3 a fight over who controls the city's phone system... could be costing you a lot of money.the alleged bribe heeting up nd the debate at city hall. zimmerman: personally i want you weariig one. shellie: uncomfortable as it is, i want you wearing one. george zimmerran's ailhouse phone calls.what ttey reveal that could affect whether oo nnt he makes bond. 3&and... sneakers with shaccles...pplled rom store shelves.what the designer behiid thess shoee was &pthinking when he created the style that some say glorifies slavery. 3 3 tuesday, junee199h 3 3 3 3 3 the costtof igh-tech telephonessfor cityyoffices... is creattng even more controver. cooptroller is accusing the mayor of wasting taxpayer money and pushing through a &ppprchaseewithout bidding tte contract.megan gilliiand is here with the story you saw &pfirst on fox. good mooning megaa. pood morning,mayor stephanie rawlings blake wants to ttkee control of the city's phone system.she ssas it's cheaper to opperatt in house... thhn to rely on an outsiddecompany. but her plan... requires ssme big purchases. puuchases.behind these fancy phones... come switchers and data innrastructure.now she's being called out for the price tag. omptroller joan pratt is accusiiggthe mayoo of sppnding more than 655-thousand ollars on &proughll 80 telephhnes. the like 21-thousand dollars.the comptrooler is also accusing the mayor of breaking the llw because the puuchase wasn't properly bid to companies. in fact... these recordssshow the ccty paad a long-tiie contractor more than 200- some commuter equipmenn to support them. the purchase biddiig deadline for other companies to compete for the contractt 15:11:22-34 "the maaor's technology has an existing voiceover ip telephones. itt has the authority to make those purchases." purchases." pratt bblieves the mmyor's purchase to a pre-existingg technology contract. one that specifically phones.comiig uu next half hour... hear howwthe mmyor's office is respondinn to that plussi'll have more on another was pushed through at your s - expense.i'm egan gilliland, fox45 morninngnews. one of the people involed in aa "murder for hire" plot in towsonn.. will spend the rest sentenced for his role ii the &pmuuder of "william porter". porter was shottto death at road 2 years ago. coyle is the nephew of karla porter... the woman ho arrangge her husbaads "murder for hire". porter will go on trial early a university of maryland student is out of the ossital invasion and robbery at his off campus apaatment. theeback of ryan miller's head. those staples are closing a big cut .. after people robbing the apartment knocked him ouuit happened just before noon friday.milllr awoke in the hospital ... that's when he learned his paptop... wallet... even "i feel like there shhuld be a little more security. maybe they could put up some cameras and patrol orr. this hhppened ii the middle of the day. there's got to bb somebody who could do that," hudja says. says.policc dii gathered a pot offfingerprints at the scenn.. but not a good ddscription.anyonee city hhalth officiils want to strip the liquor licenses of more than a hundred corner stores in baltimore. baatimorr. the majority are located in poor neighbbrhoods. establishments contribute to hhgher levelssoffvvolent crime. the health department decided to ake action... after hearing concerns froo community groupsslooking ffr ways to improve their neighborhoods. 10:24:11 through the zoningg &pchoose to continue perating but nnt sell alcohol they can choose to move to a different location here they can sell alcohol orrif they wantt o make other decisions it is up to them 10:24:22 10:24:25 there will likely bb a year's worth of reviews and public hearings before ny changes are made. that brings us to our question oo the daa:do you agree with the plan to revoke dozens off liquor licenses in baltimore city??e'll take your calls in our 7 o'clock hour. you caa also go to fox-baltimooe dot com and tell through facebook or send us a tweet.. at foxballimore. the star spangled "sailabration" ii cominggto a ffntastii finish thissmorning. &pmorning.the naval vessels are leaving the inner harbor now, and jjel d. smith is live there wwth one of the beet views of historr..... 200 morning joel d. this coold be the 3- 3 3 commng up... a controversial new sseaker... is being pulleddoff sheeves... even though the pothing to do witt slavery. slavery.where the inspiration sneakeer áactuallyá came from. &pyoo're watccinn fox 45 mornin news.. all local.. alll morring. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) we need to look for a new van. yeah. i just don't know where to start. glad you found us. start by test-driving nearly every make and model, all in one place. carmax. start here. chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save. we all hhve bad days and sometimes you need to be rrminded of just how "good"" you are. are.your a good man charlie brown is reminding charlie being put on at the pumpkin s - meteorologist emily gracey is joining us with this mornings hooetown hhtspot. - teel us about this plly? - what age group is the play recommended for?- what scene you?oing on behind you??- you're a gooo man charlie brown is being perforred june 23rd and 24th at the pumpkin theatre. for more informatiin pom slash morning 3 3 3 poming up... 3it's a crime that keeps being reported in cities around the country.a person... high on bath salts... attacks another. happened... and the series f bizarre events... that led springsteen natssuspect..- nats and t 62 years old... he'' still got it.wait bruce springsteen did ovvr the weekend... at a connert in padrid... next.you're watchiig fox 45 orninggnews.. all local.. all morning. ((breek 2)) 3q ♪ i, i'll bring the fire make you come alive ♪ ♪ i can take you higher what this is, forgot? ♪ ♪ i must now remind you let it rock, let it rock ♪ ♪ let it rock ♪ this time pccused of attacking his is neighbor.. while high on baah palts.that's according to poliie in new york... who say &ptte suspect... david schrader... jumped on his neighbor's car as she was leaving for work.the neiggbor &pthen ran into her house and locked the door... while schrader allegedly tried to break in... uuing a broom.a peputy later found im in the middle of he road overed in his own blood.he was taken to the hospital and charged with burglary and attempted grand larceny. is offering to meet with lder congreesionnl leaders today... to talk about the "fast and furious" program.a house commiitee has threatennd oo hold ...holder in contempt or not handing over documents related to the botched sting operation... targeting gun- smuggling.he says releasingg criminal prosecutions.but he's agreeing to turn over some of those records at the propossd meeting. 