that'' not a shot glass... howw teens are using átammonsá to get drunk... and how he new fad.. can kill. it wasnt that bad watch your back waach yoor back. back.and... simon is ready to rumble.. on he x factor.the performance that had the judge making threats! 3 p3 thursday, novemmer 17th &pp3 3 &pmappfiber map 3 the ssarch is on right now for kidnapped a 15-year old girl &pand took her tooanother location where one of them raped happened in woodla. wooolawn... mmgan gilliland is live there now where police arr asking for your help. ww'reelive on woodlawn ce, &pdrive... this is a main road... surrounded by bussineeses and trafficcbut that didn't ssop a group of young men from kidnaping a teenage girl heee in broad dayl. daylight.police say it happened arrund 3-p-m on year-old was walking along woodlawn driveewe're told she men in a teal-colored sedan. one of them showed a handgun... forced the girl in the car... and cooeeed her eyes.police say they then drove to another location possibly in baltimore ity... whhre one offthe suspects raped the girl in the car a while later, the suspects found her.the victim tells police her assaulter was wearing a grill on hii front rhinestone studs. sheila hughes/works nearbb: 33:31 if he has the teeth like that. oh someeody will see him. somebody will know 6 searching ookiig around to -- see who it was, who they can find, they predators. need to &ppet em 38 33take anotter look at ttis sketch... in addittonntt the the baltimore city police department says it has ut despite those efforts ...the departmenn continues to &ppay milliins of dollars... to pettle excessive force lawsuits. lawsuits.siice 2009... the city has paid out 13-million dollars.earlier ttis week... city council members took up the opic.the city solicitor argues ... it's the amount of interaction police officers have witt the public that'' to blame.but at least one defense attorney... disagrees. (dwiiht)13:14:44 what about the bad police officers that's what is generattng thh problem. not that the wwole deparrment is bad but obviously there's an attitude baltimore city police department that sometimes citizens don't have to be preaaed as citizens and don't have to have their constituttonal rights protected and are abused and misused :04 :04prior tt this fiscal year... the department never budgeted for these multi million dollar judgements. 3 3 p new judge has been appointed sandusky... the foomer penn &psexually abusing young boys. boys.the previous judge who set sandusky's bail... came under fire... after it was discovered she volunteered foo &phis charity, "the second mile" a senior judge from an outside county has now been chosen to hearing next month. meenwhile...sanduskyy' charity is omiig under ire for soliciting contributions... withoot telling donorr he was being investigated for child mooestation.penn state officials informed he secood mmle charity aa early as 2002 ... when sandusky was the target of allegations.but several donors have come forward saying they didn't know that... when they donated 2009 and 2010..lars or more in - identity theftthits 22 thoosand victims a day in the u.s. according to thh consumer credit council. but you don't have to be oneeof them..... shredding your personal documents is vital, and we're here tt help t. toddy. jool d. smiih is live outside our studios for our "shred-a-thhn". good morning joel d. 3 3 both of maryland's contestants 5 million dollar contract onn tte x factor. factor.singing nats paige elizabeth ogle from perry hall and her group the outfield's "yoor love" and fleetwood mmc's "go your ownn way" for rock night.they were in he bottom two last week out of the park last ight.the judges weren't loving the performance... but simmn's super hhrsh criticism of the girrs... almost lead to a pumble at the jjuges tablee ive always thouggt u had pptential ittwas a complete mess ii you want my honest opinn opinionla reid: it wasnt that bad simon: watch youu back watch your back. &pback. we show you how maryland's other x facttr coottstant marcus did.. coming up in our 7 o'clock hour. pour.find out who goes home wwen the x factor continues tonight at 8 right here on fox45. poming up... wwat do you give a man wwo has everrthing? everrthing?"i was just presented with the most unique gift i've ever received as pres" presideet."what president obama was offered... ii australia. you're watching fox 45 morning. 3&((break 1)) 3q um, miss ? you have hard water stains and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. you need lime-a-way. it's 4 times more effective at removing limescale than the leading bathroom cleaner. lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. for lime, calcium and rust... lime-a-way is a must. 3 &p3 mappfiber map old pourr map 3&you could bb soon flying to the bahamas... for free. the bahamas" contest... courtesy of fox45 and vision now offering non-stoppflights from baatimore to the bahamass bahamas.our grand prize winnnr will get two airline tickets and a 4-day 3-night stay at the grand lucayan bahamas.just tune in to fox45 each morning for the day's codeword.once you see that codeword.. gg to our facebook page.. and ccick on "inside fox45" to enter. we'll then draw our grand prize winner monday november 21st.youucan find all the rules on coming up... be weary of those airline offers... being sent out through email.the one meesage you shouul ánotá be opening. most unique gift i'vee ver the - received as president." he woo't soon forget.what ft president obama was ooferrd... in're watching fox 45 morning neww.. all local.. all morning. new this morning... the transportation security administtation says it may not do an inddeendent study of airport body scanners.that's because its says a soon-to--e- released report claims the machines re not harmful.the t-s-a sites independent &psccentiiic organizations that say tte back-scatteermachiies emit the same amount of radiationnthat passenggrs are exposed to during three minutes in flight. ii you got an email that says itts from delta air lines... pe careful... ii may be a scam. delta says people are getting mmssages saying they purchased a delta ticket and that an invooce or receipt is attached to he email.this morning delta is saying do ánotá open the may contain potentiallyydangerous computer president obama is on his way to bali this morning... after wrapping up his visit to australia.he was there visiting neely-staaioned u-s ttoops... at the royal australian air ffrce baae.the training conditions in australia can be tough... wwth crocodiles roaming around. most unique gift i've ever the - received asspresident. crocodile insurance. my wife, michelle, will be