are... calling his - death.../ a... homicide...//. myranda myrandajeff,,police areesaying much aboot the murder of 55-year-old ronald givens. but hissmother believes e was targeted - for being a witness to another crime. 3 58:27 it was startling. it was sooething that would draw your attention 30 this wommn- who says she heard what sounded like ggnshots monday night outside her home on woodmoor road. 57:54 it was like a rapid sound. bam, aa, bam, bam, bam, bbm 58 she didn't think much about it until the next morning as she left for work. she says one of her daughter's noticed their next door neighbor - 55-year-old ronald givens was lyinn undernnath a tree in front of his hhme. when pat went to check on him - she noticed a gash on the back of hhs head. pat 59:39 and i called him. he didn't respond. checked his pulse, realizee howwcold he was. thereewas no pulse. and i death a homicide. buttso far 3 - have not identified any suspects. elise 48845 we're asking he public o please contact if they have any information about mister givens orrthe ccrcumstancee surrounding hissdeath 54 pyranda 9:24 givens' mom didn't want to go on camera, but she ssys her son was supposed to be a witness for the staae in an upcominn trial. she believesswhoeeer mouth shut 35 earlier this havinn a handgun in a vehicle - but his mother says the gunn actually belonged to man hee had picked up for a ride. he charges were dropped. as was the case with two other ddug charges in givens' past. 2:00:35 he was a nice guy. hee spoke to me in the winterrtime he shoveled my wwlkway. eryy &pccrdial 42 pat says she didn' know givens well enough to know if he was in any ttouule. his killer. 2:54 it'' just &pappalling, really. so i'm hopiig that justice will be served 00 accordiig to givens' mother - he worred n shipping or joseph a-banks for more than 10-years. she says he was laidd off a few months ago. myranda stephens, fox44 news at ten. 3 we have 2 peices of breaking news now... first apple ssarted the compaay in the late 70's... and heeled create one of the first personal computers.he resigned from the company in the mid-80s... only to return in of the most recognizable and -3 revolutionary gadgets on the market todayyhe stepped down has been battling cancer for years now.he was 56. in.../ other .ááaáá police turns.../ fatal. it... happened .../ when.../ p state police... saw.../ a man .../ driving... eeratically.../ in... a.... truck.../ on.../ route 100... in pasadena. p3 while.../ the troooer .../ followed... the picc-up../ . áátheáá veered ... back and forth.../ across... both lanes.../ of... traffic.../ several times.../ before... losing control..../ áátheáá... vehicle... crashed... into a &ptree...//.áátheáá driver... was dead... on the scene. the search continues tonight for the person who tried to rape a johns hopkins student... a mmn who said he was armed with gun... attacked a morning in this alley near student housing in charles &pvillage. police say the student was on her way home at the time of the incident.the victim suffeeed minor injuries. police have incceased security in the area becauseeof the attack. the city is urging women who are victims of ssxual assault to call the city police mayor stephanie rawlings-blake annnounced a new hhtline for women who areevictimm of sex crimes.the hotline isspart of campaagn calledd""ape is not your fault." it's part of the city's response to a repoot last year that revealed almostt "a third" of rape cases were ruled "unfounded" by city 3olice..- clear message that rape is serious crime and is never, ever the fault of the victim"3:4 3:40:34 tte mayor said the number of unfounded rapes is down 92 percenttthissyear. victims assualt can call the city's 24-hour ... seven-day-a-week hhtline at 443-279-0379. jail tonight after a younn girl tells police he's been raping her for the past two years. criie and ustice reeorter joy lepola says.... arrest.... the samm mmn was fag facing child abuse chargee. charges. ((pkg)) 45:50 it's not a good feellng you don't even want that in your neighborhood deloressmccaster has lived in this cocceysviile neighborhooo for almost 40 yeers. 45:19 now we have large kids schooll kkdsseveeything! here &pchildren can play without worries or so thhy ttought. a neighbor is in jail... accused of raping a ten year old girl over a twooyear period.47:49 that's terrible that's terrible that really is he nneds to be put away forever. poliie arresttd 37 year old baltimore ccunty to avoid m in prosecution on unrelated child abuse charges. a new set of charges a new victii... his time police say the abuse was sexual and lasted for tww pears. 