thank you baltimore!cheering pheering "i wasn't afraid of death, the last six hours, i was aaking god to hurry up." up."an eederly man survives three days stranded in a car after an accident.who finally found him.. and what the man used to write out his last will and testament. look. doesn't he look like a little kd in a crib. and... he's like a kid or innhis case.. a grown man how thhs large man.. made nt. himself thin enough.. to ggt through those bars. 3 3 wednesday, september 14th 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 33 p3 -3 3 3 3 with an overwhelming ead .. but guarantees she'll be all &pelected tt a full erm as mayor of baltimore. she easily beat all of the democratic challengers in last niiht's primary. the results. results..ncumbent mayor stephanie rawlings blake... her closest competitor... state senntor catherine pugh... meean gilliland is 3pmegan gill city all with the mayor's response to last night's democratic nod. nod.good morning patrice,she's the incumment mayor... but this is stephanii first primary win.a win... that sooe predicted er first campaign for mayor, rawlinns-blake brought in more endorsements and raised more money than the eetire the end... she on morr votes than all of them combined too. 22:28:34i have one thing to thank you baltimore, it's ity, - almost a little crazy when you think whattwe've been through over the last 19 months, one hurricane, ooe earthquake, one years of bbuget defiits, but 3 so congratulations to all of you and thank you for 3 your confidence to be your mayor in these times22:39:32 22:39:32rawling's blake's toughest challenger turned out to be catherine pugh.when the votes were all counted, pugh had thhs to say... 22:24:16we can do better and realiiy is thattwe must do fooks to believe that what -&g needs of ttose uptown22:24:42 22:24:42in balttmore, democrats outnumber republicans by more than to 1.that means, thht last night's primary win assures rawlings-blake of victory in the general eleetion. for nnw, rawlings-blake says hee foccs is on betttr schools, ssfer streets andd schools, safer foous is on beeter blake says her for now, rawwings- blake saas her focus is on better schooos, safer streets and stronger neighborhoods. live from city hall, megan gilliland, news. &p3 33 3 we're... getting a better we're... we're... 3 getting a better idea.../ of... voter turnout numbers arr even lower than expected. only 22 percent of registerrd voters bothered showinn up at the polls. joel d. &psmith was at a polling location in baltimore now is pbck at the same location to look at some turnout was so disappointing. morning joel d. p3 yeah megan, these numbers were even with 6 days of early voting. i was here yesterday and the judge of elections knew it was slow ii the morning... ttey were just hoping it would really pick up later in the 3& t was exxremely slow in tte morring thoughh.. by noon... less than 5 percent of eligible voters... aaout 15 thousann people - had made it to tte polls. empty voting booths &pp familiar sight. while many were preaching change, those castng a ballot... were few anndffr between.... there are 324 thousand voters registerrd here in baltimore, & 72050 yesttrday. with he future of the city at staae, the question is why? 3 mmerk tarasiewicz: :"between 10 and 3 o'clock it was vvry slow. the weather is nnce but i dont know why. i suspect people dont care anymnore in the city and that's not good."tc: 32:48 - 32:54skip barbee:because they've given up, alot of people have given up.. because they're seeing the same thing. 3 &p manyysay that lowwr turnout avors incumbants,.... maybe voters figure their vote wonnt matter. and maybe ptat's what happeneddwith stephanie rawlingg lakk winning by a huge margin. &ppannidates combiied. 3 live in northwest baltimore, news. five candidates for mayor....ake it a crowded prima. primary.... 28:46- 28:51 republlcanssin baltimore chose the perron who will challenne stephanie rawlings blake in nnvember... in a tight race.. alfred griffin beat out vicki harding baltimore... democrats usually the democratic ..- primary determines whoowill be the next mayor of baltiiore. primary races were also held for evvry baltimore city council district... and city council president.áallá f thhse races aae listed in the ticker at the bottom offthe screen. in some districts... there are more candidates than we can list on the ticker.áeveryá candidate ii listed on our elections results website.just go toofox baltimore dot com... and click on the "bbltimore the near the top off 3there was an upset in theecity councillraces...incumbent in the disttict 7 primary... by just under 100 votee. a political analysttweighs in on tte ppimaay... includingg this upset and the mayor's win. that's comiig uu later this hourr we're learning more ... bout a baltiiore county basketball coach charged with sexually abusing a 14-year old . boy.... according to charging docuuents... the teen told police ... coach tyrone jordan summer camp in randallstown. - police set up a sting .. and an offfcer posed as the 14-year old in a text message converration.ii thh texts ...the coacc acknooledged the inapprooriate touching... then arranged to meet the boy at pikksville... and that's n - where police arrested jordan. jordan has been charged with sexual abuse of a minor... and fourth degree sex abuse.he is beiig held at the baltmore county detentiin center an 85-year old mma stuck in his ar for three days ... writes out his final but interior. thankfully... he survives. survives. robeet porter of san antonio and was trapped in hisscar for days in the searing heat. survive... porter wrote out his final thoughts to his family on the centerrconsole. (("one hing i wrrte, the very first was... this... this was an accident. underlined! because i was afraid somebody suicide.""i wasn't afraid of death, the last six hours,,i was asking god toohurry up.""i why you expend energy on me. i'm not worth it.")) it.")) a neighbor brought help. by thh way... also in his note oo the homeowner'ssassociation to fix the road where the accident happened. coming up... woold you like fries with that? the first thhng this theif went for.. after craaling through the drive thru window. we're going to go over sales figures, complete this merger, present to the board, and do a number of other seemingly impossible tasks -- it's going to be a big one. sink your teeth into some egg, bacon, and cheese, and nod if you understand. good. you've got spunk. a big day calls for the big n' toasty. with fried eggs, cherrywood smoked bacon, and cheese stacked high on texas toast. it's a breakfast favorite. wrap your hands around one. america runs on dunkin'. it's big and toasty and a breakfast favorite. start your day with a big n' toasty from dunkin'. &p 3 happened. the accident the road where association o fix homeowner's he asked the the car console... also in his note on p by the way... help. 3 finally saw the ,3 a neighbor 3 mmps-fiber-back to maps- 83aa695 for my next hit coming up... 3&he represented one of the mos hateddwomen in america.find is defenning nnw. 3&i couldn't bblieve it was our family- our name. and.. it's a memorial that was 10 years in the making.what the family of 9/11 victim whose name was misspelled.. is morning news.. all local.. all - morningg ((break 2)) new this morning...pollceeare investigating a murder in south happened morning at monroe and lombard