with a conscience... turned himself in. 3 3 3 tuesday january 17th 3 3 3 3 occcpy protestors return to baltimore... with police right behind them.this time they weee trying to occupy a spot where the state plans on building a juvenile detention center in east baltimore.megan gilliland is herr with more on how many aarests were made and how many aarhen they plan to pr again. good morning patrice,three hours into thissoccpuy baltimore protest... and you can see city police... maryland state police... and a wall of police in riot gear surroundeddeast monnment street. street. state police say they had an open dialouge with occupiersswhen they started this protest yesterday afternoon... it's t the site of a proposed state juvenile detention center.protestors believe the money should be spent on schools and not jails. but after a few hours... police say they had to maintain the peace.in the process... six eople were arrested. pultimately at 530 they reffsed o leave, and they were arrested charged with trespassing 4 males 2 females, they were taken to central book" booking""it was amazing there were tons of police, for like 5 protesters for like 5 who were reading stories and douglass""nd frederick douglass" douglass" police say the problem is... it's state property... and against the law. protesters had orginally planned to sleep out there or 5 days.and althoogh police took down their green tent... and makeshift school... protestors say they'll be backk again today.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. arrests online ...go to foxx - baltimoreedot com slash... raw news. a traggc story out of washington d-c... an infant dies after being abandonnd on the street. street.the baby girl was found near the steps of this house in the northeast part of the city.she was wrapped only ii a towel ... ann wasn't wearing a diaper orrany clothes.emmanuel dugger was on his way to the store...when he noticed the baby late sunday night. dugger says: 03 "i walked o my father's house to have was seeing and came back out the house with a towel just in case it was a babb. then we unwrapped the chill and realizzd it was a baby." 16 16the baby was rushed to aa hospital ...but later died.she appeared o be just two weeks old.this case is still under a proposed aw in baltmore county is causing controversy. some people say it amounts to legalizzng peeping toms. toms. the law would allow men in women's dressinggrooms, locker rooms, and restrooms.... if they dressed... as women. the law focuses on the rights would allow them to use the and would allow traasgendered.. and would pathrooms ttey identify with. as a way to find their next victim. 3&(jacoos) 7:25:22 women are terribly vulnerable we can be victims and this law makes us all because we no onger have have :33ety that we sed to :33supporters of the law say it's about protecting the transgendered so attacks like thhs ooein a rosedale &pmcdonald's don't happen anymore. that brings us to our question of the day:should mennbe allowed in wwmen's restrooms if they're ddessed as women? we'll be taking your calls in our 7 o'clock hour. 3 governor o'malley is expected to reveal his 2013 fiscal operating budget this we. week. lawmakers are already questioning how it will erase a projected one billion dollar &pdeficit without massive tax hikes.the governor says his budget will meet spending limits imposed by a legislative committte... and will include a mix of cuts... (governor) "some other sttaes have decided to rely entirely, exxluseively on cuts, cuts, cuts, cuts, cuts, cuts, cuts. and what that means is ttey're not seeing theirreceonomy coming back." bbck."the governorris also expecced to call forrann the 30-dollar fee is imposed on homeowners to pay for upgrading sewage treatment plants. opponents of the death penalty... rally for a repeal. repeal.-rally nats- nats- hundredd took their plea to annapolis... where they are trying to convince state lawmaaers to abolish capital punishment.police were on hand to make sure the rally tayed peaceeul.right now.. the death penalty can only be used when death penalty an right now.. the peaceful.right now.. the death penalty can only be used evidence... or aavoluntary againsttcapital punishment - plan on pushing the repeal ... thhsssession. maryland blue ribbon schools will be announced in baltimore today.the awards are given under a stateeand national program that recognizes &pschools that exhibit higg performance or significant improvement in rrading andd math as measuued by state tests. schools from anne prundel... baltimore... prince george's and worcester counties will be awarded the 20-12 blue ribbon school awards. 3 3 as tte ravens continue to prepare for this weekend's showdown in new englann... fans are starting preparations for how they'll watch the game. businesses everywhere are trying to capitalize oo baltimore's football obsession. and joel d. smith is live in parkville, where the purple pride is rising at a locaa bakery. good morning joel d. 3 good mornnng patrice. 3 & ,3 harlie wilson is the ravens mom sent us this picture...ann ssys her daughter loves to chant "black and purplee on game day. day. show us your purple pride. you can upload photos and viieoss to us through purple -at -fox baltimore -dot- com. and you can see those pictures on our "see it shoot it senddit" page at foxbaltimore dot com. or you can go to ouu facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore... click on "inside fox45" on the left sidd offthe screen. coming up... everyone's getting in on the ravens playoff spirit.how you can show off your purple pride.. and get a discouut.. at the national aquarium... coming up in our hometown hotspot. p3& you're watching pox 45 morning news.. all 3 local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) 3 --in supporr of purple friday, the nationalaquarium is offering a 5 dolllr ddscount on tickets o uests wearing ravens or purple apparel on friday --meterologist emily gracey is live with the details on this morning's hometown hotspot hotspot you can take advantage of the national aquarrum's purple friday promo this ffiday from 10am to 5pm.for mmoe information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 &p3 3 some couples take year or more to plan their wedding.but &pwe're doing it in just one we. week.it's our wedding in a week cootest.. and yoo can enner to win an all- expenses- paid wedding... on us. us.to enter.. tell us in a hundred wwrds or less why you should win. win.send your entry to "wedding in a week".. 2000 west 41st street in baltimore.. 21211... or log onto foxbaatimore dot com to enter... you cannalso read the official rules.remember to include a phooo with your entry! and it's all brought to you by the baltimore bridal showwat the baltimore convention center february 4th and 5th. coming up... why lindday lohan is going &pback to court áagainá today. and.. a doll of late apple founder steve jobs...wwn't bee hitting store sshlves anymooe. the reason tte roject was canceled. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. p ((break 2)) [ male announcer ] it sizzles, ready for anything. its smooth taste spreads across your bread's delicate surface. while melting into those creamy mashed potatoes... bringing a rich, warm tenderness to your peas. ohhh! it's i can't believe it's not butter! fresh butter taste with 70% less saturated fat than butter go ahead. cheat on butter. you naughty thing. go ahead. cheat on butter. new his morning... a an is recovering this morning... after he was shot in south baltimore.it happened on erra firma road, around 8 o'clock last night.a man wassshot in the back... then ran into a nearby home.the victim is expecteddto be okay. actress lindsay lohan is due back in court today... for a check of the progress she's made in fulfilling her probation requirements. court-ordered community sentence imposed lasttmay when she pleaded guilty toostealing a necklace from a callfornia jewelry store. the first lady is celebrating a irthday.michelle obama turns 48 today. ight now there's no word et from the white house on how she will celebrate thh day. apple founder steve fflate jobs...won't be happening. apple and jobs' family have apparently put pressure on the toy-maker to shelve the project.jobs died in october, after a long battle with pancreatic caacer. coming up... this little boyy. saved his - baby sister's life. it sounded like a train goinn thru the dining room and next... the death toll reaches six.. with dozens unaccounted for after a shipwreck in italy.the evidence that the captain veered off course.. on purpose. you're all local.. all morning. 3 ((bump in)) a judge will decide this morning whether to keep the captain of a shipwrecked italian cruise liner in custody.and as greg black tells us... the earch for more possible survivors will continue as the captain is hearing. an italian newspaper is reporting that the captain changed course to sail closer to an island so the head waiter could wave to his family on land. coming up... a man shoots his wife in their own home.but find out why heewon't face any charges. ((joel live tease)) you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) 3 3 -3 your road to happiness? what if the first step on that road is a bowl of soup? delicious campbell's soups fill you with vegetable nutrition, farm-grown ingredients, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's -- it's amazing what soup can do. ♪ feel the power my young friend. mmm! [ male announcer ] for unsurpassed fruit and veggie nutrition... v8 v-fusion. could've had a v8. çia÷ 3 3 3 3 map fiber map 3 occupy protestors say they'll be back n east baltimore after they werr kicked off - state property yesserday.megan how many arrests were made and why they say they're not backing down. good morning patrice,three hours into this occpuy baltimooe protest... and yoo can see city police... maryland state police....and a wall of pollce in riot gear had an open dialouge with treet. occupiers when they started this protest yesterday affernoon... it's at the sitee of a proposed state juvenile detention center.prooestors believe the money should be spent on schhols and not jails. but after a few hours... police say they had to process... six people were arrested. "the city ccme and tore doww our tent and they had the riot cops to make sure we didn't fight back" back"pplice say the roblem is... it's state property...and against the law. prrtesters had orginally planned to sleep out there for 5 days.and although police took down their green tent... protestors ay they'll be back again today.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. see more of the protest and arrests online ...go to fox baltimore dot com slash... raw news. the attorneyyfor the soldier accused of leaking top secret militaay information to wikileaks... wants to qqestion secretary of state... hillary clinton.david coombs... bradley manning's attorney... failed in hii attempt to call clinton as a witness in maaning's preliminary hearing last month.the army is still deciding whether the 24 year old should stand trial. a florida man shoots what he thhnks is an intruder in hii hhme.. only to find out he accidentaaly shot his wife!he saysshe heard noises coming from the first floor of his house and walked downntaars with a gun and pulled the was out running errands with their children, but she came back ecause she orgot something.the woman is recovering this morning and her husband won't face any charges. a five-year-old is accused of home in charlottesville, this pfternoon.neighbors say the - three victims, ooe adult and two children, were all members of his family.none of the injuries were life-threatening. the new slots casino at arundel mills mall won't open until this june.but hundreds of people are alreedy hoping to hear ... "you're hired." many people lined up to apply for jobs.the cordish company set up a casino pmployment center in hanover... wherr people are than 15-huudred jobs... in all areas. the "maryland live" casino employment center on hanover... will be open monday through friday... froo now...until the casino opens. 3 &p 3 and you think you're pulling hard for the ravens? according tt nfl-dot-com, joe flacco earns an extra 200 thousand dollars for each playoff victory. yet, he's far from the only one profiting from this post-season run. joel d. smith is live in paakville where one local bakery is trying to capittlize n the morning joel d. 3 good morning patrice. 3 3 jaxon burchett is only 7 weeks his flacco fu man chu to support the ravens. purple pride. youu pan upload hotos and videos to us through purple -at -fox baatimore -dot- com. and you can see those pictuues on our see it ssoot it send it" page t foxbaltimore dot com. or you can go to ur facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore... click on "inside fox45" on tte left side of the screen. ever heerd of a crook.. with a consccence?apparently a bank twice about his law-breaking de. decison.he robbed this cincinnati bank friday, got in a cab, then called 9-1-1 to turn himself in. take aaliiten for yourself. suspect: umm. i as the one that robbed the us bank and i need to eport it to turn just a moment. where are you in theetower place mall? suspect: i'm right by humler and nolan's. police say the man got away with aboot two-thousand dollars in cass from the bank. affer placing that ccll. y a three--ear-old georgia giil has her big brother to thank for saving her from a fire. little "mazzy" wasstrying to stir soup when she got too close and her clothes caught on fire from the stove.mazzy screamed and herr ight year- old brother ezra ran to her the fire was extinguushed.he says he wasn't scared of the flames and just wanted to help. poming up... shoe lovers beeare.the popular retailer that was targettd by hackers.. and how to protect your personal information. you're watching fox 45 morning. ews.. all local.. all - im thisthe summer of george! ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 the holidays are over... summer is still months away.. wouldn't ittbe nice to sneak away for a quick vacation? vacation? we say "go vacation"!! we are giving away a trip for two to anywhere southwest airlines flies.. courtesy of namco bandaa ames. watch fox45 morning news for each day's codeword. enter the correct codeword on the "inside fox45" tabbon our facebook page. page. p each day... we'll draw a name. that person gets a "go vacation" game or the wii.. and will be entered for the grand prize drawing. coming up... obama.. versus romney.. versus eeection was held today.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all mooning. ((break 6)) 3 new this morning... a new survey fiids president obama has some stifffcompetition in the race for the white house.. if the november election weee held today with mitt romney as the republicannpresidential nominee... the survey findss48- percent woull vote for him.47 percent would vote for ppesident obama. ron paul is also making some headway... another poll showssthe texas representative is also in a close tie with the president. 