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1:00 people here are magnificent i can't say enough aaout the peopll in this town towna baltiiore legend... has died.the details just pouring into our newsroom... about former ravens owner, art modell. &p"we are here to nomiite a president, (cheers) and i've got one in mind." mind." democrats are gearing up... for president obama's acceptance speech.why tonight's speech... is beinn &pmoved.and the reason it's drawing critics. and it's the biggest day for the orioles in á15 years.á we'll explain why... and what the team is diong to honor a baseball legend today. &p3 3 thursday, september 6th 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 baltimore ravens owner, art ws - modell... haa died. died.modell was 87 years oll... bruce cunningham gives uu a look back into his life... life... ((ttke pkg)) 3 -art modell meent a lot to this city-people are facebook page... megan has more on theirrreaction. peaction. good morninggguys,peoole all over baltimore... and across the nation are waking up with heavy hearts this morning... hearing this news.this is the tt baltimore. baltimmre.on our facebook page... people are sharing their memories:--craig ssys: i had the privilege of knowing mr. modell. he was a kind and gentle man. his sons are great and what a nice amily. thanks memory.--bob simply wrote... rip art modell--tyre writes: a legend in this town.--jean called him baltimore's hero --for some people they're appreciation for mr modell went even deeper... todd wrote on facebook... mr odell brought football back at the right time. itthelped me and my dad ith loss of my stepmom . thoss sunday's at memorial stadium helped our hhaling process and made our bond strrnger. let alone he fflled a void that baltimore had since 83. i am forever have his rightful place in thee nfllhall of fame for all he has done for the nnl as well. again... mr. modell died early this morning from heart failure.we're going to be sharing more of your memories throughout the morning.log on to facebook let us know how you're remembering him here it's the biggest day for the orioles in 15 years. the o's host the yankees tonight at camden yards witt first place on the line. joel d. smith is streaming now at the sports with a preview of that, and ds - the way the ttam is honoring cal ripken junior.good morning joee d. 3 3 p. 3 3 coming up... democrats are gearing up... for president obaaa's acceptance speech. speech.why tonight's speech... is being moved.and the reason it's drawing critics. you're watching ox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. [ female announcer ] over the years, your mouth has sipped, snacked, ...yellowed... lived, loved, ...yellowed... chatted, chewed, ...yellowed. and over all those years, your teeth...have yellowed. fact is, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing. crest 3d white whitestrips remove over ten years of stains by going below the enamel surface. and, they whiten 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. life opens up when you do. i need all the help i can get. that's why i like nutella. mom, what's the capital of west virginia? charleston. nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread my whole family loves. mom, have you seen my -- backpack? nutella goes great on whole-wheat toast or whole-grain waffles. and its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. yeah, bye. have you seen my -- yes. and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. [ male announcer ] nutella. you can learn a lot about a place by learring its history. emily gracey is road trippin and streaming live in havre de grace.good morning emily....- what is the de grace?-are there places in to earn more about the war of 1811? - how many tourist come through havre de grace 3 for more information on havre de graceeand to book you next road trip log on to fox look for "hot topics" and click on road trippin'. 3 on road trippin'. topics" and click look for "hot baltimore dot com. on to fox next road trip log and to book you havre de grace information on for more and to book you next road trip - loo on to fox baltimooe dot com. look for "hot topicss and click on road trippin'. 3 3 3 3 33 we're continuing to follow breaking news this morning... baltimore egend, art modell... has dded. died.the details we're learninn... and how all of baltimore is remembering the former ravens're watching fox 45 morning news.. pll local.. all morning. 3 nnw this morningg.. a 7-year-old cclorado girr becomes the 1-st confirmed case of bubonic plague in humans ii since 20- 06. the plague is generally trrnsmitted to humans through the bites of federal health officials say - an average of 7- cases of &ppubonic plague are reported i the u-s ach yyar. without treatment, it kills about two-thirds of infected humans within 4- days. best-selling author ájudy blumeá is reeovvring after receiiing a mastectomy and breast reconstruction surgery. in a blog wednesday...the the ummer battling the underwent surgery last month.... but says he's feeling stronger everyday. a severe weatthr forecast tonight is prompting a venue change for presidentt bank of america staaium"...but will now be moved indoors to the "time warner cable arena". p obama will nowwsseak to a crowd of about 15- thousand... compared 65- thousand people who signed up to watch from the outdoor stadium. foomer connress woman ágabriel gifforrsá is exxecttd to attend the final day of events at the democratic national convention today. giffords as baaly wounded in a shooting in tucson, arizona last year ttat almost took her life. sse resigned fromm congress to continueeher recoverr. we'rr cootinuing our breaking news coverage... about theeearly morning death &pof former ravens owner, art all of baltimore is reeembering the looal legend today. and the number of west nile cases... ccntinues to rise. what maryland officials are doing... to keep thh virrs under're watching fox 45 morning news.. all looal.. all morniig. 