stteets.when investigators arrivvd on the scene, they found a man shot in the head. no word on suspects... orra motive at this time. hundreed of families of the victims of 9-1-1... waited a decade to see this memorial. but.. for the family of jeffery schreiers .. it was bittersweet.on sundaa.. janicee hart finally saw her brother's name on panel 31 of the north pool.. but there was something wrong.his namm was misspelled. when she complained.. hart says the memorial organnzation first blamed her foo the error but later reccnted, admitting it was their own clerrcal mistake. the group apologized to he family saying. "as soon aa we foond out about thhs error we began working on how to makk it right." perhaps givvng my family someealone time at the memorial... so that we coold experience it again wiih the correct name. once it's fixed art says she'd like some private time to honor her brother's memory. casey anthony's attorney is now defending the man at the center of the missinn maryland aruba. jose baez confirms hees representing gary giorddno, who's in jail in aruba rightt now.he's the prime suspect in the disappearance of 35- yeaa old robyn gardner.baaz isn't attorney, but he will elp with giordano's defensee coming up... 3mayor stephanie rawliigs bllkk sweepssthe democcacttc mayoral close the runner uu got to the incumbent. see all he has on is his underwear. underwear.and next.. this man wants a burger so bad.. he'll do almost anything to get it.. including.. taking it all off. the first thing this theei you're watching ox 45 &morni ((break 3)) [ male announcer ] humble beginnings are true beginnings. they are the purest way to gauge success. maybe the only way to gauge success. but the most powerful thing about humble beginnings is that they are... ♪ ...humbling. show where you're going without forgetting where you're from. ♪ now lease the all-new 2011 chrysler 300 for $339 a month for well-qualified lessees. ((bump inn) a late night snack attack sends a man hunting for food... camerrs were rolling as the man slid out of his clothee to swipe a meal from a rive-thru window.but as tom negovan reports, it asn't quite thatt easy. 33 in the early hours of saturday morning, one man's solitary quest for a meal... look. doesn't he look like a little kii ii a crib. he hangs haaf-in, half-out at the drive-thru window at mr. beef's on elmhurst rd in mouut prospect. stimied byythe securrty bars before shedding his cloohes and squeezing through.see all he has on is've gotta admire his tenacity. the guy spent about 20 minutes getting and pasttthe security ars, about a foot inside before he trips the alarm.this is when the alarm goes off. did you see his face? did you see him &pfaae, just for a second. and aa he hhars the urglar alarm begin the blaireeand realizes, you think, that he'ssas good asscaught. ssill, he gets dreesed, gets himself a drink from theesoda maahine with a for foodd grabbing chicken a 3 tenders and fries nd tossing them in the microwave. there's no time to fireeup the deep fryer because within a couple of minutts police are there and not for a burgerr watch as then talk to the lateenight intruder right through the drive-thru window. almost aa order. well you want their - sommthing to eat? i'm cooking some food here. when the man disappears an officer climbs in the same way the suspect did with one big difference, he keeps his clothes on. the &pbandit, quickly arrested.the restauranttowners just glad free publicity. nobody got hurt and there really wass't much damage nd the customers get a kick out of it. finest... dance moves? moves?dancing music nats natsthe violence that was going on while thisscop.. busted a move. baltimore's primaay election. what the results mean for the city. tonight on fox 45 news at 5;30 3 3 &p3 3& maps-fiber-bacc to aps please with an overwhelmmng lead .. stephanie rawlings-blake all but to a full term as mayor of d - baltimore. she easily beat all of the democratic primary. the results arr on our smartboard. precints reporting .. ..incumbenn mayor stephanie rawlings blake... per cllsest competitor... 3 state senator catherine pugh... &p mmgan gilliland is live att response to last night's democratic nod. nod.good morning patrice,she's thh incumbent mayor... but this is stephanie rawlings-blake firrt her first campaign for m- mayor, rawlings-blake brrught in more endorsements and entire field thee all of them combined too. 22:29:41i want you tt kkow ttat it is a truly humbling experience i will work every day tt make yyur lives better ouu city better and continue theeconfidence you have in me.. baltimorr moves forward when we are united as 22:30003rawlings-blake's closest competition turned out to be catherine pugh.when all had this to say about her campaign... 22:23:59 i don't think we had enough the people so i'm still are excittd bc i believe that people innthis believed what i was talking bout abbutin this believed what i people so i'm still exccted is important are the people so i'm still excittddbc iibelieve that people in this believed what i was talking about outnumber republicans by more than 99to 1.that means, that assures rawlings-blake of victory in the general election. for now, rawlings- blake says her focus is on and stronger neiihborhoods. live from city hall, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. 33 3 we're... getting a better idee.../ of... vottr turnout in thee primary, and the numbers are even lower than expected. only 22 percent of showing up at tte polls. joel d. ssith was at a polling location in northwest baltimore yesterday,,and now is back at the same location to look at some reasons why &pdisappointing. good morning joel d. p3 yeah megan, these nuubers were even with 6 days of early voting. i pas hhre yesterday and the judge of elections knew it was slow in the morning... they were just hhoing it would really pick up later in the not.... it dii not..- it was extremely slow in the morning though... by noon... less than 5 percent of eligible voters... about 15 thousand people - hhddmade it to the a ballot... were few aad far g betteenn... there are 324 thousand voters registered yesterday. sooe say people were just not motivated by the candidates, others think their votes won't matter anyway, the front runner candidate e spoke to had a very accurate predictiin of what low voter trnout meant for this race.. lower voter tuunouu favorr the incumbants, the people that are better known. larger turnouts will help newcomers get in office. tc: 2:57 33305 ssip barbee: we havent ad an exccting candidate with a visiin to come along until recey recently. ( ad lib stats....) 3 3 live in northwest smith, ffx 45 morning nees. thaatbrings us to oor question oo theeday:why do you think voter turnouu was so low?we'll be taking your calls in our ooclock hoor. you can also go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell us what you think.... post your thoughts on our facebook wall ...or ... answer under our nee facebook also send us a tweet.. at can - foxbaltimore. 3& republicans in baltimore chose the person who will challenge stephanie raaliigs blake in a tight race.. alfred griffin beat out vicki harding with 51 percent of the baltiiore... democrats &poutnumber republicans 9 to 1.. usually the democratic primary determines who will be the next mayor of baltiiore. primary races were also held council districtt.. nd city council president.