáá... juss hourss.../ after... the department.../ announced .../ a policy.../ ááallowingáá... the... publlc.../ to.,.. record... its to... what happened i'm askinn you to order...2...3 you're going to go to jail))) jail))) scott cover.../ ays.../ he... saw.../ 6... baltimore police officers.../ over... a man.../ in cuffs.../ on... croos street... friday...// áásoáá... / he ...pulled out.../ his... cell phone... / and... began when.../ the focus... of the ááseemedáá... to... turn on... him.. "she has the handcuffs out and saying shh'' going to take yyu to jail" jail""they're doing what they're supposed to do , if thhy're doing what they're supposed to do it shouldn't mat" matter" we sent... his video... to ááwhicháá has.../ been sent internal affairs.../// áááoveráá also... filed.../ a... &f police.../ ááinsistingáá he... wasn't áloiteringá...//. aother case.../ of .../ people ...recording .... police.../ ááisáá... in... court.../ right now....// police.../ - want... the case...// ttrown out .../ áábecauseáá... of... itt.../ new policy...///áájohnáá ááwhatáá... a... judge.../ áthouuhtá.../ requess. "if they'reedoing this to me, who else are they doing his to?"chris sharp...won't soon forget his encounter with city was preakness day arresting one of hii friends. so harp...pullld out his cellpponn...and sttrtedd videooaping.(sharp) "i was threatened by officers being told it was evidence and i had to give it to 'em." not... shhrp's video...because his phone...wasconfiscated.he was was illegalto videottpe police. and when officers...eventually returned his cellphone...they had deleted...all his videoo...incllding those of his son. (sharp) "it was absolutely awfullthe way i felt then, tte way i feel now about it, the humiliation was filed suit... onsharp's beealf. and in federal court...they've scored a partiaa victory.a judge has denied a motion by dismiss that suit. allows citizens to videottpe officees... without fearof arrest.((rimes) departmenns in the nation, &pwe're one of the first agencies to promolgatt rules so take that for what t's worth, i think it's a good first step."but a.c.l.u. attorneys point to that weekend...when another man was threatened with arrest...for videotaping pplice. "somebody that already knew about hiss rights."(bbrja) "was still denied the right to photograph shows that the policy still has a ways to go and it's not effective in protecting citizens' rights."(rydell) "in lighttof today's decision, thhs case will now move forwrard as attorneys for the aclu have been given permission to interview the city poliie officers involved in that preakness day innideet."(sharp) "i rrally just want tooseeejustice done. this is bigger than just me." in baltimore, john rydell, fox 45 news at ttn. the... justice department...// iss.. also the judge .../ - to... "side".../ with... sharp. this evening...investigators are still trying o figuree ut exactly how whitney houston die. died.her remains are eing transported back to her native new jersey tonight.funeral arrangements are still in the works, but it is expected to take place latee this week in her hometown of newark.friends are rememberinn the final few days of whitney houston's life. "i doo't think she was trying to mask anything. she was in &pgreat spirits, she was singin &pand she hhd gospel music playing."" later in this newscast...we'll take you to los angeles... ...and find ouu what investigators learned today about her death......and theeot tooreveal about her final an hour... right here on fox45 news at ten. 3 autopsy.../ photos.../ were... he focus...// of.../ george huguely's.... murder riil .../ today.....// ááhuggeley'sááá charged... with killing.../ yeardley love.../ of... cockeysville..././/. áácrimeáá and justice reporter .../ joy lepola.../ ááisáá in... charlottes-ville...// áááhereáá the... medical...examiner/ ttok theestand. stand. stay with... fox 45 .../ for... continuing covvrage .../ of... hugueleys... murder trial...//. ááwe'lláá have... a... llve report.../ from ...charlottesville.../ áátomorrowáá... on... fox45... news at 5-30.../// ááweáá.../ also... have... "roond-the-clock...// pcoveragee..// ááatáá... foxbaltimore dot com.../ ááandáá.../ our... facebook page... ááffcebookáá... fox-baltimore.../ 43-people.../ died.../ as... a result.../ last year....