3ffomer heavyweight champion boxer mike tyson is premiering thii summer.it's a 90-minute play... directed by spike lee. tyson says it's the story of the highs and lows of his life. he says the performanccs in new york are important to him... since he grew up in brooklyn. 3&springsteen nats nats they on't call him "the boss" por nothing.aacording to "the new jerrey star ledger"... singer bruce springsteen gaae an epic concert in madrid this past weekend.he performed á32 songsá... for a marathon show that'' his longest performance ever... beating out his previous recorr bb 5-minutes. what's even mmre impressive... is springsteen did not stop for an intermission. concert-goers were t the show well into tte earlyymorning hours. coming uu... roger clemenss.. acquittee on ll charges. hard work into that careerr- cry."why the verdict... comes as a big blow against congress. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) -3 ((bump in)) not guilty.that's the verdict ii the federal case against baseball legend ooer clemens. clemens.as om fitzgerald explains... the 7--ime cy yyunn winner waa acquutted of investigation into steroid use among major leaaue players. players. ((take pkg)) 3 a controversial new sneaker... is being pulled off . shelves.where the inspiration sneaker" allegedly came from... that has nothing to do with slaaery. slaverr..you're watching fox p5 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((breek 4)) all morning. ((breek 4)) i'm drinking dunkin'. i'm drinking dunkin' iced mocha. they make it exactly how i like it. medium, iced, with a turbo shot. french vanilla, hazelnut, caramel -- i love 'em all. they make it perfect every time. america runs on dunkin' coffee. mashed potatoes and gravy! mac 'n cheese. [ male announcer ] now you don't have to pick a side. buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and choose two more large sides free. today tastes so good. the debate over dogs.hoo the state is responding tt a couut ruling n pittbulls.3 3&(((livelook)))-tall ships p, 3 p fiber map 3 a fight ooer control oo the city's phone system... could be costing taxpayers a lot of m. money.this morning... ooe city official is accusing the payor of breakinn the law... to push through a purrhase without bidding the contract. megan illiland is here with a story ou saw first on ox. good morning megan. good morning,,his ll started last week and has bben brewing ever since.mayor stephanie rawlings blake wwnts to take system... and buy thesee phones... but her plan... requires some big purchases that go along with it. like switchers and data infrastructure.comptroller jjan pratt is accusing er of spending more than 650- thousand dollars on roughly 80 telephones... the maaor's 21-thousand dollars.the ke - comptroller also accuses the mayor of breaking the law because the purchase wasn't properly bid to companies and she believes the mayor's officc later pushed through another bill for aaditional data network and those same phones.thh mayor's office defends thaa expense though as part of a pilot program... to see áifá thee could creaae an operate it's own phone systemm.. rrther than rely on anotter companies. 315:04:52 "we believe the city can probably do this in phooes."14:50:26 "but you dont spend... if t's a pilot progra" progrrm." been trying to talk through this dispute with the mayor. instead, she says she was the mayor offered to put more money into her budget to hire two new staffers in eehcange forrher support on this deal. the mayor's spokesman says he those bribery allegations.... but chalked it up to a pity's inspector general s inntiating an internal investigation. i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a university of maryland ssudent charged with posting an internet threat... is scheduleddto be in court today. today.alexander ong is accused of posting a threat... claiming he planned to shoot and kill as many peopleeas possible on campus.police &parrested hhm.. unarmed.. in his dorm.song was an honor student from howard county studying engineering. garr giordano...tte man -suspe of a frederick woman... is demanding the insurance money he took outton her behalf. americann xpress... foo 3- poiit- 5 illlon dollars.... under a policy purchasedd before he and robyn gardner took a summer trip tt aruba. presumed dead, and american express should pay the full compaay says when someone is presumed dead... a claim is ánotá evaluated until a full year after the inciient. it' s been ... less ttaa 10 months since she &pdisappeared.... giordano claims gardner drowned while the two wereesnorkeling. the so-called "hot dog hookerr on onday... ccthy scalia showed up for her under her clothes... and ikini - carrring a package of hot dogs. a judge sentencee her to 7 dayssin jail....but gave her good behavior... so sse was released..calia is accused of pffering sex tt an undercover police officer inside herrhott dog trrck.she pleaded guilty to a prootttution charge... &pbut dennes ever offering sex. she sayy she only offers lap &p a new sneaker is beiig pulled... after some say it's dessgn makes it look like chains worn by slaves. ttis purple shoe with orange shackles is he latest jeremy scott and adidas. critics say the shoe lookk like a link to lavery.bbt the deeigner says his idea for the stuffed toy from the late 80s. released in august... but e after ll the backlash... the company is pulling the shoe... took offense to the design. the bicentennial of the war of &p1812 is fiiled with history to see it all over the pastt - week. but this mornnng the tall ships are making inner hhrbor. joel d. smith is live there now... where 200 years ago, the future of our gooddmorning joel d. this tall shhps and naval vessels. 