relieved. i have to aamit thattwhen we reformed health care n oneething we left out." (laught" (laughter)"unner the military agreement first announced weenesday... up to 250 u-s australia for military number is expected to climb to p5-hundred over the ext several years. &pthh parent f n allgedd victim... in the penn state sex abuse scandal... speaks out for the first time. time."i said it three times, call the police right now. no"what new details... are and petaaissgoing after a town named "turkey." what it's aaking the town to change its naae too.. this thanksgiving. you'rr watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all the mother of one of the alleged victims in the penn state sexxabuse scandal is speaking out publicly for he first time.tommy andres has the emotional story. story. pi want jerry sanduuky to go to jail for the rest of his life."the mother of alleged "victim number one" in the grand juur report against the former assistant penn state football coach spoke on the phone tt c-n-n's anderson cooper.she sayy her son's school questioned the boy &psandusky taking him out off &pclass without her pprmission. "they told me my son had said problem with jerry,,he didn't really admit anything at that point, he just said he needed pet worse."eone r it would - ""hen the principal said oh, you know, jerry has a heart of gold.""i said it three tiies, call the police right now. they said no, i needed to think about tte ramifications about what would hhppen if i did that." (what do you think they meann by that?) i don't know, i assume wwat we're goinn through right now."also weenesday, sandusky's attornee clarified his clieet's admission on national t-v that he showered &ppith boys."ii wasn't situation wwere he was within inches of the young boys involved, it was a situatton room shower."and governor tom corbett defended hisshandling pennsylvania's attorney general when the investigation was handed over to the staae more than two years ago."if youuthink i delayed it for any reasons, you're wrong."i'm tommy aadres reporting. the schhol system responded to the allegations saying quote - "due to the ongoing nature of the invessigation and prosecution of jerry sanduskyy.. it would be inappropriate for the keystone central school distrrct to provide any comment in this regard at this time. nonetheless... the keystone central school istrict has been and will continue toobe fully coooerative with a ppotoshopppd image of er.""- presidenn obama kissing another world leader.the message... behind the controversial ds. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all loccl.. all morning. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine a pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a pnc performance select checking account and get up to 1.75% cash back for just about every purchase. learn more and apply today at pnc bank. for the achiever in you. stroke risks for women. the blood type that is most ikely to have a stroke... on ox45 news at 5-thirty.3 3- -shred a thon -outside oor studio-cooe by... now through 10 a-m 3 3 3 map fiber map 3baatimore county police need yourrhhlp finding foor youug men who idnapped a 15-year old girl in broad daylight. investigators say the suspects drove to aaother ocation.... where oneeof them raped her. megan gilliland is live in wwodlawnnfrom thh scene. scene.good morning patrice, we're live on woodlawn drrve... his is a main &proad... surrounded by bbssinesses and traffic.but that didn't stop a group of teenage girl right here in daylight.police say it happened around 3-p-m on november first... as the 15- year-old was walkinggalong was approached by four yoong men in a teal-colored sedan. one of them showed a handgun... forced the girl in the car... and cooered her eyes.police say they meanwhile... this morning police are looking for clles in two rape cases in baltimore striking bbth cases... the attacker entered first floor window and covered the eyessof the victim during the attacks.the first one happpned in wavvrly, a week sunday morning in reservoir hilll.olice hope d-n-a evidence will help lead them to the attacker. there is a isturbing new trend among teens. buzz ...they're infusing st tampons with vodka and insertinggit in their bodies....both women and men! a tampon can hold as much aa alcohol is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. among the many problems with that ... there s no ag drinkkng it you don't know not you've had too mucc to drink ... even when you get to the point of alcohol poisoning. that can be extremely dangerous .. even fatal. the italian fashion iie "united colors of beneettnn is pullingga controversial ad... pope kissinn an imam. imam.and that's just one of tte many shocking images the coopany as lluncced.there's also photoshopped images of president obama kissing venezuelannpresident hugo chavez... ann the israelii prime ministerrkissing the palestinian presiddet.the company says the messages are world peace. more than 8 million peoole a year are victims of identity theft....according to the consumer credit council. those theives!! tt heep you get rii of all those personal documents safely, we are hosting a "ssred-a-thon" this morningg joel d. smith is utside our studdos nnw where it's all happening. 3 33 3 3 a small texas town ii the targgt of annanimal rights group this holiiay eeson. season.peta ants the town of ttrkey to change its name for peta saas it wouud help promote compassion for turkeys. though peta did offer to give for all its ressdents ii they - ccanged their name. you may want to think twice... &pabout givvng out gift cards thii holiday season.the main befooe buying one.onsider... - you're watching ffx 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ♪ ♪ if i should fall from grace with god ♪ ♪ where no doctor can relieve me ♪ ♪ if i'm buried 'neath the sod ♪ but the angels won't receive me ♪ ♪ let me go, boys, let me go, boys ♪ ♪ let me go down in the mud where the rivers... ♪ [ female announcer ] when you're responsible for this much of the team, you need a car you can count on. ♪ ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 map fiber map old courr map 95 at 75 3 3 3 3 3 it's our obideal of the week! evvry week.. we'll bring youua ppovides coupoos directly to your cell phone! phone!thii week's deal comes from... ""oming attractions." toe treatment... for only 100 dollars.that includes a massage... haircut and mani-pedi.just go to my- started.. or look for mobideals on your smartphonne smartphone.mobidealssis a product of our parent company.. sinclair broadcast group. pooing up... so long to the days of retiring at 65.the alarminn new age most peope are working thrrugh. we are the 99%, we are the 99% are calling for aanational day oo action.why they're choosing today... to do it..ou're watching fox 45 mmrning neww.. ((break 6))  poññ/ 3 new this morning... when it comes to retirement... 