emotional day...// in... the muuder of.../ former... lacrosse player.../ george.../ huguely....////ááhe'sáá accused.../ in... the.../ fatal beating.../ yardleyylove. -3 crime and justice reporter joy lepola is in charlottessille covering the trial which today involved graphic pictures of the crime s. scene..... and testimony from huguely's romantic rival. 3 a,.../ howard county.../ father.../ ááunderstandsáá... very well.../// ááwhatáá... goinggthru...// is... (bill))it can happen to anybody...i found out the hard " way" bill mitchell''... daughter .../ kristin.../ ááwasáá... stabbed death.../ by... her boyfriend...// in... 2005... // áánearáá... áákristin'sáá... killer.../ is... serving.../ aa.. 30 year.../ sentence....//// áájustáá... minutes.../ before... her.../ death:...//// &páásheáá... e--mailed... her... dad.. ./// ááootliningáá... her... relatiooship.../ troubles.. (dad)"i wrote a whole response back to herr. said he needd to know you need your frienns and you space at timms. here i am writing this whole email.. to somebody who.. died... (pause) 4 hours ago" ago"later.../ in... this newscast...//ááhearáá more... of... this father's... story.../ááandáá the... program .../ he... wants added... to... marylaad sshools../. ááthat'sáá cominggup.../ in... just.../ 300 minutes.../ áárightáá... pox45 news at ten staa with... fox 45 .../ for... continuing coverage .../ f... hugueleys... murder trial...//.ááwe'lláá have... a... live report.../ from ...charlottesville.../ áátomorrowáá... on... fox45... news at &p5530.../// also... have... "round-the-clock...// coveragg...// ááatáá... foxbaltiiore dot com.../ and... our facebook page...ááfacebookáá... p dot com... slash.../ foo- baltimore.../ new tonight...after days of deliberations....a jury convicts an inmate of muuddring a corrections officer. ooficer. lee edward stephens was founn guilty of first-degree murder in the stabbing death of corporal david mcguinn at the houseeof correctioo in the summer of 2006.stephens could get the death penalty when he's sentenced next week. 3 a... quiet neighborhood .../ turns.../ into... a.../ crime tonight...// á áápoliceáá.../ are inveetigating.../ a murder...../ murder...../ áákarenáá parks ... live.../ in... noothwest baltimore.../ ááwhereáá.../ neighborss../ are... still in shock..... shock..... its been years since police have been called to windsor &phills for a thi morning......a mmnns dead body pas found here......investigato rs don't know who.....and they don't know why...... why...... (nats)(24:22)its a quiet neighborhood.....(nats)(cont bite)you can here cricketss in windsor hills......(31:11)you'll heart the bird singing the cat shakened.......(nats) 10:45 this morning ffr a report of gunshots.....(30:544 we would have heard that here....we hear gunshots...... when they arrived to haverford road......a dead end stteet backed against a wooded area.......they found a man &pface ddwn with a bullet in his head.....(24:42)we don't a dead body......the man was pronounced ddad at the scene.......this neighbor who doesn't want to be identified lives steps away from the scene.....(29:53)what you are talking about now is really crazy.......the last crime knit northwest baltimore pretty good neighborhood ...3 basically ii might be a littte theft here and there but basicallyyits a pretty good neighborhood.....angela smith has lived in this eeghborhood for morr than 50 years.....she was home wwee the body was found.....(20:31)its not someone from this neighborhood the person who did it i believe might have not sure...but people don't usually travel in an area they're not familiar with.... 3 if you have any are asked to call baatiiore ccty homicide unit at 410-396-2100... 396-2100..... karen parks... fox45 news at ten fox45 .../ teams... up.../ with... the most... popular.../ crimee-apping... website..../ &p ááspotcrimeáá... tracks... criminnl activity.../ &pááandáá..,. will... send you... emails.../ crime happenn..../ áágoáá... to... fox-baltimore doo com... / ááclickáá... on... spot crime.../ in... the.../ "hot topics"... section.../ we now know the identity of the woman kiiled inna hhaa on collision in baltimore county. 30 year old amy thiess of edgewood was killed instantly when the honda accord shh was driving collided with two other cars yesterday afternoon. you can see the damage to the cars...after the crash in kingsville on bel air road. another person out of their car...that person is in serious condition. police have not said if weatherrcaused the collision. 