final wordd the victim's mother yelled oot.. as she phone. -------------------------------- boat the water...a - capsizee."the boat sttrted sinkkng faster than i could pave ever imagined. there was no time to think 3 the mirrcle that appeared from the water.. that saved three men from disaster. -------------------------------- ---------------------- some rain moves throuuh maryland but thh heat is quitt over yet. when we'll get a real drop in temperatures in my skywatch forecast.. -------------------------------- ----------- sexism in the national media? the photo of this presidential ccndidate that has people on both sides of the poliiical aisle -3 hello... m jeff barnd...// jen'ss off...// ááa áá frederick woman... iss missing.../ after... a trip... to aruba ast week.../.. áákaren áá... parks.../ says.../ resort town.../ where... natalie holloway...// disappearee.../ 6--years a. ago.... robyn gardner has been missing since last week.....there issa person of authorities say has chhnged his story several timee......... times......... //take sot///she's err beautiful...llng blond hair..... another american tourist disappears in yeaa old robin gardner of frederick maryland.... she wws lass seen august 2, at the renaissance aruba resort and casino...//take sot// the last message i got from hhr was through facebook on tuesday i would say a little after 3pm on tuesday the second of august and according to the reprot he went missinggat 6 that night.... aruban police say gardner was visiting the island with a man named gary giodano also from frederick.....who tells &pinvestigators....gardnee never made it back to shore on the southside of the keling isllnd......thhugh ardner's boyfriend richard forester saysshe doesn't believe giordaao's stooy....///akee been very tight lipped the beginning and then was still oppn with me...i don't think phey were trying to keep things ffrm me but they were instructed by the aruba police that you can't say anytting because of the inveetigation that's ongoing. giordano is an aruban judge tt be held for at least eight dayy in disappearance... forester contacted the natalie hollooay resource orgaaization who hells those misssng for loved ones.... ironncally......natalie holloway disappeared froo the pame area in arubaaback in 2005...karen parks....fox45 news at ten baltimore writer who went at a missiig in the early weeks oo the uprissng in libya is alive and n ustody. custody. the office of congresssan dutch ruppersberger ssyy libyan phat matthew vandyke was in their custody. vandyke traveled from maryland to libya thhs winter to write about the uprising against moammar gadhafi and he p... 14-year- old./ will be for... allegedly attacking... hhs grandmother... with a hammer .... police say.../ hhssan--hi.. garrett.../ confessed to beating... his... 66-year-old grandmother ... / ááitáá happened... in marrh... / when ...the freshman... became angrr... getttnn... ready for school..../ááfirstáá... p he... was charged as an addlt.../ &pwith attemmttd murder... / 3 first on fox... tonight..../ ááaáá... daycare worker.... accused... of assaulting.../ a.../ 1-year-old boy. ááhissá.../ motherr says... the child .../ was grabbed.../ and pushed.../ ááandáá... it... was caught... on video. video. keith danielss.../ live... in northeast baltimore.../ where... another... day care worker .../ tipped off... the mother. dominaque charles is a mother who believes she'ssthe victim of what could be one of the greatest feeas for any like ttii...."arles) "sse 3 ..........charles saysssomeone assaulted her 1-year-old son dominick.... at his daycare. (charless "to grab his face and his head nd doing how you do it was just inappropriate.." ..............he motherrssys ivey league learning center on worker accused of grabbing the child, gripping his face, then pushing the toddler...... affer the boy apparently sipped juice from the woman's the way she handled it, it's pnappropriite, i do not respect it, i do not condone it.."..............and for &pnow, no comment from the daycare.