but you wouldn't want an antique computer. or an antique tv. ♪ or an antique remote control. so why are you still using an antique cable network created in 1948 for your 2010 tv? it's time to hook your tv up to 100% fiber optics. it's time for fios. visit verizon.com/fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. >> a convict child molester could walk free. >> this man has held a gun to my >> high tech move to keep him behind bars. >> another innocent victim killed on the streets of baltimore. >> the evil is here. and we must strike it down in this community together. >> how a community is rallying. after the death of a volunteer. and the promises of change. >> temperatures moving back over 90. when it could cool down again in the sky watch orecast. >> traffic tie ups in downtown balttmore. horrible. always horrible. >> the big event, that will make delays even worse. for an entire year, downtown. >> live in high definition, from wbff tv in baltimore, this is fox 45 news at 10:00. >> hello, i am jeff barnd. jennifer gilbert is off tonight. hundreds gather for a prayer vvgil for a elderly church volunteer killed for his scooter. keith daniels live is east baltimore where ooganizers came up weigh noon stop the violence. keith? >>well, jeff, live outside of the ark church for the caretaker's vigil. last week many of the same people that were here today were at a vigil in charles village. for the hopkin's reeearcher that was stabbed to death. organizers say they are quote sick and tired of meetings like this. and so ttnight, a plan to help avoid them. >> let us pray. >> it is another gathering to remember another victim. of a deadly crime. >> i am tired of it. i am tired of the murdering and violence. >> another rally and call for action. from the community, and city leaders. this time in east baltimore. outside of the ark church on north avenue. for milton hill. a 70-year-old church volunteer, found shot to death outside of the church, near his home, friday morning. killed for his scooter. >> but each and every day of his life was dedicated to making sure that he did something positive. >> there were songs and prayers. but soon, the gathering turned from prayer vigil to a thunderous call for action. >> don't snitch. tell. >> a new community plan, and plea, for witnesses of violent crimes, in the ciiy. >> we need to stop this. i am not snitching, don't snitch. tell. you know something, say something. and stop coming up with reasons and excuses, for the snakes, and the vial creaturessthat live in our community. >> poliie say they are making progress in hill's murder investigation. they found his stolen green scooter, monday afternoon. just a few blocks away, from the church. police found the scooter in this alley. north bethel street.400 block of detectives say they are processing the scooter for evidence. evidence that could include fingerprints. >> back at the vigil. >> the evil is here. and we must strike it down in this community, ttgether. >> i don't know if these kind of -emonstrations mean anything, because after we demonstrate, work without faith, faith without work means noohing. if you know something, come forward with it. tell it. >> well, the new slogan tonight don't snitch, tell. there is a cash reward in the hill case. you can receive up to $2000 for information that leads to an arrest. and you have to call metro crime stoppers at 1-866-7--ockup. that's 1-866-7--ockup. and we should say tonight the mayor was not here, she is out of the country today. >> live in east baltimore. keith daniels, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> thank you, keith. >> a woman is shot and killed in north baltimore. it happened around 7:30 last night . along guanaco and palmmo, shot in the neck and pronounce he had dead at the hospital. >> 21-year-old rebecca himes of reiiterstown faces tonight atttmpted murder charges. this after she allegedly tossed the bbby did survive.t a window unharmed. she is in the care tonight of services.tment of ocial >> two more wanted men off the city streets after highlighted in fox 45 news fugitive files. brothers james and john occur continue wanted for separate armed robberies, friday on fox 45 news at 10:00, we focused on the cases and took tips. saturday night both turned themselves in. >> they said that they knew they were on fox 45. they knew it was getting closing in on them. they wanted tooavoid any further embarrassment for their family. and they agreed to turn themselves in at the central district. >> and you can see all the fugitives on our list, simply by going to foxballimore.com and clicking on the fugitive files icon in the news features section. >> a facebook frenzy to keep a convicted baltimore child molester behind bars. the petition drive is aimed at john merzbacher that wants to be released from behind bars on a ú%chnicality. kathleen cairns with more tonight on one victim's reaction