enhance their buttocks. and meliida roeder .../ live... from the block... &pin baltimore.../ ááwhereáá the... victim worked... / ááandáá... the started.melinna?/ - mmliida? the exxttc dancer told police sheeheard about this woman who administered silicone injections into the buttocks... from other dancers... here on the block. but after her ourthh treatmmnt... she began having trouble breathing. and that prompted a federal to the suspect's arrest. authorities believe these illegal injections tookkplace over a period of time... spaaning several states. and it's unclear how many other women have been affected. affeeted. in the world of exotic strip clubs... aabig, firm fanny... can mean more money.but federal authoriiies say one wommnnmade thousands of dollars... by injecting clients -- most of them dancers -- with a non-medical type of siiicone... directly into theer claims she sufffred serious medical conditions... pncluding shortness of breath... afttr treatments. and at good samaritan hospital... octors found silicone on the sides and bottom of hee lungs.she told officials... she'd received inside ttis downtown hotel... where she met several times... wwth a woman later identified &precords... show smedley... wh frequently travel.... to &photels where she secretly met with clients.smedley was a marriott inn washington . at d-c... after aasix-month investigation by the food and drug administration., smedley... was never licensed. pbut real doctors who've seen the results of these illegal injections...say they can cause serious damage.((dootor bubble to the surface and can cause infections which are difficult to treat."details of the investigation are shocking.... like the silicone that was stored in a water pug... with no mmrkings.but some -- who work with members in d-cc.. say they're not surprised to learn of the illegal operation.(((bites witnessed incideets when ly individuals used silicone injections have disfigured themselves.""it's a quick fix breasts, hips, when they're doing commercial seexwork and pt's about how to look appealing. so they take the risk to make the money and unfortunately, it's cost some lives in the process and some ppople are sttll disfigured." 3 3 authorities believe smedley haa been injecting people for many clients she's treated, &pbut recordd show she had more at hotels over a 6-month ays 3 period.and she was known among exotic dancerw - as a go-to source for from the block... melinda roeder... foo 45 news at ten. 3 and innanother case.. miami... police.../ &p a... fake doctor...// ááforrá... injecting cement.../ and... "fix-a flat".../ into.../ a... woman's bottom.../// to... give her.../ a... fuller figure police... say.../ o'neal... ron morris.../ is... a transgender...// who... performed.../ the... ásameá procedure .../ on... herself...//ááheráá victim... reported...// serious painss../ after... the... operation... operation...ááitáá... took.../ 3 ... hoopitall.../ to,... figure out.../ áápoliceáá... say.../ there... are... other victims.../ átooá embarrassed.../ to... come forward. nursing assistants in maryland... without training. an investigation uncovered a statt worker... selling licenses... to just about anyone who wanted one. tonight, crime and justice reportee joy lepola shows us how sttte officials... ignored ádecadesá of warnings. warnings. ((pkg)) almost 160 nursing assistants statewide.... &pillegally licensed nd at taxpayers expense. auditors say the warning signs were there... ut no one with the department of healthhand mental hygiene was willing to listen. 13:57:32 many pertificates were issued that shouldn't have been issued myers office waaned the board of nursing that sommthing like this could happen. 13:54:44 if you are issuing a license you shouud have that money and it shhuld get in the bank. it's simple math and someone shouud be checking that gets done. it's suspected... the state worker pocketed thousands in the scheme... selling and distributing nursing certificatts to people who weren't properly educated or trained. we talked with the nancy adams with the board of we don't have any evidence &pthat there was any patient safety or issue compromised as a result of this regrrtable event.the state has revoked the licenses of nursing changes have been put in place in hopes of keeping something like this from happening again. p joy llpola fox 45 news at ten. 3 the state worker involved has &ppeen fired and there could bee criminal chhrges. montgomery... county police.../ need...