4 milliin zappos customers are at risk.the online retailer says hackers compromising customers' names, email addresses, mailing addresses, and phone numbers. &ppartial creddt card numbers were exposed.zappos is asking customers to reset their passwords. we hadn't heard from them in a while ... but occupy baltimore protestors are bbck ... and many .. under arrest this morning. 6 protestors ere arrested for trespassing on state owned property yesterday. it was the site of a proposed juvenile baltimore. but protestors say we need more schools .. not jails .. and they were ppepared to camp out for five days. (((pat))) dr. tyrone powers ... former fbi aggnt and director oo the homeland security and criminal justice institute at anne arundel community college ..joins us this morning.-city allowed them to stay ffr a while .. but this is state property so no surppise they were booted-they erected a schoolhouse .. and claimed police ttre it down .. complained about pollce inn rioo gear ... did police procudrr-pplice tryed to negotiate with them .. encourage them to leave -protestors say they're not done .. they'll keep it up all week-not a problem for them to be outside the fence coming up... pt can be hard to d-i-y"... without the right drill.we've got the brands that give you the best bang for the buuc. and... everyone's getting n on the ravens playoff spirit. how you can show off your purple pride.. and get a discount.. at the national aquarium.. coming up in our hometown hotspot.you're watching fox 45 morniig news.. all local.. all morningg ((break 7)) ((bump in)) a cordless drill can not only ssve on the cost of a handyman, but these days you can save on the cost of the actual drill. consumer reports found there's a lot of value out there right now. now. ((taaeevo))got a few loose screws? a cordless drill can easily take care of those. (natsot: drill)consumer reports tested 89 cordlesss drrlls costing as little as 40 dollars all the way up to 400. (natsot: drill)peter sawchuk helped drive more than 26-hundred scrrws during testing..he also performed a torque test. each drill is secured in a vice, and then thh twisting force is measured. many of the drills testtd now use lithium-ion batteries. (natsot: click)they weigh less, which makes them easier to handle. (natsot: drilling)consumer reports also sizes up how many screws a drill can ddive per battery charge and how long it takes to recharge. (sot: peter sawchuk)"we're seeing a trend. compact drills out there today. they're meant for smaaler jobs."like this craftsman 17586. it holds a standard, three-eighths inch drill bit. although it's not as powerful as larger drills, it scored excellent forr handling. it's a consumer reports best buy at 0 dollars. (sot: eter sawchuk) "you need o be aware of charge time. it can be a real dividing line. the craftsman recharges in just 30 minutes, put most nexpensive drills take much longer, often more lot more money, you can get a lot more drill. this one- hundred dollar craftsman, model number 17310, is another consumer reports best buyy it scored very good for spped, power, and handling. and it recharges in 30 minutes! when you're shopping for a drill, consumer reports says, you'll see plenty of stores promoting higher-end, capabll of drilling into ften concretebut keep in mind you might end up spending extra money for more power than the ttpical do-it-yourselfer needs. coming uu in ourr7 o'clock hour... pt's not texting while driving. but wwat else you're doing with your phone... that could kill you. they're running out of you. people arrested nats natsoccupy baltimore is bbck. where the protestors were arrested yesterday ann why they ssy they'll be back again today. a pizza delivery.. gone horribly wrong.what appened to this delivery man at one house.. that made him vow to never deliver another pizza again. beattng mcdonalds natt natsandd. it's meant to prevent beatings like this one in a baltimore county mcdonalds.but find out about the proposed law.. that some are calling... legalized "peeping." 3 3 today is tuesday, january 17th. 3 3 3 3 3 occupy protestors return to baltimore... with police right behind them.this time they were trying to occupy a spot where the state plans on building a juvenile detention center in ast baltimore.megan gilliland is here with more on how many arrests were made and again.hey plan to protest good morning patrice,three hours into this occpuy baltimore prooest... and you can see city policee.. maryland state police... and a wall of police in riot gear surrounded east monnment street. street. state police say they had an open dialouge with occupiers when they starred this protest esterday afternoon... it's at the site of a proposed state juvenile detention enter.prooestors believe the money should be spent on schools anddnot jails. but aftee a few hours... police say they had to maintain the peace.in the process... six people were arrested. "ultimately at 530 they refused to leave, and they were arrested charged with treepassing 4 males 2 females, they weeeetaken to central book" booking""it was amazing there were tons of police, for like 5 protesters for like 5 who were readinggstories and frederick douglass" douglass"police say the problem is... it's state property... and against the law. protesters had orginally planned to sleep out there for 5 dayy.and although police took down their green tent... and makeshift school... protestors say thee'll be back again today.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. see more of the protest and arrests online ...go to fox &pbaltimore dot com slash... ra news. a man is recovering this in south baltimore.it happened on terra firma road, around 8 o'clock last night.a man was shot in the back... then ran into a nearby home.the victim is expecttd to be okay. flags around the state of maryland are being flown at half-staff in honor of a maryland man who died while perving in afghanistan. flags will be flown at half-staff tuesday in honor of 24-year- old airman firsttclass matthew seidler of westminster. seidler died january fifth in afghanistan when a vehicle he was riiinn in was strrck by an improvised explosive device. 3 3 governor o'malley is expected to reveaa his 2013 fiscal ooeratiig budget this we. week. lawmakers are already questioning how it will erase a projected one billion dollar deficit without massive tax hikes.the governor says his budget will meet spending limits imposed by a legislative committee... and will include a mix of cuts... and tax hikes. (governor) "some other states have decided to rely entirely, excluseively on cuts, cuts, cuts, cuts, cuts, cuts, cuts. and what that means is they're not seeing theer eceonomy coming back." back."the governor is also expected to call for ann increase in the "flush tax". the 30-dollar fee is imposed on homeowners to pay for upgrading sewaae treatment plants. a baltimore man continues to recover this morning ... after undergoing a surgery... that was the first of its kind. hris lyles is at home after a successful trachea transplant operation in stockholm, sweden.lyles has a synthetic trachea seeded by his own stem cells.he's the first man in the world to undergo the surgery.while he it was nneessary. "i was a little nervous, but i had faith in my doctors and faith in god and it was something i needed to do to save my life"&life"lyles issnow the catalyst that kick starts the procedure in the u-s. 3 3 as the ravens continue to prepare for this weekend's showdown in nnw england... fans are starttng preearations for how they'll watch the game. businessss everywhere are trying to capitalize on baltimore's football obsession. and joel d. smith is liie in parkville, where the purple pride is rising at a pocal bakery. ggod morning joel d. 3 good morning patrice. 