Welcome to gospel truth with andrew wommack. A Teaching Ministry that focuses on gods unconditional love and grace. And now, heres andrew. Welcome to our fridays broadcast of the gospel truth. Today i am continuing my series through the book of romans and we are now in romans, chapter 7 and today im beginning with verse 14. I actually covered through verse 14, but ill start there and go through the rest of the chapter. Let me just say that ive been teaching through the book of romans and this is so powerful. This is completely opposite what most people are being taught by the religious church today. Im talking about the religious christian church. Most new testament christians have not discovered their liberty in christ. They are still living under the Old Testament law and trying to mix law and grace together, and it just doesnt work. You know, im not going to cover this verse. I. Im going to quit right after the first few verses in romans, chapter 10, but let me just flip over and read romans, chapter 11, and verse 6, and heres what paul said. He says. Well, let me just go up to verse 5. It says, even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. And if it be by grace, then is it no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace otherwise work is no more work. You know, this is kind of confusing wording in the king james here, but what hes saying is, if its by grace then its not of works; otherwise it wouldnt be grace; and if its of works, well then theres no grace to it, otherwise its not works. In other words, hes saying you cant mix these two. You cannot mix the Old Testament law and the new testament grace and this is what so many christians are being taught today, that the new testament salvation doesnt undo anything in the Old Testament. It all fits together perfectly, and yet jesus taught just the opposite. You know, his example about you cant put new wine into old wineskins. That was talking about you cant put the new covenant into the Old Testament law. Itll burst and the wine will run out. You cant put a new patch on an old garment because itll shrink and itll tear and take away from it. He was talking about the incat. Incompatibility of the new testament and the Old Testament together. Now the Old Testament. Again ive. Ive tried to go out of my way to say this. If youre just watching this program today and this is the first time youve ever tuned in, you may be taking some. You might be drawing some conclusions that are not what im saying. I am not against the Old Testament law if you use it for its purpose. The purpose of the law was never to produce justification. Ive already dealt with this in romans, chapter 3, but let me just read this quickly. It says, now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law. And heres the purpose of the law. That every mouth may be stopped, and that all the world may become guilty before god. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin. The word justified means to be in right standing with god, to be declared free from the guilt and penalty attached to grievous sins. Now if you try and use the law to give people a knowledge of their sins. To show them that they need salvation. They cant save themselves. Its not based on your good outweighing your bad. If you use the law to get that point across, i am 100 for the law. That was the purpose of the law. But if you try and use the law for justification, being declared right in the sight of god. To have relationship with god, im against that, and sad to say, most of the body of christ today is being taught that you have to adhere to all of these rules and regulations in order to be right with god and that is not true it is not a works righteousness. Its a faith righteousness that we have in the new testament. So i know that there are some people drawing a conclusion that i am against the law. Im not against the law if you use the law for its purpose. But if you use the law for new testament believers to try and fulfill all of the commands, so that they can be accepted by god, well then i am against that. I am against a misuse of the law and there are just so many scriptures. This is what the book of romans has been teaching up to this point. Romans, chapter 6 talked about that our old sin nature was dead and then in romans, chapter 7 it says that just like a woman is bound by the law to her husband as long as hes alive, but if hes dead, then she can be married again, and there is no sin. Theres nothing wrong with it. Likewise, if we still have an old sin nature, then the law has dominance over us. But as described in romans, chapter 6, our old sin nature is dead, gone and nonexistent. We are no longer compelled to live in sin. The only reason a christian lives in sin is because he doesnt know the truth. You have to know the truth to be set free. John, chapter 8, verse 32. And christians have not learned the truth. We dont know that were a totally brand new person. We dont understand that god is a spirit and that he looks at us in the spirit man and he sees us righteous and holy and pure, but we think that we are still an old sinner saved by grace and because of that, we only give token resistance to sin because after all, its our nature and thats what the book of romans has been saying. But then paul comes up to romans, chapter 7 and he begins to describe how he just cannot seem to overcome the evil that he doesnt want to do and the good that he wants to do, he was always falling short of that. People have taken these verses out of context to say that this is descriptive of the normal Christian Life. That even the apostle paul who wrote half of the new testament lived a schizophrenic life and that this is what we are just destined to. Were doomed to it until we die to go to be with the lord and im saying no, that is not what this is saying. So keep in mind all of these things that weve studied in the book of romans up to this point. Now, lets look at these passages of scripture. In romans, chapter 7, verse 14 he says, for you know that the law is spiritual but i am carnal, sold under sin. For that which i do i allow not for what i would, that do i not; but what i hate, that do i. You know again, this is in the king james. I could go to some other translations and probably try and put this into more modern terms that people might relate to. But one of the reasons i dont do that is because in an effort to update this into a modern language, they also share some truths in there that i believe are unscriptural. So even though this is a little wordy. Its awkward the way. We dont talk this way anymore. Im sticking with the king james just because i dont want to insert into it some of the modern theology that i totally disagree with. So stick with me. Work through this. Its worth the effort to be able to plo. Plod through this and to get what hes saying. In verse 17 he says now then it is no more i that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. Now, people take this to say, see, its this sin nature and ive already made a great point on this. I havent go time to go back through it, but in romans, chapter 6 he showed that we are dead to sin. That sin has been destroyed, but it left hi b who was programmed with the wrong way of thinking. How to lust. How to do all of these kind of things, and so here this isnt talking about your sin nature that is compelling you, but its talking about what i call the residual old man. The old man. The old nature is dead and gone, but it left behind an unrenewed mind, bad memories. Bad habits. You know, some of you. Before you got born again you smoked. You drank. You cussed. You did all kinds of things, and when you get born again, your nature has been changed. Now when you hit your thumb with a hammer, you might still have a profanity come out against the very one that youve committed your life to. But you know what . It is not your nature that compels you to do that. You were programmed that way. You spent 20. 30. 40. 50 years training yourself that when something bad happens, you respond with some profanity or blasphemy against god and now that youre born again, youre going to still come up with some of those same things until you renew your mind. But you know, it doesnt take too many times of you doing Something Like that and you get embarrassed and say, god, how could i say this . This is completely contrary to this commitment i made to you and it does. Over a period of time, you get to where you change and you dont do that anymore. Why, because all of a sudden your nature has now changed . No, your nature was taken away the moment you were born again but you were programmed how to act a certain way. Many of you were programmed. You spent your whole life praising god for fridays. You know, tgif thank god its friday, and then monday you talk about oh its blue monday and you spend 20. 30 years doing that and you get born again over the weekend, but on monday, if you have been up every monday for the last 20 years talking about how bad it is that youve got to get back into the routine, youre going to wind up going through that same progression of things and before you know it, by noon all of the sudden youre depressed the way you have been for 20 years and yet you got born again the day before. Why isnt it just automatically changed . Its because your nature is changed, but your mind is still going to function the way that youve programmed it to function until you rechange it. Reprogram it and theres things you can do. You know, i had one of my staff come through one time and i was in the break room and it was a young guy. He was only about 20 years old or maybe even younger than that and he came through and he just ran in and goes tadaaa. Tgif. And i said so what does tgif mean . He says, thank god its friday. And i said, whats so great about friday . And he says well, its the end of the work week. I dont have to work tomorrow. I get saturday and sunday off. And i said, do you not like working here . And i mean all of a sudden he got serious as a heart attack, and he said no, i love working here. He says, i. I like my job. I said, well you dont act like you like your job. I said, you know what . Theres a hundred people who would gladly take your job. I could get somebody to replace you. If you dont like working, i said, i can get. I could solve that problem right now and you can be off every day, and boy, this guy started back peddling. Oh im sorry. I didnt mean that. Of course, i was playing with him, but my point is see that if you are one of those that man, youre excited about friday and you know, first of all you need to find gods will for your life. If youre in gods will, you ought to like what youre doing. You ought to love what youre doing. But you need to get rid of this mindset. But see if youve spent 20. 30. 