to all of this. >> it is a facebook frenzy. people signing a petition to john merzbacher behind bars. >> it cannot hurt. i mean, theee are signatures. %->> 10 years would not have ben >> elizabeth murrhy coming forward sharing her own childhood story of aause by herself balk. >> this man has held a gun to my head. as a child. gave me alcohol. fired a gun over the heads of us in a classroom. >> teacher given four life sentences in 1995. but now, has filed an appeal, based on a technicality. that claims he was never told about an offered plea deal. >> carelessness of a judge, could potentially free this violent child rapist. >> but the plea would aaso mean an admission aad all along herself barrack has been adamant about his innocent. >> i hope the jury can sleep. >> not one time has he said, i am sorry, i am guilty. >> murphy worries if merzbacher is reeeased more children will become victims. >> their lives are ii immediate danger. any close in clocks proximity to merzbacher. >> even the archbishop wrote a fleeterr2208 asking thht the life sentence stand. now merzbacher needs to find a city circuit couut judge that will reexamine the plea deal offered mmre than a decade ago. kathleen cairns, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> if you want to check out the online petition, simply go to our website. foxbaltimore.com/news links. >> the husband of a paramedic killed two years ago in a medevac crash is suing the federal government. ken mallard said faa was extremely negative when the helicopter crashed in prince george's county. seeking $7 million. relatives of paramedic lippy filed a 155million-dollar lawsuit bacc in march. only one of five people on board survived. >> the man responsible for this blaze in howard county gets 20 years in prison. scott wilson lived in the house, the judge determined wilson was a serial arsonist. wilson also poured screws and glass along the driveway of a potential witness and actually threatened to kill another. >> a new billboard in the city of altimore, highly criticizes the city for under funding pension phosbodies police and firefighters. melinda roeder live downtown to explain what it all means and it is getting mixed reaction tonight melinda? >>well city police officers, and firefighters are upset about changes to their pension plan. and now they want the city, and everyone else, to know exactly how they feel. so they paid for this billboard which accuses the mayor and city council of turning their back os public safety. it is at the intersection of baltimore and president streets, where everyone can see it. >> i guess, everybody has a right to speak. >> it is a message that is tough to miss. >> i am not upset. saw it on the news. >> monday a workers took notice on the way home. some with annoyance. >> i think it is tasteless myself. >> stating their approval. >> billboard offers frustration with baltimore's leaders. paid for by firefighters and police unions, fed up with retirement funds reduced. >> i guess they would be. >> this summer, city council passed a bill that changes pension benefits by lowering payments and increasing the number of years of service needed to be eligible. from 20 to 25. >> they promised those people when they came here, that they would get a 20 year pension. now they are saying, oh, never mindd >> bob represents the firefighters that helped to pay for the sign and now suing the city in a federaa case. >> baltimore is the only jurisdiction in this state, that actually changed the pension system for incumbent employees. everybody else recognized there was probably illegal to do that. but it did not stop our mayor and city council. >> we haae berns you know, open and honest with the fire department, as well as the police department, on thisú fiscal conditions of the city. >> meantime some taxpayers are not very sympathetic to their in my job this year. >> or their protest. >> i think it is tasteless. i think we should have discussions like that in private. we could disagree without being disagreeable. >> i didn't think it was appropriate. to do this way. >> but union rrpublicans vowed to keep fighting until the city restores their retirement. >> and we're going to keep on doing this. >> now, the mayor is out of town this week for a leader ship conference. but her office issued a statement claiming that restructuring retirement will save the city more than $400 million over the next five years. and rescue the pensiin system from fiscal collapse. live downtown tonight. melinna roeder, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> the buck showalter era has begun. kristen berset joins with us more on the o's new manager tonight. kristen?3 >> jeff, the orioles are 41 and for the third time this season, they have a new manager. today buck showalter was officially introduced. showalter becomes the 17thman manager in the franchises gets a three year contract to ú%nager