áallá of those races arr listed in he ticker at theebottom of the screen. in some districts... thereeare more candidates than weecan list on the ticker.áeveryá candidate is listed on our elections resultt weesite.just go to fox baltimore dot com... and click on the "ballimore votes""banner near the top oo the screen. there was an upsee in the city council races...incumbent bellnda conaway lost to political nnwcomer nick mosby in the district 7 primary... by just under 100 votes. a political analyst weighs inn on the primary... including this upset and the mayor's win. that's coming up later this hour. for the seeond day in a row, howarr couuty is seeing violent activity. a man middle of a arking lot. lot. it happened at this apartmeet complexxon harper's farm oad in cclumbia, tuesday afternoon. the man was found afterr he was stabbed ..then fell on a parked car, settiig off the car's alarm. detectives are offering a 5-thousand dollar reward for any information llading to an arrest. also in howard county, police are investigating the murder... of a bail bonds woman.42-yeaa old nicole mcnair was shot and killed tuesday night outside a columbia partment complex. pooice aren't sure whethee she was theee n busiiess r for personal far no suspects or arrests at this time. < "well i think we would be remiss if we didn't look at what sheedid for a living... and that's hat we're asking for the public to help us with."> was in thh middle of a ictim divorcc.. ann rrquested a protective order. some new york city coos áreallyá get into the spirit of parade ... and it's causing some controversy. nats))this video of pollce officers dirty ddncing withh has gonn viral.the paradeeis known for being wild... but someeare shocked by this video not only because it's graphic... but because 9 people were hot at this &pyeaa's york's police ccmmissioner says the pfficers just goo caught uu in the spirit of the parade... and he doeen't want to make tooomuch of the video. pcming p... when ii oven- proof?(sot: barbara oven proof? trojanowski)"all of a sudden i heard a bang, iifelt it hit phe back of my leg. the bllod was ppurrng out all ooer the pl" place."the startling results investigation.. into some glassware. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. alllmorning.. [ male announcer ] at the safeway pharmacy you can get a flu shot with no hassle at all. i don't even need an appointment. [ male announcer ] it's about as easy as flu shots get. get your groceries and a flu shot, all in one trip. at safeway. "the paris of the midwest." and now this city's most promising new car comes with a beautiful interior, leather seats, and french stitching. perhaps that nickname will come back. ♪ now get 0% apr financing for 72 months on most 2011 chrysler 200 sedan models. and you'll get a bonus. you get 10% off your groceries. [ male announcer ] save 10% on your groceries when you get a flu shot. that should make you feel better already. safeway. ingredients for life. that should make you feel better already. meteorologist)) mmps-fiber-back to maps pleasemaps-fibbr-back to maps please poming up... empty shelves.. nnthing on the racks.nooit's not the day after black friday.the sale and nnxt...historically low voter turn out in the city's mayooal primary.a political nalyst goes inside the're watchhig fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) -3 everybody knows the best place for a good time is mississippi. and that's only until they visited us in louisiana. which is a distant second to sunny florida. for beautiful vacation, nothing beats alabama. ok, we'll never agree on who's best. but we can all agree on one thing. the gulf's the worlds number one vacation spot. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. mississippi has wonderful people, great music, and the beautiful outdoors. louisiana's the best seafood you'll ever eat. shrimp gumbo, crab cakes, etouffee. florida means beautiful beaches and sugar white sands. actually experts agree that the best beaches are here in alabama. which can't compare to a good time on the gulf in mississippi. louisiana fresh catch. florida beaches. alabama beauty. mississippi outdoors. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters. and we are 100% open for business. i'm glad we got that settled. new this morning... no insanity defense for the woman charged with killing her co- worker inside a bethhsda yoga shop.brittany norwood is scheduled to stand trial next lemon athletica ssop.her ulu - defense planned to arugeethat norwood was mentally ill.. &pattorney's misseddthe deadlin to ile for thattmotion. it's a knitwear line loved by celebrities... and now... it looks like it's a hit with target shoppers, as well.we're talking bout misssni... and as you can see byythe looks of ttis target... there's not much left.demand was so's wwbsite crashed tuesday. the store said sales are rivaling black the votes are in ... thh few that there rawlings-blake gets the nod mayor of baltimore. her closeet chaalenggr was catherine pugh .. who had less than half the votes rawlings-blake brought ii. ddspite early voting options ... voter turnout was historically low in the city. eligibile voters, made ittto the polls. (((pat))) political analyst john dedie joiis us phis morning with a look at the outcome.-22 percent ... why didn't peoole get out to vote-why did rawlings- blake win ... do people really it thaa nothiig has gooe too - &pbaddunder her watch-catherine pugh was the closest second -citt council race ... belinda phat happened there cominggup... a hhdden danger... in the kitchen. kitchen.(sot: barbaraa trojanowski)"all of a sudden i heard a bang, i felt it hit the back of my leg. thh blood was pouring out all over the pl" place."the brands off glassware.. that can shatter in the oven. and... charm ity honors one of its own.what ou can ffnd inside the "zappa"'re watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3((break 7)) ((bump in)) we're going to go over sales figures, complete this merger, present to the board, and do a number of other seemingly impossible tasks -- it's going to be a big one. sink your teeth into some egg, bacon, and cheese, and nod if you understand. good. you've got spunk. a big day calls for the big n' toasty. with fried eggs, cherrywood smoked bacon, and cheese stacked high on texas toast. it's a breakfast favorite. wrap your hands around one. america runs on dunkin'. it's big and toasty and a breakfast favorite. start your day with a big n' toasty from dunkin'. ((break 7)) ((bump in)) late last year... consumer reports analyzed more than 150 reports tt the government oo ssatterrng. most involved since then....consumer reports has heard of more thaa ne hundred nee incidentss these reports represent ooly a tiny fractiin of tte hundreds of &pmillions of pieces of glass bakeware in american kiichens. &pbut consumer reports is urgin &pthe government to investigate. investigate. (v/o))arbara trojanowski says she only uues metal pans after hee glass aking dish shattered while it was sitting on top of a heated ovenn sot: barbara trojanowski)"all of a sudden i hhard a ang, felt it hht the back of my leg. the the place."(v/o)barbara's over achillls tendon was severed. afttr surgery, she can walk, put doubts she'll e able to &preppott hhs analyzed 1455new reports of glassware shattering afttr its first &ppnnestigation last december. and it's not just bakewaree thht's ssattering. (sot) &pinvolving glass bowls and &pseven nvolving glass phen hot water was poured into the microwave when used to heat foods, even though they're labeled microwave-safe."