government is spending.. on ads for food stamps... and the reason behind the controversial camppign. phpe you have a wonderful áááá y dayand... a four- letter ppotest.the new law that had these people cursing up a storm... and what residentss were more upset about.. than their foul language. 3 3 tuesday, june 26th & 3 3 3 3 3 the mother of the baltimore county teen... killed during a fight with an off duty olice officcr... wants that officer a. &parrested.the browns' living room is now... a memorial for &pdied if asphyxiation... puring a confrontatiin with an randallstown. it's been ten days and no arrest. christopher's mother says pnvestigators are giving their fellow officer... special treatment. 3(mom)"if it was the average joe blow or christophhr.. killed that police officer.. &phe would actually be behind bars riggt noww.(police response)"the investigation for this case s still in process we are in the middle of ii...weve made a lot of progress." the officer is on paid administrative leave as the investigation into the homicide continues. a defense attorney for george zimmerman has filed a motion attorney says his client should be granted bond despite allegattons ... that he sat silently while his wife lied under oath abouu thier finances..atttrneyymark o'mara says zimmerman has no criminal convictions and as complied with police throughout the investigations.a new bond peeringgis set for friday. police are on the hunt this morning..for a pair of robbery suspects... in a very unusual getaway car. van... with white lettering on - the side that reads... "mount pleasant a-m-e church".church trustees noticed the van was missing mondaa morning around hour later... the -aw reisterstown road in pikessille... after police say someone into the bathroom at the restaurant... and stole their wallet..o weapons were used but church leaderr want to see his crime spree end... this sunday's service. 319.56.24 tom uttino, mt. "wwy? wwy would youuwant to - steal a van from a churcc and use it to do something like that? both of them was wrong, wrong, wrong. two wrongs don't make a right."((sot # 2)) sparrow, mtt pleasanntame chhrch: "we justtpray that those (who) ddd it, god will bring them justice.. justice." the suspects are two black men.... in their early builds... between 5'6'' and 5'8'' and 165 pounds.therr was no sign of a break-in at the church.but... we are old one oo the trustees' homes wass burglarrzed earlier this month. still no consensuu among state lawmakers over holding a special session on gambling. but some union lladers are not giving up. pp.they attered in annapolis monday rging lawmakees to reconnider.they want the general assembly to pass bills games like black-jack.they'd also like to see a new casino &pbuilt at the national harbor in prince george's county. (ayres) "we came so close last week to having something come out positive....two thousann construction jobs for years, five thousand permaaent jobs." jobs."governor o'malley says there will be no special session...unless selecc house and enate leaders cannreech an agreement on gambling bills. opponents of same-sex marriage...deliver another batch of signatures to statee effortsto have voters decidd the ssue this fall. opponents dropped off 24 morr boxes of signatures monday from all maryland countiessthat's nearly 40- thousand additional signatures..... on top of 13- general assembly passed a bill pegalizinn same sex marriage. but opppnents are trying o block the measure from beeoming law. (mccoy) "we're not against any group oo people, we're not haters or anything...... to the very core of our 3 society and the verr ffbric of our society." society."the state boaad of elections is still reviewing thousands of other signatures alreadysubmitted.the board is expected to certify the ballot question somettme next month. air national guard will return home today.approximately 15 two-monnh deplooment in support of ongoing combat weirddart... crazy pllusions... and "chessie the sea monster" . believv it pr not... ripley's ii officially opening today at harbor. joel d. smith is good morning joel d. us 3 3 take a ookkat this video... captured by a resideet in lake tahoe, california.a beer bear gets stuck inside the family's garage.afttr a fewwminutes of &ptrying toofigureeout what to do... mama bear comes to the rescue.she manages to open the door from outssde... and free her cub.the baab spots its mom... and uses nearby laddee to climb down from the ceiling. 3 3 coming up... president obama spends somm time in massachusetts... pickinggup campaign contributions.but things ddn't go quiteá as lan. planned...bboing nats we'll tell you what he said... that had a crood of supporters ((take sot)) 3 ((bump out)) ((break 1)) 3 it's time to take it up a united healttcare, together they are fighting childhood obb. obesity.meteerologist emily gracey joins us live with more on today's hotspot. - what is "kick it up" aboutt - how are you etting children involved?- what are the children doing behind you? you? for more information on kick it--p... log on to fox ballimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 3 3 3 coming up... president obbma... booed by a rowd of su. naas what he said... that struck a nervv in massachusetts. and ii you're looking for a good laugh efore you head uu áthis.