// your help..../.ááafteráá... a... "flash mob" robbery ../ in....silver spring...// áthisáá video... shows.../about... 50... young people...// ssorming...// this 7-11.../áágrabbingáá &p aal... the snacks.../ they... cculd carry.../. áápoliceáá... suspects.../ help.../ identifyyng... the.../ rest.../// rest...///get.../ a... closer look... at the fox-baltimore slash... raw news robbers... keep... hitting.../ goodwill stores... in.../ baltimore county....//áátheáá latest... happeeed...// on..../ west ...padonia road.../ friday...//ááaáá ggnman... orced customers ...and workers .../ into... an offiie.../ áátheyáá... stole money... from cash registers.../ and... a safe...///.ááthissá at... thiss...// - store....//áátheáá one... n... east joppa road.../ was... átwiceá hit...// ááányoneáá... with information.../ police fight back.../ using... spot crime...//. ááwatcháá crime trends... in youu neighborhood....// ááandáá e-mails.../ about crime... in your community..../ ááatáá foxbaltimore dot com... / áálookáá in... tte hot topics a paperworr mistake puts an accused killer back on the streets in prince george's couny county24-year old frederick scott is facing one charge of first degree murder... in connection with the shooting of a mannback in march. march.earlier this month... e posted a 75-thousand dollar bond... and was set free. days later... the error was discovered. appears to be no fault of thh department of corrections...they were just following the paperwork sent over ffom the courts...allowing him to post the bond." bond." police are asking him to turn himself in. new... developments .../ in... the arrest .../ of... a.../ "lone wolf"... terror suspect new york city...///áátheáá... suspect's mother.../ says.../ she's.../ sorry... /// áámeantimeáá... many... wonder why.../ the áfedsá.../ didn't get... involved involvedáájoseáá pimentel... was arrested... saturday ....// ááafteráá allegedly planning.../to attack... police stations.../ and... ost offices...//.ááheáá miled court.../ as... the charges.../ were.../ read...///ááinvestigatorsáá say... pimentel...///was... out... of.../ match heads.../christmas lights...///...and.../ plumbing supplies...// ááalláá inspired maggzine an... al-qaida - 3&"he used elbow oints to hous the bombs and he also planned to affix nails to them as additional shrapnel." shrapnel."the... feds... usuaaly handle... cases.../ ike this...///áábutáá didn't... get invooved.../ áábecaussáá they believed.../// unstable...///. ááandáá couldn't... pull it off.../ on his own ááfindáá out... how close... he was.../ to... finishing his &pbombss../áátonightáá... on... the late edition.../ at 11 lawyers .../ for... the man .../ accused ...of trying to kill.../ president obamm.../ áátriedáá... getting... those charges.../ thrown out... today in... federal court....// pálawyersáá... for... oscaa ramiro .../ ortega .../ &p say.../ there... were confficting accounts.../ from witnesses.../// ááprosecutorsáá say... he... took shots.../ at... the white house.../ with... an assault rifle.../ november 11th..../ ááortegaáá... until...// a...psychiatric hearing.../ next onday heated words andd accusations of thrown unches. punches. keith daniels, live in orthwest baltimore with the story of a confrontation between the city's clerk of courts.. and an internet blogger.. keith. keith. jennifee ............we're live outside of the conaway home in the ashburton neighborhood...... frank conaway sayss trouble stepped on his property behind this fence this morning.... .............and tonight, weeve got the story of how he says.. he chased it away. away. frank conaway senior confrontation.... not at citt courts where he's clerk... but in front of his home, monday morning, when a man knocked on theefront door.(conaway) "and i ddn't know hy this man would come to my house.." ...........police say it was have never knocked on frank conaway's door in my life!" ...........who admits he was jogging in the area, saw conaway outiside.. then stopped.(meister) "he came out, he came toward me..." ........... conaway claims obscenities.... verbal criticisms against his family. then things heat up... both men now ith theii side of the story.(meiiter)) "we were exchanging words.. he he did not hit me.. then he triis to run after me and i peep running.."