and this july only, it's a $5 footlong! after spending days in the dark... with mass power outages... one lawmaker says it's not the b-g-e or pepco's fault.who's he lacing blame on and the action he's caling for. think the drought in the midwest doesn't affect you? think again.the three things you'll pay more for at the grocery because of it. and... the world's fattest woman .. loses a hundred pounds in just months.her shocking exercise secret. 3 thurssay, july 19th we have received a lot of questions on how to enter oor giant summer giveawayso we thought we would show you the steps...first logon to facebook and go to wbff fox 45 and click on the ááenter our contestsááá link under the liked on ááfox 45 ggant suumer contestááscroll down and fill out the general information &pportion...and hit ááenter nowáá we will then be able to print out your name and enter it into our box for our daily drawing... 3 3 3 3 anger and frustration continue to grow in the wake offmassive power outages caused by recent . lawmaker says thee problem isn't just b-g-e and pepco... but the eople who are supposed to be watching them.meean gilliland is here with the solution he's now good morning guys,he's the solution he came up with... montgomercy couny councilman... hans riemer... started this petition.his goal is to fire very member of the public service commission. he says utility companies aae monopolies... only because they're regulated by the p-s-c. and that slow reeponse... should be blamed on them... the state agency who should be protecting the avvrage citizen. riemer's online petition calls for the governor to start over and replace everyone in the state agency with people who will work for the consumer. "it's not acceptable anymore, to hope the next storm won't be bd or pepco will do their job, fix it, the only person can change the psc is the governor and the governor is the only one that can change pe" pepco"we contacted the maryland public service commision... they issued this statement saying quote: "the governor may onll remove a commissioner during his or her term for incommetence or misconduct." still the peition is drawing attention.coming up next half hour... how many people have pigned it so far.i'm megan water is expected to be shops near the water main break downtown... and some say it couldd't come soon enough. say business has suffered due restauranns are now even by - offering 'water main specials' to entice customerr.but with only foot traffic allowed on two blocks of light street... business has been reduced. 3(ann pascale-victor paacale custom tailors)"it's effected by the fact people just cannot get down here."((sot # 2)) (kirby)"once the businesses are open we will be back on tra" track"again water is expected to be restored today to the rest of the shops on the block. however the road will not re-open for three weeks. police in mmryland are nnw allowed to resume collecting d-n-a samples from people arrested for serious crimes without a warrant. warrant.this news comes after supreee court chief justice john roberts... issued an order that temporarily blocked a maryland court ruling that barred collecting d-n--athe d-n-a collection act went nto pffect in january of 2009 but was blocked in april after maryland's highest courttruled parts of the law unconstitutional. they made the ultimate sacrifice on 9-11, and their firefighter brethren, are making sure it will not be forgotten. even you re invited today to climb the same amount of flights those brave firefighters did, in the world trade center. center. joel d. smith is live where it's all happening, to show us how each and every hero is being remembered.good morning joel d. 3 3 tte world's heaviest living woman is crediting sex... for a 98 pound weight oss. loss.pauline potter was named the heaviist living woman last september.since then... she's been trying to lose weight.she told doctor drew pinsky... she did some reasearch... and then got her ex-husband to help out. (( i did some research and whatever and found out that you can burn 500 calories. so i guess it didn't hurt. i was kind of having fun and helping myself at the same time.")) time."))potter also says she's been eating more fruits and fresh vegetables and has water therapy three to five times a week. 3coming up... dramatic moments... caught on camera.wait until you see whatts about to happen... to a car passing by the scene of a fire. and in our hometown hotspot... the circus is coming to town.a sneak peek at some of the tricks yyu'll be seeing... at this year's're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) 3 the circus is marching into town and making a stop at whhtemarsh mall. paolo from the piccadilly circus is joining us live for this mornings hometown hotspot. -tell us about this years circus? - how long has this circus been around? - show us what you will be doing in the cirrus. circus. the piccadilly circus is running now through july 22nd at white marsh mall in the parking lot of boscov's.for more information log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 3 3 map fiber map bel air coming up... rush limbaugh has a bone to pick... with the makers of "the dark knight."why he's calling the movie... a political agenda. (1st sot) zimmerman "i am not a racist. i am not a murderer." murderer." and george zimmerman speaks out for the first time... since the night pe killed trayvon áheá describes the moments... leading up to the teen's death. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all ((break çç 3 (1st sot) zimmerman "i am not a racist. i am not a murderer." murderer."new this morning... the former florida neighborhood watch volunteer... who's charged with second-degree murder in an unarmed teen's death... speaks out exclusively with fox news.zimmerman gives his version of what happened on the night of trayvon martin's ddath... back in february. 