(v/o)pprex and anchor hockinggglass bakeware are now made of a type of glass called soda lime that has been heat-strengthennd. decades ago they wwre made of "thoogh it's not clear when the switch occcrrrd, the manufaaturers say soda lime is drrpped or bumped. and they say t's equally resistant to temperature chhnges."(v/o) consumer rrporrs laboraaory tests compared the two typess of glass bakeware. new pans were subjected to extreme heat then put on a wet granite countertop a& conditions likely to causeebreakage and conntary to the manufacturer's inntructions. ten out of ten pimes the soda lime bakeware brokee (natsot: brraking glass) (v/o)bbt the borosilicate dishes did not break, though most did after baking at slightly higher temperaauree. (sot: andrea rock)"when using glass ans, it's extremmly imppotant to follow safety precautions." v/o)among the most important - never place dishes on burnerssor unddr broilers and be sure to place hot glassware on dry potholders. or simmly use metal pans in thh oven, as barbara ttojanooski now doess barbara trojanowski is suing anchor hocking... whiihh made theeglassware she used. the company says it has bben matters. both anchor hocking and the aaerican manufacturer of pyrex, woold kitchen... say it's important to follow safety warnings. coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... it promises to help you never &prun out of gas.we put "sparr ♪ [ male announcer ] some people say... good things come to those who wait. truth is... good things come to those who work. ♪ this is l.a. and this is what we do. ♪ [ male announcer ] now lease the all-new 2011 chrysler 300 for $339 a month for well-qualified lessees. thank yyu baltimore! cheering cheeriig 3 the scams surrounding september 11th 5::7:06 r. mark gordon "this ppoduct gets you out of harms way 110 percent of the time" timee peece of mind.. stored in your trunk. the new product that promises you'll never run out of gas again. 3 today is wwdnesday, september 14th. 3 maps-fiber-back to maps please 3 with an overwhelming ead .. stephanie rawlinns-blakeeall but guarantees she'll be mayor of balttmorre she easily beat all of the democratic challengers in last night's primary. thh esults are onn our ssartboard. with 100-percent of the precints reporting .. ..incumbent mayor tephanie rawlings bake...her closest competitor... statt &pseeator catherine pugh... megan gilliland is live aa with the mayor's 3 3 3 primary races were also held for evvry baltimore city council district... and city council president.áalll of those races re listed in the &pscreen. in some districts... ttere aae &pmore candidates than we caa list on the ticker.áeveryá candidate is listed on our electionssresults website.just go to fox baltimore doo com... and click on the "baltimore votes" banner near the top of the screen. police are investigating a murder in south baltimore. it happeneddjust after 1-o'clock &pthis morning at mmnroe and lombard streets.when investigators arrived onnthe scene, they ffund a man shoo in the word on suspects... or a mottve at this time. for theesecond day n a row, violent activity. a man was tabbed to death in the happened at this apartment complex on harper's farm road in columbia, tuessay afternoon.. the man as found after he was stabbed ..then fell on a parked car, setttng off the car's alarm. detectives are offerinn a 5- thousand dollar reward for any information leading to an aarest. also in howard county, police areeinvestigating the urder.. of a ail bonds woman.42-year old nicole mcnair was shot and poliie aren't sure whether she 3 pas there on business orrfor personal reasons..o far no suspects or arrests at this time. baltimore city pooice re asking for your help finding a man wwo sexually assaulted a woman in 2009.ttis a computer generated sketch of tte suspect.ii early nnvember of 2000... a wommn was carjacked on parkside garden drive... near heering run parkthe suspect drove the woman to several locations... and forced her to erform sex acts anyoneewith inforration is asked toocall baltimore city police. changes to how the t-s-a pats down your children in airport screenings.kiis ages 12 and pounger are ow allowed to keepptheir shoes on and option of swabbing their hands for exxlosive reeidue, rather phan patting them down.the new pollcies will beein soon. coming up... the latest in the murder triil killing a co worker at an athletic shop.the important deadline hhr attorneys missed. missed. ou're watchinn fox 45 morning news.. all local.. (( ♪ [ woman ] we didn't know where to go next with eric's adhd. his stimulant medicine was helping, but some symptoms were still in his way. so the doctor kept eric on his current medicine and added nonstimulant intuniv to his treatment plan. [ male announcer ] for some children like eric, adding once-daily nonstimulant intuniv to their stimulant has been shown to provide additional adhd symptom improvement. don't take if allergic to intuniv, its ingredients, or taking other medicines with guanfacine, like tenex. intuniv may cause serious side effects, such as low blood pressure, low heart rate, fainting, and sleepiness. intuniv may affect the ability to drive or use machinery. other side effects include nausea, tiredness, trouble sleeping, stomach pain, and dizziness. tell the doctor about your child's medicines and medical conditions, including heart, liver, or kidney problems. [ woman ] adding intuniv helped eric. [ male announcer ] ask the doctor about once-daily nonstimulant intuniv. [ male announcer ] ask the doctor mapssfibee-back to maps-- 83at69back to maps lease still aheaa.. the success of the alcohol tax in our state could rompt more hikes.the other things beeng coosidered by lawmakers. &plawmakers.and track sttr carl lewis is back ii the political out of it.the reason he was - booted to begin with. youure watching fox 45 morning morning. hé we're going to go over sales figures, complete this merger, present to the board, and do a number of other seemingly impossible tasks -- it's going to be a big one. sink your teeth into some egg, bacon, and cheese, and nod if you understand. good. you've got spunk. a big day calls for the big n' toasty. with fried eggs, cherrywood smoked bacon, and cheese stacked high on texas toast. it's a breakfast favorite. wrap your hands around one. america runs on dunkin'. it's big and toasty and a breakfast favorite. start your day with a big n' toasty from dunkin'. new this morning... no ccarggd with killing her co- worker inside a bethesda yoga shop.brittany norwood is scheduled to stand trial next month, in the march killing of jayna urray inside the lulu lemon thletica shop.norwood &poriginally said.. the store &pwas robbed.her defense planne to aruge that nnrwood was oo mentally ill to be held criminally responsible for her actions... butther attorney's missed the deadline to file for ttat motion. two montts ago... maryland raiied its ales tax on alcohol ... 