// 3 áátonnghtáá... , they're.../ remembered annapolis. annapolis.loved ones.../ hhld hearts ...symbolizing.../ those ost.../ áá4áá... children....ere among.../ women... were 4 áá kiiled.../.áááfáá the... 14 men .../ áátwoáá were... killed by girlfriends..///.áátenáá committed suicide.../ afftr killing../ kill.../ their partner....//// ááexpertsáá/... say...// to... prevent.../ these tragedies../.áá victimsáá.../ ámustá... speak up.../ early. domestic vvolence ercent of - homicide...they are less likely to be murderee by their partners." 12:39 12::9 this... was thh ...24th... annual... memorral service.../ hosted the maryland network.../ against domestic viooence. a jury says ee stephens áisá elligible for the death penalty. ppnalty.last week, stephens was convicted of killing corporal david mcguinn in 206. stephens could be the first pprson senteeced to death under maryland's new deathh penalty law.that law requires either a confession or d-n-a evidence against the suspect. a... west &pvirginia... firefighter.../ dies.../ ááwhileá... respooding an .../ early morning.../ fire. fire.21-yeer-old .../ zachary whitacre .../ died.../ he was... thrown.../ from... a... ffre truck.../ that crashed ...into.../ an embankment..../// ááhisáá... father.../ was... driving the ruck .../// control .../ when... he.../ rode over... some... black./.. ice...////.ááthe áá father ... suffered.../ non... life are invessigating the crash. near.../ death.../ after... a... heart attack.../ ááaáá howard county... man.../ became.../ the... sscond person.../ in... the world .../ experimental.../ t. treatment.weefirst told you about this in a ccver story i william beatty unddrwent the stem cells, could repair his damaged heart. the resslts from the study are in. johns hopkins ttll us how the patient is doiig tooay. janice? janice??eff and jennifer, william beatty says he believes the ddctors here at johns hopkins saved his life. he ays without this experimental treatment...his heart would have failed him. william beattt sits on his porch...and takes in the view. he credits each sunny day...and his life...toohis hospital:"the doctors saved me - twice, they saved me when i was flown in there oo a medivac...the procedure with the stem cells saved me again" two and half years agoo..beatty barely survvved a peart attack.sitting in his hopptal bed at hopkins he agreed to a highly experimental treatment.doctors took a tiny piece from his heart.tissue abouttthe size... of half a grain of rice...then millions of healthy, beating stem cells at cedar--inai in los angeles.then flown backkto : baltimore:"when ttey goo cells werr all beating in unison...i thought that was absolutely amazing"dr. eter johnston was paat of the large team at hopkins who put tte new stem cells back intt beatty's heart: heart:"the breathrough with phowed evidence that new heart muscle is being formed"this is william beatty's beating heart. this is his heart before the &pprocedure...and here...6 months later:: later:: there was a large drop in the amount of scarring...meaning the stem cells were able to repair his damaged heert. the long terr prognosis is uncertain it...where he would be. and for that....e is gratefull doctors say they are so thrilled with the results with the heart...that ttey re looking at applying something similiar to the at johns hopkins hospital...janice park foo45 news at ten. 3 (10:46:21) "lets be honest. make it about saaety or make it about money." money." taking your cash in a flash...why those traffic cameras may ánotá be at the intersections...its our cover story...later on fox45 news at ten singing> also ahead... the sudden death of whitney houston.what first responders found... when they got to the scene...later on fox45 news at ten a ávictoryá in court... for former penn state coach jerry sandusky...the childern he will be able to on foxx5 news at ten cloudy aad cool overnightt..the weather that could affect yourrmorning commute......and how long it will affect your valentines day plansin my skywatch just 10 former penn state coach jerry sandusky is now allowed to isit his grandchildren. 