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Thin, fruit smoothy. It tastes just wonderful. I love the taste of supple. It does sound tasty. Then why arent the active ingredients in supple standard of care in the United States, the first thing that doctors reach for, just like they are in europe . Honestly . Yeah. Because the Drug Companies cant make billions of dollars a year selling these allnatural agents like they can their own pain drugs so they do everything they can to suppress them just to preserve their own profits. They manipulate the government, the government agencies, they manipulate the media, they fix scientific studies. But whats wrong with whats currently prescribed in the u. S. . Well the pain drugs, and ive tried them all. Yeah. Acetaminophen, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, ibuprofen. All these things do nothing but just mask the pain. They dt treat the root causes of pain. Of course they come with lots of dangerous side affects if you use them too long, too. T pain always comes back and it always gets worse. And surgery is not mu better. It comes with no guarantees and it can cause infections and blood clots and always requires significant rehabilitation. Very true. What do you think about all of those Natural Joint Health supplements out there then . The problem is that there is very little or no legitimate Clinical Research showing that these things work all or are even safe to use. To make matters worse, over 90 percent of the most popular agents that are sold in the United States have ingredients from china where there are significant problems with fake, counterfeit, lowquality and contaminated ingredients. So then how is supple any different . Well, supple doesnt just mask the pain, it heals the root causes of pain. It rebuilds your joints, it strengthens your bones and it makes you stronger. You dont have to worry about dangerous side affects. You can use it for as long as you need to. You could stop taking pain drugs, you could avoid surgery. We guarantee 100 percent of label claims. We use only the best ingredient sources, all from the United States. We use no key ingredients from china, and we guarantee the Number One International doctor recommended formula. And you know what . You could feel the difference. Just listen to this. And slowly, the arthritis had gotten so bad in my shoulder, my right elbow, my whole, my wrist, everywhere, and in every joint in my body just hurt so bad that i couldnt sleep between 2 to 4 hours a night for the last 4 to 5 years. So, we got the supple and i started drinking a can a day. I didnt say anything to my wife because, it had only been a week and i thought maybe its a coincidence. Well, a few more days went by and i, we were sitting having dinner and i told her, i said, you know, you havent heard me complain here in a few days. And the fact is, ive had no pain in my shoulder, in my wrist, or my ankles in, truthfully, i believe it was 10 days is all it took. Thats an amazing story. So lets talk about what patients with chronic joint pain have in common. Sure. Well first they have accelerated cartilage breakdown. Cartilage is that squishy stuff in the middle of the joint. Your body stops producing enough of the Building Blocks, the core Building Blocks, that they need to repair and replace old and damaged cartilage. So that cushion in your joints gets smaller and smaller and every time you try to move, it just hurts really bad. On top of that, your body sends in these enzymes that actually start eating away at your joints insteaof repairing them. So your bodys only Defense System really makes the problem worse. Yeah. And then, you have swelling and inflammation and these abnormal bone growths. All the things cause incredible amounts of pain. The more pain you have, the less you use the joint. And then, your muscles, tendons and ligaments, all these things become weakened and overstrained. That causes more degeneration and even more pain. Its just a horrible, vicious, downward cycle. And people without any joint pain, they just cant possibly understand how bad it can be. And how does supple work . Well, supple just stops, it stops the vicious cycle of cartilage breakdown and degeneration. First it provides the core Building Blocks your body needs to heal and replace and repair the old and damaged cartilage. So it helps to restore an equilibrium of healthy cartilage . Thats right. And then it stops, it removes the swelling and inflammation, it stops those enzymes that are eating away at your cartilage. It rebuilds your entire joint structures. It eliminates pain so you dont have to worry about pain in your bones, muscles and joints, and it helps you you to be more mobile again. Just listen to these real stories about how supple works. Working at the arthritis foundation, ive been able to turn a lot of people on to it, through our events. We hand out free samples of supple, and ive heard just very many stories like myself. People that have had their lives dramatically changed. People whos pain is much worse than mine. Ive had Rheumatoid Arthritis for many many years, and doctors, all they ever did was just give me pain medicine. Nothing would get rid of the pain. I mean, it always came back. And i always had trouble sleeping and stuff because the pain was so bad. So after being on supple for probably less than a week, i started getting the results of wonderful. My pain is bearable, its not as bad, the swelling has gone down in my fingers, my ankle doesnt hurt as bad, and i really truly want to thank you supple for whatever this drink is, it is a miracle drink. Its a great value proposition, right . You eliminate pain by addressing the root causes of the pain, you regain strength and mobility, it has almost no calories, certainly no significant negative side effects, and it tastes great. Absolutely. Supple is the fast, safe, all natural, International Doctor recommended way for anyone to get significant relief and t0 get rid of all their pain, all their immobility, all their suffering once and for all. If you just try a can of supple every day, you can feel a significant difference in just 7 days and better every week. Its absolutely delicious. I am so confident that supple will work for you, that i want to challenge everyone whos suffering from any kind of pain to call in, to try supple risk free for 30 days. And to drink every can to the absolute bottom. If you dont completely love the taste, if you dont feel better weekafterweek, if supple does not completely transform your life, ill give you your money back. Youre guaranteeing the product . Absolutely. Ill give you your money back. This is a 100 percent unconditional, moneyback guarantee. People need to try supple because it works. Just listen to what real users have to say. I was in pain. I know what that feels like. Im not in pain any more. I noticed a difference after about a week. But, after three weeks, i felt great. Well, it kept me out of a nursing home and im still on the farm where i want to be. Since i began the supple program, i have never had, in this whole year, what i call and refer to as a flareup. I use these cans of supple as ammunition against my pain. I noticed a marked improvement almost immediately, with a lot less pain and a lot more agility. It has been a lifechanger and a true, true miracle. I cannot find any other words for it. But i really love supple. It really saved me. As much as i love my television, ill shut my tv off before ill give up drinking supple. Thats how much faith i have in it. And anybody that doesnt try this is foolish because it really, really works. If youre watching right now, we talking with International Arthritis advocate and arthrit survivor, peter apatow. Peter has been selected by the worlds greatest medical experts in the United Nations bone and joint decade to be a leading advocate, to help end pain all around the world. If you have joint pain, back pain, bone pain, muscle pain, or even weakness or fatigue, and you want to get more information on how to get the new, more powerful supple drink, pick up the phone and call the number on your screen. Weve worked out a special introductory offer thats only available on the smart Medicine Show if you call today. I encourage you tory delicious supple absolutely riskfree suppl is guaranteed to work for you youve heard fm real people whove experienced incredible results from supple and now you can, too. Pick up the phone and call right now. Now peter, pain drugs, steroids, pain creams, theyre not joint regenerating agents, are they . No, theyre not. Those are all just drugs that do nothing but mask the pain. The reason that you have the pain is still there. And when the pain is no longer bearable and these drugs stop working, doctors recommend surgery that could lead to even more pain and even more degeneration with no guaran. Of course it makes sense to avoid taking drugs and doing surgery whenever possible. Yeah. And with supple, you could get rid of pain without dangerous drugs or surgery. Supple is the missing link that heals the root causes of pain by providing the core Building Blocks your body needs to heal itself. So they dont go after the pain first, they address the root cause of joint degeneration, reverse them, and as a function of that, relieve the pain. Absolutely. They heal and rebuild the joint. Thats what supple does. It rebuilds your entire joint structure, it eliminates pain, suffering and immobility and it helps you to be more mobile again. This is why people try supple. Just listen to how people are switching to supple as the safe, allnatural alternative to dangerous drugs and surgery. I really urge everyone to try this thing. Ive had 15 years of agony and i can honestly and truly tell you, ive reduced, im off the medication i had from the doctors, i just quit taking it. I feel a lot better. I feel good every day. Its helped my joints really a lot. I was going to the doctor with knee trouble because i was boneonbone. And he recommended cortisone shots and i went and had those, and they really didnt do anything for me. Then, i was watching a program one night about supple and i ordered it. It was the best thing out that ive ever done for myself because it helped my knees, the cartilage come back into my knees. It helped my arthritic hands. By drinking the supple, i have not had to have any knee replacement. I do not have any pain at all in my knee now. The pain is totally gone. I just felt bad about every day having to take pain medicatio and with supple i dont have to do that. With these kinds of results, why arent the active agents in supple the first thing that doctors prescribe in the u. S. . Its because the Drug Companies. Theyre supressing em to preserve their own profits. Medical doctors only prescribe whats being pushed by the Drug Companies. And its just a real tragedy because the medical Research Behind these agents, its irrefutable. Why are you so confident in the research . Its simple. The active agents in supple are the most highly recommended joint rebuilding agents by the greatest medical experts in all of europe. Theyre standard of care in over 40 countries and over 13 Million People use them safely every day, with no negative side effects. Over 20,000 human clinical studies, observational studies, laboratory studies, meta analysis, expert reviews. All these kinds of studies are available at the National Institutes of health on these ingredients alone. Thats very interesting. 60 minutes recently did a show on the difficult battle against counterfeit drugs from other countries. Now, is this a problem with supplements too . Its a huge problem. The National Institutes of health recently uncovered that all glucosamine and chondroitin, its not the same. As much as 90 percent of these ingredients come from china and theres significant problems with counterfeiting, contamination, lowquality ingredients, skimping on ingredients, and even using low and unproven dosages. This is an example of a troubled industry that needs to be completely reformed. Supple, on the other hand, has no ingredients from china, and we use only the most high quality, best ingredient sources available. We dont use any of these unethical and deceptive business practices. Just listen to these real supple users who have learned that theres nothing more powerful than whats in supple. Ive had back pain on and off since i was probably in my mid 20s, and since ive been taking supple i havent had to deal with a back injury. Some of the other supplements had like glucosamine and chondroitin. Some of the basic ones that are out there but, nothing really stood out. Nothing really stood out until i started taking supple. This is my bad hip. The left. The pain was unbearable. I couldnt sleep, i couldnt walk. I tried 1,500 milligrams of glucosamine and 1,200 milligrams of chondroitin. But, they didnt do anything for me. My life has changed since i started to take supple. Im a different woman now. I like to put on makeup, i like to get dressed up. It really works. Peter, how can supple possibly be so effective when so many other products fail to help people . Supple is the missing link that heals the root causes of pain. It reverses the disease process, it rebuilds your joints and it gives your body the core Building Blocks it needs to heal itself. Pain, stiffness, immobility, overall weakness, fatigue, difficulty moving, difficulty sleeping at night, all these things, they just fade away. Supples core ingredients have been studied for over 3years and we use only the highest quality and most clinically proven ingredient sources available. What are the active ingredients in supple . Supple has 1,200 milligrams of pharmaceutical strength, very special chrondroitin sulfate. The same stuff thats prescribed as an allnatural, safe drug throughout europe, and that was exclusively selected by the National Institutes of health. We have 1,500 milligrams of very special shellfishfree, u. S. Made, glucosamine hydrochloride and a very powerful, anti oxidant healing blend, with high levels of vitamin d, c, e, b vitamins, calcium and magnesium. So what can people expect if they try supple . If you just drink a n of supple every day, its delicious, and you try to be just a little bit more active, you can feel a significant difference in just 7 days and better every week. Its absolutely delicious. Itll help you get rid of all your pain, all of your immobility, all of your suffering. You could stop taking dangerous pain drugs, you could avoid surgery, and now the new, more powerful supple formula can help all americans that are suffering from a common nutritional deficiency get rid of bone pain, muscle pain, overall weakness and fatigue, too. I am so confident that supple will work for you that i want everyone to try supple riskfree for 30 days and drink every can to the absolute bottom so they can feel the benefits for themselves, just like real supple users have. Within two weeks i could tell the difference. Plus, its got a lot of vitamins and everything, and it gave me energy and it kept me out of the doctors office. I wouldnt know wt to do without supple. It has really, really helped me. Ive had arthritis for, since i was 18, so it makes a big difference. What you spend on doctors, the price of supple is worth every nickel, every nickel. I started to experience a lot of back pain for the first time in my life when i, when i hit about 40 and it just got worse and worse with the more and more yard work i would do. After just probably about a week or two of drinking the supple, id come in from the yard and id expect to start to feel pain and there wouldnt be any. And the longer i drank the supple, the longer i could actually stay out in the yard. And i have no pain now. I can garden 8 hours, 2 days in a row and, and i really dont have any pain. I cannot recommend something that i do, really do not believe in. And there is Nothing Better than supple. If youre watching right now and youd like some more information on how to get supple. Its a delicious drink for complete pain relief that really works. If you have joint pain, back pain, bone pain, muscle pain, overall weakness or fatigue, arthritis, osterthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis or even fibromyalgia, this is a product that i highly recommend you try. Pick up the phone and call the number on your screen for more information. Supple is guaranteed to work for you and you can try it riskfree. If you call right now, you can receive a substantial Introductory Discount off the new, more powerful supple. Youve heard from real people who have experienced incredible results from supple, and now you can too. Peters given us some research thats pretty compelling, so give us a call. Peter, tell me more about the pain that you had. Well, i suffered like you couldnt even imagine for 15 years. I had severe pain in my left hip that led to pain in my back, my neck, my knees and my feet. And what did you try that worked for you . No matter what i tried drugs, Dietary Supplements nothing really gave me my