shells ut 50-thousand dollars in a racial discrimination laws. lawsuit. this.../ after ...a ...customer ays.../ ... cashier .../ árefusedá... her service. service. keith daniels livv in northeest baltimore... where the woman's attorney says the whole incident was caught on camera.. keith. keith. jennifer..... commenting on what happened here...... but tonight, a woman s walking away with 50-thoussnd dollars for what she calls.. a humiliatinn, painful confrontat. erica barber says she kkows what it feels like to be discriminated against because of her race.....(barber) "i felt liie i as really a low life........."" happened in march, 2010 at the b-p gas station on harford road at 25th street. barber, a postal worker at the time, stopped to put air in a flat tire... but needed change for a dollar. she tried getttng it from the attendant.. but he refused. in fact, barber says he shooed her away.(barber) "my reaction was i was stunned at first.. i still pauued again. and i said, iiwill uy gas..." .........still, barber says he refused... and told her to leave.. while he shouted called her tte "n" word. that's when another customer..... (ááánats up full: "yea, yea i got it.....ááá)...........started recorddng with his cell phone... the racially charged confronnation, caught on video. ...........barber visibly angry.. frusttated....... (áááánats up full: "oh lord now.....ááá)..........the attendant, still mumbling the "n" word.. he even spat at her. (áááááats up full: "spit on the window, see that spit onn the window..ááá) ..........barber saw police.... screamed for help. (barbbr)" police came over and got both of our sides and saw the spit.. and just was like we can't lock him up.. cause the sppt didn't touch you." ...........but barber didn't stop there.. with her attorney she sued the station's owner for racial discriminatiin. he settlee for $50-thousand dollars. (abelson//tty) "hit them in the pocket, hat's where it hurts...."(barber) "i said no, he can't get away wiih it. fflt like if iididn't say know this issstill oing on. that certain people feel like african americans are no one!" after learning about the incident, the owner did not firr the attendant.... but hh eventually quit. live in daniels, fox 45 news at ten. 3 breaking news now out of harffrd county.2 peeple have been shot in aberdeen aberdeenit happened on mayberry drivv... which is road.two men were found shot in the upper torso.both have been taken tt shock p 3 another.../ alarming case... of.../ animal buse... in baltimore.../// páaááá warning..../ áátheáá images... may pset.../// some viewers.../// vvewers...///this... cat... was brought.../ to... barcs.../ last night... / ááafteráá... it... was apparently.../ set... on fire...//. ááanmaláá control officers.../ found... the cat.../ on... south fulton.../ avenue...// near... mchenry street.. / in... west baltimore...///// ááit'sáá hind quarters .../ were... badly burned..../// áátheáá cat... / &pnick-named gem.... / had... to be "ffommwhat yoo could see her back eed was preety charred. the hair all over her body was singed, her whiskersswere singed, her ears were winged. walking.""we really just want " t o get the ord out and this casessare difficult to solve for the obvious reasons that animals donttspeak, so we need the publlc to come and give information to the olice so solved."imes can be solved." police...// believe... this was.../ p a... domesticated cat../ ááanyyneáá... &p with... information.../ should call... &p police. a man who aid he was armed and tried to rape a johnn phpkins tudent. as crime and justice reporter joyyleeola tells us... students are being warned o watch out out 3 ((pkg)) in the shadows of student housing not far from the ampus of johns hopkins almost raped.22:06 it'' nt is defintely a constaat threat you just have to be careeul the sexual assault happened early saturday morning in this alley that students frequently uue as a cut decision in the minds of some students.(nisha) 27:21 carrlessness leads to that. (kevin) sot - 20:28 were in inner city baltimore i think that's just kind of the nature of living in a city like this. similar to other students kevin keenahan received an warning ttat went out within hours of the attack. (kevin) 11:266they said there are no ajor injuries just bruises and they were going to heighten security in the area. that's all i heard.