Years old, i was living on the streets of new york. I got involved with drugs and alcohol, and for many of those years, i was an alcoholic and a drug addict. I wound up doing about 6, 6 1 2 years in prison. Finally, a judge sent me to a drug treatment center. They focused on me becoming accountable for my behavior, and thats when my career as a therapist really began. Its a long way from a jail cell to a masters degree in social work. Absolutely. And im only telling you this because i want to give hope to parents. If i can change, anybody can change. If youre sitting out there now, and youve got a 6yearold or an 8yearold or a 14yearold whos having terrible behavior problems, whos not listening and whos not learning, i want to give you some hope. People change, but they have to know how to change, and thats where the total Transformation Program comes in. Look, parents need help. Youre not born knowing how to deal with behavior problems. The total Transformation Program is a stepbystep program that shows you exactly how to change your childs behavior, and it works. Its how i changed my life, and its how ive been helping kids get back on the right track for over 30 years. What do you see as the most common problem in children . The most common problem with children is that they cant solve problems, that lifes problems come up whether that problem is going to your room, whether that problem is talking in the right tone, whether that problem is not hitting your brother or sister, whether that problem is doing your homework, whether that problem is responding to Parental Authority kids dont know how to solve those problems. Most kids solve it by becoming compliant, by accepting limits. Doing what theyre told. But theres a group of kids that learn to solve the problem of authority through defiance. They defy the parent, they defy the teacher, they defy authority, and so what tends to happen with those kids is, they look to get their way by being defiant. And they actually train adults and teachers, as they get older, to give in to them. How many little kids do you see that you know, be 4 or 5 years old, and the mother will say, dont do that. Hell throw a temper tantrum. Well, that 4yearold has trained that mother to give in to him, and that 4yearold, without knowing it, is blackmailing his parents. Now, theres a whole school of therapy that says that if kids feel better, theyll act better. And so a lot of the change and a lot of the focus is to get them to feel better. I totally disagree with that. I dont believe you can feel your way to better behavior. I do believe you can behave your way to better feelings. If you want to feel better about your siblings, you have to treat them nice first. If you want to feel better about your parents, you have to learn to get along with them first. If you want to feel better in school, youve got to do the work there. If you do the work, youll feel better, but if you dont do the work even if somebody helps you feel better for the short time, tomorrow youre going to go back into school, youre not gonna do your schoolwork, youre gonna talk back to a teacher, and youre gonna feel bad all over again. When you talk about the difference in therapists. The therapists that we had gone to before would be robert would do something, and theyd say, well, howd you feel about it . And james says, who cares how he feels about it . Hes not supposed to do it. These are the consequences for doing those things. And we did it, and, um. It started working. When we first met james, my son had been suspended a number of times at school, and actually even at the young age of 11, they were considering expelling him. Right now, today, my son is in the 10th grade. He is a straight a student. Hes doing things that, really, truly four years ago, i never, i never thought were gonna happen for my son. Why do these situations get so out of control for parents . What causes situations in the home to explode the way they do . Theres a lot of reasons for that, matthew. One of the big ones, though, is that parents spend years wishing and waiting for a certain kind of child, their ideal child, the child that they wanted to parent. We all spend our lives wishing and waiting for that ideal child to grow up and be the person that we wanted him to be. The child who. Plays soccer, learns from mistakes, gets along with other people. And what happens then is, when parents dont get that ideal child, all right . They keep acting, they keep parenting that child as if it was the ideal child, hoping it will become the ideal child, and they dont develop the skills they need to deal with the child that they actually have. In other words, theyre trying to raise the ideal child, and their child just isnt that. Hes the child who bangs the door, hes the child who wont listen, hes the child whos always defiant. Thats exactly right. You know, theyll see these really outofcontrol behaviors, and parents are like deer in a headlight. They dont know what to do, so theyll start screaming and yelling, or theyll start giving in, or theyll start bribing. Parents give in because its so tiring, and its so annoying, and its so frustrating. Well, this Program Shows you simpler, easier ways to deal with this problem than giving in so that you can live with yourself as a parent, so that you can say, im not letting this kid violate my home or violate my values. I give them a way in the total Transformation Program to do something about that so that they can reestablish their values and reestablish order in the home. We had to learn how to be good parents to this child. Yeah, thats the biggest thing, its that youre not gonna be given this, like, cookiecutter child. You cant take those things, those experiences that you had yourself, or that, you know, if you had Little Brothers or sisters or whatever you are dealing with a completely different animal, and i think you have to take a step back, not feel like this is an extension of you and get the ego out of there and learn how to parent this particular child. Lets talk about the program. Its called total transformation, and this is a program that parents can use right in their own homes. Am i right about that, james . Yes, matthew. Its a stepbystep program, where i show parents how to get their kids to be accountable for their behavior. Matthew, from day one, the total Transformation Program shows you how to explain to the child, in no uncertain terms, this is how youre gonna talk to me, this is how im gonna talk to you, this is how were gonna treat each other, and thats all theres gonna be to it. The arguments stop. Matthew wow. The debates stop. We just stop that. Ill show you how to stop it. Its the simplest thing in the world. In the total Transformation Program, i show you exactly what to do when your kid acts up. I show you exactly what to say. You can sit in your kitchen, and you can listen to this program and learn all you need to know to get your family back on the right track. Look, i was a kid with a lot of behavior problems in new york city, and my parents didnt know what to do with me. I developed a program that my parents couldve followed to help me. Thats how simple that i want it to be. In the total Transformation Program, if your kid is fighting with you and making your life miserable, im gonna show you exactly what to say. Im gonna show you exactly what to do. Im gonna show you exactly what not to say. Ive been doing this for 30 years, and ive learned a lot about how you communicate with kids. If you use these techniques, youre gonna see progress in your family. If you use these techniques, youre gonna get kids who learn how to respond better, who learn how to listen louder, and who learn how to solve problems on their own without making everybody else miserable. I would highly recommend total transformation to anybody because, you know, from my own experience, my life went from, you know, a living nightmare to a lot of joy and fun in our house. I dont have to listen to you i wish you were dead dont you ever talk to me like that if youre the mother of a child with behavior problems, id like to talk to you. My name is janet lehman, and im a behavioral therapist and a mom. I know what its like when the child that you love becomes a defiant, outofcontrol child who disrespects you. Thats why my husband james and i created the total transformation, the program that tens of thousands of moms are now using to turn around their childs behavior. If youve heard about the total transformation and wondered if it will work for you, now you can try it for free. Im willing to give away a thousand programs today for free. All you need to do is get the program and let us know how it works for you. Well let you keep it for free. I know the total transformation works, because i used these techniques with my own son and with troubled kids for over 30 years. Let me prove to you that it works by giving you the program free. Man call the number on your screen now to get the total transformation free. Back when me and my sister used to fight, wed hate each other and tell this to our friends, and now, me and my sister are, like, were best friends. We hang out. I give her rides everywhere she needs. We hang out on the weekends. We talk. We dont fight and argue and call each other names. Theres no more physical or verbal abuse. We just get along. James, whats the biggest mistake parents make when dealing with problem behavior . In my opinion, the biggest mistake is parents not drawing the line and saying, this is not gonna be acceptable, and were not going any further until we deal with this. Look, lets say that you wanted to train a kid to be disrespectful. Lets say you wanted to train a kid to be obnoxious. What would you do . Well, youd tell him he had to do things, and then youd let him not do it. Youd tell him that he has responsibilities, then youd do it for him. Youd tell him he had to get up for school, then youd wake him up five times a day. Youd tell him that he cant talk to you disrespectfully, but then youd scream at him when he does so that you wind up apologizing, and what a kid would learn from you then is that its okay to be obnoxious, its okay to be disrespectful, and without knowing it, thats what parents do they train their kids to be disrespectful, they train their kids that its okay to be obnoxious. Ill tell you something, having a kid with behavior problems is probably the worst thing that you can experience in your life, cause youre worried about that kid, you know, and you care about him, and you know that that kid has to become a productive citizen, and you dont see it happening. And on the other hand, hes driving you crazy. Its not only that you worry about his future, you dont know how youre gonna live with him today hes driving you nuts. And so, when you have that with the kid, parents start to look at themselves very critically. Also, parents look at each other very critically. I think acting out kids, acting out kids are awful on a marriage. They bring out the worst in each parent. Thats true. cause each parent sits there and says, well, if you did this differently, he wouldnt act out. And the other parent says, no, no. If you did this differently, hed be okay. And they dont look at the obvious problem the kid. The parents that i work with find the total Transformation Program to be a very exciting experience for them, because they stop asking themselves, what am i doing wrong . The total Transformation Program takes that pressure off. Its a very interesting process when parents stop saying, is this my fault . Or whose fault is this behavior . And start saying, this is my kids problem. What can i do about it to help him change . And put the responsibility back on that child. I can honestly say that if we had not found james lehman, its quite possible that my husband and i would be divorced or separated right now. It had gotten to the point where it was almost impossible for me, and i feel like going to see james saved my family, now, what about a. D. D. Or a. D. H. D. , the hyperactivity disorders, things like that, i mean, they certainly affect behavior, am i right . Heres the thing. If your kid has a. D. D. , you need to the total Transformation Program even more because it is really critical that your kid learn how to solve problems. If you have a. D. D. Or a. D. H. D. , the boss at the factory, the college professor, your wife, your own kids, theyre going to hold you to the same standards as every other husband, every other father, every other employer. Its just that simple. You have to learn how to meet those standards. Youre still gonna have to learn how to behave, yourself. Youre still gonna have to learn how to solve problems, youre still gonna have to learn how to be productive. Your boss is not gonna say, oh, poor guy, hes got a. D. D. Lets pay him anyway. Certainly the judge is not gonna say, whats your diagnosis, mr. Smith . You broke the law, all right . Its not gonna go down that way. You can read up on the literature a whole lot, and what youre gonna see is a whole lot of theories about why this is happening and very little talk about what to do about it. Yeah, its true. You can read for weeks and not come across something that says, tonight, when this kid does this, you do this. But thats what i do for you in the total Transformation Program. It wasnt a matter of a. D. H. D. It wasnt a matter of her focusing ability and things like that. It was just a matter of getting herself under control, learning how to deal with feelings and problemsolving. She couldnt think a problem from one end to the next, and i didnt know that at the time, but i do now, and its certainly been a breakthrough for us. So, as a parent, you have to decide, is that kid gonna control you, or is he gonna learn how to control his own behavior . In the total Transformation Program, i show you how to teach that kid to control his own behavior. And its very simple. I wanna stop the fighting in your house. I wanna stop the yelling, i wanna stop the screaming. Im gonna show you how to stop that stuff and to start a program where kids are taking more responsibility and solving their own problems appropriately. Youre gonna be the person who helps them solve their problem. Youre not gonna be the person that takes that problem on your shoulders and then you have to live with it. Its their job to learn how to solve problems. Im going to show you exactly how to get them to do that. If you are having trouble with your children, this is a design for living. With them and with their problems to get results, immediate results. You know, its not like you have to wait till theyre 18 to figure out if it worked or not, you know, if theyre gonna go left or if theyre gonna go right. This is. You get immediate results. I dont have to listen to you i wish you were dead dont you ever talk to me like that if youre the mother of a child with behavior problems, id like to talk to you. My name is janet lehman, and im a behavioral therapist and a mom. I know what its like when the child that you love becomes a defiant, outofcontrol child who disrespects you. Thats why my husband james and i created the total transformation, the program that tens of thousands of moms are now using to turn around their childs behavior. If youve heard about the total transformation and wondered if it will work for you, now you can try it for free. Im willing to give away a thousand programs today for free. All you need to do is get the program and let us know how it works for you. Well let you keep it for free. I know the total transformation works, because i used these techniques with my own son and with troubled kids for over 30 years. Let me prove to you that it works by giving you the program free. Man call the number on your screen now to get the total transformation free. When i heard the the advertisement that was offering, uh, the program for free, provided that you just complete the program and send in your feedback, i thought, theres absolutely no reason not to do this. I mean, it it was a done deal. Theres no more yelling. Theres no more arguments. Yep. You know, we will have conversations now, um. Getting her to do her chores is no longer. A difficult task. She knows whats expected of her, and she does it. Curfew is, you know, she meets her curfew now. Curfews almost never an issue. Yeah. Theres no more of, uh, her being verbally abusive towards us. That has gone totally. Its gone. I dont think that this is just something that is beneficial for people who are dealing with kids that are totally out of control. I think if you learn these techniques and these skills, it is like a magic pill. It is communicating clearly and effectively. If you start that as a toddler, your child will know you mean what you say, and that means they can trust you. Parents are gonna get the total Transformation Program, theyre gonna have it at home, theyre gonna start to use it. What should they expect to see as they begin to use the program . I mean, what have you seen in your own practice . Ill tell you what parents and families have reported back to me. First the arguing stops. Thats the first thing. The yelling and the arguing stops. I teach parents how to just cut that off. You know, parents get into these fights and arguments with kids, and then they wind up holding the bag. We want the kid holding the bag. I show parents how to leave the kid where hes holding the bag. The bag is his dirty laundry. You know, the bag is his unfinished homework. I show parents how to assert themselves with kids, how to set limits on kids, so that its not the kid dictating to you. I also show parents how to stop the bargaining, to stop the negotiating. Youve got these responsibilities, youve got to do them. Im not gonna negotiate your homework with you. Youve gotta do your homework before you play video games. Thats it, case closed, or the video games are getting locked in a closet. Its as simple as pie. And so what happens is, in the total Transformation Program, i show parents how to stop the arguing and stop the negotiating and bargaining and start focusing on this kid meeting his responsibilities in a way thats going to help him be successful. Okay, so right away, youre just gonna abolish that whole idea that the parent says, my child doesnt understand what im saying, and, in turn, the child says, well, my parents dont understand what im feeling. Right away, youre gonna feel like youre in control. And right away, that kid is gonna understand that if hes not in compliance, its he thats on the outside, not you. Youre not gonna leave this up to parents imagination. Youre gonna be very specific. When you encounter this type of behavior, you need to do this, you need to say this. In the total Transformation Program, i teach you what to say, i teach you what to do. Listen, i teach you when to start and when to stop. Okay. Wow. I teach you how to walk away and when to walk away. So, this isnt Rocket Science or a social work psychological theory. These are specific things that i show you what to do. Listen, im gonna show you what to do when your kid is disrespectful. Im gonna show you what to do when your kid doesnt want to do his chores or if your kid doesnt want to do his homework. Im gonna show you what to say specifically, and im gonna show you what to do about that, and itll all be geared toward getting that kid to take responsibility for himself. We want to stop i want to stop the fighting in your house. I want to stop the yelling, i want to stop the screaming. Im gonna show you how to stop that stuff and to start a program where kids are taking more responsibility and solving their own problems appropriately. Youre gonna be the person who helps them solve their problem. Youre not gonna be the person that takes that problem on your shoulders and then you have to live with it. Its their job to learn how to solve problems. Im gonna show you exactly how to get them to do that. You know, the parents that i work with find the total Transformation Program to be a very exciting experience for them because they stop asking themselves, what am i doing wrong . You know, a lot of parents blame themselves or blame each other it can have a lot of pressure on a relationship or they blame the school, or they blame the friends, and the total Transformation Program takes that pressure off. Its a very interesting process when parents stop saying, is this my fault . Or whose fault is this behavior . And start saying, this is my kids problem. What can i do about it to help him change . And put the responsibility back on that child. James, what do you say to parents out there who are listening, and theyre just so frustrated with their kids, but theyre afraid to reach out . I mean, they think that this wont work for their particular problem, or they hope their problem will just go away. I mean, why should they call in . If youre getting called into school because your childs getting into trouble, do you honestly know what to do to turn that around so he doesnt get thrown out of school . If your kid is fighting with you all the time or fighting with his siblings, do you honestly know what to do, how to stop that . And if you do know how to stop that, why havent you stopped it already . I mean, those are the questions. In the total Transformation Program, if your kid is fighting with you and making your life miserable, im gonna show you exactly what to say. Im gonna show you exactly what to do. Im gonna show you exactly what not to say. Ive been doing this for 30 years, and ive learned a lot about how you communicate with kids. If you use these techniques, youre gonna see progress in your family. If you use these techniques, youre gonna get kids who learn how to respond better, who learn how to listen louder, and who learn how to solve problems on their own without making everybody else miserable. It didnt change when you grounded them. It didnt change when they suspended them from school. It didnt change when you sent him to his room. Nothings gonna change until you make that call and look deeper into this program. I would recommend total transformation because it works. Its easy, and why go through all that other trial and error when you know something that works . And i know it works. I dont have to listen to you i wish you were dead dont you ever talk to me like that if youre the mother of a child with behavior problems, id like to talk to you. My name is janet lehman, and im a behavioral therapist and a mom. I know what its like when the child that you love becomes a defiant, outofcontrol child who disrespects you. Thats why my husband james and i created the total transformation, the program that tens of thousands of moms are now using to turn around their childs behavior. If youve heard about the total transformation and wondered if it will work for you, now you can try it for free. Im willing to give away a thousand programs today for free. All you need to do is get the program and let us know how it works for you. Well let you keep it for free. I know the total transformation works, because i used these techniques with my own son and with troubled kids for over 30 years. Let me prove to you that it works by giving you the program free. Man call the number on your screen now to get the total transformation free. If i can change, anybody can change. If youre sitting out there now, and youve got a 6yearold or an 8yearold or a 14yearold whos having terrible behavior problems, whos not listening and whos not learning, i want to give you some hope. People change, but they have to know how to change, and thats where the total Transformation Program comes in. I would highly recommend total transformation to anybody because, you know, from my own experience, my life went from, you know, a living nightmare to a lot of joy and fun in our house. If i hadnt have met james, theres no doubt i would be nowhere near as solid as i am right now. I wouldnt have any goals. I was an angry person. I was confused and frustrated, and if i hadnt have met james, theres no doubt i would probably be kicked out of school, kicked out of my house. Probably would be having a tough life right now, but james has helped me in so many ways that my life is real strong and steady, and theres