80 is the new 65.a new poll shows middle-cllss americans are so pessimistic about the economy that they plan to keep working until they are at least 80- years old. a wells fargo poll found many had saved just 7- perccnn of the estteeg hey were hoping to build. the faalout ffom the penn state scandaa conninues to mile. the foundation was ond started by jerry sandusky... assistant oach now accused of stateehas frozen a 3 million dolllr grant earmarked for the nonprofit.matching funds are also being withdrawn. we are the 99%, we are the 99% calling for aanational ay oof the tww-month anniversary of the "occupy wall street" movement.cities across the countty are expected to host ralliee... n honor of the anniversary.earlier this week... protesters in new york's zuccotti park were cleared out by policee.. leavinggthem without a permanent place to organize. (((pat))) thee occupy baltimore protestors don't appear to be going anywhere anytime soon .... andd t seemm like thht's group ... has a legal permit for the space for a cancer they've had to move their event because the occupiers won't move. and the city told thee to just share the show host nd foomer police commissioner ed norris joins us, coming up... aa important thing to consider... before giving out gift cards thiss holiday what &p and in our hhmetown hotspot... we take you walking in a winter onderland. the experience you and thh family... just won'ttwant to morning news.. all local.. all mo everybody knows the best place for a good time is mississippi. and that's only until they visited us in louisiana. which is a distant second to sunny florida. for beautiful vacation, nothing beats alabama. ok, we'll never agree on who's best. but we can all agree on one thing. the gulf's the worlds number one vacation spot. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. mississippi has wonderful people, great music, and the beautiful outdoors. louisiana's the best seafood you'll ever eat. shrimp gumbo, crab cakes, etouffee. florida means beautiful beaches and sugar white sands. actually experts agree that the best beaches are here in alabama. which can't compare to a good time on the gulf in mississippi. louisiana fresh catch. florida beaches. alabama beauty. mississippi outdoors. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters. and we are 100% open for business. i'm glad we got that settled. it's tempttng to give gifts pards..but there's a downside. up to 19-percent of those gift cards will never be reddemed. but as consumer reports says... if yyu decide to go carefully. a gift card might seem like ng the "perfect" present... (mos #1)"if it's a store i gg to, ttat i use right away are clltting stores."(mos #3)"i wastt them. i lose them."(mos #4)"they get forgooten.""v/o) consumer reports' money adviser says it's important to think twice before giving a gift card. (sot)"giit cards they used to be. nnw regulations have eliminated some fees, so you can't be charged if you don't use it pards can't eepire for five years." (v/o)but even with new protections... there are still drawbackk. (sot: mandy wwlker)"the new rules apply o merchann and bank--ssued caads. so if you have a reloadable card or one that's you're going to want to pay termss" (v/o)bank-issued cardss are convenient because you can use them almost anywhere... put they come with fees. this visa gift carr from u.s. bank costs 3-95 iffyou get it frrm a branch or 6-95 if you buy it online. and after 122months you're charged a 2-50 a month use it.even charity ift cards come with fees.((st: mandy walkerr"we found one that chargee a 4.95 transaction fee and it charged another three percent to transfer the funds." (v/o)but if a gift card iss still the way you want to go... retail store cards usually haveelittle or no fees. you just want to make sure the person you are buying for likes to shop in the stooe. ((oo: mandy walker) "when you're giving a gift card, you want tt include the terms and thh policces, as well as the receipt, which might be needed iff he card is lost or stolen." (v/o)but better yee... why not givv cash or a check? that way people can shop wherever they want... whenever they want... no strings attachee. &p3comingguu in our 7 o'clock hour... a tell-all book... about the from the prosecuting attorney... about some details nevee leakkd. ((megan ive tease))you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 9ç3 hey! hey, baby. [ car starts ] were you eating smoked sausage in here? no! no. could have gotten me one. i did. try the unmistakable flavor of dunkin' donuts new smokehouse breakfast sandwich, with smoked sausage from hillshire farm. america runs on dunkin'. don't miss the bold taste of the new smokehouse sausage sandwich from dunkin' donuts. a teen is kidnapped by four men... and raped along this county.the suspects you need to be on the lookout forrthis morning. pinging nats natsand.. maryland's own marcus canty gets a littlee risque on the x ffctor.who was in the audience.. thattmade this move really awkwarr for the rising star. 3 3 3 today is thursday, november 17th. p 3 3 map fiber mmp the search is on right now for 4 young menn.. who police say kidnapped a 15-year old giil and took her to another location where one of them raped happened in woodda. live there now where police are asking for youurhelpp we''e live on woodlawn drive... this is a main road... surrounded by bussinesses and traffic.but that didd't stop a group f young men from kidnappng a teenage girl here innbroad dayl. dayliiht.policeesay it year-old as walkkng along woodlawn ddivv.we're told she men in a teal-colored sedan. one of thee showed a handgun... forced the girllin thh caa... and covered her eyes.police ay they then drove to another location possibly in baltimore city... where one of the suspects while later, the suspects drove her back near where thhe founddher.the viitim tells police her assaulter was wearing a grill on his front rhinestone sttds. sheila hughes/works nearby: 33:31 f he has he teeth like that. oh somebodd will see him. somebody will know 36 36:32 they was around here searching loooing around to see who it waa, ho they can find, they predators. need to 38 take another look at this sketch... in addition to the grilll on his teeth the assaulter is allo described a black man with a light complexion... about 5 foot 10... with hazel eyes... and a slim build.and here's sketch of the man carryiig the un... man about 5-8... medium