3 3 nnw developments this morninn in the case iivolling thee off-dutyycity police officer accused of pullingg is gun during a confrontation with a woman and her 5-yyar-old itts nottthe first time hees threatened to se his gun. story you saw first n ox. good morning patrice,according to charging documents... he's police officer pulled his gun on the owner of a baltimore county auto shop on dogwood road to avoid paying for peppirs to is car.innthat case... the officer entered an alford plea to reckless pndangerment.then... just last week... we told you about one woman's frantic call to 9-1-1 aattr she encountered the same ooficer at the xxon gas station on liberty road near millford mill road.the wommn officer as he walled behind (rideouu) "he ttld me, you need to pay more attention to what you're doing, you almost got shot. he pplled a gun put, waived it, ade it crystal clear, made sure i saa " ii...."that incident happened ssx months ago.still... the woman tells us she ffars ffr her safety.while city poliie say they can't comment on the officer's actions because itts a personnel matter... 3&we found out the officer haa with his ggn.i'm megan gillllaad, ox45 morning news. police are investigating the accideetal death... of a boy..he child as killed aftte coming across a looded gun at his ggrndmother's house.police say he took the gun... which relative staying in tte non- house... and accidentally shot himself. the boy was taken to the hoosital where he laterrdied.. neighbors say... they're shooked by the tragedy. mos sayss "it's ssd for anybody, but a six-year-old, them." aastaat attorney or not to prosecute. the 2012 legislative session ends wwthh ore confusion han cn ceelbration..e have to adjourn sine die diethere were o balloons.. anddno coofetti... falling at the staaehouse in annapolis at midnight this year.when lawmakers adjourned... they had passed a bblancee budget... but not the revenue plan needed to fund it .. and avoid 2500million dollars in also failed to approve a measure to xpand gamling to pllow table games at casinos. nowwlawmakers are wondering it's nott lear if governor o'mmlley is goinggto enact a special session.but it is clear.. that he's not happy. this is not the operating budget this administration proposed after 8 miilion in cuts tte people in our ssate have reason to expect more of their peepllthh governor says there will be a bill signing today on the measures thht did pass. that brings us to our queetion of the day:do you think lawwakers are looking ut foo pour beet interest?we'll take your calls in our 7 o'clock hour. you caa also go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell through facebook... or send us a tweet at foxbaltimorr. 33 the government could help stop people frrm using your stolen.later today the f-c-c ppans to announce a national databbse aimed t disabling stolen'ssaa multi-phaseeplan.over the nexx six months... the nation's largess carriersswiil launch programs that prevent stolen devices from being reactivated ponits ácurrentáánetwork.ii abouu 18 mmnths... the plan is to stop stolen phonee rom being uued on áanyá nettork. maryland's winner of the mega mmiliins jackpot has come forward. in just a few hours, lottery officials are holding a news conference plaim. joel d. smith is live at lottery headquarters now. good mmrninggjoel d. are they goong to aanounce who the winner ii? is? good morning atrrce... the answer is probably not.... &pbuu they are expected tt revval some details about tte winner'ss story, and also reveal who the winner is not. we lready know where the &peleven storr in milford mill. phat person or maybe group that has the winning numberss largest lottery jackpot ever.... 656 millionndollarr. &p last weekk,nationwide attention ccme to baltimmre's had purchaed the winning tickett ann then loot it aa the mcdonalds where she works. not the actual winner. when it comes to the actuul say they are confiient they''l 22:15 i am not worried about someone trying to bring in a &pfake tiiket..we have ampll it will &pbe easy for us to vvlidate th ticket when it comes in. if the maryland winner chooses the cash option pefore-taxes that check woull total $158 million, according to maryland ooficials. we may leaan more about thht today as wwll... innjust &pa few hours. that news ccnference is scheduled for am..and we will have it for you live. at lottery headquarters, joel d. smith, cominggup... it's the most popular time of the year... for áhead ice?? lice?áwhat's behind a reccnn outbreak... in cities acrrss the u-s.ann what parents phoulddbe doiig with thhir children... too vvid getting &pthe bugs. news.. all local.. all morning morningg ((buup ouu)) ((break 1)) 3 --mica's robot fest..... interactive art and smaat pabric prrjects frrm students enrooled in smart textiles designed courses --meteorologist emily racey is live with the details on --wearable techhnlogy fashhon show--fun to wear and prrctical the rrbot fest is saturday ann sunday t the nattonal electronics museuu.for more information, log on to foxx baltimore dot com slash mooring. 3 &p3 3 3 coming up... an outbreak... in the nummer of people getting head lice. why it's sudddnly so high... and what you can do to avoid bringing the bugs hooe wwth you. huddon singing singing pnd jennifer hudssn takesstiie awaa from the courtroom... she's doing this wwek... thatt3 will air on t-v.yyu're watching fox 45 morning news.. ((break 2)).all morning. having one of those days? tired. groggy. can't seem to get anything done. it makes for one, lousy day. but when you're alert and energetic... that's different. you're more with it, sharper, getting stuff done. this is why people choose 5-hour energy over 9-million times a week. it gives them the alert, energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. 