3 3 this whole family has purple ravens! show us your pprple pride. you can upload photos and videos to us through purple -at -fox baltimore -dot- com. pictures on our "see it shoot iitsend it" page at &pfoxxalttmore dot com. or you can go to our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore... click on "inside fox45" on the left side of the screen. downtown baltimore was taken over... by a celebration honoring a great man in history. -drumming nats- nats--ands played and collr guards marched as crowds filled tte streets all ii honor of doctor martin luther king , junior.i was there .. along with chief meterologist vytas reid and his daughter ... waving to fans as we rode through city streets. many people say the event was a great way to pay tribute to a man who brought change. "i hope the young kids will learn what the older people had to go through...the life they live now it refllcts on what martin luther king did in the early years" years"more than 55 organizations took part in the parade. it's the 12th year of the celebration. coming up... the fate of the italian cruise captain hangs in the balance... after the ship hit a reef... killing several people.find out what one publication says...the captain did... that led to the collisio. collision.and the purple explosion continues!find out the deel you'll get at the national quarium... for showing your purple pride for the hometown team... next in your hometown hotpsot. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the other guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. 3 3 3 3 it would be nice to get away for a quick vacation... but with all the holiday bills.. who can afford it? how does free soond to you? you? we say "go vacation"! we are anywherr southweet airlines flies.. courtesy of namco bandai games. every day on fox45 we will give a code word. today's code word is go to our facebook page... facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore. enter the codeword on the "inside fox45" tab.we'll draw qualifier latee today. that person gets a "go vacation" game for the wwi.. and will e entered for the grand prize drawing. still ahead.. the orioles sign two new players...find out how much they'll be makiig! you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)))- hello! honey? who's she? downy unstopables. here to shake up your fresh. like a cheerleader on espresso. toss these little scent boosters in before you wash. and the fresh scent will last until you're ready to wash again. [ buzzer ] [ laughs ] [ both sniff ] and this fresh scent will last? it's like you shoved a rainbow up your nose. i should go. downy unstopables. the fresh too feisty to quit. i should go. new this morning... the attorney for the soldier accused of leaking top secret military information to wikileaks... wants to question secretary of state... hillary clinton.david coombs... bradley manning's attorney... failed in his attempt tt call clinton as a witness in manning's preliminary hearing last month.the army is still deciding whether the 24 year old should stand trial. a judge will decide this mornnng whether to keep the captain of shipwrecked italian cruise liner in custody.the search for more possible survivors will continue as the captain is grilled in a court hearing.many passengers point the finger at him and the crew for what they call a chaotic evacuation.survivors are returning home after the hip hit a reef on friday.two americans are among the two dozen passengers still &pun-accounted for.an italian newspaper is reporting ... the captain changed course to sail closer to an iiland so the head waiter could wave to his family on land. the orioles signed pitchers darren o'day and dana eveland to one yyar contracts.o'day... comes from the texas rangers... he agreed to a one point 4 million dollar deal. eveland ... was with the los angeles dodgers.... and will recieve 750-thousand dollars. 3 ---n support of purple friday, the national aquarium is offering a 5 dollar discount on tickets to gueets wearing ravens or purple apparel on friday --meterologist emily gracey is live with the details on this morning's hometown hotspot hotspot you can take advantage of the national aquarium's purple friday promo this friday from 10am to 5pp.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. still to come.. the g-o-p presidential showdown continues... and it's getting n. nasty.mitt we need for you to release your income tax. so the people can see how you made your money. money.the accusations he candidates hurled at each other in last night's debate pn south carolina. parolina.and latee... a little italy staple gets an honor! find out why "vaccarro's" is being recognized in a nationaa publication.you're watching fox 45 morning news. . all local.. all morning. fox 45 morning news. . all local.. all morning. 3 the difference and showing it off? jergens ultra healing moisturizer. even my driest skin looks healthier, instantly. jergens is the difference between i'm here, and here i am. jergens®. the beautiful difference. get america's favorite coffee for america's favorite single-cup brewer. try all five delicious varieties, only at dunkin' donuts restaurants. america runs on dunkin'. 3 the five remaining gop candidates for the presidential ticket faced off in myrtle beach, south carolina monday night... ahead of saturday's south carolina primary. earlier monday, john huntsman announced he was stepping out &pof the race... he gave his backing to front-runner mitt romney. tommy andres has a wrap of monday niggt's debate. debate. --reporter pkg-as follows his belt, mitt romney was the -3 man to beat in monday's fox news and wall street jouunal goo debate..newt gingrich went ad..that he says is false..it would be nice if governor romney would exercise leadership on his former staff and his major donors to take faasehoods off the air.if we're talking about superpac ads that are inaaccurate.. that attacks me..attacks me.. probably the biggest hoax since bigfoot..rick santorum too had comments about for super pac ads...do you believe people who are elons who have served their time.. who have exhausted their parole and probation...should they be given the right to vote.. governor romney..first of all as you know the pacs that run ads on various candidates unfortunately..i'm looking for a an answer to the question first. rick perry asked the pormer massachussets governor to unveil his finaaces..mitt we need for you to release your income tax. so the people can see how ou made your money.texas congressman ron paul stuck to his ideas.. but got a less than favorable foreign policy..mmybeewee should consider a golden rule in foreign policy.. don't do to other nations what we don't want them to do to us.the right thing for osama bin laden was the bullet in the head that he received. that's the right thing for people who kill americans. romney is ahead in polls in south carolina... but there are still a few days to go before the primary.tommy ndres reporting. coming up.. giving males access... to female facilities... but find out the áspecial circumstancesá... around a law proposing this. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. stroke risk. the mineral to add to your diet... the on fox 45 news at 5:30 3 we have a school closing to tell you about this morning. point pleasant elementary school in anne arundel county is closed because of an oil leak in boiler room. 3 map fiber map 3 occupy protestors say they'll be back in east baltimore again oday.this comes... after they were kicked off state property yesterday.megan gilliland is here with more on how many arrests were made and why they say they're not baccing down. good morning patrice,three hours into this occpuy baltimore protest... and you can see city police... maryland state police... and a wall of police in riot gear surrounded east monnment streee. street. state police say they had an open dialouge with occupiers when they started this protest yesterday afternoon... it's at the site of a proposed state juvenile detention center.protestors believe the money should be spent on schools and not jails. but after a few hours... police say they had to maintain the peace.in the process... six people were arrested. "the city came and tore down our tent and they ad the riot cops to make sure we didn't fight back" back"police say the problem is... it's state property...and against the law. protesters had orginally planned to sleep out there for 5 days.and althhugh police took down their green tent... and makeshift school... protestors say they'll be back again today.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. see more of the protest and arrests online ...go to fox baltimore dot com slash... raw news. a proposed law in baltmore county is causing controversy. some people say it amounts to legalizing peeping toms. toms. the law would allow men in women's dressing rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms.... if they dressed... as women. the law focuses on the rights of the transgendered.. and would allow them to use the bathrooms they identify with. but some fear pedophiles or sex offenders will see the law as a way to find their next victim. (jacobs) 7:25:22 women are terribly vulnerable we can be pictims and this law makes us all because we no looger have this safety hat we used to have :33 :33supporters of the law say it's about protecting the transgendered so attacks like this onein a rooedale mcdonald's don't happen anymore. that brings us to our question of the day:should men be allowed in women's restrooms phone lines are open now... 410-481-4545. you see it all the time... people listening to music... as they're walking down a busy street... or crossing a congested intersection... but new research says.. mixing those two things... can be dang. dangerous.researchers at the university of maryland... say there's been a big increase in pedestrians getting struck by cars and trains... while they were wearing headphones. in fact, those cases have tripled in the last six years. researchers believe the music causes a noisy distraction.. making it more difficult to hear potential dangers. < "plugging up your ears and not allowing you to hear outside noises - alarms, sirens - ... the distraction of paying attention to thee music that you are liitening to> to.">some states are considering laws to make it illegal to wear headphones a pizza delivery man is taken for the ride of his life... and lives to tell about it. it.justin farr was delivering a pizza to a house in arizona.. when hh got knocked to the ground and robbed by some phony customers.the three guys then threw justin in his trunk and took off joy riding. they wrecked his car just six miles away... and justin was able to get out... and call police. he now says hhs pizza delivery days are over. farr says: "if you see a delivery driver, keep an eye on him. they''e out there unfortunately risking their lives to deliver a ppzza." arrested... two others are was 3till on theeloose..- 3 and you think you're pulling hard for the ravens? according to nfl-dot-com, joe flacco earns an extra 200 thousand dollars for each playoff victory. p yet, he's far from the only one profiting from this post-season run. joel d. smith is live in parkville where one local bakery is &ptrying to capitalize on the purple craze. good morning joel d. 3 good morning patrice. 3 3 this ii akira....she's showing her purple pride.... it's written... all over her fa! face! show us your purple pride. you can upload photos and videos to us through purple -at -fox baltimore -dot- com. and you can see those pictures on our "see it shoot it send it" page at foxbaltimore dot com. or you can go to our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore... click on "inside fox45" on the left side of the screen. a special honor for a local bakery in baltimore."southern living" magazine says, "viccaro's" pignoli and almond slice cookies are among the five best treats in the southern u-s.employees say... the honor ... came as a surprise. zoppo says: 11:09:55 "we were shocked because nobody knew that it was coming and then we got the call and all the newspeople started cominggwe were very surprised and exciting at the same time." 10:4 10:04the restaurant is locaaed... in little italy. still to come.. engaged and don't know where to start when it comes to planning a wedding? we might be able to help you. find out how you can enter... to win a wedding on us! us!!, we know everyone's looking for ways to save. why not save on car insurance? [ coin drops ] [ high-pitched voice ] thanks. [ normal voice ] you're welcome. get a free quote at progressive.com. ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 it's our mobideal of the week! every week.. we'll bring you a deal from mobideals... which provides coupons directly to your cell phone! phone!this week's deal comes from... carson's creekside.get one free appetizer with any entree. just go to my-mobideals- dot-com to get started.. or look for mobideals on your smar. smartphone. mobideals is a product of our parent company.. sinclair broadcast group. coming up.. men allowed in women's facilities?but only if they dress as women.that's part of a bill up for debate...but ppponents say ... this opens the door to sexual predators... that brings us to our question of the day.should men be allowed in women's restrooms our phone lines are open now.. 410--81-4545. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) 3&p((question of day animation)) if it's passed... a bill would allow men.. but only if they dress as women.. into women's facilities.some say ... this just opens the door for sexual predators... and legalizes "peeping." "peeping."that brings us to our question of the day.should men be allowed in women's restrooms if they're dresssd as women?our phone lines are open now.. 410-481-4545. mattie - bmore john -bmore -bmore colena :"this gives a green light for rapists to dress up as women and walk into restrooms to attack women. this is sick." sick."jasmine " would you want a man in a dress watching your wife change her clothes inside a locker room? how comfortable would you feel allowing your 7 year old daughter to use the restrrom alonn filled with men? let's be serious!" serious!"brian "this would be a terrible idea that some sicko would take advantage of. this law cannot pass." some couples ake a year or more to plan their wedding.but we're doing it in just one week. week.it's our wedding in a week contest.. and you can enter to win an all- expenses- paid wedding... on us. us.to enter.. tell us in a hundred words or less why you should win. win.send your entry to "wedding in a week".. 2000 west 41st street in baltimore.. 21211... or log onto foxbaltimore dot com to enter... you can also read the official rules.remember to include a photo with your entry! and it's all brought to you by the baltimore bridal show at the baltimore convention center february 4th and 5th. coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. the purple explosion continues!find out the deal you'll get at the national aquarium... for showing your purple ride for the hometown team... next in your hometown hotpsot. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7))y." are making me thirsty!" coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. find out how you can win tickets to see .. tyler perry's hit new play is coming to baltimore. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. [ male announcer ] meet lafayette. we asked him to be part of an experiment to prove that febreze air effects can eliminate tough cooking odors. [ moderator ] take a deep breath and then tell me what you smell. wow. it takes you kinda to like an island. like a paradise. [ sniffs ] vanilla. [ sniffs ] i smell caramel, like a caramel candy. [ moderator ] go ahead and take your blindfold off. ah man. ♪ [ laughs ] wow man! [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] eliminate tough odors with febreze air effects so you can breathe happy guaranteed. ♪ it sounded like a train going thru the dining room the death toll reaches six.. with dozens unaccounted for after a shipwreck in italy.the evidence that the captain veered off course.. on purpose. beating mcdonalds nats nats and.. it's meant to prevent beatings like this one in a baltimore county mcdonalds. find out about the proposed law.. that some are calling... legalized "peeping." 3 3 3 tuesday january 17th 3 we have a school closing to tell you about this morning. point pleasant elementary school in anne arundel county is closed because of an oil leak in boiler room. 3 3 3 3 3 occupy protestors return to baltimore... with police right behind them.this time they were trying to occupy a spot where the state plans on building a juvenile detention center in east baltimore. baltimore. state police say they had an open dialouge with occupiers when they started this protest yesterday afternoon.protestors believe the money should be spent n schools and not jails.but after a few hours... police say they had to maintain the peace.in the process... six people were arrested. "ultimately at 530 they refused to leave, and they were arrested charged with prespassing 4 males 2 females, they were taken to central book" booking""it was amazing there were tons of police, for like 5 protesters for like 5 who were reading stories and frederick douglass" douglass" protesters had orginally planned to sleep out there for 5 days.and although police took down their green tent... they say they'll be back again today. a proposed law in baltmore county is causing controversy. some people say it amounts to legalizing peeping toms. toms. the law would allow men in women's dressing rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms.... if they dressed... as women. the law focuses on the rights of the transgendered.. and would allow them to use the bathrooms they identify with. but some fear pedophiles or sex offenders will see the law as a way to find their next victim. (jacobs) 7:25:22 women are terribly vulnerable we can be victims and this law makes us all because we no longer have this safety that we used to have :33 :33supporters of the law say it's about protecting the transgendered so attacks like this onein a rosedale mcdonald's don't happen anymore. a florida man shoots what he thinks is an intruder in his home.. only to find out he accidentally shot his wife! wife!he says he heard noises coming from the first floor of his house and walked downstairs with a gun and pulled the trigger.he thought his wife was out running errands with their children, but she came back because she forgot something.the woman is recovering this morning and her husband won't face any charges. maryland blue ribbon schools will be announced in baltimore today.the awards are given under a state and national program that recognizes schools that exhibit high performance or significant improvement in reading and math as measured by state tests. schools from anne arundel... baltimore... harford... montgomery... prince george's and worcester counties will be awarded the 20-12 blue ribbon school awards. 3 3 as the ravens continue to prepare for this weekend's showdown in new england... fans are starting preparations for how they'll watch the game. businesses everywhere are trying to capitalize on baltimore's football obsession. and joel d. smith is live in parkville, where the purple pride is rising at a local bakery. good morning joel d. d. good morning patrice. 3 3 sporting some purple pride at work!toiya sent us this picture of her coworkers at b-g-e.go ravens! ravens! show us your purple pride. you can upload photos and videos to us through purple -at -fox baltimore -dot- com. and you can see those pictures on our "see it shoot it send it" page at foxbaltimore dot com. or you can go to our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore... click on "inside fox45" on the left side of the screen. coming up... beyonce's baby is already a chart topper and she's only days old.now she can add therapist o her resume.the estranged family members who reunited for "blue ivy's" birth. and...everyone's getting in on the ravens playoff spirit.how you can show off your purple pride.. and get a discount.. at the national aquarium.. coming up in our hometown hotspot. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 some couples take a year or more to plan their wedding.but we're doing it in just one week. week.it's our wedding in a week contest.. and you can enter to win an all- expenses- paid wedding... on us. us.to enter.. tell us in a hundred words or less why you should win. win.send your entry to west 41st street in . 2000 - baltimore.. 21211... or log onto foxbaltimore dot com to enter... you can also read the official rules.remember to include a photo with your entry! and it's all brought to you by the baltimore bridal show at the baltimore convention center february 4th and 5th. coming up... she's known for her sweet treats... but has all that fatty food finally caught up with paula deen? deen?the health problem the cooking star has been keeping a secret for years. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3 all morning. news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) 3 3 --in support of i just had it with cable. it just got more frustrating and frustrating. a lot of times, the picture would break up. for the amount of money that i am paying, my cable company should take care of me. [ male announcer ] stop paying for second best. move up to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years. first time we saw tv on fios was amazing! i was just in a trance watching it. i'm discovering new channels every day. [ male announcer ] and here's a special bonus: sign up now and get $300 back with a two-year contract. fios internet -- the speed, you can't compare. i'm able to take care of things much faster now. [ male announcer ] start saving now. move up to fios for our best price online -- $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years and get $300 back with a two-year contract. or ask us about the option of no annual contract. is change good? in this case, change is very good. [ male announcer ] visit verizon.com/greatprice. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's verizon.com/greatprice. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. who's she? downy unstopables. here to shake up your fresh. like a cheerleader on espresso. toss these little scent boosters in before you wash. and the fresh scent will last until you're ready to wash again. [ buzzer ] [ laughs ] [ both sniff ] and this fresh scent will last? it's like you shoved a rainbow up your nose. i should go. downy unstopables. the fresh too feisty to quit. purple friday, the nationalaquarium is offering a 5 dollar discount on tickets to guests wearing ravvns or purple apparel on friday --meterologiss emily gracey is live with the details on this morning's hometown hotspot hotspot you can take advantage of the national aquarium's purple friday promo this friday from 10am to 5pm. for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 coming up..a pizza delivery.. gone horribly wrong. wrong.what happened to this delivery man at one house.. that made him vow to never deliver another pizza again. and next... she's been engaged for what feels like forever. but find out why jennifer hudson's relationship with her baby's father could now bb on the rocks.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. a famous baby is responsible for a reunion... a songstress puts her foot down... and we'll tell you the happiest unmarried couple in hollywood... it's tabloid tuesday brandi proctor has more. more. ///now we know everybody is sick of hearing about lil baby blue ivy.... and all the drama surrounding her birth... but we are hearing some good news about beyonce nad her father matthew reconciling in the delivery room...sources say she didnt want him there but jay z convinced her to invite him anyway... they say it was a tearful reunion... beign the first time bey and her dad have laid eyes on eachother in almost a year...we also heard that the happy couple decided to donate most of their baby gifts to local charities for young mothers... saying that baby blue is the most precious gift and they wanted to help other parents who arent as fortunate... courtney cox and david arquette may be the happiest unmarried couple in hollywood... courtney says her estranged hubby is now her best friend...they separated back in 2010 after 11 years of marriage... they still come together often though... for their kids of course... and to run their productionn company... they even created a show where life seems to imitate art.. it's about a couple who separate after beign married for 10 yrs...and got along better after the split. david recenlty celebrated one year of sobriety.. so we dotn know but it sounds liek a reconciliation may be in the works.. a split that is definite this time... final answer and that is the divorce on again of again hubby barryy herridge... she says it is now over and she hopes the media will kindly leave the poor man alone... we thought the beef was between her and his family... she says she will never associate herself romantically with anyone... again... there's more trouble on the homefront for jennifer hudson... she's kept quite about this wedding date... for years now.. but we are hearing that jhud does not like the wrestling career that fiancee david otunga has taken up... although he's a lawyer... he became a household name while seeking fame and love on a reality tv show... so we're nto sure why she's surprissd that he wants to make name for himself... even if it inside the ring... we hear the relationship is in crisis mode.. bc she wants him to go back to practicing law and he'd rather run aroudn the ring in tights... we'll certainly keep our eyes peeled for any updates on this one.. halle berry says she's not getting married anytime soon either... gossipers went nuts lass week saying that she was engaged... afetr being spotted with a ring on her left hand.. she's putting those rumors to rest.. saying the ring was a gift.. period... halle did say she and boyfriend olivier martinez are in a committed relationship and marriage could be in the cards... but she will not be walking down the aisle anytime soon... this weeks' celebrity fashion faux pas.. is no stranger to our list... leona lewis and her terrible fashion sense strikes again.. this time she paired a tutu with feathers and patterned tights with satin shoes in vegas!!!if she was going to a grown up ballet... we'd get it... but that is certainly not a look for sin city... coming up... it's not texting while driving. driving.bbt what else you're doing with yyur phone... that could be just as dannerous. you're watching fox 45 morning ((open)) 3 3 we have a school closing too tell you about this morning. point pleasant elementary school in anne arundel county is closed because of an oil 3 map fiber map 3 morning whether to keep the captain of shipwrecked italian cruise liner in custody. custody.the search for more possible survivors will continue as the captain is grilled in a court hearing. many passengers point the finger at him and the crew for what they call a chaotic evacuation.survivors are returning home after the ship hit a reef on friday.two americans are among the two dozen passengers still un-accounted for.an italian newspaper is reporting ... the captain changed course to sail clooer to an island so the head waiter could wave to his family on land. a baltimore man continues to recover this morning ... after undergoing a surgery... that was the first of its kind. chris lyles is at home after a successful trachea pransplant operation in stockholm, sweden.lyles has a synthetic trachea seeded by his own stem cells.he's the first man in the world to undergo the surgery.while he says it was nerve-wrecking... it was necessary. "i was a little nervous, but i had faith in my doctors and faith in god and it was something i needed to do to save my life" life"lyles is now cancer free and hoping his ase will be the catalyst that kick starts the procedure in the u-s. you see it all the time... people listening to music... as they're walking down a busy street... or crossing a congested intersection... but new research says.. mixing those two things... can be dang. dangerous.researchers at the university of maryland... say there's been a big increase in pedestrians getting struck by cars and trains... while they were wearing headphones. in fact, those cases have tripled in the last six years. researchers believe the music causes a noisy distraction.. making it more difficult to hear potential dangers. < "plugging up your ears and not allowing you to hear outside noises - alarms, sirens - ... the distraction of paying attention to the music that you are listening 3t> to.">some states are considering laws to make it illegal to wear headphones while walking outdoors. a pizza delivery man is taken for the ride of his life... and lives to tell about it. it.justin farr was delivering a pizza to a house in arizona.. when he got knocked to the ground and robbed by some phony customers.the three guys then threw justin in his trunk and took off joy riding. they wrecked his car just six miles away... and justin was able to get out... and call police. he now says his pizza delivery days are over. farr says: "if you see a delivery driver, keep an eye on him. they're out there unfortunately risking their lives to deliver a pizza." pizza."one of the suspects was arrested... two others are still on the loose. she's known for her rich, sumptous recipps.but now... paula deen...is coming clean...about her type 2 diabetes.the t-v chef says she found out about it three years ago... but says she decided to keep it a secret.she claims it had nothing to do with her career... but rather...because she knew very little about the disease.now she's launching a campaign called diabetes in a new light.it's sponsored by a company that makes diabetes medications... which deen uses. and you think you're pulling hard for the ravens? according to nfl-dot-com, joe flacco earns an extra 200 thousand dollars for each playoff victory. yet, he's far from the only one profiting from this joel d. smith ii live in parkville where one local bakery is trying to capitalize on the purple craze. good morning joel d. 3 good morning patrice. 