manage a team in a major rebuilding phase. but that's what showalter specializes in. rebuilding struggling teams. he did it with the yankees, and the rangers, and heepractically built an expansioo team in the diamondbacks. and the new o's skipper %-ahead. the challenge that lies >> i like the idea sometimes of people saying it cannot be done. or are you kidding me? whatever, you know. and i don't say ttat out of lack of respect for anybody that has been here before. because i understand, and i probably will more so, some of the things that i am not aware but i have done my homework, and i love the own, tradition, people, feeling. and it is a challenge. >> we will hear more from showalter and orioles president macphail coming up in "sports unlimited". plus the avens trade one of the four cornerbacks and it is our plays of the week countdown. see you back here at 10:50. >> hear everything the new @foxbaltimore.com/"raw news". >> a maryland milwaukee is warning seniors about medicare fraud. mean seniors get $250 rebate check to pay for precipitation medication under the new health care plan. but congressman elijah cummings, said scam artists will try to take advantage of this particular program. >> what the scam artists are doing, is picking up the phone and they are calling you, using saying, now, in order to get your $250, we need to have certain information..3 >> ssme seniors have already received their checks. >> baltimore county council defeats a measure that would allow cell towers in rural did not rise above prominents ridges and hill tops. structure was doneee that congress member in dissricts that were not affected by it. would vote against it. >> representative from dundalk would oppose that, is beyond my imagination. well, it is not. ú%t certainly his eople are not opposed to it. also a five year pilot program to test when turbines for the use in manufacturing, or power, was withdrawn tonight. >> special needs children, get the gift of freedom at the mcdonogh school. >> can you catch it? >> uh-huh. >> catch him. >> students work hard today to -ring the lose the tracking wheels bike camp to maryland. 40 maryland children gradually learn to balance using speciall3 manufactured bicycles. volunteers from mcdonogh are helping with the lessons. and camp organized by two brothers, that attended the school. >> my younger brother went to bike camp in buffalo. and we just saw how much joyyand freedom it gave him. we wanted to bring it back. so people in maryland, who could not afford to go out of state. could like, you know, have thhs same experience and feel the joy we had. >> by the end of the week, 80 to 85 percent of the children, should be able to ride a bicycle, on their own. >> the olympic spirit is alive and well in madison, wisconsin this week. and 3-year-olddolivia stroamma from baltimore county is in the midst of it. receiving a new heart when she was seven months of age. ran the 25-meter dash today at the u.s. transplant games. and her mother said that she is grateful to the family of the donor that changed her child's life. >> it really touches you. changes you. to know that there are succ people out there, that are generous. >> it is a great story. the transplant games wrap up tomorrow. >> traffic tie-ups, in downtown baltimore. the major event that will make delays even worse for an entire year. >> and ahead in tonight's cover story. sluggish home sales this summer have realtors concerned y the weather is partially to blame. >> i want my permit back and i want the law changed n the state of maayland. washington d.c.'s gun laws, are now trying to do the same thing right here in the great state of maryland. how they plan to do it, on the other side of the break. >> we have comfortable temperatures right now in the mid to upper 70s across the stay focused, tigers! children: yay, butterflies! youth coaching runs on dunkin'. with our delicious icy mocha beverages. get your summer treat today. america runs on dunkin'. with blockbuster on demand, this does hit films on a 4.3-inch screen so big, the way you see them will never be the same. introducing the new droid x. pre-loaded with blockbuster. the next generation of does. getting a permit to carry a handgun could get easier. lawsuit has been filed challenging maryland law. crime and justice reporter joy lepola talks to one lawmaker tonight, who is firing back. >> i am not saying that i have a problem with people having illegal ggns. at home. i do haveea problem with concealed weapons on the streets. >> delegate sherrill glen reacts to erecent lawsuit filed by a guns rights advocates group and baltimore county man. >> i want my permit back and law changed in the state f maryland. >> woolard expects the case to reach the supreme court before it is all done. >> take it all the way. >> in woolard's case he was originally given a former carry a concealed weapon in 2002. after a man broke into his