47:05 a child is innooent she or he they don't know danggr you know they're just children that's all they documents shhw the child was brrught here to this hotel in aberdeen. ownerss owevvr &pdeny they have any record of phillip weaverrevery staying aa the hotee. in an email... suuer eight's parent company wrote... "we do not own or &poperrte thhs property, we are not in a positionnto comment on the allegation." policc and prosecutors aren't a womaa at the residence weaver listed in cockeysvillee also didn't want tootalk. tonight, weaver remains in custody beeind bars. his bond has been set at a million lepola fox 45 news at ten. 3 are looking into whether they - can re-charge weaverras a result of this recent arrest. a... big ttrnout ... tonight.../ to... say goodbye a couple .../ a fire../ in... fire. loved--onee... gathered... at... morgan state university.../ ffr... the public wake... and funeral ../ forr.. 2... retiird... city eddcators....//áádonaldáá and... jenney.../ patterson .../ died... laat week.../ in... their northwest baltimore... home...///áátheeá... both graduated... from morgan... //// áádonaldáá.../ played... footballl../ for the bears...// 3mmryland's two ccsinos took in almost 14 million dollars last . mmnth.ocean downs in worcester county took in more than 4-point-6 million ollarsthe hollywood casino in perryville took in early 9-point-3 million dollars.both casinos generated about 200 dollars per slot machine. ...and town commissioners in perryvilll aaproved a ábigá new sign for thaa'll be 175 feet tall.......and as you can see from this demonstration.....mann residents will be able to see it from theer back yards.the casiio itself, isn't visible from interstate 95......and its hoped the sign will attract some attention.there was coocern that it would another rally to save baltmore city's rec says..... it's not trying to close them..... it's trying to save them. themm 3& karen parks.../ live... in hampden.../ at... the.../ roossvelt áááhereáá neighbors sayy...../ they... can least 500 children that use t - center......neighbors have formed a council that provides funding and other necessities to keep it up and runnnig..... buu city officialss say......despite their diligeece.....its just not enou. enough... (20:17)he's ninn years old anddhe's been coming here since first grade..and here at the roosevelt recreation penter.....sequunta watts says.....consistency is evident.....(24:12))hey have suplemental programs they helf weees....there has been .......3 change....(21:29) (waatssthey transferred ne set of center in south baltimore and brought the other individuals here is was verrysudden like.....and now theee is &pnaill)we are fighting city hall yet again to keep our rec wwnts to partner with nonprofits and other grrups to run some of the city's 55 recc saving sttategy......(1:48) save our ec centers.....and although this hampden community association raises thousands eevry year.......the citt sayy....its more responsibility....than any community can handle alone.... (56::3)(conaway)this is someehiig they waated to look at the commuuity is very they would take onnthe that it makks it almost impossible for them to o.... and if wwalthy bidders don't come forward soon......they say it would be the end of (59:35)ive nevvrrheard of anytting so rriiculous in my life his is a working neighborhood i betchh off of my block you get over 70,000 a year in house tax and tell me you can't eep a rec open...thats bean soup...((ats) (cover)(24:51)we are theeonly reason the goov exist so if purpose are yoo serving.. a city spokesperssn released "partnering with communiiy .- organizaaions is a creative wwy to prevent reduction of services nd increase tte quality of our operations..... 45 news at ten... for a lot of kids.... no sitting in the carpool line poday.... students across the state ... were walking to school schooo.the.../ sidewalks ... weee crowded...// his mooning .../ near... rodgers forge elementary... / ááwitháá street on.../- to... help kids... along thee wwy.../.ááit''áá... pprt of .../ "walk tooschool"... / month... / ááááá campaign... to createe.. healthier habits.... for students..../ ..ááit'sáá... also ... making... school zones.../ safee..../ by... parents. "we dont wwnt them blocking palkways, we dont want them pplling up and dropping tteir kids ff qqickly aad speeding reellyywant parents to take - somm extra time, make sure you have the time to pull up if you have to drop ff, and make sure you're beeng aware of all the surroundings within the sshool district." áástudentsáá... at... more than.../ 3 thousand locations... picluding 45 in maryland. the vast majority of trauma is the number one reason patieets end up attshock trauma.why it could you or someone you love.....and how shock trauma is building for lifesaving care ill be ttere, if you need it. "vehicle is now offroad offroad... 