5-hour energy...when you gotta get stuff done. [ man ] when i went to get my first new car, my dad said to get a subaru because they last. ♪ he drives a legacy, but i'm nothing like him. i got the new impreza. maybe i should have picked a different color... [ male announcer ] the all-new subaru impreza. experience love that lasts. ♪ 3&the n-f-l upholds it's suspension of the new orleans saints... over the team's coach sean payton will sit out the entire 2012 season... for faiiinn to discloss the team's "pay-for-pain" bounny system. n-f-l commissioner rogee goodell is still considering punishment orrthe players who were involved in the program. he's expected to issue a ruling prror o the draft at the end of this month. hudsonnsinging the show must go on for actress willl go through wwth - a scheduled performance on "american idoo" this week... even though jury selection is unner way in the case of the man accused of killinggherr openinn statements are phe numbee of people getting nt3 head lice... is on the risee pxperts say spring break issa partly because of the incrrase in the use of heemets for biking, baaeball, and softball. it's also a ime that kidssare havvng slumber arties.the best ways tt prevent outbreaks is tie back long hair.parentt are also encouraged to checkk their child's head rrgulaaly....and to use a licee schooo year.. you maa have to make some each direction of the jones xt - faals exppessway near 29th street will be shut down while creww ake emergeecy repairs to clogged and collapsed drainage piies.the work will reduce traffic flow by at least a thirddand is expected to hhve a major impact on commuters.theerepairs could take up to a month. aafertility doctor secretly uses his own sperm... to many hundreds of startling discovery was made.e - but next....aawebsite raising mooey for ggorge zimmermann.. the neighborhood watch leader wwo ggnned down a florida teen. how trayvon mmrtin'ssfammly is reacting to the newss.. and the surppising twist... in the investigaaiin. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all ((break 3)) ((bump in)) oh dear... oh dear! ohh dear... i'm not sure exactly what happened here last night. i was out helping people save money on their car insurance. 2 more! you're doing it! aren't they doing great?! hiiiiiii!! come sweat with me! keep going richard. keep sweating!! geico. fifteen minutes could save you sweat! sweat! fifteen percent or more on car insurance. the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot florida teen trayyon marttn.... is askinggfor in self defense in ssnford has not been charged... and some claim race layed a role in the shooting and how the case has been handled. pandled. 3george zimmerman has launched &pa website warninggsupporters about groups falsely claiming to raise monny for him. living exppnses.the attorney situation woulddhave been y reversed, trayvon martin would have been arrested day one, hour one.thisssituation with the website now and everything is a luxury thaa trayvon believe he never would have had.meanwhile, the special prosscutor overseeing the investigation said she will not seed a case against pimmerman to a grand jury.the martin family attorneyysays thht's fine.we looo at her noo imppneeing a grann jury as a posiiive thing, because that means she eitter feels shees gathered from hee inveetigation tt affect to waive probable cauue to arrest the killer oo this unarmed teen.--natsot break--also monnay, a group of students headquartees to ddmand juutice foo martin.they blocked the departtent's main entrance, briefly closing the building. i'm marry llen hopkkns reporting. coming up... p fertility octtr uses his own sperm... to uses his own a fertility doctor coming up... 3 hopkins reporting. i'm mary ellen opkins reporting. 3comiig up... a fertility doctor uses his own sperm... to fertilize hundreds f many hundreds of kids he now has... and the even ámorrá shocking discovery... adeeby tww of his sons. ((joelllive tease)) you're all local.. all morn disease.the new dvice from hopkins esearcherstonight on fox 45 news at five & --arbor &p3 33 895 map 3 3 he's accused of pulllnn his pith a woman and her 5-year-old granddaughtee.and now weeve learned... itts not the first ime the city police officee has threatened to use his weapon.megan gilliland is good morning patrice,according toocharging documents... he's done this bbfore.rrcords show the city police officer pulled hissgun on the owner of a baltimore coontyyauto shopp nn dogwood road to avoid payiig for reeairs to his ar. that case,,the officer enttred an alforr plea to reckless endangerment.then... &pjjst last eeek.. ww told yo pheesame fficer at the exxon e- gas staaion on libertt road near millford mill road.the &pher car. he wwaked behind (rideout) "and hen he come arounn threatening to kill me &p(ááánnts up full: "he puuled a gun ut!!ááá)(rideout) "it was like he was proving tt me you.....that incident happened six months ago.ssill... the wommn tells us she fearr foo her safety.we found out the officee has bbee cleared of streets with his gun. meantime... city police won't actions because it's a peesonnel matter.i'm megan gilliland, ffx45 morning news. 3 the sessiin is overr but the passed a state budget... but session ended attmidnight.john rydell is in anapolis with whaa happenssnoo. now. ((take pkg)) 3 in other action in annapolis...lawmakers passed phylicia's law.'s the pill named fter phylicia bbrnes.. theeteen whose body susquehanna river three months afttr she was reported missingg the new bill ives investtgators ccess to a network of advocates and &pvoluntters whenna person is missing. lawmakers also paased the nation's firss bill banning employers from asking of jjb applicants and employees. &pffiled during this session is one thattwould have repealed 3aryland's deaah penalty. a startling rrport out of the u-k... where it appears a fertiliiy clinic doctor childree.tte londdn telegraph is reporting that doctor psed his own perm hundreds of patients.the discovery was they were wiesner's biological pons... after years of research.d-n-a tests llter offhis patients wereefathered by wiesner.wiisner died inn19- 72... ann most of his meddcal records have been destroyee. who is the winner? in just aafew hours, lottery conference aboot the winning mega millions ticket sold in maryland. the winner has come forward.... but doos that is live at lotteryy d. smith - headquurters now, where some of our mann questions ill be joee d. ppttice... the nswer is probbbly not.... but they aae expected to reveal ome petails boot the winner's story, and also reveal who the winner ii nott we already know where the purccased.... here t a 7 eleven storr innmilford mill. that as the winning numbers will get a share of the largest lottery jackpot ever.... 656 million dollars. last week, nationnide attention came to baltimore's &pmirlande ilssn, who said shee had purchaed the winnnng the mcdonalds where she works. fox 5 is repooting, she iss not the actuallwinner. the real winner apparantly but a vettran lottery official says when its thii muuh money? good luck. &p when you win 228 millioo out. there's going o bb family and going to find ouu. there's million ddllars, ppl are goiig to find out. there's going to be family and friends you never knew you even had, whooare going toofind out. iffthe maryland winner total $$58 million, according to maryland ooficials. 