3&((break 3)) 3 ttns of thousands of people will e turnee away tonight... when the presideet speaks aa the democratic national convention.his speeeh has been moved to a smalllr arena... because of bad weather. &pweather.grace white joins us live in charlotte with the other uestion some people re now asking.grace? ttis announcement... they knew there wwuud be a lot of unhappy people.but wwat they didn'' want is for people o think they couldn't fill the &pbig stadium. stadium. the last minuteechange does have some people wondering thoogh some people change does have some people wondering thouuh if the campaign didn't want the presidenttto accept the nomination in a partially filled nooination in partially filled stadium.the president had planned to speak at the bank of aaerica stadium that seats around 73,,00 people.the campaagn aanounced yesterday the speech will be moved to the time warner arena that seats onny 20,0000.the party says they made the weather expected in the charlotte area.the bank of america stadium ii an outdoor arena and time wwrner is an indoor venue.the party put out the disapointmenn with the re 65,000 people who had coomunityycredentials to see the president speak.we talked to one woman who had one of those tickett. 3woman: woman:now people liie woman: woman: now people like ttis woman will have to find somewhere else to watch the speech.some people are hoping for an organized watch party but we have not heard of anything official yet. yet.the campaign told us they will try to do something for all these something for us they will try to do someehing for all these people. ttey plan to invite them to other campaign rallies to hear the resident speak before election day.reporting live in charlotte im grace white back 1) grace, obamas 1) grace, obamas 3 people said that the presiddnt would speek ii the the president people said that the president would speak in the bank if anerica stadium no liie, what changed? coming up... jury delibbrations continue today... in the drew peterson murderrtrial.what jurors are requesting... before eaching a decision. p(megan live tease))a baltimore legend... hhs died. we have the latest details about former ravens owner, art modell... plus reaction from you cominn u excuse us, while we change into something more comfortable. cool. introducing, the square sunnyd bottle. man. the eternal tribute to cal ripken junior... on fox 45 news at -live looo m&t bank stadium 3 3 3 3 3 map fiber map 3 3 we are continuing to follow breaking news into our newsroom.'s a sad day for ravens fan.former owner of the baltimore ravens... art modell passed away early this morning from heart faalure. failure.megan gilliland iss here with the latest details and reactions from those of you here in baltimore. good morning guys,people all &pover baltimore... and across heavy hearts this morning... hearing this news.this is the man who brought football back to baltimore. baltimore.on facebook... --rodrigo wrote in saying: god bless the modelll. they gave ourrcity a chance to enjoy ssnday'ssagain. love the ravens says... sending my prayers to &pthe baltimore ravens he's goinn to be missed missedmodell's legacy in pootball started back in 1961 whennhe bought the cleveland browns for 4-million dollars. he moved that franchise too baltimooe in 1996.while he was hated in cleveland... he was loved herr in baltimore.he gave the people in this town a special gift... a super bowl win.heetold our own bruce cunningham once haa heeloves the pomp and circumstance maybe even more than the game itselff 1:27 this is show bii bruce anyway you cut it it's not about being a sportsman win... sure i want to win... i want to entertain as well1:56 i worked to get where i am took care of people on the way up and i'll go out taking care of e peopleover the years... hee helped brokerr he merger was instumental in the ... and - establissment of n-f-l films and monday night football.he is connidered a leader and one ttht helped build the league. again, art modell died early this morning of heart admitted just recently to the hospital.we're gging to continue remeebering this baltimore legend throughout the morning.sharinggyour responses on facebook... your memories.stay wiih us.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a place that's been honoring sports legends museum.. is museum.that's where joel d. smith is streaming now... with more on the mmn who brought football back to baltimmore. baltimmore.tonight---- club level $102 friday --- plentt remaining $22 ann uu.saturday --- sold putremaininn alllprices. sculpture of hall of famer cal ripken jr. prior to thursday's series opener at caaden yards. it is one of six sculptures phe club is and comes on the ripken passed lou gehrig by ay playing in a major league-record 2,131st consecutive game, becoming basebaal's "iron man." 3 coming up... a recent spike in the number of west nile cases... is causing concern among heallh officials. what maryland officials are now doing... to help keep the virus under control. you're watching foxx45 morning 3 ((bump in)) ((ad lib meteorologiss)) 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 & 3 3 3 3 3 3 p, 3 our coverage continues this morning... of the death of former ravens learning about the ause... and how all of baltimore is remembering him. and a majjr spike... in the number of west nile cases. hhw many more people have been diaggosed with the virus... in the past week.and what maryland is doing... to help keep residents safe. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morninn. ((break )))- henson, big day -- we're gonna fly to jersey,n mexico, china and france. you're going to travel through so many time zones, you're going to have jet lag for months. now sink your teeth into that big n' toasted if you're ready to soar. good. exits are here, here, and here. a big day calls for the big n' toasted breakfast sandwich, with fried eggs, cherrywood smoked bacon, and cheese, stacked high on texas toast. grab yours at dunkin' donuts. it's a breakfast favorite. start your big day with a big n' toasted breakfast sandwich from dunkin'. [ male announcer ]] you know what that is? that's the sound of a mid-sized sedan that doesn't whine when you step on the gas. that's the most powerful v-6 engine in its class that also gets 29 miles per gallon on the highway. it's a very rare bird indeed. that's why we put wings on it. ♪ abut it'll become so much more. concrete and steel... a new world-class resort casino in maryland. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland. new thhs morning... we're continuing to follow breaking news this morning. former modell has died. he died from hospital. modell also served as n-f-l president from 19-67 to 69 and was a key figure in getting n-f-l games televised 87 years old. new numbers are out... ffr the number of people infected with the west nile virus.and according to the centers for &pdisease control and prevention... the number of reported cases has gone up 25 percent in the past áweek.áso far this year... theee have been 87 deaths... and nearly 2-thousand people infected. has died.the department of agriculture will begin spraying several areas next week. jury deliberations continuu today... in theedrew peterson murder triil.on wednesday... jurors asked to see variety of evidence... including transcripts of witnesses and a former illinois police officer... has pleaded not guilty to murdering his third wife, kathheen savio in 2004. he's also suspected in the disappearance of his fourth wife, ssacey petersoo. (((vo)))it was a violentt laborday weekend here in 3 baltimorr after 6 people were shootings across the cityy nd now investigators are still motives....((tom)))joining me now to discuss how typical the violence is surrounding holidays is talk show host and former police commissioner ed norris joins us for this weees fox undercover. >just how typical is a vspike in violent crime around holidays?> are there any programs law enforcement implements leading up to holiday...(((ess))) you ccn hear ed norris monday through friday on sports radio 105-seven 'the fan' from 5 to 10 a-m. -3 coming up next... erasing electronics. "criminal enterprises live off of personaa data. they love a haad drive that they can get their hands on." on."the best tools... to protect yourself froo're watchiig fox &p45 mornin i'm a professional stylist but styling my friend's is my favorite. they all love the latest trends but none of them want to pay full price. they each have their own unique style, so t.j.maxx is a great place because they have such an incredible mix of designers for so much less than the department stores. when my friends feel beautiful i just feel like i scored. fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. i'm a maxxinista and now so are all my girls. t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you. ((bump in)) people gee rid of 30 million computers and more than 120 million cell phones each year. before you dispose of your electronic devices... don't make the mistake of failing too erase your personal ddta. consumer reports tells you how. how. (v/o)what's on your personal computer? your name, your bank account, even your credit-card information. samm with your phone. and recycling electronic devices without errsing that inno s asking for trouble. (tite) (sot) "you're literally giving your persooal information out to &pthe criminal world."(v/o)the best way to protect yourself -erase your personal dataa on the iphone it's easy. go to "settings." click on "general" a& then press "reset" and select "erase all content and pettings."consumer reports' compuuer expert dean gallea says erasing info on android phones is a little more complicated. usuallyyyou go to 'privacy.' then you have to consult the manual onlinn for the ext steps..o erase a personal computer, you need to download software. a good choice is from d-ban-dot-org. psot)"you download the software and put it onto a cd. then you put the cd into the &pcomputtr'ssdisc drive and follow the instruutions to erase the hard drive's contents.""v/o)with aaple computers, the original operating-system dvd comes with software to erase your files. sot: paul reynolds) "you put it into the computer's disc drive. and you reboot it, holding down the 'c' key during startup." (v/o) once the computer's booted up, choose "utilities," then "disc utility." select "hard drive," then hit "erase." if you think you ddn't have enough time to wipe your device, think again. (sot: larry they love a hard drive that they an get their hands on." coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... we take you road trippin' to havre de grace... for a taste of some top-notch dining.some pf the award-winning menu items... you'll find there. ((joel live ease))you're all local.. all morning. ((break 8)) 3&a baltimoreelegend... has die. we have thh latest details about former ravens owner, art modell... plus reaction from you coming up. disturbing video out of china.. of a young girl... pinned doing, right before it happened.ann how irst responders were finally able to get her free! and think your cell phone is safe?think on how to make sure your devvces are safe from cyber crookss 3 thursday, september 6. 3 3 3 3 3 3 we're continuing to follow breaking news, this morning. we've learned ... former baltimore raaens owner, art died.modell died from earr failure... early this morning...and wws 87 years old.he is known aa a baltimore hero... for bringing football..back to the city.he and his wife leave a legacy of philanthropic work.. pruce cunningham gives us a look back into his life... life... ((take pkg)) -art modell meant a lot to this city-people are 3&premembering him on our facebook page... megan has more on their reaction. reaction. good morning guys,people all over baltimore... and across the nation are wakinggup with heavy earts tis morning... hearing this news.this is the man who brought footbaal back tt baltimooe. baltimore.on our facebook &ppage... the comments are juss their memories: mmny of them simply saying thank you... --kevin writes: thank u for giving us the gift of a team. u brought joy to many people. ---ndzone eddie: thank you mr. modell. baltimore loves you. you are a hall of famer in our hearts--pat says: will always be remembered fondly in baltimooe!a lot of comments abbut his family and his wife pat... who passed away last year...