40 years programming yourself and you live this cycle, then even though youre born again, youre going to wind up going through the same cycle because you programmed yourself to love fridays and hate mondays and youre going to continue to do that until you reprogram yourself. But you can change those things. Its liberating to find out that its not your nature. When this is saying, its not me doing it, but it is sin that dwells in me. This isnt talking about your sin nature because your sin nature has been dealt with. This is talking about the. What i call the residual old man or the whats left of the old man. The teachings. The attitude. The values that he placed in you and you find this conflict. There is still a conflict in the Christian Life. Its not just that the moment youre born again instantly everything is perfect. Your motivations are perfect. Your memorys perfect. You forgot every wrong thing. Youll never use profanity. Youll never smoke. Youll never drink. Youll never do any of these things again. No, your nature is changed but now you have to renew your mind and it takes effort. There is still a struggle, not because your nature. By nature you are a part devil, but no, its because that part of you that was of the devil and born in sin instilled these things in your flesh. What the bible calls the flesh. And you are going to continue to have some of these things until you renew them. But you arent destined to a life of just constant struggle. You can renew yourself and overcome this. In verse 18 paul said, for i know that in me, that is, in my flesh. Now, that is in parentheses here. It is super important that you understand this. Paul said, i know that in me that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing. This would have been an inaccurate statement if he would have just said, i know that in me dwelleth no good thing, and sad to say, thats the way that the vast majority of christians today think. The vast majority of christians just sit there and say well, i know im nothing. Without christ i can do nothing. They will quote john, chapter 15 where jesus said. I believe its verse 5, without me you can do nothing. And theyll say i can do nothing without jesus, and they just live there, and you know what, thats true. Jesus said that. But in the new covenant, once you get born again, you arent without jesus. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Youve been born again. You became a new person and for the new testament born again christian to say, in me theres no good thing, then youre wrong. Paul didnt say that. He said, for i know that in m, and then parentheses, that is, in my flesh. Talking about the body and the soul. The mental emotional part of you. Not talking about your born again spirit. In just your body and in your soul, you are not changed yet. You may be changing. You may be Getting Better than you were, but you arent perfect yet and compared to gods perfect standard, your flesh. That body and the unrenewed mind, your soul, is not perfect and in it dwells no good thing. You know, if you were to go through here again, i could teach on this for hours and im trying to cram all of this into a little 30 minute segment. If i could go through here and just show you the number of times that he specifically mentioned not his spirit, but his flesh. Like in verse 14 he talks about i know that the law is spiritual but i am carnal. Thats a reference to his physical body and his mental emotional part. Not his spirit because his spirit is spiritual. It is perfect. Its complete. I just taught a series not long ago on spirit, soul and body and if you understand that you are the righteousness of god in your spirit. As jesus is so are you in this world. Thats true in your spirit, not in your physical body. So he says, but i am carnal. See, this is. This is a key to understanding this. Paul is not describing his life as this mature christian who is just schizophrenic going back and forth. He is describing any person whether its a lost person or even a christian, if you are just living out of your own self. If you are trying to live the Christian Life by your own ability, its impossible. The Christian Life isnt difficult, its impossible its beyond mans ability. You cant do it in yourself. In your lost self. Or in your born again saved self. You cannot do it based on your own power. You need the quickening power of the holy spirit. You have to live from the spirit, not from your carnal selfpoint. And so again he said right here, i know that in me. Parentheses, that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing for to will is to present with me; but how to perform that which is good i find not. Now again, this isnt talking about the mature apostle paul who is just living a schizophrenic life and dealing with failure constantly. In contrast to this paul said in many places. 1 corinthians, chapter 11 is one of them. Where he says, be followers of me as i follow christ. There was three or four times paul said, follow me. He used himself as an example and he is not telling people that you are supposed to live this life to where you just cant do whats right, and so i cant do whats right. I failed. The good that i want to do i cant do. Just follow me. No, hes describing what it would be like for him in himself. Heres one of the keys and i. Again, ill say this later as i get into romans, chapter 8, but in romans, chapter 7, the word spirit is only mentioned one time in verse 6, he says, but now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; and the word spirit here isnt even referring to your born again spirit. Its not referring to a part of your anatomy. The word spirit can also mean mental disposition. When you tell somebody thats the spirit or you say youve got a great school spirit. Youre talking about a great attitude. The word spirit can be used that way, and thats the way its used in romans, chapter 7. So the word spirit as referring to the born again spirit isnt even used in romans, chapter 7. This is talking about a person who is trying to relate to god. To serve god. To do the right thing. But just in your own physical effort. In your natural body, your willpower. Youre trying to serve god and its describing the frustration and the complete inability to do that. But in contrast, romans, chapter 8 is one of the most victorious, positive chapters in the entire bible, talking about that we can do all things and that god is just for us and in contrast in the book of romans, chapter 8, the word spirit as referring to the bornagain part of you is used over 20 times. I think its either 21 or 27 times that the word is spirit used. So see, romans 8 where it is talking about the spirit is victorious, powerful. Romans, chapter 7 is frustrating. Im trying to do the right things but i cant do it. The good that i want to do, i fail to do. The bad that i dont want to do, i wind up doing it. Thats describing a person who is just living out of themself. So this isnt descriptive of the Apostle Pauls life as such. Its descriptive of his life if he was to be in the flesh and not in the spirit. Its descriptive of any person who is just trying to serve god because now even if youre born again, your. Your nature has been changed but you in your physical self just cannot measure up to what god wants you to do. Youve got to live by the power of the holy spirit and thats what hes referring to. In verse 19 he says for the good that i would i do not but the evil which i would not, that i do. Now if i do that i would not, it is no more i that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. Again, i say based on romans, chapter 6 and romans, chapter 7 this isnt talking about the sin nature because its been dealt with as has been so clearly stated, but its talking about this residual sin nature. What the sin nature programmed and taught. And you, just in your flesh, your. Youve experienced sin. You know, its like if you ex. If youve had a disease or something, you have a tendency towards that disease. You have a weakness in that area because youve been exposed to it once and like if you had a cold or something you may. It may be over now, but youre still weak. You were weakened by that. Well, all of us were weakened by sin and this sin nature and what it did, and in your flesh. You just cannot please god in your flesh and it says that very clearly in romans, chapter 8, verse 6. In romans, chapter 7, verse 21 he says i find then a law, that, when i would do good, evil is present with me for i delight in the law of god after the inward man. Again see, this is talking about the gorn. Bornagain part of you. But i see another law in my members. Notice the terminology here or this isnt talking about in your spirit man. This is talking about out in your flesh. Again, the bible calls the flesh your. Your body and your unrenewed mind. Your soul. But not your spirit. Your spirit has been born again but there is a law in your members out in this flesh. Your physical body and your unrenewed mind. It is just a law. See, weve said before that the lord delivered us from the law without, but now theres a law within. There is a mental attitude, a spirit, a disposition that was taught wrong by that sinful nature and even though you may not have been exposed to the Old Testament law, there is this conscience, this religious image on the inside that causes you to come under this guilt and condemnation. So in verse 23, but i see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. Again, this isnt talking about the born again part of you. It isnt talking about that there the spirit part that youve got an old sin nature. Its talking about out in your physical body. In your members. In your mind. And then he says in verse 24, o wretched man that i am who shall deliver me from the body of this death . But he didnt leave it there. He goes on in verse 25 to say, i thank god through jesus christ our lord. In other words, some people will just take this and stop in verse 24 and say see, paul was still struggling. Oh he called himself a wretched man. Whos going to deliver him . He answers that in verse 25. I thank god through jesus christ our lord. He has been delivered from the flesh and from trying to serve god in his own ability and now hes learned how to walk in the spirit and it leads into romans, chapter 8 talking about walking in the spirit and tremendous victory. Charis Bible College colorado has been launching world changers into Ministry Since 1994. World changers like carol odenwald, class of 2006. After graduation carol became night School Director of the colorado campus and is now the director of our new charis Bible College campus in hong kong. For more information log on to awmi. Net or charisbiblecollege. Org charis Bible College colorado changing lives and changing the world since 1994. If you are a full time minister, i would like to invite you to join me on september the 30th through october the 4th as we have our Ministers Conference right here in colorado springs. This is always a highlight of the year. We have bob nichols pastor of Calvary Cathedral in fort worth, also bob yandian from tulsa, oklahoma, are always with me and we minister. I tell you, its going to be a great time. Its just a special time for ministers, plus our building is nearly going to be complete. Youll be able to go visit that up at the sanctuary in woodland park. Remember that the dates are september the 30th through october the 4th, monday through friday at noon. Our Ministers Conference 2013, right here in colorado springs. Andrews teaching on romans is available on either cd or dvd as seen on tv in the series titled the gospel the power of god. Or you can get this teaching in the book titled grace the power of the gospel in either english or spanish. Each is available for a gift of any amount. In addition, this teaching is available in a companion study guide. Not only is the entire teaching included in the study guide, you can also print off as many copies as you like when you download the pdf files from the included data cd. This valuable resource is available for a gift of 35 or more. Also, if you would like a versebyverse commentary on romans, consider andrews life for today study bible romans edition. It includes 470 footnotes that will help you understand gods unconditional love and grace. Its available for a gift of 20 or more when you contact us. Or if you prefer, all of these resources are available as part of the romans collection. It includes your choice of either the cd or dvd, the book, the study guide, and the life for today study bible romans edition. This