no doubt that im on my way. It works, and if youre willing to if you care anything about your kids and you want a better life for yourself, an enjoyable life, give it a shot. I mean, you know, its not gonna hurt you or anything, and if youre having a hard time, its better than what youre doin. Its a stepbystep approach to change your life. Period. Instead of being in a constant state of fear and a constant state of panic and never enjoying every moment and really, this is your child, and you really need to enjoy those moments because theyre. Theyre gone soon. I mean, my sons 16 now. You know, and thank god i got a little bit of time. The sooner you change, the better off you are. Welcome to gospel truth with Andrew Wommack. A Teaching Ministry that focuses on gods unconditional love and grace. And now, heres andrew. Welcome to our thursdays broadcast of the gospel truth. Today i am continuing a teaching through the book of romans and were now into romans, chapter 7, and yesterday we got through verse 14, and i tell you, this teaching is just powerful. Its not my teaching. Its the word of god. All im doing is just sharing things that are already in the word of god, and i tell you, itll change your life and let me mention again before we get started, that the materials that im offering. Ive got a book that i made on the book of romans. This covers the first nine and a half chapters in the book of romans. Ive got this book. Ive got an actual commentary that i wrote decades ago on the book of romans right here, and then ive got this study guide that is about 300 pages specifically made to help you receive, but also specifically to help you teach others and then we have cds and dvds that go through this, and im really encouraging people to get these materials because i promise you this is in depth teaching. It takes a while to absorb it, and it takes a lot of time to renew your mind. You need to go over this over and over and over it. So you really need these materials, so im in. Im stressing that people get this because its just really powerful. Today i want to do something very special on our program. In between my last program and this program, my staff showed me a video about a woman named virginia croy, and i met her many years ago. Im not sure, about four years ago. Something like that. And her testimony has touched me. Her and her good friend caroline. Their testimony and what god has delivered them through, through these exact teachings. I mean the exact things that im teaching here. It just transformed their life and they just showed me a video of how these truths on the grace of god changed her life, and i tell you, it impacted me powerfully. So what i would like to do today is just play this for you. Show you how these truths are setting people free, and the same thing that god did for virginia, he can do for you. So watch this, and then ill come back at the end of this program and have some comments before the end of the program today. I was born into this church and this religion. My father was a pastor. We werent allowed to wear pants. We had to wear dresses. We could not cut our hair. Wear makeup. Jewelry. My mother made us live it. I never went to ball games. Never went to a bowling alley. Never did anything because they were called worldly things and that people would sway us and lead us to hell if we got mixed up with them. As a young girl, if. If we were out playing and the neighbors came out, we had to go in the house. We were not allowed to mix with anybody or be with anyone else. We listened, because we were told if we didnt, god would strike us with a sickness, he would make us. Something happen in our life, that. Like we could even possibly die. But one day i got sick. I was very ill. Somebody told me my appendix burst. I just knew something exploded inside me. I was so sick. My hair fell out of my head, my fever was so high, i could peel the skin right off my face. We were not. Definitely not allowed to go to the hospital. If you did, you truly left god and were going to hell. They would set me on the couch and put books around me and my husband would go off to work and there i sat. Couldnt. Couldnt walk. My two Young Children had been taken away from me for someone else to care for, and i was desperate. I wanted my healing. I couldnt understand why god did this to me when i was such a good christian. I would sit on my couch every day saying, god, if youre really there, who are you and what do you want from me, because i had come to a point that there mustnt even be a god. And in my ignorance, i didnt even know what i was saying, but god heard my plea, and one day i pulled my bible in my lap and i went, wow, i never saw this before. I started reading and it was so strange and incredible and i. I got scared and i said, oh, the devil couldnt take my life. I stayed out of the hospital. He tried to get me to go in there, but no, i stayed out, so now hes trying to deceive me. So i put the bible beside my couch. And it was about three days later i heard a voice speak to me and he said, why arent you reading my word . And i said, who are you, lord . He said, read my word, and i said, no. The devil is trying to deceive me because he wants my soul, and he said, no, the devil does not know my word to deceive you. He only knows my word to accuse you. Now, read my word. I pulled that bible back up in my lap and i was so afraid to open it. I. I. I thought it was going to explode, but i opened it up and i started reading. I dont know where i read. I just know that i couldnt stop and i just read and read and read, and something happened inside, just like. Just like months earlier something had exploded in me, now something exploded up in here. I couldnt explain it, i couldnt tell you what happened, i just knew it was strange and different. And so one day i was out in a yard sale and i found this tv that set there and said free, and the man told me it was broken. That it didnt work, but he had just put it out in case somebody wanted it for parts. So, i took it home and sure enough it worked when i plugged my vcr into it. When i would go to show my son movies, i would stick them in first because every time i turned the tv on, it would make this loud sound, so i would stick the movie in first, then turn on the tv. One day, i dont know why, but i turned the tv on first. [andrew] there are a lot of people that stand up and they preach hell, fire and damnation and they say boy, you are a sinner and you are going to hell and i am telling you the gospel. No, thats not the gospel. And here comes this mans voice over the air. There was no picture. There was nothing, but i could hear this man speaking just like im speaking to you. [andrew] theres probably people watching this Television Program that you know that gods real thats the reason you are watching a christian program, and yet you just despair of ever having god really move and manifest in your life because you feel that youve got to do everything just right. He was talking about god and this jesus who came and did this. This work on the cross, who took away our sins and did all this. It was incredible. I just couldnt get enough of it and i. But i just had to hear it and so the next day i took my sons tapes. His movies and i put tape over the holes so that i could stick it in and record. Welcome to gospel truth with Andrew Wommack. A Teaching Ministry that emphasizes gods unconditional love and grace. And then that afternoon when i put my son to bed, i sat down and stuck that tape in and listened to it and it was so strange. Im like, i never heard anything like this, but i was so compelled, i just had to listen to it again and again. You know, whats really strange. Nothing else come over that tv. I just got him. [andrew] we have a phone center, so, to make this as available to you as we possibly can, if youll tell them that you would like the tape on the true gospel , well get that in the mail to you right away. So please, call or write today. Through that is where i started then getting cds from andrew and. And i couldnt afford them, but one nice thing about andrew is he gave them away free. This is Andrew Wommack and this is the first tape in a series. A four tape series that im doing. I started listening to andrews tapes of, god wants you well , the Believers Authority , and i started to realize that i could have this deliverance. That i, a woman, could have this. God loved me. He wasnt up there waiting to strike me dead, if i didnt read or if i didnt do something right. It. It was incredible, but because of all that my husband knew something was going on and i would Start Talking about this jesus that he didnt understand and know, and so he got very abusive verbally and. And he had threatened me and told me not to speak the name of jesus and i wasnt allowed to have the radio on and i wasnt allowed to have mail in the house. See. See, when. When you talk jesus to them, because they dont understand, it made them angry. You could talk about god. Everything about god was okay, but dont say that jesus thing. Dont say jesus was god. Dont. Dont talk about jesus. I would still keep going back to that church. I. I started to have my eyes opened. Know they were teaching wrong. I would just start speaking right out loud in church, thats wrong. Theyre not saying the right thing, and he got very embarrassed and. And told me i couldnt go to church anymore. Now i was out of the church. My husband still was going to that church. He still put the children in their school, and each day i had to trust god that he would keep us together because it was really. Really pulling us apart. I was one way and my husband was taking my children and going another way. He told me later that he would do things to try to make me leave him so that he could take me to court and get my children, so i could never see them. He was just that angry that i was using the name of jesus. So, i got pregnant with my fourth child. I was in labor for a week and i was trying to have him at home. Finally i said to my husband, somethings wrong. He said, how do you know . I said, because i had three others. Somethings wrong. So, my sister said to him, are you going to let her lay there in that bed and die like everybody else in that church . He finally took me to the hospital. When i got there, they started to do an examination. Discovered my baby had already stopped breathing, that he had died. They said, you have to do an emergency csection. They. They im. Just ran me off immediately. phone is ringing one person from my old Church Called me while i was in the hospital and said, why didnt you let god do with you what he wanted to . Why didnt you make your life right and let god take you like he wanted to . Because a lot of the people in there die in childbirth. beep they had literally shocked him back to life. They didnt even know if his heart would hold out. But it did, and god put him in perfect health. And so, it was through that that my husband had to come out of the church, because really the children werent allowed to go to school there any longer. Now, my husband didnt believe, but now he had nowhere to go and it was through that that he started coming to know the lord then because now he wasnt getting that word. He wasnt hearing them daily and now god could Start Talking to him. Its been a long journey, but its been an incredible one and now god has restored my husband to the faith. My husband is believing now. All my children believe. He has put us in a Bible Believing Church and we are now worshipping together as a family. The legalism has such a strong hold on you that every day i have to keep in christ. I. I think each day god takes another chain off of me, the chains of bondage that were. Were binding me and he just. I. I literally can hear them falling on the floor as he clinks them off of me, as he cuts them away and sets me free. I can cut my hair and not worry that im going to go to hell. I can stick on a necklace and some earrings and not worry that im going to go to hell. If i make a mistake, i just know hes going to pick me up, hes going to love me, hes going to put