50-percent.and that might not be the last taa increase we see.state lawmakers rrturn to work next increasing thh gas tax. and ... raising registtation and licenning fees.the governor considered if federal money to maryllnd is cut. (goveenor) "ttat would put us under much greater pressure to hhve to look at reevnuessand taxes in order to protect our schools, keep our fire and police out on the street." street." the state generated an extra six million dollars from the alcohol tax hike. cadaver dogs are now joiniig the ssarch for susan powell. the mother from utah has been missing since deceeber 2009.on &pthe night she disappeared,,he husband josh went camping at simpsoo springs .... the dogs are seerching that far, nothing has senator ben cardin wants to crrete national parks in maryland and new york ... that are dedicated to harriet tubman... the famous workerron the unddrground he will speakkabout his eefortssto move the bil toward considerationnby the full senate. tubman was born in porchester county aad was a slave for almost 30 years before he escaped.she is slaves to freedom. ndreds of former track ssar and olympian carl lewis is trying to get back in theepolitical arena.he wants to be oo the new jersey state senateeballot.lewis was disqualified in april over a residencyyissue and he's been trying to get back oo the ballottever appeals ccurt ruled yysterday ... he still to come.. ements. it was one of the darkest days the weekend, we honored thhse e- who lost heer lives ten years scammers are tryyng to profit from the tragedy.whht you need to knowwabout "9/11" cams..'re watching fox 45 3 3 this weekend markee the 10thhanniversary of 9-11. people took timee that day .. and the livvs loss and faaillis impacted. many also, reachhd for thhir wallet to make donations .. to memorial funds ... funds for chhldren wwo lost arents .. first responders. while the generosity is appreciited ann needed ... sccmmers know this is a prime time to target for this week's confident tte better business bureau h joins us this morning with some 9-11 scams. p, if you would like more information on the bbtter website.... fox baltimore dot com slashh orning. coming up... running out of gas... can lead tt harmful situ.'s very dangerous toopull over on the side of the highway." highway."but the "spare fuel" prooises to help you have safe travels if you do hit empty parly.but will it work? nnws.. all local.. all morning - morning. baltimore's primaay election. what the results mean for the city. tonight on fox 45 news at 5;30 @÷÷ 3 3 3 3p 33 3 3 with annoveewwelming lead .. stephanie awlings-blake all but guarantees she'll be electtd to a full term as mayor of balttmore. she easily bbat all of the democratic challengees ii last night's primary. thee esults are on ouu smartboard. with 100-percent of the precints reporrtng .. .. incumbent mayor stephanie prwlings blake...her closest competitor... state senator catherine pugh... 3 megan gilliland is at ity hall with the mayorrs response to last night's democratic 3 3 that brings us to our question of he day:whh do you think vvter urnout was so low?we're taking your cclls now.. the number to call...410- 481- 3priiary races were also held for every baltimore city council district... and city council president.áallá of those raaes are listed in the ticker at the bottom of the surprising election.. was in the city counccl's seventh conaway llst tt poliiical newcomer nick mosby. in some districts... there are more candidates than we can pandidate s listed on our elections results website.just go to fox baltimore dot com... and click on the "baltimore votes" banner near the top f the screen. officer pleads guilty to lice acceptiig kickbacks. &p officcr jhonn corona entered the plea yesterday. he took money from a local garage.. and in exchange.. directed accidentt victims to that garage. corona is he deal in the investigatioon we're learning more ... about a baltimore county sexually abusing a 14-year old . boy.... according to charging documents... the teee told police ... coach tyrone jordan inappropriately touched him on august 31st at the hoops summerrcamp in randallstown. police set up a sting .. and an officer posed as the the texts age - ...the coaah acknowledged the inappropriate touching... then pikesville... aad that's where police arrested jordan. we spoke with another parenn who's teen also accused jordan of inapproprrate touching... but no charggs were filld in phat case. 3 because he didn't touch him in or buttocks he couldn't get t - him on sexual assault.... assault.... p jordan has been charged with sexual abuse of a mmnor... and fourthhdegree sex abuse. he is being held at the baltmore county detentiin center without bail. the midwest is now fighting off wildfires. smoke in minnesota can be ssen hundreds of miles least 100- thousann acres of land are charred sinceelightning started the fire last month. many residents have evvcuated. almost 200 people are fighting helicopters to drrppwater. d in california, a missing boy with ssvere autism is found safe.this is viddo of him arriving to a hosptial to be &pchecked out.the 8-year old wa ... after running away from rs - school monday.authorities found him yesterday afternoon, aboot a mile away in a canyon. of gas on the road... this out - up and running. running. "this product gets you oot of harms way 100 percenttof the time pimebut does "spare ffel"" deliver?find out wwen we put it to the will it work test. test. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all orning. 3((break 5)) all local.. all orning. mmm... if i were cheese... i wouldn't want to let go of myself either. come try the cheese inspired dishes on our $2, $4, $6, $8 value menu. only at denny's. ñ 3 it's our mobideal of the week! every week.. we'll bring you a deal from mobideals... which provides coupons directly to your cell phone! phone! this week's deal comes from brian's auto care. get n oil change or just 15 bucks.that's half off. just go to my-mobidealssdot-com to get started.. or look for mobideals on your smartphone. smartphone. mobideals is a product of our parent company.. ssnclair broadcaat groop. ((toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 maps-fiber-back to maps- 83at695-back to maps please cooing up.. very few city residents urnnd out for the primary electionn yesterday....prompting peoplee show up at the polls? polls?that brings us to ur question of the day.wwy do you think voter turnout was so llw? our phone lines arr open now.. 441-481-4545. you're watching foo 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bbeak 6)) only 22 percent of registered voters used their riiht to vote in the primary electtin yesterday.those numbers are even lower than expected. expected.that brings us to our question of theeday.why dd you think oter turnout was so low? our phone lines are open now.. 411-481-4545. debra- baltiiorebrittany baltimore toni- baltimore baltimore 3 3 3 cooing up in our 8 o'clock hour.. the sounds of peter, ppul, and larrr... where you can find it.. in your hometown hotssot. hotspot.but're driving down the highway... and your car hhts "ee.the "spareefuel" promisee to have you back on the road in no time, but will it work?find put nex.t ou're watching fox 45 morning news.. 3 [ female announcer ] this is trish. trish uses aetna's personal health record to track her kids' immunizations, get lab results, see her family medical history, and when she's at the doctor's office, she uses it to remember what to ask before she leaves. it helps trish keep everyone in her clan healthy. even on the go. see for yourself, ♪ aetna. know more. get better. 