3 coming up... thousands of forr cars... ccold soon be recalled.which moddes are affected... aad the problem that was discovered. we love gardening... yeah, but the feeling wasn't always mutual. i want you to grow big! if you grow for me, you'll get cookies for free. nothing worked. ♪ but we started using miracle-gro garden soil. you just mix it with your backyard soil... and it feeds your plants for up to 3 months. my plants grew bigger... more beautiful... with more flowers and vegetables. guaranteed. everything changed with miracle-gro. for you are these flowers, like soap is for showers. everyone grows with miracle-gro. everyone grows ((bumm in)) (toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3- 3 3 coming up... a ecall... invovling problem beinggdetected... and wwen driveer should take their cars n to be fixed. and weere hearing theeng- 9-1-1 call... from the moments onto a virginia apartment building.what e're now learning... about the cause of this crashhyou're wwtching fox alllmorning. this crashhyou're wwtching fox alllmorning. (((reak 6))& hey, what do you think "artisan" means? it's latin. for what? really, really good bagels. dunkin's new artisan bagels are as authentic as it gets. soft, chewy, and delicious. grab one today. honey, that's my cup of tea. yours is over there. oops. dunkin's iced tea is freshly brewed to delicious perfection. right now get any size for just 99 cents. new this morning... we are now hearing the 9-1-1 calls.... ccashed into a virginia &papaatment cooplex.listen as a 3&caller: i'veealready talked t somebody when thh plane went pown (unintelliggbbe) rescue py patio.operator::the pilot is on your atio?caller: yes. and nnbody's heee. i keep calling and calling. there'' &pno ambulance pmbulaacethe crash happpned on people... including 2 pilots... were hurt when tte from thh hospital. navy ased - "cattstrophhc mechanical malfunccion."the military is now comppnsattng famiiiis who testimony will resume this brothers accused of settiig a dog on fire in west allimore. travers and tremayne johnson are faaing aniimllcruelty charges.. police say he brothers set a pitbull nameed phoenix on fire in may of wasson he stand monday..e was qqestioned bout evidenceettatt indicates he collected a dog collar froo barcs june 9th... but did not submmt it s evidence until une 0th. when questioned.. hh sttted he coold not exxlain the plans to call at least 3 more - witnesses to testify. the case may not go to the jury until the end of thii week. forddis reealling ore than 140-ttousand of its focus ays in certain 2012 models... a seel in the passenger-side innshield the &pwiier may be missing.because of that... water or other &pcontaminants could accumulate in the connector... caussng the wiper to stop is exppcted to notify owners and dealers of the problem around next onth. just laat monnh ...a new study released saii more children are being diagnosed with autism. now new reassnnwhy. it says obeee womee are morr likely to hhve ccildren who arr aatistic pr diagnosed with developmental delays ... compared o slimmer womeen he study looked at theeimpact on childden hen pheir mother's have a variety of condiiions including high blood pressure and diabetes autism ere associited ith ooesity. dr. charles shubin with mercy familyycare joinn us with aa closer look at whht this means. -what'' youu reaction to the new esearch ... but worth paing attennion &pto-is that another good explanation as o why autism ratts have gone from and more people are obese ... so is the cure people arr obese -more and mooe in 88 obbsee... so is the cure foo autism tied to treating thee ooesity epiddmicadvice to pregnant women or women who want to become pregnant comiig uu in connummr reports... buck... the best ttilet paper - for your family... while also helppng the're ((break 7))x 45 morning newss. ((bbmp in)) phis next report is about a product you wouldn't want to live withhut... ttilet ppper. &pit's come a long way since it there's three-ply, plush, recycled, anddnow in ome pllces, tubbless! but hwwdo theebbst? as patrice harris explains... that's here consumer reports comes n. 3 3& (v/o)toilettpaper - rom charmin, cottonelle, and quulted northern - toorolls like kirkland signature from costco and up & up from target. consummr reports sized up 25 iiferent toilet papers. they hecked outtgreen ones, too, including sevvnth generatton anddearth &p (sot)"ouu testerssspend a o of timeethinking about toillt maccine to chhck for trength. pt measures how much force is needed to break through pultiple sheets of toillet paper. (natsst: machiiee(v/o) howwwell toilet paper teers s & paong its perforations. sot: paper doesn't tear aaily, you useless ppeceeor ou ould end up with the whole roll. "(v/o) roll - ddsigned to eeiminate cardboard waste - was one of peveral thaa werr hard to &ptear. another test - designed paper breaks down - is known ps the disintegration test because ooody wants toilee paper clogginggthe plumbing.. this toilee paaer disinteerated in seconds. but charmin's ultra strong took the longest - more ttan a minute to break down.and who wants a scraachy oilettpaperr? innthis temperattre and humidity-controlled room, &pconsummr reports sensory panelists size up the softness - one sheet at a timee turns out white cloud three-ply ultra from walmart topped the chhrts. it scored excellent for's strong, and it breaks down uickly. 3 quickly. breaks doww quickly. -33 coming up n our 7 o'clock hour... aaquick-thinking student.. saves the lives of his an enttreebuu-full of kids. kids..i'm just thinking i just waat toostop thh ttuck because iidonnt want toocrashhand i and peaded... if it hadn'' bben ptooppd inntime. 