3&the.../ ation's.../ 5... biggest banks.../ ááreacháá.../ a.../ 25... billion dollar../. settlement.../ wwth... the ederal.../ gooernment...///ááoveráá abusive.../ foreclosure .../ practices...//// ááwhenáá... the... "housiiggbubble"... burst. burst."bank of america" .../ and.../ "j-p... morgan.../ chase".../ ááwereáá.../ under.../ investigation...// for... the use .../ of.../ ááadá documeets .../ to... seize.../ will.../ get...///one-billion.../ dollars..// áámostáá... will... be used.../ to.../ help people.../ ááwhoáá.../ owee../ more than.../ their home.../ is.../ worth... / doug gansler/md atty general: 6:38 the heartless,,soul-less conduct of the banns led &pcrisis in the united states 4 and that contributed to the economic downturn that 50find out... out... what... other banks .../ ay start ...cutting deals.../ cominggup... on the late edition... at 11... jobless... a.../ 4... year low low358---thoussnd people .../ filing.../ for... first time.../ jobless.../ benefits...//. &pááthat'sáá lower than .../ expectaaions.....//. ...áábutáá somm..//. jjb cuts... continue. challenger says: the layoffs continue to occur. but we are seeing more of those come because of mergers and acquisitions or splits in pompanies. and those are more oo the kinds of ressructurings that happen in better times ppoducts. áástilláá nearly.../ 13----million people.../ remain.../ unemployed, .../ more complaints about a tax service company accused of ripping off customers. and tonight, a tax expert on whatt ou should know before filinn your tax return... where some alleged victims surfaced in our area.. keith. keith. jennifer.... we're live outside instant tax serviie.... we've been following these complaints since esterday.... and tonight..... more business behind these doors at this location.. and others. others. anotter day, another drama.. for another customer of insttnt tax service... a nationwide tax prep company. dana scott, a nursing assistant, used the location on liberty road.(ms. scott) "i trusted ttem...."........scott got a $100 dollar loan in decembbr.. and allowed the company tt file her taxes for a speedy return..........but when it was time to picc up weeks ago... she says the company told her.. (ms. scott) "we don't know what happened to the check after e printed it.. we lost it.. we don't know if we ggvv it to someone else..."........they found the chhck.. but then......(ms. scott) "e-file, $149......" ........the company slappee her with fees totalling nearly $700 dollars.....(ms. cott) &p"unbelieeable! i could have filed my taxes myself...." .........scott admits, she never asked about thh fees....which brings us to.. eric waddy......(waddy) "they're targetiig individuals....." .........who's an accountant enrolled to practice before the irs. waddy sayss there aae three key points you should know wwen looking for a tax service.... number one.. check thee preparer's qualifications... aal paid tax return preparer's must have a preparerrtax identification numbee. never sigg a blank return.. avoid tax preparers who ask for that. and always ask about service fees.(waddyy "the bottom line is it's up to the individual to do tte research and once they've done their research, then they should feel comfortable aout the individual that hey're sitting downnwith giving their personal information to. if you don't feel comfortable with that individual, then you should not be in that location..."............lesson learned.. for scott..... (scott) "please, please, please, always ask questions first.." our tax expert reminded us tonight.. hat you can fiie your taxes for free. just go to our website.. at fox baltimore-dot-com..slass news links to find out more. eantime,,there's no comment from theecompany tonight, about these complaints live in landsdownn.. keith daniels, fox 45 news at ten. an attempted kidnappinggcaught on camera....