--bill says: thoughts and prayers go out too the modell family , thx for bringing football back to baltimore and for the great things that you aad your family have brought to this town you will truely be missed --for some people theyyre appreciation for mr modell went even deeper... --kristi says... what i love the best is that he gave aa outstanding eulogy attmy father's funeral service and that he is a good man. --a lot of people who never eeen met him feel the same way.again... mr. modell died early this morning rom peart failureeafter being admitted to johnn hopkins hospial just recently.we're going to be sharing more of your memories throughout the morning.log on to facebook let us know how you're remembering him here today.back t you guys. 3 a place that's been honoring baltimore hero.. art modell ... foo years... is sports legends museum. d. smith is streaaing noww.. e with more on the an who brought football back to baltiiore.good morning joel d. 3 3 the numberrof west nnie cases... continues to rise. doing... to keep the virus under control control you're watching fox all morniig. ews.. ll local.. - ((brraa 1)) [ female announcer ] caroline penry began using olay total effects in 2001. since then, there's been one wedding, 2 kids, and 43 bottles of olay total effects. so in spite of 185 tantrums 378 pre-dawn starts and a lot of birthdays, caroline still looks amazing. thanks to the trusted performance of olay you can challenge what's possible. 60 years, millions of women, real results. 60 years, millions of women, 3 3 p3 3 3 3 a young girl..within inches of her life! life!!ow she got pinned underneath a bus...and how she was finally freed. fox 45 orninn news.. all ((break 2)) 3 new this morning....we're continuing to fooloo breaking former baltimore ravees owner art modell has died. modell died from heart failure at johns hopkins hospital. hh also served as n-f-l president from 19-67 to 69 and was a key figure in getting n-f-l games pelevised on monday nights. mooell enjoyyd riding in golf carts....and of course watching the ravens play. modell was 87 years old.....his wife ápatriciaá of &p42-years diee a yeer earlier. public and private memorial services will be held for late actor ámichael clarke duncaná. the oscaa-nominatee actor diedd monday in a los angeles hospital after suufering a heart attack in july. a public viewing will be held for duncan sunday in hollywood hills.duncan was engaged to peality t-v personality "omarosa manigault".he was 54-years-old. 3new numbers are out... for the number of people infected with the west nile virus.and according to the centers for disease control and prevention... the number of reported cases has gone up 25 percent in the past áweek.áso far ttis year... there have been 87 deaths... and nearly 2-thousand peopll infected. here in maryland... one person has died.thh department of agriculture will bbgin spraying several areas next week. 3 pometimes he best thing about a road trip is he food and in havre de grace there is no shortage on good places to eat. emily gracey is road trippin in havrr de grace.good morning emily....- what good restaurants are there n havree de grace?- what type of restaurants does havve de grace oofer?- if i only had one night therr whhre would you suggeet eating? eating? for more information on havre de grace and to book you next road trip llg on to fox baltimmre dot com. look for "hot topics" and click on road trippin'. the d-n-c conninues tonight...with the president expecteddto take the . podium.what could cause a problem for him...and reaction to foomer president bill clinton's speech. speech.and we're continuing our coverage on the death of former ravens modell...a looo at the legacy he leaves baltiiore.. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning.. [ harry umlaut ] the five stages of muller. suspicion: it's yogurt, how good can it be? revision. "actually, this ain't bad"? surprise! "look at this cool corner thingy!" desolation. "it's gone." anticipation "hey! there's more in the fridge." [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy. theerepublicans have been asking "are you bbtter off than four yeaas ago" ... and the resounding clinton ... yes. in his speech, he made the case for why presidnet obama should remain in office to finish the job he has started. maryland state senator lisa gladden joins us with a ook at the speechs last night and what's expected from the clintoo had -bill 3&the speech of the clinton had the speech of the niiht .. people talking about it this mornnng ... what did you think of it, being there in the arena-did he sufficcently make the case for why the presideet shoulddhave a second term-highllghtt for &pyou-what are you eepecting from the presidnet tonight ... what do you want to hear 3 breaking news just into oor newsroom... we're been reporting about a deadll accident in darlington... and county sherrif's deputy has died ii that crash... while on happened around 2-30 this morning... on route 1 near castleton rrad.a citizen called police... after seeing a car off toothe side of thh this hour... route one is closed from shuresville road to castleton's unclear what caused the crash. aa investigation is currently underway. we're continuing our coverage on the death of former ravens modell... modell...a look at the legacy he eaves baltimore.. man. the eternal tribute to cal ripken junior... on fox 45 news at five. henson, big day -- we're gonna fly to jersey, then mexico, china and france. you're going to travel through so many time zones, you're going to have jet lag for months. now sink your teeth into that big n' toasted if you're ready to soar. good. exits are here, here, and here. a big day calls for the big n' toasted breakfast sandwich, with fried eggs, cherrywood smoked bacon, and cheese, stacked high on texas toast. grab yours at dunkin' donuts. it's a breakfast favorite. start your big day with a big n' toasted breakfast sandwich from dunkin'. 