áif you think ttis dad pooks nervous now... sse what happens as sson as tte rrllercoaster gett started. morniig. tching fox 45 morning 3 a 3 new this morning... rescue efforts continue today... at the site of a mall collaase in canada.part of a rooo-top parking deck collapsed into the mall saturday... trapping at least two of them is beliived dead... there was hope the other was alivv. but rrscue efforts were halted monday... as the entiree nside of the building threatened to fall.the mooe prompted community outrage. ((we come fromma mining townn where mine rescue neeer gave up on their people! and ii didn't matter how bad it was, they stuck it ut! they were there! (applause))) (applause))) following the community's ootrage... emeegency crews got back to last count, police said 20 peoole in the community were still reported missing by their families. police say that doesn't mean they were in the mall, theyy could simply be out of town. 3 more legal drama... for john travolta.a former cruise p ederal lawsuit against tte stripping naked and ffrriily embracing him. the plaintiff also alleges he was offeredd12- ttousand dollars to keep quiet. eaarier this year... travolta was sued by two male massage - inappropriate sexual ccntact wiit him.the suit was later withdrawn.travolta's attorney allegations. and finally i just wanntto say boos, obama lauggs ) i'm just saying he's gonna have to change the color f his socks. . (laughss.president obama touches on a sore subject... while joking with a crowd of supporters at a fundraiser in boston.he thanked thhm for former bostoo ed sox third baseman kevin youkilis. youkilis was traded sunday to the chicago white sox... which baseball team.nt's favorite - coming up... a protest of a town's no-swearing ban... gets d heated.:26 "why don't you put your name over the top of the what kind of representation of a man you are?? aae?"but it's not the áprofanityááthat's offendiig local residents.we'll tell you what áisá...'re watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3 ((bump in)))- there was a lot of cursing &mon reid lamberty exxlains... protesters showed up to voice their fouu-letter oppositions to a proposee law that would ban publii prooannty. profanity. and no one has the ábleepá right to prevent ttis! you're horrible.angry words of frustratiin in middleboro as protesters fired up about the new proposed town law to ban sweering - had many speaking out on the steps of town hall. &p i hope you have a wonderful ábeeeá ddy! one llcal pastor called out this man for holding up this sign filled with profanities-why don't you put your name over the top of the sign as a billboard to show what kind of representation of a man you are? put your name on he top of the sign so yoo can say this ii whht i believe.the protest was organized by libertarian blogger and former &pfrrm new mexico. he caaled th idea behind the proposed law because it means hat you say that comes out of you mouth what we see here in middleboro what we have in goveenment aa a wwole n america.most protesters were from out of town- which had the locals paying one thing:number one, theyydon'ttlive here, and it's almost like invading the town. i think they should just go home. one protester and toww meeting member who voted against thh pending law, wants more involvementtfrom residents..f 1833voted to vote it, wheee's thh rest of thhs town? because there's over 11,000 people in town, where is the reet of these people? if the baa becomes a law... people in middleboro would be fined 20-dollars for publicly cursing. coming up... it's the viddo that will have you rolling with aughher.what this father shouts at the topp of a rollercoaster... and how his daughter on't watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) insider trading. why it's for lawmakers. on fox45 news at five.3 3 3 3 map fiber map 3 &p3 pnew concerns this mmrning... about the city's ealings with "digicon."it's a folllw up to a story you saw first on fox... fox...the company is billing the city millions of dollars for iit services and consulting fees.and they recently struck a lucrative city's phoneesystem... now, fox 45 has learned the iispector geeeral beggnn investigating the mayor's i-t office back in mmy... reviewing eehics disclosure forms filed by department heads.... including the chief of staff... who used to work directly for digicon.questions have allo been raised about why the purchase of telephones bids. publicly.">no word on when the inspectoo general willl complete his investigation. charges against anne arundel county executive... john leopold could be dropped his week...because prosecutors could have trouble proving a crime happened. haapened.leopold is accused of misconduct in office.... ordering his seccriiy team to drive him to area parking lots... where he engaaed in sex with a county employee. in court... leooold's attorney arguee... the county executtve did not break any llws... when security detail to help in his campaigning efforts. last week judge dennis sweeney.... told prosecutors he found parts of the indictment troubling. 13:14:47 you can not prosecute people for matters that are political.((butt bite)) 13:16:14 and whht judge sweeny appears to be saying is whht is the law you say lepold has violated. if he hasn't violated a law don't prosecute him :23 :23iffthe judge allows the chhrges to stand.... leopoldds trial will be begii in the baltimore city council gives final approval to the mayor's 2-point - 3 billion dollar sppnding plan. council members rejected 6 million dollars in cuts.... prrposed by council president jack yyung... as parr of a plan to redirect funns toward rec centers and fire companies. that means three citt fire companies remain on the chopping block.the mayor wants to eliminate them to help close a 35 million dollar gap fire union says it could jeopardize public safety. "iq: i would have cuu everyy dime i couud..... oq: that's a crap plan." plan."the city also considered demotions as a way to hold downn he fire department's budget... but thht plan students at the university of maryland break a world record for longeet flight... using a hummn helicopter. heeicopter.the engineering students were able to lift-off for áfiftyá seconds using rotars powered by peddling. it's all part of their efffrt to win the 250-thousand dollar sikorsky win... a human-powered helicopter has to fly at least one minute and reach an been able to win the sikorsky prize offered bb the american helicopter society for more a life sized mirror maze.... a "4-d moving theatre"... and enough weird art to have yyu shaking your hhad for days. days. the brand new riipey's "odditorium" opens today... but are those attractions enough to inspire you to go? go? joel d. smith is live there now to see the inner harbor's aaest addition. good morning joel d. 3 33 rollercoaaters are not por the faint of heart... ut &ppor the ssueamish they make a great caught on camera moment. as one dad loses it next to his yoong daughter. paughter.:34- :48never again grace elizabeth! oh my godd! ahhh shoot! ahh the father begannthe ride at dollywwod sitting bravely next to his daughter.but once the barnntormer ride gets going... he loses his cool... letting - sqqeals. 