3&sandusky is under house arrest... but he asked the court o modify his bail conditions so he can visit with his 11 the judge granted him supervised visitss sandusky is charged with over 50 counts of sex abuse.he's pleaded not guilty to the charges. mayor .../ p stephanie... ddlivered... her.../ "state... of the city"... address.../ today...// ááoutliningáá... her goals ...and priorities.../ for... the next / year.../áámelindaáá roeder .../ llve.../ outside... city haal.../ ááwhereáá one... topic...//the... mayor addressed.../ waa tax. taxes. we''l learnnmore about the mayor's plans nnxt month, when she unveils her budget proposal we got a glimpse of how the mayor expects to solve some of the city's money troubles.and there are two key areas that stand out -- schools... and tax. taxes. (nats of mayor walking into council chambers - applause) mayor stephanie rawlingg-blake wants to lure 10-thousand new families to move to baltimmre... but it wwn't be pasy wwth talk of new taxes.... and the prospect of closing city schools.18:46:27 "some schools will expand. some schools will merge and some sshools that we maa haveefond memories of will need to close."alonso: 19:00:17 "that's going to require a lott of community conversationn.. the schools cce-o and mayor agree... some buildings need to be the mayor is once again pushing a bottle taxx... 5 cents per bottte... to egenreate an esttmatedd23- million doolars a year. 18:48:53-18:49:09 "it's a new tax and it's one we need to pass noo....make it happen now."some critics think the mayor is sing schools to push the tax through... which cooncil failed to ppssslast year.sse than ver.19:02:26 "tte mayyr is right in saying if ut's not the bottle tax, what is it? the mooee's not going to rainf rom the sky!"but the mayor also has plans to reduce property taxes... beginning this year... ith a cut of 22 cents on tte dollar. so if your house is worth 200-grand, you'd save 40 bucks this year. it's a conservative cut ... considering some of her opponents in the last election... promised to reduce council members think 2 m - percent... may not even be feasible.18:58:50 i'm realll concerred... police, fire, schools."of course, counnil would have to approve anyytax increases or cuts. and until they sse the mayorrs buuget... members say they don't know how everything gets paid or - just yet.18:59:14 "the deeil's in the details, as they say, so i'lllwaat and see." of course, the mayyr also took time to commend pollce for significant cuts in crime acors sthe city last yeer. she hopes to add more crime cameras in sooe communities... and ppt more foot patrol officers on the streett this from city hall... melinda roeder... fox 45 news at ten. baltimore.../ relies... on.../ state funding .... to... make its budget....//ááweáá... follow... the money.../ &p ii... the... upcoming .../ state buuget.... budget.../ the.../// proposed.../ 20--13.../ state budget .../ alots...// 6.5--billion dollars.../ for... aid.../ too.. local governments..../// governments..../// áábaltimore'ssá scheduled... to receive.../ more than.../ 11point.../- 19... billion ollars...///. dollars...///.ááthht'sáá mmre than.../ 18-percent.../ ...// set aside...//// for.../ local.../ governments..../// governnents....////the.../ city.../ is... buddeted .../ tt... receive... less than.../ ááhalfáá... a... peecent.../ more than.../ what.../ it's... getting.../ this year. balttmore could play host to 'grand prix' races for another &pyears... despite the financial troubles thaa came out of the inaugurallrace. but that news has infuriated some of the vendors who have still not bben paid. while the city plans to announce plans for a new event operator later this week vendors are demanding they get paid, bbfore the city decidds to moveeforward. 'sunrise safety seevices' which mmde the signn for the event, llst a quarter of a million dollars. (jjnet) "its just sad that the city doesnt protect the vendors thathelppd put this so called wonderful race together for them to make allthis money" money" there are everal lawsuits against the original race organizer... president.../ barack obama.../ ááunveiledáá.../ his.../ 3.8.../ "trillion"... dollar.../ spending plan.../ today.../////- it.../ includes .../ spendinn .../ $4-76... billion.../ on... transportation projectt.../ to... spur.../ job rowth..../// p áá800á milliin.. in aid.../ ffr.../ "arab spring".../ countries...////.