(keith) "the learningg centee is here, the director's officeeacross the street. staff woold let other people inside, but not us. and our phone calls were not returned." this..................look on closely.. the daycare's surveillance cameras caught theecontact on tape.. charles shot part of it with er cellphone mondaa.. when she and poliie watched the full can see near the end an adult ...............leverne oddler. &pbrunson, another employee say she heard the boy's cries...... she ontacted the one else ever speaks up though...".............told her where she could find tte viddo..............but moments after charles and police fired brunson... not the other woman.(brunson) "she's still &pthere for doing whatever she did to the child and i'm gone for speaking up forrthe child. and it doesn't seem fair to me. so, i'm pretty upset about that."(charles) "it's made me fury.. it made me fuuious, i was very angry.." 3 the complaint...etc but investigating it as a possible "common assault"" and once again, still no comment frommthe center after our repeated attempts 3... / fire... academy supervisors.../ andd.. two charggss../ ááthisáá scandal .../ at... the city''... fire training academy. academy. chief.../ james clack... says.../ aa... investigation.../ found.../ that... while cadets... who were given puestions.../ prior... to the exam.../ did... ánotá... cheat,. ../ ááinstructorsáá... provvded.../ confidentiaa... test trainees... in advance. 3 08:16:07"nn recruitt noo student in anyyof these classes engaged in any type of cheating. they weee given materials they shouldn't hhve been given by the instructionaa staff"08:16:18 08:16:44"it could have been that the exam that was left out was used and might not have been used."08:11:44 clack... cadet... ápassedá... the the test.../ was 3 3&pa... aryland ...volunteerrfirefighter.../ ddowns... / trying... toosave a llie. life..t.../ happened saturday... near.../ the... wicomico shores pier.../ in mechanicsville. 22-year-old.../ christopher... staley.../ jumped... in the wwter.../ to... help... a man.../ who... fell... off the pier.../ áástaleyáá... reached... the vicitm..../ áábutáá... both men .../ went under... and never .../ re- surfaced...//.áátheiráá... recoveeed.../.ááátaleyáá... followed... in his father's footsteps.../ áábecomingáá.../ a... cobb island... volunteer firefighter.../// at... 16. "he was a real good guy, very dedicated to the department. he as always someone you was always behind you helping helping the... fire department ... will... dediiatt... a piece of equipment ..../ ii... ssaley's honor. 3 a.../ crazy... ride.../ on... wall street... today... /// /// bell>> monday.../ , we... experienced... the worst drop.../ in... the market... ssnce the... biggest ..// increase... in... 2 years.... years.../áátheáá... &ptoday.... by... nearly 30 poonts...// 10--th... largest... point ederal reserve... painted a gloomy picturr.../ of... the economy.../áábutáá... also said .../ it... would keep... interest rates loww../ until....20013 meantime, .../ maryland's... trippl-a &prating...// áá willáá... not... be downgraded... /// for now...// ááevvnááá though.../ standard and poor's ../. evaluate.../ maryland's... financial status.../ comptrooler.../ peter franchot.../ optimistic. (franchot) "the statement by s & p is encouraging i guess that we're not bbing downgraded as we speak bbt ii think the jury is out on what's going to happen down the road.. rrad." maryland's econnmy.../ is... dependent... on theefederal governmmnt.../ and.... 'throw... the bums the message ...from voters .../ to... congresss../ ii... a nee... gallup gilliland says.. /// áátheáá / "debt ceiling" sot - sots 3:48-3:52who o you thhnk is more to blame, the president oo connress? congressa&&absooutely.sot - sotss:26-29 it'' a big together.michael fleming and mary wilkin areenot the only angry voters.sot --ssts 1:41 - 1:46i think the tea party made it clear and i think they are going to get their comeuppance in thh next term.take graphic - gallup pollaccording to a &pnew gallup/usa today poll, only 24 percent of eoplee suuveyed think anyone in congress should be rr-elected. and...a majority offamericcns, 51 percentt say president obama should --ot- be re- elected. b-roll congress/capitolit gets even sots 1:37-1:41 i think it's tottlly crazy actually. they have not listened to tte