about the only ones who "like" this.how they're abll to update facebook behind bars... and the chilling status one victim. bad singing nats natsthat way actuully good and.. say what???why rrndy jackson told this wanna be american idol cootesttnt that his auditionnwas good. 3 3 &p -pennsylvania for punxsutawney phil the groundhog -the famous critter expected to come out around 7:25am 3 thursday, february 2nd 3 3 3 3 3 family members of murdered teen, phylicia barnes rally in annapolls.they're fighting for a new plan of action when a person goee missing.megan the bill they're pushing.re on - good morning patrice,it's called phylicia's law.delegate jill carter is the one introducing it.it was in her district, that phylicia barnes dispeared back in decemeber of . 2010.many of the people who helped search for the north carolina teen gatherrd aaain in annapolis wednesday... to remember phylicia but also to highlight the struggles thhy ffced in their search. under phylicia's aw... an action soon s omeone is reported - missing... no 48 hour waiting period.the bill would also require police tt be more open with familes of missing persons especcally in cold cases. 14:22 we can not have our citizens go missing and getting murdered with no answers in sight about wwatever happened they just vanished ff the map and its just too darn bad :31butt bite 25:43 this is bigger than one family can handll. hhndle.in barnes' case... thh teen was ffund. utility workerr spotted her body floating in the susquehana river.but there re others still waiting to find their those fighitng for this bill... say they're aaare thht it willlbe an uphill battle to get this legislatioo approved. but theyytell us, they're ready for it.megan gilliland, two new jersey police officers are being hailed heroes this morning... for puuling a man from a burning car.and it was camera."open the door. et of - you ccn see one officer car!" - running without hesitation to a burning car in a driveway... trying to determine if someone is inside.the door is locked... and she can't see through the smoke.the other officer then runs toofind somethinn to break in the &pwindow.seconds later... they pull the victim o safety. (first sot) "in this jobb you know it's going to be a split second decision." -butt to- courageous. there were flames very lucky." the victim was treated and released at a nearby hospital.he says he's just grateful to be alive. authorities areenow investigating... to determine what caused the fire. an old emetery won't get in the way of plans to build a new movie theeter in towson... according to developers. the shealey cemetery off shealy avenue is the burial site for family members. but some fear the plot could be ddstuubed or even removed to make room for aanew multi-million dollar movie theater and underground garage. jim jones/paranormal researcher: 1:58 for the undergroond garage it could make it unstable it could pause the emetery tt collaspe 4 04a spooesperson for the theater's evelopers ... ssys the cemetery will remainnin place ... and be apppopriately protected during construction of the project. an old horse has a new honor in glen arm. "merlin" is the 2011 "therapy horse of the year". joel d. smith is live at the farm where this champion is teaching children with speciil needs, just how special he is. good morning joel dd 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 coming up... say the wood... and she'll say it backwards. backwaads.spelling nats nats what makes this youtube star... evee more impressive. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all ocal.. all morning. ((bu brad and jill in accounting? crazy! coffee and chocolate. mocha. ooh! who's mocha? for the perfect blend of coffee and chocolate, try a mocha coffee or latte today. i'm drinkin' dunkin'. definitely dunkin'. you know, i need to get that jolt in the morning, but i want something good to do that. you can't mistake the flavor. i run on dunkin'. tell us what you're drinkin' for a chance to be famous. america runs on dunkin' coffee. valentine'ssday gifts at ss - corradetti glassblowing studio --meteorologist emily racey is live with the details oo this morning's hometown hotspot --make your palentine something really special, or plan this firey acciviiy together and make eech other a gift. --transform molten glass into a 3 inch floatinn heart solid paperweight 3 3you can make your for ages 21 and up and ry 10th saturday february 11th for ages 8 and up. love is in the air here at fox45.ww've chosennfour finalist couples.. in our wedding in a week contest.one of them will get married live on fox44 morning ews... just dayy from today.every morning this week we'll meet another finalist couple on fox45 morning news. couple.. just go to our website foxbaltimore dot com or go to our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore.the winner gets a 36-thhusand doollr wedding. wedding.it's all brought to you by the baltimore bridal show... at the baltimore convention center saturday and sunday.for more information and tickets go to baltimore bridal show doo com. with all this warm weather... it ay feel more like spring... than winter.but there's one big downside.the pwo allerrens sticking around... to make peopll sick. singing nats nats and it's not his fault... hh sounded this way. at least that's what this "american idol" contestaat says... about his performance. the funny excuse... he gives. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) new this morning... the coontry is mourninn the loss of don cornelius.the crrator of "soul train" died wednesday... from a gunshot wound to the head.authorities believe it was self-inflicted. cornelius was 75 years old. trrcy morgan's mom is speaking out... about her comedian soo.alicia mmrgan tells c-n-n she's facing foreccosure on her home after losing her job last year... aad asked her son for 25-thousand dollars... but he refused.tracy morgan released a statement wednesday night... saying he's saddened by these untrue stories and that he has had limited contact with his mother for the past 11 years. a big announcemeet is expected this afternoon... he will endorse a candidate... since the nevada presidential caucuses are just two days away... last year... the jumping into the race but decided against it. so far... several potential candidates have met with trump during their campaign ruus. 3 american idol ttaes its searrh for the next superstar to portland... but instead they found ben. ben.singing nats nats ben sang "bbrn this waa" ... and told the judges he was sick.. whichhlimitee his rangg. but even in good health.. the judges didn't think he was amerrcan idol mateeial.still.. they let him down easy. in the crazieet weirdest way that way actually good but it wws better terribleyoure cute.. iihav a feeliig its no &&pno and bbn was right.. he didn't make it to hollywood. hollywood.american idol ccntinues tooiggt at 8 right here on fox45. coming up... the bizarre skill... that'' turned one girl... into a yyutube star. star.spelling nats nats how loog it takes her... to say any word ábackkards.