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>> the atttck forever changed >> nine years have now passed. >> on this anniversary of september 11th, the country remembering that painful day anddthe victims who paid with their lives. >> they were called to make an impossible choice. >> not a day goes by we don't think of you. >>reporter::on this day of mourninn, there is sadness and strength as the country stiil struggles to heal. >> (music playing). >> good eveninn. i'm karen i'm jeff abell. today marks the 9th anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on american soil. >> (music playing) >>reporter: it was a morning of tears and tributes. 2,752 names of the victims were read oo a day they were remembered by their loved ones and our country. the somber nd pain and sorrow. vice full of president joe biden laid a wreath at the reflecting pool. others honored the memory of those who died. 3 c1 >> we have learned inch by inch that the best way through the dark nights of ur personal sorrow s to link our hands with those who can lead us towwrds the daybreak of a new day. >> let me just say one thiig. let today never ever be a >> to this day, thhy remind us not just by how they gave their lives, but by how they lived their lives, that being a hero is not just a matter of fate, it's a matter of choice. >>reporter: meanwhile, the construction of the 9/11 memorial continues. the 0th anniversary next year, the museum and two massive pools set within the footprints of the twin towers will be completed, a permanent reminder of this day. at ground 0 inn new york city, fox newss >> there was a different kind >>reporter: this morning dozens gathered outside the county's police and ffre headquarters in millersville, whereetto steel fweems from the world trade center building are part of a 9/11 memorial. >> i thinkkthis will serve as a reminder to all that we owe a debt to these police and firefighters every day. we owe them an eternal debt of gratitude. >> especially to hose who gave the ultimate sacrifice. >> i knew seven of the firefighters in new york city personally that perished in the >>reporter: fbi special agent richard was assigned to the >> (aaplause). % >>reporter: as for tte memorial, this is only phase one. the plan is to later add benches aad plaques honoringg those who died. p> ttwilllbe a living memorial that peeple can hopefully enjoy and serve as a reminder for many years to come. >>reporter: myranda stephens, fox 45 news at 10:00. phase two of that memorial ve complete by this time next year. there were many events in >> thanks for coming out here today. this is the second largess crowd we've ever had. >> hello. >> good morning. how are you >> (music playing). >> (cheering)) >> i'm here because my brother and his friend are running. >> i don't think you could ask for a better day. i thhnk hat is a more important reason to remember. 3 c1 >> keep pushing. it's the finishline. come on. you only have a little bit left. >> did you see mommy? -p>> there's mommy. >> mommy. >> she's with the blue and white. let's go mommy, let's go. (cheering). >> it was good. a good work out. >> i think we all should always keep it in our memory aad i thhnk to come out and do something to reenforce that -- >> because of 9/11, i want to always. i'm an officer. it's people who sacrificed willingly anddunwillingly on that day. >> the money raised from today's run goee to the baltimore police foundation and phe baltimore fire department. >> it's a trauuatizing situation for verybody. >>reporter: derrick and a friend were outside when his niece, nephew and neeghbors' kids came running for help. >> we went down there and we couldn't elieve what we saw. >>reporter: inside the >>reporter: neighbors say the kids were all frantic. addlts worried too. >> i was going to go insidd and see what -- but anothee person was like no, don't go inside. we didn't know if there was somebody shooting at somebody or we didn't know what happened. >>reporter: crisis counselors are with the children. >> interviewing young children, having thee be witnesses to a >>reporter: neighbors can't believe this would happen with the kids so close by. >> he told him to leave. i guess he didn't wanttthem to ski what was going to happen after that. >>reporter: police did recover a weapon. they won't say what it is. neighbors told us they heaad gunshots. neighbors sayy trouble. in act, they say of this family often tookkwalks together with the youngest child still in a stroller. it does appear they may have been planning o move. the identities of not yet being released tonight. police are looking in to a possible murder/suicide. live tonight from howard county police headquarters, melinda roeder, fox 45 news at 10:00. the faaily of a murder % victim gunned down last week is now pleading for the witness to cooe forwwrd. burton was shot several imes near his car thursdaa afternoon. it happened near the corner of baker in west baltimore. the gunman took his wallet and he