mobility back or gave me complete relief. The truth is that these things just dont work because they dont get to the root cause of the problem. So what happened when you finally started taking supple . It was miraculous. Within 7 days, i felt a significant reduction in pain. Within a month, i was completely painfree, i was fully mobile again, and ive been like that now for years. No matter what i do, i cant even get the pain back. Its my passion now just to help other people get their lives back and to stay active just like these real supple users have. As i get older, its just important to me that i can do all the activities that i want to do and not be held back by pain or injury and supple is part of that program of injury prevention and looking younger, feeling younger and staying active. I became a volunteer for the arthritis foundation. We had a walk and supple was one of the sponsors at the walk. And i was given several cans, and it wasnt any more than probably 3 or 4 days and i began to notice an improvement. And i thought, this cant be the supple you know. And so, i kept drinking it, and it kept Getting Better and better. And then finally, it dawned on me, yes indeed, this was supple. And it, it was a miracle to me. It was like taking, having absolutely somebody giving me a miracle drug. I could get up in the morning, i could get up and i could actually walk right away, i could come down the steps and walk. I didnt have excruciating pain any more. I would recommend this to anybody. This is the best thing i have ever found. Thats an amazing story. I mean really all the stories youve shared with us today have been really inspirational. I know. Theyre just incredible. Now peter, were running out of time b do you have any last minute thoughts you want to share with our viewers . Yes. I suffered from severe arthritis pain for decades. But today, my life is completely different. I have no more pain, no more immobility, no more suffering, i can sleep better at night, i take no pain drugs, ive avoided surgery completely, m fully active again. No matter what i do, i cant even get the pain back, and its all because of supple. If you just drink a can of supple every day, youll feel a significant difference in just 7 days and better every week. I drink supple every day. I absolutely love the taste. Its delicious everyone loves the taste of supple. I am so confident that supple will work for you that i want to challenge everyone to try it riskfree, for 30 days. To drink every can to the absolute bottom. If you dont completely love the taste, if you dont feel better week, after week, after week. If supple does not give you your life back, ill give you your money back. Youll give everyone their money back. Ill give your money back. Thats how confident i am that supple will work for you. So youre guaranteeing the product. Im talking about a 100 percent uncondition guarantee for no more pain, no more immobility and no more suffering completely getting your life back. Thats exciting, isnt it . Absolutely. I want people to be able to experience the same incredible results that real supple users have. If anybody tries supple and theyre not completely satisfied, just call us, well give youre money back. I noticed a difference after about a week. But after three weeks, i felt great. Since taking supple, i dont have any pain. Now, theres no pain, at all. Supple has really kind of just deleted the pain. Im working much harder, more hours a day, all in a months period is just incredible to me, with no doctors assistance. Strictly, right here, just out of this can, is just incredible. Arthritis doctor after arthritis doctor, and theyve given me steroid shots, theyve given me pain pills that didnt work. And your body doesnt need all that garbage. Plus, this stuff tastes good. I enjoy it. After the first week, i could sleep there was no pain. I ran out of the product, and when i was off of it for a week or so, i was hurting very badly. And i went back on it and almost immediately i had relief. The problem is that i would always do every activity that i wanted to do, and id pay for later. And now, i just dont pay for it later, as much. Its, its made a world of difference. Thats what sold me, was how great this supple tastes. Supple is, its amazing. Go ahead and try it. Youve got nothing to lose. If it does what it did to e, supple will be what you want. If youve ever had any kind of tendonitis or arthritis thats really a nagging, gnawing problem, you owe it to yourself to try this stuff. Its just an incredible thing. And i find it hard to believe it will work just for me only. If youre watching right now, were running out of time. But if youd like more information on how to get supple if you or a lov one has joint pain, back pain, bone pain, muscle pain, overall weakness or fatigue, arthritis, osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, or even fibromyalgia, and youve tried everything and youre fed up, pick up the phone and call the number on your screen. You can try supple riskfree and its guaranteed to work for you. If you call right now, you can receive a substantial Introductory Discount off the new, more powerful supple. Supple is a drink for complete pain relief that really works. Peter, thanks so much for being on the show today. Thank you. Its been awesome to be here. My name is dr. Monita poudyal and youve been watching the smart Medicine Show. Thanks so much for joining us and well see you again, very soon. The preceding program was brought to you by supple, the new, revolutionary Health Regeneration drink, by supp, llc. After my divorce and foreclosure, nobody would give me a loan. 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Afte divorce and foreclosure, nobody would give me a loan. I have so many medical bills; i just dont know what to do. I just moved into the country, i have no credit, i got turned down everywhere. My credit was so bad, every dealership that i went to said no. First my home was foreclosed on, th my car got repossessed. Repod my car, but thank god for us auto credit. They let me choose my payment, zero dolrs down, and thats right, 99 dollars a month. I got to choose my payments and no money down. They set me up with a Monthly Payment of my choosing. I can choose my payment. Thank you us auto credit. Thank you us auto credit. Thank you us auto credit. V. O. choose. My. Payment. Thats right for a limited time only us auto credit presents this unbelievalble offer. You can drive the car truck van or suv of your choice for no money down and a payment of your choosing. 99, 199, 299 or 399. We have a wide selection of cars, trucks, vans and suvs which fit any budget and everyone qualifies regardless of their past Credit History during this unprecedented offer your credit is guaranteed your past credit problems are no pblem it doesnt matter whether youve been through, foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce, repossession, had collection accounts, late payments, even if youve expereniced problems because of medical bills, or youre a First Time Buyer or no credit immigrant, youre approved through usuto credit. Because with us auto credit everybody rides us auto credit is an experienced Company Offering you options through our National Network of lenders. Well work with you. Until we find a loan thats right for you with no pressure and no hassels. Go ahead tell us what amount you can budget each month and well allow you to choe from an unlimited inventory of cars, trucks, vans and suvs that meet any individual or family budget. Our onestop shop auto finance process has improved to the point where we can offer you, our valued customer this unbelievable choose my payment ent. Heres a sample of the payments our valued customers have chosen and the vehicles they have driven off in the very same day. And best of all for no money down. Lexus gx 199 a month. Cadillac cts 199 a month. Ford expedition 99 a month. Cadillac escalade 299 a month. All for zero down. Bmw 3 series 99. Mercedes ml 350 299. Cadillac ext 99 per month. Chevy tahoe 299 per month. All for no money down bmw 5 series 199 a nth. Mercedes c class 99 a month. Chrysler 300 99 per month. And nothing out of pocket leave your checkbook at home dodge ram 199. Zero down for zero credit and much, much more. Remember 99, 199, 299 or 399 you tell us what you want to pay per month and we diver. You must call us now because we only have 500 car loans we can provide this month. That is it this is an extremely limited offer you can drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams for the payment you choose starting as low as 99 per month. And best of all zero down for zero credit is still in effect. This is a one time only sales event. E combination of no money down and choose my payment has ver happened before and may never happen again. So you must act now call the number on your screen and get approved for now money down before you know it call us the now, you have nothing to los. The toll free call takes just a couple of minutes and youll be on the road driving the car of your dreams, for zero down and a payment you can afford, before you know it. Call now this is a one time only sales event. The combination of no money down and you choose your payment has never happened before and may never happen again. So you must act urgently its the once in a lifetime choose my payment event. Hundreds of vehicles are available at this time regardless of your past credit htory no matter how severe your past problems have been. No money down zero down with zero credit and you choose the payment that best suits your Current Situation 99, 199, 299 or 399. Drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams for no money down regardless of your past Credit History. With guaranteed credit past credit problems are no problem. Because during us auto credits choose my payment event everybody rides us auto credit is an experienced Company Offering you options through our National Network of lenders. No hidden fees or charges. The Monthly Payment you see is the one you pay after you give us your selection. Thats it 99 to 399 you tell us us auto credit is the only national car Credit Company of its kind. That is why you see our Television Programs so often. We are a trusted and have been around now for over 25 years. Offering the best options in the automotive lending industry. Well, i went through a divorce and i was in a really bad way. My bank account went to zero, i lost the house, all my credit cards were maxed o and i really needed a new car. Then i cled us auto credit and they set me up with a Monthly Payment of my choosing. For zero money down and 199 a month, i got a new car, everything is great. I just moved into the country with no credit established and as you know Everybody Needs a car. So every dealership that i go to i get denied. Until i called us auto credit. For zero down, 199 a month im driving a lexus, so thank you us auto credit. With us auto credit you choose your payment the one youre most comfortable with and then select from an unlimited inventory of cars, trucks, vans and suvs. Car buying has never been easier and everyone is approved guaranteed, regardless of past Credit History. There has never been a better time for people with damaged credit to drive the car of their dreams. 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Thank you us auto credit. Thank you us auto credit. V. O. choose. My. Payment. Thats right for a limited time only us auto credit presents this unbelievalble offer. You can drive the car truck van or suv of your choice for no money down and a payment of your choosing. 99, 199, 299 or 399. We have a wide selection of cars, trucks, vans and suvs which fit any budget and everyone qualifies regardless of their pa credit is guaranteed your past credit problems are no problem it doesnt matter whether youve been through, foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce, repossession, had collection accounts, late payments, even if youve expereniced problems because of medical bills, or youre a First Time Buyer or no credit immigrant, youre approved through us auto credit. Because with us auto credit everybody rides. Us auto credit is an experienced Company Offering you options through our National Network of lenders. Well work with you. Until we find a loan thats right for you with no pressure and no hassels. Go ahead tell us what amount you can budget each month and well allow you to choose from an unlimited inveory of cars, trucks, vans and suvs that meet any individual or family budget. Our onestop shop auto finance process has improved to the point where we can offer you, our valued customer this unbelievable choose my payment event. Heres a sample of the payments our valued customers have chosen and the vehicles they have driven off in the very same day. And best of all for no money down. Lexus gx 199 a month. Cadillac cts 199 a month. Ford expedition 99 a month. Dillac escalade 299 a month. All for zero down. Bmw 3 series 99. Mercedes ml 350 299. Cadillac ext 99 per month. Chevy tahoe 299 per month. All for no money down bmw 5 series 199 a month. Mercedes c class 99 a month. Chrysler 300 99 per month. And nothing out of pocket leave your checkbook at home dodge ram 99. Zero down for zero credit and much, much more. Remember 99, 199, 299 or 399 you tell us what you want to pay per month and we deliver. You must call us now because we only have 500 car loans we can provide this month. That is it this is an extremely limited offer you can drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams for the payment you choose starting as low as 99 per month. And best of all zero down for zero credit is still in effect. This is a one time only sales event. The combination of no money down and choose my payment has never happened before and may never happen again. So you must act now call the number on your screen and get approved for no money down before you know it call us the now, you have nothing to lose. The toll free call takes just a couple of minutes and youll be on the road driving the car of dreams, for zero down and a payment you can afford, before you know it. Call now look, i had the worst credit. I had medical bills, thousands of dollars. Bad credit card debt, i had a clunker than nobody would take for a trade in. I really wanted to get a new truck but i had so much money wrapped up in my old vehicle i couldnt. I went to every dealership i could find to see what i could afford, to see what it would take for me to buy, but i couldnt. I found that my credit was so bad i couldnt really get into the vehicle i wanted. I wanted a new truck and i heard so many nos that i just had to find something that i could get into. I called us auto credit, they paid off my trade in, they got me into a brand new car for 99 a month. Thank you us auto credit. Then i called us auto credit, they said no problem. Past Credit History no problem. They got me into a new car for no money down and 199 dollars a month and they paid off my old car. Basically i cured two problems just by going to one place. I was thrilled. No money down and payments starting under 100 per month. This is an unheard of offer for anyone who applies regardless of past credit issues. It doesnt matter whether youve been through foreclosure, divorce, repossession, bankruptcy, tax liens, collections or medical bills. We realize people experience credit problems through no fault of their own. We also realize most Credit Reports contain errors. In fact, 4 out of 5 Credit Reports contain errors. Is that your fault . Of course not. Chances are youre Credit Report has inaccurate information on it thats a fact we understand and know how to work with. Shouldnt you still be allowed to drive the car truck van or suv of your dreams . We, we think so. And well prove it, guaranteed during our work with credit damaged individuals over the past years we discovered that 25 percent of all Credit Reports contain such serious errors that those individuals could be denied credit. We specialize and work exclusively with those individuals here at us auto credit. We know how to work with any type of credit situation. If you think you fit into this category, which you probably do as is the case with most americans give us a call now we can help after my divorce and foreclosure, nobody would give me a loan. I have so many medical bills; i just dont know what to do. I just moved into the country, i have noredit, i got turned down everywhere. My credit was so bad, every dealership that i went to said no. First my home was foreclosed on, then my car got repossessed. Repod my car, but thank god for us auto credit. They let me choose my payment, zero dollars down, and thats right, 99 dollars a month. They set me up with a Monthly Payment of my choosing. I can choose my payment. Thank you us auto credit. Thank you us auto credit. Thank you us auto credit. V. O. choose. My. Payment. Thats right for a limited time only us auto credit presents this unbelievalble offer. You can drive the car truck van or suv of your choice for no money down and a payment of your choosing. 