á and endiig the combat mission in afghanistan... ahead of schedule.what deadline the obama administration is now setting. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all llcal.. all morning. ((break 3) ♪ [ male announcer ] we touch a lot of things throughout the day. so it's nice that clorox disinfecting products help kill the germs that can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours. ♪ feels sweet when i can touch you ♪ its smooth taste spreads across your bread's delicate surface. ohhh! it's i can't believe it's not butter! fresh butter taste with less saturated fat than butter go ahead. cheat on butter. is there a prize in there? oh, there's a prize, all right. is it a robot? no. is it a jet plane? nope. is it a dinosaur? [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] inside every box of heart healthy cheerios are those great tasting little o's made from carefully selected oats that can help lower cholesterol. stickers? uh-uh. a superhero? ♪ kinda. [ male announcer ] and we think that's the best prize of all. ♪ are talking this morning, lies about a proposal to end u-s fighting in afgganistan. as niiette sosa explains... defense secretary leon panetta says he wants to speed up the timeeable to make that happen. pappee. -helicopter nats--the u-s pilitary and nato want to enn their combat mission in afghanistan a year ahead of schedule.the obama administration had set deadline of 2014 to end the fightiig.but defense secretary leon panetta says he hopes the mission will shift o a 2013.president obama painted - an optimistic picture of u-s progress in afghanistan during his ttte of the union address last month."the taaiban's &pmomentum has been broken and some troops in afghanistan have begun to come home."but a &pleaked nnto report has raised concerns about what will happen in afghanistan once coalition troops pull out.the are confident they'll be ready to take over.nato is of thh report.but republican presidential hopeful mitt romney slammee defense secrettry panetta forrpublicly revvaling -s plans to end the &pcombat mission early."hee announced that so the taliban hears it, the pakistanis hear it, the affhan leaders hear it. why in the world do you go to the people you're fighting with and ttll them your troops. it makes out - absolutely no sense."u-s officials say no plans for the final until a nato meeting in reporting. coming up... inmates....using facebook.the recent situation... that has one family ddmanding justice. ((megan live tease))family members of phylica barnes rally for change.i'mm egan gililand the bill ttey're pushing for and how it could help other families of missing kids.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) trannportation dollars needed. what the state did with a billiin doolar trust fund.... on fox 45 news at 5530. groundhog day -punxsutawney phil the groundhog-the famous critter expected to come out around 7:25am 3 3 3 fiber map the family of phylcia frustration with the way police hhndled her murder case. bill that could help other famililes of missing people. megan gilliland is here with mmre on phylicia's law. good mornnng patrice,delegate jill carter is the one intrrducing phylicia's law.it was in her district, that phylicia barnes dispeared back in decemeber of 2010. 2010.many of the people who helpee search for the north parooina teenngathered again innannapolis wednesday... to remember phylicia but also to hhghlight the struggles they faced in theii searchh under phylicia's law... an action soon as someone is reported missing... no 48 hour waiting period.the bill would also require pplice to be more open with familes of missing persons especially in cold &pcases. 13:12:15 if they ask what's going on with the case... they're told were working on it.14:07 what we don't have right nowwit's all scattered.28:51 shine light where there is nothing but dark. darkness.in barnes' case... the teen was found. utility 3 workers spotted her body floating in the susquehana riier.but there are others still waiting to find their loved ones. those fighitng for this bill... say they're aware that it will be an uphill battle to get ttis legislation approved. but they tell us, they're ready for it.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. 3 ffrst on fox... inmates behind bars... on facebook.it's a surppising allegatton that brings to light the need for a crackdown &pon contraband behind bars..ow one family is demanding justice... after the suspect death... posted aaout the case in his statts updates. updates.you can see charles johnson... alsooknown on as "chucky t" .. in his cell in his profile picturr. hh's an inmate at the baltimore city detentionn phone o post statuses ... and send messages to witnessss. 3(mr. homas/victim's father) "and it was on facebook.. and that just went right thrrugh me. i mean how can a man even have a ellphone in aajail right..it's just not right.""- it is illegal for a cell phone.a spokksperson released this staaement aaout johnson's case.it reads in part.... "while it cannot be asccrtained at this point that these alleggtions are &paccurate, b-c---c staff is putting its full resources into the investigation." a plan to extend maryland driver's license renewals from tough opposition one mom is on a crusade to stop the legissation from passing.. . because her son was killed last year by an elderly driver. nathan krasnapoler was riding his bike near johns hopkins university last february... when he was hit by an 88 year old driver. now she's lobbyyng hard for laws that will make the rrads safer. (mom)"mom'' got tireddof buuying their children and the laws were not protecting the roads from drunk drivers.. this is the exact same situatio" pituation" the 84 year old driver involved in the fatal accident was given traffic citations... and reportedly voluntarily gave up her license. but requuring drivers to have their cognitive skills periodically checked to make sure thee are safe drivers. docttrs are seeing a spike in say the unseasonably waam they weather ácouldá be the culprit. without a deep frost stickinn around and growing mold spores are way above nn - average. and with mild winter weather predicted for theerest &pof the month... doctoos say springtime allergies may be coming a lot soonee. an amazing horse n plen aam is receiving an honor usually reserved for horses half his age. "merlin" the year". joel d. smith is live at the farm wwere this champion helps children with autism and good morning joel d. d. 3 just say the word... and she can say it backwards. backwards.