people.take graphica&and the people realize that.a recent rasmussen poll shhws thht just 17 percent of americans believe tte government has the consent of the peoole - an all time loo.congress's approval rating is at just percent - anooher all time low.and get thisa46 percent of americaas corrrpt..ot sots 3:00-3:03i don't think they are doing a good job at all. broll/ protest videotherees talk of an prisinga like during the troubled times that led to thh revolltionary war.another &p'change'a is not out of the question for voters.sot sots your congressman at this tell point? thinkk bout the liitle think it is getting to a oint where we allost need a single party rather than a democrat or republlcan. it's been proven over the last three yeers that can'ttworr together. broll - let sot talking head for ease of re-eeits at local stationsiim megan glliland reporting. pundits... say.../ it's... unrealistic... to expect.../ 75-percent of congresss../ o... get the boot.... in.... baltimore tonight .../ ááanotheráá...' for mmyor..../ áábutáá... the incumbent ...was missinn gain. again. they...// left... n empty chaii.../ for... mayor... stephanie rawlings blaae.../ áásoáá far.../ rawlings- blake... has attended .../ forums...//..ááheráá offiie... says.../ shh's... busy... with 3er duties... as mayyr. "i'm frank conaway and ii approved this message... that's right... inially someone we can believe it." it." that's... the way.../ onee.. mayoral is... trying to get... attention..../ ááyouureáá... reeted ...with a rap campaign song.../ hen... you go to... frank conaway'' weesite../ áátheáá... lyricc... incllde a reference.../ to... rawling-bbake.../ beeng... a ake..// .ááandáá... it... takes shots... at ccnawwa's .../ other opponents.../ as well...//. pell...//.ááifáá... you... want to.. hear it.../ in... its entirety.../ áágoáá... to... fox- baltimore-dot-coo.../ -slash newslinks p the... ravens.../ rickey williams... made hii.../ first appearaace... on the practice field.../ in... owings millss../ áásportsáá... ddrector... bruce &pwith that story.. joins us - story.. 3 he won the heisman trophy in 1998, and the new orleans saintsstraded all their draft picks to get him...but hii career has been anything than theesuccess thaatwas 3 williamss history is no secret....e had a series of failed drug tests, and even waa suspended for the entire 2006 season and wound up playing in canada...but in 7, he was reinstated...aad has been quite productive for the dolppins since then, even ttoping 1000 yards in 2009...and he should be a solid addition to ray rice in the ravenss backfield...he he's een thru, and hat thh &ppass is just the past 3&pcoming up on sports from rickey williams on joining the ravenn...john harbaugh talkssabout how much his starters will play in thursday night's ppe-season &popenee, anddthe orioles try t bouncc back against the white's all comiig up at 10050 andd11:20 on sports 3nlimiied....- he objective was clear - get in the water and sttrt &pswimming as fasttas we could to avoid etting pulled down with tte sinking ship." 3 a boat sinks with 3-peoppe aboard...// the miracle... that saved thhir lives... later onnfox45 news attten but ext...why this prrticism... from ábothá sides 33 ñóooooo#o#ooooo was... on the phonn.../ as... her sn waa murdered..../ &páá nowáá... the mother ...of a slain... hopkins researcher .../ what she heard..... áámelindaáá... roeder ...was in the courtrroo .../ ááandáá... has... the latest... on the trial.../ against... the accused killer.../ john wa. wwgner. philadelphia... 33p mayor... micha utter.../ . micha áásendingáá.../ a... message to parents... / afttr... mooe violent attacks.../ inn..phiy in...philly his.../ the violence...///ááaroundáá &p 25--kids..../ as... ouuggas... 11.../ áádecendedáá... on... center cityy...../ punching, .../ beating and rrbbing.../ ááoneáá... man,.../ was... beaten so baa ---/ ááheáá... suffered... a racttred skull. nutter: "parentsswho neglect their children, who don't know where here are. who ddn't know whht they're doing. hhnging out with. you're gonna find yourself spending some kids--in jail."." curfew' in effecc...// áánoáá will... be alloowd powntown.../ &pafter... 9--pm...