9, 199, 299 or 399. We have a wide selection of cars, trucks, vans and suvs which fit any budget and everyone qualifiesrerdt Credit History during this unprecedented offer your credit is guaranteed your past credit problems are no problem it doesnt matter whether youve been through, foreclosure, bankruptcy, divorce, ressession, had collection accounts, late payments, even if youve expereniced problems because of medical bills, or youre a First Time Buyer or no credit immigrant, youre approved through us auto credit. Because with us auto credit everybody rides. Us auto credit is an experienced Company Offeringou options through our National Network of lenders. Well work with you. Until we find a loa loan thats right for you with no pressure and no hassels. Go ahead tell us what amount you can budget each month and well allow you to choose from an unlimited inventory of cars, trucks, vans and suvs that meet any individual or family budget. Our onestop shoto finance process has improved to the point where we can offer you, our valued customer this unbelievable choose my payment event. Heres a sample of the payments our valued customers have chosen and the vehicles they have driven off in the ry same day. And best of all for no money down. Lexus gx 199 a month. Cadillac cts 199 a month. Ford expedition 99 a month. Cadillac escalade 299 a month. All for zero dow bmw 3 series 99. Mercedes ml 350 299. Cadillac ext 99 per month. Chevy tahoe 299 per month. All for no money down bmw 5 series 199 a month. Mercedes c class 99 a month. Chrysler 300 99 per month. And nothing out of pocket leave your checkbook at home dodge ram 199. Zero down for zero credit and much, much more. Remember 99, 199, 299 or 399 you tell us what you want to pay per month and we deliver. You must call us now because we only have 500 car loans we can provide this month. That is it this is an extremely limited offer you can drive the car, truck, van or suv of your dreams for the payment you chse starting as low as 99 per month. And best of all zero down for zero credit is still in effect. Is is a one time only sales event. The combination of no money down and choose my payment has never happened before and may never happen again. So you must act now call the number on your screen and get approved for now money down before you know it drive that suv youve always wanted for under 200 per month. A luxury sedan under 300 a month or a convertible for under 100 a month and no money down all these things and more will happen to you when you choose us auto credit during the choose my payment event. Call us the now, you have nothing to lose. The toll free call takes just a couple of minutes and yoll be on the road driving the car of your dreams, for zero down and a payment you can ford, before you know it. Call now announcer the following is a paid presentation for the nuwave oven pro, brought to you by the makers of the nuwave precision induction cooktop. [. ] professional chefs create greattasting meals from years of experience and by using professional equipment. And now you can too, with the nuwave oven pro, the numberone countertop oven in america no more defrosting or preheating that giant oven the nuwave cooks all your meals faster, better, healthier and easier, guaranteed. The nuwave oven is not a microwave oven, but uses conduction, convection and infrared power simultaneously. It cooks food up to 50 faster than a conventional oven, while using up to 85 less energy. Gourmet meals made easy, saving you time and money. The nuwave oven is a new way to cook. Its energyefficient, it saves time, it makes food deliciously. Announcer its also been tested and proven that food cooked in the nuwave oven has less fat, but more natural juices great for anyone who wants healthier and bettertasting meals for their family. And since the nuwave oven pro is dishwashersafe, cleanup takes seconds. The nuwave oven pro has been tested and recommended by the cooking club of america and the National Health and wellness club. Join host joe fowler and and tv cooking expert heidi bohay as they show you how you can make every meal of the day, and find out how you can take advantage of a limited time neverseenbefore buy one, get one free offer on the nuwave oven pro. Im so happy to be back here with you this is a phenomenon its the numberone infrared cooking device in the world we personally know about the nuwave oven, o. K. , and how incredible it is, but for those of you out there that dont know about the nuwave oven yet, you are in for such a surprise oh, you sure are. This is a Great Appliance what do you have for us . Well, i have something i know youre gonna love. This is one of the easiest meals, healthiest and most delicious. One of my favorites to make in the nuwave. Well, its a nuwave oven meal we know its gonna be good. Thats right. O. K. , a bag of frozen chicken breasts. Frozen . Thats all you need. Frozen. Frozen . Dont believe me . Well, i do but lets prove it to everyone else. Im gonna show you how frozen they are. [bangs on counter, both laugh] o. K. . That would be frozen. That would be frozen. All right, now im just gonna put a few right here on the grill. O. K. As you know, i have three children. It saves me tons of time, it makes my meals easier, it makes them. Better. Healthier. Then you just take some of your favorite veggies i happen to be using some carrots. Love em. Zucchini. Especially in the nuwave. Right here, just layer it all around your chicken. Talk about a healthy meal, heidi oh, talk about a healthy meal and an easy meal. And here are some potatoes. Now what im gonna do. This is so good is im gonna just put a little bit of my favorite marinade. What i love about this, joe, is youve got your protein. Right. From the chicken, you have your veggies and you have your carb or your starch in the potato. And you didnt defrost the chicken. Nothing. You didnt preheat an oven. From frozen. Can i start . Put the top on. O. K. All right, now the big question. Mmhmm. How much time will it take . 13 minutes. Im gonna touch and go. Touch and go. One, three. 13 minutes is all it takes in the nuwave oven thats right, and im grilling the chicken, im also broiling and im roasting at the same time. No other oven can do that. Thats it. Now take a look at this. We set up our timelapse camera to see how the nuwave cooks these chicken breasts from frozen to fabulous in only 13 minutes. We are done. Its finished, o. K. All right, im going to just put this on a plate right here. Oh, thats beautiful. Now watch the way this piece of chicken cuts right here. That is so gorgeous. Look at that. Here you go, im gonna let you taste that. Perfect. Amazing. Amazing. 13 minutes. Mmm. Thats the bottom line. It is. Its delicious. Because i have two jobs, im always on the go. My main thing is grabbing something out of the freezer and i can have a healthy meal in minutes. By taking something from a frozen state to a cooked state very quickly and using the nuwave oven, you come out with a product that is safe for the consumer, greattasting every time. Youll love it. Joe im in heaven [laughs] heidi now, listen, joe, this is every meal of the day. All cooked in the nuwave. All cooked in the nuwave, plus more. Well start with breakfast. Youre doing quiche, eggs and Cinnamon Rolls all together. Heres what im doing Cinnamon Rolls, exactly, right on the top, the quiche and the hardboiled eggs on the bottom. [joe chuckles] o. K. . Also weve got waffles we can do, sausage, bacon, bagels. All right, lets come on down here, well go to lunch. O. K. My kids favorite fries, burgers. Burgers. Pizzas an alltime favorite. All right, shall we move on . Lets go to dinner, and i have a little interest in this. You know imot a cook per se. Right. When you buy the nuwaveven, you get this this is the nuwave oven cookbook. And you just said something very important. Whats that . I think for a lot of people, they always say, i cant cook. Look at that. But the nuwave cooks it for you. For you. Perfectly every time. Yes. You dont have to do anything. Im like a gourmet chef when i use this. I know. It gives you all the tips. O. K. , so. Great, great. Look at all of it. Weve got some lobster. Lobster. Some shrimp. Tbone steak. Steak. Lamb chops. Mmm, and. Look at the, the vegetable medley. Those are beautiful. This is a family favorite. I know your family loves this one too. Oh, for sure. Salmon, lemon pepper salmon. Oh, isnt thabeautiful . You know what . You made salmon and asparagus for me in the first show. Yes, i did. And im doing it for you in this show. Yay, i geto taste flake a little bit off there just so we can see it. All right, lets do that. Look at that. I just followed the instructions. Wow. Oh. Oh [laughs] thats my piece. Wait, i want a fork too mmm. Its the nuwave oven. You talk about healthy. All right, now were gonna move on to dessert. Its about time. Which we have right here. Yup. Cookies are one of my favorite things to make for dessert in the oven. The nuwave oven. Blows me away all the time when i use it. And weve got lemon squares. Yeah. Cobbler, piapple upsidedown cake. Look at this everything you see here, nuwave oven, fast, easy, quick i love this. Being a middle school p. E. Teacher and knowing how kids are hungry after they get home from school activities, the nuwave would be an excellent thing for almost every household to have. The students come home, its healthy, its fast, its easy. Dont waste your time and energy slaving in the kitchen. Stop settling for fast food or unhealthy microwave meals make a sma decision. Make greattasting food faster and easier, save money and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Its time for you to pick up the phone and order your very own nuwave oven. Announcer the reviews are in customers all over the country are raving about their nuwave oven because it makes all their meals easier, faster and healthier. There is just no comparison. It makes cooking so simple. Its so easy, so convenient. I can eat fast food, but its Healthy Fast Food prepared quickly. Announcer dont crowd your kitchen with gadgets that only do one thing. The nuwave oven a complete kitchen all in one. It can broil, roast, grill, bake, barbeque, steam, dehydrate and even air fry, all in one small countertop appliance. The nuwave oven is not a microwave oven, but uses conduction, convection and infrared power simultaneously, cooking foods from the outside and inside at the same time. This cooks food up to 50 faster than a conventional oven, while using up to 85 less energy. The nuwave oven is a new way to cook. Its energyefficient, it saves time, it makes food deliciously. Announcer the result . Healthy, gourmet meals made easy, saving you time and money. As a professional chef and a mom, the nuwave oven to me is a great addition to my kitchen. I love the fact that i can make easy, healthy, gourmet meals in just minutes. Announcer and since the nuwave oven pro is dishwashersafe, cleanup takes seconds. The nuwave oven pro has been tested and recommended by the cooking club of america and the National Health and wellness club. Call right now and youll get the amazing nuwave oven pro for only four payments of 39. 95. Your nuwave oven pro comes with the quick and easy cooking guide, the nuwave recipe book that contains over 150 recipes that can make anyone a chef, the gourmet cooking dvd and a v. I. P. Membership to the exclusive online nuwave cooking club. Plus, every oven comes with a full toptobottom, oneyear, worryfree warranty. And for ordering today, well take one entire payment off. That means you make just three easy payments of only 39. 95. You save 25 by ordering direct. But were not done order today and get the nuwave supreme pizza kit. This fourpiece kit is the perfect accessory to the nuwave oven pro and makes delicious and Perfect Pizza every time. But wait order now and you also get the nuwave twister and the nuwave party mixer. The nuwave twister has the power to make healthy, nutritious drinks and smoothies easy, while keeping all the vital nutrients and vitamins your body needs. And the nuwave party mixer uses over 400 supercharged watts to make the best frozen drinks, sauces, soups and so much more. Why spend 100 or more on a healthy drink machine that only does one thing, or a blender that just makes a mess, when you can get the twister and party mixer that do so much more here for free . And because we want you to start using your nuwave oven right away, well also upgrade your order to express shipping for free now get it in two to five business days, guaranteed. Hold on lets make this incredible offer even better be one of the first 500 callers to todays program and well upgrade your oven to the premium black nuwave oven pro model for free. Normally a 30 upgrade, now absolutely free for calling and ordering right now. But were still not done are you ready for an amazing deal . For a limited time, order now and well send you a second premium nuwave oven pro for free thats right you get a free nuwave oven pro with the black model upgrade and all the bonus items. All you pay is the s p for each set. Keep it for yourself or send it as an unforgettable gift for any occasion. This buy one, get one free special promotion wont last long. And listen to this well let you try the nuwave oven pro riskfree for not 30 days, not 60 days, but a full 90 days. If youre not completely satisfied, return both ovens, but keep all of the bonus items as your free gifts just for trying the nuwave oven pro this is truly a riskfree opportunity with nothing to lose. This special televisiononly offer is not available in stores and wont last long, so you must act fast. When you call, ask about special savings on the 17piece silicone baking kit, the custommade nuwave carrying case and the extender ring kit which can increase the capacity of your oven up to 50 big enough to cook up to a 16pound turkey. This is truly our best offer ever you get two premium black nuwave oven pros and all the bonus items an over 700 value available today for only three payments of 39. 95. Quantities are very limited and this offer may not be available tomorrow, so dont miss out call and order right now [. ] call the number on your screen. [. ] i know weve shown how the nuwave can make every meal of the day convenient and easy, and how it delivers delicious and healthy food, but the question i know everybody out theres asking is, how does it work . Well, ireally is unlike any other appliance on the market today. The nuwave takes the power of a regular conduction oven, the speed of a professional convection oven and the technology of infrared cooking and combines them all into one affordable, advanced kitchen appliance. Conduction is the heat that is applied directly to the foods surface. Then theres convection. Now, this is where a fan circulates the hot air inside the oven, distributing the heat evenly around the food. And finally we added far infrared. These are invisible heat waves that penetrate the food, cooking on the inside and outside at the same time, ensuring that the outside is nice and brown while the inside is juicy and moist absolutely perfect. The nuwave, from a chefs perspective and a restauranteur and a chef instructor, is ingenious because it uses the three methods that we use with big, gigantic machines, condenses those methods, puts it in a small unit that the consumer can use then at home. Its brilliant. Theres no preheat time, it heats up very, very quickly, so that does cut down a lot of time and extra energy. Joe plus, with extensive independent testing, its been proven that the nuwave oven cooks up to 50 faster than a regular oven and get this uses up to 85 less energy too. The money you save on your electric bill alone can virtually pay for the nuwave itself. How does the nuwave make food so delicious while making ihealthier . Since the nuwave cooks inside and outside at the same time, more inner fat contents are released from the food, but it also seals in the natural juices. This ultimately reduces your fat intake, making all your foods healthier, juicier and more delicious than ever before. You still get the convenience of speed, but youre not sacrificing the nutrition, and thats really important. You know, weve even had worldrenowned silliker lab independently test the nuwave oven against a regular oven for fat content left in food. They found that the nuwave oven kept more of the natural juices while releasing more of the fat, proving the nuwave oven makes bettertasting food that is better for you, and thats an independent thirdparty test. S a sports nutritionist, that. One of the things that i. A couple of things that i really like about the nuwave oven is you dont have to add the fats, and then also the fact that the fats that are in the food itself actually drain off, but whats really nice about it is with doing that, you dont lose the taste. We just took a group of real people and we put em gether and we started off by taking before blood tests, so that we had a baseline, and 60 days later, we did blood tests again, checking up on cholesterol levels, and 75 of those individuals lowered their total cholesterol without changing anything within their lifestyle other than they started cooking with the nuwave oven. I dropped almost 20 points in my cholesterol and 21 2 pounds in body fat by using the nuwave oven. Ive lost 15 points in my cholesterol since i started using this nuwave oven. I never thought something this simple and this new way of cooking could change my life, but it really did. By now, its easy to see that the nuwave oven sets the standard in kitchen appliances. Come on, spend more time with your family and friends. Eat healthier and bettertasting food. Hey, have more fun in the kitchen are you ready for the new wave in Cooking Technology . The nuwave oven. Heres how to order. Announcer professional chefs create greattasting meals from years of experience and by using professional equipment. And now you can too with the nuwave oven pro, the numberone countertop oven in america. No more defrosting or preheating that giant oven. The nuwave cooks all your meals faster, better, healthier and easier, guaranteed. I think its a great quality product. It works really well. The nuwave oven is something i recommend to everyone. Announcer the nuwave oven is not a microwave oven, but uses conduction, convection and infrared power simultaneously, cooking foods from both the outside and inside at the same time. This cooks food up to 50 faster than a conventional oven, while using up to 85 less energy. And since the nuwave oven pro is dishwashersafe, cleanup takes seconds. The nuwave oven pro has been tested and recommended by the cooking club of america and the National Health and wellness club. Its easy and convenient. T makecooking so simple. I love it and i wouldnt know what to do without it. Call right now and youll get the amazing nuwave oven pro for only four payments of 39. 