his arms around me and love me. Not inflict the sickness on me or cause one of my children to die. I couldnt walk away on my own. I was powerless to do anything, but now through christ, i can do all things. Isnt that great . I tell you what, that just really, really blesses me. I wish you could get to know virginia and her friend caroline. You know, i was telling my staff here that when i first met virginia and caroline, virginia also had her sister with her and they came to a meeting that i held in charlotte, north carolina, and on sunday morning we have a meeting at freedom christian center. Its usually a sh. An abbreviated meeting because right after the service, all of the people in the church bring together all of this food and we have dinner on the grounds out under these pecan trees and i met virginia and her sister aster and her friend caroline and they began to start telling me this story that you saw just a little bit of, and as dramatic as that is, it was nothing compared to what they began to start telling me and i had never just seen anybody who was so bound by religion. I mean i was bound by religion but compared to virginia and her sister and caroline, i. I never experienced that degree of legalism, but they were. It was just terrible and they were so set free. And anyway were doing a story trying to get carolines story in with virginias and eventually thats going to get done, but as i was there meeting with them. I may get some of the particulars wrong, so ill just give a real quick summary of this and wait until the other video comes out so that it can get everything correct. So if i miss anything, please, forgive me virginia and caroline. But. But when virginia and her family were kicked out of this church, caroline could not associate with virginia, because in the teaching of the church, she was a heretic. And so even though they had been best friends since i mean little girls, there was just. It was just like virginia died and there was no communication whatsoever, and i forgot exactly how it happened, but caroline in her walk also became desperate and i think it was virginias sister, aster, that gave her some of my teachings, but anyway, somehow she got teachings from me, and virg. And caroline began to get set free. I think they made a phone call which was against the rules of the church and connected and virginia was going to come to my meetings in charlotte and caroline wanted to come and reconnect with virginia. Anyway, i met them. They were all together and it was just so awesome to see their reunion, these people who had been best friends, but because of the religious bondage. This legalistic teaching had to break off their friendship. Had just suffered tremendous things, and carolines husband was the son of the pastor and associate pastor, and for caroline to be even at that meeting could have meant the excommunication of her and her husband from the church, the loss of his job, the breakup of a family relationship and all of these kind of things, but they came and i mean these. They came to a meeting which was a minor thing to most people, but to them it was like one of the greatest steps of faith that she had ever taken in her life and she began to start receiving this exact teaching on the book of romans and these truths about the grace of god and they began to get set free, and virginia had already. Like you saw in the video, she had learned that she could wear a necklace. That she could wear pants. That she could put on earrings and virginia was already beginning to experience some of this freedom. Caroline saw it and she just began to receive. I mean she was just transformed in front of our eyes, and before the week was over, caroline came to Church Wearing pants and she put on makeup and she wore earrings, and it was so funny because she was praising god and you could tell that she was getting free, but at the same time it was the first time in her life that she had ever done anything like this and she was also scared and you know in a way kind of looking over her shoulder to wonder if god was going to strike her dead for just putting on Something Like makeup. I tell you, this is what religion can do to you and like i said, i wasnt maybe as bond. In as much bondage as they were, but it was the exact same thing. It was just different degrees. And there may be some of you thinking well, thats extreme. Who would ever do that . And yet many of you are experiencing the exact same fear and lack of relationship with god because of all of the rules and the regulations and the condemnation that it brings. You know, there is no hell number two or hell number three. There is no such thing as being you know, in a good part of prison. If youre in prison, youre in prison, and i tell you, there are some people that dont realize how bad the bondage is because maybe you look around and everybody seems to be in the same mess that you are and stuff, but if you could receive it, i believe that god is speaking to you today about the liberty that is available through christ, and just as these women were able to come out of their bondages and are now experiencing freedom, and ive now met with them two or three different times, and ive told them often, ive got pictures of them on my computer and. And the title i put under it is gods trophies of grace. And i tell you what, ive never been impacted by people being set free the way that i have virginia and caroline. Its just tremendous and. And carolines story is just as dramatic what gods done with them. But the good news is that this isnt just for virginia and caroline. This is for you. God wants to set you free and virginia made a statement right at the end of that video that said she was in so much bondage that she couldnt get free on her own. She needed some help. Its jesus that sets us free, but he does it through the truth. Jesus said himself in john, chapter 8, verse 32, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free and its only the truth that you know thats setting you free. This bible is truth. This bible is full of truth that can set you free, but its got to get out of this page. Off of this page, and into your heart. And jesus said in matthew, chapter 7, verse 13, that the traditions and doctrines of men make the word of no effect. There are some of you that right now are experiencing some freedom. The holy spirit is trying to touch you and trying to draw you just like virginia was sharing in this testimony. You feel something exploding in your chest. You feel the power of god touching you, but your head will not let you embrace it. Thats the reason that you need these materials that were talking about. Virginia said she couldnt get free on her own. She needed someone to come along and help teach her the things and thats the reason that were offering these materials. I promise you that this stuff will set you free and this legalism is just rampant in the body of christ. If you compared it to a sickness or a disease, it would be in an epidemic proportion and its taking the lives of people. And thats the reason that ive called this program that we have the gospel truth , because its the good news about what jesus has done for us, not about all of the stuff that we have to do in order to clean ourself up and become worthy, but its about what jesus has done for us and i tell you, god could set you free today. We have a number on your screen and i would like to encourage you to get all of these materials. Yes, you really need it. But with your getting, i ask you to also ask the prayer ministers just to pray with you and to help you. They can help you. They have been through this process. They have been set free from the legalistic performance based relationship with god, and these people know god in a way that could help you, and so i encourage you. It doesnt matter where you are in the world. If youre watching overseas, weve got a number for our uk office. Weve got people all over the world that will take your call. That will get you these materials, but theyll also pray with you and help you. So i encourage you to call, receive the materials, but also receive prayer and ministry and i promise you, it would be a blessing to you. Our announcer is going to give you that information. I encourage you to please call or write and then also join me again tomorrow as we continue to get into romans, chapter 7 and deal with these truths that will set you free. Andrews teaching on romans is available on either cd or dvd as seen on tv in the series titled the gospel the power of god. Or you can get this teaching in the book titled grace the power of the gospel in either english or spanish. Each is available for a gift of any amount. In addition, this teaching is available in a companion study guide. Not only is the entire teaching included in the study guide, you can also print off as many copies as you like when you download the pdf files from the included data cd. This valuable resource is available for a gift of 35 or more. Also, if you would like a versebyverse commentary on romans, consider andrews life for today study bible romans edition. It includes 470 footnotes that will help you understand gods unconditional love and grace. Its available for a gift of 20 or more when you contact us. Or if you prefer, all of these resources are available as part of the romans collection. It includes your choice of either the cd or dvd, the book, the study guide, and the life for today study bible romans edition. This collection has a catalog value of 99, but today you can receive it for a gift of 50 or more. Go to awmi. Net and click on todays tv offer to see all the ways you can get this teaching. The third audio teaching in todays series is titled the spirit versus the flesh. Its available for a gift of any amount when you write or call. We encourage everyone to give, but if youre simply unable to afford it, andrew and his partners will provide this third audio teaching free of charge. You can use your credit card to order resources through our web site at awmi. Net. While youre there, you can discover more Product Details and download additional free resources. Or you can order through our helpline monday through friday from 4 30am to 9 30pm mountain time. Our helpline number is 7196351111. If the lines are busy, remember you can Order Ministry materials 24hours a day, 7 days a week at awmi. Net. To write us, use the address on your screen. We appreciate your generosity and hope to hear from you today. The thing that god is putting you to do is something that really you get motivated to do. You get more specific direction and then god just really speaks to you throughout the third year as to how i want you to do this, the steps i want you to take, and really he makes your path straight as you go forward to do that. Its just unbelievable. Its so much more than what i expected it to be, but what its doing is its preparing me for ministry. Everything they teach is just so practical. It really is easy to understand. The Ministry Training program is designed to help Charis Bible College graduates identify and be equipped in their calling of either business, media, ministry, missions or worship. The Business School gives students the opportunity to learn from entrepreneurs about planning, implementing and running successful businesses. The media school is a workshop environment where students go beyond theory to build Media Communications from the ground up. The Ministry Schools curriculum includes continued immersion in gods word, indepth ministry experience, and teaching workshops. The Missions School will be offered for the first time in the 2013 2014 Academic Year and will give students an opportunity to experience missionary life firsthand through an extended stay on the mission field. The Worship School focuses on mentoring and developing cbc graduates to lead the body of christ into genuine worship with character and integrity. The Ministry Training program also offers more sound biblical teaching that our graduates loved during their first and second years at Charis Bible College. To learn more about this Program Available to Charis