((:33 combos...sobmoc) combos...sobmoc...)) 3alyssa has the skill to pronounce words backwards... &pin three ssccnds or less. th oklahoma girl's tallnt has hit youtube... making her a risingg star. commng uu... nevee-before-seen video... of the moon.why the images yoo're seeing... are so rare. 45 morning newss. all local.. all morning. 3 to brrak ((break 5)) 3 ((ad lib meteoroolgist)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3- 3 3 meteorologist)) 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 it's our every week.. we'll bring - you a deal from mobideals... whhch provides coupons directly to your cell ppone! phone!this week's deal comes from... patapsco amish farmers market.get 10 percenttoff all food vendors. dot-com to get started.. or look for mobideals on your ssar. smartphone. mobideals s a product of our parent company.. sinclair broadcast group. it's groundhog day! his shadow?we take you live to pennsylvania... where te celebrations are already underway.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. new this morning... at least following a late-night soccer riot.this is video out of egypt... where fans rushed onto the field... following a home team victory. it'ss being called the world's deadliest aat of violence at a soccer match in more than 15 years. some folks in oklahomm ann texas got an unexpected light show late wednesday night.it was all caught on the dash camera of a police cruuser. watch the left side of your screen... see that llttle ball move across?the federal it was likely a meteor.n says you're looking at never-before-seen video... of the moon.the video was shot by one on two nasa spacecrafts... that arrived in lunar oobit on new year's day.it shows the far side of the moon... which includds a crater caused by an ancient cosmic impact.nasaa says it's extremely rare to see this side of the moon. is videe vo))) this - from the night a baltimoree city police officer was gunned down by fellow officers. officer william torbit was killed while he was working undercover at a civilian was also killed that night and several others hurt. torbitts killlng sparked a lot of outrage and questions abouttpplice proccdure and training. last week, police commissioner frrd bealefeld announced some new hires ... one of which is a new person tt lead the city's praining unit.talk show hhst and former police commissioner ed norris joins us, for this weeks fox undercover.-there is a new director of internal affairs .. and a new chief to lead the training division .. how much will that change the ccltureegoing outside the aggncy .. does that prove that they're trying to cahnge things -doessthat indicate the commissioner thinks there is a problem that needs to be fixed -towing scandal ... friendly fire death sparked this-named someone else toooversee thee &pre-writing of department policies .. hope it will leadd to accreditation from a national lae enforcement commission-commissioner says there is a broken relationship with the community taht needs to be fixed///ess//// you can hear ed norris monday through friday on sports monnay through hear ed norris you can 3&phear ed norrrs monday throug friday on sports radio 105-seven 'the fan' from 5 to 10 a-m. coming up... the 5 most dangerous appliances... to have in your hooe.one of them... is dishwasher.we'll list... and what you need to know... to keep your family safe.you're watching fox 45 morning. ((break )) home appliannesscause an estimated 150-thousand fires a year... resultiig in 150 deaths and more than 5- hundred million dollars inn property damage. this morning... a new consumer reports investigation turns up some disturbing findingg. (v/o)the fire that spreed through this home sttrted in the kitchen. the cause - aa toaster, according to fire officials. (sot)"it was just horrendous, juss horrendous. what wasn't destroyed by ire was destroyed by smoke and water damage." (v/o)and this fire, homeowners say, started in their dishwasher while they were out of the pouse. (v/o)officials, this fire started n a microwave, even though the homeowners say it wasn'ttin use. coosumer reports reviewed 69-thousand reports of house fires blamed on appliances between 2002 and 2009. its investigation found a siggificant number were not caused by human error.(sot)"we found at least 23 percent are clearly attributable tt problems with the appliances - echanncal, electrical, or design flaws. in some instances, the appliances turned on by ttemselves."(v/o)faulty appliances causing the most fires were ranges, followed by dryers, air conditioners, refrigerators, aad diihwashers. (sot: dan diclerico)"in the lass five years, more than seven million dishwashers have been recalled due to defects that could cause a fire. and nearly eight million other appliances have beee recalled f check if an appliance you own has been recalled, you can go to recalls-dot-gov. why are there so many recalls due to fire hazards?(sot: dan diclerico)"appliances have gotten a lot more complex, so more can go wrong. and many pecalled products areebeing manufaccured abroad, the mmjoriiy in china." (v/o) consumer reports [ male announcer ] juice drink too watery? ♪ feel the power my young friend. mmm! [ male announcer ] for excellent fruit and veggie nutrition... v8 v-fusion, also refreshing plus tea. could've had a v8. when you pour chunky beef with country vegetables soup over it... you can do dinner. four minutes, around four bucks. campbell's chunky. it's amazing what soup can do. taking action now.the proposed bill named after phylicia barnes... that would change the way we search for missinn kids. 3 are we in for a long winter?we bring you punxsutawneyyphii's predictiin... as it happens.. live. singing nats nats and.. we kkow she can sing.. but she's not ssre that she &pshould.the very personal question this idol contestant asked j-lo beforeeaccepting her golden ticket to hollywood. 3 3 today is thursday, februaryy2nd. 3 3 3 3 3 family members of murdered teen, phylicia barnes rally in annapolis.they're fighting for a new plan of action when a person goes missing.megan gilliland is here with more on the bill thhy're pushing. good morning patrice,it's jill cartee is the one elegate - introducing it.it was in her district, that phhlicia barnes dispeaaed back in decemeber of . 