// áátickettsáá... could... be... as high... as... 500 dollars...//ááandáá áparentsá ...will be held responsible.../ for ...crimes... committed by minorr.../ after curfew 3 governnr... o'malley.../ is... under fire tonight.../ for... áswitchinná... his... stand.../ marria. marriage. jjff abell.../ with... the story, jeff.. jeff.... the governor is no stranger to political fights but now...he's at odds with his very own church..... the archdioceee of baltimore....iss taking him tootask for throoing his supporr toward gay marriage. &p for the fiirt time, the overnor announced last month that he will lead the fight for gay marriage in marylaad. (:30) legislation that protects r - equality rights equally under - the law....." just days befooe this e governor was lobbied by his very own faith. in a letter from the archdiocese of baltimore, archbishoo edwin o'brien urged the governor not to support gay marrraaee saying...."ww peak with urgency in opposition to your prrmoting a goal that so deeppy conflicts wwth your faith....not to mention the best interests of socieey." (o'malleyybin) "i phink every citizens entiiled to their own opinion on respect those differences of - &popinion..." gay mmrriage was not always on the governor's agenda. until last year, the governor supported civil unions.... &p (governor) (08-12-11) "civil unions was a way to brinn peopll tooether...." now, crittis can only change of hearr. (archive - 07--2-11) (:55) "he wants to be president and its bad 3ocial policy." 3o'malleys announcement came just days after the ssate of new york passed gay marriage legislltion..... and a few weeks after the state off maryland failed to pass it. it.jeff abell, fox 45, news at ten. 33 an.../ appareet compromise.../ in... the battle... ovee.../ crafts... fairs.../ on... baltimorr county... school property.../ a... ban... on at... the... schools.../ - angered ...many residents...// áátonightáá... the... school board... has reportedly approved ...// a... árevisedá policy.../ that... would allow.../ p-t-as.../ and... community groups .../ áátoáá.../ hold... moss.../ and... other events like bingo pames. 3& concern...// overr deal.../ to... merge constellation energy .../ with... chicago-based.../ exe-. &pexe--lon. "and people should stand up to make sure their utility bill is decreased innthis merger." merger." this aaternoon... / outside... b-g-e... headquarters.../ downtown .../ ááprotestorsáá... say... the merger ...will lead... to layoffs .../ and... highee electric bills.../.ááwhileáá... ffr... eech...// 3 b-g-e household.../ ááitáá any... prooection.../ against... rrte increases. 3 monica jones: "iq: you kkow it's a struggleewith these exttemely high bge illss... oq: it's absolutely not enouug." enough."rob gould: "iq: these uuderstand ii terms of rate &prrlief and job creatioo." the deal's... expected to close... in 2012. immigration.../ officials.../ for... their role...// in... a crackdown... on illegals.../ in annapolis.../// áájohnáá.... rydell ...telll us.... the... suit.../ stems... ffom a raid.../ on... a businnss.../ that... hhred.../ illegals.... / ((nnts)it was june of 2008...when ttii woman told us... of a freiggtennnn ordeal. immigration agents...with husbbnd.100 illegal immigrants were detained. many...had worked for annapolispainting services.that busiiess...was also raided...ann its ooner was charged with hhring...and hhosing... llegals. "and he has these workers, illegal houses."but casa de n these immigrants..rights group...has filed suit on behalf ....of fourof those immirgrants. it alleges...agents from immigrrtion and customs eeforcement...also known as "ice" usee unnecessary houue...without a warrant. (gonzalez) "physical force was they were mistreated, the ones that were arrested spend several weeks in shacklle wiihout knowledge that they the anne arundel counny police... department not a defendent in this case. but county execctive john leopoldsays the suit...should officials...from doing their government's policy is which is the samm as anne arundel is to not tolerate the hiring or parboriig of illegal immiirants and the real disincentive hould be ot to (rydell) "this lawsuit seeks - up to $2 million in damaggs for the four illegal &pimmigrants naaed as plaantiffs. but lawwers with &pcasa de maryland say the suit also seeks to change policy in how immigriation officials handle future raids." searcces, searches without a . 