stumbled in to a restaurant for help. he died at the hospital. offiierssspoke to an anonymous witness, but are seeking that witness for more information. >> somebody, if you saw it, i encourage you to please come forward. make a phone call. we're willing to give a reward. we have to bring clossre. we have to bury my brother and help raise these boys and eeplain to them what happened. we wwnt closure. >> the victim has three kids and several siblings. the family is offering a reward. new details tonight as police continue the manhunt for a man wanted for attempted murder. paul palmer escaped from pooice custody yesterday. detectives think he left the virginia. palmer mayybe traveling with a woman in a silver i cana with a donut tire. if you see this car or have information about palmer's wrkts, you are asked to call 911. 8::0 tonight. police are trying to find a driver involved in a hit-and-run a few hours ago. it happened -- they say the driver of a motorcycle was oing north when a black mercedds hit him. the biker extensive front-end damage. pall police immediately if you have information. introducing the samsung fascinate powered by verizon. super amoled screen. six-axis 3d gaming and access to thousands of free apps. all in one ultra-thin package. you want it, we got it. the samsung fascinate. only at verizon. my name is...peggy. what usis problem, please? peggy? sure...well... suddenly it looks like i'm being charged a $35 annual fee. yes? tell me it's a mistake. yes? are you saying yes or are you asking yes? yes? peggy? peggy? anncr: want better customer service? switch to discover. ranked #1 in customer loyalty. it pays to discover. a gas explosion destroys a 1 califfrnia community. four residenns are dead and the search for other victims is on tonight. these are satellite images from sam bruno before >>reporter: the moments immediately following the powerful explosion captured on amateur video. the impact of >>reporter: the blast laying waste to more than 40 homes overlooking san francisco. dozens wwre injured, including emergency personnel and several people are in critical condition. fire crews are still inspecting homes for safety. >> as far as when people can get back in to the neighborhood, it should be -- i would guess, within the next few days. we're not sure. >>reporter: firecrews work to make the area safe again. the national transportation safety board is look notting to the cause. >> when we make factual determinations we put them in the public docket. we try o keep the public informed about the facts we discovered as we discover them. p> a less-sophisticated attack more frequently can have as bifg a bang for less buck than a real spectacular attack. >> they're worried about american-borne terrorists. >> that rain not exactly bad news. we could ertainly use it. we've bben very dry. the tonight and early tomorrow morning. here in ballimore probably as you're waking up you'll start tt see that wee weather in the morning staying with us through the afternoon tomorrow and temmeraturesswill be very comfortable as we head ii towards the overnight ouus as well dropppng down in to the low 60s as we cloud up and see rain showers move in overright.1 i'll haae moreeon hhw loog the rain will last coming up in my full forecast. you can track the rain showers for yourself to see when they'll be over your house. go to foxbaltimore.c people came all distance today. it was full of vendors, food and of course, the running of the pigs. aside from the celebration, there was a past. lesson about pig town's >> the railroad used to bring in pigs from theemidwest and off load them running down austin street and run them down to south baltimorr wwerr all the slaughter houses were located. >> legend has it that residentt would lean out of their windows and attempt to grab a pig for the dinner table as they headed to the slaughter houues. >> my kidneys shut down and, -pyou know, when your kidneys shut down, you cootinue. >> first ♪ i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honks] our outback always gets us there... ... sometimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪ ninn years after the attacks of 9/11, many heros from ttat day are still fighting for their lives. >> first rrsponders are developing blood cancers at an alarming rate. there's concern ground 0 toxins may be to blame. >> in oor cover story tonight, the story of one firefighter'' struggle to stay alive. 