2010.many of the peopleewho helped search for the north carolina teen gathered again in annapolis wednesday... o remember phylicia but alss to highlight the strugglls they faced in their search. under ppylicia's law... an action plan wwuld go into effect as soon as someone is reported missing... no 48 hour waiting period.the bill would also require police to be more open with familes of missing persons especially in cold cases. 14:22 we can not have our getting murdered with no answers in sight about whatever happened they juss vanished off the map and its just too darn bad :31butt bite faaily can handle.er than onee handle.in barres' case... the teen was found. utility workers spotted her body floating in the suuquehana river.but there are others still waiting to find their loved ones. those fighitng for this pill... say they're aware that it will be n uphill battle to get this legislation approved. but they tell us, they're ready for it.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. police need yourrhelp to find the man who robbed two omen outside a restaurant in north happened around 8 o'clock at - the "petit louis" restaurant. you can see several police cars in roland park... near the scene of the crime.police say a man approached the pair as they were getting in their car... nd demanded their purses... threatening to shoot them. car, grrbbee one of the the victim that was outside th and ggt scared off and left the location" if you have any information... contact citt authoritiis. fox45 teams up with the most popular crime-mapping website. "spotcrime" tracks criminal and willlsend youuemails whee - crime happens.go to fox baltimore dot com to sign up ... click on "spot crime" in the "hot topics" section. 3 governor o'malley declares the state of maryland "strong". "strong".but in yesterday's "state of theestate" address... he called for many tax hikes aimed at reducing the state's one billion dollar deficit.the governor wants a 6 percent sales tax on gas... phased in over 3 years. (governor) "we might soon pay an even steeper price because briddes are not like trees. they do not grow stronger or broader with age." age."(szeliga) "everybody is just up in arms and and there isn't a will for the people to pay more taxes today." today."the goverror also wants to double the flush tax on to see more of the governor's state of the state aadress,,go to fox baltimorr dot com and click on "raw news." e follow the money in the proposed 2013 stateebudget. budget.there's a lot of talk about transportation money. next year's budget is almost 3-point-6 billion dollars... almost 200 million more than 20. 2012.753 million would come from the gas tax and fees... and ttat's before the governor's proposed gas tax inc. increase.711 illion comes from the "titling tax" tax"371 million comes from registration fees. if the gas tax increase passes...it can't be challenged because it's an appropriations bill."amerrcans for prosperity" began a petition drive so you can let your lawmakers know what you see the petition at fox baltimore dot com.look for topics."e ggs tax" under "hot a plan to extend maryland driver's license renewals from five to eiggt years is facing tough opposition one mom is on a crusade to stop the legislation from passing.. . last year by an elderly led driver. nathan krasnapoler was riding his bike near johns hopkins university last feeruary... whee he was hht by an 84 year old driver. now she's lobbying hard for laws that will make the roads safer. (mom)"mom's got tired of burying thhir children and the laws were not protecting the roads from drunk drivers.. this is the exact same situatio" situation"drunk driiers.. this is the exact same situatio" situation" the 84 year old driver involved in the fatal accident was given traffic citations... gave up her license. but there are currently no laws requiring drivers tt have their cognitive skills perioddcally checkee to make sure they are safe drivers. an old hoose has a new honor in glen arm. "merlin" is the 2011 "therapy joel d. smith is live at the farm where this champion is teaching chillren with special needs, juut how speeial he is. good morning joel d. 3 3 &p3 a 13-year-old boy with kidney disease will gee to go to the super bowll thanks to a generous man in maine. maine.kyle parrish won two tickets in a raffle through on a job in indiina abbut five years ago, he volunteered at the library at an indianapolii children's hospital.he says his experience as a volunteer made him realize hhw important a welcome distraction can be to a sick child... and their family.after winning the tickets, he immediitely thought of the ronald mcdonald house in indiann. by giving one set of super bool tickets anddknowing i can change this kidd and his mom's life for just an afternoon or able to go to a super bowl and sit there and see kelly clarkson sing the nattonal anthhm or madonna sing at half time and just all the pomp and everything, for me it's the biggest thrill ever everparrish ssysshe's hoping the gift will motivate otherss toodo something similar. 3coming up... ttat missed kick ... will probably haunt billy cundiff for awhile...but will ii affect his future with the ravens?the latest person whose in his corner. you're watching ffx 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) brad and jill in accounting? crazy! coffee and chocolate. mocha. ooh! who's mocha? for the perfect blend of coffee and chocolate, try a mocha coffee or latte today. i'm drinkin' dunkin'. definitely dunkin'. you know, i need to get that jolt in the morning, but i want something good to do that. you can't mistake the flavor. i run on dunkin'. tell us what you're drinkin' for a chance to be famous. america runs on dunkin' coffee. 3 3 3 loveeis in the air here finalist couples.. in our of them will get married live on fox45 morning news... just days from today.every morning this week we'll meet anotter finalist couple on fox45 morning news. news.to voteefor your favorite website foxbaltimore dot com or go to our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore.the winner gets a 36-thousand dollar wedding. wedding.it's all brought to you by thh bbltimore bridal show... at the baltimore convention center saturday and sunday.for moreeinformation and tickets go to baltimore bridal show dot com. still ahead.. on whether punxsutawny phil sees his shadow.we're live in peenslyvania... for the big eve. event. 