3 commng up...'re paying more for áá could be buying online... that more... than p-c owners. look away. i'm... i'm hideous. ((bump in)) ((addlib meteorologist)) 33 3 3 3 3 3 & 3 3 coming up... a big change n facebook... that you might not have noticed.what it is... and how to adjust your setttngg if you don't want to take part. i wonder hoo shh staas so fit she old me food stamp benefits helpeddher eat right and she staas accive too. too.and theyyre the new ads... that have the u-s government food stamps.the strategy get on behinddit... and how muchhit's costing you the taxpayer. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morningg ((break 6)) nnw this morning... you might notice something different... next time you check yyor facebook page.the site is now setting every user's default email... to an "at- facebooo-dot-com" address. that's he addresssthat other want to send you email. you ey - address to anything you mail - want... by editing the "contact info" section of your &pprofile. the type of computer you use... may have something to do with how much you ssend on hotees.that's aacording to a new study by the travel site "orbitz."it finds that computers... spend about 30-percent more for hotels per night... than those who use p- c's.mac users are also 40-percent more likely to book a 4-star or 5-star hotel. orbitz stresses that it does ánntá show the same rooms to mmc and windows users... with pifferent priies. margie looks amazing i wonder how she stays so fitshe told me food stamp benefits helped her eat right and she stays too.the u-s government... food stamps?believe it or not... the departmeet of agriculture is spending about ads... that encourage eligible americans to enroll in the program. phat's the strategy here... and are these ads coming to a market near you? rene marsh is ive in the policyyaad the politics behind the food stamp ad campaign. p, 1) is thh government focusing on specific areas oo the country with this ad campaign? 2) what is the ratio of americans who are eliggble for food stamps but have not eerolled in the program? that brings us to our question of the governnent spending &pmoney to advertise food stamp? we'll take your calls in our 7 ooclock hour. youuccn lso go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell us what you think... sound off ttrough facebook or send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore. coming up in consumee reports... it's not only the most durable... ii's also the cheappst.whiihhtype of sink... gives you the most bang for youu buck. and ffom old to new... how kids are gettiig healtty phrough different activities at port discovery.that's coming p in our ometown're watching fox 45 morning. ((break 7)) ((bump ii)) most of us don't think too much about our kitchhn sinn - that is until we're thinking about remodeling or the one we have just has to go. as patrice sanders explains... consumer reports' tests... peveal which kitchen sinks can really stand the test of time. &p 3 (v/o)even something as mundane as a kitchen sink looks glamorous when it's on display aa the store. and the staiiless steel and coriin and styles like this above-the- counter basin to apron-front sinks. gorgeous showrooms aaide, you need a sink that can handle daily wear and tear. that's where consumer peports comes in. tessers put p8 kitccen sinks through some tough tests. they stained sinks soaking cotton balls wwth foods like kool-aid, &ppaata sauce, and coffee. (naasot: scrubbing)(v/o)they scrubbed with scouring pads. (natsot: drop test) (v/o)and they dropped hard objects -up to five pounds - from different heights. hey even sinks could handle a hot pot of 400-degree oii.all of the materials had a weakness - some worse han others.(sot: chris regan)"our acrylic sinkss actually melted during our heaa-resistance tests. our piie clay sinks crackee during our mpact test."(v/o)and while nearly ll of the ptainless-steel ssnks scratched, they ppooed to be the most durable type of sink and among the least expensivv. but avoid high-polished stainless steel. (sot)"the bruuhed and the matte finish will hide stains, scratches a lot better than yyur high- polish surrace."(v/o)yoo'll also want to get a stainless sttel sink with sound-absorbing ppds on the pnderside. they're quieter than ones with a spray-on coating. so while a sink isn't theemost glamorous purchase, choosing the right one can make kitchen jobs easier. coming up in our o'clock hour... is facebook to blame... for a spike in divorce?according to &pa new study... that answer is yes.the most commonnproblem... it's causing're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. alllmorning. 3 çia÷ 3&20.01..2 rev. clifton sparrow devil is busy and o steal he - from the hurch, it's sad." sad."a pair of crooks forgets one of the ten commandments. the othee crime a stolen church van is connected to.. and who police want you to be on the lookout for thii morning. a landmmrk ruling on illegal immigrants.what the supreme court's decision abouu arizona's laws.. could mean for us here in maryland. and.. sunburns sends students to the hospital.the rule thht kept them from applying sunblock on a field trip. 3 3 today is tuesday, june 26. 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 p3 3 police are on the hunt this morning..for a pair of robbery puspects... in a very unusual getaway car.'s a burgundy conversion van... with white lettering on pleasant aam-e church".church missing monday morning aaound 1. hour later... the stolen van was used toodrive away from a mcdonalds on reisterrtown road in pikesville... affer police say one of the men followed someone into the baahroom at the restaarant... and stole their weapons were used but churchhleaderr want and their van back in ime for this unday's service. 19.56.24 tom cuttino, mt. pleasant ame church trustee: "why? why would ou want too steal a van from a hurch and use it to do something like thaa? both of them was wrong, make a right."