home during a family gathering. in 2005, it was renewed. but in 2008, woolard's application was denied. the state believed woolard no longer needed it. >> maryland is tight fist order guns. >> delegate mcdonogh believes if more marylanders were carrying guns they would less likely be victimized. pointed to the murder of stephen pitcairn in charles village. >> if mr. pitcairn that was murdered recently f this man had a gun to protect himself, two monsters that stabbed him, would be pushing daze, and i think a lot of us you wish it would be that way. >> i believe you would have more incidences where people would be victimizing, maybe shot with their own guns. >> glen would rather see stricter laws pertainingta to use the of illeeal handguns. rather-thon those wanting to legally carry one. if woolard had it his way. >> everyone that has no criminal reeord, wants to do this. wants to carry a gun. for the self protection. should be able to get one. >>the second amendment foundation, which is also a plaintiff in this case, successfully challenged thh district of columbia's gun laws. and now it has taken aim at maryland. joy lepola, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> both lawmakers agree, this issue will likely be discussed in the next upcoming session. >> now, here is our question of the day. should you have the right to kiriacon sealed weapon? 81 percent say yes. 19 percent say no. steve writes on our website. very few people can show good cause for carrying a concealed vast majority that want to carry a concealed gun are best examples of those that should not. john writes on facebook tonight z deeense is a basic human right. i should able to carry a gun to defend myself. it should not matter that i am ú%t politically connected. nor a business owner. >> just go to foxbaltimore.com and tell us what you think. souud off through facebookkif you wish. send us a tweet at fox3 ballimore. text your answer to 45203. enter fox 45 a for yes. foxx45 b for no. and your response may air at 11:00, on the "late edition". >> nearly all teenagers admit to driving while distracted. aaa and 17 magazine surveyed nearly 2000 teenagers, and 86 percent say they drove while distracted. many teens don't think they will and texting or adjustinn the radio takes, well just a fee3 seconds. >> taking your eyes oof the road, for juut two seconds, doubles your chance of getting in a car crash. >> car crashes are one of the leading killers of teenagers. >> if you drive downtown get ready for gridlock. john rydell said that baltimore's grand prix is partially to blame. >> to those that navigate pratt street by car, truck or bus. it is seldom a quick trip. >> it is like this every week. i drive a dump truck and deliver stuff. it is ridiculous. %-always horrible. >> and this week it has gotten more chaotic. two lanee of pratt streetú between paca and howard your shut down between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. it is phase of a massive renovation of downtown streets, that the city paves the way for next year's grand pretty three day competition will feature race cars with speeds up to 180 miles per hour. >> but commuters downtown will face even more gridlock next week. that's because two lanes of pratt between paca and howard will be shut down for 24 hours. -> for, at least, the next three weeks. so city officials are advising motorists to consider alternate routes. >> asking people to come on russell. turn on pratt. but maybe coosider 395, which will allow them to bypass this and for the next year race? they can fix the road for the race but not for us? please. >> city officials say downtown streets were already targeted for repair. -ut they aamit the baltimore grand prix has accelerated the work and hope that drivers will be patient as they look forward to a major event, that could attract 100,000 visitors. >> great. great for the city. >> race that is still oneeyear away. in baltimore john rydell, fox 44 news at 10:00. >> and construction will move east on pratt toward calvert street. >> maryland's house speaker wants tootighten restrictions on how lawmakers spend tax dollars on lodging during the session a 1 delegate paid his girlfriend tens of thousands of dollars to rent her place. >> charges of wrongdoing, againnt the california congress woman. democrat maxine waters accused of using her clout to request %-her husband owns stock.where clear violation of house rules here. waters denies the charges. >> virginia's lawsuit against obama health care clears the first hurdle tonight. judge decided the law brings up several constitutional issues. virginia's attorney general is filing suit saying congress does not have the right to make people buy insurance or pay penalties. more than a dozen other states attorney general are following with separrte lawsuits. >> and virginia joins the state of arizona to protect its borders. %-officers have the authority