3 have yyu ever been stranddd on the side offthe road?one neww product claims it can help you have safe is this product something that will have us saying "spare me?"we put "spare fuel" to the will it work test. 3 it's happened to many of us... 5:55:11 roger "it can gee a little scary when ii gets down to "e" and the light comes on and you don't know where your next pit stops gonna bb"and whennit does appen, there's no telling what could happen pext5:46:51 dr. mark gordon "it's very danggrous to pull over on the side of the highway.""ow, one product claims to be the world's only &pdr. mark gordon "this product gets you out of harms way 100 percenn of the time"spareefuel says it can get drivers who have run out of gas to a safe location...but it's an option around than gasoline..:50:455 a purr product of a mixture of - the gasoline ellmenttnts outside of those gumworks as well as the heptanes and buttnes whichhare extremely flammable and cause gasoline we going to give this product - a green light, or will it just tank?we put spareefuel to the wwll it work test.first, ww tested out its ffammability 5:58:44 nats of dropping in matth.well, that just snuffed out any doubttwe had. then we ran down the gas tank and even siphonnd ome out (5:55:51 vo of siphoning).5:57::6 roger "so little gas in here i couldn't eeen iphon it out" 5:55:39 nats of gas cap5:57:17 roger "im gonna pour a little half gallon tank of spare fuel into my empty tank"5:57:45 nats of pouring5:58:16 nats of cap goinn on5558:23 natt of car turning onand the engine still telliig me im on e nd - the light is still on but i had so little in there" there"5:58:47 "its gonna get meeto the next gas station station5:58:54 nats of enggie sounds grrat,,its running smooth as a whistle"seems like thissproduct wheel get ouu motorssrunning.but what about the 25 dollar price tag? 5:59:53 roger "for 25 dollars its definiiely worth the peace of mind" mind"dr. gordon 05:51:00 "its exactly the same mileage as to the galon for gaaolii,e you'll get 16 miles to spare fuel."so, will it work?5:55:35 roger " i think its a deaa because a ttw trucks gonna cose ma lottmorr to come out and fiil my tank" for more information on spare fuel...log on to fox baltimore dot ccm slash news links. coming up in our 8 o'clock pour.. shocking numbers about the poverty rate innthe u-s. u-ssit's the highest it's been in 17 many people are barely getting by. by.and only 22 pprccnt of peoppe turned out for the primary election tuesday.tte possible reasons why... city rrsidents didn'' show up to the polll. 3 3 , i have notting. i don't care if i can sleep in a bed, but i want my kids to have a bed. 11 perccnt of americaas.. are just how little money every one in six american families is iving on. look. doesn't he look like a piitle kid in a crib. and... he's like a kid breaking into a candy store... breaking into a burger joint. how this large mann. made himself thin enough.. to get through those bbrr. 3 3 3 wednesday, september 14th 3 3 maps-fiber-back to maps pelase with an overwhelming leaa .. stephanie rawlings-blake all but guarantees she'll be elected to a full term as maaor of balttmore. she &peasily beat all of the democratic challengers in last night's primary. the results are on with 100-percent of thee precints repooting .. rawlings blake...her closest competitor... stateesenator catherine pugh... phe's the incumbent mayor... but this is stephanie rawwings-bllke first primary win.a win... that some predicted months ago. her firrs campaign for mayor, rawlings-blake brouuht in more endorsements and raised more money than the entiieefield the end... she won more votes than all of themmcombined too. 22:28:34i have one thing to say to the people of ur city, thank you baltimorr, it's allost a little crazy when you hink whaa we've been 3 through over the last 19 months, one hurricane, one earthquake, one tornado and two blizards, two years of budget defiits, but we are standing here together so and thank you for your confidenceeto be your mayor in these times22:39::2 22:39:32rawling's blake's toughest challengee turnnd the votes weee all couuted, pugh had this o say... 22:24:16we can do betterrand reality is that we must do better mediicrity is not acceptable we can not llow folks to believe that what 22:24:42in baltimore, democrats outnumbbr repuulicans by more than to 1.thattmeans, thht last night's primary win assures rawlings-bllke of victory in the general election. there was an upset in the city council races...incumbent belinda conaway lost to political newwomer nick mosby by just under 100 votes. votes.primary races were also council district... and citt ccuncil ppesideet.áallá of ticker at tte bottom of the e 3 screen. in some districts... there are more candidates than we can list on the ticker.áeveryá candidate is isted onnour elections results website.just &pgo o fox baltimore dot com... and click on he "baltimore the near the top oo - we're... getting a better idea... of... voter turnout in the primary, and the numbers arr even lower than expected. expected. only 22 percent of rrgisttred voteer bothered showing up at the poll. smith was at a polling location in northwestt baltimooe yesterday, and now issback at the same locction to look at some reasons why the turnout was o disappointing. good morning joel d. 3 yeah egan, thess numbers were even with 6 dayss of early vvting. i was here yesterday and the judge of eleccions knew it was plow in the morning... they were just hoping it would really pick up laaer in thh it was extremmly slowwin the orning &pless than 5 percent of eligible voters... about 15 thousand it to the polls. maay were preaching change, le - those castng a ballot... were pew aad far between.... there are 324 registered here in baltimore, yesterday. question is why? 3 3&maerk tarasiewiiz: :"between 10 and 3 o'clock it was very slow. the weathee is nice but i dont know why. i suspect people dont care anymnore in the city and that's not ggod." barbbe:because they've given up, alot of people have given up.. because they're eeing 3he same thing. - many sayythaa lower &pturnout favors innumbants,... maybe oters figure thhir vote thatts what happeneddwith ybe - stephanie rawlings blake winning by a huge margin. as megan said, she got more votes thanntte ooher 5 candidates combined.. 3 & live in northwest baltimoree jjel d. smith, fox 45 morning nees. five candddates for mayor...make it a crooded prima. primary.... 28:46- 28:51glenda davis: there's some strong candidates in this election ad you want to vote in, in the acutal seaa."a race... that could change thh irection of baltimore city. city. 3 3 3&pááad libáá 3 election in new york state l - party. . the house seat vacated by democrat anthony weineer you might remember weiner stepped down after racy photos and text messages urfaccd from the lawmaker. the majority of voters in &pthat district are democrat.. ointt.- rrpubliccns say the vote represents unhappiness ith the democratic party. &p officer pleads guilty to accepting ickbacks. officcr jhonnn coronn entered the plea yesterday. he took mmney from a local garage.. and in exxcange.. directed accident corona is the seventh officer to take a plea deal in he investigation. if you have a dehumidifier.. check toomake sure ii haan't "goldstar" and "coofort-aire" &pdehumidifierr are being pecalled because they pose a fire hazard.the coosumer producc safety commission says they are responsible for more than a millionndollars in property damage. 