collection has a catalog value of 99, but today you can receive it for a gift of 50 or more. Go to awmi. Net and click on todays tv offer to see all the ways you can get this teaching. The third audio teaching in todays series is titled the spirit versus the flesh. Its available for a gift of any amount when you write or call. We encourage everyone to give, but if youre simply unable to afford it, andrew and his partners will provide this third audio teaching free of charge. We would also like to remind you that we are offering andrews latest book titled how to find, follow, and fulfill gods will for a ft oany ount mounin time. Our helpline number is 7196351111. If the lines are busy, remember you can Order Ministry materials 24hours a day, 7 days a week at awmi. Net. To write us, use the address on your screen. We appreciate your generosity and hope to hear from you today. We would like to point out andrews upcoming speaking schedule. Mark your calendars to come meet andrew at one of these events. In the month of august hell be in chicago, illinois. In september hell be in charlotte, north carolina, johnson city, tennessee, and in colorado springs, colorado, and in october hell be in walsall, england, victor harbor, south australia, melbourne, victoria, australia, and in carrara, gold coast, queensland, australia. For more details on andrews next meeting in your area visit our web site at awmi. Net. [ male announcer ] you know whats so awesome about the internet . It gets more and more entertaining every day. And once youve got verizon fios, thats when you get it americas fastest, most reliable internet takes your entertainment to ridiculous levels. I was streaming videos, movies, music. Once i realized how fast it was, thats when i got it. [ male announcer ] and now you can get it too, for just 89. 99 a month guaranteed for 2 years, plus your choice of a 300 amazon. Com gift card or a 300 visa prepaid card with a 2year agreement. Technology that makes life more entertaining, call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities thats powerful. At 800. 974. 6006 tty v. Announcer the following program is paid for by the friends and partners of joyce meyer ministries. [music] joyce ive made a decision a long time ago that prayer is one of the central themes of the christians life. Its a great privilege. Its not some kind of an obligation. Its a privilege to go to the creator of the universe who has all power and can do all things and ask him in jesus name to do things for us and other people, and our nations, and our governments, and so on and so forth. Well, were talking about seven hindrances to prayer. If were going to be committed to prayer then we might as well do everything we can to make sure they get answered. How many can say amen to that . Im not big on wasting my time. If im going to do something, i want to know that its going to be for people. So, im committed to prayer. Ive spent quite a bit of time in prayer this morning. Prayed for all our partners, prayed for the meetings, prayed for myself, prayed for my husband, prayed for my kids, prayed for our colaborers in christ. Prayed and prayed and prayed. Well, i want to know that my prayers are going to work. Not praying is the first obstacle. You cant get a prayer answered, if you dont pray. Second obstacle is hidden sin. Keeping things hidden you think in your life, thinking god doesnt know about it but god knows about everything and the whole point of confession is for our benefit. He wants us to bring it up, bring it out, deal with it, get it over with because to be honest any time that theres hidden sin there is an oppression there or a guilty conscience. Youre not free. And its very important when we come to god to ask for anything that we come boldly. Amen . Boldly doesnt necessarily mean loud, but it means youre coming with confident boldness. I love hebrews 4 15 and 16. It says, we have a high priest, who understands our weaknesses. Hes been tempted in every point just like we have, yet hes never sinned. I love the fact that jesus understands my messups. I love that. And then verse 16 says, therefore, because he does understand, let us come boldly to the throne of grace. Let us come boldly to the throne of grace, even though were not perfect in everything. Let us remember who we are in christ. Let us receive the forgiveness that god offers and then let us come boldly to the throne, so we can get our needs met in plenty of time by asking god to help us. Dont you think its amazing that you can mess up, get forgiveness, and still go boldly to the throne of gods grace and get the help that you need . I dont know where youre going to get a deal like that anywhere. And he forgets our sins. He removes them as far as the east is from the west. The third hindrance that we want to talk about today is doubt. Doubt. Are any of you ever plagued with doubt . Only 25 , the rest of you have perfect faith. Come on, you aint that tired. [laughing] joyce i get plagued with doubt. Ill pray about something or make some kind of a decision and then in my mind ill hear well, see, thank god. By now i know that everything that comes in my head is not my thought and many of it is just satan trying to use my mind as a garbage dump. So, just because you have a doubt in your mind that doesnt really mean that you doubt in your heart. But if you just listen to whats in your mind and dont Pay Attention to whats in your heart, then youre going to get deceived and satan is going to steal your answer. I can pretty much tell you that when you ask god for anything or you step out to do anything thats going to be progress in your life that satan is going to come and try to plant little seeds of doubt. This aint going to happen. Who do you think you are . Well, look at how long its been. After the things that you have done, well, its just not going to happen. Thats all. Its just not going to happen. Well, i have found a real key for me and i hope itll be a blessing to you. And just really in the last maybe 3 or 4 months this has become real prevalent for me and ivei was teaching this in africa when i was there recently and i just think that every once in a while god gives me a real powerful little thought that becomes a principle and it kind of has worked into the core of my teaching. Like, you know, one of the things ive said a lot is im not where i need to be but thank god im not where i used to be. Im okay and im on my way. And many of you have heard that, if youve heard me teach very much. Okay. And so, another thing that i say a lot is if you do what you can do then god will do what you cannot do. Little statements that say a lot. So i found one of those little keys when doubt comes against me and im going to share that with you here in the next few minutes, but first were going to look at a couple of scriptures. James 1 5 through 8. Im so glad youre here today. And im so glad im here. [applauding] joyce okay. If any of you is deficient in wisdom, if thethat means if you got a situation and you just dont know what to do. Do i have anybody there . Right. If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving god who gives to everyone, not just someone, who gives to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly without reproaching our faultfinding and it will be given it will be given. Not might be, could be; it will be given him. My gosh, if we really read the bible and take the time to look at it word by word and meditate on it. Dont read the bible for quantity. Read it for quality. Its not about how much you read. Its how much are you getting out of what you read. This verse says something amazing. If you dont know what to do, ask god and he will help you. He wont find fault with you. He wont do it with a grudging attitude because maybe you havent been everything that you should have been in the past. Ask and god will help you. Lets put it back up. Verse 6, only it must be in faith that he asks with no wavering, no hesitating, no doubting. That means weve got to make our mind up what we believe and stand on it. Not be changing our mind and be indecisive. Well, one minute i think i believe and the next minute i think i dont. And, you know, well, i believe that this is what i want god to do. Well, no, i dont know if i think god can do that. For the one who waivers hesitates and doubts is like a billowing surge out at sea that is blown hither and thither and tossed by the wind. For truly, let not such a person imagine that he will receive anything [he asks for] from the lord. Why . Because that doubt becomes a road closed. Ive prayed in faith and ive sent my prayer out. And now even if god sends an answer, hes not going to get in because the road is closed. You say, well, tell me, tell me, tell me quick. Whats the answer . I will in a minute but i want you to be hungry for it. [laughing] joyce mark 11 23. And its so simple, its scary. Truly i say to you, whoever says to this mountain be lifted up and thrown into the sea and does not doubt at all in his heart but believes in what he says will take place, it will be done for him. Itd be a great opportunity to do a fourpart series on the mouth, but we cant do that today. For this reason im telling you, whatever you ask for in prayer believe, trust and be confident that it is granted to you and you will get it. Now, see . When we pray for something we dont get it immediately, do we . He says, you pray and you believe and you will get it. But the waiting time is what gets us in trouble, isnt it . If we prayed and immediately had a result, then nobody would have any problem. But when you pray and you have to wait a week, a month, 3 months, 6 months, a year, 2 years, 3 years, 4, 5, 6. Man, it gives the devil time to mess with your mind. Amen . So, i have discovered that all we really need to do when the devil tries to lie to us is just Say Something back to him. Learn how to talk back to the devil. Huh . [laughing] joyce well, first thats the way you all look. [laughing] joyce first of all, you got to realize that every thought that comes in your head is not yours. So, dont take it like it yours and meditate on it and make it yours. If somebody offered you poison you wouldnt take it just because somebody offered it to you. And satan offers to poison our lives, no telling how many times a day by putting wrong thoughts in our mind but the bible says you can cast down the wrong ones and keep the good ones. We have a mind of the flesh and a mind of the spirit and your thought should be your thoughts. And you dont have to think something, if you dont want to. You can choose your thoughts carefully. You can throw some out and keep others. Well, that sounds like a lot of hard work, joyce. It is. Let me tell you something. You are not going to be a lazy christian and be victorious. Thats why i said last night that being a christian is not for wimps. Its a fulltime job. Amen . Now, you can go to church every week and go home. Be miserable all week and go back to church and go home. Be miserable all week and go back to church. And you can do that for 50 years and you may go to heaven because you really believe in jesus, but you will never have any joy here. You will never have any victory and nobody will ever look at you and want what you got. [applauding] joyce so for jesus sake, its time that we take hold and realize that the bible says that we are gods representatives in the earth. Gods representatives in the earth. The bible says that god is making his appeal to the world through us. What kind of life are you living . Are you salt and light . Does anybody want what youve got . [applauding] joyce ill just leave you with that thought. [laughing] joyce we dont have to just listen