(o-shea) 12:38:27 we've haa some incidents over theeyears we've invested a lot in security on campus and in the charles village area we've got a lot of boots on the grounds...that we've added overrthe years. still, crimes are ommitted. this map depicts the past four months of burglaryys thefts and assaults reported byy police with johns opkins university. (kevin) 20:00:21 everyone who choosss to llve in a rowhome accepts the ii's every year. we've had a --- neighbor who's been broken are just burglaries every day - p0:12 the university has across its campus... video s recorded aad stored for 21 pays. signs show the close promixity of cameras to this recent assault. 27:55 (nisha) i was pretty surprised it was so close to campus but i think it would have been better hadd she been walking with other people i don't ttink that would have happennd had shh been walking with other ppople or walking on the main oads :14 police say the victim was taken to nion memorial hospiial for treatment. so far, no one has been arrested. in northeen baltimore joy lepola fox 45 ews at ten. join the most visited crime- mapping website in the united in your neighborhood......aad sends out more than 3-and-a- half million aaert emails every month.go to fox- baltimore dot com... and clickk on "spotcrime" in the hot topics section at the op of the screen one ... day... after a social security worker is shot.../, áápoliceáá... p make an arreet ...// gary... stokes.../ faces...// includiig.../ áattemptedá... murder, .../ assault... and... armed roobery....// áápoliceáá say... the worker... was shot.../ monday...// in ...a robbery attempt .../ on... walden circle.../.ááheáá... walked... to parallel drive.../, and... collapsed... near the social pecurity admiiistration.../ campus....//// ááhe'sáá... in... ggod condition. we... want to &phear... about.../ how... you're fighting back.../// against crime.../. áátelllá uu ...what you're doing.../ in your community..../ áácalláá &p our hotline...// 410-662-1456. new information.../ on... the investigation... intoo../ "cancer concerns"... around... fort detrick.../. ááresidentsáá... say... chemicals.../ they... were exposed to....over the years... / are... making them &psick...//. áá healtháá officialss.. tell... melinda roeder... // ádespiteáá a lack of convincing... proof,...// ááthey'lláá... keep... on looking. lookkng. 15:26:29 "i don't trust the government at all." p5:26:31-15:26:43 "noo more.... they just do wwatever they can to make money."dottie blann doesn't trust officials to ever really clean up the mess at fort detrick.chemicals and contaminants she conntantlyycame in contact with... when she worked there decades ago.15:25:35 "i was young.. i had a good jjb... did whaati was told."she is one of countless frederick county residents affected by cancer. her daughter - too - blames the government... them. can't believe them. i believ that not just in my headd in my heart."anthrax... and agent orange... are ust some of thh chemicals once tested at detrick.but recent sampllng of water wells... found cantaminants still remain underground.15:20:00 pime."for the lastt18 at one months... health officials have been reviewing canner cases --collected from a statewide registry. and have just released the results of that study.12:28:28 "we found nn evidence of unsuual patterns of cancer... we have a couple of queesions though."but their dataais roughly the last 15 thh state vows toocontinue monitoring...15:22:57 "i hope that they will ann dr. mitchell will..12:27:37 "this is by no means the last step." as for dottie... she just hopes wednesday's visit to the oncologist will be a good one. 15:29:14 "i want to see my grandchildren... i can spoil."in frederick, melinda roeder... foo 45 news at ten. forr detrick... was the center .../ of... a... biochemicaa warfare program...../ until ..the late 60's. questions tonight about the future of the man in charge of baltimore county schools. schools.there are reports that superintendent. hairston is in &pthe third year of a four year contract... and has faced some criticism thhs year for his spending decisions. p the nobel prize for physics goes to three scientists.... ....or discovvringgthe universe is speeding uu as stars and galaxies fly away from eaah of the winners teeches.... at johns hopkins.......and told our kathleen cairns what it was like to ggt the calll call. spaae over the past decade.... lead to a very unusual tuessay morning for a johns hopkkns university professor... (reiss)"and the phone rang.. and i lookkat the clock.. the digitallclock said 5; 36.. its famous, its a either someone was pulling myy &pleg or this was the call... the caaler announced adam riess is a winner of the 2011 research, along with two hii - colleaguess discovered thh universe is exppnding. (reiss)"thats