to and i am graduation tastatus of criminal suspects, not for civil -iolaaions. experts say congress clearly intended for states to have a role in enforcement. because they created a federal center for llcal authorities to call in to verify the immigration status of people, they stop. >> so it is hard to contend that states can't inquire as to immigration status when the government has a big program getting a mmllion hits a year, telling police whether someone is an illegal alien or not. >> ag did not challlnge federal power to set olicy. >> meantimm,,former vice-presidennial candidate sarah palin, former governor of alas car of course, said that president obama is missing something big time to tackle the immmgration issue. >> january brewer has the power that our president does not have to look out for all americas not just arizonians, but all americans in this desire of ours to secure our borders. >> palin made that comment on ú%x news sunday. she said that if the president will not enforce federal immigration law, the states will. >> meantime, president obama's approval rating falls another three points, in only two weeks. rasmussen poll showed 45 percent approve of his job. 54 percent disapprove. and mr. obama's approval rating has not been above 50 percent since september of last year. some democratic candidates will not have the president campaign3 because of his lagging poll numbers. of course stay with fox 45 news for the latest information on the november election. just to go fox baltimore.com and click on the 2010 icon in the news features section. >> lots of clouds today. is rain in the future? go straight to chief meteorologist vytas reid. with the sky watch forecast. hello vytas. >> hi, jeff. definitely saw cloud cover out therr around baltimore. starting off with spotty showers this morning. -nd then sun tried to break-thru at times. through the day. right now we are looking at radar. not much activity in the form of any rainfall. relatively dry out there. but putting in motion, with the composite view here, you can see the blip on the radar, showing a sprinkle or two across the area. but for the most part it looks like the activity has dried up and broken up as we zoom out here. you can see not a lot of precipitation. back toward chicago rain. and up toward ray seen wisconsin, ft. wayne and south bend indiana, south, showers over north carolina and southern virginia. but for the most paat around the state of maryland, looks like we are not going to have to deal with rain fob tonight. i think, it it should be pretty much done at this time. hereeis what is happening temperature wise. 79 in baltimore. %-75 innhagerstown. tomorrow more sunshine coming our way. but warmer temperatures to talk about. tell you about that coming up in the forecast. in a bit. >> all ight. vytas. i know you had more to say. but we will talk to you later. >> congress is more clever than you think. how the senate may hhve stopped one of the sneak oasis of getting high. >> houses that are back on the mark at 50 >> very sluggish home sales this summer have realtors concerned. they say many sales have been believe it or not. and low credit ratings. -hat seriously impacts property value as well. melinda roeder as tonight's cover story. summer slow down. >> when it is really, really hot. the pool. >> with temperatures in the 90s, for much of july. home salls were at a freeze. >> we start to get slower because in baltimore people go to the ocean. and it is hot. like today. >> real estate agent mcgreuder said open houses are especially affected by thh climate and economy. >> we are hurting and suffering. >> anothee reason sales are slow, is the lack of governmeet incentive to buy. earlier this year, first time buyers were offered up to $8000 in tax credits to purchase a home. some veteran buyers were also offered a perk. bbt that deal recently exppred. >> we would love to have it back. love to give the stimulus. >> linda sells upscale condos in baltimore's clipper mill and she said prices even in the high-end market, have gone down after development projects went bankrupt or stalled. >> houses have come back on the market at 50 to $100,000 less. >> of course interest rates have gone down too. so it is a great time to buy. >> if you are a buyer, tte deal3 are fantastic. >> not everyone can find financing. >>well, the banks are stricter than they were before. you do have to have a higger credit score. >> a recent federal report claims that most americans saw their credit scores go down in the last two years. and sometimes for simply spending less..3 so if you have not checked yours, in awhile. >> in the in a long time. >> no, i haven't. >> i hope it is. >> you may be surprised thh next time you try to et a loan. %-your credit score. is look at we tell that to people all the time. >> many americans just don't feel they can splurge on a major purchase. >> i have not