// what pollce... credit... with saving this little girr's life. llter on fox45 news at ten people have to choose between liie and death... death...but next...the staggering difference in cost between breast cancer treatments......depending on how they're taken...the ccange some people are asking for... after the break clear and ccld tonight...but there's a big change coming for the weekend...when e could see snowflakes... and how much we'll getin myy skywatch forecastin just 10 minutes ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at southwest airlines, we're always looking for new ways to make you happy. and we know what really makes you happy are new places to fly. announcing new nonstop service from bwi airport to atlanta starting february 12th. book all of our destinations only at ♪ book all of our destinations only at same sex marriage will once again be the focus of a public hearing in'll take place tomorrowin two house committees. but as john on that bill in another committee...has been put on hol. hold... (governor) "governor o'malley...has declared it one of his top priorities.and last week...he urged members of a senate committee to pegalize... same sex marriage. (mizeur) "i think with the governor leading the team this yyar and the speaker's full support what weere finding some new entre's for additional votes."butta vote on that controversiall seeate judicial proceedings - committee.some say that's because the full enate already approved the bill last year.and senators don't want to resume another prolonged debate on the issue until the house of delegates takes ts own vote. (jacobs) "the senate basically said look it's your turn now, you cover this issue, you show us 'cauue we've already voted it out." after a lengthy and emotional debate last year...the house never took a final supporters faaled to collect enough votes. (mitchell) "you know, the senate righttully so says let's see what the house does first and i think that we can o it on that side." (rydell) "the same sex marriage bill barely passed in last year and so this year, e - house speakerrmichael busch has assigned the bill to be heard by two separate committees at the same time, a rare move but on that virtually guarantees that bill would advance and be debated before the full house of delegatts."and some opponents are nothappy with that move. (mcdermott) "they have done this before with other bills but clearly in my opinion it &pcircumventt the process."but on friday...delegates will et another chance to debate the expeeted to turn out for that annapolis, john pydell, fox 45 news at ten. the hearing will be held at 1-pptomorrow in the ouue officebuilding. tell lawmakers what you think about same sex marriage ii'll find the contact informationnfor thh senate preeident on our website... fox altimore dot com slash your voice aim t teenagers whouse taking electronic tanning beds. beds.some counties...allow minors to useethem...only...if they get permissionnfromtheir parents.but some lawmakers say the ultrviolet light fromthose devices...greatly increasethe risk of skin they want to prohibit anyone under age-18...from usingtanning bedss (raskin) "but we don'' let minors smoke if they get a nott from their parents, we don't let minors drink liquor we should make a public ealth - policy judggment about as a sta" state." owners of tanninn salonsoppose the bill.they say such bans wouldhurt their business. it's.../ a... tough decision,,../ many... marylanders ...face.../ eeery day.../// áápayáá... thousands.../ of dollars.../ for... cancer treatments.../ you... can'táá.. afford..// ááoráá go... ith-out...///. park... tells us.../ ááaáá bill.../ in... honor of .../ a.../ state...senator's .../ wife.../ áácouldáá... make that... terrible.../ decision.../ go away. ...// janice? janice?jeff,today doctors...nursee and canccr &ppatients testified before the house health nn government committee. they hope to pass a law thht means cancer patients will never have to choose between life and death. death. clarksville father of two anthony lacey, describes his final months with his trina battled stage 3 breast c: cancer:"maxed out credit cards, maxed out everything, survival we were goiig to do anything to get my wife the treatment, at any cost, unfortunately, last june she passed"lacey was paying 13 thousand dollars a month...because insurance only covered i-v...not ral chemotherapy. but when it ame to staying alive...oral chemotherapy was trina's only oncologists in baltimore say patients are finding that treetment is not covered by their insurance...or it comes with a huge co-paament.experts say by 2014...25-30 percent of patients will use oral theeapie: therapies:"there are frankly insurance that do cover oral chemotherapy equully to iv there are others that greatly discriminate on this back basis"the bill is named after state senator jim mathias' wife...who passed awaa in august from breast cancer.the act would ensure all insurrnce - companies reimburse equally &panti-cancerrtreatments: treatments:"what it's about s hope...these folks that join me today, need the benefit of hope...for peeple who understann every day is a gift: gift:"we want to stay alive and take whatever drug will do that for us" if this bill is approved...maryland will join 15 other states with similiar legislation..janice park...fox45 news at ten. a lot of you may suffer from back pain...later... we'll talk about the ifference between typical back pain... ...and when you should see a about 25 minutess.. right here onnfox45 news at ten the new location for the &pheadqauuters of energy giant "exelon""comes with a pricey break.that's because the site sits in an enterprise zone.the zone entitles the company tt an an 80 percent break on property taxes for five years. it's a benefit that could cost company to forgo the lucrative benefit, essecially since the site is already elegible for city taxpayers to defray the cost of sidewalks and infrastructure. 18:24:42"here we have a company that made $6000 in the fourth quarter of 2011, and they made that kind of profit and they saad thet don't want any breaks" breaks"kraft sayy he plans to discuss the taa break with the mayor's office. lawmakers in annapolis are raise taxes and fees.... as governor... oomalley.../ struggles.../ to... balance.../ the.../ state... &pbudget....//// áábut á how.../ will... taxes.../ pmpact.../ maryland families? áámelindaáá... roeder .../ numbers.../ to... find . out... 20:27:300"the small businessmannis really becoming an ennangered species in marrland."from his hooe in haaford county, david seman... adds up the potential impact tax increases could have on his family.20:18:08 "on average we'reefilling up about once a week."a new sales tax enacted on gasoline... would &pbe the biggest hit to his household.20:32:14-23 "i have a 38 gallon tank... so weere looking at 58 gallons."six cents on the wholesale cost of p-car family.20:34:29 "501 dollar increase... just in tax."the state is aaso looking to raise ur flush tax - to help fund cleanup of the from 33 to 60 dollars a yearr 20:22:47 "that's a 100 percent increase to the flush tax." another plan -- 20:35:25 "a dollar 20, perrmonth.".... would apply tte state sales tax to songs and apps you download to your computer, ipod or phone.(apps tax) 20:21:50 "i'm still trying to ffgure out how they're going to effectively reguuate and collect."david estimatts that'll costt...20:35:50 forty a year."there's also push to double emissions fees... increase registration fees... and increase the titling tax on vehicles.tacked onto fuel costs... and that can realll hit some businesses hard.20:26:45 "a trucking firm with a dozen trucks? that could put him uuder."take into account, many increases in costssfor companies... get passed onto consumers.20:19:10 "everything in our ecooomy is driven by fuel. so subsequently, yes, they're paying at the pump. but gracey store, clothing store, add it all up....20:36:30 "501 plus 14.40, plus 60"the total ??? about 800 bucks more per year.20:25:00 "do maryland families have an extra $800 to give the state of maryland at this point? i think not."áandá when you consider.... there's also a plan to reduce the mortgageetax deduction for families who earn over a certain threshhold... owning aa home becomes even more costly in maryland.20:40:40 "famill of four - well over a thousand clear... raising taaes... raises some serrous concerns.... 20:25:14 "this is just not he economy for it. against the wall."fox 45 news at ten... the.../ maryland ..taxpayers' association.../ ááisáá... concerned...// cities... and counnies.../ áácouldáá be... forced to ...raise taxes.../ this year.../ too. here's our question of the day...//. áádoesáá governor o'malley's... budget .../ heavily... on.../ - tax increases? increases? ááyou'reáá... fired--up...// over this...// áá99áá of you... say... áájoináá... the... debate...// on our... facebook page toniie...// pnother spring-like day in febry februaay but change is on the way way here's... chief metorologist vytas reid... with the skywatch forecast forecast 3 3 (kristins daa)"please guide mm..always and lovv me forever.. love kristin." kristin."teens... and dating violence...his daughter... killed at the hands of her boyfriend...her fathers final 45 news at ten (kid with glasses)"before this i was like an egg.. now i'm a f" flower."but next... the people...beneffting from a unique dance program......and the progress they're makingin our cover story...after the break a... balttmore dusting off .../ her... dance shoes.../ ááandáá... cranking... up.../ phe tunes...