816" 816" alsooahead...this &poff-road forklift chase...the sacred ground the ddiver goes through......and the unusual reason it was stolen in the first place 3 >he controversial sesame streett..the real world - be facing on t-v. ould - &p [ female announcer ] this is trish. trish uses aetna's personal health record to track her kids' immunizations, get lab results, see her family medical history, and when she's at the doctor's office, she uses it to remember what to ask before she leaves. it helps trish keep everyone in her clan healthy. even on the go. see for yourself, ♪ aetna. know more. get better. ♪ hé in.../ tooight's... waste watch .../// áátheáá..// relocation.../// of... a state... agency...// from... anne arundel.../ to... p--g... county.../ causss....oncern...// from.../ maryyand's... state comptroller...//.áájohnáá looks... at why.../they're... moving.../// ááandáá... how... much.../ these moves... may be... costing you. you. 3 marylann's department of're not alone. it's hidden ...on the grounds of theeold crownsville state hospital. but n two years...the agency wll move to prince george's counny. it'll be located near mass transit...anddbe more acccssible to those innneed of mortgage &pforeclosure assistance. (busch) "crownsvvlle is kind of out of the way, i mean ii's goong to be an inconvieece ffr a lot of the employees but people make decisions like in thh private sector or the public sector."(rydell) "iionically this is the neweet state office building, it was constructed about 20 years ago buu when the department of housing relocatee to princee george's county, the state comptroller worries that this puge complex will sit emppy." peter also concernedabout another move. the maryland higherreducation commission...plans to move next month... from a privately-leased office in the baltimore maryland state department of leased space to state-owned m space."franchot sayssit'll cost the state100-thousand dollars o break the lease... of the higher ed. office. "we've been leasing space for decades."but state officials say it's sometimes more ost effective to lease private offices...for state agencies....and viceeverra. (collins) "some of those aae lease renewals where aaencies have been there over term, weeve renewed those leases based upon the efficiency of &pfranchot...wants a dettiled list of the state's inventooy...of property...both public aad private.(franccot) "we want the state to put down an verall context for when own the building that state agenciessare in and when it's iiportant for the state to lease."a move he says will ensure that maryland taxpayers aae getting tte best deal. ii crownsville, john rydell, fox 45 news at ten.. 330... employees.../ work... at... join... our wasse watch. ááifáá... you see government our hotline.. 440-662-14566 &pááoráá... go to fox-baltimore dot com. you may not like paying that petrr tax for & liquor..ut part of the helping to improve your child's school. school.this year... moreethan 45-milliondollars will help pay for schoolconstruction projects.that includes uppradingaging schools... &pinnide and ootside. (crosby) "we're going to do some things asthetically that wiil fix the school up, the lockers replacement, we'rr system upgrade in there." &pthere."but that extra revenue frommthe alcohol ttx...will only fund sccool construction...betweee now and next juue. friendly's...//ááaáá restaurant...// chain../ created... during the great.../ depression...//'áááilesáá p for bankruptcy company ays .../ the... current economy .../ forced... it... to fiie...///áátheáá auctioo...// will.../ allow it... to restructure.../ quickky...//áámoreááá than.../ 400... of the restaurants .../ will... stay pen.../ 3& the number of possible republican nominees for &ppresident shrinks again radio talk show host maak levin... that she will ánotá run in 2012.she saad she's confident that she will back the eventual republican &pnominee...and wants to make sure baracc obama is replaced. palin's announcement cooes one day after new jersey gooernnr chris christie said he will not run for the white house. p new poll from the wassington post shows opposiiioo to president obama seems to be gro. growing. 54 percent disapprove f how he is handling hhs job as president. 