1:00 zimmerman "he said you are going to dieetonight... ...i didn't have any more time." 3 time."zimmerman is living in a safe house... as he awaits his trial... he was released about two weeks ago... oo one ámillioná dollars bond. no trial date has yet to be set. radio host rush limbaugh is on the attack against the new movie "the dark knight."this week he sounded off on his talk show... saying the villain in the film targets mitt romney.limbaugh says it's no coincidence the villain has the same name as mitt romney's former venture capital firm "bain"... just with a different spelling.he argues it may be a deliberate attempt by filmmakers... to influence voters.but "batman" fans may disagree... saying the character "bane" was introduced in the comic books back in 1993. the musical legacy of the late whitney houston... is being put on display at the grammy museum.a new exhibit will debut on august 15th.the museum says it worked with houston's family to get a diverse set of artifacts... including her personal bible and stage costumes.the exhibit will run through february of next year. still ahead... we're less than 15 minutes away... from drawing a name in our "giant summer contest." your chance to win 250-dollars in free groceries... is coming're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3) we gotta sell the car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard. get in. hi, good to see you. start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. carmax. start here. there are reports of shocking security gaps at flight schools in the united states. as chris lawrence explains... it comes more than a decade after the nine-eleven hijackers took flying lessons in this country. 3 (nats)the mistakes were supposed to be fixed a decade ago. but a new government report reveals security loopholes so large - even illegal immigrants have been able to attend flight schools in the united states. isn't it true that based on your report the transportation security administration cannot ensure that foreign terrorists are not in this country learning how to fly airplanes? yes or no?at this time guarantee - eleven years after mohammad atta and other 9/11 hijackers learned to fly in the us, and then crashed a jet into the world trade center. non-u.s. citizens and visa undergo a 'security threat assessment' before the tsa clears them to take flight lessons. but some of the 26,000 who completed flight training in the last six years were never vetted. let me say this is extremely disturbing. in 2010 immigration officials busted a flight school in boston that was primarily training illegal immigrants, who are not allowed to take classes. three of them had already earned their pilot's licenses. us citizens do not have to go through the threat screening. that means it's possible for an american citizen to take flight lessons - while he himself is on the 'no fly list.' that person couldn't set foot on that plane as a passenger, yet they can receive training to fly that plane no matter how long it takes. correct?that is correct.does that, does that make sense?what you're posing is that we should look at anyone and everyoneethat wants to take training, regardless of their status or if they're a us citizen or an fact the tsa says there would be a significant cost to putting all u.s. citizens through that kind of extensive background screening. but the problem really goes so much deeper. when you talk about student visas and the visa system. there are sham schools that are giving student visas even though some of the students may have no intention of actually studying there. also, the report found that schools that offer student ht - visas to foreigners is not even accredited by the faa. chris lawrence, cnn, the ppntagon. coming up... some dramatic video... out of russia.wait until you see what's about to happen... to a car passing by the scene of a fire... next. ((megan live tease))after spending days in the dark... with mass power outages... one lawmaker says it's not the b-g-e or pepco's fault.who's he placing blame on and the action he's caling for. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((brea fallen heroesthe unique way baltimore is remembering firefighters killed on 9911. on fox 45 news at five 3 3 let your next trip to the grocery.. be on us.we're giving away 250 dollar giant gi.'s our giant summer contest! contest! óóóóóó has 15 minutes to call us at 410-481-4445 and claim their prize.if he/she doesn't call in... we'll draw another name... so stay could still be a winner today! today!want to get your name in the box?just go to our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore... become a fan and complete the entry form to enter.go to our pebsite for complete contest rules. 3 map fiber map in the wake of recent storms... when hundreds of thousands of maryland residents spent days in the dark... waiting for power to be restored... one lawmaker says something needs to be done. done.but it's not b-g-e or pepco he's pointing fingers at. megan gilliland is here with more on who's in the hot seat now. good morning guys,when storms like this one that slammed us in june hit... power outages happen... but... montgomery county counciiman... hans riemer... says the slow response... is the problem... and he's now pointing fingers at one state agency. riemer believes the public service commission... is at fault... it's purpose is to protect the average citizen... and he believes they're failing.riemer has now started this petition here.his goal is p-s-c.e every member of the - "the regulators are responsible and we who sign this petition know it's their job to protect us" us"so far, the online petition has been signed by 34 hundred people. you can check it out yourself by going to our web site fox baltimore dot com slash newslinks. we did talk with the public service commission about this petition to have them all fired.coming up next half hour... they're response.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a firefighter is recovering this morning, after falling through a floor... while responding to a fire in annapol. annapolis.lightning from dangerous storms... sparked the happened on coventry place near coachway road.the owner of the home called emergency officials... saying his house was filled with smoke.the firefighter fell through thh floor, while trying to put it out.we're told the firefighter is now okay. lightning is also to blame for a house fire on clifton avenue in started just after 5:30 last night.after the strike... smoke was billowing from the roof by the time firefighters one was hurt. a man charged with killing his estranged wife and her 11-year-old son is due in a montgomery county courtroom tod. today. curtis lopez's attorneys are asking a judge to bar from trial evidence about his cell phone records. lopez was arrested in north carolina last october and charged in the deaths of his essranged wife... jane mcquain and her son william.mcquain was found beaten to death in her germantown apartment. her son was found dead several days later in the woods. records to track him to a hone - motel in charlotte, n.c., where he was arrested.the case is set for trial this fall. they made the ultimate sacrifice on 9-11, and their firefighter brethren, are making sure it will not be forgotten. even you are invited today to climb the same amount of flights those brave firefighters did, in the world trade center. center. joel d. smith is live where it's all happening, to show us how each and every hero is being remembered.good morning joel d. 3 some dramatic moments... caught on camera.take a look at this video out of russia. russia.a van is on fire in the middle of a don't seee to mind... and continue driving by.that is until all of a sudden... the van explodes. explosion nats nats it happened at the exact moment a car is passing by. talk about quite the scare!no word if anyone was injured. coming up... if you think the drought in the midwest doesn't affect you... think again.the 3 things it's causing you to pay more for... at the grocery store. and sue turner... you're the winner of our first "giant summer contest" drawing... but you have less than 5 minutes to call... before we draw another name. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 coming up... some new incentives... to get up off your couch.we'll reveal the shocking results... from a new study about people who don't exercise. and we're getting ready to draw another name... in our "giant summer contest."your chance to win 250-dollars in free groceries... is just minutes're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) you know what's exciting? graduation. when i look up into my students faces, i see pride. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate through university of phoenix, that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor. i'm committed to making a difference in people's lives, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. new this morniong... a new study finds lack of exercise... is just as deadly as smoking.the "medical journal the lancet" finds that one in 10 deaths worldwide can be blamed on illnesses caused by lack of exercise.... the same number as smoking deaths. experts say this problem has reached pandemic proportions. when people don't exercise... they are more likely to die from heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and breast and colon cancer. delivering a big baby that weighs over 8 pounds... may increase a woman's chances of developing breast cancer later in life. that's according to new research at the university of texas medical branch at galveston. researchers say it's because the body retains the memory of exposure to these hormones long after the pregnancy ends. further research is needed before making clinical recommendations. as a massive drought continues to wreak havoc on crops across the midwest and south... it's just a matter of time efore your supermarket bill is heftier than average. and if you're into grilling burgers.. it's going to hit you harder than you might have expected this summer. scorching heat means pricier corn... and that means it's more expensive to feed cattle. rene marsh is live in washington with a breakdown of other supermarket items that will... and won't be impacted. --suggested follow-up question--1) are there are some food items 1) are there are some food items where prices should remain steady or is everything expected to increase?2) when should we expect to see prices to go up on food? coming up in consumer reports... you don't have to spend thousands... for a high-quality mattress.the 2 stores... that give you the most bang for your buck.and the answer... may surprise you. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. excuse us, while we change into something more comfortable. cool. introducing, the square sunnyd bottle. ((bump in)) think you need a new mattress? a just-published consumer reports survey shows that about 75 percent of people who bought one are sleeping better. but do you have to spend thousands to get high-quality shut-eye? take a l. look. ((v/o))the right mattress can let you sleep like a baby.but trying to buy one can give you nightmares.(sot)"you go into one store and the mattress has one name and one color fabric, and then you go to another store and they say this one is the same as that one. but it doesn't have the same name and it doesn't have, you know, some of the same characteristics."(v/o)consumer reports surveyed more than 12-thousand subscribers about their mattresses.(v/o)it turns out innerspring mattresses did not rate as well as others. (sot: celia lehrman)"we found that people who bought memory- foam mattresses or air beds actually said they slept better than people who bought the traditional innerspring mattresses."(v/o)the survey also asked people about their shopping experience.(sot: celia lehrman)"you hear the big retailers, and they'll say 'best mattresses, best price.' it ssunds like a slogan, you think it's true, but that's really not what our survey found. the biggest stores didn't necessarily have the best selection or the best prices."(v/o)for example, sleepy's claims to be the "mmttress professionals" but was among the lowest-rated retailers. mmcy's ann sears rated better than sleepy's, but their ratings were still mostly so-so. but some larger stores did very well in consumer reports' survey.(v/o) select comfort, which sells adjustable-firmness mattresses, is one. but they're pricey. the median &pprice for a queen is almost two-thousand dollars. but don't worry. consumer reports says you can get a deeent mattress for much less at costco and ikea. while customer service was lacking at both stores, the median price for a queen mattress is well under a thousand dollars. coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... we've got your chance to win 250-dollars in free groceries. we'll draw another name in our "giant summer contest"... right after the break. ((joel live tease))you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 8)) after spending days in the dark... with mass power outages... one lawmaker says it's not the b-g-e or pepco's fault.who's he placing blame on and the action he's caling for. beating the heat.. with air conditioning.. is costly.but don't let your next electric bill get you hot under the collar.three things you can do.. to cut your bill despite the heat. "disgusting.""oh my god eww." eww."and.... the photo taken inside this burger king that has some customers vowing to never eat there again. 