(conaway) "i'm not as fast as i ussd toobe. almost. and then he turns around and goes into a karate ..............he's an indeeendent blogger known too have written several stories over the years criticizinn the politically connecteddconaway family.. including the latest property taxes that may have ccst ccnaway's daughter, belinda conaway, her seat oo &p(meister) "it definitely cost her the election, i'm proud of thatt."the conaways sued meister..............and noww it's conaway vs. meister...... a possible criminal confrontation.....(conaway) "if i ad aken a swing, i just wouldn't aimleesly throw a punch, i would have hit him.."(meister) "frank conaway sr. is a public officiaa, an elected official, gets paidda $100,000 a yearr. he should be able to take criiicism in a public space." two ndercover officers just happened to be in the neighborhood.... they saw what happened... they took a report. and according to a spokessan.. the city state's attornee's office will decide if any chhrges will be filed. live in northwest baltimoree keith daniels, fox 455newssat ten.. one person.../ is... in.../ serious condition.../ p ááafteráá... thru...// a... . - southwest baltimore... home..././. it... happened... around... 6:30 this morning../ on... lehman street../. ááfirefightersáá... found ...a.. victim inside...// in... cardiac arrest....// .áátheáá... victim...// was... taken to... shock trauma.../// in... critical.../ condition...///.ááaáá neighhor... describes.../ saw...// "there was a lot of black smoke everywhere it covered craay"the cause... of the fire... issstill under investigation. the trial.../ for ...two brothers .../ setting a pit bull on fire..... ii on hold,,because witnesses wwren't available. available.travers anddtremayne johnson are charged with setting "phoenix".... the pitbull, onfire two years ago. the first case ended in a mistrial.animal rights groups say this case brings attention to animal abuse. a case of abuse againstt another pitbull....a puppy, in baltimore county.this troublinggcase sparked so much outrage...people took to social media to save the puppy. puppy.janice park... streaming live from the baltimore humane society which helped intervene.? janice?noelle is a pitbulll puppy who was 3 malnourished...lost all her hair...and was being eaten facebook...posting pictures to rally to save this puppy....there was áso much support...the same day she wws supposed to be put down...the humane society came and got her. her. the humane society says somewhere in balttmore & owner just sat back and this 3 moott old puupy beccme ey....uuffrrnn from an advanced case of mange: mange:she's ost all her hair...and huge sores cover body:"and the humane society says they have no idea who this dog owner is, or if this dog owner has any more animals" animals""a ot...this didn't happen overnight...they had to look at ttis everyday, and see what was happening to her"word quickly spread about noelle over the internet..peopll began posting these pictures on their faaebook accounts...pleading foo her:"she's ne of the worse that i've seen" the shelter director says the mange as made her timid...but today she quickly warmed up to our's this same spirit that made thh humane society want to save her...often times many other animals aren't so lu: lucky:"we found out she was &pgoing to be uthanized with another dog, but we took them happyyending, they were set to be euthanized at 3 and we got them at 4"despite beinn horribly neglected in her first 3 montts f life...with treatments...noelle will soon be ready for a new, loving home. the humane society ays at this point...there's no push to find theeowner or punish them...but there is a statute in maryland...where animal cruelty is a thousand dollar fine andd90 days in in reisterstown, janice park fox45 news at ten. the... ravens.../ tonight ... // ááafteráá.../ a... nail-bittng... win.... against the ...cincinnati bengals. bengals.the win comes after a depressing defeat last week in seattle.the bengals jumped out to an early lead... but the ravens ccme back... and go on to take a hard-earned 31-24 victory over a very good bengals team. that wwn left eeeryone with a lot of purrle pride pridd ttis... is kao...///áálettingáá everyone know ...its... "ravens coontry"...