build. &pinvestigators say the otherr two were wearing skiimasks. &panyone with information... woodlawn, megan gilliland ty fox45 morning news. police are looking for clues in two rape cases in baltimore city.... and both have striking both cases... the attacker enteeed the home through annunlockkd first floor window and coveredd the eyee of the victim during the attacks.the first one ago...the second one, on ek hill.poliie hopp d-n-aaoir evidence will help lead them occupy baltimore protesters aren'ttleaving anytime soon, pespite being at mckeldin square... illegaaly. illegally.evennthough city leaders aamit campinn is bbnnee at mckeldin square, they've allowed the protesters toostay... while other cities acroos the country have given &poccupiers the "boot."when asked if baltimooe will follow suit and start evicting protesters... mayor stephanne rawliings blake says there's no deadline, right now. (9:30:48) (mayor) know the direction we're heading. i'veeaskeddthe tents be remooed and we'll deal withh thaa at a timeeof our choosing " really...." the mayor says she wants a we are the 99%, we are the 99% 99%"occupy" protesters are action today... to celebrate the two-month anniversary of the "occupp wall street" movement.cities across the country are expected to host rallies... in honor of the anniversary.earlier this week... protestees ii new cleared out by police... leaviig them without a peemanent lace to organize. there is a dissurbing new teees.among teens. in an ffort to get a fast buzz ...they're infusing tampons with vodkk and inserting it in their bbdies....both women and men! a tampon can hold as much as a shot of vooka and the alcohol is absorbed directly into the bllodstream. among the many problems with that ... there is no gag reflex ann because you're not drinking it you don't know yoo'vv had oo much to drink ... even when youuget to the point of alcohol poisoning. thattcan be extremely dangerous .. evee fatal. &p3&p maryland's health department is trying to urb cigar use among young ppople. the department will hold a news conference today to &plaunch a new tobacco campaign pdpartment of health and &pmental hygiene will join school and baltimmre city health department officials to discuss key findings of a reporttand intrrduce the new campaign. iddntity theft hits 22 thousand viitims a day in the u.s. according to the consumer don't have to be one of them..... ssredding your personal documents is vittl, and we''eehere to help ty our "shred-a-thon". good mornnng joel d. 3 3 the italian fashion line "united colors of benetton" is pulling a controversial aad.. featuring a fake image of the pope kkssing an imam. imam.and thaa's just one of the many shocking imaggs the company has launched.there's president obama kissing venezuelan president huuo chavez... and the israell prime minister kissing the palestiniaa president. aleesandro benetton... chairman of the company... ssys there's a reason behiid campaign, we want o cceete a newwenergy toward tolerance, respecting the others, and finding the elements in common, rather than the elemmets that separate you from the others." others."the company says the essages are meant to prommte love... and world peace. coming up... tte man accused of firing shots at the white house is beeind bars....where police found him... and what his family id... before he was cau. caught.and santa is in town... a little early!where you can find him... in your hometown watthing fox 45 mmrning news.. all local.. all ♪ [ female announcer ] we know you've got a lot on your plate at thanksgiving. which is why safeway has everything you need to get it all done. right now, get a safeway frozen turkey 8 to 24 lbs, for just 58 cents a pound. cook your thanksgiving turkey perfectly with our free chef assistant app. it's foolproof. safeway. ingredients for life. it's foolproof. 3 3 the proseeuttng attorney in p- the asey anthony case is releasing hhs book.the nevee reveals in it.. regarding that pivvtal ase. ccse. you're watching local...all morning. all ccse. you're watching l[ male announcachieve more wit? pnc virtual wallet gathers your spending and saving in one place. credit and debit purchases, checks, bills, and other financial information. it lets you see the details as well as the big financial picture. so you can do more with your money. see what a complete view of your money can do for you at ♪ pnc bank. for the achiever in you. get studio quality sound for music and hd video at verizon 4g lte speed. the first smartphone with beats audio™ and beats™ headphones included. exclusively at verizon. new this morning... an anne arundel county man is behind bars ... accused of distributing child porn.24 yearrold robert hudson is diitributing the material... and faces up to 20 years in dollar fine.state troopers found thee oon during an &pundercover operation... on a pollars is - the man believed oohave opened fire on the white house... ii behind bars this morning.oscar ramiro ortega-hernandez was arrested at a pennsylvania hotel wednesday ... police ound a gun in the room with him. police say he fired hots near the white hooss bulllt hit a winnow, but was stopped by bulletproof glass.the ther was found outside the white house. president obama was traveling abroad at the timeepolice believe ootega-hernandez was living in the d-c area.his family reported him missing october 31st. hybrid ars may beesafer than traditional cars.this, according to an insurance industry report released today. the highway loss data institute says the weight of the hybrid car's battery may explain why it performmd sayssoccupants n a hybrid carr wwre 22 percent less likely to 3et urt..- -meteorologist emily gracey is live with the details on this morning's hometown hotspot --winter wonderland at west shore park--music, games, arts and tasty treats--lanterr makinn workshop, lantern parade --santa arrives later in thh dayyaa the amphitheater amphhtheattr it's a inter wonderland at west shore park on saturday from pm to 5pm.for more information, log on to fox baatimore dot om lash mooning.whileeyou're theree get your latest headlines, weather, and traffic...and it's all for free. stiil to come.. she known as the most hated woman in merica...the prosecuttng attorney in tte casey anthony trial tellssall áblaaesá the jurr.. for if he - lltting anthony free. free.and laterra plane is evacuated on it's wwy to baltimmre.whatta flight attennent found... to makk watchiig fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. &p coming up.. marcus ats 3 nats ak 3))((break 3))-3 coming up.. marcus has been &pthe front cooing up.. marcus nats 3 ((break 3)) all morring. ((break 3)) nats coming up.. marcus has been factor...but find out what hee thaa had two judges... arguing. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all locall. all morning. ((ad lib horoscopes)) ((bbeak 4)) stroke risks for women. the blood type that is most ikely to have a stroke... on ox45 news at 5-thirty.. 3 -live picture oo zuccotti paak in new york city. -occupiers still there, after told they can't camp out. 3 3 3 3& old coruit map ((pat))we are following brraking ews out we are following breakinn news out of northeast baltimore... a man who escaped from home etention is on the loose.policc say he ii hiding in one of theehomes in the 2600 block of robb street. there are several rood -cllsuu arr searching for him now.if careful.we'll bringgyou mmoe e availabll.n s it becomes - baltimore county police need your help finding four young old girl in broad daylight.ear investigators say the suspects drove to another location.... where one of them raped her. pegan gilliland is in woodlawn rom the scene.good mmrning megan. megan. 3 3 3megan. 3 the baltimooe city policc pmproved training for officers... but despite those efforts ...the department continues to pay millions f dollars... to settle eecessiveeforce lawsuits. &plawsuits.since 2009... the city has paid out 13-million city council members took up - argues ... it's the amounttof interaction police officers have with the public that'ssto attorney... disagrees. 3&(dwight)13:14::4 what about the bad police officers that's generrting the problem. not that he whole depprtmenn is bad but obviously there's an attitude in baltiiorr city by the baltimore city police department that sometimes citizens don't have toobe treated as citizens and don't have to hhve their conssitutional rights protected and are abused and &pmisssed :04 :04 prior to this fiical year... tteedepartment never budgeted judgements. &pa suspicious substance found on a southwest jet bound for &pbaltimore ... causessthe plan to bb evacuated.a flight attendant found the white powder in a tissue box.all 137 passengers waited on the tarmac, while a haz mat ccew inspected the plane.they determined the powder wasn't dangerous.a south west airlines official says the later allowed to take off. 3 3 a new judge has been appoinned to oversee the case of jerry sandusky... the former penn staae coach accused of sexually abusing young boys. boys.the previous judge who set sanduskk's bail... ccme under fire... after it was discovered she volunteered for his chaaity, "the second mile." p senior judge ffrm an outsidee county has now been chosen to heering next month. 3& meanwhile...sandusky'' for sooiciting contributions... without telling donors he was being investigated for child molestation.penn state officials informed the second mile charitt as early as 2002 ... when sandusky was tte tarret of allegatioos.but several donors ave come forward saying they didn't know that... when they donated 50-thousand dollarssor more in 2009 and 2010. the mother of allegee "victim number one" in he penn state scandal is speaking aa televised phone interview ... the mother says her soo's sshool questioned the boy sandusky taking him out of (("they toll me my son had ssid some things that there was a problem with jerry, he didn't really admii anythhng at that point, he just saii he needed to telll someone or it would get worse." pthen the principal said oh, you know, jerry hassa heert of gold." "i said it three times, call the police right now. they said no, i needed to think pbout the ramifications about what would hhppen if i did that." (what do you think they meant by that?))i don't know, i assume what we're going now."))what we're going through don't know, i assume whht we're going through ight ) now."))the schhol systee ssas allegations.... but says it is cooperating with police in the matter. more than 8 million &pidentity theff... according t the consumer credittcouncil. &pp so don't make it easy fo those theives!! to eep personal documents safely, we are hosting a "shred-a-thon" smith is outside our studios good morning joel d. g. 3 3 3 3 both of maryland'' cootestantt are still in the running for a 5 million dollarrcontract on thh x factor. factor.sinning nnts maryland's wn marcus canty got down and dirty as he rocked out to janis joplin's "piece of my heart."marcus had said he was worriee about rock couldn't imagine marccs doing a ood job withhthe complicate ttings even more... marcus' moo and aunttwere inn the audienne .. and he was concerned abouu them.. and his church back hhmeehere in marylandd.. seeing the sexy performance.nicole and ppula saiddmarcus did his congregation proud... but simon didn't agree... and got into it with marcus' mentor, l- yoo said ood boy but youre looking up ten girls skirts your mentor put you in hhll you need to prry apart from that it didnt suit you i dont this waa you pretending too much onnstage stage ddnt listee to any of that you ! maryland's other x factor conteetant... ppige eeizabeth ogle.. and get group lakoda rayne got some pretty bad danger of going home. home.find out who goes home phen the x factorrcontinues tonight at 8 rightthere on fox45. stilllto comee. need a getaway for the place.the áwordá you need... to enter to winna frre trip to the bahamas... stay tuned. tuned. you're watching ffx 45 morning news.. all loccl.. all morning. 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((ad lib meteorooogist)) 3 3 3 meteorologist)) 3 ps the temperature drops... 29 warmer cliiates.dreaming about - climates.if so... you're in luck!you could beesoon flying to the bahaaas... for free. it's our "baltimore to tte bahamas" contest... courtesy of fox45 and vision airlines. visson airliies is now offfriig on-stop flights from baltimore to the bahamas.our pgand prize winner will get two airline tickets and a 4-day 3-night stay t the grrnd lucayan bahamas. can qualify by enteringgtoday's codeword on the "inside fox45" tab on our facebooo's codeeord is.... vacationwe'll drawwour prand prize winner monday povember 21st.go to facebbok dot com slash foxbaltimore to can find all the rules on coming up... making a list and checkkng it's that time of year again where buying presentt is on everrone's mmndd...but before you sppnd that dough... make sure you caa afford it. it. we have an expert llve in our studio taking your calls about hooiday financial tips. 481- 4545.or send us a tweet - your questions on our facebook - page. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. we all like the fun of the holiday seassn .. whaa we may not like is all the money we tend to spend during this time. instead of making this season stressful ... it could be a good time to tall about finances .. especially when the whole family tends to be togetherr... and some financial decisions affect everyonee for this week'sstake actiin thursday, certifieddfinanciil ppanner john hausermaa joins us with the important financial ooics you need to thiik about. about. -first .. you need o talk &abo holidays .. it can be discussed with kids and siblings -aging parents-college kids -college kidd -siblings-younger children after the break, certified hauserman will be back to take your calls about financial planning for the hooiiays. if you have a question our phone lines are open now at 410-481-4545. pou can send us a tweet at fox baltimooe... or gg through our facebook page. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bbeak 7)) & ((bump in)) we're backk planner joon haussrman. he is taking your calls about fiiancial planning for he holidays for our take thurrday.if you have a question... ur phone lines are open now at 410-481-4545. you can send us a tweet at fox facebook pagee 3 3 3 3james:my son wants a p-s 3.... but i don't have the it wise to put it on my credit card when the limit is only $60? 3 33 3 3 3 onll $600? $600?when tte limit is on my credit card when the llmit is only $600? $600? 3 3 3 p3- 3 3 3 3kriitie--ppssadena passadenaonly $600?when the limit is on my credit card the cash.3.... but i don't haae my son wants a p-s james: 3 3 james:3.... butti don't have the cash.on my credittcard when the liiit is only $600? kristie- passadena &ppassadena 3 33 kristie--passadena passadena 3 3 coming p in our 8 o'clock meteorologisttemily gracey goes to new heights...stayed tt see if she can tackle.... st. stilts. you're watching fox 45 9; could have gotten me one. i did. try the unmistakable flavor of dunkin's new smokehouse sausage breakfast sandwich with sausage from hillshire farm. the best place for a vacation is mississippi. you mean louisiana. florida's where folk's want to be. alabama's got you all beat. no matter which state you choose, everyone agrees the gulf is vacation at it's best. mississippi outdoors, louisiana seafood, florida beaches, alabama shoreline. so come on down to mississippi, louisiana, florida, alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters. and we are 100% open for business. the tagline is "let's do his votinn... just became... too hot for t-v.who's tryinggto get out the vote with this suggestive add p,3 natsing natss- and.. maryland's own marcus canty gets a little risque on the x faator.who was in the audience.. that made this move really awkward for the rissng star. 3 3 - it's on! - we're teaming up to decorate these gingerbbead 3 houses for a gooo cause trees)- you can ote for your thurssay, november 17 3- 3 3 fiber map 3 3 we are following breaking news oot of northeast baltimore... a man who escaped from hhme &ppolice say he is hiding in oo of the homes in he 2600 block of robb strret.there are several road closures in the area..police are searching for him the investigation continues, robb street is closed between friendship and homestead streets.if you live inntte area lease bb careful. we have a crew on the way to the scene and will bring you available. the search is also on right now for 4 men... who police say kidnappee and exually assaulted a 15-year old girl. girl.police say it happened around 3 in the afternooo on november first... as the 15- yeer-old was walking along woodlawn drive.we're told she was approached by four young men ii a teal-colored edan. one of them showed a handguu... and forced theegirl in the car.police say they possibly in baltimore city... wheee one offthe suspects raped the ggrl. the uspeets then drove her back to wooddawn.the viccim tells pplice the suspeet was wearing a grill on his frrnt teeth... with diamond or rhinestone sheila hughee/works nearby: 33:31 if he has the teeth like thatt oh somebody will see him. ssmebody will kkow 36 36:32 they was around here seerching lookkng around to see who ii was, who they can find, they predaaors. neee to get em 38 38in addition to tte grille on his teeth ... the suspect is also describee as a black man with a light comppeeion... about 5 foot 0... with hazel eyes... and a slim build.and here's a sketch of the man carrying the gunn.. he's is described as a bllck man about 5-8....medium build. investigators say the other two were wearing ski-masks. anyone with information... should call baatimore county 3&"occupy" protesters are calling for a ationallday of action today... to celebrate the two-month anniversary of the "occupy wall treet" moveme. movement.we are the 99%% we &pare the 9% 99%citiee across the country are expected to host rallies... in honor of the anniversary.earlier this week... protesters in new york's zuccotti park were leaving them without a permanent place to organize. russia... tooget out the vote. the target? youth. 3&vladimir putin's party has comm out with this new ad... that shows a coupleegetting it on... in the vooing booth.the tagline?... "let's do this together."critics are calling the d... a desperate measure. identitt theft hits 22 thousand victims a day in thee u.s. according to the connumer credit council. but you them..... shredding vital, and we're here to help t. today. joel dd smith is live outside our studios for morninggjoel d. 3 3& 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -breaking news out of northeast baltimore...-suspect founda man who escaped from homm detention is on the loose. police say he is hiding in one of the homes in the 2600 block of robb strret.there are several road clooures in the arra..police are searchiig for continues, robb street is tion - closed betwwen friendship and homestead streets.if you live in the area please be careful. we haae a crew on the way to the scene and wwll bring you more informationnas it becomes available. &pit's amazing the things parents come up with... to calm a crying baby. baby.crying... music ssarts... cyring stops 3 &stops we're introducing you to minutes. biggest fan... in you're watching foxx45 morniig news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) 3q there she is ! hey, i got a leak ! yoo hoo ! wait a minute, come back ! um, miss ? up here! right. like 85% of us, you have hard water stains and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. truth is, you need something powerful. you need lime-a-way. it's 4 times more effective at removing limescale than the leading bathroom cleaner. because lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. for lime, calcium and rust... lime-a-way is a must. --winttr wonderland at west shore park park -meteorologist emily graaey is liveewith the details on this morning's hometown hotspot --music, gamess arts and crafts, hooidayystories and tasty treats--lantern making workshop, lantern parade --santa arrives later in the amphhtheater it's a winter wonderland at west shore parr on saturddy information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning.wwile you're there, get your latest headlines, weather, and ttaffic...and it's all forrfree. 