Bible College graduates visit our web site at charisbiblecollege. Org it is not enough for you to have need. Need doesnt motivate god god is motivated by his own love to meet our needs and his power is available, but the thing that will release or appropriate this power of god is faith. Announcer the following program is paid for by the friends and partners of joyce meyer ministries. Joyce i want this promise about ask, ask, ask, ask, whatever you will, ask. You know, i want thatwhen i see the incredibility of that promise it makes me willing to do anything that god tells me to do in order to be able to have that kind of power with god in prayer. [music] joyce in james 4 2 the bible says, you have not because you ask not. Lets go to james 4, i want to look at verse 1. How many of you already think you havent been asking as much as you should be asking . So many people are so miserable in their walk with god because theyre in works of the flesh. I lived in works of the flesh, and works of the flesh dont work. Theyre works that dont work. And all you do is just wear yourself out, trying to change your kids, trying to change your spouse. Im trying, try and try and try and try, try. [laughing] joyce but are you believing . Were call believers because believers are supposed to believe otherwise wed be called triers. [laughing] joyce and what an awesome answer to everything, whatever you need. Whatever you need. Gods got good of office hours, 24 7, whatever you need. Youll never get a busy signal. Whatever you need, you ask. You ask in jesus name and he hears you, and hell answer. You know, strife is a really huge problem in peoples lives and its probably one of the greatest hindrances to answered prayer. People fighting and arguing, disunity in homes, people not getting along in church. Choir leaders mad at the pastor and the people that sing are mad at the choir leader and sister jones is sitting out there wanting to be the worship leader and you know how it goes. How many of you say it safe to say that the world is pretty much full of strife . And its a very dangerous thing. Yeah, i mean, its not just a little problem its actually, spiritually, one of the most Dangerous Things to the believer. And thats why jesus said, im leaving you my peace. So we have peace; its up to us whether we decide to use it or not. And one of the reasons why god gives us this great privilege of prayer is so we dont have to worry. Philippians 4 says, be anxious for nothing. Dont worry about anything, but in all things by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known unto god. And the peace that passes understanding shall keep your hearts and minds in christ jesus. The very moment that anything happens, that any need arises, you pray. You breathe out that prayer to god. It wont have to be at a certain posture, you dont have to be in a certain place, you just pray, you talk to god about everything. But i will admit and im sure that many of you would say the same thing that even though you went to church regularly, even though i went to church regularly and i was actually a leader in the church. I mean, there was so much strife in my life. And james 4 1 says, what leads to strife and discord, and feuds, and how do conflicts and quarrels, and fights originate . Why cant we get along with people . Why are so many people so unhappy . You know theres not a lot of really fulltime happy christians. Im talking fulltime happy christians, you know. We can get slappy, happy, jumpy happy when we come to church. You know, and then the worship team is playing and it is like, oh. [laughing] joyce but im talking about fulltime happy. Fulltime happy. [applauding] joyce happy in the storm, happy when the storm is over. [applauding] joyce fulltime happy. Verse 2 says, heres the problem. Are you ready . Youre jealous, you covet what other people have, and your desires go unfulfilled so you become a murderer because the hate is to murder as far as your hearts are concerned. You burn with envy and anger, youre not able to get what you want, so you fight and your war, and here it is, you do not have because you do not ask. Oh my gosh. [applauding] joyce you do not have because you do not ask. If you see somebody get a blessing, instead of being jealous of them and getting an attitude, you need to be glad for them and just say to god, i think thats really nice, thats something i would enjoy. God, if you would ever want to do that for me id be joyful but im happy. You know, we have to say to ourselves sometimes. I dont have to have that to be happy, im happy right now. I dont have to have what you have to be happy, im happy right now. [applauding] joyce we have toyou know, we all have to remember that were individuals before god and his got an individual plan for our life and he doesnt do everything the same way in everybody elses life. You know, phil wickham our worship leader here tonight, hes an awesome singer. But, can i tell you something, theres probably people in the world that cancould sing circles around him and theyll never have the opportunity to do what hes doing. Why . And as people, we sit back and, why god, why not me . Because god is god. And thats about all you can say. Because god is god and he does what he does for reasons that we dont always know. I dont know why impeople ask me all the time, well, why do you think that your ministry got so big and why do you think, and why do you think, and why do you think . Well, i could come up with a handful of things but theyd all be nonsense. The truth of the matter is, is god. And we can have peace if we just begin to say, you know what god, i believe that youre in control and if thats what you want me doing then you make that happen in my life and if you dont, then im happy anyway. [applauding] joyce come on. I want some people to have some peace when you leave this conference. [cheering] joyce you have not because you ask not. Ask and receive that youre joy may be full. Well, i just dont think i can be happy if my husband dont change. [laughing] joyce well, you know what, i used to think that too and mine didnt and now im happy. [laughing] joyce well, he didnt. [laughing] joyce i mean, there wasnt all that much wrong with him to start with, it was me that had the problem and i just thought he had to change so i could be happy. And when i finally found out that i needed to take responsibility for my own joy and quit trying to give somebody else the job of keeping me happy. [applauding] joyce amen . Well, dave played too much golf and i didnt like it because he played golf, well he still plays golf. And he plays golf more now than he did back then . [laughing] joyce he plays golf and he plays golf, and he plays golf. And he watches golf, and he watches football, and he watches basketball, and baseball, and hockey, and soccer, and cricket, and anything thats on, he watches it. [laughing] joyce and im happy. [applauding] joyce and im happy because weve been married 431 2 years and now when he watches all that stuff, i get time to myself. [applauding] joyce im happy. Amen . Woo you have not well, i just cant be happy. If i cant have kids, i cant be happy. Oh, if this kid doesnt growup and get out of this house, i cant be happy. [laughing] joyce i cant be happy if i cant have a bigger house. Oh, i cant be happy if im going to have to clean this big house every week. [laughing] joyce come on. You have not because you ask not. Ask, release it to god and say, god, i trust you. If this is what im supposed to have, youre going to do it at the right time and im going to be happy in the meantime because im here to serve you. Amen . Turn to the person next to you and say, ask. Audience ask. Joyce all right. Ephesians 3 20 says, god is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond all that we could ever dare to hope ask or think. Is anybody here that can think of some things that youve beenits been your little project youve been working on . Some person youve been working on but the truth is you dont pray for em very much. Come on. Dont you be lying. [laughing] joyce ask, cast you care. Now, the second hindrance that well talk about to prayer is hidden sin. Now, we just have to come clean and say that you cant just pull certain scriptures out of the bible and try to make them work without taking the whole counsel of the word of god. And so, we do sin, but thank god we have an answer. Every christian has an answer an immediate answer, every time you do something wrong and that is, is to admit it, confess it, receive gods forgiveness and go on intending to change and never do it again if god will graciously help you and strengthen you. But you cant just ignore things, i cant just ignore things. One of the greatest reasons why christians are unhappy is because they have things hidden in their heart and theyre being pretenders, putting on the christian happy face every sunday. Now ill just tell you one thing, if youre going to church every sunday, and your house is full of strife all week, and youre praying and wondering why your prayers arent answered, you might as well just start confessing, getting the strife out of your house, start being the one to try to be the peacemaker, the maintainer of peace, and then god can answer your prayers. Lord, i remember all the years id fight with dave all the way to church every sunday morning and then wonder why my prayers werent answered. How stupid . How utterly, absolutely stupid. But i didnt know any better. I was only picking out the parts of the bible that i liked. [laughing] joyce i was only picking out the parts that were going to get me something. Come on now. [laughing] joyce i wasnt picking out the parts that were going to require something of me. And as i said, youll understand this better by the time we get to the end of it. But i want this promise about ask, ask, ask, ask. Whatever you will ask, you know, i want thatwhen i see the incredibility of that promise, it makes me willing to do anything that god tells me to do in order to be able to have that kind of power with god in prayer. How tragic that so many of us miss that because wed rather hang on to some dumb bad attitude. Well, im not going to go tell him im sorry. Im the one that always has to say im sorry. And im just not doing it. And im not going to forgive him. Well, youre going to miss an awful lot. Youre going to have your bad attitude but youre going to miss a lot. You know, not all christians are spiritual christians. A lot of christians are carnal christians. That means that they are saved but they walk in the flesh. Will that keep you out of heaven . You know, first of all, im not the one to judge all that because i dont know what people are doing butlets just say by and large, i mean, theres going to be a lot of people in heaven that just didnt act too great while they were here because they really truly do believe in jesus, they really do. But i can tell you one thing, you wont live a powerful life, you wont live a happy life, you wont live a peaceful life, youre life wont be a witness to anybody else. I was a christian for many, many years before i became a serious christian. I was a churchgoing christian. I did good works, i was on the church board. I went to church all the time. My kids went to Christian Schools and i can tell you that my life was no different than any sinner up and down my street. And if anything, i couldve kept people out of heaven with my attitude. Because when people see that were church goers but we act no different than them, then theres no respect. And the greatest thing that we need to do today is to live the life. To just simply live the life. Now, were going to make mistakes but we need to immediately ask god to forgive us. We need to come clean, get it out in the open and go on. I think its so important, especially if youve got a stronghold in your life. It just keeps occurring over and over and over, and you cant seem to get free. I think one of the things thats very helpful is to confess your faults to somebody that you love and trust and ask them to pray. Because the last thing the devil wants you to do is bring things out