3 3 33 coming up... jailhouse calls between geerge zimmerman and his wiie sheelyy.. are released. released.whattzimmerman... the neighborhood watch leader, who gunned down a florida teen.... is hearr telling his wife to po.and how that could play a bond hearing next week. &p you're watchiig fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) ((bump in)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 coming up... court resumes today... in the jerry sandusky trial.what's being revealed by former pennn state coaches... who took the ptand mondayy you wearing one. shellie: okaa zimmerman: as uncomfortable as it is, i want one. and jailhouse calls between george zimmerman and his wife shelly... are releasee.what zimmerman is heard teeliig his wife to do... that could play a crucial role in his bond hearing next week.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) ,3 new this morning... the forrer rutgers universitt student convicted of using his webcam to spy on his roommate is due to be released from reported to jail last month even though he could have remaaned free during an appeal of the case. rrvi served 20 days of a 30 day sentence in the case his former clementi...commiited suicide days after he andda compaaion appeared in the live video jailhouse calls between george zimmermmn and his wife shelly... are released.in one conversation zimmerman money from bank accounts.sfer - prosecutorsssay this shows the zimmermans áknewááthat roughly raised by a website for his n - defense.that could play a crucial role n zimmerman's in a separate instance... bulletproof vests... for them zimmerman: personally i want okaa zimmerman::as uncomfortable s ittis, i want you wearing one. shellie: uhh huhh zimmerman: and second of all i want, o'mara having one. third, i would like to have one at least here. ssellie: absolutely. zimmerman: i mean we don't know, if you knoo, if like we get (inaudible) aad they couldn't, you know, have a bond hearing tomorrow, you know. shellie: i knoow i know zimmerman: have him get on psap.shellie zimmerman was of making a false statement. zimmerman is charged with death of florida teenager trayvon martin back in februaryy. he pled not guilty... claiminn self-defense. the deeense is expected to call more witnesses todayy... in the jjrry sandusky trial.. after starting its case monnay. sandusky... aaformer enn state assistant football coach... is accused of abusing 10 boys over 15 years.on football coaches took the stand. the witnesses says they never saw any inappropriate conduct. the judge in the case says closing arguments couud start as early as thursday. staccy cohan is live in washington with a look at the trial so far... aad the possibility of sandusky taking the stann in his own defense. &pgood morning, stacey. 33 coming up... health care coverage.why - thousands of americans are being handdd huge medical bills... even though their coverage should handle you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morniig. ((break 7)) and that's our quarterly wrap-up. any thoughts? wow. yowza. terrific. incredible. no, i mean, really, this is so good. that's great, guys. thanks. off the charts. phenomenal. thank you, i'm just glad we're all on the same page. slam dunk. incredible. mmm. i agree. kick up the flavor with dunkin's new breakfast burritos, made with fire-roasted veggies, melted cheese, and delicious steak. grab one today. bring on the day. bring on the flavor. hurry in for dunkin's new breakfast burritos. ((bump in)) health caree... you may think yoo're ccvered if you have health insurance. but consumer reports says think again. yyu can easiiy be sockee with huge bills. that's whht happened to one woman after her ssn ended up in the emergency room. room. when christine knopp's son, /o) brendan, got a deep cut on his face, the er doctor offered the option of a plastic surggon for the stitches.(sot: christineeknopp)"he was bleeding from his head, so i wanted to do what was right by him."(v/o)the surgeon's bill waa 29-hundred dollars. christine had assumed er ssrgeon. not ss.(sot: christine knopp)"we were pretty ssocked. we hadd o idea our resppnsibility." (v/o)the hospital wws in the family's insurance network, the plastic brendan wassnot. consumer reports says one offthe most common causes of medical ssickerrshock is going ouu-of- network.(sot)"a ppo plan mightt say that it wwll pay 60 to 80 perccnn of out-of-networr care. that does not meen it &pthe actual bill, though. it means it will pay 60 to 80 percent of what the insurance comppny thinns the test or consumer reeorts found lots of - including one woman who was it 3 chhrged 480-thousand dollars for back surgery.(sot: nancy metcalf)"bottom linee stay in &pyour network. if you must go put of etwork, research ahead of time what your insurance company will pay." (v/o)and also research what the test or procedure should cost. two services - healthcarebluebook.com and fairhealthconssmer.org --let you search the cost of medical sometimes you can use this information o negotiate with the non-network provider you pann to usee and if like insurance company. enlist youu &pemmloyer and your state insurance department to help resolve the matter. coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... the life of mike tyson... on broadway.what the boxing life... in the play.and the ddrecting it.rson... who's - ((joel live tease)) you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morningg (((reak 8)) [ crows cawing ] [ male announcer ] strange things happen in the black forest. [ metallic bell toll ] [ car speeding down the road, lightning strikes ] where things aren't always what they seem. [ wolves howling ] because thrills hide in the shadows just waiting at every turn. [ coaster whoosh ] brave the black forest on verbolten. the all-new multi-launch coaster. only at busch gardens. the all-new multi-she had man hands. man hands? the hands of a man. a fight over who controls the city's phone system... could e costing you a lot of money.the questionable contract and the alleged bribe heating up ddbate at city hall. why the suspect in the disappearance of a maryland woman is suing to make money off her death. &pand... a heavyweight hamm.. takes on brradway.when mike tyson will see his name in lights... and what the play he's ssarring in... is about. 3 3 3 today is tuesday, june 11. 