3((joel live ease))you're watcchng , we love gardening... yeah, but the feeling wasn't always mutual. i want you to grow big! if you grow for me, you'll get cookies for free. nothing worked. ♪ but we started using miracle-gro garden soil. you just mix it with your backyard soil... and it feeds your plants for up to 3 months. my plants grew bigger... more beautiful... with more flowers and vegetables. guaranteed. everything changed with miracle-gro. for you are these flowers, like soap is for showers. everyone grows with miracle-gro. everyone grows &pa city police officer accused a woman and her 5-year-old granddaughter.nnw... we're learning it's not the first time he's pulled his weappn. &pthe officers hhstory and why he is still on he streett. this issnot the sort of budget this aadinistration proposed after 800 million in cuts &&pcuts the governor.. visibly upset... after the general ssembly ails to pass a al revenue plan for thii year's buuget....before the end of the sessioo.the bigggst quustion lawmaakrs now have this morning... about what to do nexx. and... a inner comes forward... in the mega millions drawinggwhennwe could learn who in maryland is oer 100- miilion dollarssricher this morning. 3 poday is tuesday, april 10th. &p3 p3- 3 pn the case innolving the accused of pulling hiisgunn granddaughter.we've earned mmggn gillillnd is here with a good mmrring patrice,according to charging documents... he's done this before. beffre. records show the city ppoice officer pulled his gun county auto shop on dogwood road to avvid paying for repairs tt that case... the officer entered n &pendangermeet.then... just las week... we ttld yoo about one woman's frantic call to 9-1-1 officer at the exxxn gas station onnliierty road neer mmllffrd mill road.the woman sayy she almoot hit the pfficcr as he walked behind her car. (rideout) "he told me, you need t pay more attention to got shot. he ulleeda gun st out, waived it, made it crrstal clear, made ure i ssww" it...."ttat incident happened six months ago.still... the herrsafety.while city police say thhe can't comment on the a personnel matter... we found out the officer hhs beee cleared of any charges and is bacc on the streetss gillillnd, fox45 morning news. theesearch is on for the gunman who shot a man in the happened last night around edgewooo.when policeearrived,, they ffund 227yeer-old uentin vaa sttpney junior... ying in the road... with a gunshot wound toothe face.he was taken to shock trauma where he's curreenly listed n seriius call police.tiin is asked to - police are investigating tte acciiental death... of a p-year-old boy.the child was killed after cominn across a loaded gun at his allegedly beeonged to a non-sa rrlative staying in the house... and accidentaaly shot taken tt the hospitaa here he later died.. neiggbors sayy.. they're shockeddby the &ptragedy. pos says: "it's sad for life's just begun for them." - thee." a staae attorrey is waitinn to decide whether or not to prosecutt. testimony will resume thii morning in the trial of twin and tremayne johnson are vers - facing animal crueltyycharges. police say the brothers set a pitbull amed phoennxxon fire in may of 2009. sargeant jarron jackson wws on the stand mmnday.he was questioned about evidence that indicates he collected a dog collar from barcssjune 99h... but did not submit it as evidence unttl june 10th. when questionnd.. e stated hh &pcould not explain the discrepancy. the prosecuuion plans to call at leastt3 more witnesses to testify.. the case ay not go to the juryy 33pntil the end of this week. the 2012 legislative session celebratton.we have to adjoorn - pine die diethere were nooballoonss. &pthe statehouse in annapolis a midnight this year.when lawmakers adjjurned... they had passed balanced budget... but not the revenue avoid 250 million dollars in also failed to approve a re - measure to expand gamling to allow table gamee at casinos. &ppow lwmakers aree ondering what's going to happennnext. o'mallly is oing to enact a special session.but it is 3this is ot theeoperating budget this administratiin &pproposed after 8 miilion in cuts the peopll in our tate theer elected officials.. of &ppeoplees of the peoplee- tte governor says there willl be a bill signing today oo the measurrssthat ddd pass. of the day:do yoo think uestton- lawmakers are lookinn out for yoor best interest?we''l take hour.calls ii our 7:30 hhlf - us what you thinn... ound off through facebook... or send us mega millioos jackpot has come forrard. in just a few hours, lotteey officials are holddig a news conference about the winniig cllam. annnunce who the winner is?l d.- is?patrrcc... the aaswer iss answer is paarice... the good morninn 3 &p3&p weemay learn 3 someemiddle sccoolers in washington state re being &phailed heroes todayy.. ffr stopping a school bus aater their driver slumped ovvr behind the wheel. wheel.inside bus nats nats this surveillance video shows the moment a schoollbus river llses consciiusness... ps the bus full f children the bus... which waa heading p straight for a church. "i'm just thinninn i just want to stop the truck becaase i don't wwat to ccash and i &pfeels ike, so, yeeh...i jus pon't want to die. dii.other students called 9-1--... and medics esponded. &pthe driver waa taaen to a hospittl... where his pmazinggy... no students were a rrre look inside the life of osama bin llden's widows... widows...whereethey are right now... and whh they're being de. dettiied. you'ree watching fox 45 morning news.. ((breek 1)) 3 &  33 3 3 3 3 3 3 it's supposed to help your yeaas.but find out who fish oil... won't elp in ttis area. area. you're watching fox 45 mornnng news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) &p having one of those days? tired. groggy. can't seem to get anything done. it makes for one, lousy day. but when you're alert and energetic... that's different. you're more with it, sharper, getting stuff done. this is why people choose 5-hour energy over 9-million times a week. it gives them the alert, energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. 5-hour energy...when you gotta get stuff done. nne this morning....he "laay maryland" is ready to bee re-launcheddafter spending the winter in dry dck. the ship unnerwent repairs at the waterfront museum and s to be re-launched today. the 22-year-old reelica chooner about tte envirroment and the rare look at tte wiiows of slain al qaeda leader, osama them inssde the isllmabad home where they're in custody. they're currently under house - after the raid thht killed bin - their children are set to return to thhir home countries of yemen and saudi arabia next week. new research finds ffsh oil might not have as maay benefits as once thought. phaa's accorring to a study... published innthis week's archives of internal medicine. &p the supplement has beccme pppulaa for promotiig heart health over the ears... but omega-3 fattt aaids in fishh history of carriovascular 3 sciince.. mmets meteorologist emmlyygraccy hhs 3 the details in this morninn's hhmmtown hotspot. hotspot. the sessionnis over...but ptinns are far from being solve. solved.comptroller peter franchot joinssuu live in stuuio with a looo at what happens next. pomeein a holiiay classic.what - the fire.... near the house from " a chriitmas ssory." youure wwtching fox 45 morning eww.. all local.. ll morning. ((brrek [ glass clinks ] i just wanted to say a few words. thank you for the lovely meal, jane. mom. and maybe this is just the cake talking but let's celebrate! [ male announcer ] buy any kfc 10 pc meal or larger and get a free double chocolate chip cake. marrland'ssgeneral assembly session comes o and end .... withhno rraalending. lawmakers passed a budget .. but failee to pass a way to pay forrit. that means we are noo operating under aaádoomsday buuget." comptrolelr peter franchot is here wth a look at where thinns sttnd and what happens next.-lawmakers agreed on a 35- billion doolar thh taxes to help the taxes weren'' approveed... are deal was reached-the tax plan required 100-thousann to pay more .... &pwhat -neither o the to raise -there is a component tied to the hold-up .. putting a &pcasino in pg county aad games special ession .. we ahve a budgetbudget mmans 250-million dollars in cuts will take of and public aaety. p commng up.. gas prices... ave fallen... &pbut don't gee excited.the áveryá small break you''e catch. catching. yoo'rr watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all mmrning. ((ad lib horoscopes)) disease.the new dvice from hopkins esearcherstonight on fox 45 news at five & [ female announcer ] today is the day you make a change with hellmann's. make parmesan crusted chicken surprisingly crispier, juicier. mmmmmm yummier. hellmann's, make it real, make it different. hellmann's, -live look of lottery ress conference...- 3 3 &pbel air map 3 3 he's accused of pulling his ggn during a confrontation &pwith a woman and her now we've learned... it's not the first timeethe city police officer has thrretened to use his eapon.megan gilliland is pere with a story you saa ffist on fox. good morning patrice,according to charging documents... the city police fficer pulleddhis gunnon the owner of a dogwood road to avoid paying for repairssto his car. par.ii thaa case, the officer entered an alford ppea to reckkess endangerment.then... just last week... we told ou about one woman's frantic call to 9-1-1 after she ncountered the same officer a the xxon gas station innmillford miil. the officer as he walked behind hee car. (rideouu) and thennhe come cause i madeea mistaae."ll e - (ááánats up full: "he pulled a gun out!!áááá(rideout) "it you...."that ncident haapened the officer hs been cleared of any charges aad is back on the streets withhhis gun. meantime... city police won't commentton the offfcer's aations because it's aa gillilann, fox45 morning news. 3 the sessson is ovvr, ut the job isn't complete.lawmmkers passed a state budget... but not the plan to fund t.. before the 2012 lleislative rydell ii ive in annapolis with what happenn now. angry áaddlibbávo rrllcue: & and confusedsot rrlllce: left 3ov. omalley very upsee upsetgov. omalley very sot rollcue: left and confusedvo rollcue: angry and conffsedsot very pset 3 this is not the operating proposed people in our state ave he - reason to expect more of people in our statee ave after 8 million in cuts tte administratioo proposed budggt this this is not the operatiig buuget this administrraion proposed after 8 million ii cuts the people in our state have reason to exxeet more of their elected ooficials.. priorities of the people - will thhre will - wiil there will 3 - will there will be a special session? that brings us to our question of that brinns us to our questioo of the day::d yoo out for your beet interest? ppone lines are open now...thee &pnumbee to call 10- 481- 4545. federal investigators need your help... help...after the aarest of thii man frommindiana. 39-year-old richard finkbiner ps accused of sexuaally exploiting mmre than 100 teenagers on the inttrnet..ooe from maayland.police say he sexually graphic videoss.. afterr threetennng to blackmaillthem.authorities say this case should e a big waaning for parents. particclarly thoseechildren,, &pthose adolessents, in these who now are taking advvnnaae --3 of tte internet forrmany, manyy good, posiiive reaaons." reasons."investigaaors want otherrpotential victims or their families to contact the f-b-i if they recognize finkbiner. the neighborhood watch volunteer who shot trayvon martin ....hasslaunched a websi. webbite.on theesite... george pimmerman says he cannot shoooingg.. but aads hattthe site also sooicits donations for hi lawyerssand living expenses.theeattorney for trayvon martin's family says it's not fairr ((if tte situation would have been reversed, trayvon martii would hhve been arressed day one, hour one.this situation with the websiie now and everything is a llxury that trayvoo marttn doesn't have and we believe he never woull haae had.)) 3 had.))meanwhile, the special prosecutor oveeseeing the investigaaiin saad she will not send a case against zimmeeman o a grand jury.two prosecutoos are workinn to &pdetermine if there's enough evidence to bring charges against zimmerman. for the ffurth time inna rrw, the national averagg forra pallon of regular unleadee gas has fallen.triple a reports itt dropped a alf cent.the new national average is $3-dollarss maryyand sits aa 4-dollars. for who is the winner? in juut a few hours, lottery officials are holddng a news mega millions tickee sold in maryland. theewinner has come forward.... but doos that person waat to remain anonymous? aaonymous? joel d. smmth ps streaminggnow.... live aa lottery headquaaters now,, whereesome of ur many queetionn will be answered. 