to everything that falls in our head. So, we need to learn how to talk back to the devil and ive discovered a wonderful thing. All i say now is i believe that god is working. I dont care what it looks like. I dont care what it feels like. I dont care what i see, what i dont see. I dont care how long its been. I believe that god is working and you know thats true. When we see a result, its the result of what god has done while he was working when we did not see him. And so right now while youre here in this conference, if you have believed god and youre not getting into doubt, god is working. Hes working on your kids youve prayed for. Hes working on your spouse youve prayed for. Hes working on you that youve asked him to work in you. And then the devil says, well, you aint changing. You act worse now than you ever did. You can say, god is working in me. I dont care what it looks like. God is working in me. [applauding] joyce and thats how you stay in faith. You dont just sit around and go. [laughing] joyce its just so hard. Faith is so hard. I mean, i pray and i try to believe god but then i just have all these doubts and its justi mean, all were doing is just agreeing with the devil. Come on, lets make our words count. Say it out loud. I believe that god is working and i dont care. Audience i believe that god is working. Joyce i dont care if you have to say it 200 times every day. Make a decision that you are going to act like a warrior, more than a conqueror, and you are not going to lay down anymore and just take whatever the devil puts out. The bible says, if you ask in my name, you will receive. [applauding] joyce now, when were praying things that concern other people sometimes i think those take the longest because god will not override somebody elses will and make them do something just because wed like him to. But ill tell you one thing. He will bug the living daylights out of them. [applauding] joyce and i think sometimes that we just need to even pray about how to pray for somebody. Dont just start praying for somebody according to your will. Like for example, i mean, i dont know. Lets just say that you know somebody thats excessively overweight and you know it really bugs em and youd want to help em, so you know, we can go around and say, oh, god, help them lose weight. Help them lose weight. Like, its just kind of fall off of them. [laughing] joyce but the thing is they will lose the weight when they have a Strong Enough desire to do whatever is required to do it. So, now i pray that god will give people a Strong Enough desire and a will to do whats right and to not give up when it gets hard. We have to just stop by asking god to do everything for us and realize that he gives us the strength to do the doing. Did you hear me . [applauding] joyce god gives us the strength to do the doing. So, we dont want to just pray. Oh, god, get me out of debt. God, ive lived like a maniac financially. Now, get me out of debt. No. We say, god, when i have to go to the store and im going to stay out of there if i dont have to go because ive already proven that i dont do very good when i go shopping. But when i have to go, god, help me. Help me, help me, help me not to be buying stuff that i cant afford to buy. Help me. Not just, oh, god, get me out of debt. Oh, god, make me lose weight. [laughing] joyce and then no matter what it looks like, like you know, there are people that i love thati mean, you know, ive got 4 kids and 10 grandkids. And so, certainly out of all that theres people that have needs in their life and i pray Different Things for my children and my grandchildren on a regular basis. And some of them it seems like i pray and they happen real quick and then others, it just seems like, well, is this ever going tois anything ever going to change . But every time that thought comes in my mind, this is never going to change, i say i believe god is working and i name the person. I believe that god is working. Let me tell you something. I think that just gets father god like, yeah. Theyre still believing. Yeah. Say, i believe god is working. Audience i believe god is working. Joyce can you already just get a little hint of how thats going to help you to not just cave in and think, well, this is never going to work. Nothings ever going to work. I believe that god is working. Lets go to 2 corinthians 4. Look first at verse 8. We are hedged in [and pressed] on every side, [troubled and oppressed in every way], but were not cramped or crushed. We suffer embarrassments. Were perplexed and unable to find the way out but were not driven to despair. Were pursued, [persecuted and hard driven], but not disserted [to stand alone]; we are struck down to the ground, but we never struck out and destroyed. I would say that they had a whole bunch of problems, wouldnt you . But look at verse 13. Yet we have the same spirit of faith as he who wrote, i have believed and therefore have i spoken. We too believe and therefore we speak. Ooh, i love it. I wonder what they were saying. Well, i doubt that god is going to come through. I dont know if were ever going to make out of this one. This is probably going to be the end of us. Weve had a lot of trials, but ill tell you this is probably going to put us over. No. I believe that even at times when paul was in jail he was saying, i believe that god is working. I believe that god is working. I believe that god is working. I dont care what it looks like. I dont care what it feels like. And even if it takes a long time and see, when you believe that god is working, joy comes through believing. You get your joy back when you believe. We lose our joy when we get all negative and critical and down in the dumps and were looking at everything in a sour way. But you help yourself when you say, i believe that god is working. Now, if you happen to be someone who doesnt know the power of speaking gods word out loud, i dont have the time to stand here this morning and tell you all of that wonderful thing. But it is one of the most wonderful things that you must learn how to do. Your mouth speaking the word of god is the greatest weapon that you have against the devil. [applauding] joyce dont let the devil use your mouth. You use your mouth against the devil. Amen . The bible says that angels harken to the word of god. They dont listen to our complaining. They dont listen to our murmuring and our grumbling. They dont listen to all of our talk about how we cant hold on one more week if god doesnt come through. They harken to the word of god. And i believe every time that we say, i believe that god is working, right now god is working in my life. All day long, god is working in my life and i will see the results of what god is doing. Because you see, god works in secret and then he brings things out in the open. Faith goes into the spiritual realm and brings out those things that are already there where they can be seen. What does it say in matthew 11, if you believe, you will get it. It doesnt say when youll get it, but it says you will get it. Everybody say, i believe that god is working. Audience i believe that god is working. Joyce so we have to be very careful about doubt. And ive had problems with doubt. I know we all go through problems, but i really believe, at least for me, and i hope that this ministers to you that i have found a key, a spiritual secret that is going to help me battle doubt and yet it be very, very simple. Every time that doubt comes to my mind about anything that ive been praying about and asking god to do and the devil tries to make me think i might as well give up, its not going to happen, im just simply going to say out loud, i believe that god is working, in that situation. Can we say it one more time . I believe that god is working. I believe that god is working in johnny. I believe that god is working in mary. I believe that god is working in my finances. I believe that god is working in my body. Hes healing me right now. I believe that god is working. Hes helping me to get over my past. I believe that god is working. [applauding] joyce amen . You say enough, the devil will leave you alone and hell go by with somebody that will listen to him. [laughing] joyce i think its important for us to realize that this great privilege that god has given us to ask anything in his name. Well, i mean, thats justthats astounding. Its like if we would just take a day and think about that, its just like, what a privilege. So surely, we want to make sure that these other things are in order so we can get those answers that god wants to give us. Selfishness. God doesnt answer selfish, selfcentered prayers that are prayed out of a wrong motive. Mark 8 34, tells us how important it is that we let god deliver us from selfishness. Jesus called to him the throng with his disciples get the picture. Jesus standing maybe on a rock preaching to people in a field, and he said, look, if you want to follow me, deny yourself, forget yourself, ignore yourself, disown yourself, lose sight of yourself and all of your own interest. Well, that dont sound like much fun, does it . And take up his cross and join me as a disciple and side with my party, following with me continually, cleaving steadfastly to me. Now, this scripture really messes with peoples heads because it sounds so like not fun. Forget yourself, lose sight of yourself. But the point is, very simply, that if we will stop trying to take care of our self, then god will take care of us. And let me tell you that he will do a much better job than anyone of us could ever do. [applauding] joyce god can get you more in a moment than you can get for yourself in a lifetime. God can give you more joy from the inside out than you can ever go buy across the counter anywhere. Delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way onto him and he will bring it to pass. Why is it that when you have a problem, a serious problem or when i have a serious problem that many times, even though i could go help somebody else with their problem, i cant help myself. Forget yourself. Stop trying to take care of yourself. Why dont you retire from selfcare and throw a big Retirement Party . [laughing] joyce now, i dont mean dont take what im saying out of balance. Im not saying dont take care of yourself. Im not saying dont invest in yourself. Im saying dont do things for yourself. Im saying dont be a selfish, selfcentered person where everything in your life is all about you, and the way that you can judge that is by simply asking yourself, what am i doing thats making somebody elses life better . Joyce you know, prayers of faith are really powerful, and you might say, well, what is a prayer of faith . I think a lot of times people pray out of duty or obligation, but theres really no real faith in it. Theyre maybe talking at god instead of really talking to god, believing that god wants to work on your behalf. So when you pray, believe that god is working in your behalf, no matter what the situation looks like or feels like. You know, i love gods word, because it has just literally changed me and changed my life. And its really a neverending process, and its really an exciting journey to me. Ive been walking with god a long, long time, and im still learning every single day of my life. And today were offing you the everyday life study bible and my new, how to study the bible dvd. There were literally hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands of hours of work that went into putting together this everyday life study bible. Its the amplified bible but its full of my teaching notes from over the years, different articles that ive written specifically for this bible, and i think its gonna be a very