95. Your nuwave oven pro comes with the quick and easy cooking guide, the nuwave recipe book that contains over 150 recipes that can make anyone a che the gourmet cooking dvd and a v. I. P. Membership to the exclusive online nuwave cooking club. Plus, every oven comes with a full toptobottom, oneyear, worryfree warranty. And for ordering today, well take one entire payment off. That means you make just three easy payments of only 39. 95. You save 25 by ordering direct. But were not done order today and get the nuwave supreme pizza kit. This fourpiece kit is the perfect accessory to the nuwave oven pro and makes delicious and Perfect Pizza every time. But wait order now and you also get the nuwave twister and the nuwave party mixer. The nuwave twister has the power to make healthy, nutritious drinks and smoothies easy, while keeping all the vital nutrients and vitamins your body needs. And the nuwave party mixer uses over 400 supercharged watts to make the best frozen drinks, sauces, soups and so much more. Why spend 100 or more on a healthy drink machine that only does one thing, or a blender that just makes a mess, when you can get the twister and party mixer that do so much more here for free . And because we want you to start using your nuwave oven right away, well also upgrade your order to express shipping for free now get it in two to five business days, guaranteed. Hold on lets make this incredible offer even better be one of the first 500 callers to todays program and well upgrade your oven to the premium black nuwave oven pro model for free. Normally a 30 upgrade, now absolutely free for calling and ordering right now. But were still not done are you ready for an amazing deal . For a limited time, order now and well send you a second premium nuwave oven pro for free thats right yoget a free nuwave oven pro with the black model upgrade and all the bonus items. All you pay is the s p for each set. Keep it for yourself or send it as an unforgettable gift for any occasion. This buy one, get one free special promotion wont last long. And listen to this well let you try the nuwave oven pro riskfree for not 30 days, not 60 days, but a full 90 days. If youre not completely satisfied, return both ovens, but keep all of the bonus items as your free gifts just for trying the nuwave oven pro this is truly a riskfree opportunity with nothing to lose. This special televisiononly offer is not available in stores and wont last long, so you must act fast. When you call, ask about special savings on the 17piece silicone baking kit, the custommade nuwave carrying case and the extender ring kit which can increase the capacity of your oven up to 50 big enough to cook a 14pound ham. This is truly our best offer ever you get two premium black nuwave oven pros and all the bonus items an over 700 value available today for only three payments of 39. 95. Quantities are very limited and this offer may not be available tomorrow, so dont miss out call and order right now [. ] call the number on your screen. [. ] man the nuwave oven for me is the best product ive seen come across since i discovered it eight years ago, just for the fact of its simplicity, its durability, its ease of use and the end product that comes out of it. Its really a joy to work with. Heidi even though the nuwave is small and compact, its got a huge cooking space. Joe uhhuh. Come on over here. Now, look at this mountain of king crab legs. Oh, yeah where else. Oh could you fit. [joe laughs] this amount of food in such a small and compact oven . Thats a crab fest dinner parties, feeding a large family. Right. What do you have here . Look at these beautiful pork tenderloins. Whether it be a mountain of crab legs, a large pork roast or even a fullsize pizza, the nuwave can do it all. Joe thats why the nuwave is perfect its perfect for small kitchens, dorm rooms, the r. V. Or camper. Even your boat. Theres no flame, theres no smoke. Its just an efficient appliance that does it all better and ster than ything else. It is much more convenient using the nuwave oven becae of the less pots and pans and cleanup you have after cooking a meal. I believe the nuwave oven does everything its advertised for and more. Everyone should have one. You know, heidi, we keep talking about how the nuwave oven makes food. Mmhmm. Great. Mmhmm. And fast, but also healthy. Thats right. Now, with the triple combo seals in the natural juices but it also allows the fats and oils to drip away from your food, which reduces the amount of fat you eat. Eating healthier, bettertasting food in less time you cant ask for anything more. [chuckles] take a look at this test we did. We made three different meats side by side, each in a regular oven and in the nuwave oven. Joe first we made a beef roast. We measured the fat drippings left from both the nuwave oven and the conventional oven. When we poured the grease, there were 2. 2 ounces of fat drippings from the nuwave oven and only one ounce of fat drippings from the conventional oven thats a difference of 120 of unhealthy fat drippings. Heidi we did a similar test for Country Style ribs. When we compared the fat drippings, the nuwave oven produced 250 more fat drippings than the conventional oven. Joe then we cooked about three pounds of chicken quarters. Heidi when we poured the grease, there was a difference of 125 of unhealthy fat drippings. If your family were to eat chicken three times a week for a month and some of us do by using the nuwave oven, you could be reducing six cups of fat drippings from your diet using less fats and oils when cookinhelp decrease your risk of Heart Disease and cancers and also just will increase your mood and give you more energy, make you feel better. My Counter Space in my kitchen you have to earn your place. I love it because it makes the work that i do exercising every day count more when i come home and i eat smart. So its the holidays, right . Or maybe youre just throwing a huge dinner party. Well, guess what . We know this nuwave oven is gonna deliver for you. That is for sure. You know, joe, every year for thanksgiving, we hav 30 people. 30 [laughs] 30, and i cannot live without the extender ring kit. Yes, the extender ring lifts it up. It fits so much more food, great for appetizers, just like we have here. Look at it we got the extra rack here. This is just a fountain of appetizers. With the extender ri, you can do up to a 16pound turkey, and i have done that. Yeah . I have done that. For thanksgiving . Yes, absolutely. Mmm. Oh. Oh. Baby. Look at that steam. Wait, wait, i want you to watch this, watch this. Im gonna just. Watch this. Look at the juice look at that. Do you see that juice . You want a piece . Right, once youve made a turkey in your nuwave, you will never go back. Never go back. To youronventional oven. Again. Mmmm. Delicious. Look at this. Look at that ohmy gosh. If you liked the turkey, youre gonna lovthe ham. Ham. Up to a 14pound ham again, with the extender ring, you have so much more volume. Raises it up three inches. That would feed a very large number of people. [laughs] a very large number of people, and. Oh, prime rib. I love prime rib. That is a beauty. Do you love it . How much is this gonna cost per plate in a gourmet restaurant . You know,rime rib happens to be one of my favorites. 30 a person, if not more, depending on where you go. Here we go. O. K. , lets just take a big slice here. Beautiful. [joe laughs] oh, look at that [gasps] oh. Come on, i want to eat that is perfect well, this is what you can do right here. I mean, why would you want to go out for a meal like this when you can get this in the nuwave oven . I dont want to go anywhere [both laugh] the nuwave oven is the smartest thing you could ever get to make your life easy in the kitchen. Dont miss this opportunity. Make the right decision. Call now. Get your very own nuwave oven [. ] announcer the reviews keep coming in. Customers all over the country are raving about their nuwave oven because it makes all their meals easier, faster and healthier. There is just no comparison. Call right now and youll get the amazing nuwave oven pro for only four payments of 39. 95. Your nuwave oven pro comes with the quick and easy cooking guide, the nuwave recipe book that contains over 150 recipes that can make anyone a chef, the gourmet cooking dvd and a v. I. P. Membership to the exclusive online nuwave cooking club. Plus, every oven comes with a full toptobottom, oneyear, worryfree warranty. And for ordering today, well take one entire payment off. That means you make just three easy payments of only 39. 95. You save 25 by ordering direct. But were not done order today and get the nuwave supreme pizza kit. This fourpiece kit is the perfect accessory to the nuwave oven pro and makes delicious and Perfect Pizza every time. But wait order now and you also get the nuwave twister and the nuwave party mixer. The nuwave twister has the power to make healthy, nutritious drinks and smoothies easy, while keeping all the vital nutrients and vitamins your body needs. And the nuwave party mixer uses over 400 supercharged watts to make the best frozen drinks, sauces, soups and so much more. Why spend 100 or more on a healthy drink machine that only does one thing, or a blender that just makea mess, when you can get the twister and party mixer that do so much more here for free . And because we want you to start using your nuwave oven right away, well also upgrade your order to express shipping for free now get it in two to five business days, guaranteed. Hold on lets make this incredible offer even better be one of the first 500 callers to todays program and well upgrade your oven to the premium black nuwave oven pro mode for free. Normally a 30 upgrade, now absolutely free for calling and ordering right now. But were still not done are you ready for an amazing deal . For a limited time, order now and well send you a second premium nuwave oven pro for free thats right you get a free nuwave oven pro with the black model upgrade and all the bonus items. All you pay is the s p for each set. Keep it for yourself or send it as an uorgettable gift for any occasion. This buy one, get one free special promotion wont last long. And listen to this well let you try the nuwave oven pro riskfree for not 30 days, not 60 days, but a full 90 days. If youre not completely satisfied, return both ovens, but keep all of the bonus items as your free gifts just for trying the nuwave oven pro this is truly a riskfree opportunity with nothing to lose. This special televisiononly offer is not available in stores and wont last long, so you must act fast. When you call, ask about special savings on the 17piece silicone baking kit, the custommade nuwave carrying case and the extender ring kit which can increase the capacity of your oven up to 50 big enough to cook up to a 16pound turkey. This is truly our best offer ever you get two premium black nuwave oven pros and all the bonus items an over 700 value available today for only three payments of 39. 95. Quantities are very limited and this offer may not be available tomorrow, so dont miss out call and order right now [. ] call the number on your screen. [. ] the preceding program was a paid presentation for the nuwave oven pro, brought to you by the makers of the nuwave precision induction cooktop. Male announcer the following is paid for and furnished by hair club for men and women. This station is not responsible for claims made in the following program. Female announcer when it comes to hair loss in women, the reasons why can be as varied as the women themselves. But there is one proven hair solution that has taken these women from this to this in as ttle as six weeks. Its not a wig and its not a weave. Its their own hair, only better, thanks to the only nationwide company that specializes in female hair loss hair club for women. Its a lifechanger. Forever. Eternally grateful to hair club. Be bald for the rest of my life or go to hair club and get hair. Its like, okay, probably i should go to hair club. And it has been the most freeing experience that ive ever had, really. For women, hair loss is an Emotional Experience and can be due to genetics, medications, hormones, and more. At hair club for women, we understand that and offer more than one solution to your hair loss. Female announcer at hair club for women, our caring consultants meet with you oneonone to evaluate the level and type of your hair loss and offer a customized proven hairloss solution thats just right for you. Its not cosmetic. Its not vanity. It is a necessity. It is. And we are very lucky and very blessed, i think. Baseball hat is not an accessory. It is not an accessory. Because they know how much theyre helping people. They know how much theyre changing lives. Hear, hear to hair club. Female announcer hair club for women is recognized the world over as the Gold Standard in proven hairloss solutions. And you wont find our groundbreaking technologies anywhere else but hair club. Call our tollfree number now or visit our website at www. Hairclub. Com. Well send you this informative, forwomenonly brochure with all the information you need to look, feel, and act younger than your years. And for a limited time, when you call or visit hair club today for your free private consultation, you can receive a 250 microscopic hairandscalp analysis absolutely free. You too can go from this to this with hair club for women. All we called hair club, and were glad we did. Oh, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah male announcer hair club. We do it all. For you. 80 of feeling good is looking good. I love my hair. I love how i feel about my hair. Hair club is the only thing thats gonna allow me to do the things in life that i want to do with confidence. I can do anything with my hair jump out of the shower, curl my hair, flatiron my hair. I am more pleased than what i had even imagined. Now i go anywhere, do anything, with confidence. Even on a really bad day, you never, ever have a bad hair day. Getting my hair back was the best thing that ever happened to me. I love my hair. I love how i feel about my hair. Im 52, and i look better now than i did when i was in my 40s. Hi. Im tom wainman, and im here to talk to you today about a company that has helped thousands of people look and feel great. For more than 30 years, hair club has offered hairloss solutions to men and women who are fed up with thinning hair, hair loss, and the low selfesteem that can come with it. Hair club is the leading provider of proven hairloss solutions in north america. Although Many Companies on tv and the internet claim they can regrow hair with miracle cures, are focused on only one product or solution, most of these claims are either biased or unproven. Hair club is not about one product, one shampoo, or a miracle cure. Hair club is about all proven hairloss solutions. Hair club is a real company, and they guarantee their work. Hair club staff includes researchers, worldclass hair stylists, a network of physicians, and trained hairloss consultants, experts. Real people who love what they do and aspire to help others. During this show, youll