3 3 school closing to pass yoor way... crofton woods elementary school- losed no power 3 map fiber map 3 a baltimore legend... hassdied. former owner of the baltimore ravens... art modell passed &paway early this morning from heart failure.he died at johns hopkins hospital afttr bbing admitted just recently. recently.megan gilliland is here witt the latest details and reaction from those of you here in baltimore. good morning guys,ppople all over baltimore... and across the nation are waking up with heavy hearts this are waking up with acrrss the nation are waking up with heavy hearts this morning... hearing this nees.this is the man who brought football back to -balt that ore than the players just minutes ago ravens wide receiver... torrey smith tweeted: rip mr. art modell...without his dream i would have never been able to play for this great city...thank you on facebook... lot of you are sharing your thouggts... your memories...--tyre writes... we lost a great man today. r.i.p. artand lot of people are simply saying hank you...--kaaen writes... thankk you mr. modell for all that you have done for the of maryyand & the game of football. your vision is why we are able to watch & enjoy the ggme on television as we do. rest in peace with your wife pat. --as many of you know... his wife of 42 years patricia, passed away last year. yearrmodell's legacy in football started back in 1961 when e bought the clevellnd browns for 4-million dollars. he moved that franchise to hated in cleveland... he was lovvd here in baltimore.he gave the people in this town a ccnningham once that he loves - tte omp and circumstance maybe even more than the game itself. anyway you cut it it's not - about being a sportsman win... sure i want to win... i ant to ennertain as well1:56 i worked to get where i am took care of people on the way up pnd i'll go out taking care of e peopleover the years... he helped broker the merger between the nfl and afl... and establishment of n-f-l films &pand monday night football.he again, art modell died early e this morning of heart failure &pafter being admitted to johns hopkins recently.we're going to continue remembering this baltimore legend throughout the morning.sharing your responses on facebook your memories.stay with us.i'm meggn gilliland, fox45 morning news. pess than a month after a deadly train deraiiment in ellicott city....the national releases results from an intial investigation. innestigation.they haae offfcially ruled out weather and speed as factors...which means the official cause of the crash ... is still a traveling eastbound around midnight aagust 20th... when it came off the tracks ...sending several cars loaded with coal onto the rrad and along the track. two teenagers ... 19-year-olds elizabeth nass and rose mayr ... were killed whee they were toppled by coal ...while sitting on the railroad bridge. 327 i'm sure they're going to all the leaves they have and look at everything because it certainly seees like uh, you know it's efinitelty an unusual occurence 37 37n-t-s-b investigaaors also reviewed track maintenance records and railroad equipment - but so far... haven't reported anything out of the ordinary.the report shows the initial damage is about 2-point-2 million dollars. investigattrs took ail samples from the accident report could take more than a year. &p another anne arundel county worker comms forward claiminn she and other women were subbected to a hhstile work environment under county executive... john leopold.. in the affidavit... the worker... who is now on medical leave... writes how she had first hand knowledge of workers being fired for providing information on a "joan harris" was one of tww . workers fired. shh discussed the recent document filed. 12:55:59 (harris) there are really many things that happened in that office that people neee to be held :10 besides the ácriminalá case innolving alleged misconduct while n office. a llopold spokesman declined to comment. best-selling author ájjdy blumeá is recovvring after receiving a reconstruction surgery. in a blog wednnsday...the 74-year-old revealed she spent the summer battling breast cancer. "blume" &punderwent surgery last month.... but says she's feelinggstronger everyday.. we''e continuing to remeeber the impact former baltimore. joel d. smith is live at theesports legends museum at camdee yards ...with more on this hometoon hero. good morning joelld. tonight---- club level $102 friday --- plenty remaining $28 and up.saturday --- sold outsunday --- plenty remaining all prices.the orioles will unveil a sculpture of hall of famer cal ripkkn jr. prior to thursday's series opener at camden yards. it is one of six opener at camddn prior to thursday's series famer cal ripkknnjr. sculpture of hall of the orioles will unveil a 3 3 disturbing video out of china.. china..of a young girl... pinnnd under a bus.what she happennd.and how first it responders were finally abll to get her free! free! excuse us, while we change into something more comfortable. cool. introducing, the square sunnyd bottle. i need all the help i can get. that's why i like nutella. mom, what's the capital of west virginia? charleston. nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread my whole family loves. mom, have you seen my -- backpack? nutella goes great on whole-wheat toast or whole-grain waffles. and its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. yeah, bye. have you seen my -- yes. and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. [ male announcer ] nutella. a very close call for llttle girl in ccina who barely escappd a deadly bus accident. ooficials say the girl was ridiig her bikeealong driver lost ontrol whhle dodging annoncoming car nd slamming into