3 3 3 3 3 3 the cost of high-tech crrating even more controversy. this morning, the comptroller wasting taxpayer money and puuhing through a purchase without bidding the contract. contract.megan gilliland is here with the story you're good morning,comptroller joan pratt is accussng the mayor of spending more than 650-thousand dollars on rougghy 80 new fancy 15:05:05 (ryan) "didn't &phappen, didn't happen, never happenedd.. never happened!" happened!"that's the mayor's spokesman... adamantly denying the claims.their office office says it's more like 21-thousann dollars.but it's not just the price tag...the comptroller is also accusing the mayor of breaking theelaw because the purchase wasn't properly bid to companies. insttad, it wws attached to ann existing contract with a company that's been doing years. (ppatt) 14:48:50 "the bureau of purchase says if there's an item that's going to cost more without eeng competiively bid." bid." while the comptroller... says she has proof the mayor pushed the purchases through.... the mayor's office says she has a right to do that. allegedly offer a bribb toothe &pcomptroller for her support i this whole deal?we'll havee much more on that paat of the story coming up next half hour. i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning newss it's our duuy to hold elected officials accountable.yoo can dd that by joininn our fox45 waste waach.if you have a story bout government &pwaste... call our also go to our websiie ox caa baltimore dot com and click on waste atch. a university of maryland student is ouu of the hospiial after a friihtening home invasion and robbery at his off campuu aaartment. apartment.yyu're lookinn t the back of ryan iller's head. those staples are closing a big cut .. aater people robbing the apartment knocked him outit happened just before noon ffiday.miller awoke n the hospital ... that's when he learned his ppartment was burggarized.his laptop... wallet... even cigarettes... gone. "i feel llke there should be a little more security. maybe and patrol mmre. this happened in the middle of thheday. there'' ot to be somebody who could do that," hudja says. scene.. but not a good description.anyone with information... is asked to call police. police commissioner continued &phis farewells monday. monday."you're going to be missed...i can only compare you to brooks robinson when he left the orioles they had to try and find omeone to play fred bealefeed recieved a lot of praise at city hall. each member of city council praised the commissioner for hisscrrme fighttng effort... and he left the council chamberssto a standing ovation. not ggilty... thatts the verdict in the 5 -year long ...ederal case against baseball legend roger clemens. theesevee-time cy young winner was accused of lyiig to congress during an investigation into steroid use among major league layers. the caseeagainst clemens involved one couuttof obstructionnof congress... 3 counts of making false stattments and 2 counts of perjury. a jury found him not guilty on all 6 counts. "really all you edia guys career ow me and followed my lot of ard worr into that a - career so again i aapreciate my teammates that came in and all the e-mails and hone c. calls..this was tte second declared beeore the case s - 3a famous aatist's hard wwrk... ruined....after a man vandalizes it!and it's all caught on video. video.take a look.you can see original 19-29 pablo picasso paintiig ... and spray the picture of a bull with thh word ... "conquista"... which means áconquerá in spanish.the person who caught it with his &pcell phone...confronted the man before he bolted out of whyyhe would dd his. he tells us the man identified himself as an up-ann-coming mexicann american artist looking to honor picasso's work. "i wasstexting somebody on my &pphone and, as sson as i saw him walk over towwrd the picasso,,i pressed the record butttn n my camera app, it only took one second, he spray off." d it and then walked - so ffr, no charges have beee ffled. the star spangled "sailabration" is coming to a fantastic finish this morning. morning.the naval vessels are leaving the nner harbor now, and joel d. smith is live there with one of the best years later. good morning joel d. 33 3 3nats remembee this... whoop, whoop, whoop!arsenio hall is rettrring to late night t-v. he made the announcement tonight." hall's earlier talk - show was a hit ffom 1989 to 1994. tte nee syndicated show is set to debut in the fall of 2013. and now... broadway!ing ring...- broadday!what mike tyson's play willlbe about..and the famous director... whh ss takinn on the project. project. you'rr waaching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) 3 3 3-&p3 3 ,3 new insight into president obama'' life. life.when you can get your hands on his new biography... work. you'reeays he watthing fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. (((reak 2)) on my journey across america, i found new ways to tell people about saving money. this is bobby. say hello bobby. hello bobby. (laughter) hello bobby. do you know you could save hundreds on car insurance over the phone, online or at your local geico office? tell us bobby, what would you do with all those savings? hire a better ventriloquist. your lips are moving. (huge laughter erupts) hire a better ventriloquist. your lips are moving. geico®. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. uuiversity of maryland student internet threat... is scheduled to be in court today. alexander song is accused of he plannnd to shoot and kill as mann people as possible on &pan honor stuuent froo oward county studying engineering. president obama's latest it's tiiled "barack obama: the story."it's written byyauthor david marmaniss... who says he tried tooportray the presidnet's life as fairly and accurately aa possible... ven if mister obama himself took issue with some word choices. former heavyweight champion boxer mike tyson is premiering pis one-man show on broadday this summer.it's a 99-minute play... directed by spike lee. tyson ssys it's the tory of the highs and lows of his life. he says the performances in new york are important to him... since he grew uu in brooklyn. 3 sshroeder...they will be ucy, performing togethee in a meteorologist emily gracey is jjining us with this mornings will you be performing?you be - what play will you be show times or this play?- what scene is going n behind y? you? 3 p, you're a good man charlie brown is being performed june 23rd and 24th at he pumpkin theatre for more information com ssash morring changes to some llquor stores in the city. city.why some of them... might now have thhir liquor licenses... renewed. competition for apple's ipad? the new gadget... microsoft is unveiling. you're watchhng fox 45 morning news.. all locall. all morning. 3&((break 3)) zoning changes in baltimore could cost some liquor store owners their business. ealth officials aae trying to close down mmre than 100 situated in neighborhoods .. in an ffort to crack down on prime. but the store owners say they're being changes coold mean the end of their livlihood. tom stosur is the director of baltimore's planning department .. e joins us this morning with a city is rezoning ... and paat sooe liquor stores -other than downtoww ... isn't all of baltimore neighhorhoods and hooes-studies show stores-how can you blame one e - factor for the crime -90% of liquor stores in thh city ownnd by korean-americans -they ay you're taking away their livlihood ....2 years isn't enouuh time to revamp their business and make it vible selling something else ... or moving-what assistance are you offeeing them 3 that brings us to our questioo of the day:do you agree with the plan to revoke dozens of liquor licenses in baltimore fox-baltimore dot com and tell us what yoo think... sound off through facebook or send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore. the man believed to be behind the disappearance of a frederick woman...could be back in a court room.. room..but this timm... he's the onn suing.why gary giodano... is ssing americaa ex. express. you're watchiig fox 45 morning news.. all looal.. all morning. ((ad lib horoscopes)) ((break 4)) p3 3 the debate over dogs.hoo the state is responding tt a couut ruling n pittbulls. f f f f 3 ,3 3 fiber map 3 33 a fight over control of the city'' ppone system... could money.this morning... one city official is accusing the &pmayor of breaaing the law... to push through a purchasee &pwithout bidding the contract. contract.megan gilliland is seeing first on fox. good morning megan. 3good morning,it all started last week... has beennbrewing rawlings blake wants to take ssstem... and buu these one - phhnes....but thht plan requires some big purrhases. 3behind these fancy phones... infrastructure.now the mayor ii being called out for the price ttg. comptroller joan pratt is accusing her of spending more than 650- thousand doolars on roughly 80 telephones.. thee ayor's office says it's more like 21-thousand dollaar.but why would the mayor allegedlyy offer a bribe to the comptroller foo her support in this whhle deal?pratt claims she was offered more monny into her budget... enough to hire two new staffers. "i did know that the mayor was trying to ... i told her it was an insult.""i don't want tt comment on the allegation... alwwys ave ongoing discussions about so maabe that's wwere the e. - confusion came from." from." but it doesn'ttend there.the comptroller is also accusing the mayor of breaking the law because the purccaae wasn't properly bid to companies. eeisting contract with a to an company thatts been doong business with theecity for years. the city's inspector geeeral is initiating an internal investigation. i'm megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. it's our duty to hold elected officials accountable.you can dd that by joininggour fox45 waste watch.if you have a story about government &pwastt... call our hotline...440-662- 1456.you can also go to our website fox baltimore dot coo and click on waste watch. gary giordano...the man suspected in the dsappearance of a frederick woman... s demanding tte insurance money giordano is suing american express... or 3-point- 5 million dollars.... under a robyn gardner took a summer trip ooaruba. giordano psys gardner is presumed dead, and aaerican express should paa the full death benefit. the compann says when claim is ánotá evaluated until a full year aftee the incident. it' s been ... less than 10 months since she disappeared.... giordanoo the two wereesnookeling. jailhouse calls between george zimmerman and his wife shelly... are released. released.in one conversation zimmerman instructs his wife tt transfer money ffommbank showw the zimmermans áknewá that roughly 135-thousand dollars had been rrised by a websste for his defeese.that could play a rucial role in zimmerman's second ond hearrng next week.in a separate instance... zimmerman tells shelly to buy bulletproof vests... for thee and his attornee. zimmerman: personallyyi ant youuwearing one. shhllie: okay zimmerman: as unccmfortable as it is, i want you wearing one. shellie: uh huh zimmerman: and second of all i want, o'mara having one. shellie: okay zimmeeman: and third, i would like to have one at least here. shellie: absolutely. zimmerman: i mean we don't knoww if you know, if like we get (inaudible) and they couldn't, you know, have a bond hearing tomorrow, you know. sheelie: i know, i know zimmerman: so. shellie: okay that asap. asap.shellie zimmerman was arrested last week on a charge zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder for the deeth of florida teenager ttayvon martin back in february. he pled not guilty... claiminng self-deffnne. microsoft unveils its latestt creation... "the surface tablet computer."the surface tablet is expected to compete with apple's i-pad. it wwll use a new "windows 8" operating system. the first peesion of the tablet is expected to come out this fall... and it'll be priced comparably to other tabletss the bicentennial of the war of 1812 is fflled witt historr and pageantry ... aad we got week. but this morning the tall ships are making their way back out of the inner harbor. joel d. smith is live there now... whhre 200 years aao, the future of our country was at stake. 3 & 3 it's yyur álastá day to ee the tall shipss.. before they set sail! sail!but will it be rainy like yesterday?your skywaach &pweathee forrcast is next. next. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all locall. all morning. ((break 5)) ((bump ii)) ((toss tt weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 you could soon ee fewer liquor stores in the city. city.health officials ant to close down several of them ... in an effort to crack down on c. crime.that brings uss o our question of the day.do you agree with the plan to revoke &pbaltimore city?our phone line are open now.. 410-481-4544. &pmorning news.. all local.. al morning. ((break 6)) and that's our quarterly wrap-up. any thoughts? wow. yowza. terrific. incredible. no, i mean, really, this is so good. that's great, guys. thanks. off the charts. phenomenal. thank you, i'm just glad we're all on the same page. slam dunk. incredible. mmm. i agree. kick up the flavor with dunkin's new breakfast burritos, made with fire-roasted veggies, melted cheese, and delicious steak. grab one today. bring on the day. bring on the flavor. hurry in for dunkin's new breakfast burritos. ((question of day animation)) healthhofficials want to shut down... more than 100 liquor stores in some city neighborhho. neighborhoods.it's their wwy of cracking down on crime. that brings us to our question of the daa.do you agree with the plan to revoke dozens of liquor liceenes ii baltimore city?our phone ines are open now...410-481-4545. phyllis- bmoredooetha- bmore bmore lisa- "only ii they business is in violation of the laws governing the license. it's noo tte business owners fault what people do after they leave. it's not faar to punish a small business for the actions of otherss" others."rryce - "if they are in violation yes, whill i ddn't rink or promote it, i don't feel it is right to take away someone's business because it is in a poor neighbo" neighborhood."ashleigh- "no! now we are makiig small businesses suffer becauseeof others poor choices???" choices???" rhonda- "i agree. shut them down!!!" coming up in our 8 o'clock pour.. p new tennis shoe is causing connroversy...the part of history somm say this athletic shoe... reminds them of.. &p you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((breek 7)) i found out he's a bad breaker-upper. coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. the woman known as the "hot dog hooker"... appears in front of a judgeeon charges of prostitution.the special ""ervice" she offered to undercover police officers.and the sentence she recieved. you're watching fox 45 3 3& gary giordano is heading to court. but this time he's not the defendant. why the suspect in the disappearance of a maryland woman is suing american express. dispatcher: "who is this? you're calling 9-1-1 because yyuudon't like the way that they'rr making your sandwich?" aad... a ssndwich emergency. what was so wrong with one 9-1-1. 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 33 the cost f high-tech telephonessfor city oofices is &pcreatinn even more controvers. controversy.this morning... money and pushing through a purchase without bidding the co. with more n that and the rr &pother too stories of the day. mayor stephanie rawlings blake wants to take control of the city's phone sssttm.she says it's cheaper to opperate in house... than to rely on an outside company.but her purchases to go along with it. it.behind these fancy video phones... come switchers and being called out for he price tag. comptroller joan pratt is accusing the mayor of spending more than 650-thousand dollars on roughly 80 telephones. the mayor's office says iits more like 21-thousand dollars. the comptroller is also accusing becauseethe purchase wasn't w properly bid tt companies. instead, it wws attaahed to an existing contract with a company that's been doing bussness with the city for yearr. (pratt) 14:48:50 "the bureaa of purccase says if there's an than $55,000... $659,000... without being competitvely bid." bii."the mayor's offiie say she has a right to do that. meantime, the city's inspector generrl is initiatinggan internal investigation. a preliminary hearing will be held today... forralex kinyua. kinyya.he's the former morggn state university student... charged with killing and eating parts of his roommate. the 21-year-old faces 5 counts....including attempted first degree murder, first degree assault, andduse of a scheduled for 8:30 this morning. a university of maryland student chhrged with posting an internet threat... is scheduled to be in court today. alexander song is accusee of possing a threat... claiming he planned to shoot and kill as many people as possible on campus.police arrested him.. unarmed.. in his dorm.song was an honor studeet from howard county studying engineering. a top-secret pllne... belonging to the air force... has returned to earth... after almosst2 yearssin space.take a look at this infarrd video... showing the plane landinggin californii.it's believed to be an unmanned space plane.the plane landed over the weekend... and since then... where it's been... and hat purpose it servessas of now... the air force is keeping quiet. the star spangled "sailabration" is coming o a fantastic finish this morning. morning.the navallvessels are and joel d. smith is live ow, - there with one of the best views of history..... 200 years later. good morning joel d. 3 33 3 patrice and megan....back over to you. you. 3 they don'ttcall him "the boss" for nothiig. nothing.springsteen nats nats according to "the new jersey star ledger"... singer bruce springsteen gavv an epic concert in maddii thhs past songsá... for aamarathon show of 3-hours ann 48-minutes. that's his longest performance ever... beating out his previous record by 55minutes. what's even more mpressivee.. is springsteen did not stop for an intermission. concert-goers were attthe ssow well into the early morning hours. all dogs are adorable... aren't they? thhy? we'llllet you be the judge of this..n california... canines are gathering for the world's áugliestá dog cootest. and the competition is fiirce! dearmon says: "these aae well loved dogs, but nonetheless thhy are beauty-challenged." beauty-challenged." &palthough the contest is all i good funn.. the s-p-c-a also wanns to raise awareness for that áallá dogs need a good ng - home -- not just the cute ones! coming up... the so-caaled "hot dog hooker"... back in court.butt that's not the only thing... making headlines. headlines.what she wore... that has many people shaking their heads.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1))) you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. (bell ringshi. yes? you know those delicious granola bunches in honey bunches of oats? i love those. we've added more to every box. really? wow! honey bunches of oats. make your day bunches better. it'' a chillhood lassic and it's ccming to town this weekend. stacey needle from pumpkin theatrr is joining us hoospoo. - what play will you be performing?- what are the &pshow times for this play?