to in the open. He wants things hidden. Secrets kill people. Its amazing what we do to our self when we hide stuff. We dont have to play games with each other. You dont have to be the perfect person all week. How was your day yesterday . I acted really bad all day, yesterday. Really bad. But i sure am glad that gods gracious and that hes willing to forgive me. Ive talked to him about it, hes forgiven me, and you can pray for me too because i need all the help i can get. Amen . How were you yesterday . Fine. [laughing] joyce fine, just fine. Praise the lord, fine. [laughing] joyce psalm 66 18 confession is so good. I think we should start every morning before we even try to pray, just say, god, if theres anything that ive done thats been offensive to you or anyone else, bring it to light right now so i can confess it and get rid of it. [applauding] joyce you know, i dont obviously, im not picking on anybody in particular but, you know, as i sit in here and look, i mean, i know with this many people here that there have to be people here that, youve just got all kinds of secrets. God knows anyway. Were not really keeping anything from god. And when you talk to god about your sins, dont call em, well, lord, im sorry. I missed it. [laughing] joyce thats a new word for sin, i missed it. To sin means to miss the mark but i dont like to hear people say that, call it what it is. I was jealous, i was hateful, i was rude, i was unloving, i was unkind. We dont like to call it what it is because it sounds nasty to us, its like, yuck. But that makes the forgiveness all too much better. Amen . [applauding] joyce then my hearts right with god, when theres nothing there, my hearts right, then i can come to him and ask boldly. And when the devil tries to remind me, well, you cant ask for that look at what you did yesterday. Say, well, youre missing the point. I confess it, god forgave me. Now i can ask in jesus name. [applauding] joyce psalm 66 18, if i regard iniquity in my heart, the lord will not hear me. James 5 16, confess to one another therefore your faults, your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins and pray also for one another that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The heartfelt, continued prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working. ] are you seeing that . Lets go back and look at the first part of it. This is all one scripture. Confess your faults to one another, your faults, your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins and no, you dont have to tell everybody that you know everything that you did. But we must stop living phony, pretend lives and be real. [applauding] joyce amen . Confess your faults, your slips, your false steps, your offenses, and pray for one another dont judge people when you know that theyve done something; pray for them. That you maybe healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest heartfelt, continued prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. Satan wants us to do things wrong. He wants us to be loaded under guilt and condemnation, never really deal with it, and then try to pray these pitiful, patheticwell, god, if youll just do this one thing, ill never ask you for anything else. [laughing] joyce i hate what the devil does to people. I talk to a woman in a store one day and she was waiting on me and we just struck up a conversation and then she recognizes me from tv and then she told me what church that she went to andthen i got to asking her about how theyre, you know, how they were paid in the store. I said, do you get commission, are you paid hourly . She said, well im paid by the hour, but she said, i have a quota that i have to make and if i dont make that quota, then i can, you know, if i keep not making it long enough then i can lose my job. And, she said, sometimes it gets kind of scary, you know, because youre doing everything you know how to and if you just dont meet the quota, then you, you know, you could get fired. And i said, well, why dont you pray and just ask god to send people to you. She said, well. You cant do that, can you . [laughing] joyce i said, pray and ask god to give you favor. Pray that when people look at you theyre just going to like you. That theyre going to want to buy things from you. She said, wellnow, listen to this, this womans been in church 30 years, and this is what she said to me, well, you cant pray about money, can you . [laughing] joyce that was sad. But, you know, how many people there are . Even people right now watching me, that youre even like, you mean i could pray for that . Whatever you ask in my name. Presenting all that i am. [applauding] joyce if you abide in me, my word abides in you. Ask what you will. Why cant we ask for favor . I get a lot of favor. It amazes me the favor that i get. And its not just because im on television, i ask for favor. I pray that god will give me favor. Almost everyday of my life, i pray for favor and i confess favor. I dont have time to try to do the dance, to try to make everybody like me. [laughing] joyce i tried that in the first few years and it will just kill you. So i finally decided, god, you are going to have to make them like me because this is what i am. This is it. [applauding] joyce and i cant try to do it one way for you and another way for you, and another way for you, and another way for you. [applauding] joyce so i just believe god gives me favor. Pray for open doors. Pray for god to open doors that you cant open and close doors that need to be closed that youre not willing to close. Did you hear me . Dont just pray for god to open doors, pray for god to close doors in your life that need to be closed. Start getting honest with god. It will be so hard if you start really calling things what they are and maybe having a good friend or a spouse or a sibling that you feel like you can really trust and begin to make yourself accountable to somebody and confess things and ask for prayer. Woo. Boy, youre going to make the devil mad when you do that. Because he wants you to keep everything hidden and put a plastic praise the lord sign on your face. [laughing] joyce when really inside youre just about destroyed. Joyce well, i hope todays teaching will motivate you to pray and partner with god for all of your needs in every area of your life, and remember, it begins with a simple ask. James 4 2 says, you do not have because you do not ask. Dont forget to just take the time to ask. Today were offering you some resources that i really love, the everyday life study bible. So much work went into putting this study bible together for you, full of my teaching notes and things that god has taught me over the years, and i believe its gonna really help you, and our new how to study the bible dvd. Get these things and learn what you need to to know how to study and begin right away. Male people get excited about magazine day. [music] female woo hoo announcer start your free subscription to the enjoying everyday life magazine today. Did i mention its free . Oh yeah, its free. And all you need to do to get it is call or click today. Julie i was raised in a christian family, grew up going to church, learning all the doctrine, but i just felt a little bit empty, you know . I was very, you know, successful in terms of i had a solid professional life, and, you know, did all the right things and did what was expected of me, but there was something, you know, missing, and i just didnt have that everyday joy. And so my friend gave me joyces tape, and what a freeing experience to listen to that tape, and just know that i dont have to try, try, try. Grace is sufficient. From there, i just started listening to more and more tapes, bought some books, and then decided to become a partner with joyce. Theres such a need in our own country and across the world, and i read joyces magazine about hand of hope, and it just touched me because, you know, the kids that were helping, and the Human Trafficking and that sort of thing. Kids need to hear a voice other than the ones that theyre hearing, and joyce gives that opportunity to hear the voice of god, so that they can then have a voice. And in some small way, through what i give to joyces ministry, i feel i have a part in maybe helping someone elses life that i may not even know in my lifetime here. [music] joyce well, i am so excited about our upcoming womens conference. Guest speakers, powerful worship, we are gonna have an amazing time and you dont want to miss it. You know, this year were gonna really dig in and talk about knowing who we are in christ. And learning how to separate who we are from what we do, the effects of doubting gods love. And when we doubt gods love, none of the effects are good. We need to be rooted deep in the love of god. So when things happen that we dont understand or things that are hard, we dont begin to doubt gods love. You know, i believe that this year, if youll make the commitment to come, that you are going to leave knowing that you are gods masterpiece, that you really are very special, that god is with you all the time and he has an amazing plan for your life. And you know what . God is in love with you. Register now. You dont want to miss it, and we dont want to miss you. Dont put it off. Do it now. [music] announcer you mean more to us at joyce meyer ministries than you may ever know. We appreciate you and we thank our friends and partners for making this Worldwide Ministry possible. Together, were feeding the hungry, clothing the poor and presenting the gospel to the nations. Please contact us or visit joycemeyer. Org today to share your prayer requests, find out more about our resources, see joyces Conference Schedule and to join us in partnership as we share the love of christ around the globe. Cc by aberdeen captioning 18006886621 www. Abercap. Com announcer the preceding was paid for by the friends and partners of joyce meyer ministries. God wants you to reign cc by aberdeen captioning 18006886621 www. Abercap. Com female announcer previously on destined to reign. You, child of god, you who are born again whom he loved and gave his life for, you have influence with god. Amen. [music] announcer as our way of saying thank you for your gift of any amount this month, Joseph Prince ministries would like to bless you with josephs latest twosermon audio series, receiving from jesus. Discover how you can receive jesus peace that passes all understanding and find divine rest for your soul, as well as gods promised victory over every circumstance. Separately, for a specific gift to the ministry this month, you can receive a special resource bundle. This bundle contains a beautiful leatherbound special gift edition of josephs latest book, provision promises. Be encouraged by the truths presented in this book about the lords love and grace toward you. This bundle also includes josephs latest twosermon audio series, receiving from jesus. To order these resources, call us toll free at 18779014300 or visit us at josephprince. Org today. Announcer today with Joseph Prince. All right, church, listen, the key is prayer. Now we have worship. Same chapter, what happened was that paul was walking with silas and theres a woman demonpossessed, all right . And notice demonpossessed dont always come screaming and yelling, you know . All right, they can be very sound but theyre demonpossessed, and this person began to obstruct paul. All right, and paul turned around after a few days being grieved and paul command the evil spirit to come out of this lady. The master of that lady was very unhappy, all right, reported to the authorities and the authorities brought paul before the magistrate and paul was beaten with silas, with many stripes, and they were thrownlets follow the story. They were thrown having received such a charge, he put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks. All right, imagine paul and silas talking. Yo, paul. What happened, ah . Why dont we worship god . Worship . The choir is not here, paul, have you noticed or not . The choir is not here. All right, theres no instrument. No, we can praise god, come on. At