///. ááhe'sáá... makinggsure... no one crosses... into the end zone ...and how else would you celebrate the raaens win. samantha sent us this celebrating by playing in a - pile oo leaves. show us... your ááuploadáá photos and videos.../ thro... "purple"... -at... -fox baltimore -dot- com...//. ááoráá our... facebook page../ ááfacebookáá dot com... slash ááclickáá on... "inside fox45".../ on... thh lefttside... of the screen. 3 my god it's like a snowman puked all overrmy living room &pthhir hands on justtone bag o flour counterfiet christmas lights...that could start & toospot the fakes... next on fox45 news at tee rain... movvnggin over ight the weather you'll wake up my skywatch forecastin just 10 mmnutes the.../ debt... supercommittee.../// that... was ásupposedá.../ to.../ cut....more than .../ &p one... trillion dollars.../ from ...the budget... / ááfailedáá.../ to... reach a deal... today todayfinger poiiting.../// began .../ áimmediatelyá.../// áárepublicansáá... say... democrrts.../ refused... to cct .../ entitlements...// áádemocratsáá republicans... wouldn't..,./ raise taxes....// áátheáá automatic cutss../ may.... ánotá... happen.../ until 20-13../ . ááifáá at... all...///áábutáá... thee.. president said.../ any effoot .../ to change .../ automatic cuts. and so essentially the issues that torpedoed this -&s very heart of the 2012 election, and voters get to maae he deciding call." call." congress.../ has... a ...lot of... áotherá... business...///áátheáá "doc fix"... for... medicare.../áááweakiigáá... the... alternative... minimum ax.../ ááandáá gooernment funding... runs 16th../ december - ááshouldáá... defenss/// be... áexemptá.../ from.... those.../ across the board.../ cuts? áámeganáá... gilliland.../// has reaction...// over...// what...lies... ahead...// . . sot: sp defense 1:22-1:29i'm into the do nothing option savings...this place is good at doing nothing, that ay be notting mmans an automatic 8 -3 too9 percent budget cut in defense and social programs over 10 years.sot sp defense 59-1:10if there's no deal, taxpayers acttally win because we get a sequester and that meann, in washington 'budget talk,' there are automatic reduutions in projected growth of overnment spending.broll:: sp defense :08bbt john contractor.he's not e celebrating a super committee failure.sot: sp defense 1:44- 1:49even as we're talking about brrnging overall spenning down, you have to do it wisely.broll: sp defense :17 4-hundred people work for him, mandatory defense cuts keep eeeryone awake t night.sot: sp defense :25-:32the employees are incredibly nervous, and i think everybody is. inna small business, it is a very hand-to-mouth kind of thing.broll: sp defense 1:33 under current laws, any defense ccts must be applied in equal percentage to each program, project and activityy there's no protection of one project ooer another.darling 3:40 -- 3:46sst: the defense cuts as part of the ssquester .. if the super com faiis to act.. would be unacceptable. broll: sp broll then take graphic: - defense cuts 1in a letter to ssveral congresssen earlier this month, secretary of defense leon panetta wrote that the united states wouud have "a&the smallest ground forces since 1940a" and "..a fleet of 230 ships, thee smallest level since 1915" if congress fails.take graphic - would also likely be forced to combat ship, all ground combat vehicles and helicopter modernization programs.that's just tte beginning. darling sot 308-3:16sst: congress can deal with the sequesters and maybe undo tteesequesters as they see fit over the next few monthsi'm mg reporting. we asked: did think.../ the... super committee.../ would ...find a solution... to this mess? mmss? áámostáá... of you... didn't áácheekáá - out... our facebook page.../ at...// fox-baltiiore dot com .../ ááandáá... join... the discussion// penn state's board of trustees.... addressing the ccild molestation allegations. allegations.they're ttpping former f-b-i director louis freeh.he'll head an internal investigation into how school officials handled the accusations.four university leaders have alreedy lost their jobs including head football coach joe paterno. &pjerryysandusky... another former coach.... is accusse of sexuallyyabusing eight childrrn over 15 years.... sometimes on the school's campus. the future .../ of... maryland... thoroughbred... racing.../// remains... in limbo.../ limbb...//the.... owner ...of pimlico... and... laurel park.../ has... yet to... reach.../ an... agreement with...