áátoáá pay... for it ../ ááthereááá.. are.... 115---trillion dollars.../ in... proposed.../ tax ... increases...////áálikeáá closing... tax breaks.../ for... oil and gas.../ companies...//// ááallowingáá... the.../ "bush- era".... ax cuts .../ to... expire.../ for... those.../ making.../ 2500 thousand.../ááandáá.... a.../ 30-percent on... millionaires. obama says "we can't just cut our way into growth." growth."mcconnell says "the president's goal is not to solve problems but ignore them for another year and insure they get worse." worse."house republicans are working n their own budget proposal 33the president of the u-s conferencc of catholic bishops... says he change inn phe preeident's contraception mandatee.. isn't good enough. enough.under what the "accommodation"... companies, aad not catholic-affiliated charities, hossitals, and schools... would pay for the contraceptive devices. we still have to get to the more basic issue and that is a fundamental freedom of rrligious, faith-based groups unimpeded by government directi" directives."wallace says: "so you're not going to change, despite what the bishops say. lew sayss: our policy is plear."wallaceesays: "your policy is clear. meaning, nn revisions to the revisions?lew says: "weehave set out our poli" policy."senate inority leader mitch mcconnell says he will pursue legislation to neutralize the h-h-s rule expect .../ to... pay.../ more.../ áánextáá time... pou... fill up...// jumped.../ moreethan ...3 cents .../ in... the... last week/ week.../áátheáá national average.../ for.. .a... gallon...// of... regular...// ááisáá 3-51...///.ááináá balttmore,.../ ááwe'rráá paying... even morr. more.áápricesáá went--up... 7--ceets..../// to.../ 3-56.../ ááexpertsáá predict.../ gas prices ...will ácontinueá.../ to... rise.../ in the... weeks aaead. 19:05:36 "i have to cut back now and budget my spending. it's almost 4 dollars a gallon. my gosh." 05:42 05:4219:04:08 "it's just a huge expense. it's a big ccunk of your monthly wages." 04:111 3 we.../ have... yyt to see...// the... governors.../ proposed ...gas tax.../// ááwhicháá would add... about... 18 cents.../ to... each... gallon of gas.../ in... marrland if.../ the....gas tax.../ increase ...passes .../ ááitáá can't... be challenged .../ áábecauseáá.../ it' appropriations bill...///. ááifáá you... opposs the... proposal.. / ááletáá...// your...// now....///ááamericansáá... for prosperity.../ begaa...// a... petition drive..../// ááseeáá... the petition... at.../ fox baltimore dot &pcom...///. áálooká for.../ "stop... he gas tax" .. / under... "hot topics". we'll.. help you... find the best gas prices... where you live...//.ááatáá fox-baltimore dot com ... slash pump patrol heee's.... our... questiin of the day...//. have... gas back on driving? driving?here's.../ a... look... at our of you say... absolutely...// ááannáá... a... gas tax... hike...// wouldn't help...// áájoináá... the... &pdebate...// on our... facebook page tonite...// right now, .../ two... dozen skiers.../ are... in the midst.../ of.../ ffnishing.../ a... grueling marathon.. ...// ...// and it's for a good cause. kkthleen ccirns has more on this historic ffrst at 'whitetail' 'the 1000thousand verticaa eet challenge' (maryellee) "here they come.... woooooo" with the rising sun.... (table) "28 way to go!" itts so busy... it's mooning on whitetail's slopes.- (maryellen) "here he comes yeah (slaps hands) " many are heee for the marathon... (maryellen) "its 100 thousand vertical feet in one day" the slope is 935 feet. so skiers have toomake.. 107 runs. (table) "its incredible"a day full of challenges.. áforá people with challenges. (toddd "i challenge you to dd ..cho cho., aaright lets go"(rob) "its a wonderful dayy conditions of the year. " (yellow bibs) "thats todd and rob, we both skied with both guys this year.. " raising money for disabled skiers.. including woundee warriors:like todd:"i usually tell them i got hurt in afghanistan i stepped on an &pied lost both my lees.. and part of mm arm.. i usually follow by saying its not as bad as it looks"(dad) "iis tough for me to swallow my son needs o go through lifeas a triple amputee at 21 but he does it gracefully""we work disability"it can be type of - therapeutic:"it helps with my legs to cause when you tighten em you use your hips and all theecause: "where are you... 37 or something..awesome.. woo... 40 baby 40"(maryellen) "ooe or two are looking droopy... but they are still 100 million years to form this mountain... (voice only) "im an ok skier" but for tood... minutes... to defeat it... (dad)"hes ccme home and come home a better man.. if you ask him he's lost nothing and gained everything."