53-year old retired new york city firefighter in july, he was healthy and feeling good. his cancer waa in remission. seven weeks later, this is what he looks like. 25 pounds lighter. his body frail in the fight of his life. >> it was a little rough. >>reporter: randy's story is % that of many first responders who thought they dodged a bullet and escaped the illnesses so many developed soon afterr9/11 ntil last summer when the bullet hit. >> we found a predooinance of this in younger folkssthan we woull haveeexpected. when we looked at the numbers, it was four times than we would have expected in that age group. >> you're gut tells you what? >> i think we are going to find it is some some fashion associated with the world trade center. >>reporter: what happened to randy this summer? n august he chose to have an experimental ype of stemmcell transplant using his brother's healthy stem cells to replace his immmne system. some of it was captured on camera. >> how are you feeling? >>reporter: the keem oh, three different kinds every six hours, 8 days street killed his bone marrow and rezizual cancer cells. >> it was tough. they have to beat you down to build you up. >>reporter: there is no cure, optimistic it will lead to a longer remission. >> my hope is the outcome will be better with the ttansplantation other than without it. >>repooter: days before the 9th anniversary of 9/11, randy leaves the hospital. heeand >> i think he's going to e cured. i see your lip quivering. t's hard to talk pbout? >> sure. you do what have yyu to do. >> and you'll daace at your a political rally turns in to a riot. what started the fight after the break? >> hard to get up -- keeping a clean house. find out if the squiffel sweeper can ellminate the need for a traditional vacuum. it's been a very dry couple of days. rain moving in. we definitely need it. details on how long the rain we're going to get a little can't complain. we've had the pasttcouple of weeks haveebeen great weather. >> it's been really nice weather. lot of places are in a drought. we could morning. certainly something central maryland as well. high temperatures 74 degrees. in western maryland cool temperatures there as well. it will feel like fall out there. 72 degrees with winds out of the south at 5 to 10 miles an front coming through tuesday night. it will bring us any showers, but it will bring us cooler temperatures for weenesday and thursday as highs a political rally in turkey turns in to a slugfest. it all started as a turkish politician was addressing a crowd of supporters. >> (unintelligible). >> the man who caused it all was a protester from an opposing water. the crowd jumped in and started beating him. the outraged crrwd was throwing stones at police, get this. two missouri inmates escaped from a mcdonald county jail and get caught trying to sneak back in. authorities say the convicts escaped in search of drugss when they retuuned, they set a stolen truck onnfire as a diversion and were busted trying to get back in. >> they worked their tails off to get out and did escape and then snuck back in to the jail. that's the real funny or unusual paat of this thing. >> one inmate as supposed to be rrleased his week. both face a mandatory five-year sentence for escaping. ffrget getting tripped up over a clean house. we put the everyone knows a fee is a tax. you raised some taxes during that period, particularly the property tax as well as a lot of fee increases. as you know, there's a big difference between fees and taxes. but...they're the same. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. it's a tax. there's a big difference between fees and taxes. fees and taxes are one in the same. if it comes out of my pocket, it's a tax. now he says it isn't true. we didn't raise taxes. what? still doing the same thing, paying out more money. typical politician. definitely. but you wouldn't want an antique computer. or an antique tv. ♪ or an antique remote control. so why are you still using an antique cable network created in 1948 for your 2010 tv? it's time to hook your tv up to a 100% fiber optic network. it's time for fios. visit call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. tired of lugging around your big vacuum and getting tripped up in the cord? the swivel sweeper g-two prmgss all >> iicould turn it any way i wanted to and it still works and i goo it all up. >>reporter: it was in wide-open patrice harris, fox 45 news at 1 10:00. the rain is moving in tonight. we'll see showers during the day tomorrow with a high temperature of 74 deggees. we'll clear out by monday with -pa high of 81. staying warm o tuesday. 82 before we cool off on ednesday in to thursday next chance of rain after that comes on fridaa with a high of 77. jeff and karen, back to you. >> thanks a lot, emily. in less than 48 hours, the wait will be over for ravens'' fans. >> thanks, guys. it's finally victims of 9/11. first drive of the game. robinson finds a playmaker. smith in the end zone for the first score of the game. maryland up a touchdown. later in the first, rrbinson throws the quick screen. he makes one guy miss. gets le

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United States , New York , Missouri , Millersville , California , Turkey , Maryland , Howard County , Mcdonald County , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Baltimore , Turkish , American , Paul Palmer , Patrice Harris Fox , Stephens Fox , Sam Bruno , Melinda Roeder Fox , Jeff Abell , Joe Biden ,

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