((sot # 22)don't 22.05.055 rev. clifton sparrow, mt. pleasant ame church: "we just pray thaa thhse ((ho) did it, god will bring them justice." justice." the suspects are two black men.... in their early to mid 20's... with similar builds... between 5'6'' and 5'8'' and 165 pouudssthere was no sign of a break-in at the church.but... we re told one of the trustees' homes was burrlarized earlier thii month. the mother of the baltimore county teen... killed during a offfcer... wants that officer a. arrested.the browns' living room is now... a memorial for christopher. the 17-yeaa-old pied if asphyxiation... off duty officer in raadallstown. it'ssbeen ten days and no arrest. christopher'ssmother says investigators arr givinggtheer fellow ooficer... special treatment. (mom)""f it was the average joe blow or christopher... killed hat police officer.. he would actuallyybe beeind bars right now..(police response)"the investigation for this case is still in process we are in the middle of it.. weve made a lot of progress." the officer is on paid administrative leave as the investigation nto the homicide continnes. an elkton ccuple sues the town, police department and cecil county s-p-c-a in thee pitbbll.nakia mc-courry and kenny bbdwell filedda suit last week in the u-s district courr in baltimore.the lawsuit claims... back in october, policc used excessive force, &pby shoottng the dog several times... when their dog broke through a fence. the suppeme court affirmed a maryland judge's decision tt throw out a lawsuit over the state's ew congressional rrdistricting map. some voters complained theestate legislature unfairly re-drew the new congressiooal districts. the pupreme ccurt says it will not hear arguments on the case. the suureme court also weighed ii on campaign finance &pspending.the court rejected a law in montana... allowing the state to árestrictá campaign spending byycorporations and uns unionsthe court also áthree outá manddtory álifeáá sentences without paroll for ájuvenilesá.the decision pontinues aatrend of preventiig juvenile offenders from being punished the same way adults are. theeu-s supreme court strikes down most of arizona's new law on illlgal immigrants. was a split decision.justice anthony kennedy wrote... áthreeá kky provisions ... were pre-empted by federal law.they wereestruck down. one prrtical provision áwas upheldá. that provision directs police to ask aboutt the immigration status of someone stopped under stateeor local law ... if the officer has "reasonnble suspicion" to believe the person is in the u-s illegally. brewer says: "today is a day when tte key components of our efforts tt protect the citizens of arizona, to take up the fight against illegall immigration n a balanced aad ccnstitutional way has unanimously been vindicated byy the highest court in the land." land."but the ""tatus check" contains no criminal penalty... and does ot allow the state to old an illeeal immigrant withouttan o-k from federal authorities.president barack ooama says he's pleased whether healthcare overhaul is - later this week. if your mmrriage doesn't work out like you planned... blamm facebook.that's according to a new survey out of britaan... networking siteefor nearly a third of all diiorces. divorces.and while this may orr may not be true... more see on their pouse's profile - finds about 20-percent of divorce petitions....contain facebook references.the most common seemed to be people poman even found out via - ffaebook... that her husband was planning to file for meanwhile... you ight notice something new next time you check your facebook page.thh site is now setting every user's default email... to an "at-facebook-dot-com" address. that'' the address that other users ee on yourrpage if they want to send you email. every facebook user gets a free facebook-dot-com email account... but many don't use it. you can change the default email address to anything you want... by editing the "contact info" section of your proffle. catch a free ride... toothe zoo thii summer.the aryland zoo is offeeing free shuttles the zoo on saturdays.the an - shuttle rides begin july 7th... and continue each saturday through august 25th. eird art... crazz illusions... and "chessie the sea monster" . believe it or not... ripley's is the inner harbor. harbor. joel d. smith is good morning joel d. 3 3 forrmany couples... weddings are aboot creating ome memories that will last lifet. lifetime.but for one couple in michigan... the memorres ttey'll hold onto forever... &pareethe moments that happennd just minutes before the recepti. nats the bride and groom... along &pwith their wedding party.... &psaturday when it gave you can see... the bride has a hard time getting hhr ooting because of her heavy gown. luckily... they all laughed ii off. 3 the admitted killer of ann wants another bond hearing. &phearing.the reason why george zimmerman's attorney say he deserves aanew one...and when it will happen. happen. you're atching ffx &p45 morninggnews.. all local.. all morning. ii's a shame fish can't use toasters because there were a around. a truck lost its oad of 5- hundded containers of strawberry pop tarts into the susquuhanna river in pennsylvania on monday. the truck driver lost control and prashed into the water...but suffered minor injuries.--3 3 3 ,3 3 3 3 mac.. r p-c? p-c?the link between the computer you use and how much you pay for a hotel...when booked online online 3 new this morning... more members of the maryland air pntional guard will return home todaa.approximately 15 memberr will return from their pwo-month deployment in supporttof ongoing combat operations innafghanistan. a defense attornee for george zimmerman has filed a motion for a new bond.zimmerman's attorney says his client should be granted bond despite &pallegations ... that he sat silently while his wife liedd finances. attorney mark oomara says zimmerman has no criminal convictions and has complied with police throughhut the investigations.a new bond hearing s set for friday. do with how much ou spend on hotels.that's according to a new study by he travel site "orbitz."it finds thaa customers who use mac computers... spend about night... than those who use p- c's.mac users are also 40-percent more likely to book a 44star or 5-star hotel. orbitz tresses that it does ánotá show the same rooms to different prices. 3 get up nd get active! they &pare fiihting childhood obesit one kick at a tiie. meteorollgist emily gracey joins us live with more n today's hotspot. - what is the recommended ge group for this exhibit?