practical help for you in your everyday life. And to go along with that, the how to study the bible dvd. So get these resources and learn how to study the bible, and begin without any delay. Male people get pretty excited about magazine day. [music] announcer start your free subscription to the enjoying everyday life magazine today. Did i mention its free . Oh yeah, its free. And all you need to do to get it is call or click today. Announcer youve been watching joyces boot camp spiritual fitness conditioning. Be sure to tune in throughout the month of august for essential teachings on foundational principles to get your walk with god in shape, right here on enjoying everyday life. Announcer the joyce meyer conference is coming to hershey, pennsylvania, august 8, 9, and 10, at giant center, with worship by matt redman and christy nockels. Then, long beach, california, august 22, 23 and 24 at Long Beach Arena with worship by phil wickham. Admission is free and open to everyone. For more information and a complete conference lineup, visit us online at joycemeyer. Org or call toll free. Maher the Iraqi Christians are persecuted intentionally in iraq, so all the families are leaving. The majority has come to lebanon because they feel safe, because theres a big christian community. When we looked around and saw the need of the iraqis, we felt the lord is leading us to target this group of people with a love and compassion we can provide. Were here visiting a family, and were bringing them some food and hygiene items, some blankets and pillows, the family of manahel. Theyve been here for a bit over a year and a couple of family members are still missing, kidnapped in iraq, and they dont know anything about them. So were here just to show them our love and compassion and support and to show them that we care for them and for their physical needs. Cc by aberdeen captioning 18006886621 www. Abercap. Com announcer the preceding was paid for by the friends and partners of joyce meyer ministries. [ male announcer ] you know whats so awesome about the internet . It gets more and more entertaining every day. And once youve got verizon fios, thats when you get it americas fastest, most reliable internet takes your entertainment to ridiculous levels. 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[music] announcer as our way of saying thank you for your gift of any amount this month, Joseph Prince ministries would like to bless you with josephs latest twosermon audio series, receiving from jesus. Discover how you can receive jesus peace that passes all understanding, and find divine rest for your soul, as well as gods promised victory over every circumstance. Separately, for a specific gift to the ministry this month, you can receive a special resource bundle. This bundle contains a beautiful leatherbound special gift edition of josephs latest book, provision promises. Be encouraged by the truths presented in this book about the lords love and grace toward you. This bundle also includes josephs latest twosermon audio series, receiving from jesus. To order these resources, call us toll free at 18779014300 or visit us at josephprince. Org today. Announcer today with Joseph Prince. How many of you have been experiencing open doors already, even last year . Closed doors, open doors, remember this, the theme for this year is the key of david. Revelations chapter 3, look up here on the screen. Revelations chapter 3, and to the angel of the church in philadelphia write; these things says who is holy, he who is true, he who has the key of david, he who opens, and no one shuts; and shuts, and no one opens. Of all the seven churches, only to the church of philadelphia, the church that receives no rebuke of all the seven churches, there is one more church that receives no rebuke and thats smyrna, but this is the only church that receives no rebuke, but praises from our Lord Jesus Christ. And for the longest time, ive always, in my heart of hearts, desired that New Creation Church be a philadelphia church. Amen. Among all theologians, you know, theyre all agreed that philadelphia is the best church, and the 7 churches are a picture of the seven different moves of god, all right, in the body of christ, represented by the 7 churches down through this 2,000 years of history. We are now at the end because philadelphia is the sixth one and then we have laodicea and laodicea is a church thats proud, selfsatisfied. Although they are rich materially, they do not know they are poor spiritually, all right . They do not know jesus in the personal way. In fact, to the church of laodicea, jesus is standing outside. Revelations 3 20, same chapter and it says, behold, i stand at the door and knock. We use that as a salvation verse, but actually that is a verse that is used for the church of laodicea. So why is it that jesus appears to this church as the key of david, of all the seven churches . Now remember this, remember this the name david is mentioned here, the key of david. In isaiah 22 22, it says here, look up here, and i will lay upon him, or put on his shoulder, the key of the house of david. Notice the phrase, the key of the house of david, the key of the house of david. House of david. What is the house of david . In zechariah chapter 12, verse 10, it tells us a promise that god says, and ill pour on the house of david and on the inhabitants of jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication. You know, grace is not a teaching. Its the person of jesus christ. It is also the spirit of grace, the holy spirit is the spirit of grace. It is not a question of how much of the grace teaching you understand. It is, do you have the spirit of favor . Do you have the spirit of grace . Amen . You see, ive been criticized by people, by some of the experts, but the more they criticize, the more god opened doors for me. So at the end of the day, people who criticize me can be more eloquent than me, better than i can, they know revelations in the bible that they believe god shows them, but god gives me the platform. God gives me the influence. God doesnt give them. So i dont have to counter what they say, i just keep on preaching, keep on shining for the glory of jesus. Rememberjust always dont forget that it is god who opens and no one shuts. Remember this, all right, you dont have to be angry, bitter, judgmental when people start criticizing you, start saying things about you. The dog can bark at the moon, the moon just shines. Keep on shining, church. Keep on shining for the glory of god. Amen. And let people see the blessings of god on your life. They can say what they want, you know, as long as the blessing of god is on you. Amen. And its a spirit of favor. It is something that you cannot put your finger on it, but you know that person has something, that lady has something, that man has something. Its the spirit of favor, the spirit of grace, and god promised he will pour on, what . The house of david. And david, for one, he understood the favor of god. He understood the favor of god. When the favor of god is on you, the spirit of grace and supplication is one and the same, spirit of grace and supplication. Supplication is what you bring before god. When you experience grace, all right, it translates into prayer to god and praise to god, worship to god. The word thanksgiving, all right, is actually the word or praise thanksgiving is the word eucharis, eucharis in greek which means charis is there. The word charis is greek for favor, for grace. Amen . When you give thanks, you are flowing in grace. You are walking in the spirit of grace. If you are full of thanksgiving to god, you are in the spirit of grace. Can i have a good amen . And if you look at david, one thing that characterizes davids life, anyone can see that, is praise, thanksgiving and worship. In fact, david built a tabernacle for god at a timeremember this, the tabernacle at that time was erected first, all right, at gilgal and then later on a more permanent stay for a while over at shiloh and then from shiloh, okay, it was brought to gibeon, and there you have the tabernacle of moses, all right . It was at gibeon. Say, gibeon. Mount gibeon. God raised david up to take the ark, which represents jesus christ, to jerusalem, and there david erected another tabernacle. All right, dont forget the tabernacle of moses was standing, where . At mount gibeon. So the structure was there. Its a picture of religion, you know, christian religion. For example, christianity is not a religion. Its a relationship with a god of heaven through jesus christ. Are you listening, people . But what happened is tabernacle of moses, they had all the structure, they had the entrance. They had the outer court, they had the holy place, the holy of holies, but the presence of god wasnt there. And the presence of god back then was typified in the ark of the covenant. Are you listening, people . Where is the ark . David took it to jerusalem and there he erected a tabernacle called the tabernacle of david. And david instituted 24 hours of praise and worship. Wow. How do you like that . He obviously has a revelation. When god says the key of david, its got something to do with our flowing in this eucharis, in this thanksgiving, praise and worship. Are you listening . It seems like the more we pray and the more we worship, the more we praise, jesus uses that key in your life. Its called the key of the house of david. Are you listening, people . And some people do not know how to praise. They do not know how to give thanks to god. They know how to grumble. They know how to complain. Smile at your neighbor and say, hes not talking about you. Dont worry. Hes not talking about you, all right . They know how to complain. They know how to find fault, all right . And even in a good sermon, they are able to spit out the wheat and swallow the kernel, the chaff. There are people gifted like that. I didnt say that by mistake, i said that on purpose. There are people who are gifted in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Even if something is good, in a great place like this, theyll find something bad to say. Even if pastor prince preach a good sermon, theyll find something, you know, they dont agree with. Amen . And they will focus on that. Theres something wrong with that spirit. Theres something wrong with that spirit. Amen . And that was what was wrong with the children of israel in the wilderness. When god himself led them in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, they still found fault. And people like this, when they go to heaven, they will say, god, your throne is too bright. Can you sort of turn it down a bit . All right, and god the music is just too beautiful. All right, its too peaceful here, make some noise. You know, god i dont like this. Im telling you the other alternative you wont like. If god send you another place, i guarantee you wont like it. Amen . So thats human nature. We like to complain. Its not normal to praise. Are you listening . We spend time with our loved ones. Its not natural to praise. We have to teach ourself to praise. People say, well, pastor prince, i just flow with the spirit. Ill tell you what, some people flow with the spirit means, ill do what i desire to do at that moment. Im telling you, you gotta be careful when you hear people saying, im flowing by the spirit, all right . Because sometimes they are flowing with what they like, what they dont like. They dont like something they say, im not flowing, all right . I dont feel like the spirit is saying something to bear witness. And its all because of their likes and their dislikes. And im here to tell you, we gotta learn to worship. We gotta learn to praise. Why . Its not natural. Its not natural for human beings to praise. Since man fell, they found fault in every good thing. Its natural. When adam fell and god says, adam, what have you done . Adam says, it was the woman. That you. Gave me. Then god says to the woman, what have you done . The woman says, the snake beguiled me. So the first manifestation, all right, of the fallen nature is fault finding, all right, grumbling, complaining, blaming other people except yourself. So im here to tell you that when god said to me about the theme of this year, teach the people how to praise, teach the people how to worship, and some people feel like, you know, pastor prince, theres no need to teach us. We know how to praise and worship. No, we need to learn. Itsi dont have to teach you to complain. Just likei dont have to teach you seven steps to complain. How many understand that . I dont have to teach my you know, when a child is growing up, i dont have to teach a child to defend himself to say, no, it wasnt me. I didnt steal the cookies. The mouth all full of crumbles. All right, you dont have to teach a child to lie. You dont have to teach a child to point fingers at others. Amen. You gotta teach a child how to praise. You gotta teach a child how to look to god and thank him. Amen . So break out from this fleshly tendency to try to hold you back at the level that you are at and lets press on to the level that god has for us this year. Can i have a good amen, church . Hallelujah. Amen. Now, the tabernacle of david has no religion about it. Its direct access to the presence of god. See, the tabernacle of moses, when you look up here, all right, you have seen this picture before, all right . Once upon a time, it was a place where god inhabited because the ark was there right in the holy of holies, okay . So you enter in by the main gate and you are in the outer court, thats where the sacrifices are made. And then when you go into the tabernacle is the holy place and then the holy of holies, only the high priest can go once a year. Are you listening . But nowand this is what was at the mount gibeon called the tabernacle of moses, it was there. The only thing is that the presence of god is missing. So a lot of people, they go to church. They dont mindthey dont mind the pastor preaching, all right, or sharing. They dont mind some hymns and some songs and all that, but they dont want to encounter gods presence. We want the presence of god. We want the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, the ark of the covenant. One of thethe first sign that solomon received wisdom, when he woke up from his sleep, he asked god for wisdom. When god asked, ask what i shall give you. God made him the richest man that ever lived, all right . He asked god for wisdom and when he woke up, the very first thing he did, he was actually at mount gibeon worshiping there when he received the dream. But the first thing when he received wisdom, he left mount gibeon, the place of religion, and he went to jerusalem where the ark was. His father had erected the tabernacle of david and there he worshiped god. So the first sign of wisdom is that you start to relish, cherish, treasure the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in your life. Can i have a good amen, church . Amen your riches are for him. Your life is for him. Your family is for him. Your health and strength is for him. Hallelujah. Give the best to your master and im telling you, he deserves the best. Amen . Now watch this, the tabernacle of david has no procedures. You see the ark there . The presence of jesus in the Old Testament, he had 24 hours singing, playing of instruments, dancing before god. Now, i want you to know the king, you can see the king kneeling down there, david. Hes the greatest worshiper of all. Hes called the sweet psalmist of israel. And he knew that every time he worshiped god, every time he was in trouble all right, whenever he sang psalms to god, he sang praises to god, god turned on the key, amen, and new doors are opened. Right now, hes being confined in a narrow space. Hes being attacked on every side. It seems like theres no way out. David will give praise to god. He will sing psalms to god, and you know what . All of a sudden, theres a door opened that wasnt there before. One time the enemies, and in this case it was king saul that was pursuing david, he was pursuing david at the narrow ridge, all right, where there was a jagged cliff. It still exists in israel, all right, the jagged cliff. And david was going this way, listen carefully, and saul, davids enemy, all right, and the soldiers were going this way. They were pursuing david. They were just on the other side of the ridge. It was a ridge. And the moment the ridge comes to an end, david would have faced his enemy. Are you listening, church . But you know what happened . David started singing praises to god, right at while he was walking along the ridge. And all of a sudden, god turned the whole thing around and saul turned around and went the other way. Are you listening, church . Another time, davids son, absalom, usurped the fathers throne, all right, ousted his father. His father went crying, didnt want to fight. He could fight. He had the mighty men with him, but he didnt want to fight his own son so he went crying, weeping, all right, up mount of olives. And the bible tells us the song that he sang at that time was but thou, o lord art a shield for me my glory and the lifter of mine head but thou, o lord art a shield for me my glory and the lifter of mine head and the bible tells us we know the psalms that he sing because if you have a good bible, it tells you the psalms when he sang those psalms. David sang this psalm when he was in the cave. David sang this psalm when he was being pursued. All right, david sang this psalm when he feigned madness before king of gath. It would tell you when he sang the psalms, when it came out of him. So when you learn to praise god, when david was up on mount of olives, the situation turned, all right . God put someone in the camp of absalom, his son, who gave him bad advice. As a result, absalom never succeeded to usurp successfully the fathers throne. Church, im here to tell you, i dont care what is your trouble today, all right . What you need is an open door. And if youll just forget your trouble, amen, just learn to worship god, learn just to thank god, learn to praise god. We saw last week, all right, at midnight, acts 16, at midnight, saul and silas both were thrown into the inner dungeon, in the inner prison, all right, underneath where all the other prisoners were. All their waste matter would fall on to the inner dungeon. Thats where paul and silas was at midnight. Is there a midnight time in your life right now . Are you going through something hard, something difficult . Do you need gods miracle . At midnight, paul and silas prayed and sang hymns to god. Amen. Acts 16, singing hymns to god. And i didnt realize that this word singing hymns when i checked it out in the greek, literally it refers to psalms 113 to psalms 118, all right, the great the hallel. They call it hallelujah chorus. Amen. Its sung during the feast days, the pesach, the passover during the feast of pentecost, the feast of tabernacles. And paul and silas sang with the words of david, yo, with the words of david because the psalmsthe psalms i mentioned just now is written by david. So they sang with the words of david. You know when david was in the cave, he wrote more than one song in the caved adullam. One was which you sang just now, be exalted, oh god above the heavens psalms 57. If you look at the title of psalms 57, it says the psalm of david when he was in the cave, the cave of adullam. Be exalted, oh god, above the heavens, your faithfulness above the clouds. I will give thanks to thee. That was a time, one of the lowest times of davids life. Are you listening, church . We gotta learn to sing with the words of david, theyre anointed. Its not for no reason. Its called the key of david. God will lay upon his shoulder, the key of the house of david. Are you with me, church . Amen. The key of the house of david. Now there was a time in the early church when they were all quarreling, all right, about whether once the gentiles received jesus christ, the non jews, whether they should keep the ten commandments, they should keep the law. And this argument became so verejustike is day, that they went to james, the Senior Pastor of the church of jerusalem at that time, all right . It is called today the jerusalem counsel. It was a debate about whether you should keep the law or not after you are saved. And then paul stood up and say, look, i preached to these gentiles. Theyre not perfect. Theyre not circumcised. They do not understand the law that god has given to us. But you know something . God worked miracles in their life. Doesnt stop god from moving in their lives. And then finally simon peter stood up and says, guys, lets stop arguing about this. You know how god used me, all right, to preach to cornelius house. Remember that . Okay, and finally the Senior Pastor, james, stood up, the pastor of the church of jerusalem and this is what james said, after they had become silent, james answered, saying, men and brethren, listen to me simon, which is simon peter, has declared how god at first visited the gentiles, during cornelius incident, to take out for them a people for his nameout of them a people for his name. And with this the words of the prophets agree now hes about to quote the Old Testament. Hes about to quote the book of amos, chapter 9, verse 11 just as it is written. Now, god is saying, now quotation now from amos, after this i will return, god says, and i will, what . Shout. Shout. Rebuild the tabernacle of david, which has fallen down; i will rebuild its ruins, and i will set it up; so that the rest of mankind may seek the lord. Therell be a great harvest of souls when the tabernacle of david is restored. Amen . A great harvest of souls. Right now in our ministry, we are seeing the greatest harvest of souls at anytime of our ministry. We are seeing a great harvest, a great harvest of souls, even among the young people. Its a great harvest of souls. And why . God says, im rebuilding the tabernacle of david, and i will rebuild its ruins and ill set it up; so that the rest of mankind may seek the lord, even all the gentiles who are called by my name, says the lord who does all these things. So the Senior Pastor of jerusalem quoted amos saying that hey, the tabernacle of david, which welcomed the gentiles, all right, its not just for that time, for that era. Its not a bygone era. Some of you are saying, pastor prince, why go to david, hes in the Old Testament . You dont understand, god is rebuilding the tabernacle of david now. Announcer thank you for tuning into our broadcast. You have watched highlights of a sermon by Joseph Prince. To order an audio cd of the full sermon, which is approximately 60 minutes long, call the tollfree number at 18779014300 or log on to josephprince. Org now. Announcer next on destined to reign. Im here to tell you, church, that one of the best ways to evangelize, jesus didnt say go out and do witnessing. Jesus says, you shall receive power when the holy ghost comes on you and you shall be witnesses. [music] announcer as our way of saying thank you for your gift of any amount this month, Joseph Prince ministries would like to bless you with josephs latest twosermon audio series, receiving from jesus. Discover how you can receive jesus peace that passes all understanding, and find divine rest for your soul, as well as gods promised victory over every circumstance. Separately, for a specific