3a ew york man is suing fast food chain white castle...over the siie of its ssats.martin kessman says he can't fit comfotably into the burrer joint's booths... and he complainee about it 2 years ago.he says the restaurant pledged t fix the problem... but so far... he says nnthing's changed.kessman, who's 6-feet tall and nearly 300 pouuds, says the seats vvolate the civil rights f overweight people... pregnant women... and disabled people. coming up... we'rr in for a big cool down. down.when it could all of a sudden start to feel like fall. you're waachhng local.. all morning. all all orning. news.. aal local.. fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all 3 morning. p(bump out)) p(break 1)) 3 ♪ [ female announcer ] have you ever seen a glacier while sunbathing? why not? have you ever climbed a rock wall in the middle of the ocean? or tried something really wild? why not? it's all possible in the nation of why not. royal caribbean's floating nation. where you are free to do anything you want. which may be nothing at all. royal caribbean international. why not cruise from baltimore? visit today. festival of free expressson --the official frank zzppa day coomemoratton in baltimore --music and arts festival ann an annual lagship of the --celebrating the ife anddictt- legacy of an icoo icon manifesto 2011: a festivaa of free eepression, is at the enoch pratt's southeast anchor saturdaa at 10am.for more on to ox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3&maps-fiber-back to maps- 83at695 please .. thank you 3 coming up... your kidd can tt revive the ying art.. oo ow handwriting. , i have nothing. i don't care if i can sleep in a bed, but i want my ids to have a bed. and.. americaas poverty rate hits itsshiggest level sincee 1993.just how little money it takes.. to be below the poverty're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morniig. ((brrak 2)) ((bump in)) startling numbers are out today from the census bureau.46- millionn americans... that's one in every six... are living in poverty.that's the highest rate since 19-93...and the most ever recooded in the 52- track.lisa sylvestee takes a llok numbers. 3 in silver sprinn, maryland voluntters load furniture onto trucks. they are part of a circle that provides ffrniture to needy families.we get about &p400 telephone calls a day, an out of those telephone calls more than halffare people who will tell us the samm story which is, i ave nothinng i bed, but i want my kids to have a bed. among those benefitting are yunola campbell - and herrfour children. she works full tiie as a home health aide, but her a year puus her bblow thh ars - poverty lineit's really hard &b kids is like my number one prrority, so you know i buy food, i payythe rentt and whatever left behind that's what we work with until i get ppid numbers released bb the censuu bureau show that the natton's pooerty rate hit the highest level since 1993--- 1551 percent of the population in 2010. the poverty line for a family four is defined as $22,314 a yeer. if you today then you're really in deep poverty because that pumber is so low. that's based on outdated formula from the &p60's.government safety net programm could potentially be look or ways to trim awmaaers - government debt. the conservative group the heritage foundation downplayed thh latest census numberss saying many f he nation's 46 million peopll in poverty are not truly destitute. i think designed to exaggerate the extent of poverty in the united states in order to build a larger welfare state an it does make it more difficult for us to target the assistanceeto those who truly need it.(nats) but rose zuffi who is unemployed and came to a wider circle looking for help -says its not alwaysseasy to identify those living below the poverty level. i think there liivng in poverty that we're not awwrr of. that might seem that, you don't know,,but cnn..cript----end----- coming up... it's dyyng art.what's happening to handwrittng.. nd how you can make sure your child can write legibly. and.. he represented one of the most hated women in aaerica.find out who cassy anthony awyer is deffnding're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all do you think you could write the entire alphabet... in cursive?don't forget about that capital qqif you can''... you're not alone... many people are ditccing handwriting skills and picking up their own styleeand for kids... that makes it even more difficult to learn the basic this weekks family 411 beth herdson, with write-before-school is here with riley to jot down a few ideas for us all.--what's &phappened to handwriting? --is it still being taught in school?--what about at home? home? --whattare the common issues kids have with writing?--are home? if you'd like more information on writing beeore school, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash mooning..nd if yyu have an idea for our next familyy 4-1-1 segment, end me an email. coming up... new yrk's pinest... dance moves? moves?dancing music naas natsthe violence that was going on while thisscop.. busted aamove. you're watchhng ffx 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) ((open)) @÷÷ xxxxxxxxx####hhh c8c8c8c8c8w 3 3 3 maps-fiber-back to maps 3 33 with n overwhelming lead .. stephanie rawliigs-blake all buttguarantees she'll be elected to a full term as mayor of baltimore. she democratic challengers ii last night'ssprimary. the results are on our smartboard. with 100-percent of he precints reporting .. ..incumbent mayor stephanie rawlings blake...her closest competitor... sttte senattr catherine ugh... rawlings-blake will face 3 republican alfred griffin in the general election. there was an general election.griffin in the general election. there was annupset innthe city council races...incumbent belinda conaway lost to political newcomer nick mosby in the district 7 primary... by just under 100 vvoes. votes.primaay races were also &pheld for eveey baltimore city council dissrict... and city counnil president.áallá of those races are listed in the ticker at the bottom of the screen. in ssme districts... there are more candidates than we can list on the ticker.áeveryá candidate is listed on our eleetions results website.just go to fox baltimore dot com... and click on the "baltimore votes" banner near the top of the screen. we're... getting a better idee... of... vvter turnout in the primary, and theenumbers aae even lower than expectee. only 22 percent of registered voters bothered ssowing up at the polls. polls. joel d. smith was at a polling llcatioo in northwest baltimore yesterday, and now is back at the same location to look at sooe reasons why thh turnout was so disappointing. good morning joel d. &p yeah megan, these numbers were even with 6 days of early voting. i was here yesterday and the i was here yesterday and was slow in the morning... ew i really pick up later in the ld - day.... it did not. not. it was though... by noon... less than &p55percent of eligible voters... abbuu 15 thousand polls. empty voting booths a familiar sighh. while &pmann were preaching change, ttose castng a allot... were few and far betweee.... registered here i baltimore, 72050 yesterday. with the future of the city t stake, thh questton is why? conaway4258 normally lower voter turnout favors the 3 incumbants, the people that areebeette known. laager pet in office. tc: 32:57 33:05 skip barbee: we hhvent had an exciting candidate with a vision to come along until rece. recently. ( ad lii stats..... 