- what scene is goinngon behind y? you're a good man charlie brown is being performed june 23rd and 24th at the pumpkin theatre.for more information log on to fox bbltimore ddt com slash morning 3 3 33 p3& 3 coming up... one man's "sandwich emergency." emergency."dispatcher: ""ho is this? you're calling 9-1-1 because you don't like the way that they're making your sandwichh" &pwhat went wrong with his order... that had him calling 9-1-1.you're watching fox 45 porning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) morning. ((break[ male announce paying me and more and more for cable -- and enjoying it less? upgrade to verizon fios internet, tv and phone for just $99.99 a month, guaranteed for a year with no annual contract. or choose a two-year contract and get $200 back and a two-year price guarantee. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet. and now, it's faster than ever. you get speed you can count on... even when everyone at home is online at the same time. plus, the best tv picture quality. tired of cable's inflated bills? get fios for just $99.99 a month for a year with no annual contract. or choose a two-year contract and get $200 back, plus a two-year price guarantee. call 1.866.685.fios. that's 1.866.685.3467. fios. a network ahead. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. that's 1.866.685.3467. he has been wwestling for over 10 years and he's still on top.sheamus o'shaunessy from w---e joins us live in studio to talk abouu w-w-e's smackdown. - you etained your world heavyweight title against raw... how exciting issthis - for you?- how dii you ggt started? - tell us abouu theewwe smackkown event coming up? up? for more information on the wwe smackdown event....log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning coming up... a controversial new sneaker... is being pulled off shelves.where the innpiration for thii so-calledd"shackle sneaker" allegedly came froo... that has nothiig to o and he so-calledd"hot doo hooker"... back in court. but this time... it's herr wardrobe nd what she brought with her to court... thht's grabbing eeeryone's atttntion. we'll tell you what t was... minutes rom now.you're watching foo 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning.. ((breaa 3)) all local.. all morning.. ((breaa 3)) we gotta sell the car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard. get in. hi, good to see you. start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. carmax. start here. not guiltt.that's the verdict in the federal case against as tom fitzgeeald exxlains... the 7-time cy young winner was acquitted of lying to ongress during n invessigation into steroid use among major league . players. ((take pkg)) 3 3coming up... a controversial new sneaker... is being pullee off shelves... even though the &pdesignnr says... it has nothing to do with slavery. where the inspiraaion for this áactuallyá came from.you're patching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) 3q ♪ i, i'll bring the fire make you come alive ♪ ♪ i can take you higher what this is, forgot? ♪ ♪ i must now remind you let it rock, let it rock ♪ ♪ let it rock ♪ this time ((ooen)) -talllships 3 3 3 &p map fiber map 3 a uuiversity of maryland sttdent is out of the frightening home invasion and robbery atthhs off campus apart. apartment.tom rodgers is here with more on that storr... and today's other top stooies.ggod morning, tom. ryan miller's head.he back of head.those staples are eeping a big cut closee .. after people robbing the apartment knocked him outit happened just bbfore noon friday.miller awoke in the hospital ... that's when he learned his apartment was burggarized.his laptop... wallet... even cigarettes... gone. "i feel like there should be a liitle more seeurity. maybe they could put up some cameras and patrol more. this happened in the middle of the day. there'ssgot to be somebooy who could do that," hudja says. says.police did gather a lot pf fingerprints at the scene.. but not a good information... is asked to call police. the former rutggrs of using his webcam to spy on his roommate is dde to be released from jail today. dharun ravi reported to jail last month even though he could haae remained freee ddring an appeal of the case. ravv served 20 days of a 30 day sentence. his former roommate... tyllr clementi...committed suiciie days after he and a comppnion appearrd in the live video gary giordano...the man of a frederick woman... is demanding the insurance money he took out oo er behalf. giordano is suing ammrican express... for 3-poont- 5 million dollars.... under a policy purchased before he and robyn gardner took a summer trip to aauba. giordann and american express should d, - pay the full death benefit. tte company says when someone is presumed dead... a claim is ánotá evaluated until a full year after the incident. it' s been ... less than 10 months since she pisappeared.... giordano plaims gardner drowned while the two were snorkeling. a new sneaker is being run out of stores... affer some say it's design makes it look like chaiis worn by slaves. this purple shoe with orange shackles is the latest collaboratioo by designerr jeremy scott and adidas. critics say the shoe looks like a link to slavery.but the designer says his idea for the ssoe actually came from a stuffed toy from the late 80s. &pthe shoe was supposed to be released in august.... uu after all the backlash....the company is pulling the shoe... took offenss to the design. the so-called "hot dog hooker" is ready tt get back to work. on monday... cathy scalia showed up for her sentencingg.. wearing a bikini under her clothess.. and carryinn a package of hot dogs. a judge sentencee her to 7 pays in jail... but gave her credittfor time served and good behavior... so she was released.scalia is accused of police officer inside ee hot dog truck.she pleaded guilty to a prostitutton charge... bbt enies ever offering sex. she says she only offers lap dances while serving ot dogs. a connecticut man is making headlines... for his so-called "sandwich emergency." dispaachers say the man dialed dispatchers... because he was unhappy with service at aadeli. listen in to whattthe dispatcher haddto say: caller: "anddthey giving me a hard time with (indistinct) -- stop by and just -- um" dispatcher: "who is this? you don't like the way that they're making your sandwich?" caller: "exactll."diipatcher: "so don't buy it!" it!""he deli's ownerrsayss police arrived a short time itts unclear whether the caller was cited or arrested. patricc... over to you. ((bump in)) more testing is always better righttnot accordinggto some new ppostate cancer screening &pguidelines... and those guidlines are creating lot agarwal with maryland oncollgy hematolooyyjoins us for this mo - there is someerecent controversy over prostate canccr screening guidelines. what are the new guidelines? - how big of a problem is prostateecancer?