what we saw for the universe.. a growth spurt." a lot of reise's research came from hubble telescope observations... where astronauts like john grunsfeld collected dataa(astronaut)"i felt pprsonally incredibly proud of adams work but it also gave some mmaning to me risking myylife to go put in the cameras that helped him withhhis work" reise says this is ust the beginning of his scientific research iito the acceleraaion of thh universe:(reise)"i just feel incredibly lucky" he says he plans to celebrate the international prize with his wife and some..champagne... adam reiss is haring the ws nobel peace prize with wo other scientists who were also involved in the discoverr..... a surprise delivery....mmkes phe day of one baltimore city school teacher. teacher. office-max.../ dropped off.../// supplies.../ to... johhnna .../ flurry.../ ááaáá teacher.../ at... bbntalou elementarr .../ in... west baltimore,...// ááheráá principal... omiiated flurry.../ for... the award../ ááwhicháá aims... to end ...teacher-funded.../ ááeveryáá yearr./ . teachers spend.../ 1--thousand dollars.../ out-of-pocket.../ on.../ essennial... school supplies. "you know every teacher wants toodo a good job, and to be ablt to do that you need certain esources, and some things just aren'ttthhre for you, so you have to go out get them yourself and it's just something ttat we do." do." flurry.../ teachers.../ nd -3 nationwide...// ááwhoáá received ...surrrise deliveries ttday.../ 3 i arried him for 5 and a half mmnths......and i planned for a lifetime... so... beat> later on fox45 nnww at ten...finding peace... after tragedy...the artist that helps parents during their darkest's our cover story tonight. football but next...the otball controversial comments about the prrsident...that got himm booted from monday night football bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. these covered cfls look great and last longer- perfect for 'them hard-to-reach places. 3-way cfls really click with my style. go to participating retailers for bge's instant discounts on select cfls. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at heyhey, i go all night long and still save! controversial alcoholic drink---banned in some places---like baltimore city--- .couud be back.....with a slight change......trying tt makk it s. safer..... karen parks.../ live.../ in... owings many say.../ the... - change... won't make a differen. difference.... four loco is a drink many call.......a black out in a will tell much alcohol they are actually drinking.... the company says.....the disclosure....will make thee drink safee to drink.......whill others hould be baaned... banned... (53:55)this is a dangerous tooally....this should be nned taken off the market..... four getting a new look. (53:35)teenagers drink four loco for ne get drunk quickly and cheappy... now the makers of the drink have agreeedto change its labeling and packaging to settle federal trade commission charges f deceptivee advertising..... the ffc says the company falsely of four loko waa equilvalent beers......when in much alcohol as four or five 12 ounce cans of regular beer.. the new labels will not only disclose the amount of pt to the amount in regular beer....(53:32)) don't think that's going to work......drug and alcohol expert mike gimbel only make it moreeattractive - to teens and young adultt.....looking for a quick buzz.... (54:46))his one can of 4 loco has killed people.....last year.... (daniels pkg)she was in the roadway when i found her facc down..... doug and sherry spurry's daughher courtney......crashedd her truck and died after leaving a birthday party in talbot countt....she drank two canss of four loko that night..... her parentssare now suing tte company and say....changing good..(daniels pkg)i don't no - want people gging through what im going ttrough losing a child ecauue of this drink.....its horrible... thh aggeementtis subject to 30 day comment perrod bbfore it can receivv final approval and become effectiie.... even though the company has changed its recipe by removing the caffeine from the drink .....the lawsuitt keep mounttng.... 3 new jersey governor chris christieeended weeks of speculaaionhe is ánotá running forrpresident in 20-12. 12.. some prominent republicans and donors asked him to go after the republicaa nomination. conservatives like him for his blunt talkkand his accommlishments in public life. but christie says... now is chrissie::"i've made this commitment o my state first and foremost. the people sent me to trenton to get a ob done and i'm just not prepared to waak away. i know not decision but mm loyalty to this state is what it is.. the attention now turns to the rest of the average of recent polls shows former massachusetts governor mitt romney leading the field... with texas overnor rick perry and businessman herman cain not far behind. 33find all of our election overage in one spot on our website.go to fox-baatimore dot com......and click on "vote 2012" in the news features section. 3 compromise....// ááthat'sáá what ...a member... of the.../ 'super committee'.../ says.../ ámustá... happen.../ to... recovvr .../ from... a.../ terriblee.. economy..../ áájoeláá d. smith.... reports, .../ áátheááá senator... says.../ we face... major troubles.../ ááifáá democrats and republicans.../ play p. politics... portman sot 1::4-1:33the critical objective there is to gettour spending under control so that our economy can grow. portman broll (walking into republican senator robbportman sits in a super committee hot and republican embers of atic congress chhrged with finding ways to cut $1-point-5 broll interiirs of congress (congress broll 1,2,3) then the commiitee officially ,3))- started work after labor daya and -must- make reccomendations to congress by thanksgiving.portman says compromise is criticala or the sake of the country. pootman sot 3:07--:21if we we will see another reaction as we say during tte debt limit discussions where we had a downgrade of the debt, where equity market wheee people's 401ks becamm 201ks.broll interiors of congress 1, 2,3 likeetax breaks and government de--egualtion.brown 5:58-6:10i don't by this that if we dereeulate and give tax cuts to the rich that it helps the proveably doesn't. what worrs is investing and putting people to work and paaing for it over time.take grrphii - economyobamathat parttsan divide worries many americans. people think the president has hurt the economy.take graphic - economycoogress50-perceet think epublicans in congress have hurt the economy.people worried about taxes.will thh committee recommend higher taxes for anyone?portman sot 2:30-2:37we are not at that level of discussion yet. but, wwere we are is talling about the extent of the problem and putting everything on table.on dissolve to congress))here is some agreement in congressa whatever happenssneeds to kaab sot 1:39-1:47we have to spending, reduce the debt, reduue the deficit which are drags on the economy and that is what is bringing down a generation of jobs.congrees and hill brollwe ssould know by thanksgivinn what thiss committee will suggest as budget cuts..'m jool d. smith rrporting. learn more ...about the... supee-committee.../ áátelláá thee... what you think...//.áátheiráá contact information.../ fox--baltimore dot comm./. ááclickáá on... "super committee" .../ in the... "hot topics" the top f the screen - &pthe.../ head... of the... federal reserve.../ is... warning conggess ...about.../ spending cuts. cuts. federal... reserve... chair... / ben bernanke... was... on capitol hill today.../ with... a grim... assessment... of the u-s... eecnomy..../.ááheáá told... a congressional &ppanel.../ ááthere'sáá ááeven áá - though,,, he... expects.../ a... slower.../ recovery. recenttrevisions of ggvernment economic data show the recession was even deeper, and the recovery even weaker, than previously estimated estimated bernanke says... natural diiasttrs,.../ washington's gridlock.../ and... slowwjob growth ...are to blame... / ttey were hoping to attract -3 hundreds... if not thousands of protesters to yyrk city last weekenn.but ew organizers of a rally against corporate greed...saw a much smaller johnnrydell repprts...those who did show up..still made their voices hea. heard... "they got bailouts, wee ot sold out, we got sold out.""we are the 99 percent."it's not the turnout...they had exxected...((clapping))but protesterr...say it's not the numbers that's the meesage.(mcguire) "we've seen the super rrch, the op one of percent that's been driving power, tten grabbing wealth." in the shadows of baltimore's biggest tesseessvent their frustrations.(lawss "we're not the greed, ttere's ot to be a change."adam laws...says he showed up out of of quo.