3 3 &p3 live in northwest baltimore, joee d. smith, fox 45 morning news. 33 3&ááaa ibáá 3 the man suspected in the disaapearance of a maryland woman has hired a high profile attorney.gary giordano has attorney... jose baez.baez has agreed to help giordano... who's currently in jail in aruba.giordaao is the prime suspect innthe disappearance of a robyn gardner who went missing in early august. p hundreds of families of &pthe victims of 9-1-1... waite a decade to see this memorial. but.. for tte family of jeffery schreiers .. it was bittersweet.on sunday.. janice hart finally saw her brrther's name on panee 31 of the north pool.. but there was something wrong.his name was misspelled. when shh complained.. harr says the memorial organizaaion first blamed her for the error put later recanted, admitting ittwasstheii own clerical mistake. the group apologized to the familyysaying. "as soon error we begannworking on how tt make it right." perhapp giving my family somee lone time at the memorial... so that we could experience it aaain with the correet name. once it's fixed hart says sheed like some privaae time to honor her brother's memory. assa or europe?a new poll finds ameeicaas now see asia as more important than eurooe for the u--. s.but the feeling sn't mutual. europp.. most people said the &pu-s wws more important to their country than asia.the survey marks a dramatic change in attitudes since the last time it was done in 2004. itts a knitwearrline loved by celebrities... and now... it target shoppers,,as well.we're talking abbut missoni... and as you can see y the looks of this target... thhre's ot much eft.demand was so's website crashed tuesday. the store said sales are rivaling black friddy!just o giie you some perspective... one of the designer's colorful knit dress can run for as much as 15- hundred bucks atta department store.the collaboration s supposed to run through some new york city cops áreallyá get into theespirit of a parade ... ...and it's caussng some contro. cootroversy.((crowd nats)) has gone viral.the parade is known for being will... but not only becauseeit's is video graphic... but becausee9 people were shot at this year's york's police coomissioner says the officers just got caught up in the spirit of thh parade... and he doesn't want to make too much of the video. 3 3&pcoming up... he's lookiig fo real-llfe monsters. moosters.. the monsters you read abouttas a kid, they're rel realyour chance to win "dylan dog.. dead of ight" on d-v-d .. coming up after the bbeak. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all loc i recognized my business, we've been lucky, and i wanted to go from luck to truly strategy. ♪ hurry up, let's go, don't want to miss a thing ♪ what was good about the strayer experience was i did some online and some in the classroom. thank you so much. by helping me to look at some of the financial decisions that i was making, it paid for itself almost in the first class. i am dr. nathaniel williams, and i earned my mba from strayer university. ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 weather kid tease 3 3 mapp-fiber-back to maps- 83at695 please he's best known for his role as pupermaa... now brandon routh is taking on ssper powers of a differrnt kind. kind.look around you. the monsters you reed about as aa kid, thee're real. and thh key to their survival is they're real. real. he tars in thh film "dylan dog.. dead of night" routh plays a detective who hunts down monsters in the louisiana also stars in dylan og. the movie is on video now.. and 20th century fox away. you can or 5th caller at 410-481-4544. - coming up... they overcame a life f addiction.. with thh help of a baltimore- based movement.two people share theii success sttries. and.. woulddyou like friess with that?the first thing this theif went for.. after crawling through the drive thru winddw. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. alllmorning. ((break 6)) ((bump in)) ten years agoo the baltimore-based "hezekiah movement" was formed to help drug and alcohol addicts in peed of suuport, uidance, and, we have aa talk about an upcoming fundraiser.michaellpyattjoins us this morning with more. --the name hezekiah omes from theeking in the bible who overcame his addiition through spiritual unnerstanding and prayer... how does the hezekiah movement differ froo other rehabilitation services? rehabilitation services? ---lt's hear about your story--this organizaaion depends on community support...tell us about the upcoming crab feast feast for more information on the hezekiah movement, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash com slash to fox baltimore movement, log on hezekiah information on the for more 3feast feastupcomiig crab east feast for more information on the pezekiah movement, log on to fox baltimore doo com slaahh coming up... a man wants a burger so bad.. he'll do almost anything to get it.. includiig.. taking it aal off. see all he has on is his . theif went for in the kitchenn and... charm city honors one inside the "zzppa" festival. morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) a late night snack attacc sends a man hunting for food... cameras werr rolling as the swipp a meal from a drive-thru . window.but as tom negovan &preports, it wasn't quute that easy. 3 in the early hours of satuudaa morning, one man's look. doesn't he look like a little kid in a crib.. he hanns half-in, half-out at the drive-thruuwindow attmr. bbef's on elmhurst rd in mount his clothes and squeeziig through.see aal he has on is his underwearryou've gotta admire his tenacity. the guy sppnt about 20 minutes getting &ptenaciiy. the guu spent you'v gotta admiie his underwear.see aal hh has oo is his through..- before shedding security bars stimied by the ecurity bars before shedding his clothee and squeezing throogh.see all he has on is his underwear. tenacity. the ggy spent about 20 inutes ggtting thii far, thrrughhthh glass and past he security bars, about a foot inside before he trips the alarm.this is when the alarm goes off. did you see his face? did you see him must can ee t on his face, just &pfor a second. and as he hears the burglar alarm bginnthe blaire and realizes, you think, that he's as good as caught. till, he gets dressed, gets himself a drink from he soda machine wwth straw, ann this next sseee on the infer-red kitchen camera rummaging around he freezers for food, grabbing chicken teeders and fries and tossing them ii the microoave..there's no time to fireeup the deep fryer because within ccuple of minutts police arr theree and not for a burger. watch as they shine the liggt in and then talk o the late-night intruder right through the driveethru window. almost as iffhe'' trying to take their order. well you want something to eat? i'm cooking &psome food here. when theeman disappears an officer climbs in the same way the suspect did with one big difference, he keeps hhs clothes on. the bandit, quickly arreeted.the restaurant owners juss glad this ended weel, with a lot of hurt and there really wasn't - much damage and the customerr get a ickkout of itt coming up on good day baltimore... 33&they donnt even know what youtube is. is.but finndout what this elderly couple did to become a viral video're watthing fox 45 morning news.. all llcal.. all morninn.