looked at it. >> i will check it when it is necessary. >> i have not been in the market for anything big. so no chance to look at it and see. >> in the meantime those that are in the real estateemarket hope that congress consider bringing back the tax credit. >> it was a big incentive. and tax credit got everybody out there looking. and buying. and when they extended the seconds go round, the last day of the tax sale, i sold five homes. >> without the credit you are bound to get a bargain thanks to lower prices in interest rates. >> if you look at the baltimore statistics right now, our housing prices have leveled out. so if you have got leveling out of prices. you have an abundance of inventory and interest rates at 4 1/2 to 5 percent, why wait? it is crazy. >> and if things don't pick up. experts say we all could see our property values plummet again. >> you knoww please, please, please, bring us the tax credit back. >> melinda roeder, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> capping the gulf oil spill for good. final steps thattmust be taken now before the leak isú officially sealed. >> looking at the clouds breaking up overnight tonight makinn way for sunshine out3 there tomorrow. looks like things will heat up as well. tell you ball it coming up in [ male announcer ] antiques can be nice. but you wouldn't want an antique computer. or an antique tv. ♪ or an antique remote control. so why are you still using an antique cable network created in 1948 for your 2010 tv? it's time to hook your tv up to 100% fiber optics. it's time for fios. visit verizon.com/fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. >> no complaining here. none. never have. never will. we have good weather on the way do we not? >> yeah, it looks llke actually nice sunshine tomorrow. and temperatures not too bad. but seeing a noticeable change probably in the next couple of 90s are returning. lower 90s. more humidity. but for the most part. >> not 194 like three weeks ago. >> no. not that intense. just brief warm up. and then we will get comfortable for the weekend. downtown baltimore looks good. few high thinp clouds. temperatures are at 77. and winds out of the south-southeast at thhee. and our humidity levels are sitting at 71 percent. and we will continue to see that clearing through the overnight. to make way for some nice sunshine tomorrow. now our almanac page tells the story of the day. shows the high at 83. which was comfortable. lows starting off at 71 degrees. now our record number was 100 back in 1955. precipitation, inner harbour had light precipitation. seeing shower activity pop up across the area. for the most part no real organized showers that formulated through the afternoon. looking at 79 degrees in baltimore. 77 in d.c. 70 in salisbury. over in dover, delaware. 74. western maryland sitting at 64. out there in oakland. and in gar rat county. we're on the bigger picture here. you can see the temperatures in the 70s. all across the mid-atlantic. as you get over into parts of ohio. and intt indiana and kentucky, you see the temperatures in the looer 80s. that's a source of where the warmer temperatures wwll move in from. as we go through the next couple of days. see that increase in our temperatures across the region. we have an area of high pressure that was bringing up a bit of moisture. from the south, and that moisture was givinn us a little chance for a pop-up shower across the area. but it wiil diminish through the next day here. and you see the breaks in the clouds. so we will see partly cloudy skies for the day tomorrow. and we will enjoy sunshine. and we will continue to see another chance for showers working the way in from the west. as we go through the future scan here. chance for showers, as we go into wednesday. time line here, around 1:00. looking at wednesday showers, few rumbles of thunder as the system moves n eastern shore, forecast is like this. 88. partly cloudy skies, for theú easton and denton. and then pretty much the same here. 88 degrees. southerly wind at five to 10 and then theewestern portion of the state looking at the %-partly cloudy skies.und 899 keeping an eye on the tropics. we ave tropical depression. this is number four. that winds right now at 35 miles per houu.ú sitting out there just northeast of south america. and we have wind gusts at 46 miles per hour. we will continue to monitor it to see if t organizes. right now the track has taken it northeast of the lesser antilles and it looks like it will track up toward just west of bermuda. as we get toward the weekend. so looking at friday, saturday. making a turn. so right now this is the cone of incident. it could turn right or left. we will watch it to see if it affects the eastcoast. 75 degrees tonight. clouds breaking tomorrow. partly cloudy with temperatures at 88. and our five-day forecast shows 93 on wednesday. 