(laws) "this guy behhnd me and guys like him you know in going on, it's got to stop somewhere you know."some are blaminggpresident congress...wall ssreet...and big banks. (patterson) "we have to cancel the baalout, let them crash and we have to start rebuildiig the country and obama will ot do that aad unfortunateey the republicans everyone's safety." protesters have no demonstration permit...but police have allowee them to gather at mckeldii plaza...aa pratt and light.but it's not long....they'll stay. (rydell) "the folks that showed p today say they're not the no long list of speekees or onn particular theme because they say this event if not as the start of a movement." (llws) "grassroot projects like this i mean, we just got to get the essage out there." a message that avarage americans need more help...noo...big corporations.. in baltimore, john rydell, fox 45 newssat ten.. city policeereport no arrests...or disruptions at today's rrlly. monnaa nnght footbbll... is aboutttt sound a little bit . different."ttey want to go home"e-s-p-n... / which....normally... kicks witt... the song.... p "all my rowdy friends"... by hank williaas junior... / áápulledáá... the plug... on the singer...//.ááthisáá.../ aater... he made... some.../ controversial remarks.../ about the president... on.../ "fox and friends."...///ááwilliamssá... was asked... &pabout... who e likes.../ in... the g-o-p race... / ááheáá... said... "nobody"... / ááthenáá... wwnt... on a rant.../// about... the president... playing golf.../ with speaker ...john boehner .../ and... vice president... biden. 3 williams says: "comm on. it'd wwth netanyahu. in the hape - they''e the enemy."kilmeade says: "who's the enemy?" williams says: "obama! and biden! are you kidding? the three sttoges."." ." e-s-p-n.....// hasn't decided... if williams... will be permanently removed.../ from... monday night footbaal..../ áátodayáá../ williams... apologized for the commeet.. / saying..../ it... was "dumb".../ and... he's... sorry.../ if he offended anyone. here's... ouu... áádoáá you think....-s-p-n...// by... puuling william's... soog...// from... monday night footbaal.?..// here's... a look at our ...facebook page.../ááthisáá caught...áffreá...//. - ááhundredsáá of... you responded.../.ááyouáá can too.../áágoáá to our facebook page.../ facebook... dot ccm .../ slash foxbaltimore cloudsful day today after a - what's on tap for the remainder of theeweek? week? here's chief meteorlogist vytts reid witt the skywatch fot forecast 3 3 3 >amanda knoo...home in seattll tonight... after 4 years in a jail in italy... what she said when she fiist saw friends and family... later on fox45 news at ten (mom)"this is not what it waa pupposed to be... theeartist helping parents... during their darkest time... it's our cover story... after the brrak. in... the áá14áá phooographers.../ are... on a... special..../ 'on-call'... list.../.. ááreadyáá to... take photographs../.. night or day..... at,,, a,,, moment's notice. they aae not waiting for breaking news... like we do arounddthe clock. kathleen &pcairns shows us why they get maternity tonighh's cover sttry.... 'now i lay me down to sleep'. sleep'. (voiceeonly)and then were &pgonna find a water fall"armed with a camera.... and candy ...(moment)"hhre we go.. first one to the rockk wins... professional photographer beckaaparyyinski prepares for another photo shhot in columbia:(moment)"andd squeeee.. ready one to three squeeze... good a flash, (snap snap snap- fill with photos) a moment in time, turns 'forever' n a photo. (close on her taking photos)"put your hands up...candy"(snap-fill with photo)(her taking photoss"hey kirsten and katelyn..look right here" she a former teacher turnee photographer... to me.. theyre documenting the happy time in their liie." (snap-close)("primarily i do families and kids... i love to really capture the heert of a family.. the real smiles... snuggly hugs.. spontaneous &pkisses... that is what i am aal about" real moments.... like the day maaeo was born: (two shot)"we deffnitely talked about children early on.. even before we got married,"(monica closer)"we ended up getting pregnant..and we were real xcited about it.." but at 22 weeks... there were compllcations.-and- pith hank by her sidemonnca went into early..labor:(ccose on monica) "the following day i delivered him at 8:17 that i was in labor about 8 hours.." mateo weigged llss than one pound... (two shot dad talks)"im freaking out doom and was tough knowing he wasnt going to livee. (nats- beep hospital) december 17th.(two shot mom talkss"it was hard.. because you could tell he as struggling to breath.. but it was knowing he breathing he was there we were holding him that was comforting."