3 3 today is thursday, july 19. let your next trip to the grocery áástoreáá .. be on us. we're giving away 250 dollar giant giftcards. giftcards. it's our giant summer contest! contest! óóóóóó has 15 minutes to call us at 410-481-4545 and claim their prize.if he/she doesn't call in... we'll draw another name... so stay could still be a winner today! today! want to get your name in the box?just go to our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore... become a fan and complete the entry form to enter.go to our website for complete contest rules. 3 3 3 3 3 3 anger and frustration continue to grow in the wake of massive power outages caused by recent . lawmaker says the problem isn't just b-g-e and pepco... but the people who are supposed to be watching them.megan gilliland is here with the solution he's now proposing. good morning guys,he'ssthe solution he came up with... montgomeecy couny councilman... hans riemer... started this petition.his goal is to fire every member of the public service commission. he says utility companies are monopolies... only because they're regulated by the p-s-c. and ttat slow response... should be blamed on them... the state agency who should be protecting the average citizen. riemer's online petition calls for the governoo to start over and replace everyone in the state agency with people who will work for the consumer. "it's not acceptable anymore, to hope the next storm won't be bd or pepco will do their job, fix it, the only person can change the psc is the governor and the governor is the only one that can change pepco" pepco"we contacted the maryland public service commision... they issued this statement saying quote: "the governor may only remove a commissioner during hhs or her term for incompetence or misconduct." still the peition is drawing attention.coming up next half hour... how many people have signed it so far.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. 3 first on fox.a disabled woman is suing baltimore city community college for discrimination ... after she says a teacher called her stupi! stupid!carla dilone says she was constantly humiliated by her former teachers at b-c-c-c. but now she's taking the college to school on a 10- million dollar discrimination lawsuit... and so far... she's winning!she was diagnosed with mulptiple sclerosis back in 2001...and in 2006, she enrolled in school.but now she's claiming the teachers ignored her disability needs... and even insulted her dilone filed complaints with the college... but says they went ignored. 19:15 i had to endure in front of the class her calling me stupid, telling me i'm too stupid to be in college, disability students have no business going to college 24 24last month, the court entered a "judgment by default" in dilone's favor ... because the school failed to respond in time. the school doesn't comment on pending litigation. the next heaaing is scheduled for august 10th. take a look at this shocking video.. .of a little girl fighting off her attacker in before... she was walking with her two year old brother... when the crook comes up from behind... picks her up off the ground.she starts kicking and screaming.the man eventually drops her.residents are shocked at the incident... but applaud the young girl's courage to fight off her attacker. "for a little girl to be able to fight off a grown man and then remember a full description, it takes a lot. i'm very proud of her." the girl's father says his daughter was walking from her mother's house to a block away... when the man put his hands over her mouth, and tried to take her. the child's father says his daughter is doing o-k. the former florida neighborhood watch volunteer... who's charged with second-degree murder in an unarmed teen's death... speaks out exclusivell with fox news. news.(1st sot) zimmerman "i am not a racist. i am not a murder" murderer."zimmerman gives his version of what happened on the night of trayvon martin's death... back in february. 1:00 zimmerman "he said you are going to die tonight... ...i didn't have any more time." time." zimmerman is living in a safe house... as he awaits his trial... he was released about two weeks ago... on one ámillioná dollars bond. no trial date has yet been set. going up 110 flights of stairs never felt so good. the stair-climb to remember the firefighters lost on 9-11 is today at the downtown hilton. hilton. joel d. smith is there now with some of the personal ways those heroes are the way.good morning joel d. 3 3 3 3 no more store clerks at j-c penney's. the c-e-o says the store is replacing them... with new technology.customers will use self-checkout machines... like those in grocery stores.they're also planning to replace traditional bar codes on price tags with high-tech radio frequency identification... to make purchases's all apart of an effort to make the struggling company more profitable.they'e hoping to have the changes in place by 20-14. three employees lose their jobs over a picture... and after you see it... you'll understand why. why.this person stood on two lettuce bins inside an ohio burger king restaurann.the photo was posted online... and quickly went viral.the piiture was traced back to the restaurant... and the employees.customers were shocked by the whole thing. "i guess i'm going to throw my food away. that's not good.that's not good." "disgusting." "oh my god eww." "that's repulsive, i'm not eating there ever again." "oh my god eww." "i've always had good food and good service in there. i don't know what to tell you. i'm really surprised by it." burger king says food safeey is a top priority at all burger king restaurants... and the company maintains a zero tolerance policy against any violations. we're still waiting for tracey fowlkes to call and win a 250 dollar giant gift card. have just 5 minutes left before your time runs out. if you're not tracey.. don't can still get your name in the box... facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore. foxbaltimore. and... it's not the interview you need to be watching ... find out what's going on in the background... next! you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) and check this out... this is an interview during fox 45 reporter paul gessler's story at the ripken experience... watch the background ... the 2nd baseman... not even 20 feet away from first... winds up... and drills his first baseman.and... boom! smacked in the face!good news... he's okay.... it was a softer baseball... and the poor little guy eventually pops up. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 excercise ... your life depends on it! it!how many deaths can be blamed... worldwide... for lack of excercise! excercise!and take a trip around the world...without leaving baltimore!when you can catch the picadilly circus.. next in yourrhometown hotspot! you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. it's the perfect match for the perfect moment -- oreo the dunkin' way. introducing the new oreo coffee coolatta and new oreo vanilla bean coolatta. taste the fun today. america runs on dunkin'. hurry in to dunkin' and try the new oreo coolatta and donuts today. 3 new this morning... a man charged with killing his estranged wife and her 11-year- old son is due in a montgomery county courtroom today. curtis lopez's attorneys are asking a judge to bar from trial evidence about his cell phone records. lopez was arrested in north carolina last october and charged in the deaths of his estranged wife... jane mcquain and her son william. mcquain was found beaten to death in her germantown apartment. her son was found dead several days later in the woods. police used lopez's cell phone records to track him to a motel in charlotte, n.c., where he was arrested. the case is set for trial this fall. a new study finds lack of exercise... is just as deadly as smoking.the "medical journal the lancet" finds that one in 10 deaths worldwide can be blamed on illnesses caused by lack of exercise.... the same number as smoking deaths. experts say this problem has reached pandemic proportions. when people don't exercise... they are more likely to die from heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and breast and colon cancer. zombie protest nats nats it's the type of protest... you're not used to seeing.on wednesday... students dressed as zombies... crashed a meeting of the university of california's governing board. at one point... the demonstrators even danced to michael jackson's "thriller." the students were protesting against proposed tuition hikes. they ended up leaving the meeting peacefully on their own. 3 they are taking you through germany, russia and europe...all with no passport and that's because they are coming to you. ian garden from the piccadilly circus is joining us live for this mornings hometown hotspot. -tell us about this years circus? - what's the most difficult part about training zebras? - show us what you will be doing - show us what you will be doing in the circus. circus. 3 the piccadilly circus is running now through july 22nd at white marsh mall in the parking lot of bbscov's for more information log on to fox baltimore ddt com slash morning. tracey fowlkes didn't call.. so we're giving her giant gift card to someone else.we'll draw another name right at the bottom of the hour. can still get your name in the box... foxbaltimore dot com slash foxb. foxbaltimore.and save energy and money... even during this stifling heatwave!three ways to save big on your next bill.. while staying cool. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone likes a bit of order in their life. virtual wallet helps you get it. keep track of spending, move money with a slide, and use the calendar. all to see your money how you want. ♪ how you want. ((break 3))break 3)) 3 a marine gives the gift of life!the reason behind her kidney donation...and when the surgery will take place... here in baltimore. baltimore.and we're drawing another name right after breek. you're watching fox 45 3 morning news.. all local.. all morning. fallen heroesthe unique way baltimore is remembering firefighters killed on 9911. on fox 45 news at five çia÷ ((break 4)) 3 3 let your next trip to the grocery áástoreáá .. be on us. ww're giving away 250 dollar giant giftcards.'s our giant summer contest! contest! óóóóóó has 15 minutes to call us at 410-481-4545 and claim their prize.if he/she doesn't call in... we'll draw another name... so stay could still be a winner today! today!want to get your name in the box?just go to our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore... become a fan and complete the entry form to enter.go to our website for complete contest rules. 3 fiber map 3 in the wake of recent storms... when hundreds of thousands of maryland residents spent days in the dark... waiting for power to be restored... one lawmaker says something needs to be done. done.but it's not b-g-e or pepco he's pointing fingers at. megan gilliland is here with mooe on who's in the hot seat now. good morning guys,when storms like this one that slammed us in june hit... power outages happen... but... montgomery county councilman... hans riemer... says the slow response... is the problem... and he's now pointing fingers at one state agency. riemer believes the public service commission... is at fault... it's purpose is to protect the average citizen... and he believes they're faaling.riemer has now starttd this petition here.his goal is to fire eveey member of the p-s-c. "the regulators re responsible and we who sign this petition know it's their job to protect us" us" so far, the online petition has been signed by 34 hundred people. you can check it out yourself by going to our web site ffx baltimore dot com slash newslinks. we did talk with the public service commission about this... they said the governor can only remove a commissioner during his or her term for incompetence or misconduct.i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. watee is expected to be restored today to several shops near the water main break owntown... and some say it couldn't come soon enough. businesses near monday's break say business has sufffred due to the repairs. some nearry restaurants are now even offering 'water main specials' to entice customers.but with only foot traffic allowed oo two blocks of light street... business has been reduced. (ann pascale-victor pascale custom tailors)"it's effected by the fact people just cannot get down here." here." (kirby)"once the businesses are open we will be back on tra" track" &pagain water is expected to be restored today to the rest of the shops on the block.however the road will not re-open for three weeks. the mayor doesn't think the water main break will pose any problems preparing for the upcoming baltimore grand prix. the race takes place labor day weekend... and the mayor says... the streees will be ready. (mayor) "this is not the first time we've had to deal with a big water main break, at the rate we're going with our aging infrastructure, it won't be the last and i'm convinced that we'll be able to handle it and mitigate any impact." impact."one year ago...there were major repaiis to pratt preparation for the race. they made the ultimate sacrifice on 9--1, and their making sure it ill not be forgotten. even you are invited today to climb the same amount of