3 warrant." a case thattwill eeentually be decided in federal court. ii annapolis, ten. rydell, fox 45 news at a.../ spokesman.../ for... immigration enforcemeet.... won't... comment .../ áábecauseáá... its newsweek mmgazine.../ under fire.../ from... both sides... of tte aisle../ over the photo... / on... its coverr minnesota reereeentive.../ - michele bachman unflattering look... on the áátheáá... headline reads.../ "the quuen of rage"..../ ..áátheáá.../ national organizatton... of pomen... caals... áánewsseekáá... calls the photos .... an... "extreme cllseeup"...// áábachmannáá has not commented... on the photos. earlier we asked:áádooá... you think... newsweek... is... trying to make bachmann... look bad? bad?overlord wrrte;""f ourse they're doing it. theyydo it witt every onservative woman." 3&troy wrote:"she makes herself look bad." go... to baltimore dot com.../ . áátelláá us... off... thru ndáá ffcebook.../. áásendáá ááandáá hear... your responsee tonight...// at 11. ttmpshere's chief sing a break - meteorologist vytas reid with forecast 3 follow...// the... using...// our...// &pdoppler...// radar...// ps... now available.../ foxbaltimore dot com...////. if ou ee news. shoot it ssnd it. ááuploadáá... foxbaltimore dot com . áácliikáá... on the see it shoot it send it icon. ááoráá... send photos foxbaltimore dot com." soon ... thee.. state faiigrounds .../ will... be fulll.. of tte... souudd of sum. summer. thh... 30th arylanddstate fair.../ ssarts... august 26th.../ thru... september 5..../. ááfox45áá is... the proud medii sponsor... of tte statt f. fair.../. sslena gomez.../ performs... friday august 26th.. / "fox45 night" the fair.../. ááblakeáá sheltoo... erforms paturday.../ september september 4---h.../."... will 3 4--th.../. we're... giving you a chance.../ to... attend a connert.. / and... mmet the stars.../. áágoáá to... our facebook page ... / "inside fox44".../ on... the left side... of your screen .../ to... enter for a chance... to win.../ four tickets... to see.../ &p all time low"... in &pconcert.. / and... meet them... in person. &p3 the whole situation juut shockkd me, because i've never been there before beeorea criminal stoops very low... how a robberyy happened... at a military funeral...later on fox45 news churches....with áthousandsá offmembers... in howwrd county.the people behind this spirituul explossoo...its our coverr storr... aater the break every .../ if i were a customer, i'd like nonstop travel because it's quicker. because it's convenient. it's just the best way to go. keeps the cost down. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has added new nonstop flights from bwi airport to south carolina. it means more time doing the things i want to do. it's easy. it's hassle-free. there's no headaches. [ male announcer ] fly southwest airlines' new nonstops from bwi airport to greenville-spartanburg and charleston, south carolina. i like nonstop travel because... you don't got any more stuff. [ laughter ] [ ding ] sunday morning...// áámoreáá... than... 10- thousaan people.../ are... converging.../ locations.../// ááináá tonight's covee story.../ kathleen cairns... there's.../ a... "spiritual explosion"...// movement. 33 in the northern part off howard couuty.... (music nats- everywhere i look your love is all around" at bridgewwy bridgeway) and in the southern part of the county... (nats music at grace- second church) "oh happy days... happy daas.. thousandd gather at natssat grace) maay more traditional christian churches are losing members... while mega churchee... ,ones with as mmny as 2 thousand embers, are experiencing population explosions.... mark norman)"were really family yr old or 14 yr old weve a 4 - give then sort experience that - (anderson)" i think thississell" wwy traaitional churches may lose people because theyygrow tired of it.. they grow tired of hats coming next.. theyy grow tired of the routine. bbidgeway and gracee both had humble beginninns:(pastor mark normaa)"six familles eiggt families.. met in a guys baaement"(anderson) "we had a group of about 5 or 6 peoppe.. "dr. david anderson at bridgeway saysshis members... reflect diversity... 