// the... breeders and horsemen.../// on... the number.../ of... live... racing days... for 20-12...///.ááthereáá... were... 1466.. racing days .../ at... the....2--tracks.../ this year...///.áábutáá... the....owner.../// ácouldá... be seekiig.../ fewer... livv... racing days .../ next (mcginnes) "it would kill the preeding industry...there would be no more breeding industry, the ffrms would go, they woulddall be developed, we would have horses coming in from out of state that would win all the races and it would effectively pretty muchhshut down maryland racing." racing commissson.../ is... opttmistic.../ an... agreement ...cannbe reached.../ by... the end of thissyear.../. áátheáá danger... the preakness faces.../// tonight.... on the late edition... at 11 more finacial woes for the baltimore grand prix organizers. orgaaiiers.theebaltimore racing development now has to pay a 67-thousand dollar state tax more notch on a wave of unpaid bills for the group. group.they already owe the city more than 1.5-million dollars.and the maryland stadium authority 520-thousand. not to mention vendors who &pallege the company owes them more than 1.5 million.the mayor says she'll terminate with baltimore racing iffthey don't paa up by the end of the pear. the company faces all this without a ceo.their previous &phead stepped down after the inaugural grrnd prix in septemmbr.baltimore racing says they're in talkssto hire ex-constellation energy replacement. counterfeit.../ holiday lights.../ are... among the... one million items.../ seized by... hommland security .../ áákathleenáá cairns... says...// ááconsumersáá should... look for... safety labels.../ áátoáá ensure .../ they're... buying álegitá... products .../ for... the holidays. 3 the lights are alreedy being.. tested.. on 34th street in hampden... (shaaon burke)"big transition from summer time to christmas." here..they work harr to re-create the yearly miracle... (al morgan)"right now im utting andy canes up..." while traditions are key... wires... switches and bulbs are updated. (sharon burke)"you make sure you have theeright type of outlets."(al morgan)"i make ure safety is firessand i donttwant nobody to get hurt."federal authorrties are warning consumers this season about counterfeit holiday lights... that dont adhere to safety sttndards. these photos obtained by fox 45 from federallauthorities.. show items. more then 1 million counterfeit electrical goods were seized by immmgratioo and customs nffrcement officers. the llegal gooos.. often skip crucial safety mandates... (fire marshal)"one offthe minimum things that could its a shook hazard."maryland state fire marshal bruce bouch... recommends safety tags be checked. (show label)"underwirters lab.. and it is in red red is designed for indoor outddor use."and look for lights with safety fuses... (fire marshal)"those couud be using too thinnof a - wire.. not enough insulation and it could easily become overheated.. and catch on fire." meanwhile.. back in hamden... while they create the spirit...(al morgan) "once you see a mile on somebodys face thats all that matters" safety comes firstt. in north balt kc fox 45 news at 10 federal... and state puthorities.../ recommend look for... "safety inspectionn labels".../ to... make sure... products .../ are... ánotá... from the black market. the city's elected officials will have a little something extra in their paychecks beginning next year. year.a scheduled 2 and halff percent payyincrease for all of the city's elected officials will come before the city's board of estimatts cooes as the city faces an expected $50 million deficit, red inkkthat prompted mayor stephanie rawlings-blake t donate her salary increase to charrty. 31:14"i think there are tough timessin this city"1:161:22"i also want to bring attention &pto youthworlks, whicc is prooiding opportunities for lifetime of work force readiness1:29 1:29 thh raise will put an extra $1500 in council member ppycheccs, and several thousand more for the mayor and cityycouncil presideet jack younn. we asked a young spokesman what tte council his extra pay but we have yet to heer back. toss to vytas vvtas p3 3 3 3 3 3 3 you can be in chargeeof your own personalized forecast. i-radar is now available t foxbaatimoreedot com. se the interactive tools to track coming storms down to your street. go to foxbaltimore dot oo slash i-radar 3 i was tryinggto play it off, paughing with them." his coach... suspended...for what he called one student.see the video...later on fox45 news at tem before every game i want to as strong as him and perform like him... but next...the balttmore ravens secret our covee story...after theebreak  poññ/ ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ baltimore fan .../ could... ánotá do.../ a... victory dance.../ sunday...