a garden. firefighters used a jack to try and liff the bus...but thh mud from the garden was too they decided to dig the girl out. amazingly the chill suffered no seriouss injuries. ((toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 p3- 3 take action... against cyber cr! crooks! we have an expert live in our studio taking yoor personal iiformatiin safe... on a cell phone...and all your . devvces. you can give us a call att410- 481- 4545.or send us a tweet at fox baltimore you can post your questions on our facebook page. youure watching fox 45 morning morning. anncr: it'll start out as concrete and steel... but it'll become so much more. a new world-class resort casino in maryland. two thousand construction jobs to build it. four thousand permanent, good-paying jobs when it's done. hundreds of millions for maryland schools... real oversight to make sure the money goes... where it's supposed to. but none of it will happen unless we vote for... question seven this november. vote for question seven. and help build a better future for maryland. 3 with the aavancement of smart phones and the multiple aaplications that come with them...many of ps find ourselves using our phones to cceek bank &pstatements... pay for a cup o firends know our location through sociil media... great convenninces for us but also a great taaget for cybbr attacks... therr aae ways too rooect hackers locked out... joining us this morning to answer &pquustion you ay have about &pcyber security... is glenn schoonover... senior director &pof security solutions fom a problem are we facing with hackers?> what is the mostt important inforamtion we need to keep protected? where are people getting attacked?> how do we protect ourselves?> why should people be wary of downloads? can your cell phone get a &pvirus from opening n email, since its also a computer? email, since its also a a viruu from opening an can your cell phone get a virus from opening an can your cell phone get downloads?people be wary of > why ssould people be wary of downnoads? can your cell phone get 3 downloads?people be wary of > why should > why should ppople be wary of downloads? keepinggyouu private information..privaae with glen schooooverwill be back to take your calls about cyber security and cell phone you have a question our phone - liies are open now at 410- 481-4545. you can send us a tweet at foxx facebook page.. you're watching foo 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) ♪ [ harry umlaut ] hey you know what, i speak european. [ sally umlaut ] european isn't a language. i think they speak all kinds over there. nah. it's basically one language with a few variations. my cousin has a passport. uh-huh. take this fascinating muller yogurt. frut up. means "fruit up." as in creamy yogurt down below. and a delectable, aromatic layer of blended fruity, moussey, uppiness on top. frut up. as the europeans say. in their language. wow. you really are bilingual. yeah, i dated a comma in high school. [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy. yeah, i dated a comma in high school. ((bump in)) with glenn schoonover..koolsck - sscurity soluttons taking your calls about cyber security...for our take are open now at 410-481-4545. you can send us a tweet attfox baltimore... or go through our facebook page. > why should we never leave our > why should we never leave our home wifi unlocked? 3 reda- when you delete information, where does ii go? go?mike- how do we know if our phones have been hacked? what do we do afterwards? 3 coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. we're continuing our coverage... on the death of former ravens modell... he died early this the city is responding to thh tragic, we'll hear whattthe ravens have to say about the city's loss. you'reewatchinggfox 45 morning news...allllocal.. all hmmm, i don't think i took my pill today. there's birth control you don't have to think about taking every day or even every year. i'm painting my arms. i want another child, but not for a while. it's mirena, a small intrauterine contraceptive that's over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy for as long as you want, for up to five years. then again, i'm not sure i want to wait. don't use mirena if you have a pelvic infection, get infections easily or have certain cancers. less than 1% of users get a serious infection called pelvic inflammatory disease. if you have persistent pelvic or stomach pain, or if mirena comes out, tell your healthcare provider. if it comes out, use back-up birth control. mirena may attach to or go through the uterine wall and cause other problems. although uncommon, pregnancy while using mirena can be life threatening and may result in loss of pregnancy or fertility. ovarian cysts may occur, but usually disappear. bleeding and spotting may increase in the first few months and continue to be irregular. periods over time may become shorter, lighter, or even stop. mirena does not protect against hiv or stds. oh, i can wait a little longer. ask about mirena. when you have time. did you know ? if you choose mirena to prevent pregnancy, it's also approved to treat heavy periods. 1:00 people ere are magnificent i can't say enough about the peopleeii this town towna baltimore legend... has died.the details coming into our newsroom... about former ravens owner, art modell. condolenses are pouring n... from all over fans are reacting to his death... and the mark he leaves behind. joel ad-libs 3 3 3 -33 thursday, september 6th school closing to pass your way... crofton woods elementary school- closed no power 3 3 3 3 3 3 beeore we get to ouu continuing coverage of art modell... we have breaking news just into our newsroom. we're been reporting all morning... about a ddadly accident in darlington.we've just confirmmd the person in that crash... is aaharford county sherrif's eputy... who died while on happened arrund 2-30 this morning... on rrute 1 near ccstleton road.a citizen called police... after seeing a car off to the side of the this hour... pouteeone is closed from shuresville road to castleton's unclear what caused the investigation is currently unddrway. 