happened in erry janice park tells us police completed forensic testing on the car in queetion. &p mary anne matthews alks toward the garden in front of hhr frieed beeerry's home: house...or think about her... kind of tear up" "she was just loved by everyone, never heard a word her""i feel bad, like i should clean it up for her...beeause would have keet it" it"january 22nd...68 year old beverly moore was waakiig home from weisssupermarket when she killed.neighbors have long cars, here on seven courts driv: drive:"and friends of beverly say they still can't understand why she walked herr that night...because she has a car and rarely walks"police say the drivvr fled...but then a break in the case. just a few days ago, an anoymous tip took investigators tooharford county. where they found the this one, that they had been but after multipll interviews...poliie are still looking for the driver: driver:"can't imagine how ou could dooit, i couldn't live 3 with myself" myseef""i think he deservvs a good bit of jailtime"tonight, moore's riennd wonder why the driver hasn't come forward...buttin the meantime...they continue to keep moore close to their heart:janice park...fox45 news at ten. it is an emotionaa time... as jury selection is about to begin in the trial of thh man accused of killing yeardley love. a roommate theeuniversity of virgina, in - may 2010. 2010. as crime and justice reporter joy lepola explains tonight.... defense attorney's for love's former oyfriend maintain the killing as not intentional. ((pkg))(recorded intro)almost 2-hundred people have been subpoenaed... as potentential jurors in the murder trial of george huggely. with that said... beginning tomorrow morning, in groups of 80 those potential jurors wwll file into the courthouse in charlottsville virginia. among them will be the men and women who wwll ultimately decide if huggely is guilty in the deadly beaaing of yeardley love... a lutherville native whoograduated from notre dame away from graduating from the university of virginia.. ((interioo)) it was may 3rdd 2010 when friends found 22 beaten ann bloodied. the 22 yeer old soon to be u-v-a graduate. the initial calllto 911 sugggsted love mayyhave had too much to drink the night in quession. detectives however ruled that out.(sot ffom 5/3/10 pkg f chief) police arrived and qqickly we &prealized victim suffered fromm something far worse to her body. in the hours that pollce arrested 24 yeaa old george huguely a fellow u-v-a ptudent ann llcross player. up. police say during ken - questioning huguely admitted he went tt love's off campus apartment, kicked in her bedroommdoor and began to violently shake her aa times striking her heed against the wall. huguely's deffnse team maintains hhgely did not intend to committ murder. (sot from atty from pkg) 4/12/11 incue george huguelyoutcue: he did could have happpned. it's expected spend a great deal f time tieing love's adderall use to her cause of deeth. the drug is commonly prescribed to iidividuals with adhd. police found a prescription for the drug in love's backkack. ((joy on-camera)) once 12 jurorssand 3 &palternates are seated... attorneys will present their opening statements. thhs will be the first time that attorney's will address jurors. both sides will take his opportunity to explaan to this point... and whooshould be held responsible. joy lepola fox 45 news at ten. 3 and as the murder trial for yeardley love's suspectedd killer begins...her alma mater, notre dame prep, holls a unique event to honor her mem. memory.1:00:00 "let's have fun in honor offyeardley...wistle sounds." 1:00:03 1:00:03hundreds of students llterally "dodged for ove."it was the sscond annual dodgeball touunament to remember yeardly.most of the students aa n-d-p now... didn't know her.but, they say lovees story stilll affects them. 01:00:26 "we've heard so much aaout her that even though i didn't know her personallyy really touched everyooe." 00:34 00:3401:01:03 "it's a tragedy to honor her mmmoryyanddhhpe to do so for many years to come." 01:14 money raised from the tournament goes toward scholarships...and a new turf field in love'' name. stay withhwith fox 44 for continuing cooerage of the yeardley love murder trial.our crees are in charlottesville and will have live reports when jury selectton begins on tomorrow. you can allo get the latest updates around the clock on our websiie foxbaatimore dot com and ur facebook page. an anne arundel county police officer is facing charges tonight... after police say he interfered wiih a druu raid. corppral rick alexandar is a 14 year veteran and is accused of tipping off the targets. officers went to serre a warrant on juniper street in the hhmm ....officers found de & amount of drugs... police ssy because alexaader warned them that a drug raid was about to happen. ""'ve got respect for the what they gotta do""i'm glaa they got him, tterr are a bunch of dirty cops and something neees to be done" done"alexander faces charges, including obstructioo and hinderiig a police officer, misconduct in ffice and conspiracy to distribute marijuana and cocaine.he released tonight on his ownn recognizance. superbowl sunday...even though the rrvens were just shy of playing in today's game.many of you rushhd to local restaurants to buy food for superbowl parties. dorn says: " 04:11:52 "supprbowl sunday just means you have a lot oo peoppe thatthave that hoorah in ttem. they're ready. i always ask everybody..who are you rootinggfor nd i just like to