42 anderson)"theres no doubtt about it.. when you walk into bridgeway communiiy church you feel like your at the united nations and the walls of segregation have been knocked down."each church presents the teachings of the bible.. in a unique way... (mark norman)"were very contemporary we use lang.. that doesnt ound very religious.. i ddnt go by pastor or rev. im just mark o everybody.. " (dr david anderson)"" ttink another reason why thousands of people come toobridgeway is because of its creative messaging.. (voice only over crowd shots)"we try to creatively communicate the message and take the word from the bible and make sure it connectssin a practical and relevant way" ááááááááááááááááááááááááááááá ááááááááááááin baltimore pity.. (voice only)"we started with our ssx children" new creation ccristian church... is lso growing, although it aaron ccaxtoo)"a trend started 30 yrs ago or better with whatt ww call the word of faith movementt. the teaching of took off" ways to . it - worship.(rev pod"following the movement: "lets move towards people who don't go to church" one young pastor matt klingler... hopes to plant his own church... (matt klingler)"in our ccurch is not a sunday morninn are as a group of people.. that re aal following jesus tooether.. and hat impacts every hour f your week"while church presentations can vary... the fundamental message is the same:((pstor mark norman)"i dont thinkkthe ..christianity is about being a person of jesus and follower of christ"(dd nderson)"jesss but his method of the same.. communicating it was differrnt." different." (preaching attgrace)"be as shrewd as snakes...and as innocenttas doves."((can you mix a montage f the singing at both churches???)))("look at mark chapper 12") ((can you andersonn"if you reaaize hht its the messsge thats most important.. not the method.. magic happens."in howard co (voice only- over grace exttriors)"i ust turned arounn and here we were" kc fox 45 news at 10 americans.../ are... pursuing ..a growing options...//: . - ááincludingáá ouse churches, .../ marketplace minissriee.../ and... even...// "cyber churches".../ 3 the whole situation just shocked mm, because i've never been there before befooe while an honor guard...// performs at a fuueral.../// ááaáá robber... ransscks their vvhicle.../// áátheáá ...and how the internnt is being used to capture the rioters in london... aftee tth break p, ñóooooo#o#ooooo what if it snowed chocolate? what if sweet mocha fell from the sky? or imagine catching icy caramel flakes as they drift down -- melting just as they touch your tongue or sliding down mounds of whipped cream right into a pile of rich chocolaty goodness. [ male announcer ] send your taste buds a sweet shiver with mcdonald's mccafé frappe. a creamy blend of ice, coffee and mocha. or caramel. mmm. sweet. ♪ ba da ba ba ba of... a military... honor guarr.../ are robbed .../ while.... near... atlanta....// - of he 94--th.../ rs... ""irlift wings"....honor guard.../ helped... a family.../ ssy veterrn.../ áásommoneáá... ransacked.. tte group's an... i--pad.../// - cash... and credit cards... / ááevenáá... a... wedding ring. 3 the whole situation just shocked mm, because i've never been there before. i've never had anybody steal items like that from me. so to have that &pwords for it.s, there was no it. police... say...// one... stolen credit card.../ was used... at a gas station .../ singer,,,. gavin.../ hospitaa...// the - tonite...// ááafteráá... being attacked... in new york city. pity. just... left friends... after a night of rinking.../ aa... aabar he owns..../ blocks away... / he... was attackedd.. by 3 men..../ááaaáá... he... stumbled.../ ááheáá... was... hit bb a cab.../.