gift to the ministry this month, you can receive a special resource bundle. This bundle contains a beautiful leatherbound special gift edition of josephs latest book, provision promises. Be encouraged by the truths presented in this book about the lords love and grace toward you. Get ready to receive your miracle as you find out how, through the finished work, jesus has supplied every provision you need for every area of your life. This bundle also includes josephs latest twosermon audio series, receiving from jesus. For more information on how to order these resources, call us toll free at 18779014300 or visit us at josephprince. Org today. [music] announcer do you want to experience gods abundance and blessings here on earth . You can in every area, every day, as you allow the holy spirit to direct your steps. Live life enjoying the freedom and blessings that are yours in christ. For a specific gift to the ministry, you can request this twosermon audio series titled, heaven on earth experiencing the power of the holy spirit in you. Discover how you can experience gods power and Perfect Peace in every situation when you stir up the holy spirits gift within you. For more information on how to order this lifetransforming resource, call us toll free at 18779014300 or visit us at josephprince. Org today. Announcer if youve been blessed by todays message, we would like to give you an opportunity to partner with us to impact the world with the gospel of grace. Under grace god says, i will be merciful to your unrighteousness, and your sins i will remember no more. Theres been a change. Theres been a change, church, and its all because of jesus. Announcer dear friends, together we can impact the world for jesus. Partner with us and be part of this exciting grace revolution. Call us toll free at 18779014300 or visit us at josephprince. Org partner today. Announcer Joseph Prince ministries is a section 501 c 3 Nonprofit Organization and your gift is tax deductible for the amount that exceeds any fair market value of the materials you receive from us. Joseph prince ministries believes that your tithes belong to your local church. Your donations to the ministry are received as offerings to support the preaching of the gospel of grace. [music] career day. Explore the possibilities. Learn how to fulfill your dreams right here on career day, coming up on career day, your favorite logos and school mascot, plus, ever wonder what the process is called . Its silk screening. Were introducing you to an entrepreneur who loves to play with paint and creates unique one of a kind creations for his clients. Cant wait to tell you about his career. Its pretty cool. How would you like a career in Electronic Media . Job requirements, presenting information in a way thats both accessible and memorable. Find out how this graphic artist created her own company and designed the career of her dreams. This is my dream job because the one thing i get to be creative every day and who can make a sweet treat and sell it in a box an create a career making the world taste good . The candy man, right . Creating some of your favorite childhood sweet treats to jolly rancher and others. This sweet savvy ceo will tell you how. Sell happiness, thats the fun part. How many people sell happiness. Real estate prices are climbing for first time in years. Its always been one lucrative industry. Today were introducing you to an escrow officer, a job always in demand. Do you think this could be a career for you . Very exciting every day is different. All that and more starting right now on career day. Heres a career you can wear on your back, literally. Lets hit the switch on making a living out of costume clothing. Im brian, let me show you how. When you want to really make a statement with your shirt, ryan nelson is the man to see. We do silk screening and embroidery commercial products for local businesses, put on tshirts and hats. Brian can customize your shirt one of two ways, the first way is embroidery, where sophisticated sewing machine using multiple threads to stitch it out. The second way is a process called screen printing. A piece of material that has each color has basically a template. Each screen is a bit like the screen used in windows and very tiny holes let the paint through in certain areas. It many need many screens in different colors before its finished. Now to orange and purple. Its a skill that brian picked up as a teenager after spending the summer in a print shop. High school job, trying to get my foot in and started to work on screens. And i learned. Ryan went on to get a degree in business. Then he and his Business Partner mario, went looking for an opportunity. And it turned into lrt silk how. Their own print shop in california. Welcome to lrt. I need a number on the back. Okay. What number do you need . Number one. They come in and have something going on or have an idea or have no clue. Its up to us to steer them in the direction where they want to go. Whatever their design, its loading it into the computer and printed out and handed off and the process can begin. Take a little bit longer but the quality of work and end result of having an embroidered piece increases the value. Screen printing, thats a little trickier and a lot messier and mario explains. Each one of these screens contains a different color pink, with certain can contain two colors. Two colors are gray and yell yellow. First gray is put on in two coats. Two passes on the gray, even though the final coat of the yellow which you set on top of the gray and once you put the final color on, to the dryer and put it ten seconds and once it comes out, its ready to go. Easy process. Not that quite easy, they have spent years learning their trade. And to think this all started out as a way to earn gas money. Screen tshirts for a living, when you think about it, its pretty cool. Started with a simple stretch and by the time she was finished, she created a career. I design logos on uniforms. Find out what i do next. Drew and designed her way into her own marketing and design company. Known as gipcy wing media. Running my own business. Its great. Youll be really happy. Its really rewarding to know i was once drawing in and love art and been able to create a whole career out of it. Seeing her team of designers and photographers and writers, the customers product and bring it to life and give it personality. Website and clothing design to vehicle, uniforms, sports teams, all kinds of really. Can be traditional, flashy or subtle, it all depends on what the client needs the most. What do you think now that you see him. I think i would rather go with the black and white. Okay. Always been my passion, since i was a little kid. Definitely my passion she advanced her skills in art college and spent ten years as a Graphic Designer. One day got the idea to create something bigger, her own company. Ive always been entrepreneurial and sort of creative job was tshirts and tourists would walk by and buy him. Her spirit led her back to school to earn her business degree. In 2005, her company, gypsy wing media took flight. Okay, cool. This is my dream job because the one thing i get to be creative every day and artistic and my ability and all of the people that work for me, its wonderful. I love this. Thank you. And i can build my own schedule and spend time with my family and kids and still run my own business. To get started in this career, all you need to do is start sketching. If you want to get really serious, youll want to sketch on a computer. If you want to get into the design industry, you can Start Playing with a lot of programs on your own by getting Graphic Design program like photo shop can be really fun and just Start Playing with changing things or designing on your own. You can really start and see how it goes and if you like doing it. What about these . The people, they are going to stay. She loves to create, whether its business cards, bill boards or websites or even her sons football uniform, her best design by far, a career she loves. The most exciting thing for me about what i do is creating Something Real and beautiful. Whether a new product or billboard, it comes together and its really proud of what youve created. Coming up on career day who can make a sweet treat and sell it in a box and create a career making the world taste good . The candy man can, right . Mean the man behind the Legendary Company that created some of your favorite childhood sweet treats from jelly belly and jolly rancher and mouthful of others. This weeks savvy ceo will tell you how. Thats the fun part. How many people sell happiness. Real estate prices are climbing for first time in years. Its always been one lucrative industry with a variety of careers to choose from and he s escrow officer or broker. We learn how to be an escrow officer, a necessary job and always in demand. Can you think this could be a career for you . Really rewarding, very exciting. Every day is different. Every day is different. Dont go awa itsand were here withe gloria, talking about the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match. Got your ads . I got em. Lets go check this out, oj . They had a better price. Walmart will match it at the register. Really . Really cool so you remember how much you spent at the competitors store for your markers . Sure. Look at that price. Get out of here so you excited to go back to school . Yea yea you looked through all those ads and walmart matched the prices. Ready . Wow thats the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match. Bring in ads from your local stores and see for yourself youre watching career day. Creative ability and Technical Knowledge and professional level of communication. Commupooches and puppies. We are tired of being fed on we want k9 advantix ii it not only kills fleas and ticks, k9 advantix ii also repels most ticks before they can attach. The leading brand kills, but doesnt repel. A tick that isnt repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. Infected ticks can even spread lyme disease. So lets put our paws down in protest till we all get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii join us at k9advantix. Com [ male announcer ] ever wonder why no other mouthwash feels like listerine® . Because no other mouthwash works like listerine®. In your mouth, bacteria forms in layers. Listerine® penetrates these layers deeper than other mouthwashes, killing bacteria all the way down to the bottom layer. So for a cleaner, healthier mouth, go with the mouthwash dentists recommend more than all others combined. 