// ááwitháá... other... ravees fans.... fans....howwver, his smile is one of the teams secret weapons. heeis oneeof the biggest motivationallforces behind tte scenes for the team. kathleen cairns has more on the "brigance brigade". (wife with photo)"oh my goodness.. he was the knnw what and he still is the man cause oj hhve broken records" oj brigance played professional football for a decade. anddhis proudest (wife with carrs)"you have tte piaai dolphinn first then st louus rams"although now has a bigger opponent:(wife) (nods... it was diagnosed as als)that was 2000... and in just 4 years the disease.. has taken its ttll. (wife)"oj and i did have our moment on &pthe floor with tears... ""i broke down..once i gathered myself i realized god had adversiiy by his gracc." (wife)"he still has a voicee.cause he uses his pynovoc... trust me his mind is still strong"(voice) i usually smile"oj darts his new.. high tech voice machine. (wider) " have a deep sseded belief od would not not have allowed us to endure thiss fight with als.. if my wife and i couldnt bring glory to jesus christ through out decision to keep on living (chandra- good)"evvry day we wake up.. were remembering god... "although oj is confined to a wheelchair.. even his next breath... he says hes bbessed. (wider shot) "the journey since my diagnosesshas been challenging.. but to great discovery of deeper faith..streegth aad perservence... oj is motivated by the milestones he says god has already helped him accomplish. --game nats- (wife)"oh my gosh..this is the moment we won the superbowl.. the superbowl.. how great is that" he's the only person with championship rings in the cfl and nfl. -click- was a coofirmation...that with god all things are possible."(with photos)"laugh ....what a fun day i tell you were at the white house.... and... wow!" have been by his side. "i even receive an anon. birthday card every year simply igned.. a stallions fan." from fans to faith:"my belief in jesus christ has given me the strength to face every day with purrose and passion. i was created specifically to impact families bbttling als" importance of giving... " ((((go to the night event-- clapping))))chandra and oj have formed the bbigance brigade chhrity... which among other things... buyss desperately needed equippent for als victims. (-- "thh wheel chair means a tremendous my family and me... "while oj may be locked he's still very much on thee movee (voice onnoj:)"theres a great work still to be done." (voice over at the event) (wife)"he still has his life.. he still is waking up in the &pstill oj!"and... he's still earning a paycheck with the juicc!" he's sr advisor to player development. the opportunity to be around the players inspires me to live llfe.. and achieve all god haa for me to accomplish"(guy walks in)"im still waiting for oj to get a blackkguys voice on hhs machine it throws me off eerytime im not used to (oj response)"ok thank you.." (footbaal player)"hes no different then he was before.. the only difference is he needs to type out his message ... i think hes more powerrul nnw before every game i want to touch hii and i ask him to perforr like him... (nats ravens playing this yyer- show touchdown) and oj hopes to help bring the ravens.. this season.. to another superbowl (oj)"i still have 24 yrs of football anddlifee expeeiences.. to offer anyone." oj brigaace... from a super &pstar.. onnthe field.. to an inspiration... for others....oj) "thank yyu jesus" yyu later.. alright juice.. news at 10 for more information on how you can help thh brigance brigade and the effort to heep other victimssof a.l.s... log ontt slash newslinks 3 i was trying to play it off, llughing with them." the offensive thing his coach called him......and ts caught on tape.hear it... after the break 3 a high schooo coach in kansas city, missouri is on the defense afterr calling a student -- a "future pelfare recipient."" marcus williams junior says studentss in a phhtography cllss asked him to pose for a picture in the allway at winnetonka high school. ...when his basketball coach derek howard walked by. he said hey. take the picture and at the botttm label it future welfare recipient. and i was just like kinda hurt and they were just laughhnggand i was trying to play it off, laughiig with them." first time the coach had called him that.but this time.... he pulled out hiss smartphone.... and asked the coach to repeat it. 3 "future welfare recipient. who? students who don't get good grades." 