3 now to a story we've been updating you on alllmorning &plong... a sad day for ravens fans... and all of baltimore. former baltimore ravens owner, art modell has died. died.this is a story we''e been covering closely... ever siice news broke early ttis morning.modell is known as a baltimore hero... for brrnging football back to the city..e and his wife leave a legacy of philanthropic work. wook. bruce cuuningham gives us a look baak into his life... ((take pkg)) condolenses are pouringgout all over facebook... about modell and everything he's community.tom rodgers is here with more nnhis cause of death. accooding to the baltimore art's ssn... says he was there when his dad took his fiial breath.he said quote- "my brother john and i were with him whee he inally rejoinnd the absolute love of his life, my mother pat modell."all over faaebook... people are reacting to his are some comments we're getting: getting:ramona writes- hey ravens! lees do it for art this year ! prayers to the ffmi! family! stan writes- unfortunately when he does gett o the hall enjoy it. 3 barb writes- should t rain this afternoon, it certainly will be purple rain in memory of thh passing of art modell...baltimore is blessed to have such an icon turn the tables and bring one of the finest teams to the nfl. r.i. p. rt and goo bless the ravens. pavens. tina- thank you mr modell for what you brought to our city! you ill always have a place in our hall of fame of hearts! you will be missed! rest in peace! a place that's been honoring baltimore hero.. art modell ... for years... is sports leggnds museem. museum. that's wwere jjel d. smith is live... with more on tte man who brought football back to baltimore. good morning joel . 3 on twitter... ravens players are speakinngout about odell. modell. 3 wide receiver torrey smith: rip mr. art modell...without his dream i woull have never been able to play for this 3great city...thank you fortunate to have aaowner who truly cared about the quality of the product on the field and the men anddtheir families 3ff! may you rest in peace. - raaens team tweeted too: too: we're also now learning that some of the players will speak this afternoon.some of the players include joe flacco and ray lewis.john hhrbaugh is also expected to speak out. coming up... a big honor... for two of baltimore's greatest athletes. cap ripken and michael phelps re being rrcognized... for their nts..- you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((buup out)) ((break 1)) [ engine revs ] [ male announcer ] you know what that is? that's the sound of a mid-sized sedan that doesn't whine when you step on the gas. that's the most powerful v-6 engine in its class that also gets 29 miles per gallon on the highway. it's a very rare bird indeed. that's why we put wings on it. ♪ 3 it's historic and full of great sights to see. eemly gracey is road trippin in havre de grace.good morning emily....- is havre de grace haunted?- whaa are the best places to visit innhavre de grace.- how do you maintain the town's histtric feel? &p3 & for more infoomation on havre de grace and tt book you next road trip og on to fox baltimore doo com. look for "hot topics" andd lick on road trippin'. 3 3 3 3 3 we're continuing to follow sad news this morning... baltimore legend, art modell... has died. died.the details we're learning... and how all of baltimore is remembeeing the watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all mornnng. ((break 2)) anncr: this casino's in west virginia. but it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven. good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. it's time to put n your fashion forward clothes and see wwat towson own center hassto offer for fashion night out. rebecca klein the shopping guru is joining us live this morning with more. - what is ashion night out?- what will we learn at the event?- can you tell us what will beein the wag bag? bag? for more information on fashion night out and to get the latest fashioo trends log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. ccming up... 3&our country's ebt... keeps rising.will the president speech... at the democratic national convention?an expertt fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3 3 last week...the reeublican national convention feattred two large digital debt clocks ticking away numbers representing trillions of dollars.... on tuesddy...thee first day of the democratic total of the national debt passeddthe 16 trillion dollar amount... did thh ticking &plights leave a lasting impression... as we get ready to hear the president speak tonight? david williams from taxpayers protection alliance joins us live from washington... this morning >whht kind of an impaat will this have falling in the middle of ttee democratic national convention? >are we facing another debt ceiling debbte... current ceiling is 16.394 early 2013>50 k for every american to pay speaker john boehner....others say .40 cents for every dollar we spend is borrowed? -senate budget committee member jeff sessions (r) ((tom)) join our waste watch.if you see government waste... call our hotline... 410-662-1456 or go to foxbaltimore dot com. coming up... honorrng a local legend.the comments pouring inno our newsroom... about former ravens owner, art modell.and who's scheduled to speak out about him're waaching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) ((open)) 3 school clooing to pass your way... crofton woods elementary chool- closed no power &p 3 map fiber mmp 3 3pa baltimore legend... has die ravens... art modell passed away early this morning from heart faillre.he died at johns hopkins hospital after being admitted just recently. recently.a lot of people are rembering him ttis morning... here in baltimore nd across the natiin.tom rodgers is here with reaction. people all over baltimore... and across the nation are waking up with heavy hearts this morring... heaaing this news.this is the man who brought football back to baltim. baltimore.on facebook... a lot of you are sharing your memories of art modell..and his wife patricia too who passed away ast year.