- what is the prognosis for omeone with a phat are he risk agnosis?- factors?- how is ittscreened?- how ii it treated? for more information nn maryland oncology hematology.. go to their website... m-d- o-n-c dot com. and you can watch "your health matters" on sundays right here on fox 45.for aacomplete scheeuue... go to our website foxbaltimore dot com slash &pcoming up... tees..--3 3the drama between singgrs drake and chris brown... contin now ssemming... for their night club brawl.you're wwtching ox 45 morning news.. 3 3 ((ad lib meteorrlogist)) 3 weather kid teasee- 3 3 3 3 coming up... you don't have to gooto a gym... to lose weight.a look at some of the best at-home exercises... ffr burning calori. cclories.plus.... we're taking your calls about fitness.our phone lines are open now... 410-481-4545.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. ll morning. ((break 6)) [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more and more for cable -- and enjoying it less? upgrade to verizon fios internet, tv and phone for just $99.99 a month, guaranteed for a year with no annual contract. or choose a two-year contract and get $200 back and a two-year price guarantee. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers america's fastest, most consistent, most reliable internet. and now, it's faster than ever. you get speed you can count on... even when everyone at home is online at the same time. plus, the best tv picture quality. tired of cable's inflated bills? get fios for just $99.99 a month for a year with no annual contract. or choose a two-year contract and get $200 back, plus a two-year price guarantee. call 1.866.685.fios. that's 1.866.685.3467. fios. a network ahead. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. that's 1.866.685.3467. lose those lines, for up to a year! juvéderm® xc, is the gel filler your doctor uses to instantly smooth out lines right here. temporary side effects include redness, pain, firmness, swelling, bumps, or risk of infection. ask your doctor about juvéderm® xc. ((bump in)) it's time to burn caloriessand get your body weiggt under control..danny lee from gold's gym join us forrget fit with fox. - what can ww do at home to burn the most calories? - what maahines souud we use at the gym to burn te mmst calories? - do structured work out classes buun more calories than just standard working outt do you have questioos about your workout? joining us during good day baltimore to questions.meantimee you cannur post your question on our facebook page. -3 kkl-il from balttmore helln - ""hat is the best ann quickest way to tone and get my bboty plump?" plump?" raquel - "is it better to dd cardio first, then strength tra" traininn?" for more information on fox baltimore dot coo slash morring. 3&coming up... there's more to beyonce's baby &pname... than we all once thought.we'll tell yoo about tte publisheddwork... that you''e watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all mooning. excuse us, while we change into something more comfortable. cool. introducing, the square sunnyd bottle. a brawl brraks out betteen r and b stars... a singer opens up abouttthe inspiratiin &pbehind her baby's name... and a socialite sets the record straight... it's tabloii tuesday.. brandi proctor is here with the juice... 3&no ifs ands or butts... hat pic circulating the net thatss supposedly kim kardashiannis not her an adult film tar named amia miley says those pakes beling tooher... ! first of all i knew that wasnt true as soon assi heard it... #1 i follow them both on twitter... the only pics posted bb either of thhm in the days ssrrounding this contrrversy was one of theetwo of them attention mongers maybe... but a nakeddpic of a sscialite and now household name just seemed farfetched.. even for kanye... kim admitted when she sat down introduced to the world... but - she worred so hard to havv people know her for something other thaa the sseamy tape.. i knew she wouldnt go backwwrds? she wouldnttget nude for playboy and they were paying.. you think shes going to give that shot up on twwtter for saassthe pic as taken several - pears ago... she went on to say juss because weehave brown we look alike... she also says the revived picttre is ruining her liie bccshe has dreams of being aateacher. on to ttis mess ith drake and chris brown... in the club... well it seems like charges may be iled against sommbody in drakes crew... in caae you missed it.. the two got into a peing thrown... in a new york niiht club... innocent &pbystanders wer knockee out... chris brown and his bodyguard were bboodied glass in his eye!!i started - over a bottle of champagne and p note referencing rihanna. the thing is all the witnesses say chris brrwn was actually cool... it was drake who threw the first punch and bottle... not a good look for the squeaky cleam candian disney star tuuned rapper... some people are suing the nightclub already... who knows how thiss will aafect drake's career.. but remember everybody chris brown is still on probation for that incident wiih rihanna... so evvntough he was find he did anything wrong... he coull be in the slammer to. no one is makign any official deleteddtweets. the world was scratching their heads... whennbeyonce named her baby.. one simple color.. blue. well now it seems there was a poetic reason behind the of course to share a poem... t about what else... water "water is colorless, hallow water ppears to be the color of whatever lies underneath it" ""ut deep water is full of this scatted light, the purer the water the ddeper the bluee" the full poem by rebecca solnit is caaled "a field sweet that shh hares little snippets... with hhr ans... still dotn egt the name blue.. coming up on good day baltimore... a major meltdown... aa a justin bieeer concert.the surprising way... the singer reacts.