meet these unique individuals. Most important, youll meet real clients who, like many of you, wanted to do something about their hair loss. Are you ready to do something about your thinning hair . If youre ready to act or even just find out more about hair loss, hair club is ready to help. Stay tuned and youll learn more about this unique company and the thousands of people hair club has helped to get their hair back. Went hair cl. They made me look great. Look at me. I feel good. I look younger. I feel younger, too. And to me, thats everything in the world. Myself, im 45 years old. And, you know, im not in the best shape in the worl but one thing im continually trying to get better, and my hair is just one less problem i ever have to think about. I feel normal. I feel like i could be anyone walking amongst someone who, you know, everybody looks at anymore, like, weird. Im just normal, and i look great, and i get compliments on my hair all the time. Welcome back. Lets get right to the root of the problem hair loss and what causes it. Now, hair loss affects more than 70 Million People in north America Today 40 million men and 30 million women. Thats a lot of people. Some people try products that claim to regrow hair only to find out a few hundred dollars later that they didnt work. Dont waste your money on unproven remedies. If you care about how you look and you want to get your hair the worldclass doctors in our network. By far, the most common cause of hair loss is genetic. By age 50, 50 of the Adult Population have experienced enough hair loss to be noticeable. Hair loss is different for men and women. Malepattern hair loss is the most common form of hair loss, representing more than 90 of all male cases in north america. It occurs due to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone, commonly known as dht. Dht causes a shortening of the life span of the hair follicles in these men. Dht chokes the hair follicle and it eventually shuts down. The follicles resistance to dht or lack of resistance is genetic, and thats why some men go bald and some dont. Actually started losing my hair at a pretty young age actually in college. And hair loss is in my family, so i definitely knew what the future had for me. During that process, i tried many things. I tried drugs that wasnt working. I grew my hair out, did the combover. That was awful. I wore hats a lot. And nothing was working. Femalepattern hair loss is different from malepattern hair loss in both appearance and sometimes in terms of the cause itself. For women, there are many different causes of hair loss, including femalepattern thinning, which is a form of malepattern thinning, menopause, postpartum or stressrelated shedding, or alopecia areata. Someone can experience hair loss due to poor hair care or tight braiding of the hair, which can permanently damage these follicles. When i began to lose my hair, i lost some of my selfconfidence, my selfesteem. I really felt that people were looking at my hair and not me. I had already tried gels and clips and wigs and pieces and brushing my hair, combing my hair all different ways. Really didnt feel sexy. Everyone who walks in our door has a special and unique situation. Hair club is uniquely positioned to treat hair loss because we offer all oven solutions to hair loss. Hair club is the only company that offers all proven hairloss solutions, backed by a guarantee of satisfaction. If you are not 100 satisfied with the option youve chosen, hair club will apply your initial Purchase Price to any of its other proven hairloss solutions. Now well show you how you can get your hair back with proven hairloss solutions. Male announcer dont tolerate another day of hair loss or thinning hair, because now, the solution you need to get a fuller, naturallooking head of hair is just one phone call away. Hair club is the only company in the world to offer all tested and proven hairloss solutions, because no single solution is right for every type of hair loss. Call hair club now for this free educational booklet and get afrp analysis at any of our hair club centers nationwide. Young or old, man or woman, no matter what kind of hair loss you may have, hair club has a unique solution for you, guaranteed. No other company on the planet can make that claim. Hair club has been the recognized leader in hairloss solutions for over 35 years, with centers in over 100 locations and nearly 50,000 satisfied clients. Call now and get the facts. Hair clubs new breakthrough educational booklet is yours, free. This vital, new information, endorsed by prominent physicians, can change your life. Pick up the phone right now, and well rush it to you, free, with absolutely no obligation. As an added bonus, well also give you a free private and confidential microscopic hairandscalp analysis. But wait theres more youll also get 250 off any proven solution if you are among the first 100 callers. So call right now. Free information, free analysis, and 250 off. This incredible offer is for a limited time only. Dont tolerate hair loss another day. Look younger and feel more confident. Take on the world like your old self. Call now and change your life forever. Hair club. We do it all. For you. And i couldnt believe it. I honestly cldnt believe it. I wondered if it was me really looking at me. Because the hair made me look so much younger. I was so excited. Some people didnt even notice that i had anything done. They just said, you look good. You look younger. And its just a pleasant experience all the way around. Having my hair back, thanks to hair club, gives me tons of confidence. I mean, it gives me the kind of confidence i had before i ever lost my hair. I dont secondguess going to the store or going to the movies or going to have a drink. Im confident. Im comfortable. Now lets talk about the Proven Solutions available to you at hair club and the hair club guarantee of satisfaction. So, what is proven to work . Hair club has expertise in three areas nonsurgical hair enhancement, fdaapproved hair therapies, and microscopic follicular unit hair transplants. Available only at hair club, the biomatrix strandbystrand process is known around the world as t Gold Standard in hair replacement. Hair clubs groundbreaking technology is the only process available to date that gives you a full, healthylooking head of hair by adding real human hair to your own hair. Biomatrix is not a toupee. Its not a wig. Its a custommade blend of your own hair with real human hair that is matched to your individual requiremes. That includes hair color, facial structure, ansk tone. The process is natural and virtually undetectable. When you brush your hair, it all blends together. If someone touches your hair, it feels normal. Its easy to style. You can rough it up. You can go swimming, biking, jogging, or anywhere life takes you, and you will look great. I can swim, i bike, hike, i do everything, and the key point here is no one has noticed. Everybody thinks i look better, but they cant quite put their finger on it. So, when they told me that would happen, i didnt believe it. I thought everybody would notice right away, but they didnt. They just thought, well, your hairs different. Whatd you do . And so i just in some cases, people that were close to me, i told them. Other people, i just let them guess. And so i think thats important for women especially to know is that youre gonna look great. Youre gonna feel great. When i first got my hair, i was a little nervous about going into the fire station because that is e group of guys that love to pull pranks and kid you and razz you. So, i was real nervous about that, but when i went in, they said, we couldnt wait to get you here so we could razz you, but now that we see you, theres nothing we can say cause it looks so good. I took control. I went to hair club. I got my hair back, and i look great. I would get compliments from my husband. My two sons would compliment me. The people on my job, they would look at me, like, theres Something Different. What did you do . And they would look at my hair what did you do . And i would say, did it look good . Knowing in the back of my mind that it was the hair Club Experience that made the difference. Hair club is also a leader in hair therapies, with its extreme hair therapy program. In hair club, we also have what we call our ext program, or extreme hair therapy, which includes a number of really highquality haircare products. A topical medical treatment that is fdaapproved for treating thinning hair, as well as the first fdacleared homeuse laser comb. Hair club also offers, in select areas, the Gold Standard in hair transplantation microscopic follicular unit hair transplants. Its natural, permanent, and yourransplanted hair is guaranteed to grow Mother Nature programmed it to. We work with our clientele together to determine the best option for them, and we take into consideration age, the extent of their hair loss, and what their expectations are, both in terms of the amount of hair they want, the thickness they want, and how soon they want to have some results. My job is to give them the most naturallooking hair transplant they could possibly have and to see to it that when that person looks in the mirror after his hair grows in, thats the person they want to see. When you actually see the hair grow, youre amazed. Youre watching it grow day by day from a thinner look to a fuller look till you can do the things that youve always wanted to do with your hair, using different products and styling your hair differently. I finally went to the hair club, and i found that they had the best technology, and they were far superior than everyone else. They treated me like a family, like i was somebody important. I decided to go with them, and the results speak for themselves. People would just kind of look at you and wonder, whats going on . This guys looking younger and younger, and im feeling better and better about it. And it just its a great feeling. Hair club is the only company that offers all proven hairloss solutions, backed by a guarantee of satisfaction. If you are not 100 satisfied with the option youve chosen, hair club will apply your initial Purchase Price to any of its other proven hairloss solutions. Hair club has changed many peoples lives. You might not know it now, but i used to have a hairloss problem. Is your hair loss bothering you . Maybe its time you did something about it. When we come back, well introduce the people who can help you find the right solution. Male announcer dont tolerate another day of hair loss or thinning hair. Because now the solution you need to get a fuller, naturallooking head of hair is just one phone call away. Hair club is the only company in the world to offer all tested and proven hairloss solutions, because no single soluti is right for every type of hair loss. Call hair club now for this free educational booklet and get a free microscopic hairandscalp analysis at any of our hair club centers nationwide. Young or old, man or woman, no matter what kind of hair loss you may have, hair club has a unique solution for you, guaranteed. No other company on the planet can make that claim. Hair club has been the recognized leader in hairloss solutions for over 35 years, with centers in over 100 locations and nearly 50,000 satisfied clients. Call now and get the facts. Hair clubs new breakthrough educational booklet is yours, free. This vital, new information, endorsed by prominent physicians, can change your life. Pick up the phone right now, and well rush it to you, free, with absolutely no obligation. As an added bonus, well also give you a free private and confidential microscopic hairandscalp analysis. But wait theres more youll also get 250 off any proven solution if you are among the first 100 callers. So call right now. Free information, free analysis, and 250 off. This incredible offer is for a limited time only. Dont tolerate hair loss another day. Look younger and feel more confident. Take on the world like your old self. Call now and change your life forever. Hair club. We do it all. For you. Youve heard from the experts. Youve heard from the clients. So lets talk about another aspect of hair club that truly makes this Company Unique its staff. At hair club, youll meet a caring staff that will help you through all aspects of hair restoration, from informative consultants to hairloss experts to worldclass hair stylists. Hair club is the only company that offers all proven hairloss solutions, backed by a guarantee of satisfaction. You almost see just the person transform right in front of you. And when they get that fuller head of hair, they stand taller, they talk louder, the more involved and social at parties and just with friends. And you see them really stand out now when they have that full head of hair back. When you have a full head of hair, theres a lot you can do with it. You can shampoo your hair, condition it, blow dry, and also curliron and style your hair. You know, this is really a personal thing. I mean, the hair club, they take the time to listen, and they take the time to get it right. We at hair club, we understand that hair loss can be a very traumatic issue, so when you come in, youre gonna hear about all of the Different Solutions that we have to offer, and then, most importantly, well be able to customize and personalize the best solution for you and your needs that day. The way that i was treated was outstanding, and one of my main great experiences is, the way they treated me, my hair stylist and i were able to vibe, we were able to communicate. She knew exactly what i wanted. I really liked going. The hair club people are very nice, very cordial and really put me at ease. Hair club will lay out all the solutions and theyll do whats right for you. As a matter of fact, youll make the decision, what you want to do. Hair club offer all Proven Solutions with the top experts and doctors in the industry. Ive had people come in who say, i actually got a promotion because of my hair, and its because they look better, they feel better, they can do so much more. Now well show you how you can get your hair back with proven hairloss solutions. Male announcer dont tolerate another day of hair loss or thinning hair, because now, the solution you need to get a fuller, naturallooking head of hair is just one phone call away. Hair club is the only company in the world to offer all tested and proven hairloss solutions, because no single solution is right for every type of hair loss. Call hair club now for this free educational booklet and get a free microscopic hairandscalp analysis at any of our hair club centers nationwide. Young or old, man or woman, no matter what nd of hair loss you may have, hair club has a unique solution for you, guaranteed. No other company on the planet can make that claim. Hair club has been the recognized leader in hairloss solutions for over 35 years, with centers in over 100 locations and nearly 50,000 satisfied clients. Call now and get the facts. Hair clubs new breakthrough educational booklet is yours, free. This vital, new information, endorsed by prominent physicians, can change your life. Pick up the phone right now, and well rush it to you, free, with absolutely no obligation. As an added bonus, well also give you a free private and confidential microscopic hairandscalp analysis. But wait theres more youll also get 250 off any proven solution if you are among the first 100 callers. So call right now. Free information, free analysis, and 250 off. This incredible offer is for a limited time only. Dont tolerate hair loss another day. Look younger and feel more confident. Take on the world like your old self. Call now and change your life forever. Hair club. We do it all. For you. At this very moment, hair club has more than 50,000 clients nationwide 50,000 people who, like you, wanted to do something about their hair loss. Wed like you to meet some of those clients now and view some of their amazing results. Hair club has changed their lives, and it all started with one sile phone call. Im an old guy with a young wife and young kids. I got a 5yearold and i got a 7yearold. Theres a lot of guys out there like me. I know a lot of you guys waited till later in life to get married and raise your families. Its kind of important for me when i drop my kids off that the other kids dont think im their grandfather, okay . You know, guys, we dont sit around and talk about fashion and hair styles a whole lot, but when im sitting around a poker table or under the lights of a pool table, nobody gives me any grief. It looks good, it looks natural, and thats all that anybody cares about. If people ask me about it, im not afraid to tell them, yeah, man, i did Something Different. I got my hair cut. My sister actually saw the hair club commercial, and she dragged me out of the house on a saturday, says, come on. Lets go. I get there, right . I see the infomercial. They talked to me about, you know, what it would be like and what they could possibly do for me. After that point, i