see the spirit in phem." 12:02 12:02at bella roma restaurant in north baltimore ... empllyees prepared for the mad rush.thhy ... like most businesses ... offered pizza expected to sell double the amount of pizzas thannany normal sundayyniggt. but many ravens fans can't helppbut feel a little... down... oo this super bowl sunday.....after watching their team lose to the pptriots in the a-f-c championship game.and as melinna roeder found out... that lukewarm interest innthe big ggme.... may have put a damper on some gameday parties this year.she's live at m-and- &pt bann stadium,....tonight.... melinda? just a couple weeks ago... ravens fans gathered here for the playoffs.... with high game tonight.anddit certtinly seems that time... has not yet healld... their broken hearts. hearts. (cover) 01:33 "oh it's a very the giant in dundalk... shoppers stocked up on gameday pnacks....3:54 "i'm gonna watch it and i'm gonna party pust like everyone else."04:50 - nats of beepingbut many admit their heart's not in it.... because he ravens aren't in it....07:044"i don't really care who winss"01:10 "the onll vested intereet in it that i have thought is because i'm in a ffotball than rooo forrone of the teams... against one of them this ear."03:14 i'm rooting against the patriots."03:36 "cause they beattus!"01:25 "i mean if the ravens can't win, else." of course.... some shoppers aren't botheeed by the absence of purple pride... 06:06:43-06:06:50 "no. not reaaly. why is that... i'm a steelers fan."39:26 - nats of make the mostt..... of ns... - dough.... at oriole pizza.... in the hopes of akinn some always good wwth pizza and wiigs."a busyynight ffr drivers... who deliver... tt hungry fans on football sundays....15:24 "especially when the ravens are playing here, it's pretty tips... 23:42 "have a good - drivers.... or fans.... 24:58 "i really would like both teams to llse... but somebody's got to win."(naybe more nats at supermarkett) still... football fans.... season..... ill be easier to e - swallow....04:00 "hopefully the ravens next year wwll make next year. doo't worry." 33 super bowl 3&excitement ttpical some big profits for sports bars. but i called a few tonight... who told me the crowd as smaller than expected. so maybe faas just figured it's a good night to staa in... and watch the &pgame... or at least the from m-and-t bank stadium... melinna &proeder... fox 45 news at ten. after daas of spring ike &pafter days of after days of spring ike temperatures...this weekend finally felt a little more like winter. can we expect hese ooler temps to stick around...chief meteorologist vytas ried is standing by with the skyyatch forecast. deadly home explosion...the man in the natiooal spotlight kiiled .... and what happened moments beeore the house wenn up in smoke. &p" 1:28 women's health needs come before politics." 1:31 more outrage over komen'' decisions.the reason donations organizatioo could ástill take a nose--dve. an explosion killed three powell, whhse wife disappeared in 2009. powell and his tto sons died. you can see the charred home...and the smoke filled area. a caseewookee had just dropped off the chillren ... before powell shut and locked the fightinn to regain custody of his kids. . police had considered josh the lone wiies disappearance. 3 mitt romney swept pastthis fellow candidates in nevada yesstrday... but gingrich and on.torummvow to press on. newt gingrich knew he was heaaing into nevaaa with a disadvantage...mitt romney is wildly popular here... the ffrmer mmssachusetts governor won the thousand-eight with fifty--ne percent of the vote. and gingrich also kneww that ron paul does well in caucus states. now, we were at the veeetian hotell last night...where speaker gingrichhheld a press claims that he was ny dropping out of this race. gingrich says: "every primary day or caucus day, the romney headquarters inn oston sends out the rumor that they bblieve i will wiihdraw, which is, of course, their greatest pantasy. i am not going to withdraw. i am aatually pretty happy with where we are. and i think the contrast bbtween governor romney and me is going to get wider and wider and clearer and clearer over the next few wweks." former pennsylvania senator ick santorum, where he talked to hrrs day, wallace about turning his campaigg around...following a third place finish in south carolina and florida...and a last place finiss in here in nevada.santorummsays: "now, we're getting toothe ssates where people don't havv tte natural advantage, don't have the time commitment, the staff commitment to really uild out an ooganization like they did in these first fiie. i ttinkk we're going to doovery well here in minnesota. i thinkk we're going to do very well in colorado".(tag) confidenn about missouri...the "show me" state hhlds its primary on tuesday. saatooum has beee there campaigning. he pses a gooden opportunity...becauseenewt gingrich is not oo the ballot &pthere... in as vegas...casee news. and after alienating both siies of the abortion debate in just one week ...susan b. komen trugglessto win back sup. supporters.the fundrasing giint known for its races for breast cancer ...could see week, komen announned it waa cutting funding to planned parenthood.then, aamost immiediately, reverred that, sooe pro-life organizations are urging people to stop writinn checks to komen ... "26 whennpeople and women want to run in races, people want to donate to cancer research organizations, they want to support the wook they're doing, but they ultimatelyy ddnation, their hard-earned moneyyis not going to be going toothe nationns largest abbrtion provider, planned parenthood." 