//// tunes...////. kathleen cairns has tonight's cover story.... 'daring to dream'.((pkg)) ((((laying down doing sit ups wide))))"one two three..." (((close on face side wwman sot)))"if you want to be a dancerronnbroadway thats great" the desire... and drive... to puusue a dream. (nats-everybody sound off.. ohhh ray...)(teacher)"all righttyou guys got room????" but for the dancers in this classroom in essex... taking just one step can be something worth applauding.. (voice only) "all right on you feet" (teacher low angge)"hips push push"(moving)"hip to a circle like a huua hoop" (teacher low angle wider)"bellys roll...."this class draws people together ábecauueá of their differences. (with glasses)"its called bmore abilities special dance"(girl close in mirror)"i have a brain injury.. yes like somethings i dont remember" (side door close)"some people have autisim..someecerebral playsy down syndrome.. it can be anything, (kkd with glasses)"i had brain surgery when 3 years old"(voice ooly)"its a team effort right..."(wider really poving)"cross... up top... cross..."(teacher)"where are your hands...should they be up there or here.... "(girl side in mirror)"it doesnt matter if still have an opportunity to face your dreams." (great momentt"out..behind you... up... oh we bopped knees started the program when the - former ballerina.. realized there was nothing available for the impaired.. to express )"because you dont have to talk to express what your feeling you can juss.. do it!" pwide shot)"lets try it 4 times..out back..tuunn.." (yells 'turn'-close on maria moving)"turn........"the students push their own personal boundries.. (((two shot- good moment)))"up... turn... tie your shoes man.. (((sot)))"they dnt really realize they are learning something they just enjoy doing it"(((wiie moment)))"turnn.. good job.. high five"(((moment dancing close with maria)))"and turn...good job.. giggle.... giggle"(yells from side)"girls are you ready... yeah"(wide from front)"tap tap tap" (((close on maria)))"tap tap tap tap".. (wide from back)kick kick(girl close)"tap tap tap(side angle)"shoulder shoulder...."(((teacher demonstrating)))"and were hotties...""((great ending moment )))"laughing... high laughing really hard))) clapping))))"yeahhhhhhh""they share their talentt... (((rapper))))"aint nobody can rap like me caint n ody rap like.. who" in verbal... (((rapper)))"rap like me"and visual ways, like maria: (((counselor watchiig)))"her their counselors caa see the - transsormations.((wider shot nice moment teacher and maria dancing))(((counselor)))"it kind of encourages her to be more open"(couples dancing) it's a place where thee have less of one hing... (show coupleeddncing arms low and then leg brace comes into view) and more love.. then anything. (side door woman)"for antoinette... i see a change in her.. really her confidence and her abiilty to see a vision for herself.. before she had no idea what she wanted to do"watching antoineetes progress:(voice only)"she came to me the first day and told me shes been told be able to dance"(disolve in and out of zoe explaining)"to somebody (wipe) somebody who doesnt know what shes gone through..would not realize what a big accomplishment that was... "--andd--antoinette and seth.... are ámoreááthen dance partners. (((side door woman)))"they actually started dating not too long ago its cute"(teaching couple in ssng)"stop him with your cane.. reach out.. look at him... turn towards eachh other..."(((sot)))"theres actuaaly some true emotionn behind it so it shows in their dance" the movement has broken (((guys moment with hands... who ra....yeah"))) (counselor)"they get along very well it warms my heart inside"(kid with glasses close)"i just love it" "if we dont keep this going.. there are no other programs llke this in maryland"where (singing--keep this up till end)"theres a hero if you look inside your heart... "life is their stage. (kid with like an egg.. now i'm a as - flower."(singing- any you know you cant survive....)their peerss their audience. (lady in wheelchairs)"people can do anything they want if they put their minds to it"(((voice &ponly over walls words)))"danc like nobodys watching"(black teeshirt intv)"it feels &pwonnerful"(singing"and you''l ffnally see the truth a hero lies in you..."end witt clapping) b-more abilities speciaa arts center is desperately ii need of funds to stay afloat. log onto fox baltimore dot om to find out how you can help. they're.../ looking... for money .../ ááásáá well as ...used... dance shoes.../ and... musical instruments../// for... their.../ program.../// program...