3 marccs took the recording to the principal.the coach apologized, and as put on paid adminstrative leave.marccs' family has filed against theeccach. some people have taken the occupy protests to a new le/ level/// in... the... dogs... are ááprotestersáá... say.../ they... found.../ a... great way... to demonstrate.../ peacefully --/// ááwitháá pups...///. ááthisáá... is.../ "dog-upy"... portland...///. ááthey'reáá demonstrating... against.../ two... area banks...//// áátheáá group... also... wanted to.../ express displeasure... with police.../ who usedd ...pepper sprayy.../ in.../ thursday's .... "occupy"...' protests. with... justt.. 3 days to go .../// before.../ the... álegendaryá feast,.../ ááorganizersáá... at... bea gaddy's... family center .../ say.../ donations.../ are... at.... the... lowest there is a desparate - need for canned godd like yams, corn and green beans if they are going to reach tteir goal of feeding 50 thousand on thanksgiving. and the group known for helping so many other families has hhd a tragic year of its own in 2011. but two &pfunerals and heavy hearts are not ending the dream yet. sandra chandler 53:35 my whole famill, god has just cared for us. /// but we are focusing on what we need to do... put that aside. this year marks ten years sinne bea gaddy passeddaway, and it'' the 30 anniversery of the first bea gaddy thanksgiving meal for those in need. &p3 3 3 33 , 12 "buy a shredder, shred your old documents shred your old bills." 15 say you'll avoid identity s --3 theft.but finding a quality paper shredder at gooddprice can be tricky.later on fox45 news at ttn...what to look for when you search for yours. and we're all preparing for holiday travelssbut did you know social media can help you save big on airfare?more break the bank before the new in tonight's health chhck report... if you grab a sugary snack for that afternoon snack at work... maybe you should go for the british researchers say it'' protein -- not sugar -- that makes people alert and burns calories. they found protein did a better job in your brain.... than any s other nutrients. the... december holidays... are... almost here... / áábutáá... that... doess't mean.../ ááyouáá.../ have to ...spend a fortune .... to fly. 3 carrie peirce has insider secrets on when to buy discount tickets in tonight's word on the web. 3eb..- if you haven't bought tickets too late. in fact, you may get cheaper airfares than people who bookee monnhs ago. 3 the coss to fly is up, but you can still find the right price, if you know when to buyyyour ticket.six to eight weeks out is probably nnt the best time to buy airfare. at aaout four weeks out, there is "sweet spot," where airfare does tend to soften a little bit, and then airfare tends to go up again about two weeks can waat until the week you ou want to leavee airlines often offer great deals to fill the remaining empty seats. airlines will release, usually on tuesdays, reduced airfare for latee thht week or into that weekend. many airlines let you sign up for deal alerts... so you dont miss quick sales that last only 24 to 48 hours. and connecting through facebook and twitter can ggt you insider deals. we know now that a lottof last minuut sales are released excllsively through some of these social meeia sites, if &pyou are a friend of that parricular airline, better odds at getting that last minuteefare from them. 3 of course, buying at the last &pminute can costtyou, if all the seets are fillldd so, flexibility is a must. i'm carrie eirce and that's your word on the web. 3 .the ravens have a quick turnaround...hoo a short week affects their preparation... next in sports unlimited... 34 "it makes it hard for crooks to reassemble your documents." 37 37they could help preserve your identity.but make sure they're not too flimsy. we compare the heavy-duty shredders on the arket. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] we know you've got a lot on your plate at thanksgiving. which is why safeway has everything you need to get it all done. right now, get a safeway frozen turkey 8 to 24 lbs, for just 58 cents a pound. cook your thanksgiving turkey perfectly with our free chef assistant app. it's foolproof. safeway. ingredients for life. it's foolproof. at the castle in owings &pmills....rdinarily, they wwtc tuesday off....ut not this week.......they were back on the practice field today, to say the least, he and the ravens are looking at very puick turnaround turnaround ravens host the 49ers on thhrsday night...and that doesn't leave a lot of time for all... so, the digestion of sunday's exciting win over cincinnati was's in the rear view mirror..and it's all about the 49ers noww..and a challenge this late in the season... . joe flacco says the ravens won because of the pass... something rarely seen n major leegue baseball...and our high coming up at 11130 on the late edition... mmre than ... 8- million americans.../ have tthir identity... stolen .../ eech year... / ááaccording áá... commission. while much f the crime haapens onniie... paperwork is still a real vulnerability. bbst way to get rid of it ... in tonight's consumer reports. reports. ((pat on cam))consumer reports just tested something... that security expert robert strang identity theft for 30 years. his advice... (sot: robert strang)"buy a shredder. shredd your old documents, shred your old bills, your bank statements, anything that comes in with your name, your address, or any personal information." (naasot: paper shredding)(v/o)consumer reports tested 19 paper shredders....shredding 22- thousand pages of paper innthe process.(sot)"we tested cross-cut shredders. they sliie ppper both vertically and horizontally, so it makes it hard for crooks to reassemble your doccments." (v/o))he shredders tested ranged in price from 40 to 270 doolars. some you empty by just pulling out a drawer... others are like a wastepaper basket. (sot: mandy walker) "with those, you have to lift the shredder mechanism off the basket to empty it. some of themmare pretty heavy,,so that can be kinddof difficult. also they tend to be top heavy, so they mapptip over asily." (natsot: tipping over )(v/o)in the tests... some machines others.(natsot: shredding)(v/o) onn of the most expensive, from swingline... can shred 100 pages at a time. ut it can be ough to ffed in just a far the best shredder was ttis 270-dollar time. it has a pull-out drawer phat's easy to empty, and it shreds cdd, dvds, anddcredit cardss for far less... this 90-dollar royal is aaso a goodd choice. it can't handle quite as much paper... but it has a pull-out drawer and is very easy to use. ((pat on ccm)) paper shredders used to be a safety hazard. children could stick their fingers in the slot... and dozens were injured by the sharp blades. but all the shredders consumer reports justttested have much too small for a child's ld be - fingers to get caught. patrice harriss foxx5 news at ten. 37 "oh my gosh. i don't know what to do. i think i'm going to throw up." 40 40the inter wonderland two sons creatt inside their house. and the damage the white trail of mess left behiid. ...and ccming up in just 55 minutes n the ate edition... edition... heather says, "hh told me to give him alll the monee in the till and at pirst i though he was joking, i was ilke are you serious. a bikini-clad bbrista becomms the victim of a robbery. the weapon she didn't haae time to use. pnd a rabbit rescue.thh danggr these bunnies were acing. hard for neat freaks o watch. .../ felt .../ when she wlked... into her living room.../ to this.. ttis....her sons... completely... blanketed theeroom.... / couches, ...chairs,... window sills,... hallway.... / ááalmostáá the entire house ...with flour..../áátheáá... 1...and 3--year-old.../// found a five pound bag of theewhite stuff in the cubbie and decided to make it snow. mommy?" 22 butt7 "as soon as i stopped recording....and started crying." 31 butt:14 "well i told my mothee-in-law...i'm going to start to risee" 2:19 2:19all... 3..././ were able... to... clean up.../ mess.../// áátheáá... hardest... thing... to clean.../ were mmm hadn't paid those off yet. - meister::''we were exchanging words, he lunges at " me"

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