says, im willing to give it a chance. I am so glad that i did. It has been the best thing that i have ever done, in terms of helping my selfesteem, right . Looking like the woman that i can be, right . And i flaunt it, because i can. On the day i decided to do something and actually call hair club, i went in to tell my girlfriend, and. I was so embarrassed. I was so relieved for him because, over the years, i had remembered how happy he used to be. And when he told me he was coming to hair club, i was so proud of him. So proud of him. Hair club is the only company that offers all proven hairloss solutions, backed by a guarantee of satisfaction. If you are not 100 satisfied with the option youve chosen, hair club will apply your initial Purchase Price to any of its other proven hairloss solutions. We have a library of thousands of testimonial letters from happy clients. Althgh hr club maintains a high level of confidentiality and discretion, these clients were so happy with their results, they wanted to share their experiences with you. When you go into these centers, the staff is so welltrained, and theyre so caring, because they truly care about peoples looks, and one thing you need to know is a lot of people are doing this more people than youll ever ow. And i just immediately felt rejuvenated. I felt like i had a facelift, the whole nine yards. It was just a wonderl experience. One night, i was sitting and watching tv, and a commercial came on about thhair club. I saw the commercial, and i went in, and when i walked out. [ breathes deeply ] its the truth. It was above my expectations. I got my life back. Because of my line of work, i have helmets on and off all day, and i wondered if that would have any effect on my hair. And we were in fighting a pretty good fire for a while wed been fighting it for several hours. And once we got it out, walked outside, and i was taking my turnout gear off, pulled my helmet off, and one of the guys walks up to me and says, wow. It looks great even after fighting a fire for three hours, im exhausted but i never have to worry about my hair. With the line of work that im in im in sales my image is everything. So, the better i look, the more i sell because theyre buying a part of me. So my appearance is very important to me. And i know that, regardless, if im at the gym or with my man, my hair is looking fantastic. As youve just seen, hair club really listens to its clients and really cares about improving peoples lives. When we come back, youll see what proven solution is best for you, based on your age, level of hair loss, and expectations. Well be right back. Male announcer dont tolerate another day of hair loss or thinning hair, because now, the solution you need to get a fuller, naturallooking head of hair is just one phone call away. Hair club is the only company in the world to offer all tested and proven hairloss solutions, because no single solution is right for every type of hair loss. Call hair club now for this free educational booklet and get a free microscopic hairandscalp analysis at any of our hair club centers nationwide. Young or old, man or woman, no matter what kind of hair loss you may have, hair club has a unique solution for you, guaranteed. No other company on the planet can make that claim. Hair club has been the recognized leader in hairloss solutions for over 35 years, with centers in over 100 locations and nearly 50,000 satisfied clients. Call now and get the facts. Hair clubs new breakthrough educational booklet is yours, free. This vital, new information, endorsed by prominent physicians, can change your life. Pick up the phone right now, and well rush it to you, free, with absolutely no obligation. As an added bonus, well also give you a free private and irandscalp analysis. Ic but wait theres more youll also get 250 off any proven solution if you are among the first 100 callers. So call right now. Free information, free analysis, and 250 off. This incredible offer is for a limited time only. Dont tolerate hair loss another day. Look younger and feel more confident. Take on the world like your old self. Call now and change your life forever. Hair club. We do it all. For you. Since 1976, hair club has been delivering solutions that actually work. The proof is in the pictures. Visit hair club today and get started on a customized solution that will work for you. Youve seen a number of clients today who have improved their appearance by taking that first step and calling hair club. Imagine what we can do for you. Whether you want a full head of hair or just trying to keep what you have, hair club has an option thats right for you. So, get ready to look great and feel better than youve ever felt before. Hair club has more than 50,000 clients in north america. Thats more than 50,000 reasons to call. But the most important reason is you. Whether youre 25 or 65, youll be amazed at what hair club can do for you. Call now. Stopping your hair loss is just a phone call away. Call them. Just call hair club. Hair club has worked wonders for me. Yeah, you guys dont need to shave that head. You know, keep some hair on there. Join the hair club like i did. I look better, i eat better, i work out regularly, and i drive a new car. Every day that i get up, i can say, ooh, right . And this is me. This is who i am. I look great today. Thank you, hair club. You have made such a difference in my life. And if you want to look better and if you want to feel better about yourself, hair club is the way to go. Oh, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah male announcer hair club. We do it all. For you. The preceding was paid for and furnished by hair club for men and women. This station is not responsible for claims made in the preceding program. announcer coming up, when this socalled wedding coordinator. phone ringing all day im sick of it announcer . Turn fullfledged bridezilla. Im sick of this mess i dont even want to get married no more. announcer . Cant seem to keep it together. Im not superwoman. I mess up. announcer will her day go down in flames . I just want to call it off. announcer plus, its bridezilla vanessa. Can you even believe that bch . announcer . Versus her fiances entire family. No, you are not invited to my wedding. And you will never, ever, ever, ever see johnny again. announcer next, on bridezillas announcer meet 26yearold bridetobe, jennifer. My name is jennifer spates. Im from orlando, florida. Im 26 years old. Im an event coordinator, but i specialize in weddings. announcer and her 27 yearold fiance, travis. My name is travis dickens. Im 27 years old and im an i. T. Professional. announcer the couple first connected on the internet, but the real sparks began to fly once the pair met in person. And only six months into the relationship, these two are getting married. Were getting married on march 15th, at the fountains of living water ministries. My family is really excited about the wedding. They want to see what i can pull off, me being a wedding planner. announcer but as the wedding draws near, jennifer has been forced to admit she cant do it all alone, even if shes having trouble communicating her needs. Ill step out here in this dress and one of the bridesmaids wanna get kinda rowdy. indistinct dialogue you point atnone of all that, uhuh. Aint nothing been traditional about what i planned. Our wedding, im in blue everybody in white. announcer previously. Jennifer had her hands full hunting up a hype man worthy of her high standards. Okay, its that time. Its travis and jennifers first dance. announcer then she was so unhappy with her bridal gown that she nearly bought herself a trip downtown. If you take that dress today, ill call the police department. Im going to jail today, for real. announcer and jennifer brought her dress drama front and center at her wedding shower. What yall dont realize is that if i dont have no dress, all this is in vain cause im calling off the wedding. And so its not a joke to me. I dont have a dress. whimpering announcer so will jennifer be able to clearly communicate every last detail in order to perfectly coordinate her own wedding . How im supposed to chill out when i may not have a wedding . We could still call it off. Im done talking to you. announcer or will she become an incomprehensible. No. announcer . Far from defensible. I dont know announcer . Bringin down the hammer. Now announcer . Might wind up in the slammer. Out of control ideziila just shut up, shut up. Just shut up, shut up. phone ringing all day im sick of this mess. I dont even want to get married no more im tired of this stupid mess. Im not superwoman. I mess up. announcer with her wedding only two days away, a stressedout jennifer is having her Makeup Artist over for a test run. Makeup Artist hi hello. Okay, youre looking stressed. This is my first time here. Jennifer doesnt wear makeup, so ive never seen her in makeup. Im gonna try to help her out and see where it goes from here before saturday. How you doing today . Im exhausted, frustrated, tired. I just feel like crying. If you cry, your makeups gonna run. laughing phone ringing all day im sick of it okay, if you break this phone, then your little soontobe fiance i got five other phones in the drawer. I got backup phones. Why do you have five backup phones . Because i have a tendency of throwing phones. You need to go to anger management for that. Thats not good. announcer despite jennifers phone flinging tendencies, the Makeup Artist takes her chances and gets to work on our bridezilla sour puss. You ready . You sure . You positive . Okay. Eyes closed now. Close your eyes. Beautiful. announcer jennifer is so tightly wound that the Makeup Artist insists she let her hair down, literally, before revealing the results of her labor. Can you take your hair down . Take my hair down . My ponytail is reflecting how i feel right now. Your face is a different story. Hold your head up. Oww oww you combing my forehead . I aint got no hair on my forehead like, combing my forehead. announcer jennifers surly attitude doesnt improve when she realizes the Makeup Artist actually expects her to check out her makeup in her own mirror. Makeup Artist well, go look in the mirror. What happened you were pposed to bring a mirror. Why you acting like a brat . A spoiled brat. announcer after reading jennifers silent and slightly creepy response, the Makeup Artist changes tactics and goes from scolding to hand holding. Okay, you okay . Whats the matter . Did i hurt your feelings . announcer as our bridezilla is suddenly transformed into a blithering mess. Im tired. And always keep it together and always on top of everything. I can never mess up. And im just tired of that. Im not superwoman i mess up. sniffling sometimes i overbook, sometimes i miscalculate, sometimes i just dont know. Not know what im doing for a moment and be confused. Everybody can have those moments where they can blank out, or forget about something or just, you know, shut down or something. I cant handle that. I get pulled a billion different ways every day. But youre gonna have to take a step back and breathe. You have to breathe. If you dont breathe, jennifer, youre gonna have a heart attack. And thats not good. You cant have a heart attack before your wedding. cause i came to see this blue dress. Its not blue, its periwinkle. Makeup Artist okay, im sorry, periwinkle. announcer only after streaking her face with tears of anguish, does jennifer bother to check herself out in the mirror. Just make sure the day of my wedding, you actually wear your glasses, cause you have mascara up here, down here, over yonderoh, right. Yeah. announcer coming up, jennifer continues to lose. What little is left of her cool. Its getting on my nerves im sick of this mess. I dont even want to get married no more announcer plus, this bridezilla gets confrontational. If you dont want to show up to the wedding, thats fine. announcer . With her fiances entire family. I didnt think that i could piss that many people off in this day, but i have. announcer next, on bridezillas step two, baconated cheese for awesome. Step three, get ready to wow. Step four. Mmmmm. [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents. Make the holidays pop. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me thats right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands [ girl ] make dinner pop this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. I mean, look at it. So indulgent. Did i tell you i am on the. [ both ] Chicken Pot Pie diet me too [ male announcer ] so indulgent, youll never believe theyre light. 100calorie progresso light soups. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. Some are giant. Some not so giant. When managing your weight, bigger is always better. Ho ho ho green giant announcer meet country bumpkin, bridetobe, vanessa. My name is vanessa bie. I live in evanston, wyoming. Im 20 years old, and i am a stayathome mom. announcer and her cornfed fiance, johnny. My name is johnny bench. I live in evanston, wyoming im 24. I work for the local school district, here in town, and i am half owner of a garage door company. announcer this small town twosome, first met at a local gas station, or so they say. I was out with my girlfriends, and just out having a fun night and we decided to go to the gas station, like, thats a local hangout. Everybody meets there before they go to a pay. johnny we stopped at the gas station to get some munchies on the way back, and thats how i met her. When i first met johnny, he was, kind of, like dirty. You know, he had been working on a house. She was a party girl, at first, i could tell. But, then i started talking to her, and she just started opening up to me. Id open up to her and we just started talking. And that was pretty much it. announcer while johnny and vanessa stick to their perfectly innocent version of how they met, johnnys family seems to have heard a slightly different story. Johnny said they met at the bar. And when they met at the bar, he actually went home with her friend. And the next night he went home with her. Pretty much, he got stuck with her because he knocked her up. announcer but vanessas worst enemy is johnnys stepmother, raz. Im brandzy, otherwise known as raz or satan, depending on who youre speaking to. demonic laughter raz, i really dont know what she thinks. I really dont care. Maymaybe shes druggin him, like mind control pills. No, no, no his junk is in her handbag, and he cant get it back. announcer three years after they first met, however it may have happened, the pair now have a two year old daughter, and are planning to wed, whether johnnys family likes it or not. We are getting married march 29, 2008, at the historical machine shop in evanston, wyoming. It used to be a machine yard, back in the day, and they just kind of rebuilt it. And, now its just a venue. My biggest fear is family drama. Somebody creating drama somebody bringing drama. Or a crazyass lady with big hair coming to the wedding. announcer with the risk of raz wrecking her wedding, vanessa is going to Great Lengths to ensure the ceremony is secure. Im hiring three security guards to block the doors, making sure that raz is not there. Um, so, i have asked you here, you know, to be security. You know, if you guys have to take anybody out, just, you know, take em out. Johnny Vanessa is a bridezilla because shell get in a fight with you if thats what it takes to get her way. No, youre not coming to the wedding. You try to come to the wedding and security will kick you out. I just want to flip them off, be like, heres my uglyass nails, bitches. If things dont go my way, i will yell at a person. You guys just leme cry this deleted by myself. I am controlling. Needs to be bigger. Im very neurotic. Im just kind of sitting here by myself, talking to myself. Im very meticulous. Damn it, now i have one really pink cheek. Im not afraid to let somebody know when theyre in the wrong. I never called you a slut i called your mom a slut. I will go crazy if i dont get exactly what i want, how i want it. Hey, stop it god, youre ruining it. announcer so, can vanessa pull off this wedding, and keep her fiances family away for good . Just know youre not invited to my wedding, and you will never, ever, ever, ever see johnny again. And if you dont want to show up to the wedding, thats fine. And it looks like, it looks like pissed my pants. Just fyi. announcer or, will she become a hairraising. Muckraking. Im glad that she just walked out. announcer lying, crossing. I dont give a deleted . announcer Wedding Guest tossing. You are replaceable. announcer out of control brideziila nobody knows my side of the story. I was trying to tell her my side of the story. Im sorry that i have a sugar daddy. Some people just forget that its my wedding next weekend. I would rather not have a wedding if its gonna have this drama. I dont want a wedding. Thatsthats how i roll. announcer with the wedding only a week away, johnny and vanessa make an appearance at a family picnic that vanessa was not invited to. Lets go. Hi how are you . grandma hi how are you . Good. Hello, baby are you freezing shes saying, no way, im not looking at you, grandma. announcer thats the beginning and the end of the welcome wagon. As the picnic gets underway, our partycrashing bridezilla is left alone to sulk. Basically, i sit at this table by myself. Some people just forget that its my wedding next weekend. Just, everybody doesnt seem to care that its a wedding coming up. I know its easter, but i dont even understand why people act like its not going to happen. Its pissing me off. It could just be cause theyre deleted . I dont know. announcer while vanessa snivels and whines, even her own fiance is reluctant to be by his bridezillas side. Yeah, were here to celebrate easter. Its not time foexactly focus on the wedding right now. I mean, i know that our wedding is only a week away, but its easter thats everybodys day, not just one person, and i think shes too used to having the attention on her. And shes just going to have to get over it. announcer vanessa gets sick of talking to herself, so she decides to go on a tirade trashing johnnys stepmother, raz, starting with johnnys father, who is also razs ex. Yes, its confusing. vanessa she hasnt said anything about the wedding to you . No. Well, if she goes, security will just take her off the property, but i dont know if shes gonna show up or not. I dont have a problem with you. I have a problem with raz. Well, im just saying. And her name is raz. Thats the difference between all me and all you guys. I dont care. announcer unable to rile up johnnys father, and with raz, herself, not in attendance, our bridezilla moves on to someone shes certain to anger, razs daughter, jordan. I know she talks to you, you know. So, you would know more of what she was saying about us than i would. She doesntshe doesnt talk about you guys. Shes heartbroken but she doesnt talk about it. So, why is she heartbroken . Because she doesnt get to see her son. Did she say about the lies that she would say about your dad, about you, about all your family . Does she ever talk about that . I did read a text messag from you calling me a slut. No, i called her a slut. This is ridiculous. Its ridiculous that youre ma trying to make a spectacle out of my family no. chuckling okay, then. Its kind of crazy. I knew it would happen because i know shes razs daughter. And i knew she would veomething to say. Um, i didnt think i could piss that many people off in this day in one day, but, uh, um, i he. announcer but just in case theres anyone she missed, vanessa decides to add some fuel to the fire. So i dont know if youre mad now or what. Well, a lot of us are. Well you guys can be mad because i said the truth, and i said what was going to happen. Thats fine thats fine. And if you dont want to show up to the wedding, thats fine. announcer johnnys aunt overhears vanessa badgering johnnys dad, so she jumps into the fray to put this bridezilla in her proper place. From what my undetanding is, youre only tellin half the truth. vanessa you dont know the hurtful things that she said to me. johnnys aunt so, you didnt go to a under a bar when you were 17 and how you got pregnant. vessa no, i didnt go into a bar. What bar did i go into . The bar that johnny said thats where he met you from. No, i met johnny at a maverick thanks a lot. I dont know the whole truth on you. I get you got pregnant, one night stand, and that you werent even involved with him. No am i getting married to him . Am i getting married to him . Do i believe in all that deleted no. Now, i suggest that you do some censoring also. If you guys want to come to the wedding, everybodys more than welcome to come to the wedding. If you dont, thats fine thats what you believe. Okay, vanessa. No, im telling them, johnny im i dont care. No, dont touch me. All right calm down. No, its ridiculous. Lets go lets go lets go. All right. johnny i thought everybody, including vanessa, everybody acted like a fool, and thats it. vanessa including vanessa i heard that. Yeah, you went crazy just like everybody else did. vanessa yes, i went crazy, because were you not arguing back with them . Because i told them the truth. Well, i guess i shouldnt have told them the truth. I told them, too they all look like fools. I said they all dohe same thing. Well, i dont care. Well. I really dont care. I would rather not why do you want to talk about it . I would rather not have a wedding if its going to have this drama. I dont want a wedding. I dont want a wedding, period. Okay. Okay. Nobodys going to show up and youre gonna blame me. If nobody shows up, thats their own deal. Nobodys gonna show up because im not worrying about whos showing up well, its not going to happen so nobody needs to show up. announcer jennifers wedding is just a day and half away, and after her Wedding Dress woes nearly landed her in jail. Im done. dressmaker i am, too if you take that dress today, ill call the police department. Im going to jail today, for real, so lets just go. announcer she managed to find a friend to finish the dress for her. So you ready to try it on . Yeah. Okay. Yay thank you i am so happy now. There will be a wedding on saturday. announcer but it might not be time to celebrate just yet. While the dress issue has been resolved, there are a few more loose ends surely to tie our bridezilla into knots. So, is everything taken care of out the wedding . Is everything paid for . Well, i did ask my best man to, you know, chip in to help me with the reception hall cause i came up a little bit short on that. How you came up a little short and you been knowing you had to pay it . travis cause ive been taking the funds and doing what with it . travis putting it toward other stuff, man. Other stuff, like what . travis besides this wedding, we still gotta have food. So i had to pay the bills, stuff like that. So, im supposed to meet this lady at 5 30 with no money. How were we even gonna have a wedding without no reception hall . travis just chill out. jennifer how am i supposed to chill out, when i may not have a wedding . First it was my dress issue, and i didnt think i was going to have a wedding. Now its, im not going to have a reception hall. travis thatll work. At least youll have the wedding you wanted. It wont be the wedding i want, because its not the reception that i want. travis aint those two Different Things . No well, im doing the best i can, man. I told you id try to have your best aint good enough you need to try harder. Am i excited for the wedding . The jurys still out on that one. I just want it to be over with right now. So where are we supposed to have the reception at . So, why are you being stupid . Stop playing if you hit me one more time, im gonnstop this car. Its already stopped were at a red light. At first, it was the Wedding Dress. I didnt know if i was going to have a wedding becausof the Wedding Dress. And then i get that situated, and its the reception hall. Im still not sure if were even gonna have a reception. Well have a reception all the food that people are cookin, where we gonna put it at . All these centerpieces that i got, where we gonna put it at . At the house. Dont talk to me. You fell into that 85 with the rest of the people. travis now, im one of the stupid people . Yep. announcer while our bridezilla storms off to have a tantrum, travis tries to work things out with the reception hall. Ill work with ya. Youre one of our veterans im not going to mess you up. announcer while travis is busy resolving issues, his bridetobe is busy creating new ones. Travis rushes over after jennifer, apparently, hauled off, and hurled a chair for, as of yet, unspecified reasons. I want that chair outta here i do not want a chair here. I want it outta here i want it gone in the garbage can i dont care. But i want it out of here now now announcer a bewildered travis removes the offending chair, which, as it turns out, our, potentially, colorblind bridezilla believes is really. Pink . jennifer im tired of this everythings just messing up. Everybodys getting on my nerves im sick of this mess i dont even want to get married no more. Im tired of this stupid mess sobbing its gonna all come together tomorrow. Its just a chair. To you, its just a chair to me, its my whole wedding. We turned the pink around you cant even see it. Its still pink i know its pink. It doesnt matter if anybody else can see it. I know its pink, so its not right. Come on, lets just go back in. jennifer stupid chair s are all messed up. announcer coming up. When communications continue to collapse. Oh, she hung up. And she hung up again. And again, she hung up. announcer . Will vanessa have the last laugh . Youre not invited to my wedding. I will have security so far up your ass that you wont even believe it. announcer and then, when jennifers fiance dares to speak out. He wanted to give an opinion. Thats bullcrap. announcer . Our bridezilla decides to walk out. Next, on bridezillas no you dont even get football. [ male announcer ] when youve got 100 fiber optic fios, you get it. Americas fastest, most reliable internet. Its the ultimate for downloading, streaming, and chatting. You have that guy all over the football field. Thanks, joe if the running backs dont start picking up the blitz, the quarterback is going to have a long night. Is that your sister . Look, are you trying to take my job . Maybe. [ male announcer ] this is your last chance to switch to a fios triple play online for just 89. 99 a month guaranteed for the first year. Plus, your choice of a 300 bonus with a 2year agreement. Fios is 100 fiber optic. So you get americas fastest, most reliable internet and unbeatable tv picture quality. This amazing offer is going fast, so switch to fios today. Visit verizon. Com superbonus call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities and get this deal before its gone. At 8009746006 tty v. Offer ends november 16th. Technology that lets you play with the big boys. Thats powerful. announcer the day after crashing her inlaws picnic, and trading barbs with johnnys stepsister, jordan. Um, i did read a text message from you, calling me a slut. No, i called her a slut. announcer . Vanessa decides to call up her sisterinlaw to further fan the flames of this heated family feud. Hi, jordan its vanessa. Um, so, youve been leaving messages. I just want to know what you wanted to get cleared up. jordan on phone i didnt leave a message for you. So you wont talk to me, though. Why wont you talk to me . jordan because i dont want to talk to you, vanessa. Ive done nothing to you. Ive been nothing but cordial to you. Why havent you ever come and talked to me . Oh, she hung up. chuckling maniacally oh, gosh. She makes me laugh. announcer tickled by jordans hangup, vanessa calls her back for some more hilarious harassment. You what . jordan im not doing this with you. Okay, then dont do it with me. Just know youre not invited to my wedding, and you will never, ever, ever, ever see johnny again. Youre not going to be at my wedding period. The end. jordan oh, no. No, youre not coming to the wedding you try to come to the wedding, and security will kick you out. And she hung up again. phone ringing jordan yes . Why wont you just talk to me . jordan why should i . What did i even do i asked you questions. jordan you made a total fiasco out of our family easter party. A total fiasco you guys fought back with me. You ran off, and your aunt yelled at me. jordan i didnt fight with you. I simply was trying to say that i didnt want to be in the middle of this crap between you know, what think about it. Thats the first time youve ever really even talked to me. No ive talked to you before. jordan not in that length. Have you ever talked to me like, have you ever called me . jordan not even close not even close. Have you ever called me . jordan have you this is the first time you have ever called me, so dont give me that deleted , little girl. No, im done with you. And again, she hung up. announcer our bridezilla clearly cant take a hint, and even after three hangups in as many minutes, vanessa is determined to make this bad situation even worse. beeping shes not going to answer this time. jordan this is the last time i will answer my phone for you. What do you want . Please, just tell me what you want to say right now. jordan why do you care because i decide. You got to bombard us about questions and lies about my mother. I wasi was clearly just stating the truth. I was clearly getting my side off. jordan you were not stating the truth. Then tell me what the truth is. jordan the things you were saying about my mom was a lie, if not all of it. Okay, what exactly was a lie tell me what was a lie. jordan im done talking to you. Okay, well, youre not invited to the wedding. She hung up again. announcer after enduring a barrage of our bridezillas baiting phone calls, jordan finally lets the call go to voicemail, so vanessa proceeds to leave the mother of all messages. Youre not invited to my wedding. I will have security so far up your ass that you wont even believe it. Do not come to my wedding do not talk to johnny. The end goodbye. announcer after a stressfilled afternoon of money woes, and pesky pink chairs, our bridezilla tries to compose herself before arriving at the church for the rehearsal. Im not going to act a fool in the church. I have respect for god. I love jesus. He can strike me dead. announcer once inside, jennifer immediately rounds up the Wedding Party in order to get the rehearsal started. jennifer all right, can i have my groomsmen, please . Yall gonna actually walk in, yes, boss yes, boss. Yall not going to be standing up. announcer though jennifer claims to be a wedding coordinator, she proceeds to befuddle the entire bridal party by insisting the men walk down the aisle without the women. So it will actually be you, the best man. You first you, you go. Yeah, then you. woman we all walk in by ourself . Yeah. announcer jennifers pastor doesnt appreciate her men first, ladies second approach to the wedding march and tries to intervene on behalf of tradition. I dont know what you want to do. We aint having no ghetto wedding. We gonna do it the way its supposed to be done. You come you and the best man will follow me. The groomsmen will come out with the girls. And you all gonna stand there. Thats the way it goes. pastor you want the men to walk down . But its bad luck, cause the groom should never walk down the aisle. travis i had no clue what was going on as far as walking down the aisle and stuff. And i just found out i was going to be walking that im actually going to be walking down the aisle. I thought i was going to be up there, you know, like a regular wedding. I was a caterer and a wedding coordinator, so i know how it goes. And because she didnt ask for help, shes trying to do it herself. Brides dont do their own stuff. They get help. announcer jennifer doesnt take kindly to having her professional coordinating skills called into question, but instead of standing up to the pastor, jennifer takes out her aggression on travis. That dont make sense to me. Its just my opinion. announcer when jennifer realizes that her fiance hates her ideas, our broken and betrayed bridezilla flees the scene. jennifer im done with it. Ever since i started planning this wedding, travis aint have nothing to do with it. He was just like, tell me where to walk and where to stand. I dont want to know nothing. Anytime i tried to tell him about, he didnt want to know nothing about it. But, oh, as soon as other people opinion get in, oh, he wants to give an opinion. All week long ive been begging him to do anything to help me out. Ive cried so many times because he wouldnt do nothing. But all of a sudden, somebody elses opinion get thrown out there, he want to get an opinion. Thats bullcrap announcer hurt that his beloved bridezilla stormed off in silence, travis calls her to try and make amends. phone ringing hello . Thats all i was doin was tellin you what i feel like. And then tryin to get you to understand that what you got goin on announcer with vanessas wedding only three days away, she uses her fiances money to treat bridesmaid tiffany and best friend, marcie, to a manipedi makeover. Whether tiffany wants one or not. So its nice that you could make it to this little nail appointment, since youre so busy and all. I have a job. I dont think i knew that, but im glad that you told me that right now. Because if you wouldnt have told me, i dont think i would have known. I dont have a guy paying for my deleted . Im sorry at i have a sugar daddy. Im sorry that johnny likes to pay for everything. announcer having smugged her bridesmaid into silence, our bridezilla turns to the issue of what to do with tiffanys twoyearold son during the wedding. Anyway, so tiffany, weve got to figure out what were going to do about kylar, about whos going to sit with him. If he doesnt know him, like, hes not going to go to him. Yeah. So lance is for sure not coming . Hes going to have his daughter. Kylar will like have a cow if he doesnt know him. Hell like scream his head off. announcer tiffany had suggested allowing her sister to come to the wedding to babysit during the ceremony, but our bridezilla wasnt having it. And when the idea comes up again, vanessa still isnt interested in this solution. So your sister coming to the wedding is still a negative, im thinking. So my son can just cry through your whole wedding, then. Thats fine with me. I still dont think that she should come. But thats my personal opinion. Why you know h. Its not like im bringing a cplete stranger to your wedding. Because it is like shes a complete stranger. I havent talked to her in like two years. So if i didnt send her an invitation, why would i have her at the wedding . Like, really its not going to cause any harm to have one extra butt in a seat. Because its just like i dont know her. If you honestly think that you should bring her to my wedding, i dont want you to be there. You can find a new bridesmaid. vanessa i will find one. Theres your replacement right there. I didnt want to come to this nail thing anyway, so you can pay for my crap. vanessa i will. announcer vanessa is so set on her exclusive guest list, that she actually lets her bridesmaid sto out over a single invitation. Arrivederci. Shes being so sensitive. I mean, i know im demanding, but its my day its my wedding. So now its looking like her outfits gonna have to fit you because shes not in my wedding anymore. sighing thats all right its fine. Shes replaceable. announcer coming up, it should be the happiest day of her life, so did someone forget to tell the bride . I just want to call it off. announcer next on bridezillas announcer its the morning of jennifers big day and after her fight with travis the night before, its unclear how shes feeling about the wedding. So yeah, last night me and travis got into a big fight. I called it off. He apologized, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him again. announcer but even travis ultraromantic gesture hasnt done anything to improve this brizillas brooding. Am i feeling it . Not really. Im just im not even really excited. announcer jennifers sorry state gets that much worse when her Makeup Artist calls in sick and has to cancel. So, whats going on now . Well, were going to go to the mall, get our nails done. And were going to go to the mac counter in belks or dillards or whatevers at the mall and were just going to get you a free makeover or whatever it is because we cant wait for other people to make friend who not . announcer with the wedding less than two hours away, the odds are getting everything done are growing more dismal by the minute. And then travis calls with more good news. travis i dont think ill be able get there by 1 15. jennifer whats wrong now . He dont think hes gonna be ready by 1 15. He dont even think hell be there by 2 00. friend youre not calling off the wedding. I am done with it. I am seriously just done with it. Like friend so youre not going to go and get your nails and stuff done . Its 12 18. And that means what . Because Chinese People do nail in 10 and 15 minutes. You have to take care of you today. You the bride. Everybody else can look like hot mess. announcer with time running out, jennifer skips the nails, gets a bridesmaid to smear on some circa 1980 blue eye shadow and is nearly ready when she realizes that h photographer is nowhere to be found. I dont even know where travis even at. Im just mad at myself right now. I just want to call it off. I just want it over so bad. announcer having proved a complete failure at crdinating her own wedding day, jennifer locks herself in the bathroom to have a good cry. crying announcer after waiting a whole day to suddenly decide she doesnt like her nails, vanessa and marcie storm into the unsuspecting nail salon to demand a refund. Can we get a refund for our nails and her toenails . marcie my nails are fine. My toenailsi dont like them. I even told the lady when she was doing them i did not like them. And she didnt do anything about it. Hmm . My toenails, i dont like them. And she doesnt like her nails. I dont like them. Can i get a refund . Can you turn off your camera . announcer that may have been it for our cameras, but our bridezilla was just getting warmed up. So are we not going to get the refund or what . Yes, i dont like them. Theyre not long enough and thats not what i wanted. I just want a refund, period. I have to have a refund. vanessa no. vanessa but if a person doesnt like your product, wouldnt you refund them the money . Take my nails off . marcie this is a service, sweetie. vanessa no, its a product. marcie no, no, its a service. vanessa no, its not. Okay, if i was paying this service, i would not pay vanessa yeah, and if i say, i dont like it, yeah, they redo it or they refund me. vanessa i dont want them redone though. announcer though clearly not comprehending the salons very valid point, vanessa does begin to realize that she wont be getting her money back, so she offers a few final barbs and storms out. vanessa i think we should just go. But you guys are the one thats looking bad, you guys are the ones that gave us crappy service. So dont ever, ever expect us to come in here. I dont understand why its that big of a deal to get a refund for something you dont like. vanessa i dont either. Like, if you bought something at the store, you wanted to take it back, they would take it back. And theyre like, mocking tone if you dont lika the service, you tell us that day. Uh, we had things to do. mocking tone oh, we been open for six months, no complaints. Yeah, right thats all we ever heard. I cant believe that. These people are just bitches. announcer coming up, jennifers bridesmaids take a stand. Open the door open the door we need to come in. jennifer no announcer . Against this bridezillas endless tantrum. And youre gonna get up, go get your clothes. You have people at the church. announcer next on bridezillas i was having trouble getting out of bed in the morning because my back hurt so bad. The sleep number bed conforms to you. I wake up in the morning with no back pain. I can adjust it if i need to. If my backs a little more sore. And by the time i get up in the morning, i feel great if you have back pain, toss and turn at night or wake up tired with no energy, the sleep number bed could be your solution. The sleep number beds secret is its air chambers which provide ideal support and put you in control of the firmness. And the bed is perfect for couples because each side adjusts independently to their unique sleep number. Heres what Clinical Research has found 93 of participants perienced backpain relief. 90 reported reduced aches and pains. 87 fell asleep faster and enjoyed more deep sleep. For study summaries, call this number now. Well include a free dvd and brochure about the sleep number bed including prices, and models plus a free 50 savings card. And how about this . Steel springs can cause uncomfortable pressure points. But the sleep number bed contours to your body. Imagine how good youll feel when your muscles relax and you fall into a deep sleep im not just a back surgeon, im also a back patient. I sleep on the sleep number bed myself and i highly recommend it to all of my patients. Need another reason to call . The sleep number bed costs about the same as an innerspring but lasts twice as long. So if you want to sleep better or find relief for your bad back, call now. Call the number on your screen for your free information kiwith dvd, brochure and price list. Call right now and youll also receive a 50 savings card just for inquiring about the sleep number bed. Ask about our riskfree 100night inhome trial. Call now for your free information kit and a free 50 savings card. Call now announcer already 45 minutes late to h own wedding, jennifer is still refusing to come out of the bathroom and her bridesmaids are not amused. Uh, jennifer . jennifer uh, yeah . together op the door jennifer hold on. What are you doing . jennifer sitting on the toilet stool. Are you using the bathroom or are you just using the toilet . jennifer sitting on the toilet stool. Youre asking too much information right now. Well, open the door we need to come in. jennifer no well, were actually about to gang up together and go ahead and kick the door in, in about five seconds. announcer jennifer does emerge from the bathroom only to go and hide in the stairwell. Whats going on now cause you dealing with other people timing. Its not on just you, jennifer. If yall honestly dont want to be here and got an attitude right now, im going through a lot and its go to be so what are we supposed to do . We can help out. I need yall to give me some peace right now, thats all i need. Jennifer, we are trying to help you yall are yelling at me. You yelling at me. Nobodys yelling at you, jennifer. We trying to talk to you. Were not gonna have this crap, okay . Youre gonna get up, you gonna go get your clothes. You have people at the church, so we not gonna start this. We been here to try to help you. You need to get up. This is supposed to be a very important day. Jesus, jesus. Im nosaying for me, for you. Jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus. Call travis jen, get up and lets get moving. Jesus, jesus. You cant sit up there and have the breakdowns. We trying to help you. We behind you, we trying to support you. Thats what i told you the other day, jennifer. I said, if you need help steph, you been here for a long time and you better say more than two words to me. It dont matter about that indistinct yelling you sitting there worrying about me talking to you what are you worried about people talking to you for . Were right here lets get up and lets get what needs to be done, done. You sitting here having a fit, buthave it on your time, dont have it on mine. Dont call me over here to be here and stuff and you sitting her acting like a little kid. I got kids downstairs, i dont need to deal with a grown woman who acting like a little girl. You got to be at the church. Either be a woman and tell him its off or do what you want to do. Im going to take my time until i feel like getting ready to go. Weve all tried to make this day as special as we could, but if you need help you need to let us know. Because crying on the steps does not solve anything. So right now, yes i am. Im quite frustrated, along with myself, dee and stephanie. Were all frustrated, so. steph jennifer, get up. Were not fittin to pull on you. Everybodys adults here. Come on, lets get up. Were not here to make you get married. You called us to help you out. So either you want our help or let us know now, so we can do what we got to do. I said leave give me a moment, but yall yelling and talking aint gonna do anything, because im really not even moving on what you said already. I said i need a moment give me that moment. We could all do it later. Thats what im talking about. Not considering everybody else, and thats what i dont like. Dont play with my time. announcer now over an hour late for her own wedding, jennifer finally drags her sorry self upstairs and slowly pours into her periwinkle Wedding Dress. Jennifer, how much longer is it going to be . About ten. About ten minutes, ten, fifteen minutes. announcer the moment the wedding begins, jennifer calms down enough to remember shes marrying the man of her dreams. Then all the signs of a bridezilla evaporate. And a pretty princess dressed in periwinkle emerges. For 27 years, ive been searching for my rib and today i know i found it. I promise to be your protector, your priest, and i take care of you for the rest of your life. I love you, jennifer. laughing i vow to always love you. Always cherish you, always support you, to mention that youre always first in my heart. crying and try to hold my peace. I said, try. laughing i vow to love you for the rest of my life. I love you, baby. Well, it gives me great honor today to pronounce you travis dickens, to jennifer spates, as husband and wife. You may kiss your bride. crowd cheering this wedding has truly shown me who my friends was. And at the end of the day. I guess i am superwoman. travis im excited. Im glad its over. We finally did it. You know, we got down that aisle. That was the most important thing. We had some bumps and bruises along the way, but we finally got down that aisle. So im just happy its all over with. Yeah, shes a bridezilla. She called off the wedding twice. She screamed at everybody, kicked out half of the Wedding Party, you know, fought and flushed all the way to the altar. The things im looking the most forward to is getting some rest and not dealing with fake people. Im cutting them all t my life now. This is my new best friend. This is all i need. The rest of em im done with. announcer on the next episode of bridezillas its vanessa the vixen. Versus her fiances entire family. Pretty much he got stuck with her because he knocked her up. announcer should her inlaws come to town. Go away announcer . The wedding will go into lock down. If you guys have to take anybody out, ju take em t. announcer plus, donna loves to spend money. Let me have your debit card. announcer and her fiance doesnt think its funny. You have a whole fing suitcase of clothes. announcer its all fun and games until she loses a tooth. Im getting married in three days and i have a chipped tooth announcer on the next episode of bridezillas today on the test. You were cheating on me. Did he put his cheating ways behind him . The surprise ending that is a first for the test do you want to know what im going to do. Does junk in the trunk mean he is cheating . We were all watching the porn. You got so excited driving and thinking about them that you decided toake care of yourself . My business myself. And you did this in the trunk . Today on the test. [applause] [ ] [cheering] kirk hello and welcome to the the test im kirk fox. Another dad another denial another dna drama. My first guest says he doesnt want to touch a baby. He knows is not his. Lets bring out the baby daddy in question. Please welcome kalia to the show. [applause] have a seat. All right, tell me what is going on well, basically, you know, ive been with my girlfriend for five years. And we have a child together. And i feel like the child is not known because i caught her in a lie. She told me a story and i went with it. And come to find out after investigation it was a lie. What was the story . Well, the story is kirk because you have been together five years five years you know. And kirk and the child is two years old the child is two years old i claim her as my daughter because i raised her i am her father i have been there. For the past years every doctors appointment and signed the birth certificate with doubts. So i am her father kirk you had doubts out of the gate . No, i found out three months into it. Come to find out i asked her was dealing with anybody that you work at. And she said no. Three months into the pregnancy she did. And around the time that she got pregnant she was supposedly cheating on me. And i stepped out im not perfect i am not a saint. We have all done our thing kirk were you cheating at the same time . No, we wont werent. Ive cheated on her before. Ive told her i came truthful thiss my truth what ive done. If you want to take the relationship to the next level kirk was she honest about her cheating, too no, to this day she will say i have not cheated. I love her and i want to be with her. If we are going to make this happen all truth needs to be known everything needs to be out there. [cheering] kirk good. Now, were you at the hospital . I was at the hospital when the baby was born. I sat there the whole four hours she was in labor. Im there holding her hand and do everything im supposed to do. Time for the baby to come out. And the baby comes out kirk you could have gotten paid as a doctor i look at the baby and i cannot do this its not minement i was it hurt my soul to the core. I left the hospital kirk that quick . I left the hospital. I came back the next day for two days i sat there in that window and looked at this baby. Did not hold the baby did not touch the baby did not do anything just looked at this child and when they brought her to me kirk were you waiting for the child to say come here . No. But when they brought me the baby and i held her and looked at her and she looked at me and laughed i fell in love. I was done. I want to be a father. I want to be a father and when i held her and looked down and she smiled at me, love at first sight. Are you my baby my child kirk what does today mean to you . The rest of my life. I love her and i love being a father. I love this life. And its like its sad kirk if you love being a father so much it should not matter the child is minor not, i will be there for the child. But if Something Different to know that is your blood and your line being carried on and i deserve that. I want to know that. Kirk tiara says there is no way her coworker is the babys daddy she slept with him

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