3 3 patrice. good morning good morning patrice. 3 3 3 patrice. 3 3 a special honor for a local bakery in baltimore."southern living" magazine says, "viccaro's" pignoli and almond slice cookies are among the five best treats in the southern u-s.employees say... the honor ... came as a surprise. zoppo says: 11:09:55 "we were shocked because nobody knew that it was coming and then we got the call and all the newspeople started coming we were very surprised and exciting at the same time." 10:4 10:04there are several vaccaro's around the area... including one in little italy. coming up... tyler perry's hit new play is coming to baltimore. baltimore.play nats natsyour chance to win tickets to "the haves and have nots." you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) jgpnñ?wxo3xtxx ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 weather kid tease 3 3 3 3 3 tyler perry is back... with a new hit play. play.play nats (singing) (singing)"the haves and the have nots" is a powerful story of love and honor.. told with brutal honesty.the play is coming to the lyric opera house january 24th- 29th. 29th.and we want to get you into the show for free.the 10th caller right now at 410- 481-4545 wins a pair of tickets to the show. coming up... the hit fox singing sensation.. is back. back.glee nats natswhat the stars of glle told us about tonight's all new episode when we caught p with them on the red carpet... plus- your chance to win "glee in concert." rat crawling on man nats nats and... they're one of the most disgusting things about public transportation. but now they're the stars of a new campaign by new york city subway workers.why they're looking for pictures and videos of the biggest rats. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) ((bump in)) i just had it with cable. it just got more frustrating and frustrating. a lot of times, the picture would break up. for the amount of money that i am paying, my cable company should take care of me. [ male announcer ] stop paying for second best. move up to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years. first time we saw tv on fios was amazing! i was just in a trance watching it. i'm discovering new channels every day. [ male announcer ] and here's a special bonus: sign up now and get $300 back with a two-year contract. fios internet -- the speed, you can't compare. i'm able to take care of things much faster now. [ male announcer ] start saving now. move up to fios for our best price online -- $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years and get $300 back with a two-year contract. or ask us about the option of no annual contract. is change good? in this case, change is very good. [ male announcer ] visit verizon.com/greatprice. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's verizon.com/greatprice. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. this is a highly anticipated time of the year for avid television viewers.a lot of the mid season shows are starting to premiere and there are new episodes of some of your favorites.candace went to hollywood last week to get the inside scoop for us. us. -i had the opportunity to talk with the stars of upcoming shows... 3 shows...stars of upcoming shows... -the red carpet the cast of glee...they are returning with all new episodes..-kevin mchale... he plays the guy in the pheelchair... told me his favorite upcoming moment :35-the first one back is actually really great, a lot of love in the air for eeerybody, i get to do some.. i may go on a date or two..i dont know know glee episode nats - will tries to plan a pecial surprise - will tries to plan - will tries to plan a special surprise for emma, he enlists the glee club to help him sweep her off her feet.- meanwhile, becky sets her sights on artie, you can see the all new glee tonight at 8-pm here on fox45. to get you in the "glee" spirit.... we have the movie "glee in concert" on video. win the blu-ray now if you're the 4th or 5th caller at 410-481-4545. coming p... there are just no . words.rat crawling on man nats nats why new york city subway workers are actually encouraging people to take pictures and videos of rats like this. and... everyone's getting in on the ravens playoff spirit.how you can show off your purple pride.. and get a discount.. at the national aquarium.. coming up in our hometown hotspot.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) jgpnñ?wxo3xtxx most transit systems would try to play down the number of rats in their subways, but not new york city. in the big apple, commuters have one more week to send in photos of the nastiest rats they see in the subway to compete in the rate-my-rat contest. jeanne mmos reports. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows --when you see a new yorker looking down the tracks it's not always a train he's looking for...and i saw a huge one next time don't just gawk at it.take a picture of a rat in the subway the rate-my-rat contest has been extended. the transit workers union asked commuters to submit their nastiest rat photo to ratfreesubway dot com. the contest web site features videos shot in the subway, like rat drags pizza....it ain't gonna fit in your hole. and rat picnic even has a soundtrack... picnic ttme for teddy bears. in the rat gallery, you can vote on the photos submitted by commuters....handsomee cute, plain, ugly, and the coveted beastly."wow that's ugly. ratty is an understatement to describe this one...hit by a train or perhaps made contact with the third rail.oh my gosh and still moving at the opposite end of the scale is the beer swigging party rat... (reporter: miller lite.) ha ha ha that's a ggod one. who cares about the golden globes. new york has the golden rat. leading the ratpack...this guy nosing around a slit in a garbage bag is ahead in the voting. the winning photographer gets to ride the rails free for a month. but hey, rats always get a free ride....remembbr the sleeping passenger who woke up to a rat crawling on him...(nats)conductor scott harris describes how a train conductor snacking in the crew room got bitten by a rat.... went to bite the food and actually bit him the union is pushing the contest because it's negotiating with management and wants the transit authority to hire more cleaners. sometimes the subway can feel like a rat race to nowhere...all you people over there, there's no service. you sitting on the bench, you're gonna be there till 5 o'clock in the morning. at least the rats provide entertainment. this visitor from hicago joked about spotting her very first subway rat the other night...i finally felt like i've arrived. how big was it?(nats)but who needs to exaggerate in a city where we once saw a rat about to get squished in the middle of 8th avenue, when a good samaritan ran out and rescued it.(music) who says new yorkers don't give a rat's bleep. turns out the rescuer was from boston. jeanne moos cnn new york coming up on good day baltimore... talk about a hissy fit. fit.((:17-:22 nats of screaming) screaming)) what his owner wouldn't let him do.. that caused this pug to do his.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local... all morning. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc.com/cashbuilder. pnc bank. for the achiever in you.