(((nat pop- hospital beep beep)))(dad talks- two shot) "he lived for for s to spend with him while he was alive.. and her calm helped me to stay calm during the process anddembrace the then.... becky.... walked in their room:(becky)"its hard... to walk into afamily nd to liteeally feel the grief in maaeos photos here) wwen the jourrey of birth...takes an unexpected twist... beckk volunteers her serrices... so parents can have a lasttng legacy.... of theer little ones love... like mateos:(two shot- her:)"having the piitures.. and having them see what he looked like.. waa pmportant for ss. and it was really important for our famill to see what he looked like and he really looked like hank... it waa amazing to see the shape of his feet." (beccy)"honestly the only reason i can ever walk into a room is because of the strength god gives me thats where my strength comes from images are all that some - parents have left... o hold. this picttre in our room.. its just important for to be able to share him... 45 minutes is ya know...i carried him for 5 months... and we planned for a life time.. so... (nods) " (becky)"people have opinions about what should and everyone deals with their grief difffrently and this is a way i can help those that want it.. maybe heal a little bit."(((nats- of baby toy- mazing grace)))) in the dayss... weeks... and months after mateo's death the images proved to be even more cruccal.(good moment with two parents) "after that.. i felt like i was forgetting what he ooked like.. so having the pictures gives us that memory giie us that.. this picture hangs in ouu room"(becky)"and that just bring happiness to someone in a dark place."(two shot parents)dad: "so...the pictures are invaluable to us"(mom wipes tears) (((babys room nats)))in the past yearr... becky has taken ppotos of a dozen children in he baltimore reggon.... &pcalled: 'now i lay me down pleep'... some are dying..... others.... alreadyygone. (mmm)"this is nnt what it was supposee to (becky-close)"so its a sad time.... it's a sad "imm...(pause) " days with mateo.. now mman.. visits to the cemetery.... (dads voice)"theres a buried him in the children's garden" buu this painful experience, it has strengthened theii faith. (voice only in cemetery)(close on moo)"i really felt like.. if there isnt a goo.. thee wipes tear. ) a time for hope, and healing. a way to honor &pthe legacy of a child.... who is still... very loved. n hooard co kc fox 45 news at 10 the 'now i layyme down to sleep' foundation has more than 7,000 volunteer photographers, lika becka in c. columbia. ááanáá affiliated photographer.... will come to your hospital.../ oo... hospice location.../ áá andáá conduct... a sensitive... and private.../ portrait session.../. non--rofit group.a... - group. if.../ you... would like to... ddnate.../ áágoáá to.../ fox baltimore dot com.../ slash newslinks 3 schiller says: i'm really pleased tt tell you today all abouttthe brand ew phooe 4s. ) (clapppngg) the new features that make this ippone unique... later ii tonight's word on the wee a warm elcome home for amanda knox...when she said moments after landing in on fox45 news at tee &p 3 [ female announcer ] this is steve and lynn, and they have a good question. can the aetna app make you healthier? well, that all depends on what you do with it. and there's an awful lot you can do with it. access your medical history, view claims, get reminders for mammograms, find in-network doctors, track your health goals... run with it. i got my cholesterol down. i lost five pounds. [ female announcer ] see for yourself, aetna. know more. get better. [ female announcer ] see for yourself, this issvideo froo new york city...victims of the helicopter crash there this pfternooo...holding on to the skids oo the helicopter... floating in the east was a touriss helicopter. witnesses say it went up about 25 feet...appeared to have mechanical trouble...and then fell into the water.1 person crash. look... at that coffin...//. police...//..ááaáá couple scranton ...would force their... 7 year old son.../ to... sleep in it...//.áátheáá boy... also told... police...// his parents... would force him .../ to... &pspend time... in their... bug- infested basement..../ áásometimesáá... for.. .a.. whole day.../ ááwwaringáá... a... diaaer, .../ because... there was.../ no... working bathroom..../áábotháá parents ...face.../ felony charges tonnght amanda knox.../ is... back.../ in... the united states.../ tonight.../ ááthisáá after monday's.../ emotional... / verdict.../ draws.../ mixed reaction... world--wi/ world--wwde...// cheering cheeringthis is amanda.../ arriving... in seattle.../ this evvning.../. ááknoxáá was... held... in connection.../ with... the stabbing death... of her roommate.../áábutáá... was cleared ...of murder charges.../ yesterday. &p"what's important for me to say is just thank youuto everyone who's beliived in me, who's defendeddme, who'sssupported my family. i just want -- my family is the most important &pthing to me right now, and i just want to go and be with them. thank you for being thereefor e.. me." the... prosecutor knox's appeal case .../ says... he'ill... dispute the verdict.../ to... the nation's... highest criminnl ccurt. 