42 percent approrove. approrove.61 percentt diiapprove of his handling of the economy. but the president isn't the only one feeliig the heat these ddys.thaa same pool shoos abysmal approval ratings for congress.just áá4-percentáá approve of the job thee are poing...82--erccnt disapprove. kathleen cairns has reaction baltimore. from east - 3 -beep-(preacher one low ight shot)"you are holding yourself back"on all corners of eutaw street:(cross mmn)"jesus still loves the united states of america glory to god."people politics... polls... and the cane)"obama is a trail blazer" (two on a bench)"he's straightening out the ess bush left. (man) he cant straighten it out.. theres no out"(man with cane)"its gonna be real tough for him to repeat"(cross man)"think about it"(man on bench)"they gotta feweerjobs... ---(green fence &psequence starts)"i got issues wiih ppesident obamm as an pfricanamerican.. ut no shortage offopinions. im wwndering why he didnt appoint an laak africcn american female on theesupreme court." (hat man)"he's gonna get re-elected definitely im positive."(girl)"everybody wanns to blame obama when he came n when the economy was alrrady baa"((ork boots)"obama &pii just as good as anyone else.. they could put me in preeident. i'lllstraighten everythinggout"(preacher one)"we all suffee"(work bbots)"vote for uchi, and well get this thiiggdone"---(cross man)"but it isnt going to be done except the peoole offthe united states of america.. unite together.."(ladd in need to stop making our hot)"th president look liieea bbd president cause hhs ot a bad presiddnt hes just trying to make changes."(ccoss man)"ggd &pcan ccange things hes the changer in his world today" (white man)"all them republlcans they areea bunchh of clowns anyway.. they want (preacher onee""ell you make not bad decisions but good decisions"the 'big' election day is november 6th..20122 ii east baltimore:(cross man low shot)"where will you spend eternity"(nats- bus drives awaa)kc fox 45 news at 10 that brings us to our question of the you approve offthe job that congress is doing? some lively responne on this qqestion onnour facebook page criticism forrcongress 3&see all of our election websitt.go toofox-baltimore dot com...and ccick on "votee 2012' in the news ffatuues section sesame street has a new muppet who is hungrr for more than just cookies. cookies.when you ddn't evenn know when you're going to have a next meal or not... hattcan be pretty hard hardthe.../ iconic... kids how.../ will.../ unveil.../ a... puppet.../ named lily,...//// áá family... faccs.../ hunger...//. áálilyáá willl.. debut.../ &p sesame street... primetime speciall../ "growing hope ...against hunger.".../ááthisáá isn't... the firrt time... the show.. / had characters / real-life... problems....///- ...african verrion.../ ááthere'sáá... an... h-i-v positive.../ muppet. 3 it's a story yoo saw first on fox.... duel in dundalk... tonight neighbors go face-to-face with the group that's opening a shelter for homeless men. men. keith daniels is live ii the community toniggt where residents got a chancc to speak out...... keith. keitth 3 p3 a.../ top.../ aerospace ...defense contractor.. / opened .../ it's... doors todaa.../ p ffering... a rare gliipse.../ at... cutting edge.../ technology. 3 paltimore county executive kevin kamenetz toured the a-a-i corpooation in hunt valley this morning.globally, &pthe company is a leader in aerospace and defense technology. it's also one of tte county's largest employers... withhmore thaa 16- hundded wwrkers who design and manuuacture military devices. the coopany is hooing tt fill another 81 ostions... whichh could mean contiiued job &pgrrwth for baltimore counny. 3 "this is really aajob center for jobb of not only today, &pbut he future, because it's atttacting engineering ptudents who ccn participate in the technollgy we need for the future." hired about 300 new employees just this yeaa. mosttof the positions available are engineers and analysts. aaother great day... weatherwise...///that's 2 n a w row 3&doessthe streak continue? continue? 3&here's chief meteorlogist vytassreid ith the skywatch fot 3 ii .... was... a day... of... t... fun.../ for some kids in owings miils. mills. about leechy nuts. kids laugh - jennifer... spent the &pmorning ...reaaing... to... mrs. davvs'.../ third grade... class... at the f---f academy.//.. 3 stuckkin trrffic for áhoursá during a surprise winter storm.when something áthisááwinter...later on fox45 news at ten... 3 3 phe vast majority of ttauma is justta really bad horrible acci. accident. the number one reason patients end up at shock trauua.why it could you or someone ou love.....and how shhck trauma is building for the future.....o make its lifesaving care ill be theee,, if you need it. 3 this.../ is.../ week....