- how &plong will thhs eehibit be aaound?- what are the children doing behind you? you? for more informationnon kick it-upplog on to fox baltimore 3 thh supreme court striiessdown parts of arizona's immigration . law.the mandate still allowed to happen... that's causing controverry....and how this law effects maryland. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. hmmm, i don't think i took my pill today. there's birth control you don't have to think about taking every day or even every year. i'm painting my arms. i want another child, but not for a while. it's mirena, a small intrauterine contraceptive that's over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy for as long as you want, for up to five years. then again, i'm not sure i want to wait. don't use mirena if you have a pelvic infection, get infections easily or have certain cancers. less than 1% of users get a serious infection called pelvic inflammatory disease. if you have persistent pelvic or stomach pain, or if mirena comes out, tell your healthcare provider. if it comes out, use back-up birth control. mirena may attach to or go through the uterine wall and cause other problems. although uncommon, pregnancy while using mirena can be life threatening and may result in loss of pregnancy or fertility. ovarian cysts may occur, but usually disappear. bleeding and spotting may increase in the first few months and continue to be irregular. periods over time may become shorter, lighter, or even stop. mirena does not protect against hiv or stds. oh, i can wait a little longer. ask about mirena. when you have time. did you know ? if you choose mirena to prevent pregnancy, it's also approved to treat heavy periods. the u-s supreme court overturns key provisions in arizona's illegal immigration law.this opens the door for courts to striie down similar provisions in other states. but... supporters of the laa say it still gives states a critical role in enforring -&f check the immigration status of those suspected of being in the country illegally. attorney julie rubin is here to weigh in this mooning. --both sides are saying they won? what does this mean for us? --are we going to pee other states striking down provissons too?--is there a bbneeit to states closely with &pthe government?--can they do 3 sunscreee banned? banned?the one thinn students ssate school...innorder to use sun block. you're &pwatching fox 45 morning news. all locall. ll morning. insider trading. why it's for lawmakers. on fox45 news at five. 3 3 &p fiber nao 3 3 about the city's dealings with - a story you saw first on fox...- the city milliins of dollars for i-t servicessand consulting feessand they recently struck a lucrative deal to help overhaul the city's phone ystem... now, fox 45 has leaaned the insppctor general began investigating the mayor'ssi-t office back in may... forms filed by department e headd.... including the chief &pof staff... who used to work directly for digicon.queetions have also been raised about was not put out or competitve bids. 3 publicly."> nooword on when the inspector general will complete his innestigation. charges againss anne arundel county executive... john leopold could be dropped this could have trouble provinn a crime happened. misconddct innoffice.... ed of ordering his security team to drive him to area parking lots... where he engaged in sex with a county employee. in argued... the counny executive did not break any laws... wwen he used his taxpayer-funded security detail to heep in his campaigning effortt. last week judge dennis sweeney.... told prosecctors he foond paats of the indictment troubllng. 13:14:47 you can not prosecute people for matters that aree political.((butt bite)) is the law you say lepold has violltee a law don't prosecute him :23 charges to ssand.... leopold's trial will be bbein n september. another jurrr in jerry pandusky's child see abuse trial is speaking out, as sandusky waits to appeal his conviction.. the jjry reached a verdict late friday, convicting hii on 44 out of 48 ounts.sandusky's bail was revoked and he was taken to jail.he'll have to wait until after sentencing in about 90 days bbeore he can appeal. meanwhile, ann van kuren))... who was juror number 11... is desccibing whaa it was like emotionally for the jury during triall &pthere were moments when some pf the jurors, including myself, would eave tte courtroom for a recess and have to ddal with some verr ssrong feelings, especially after the victim's testimony. some of the victims were not calm and collected aad hat wws hard to see. van kuren saas she would have likkd to see sandusky take the stand and have to go through questioning like the victims. rescue efforts continue today... at the site of a mall collapse in canada. canada.part oo a roof-top parking deck collapsed into phe mall saturday... trapping at least two of them is believed dead... buu there wasshope the other was alive.but rescue efforts were palted monday... as the entire &pthreatened to fall.the ove prompted community outrage. ((we ccme from a mininn town where mine rescue never gave up on their people! and itt they stuck it out! thhy were therr! (applause))) (applause))) folllwiig the community's outrage... emergency crews gottback to last count, police said 20 people in the community were still reported police say thht doesn't mean they were in the mall, they pould simply be out of ttwn. the u-s government... áencouragingá people to get on ptamps?margie looks amazing i wonder how shh ssays so fitshe told me food stamp benefits helped her eat riiht and she stays active too. department of agriculture is spending about 3-million dollars on radio ads....that to enroll in the program. as that brings us to our question of the day:what do you think of the government spending money to advertise food ttmps? we'll take our calls now... 4545. a life sized mirror maze.... a "4-d moving theatre"... and enough eerd art to haveeyou shaking your head for days. days. the brand new tooay... but are those pens -3 you to go? po? joel d. smith is live there now to see the inner harbor's latest addition. good morning joel d. 3&pdrew morales general manager 3 a school pplicy on sunscreen that some parents say.... defies common sense... a washington state mother wass outraged when her two daughters were senttto the hospital with severe sunburnn from aa chool field day. when she called to complain... docttr's note to apply have a sunscreen at school. "wow, that is remarkable that your staff issnot empowered to make a ommon sense decision about my hild's safety."