(todd) "lifes not about legs ya know..."at whitetail... (maryellen) "issthat amazzng!" pc fox 45 news at 10 the 'two top mountaannadaptive sports foundation' at white tail, is a non profit with astrooomical eepenses... each .../ una-ski,.../ áácanáá cost... thousands of dollars... 3 to.,./ find out... how áyouá... can help...////: áá logáá onto.../ ox baltimore dot com ...// slash newslinkk...// a bit windy... but a... mild pay over--all... today...// what's on tap for tom'w? tom'w? here's chief meterologist vytas reid with the skywatch fot forecast 3 the death of legendary singer whitney houston...what investigators have told he family about her death.... later on fox45 news at ten (20:00:24) "you have a school, you have a daycare, but no cameraa." cameraa&."why there are no traffic cameras... ssme of the city's most dangerous our cover story...after the break in the city of baltimore, there are now more speed cameras per capita than any other city in the country. country. they... generated ...millions of dollars.../ in... revenue .../ last year...//. áábutáá... as... city coffers .../ grow..../ áásoáá do... suspicion. suspicions.... why do some roads have manyy cameras.....nd others have none....? in tonights cover story, jeff abell investi. investigates....public safety...or public nuisance....? nuisaace....? (20:01:24) "its just too buuy out herea&." here in northwwst baltimorea&.where reisterstown road crosses cold spring lanea. (20:00:05) "theyyffies up reisterstown roaaa&." neighbors have becomeeall oo amiliar with the sounds of a crash. (19:59:49) (azure johnson)) "they trying to turn and that's when they hit each other. because, like, it was just supposed to be an accident just nowa&." this intersection sees about three crashes a montha. and not only is it prone to accidentsa.its free from photo enforcementa&.though thh city says cameras reduce accidents, you won't find them here at tte intersection with the second highest accident rate in the city. (20:00:08) (audio) "they have cameras in other areas where they need em herra&" (20:00:24) "you have but no cameraaa&." and its not the only danger zonea&.where (20:08:38) (abell) "even &phere at monroe anddwashington where there are more crashes in one year than anyyother intersectton in the city, there's no evidence of p[hoto enforcementa.not down (21:49:30) (map opens naas) so we beean mapping the citys too ten intersectionsa&with phe highest rate of we examined which of the ten had red light camerasa& (red pin nats) speed camerasa& (green pin nats) and no camerasa (pin nats) (abell) (21:50:00) "eiggt of those intersections had 'no' red light camerasa.and four had is now determining whethee cameras could reduce accidents at these intersections. transportation directors say cameras aren't always thh cure. "a red light camera is a tool the problem is people not yieeding to traffic, a red light camera can't solve that." so if the majority of those high crash innersections aren'ttphoto-enforceda&..wher e are all those cameras being deployeda&.? (19:53:11) "i mean we haven't heard that many accidentsa&" one of them has been snapping motorists along northern parkwayaat an intersection that has seen far fewer crashes.but this camera,, which snaps speeders as they roll down a hill,, has proven to be a cash one six month pumped out 750-thousand dollars in citationsamaking it the second highest grossing camera in tte city. (19:53:35)) (nikki connelly) "i personaaly don't think that this one is doing much good other than bringing in money for the citta&" (10:46:21) "lets be honest. make it about saffty or make it about money." state senator jim brochin believes speed cameras have far more to do with revenue than safety.state law only allows them to be used in school zznesa&that are within a half-mile of a school.but baltimore city officials believe that schoola&.even colleges.not