44 p4"1:20 i don't think komen's job is to make everyone happy. i think our job as breast cancer advocates is to ensure that women's health comes first. omen's health needs to come before politics. ii needs to come before religious prrsssre. 1:34" 1:34"komen says its funding to planned parenthood paid for referrals ... not the organization is struggling to restore it's image... and bringgthe focus backkto fiihting breast cancer. addicted to facebook. the new research thattfinds social media more addictive than drugs ....and the two things... users won't giie up to update tteir status. 3 ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] at southwest airlines, we're always looking for new ways to make you happy. and we know what really makes you happy are new places to fly. announcing new nonstop service from bwi airport to atlanta starting february 12th. book all of our destinations only at ♪ gas prices continue to soarr...prices have jumped nearly ten cents in one week... week...nationally driverssare shellinn ut an average oo 3 dollars and 48 cents a gallon. here in maryllnd drivers can expect to pay even mmre... 3 dollars and fifty two cents. innbaltimore tte average is 3 dollars and fifty cents... while motorist are feeling the pinch, triple a says its going better. might spend to day? isnt that ridiculous? yeah... but you still ggtta have it" it""its gonna keep going upp but people are still goiig to buy it" weewant to try to ease the pain at the pump! head to ffx baltimore dot com pnn click on our pump atroll link. we'll show you the lowest gas prices near where pyu are ow... or where yoo're going... o you can keep mmre with all our content, it's absoluttly free. 3 3 3 3 &p3 3 3 p3 p when news your cell phone. download the fox45 mobile news app for your droid r i-phone. it includes headlines.. ttaffic.. and weether conditions.. all at pour fingerrips. go to poxbaltimore dot com and ooo for "mobile" at top righthand porner of the screeen anyone with a facebook page ... knows ocial networking sites are addicting.but just how addicting?the cravinns poot peoole would forego .... just to check their pages. you party, have fuu, drinkk gee aked nakedlivvng life on the jjrsey shore... the nnw situaaion for the past five seasons of the hit show. a new study finds facebook and twitter are mooe addictive thhn alcohol and tobacco. tobacco.researchers gavee blackberrys to more than 200- seven times overr14 hours ... asking if they haddthe urge to lookkat onn of the social phem did.and many saaddthey wereewilling to forgg most other cravings ...except sex and sleep ... to checc social meeia. mover over facebook... there's up speed! it's an app for your and it aims to make social networking more personal. youu can only foolow uppto about a hundred facebook you an add ppctures, update status, but creators say it was conceived to make sharing a more intimate experrence between close friendd and family. 3 turnnng to the world f entertainment.... "jersey and -woww are striking out on pheir own. he fist pumping duo are working on their own spin-off frrm the popular m-t-v reaaity series. the stars talk about living life with a camera crew in tow. snookii says "it's like vacation for us. what do you do on vacation? you party, ou &pparty, have fun, drink, get nakedd beeii bikinis, that's what you do. but you put us in the winter and obviously you're going to get a different type of show. you put us in alabama, ou're goona get a different showw it's our locatton and timing ttat makes the show." showw" five easons in, the "jersey shore" tars say, they still have no regrets... actress demi moore reportedly hecks herself into rehab. rumors are swirlinn thht the fortyynine year old is seeking treatment in utah for an eeting disorder and addiction issues.demi moore eeded uu in tte ospital on january 3rd, after she was said to hae suffered seizures. p moorees spokesperson 3as not commented. - a classic super bowl...see the amazing finish between the giants and patriots...coming up in sports unlimited....- a soulful and fitting tribute to thh creator of the "soul train..about 100 fans danced in the middle of new yook's time square to remembbr don cornelius.they re-created a soul train line ... showing off their moves.many wore their afro wiis and 70's attire.ccrnelius ... the lonntime hoot of the sool wednesday froo a died self-inflicced gunshot wound. 3 that's alllfor the news at ten... uppnext ruce cunningham aad morgan adsit recaa super bowl 46 in sports unlimited...bruce and morgan... coming up tonight on sports unnimited...another classic super bowl between the giants and patriots... patriots... it was an unforgetable finish indianapolis... 3 matt biik named n-f-l's man of the year...his thank you to fans... with the ravens season over... steve bisciotti answers all the qqestions you want to &pknow...his gut feeling oo ed reed...and his ggarantee for 3& and i go 1-on-1 wth loyola he's turnee the program into a nnc-a-a this...ent hopeful team....-3

Related Keywords

Charlottesville ,Virginia ,United States ,Nevada ,Alabama ,Missouri ,South Carolina ,Colorado ,Minnesota ,Florida ,Pennsylvania ,Jersey ,Utah ,Don Cornelius ,Susan B Komen ,Demi Moore ,Notre Dame ,Ron Paul ,Mary Anne Matthews ,Newt Gingrich ,Beverly Moore ,George Huguely ,

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