3 3 map fiber map 95 my challenge this weee... is something that ray lewis áhimselfá is challenged with... ff the field. pield."so what's his highesst on here cuz whatever he can pet to on here, i'm gonna beat that .." .."ww'll shoo you what happpned when patrice took his indoor cycling class... next. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all 3 morning. ((bbmp in)))- we all know ray lewis works hard on the field .. off the field his workout his pretty inteese too . this year, he added something new .. ndoor new company round it ... called l52 cycling ... and launched a new series of dvd's. so when his team challenged me to give the ((take pkg)) i met up e.3 with ray's team at insync cycle in hunttvalley. i wasn't sure what i waa in for ... but i knew ii was goona be goona do one of our first cross trainnng workoutt to build power, speed, endurance. delveloper for rl52 cycling ... so i blame her and rayy equully .. for what i'm about to go through. so what's whatever he can gettto on 3 here, i'm gonna beat that .. that's pretty high ... rpms 150, which is unbelievable .. laughs .. so im going for unbelieeable i should probably start with just not collapsing. i puu on py heartt onitor ... and climbed on. im ready to go we started with a warm-up ... with kristy and &pray ... at least in with kristy and with a warm-up ... ray ... at least in tte video .. leading the way. we'd go hard for aboutt30 secoodd.. slow t down .. then get right back to it. wide shot of group me sitting up and breathing hard whoo .. rate up a little.>ok i passed the warrup, lets see if iican take it to the next level but there waan't much ime to rest ... we were moving onnto something a little harder. 20 seconds on .. 20 seconds off my rpms up to 100. me and kriisty .. patrice is an over achiever .. shes up to 120, im impressed not bad for first 20 seconds ... but we had 4 1/2 mintues still to go. she's behind me shht .. i look at burned .. starttgginn fasttsurv this was tough.. final level .. and thhy took it up. collapse ... yyu keep slick cu my face .. put my head own breathing me worst was yet to comm. me leaned over the bike .. so ok teaa sports, rest f - the team nd put on one of thh shirts to go into the home stretch i changed into one of the rl52 shirts .. givv me some energy in the home stretch...started with squats. kristy demo me squatting and jumping us holding squat then &ppsanding up then it was back to the bbke ... foo owwr and what did you say ray gets to ...its goign for 150 herecu of monitor .. 112 pmsyyur 150 is end of my workout ivv burned 372 up to 187 nd i survivee noo it was i made it, we ll made it because i saw you work harr i say 10 10 worrs for me! if you want to ray's new dvd series ... to see if yyu can do better series ... to see if ay's new dvd try your hand at if you works for me! 10 3 10 if you want to try series ... to see if you can do better than me ... we've posted a link to the spinervalssseries on our website... 3&just go to fox baltimore dot comiig up... if indoor cycling was my challlnge... that means making a gingerbread house should be a cinch. cinch.that's what áyouá think, candace and i are chaalenging you and steve... to a little friendly competition... next. 3 you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) ((bump in))ú ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ÷ñ of kknnedy - this is all a partt - this is all a part of kennedy - this is all a part - this is all a part of kennndy krieger's "festival of kennedy krieger's ""estival of trees."- these gingeebread houses will be on diiplay in a gingerbread village surrounded by a forest of 250 decorated trees- youucan come see them in perssn november 25th-27th. for more information about for mmre for more for more for more information about the festival of information about for more 27th.november 25th-them in person - you can come see them in perron november 25th- 27th. 3 27th.november 25th-27th. &pfor moreeinffrmmtion about th festival offtreess.. just go tt our website foxbaltimore dot com slash morning.and as website is on our - coming up... you're taking a live look at the incred-aashon... outsidd at the incred-a-shon... outside our many of our viewers arr ttrning out... to shree their personal information.we'll show you some of the bbg we'lllshow you sooe of the big items about to go through... next. crying... music starts... cyring stops 3 stopsalso next... the cyring ss stopsallo next... the ábaby baby babyá... who just can't youusee... what biggge's watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) 3& we had a mouse. what? where? don't freak, it's gone. how? who did it? i did. with one of these. this is a mouse trap? yeah. it's a different kind of mouse trap from ortho home defense max. it's guaranteed to kill the mouse. just push down this little lever right here and it does the rest. nothing to see, nothing to touch. you just throw it away. no mess, no drama. we can do without drama. ♪ excuse me? ortho home defense max. defend what's yours. ortho home defense max. 3 3 3 fiber ap 3 3 a new judge haa been appointed to overseeethe case of jerry sandusky... the former penn state coach accussd of sexually abusing young boys. boys.the previous judge who set sandusky's bail... came under fire... after it was discovered she volunteered for his charity, "theesecond mile." a seniorrjudge from an outside &pcounty has now been chosen o preside over the preliminary hearing next month. meanwhile...sanduuky'' charity is coming under fire for soliciting contributionss.. without telling donors he was being inveetigated for child mooestatton.penn statee officials inforred the second mile chhrity as early as 2002 p.. when sandusky was the target of alleeatioos.but several onors have come forward saying they didn't know that... when they donated 50-thousand dolllrs or orr in 20099and 2010. number onee in the penn ssate - scandaa is speaking a televiieddphone interview ... the mother says her son's school questioned the boy after she told them about sandusky aking him out of class without her permission. (("they told me my son haa said some thhngs that there was a problem with jerry, hh didn't really aamit anyyhing &pat that point, he just said h needed to tell someone the principal said oh, you n - gold.""i said it three timee, call the police riggt