flights those brave firefighters did, in the world trade center. center. joel d. smith is live where it's all happpning, to show us how each and every hero is being remembered.good morning joel d. 3 3 a baltimore county man is getting a new kidney today... thanks to a former mar. marine. nathaniel holland waited three years for a kidney... but after he heard about a website called... matching donors dot com it took only a couple weeks to find a match. jessica straehle agreed to give him one of hees. the two recently met for lunch where nathaniel thanked her for what she's doing for him. < "she is a beautiful and exciting woman and one thingg about jessica - she loves the woman.">the donor says it's just another way she can serve her country. the suugery takes place today at the university of maryland medical center. still to come.. celestine mason is today's winner.she called in time to win her 250 dollar giant gift card. can still enter tomorrow's drawing.facebook dot com/foxbaltimore. com/ three things you can do.. to cut your energy bill despite running the a-c. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all llcal.. all morning. [ husband ] i don't talk to them as much as cindy does. good morning, chickens! [ jim ] you know, that's our business. so we want to be the experts in chicken. we're not the status quo. perdue is the first and the only chicken company to have usda process verified programs for fresh, all natural chicken. [ jim ] this is an all-vegetarian diet. no animal byproducts, no animal fat. our chickens are not fed steroids or hormones. it's not gonna happen. [ jim ] we raise our chickens cage-free, and we set our goals higher than anyone. we're trying to make a better chicken. [ jim ] my dad did, my grandfather did, and it's what we do today. low detergent gasoline. the car on the right was filled up with bp gasoline with invigorate. which helps clean and protect its engine so it can get a few more miles per tank than the car on the left. go a little farther with bp gasoline with invigorate. now you have the power to lower gas prices with the bp visa with pump rewards. apply at ((break 5)) the scare of a lifetime... for one diver off the coast of florida.take a look at what he's confronted with... the second he jumps into the's hard to miss!... a great white shark... starting right back at fact it's so close... he nearly jumps áoná it! it!luckily... the diver manages to jump back onto the boat unharmed.the shark then follows the boat for about 20 minutes. ((toss to weather)) ((addlib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 stay cool... without breaking bank!for take action thursday.. were helping you save enery... áandá money ... even during this stifling heatwave. we have an expert live in our studio taking your calls about &pthe main three ways to accomplish that!you can give us a call at 410- 481- 4545.or you can post your questions on our facebook page. page.nats! nats! and a case of mistaken identity?how many hits this video of a bird ... barking like a dog... is getting on youtube, after only being you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ççcocococococococo[ barks ]st] [ cat meows ] [ woman ] ♪ i just want to be okay ♪ be okay, be okay ♪ i just want to be okay today - ♪ i just want to know today - [ whistles ] ♪ know today, know today - [ cat meows ] - ♪ know that maybe i will be okay ♪ [ chimes ] travelers can help you protect the things you care about... and save money with multi-policy discounts. are you getting the coverage you need... and the discounts you deserve? for an agent or quote, call 800-my-coverage... or visit 3 the hotter it is .. the more air conditioning you want. and with the recent heatwaves, some air conditioning systems haven't gotten a break. but of course that means, not only extremely high usage, but also extremely high bills. for today's take action thursday, rachel lighty with bge joins us with tips for using less energy in a heatwave. -tips for how to use less energy 3 after the break, rachel will be back to take your calls about how to use less energy. if you have a open now at 410-481-4545. you can send us a tweet at fox baltimore... or go through our facebook age. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. steinbrenner's in the room. you got to help me. we're back with rachel lighty with bge. she is taking your calls about how to use less energy ...for our take action thursday. question... our phone lines are open now at 410-481-4545. you can send us a tweet at fox baltimore... or go through our facebook page. shawn- bmore donna- parkville parkville lisa- i live in a 3rd floor apartment and have been told by my maintenance guys that the best my ac unit can do it 15 - 20 degrees below the ambient temp, which means my apartment is generally in the low 80s and my ac is running almost constantly.....what can i do to try and save money. i am on the peak rewards program and my thermostat is set on 77 . degrees. kitisha- i have a 3 story house. ac units on each floor. is there a way to keep my home comfortable without the units constantly running? coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. 3nats nats no, it's not the dog... how many hits, this video of a bird barking.. is getting on youtube...after onll a few days! you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. do you see it ? there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is. (("no. oh, my gosh. there it went there it went..")) went.."))a car crash caught on camera.what caused the driver to go the wrong way... down driver to go the what caused the camera.caught on a car crash a car crash caught on camera.what caused the driver to go the wrong way... down a busy highway. and... eat beef... to lose weight?that and four other fatty foods that can actually help keep you slim. 3 3 thursday, july 19th 3 3 3 3 3 anger and frustration continue to grow in the wake of massive power outages caused by recent . lawmaker says the problem isn't just b-g-e and pepco... but the people who are supposed to be watching them.tom rodgers is here with more on this plus your other top stories of the day. montgomery county councilman... hans riemer... started an online petition.his goal is to fire every member of the public service commissio. commission.he says utility companies are monopolies... only because they're regulated by the p-s-c.riemer's online petition calls for the governor to start over and replace everyone in the state agency... with people who will work for the far 33 thousand 4- 7 5 people have signed it. "it's not acceptable anymore, to hope the next storm won't be bd or pepco will do their job, fix it, the only person can change the psc is the governor and the governor is the only one thattcan change pepco" pepco"we contacted the maryland public service commision... they issued this statement saying quote: "the governor may only remove a commissioner during his or her term for incompetence or misconduct." 