midnightlisten. At midnight. Is it midnight in your life . Maybe its midnight, youre going through a dark times. People are laughing, people are worshiping but in your heart you say, no one knows what im going through. Maybe you are here right now, maybe you are watching, all right, but its a midnight time in your life. What do you do . Paul and silas were in the wrong place for the right reason. They preached the gospel. But you know what they did . They never complained. They never questioned. This is what they did. All right, at midnight paul and silas were praying and singing hymns to god. Praying, say, praying. Say, singing hymns. Now, let me tell you this, praises to god is the other key. Worshiping god, praising god is the other key. Prayer and praise, thats what david did. David got into many difficult situations, sometimes saul, the enemy, was about to kill him. He was so close. Goliath was about to kill him but i tell you this, prayer and praise protected david, thats why its a key of david. Do you understand . Huh, church . So they began singing hymns. Now, if you look up the word hymns its the word humneo in greek. And thayers lexicon, thayer, a greek scholar says, humneo means they were singing psalms to god, paschal psalms. Psalms 113 to psalms 118, this is known as the great hallelujah because many of them end with hallelujah or begin with hallelujah, praise ye the lord. These are the great psalms they sing during the feast of pentecost, the feast of passover, the feast of tabernacles, all right . And apparently they were singing these songs. And who is the author . David. They are worshiping god with the words of david songs like, thy loving kindness is better than life thy loving kindnesses in hebrew, loving kindness, hesed, grace. Is better than life take it silas. My lips shall praise thee you can hear voices saying, hey, shut up, lah, you know, im trying to sleep. Because all the prisoners were listening to them. That means it wasnt a quiet praise. You know, it wasnt quiet praise. It was like pastor gabriel like, praise the name of the lord. Thy loving kindnesses is better than life these are the words of david. They were singing that song. What would happen to you you start singing praises to god every time you drive down the road, on your way to school. Students, dont have to be a black monday. You can sing under your breath as you go to school. Thy loving kindnesses or another song, whatever you like, sing, all right . Sing sorry, sorry. Thats phantom of the opera, all right . Sing, woman, sing. You know there was a guy who fell in love with an opera singer, you know, and on the wedding night, she took off her wig, took off one of her eyeball, took off her false teeth. The guy looked at her and say, sing woman, sing. You understand . Thats the only attraction left. Okay, never mind, all right . I dont know whats wrong with me this service, but suddenly there was a great earthquake i said, suddenly, now that youre sick, suddenly you are healed. Amen . You used to be down here, suddenly you are up here. You used to be the tail, suddenly you are the head. Amen. Suddenly your situation turned around. Suddenly, the one that came against you, amen, all his words fall flat. Suddenly, god turned everything around. My friend, jesus is using the key. All right, when they praise and worship godNothing Happened before they prayed, Nothing Happened before they sang hymns but after they prayed, all right, while they were praying, rather, suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the earth at the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened. All the doors were opened and everyones chains were loosed. Everything fell. Now, this earthquake sent by god and when god sends an earthquake, no one dies. Okay, you understand . Some insurance, you know, clause they have, not responsible for the acts of god. How i dislike that. Destruction is not the act of god, okay . Its the act of the devil. Now, the Old Testament is the Old Testament referring to the time before jesus came, okay . Thats another message altogether. Let me tell you this, this earthquake destroyed nobody but everyonesevery prison door was opened, all right . And the chains fell off. What kind of chain is holding you right now . What kind of bondage is holding you . Why dont you pray and ask god to open the door of liberty, the door of deliverance, the door of freedom, amen, and let your chain just fall off . Amen . Dont forget, this can be seen spiritually. Its not just a physical chain. There are chains that bind people stronger than physical chains, refers to any chain, any prison door. All the prison doors were opened. Look at verse 27, and the keeper of the prison, awaking from sleep and seeing the prison doors open, supposing the prisoners had fled, drew his sword and was about to kill himself. Now, of all the things, he didnt look at the great earthquake. He didnt look at everyones chains falling off. The thing that got this jailer was every prison door was opened. Do you know why . cause he put in the key. He said, the keyi mean, so secure, he has secured all the doors, he knows it. How come he shut, it can be opened . Let me tell you this, what man shuts, jesus can open but what he shuts, no man can open. Are you listening . Of all the things that got this jailer, it was the fact that all the prison doors were opened, all right . And he was about to kill himself because heshell be held accountable for the loss, all right, of all these prisoners. Hes about to kill himself and paul called out with a loud voice, saying, do yourself no harm, we are all here. isnt that wonderful . Now, many of us, this could be the jailer, also one of them who put the stripes on his back, who ill treated him. Theres Something Wonderful about believers. You know, when gods grace fills you, when you see gods goodness, it doesnt make you selfish. It makes you good to other people. When you receive gods goodness, you are good to other people. When you receive gods love, you give love to other people, you love people, all right . He didnt say, yeah, yeah, kill yourself, come on, brother, let me help you, all right . He didnt do that. We cannot imagine but this the grace of god. Paul shouted, do yourself no harm. We are all here. Next, then he called for a light, ran in, and fell down trembling. This jailer fell down trembling before paul and silas, and he brought them out and said, sirs, what must i do to be saved . so they said, believe on the lord jesus christ, and you will be saved, you and your household. next, then they spoke the word of the lord to him and to all who were in his house. People still need to hear the word to believe. So they preached the word to them and to his entire house. He took them the same hour of the nighthe took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes. And immediately he and all his family were baptized. You know, let me tell you this, baptism doesnt save you, okay . But if youve been saved for some time, its good that you get water baptized. Something happens. The bondages, when you come out from the water, its like the red sea. All right, israel is on the other side, all their enemies are buried. Okay, you got some sort of addiction, you will see it buried. Okay, i encourage you if you are saved, get water baptized. Amen. Now when he had brought them into his house, he set food before them; and he rejoiced, having believed in god with all his household. Theres gonna be family joy this year in your household, all right . Friend, hes gonna put in the key and open the door. You say, pastor prince, we always get by, barely enough, all right, we always get by from year to year. But let me tell you this, he can put in the key and change your life suddenly, suddenly in an instant. Are you with me, church . Amen. This is gonna be a year of the key of david where he opens and no one shuts and he shuts and no one opens. Friends, get ready for open doors. Get ready. When i pray for you at the end of the service, all right, those spots that you dont agree, dont say amen, all right . Those parts that you agree, say, amen out loud, amen, and say it to god so that you are saying to god, god, this is me opening the door to you, the door of my life. Theres one door, i told you, must be open from inside and thats the door of your life. He will not break down the door though he can. Amen, church . Arent you glad for 2013 . Pastor prince, you dont understand the trouble im in. All right, in the valley of achor look at the last reference. I told you last reference but i just remember this now, the valley of achor means trouble, valley of trouble. In hebrew, achor means trouble. God says hell put a door of hope. You know whats a door of hope . Positive expectation of good in your valley of trouble. Look for the door. God will open a door of hope. All right, people in the world says, dont raise your hopes this year. God is saying, raise your hopes as high as the highest, as the most high god. Raise your hopes. You know why . Because whatever you hope for, god will make sure it comes in your life, it happens to you. Amen, church . In your trouble right now, he wants to open a door of hope. I dont care what trouble youre going through. Will you allow him to open a door of open . Amen, church . Every head bowed, every eye closed give praise to god, church. Come on, hallelujah. Hallelujah now you may bow your heads just for a moment. If you are here, my friend, and you have never made this wonderful jesus your personal savior, your personal lord, hes here today to come into your life. Remember, theres only one door that opens from inside. Revelations 3 20, behold, jesus said, i stand at the door and i knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, i will come in and ill fellowship with him and he with me. So will you open the door of your life and say, lord jesus, come in. I never knew you loved me so much that you died on the cross for my sins. And my friend, listen, were not talking about religion here today. Its not about you, who you are and what you have done. Its all about jesus, who he is and what he has done. And the more you keep that perspective, its not about you and its not about what youve done, its all about jesus and what he has done. You will grow from strength to strength, from glory to glory. And my friend, salvation begins the same way. Stop looking at what you have done, whether its good or bad. Stop looking at yourself, rich self, poor self, educated self, whatever self and look to jesus alone. Salvation is found in him and him alone. God sent him 2,000 years ago to die for us on that cross and on that cross, jesus took your place, bore your sins, your judgment, your disgrace and gave his life that you might be saved. On the third day, he conquered death, took the key of david, the keys of hell and death, with him and rose from the dead. And he tells you and i, i promise you, you will never again be alone. I am with you, even til the end of the world. Face life with courage. Face life with confidence. Regardless of whatever happens, even if youre in the valley of trouble, i promise, i will open a door of hope, a door of expectation of good. If you are here today, my friend, and if that is you, i challenge you to put your trust in christ. Pray this prayer with me right now from your heart and pray it out loud. Say, heavenly father, i thank you that you love me. Im a sinner, but you loved me and sent your son to die on the cross for all my sins. He died, he was buried and on the third day, you raised him from the dead. With all power given into his hands, jesus christ is my lord and my savior. Thank you, father, i thank you i am forgiven past, present and future, of all my sins. And i thank you, father, never again will i be alone. You are with me. In jesus name, and all the people said . Amen, amen. Give praise to god, hallelujah. I honestly believe, church, really do, that angels are stationed all around us, all right, for the assignment that theyre about to hear for your life. The bible tells us in the book of hebrews that angels, are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who