now. they said no, i needed to think about the ramifications aaout what would happen if i did that." (what do you think phey meant by that?? iidon't know, i assume what we're goinggthrough right now.")) phey cannot respond to the pllegations.... buu says it is matter. the baltimore city police department says it has improved trainnng for officers... but despite those efforts pay millions of dollars... to pettle excessive force lawsuits. llwsuits.since 2009... the city has paid out 13-million dollars.earlier this week... city council embers took up the topii.thh city solicitor argues ... it's the amount of interaction police officers have with the public that's to blame.but at least one defense attorney... disagrees. (dwight)13:14:44 what aboot the bad policc officers that's whaa is ggnerating the problem. not ttat the whole department is bad but obviously there's an attitude baltimore city police department ttat sometimes citizens don't have to be treated as citizens and don't constitutional righhs protected and are abuseddandd :04prior to this fiscal year... the department never budgeted for these ulti million dollar judgements. if you got an email that says it's from delta aar llnes... be careful... it may be a scaa. says people are getting messages saying they &ppurchasedda delta ticket and that n invooce or receipt is attacced to theeemail.this morning delta is saying do ánotá open the may contain potentially dangerous computer viruses. people a year are victims of ideetity theft... according to the consumer credit council. so don't make it easy for theives!! to help you get rid of all those personal documents saffly, we are hosting a "shred-a-thon" this porningg joel d. smith iss utside ur studios now where it's all happening. good morning joel d. 3 3 3 3 ssme parents will do anything... to calm a crying ba. baby.crying... musiccstarts... cyring stops 3 -baby loves notorious b-i-g -this video is becoming a big hit n youtube ccming up... maryland's own marcus canty gets a little risque on the x factorr natsor.singing nntss- who was in the audience.. that made this move really awkward for the rissig star. ann if you're going to hitch a ride... make sure it's trrveling at speeds faster than this.we introduce you too &pthe turtle-riding bird....nex. yyu're watching fox 45 morning news.. aal local.. all morring. 159 concussions in the nfl last year alone... but head injuries aren't just for the pros... "he came off the end and hit me hard." "i'm talking to him and he's not responding to me." "that's 15-20 times the acceleration of gravity." what's being done to prevent head injuries on every football "the goal is for everybody to play... have fun...("break!") and get out of the game safe." ((toss to weather)) meteorologist)) weather kii tease 3 3 33 3 3 map fiber map old court bbrd's best &pfriend?... or more like a mooching buddy?this bird rides arounn on his turtle-friend's &pback... all the time.and apparently... the turtle doesn't mind..his video was posted on youtube... by someone in japan.and so far... pt's become a huge hit. coming upp.. they're ii it to natsit... singing natss- a look at the two maryllnd singers who've made it to the watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6))  um, miss ? you have hard water stains and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. you need lime-a-way. it's 4 times more effective at removing limescale than the leading bathroom cleaner. lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. for lime, calcium and rust... lime-a-way is a must. &pthe top 10 took the stage on the x factor last night.two of the people aae from here in marrland.candace is here to wrap up the night.candace---it was rock niggt.. interesting soog choices by the judges. lissen in tooperry hall native paige elizabeth ogle with her group.. lakoda rayne. singing nats nats the ladies sang a mash-up of the outfield's "yoou love" ann fleetwwod mac'' "go your own way" for rrck night.they were and really needed to hit it - out of the parkklast night.the judges had mixed opinions.... what do you think? ((two shot))) phat 3chaa &pthe show closed with bowie's ownnmarcus canty. listen in sinning nats nats marcus got down aad dirty as he rocked out to janis joplin's "piece of my heart." compllcate things even more... marcus' mom and aunt were in thheaudience .. and he was &pconceened about them.. and hi maryllnd... seeiig the sexy performance. heee's what he had to say after theeshow canty ssys: "man... i the showhad to say after here's wwat he erformance. here's what he had to say after the show canty says: "maa... i rockeddit out man. it felt llke once aaain... marcus lays it out on the table. lay it out on the line for everyone to seeeand i felt like i laid ii out there. i dont do rock n roll, you know, im annr&b. simon madeea comment abouu me an imitation. but its rock week, so i cant... its rrck, its rooc n rool baby. and im rockin out!" find out who goes home when the x find out who goesshome when the factor continues tonight at 8 right here on fox45. well if you thought last night's "x-factor" competition was fierce... that's nothing compared to áthis.ácandace and i are squareinn off against steve kitchen.we'll put our gingerbread-making kills... to the test... and let you the viewer... pick're watchinggfox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. (((reak 7)) ((bump in)) &p bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. 3-way cfls really click with my style. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at what? where? don't freak, it's gone. how? who did it? i did. with one of these. this is a mouse trap? yeah. it's a different kind of mouse trap from ortho home defense max. it's guaranteed to kill the mouse. just push down this little lever right here and it does the rest. nothing to see, nothing to touch. you just throw it away. no mess, no drama. we can do without drama. ♪ excuse me? ortho home defense max. defend what's yours. ortho home defense max. - this is all a part of &pkennedy krieger's "festivallo trees."- these ggngerbread houses will be n display n a by a forest of 250 decorattd trees- you can come see decorated treesforest of 250 su houses will be on gingerbread - these of trees."krieger's "festival of kkenedy --this is all a part offkennedy - these gingerbread houses will be on display in a gingerbread village surrounded by a forest of 250 decoraaed trees- you can come see them in person novembee 25th- 27th. coming up on good day baltimore... peta is going after a town named "turkey." what itts aaking the ttwn to change its name t... this thanksgiving. p

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