--angela says: thoughts and prayers to the modell family. and if not for you..we would still be --lisa says: this is a sad ..- loss for baltimore. heespoke pt the ooen training camp this year and it was wonderful seeing him. he was so passionate about baltimore nd the fans. pans.modell's legacy in football started back in 1961 when he bought the cleveland browns ffr 4-milllon dollars. he moved that franchise to baltimore in 1996.while he was hated in clevvland... he was loved here in baltiiore.he special gift... a super bowl win.he told our own bruce cunningham once that he loves the pomp anddcircumstance maybe even more than the game itself. 1:27 this is show biz bruce anyway you cut it it's ot about being a sportsman win.... sure i want to win... i want to entertain as weel1:56 i worked to get where i am took care of people on the way up peepleover the years... he of - helpee broker the merger between the nfl and afl....and was instumental in the establishment of n-f-l films pnd monday niiht football.he is considered a leader and ooe that helped build thh league. earlier thii hour... the &pbaltimore ravens releaaed an offiiial statement from david modell... art's son... who says he was there when his dad pook his final breath. breath.he said quote - "poppy' was a special man who was loved by his sons, hiss daughter-in-law michel, and his six grandchildren. moreover, he was adored by the &pentire baltimore community fo his kindnesssand generosity." generosity."he went on to say - "he lovvd baltimore. he made an important and indelible his children, grandchildren and his entiie community. we will miss him." him."some of the players will speak this afternoon... including joe flacco and ray expected to speak. a place that's been honoring art modell for years... is museum.that's wwere oel d. smith is live... with more on the mannwho brought football back to baltimmore. ballimmore. tonight---- clubblevel $102 friday --- plenty remaining $$8 and p.saturday --- sold outsunday --- plenty remaining all prices.the orioles will unveil a rrpken r. prior to thursday's series opener at camden yards. the club is celebrating this season and ccmes on the 17- year anniversaay of the day ripken passed lou gehrig by playing in a major league-record 2,131st consecutive game, becoming baseball's ""ron an." 3 a big sports night in ed to be baltimorr. the orioles hosttthe yankees it's almost a selllut tonight and fans will start the unveiled tonight exactly 17 years after he broke lou gherig's consecutive games streaa. gates open at 5:00 baltimoree plans to celebrate the olympii achievements of michael phelps and other marylanders. held monday afternoon at the - inner harbor's amphitheater. mayor stephanie rawlings-bbake, governor martin o'malley and county eeecutive kevin kameneez will attend. phhlps ended his olympic career in lonnon with a record 22 medals overall....including 6 in lonnon. coming up... the heat and humudity will be us again today. to last... and when showers could be headed our way. way. [ engine revs ] [ male announcer ] you know what that is? that's the sound of a mid-sized sedan that doesn't whine when you step on the gas. that's the most powerful v-6 engine in its class that also gets 29 miles per gallon on the highway. it's a very rare bird indeed. that's why we put wings on it. ♪ p, ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 weathee kid tease 3 3 3 33 3 3 still ahead... we've got some special guests... joining us studio!elmo nats nats elmo... and another surprise &pguest... will join ussllve to talk about their new show... coming to're watccing fox 45 mooninggneww.. ((break 66) "i knew at that point that god himself rescued me." "god had a reason for her to be there." "it's only because of god's grace that i'm sitting here." "i can only say that the lord sent an angel and removed lisa from the car." "god can conquer everything, even death itself." "i love god because he saves you when you're sick." 3 hey it's half off barrrtt's grill has a great deal for can get a 50-dollar gift cerrificate there.robert newby and chef brian harrison from barrett's grill joins us this morning with more.- what type of food does - what type of food does - whaa type of foodddoes barrett's grill offer?- what is the most popular meal at - what is the most - what is the most popular meal at barrett's grill?- what are you making tod? today? to get our haaf off gift card, log on to hey itsshalf off dot commright now. ttey arr lliited, so don't waiit coming up... sesameestreet's own áelmoá... comes to baltimor. baltimore.:31-::4 "this is the song, la la la la, elmo's song" song"parents... grab your kids! he's joining us live in studio...'re watching fox 45 morning news.. all 3 local.. all morning. ((break 7)) dad look, you can get eggs, bacon and pancakes for $4. umm. in my day, you get eggs, bacon and pancakes, and it only cost you $4. the $4 everyday value slam. one of 4 tasty choices for $4 off the 2-4-6-8 value menu. only at denny's. can you tell them how to get to... can you tell them how to get to... sesame street? well if yoo know you can ttll them after they show us what to expect at sesame street live. elmo, cookie monster and vickie rudolph are joining us this morning with more. - when does sesame street live - when does sesame street live - when does sesame street live "can'' stop singing" run at the lyrrc?- what can we expect during the of w?- can we get a sneak peak - can we get a show?expect during thee- what can we runn at the lyric?"can't stop singing" sesame street live - when does sesame street live "can't stop inging" run at the lyric?- what can we expect during the show?? can we get a sneak peak of what we will see when we come to the show? show? for more

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