ááde-grawáá... conccssion,.../ and... broken noss.../ áásoáá far.../ no arrests london ..../ in... the grips... of viooent . civilians... are using the to... fight back.../ áácarrieááá.. peirce... has mooe.../ moree../ in... tonight's word on the web, 3 3 3 another day of riotinggin london...while pooice are flooding the streetss.... fed up civiiliins are taking to burning cars ...violent mobs and uildingg set ablaze... it protest against the police a - with no enddin sight.. police are turning to the public forr help... 3 we have our images we are &ask &pthe peopll that were ngaged in criminal activity last night and we will be coming to arrest you over the coming months rioters haae good - reason o be sccred....thhnks to extensivv cooerage on the internet.members of a google group are discussing how to identify looters....while websites like zavilii dott com... are using a less postinn phhtos f rioters ... asking people to name anyone phey recogniie.when enoogh people positively identify the same rioter... that innormation is sent to police. the site also cceeted a facebook page... aad it seems to be orking... more than a dozen pics were pooted in 24 hours.... - it's unclear who'ssbehind the effort... the site creator will only say it's three help police. ng their part to - 3 "i think a heartsaver ct is a wants to know their risk." risk." are you at risk for heart disease? the reason testing for it ... could actually harr your health... and remember to wash your hands... how much sick timm a little soap and watee..could save you 3 [ female announcer ] at, you can choose your channel package. ♪ you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person. ♪ and you're always guaranteed the lowest prices online. so don't wait... try, compare and buy at today. because there's never been a better time to build the perfect fios bundle. because there's never been a better time meet pnc virtual wallet. it comes with a calendar that shows you all your finances at once. it lets you know when your money's going out. and when it's coming in. it even tells you when you're running low. we call that danger days. it's built to help you see your money in a whole new light. experience everything virtual wallet has to offer at pnc bank. for the achiever in you. ♪ your kids.../ know... to wash thhir ands.../ will keep... their... sick - days...// ddwn.... danish.../ doctors...// had... disinfect... theii hands... using a special gel.../ 3--times daily...// calling in sicc.../ decreased...// á sick days... thru the entire year' the... massiie recall... of...// ground turkey.../ produced... sslmonella.../ in... the.../ spotlight --// --// an.../ outbreak... n such... a large scale --/// ááandáá... this... could be... pesistant to antibitoocs -/// ááit'sáá puttiig consumers...// n alert../ alert...// consumers can practive defensive eatinn just like we they can take some steps to try to minimize the risk at home.if you use kind of old- &pschool ttchniques oo checckng &pthe temperature like, "are th puices running clear?" or ""t's een 3 minutes on eech side,""you're running a great r. rrsk. experts.../ say... wash... your hands.../ ttoroughly, .../ ááálsoáá... stay... on top... of recalls.../ or... warnings.../ involving... foods.../ you... buy...// 3 blood.../ is... in... short supppy.../ across maryland .../ a... ampaiin... is... working... to cut down... / on wasted... donations. &pdonatioos..he... red ross... held a blood drive this morning .../ at johns hopkins.../ the program's... success..../ááitáá helps... 44 hospitals... share best ractices.../ and... increase communication... about blood supplies../. áátheáá... lt. goverror... sayss donations.../ are... still needed.... to... counteract &psummertime lows. "iqqit's not an exageration to shortagee...oq: it's been a ,3 hot, brutaa summer." summer." the program started two years ago.... 3 pe objective as clear - get in the water and start swimming as fast as weecould to avoid getting pulled down with thh a boat sinks with 3-people aboard...// ááwhatáá &pmiraculiously surfaced that ssved their ives? thats next effective than mmdication in - managing stable heart disease p testing for heart disease... why it's no always wwrth the money... or the risk... heart disease.../ is... still.../ the... nummer &on americans...//. ááandáá... there are... sophiiticated tests .../ out there.../// to diagnose...// the probbem...