3 firrfighters spent monday morning battliig a firr in pleveland... riiht next door &pto oneeof thh city's biggest tourist draws... the house &pfrom the classii holiday movv "a christmas story."no one wass homeeat the ooffcials say it appears the pirr started ii a third floor bedrooomand may have been the bully with thh yeelow eyes,,grren teeth and raccoon skin hat set it! he now has a green jacket... jacket...""ubbaawatson here." but find out the other talents... nnw masttrs that might make you say... real? really? you're watching fox 45 morning news.. ((break 5)) 3 ((bump ii)) ((toss to weather)) hey, what do you think "artisan" means? it's latin. for what? really, really good bagels. dunkin's new artisan bagels are as authentic as it gets. soft, chewy, and delicious. grab one today. is non-stop to seattle? just carry preparation h totables. discreet, little tubes packed with big relief. from the brand doctors recommend most by name. preparation h totables. the anywhere preparation h. they claim to be complete. only centrum goes beyond. providing more than just the essential nutrients, so i'm at my best. centrum. always your most complete. honey, that's my cup of tea. yours is over there. oops. dunkin's iced tea is freshly brewed to delicious perfection. right now get any size for just 99 cents. your home and auto policies and save. don't worry, tiny people. flo is a gentle giant. bundle home and auto at having one of those days? tired. groggy. can't seem to get anything done. it makes for one, lousy day. but when you're alert and energetic... that's different. you're more with it, sharper, getting stuff done. this is why people choose 5-hour energy over 9-million times a week. it gives them the alert, energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. 5-hour energy...when you gotta get stuff done. 3 3 3 pt's over...but maryland's the biggest one being... funding the state budget. laammkers adjjurned the 2012 legistlative session... but without solving key issues. issues.ttat brings us to our question of the day.dooyou think lawmakees are looking out for your best interest?our popular ime of the year... for áhead lice!áwhat's behind a recent outbreak... in cities parents should be doing with getting the bugs. - you're watching fox 45 morning morringg ((break 6)) 3 you're the best mom ever. thank you, sweetie. oh... ♪ ♪ to e done...but the session is over.lawmakkrs still need to resslve how to fund the state's budget.that means... a happen.that bbings us to our questton of the you -th out for your best interess?our &p481-4545. are oppn noo.. 410- dennis- bmore 3psheila- bmore bmore jonathan "absoluttly not. duringgthis administration the wwll is increaae the tax or think of. marylanddrs are sick of paying for the careless &pspending habits of annapolis!" annapolis!!rene "if they were, they woold have extended the session. for the amount of money they get they shouudd they expect to pay for the outlandish budget ttey passee? i doo't call thht a budget, just a spenddng bill. if i ran my house like that i would be in baakruptcy court and possibly on the streees and ho. homeless. 3 &pbubba... like you've ever &pseen imm him."we ggt leetuceeand the old woooen stick. seeewhich one wins." the other hidden ttlenns the new masters chaapiin has... nex. next.and glee is baak after a mid-season brrak.what you can exxect in tonighh's all new episodee you're watching fox 45 mooninn news.. all locall. all morningg ((break 7)) with a name like "bubba" you going to have a few quirks. ni but did you know thh winner of the masters touunament is also known for turninggtrick shots, for singinggin a boy band,,and pfr driving a famous hot rod? of bubba watton. watson. --repooter pkg-as follows --if sport...(naas)meet its latess star. bubba waason may avee pasters, but he's a master of not taking the sport or himself too seriously..bubbb - diicount tires. and whacking p 3 cakes...."yoo're welcome." &pwelcome to the wacky world of bubba'ssyoutube videos. "we the old wooden stick always winn. the amazing ook hot distant relattve tt his hot puu trickkshot."under the porch, over he roof, into the hot tub. let's see if iican do itt"here's how he celeebaaed that shott.."whoo!" the waterworks at the massers all came frommhisseyes. he's a christiin, and winninn on 3 easter tweeted to god be the bible to theirrnewly adoptedd infant son. bubbb may have dollar watch from one of his sponsors, but he wore his massers ggeen jaaket moddstly...."probably the best known fact about bubba is thhtt lesson..'if you caa't beat me, how can you teach me,' he says.""never had a lesson so it's justtme out there beaaing is here."bubba is tte polar -3 opposite of cool tiger woods. his father nicknamed him after phe football player and actor bubba smmtt.(natt)"bubba may be famous for his long, powerful drives, but t's whaa he drives thaa's acttally one of a kind.""just a good ole show the dukes of hazard. - ttere were actually dozens and dozens of dodge chargers used in the series. bubba bought one of the originals forr 110,000 dollars. this is a guy who plays golf with justin terrible." ubba appeared along with otherrpga golfers poll boys..."" ant mm birdies &pgo. i say hey!"his game may b golf but for bubba any ball will do."eggplant m.""pumpkin me.""ball me."jeanne moos, cnn. new york.(nats of music) in just minutes... we'll learn more about parrland's newest millionaire! we're live aa the lottery commmssion's ppess conffrence aaout the mega millions winner... next. you're watching fox 45 morning &pnews.. all local.. all morning. i've discovered gold. [ female announcer ] the gold standard in anti-aging. roc® retinol. found in roc® retinol correxion deep wrinkle night cream. it's clinically proven to give 10 years back to the look of skin. now for maximum results... the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum to create retinol correxion® max. it's proven to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. new roc® retinol correxion® max. nothing's better than gold. new roc® retinol correxion® max. in just inutes. tuesddy, april 0th 3 3 3 3 3 3 tte session issover, but the job isn't complete.lawmakers not the plan to fuud it.. ut before the 2012 legislative &pmidnight.john rydell is livee in annapolis with what happens . speciallsessioo sot rollcue: chaotic end to session week?issues we talked aboutt- & 3coming up... a fertility doctor secretly pertilize eggs or his patients. patients.we'll tell you how many hundreds offkids he now has... and how the startling discovery was made. you're watching fox 44 morning news.. all local.. all ♪ [ man ] when i went to get my first new car, my dad said to get a subaru because they last. ♪ he drives a legacy, but i'm nothing like him. i got the new impreza. maybe i should have picked a different color... [ male announcer ] the all-new subaru impreza. experience love that lasts. ♪ [ female announcer ] do you know what a difference dove nourishment can make? my hips, they know. my shins, they get it. [ female announcer ] only dove body wash has nutrium moisture and a breakthrough formula that goes beyond moisture to nourish deep down like no other. [ female announcer ] dove body wash. proven effective natural nourishment. ♪ the nourishment of nutrium moisture is also available in all your favourite dove body wash products. 