94 on thursday. that's the warm up. cool back down as we go into the weekend. back to you.e 80s. >> bp claims engineers had delayed a test tonight for the so-called ssatic kill operation make that tuesday. they found aasmall leak. that is tomorrow. they found a small leak in the hydraulic control system. the test will last several hours. if successful, the company plans to start pumping mud and cemeet down the well to shut it completely. now coming up tonight on the "late edition" at 11:00. just how much oil is still in the water? and the final steps to plug that forever. >> a suicide bomb atargeted afghan government official in kandahar missed him. and ended up killinggfive children. violence has picked up as u.s. and coalition forces moving into tough areas of southern afghanistan. meantime, the military is also trying to protect afghan parrners that are exposed innthe massive leak of classified ú%formation, o the anti-war website wikileaks. >> the u.s. senate approves anti-drug legislation. that targets pot, brownies, other sweat leaf confections. from friday bill that was passed, you are in trouble if you put pot with candy, market your product as a candy product and modify the flaring or coloring of the leafy sweet delicacy. >> high protein diet can increase your chance of a common cancer. whaa's in the meat that could be doing it. >> and replacing simon, kara, and >> i am keith daniels in tonight's top story. hundreds gather for a prayer vigil for the elderly caretaker shot to death in east baltimore over the scooter. vigil happened today outside of the ark church on north avenue. there were songs and prayers, but soon the vigil ttrned o a thunderous call to action. with a twist of words. new community plan and plea, and for witnesses of violent crimes in the city, don't snitch, tell. police say they found hill's stolen scooter a block from the church today. detectives say that they are processing it for evidence. evidence that could include fingerprints..3 live now in east baltimore. keithhdaniels, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> new study shows eating meat could increase your risk bladder cancer. studying 300,000 people ovvr 50. those eating lots of meat were 30 percent more likely to have bladder cancer. scientists believe compounds in meat processing are responsible for it. >> entertainment community hopes to hear from fox today about who would be the new idol judges, but they are not talking tonight. network republicans say nothing is finalized as of yet. but some of the initial reports we have heard have been very, very on. speculation that stephen tyler for instance aerosmith, out of boston massachusetts and jennifer opez will be the nnw judges when american idol season 10 begins. >> and american idol is also coming to the great state of maryland. taylor hicks concert will make a stop in annapolis and he will perform live tomorrow on fox 45 news morning news. >> ravens traded a quarterback today. joe flacco, maybe? no. stay focused, tigers! children: yay, butterflies! youth coaching runs on dunkin'. with our delicious icy mocha beverages. get your summer treat today. america runs on dunkin'. [ femawhere baltimore goesme to busch to get away.inia, maybe it's because baltimore loves the legendary coasters. or that your entire family will have fun, even the little ones. it could be that water country usa has more of the waves, slides and rides everyone wants. so plan your getaway and come play. you never know who you'll run into. get started at buschgardens.com/va. for a moment, we get to walk in their shoes. preparing us for what lies ahead. down our next road. be part of the story. colonial williamsburg. >> final look at the seven-day forecast. it looks like for tomorrow. pretty decent day. temperatures around 88. partly cloudy skies. we warm up a bit for wednesday and thursday. into the llwer 90s again. with a chance for some scattereú ssowers and thunderrtorms. and then on friday, saturday, things start to change again. getting back into the upper 80s with sunshine. by saturday, sunday, monday. so nice weekend ahead. back to you jeff. >> all right. vytas, thank you. bucky ball has officially come kristen berset has more on the o's new manager bucky ball in "sports unlimited". hello kristen. >> hello jeff. a lot of those, being the trend. buck showalter put on his new jersey for the first time today. hear what he sees happening now and in the futtre. >> and the ravens have a surplus at quarterback but need a defensive back, tried to fix that need today by making a ú%ade. >> details ahead. and we will showcase the week's very best in our plays of the week couutdown. and including many spectacular catches, and a rays pitcher makes history in my hometown. "sports unlimited" starts right now. >> the buck showalter era has gun in baltimore. o's formally introduced him today at the warehouse. showalter becomes the team's 17th full-time manager, and has a hiry