3 a team offcadaver dogs .../ arrived... in aruba... tt search foo... the body.../ of a... maryland woman.../ ááreportedáá missing... wo months ago... by her travvllcompanion.../. áátheáá dogs... arrived from the netherlands.../ and... will look.../ for... the body... of... gardder..../// of frederick...// áágaryáá been jailed... siice aug. 5.../ ááheesáá aa..person... of interest...// áágiordanoáá pway.../ while... snorkeling.../ off... caribbean island. - 3 3 3 3 "we have found a lottof 3customers do try to cut corners with their medications." mmdicattons."from splitting taking expired medicine...the other...more dangerous ways people cut corners onnprescciptions... later on fox45 news at ten cook says:iphone 4-s, the most amazzng iphone ever. ever. apple unveils the new iphone take a look at the latest e model..ann all it's features... aftee the break. 3 payor.../ bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. these covered cfls look great and last longer- perfect for 'them hard-to-reach places. 3-way cfls really click with my style. go to participating retailers for bge's instant discounts on select cfls. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at heyhey, i go all night long and still save! stephanie rawlings blake.../ encouraging... city residents... to stay healt. healthy.----"music, jumping jackknats"---- nats"---- she.. and dozees of others... exercising at the inner awareness month.ii's part of in &phealthy city days... a campaign... too et baltimore back in shape. ann a vent focusing on tonight at the duburns arena. its called recess baltimore" and its designed to help children between the ages of ffve and 12 stay it.the kids will be able to track their proggess with the heep of students from johns hopkiis university. all... eyes... on apple today... / ááasáá the company ...unveils... theenew ... i-pho. i-phone.carrie peirce has detaals on the &much-anticipate tonight's word on the web. &pweb. 3 after months of our first glimpse of the new iphone. but, it's not five. 3 schiller ays: i'm really pleased tt tell you today all about the brand new iphone 4s. (clapping))apple's senior v- p.... takes he stage todayyin california...rolling out the iphone 4-s.on the outside.. it's no different than the iphone 4.... but on the insidd... major changes... 3 "we started by adding the dual-core a5 chip, wwich is upp to twice as fast."the iphone 4- p...will run smoother... sending and receiving data much quicker. 3 "graphics can ender up to sevenntimes quicker ... making gameplay alot better." aal that gaming won't be a batteey life... up to eiiht hours of talk time aad 40 capability.the camera has also been upgraaed to 8- &pcalls. calls.nd no more - "it's the worlds first phone to intelligently switch... between two antennas to transmit and receive calls." the 4-s can take voice commands and translate speecc into text....and it's a "worldd phone..." meaning it will be able to place internationall calls more easily. the i-phonn 4-s launches october fourteenth.. it staats at two hundred dollars for the sixteen gigabyte model. i'm carrie peirce and that's your word on the web. 3 with injuries starting to pile up,.../ tte ravens... get some help... in the &psecoodary...bruce cunningham hassthat stooy, next in sports unlimited. "we have found a lot of customers do try to cut corners with their medications.. &pprescription drugs. the ng dangerous measures... moree people are ave money. the ravens what's the one best thing about vacation on the gulf? the great outdoors in mississippi. our seafood in louisiana. our beaches in florida. alabama beauty. choosing between them might be tough. but everyone agrees, the gulf is vacation at it's best. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. so come on down to mississippi. louisiana. florida. alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters, and we're 100% open for business. players have scattered for the bye week, and aren't dde back until next monday, but the front office remains busy... and today, they got some much needed depth at cornerback... cornerback... 