3 3 coming up... an outbreak... in the number of people etting head lice. why it's suddeely so high... and what you caa do to avoid you. plus... 2 fat-burning about anywhhre. anywheee. and if you have a fitness questioo....our phone lines are ooen nnw... t're watching foo 45 morning news.. all pocal.. all morning. ((break 2)) 33p((bump in)) burn fat fast beeore you have to bare it all in a bathing suit.personal trainer danny lee from gold'ssgym is heree this morning.he'll also answer your fitness.our phhne liies are open ussat 410-481-4545...or senddthem our way on facebook oo twitter. --fat bbrning a dumbellyou can do it --using - 3p3 michaela wantt to know - "how can i get a six pacc without dding sit-ups?" ups?" 3 danny will be back 3 33 3 p3 3ups?" ups?"withouu doing sit-get aa six pack know "howwcan i michaela wwnts to mmchaela wants tt know - "how can i ggt a six pack without doing sit-up" 3 3 p3 ddnny will beebackkwith more danny will be back 3ups?" six pack know - "how can i michaela wants to 33 3 ---sing a duubellanwwere--you an do it annweree-using a you dumbell &p33 3 3&michaell wants to michaela wants to get a ix pack upp?" 3ups?" ups?"without doing sit-get a six pack know - "how can i alte baltimore tte from --using a dumbell---sing a dumbell tee from baltimore ballimore &pups?"aela wants to knoww- "ho 3 3 danny will be back with more workout tips duriig fox45 good day baltiiore. 3 good workout tiis with more - danny will be backkwith more workout tips during fox45 ood ddy baltimore. a recall....invvvling when drivers should ttke their cars in to be fixed. and j-lo's expensive gift... miiht mean the end of their relationship is near... you'rrewatching fox 45 morning neww.. all &(break 3)) morning. - 3 mooey.......we try to eep hh - tabs on one reality show couple a songstress drops some big buuks on a bday present for her eau...'s tablood tuesday...brandi proctor is you know that old sayiig about not buying a man a ppir of shoes...bc he'll walk out of pour ife... we wonder if it isn't wooried... her new boo casper smart... celebrated is 22th birthday last week... jjnny from the llck ggt him a penny froo the week... 25th birthday last week... jenny from the blook got him a new pair of wheels... a whhte soorces ay he was thrillee pbouu his nee ride...he even &pdrove it to dinner...we're version... buuut idk patrice... id expect a porsche 3it's hard to keep up wiih the kaadashian-odoms!! from la it seems they may be headed home. lamar odom is leavvng thee mavericks. lamar said in a ptatemmnt yesttrray: "the agreed ttat it's in the best interest of both parties for me to step away from the team." hloe took to twitter of course, sayiig "you deseeve so much better," the realityy and knowwyyur skills that hhve been proven and earned! &pwe dont know what's going to happen next... any team that june 29 must buy him ut by that date for $2.4 milllon or otherwise acceet responsibility for the full $8.. million that odom is scheduled to earn in 2012-13. aa the atlanta houuewives prepare ffr heir heatedd reunion show... a list of the ladies alleged salaries ave ben releasedd.. they are a lot higher ttan i favorite nene llakes maae a whopping 750 thousand per season..thennshe got a 250 3 thousand bonus for showing upp at tte reunion!kim snt far behind att600 's...sheree 550...kandi 450....o wonddr cynthias coontignnhee &ppenniee.she adn phaedra only thousand bonus for the reuniin... marlo and all thh hubbie get between 50 adnn77 thousaad aan muut make themselves available..i know the shows are pooulaae but did you thiik they were getting thht much.. - divorce gree!baakrolls... commng up... news that might get you itching... 3&why spring is the moss common time for áhead liie.áand what parrnts should be doing with their children... to aaoid getting the buggs you're watching 3 3 3 & 3 33 p3 3 3 3 3 3 fuiber nap 3 new developments this morninn in a ssory you saw first n fox... involving the off-duty city police officer accused of confrontation with a woman and herr5-yyar-olddgranddauugter. we've learned it's not tte first time he's threatened to use his gun. gun.according to charging documents... the officer pulled his ggn on the wner of &pa baltimorrecounty auto shopp pn dogwood road to avoid paying for repairs to his car. &pin that casee.. the oofiier reckless endangermentttten... just last week... we told you to -1-1 after she encountered the same officer at the exxon tte woman says she almost hit the fficcr as he waaked pehind her car. (rideout) "he told me, you &pneed to pay more attention to what you're doing, you almost got shot. he puuled a un out, waivee it, made it 3 crystal cllar, madeesure i saw " it....""hat inciddnt happened six months ago.we found out the officer as been cleared offany chhrges and is back on tte streets with his gun. meantime, city police say hey can't comment on the officer's actiins because it's a personnel matter. tte seesion issover, but the job isn't complete.lawmakers passed a state budget... but not the ppan to fund it.. &psessiin ended at idnight. - midnnght.john rydell is liie in annapoois with what happpns . now.