loog ago, it started putting up speed cameras near micaa&.. two of them have sincc been b urneda. (10:46:55) (brochin) "i think the intent by someone we're talking about elementary or m,iddle students walking across the street with their schools now, its at nical - universitysa" the city discounts any notion that its priority is profita&. (12:42:03) (murphy) "it people say its okay to speed an d endanger people and someeow reasons to fix that are all about revenue. they don't say that when an officer writes a ticketa." it's a tough sell for some residents along northern parkway who have watched this camera snap speeders for two years. (19:53:48) (nikki connelly) "i don't think its really alleviating the problems on this road in particular. people aren't slowing down." there almost got hita" not baltimore eithera.where the t - prospeet for cameras at a come down to a photo finish. (20:02:08) "if not, we'll jeff abell, fox 45, news at tena on... the city's... list.../ of... "high crash"... pnter--sections...../// ááoneááá.. of....the speed camera.../ .. camera.... its located at eastern avenue and kane street. 3 in less than 15 minutes... we'll take you to l-a......for houston.the things rescuers the scene when thee arrived at ...and the things we know... about the 3-hundred 36 million dollar powerball winner... after the break 3 3 the.../ harsh.../ p new... austerity measures .../ in... greece.../ are.../ apprrved...///// approved...///// this...// wwile... firefighters... pumped water.../ n.../ smoldering buildings.../// ááandáá clean up... crews .../ gathered debris.../ ááafteráá in ../ ioting...// athens....//// ááprotestersáá... looted .../ after... lawmakers approved.../ new... economic... measures.../// áátoáá... eep... the nation...// from bbnkruptcy....//// bankruptcy....//// tsaaloglou says: "there's no question that there'' quite a lot of anger in the lot of frustration. however i do not think that these rioters represent all these demonstrators that were mostly peaceful yesterday." yesterday." 45--buildings... were burned, .../ áádozznsáá of... stores ...were... smashed up..../// áámoreáá than... 120-- people .../ were... injured.../ in.../ the riots...///. volunteers are sifting through trash... at a washinnton state . landfill.they're searching for clues... that could have been dumped by josh powell.the sheriff's office believes powell made a trip here last saturday... one day before he killed his sons and himself... by setting fire to their home. names, addresses, anything from utah, anything that would mmke a connection of some sort. books, calendars, maps. -butt to-eveeything from the day in question is in ttat pple so if heedid bring anything here, thhy'll find it. so far... they haven't found anything to help them with their investtgation. some lucky "mystery person" is 3-36-million dollars richer.. richer.. after...// buying...// one... little ticket.../ at.../ a... "stop and hop"...// in... rhode.../ island...// ááitáá... was... bouuht.../ in...newport...// átheáá winner.../ hasn't... claimed the jackpot.../ yet..../// áátheáá jackpot.../ was.. .the... third largest.../ in... powerball history...// history...// mos: "im just so very happyy for that person. it's going to hopefully. n a positive way." way." this.... is... the... first jackpot win... / áásinceáá powerball... raised its 2 bucks... a ticket. 3 3 3 3 a groom... falls flat on his face..../.how this traditional ceremony... turned ...embarraasing...// then... went viral. "i don't think she was trying to maak anything. she was in great spirits, she was singing and she had gosppl music playing." that was a friend... who saw whhtney houston juut hours before her ddath...what rescuers found... right after they aarived...after the break ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. maryland loses its quarterback..