// áábutáá... as... meean gilliland explains.../ consumer reports... / ááforáá... many people.../ these... tests.../ can... be... p waste of money... / and... dangerous. dangerous. ((meg on cam))websites for health-care providers are promoting diagnostic heartt tests - including expensive p-t scans - to just aaout anyone. (sot: hospital is a good test for someone who just wants to know their risk." (v/oobut consumer reports says most peopleewith o symptoms shhuld skip the cardiac c-t scans.(sot)"the likelihood of too low to ustify the ose of radiation you can get from a ct scan, or its cost."(v/o) eleccrocardiograms re another eart test that consumer reports says most people should skippif you don't haae symptoms. an ekg can give a falle positive, leading to more tests and consumer reports sayssone oo those tests can be an angiogram - which can quickly lead to over treatment with angioplasty a a procedure arteries.(sot: dr. john santa) "this procedure is no more effective than medication in managing stable heart disease. for people without symptoms, - coosumer reports says the simplest methods of determininggthe risk of heart monitoring your blood bbst - pressure, hhving a blood test to heck your cholesttrol, and getting a glucose test forr diabetes.(sot: dr. john sanna) "if you o find preliminary signs of heart disease, ask and hanges n lifestyle that can help."(v/o)simple dietary changes - less faa and more vegetables and fruit -along with regular exercise and a weight-loss prograa mighh be cam))consumer reports says, f course, if you dd experiencee symptoms like chest ppin or sudden shorttess of breath... it's important to call 9-1-1 iimediately. then you should chew an uncoated aspirin... which can help dissolve blood clots. meganngilliland, fox45 what was first reported yesterday is a realitt today... the ravens have their backup running back...rickey williams has hit the field in wings mil. the 1998 heesman trophy winner agreed to a tww year deal physical this morning, and this afternoon,was on the field with his new team.. familiar 34 is already in use,, williams spenttthe afternoon on the sidelinee, getting acclimated...he's already run cam cameron's offense inn miami, so that's a plus...he had to choose betteen detroit and baltimore, nd says he chose the ravens for an 3bvious rrason....- 3&and we have breaking accord has get his number 34..he says he hassmade an arrangement with wearing the number...he arrangement was, but yoo can bet it was not inexpensive.... so, with the pre-seeson openerr set forrthursday night in philadelphia, the queetionnnow becomes how much is he onna play?and beyuond that, how much will we see the starters? we'll answer those questions, coming up n 0 minutes on sports unlimited... a day on the water.../ turns dangerous.../ áátheáá... stroke of luck.../ that saved ...these fisherman... frrm sinking boat.... ...and coming up in just 5 minutes on the late edition... edition... it ay be beautiful....but you won't be wearing it more than once. wheee balloon dresses are gaining popularity. 3 3 and mysterious oranne goo. where its waahing ashore and the izzrre thing it might be. three fisherman.../ what if it snowed chocolate? what if sweet mocha fell from the sky? or imagine catching icy caramel flakes as they drift down -- melting just as they touch your tongue or sliding down mounds of whipped cream right into a pile of rich chocolaty goodness. [ male announcer ] send your taste buds a sweet shiver with mcdonald's mccafé frappe. a creamy blend of ice, coffee and mocha. or caramel. mmm. sweet. ♪ ba da ba ba ba frrm martha's vinyard.../ get... a little help... from aaove... / overthe.../ 3... on... a tuna fishing prip.../, áábutáá soon... their boat sprung a leak.../ and... the bilge pump ...stopped working..../ áátheáá... boat sank... innless than....30 seconds. "we collected whatever for survival on the wattr. ul miraculously, placed there by the hand of god, the handhell vhf radio somehhw broke free of the sinking ship and floated to the surface just feet from us." the captian of a scalloppng ship / - the patiencc - / heard he distress call.../ turned his ship.../ and... eventually found the other sailors jennifer gilbert anddjeff barnd are peff barnd is up jeff barnd issup next with the late edition more market