///go... to their website../.ááitsáá linked to... ours... / fox-baltimore dot com sllsh newslinks.. next on fox45 news at tenhe punished his son... but putting him in a dryerthe event in his past...that caused the changes againss him to channe... (bill)"it can happen to anybody...i found out the hard " way" his daughter...murdereddbb her boyfriend...his heart- wrenching final email...and the thing her fathee wants changed in maryland public schools...after the break 3 the yeardley love murder trial has brought the issue of teen dating violence ttnight, kathleen with.../ a.../ howard county... father.../ áálobbyingáá hard... to manddte.../ domestic violence... education.../ in... schoo/ schools,...// (bill)"it can happen to anybody.. i found out the hard way"bill mitchell is watching the yeardley love case closeey... with good reason: (shows photo in wallet) "this is picturee f her..taken graduatton thats the last day i saw her alive." his daughter kristin was stabbed to death near philadelphia in 2005. (kristins dad)"tte fact that my wife and i are parents of young woman who was murdered by a boyfriend makes it very similar.. we are all maryland people.. yardley love and my daughter kristin.." just hours.. before her death: kristin wrote an email to her dad.. outlining her relationship troubles.. ((ad)"i rote a whole response back to her.. said he needs to know you need your friends and your own life.. he has to give you space at times. here i am writing this whole email.. to (pause) 4 hours ago""we know that most teens will come in contact with teen dating violence.. one in three girls will be victims of emotional or physical abuse" house or rutt couuselors say early warning signs are often ignored. "it can be very subtle to begin with it can be name calling public shaming.." while mr. mitchell wants domestic violence education mandated in maryland publicc schools.. he's watching the pirginia case carefully. (kristins dad)"we are very curious to see how it turns out" and he relys on his (kristins dad)"it says dear god pleaae protect me and keep me safe" he reads a prayer written by his daughter... (dad)"love me and let me love you all the days of my life.. " words of wisdom... (kristins dad)"please guide me..always and love me forever.. love kristin."in howard county kc fox 45 news at 10 mitchell's killer.../ is... currently serving.../ a... 30 year... sentence.../// páheáá may be... ellgible for parole.../ in... 8--y/ 8--years....// for more information about the signs of teen dating violence.. log onto fox baltimore dot com.- slash newslinks this site also provides inffrmation on where parents.. and teens an get help. 3 3 3 two.../ tennessee men.../ are... accused.../ of... killing a couple.../ ááoveráá a... facebook diipute...// dispute...// 3 jamey... curd.../ and... marvin potter .../ face.../ first degree ...murder... charges .../ ááináá... the... fatal .../ and... his.../ girlfriend...////. áápoliceáá... say... potter.../ was... angry.../ ááafteráá... the couple.../ "de--friended".../ his.../ 30-year-old...// daughter... on.../ facebook..../// áápoliceáá... say...// he... and curd.../ went... to the.../ couple's.../ house.../ and... opened.../ fire...////. áápoliceáá... found...// thh... couple's.../ baby .../ áástilláá... cradled..../ in... its.../ mother's arms...////. a disturbing story in ohio.a fathee is charged with putting his toddler in the dryer. dryer.]this man... 40 year old jamale bailey, is in jail....acccused of punishing his 3 year old son in a cruel and unusual putting him in the dryer.... where the average temperature inside a dryyr is about 177 degrees. fortunately, they don't think the little boy was in there very long. mccauley says: "obviously any length of time would have resulted in serious injures or death." death." the child is going to be ok. but dad's charges have been updgraded to a felony, ecause thissisn't tte first time he abused a child.back in 1999, he was convicted of beating anooher son. 3 3 3 3 3 kiddappinggcaught on camera....