are heirs of salvation . You are an heir of salvation, every one of you, and angels are there to minister to gods children. They will keep things from happening. They can stop accidents. They can watch over your children. Those are gods angels. Amen. I believe theyre all over the place. Everywhere thats watching this, wherever youre watching this, gods angels are there, amen, to go into assignment. Are you ready . Remember this, im gonna bless you but only if you say amen will god take that as you allowing him to do that in your life. None of these things are forced upon you. It is consented together with. Amen. Lift your hands all across this place, everywhere thats watching this. At all times i will bless him his praise will be in my mouth my soul makes its boast in the lord father in heaven, we come to you in jesus wonderful name. Father, thank you, lord, for the gift of your son, our lord and savior jesus christ, king of all kings and lord of all lords and you have given unto him the throne of his father david and of his kingdom there shall be no end. I thank you, father god, that in jesus nailpierced hands is the key of david. In his nailpierced hands are the keys of death and the keys of hell itself. We thank you, father in heaven, that nothing will happen to us by chance, that well not be attacked in any shape, form or fashion, but anyone, lord, without your protection, lord, this year. So we commence this year, father in heaven, acknowledging you, acknowledging that jesus holds the key of david and when he opens no one shuts and when he shuts, no one opens, lord. Father in heaven, in the name of jesus, we choose to be transformed this year. If you choose to be transformed from a badtempered, shorttempered person to someone calm, cool and collected, say, amen. We choose to be transformed. If theres a bad, unclean habit that you know in your life thats haunting you, that is always bringing you back into his clutches and you want to be free from that, its not through willpower, its not by human might. Its not by human power. If you want to be transformed, say, amen. Father in heaven, let this be the year of transformation. Open the door of transformation, lord, this year that well be transformed from glory to glory, that well be conformed to the image of your beloved son who is altogether lovely, steel and velvet, strong and yet gentle. Well be like jesus, lord. Father in heaven, set us free, lord, from all these unclean habits. I dont care how long they have been in our lives, lord, how the people have accepted its normal in their life. If its destructive. Theyre destroying their lives, lord. Father in heaven, we allow you in jesus name, lord jesus, put in that key, lord, to that lock and set us free from this bondage, free from this sexual perversion, from pornography, from revenge, from unforgiveness, set us free from everything that binds and make us a loving person, strong, loving, kind, father, just like jesus. And also, lord, let no one die before their time this year. Let no sudden death come on anyone, lord, we pray in jesus name. No sudden death, no accident, lord, will overtake your people, lord. Father in heaven, the keys of death and hell are in the hands of our lord jesus. Lord jesus, we ask you, lord, open the door of long life to us, lord, to our families, lord. Lord, cause us, lord, through you, jesus, to live to be 120 like moses, fully strong, fully healthy. Let it happen, lord, this year, the door of long life. Open us to, lord jesus, the door of health. Let this be the healthiest year of our life yet, lord, we pray in jesus name, the healthiest year, lord, of our life that your people will be holy, uncommon, that the world will look at them and say, tell me whats your secret. That people will come to them, lord, because of your testimony and theyll say, sirs, what must i do to be saved . cause your people, lord, to walk in that high life, the life that jesus promised to give, the abundant life. Provoke the people around us, lord, to envy and jealousy, lord, that they might be saved, that they might want the same god that has blessed us. And lord jesus, let this year, lord, be the best year of our lives yet, lord, 2013, lord. We dedicate this year to you, lord. We ask that you will open doors of favor, doors of promotion, doors of blessing, doors of the womb, lord. Open the doors of blessing this year, lord, wide to us and to your children here, lord, and to their family and shut the doors, lord, in the lives of our children, lord, that are no good for them. Lord, in the lives, lord, of our loved ones, in our lives, lord, doors lord, that we know not, lord, has harm and danger for us, ahead of us, close that door, lord. Thank you, father, in heaven, we dedicate this year into your hands. And, father, no longer, lord, will we neglect your house, but well be here every time the doors are open because we know this is the house of david, lord, and the key is here in your hands, lord jesus. In jesus name, and all the people said . All the people said, amen. Give god the praise, the glory and the honor and be excited. Its gonna be a wonderful, awesome year of 2013, the year of the key of david. God bless you. Well see you again. Announcer thank you for tuning into our broadcast. You have watched highlights of a sermon by Joseph Prince. To order an audio cd of the full sermon, which is approximately 60 minutes long, call the tollfree number at 18779014300 or log onto josephprince. Org now. Announcer if you have just prayed the prayer to receive jesus christ as your lord and savior, we want to welcome you to a new life filled with the goodness and abundant grace of jesus. To help you begin this journey, we would like to bless you with an ebook titled, the one thing 31day devotional, by pastor Joseph Prince. Receive daily bitesized inspirations of the favor, healing, and provision that god has for you. Simply log onto josephprince. Org salvation and download your free copy today. Get ready to experience the amazing love of god. [music] announcer as our way of saying thank you for your gift of any amount this month, Joseph Prince ministries would like to bless you with josephs latest twosermon audio series, receiving from jesus. Discover how you can receive jesus peace that passes all understanding and find divine rest for your soul, as well as gods promised victory over every circumstance. Separately, for a specific gift to the ministry this month, you can receive a special resource bundle. This bundle contains a beautiful leatherbound special gift edition of josephs latest book, provision promises. Be encouraged by the truths presented in this book about the lords love and grace toward you. Get ready to receive your miracle as you find out how, through the finished work, jesus has supplied every provision you need for every area of your life. This bundle also includes josephs latest twosermon audio series, receiving from jesus. For more information on how to order these resources, call us toll free at 18779014300 or visit us at josephprince. Org today. [music] you dont need more money, you need more favor when god choose to put his favor on you, i dont care if youre the new kid on the block, everything will come to you favor will put you at the right place at the right time. The favor of god is all that you need, amen. Thats what the favor of god can do for you. Its got nothing to do with your education. Its got nothing to do with how rich or how poor your family is, its gotta do with if god has given you favor, favor will open doors for you. Announcer if youve been blessed by todays message, we would like to give you an opportunity to partner with us to impact the world with the gospel of grace. Under grace god says, i will be merciful to your unrighteousness and your sins i will remember no more. Theres been a change, theres been a change, church, and its all because of jesus. Announcer dear friends, together we can impact the world for jesus. Partner with us and be part of this exciting grace revolution. Call us toll free at 18779014300 or visit us at josephprince. Org partner today. Joseph prince ministries is a section 501 c 3 nonprofit organization, and your gift is taxdeductible for the amount that exceeds any fair market value of the materials you receive from us. Joseph prince ministries believes that your tithes belong to your local church. Your donations to the ministry are received as offerings to support the preaching of the gospel of grace. Kids will spend 8 minutes decorating their little brother. Brushing for two minutes now, can save your child from severe tooth pain later. Two minutes, twice a day. They have the time. Girl dont look at me. Second girl your hairs a bit frizzy today. Aw ha ha you should pick that up. [girls laugh] oh, youre such a dork. Loser. Here. Let me help you with that. Oops ha ha announcer every day, kids witness bullying. Oh, look your crush is looking at you. [girls laugh] poor you. Ha ha announcer they want to help but dont know how. Bully see . No one heres gonna help you. Announcer teach your kids how to be more than a bystander. Visit stopbullying. Gov. Regardless of their age or experience level, when your kids play soccer or any other sport theres one person on the sideline who is key to help recoize and seek medical care for sportsrelated concussion. Its you. You need to know the signs and symptoms of concussion and you need to act if you think your child has been injured. Remember, when in doubt sit them out. To learn more go to cdc. Gov concussion. One thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand four. Today on ricki. Both cheers real housewives of Beverly Hills star Brandi Glanville spills about her highprofile split from actor eddie cibrian. Do you have any regrets at all . I have a ton of regrets. I wish i didnt slash his tires. Well, actually, im happy i did. laughter how to let go of the past. You think he was cheating on you . I wanted to scream. You dogsit for him while he goes away with his new girlfriend . gasps catsit, yes. Oh, catsit. Even worse. And get back out there postbreakup. You will meet a guy who gets you so well that he wont need to change you in order to marry you. Hell just want you. whoops and cheers plus the dos and donts of online dating. Dont use your real name. On ricki. Thank you. Thank you so much. Hi, everybody. Hi, lynn. Great to see you guys. Have a seat. Get comfy. Thank you for being here. What happens when i do turns into i dont . Today were gonna meet women struggling to pick up the pieces after their broken relationships and help them get unstuck. Well hear from real housewives of Beverly HillsBrandi Glanville, and find out how she survived a highprofile divorce. But first, lashan was married for five years to a man she thought was the love of her life until she got an unusual message telling her that something just wasnt right. Its been eight years since her divorce was finalized and she still feels paralyzed by her past. Take a look. I met my exhusband 23 years ago. We were together for five years before we got married. He was a workaholic. I noticed the change when he was shorttempered, but he would twist it around and always blame me. Gladys is my mother. Gladys died in 1992. When theres something lifechanging, gladys will come to me in the dream. It was about 6 00 in the morning and i hear gladys voice get up and go in his office and look in the briefcase. I go in the office, i open the briefcase. On this piece of paper was a handwritten grocery list. It said, divorce lashan. Call loan officer. Call accountant. Call lawyer. I was in shock. I was devastated. I was pissed off. I decided that day that i was gonna fight. My exhusband tried to take the house. I ended up serving him the divorce papers first. And i got the house. Weve been divorced for almost eight years. I remember the parties we had here, christmas. I remember us building the patio. I still feel im not living 1,000 . I need to move forward. Please welcome lashan. cheers and applause welcome, honey. Pleasure. How are you . Thank you for being here. Thank you. Thank you, from one divorcee to another