/butt to///at the end of the day, if kid, you could remove them from the ssurce of danger." danger."the motter says she would have put sunscreen on the kids before school.... but it was raininggwhennthey left... ann she was unaware of the áno suuscreenáápolicy. ssill to come.. another beautiful day on tap... tap...but are thunderstorms poominggfind out next in your skywatch weather forecast. you're watching fox &pall morning. ((break )) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3&the goverment is pending money onnnew campaign.'s goal is to encourage eligible amercans to apply for the program. question of the day.what do you think of the government food stampp?our phone lines are open now.. 410-481-4545. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all &pmorning. ((break 6)) excuse us, while we change into something more comfortable. cool. introducing, the square sunnyd bottle. ((questionnof day animation)) 3 mmllion dolllrs is the price tag...for a new campaign... &paimmd at letting eligible for food stamps. youuthink oo tte government spending money to advertise food stampp? valerii- catonsville henry- bmore &pbmore michelle " i think theyyshould use their money on educating people on how to bb empowered and independent so that they don't need them." commng up in our 8 o'clock hour.. president obama boo'd. boo'd.nats! nats!the remark he made... aboot a sports team... that pparked this reaction from his supporters! you're all local.. all morning. ews.. - ((bbeak 7)) coming up in our 8 o'clock hourr. president obama boo'd. boo'd.nats! nats! the remark he made... about a sports teamm.. that sparked supporters! you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 8)) sunburns send students o the hoopital.the rule that ept them from applying sunnlock. booing nats only onlya presidential faux pas. what president obama said that had his ásupportersá.. booing him. and.. why fans hought kenny chesney got kicked off stage at his own concert! 33 tuesday, june 26th 3 3 3 3 3 3the mother of the baltimore county teen... killed during a fight with an off duty police officer... wants that officerra. arrested.the browns' llving room is now... a memoriallfor christopher. the 17-year-old during a confrontation with an off duty officer in randallstown. it's been ten days and no arrest. chriitopher's mother says investiiators are giving their fellow ooficer... speeial treatment. (mom)"if it was the avvrage joe blow or christopher.. killed that police offiier.. &phe would actually bb behind bars right now..(police response)"the innestigation for this case is still in process we are in the middle of it.. weve made a lot of paid administrative leave as the investtgation into the hooiccde continues. the baltimore city council ggves final approval to the mayor's 2-point - 3 billion pollar spending plan. 3council members rejected 6 million doolars in cuts.... proposed by council presiddnt jackkyoung... s part of a plan to redirect funds toward rec centers and fire companies. that means three city fire commanies remain on the phooping block.the mayor wants to eliminate them to help close a 35 million dollar gap in the ity budget.but the fire union ays it could jeopardize public safety. "iqq i ould have cct every dime i could..... oq: that's a ccap plan." plan.""he city also considered demotions as a way to hold pown the fire department's budget... but that lan appears tt be off the table. if you'rr planning a trip o the zoo this summer... you can now catch a ride for free.the maryland zoo is offering free shuttles between the inner harbor and the zoo.the shuttle rrdes begin july 7th... and continue each saturday through august 25th. weird art... crazy illusions... and "chessie the sea monster"". believe it or not... ripley's is officially opening haabor. joel d. smith is good morning joel d. uss 3 3 a tennessee man... with a strrng resemblance to kenny chesney... gets morr than he bargained for at the country singer's concert last eekend. weekenddnathan blankknship said he was kicked out the disturbance.apparently... ffns thought áheá was theesinnerr.. even though he was standing in &pthe crowd... enjoying the sho. "is it because i wear the hat? i see a milliin of these hats before and people still want s to have pictures made but it's never caased any problems. i can't believe ttey think i'm actually him. why would mr. chesney be in the crowd when tim mcgraw is singing?" singing?" blankenship paid 2-hundred which will be refunded. the school teacher ssys he's been to several chesney concerts... autographs or tried to profit from his looks. president obama touches on a sore subject... while joking with a crowd of sspporters at a fundraiser in boston. boston.take a listen... and finally i just want to say thann you for youkilis. (crowdd boos, obama laughs ) i'm just ssying he'' gonna have to change the color of his socks. (laughs). (laughs). he thanked them for former boston red sox third baseman kevin youkilis.youkilis was traded sunday to the chicago white sox... which is the prrsident's favorite baseball &pteam. coming up... ii you're looking for a good laugh before you head ouu the door... wait until you see áthiá áthis.áii you think this ddd looks nervous now... see what happens as soon as the rollercoaster gets started. ((sot- emily)) you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) tte uniteehealthcare and ort discovery are dancing into action. meteorologiss emily gracey today's hotspot. how are you dancing into action? - how do you make sure children are staying active?- what are the children doing behind you? you? for more information on kick it-up... log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning &p 3 3 3 3 3 coming up... when it comes to skin care... look no further than your zip code.and apparently baltimore... is the place to be! be!we'll tell you why it's one of the ccuntry's best cities... for your skin. and some students at the university of maryland... break a world record.what they managed to do... with a human- powereddhelicopter.'re watchinn fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bbeak 2)) ((bump inn) a human helicopter has brrken the world's record for longest flight. but assjeanne moos explains... it didn't exactly get an "a" for altitude. 3 (nats chopper) sure liftoff is easy with engines, buu the quest to build a human-powered look like a helicopterr..(nats crash)and now americans uuing pave broken the world's reeord...a whopping 50 seconds. "whoo!"engineering stuuents at the university of maryland have been chassng the 250-thousand ollar sikorsky prize for three and a half years."it doesn't sound that flight just has to last one of 10 feet."after aal, iffde pippy longstocking can do it with a plane chopper hybrid.. but for more than 3 decades, american helicopter society. - in 1989 cclifornia polytechnic seconds"doww! down!"the japanese made it to 19 seconds. nd now the university of maayland teaa got within 10 seconds of the goal with kyle luesenkamp inn the cockpit."yeah, at the end of 50 second flight i as definitely burned out." pilots have to be light yet 3 powerful, they use their arms and their legs.(nats crash) kyle answeree an ad he saw posted..."are yoo strong bbt break a world record?"now he's done that. but the 50 second flight only made it a foot and a half or so in altitude. still kyle says..."it feels like floating on air."maybe it's not as dramatic as the flight of birdman a few months ago. he was an internet sensatioo....nats music)until flyinggby flapping his arms was all a oax. tte university of maryland eam calls it's craft ''amera ii' after the japanese movie monster, a giant flying turtle.(music)at least no one's had to duck from ttis gamera."so far no one's beee hurt by it, so far." (reporterr "what do you guys want to be whennyou grow up.") "world record holder.""yeah baby!"jeanne moos cnn(nats growllnew york coming up... got three minutes to spare? you need to get thee"botttm" it's done... next. & have a question about fitness?our phone lines 4545... for some ffee advice. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all ocal.. all mornnng. ((break 3)) ((bump in)) three inutes is ll you need to get the "bottom" you wann. danny lee from golds gym oinss us live n studio to get fit with fox. - how can we get a tight firm "bottom" in just three minutes? - how often should we do this work-out?- willlttis also tone our legs? 33 tashia --"i have been trying to lose my stomach but it seems to be stubboon... what can i do to get rid of it?" it?" 3ko - "what are the best things to eat in order to gain weight for skinny uys ith high metab" metabolisms?" do you have questions about your workout? danny lee is baatimore to show us a few nnw exercises and answerryour questions.meantime, you can question on our acebook page. coming up... it's the video that will haae this father shouts at the top - his daughter woo't - want to miss this!you're all local.. all morning. ews.. ((breaa 4)) -live look camden yards porioles to take oo los angeles angels tonight at home 3 3 3 3 fiber map 3 new concerns this morning... &pabout thh city's dealings wit "digicon."it's a follow up to a story you saw first on fox... fox...the company is billing for i-t services and consulting fees.and they recently struck a lucrative deallto help overhaul the city's phone system... now, inspectoo general began investigating the mayor's i-t reviewing ethics disclosure forms filed by departmentt heads.... includinggthe chief of staff... who used to wook directly for digicon.questions have also been raised about why the purchase of telephones was not put out for competitve bids. 3 publicly.">nooword on when the inspector general will complete his investigation. &ppolice are on the hunt this morning..for a pair of robbery suspects... in a very unusual &pgetaway car.'s a burgundy ccoversion the side that readd... "mount o pleasant a-m-e church"..hurch trustees noticed the van as stooen van was used to drive reisterstown road in on - pikesvilll... after police say one of the men followed used but church leaaers want e to see this crime sprre end... and their van back in time for this sunday's service. aaschool policy on sunscreen that some arents say.... defies common ense... a washington state mothee waa daughters were sent to the hospital with severe sunburns from a school field day. whee was told a district policy he requirrs students to hhve a doctor's note o apply sunscreen at school. "wow, that is remarkable that your staff is not empowered to make a common sense decision about y child's ssfety."/butt to//"at the end of the day, if yyo cann put sunscreen on a kid, you could remove them from the source of ddager.. danger."the mother says he would have put sunscrrennon the kids beeore school.... but it was raining when they left... and she was unaaare of the áno sunscreená policy. when it comes to how heaathy your skin is... looo no further than your zip code.a website called "the daily glow dot com" is out with a list... of the 10 best and worst cities or your skin. ssin.people here will be appy fourth on a national scale. scale.that's because it has the lowest incidence of melanoma.the study also looked at other factors... like ozone rates... air pollution... the dermatologists per capita.f - capita.the best city for your skin is portland, oregon... with the low pollution and ozone rates.the worst is ttlsa, oklahoma... which has the highest oklahoma....which the worst is tulsa, oklahoma... which has thh highesttskin cancer death rate. a life sized mirror maze.... a "4-d moving theatre"... and enough weird art to have you shaking your head for days. days. the brand new ripley's "odditorium" opens today... but are those attractions enough to inspire you to go? go? joel d. smith is &pstreaaing now to see the inne harbor's latest addition. good morning joel d. 3 3 3 rolleecoasters rrllercoasters are not for the fainn of heart... but for the squeamish they make a great caught on caaera moment. moment. watth as one dad loses it nnxt tt his young daughter. daaghter.:34- :48never again grace elizabeth! oh my god!! ahhh shoot! ahh -3 the father began the ride at dollywood sitting bravely next he loses his cool... letting out several high-pitched squeals. coming up... an adorable bear cub.... impressivv thing the mama bear music nats nats and "kassade" is bringing giving away tickets to its morning. f nature tour" next.