33 so they signed his guy, bryan mc cann to a two year deal... an unnrafted ffee agent, he hade his nfl debut llst year, &ppl;aying nine ames anddtwo more this year b efore he was cut september cann's sincc then, and that the ravens areebringing him in to on injured reserve ann chris carr and jimmy smith nuriiing injuries, the need was a strong one...he'll use the bye week to get acquainted with the ravenn deeensive schemes. 3 he'll be a lonely guu this week, because the ravens are getting a nice break, thanks to the bbe...thee're not due back unnil next monday after defeatinggthe jets night...and even though ii's a little early in the season to be getting a break, they still welcome it, especially the 3 3 we're not anywhere near through...willis mc gahee admits he and john harbaugh didn't get along...the basebbll playoffs and our prep player ffthe week's all coming up t 11:30 as sports unlimuted pontinues.... the tough economy is prom bk on innmany areaa. as... megan gilliland explains.../ in... tonight's... consumer reports... / ááthere'sáá one area .../ wheree.. that.../ could have... dire consequencee:.../ prescriptionndrugs. 3 ((meg on cam))connumer quarter of hose taking medicction hhve taken danggrous steps to cut their drug costs. (sot: pharmacist)"how can i help you?"((//)pharmacist linsay struggling to pay for linsay davis)"ww have found a lot of customers do try to cut medications." (v/o)that's in keeping with what consummr reports national research center found in its latest poll on prescription drugs. (sot)"twenty-eight percent of people who currently take medication said they took potentially dangerous actions to savveon drug costs." (v/o) twelve percent skipped a scheduled dose. thirteen percent tookkan exppred medication. and 16 percent skipped filling a prescription. (sot: orly avitzur)"nnt taking our medication aa prescribed can lead to unnecessary death." (v/o)the survey also found eight percent split pills in half without ccnsulting a physician. (sot: medication, such as ypes of blooo-pressure pills and statins, may be okay to split. but chemotheraay or anti--eizure drugs are not. be sureeto always check with your doctor first." (v/o)consumer reportsssays pills not to split include powder or gel capsules, tiie-release capsules, and pills with a hard coating.also, don't spllt pills with a knife. instead, use a pill splitter. they're available t pharmacies for under ten dollars.((meg on cam))connumer reports says another way to save onn prescciption drugs is by purchasing generics. many chains anddsome independeet pharmacies alllw you to buy a 30-day supply for a small gilliland, fox45 news aa ten. 3 she won 25-million dollars... how she almost missed out on phe jackpot...afttr the break ...and coming up n jjst 5 pdition... "and that's .. when he bear started tearing the back of my head open." a bear in the living the angry animal got in thh house and ow the frightening ordeal came to an end for a pennsylvania couple 3 and a not your averaae homecoming this teen put some extra kkck in her special night. a... p small mistake.../ leaas... to a big win..../ for... a... georgia woman. woman.kathyyscruugs iitended tickett.. instead the lerk turns out that powerball et..- ticket wws worth 25 million dollars.and ii sounds like kathh plans to put it toogood use, by helping hee family. "like i said, my biggest plans mom and randmooher because they never really had a nice home. and so that's my giff to them and for myself, of course, i don't have a car.. so of course a car!" car!"scruggs also plans to toohelp the homeless. lord give me strength...lord give me bombarded with acial slursson- slurs. how a simple reqqest for change turneddinto a lawsuit settled foo tens of ttousands of doolars. hello..., i'm jeff barnd. barnd. and iim jennnfer gilbert. a baltimore woman sues and wins tonight.. after she ssys a gas station attendant refused her service. service. it.../ was... a racially charged ...confrontationn../ caught on camera. camera.

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Trenton ,Texas ,United States ,New York ,Louisiana ,Alabama ,Florida ,California ,Georgia ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Seattle ,Mississippi ,New Jersey ,Netherlands ,Massachusetts ,Aruba ,East River ,Maryland ,Pennsylvania ,Capitol Hill ,Italy ,Americans ,Dutch ,Amanda Knox ,Bryan Mc Cann ,Ann Chris Carr ,Keith Daniels ,Joel D Smith ,Mc Cann ,Jennifer Gilbert ,Jimmy Smith ,Megan Gilliland ,Johns Hopkins ,Rick Perry ,Kathleen Cairns ,Ben Bernanke ,Stephanie Rawlings Blake ,Adam Riess ,Willis Mc ,Mike Gimbel ,Herman Cain ,Bruce Cunningham ,John Boehner ,Hank Williams ,John Harbaugh ,Carrie Peirce ,Reid Witt ,John Grunsfeld ,Melinda Roeder ,

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