//"... áágettingáá... into... a car aaciient.../ p is.../ something... everyone.../ hopes.../ never... happens. happens.but if you... or sooeone who love, is critically here in maryland you have the advantage of one of the best safety nets in the world.shock has saved tens of thousands of livee.and is on the briik of doing so much we find out in tonight's cover story.... story....shock trauma's mission.g mmssion. 3& landing innthe afterroon sky....a life, on the line.aa11 year old football aaheemet to helmet collision....the angels in pink.... move ii to help.(soo steen)17 36 33the just a eelly bad horrible acccdent.the docttrs aad nurses offshock trauma, known for their pinkkscrubs.... 35 26 ittgets much more rage-- 3 sharply punctuated when it's you, or your kid, orryyur that's hurt. you wann to know that they can come here. pecause the vast majority of percent....survive.(sot darin) 14 58 25i couldn't feel anytting. i knew it wasn't going to be too good.for 22-year-old darin ruark.... ... it was car accident, on thh way home from flight to shhck trauma.(sot a darin)15 02 48they're angels theee. if i hadn't had thh surgery from he doctor i had it from, ho nows what would have happened. (butt to)(sot darin)14 59 29i don't think i'd be where i am if i haan't been sent there. like darin ruark....66 pprrent of shock trauma patients are victims of motor vehicle crashes.(sot braun)14 52 48peoppe who got up. thought they were gging tt work or school. and thee ended up here at shock trauma.within two houus, on a monday pfternoon, we aw a total of four teenagers come in... with sports-related injuries.fouu families... getting the call,that no one wants.(sot scalee)18 36 41yyu don't want get the call the next words they'reeat shock trauma. not, weewish we could get themmto have a bed.whiie shock trauma 3 is a mooel for traumaacare around the world....(sot terrr dinardo)15 06 3we're in the uniqqe position now we need help. we needdmore beds..(sst dr. andrew pollak)15 52 08i just checked right now. our census is 95. we have 90 beds into the evening when we're ng - goinn to have people coming in from motor vehicle collisions coming ttrough the doors. (standup)18 05 57when this existing shock trauma builingg oppned in 1989, it as built for capacity of 35-hundred patients. last year, more than 83-hundred patients came through these doors.(sot doyle) when we have to put two patients in every bay.(soo scalea)18 33327are there ssmetimes we just can't (butt to)(sot scalea)18 32 55 if it happens, i become acuteey in a very bbd mood. becauseeshock trauma never wants to say no.....the universsty of maryland medical center is building a 160 million dollar tower.... to expand shock trauma'ss capacity.... with 64 new critical care beds, 10 new operating rooms, and more spaceefor training and reseaach. (sot dr. stein)17 34 28provide the absolute state of the art care for patients..ost of he funding is coming from govvrnment sources....but you and your to pptch in....with 35 million &pdollars cooing from the community. (marianne braun)14 p7 7one day, you mmy havee someone that nneds this care. if you are lucky and you never do, how extraordinary if you could be paat of cariig for phose who will befall ttis traggdy.the tower is expeeted to completed in tte meantime, shock trauma continues saving lives, in small spaccs.(sot dr. thomas scalea on two shot)18 32 38but it's astruggle. every day we ask where's the next bed,,and you look around you don't see a lot of empty bees, as &pthings really gear up tonight as they usually do, we're fact... before 9 o'clock.... pn assault victim........ takessthe lass bay...the beds aae full.....and the night.... is still young. it's amazing the work they do. 3 3- to find out more about how you can help shock traumaa.. continue to grow its life &psaving can go to our website, foxbaltimore-dot com - slashh newslinks 3 3 3 next on fox45 news at ten frightening firefighters try to put out this fire... we all remember this from earlier thii yyar...the ánightmareá commute outtof baltimore in januarr.the chances we coull see another storm like this... this winter...after the break 3 3 [ female announcer ] at, you can choose your channel package. ♪ you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person. ♪ and you're always guaranteed the lowest prices online. so don't wait... try, compare and buy at today. because there's never been a better time to build the perfect fios bundle. because there's never been a better time in... ááresidentsáá came - close... to losing.../ several... of their neighbors -- / ááwhenáá... a... restaurann...// caught fire...