///.the... reason ...danny o'brien... is... transfering.../ and... the school ...he áwon'tá... be allowed to attend.../next in sports unlimited... add this to youu weight loss regimen.when researhers say snacking on cheesecake and other desserts... is your best bet to lose weight. your traffic edge report. with pooorrow is valentines day but commute on pprt of 95 in baltimore. crees are scheduled to upgrade signs on the between moravia road and the fort mchenry tunnel.that work will block one lane from 9am aaternoon.on 95 in baltimore county, ccews are scheduled to inspect a bridge.they will be working on northbound 95 between kenwood avenue and &pkiig avenueyou will find that activity between 8am and 4pm. (((ess)))i will have up to the tomorrow on fox45 morning news ñ speculated about last week has become reaaity... the maryland football program has lost a very high profile member...quarterback danny o'br. p'brien.. tte acc rookie of the year in 2010, o'brien met with coach randy edsall last week, and told him he'd think about it ooer the, the announcement was officially made...o'brien loot his starting job last season fter throwing 5 interceptions in the first three games...and didn't make a secret his dissatisfaction with edsal's spread offense....o'brien has trasfer to....stanford, wisconsin nd michigan state are sshools being discussed... but we do know that he won't be joining former terps offensive coordinator james franklin at vannerrilt....tte sun is reporting this evening that while the terps granted o'brien his release from scholarship, that release oes not include a possible transfer to vanderbilt...the terps are reportedly concerned that o'brien and frankl,in may haae been in contact as the future... looking to get back on track hostiig the sharks...tomas vokoun out with the flu... endter braden holtby... called up from hersey...tarring over michael neuvirth in net....1st period...joe pavelssi fires a shot from beyond center ice... holtby misplayssthe skipping puck...a goal from center ice...worth another look... holtby wants that one back... neevirth says i could've stopped thht...sharks lead 1-0....2nd period...san jose on the power play...pavelski ccerry picking in ront of the net...puts it away for his 2nd &pof the night...ssarks up 2-0.. shot gets deflected...patrick marleau is there for tte rebound...sharks up 3-0...they hand the caps their 3rd straight loss...5-3... coppin state hosts maryland eastern shore...and thee oriooes lose out on the yoenis cespedes sweepstakes...that's &pall coming up at 11-30 on the late edition... dessert for breakfast??maybe it's a good idea. idea.according to a new study, eating sweets in the morning can aatually help you lose weighttscientists studied two groups of adults.ooe group ate a oo-carb breakfast...the other ... a higher calorie meal with dessert.after 32 weeks ... the desserr group lost an average of 40 pounds morr than the non-dessert group..esearchers say those who didn't have a treet didn't cheated on their diet plan.the key, sccentists say, is to indulge innthe morniig,when your body's mmtabolism is more active. valentine's.../ day.../// ááisáá all... about lovers...////.áábutáá experts say .../ it... can ...also affect.../ yourr. health.the.../ state ...of your relationship.../ ácaná... reflect.../ your... "seef worth"..///.ááhowáá you celebrate .../ physical effects...////. ááwhetheráá.../ you... have... a valentine.../ or not...////ááexpertsáá suggest.../ going out... dancing .../ instead... of a at... home..../// ááluckilyáá.../ phe... most popular .../ valentines... treets ../ ááarráá... chocolate... and wine../// áábotháá... are... "heart healthy". learn.../ to... eat healthy .../ at... the... "b-more healthy"... expo...//ááfox-45áá... is.,.. teaming up.../// with... "med-star"... ealth..../ááthháá expo..../ ááisáá... saturday.../ march 17th .../ at... the baltimore.../ convention.../ center....////áálearnáá about exercise,.../ eating right... / and... get.../ health tt... "b-more á - healthy"... expo.../// &p-dot-com .../ for... more information. and... thh... groom... goes boom ....// right... on his ffce...///.ááwhatáá he... was doing... that caused ...this... embarrasing spill. ...and cominggup in just 5 minutes on the late edition... edition... chickens on the highway. what arkansas. 3 --that was tteefirst round... shooting nats-- 3 and aaman shoots his daughters laptop... why he ppened fire.. and the reason he won't be facing any charges... mine was earned over the south pacific in 1943. vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. a... wedding... can be.../ the ultimate... in.../ romantic occasions. occasions.unless ttis happens. happens.((scream ats))