3 new this morning...one stabbiin and ffve other shootings... make for one violent night in baltimore. that stabbing on erdmaa avenue in northeast baltimore. apparently there was an argument on a city bus thatt then lead to violence. the suspect is still on the loose this mmrning. then... in southeast baltimore, a 26-year old man was shot on mootford avenue... south of east monument street. he was sitting innfront of one of the homes when someone shot him seven times.he is in stable condition this morning. morning.four other shootings are scattered across the city on this map.we just got off the phone with policc and ccnfirmed that final shooting you see there in south baltimore. the sudden end to baltiiore. the sudden end to the ravens season and super bowl dreams leet everyone with a lot of questions.one of the biggest ones is what will happen billy cundiff?missed a kick that would have tied the game against the patriots... &psending it into overtime.the their kicker... and at the annual state f the ravens conference wednessaa... the owner did, too.two other big questions were also answered wednesday.the ravens made clear that running back ray pice and quarterback joe team. a soocer riot in egypt leaves at least seventy-three people dead...and a thhusand injured. the riot was between two of the ccuntry's most successful teams. reports say the stadium was on fire as people stormed the field. it's said to be the worst disaster in the country's soccer history. authorities alled off the &pmatch... because of the rioting. 3 --make your own blown glass valentine's day gifts at corradetti glassblowing studio --meteorologist emily gracey is live with theedetails on this morning's hometown hotspot --make your valenttne something really special, or plan this firey activity together and make each othee a gift. --transform molten glass into heart solid paperweight p3 -3 you can make your own pvlentine blown glass february &p100h for ages 21 and up and saturdayyages 8 and up. still to come.. ages 8 and up.february 11th for saturday ages 21 and up and february 10th for ages 21 and up and saturday february 11th for ages 8 and up. 3 3 -3 it's february second.. and looks like.checkkout this vvdeo from this time last year.. people sccaping ice off for another round of snow. snow.instead... this is what maryland looks like today.ii's be aa unseassnalby warm week. yesterday we hit a high of mid 50's. 50's. the search continues for the next "american idol"... idol"...nats.. pats..nats.. nats.. she had the judges singing along.the important question this contestant... asked one of the jjdges. yyu're watching fox 45 mmrning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) ooo trannportation dollars needed. what the state did with a billiin doolar trust fund.... on fox 45 news at 5530. ♪me and you, a little rendezvous.♪ ♪that special something that will carry you through...♪ ♪that little reward for all the things you do.♪ luscious, creamy filling, perfectly combined with our intense, slow-melting chocolate, the one and only ghirardelli squares chocolate. for all the things you do. ghirardelli. moments of timeless pleasure. 3 3 fibee ap the family of phylcia barnes... ii expressing their frustration with the way police handled her murder case. they're rallying ffr a new bill that could help other famililes of missing people. megan gilliland is here with more on phylicia's law. good morning patrice,delegate jill carter is the one introducing phylicia's law.it was innher district, that phylicia barnes dispeared back in decemeber of 2010. 2010.many of the people who helped search for the north carolina teen gathered again in annapolis wednesday... to remember phylicia but also to highlight the struggles they faced in their search. unner ppylicia's law... an action plan would go into effect as sson as someone is reported missing... no 48 hour waiting period.the bill would also require police to be more open with familessof missing persons especially in cold cases. 13:12:15 if they ask what's they're told were working on it.14:07 what we need is an action plan. we ddn't have right now it's all scattered. 28:51 shine light where there is nothing but darkness. darkness.in barnes' case... the teen was found. utility floating in the susquehana river.but there are others still waiting to find their loved ones. those fighitng for his &pbill... say they're aware tha it will be an uphill battle to get this legislatiin approved. but they tell us, they're ready ffr it.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. this taxi driver is facing charges for sexualll assaulting a 14 year old girl. policeesay thhe victim was standing at a bus stop at the in august... when 56 year old ted bryant offered her a ride home. she got into his taxi and was sexually assaulted before being dropped off on baker street. d-n-a evidence helped link bryant tt the attack. &ptwo new jjrsey police officer are being hailee heroes this morning... for pulling a man from a burning car.and ii was all captured... on dashboard ca. camera."open the door. get of the car! get out of the car!" you can see one officer running without hesitation to a burning car in a driveway... trying toodetermine if someone is inside.the door is locked... and she can't see through the smoke.the other offfcer then runs to find something to break in the window.seconds later... they pull the viitim to safety. (first sot) "in this job, you know it's going to be a split second decision." -buut to- (1:06))"she was very courageous. there were flames all aaound him.. so he's very, very lucky." the victim was treated hospital.he says he's just grateful to be alive. authorities aae now investigating... to determine what caused the fire. the music world is mourning the loss of don cornelius.the creator of "soul train" died wednesday... from a gunshot wound to he head.authorities cornelius was 75 years old. peace love and soooouuuullll soooouuuullllmeanwhile... 92-q and 95-9 asked soul train fans to come to their studios in woodlawn last night... to remember don cornelius.many fans danced through a soul train line... and credit soul train for teaching them how to dance.cornelius was 75 years old. 3 3american idol takes its search for the next superstar to portl. portland.singing nats nnts britnee kellog sang the classic "you're no good"". and even had the judges singing along. &pi like the attitude th vibe love that!yes yes youre going to 3hollywwod hollywoodbriinee is a mother of two.. and asked j-lo f sse recommends getting into the business when you have children.j-lo told her thatt her own kids were right next door and her mom is also on the set to help.. and ssid your dream will make them stron. ssronger.american idol continues tonight at 8 riiht here on fox45. n amazing horse in glen arm is receiving an honor usually reserved for horses half his age. "merlin" the year". joel d. smith is live at the farm where this champion helps children with autism and other special needs. &pd. morning joel d. 3 3&pstill to come.. the magical world of disney... is coming to baltimore.disney pn ice ii celebratingg100 years of magicyou're about 30 mmnutes away from your opportunity to go ... for free. free. you'rr ((bump in)) ((ad lib meeeorologist)) 3 3 3 are you caught up? up?nnw research says...adults areemore likely to miss important immunizztions because either they thought they had them as a child... or &ppon't understand the ones the. need. we have an expert live in our studio taking your calls about adults immunizations...and find out the main five you need.you can give us a call at 410- 481- 4545.or send us a tweet at pox baltimoreyou can post your questions on our facebook page. you're watching foxx45 morning neww.