3 first on fox.a disabled womann is suing baltimore city community college for discrimination ... after she says a teacher called her stupi! stupid!carla dilone says she was constantly humiliated by her former teachers at b-c-c-c. but now she's taking the college to school on a 10- million dollar discrimination lawsuii... and so farr.. she's winning!she was diagnosed with mulltiple sclerosis back in 2001...and in 2006, she enrolled in school.but now she's claiming the teachers ignored her disability needs... and even insulted her dilone filed complaints with the college... but says they went ignored. 19:15 i had to endure in front of the class her calling me stupid, telling me i'm too stupid to be in college, disability students have no business going to college 24 24last month, the court entered a "judgment by default" in her favor ... because the school failed to respond in time. the school doesn't comment on pending litigation. the next hearing is scheduled for august 10th. going up 110 flights of the stair-climb to remember the firefightees lost on 9-11 is today at the downtown hilton. hilton. joel d. smith is there now with some of the personal ways those heroes arr being remembered every step of the way.good morning joel d. 3 3 3 a driver's worst nightmare... caught on camera.a passing vehicle captures this car speeding the wrong way on a highway.the people recording the video call 9-1-1 as the car speeds along ... until the inevitable happens. (("no. oh, my gosh. there it went there it went..")) went.."))a restaurant owner captured the video while driving home in collins mississippi.the wrong way car hit a ford expedition... but thankfully the people in that car got out basically unhurt. the driver of the wrong way car suffered a broken shoulder. police believe a medical condition may have caused his wild driving... but toxicology tests are pending. 3 talk about a thrill ride... people got a lot more than they bargained for when going down an inflatable slide recent. recently.((wind..screams)) ((wind...creams)) the wind picks up this slide and sends it rolling.the video is making waves on the internet.looos like someone forget to secure this inflatable beach slide &pproperly. when severe weathhr hits... nothing stops us in the news business from getting you all the information you need to know... even a power outage. outage.people outside on vacation this is a dangerous.... ápower goes outááá ásilenceáthats why youre seeing black on your tv you might be able to hear me but no lights in here power on generator power powerlightning hit this boston t-v station... but the meteorologist carried on with his weather report in the dark. coming up... mashed otatoes... from a vending machine?where in the world it's being sold... and how much ittcosts. and in our hometown hotspot... the circus is coming to town.we'll tell you about the role this lemur will be playing... at this year's're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) still thinking of replacing the truck? i just don't know where to start. glad you made it. start by choosing from over 30,000 used cars and trucks. carmax. start here. they are taking big steps to get to white marsh mall and bring you the circus from around the world. ian garden from the piccadilly circus is joining us live for this mornings hometown hotspot. - tell us abouu the piccadilly circus? - who do you have with you? - how long will the circus be in town? town? the piccadilly circus is running now through july 22nd at white marsh mall in the parking lot of boscov's.for more information log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 3 3 3 coming up... some dramatic moments... caught on camera.wait until you see what's about to happen... to a car passing by thh scene of a fire. and from the picadilly circus... to the fox45 circus. patrice tests her luck at tightrope walking... right after the're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) ((bump in)) if you've ever thought about joining the circus .. but didn't want to quit your day job to do it .. now is your chance! circus school is coming to town. for this week's up to the challenge, i trade ... starting with f the tightrope walking. erica saben with charm city movement arts joins us this morning.-what is charm city movement arts-what types of tricks do you -what types of tricks do you teach at circus school-can people still sign up -show me how to tightrope walk walk for more information on the charm city movement arts ... or if you'd like to challenge me... just go to fox baltimore dot com slash challenge. coming up... fatty foods... that make you áskinny.á if you've got a good appetite for food... you won't want to miss this segment... next. barking nats nats and later... this isn't a ádogá you're many people are flocking to see this ábarking birdá... on're watching fox 45 this ábarking birdá... on're watching fox 45 morning you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. food has a lot of fat... doesn't mean it will ámakeá you fat. adina fradkin from g-b-m-c joins us live in studio to explain this some more. - what foods have alot of fat but donnt make us fat? - what is healthy fat? - are there other fat? 3 - are there other foods that contain alot of fat but healthy fat? fat? for more information on healthy fatty &pfoods... log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. coming up... the nominees for the 64th annual primetime emmy awards... are about to be announced live in los angeles. we take you there live... minutes from now. and steve is testing his balance... on the tightrope. we'll hear how he did... after the're watching on his way out of iran he stopped at the border... "and it was finally about six hours later that they came back to us and said, there's a problem with your documents." he was imprisoned and beaten... "in my walk with the lord and in many dangerous places, i had always seen god come through and all of a sudden, the thought hit me, 'well, what if this is different?'" "there was nothing i could do... either god would do a miracle or i would stay there." 3 3 3 3 3 water is expected water is expected to be restored today... to several shops near the water main break downtown... and some say it couldn't come soon enough. tom rodgers is here with more on this story... and some of today's other top stoires.good morning, tom. hey guys.businesses near monday's massive watermain break say business has suffered due to the repairs. some nearby restaurants are now even offering 'water main specials' to entice customers. but with only foot traffic allowed on two blocks of light street... business has been reduced. (ann pascale-victor pascale custom tailors)"it's effected by the fact people just cannot get down here."((sot # 2)) (kirby)"once the businesses are open we will be back on tra" track"i just spoke with some of the businesses who say water is flowing just fine today. and they are reading for customershowever the road will not re-open for three weeks. the mayor doesn't think the water main break will pose any problems preparing for the upcoming baltimore grand prix. the race takes place labor day weekend... and the mayor says... the streets will be ready. (mayor) "this is not the first time we've had to deal with a big water main break, at the rate we're going with our aging infrastructure, it won't be the last and i'm convinced that we'll be able to handle it and mitigate any i" impact."one year ago...there were major repairs to pratt preparation for the race. they made the ultimate sacrifice on 9-11, and their firefighter brethren, are making sure it will not be forgotten. even you are invited today to climb the same amount of flights those brave firefighters did, in the world trade center. center. joel d. smith is live where it's all happening, to show us how each and every hero is being remembered.good morning joel d. 3 &p3 3 3 coming up... the nominees for coming upp.. the nominees for the 64th annual primetime emmy awards... are about to be announced live in los angeles. we take you there live... necxt. and you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. [ dog growls, barks ] bring your dog to work day... not our best idea. [ barking ] george! stop it! stop. oh. it was a nice thought. [ male announcer ] some business decisions are better than others. the best decision is switching to verizon. you're good to go. that was fast! thank you. [ male announcer ] speed, reliability, and now with our worry free guarantee, it's the best time to switch. get your choice of terms. no activation fees. a 30-day money back guarantee. flexible scheduling. professional on-site installation. and 24/7 tech support. and now, get a 2nd line. it's all included for just $84.99 a month when you sign up online. so switch to verizon -- the #1 voice and broadband provider in your area. it's all included for just $84.99 a month when you sign up online. visit, or call 1.888.610.8090 for other great offers. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. verizon. or call 1.888.610.8090 for other great offers. the 64th primetime emmy awards nominations are being revealed in hollywood this morn. morning.kerry washington and jimmy kimmel are announcing the contenders. contenders.we are taking you live to hollywood.let's listen ii let's listen in breaking bad...homeland... downton abbey" ... "the good wife" comedies "modern family," "louie" and "parks and recreation" miniseries/movies "game change," "sherlock and in the individual dramatic actors hugh laurie .....glenn close" kelsey grammer "boss julianna margulies elisabeth moss ("mad men" claire danes ("homeland") are front-runners to nominations. comedic contenders are include zooey deschanel 3 3 fox shows: ryan seacrest, cat deeley- host sytcd- reality showzooey deschanel- new girl girl the 64-th annual primetime emmy awards will air live on sunday, september 23-rd . coming up... some dramatic video... out of russia.wait until you see what's about to happen... to a car passing byythe scene of a fire... minutes and mashed potatoes... from a vending achine?where in the world it's being sold... and how much it costs.'re watching fox 45 morning ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 map fiber map 895 3 we are giving away 250 dollar giant giftcards... as part of our giant summer contest!we gave away today's gift card this morning. morning.if you want to win one... we are giving them away all this's how it works:if we announce your name... you have 15 minutes to call in and claim your prize. if the winner doesn't call in... we'll draw another name. enter... just go to our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore... become a fan and complete the entry form to enter.go to our website for complete contest rules. coming up... george zimmerman speaks out for the first time... since the night he killed trayvon martin. martin.(1st sot) zimmerman "i am not a racist. i am not a mur" murderer."how áheá describes the moments... leading up to the teen's death.and what trayvon martin's family is saying... in're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) on his way out of iran he stopped at the border... "and it was finally about six hours later that they came back to us and said, there's a problem with your documents." he was imprisoned and beaten... "in my walk with the lord and in many dangerous places, i had always seen god come through and all of a sudden, the thought hit me, 'well, what if this is different?'" "there was nothing i could do... either god would do a miracle or i would stay there." some dramatic moments... caught on camera.take a look at this video out of russia. russia.a van is on fire in the middle of a don't seem to mind... and continue driving by.that is until all of a sudden... the van explodes. explosion nats nats it happened at the exact moment a car is passing by. word if anyone was a vending machine in singapore is making international headlines... for what it's selling... take a look. case you can't tell... those are mashed potatoes! potatoes!the vending machine is located inside a 7-11 store takes the machine 60- seconds to dispense the food... that costs about can also get gravy on the side... for no extra cost. you can call this next story... a case of mistaken identity... take a listen in. in.barking nats nats that's a ábirdá... barking like a dog.the video was posted to youtube earlier this week... and is quickly becoming a huge hit... with almost 80-thousand views. coming up on good day baltimore... 3 one man's terrifying encounter... with a great white shark.why some are saying... he's actually álucky.á álucky.áyou're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all mo