ááad libáávv roll cue: anger governor o'malley very uuset- the gen assembly failed to advance... ... affordable college 3 p, ford is recalling more than 140-thousand of its foccs models... because of the potential for a wiper-mottr fai. says in certain 2012 models... a seal in the passenner-side windshield wiper may bb missinn.because of that... waaer or other ponnaminantt could accumulate in the connector... causing the wwper to stop workknggford is expeeted to notify owners and ddalers of the problem around next month. the number of people getting experts ssy ssring bbeaa is a pajor time forrhead lice... in the use of hhlmets for biking, baseball, and softball. it's also a timm thattkids are having slumbbr parties.the is ie back ong hair.parents a are also encouraged to check their chhld's head regularly... ann toouss a lice ccmbb nce a week durrng tte schooo yeaa. 3 a tartling report out of thee u-k... where it appeaas a pertility ccinic doctor fathhred as many aa 6-huudded c. children.the london tlegraph is reporting that dootor bertold wiesser apparentty -&u timess.. to fertilize eggg for patientssthe dissooery was maae by 2 men... whh learned phey werr wiesner's biologicall sonss.. after years of determined that átwo-thirdsá of his pattents were fatheree 72... and moos oo his medicall pecords have been destroyed. the winner has come forward... to claim maryland's oel d. mith is live at lottery headquarters now.... pueetions haaeebeenn remain. good morning joel d. good morning patrice... joel addlibs one of them worrs 22full time jobs.... all indicated they all plannto remainnpublic sscool teachers... goinn forward forward but if it caat be you hese n - to see win the lottery ... and it happenedd happened.the lottery ... and ii wwuld want to see wii these are tte peopleeyou to in but iffit cant be you we remain public school teachers... goiig forward &pforwardwe understand ppl want to win but if it cant bbeyou these are the people you would want to seeewin the lottery happened. 3- cominggup... 3 haapened. happened.the lottery ... aad it would want to see win thesee are the people you tt wwn but the people you would want o see win the lottery ... and it . hhppened. 3 3 coming up... curing diabetes... with a little humoo. inneresting diabeticcin the &wo diabetes.the ideo contest prize.. and what else ou can - do today to help find a cure for diabetes. you're waaching fox 45 morning news.. ll local...all porning. ((break 5)) ((ad lib having one of those days? tired. groggy. can't seem to get anything done. it makes for one, lousy day. but when you're alert and energetic... that's different. you're more with it, sharper, getting stuff done. this is why people choose 5-hour energy over 9-million times a week. it gives them the alert, energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. 5-hour energy...when you gotta get stuff done. meteorologiit)) 3 weather kid tease 3 weather kid tease 3 meteorologiit)) weather kid ease 3 3 3 &p3 3 coming up next... a reel-life look... at how children eal with diabetes. we cant have as much um candd we havv to be ccreful cuz of ssgar numbs nuuberstth coonest you can enter.. and what you can do today.. to eel ffnd a cure. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning.. there is something that is missing and i want to tell you that something missing is jesus. it was the beginning of a road of redemption for me. there is forgiveness, a new life, everything in trusting god. take that one step, that is all it takes. i felt like a new person, brand new creation. ill felt like i had had a weight and you get ired oo ittbut its not impossible impoosibbe pasy.buu the juvenile diabetees researrh founddtion is working hard to find a cure.. and make &plife better for diabeticc in the meantime.they're holding a chairrerson for the 2012 t... 3 diabetes... and ellla cavallarr... a youth ambassador for theej-d-r-f join us this morning with more. - bella... tell us a little liitle about juvenile diaaetes..- bella, you entered &pthe "how i tell uu abouutyour entry- st...& pail.. you're big part of theewaak to cure diabetes... that...- tell us abouu the j-d-f ffr more 3&pinfoomation about the j-d-r- ... go to our ebsite.. foxbaltimore dot om slash poming up... itts the night &p"gleeks" everywhere... have singiigngiig for... - pteenew ffce being eatured tonight... in the spring premiere off"glee"... ann whaa &pthht pprson did... to land th role.youure watching fox 45 morning ews.. all local.. all morning. morning ews.. all local.. all morning. glle is back! buying this juicer online was unbelievable. what a bargain! [ female announcer ] sometimes a good deal turns out to be not such a good deal. but new bounty gives you value you can see. in this lab demo, one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. so you can clean this mess with half as many sheets. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. why use more when you can use less? new bounty. the clean picker upper. [ female announcer ] do you know what a difference dove nourishment can make? my hips, they know. my shins, they get it. [ female announcer ] only dove body wash has nutrium moisture and a breakthrough formula that goes beyond moisture to nourish deep down like no other. [ female announcer ] dove body wash. proven effective natural nourishment. ♪ the nourishment of nutrium moisture is also available in all your favourite dove body wash products. the fox commdy will return with all new episodes tonight. canddce ii here with a prrvieww toniggt marks the spring's called "big brother".staas will cover a ""omebbdy hat i usee tt know". pats singing singing 3 white collar's" matt bomer guest stars as cooper anderson, older brother o song helped bomer et a role on the show.hh asked the creator, rran murphy, if he had ever thought about using it as a duet on gleee"ryan week laterrasking him if i wanted to come on the show to from a veterann..jann lynch. she thinks they have iven her great attriaa this season. lynch ays: althoughhshe hasn'ttchanged her stripes shh is sttll insulting everybodd, but her heaat is more present, she's got ore velvet glove on than before." before." you can see the all nnw "glee " tonight at 8-pmmhere on coming uppon ood day baltimore... great things come from creativity of art.we'll how you what we mean... coming up in our hometown're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. having one of those days? tired. groggy. can't seem to get anything done. it makes for one, lousy day. but when you're alert and energetic... that's different. you're more with it, sharper, getting stuff done. this is why people choose 5-hour energy over 9-million times a week. it gives them the alert, energetic feeling they need to get stuff done. 5-hour energy...when you gotta get stuff done. ttesday, april 10th 3 3

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