// what police... credit... with saving this little girl's life. one of the questions iill ask is aae you getting better or is this getting worse worse a pain in the back... whee it could become a bigger problem ... and the symptoms that mmy mean its time to see a doctor.... i'm candace dold with your traffic eege need to know about road work happening right now.crews are inspecting signs in howard lanes are scheduled to be blocked until 5 o'clock tomorrow morningyou will also find activity on 95.aalighting project will block 2 lanes of 95 in oth directions near route 216 until 5am.of course i will have up to the minute traffic conditions tomorrow on fox45 morning news starting at 5am.candaceedold fox45 news at ten. nearly...// everyone.../ will suffer ...from.../ back.../ and... neck pain.../ ááatáá life...//.it affects everyone from weekend warriors to workaholics spending too much time at the, how do you know when it's time to see a doctor.we have the warning signs to watch for in tonight's ealth check... 3 3 ---ssoveling nats----when the snow piles up... so do the patients at orthoppadic associatessof maryland. 16:49:37- 16:49:433imothy yoon: its pretty easy bbcause everyone knows not to lift with their back, always lift with their legs, and no one ever does timothy yoon sees the same injuries eeery winter... 16:51:13- 16:51:20timothy yoon: it's almost like a repetitive motion problem, wear and tear over the years..and while an p aching back is a pain in the neck... a few aspirin and a heating pad will usually o the trick.but when the pain and legs.... it may be time to - timothy yoonntypical things that people will say is cup or pen and they're noticing their more clumsy than usual, meaning their hands start shaking while holding their coffee cup, they're dropping the pens all the timethese can be symptoms of something much more severe. &p16:55:16- 16:55:22oren blam: radiating arm pain or leg pain, incontinece, weakness that can indicate nerve issues the most extreme cases come to dr. oren blam (or-en blahm) ..... 16:59:26- 16:59:36oren blam: spine surgey issaamost always a lasttresort, we almost aaways try non-operative treatments first, including physical therapy, medications, even injections.while rare, a spinallinjury can lead to chronic pain... even paralysis...and for patients options... going under the knife.. 3 --dr. blahm talking about back.... and their life. 17:00:32- 17:00:42oren bllm: usually the llg pain gets better immediatley, there's some back pain from the cut, usually moderate pain easily manageable with some mediciies, by aaweek to two weeks later, most folks feel almost normal. fox 45 wants to make your 20-12 the healthiest year yet.. the b-more healthy expo" in partnership with ""ed-star" health is saturday march 17th at the baltimore convention ce. center.áálearnáá about exercise,.../ eating right... / and... get.../ health screenings....////áágoáá to... "b-more healthy".... exxo.../// -dot-com .../ for... more information. 3 contestants sing for survival during hollywood week on american idol. make me feel, you make me feel feelour fox 45 baltimore idol winner hallie day performed the aretha franklin hit "a natural woman" for the judges.they were impressed and she did make it past the first round of cuts. hallie is thrilled that she is still in the comeptition, bbt she admits this is intense. hallie says: hollywood week is the crazy, sabotage week where people crack and break down and run out crying and never want to sing again, i mean its designed to see whh can handle the pressure of being in an industry like this. this.american idol continues next wednesday and thursday at 8pm hereeon fox45. 3 3 parents... renting.. police dogs..../ ááwhatáá these canines... are being used.../ for... in... family homes... i was just like trying to do like this nd kick as hard as i can." nearly abducted inside a walmart. the training that helped this girl fight off her attacker. days ago, the government announced employers added 243,000 new jobs. ann unemployment fell for a fifth straight month. so why does this feel kind f phony? it's all how the numbers are presented. therr re juut over 154 million peeple in the us labor force. they are divided into two categories: employed and those 'officially' classified s unemployed. the official designation is veryy important. anyonn who is unemployed and has not looked for job in the previous four weeks is dropped from the government's officially unemployed numbers and is moved into a third category -- "not in the labor force." millions of discouraged workers unable to find a job are no longer counted as unemployed. about 88 million