//. ááit'sáá owner -- / tim smith --/ didn't know.../ how... bad it as.../ until... he.../ ade ...ii out..../// áájuutáá as... firefighters.../ entered... the &pbuilding....// ááaááá huge blast... &pa backdraft explosion. cauue all the windows out of the front of the building to explode outwwrd on the crews." right after te explosion, all 3 of them came crawling oot." out." amazingly...// no one.../ was... injured.../// the weather is getting cooler... and that has a lot of us thinking about winter winteráátheáá forecasters .../ at.../ accu- weather.../ predict...// a... maryland../.áábutáá snow.last year we had below average snowfall...buttwe alss had this.a mix of snow and ice in january... that had some people stuck in traffic inn baltimore for 6 to 8 hourss accuweather says we can expect this in december or january... ...but temperatures ill be above normal in ffbbuary 3 3 3 3 3> >the unusual thing ttat &pa forklift -3 162 hopefuls are fiihting for fame during the boot camp on tte fox siiging competition, phe x factor. of... the contestants, ...// page.../ elizabeth ogll.../ is... from... baltimore county...///.. áácandaceáá dold.../ introduces us.../ to... the.../ risiig staa. star. 33 3 nats: with his audition, ppige elizabeth's life turns into a cinderella just minutes.. she's in the to winning the x factor and r contractsot simon-easiest yes ive said all day after getting approval from all four judges... he was whisked away toothe ootcamp roond in hollywood.nats: glamorousbut the budding star isnnt phased by the bright lights of tinseltown.. she stays ttue to her roots here in maryland. 4:03-i grew up here, i wentt to ph hs. i went to all phalls..elementary middle high and to this day .. she is ptill a perry hall fact, she works at her former elementary school.5:26-its a before and after ccre, the kids show up and i watch them im obsessed with them when shee not on the clock.. she takes ime to enjoy baltimore. 6:33-any time i get a chance to go to the city, the inner harbor, i love going there, i think its beautiful and don't be surprised if you find her at m and t aakkstadium.6:48-i love ray rice, my 27 ray rice yes, i wouldnt want to get hit by haloti nagta &p7:04-i love all the ravens, but thoss 2 particuuarlybut paigeeeeizabeth confesses she also has room in her heart for eye.16:05-since elementary school, i started singing and iw as like im going to sinn inn front of simon one day &p15:57-ive just had a crush on him since i was little ...i belting it out in front oo music mogul....sot auddtion: i'll do anything to bb your babyyoll she's even won him over.(simon humbs up) 10:48-it was definitely a momenn i will lways remeeber but there's no time.... to stop time. thissmaryland girl is on the fast track to fame.. and she is working to prove, she belongs here. 19:55-you cant just go ut and be like im going to be a rockstar19:58- pnfortunaaely i wish it was that easy 20:53-its just like war20:55-yoo have to be the best, you the... x factor... conninuee tomorrow night.../ at... 8pmm... on fox45. 3 weddings.../ are... steeped... in tradition./.. áábutáá modern bridee .../ are... embraciig ...a new trrnd... / do"... to...hi- tecc..../ áácarrieáá peirce... has more.../ mmre.../ in... tonight's word on the web. weddings enter the 21st century..... and it's not your trrditional ceremony... it's the high-tecc version off 3 mooe cooples are tying the knot... with the help of survey by found to include technology in wedding preparations.... and the big youtube invites and save the 3 daae videos.otherr are cutting travel...strraming thh ceremony live on line... for far away loved ones.and what better way to share the exxitement ... than social media?guests can send tweets from the ceremony using special twitter keywords... good way to keep your bridal party in the oop... without sending a million emails.and forget about wedding vows .. a marriage becomms official on ffcebook. changing your relationship status.. o married... is sure to get lots of likes. and next time you're logging on ... be sure to friend us!follow fox 45 onn gg to fox baltimore dot comm and click on community features. i'm carrie peirce.. and that's tonights word on the web. &p3 yet anothee memberrof the ravens defenss is honored by the nnl...bruce cunningham has that spprts unlimitee it's comms in packs...the ágenericá laundry detergent.... hat cleans better than the name- brand stuff...after the break p what's the one best thing about vacation on the gulf? the great outdoors in mississippi. our seafood in louisiana. our beaches in florida. alabama beauty. choosing between them might be tough. but everyone agrees, the gulf is vacation at it's best. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. so come on down to mississippi. louisiana. florida. alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters, and we're 100% open for business. trish uses aetna's personal health record to track her kids' immunizations, get lab results, see her family medical history, and when she's at the doctor's office, she uses it to remember what to ask before she leaves. it helps trish keep everyone in her clan healthy. even on the go. see for yourself, ♪ aetna. know more. get better. ♪ bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. 3-way cfls really click with my style. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at the baltimore avens' defenne is off to a very gooo start... are beginning to draw d they - comparisons to the legendary dominating thh weekly awards... linebacker jarret jjhnson has been namee afc defensive player offthe week...the third raven in four weeks to be so ho. honored... johnson's numbers weren't that huge, 3 tackles and 2 quarterback hits, bbt this play, in which hhloti ngata for a toochdown, is what ble - probably won him the award.. johnson himself gives halott full redit ffr that big plly.... of course the ravens are off this week and when they returr one oo the uppand coming teams in he nfl, the houston texans..but thel'' reportedly come into m&t bank stadium minus one of their maan weaaonss..receiver andre &pproceedure on hii troublesome right hamstring yesterday, and is expected to miss the next three weeks...johnson went down without being touched ikk the second quaater lasttsunday against pittsburgh, and did not return... we're not done yet...not even close...the terps have a taal order in georgia tech, and morgan adsii reports from college park...and the phillies try to close out the cardinall...those stories coming up on sports unlimited coming up at 11:30 looking... too.. find the best... laundry deterg? detergent? consumer reports went to work... ashing hundreds of loads.andd tonight... megan gilliland has the results. results. ((meg n caa))consumer reports' latest testsscover almoss 60 detergents... including some new types that are heavily advertised. (sot: tv commercial)"introducing propps, pre-measurrd pacs of liquid laundry detergent that you just toss and go." (v/o) this tv commercial for dropps detergent prommses toommke doing laundry easier. you get 20 pacs in a bag. and arm & hammee is touting its new type oo detergent. sot: tv commercial)"america's first gel detergenttwith more power in every drop. its maximum ggeocity hammers out dirt, ssuce, grass, and chocolate a&"(v/o)consumer reportss tested these two detergents aloog with dozens of oohers. (v/o)many highlight that they're concentrated. you'll seee"2-times concentrated," "3- times ultra," ann even "6-times" concentrated. consumer reports says while you use less of these detergents per load, they aren't necessaaily ess expensive. but they do use less plastic packaging - a plus for the environment. to fiid out how well the detergents clean, testerr use swatches soaked with tough-to- remove stains likk wine and &pgrass anndwash them with the detergent and a full load of powelss (sot)""w found there were plenty oo detergentssthat did a better cleaning job than the dropps pacs and the arm & hammerrpower gel." (v/oofor conventional top-looders,, consumer reports recommends wisk deep clean nee stain 17 cents a loadd and for high- - detergent a best buy at 11 up - cents a lood.((meg on cam)) these days... there are more they're green... but consumer reports saas be skepticall there aae few regglations governing these claims. megan gilliland, fox45 news at ten. &phe's just runnnng across fields adjcent to the toppend villaggthe sacred ground this forklift ran through during a police chase......and the unusual reassn why it started...after the break ...and cominggup in just 5 minutes on the late edition... edition...angry about economic conditions.the groups that are adding a lot of peopll to protests here in baltimore and accoss the coontry. and cracking down on expired tags.the drastic steps some police are taaing. people.../ steal cars ...all the ttme pimeone man in englanddhad aa idea"vehicle is now offroad offfoad... 816" 816"this issa man driving a stolen áforkliftáas you can see, he takes it just abbut everywhere tryinggto get away then he does this... pe's aken down a heege...he'ss heading into the cemeteryhe's cemetery...and while driving through the cemetery... look at that...he hit a couppe of, thhs chase looks likeeits going reaaly fast... but it's topping out at 15 miles an hour.the guy sentenced to 4 years in jail. he was actually paid by a gang part of a bigger operation