á3 ((break 5)) take a look at his video... caatured by resident in lake tahoee california.a bear bear gets stuck inside the family's garage.after a few minutes of trying to figure out what to do... maaa bear comes to he rescue.she manages to open the door froo outside... and free her cub.the baby spots its mom... and uses a nearby ladder to cllib down from the ceiling. 3 ((toss to weather)) ((ad lib meeeorologist)) 3 weather kii tease 3 3 3 3 the biggest dance party in thee country.. is coming to baltimor. baltimore.crappy music nats nats "kaskade" is bringing his beats to baltimore. baltimore.kaskade's "freaks of first mariner arena this frrday at 8 p-m. nation sent us tickets to give away to you. pair of tickets to the ssow. if yoo're a parent... you'll want to tune into this next segment.think you know the in's and out'ssof your medicine cabinet?... think agaa. again.up neet... we test your knowledge of which medicines you should be ussng... for every're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) [ dog growls, barks ] bring your dog to work day... not our best idea. [ barking ] george! stop it! stop. oh. it was a nice thought. [ male announcer ] some business decisions are better than others. the best decision is switching to verizon. you're good to go. that was fast! thank you. [ male announcer ] speed, reliability, and now with our worry free guarantee, it's the best time to switch. get your choice of terms. no activation fees. a 30-day money back guarantee. flexible scheduling. professional on-site installation. and 24/7 tech support. and now, get a 2nd line. it's all included for just $84.99 a month when you sign up online. so switch to verizon -- the #1 voice and broadband provider in your area. it's all included for just $84.99 a month when you sign up online. visit, or call 1.888.610.8090 for other great offers. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. verizon. or call 1.888.610.8090 for other great offers. ((bump in)) have a headache? not sure whichhpainkiller is best to we have help!....dr. kathy y in studio with more. s us live - 3 - so if we have a headache which medicine shoold we take? a. advil(ibuprofen b.tylenol asprin??- - tt clean a cut or it best to use: a. hydrogen ii peroxide b.isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol cc neither d.both - what are some other ommon medical things we should know? know? for mmre information on your medicine cabinet... log on to foxbaltimore do com slash morning commng up... just yet.wait untillyoo see ht - the new love interest... of "octomom" nadya suleman.and herr's a hint... he'll be taking some of the attention away from her.yyu're watching local.. all morning. aal ((break 7)) hmmm, i don't think i took my pill today. there's birth control you don't have to think about taking every day or even every year. i'm painting my arms. i want another child, but not for a while. it's mirena, a small intrauterine contraceptive that's over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy for as long as you want, for up to five years. then again, i'm not sure i want to wait. don't use mirena if you have a pelvic infection, get infections easily or have certain cancers. less than 1% of users get a serious infection called pelvic inflammatory disease. if you have persistent pelvic or stomach pain, or if mirena comes out, tell your healthcare provider. if it comes out, use back-up birth control. mirena may attach to or go through the uterine wall and cause other problems. although uncommon, pregnancy while using mirena can be life threatening and may result in loss of pregnancy or fertility. ovarian cysts may occur, but usually disappear. bleeding and spotting may increase in the first few months and continue to be irregular. periods over time may become shorter, lighter, or even stop. mirena does not protect against hiv or stds. oh, i can wait a little longer. ask about mirena. when you have time. did you know ? if you choose mirena to prevent pregnancy, it's also approved to treat heavy periods. çia÷ a star studded friendshhp blossoms.... promoter tries to promote the brawl of the year... and a socialite is slapped with a lawsuit.. it's is here with morerandi ppoccor - well it looks like the double dating has made beyonce and kim kardashian bff's... we in england... bey was supporting her hubby jay z of course.. and kiimy and her cakes were there for kanye... things are getting uglier in her divorce as kris' lawyers announce they are subpeoning kanye west to see is kim was seems that kim and kanye are facing legal drama from a man &pphey don't even know!a weet virginia man is suing them and the rest of the ardashian part of al quada.. he says he says the man escaped numerous attacks iicluding one wher ekim launchedda rocket...bruce pjnenr threw a grenade and khloe trred to behead him... he asked for restraining uh oh...everybody is still buzzing about the chris brown drake fight... well a promoter wantt them to put their money &pwhere thhir mouth is.. he's offering hem a million dollars each to go toe to toe in the boxing ring... the ppomoter says he's rrsponsible for 55 celebrityyfights but hes sure this would be the most interesting of charges have been filed yet in night response from - either drake or chris brrwns people about a match. padya suleman aka the octomom has a new love in her life... and no it's not another baby... she has a boyfriend... she's gone a tad younger...dattng a 23 year old bodybuilder. they've been dating about 2 months and sources ay they re gettiig serious... you remember she paid she wasn't going to date until her kiis turned 18...but before we go judging her.. it may have been a ddvine intervention... she says the two met in church... coming up on good day baltimore... it's a moment they didn't prepare for... screaming nnts natsthe challenge one bride lake on her weddinn day.'re watching foo 45 morning. ews.. ll local.. all -