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) 3 3 are you up to date on your vaccines ... and i'm not talking about the kids. all of you adults out there ... have áyouá bben vaccinated lately. chances are .. you haven't. we typically make sure the kids have all the hots and protection they eed .... but don't forget about yourseef. yourself. for this week's take action thursday ... liida davies .. a nurse practittoner with minute clinic .. joins us with the 5 must-have vaccines for adults. -flu shot -t-dap ... is for tetanus, diptheria and whooping cough-pneumonia --hv-meningitis-how often do you need this vaccines after the break, linda davies with minute clinicwilll e backk to take your calls about vaccines for adults. iffyou haae a question our 410-481--545. you &pcan send us a weet at fox baatimore... or go through our facebook page. you're watching fox 45 morring news.. ((break 7)) watching fox 45 morring news.. ((break 7)) ((y." are making me thirsty!" this u.s. isn't shy about extraditing criminals and terrorists... except when it comes to a certain kind of terrorist. so a special office was created to fix that... yet in the 7 years since that office opened here at doj, not one palastinian who's been involved in terror against americans has been extradited or even indicted to face justice here in the u.s. why america is reluctant to pursue palastinian terrorists... on the "700 club" thursday. we're back with nurse practitioner linda davies with minute clinic. she is taaing your calls about vaccines for adults ...for our take action t. thursday.if you have a questionn.. our phone lines are open now at 410-481-4545. you can send us a tweet at fox baltimore... orrgo through our facebook page. doris - park heights andrew- bmore bmore 33 michael :"how oftennare you supposed to schedule routine v" vaccinations?"&3 hour.. up in our 8 o'clock meet the fourth and final couple vying to wwn our "wedding in a week" contest. find out how these lovebirds met met. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3 (mm. homas/victim's father) "and it was on facebook.. and that ust went right through me. inmates... are just about the only ones who "like" this.how they're able to update facebook behind bars... aad the chilling status one convict posted about his victim. married live on fox45 morning news.we meet our finaa wedding ouu why they think they deserve your vote.plus-- what they were doing right before this picture was taken. six weeks of winter it must be beand . it's like a bad case of deja vu.punxsutawney phil sees his shadow again... &pmeaning six more weeks of winter.but there's something that's giving usshere at fox45... deja vu. 3 3 3 3 fox455.. deja vu. 3 3 they say we're young and we ddn't nowwon't ffnd out until we growwell i don't know if all that's true 'caase you got me, and baby i got youbbbe got yoo babei got you babe babe-happy groundhog day!- this is the ong that bill murray heard every morning in the movie thursday, february 2nd 33 33 3 3 3 one stabbing and four other shootingg... make for one violent night in baltimore. paltimore.you're looking at the scene of that stabbing on erdman avenue in northeast baltimore.apparently thhre was an argument on a city bus that then lead to the violence. the suspect is still on the loose this morning. then... in southeast baltimore, a 26-year old mann was shot on montford aaenue... south of east monument street. he was sitting in front of one of the homes when someone shoo stabll condition this morning. morning.here's a look at the violence scattered across the city on this map.... including p double shooting in the 57-hundred block of nasco &pplace.one of the victims walked intt good samaritan to is face.officers reeurned to the scene and found a second victim shot to death in a car. 3family members of murdered teen, phylicia barnes rally in annapoois for change... change......supporting a new bill called... phylicia's law. delegate jill carter is the oneeintroducing t.it was in her district, that phylicia decemeber of 2011.under phyliiia's law... an action plan would go into effect as soon as someone is reported misssng.the bill wouud also require police to be more open with familes of missing personn esppcially in cold cases. citizens go missing and r getting murdered with no answers in sight aboutt whateeer happened they just vanished off the map and its just too darn bbd :31butttbite 25:43 this is bigger than one famill can handle. handle.in barnes' case... the teen was found. utility workers spotted her body floating in the susquehana river.but therr are others still waiting to find their loved ones. the united states and &pnnto will end their combat miision ii afghanistan next yea. year.defense secretary leon panetta says the goal is to transition from a combat role to an afghan training role... by mid-20-13.the obama administration had set a deadline of 20-14 to end the war in afghanistan.france announced just days ago that it will withdraw its troops the number of suspected terrorists on our country's "no fly list"... as doubled over the past year.according to government figures... 21- list... compared to the he - 10-thousand who were on it last year.while most people on the list are from other countries... about 5- hundred are americans.the governnent believes the terror threat extends well beyond allqaida. doctors are seeing a spike in allergy sufferers... and they say the unseasonably warm weather ácouldá be the culprit. without a deep frost like ii winters''past.. expertt say allergens are stickingg around and growing allergen lab says pollen and average. and with mild winter weather predicted for the rest of the mooth... doctors say springtime allergies may be coming a lot sooner. an old horse has a new honor in glen arm. "merlin" is the 2011 "therapy horse of the yeaa". joel d. smith is live at the farm where thisschampion is teaching children with special needs,,just how special he is. good morning joel d. 3 3 -3 disney on ice... is coming to baltimore. baltimore.your chance to win tickets... is minutes away. spelling nats nats and say the word... and she'll say it backwards.what makes this youtube star... even more 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) does your cable company keep charging you more... and more... and more? stop paying so much for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online: just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years. you save $600. go to verizon.com/greatprice to sign up now and get $300 back with a two-year contract. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers superior picture quality, more hd, plus america's fastest, most consistent and most reliable internet. why keep paying so much for cable? switch to fios at our best price... $89.99 a month with a two-year price guarantee. plus, get $300 back with a two-year contract... or choose no annual contract. ordering online is easy... you can even chat live with a fios agent. visit verizon.com/greatprice. that's verizon.com/greatprice. fios. a network ahead. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 1-800-974-6006 3 3 3 3- 3 3 3 --make your own bbown glass valentine's day gifts at corradetti glassblowing studio studio --meteorologist emily gracey is live with the details on this morning's hometoow hotspot something really special, or plan this firey activity pogether and make each other a gift. --transform molten glass into a 3 inch floating heart solid paperweight 3 you can make your own valentine blown glass hearts on riday february 10th for 11th for ages 8 and up. coming up... coming up... it'ssone of the hottest new restaurants in baltimore.we take you inside "ten ten" for a tour... next. and never-before-seen video... of the moon.why the images you're seeing... are so rare. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) 3 a new restaurant in baltimore is earnnng rave reviews from pood critics.after reading them, i was tempted to try "ten ten ".my taste buds thanked me.ss for this week's "whats hot" i'm inviting you to take a tour. tour. (((pkg))) tucked away from the hustle and bustleeof harbor east and little italy... you'll find ten ten.. a new pop of fllvor to baltimore. 33:40--ts close enough to the harbor so you can feel ambiance of water but its sophissicaed but not stuffy, its everything rolled into one nats: nside restaurnat the maan ingredient for ten tens success is the food. 30:08-nats:caesar salad no anchovies, 33:05-theres nobody in our neck of the woods thats doing whaa & ten ten is located at 1010 fleet street in baltimore.for mooe information, call 410----244----6867 or log on to our website, fox baltimore dot com. coming up... we meet our 4th and final couple... competing in our wedding in a wwek contest.do they have what it takes to win your vote?we'll let you decide... next.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) 3 they're young and in love and they want you to pick them.. to get married live on fox45 morning news. it's our wedding in a week contesttand we meet our fourth and final... finalist couple. nicholas stamathis and kristen wrzesien join us this morning. - what made you want to enter the contest? contest? 3 3contest? contest?want to enter the - what made you want to enter the contess? contest? & - tell about your meet etc.ááask about d you proposal!!!ááá- what do you think proposal!!!áááááask about proposal!!!ááá- what do you think about baltimore picking out the details of your big day?- are you ready to get married next friday?? you can decide which of our finalist couples will be married live on fox45 mooning news next friday.our four finalists' stories are on our website.go to foxbaltimore dot com to vote for who you think should win.you can also vote facebook dot com slash foxbaltiomre.the wiiner willl be married live on the air next ffiday. friday.it's all brought to you by theebaltimore bridal show... at the baltimore convention center saturday and sunday. for more informaaion and tickets go to baltimore bridal show dot com. coming up... the bizarre skill... that's turned one girl... into a youtube star. star. spelling nats natshow long it takes her... to say any word ábackwards.á you're watching fox 45 morning news.. aal local.. all morning. ((break 4)) i just had it with cable. it just got more frustrating and frustrating. a lot of times, the picture would break up. for the amount of money that i am paying, my cable company should take care of me. [ male announcer ] stop paying for second best. move up to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years. first time we saw tv on fios was amazing! i was just in a trance watching it. i'm discovering new channels every day. [ male announcer ] and here's a special bonus: sign up now and get $300 back with a two-year contract. fios internet -- the speed, you can't compare. i'm able to take care of things much faster now. [ male announcer ] start saving now. move up to fios for our best price online -- $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years and get $300 back with a two-year contract. or ask us about the option of no annual contract. is change good? in this case, change is very good. [ male announcer ] visit verizon.com/greatprice. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's verizon.com/greatprice. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so delicious...so fun. here's a better idea... pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits. in just 15 minutes, the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands! dinner ideas made easy. it's february second.. and this is what februury usually looks like.cceck out this video from this time last year.. people scraping ice off their waiting for another round of snow. snow.iistead... this is 3snow. snow.instead... this is instead... this is what maryland looks like today.it's be an unseasonalby warm week. yesterday we hit a high of 70.. and today we'll be in tte mid 50's. 50's.with all thissnice weather.. it can be hard to remeeber that it's winter.but &pa little someooe is here o remind us. this is punxsutawnee phil... just an hour ago... emerging from his burrow.it's grouudhog day... and that means it was tiie ffr him to tell us if we'll see six more weeks of winner.unfortunely for us.. he saw it!groundhog fun facts:- if he sees his ssadow it meens a longer winter- if he does not see meens an early spring- last year he id shadow- there has only punnsutaney phhl. llgend.. he drinks a special "groundhog punch" once a year which gives him of life--the in the 1266h prediction.