1 dentist recommended listerine®. Power to your mouth™. Pick your [bleep] up. Youre not [bleep] sittin here. Yes, i am. [laughter] move. Move. [laughter indistinct chatter] bully give it to him hard. No, no, no, oww. Announcer every day, kids witness bullying. Boy why are you stabbing me with it . No announcer they want to help, but dont know how. No oww. Ohh, you guys. Announcer teach your kids how to be more than a bystander. Visit stopbullying. Gov. Find out what i do next. Who can make a sweet treat, sell it in a box, make it a career and make the world taste good . The candy man can, of course. Candy, you cant live on it but you can make a living off of it. Its a fun business, we sell happiness. Thats the fun part. This Legendary Company gave us jelly belly and jolly rancher and mouthful of others. They helped resurrect the leaf name, even growing up, he cant get enough candy. Astro pop an an expandible line. My first memory of having candy is when i was a kid and we lived in new york and my relatives were and my dad would always come back with bags of candy from our relatives and say, okay, youre only allowed one piece per day. Today, the candy lineup is a combo of Old School Classics and modern flavors sure to satisfy any candy connoisseur. We came up with the name because it made people laugh and kids laugh and people enjoy putting it in their mouth. It is pretty easy to understand since most candies made of you know what this is the basic ingredient of all candy, sugar. Put the sugar into the machine and then make it a different color. The traditional ready for packaging. Wow, what a great candy. Thats awesome. First time taste. Did a great job. This is awesome. Perfect. Fun to eat and fun to make. Is there any work involved in making candy . For sure. And the candy aisle is an allout competition for your cast. The biggest challenge is making leaf brand candy, the candy you grab first. How about it . Thats why they spend time making the packaging pop. These are the size of packages were thinking about, weve got little pieces on the bottom and we show people what to buy. You cant buy what the store doesnt sell. Its convincing the stores to stock up on piles of pop and bags of beans. Children will love that. Yum. Thats really interesting. Think you can make a career out of candy . You sure can. Thanks to a sweet tooth and savvy business skills. In candy heaven, we hope he remembers to brush. What i like about candy is very simple, it makes people happy. Colors and textures and flavors, see people smile when they eat it and go that is great, what a great product. And we know weve done something right. Coming up on career day. Real estate prices are climbing for first time in years. Its always been one lucrative industry with a variety of careers to choose from, salesperson or escrow officer or broker. Were introducing you to an escrow officer, its a necessary job and always in demand. Do you think this could be a career for you . Very exciting, every day is different. Dont g vo at meineke we know that oil is the lifeblood of every car. Remember to change it on schedule to keep your car healthy. Show your car a little love with an oil change starting at 19. 95. Youre watching career day. Career day fact, deciding which Career Direction to take can be a daunting challenge. Can mean the difference between being satisfied and unmotivated and or girl dont look at me. Second girl your hairs a bit frizzy today. Aw ha ha you should pick that up. [girls laugh] oh, youre such a dork. Loser. Here. Let me help you with that. Oops ha ha announcer every day, kids witness bullying. Oh, look your crush is looking at you. [girls laugh] poor you. Ha ha announcer they want to help but dont know how. Bully see . No one heres gonna help you. Announcer teach your kids how to be more than a bystander. Visit stopbullying. Gov. Kids will spend 8 minutes decorating their little brother. Brushing for two minutes now, can save your child from severe tooth pain later. Two minutes, twice a day. They have the time. Welcome back to career day. At first glance its a typical office, right file cabinets and phones . Thank you for calling. Can i help you. This a office like this where big dreams come true like the reality of owning your home. I have a job thats the best of would worlds, thinking and real estate. I cant wait to tell you what it is. Personality, real exciting. Colleen is an escrow officer in mat hat an beach, california. Colleen ensures its done right. Everyone revolves around me. Thank you for coming in to see me today. We help buyers with taxes and how each person does the transaction and how it affects them. A Real Estate Agent and part of home sales, an integral part of the buying process. We have a Sale Transaction and buyer and seller, we might need to contact the mortgage company. What i do is act as the third party. Handles the money and also handles the important paperwork so you dont have to. Can you imagine, look at all of this paperwork, escrow officers job is never done. Everyone says, being an escrow officer must be kind of tough because we dont have to realtor, but escrow officers do deal with all of those entities, the home warranties and termites and contractor, the title company. Hi, this is lisa jones file, can you make sure thanks. Good escrow officers need the right skills, writing and math and the most important of all, people skills. Andy, yeah. You have to be able to deal with a wide variety of people and others as well. Lenders, thats what makes it fun. Even more fun is getting to decide when she has to be at the office. The hours of an escrow officer are always flexible. Great thing about being an escrow officer and one of the reasons i chose that, it allows me the flexibility in time. When she is stuck at the office, at least shes stuck near this. Beautiful manhattan beach. It is a fantastic area. I love being here. Its beautiful. The clients come here and you have the shopping nearby and makes it nice. Global contract administration, right here, i spend Time Training and i really wanted to do something more and found escrow was rewarding and very exciting. Every day is different. To be an escrow officer, you better love paperwork. It has huge responsibilities but the rewards are even greater. Part of the process of putting them in a home to raise a family. They are excited and its really neat to turn over the keys to them so they can get in the future. Thank you for your time today, andy. Andy. I really appreciate you [ male announcer ] so you used the wrong flea killer. Dont blame him. Instead, rely on frontline plus. It kills adult fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, destroying future generations. Ask your vet about frontline plus. For Digestive Health . Yes and did you know that trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways . It supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70 of your immune system lives. Try trubiotics today. Youre watching career day. Being an escrow officer doesnt being an escrow officer doesnt require a formal education, have i got a treat for you. New Clean Whipped Creme Foundation from covergirl. A delicious new recipe whipped up by clean makeup. They took their clean fresh foundation, added a dash of hydration, then whipped it to smooth matte perfection. Finally, a nondrying whip that wears like a dream what a treat. New clean whipped creme from easy breezy beautiful covergirl. Get glowing with new clean glow blusher and bronzer cause germs dont stick on me [ female announcer ] bandaid brand has quiltvent technology with air channels to let boo boos breathe. [ giggles ] [ female announcer ] quiltvent technology, only from bandaid brand. Use with neosporin first aid antibiotic. Only frchewy inside. Nd. Crunch n chew. With a crunchy candy shell. Untamed fruit flavor. Jolly rancher crunch n chew. Im here in your home, having a pretty spectacular tuesday. But i dont notice the loose rug at the top of your stairs. And thats about to become an issue for me. And if you got the wrong Home Insurance coverage, my medical bills could get expensive. So get allstate. [ dennis ] good hands. Good home. Make sure you have the right home protection. Talk to an allstate agent. Make sure you have the right home protection. Itabout the walmart time and welow price guarantee. Ia got your list . Lets go. Why after School Snacks . Because my kids are starving when they get home from school and hot pockets are perfect. Look at that price. Wow now all your back to school meals are covered. Thank you. Ok, ready . What . thats the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match. Save time and money getting your kids ready for school. Bring in receipts from your local stores and see for yourself. Save more this back to school on convenient after School Snacks with low prices on gushers value packs and hot pockets sandwiches with our low price guarantee backed by ad match. Every day you stain it. And stain it. And stain it. So every day, use crest 3d White Toothpaste to remove up to 90 of surface stains in just 5 days. No wonder crest 3d white is the number one whitening brand. After all, every day counts. Life opens up when you do. And now, crest 3d white has a sensitive side. It also repels most ticks before they can attach. The leading brand kills, but doesnt repel. A tick that isnt repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. Get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii but do you really . [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99 of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. Can your makeup remover do that . [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. Unwrap your paradise. Soft, sweet coconut covered cain rich, creamy chocolate. Hat . Almond joy and mounds. Unwrap paradise. Dont blame him. Instead, rely on frontline plus. It kills adult fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, destroying future generations. Ask your vet about frontline plus. Hopefully you were inspired by todays careers. Its never too early or late to its never too early or late to follow your drea today on ricki. Do you admit to sleeping with over 1,000 women . I have slept with over 1,000 women, yes. Its our bad boy confidential. Currently im seeing 10 women around the country. So the virgin snatcher . I think ive probably deflowered about 15 women. If you go to church, youll find a good woman. Can these casanovas charm our audience . What do you use with the ladies that works 100 of the time . What it really comes down to is i make them think that i care. They buy that. Im going back to my friend over here that liked what she saw when you walked out. Did you hear what he said . I dont like him anymore. Before you get played. The main thing you want to take a look at when you are dating a man is he consistent. Do any of you ever want to have a real relationship with a woman . On ricki. Yeah welcome. Hi, honey. Good to see you. Hi. Thank you so much. Thank you. Have a seat. Hi, honey. Okay, the subject of todays show can be summed up in two words that will send either a shiver up your spine or a quiver to your lady parts. Bad boys. cheers depending on the kind of woman you are, you love them or hate them. Either way, today will be an eyeopening day as bad boys pull back the curtain and show us the tricks of their trade. Now, before we meet our bad boys, we took it to the street to hear why women love them . Take a look. I think everybodys attracted to a bad boy. I think women like bad boys because its something different. They like bad boys because cause its kind of like it gives them Something Like a chase. Theyre dangerous and they live life on the edge. Something in their history has told them they kind of like mental, physical, or emotional abuse. A bad boy is not marriage material, maybe on the side. A bad guy is kind of like somebody for like a month. Yes i have dated a bad boy. And how did that turn out . Hes in prison. Thats how bad he was. hums comedic tune okay, contrary to what one of our favorite rapper, big daddy kane, has said, our first guest thinks pimpin is easy. He says women cant resist him. And he can pick them up anywhere. Please welcome the incredibly modest rob. scattered hollering rob, it seems you have some fans. Hi, how are you . cheering do you recognize any of them . Um, about 30 of them. Yeah, i dont know if theyll let me know that though. cause you do admit to sleeping with over 1,000 women . I have slept with over 1,000 women, yes. But theyve slept with me too. You know . laughter takes two. You say women cant resist you . They cant. But why do you think that is, that most women cant resist you . Woman cant resist me obviously cause ive got the hair, the looks, and the tattoos, and things like that