people - a record high -- are designated as "not in the labor force." when the government eliminates workers from the "unempllyed" category it can mathematically make the unemploymeet rate drop. evvn if it hasn't. the feds people from the "unemployed" n - category in just the onth of january -- and presto - the unemployment rate ddopped. a more accurate number ii the unemployed, plus the underemployed and part-time workers. this figure is 15.1%. but suspect the 'official' unemployment rate will continue to drop thru the end of 2012. or more on this story visit behind the headlines dot net. and follow us twitter and facebook. i'm mark hyman. they may not do too well on the field, but the orioles are dominant when it comes to arbitration hearings...they havee;'t lost one in 17 &'s trre, you can look it up..and tooay, they won another, keepiig the alive.. in fact, the winning sdtreak has now reached 7...starter brad bergeeon went down to defeat today at hii hearing in st pete...aater goong 2-7 with a hefty 5.7 earrned run average, bergeon asked for 1.2 million...theeorioles countered witt 800- thousand...predictabll,,the arbitrator sided with the was their first arbitration hearing since 20066 wwen they defeated rodriio lopez... ann as we told you they would last night, the orioles have agreed to a minor league deal with this guu, nick johnson... a veteran first baseman, johnson has been troubled with injuries in recent years, and played in triple a last season, buu at home time, was p feared hitter..his best year 2006, when he hit .290 with 23 home runs and 77 rbi... nhl...capitals hosting the winnipeg jets....3rd period... no score...alexander seminn sends it wide..alex ovechkin is there for the rebound goal...hhs 23rd...caps up 1-0....then it's ovie setting up semin...backdoor goal...his 14th...caps in front by 2....2 minutes left...jets down 2-1... dustin bufflin from center ice...deflects past tomas vokoun...2 goals in 12 seconds &ptie it up...this one heads to a the shootout...mathieu perreault needs to score to keep the caps alive...but he's stoned by andre pavelec...jets winnin a ssootout...caps only get one point and move into a tie with plorida for first in the southeast division... morgan adsit looks ahead to tomorrow ight's first place pattle between loyola and iona... our high school ame of the week winner...coming up at 11-30 on the ate edition... a... man... tries to kkdnap.../ a.../ little girl.../ from... a... georgia wal-mart... / ááandáá it's... all... caught on tape. tape.take a llok at this surveillance video. you can see him grabbing the ggrl... and trying to put his hand over her mouth.but the girl fights im off... using the she learned in training. (little girl) "yeah, i was just llke trying to do like this and kick as hard as i can."-butt to-(officer) "its chilling to know how quick something can happen, it actually sent chills up whee i saw thatt" that." police wasted no time in looking at walmart's video... which not only captured the suspect... but also his getaway car.when they caught up with 25-yearr ld thomas woods... he denied being at wal-mart.he's now facing charges. drug dogs for rent.../// what parents... are paying.../ to... borrowwthese canines.... / for... a... single search of their hooe. ...and coming up in just 5 minutes on the late edition... edition... children rescued from a burning bus. who played the role of hero. 3 and candy bars become a practical joke.why so many peoppe didn't think it was funny. police have long used drug dogs in law enforcement... enforcement... but now, .../ áátheáá canines... are helping parents .../ crack down ...on their kids. kids. a... sacramento company .../ is... making the service.../ available... to parents -- / ááwhoáá can rent... one of their... specially trained dogs .../ to... track the scent ...of drugs.../ in... the... home...//. áádrugáá dog services..., l-l-c,.../ áásaysáá... theirrcanines... areetrained .../ to... pick scent.../ of... illegal.../ áandá prescription drugs. watkins says: "meth, cocaine, h" heroin."watkins says: (covered by above video) "if somebody calls the back of their mind, (on camera) they think their kids on drugs, and they're probably right." right." the company... charges ... 100--dollars.../ for a search. 3 we would have heard that here....we hear gunshots...... gunshots...... we don't have any major things such as a dead body...... body......

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