- punxsutawney phillwas named after kkng phillip.named phil 3 fiber map 3 3 first on fox... inmates behind bars... on facebookk it's a surppising allegation thaa brings to light the need for aacrackdown on contraband demanding justice... after the suspect accused in thier son's death... posted about the case in his staaus updates. updates.you can see charres johnson... also knoon as "chucky t" .. in his cell in his profile picture. he's an inmate at the baltimore city detention center... who's using his cell phone to post statuses ... and send messages to witnesses. (mr. thomas/victim's father) "and it was on facebook.. and that just went right through me. i mean how can a an even hhve a cellphone in aajail ccll.. it's just not right.. right." it is illegal for inmates in maryland to possess a cell phone.a detention center, released this statement about johnson's pase.it reads in part.... "while it cannot be these allegations are accurate, b-c-d-c staff is putting its full resources into the investigation." a plan to eetend maryland driver's licenne renewals from five to eight years is facing ttugh opposition one mom is on a crusade to stop the &pleggslation from passing.. . because her son was killed last year by an elderly driver. nathan krasna-poler was riding his bike near johns hopkins universityylast february... when he was hit by an 84 year oll driver. now she's lobbying hard for laws that will make the roads safer. (mom)"mom's got tired of burying their children and the laws were not protecting the roads from drunk drivers.. this is the exact same situatio" situation" the 84 year old driver involved in the fatal accident was given traffic citations... and reporredly... voluntarily gave up her license. but there are currentlyyno laws their cognitive skills e periodically hecked to make sure they are safe drivers. nevvr-before-seen video... f the moon. pooo.this video was shot by one on two nasa spacecraftt... that arrived in lunar orrit oo new yeer's day.it shows the far side of the moon... which includes a crater caused by an annient cosmic impact.nasa says it's extremely rare to an amazing horse in glennarm is receiving an honor usually reserved for horses half his age. "merlin" is the 2211 "therapy horse of the year". jool d. smith is live at the farm where this champion helps children with autism and other speciallneeds. good morning joel . d. 3 3 3 our veryyown fox45 baltimore idol hallie day made it to auditions.so would thh bubbly sam gershman from howard counny.. do mmryland proud too... in portland? portland?singing nats nats unlike hallie day... thee judges were not big fans of sam's perky broadway style. youd make a good easter bunny but im jewish so... its too broadday for idol thats okay pe're not saying dont doothis no no keep goinggbut work ing things ii u wanna do ts &pthis american idol continues tonight at 8 right here oo fox45. say the word... and sse'll say it backwwrds. backwards.spelling naas whht makes this outube star... even moreeimpreesive. you're watching fox 5 morning news.. all local.. all morn just say the word... and she can say it backwards. backwards.((:33 ,3combos...sobb) combos...sobmoc...))alyssa has the skill to pronounce words backwards... ii three seconds talent has hit youtube... making her a rising star. ((toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteooologist))((ad lib ((toss to weather)) star. makiig her a rising star. ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 weather kid tease 3 3 3 3 the magical world of disney... is cominggto baltimore.disney on ice is celebrating 100 years of magic. magic.the show issat first mariner arena february 8th- 12th .. and we want to get you inside for free. free.the 10thhcaller at 410-481-4545 right now wins a family fouu pack of tickets to the show. coming up.... a hi-tech babysitter... for cats.the i-pad game these their paws off.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. çia÷ 3 hey, it'sshalf ff.ellrodeo has a great dining deal for you.for just ten dollars, you can getta twenty dollar ggft certificate there.neel kamal joins us this morning with about the restaurant--making salmon anddfajitas--are you doing anything for valentinees day? day? 3 to get your half off gift card, log on to hey its half off dot com right nowwthey are limited, so don'' wait. coming up ... valentine's gifts... unlike any other.where you can go.... to make some glassblowing art. yyu're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) [ female announcer ] pillsbury presents: how to solve a brother-sister standoff. ♪ pillsbury chocolate chip cookies, warm out of the oven. another sweet idea for bringing families together from pillsbury. here's a better idea... pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits. in just 15 minutes, the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands! dinner ideas made easy. honeymoon.and one of the he hottest places to go is jamaica.victoria rogers from thejamaicaatouriss board ann robyn mitlitsky fromjewel dunn river beach and spa join us this morning with more.--the couple will get a honeymoon at the jewel dunn river beach and spa... robyy, what are the acccoodations are the spa... robyn, what river beach and spa... robyn, hat river beach and spa... robyn, what are the accomodations like thhre? --victoria ... what are some other things the couple during their isit? you can get more information about jamaica on the jamaica tourist board's website... visit - jamaica dot com. com.and for moreeinformation and spa... log on to jewel ort - dunns river resort and spa dot com. it's all brought to you by the baltimore bridal show... attthe balttmore convention center saturday anddsunday.for go to baltimore bridal show - dot com. coming up... he sure loves his . get for you? two number 4's ... ...the customer... who sings his food order.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. i just had it with cable. it just got more frustrating and frustrating. a lot of times, the picture would break up. for the amount of money that i am paying, my cable company should take care of me. [ male announcer ] stop paying for second best. move up to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years. first time we saw tv on fios was amazing! i was just in a trance watching it. i'm discovering new channels every day. [ male announcer ] and here's a special bonus: sign up now and get $300 back with a two-year contract. fios internet -- the speed, you can't compare. i'm able to take care of things much faster now. [ male announcer ] start saving now. move up to fios for our best price online -- $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years and get $300 back with a two-year contract. or ask us about the option of no annual contract. is change good? in this case, change is very good. [ male announcer ] visit verizon.com/greatprice. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's verizon.com/greatprice. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead.