3 3 live look at the world trade center site in new york city friday, september 9th 3 map fiber map 3 severe flooding has led porttdeposit. vacuations in joel dd smith s there now where shelters are housing dozenssof residents who ear they may have lost it all. &p good morning joel d. 3 we have sccoollcllsings to telll you about this morning. parford county schools aaee open.. buttseveral individual schools in that ccunty are closee. havre de grace elementary.. meadowvale elemtary and aberdeen high school. charree county schools are closed. sevvre floodinggcontinues to make dozens of roads impassable..n baltimore county pne bridge has been swept away. megan gilliland is live in randallstown with a look at howwthis is affeccing traffii morning. 3 3 the numbers are in... and according to the mayor and race organizers ...baltimore's grann prix was a ugg success. success.organizers say almost 160- thousand fans turned out. early numbers show a 44-percent iicrease in hotel pevenue ownnown... over last year. some bars and restaurants near the race track also saw big business ....but other ressaurants actually álostá organizers predicted 70- million dollars in overall revenue. coming p....the grand re- openinn... of brrodway market. p sneek peak at its new look... in ouu hometown hotspot. --vikki powees is live with the deeails on this morning'ss hometown hoospot--foolowing the completion of 750 thousand dollar exterioo and interior renovations, broadwwy market will hold a two-day "grand re- opening to celebrate the mmrketssnew look" --grand-re-opening ribbon cutting ceremony with mayor stephanierrllins-blake --live mc 3 the broadway market grand re- opening ii in fells point today at 11am.for more information, log on to fox paltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 3 3 map fiber mmp coming up.... you either love them oo hate them.how much maryland's new uniforms arr going for... when they hit the auction block ttddy. i want to put a mic on ou, where can i ut it? &pit?but nexx... a ccackdown on nudists in san francisco.what the ccty is now aaking them to cllthes back on!you''e watchinn fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) [ male announcer ] humble beginnings are true beginnings. they are the purest way to gauge success. maybe the only way to gauge success. but the most powerful thing about humble beginnings is that they are... ♪ ...humbling. show where you're going without forgetting where you're from. ♪ now lease the all-new 2011 chrysler 300 for $339 a month for well-qualified lessees. new this morning... a guilty... to sttaling more than 375-thousand dollars... from the united wayyof central mmayland.prosecuuorr say 48-year-old doroohy talbot was supposed to close a checking account for employee activities.but instead... she ddposited donor checks iito corporate account... and withdrew monee.talbot faces up 33 jury selection continues today... for the michael jackson's former - doctor.he's charged withh the singer's death.prosecutors claim he administeeed a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to jackson.the trial &pis set to begin later this month. nasa will try again tomorrow... to launch twin sppcccraft to thh moon.eaalier because of high winds in florida..he twin satellites... nammd grail-a aad grail-b... orbiting the moon. the battle conninuessin san francisco... to crack down on n. nudists.i want to put a mic onn you, where can i put it? it?ccty officials are considering a new law... to mmke nudists cover ublic seats before sitting down. aa of now... it's perfectly leeal to be naked in public... so long as you're not arouued.the new legislation would ánotá require people to cover up... but rather covee the seats they're about to sit onn &pcoming up... maryland's new uniformm... are being auctioneddoff todayyhow much the jerseys and helmets are going for... and where thee procceds are headed. but next... a break down of phe president's sseech last nightt why his jobs plan... is stirriig up controverss. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) 3& president obama told congress to "pass thissjobs bill." in forceful and passionate tones ... theepresidnt laid night. he said there is nothing controversial in the plan .. and that all members of congress should be but of course republicann haa a speech. our polittial commmntator and d-c joins us this morning foo our washington wrap. -many of the ideas are ones that republicans have supported in the past .. so whh wouldn't this be a plan that could work -he ppt out the challenge to pongress and republicanss.. the ball s in there court now -he says it is paid for .. and plans to release more deatils about how to do thht .. &pincluding reforring medicare coming uu... a possible terror threat... againsttthe u-s.what details are bbing releesed. p(joel live tease)) pyou're watching fox 45 mooning news.. all local.. all &pmorning. ((break 4)) dry mouth is uncomfortable. it can also lead to serious dental problems. [ male announcer ] new act total care dry mouth is alcohol-free and has fluoride to strengthen teeth. stronger teeth and dry mouth relief. [ whistling ] ♪ [ webber ] discover all that northwest florida has to offer. seventeen hidden beaches, one revealing destination. and only at southwest.com can you get 99-dollar fares nonstop from bwi airport to panama city beach. [ ding ] from bwi airport to panama city beach. phylicia barnes murder. the person f interest.. claiming -live look world trade center 3 site in new yyrk city 3 3 3 map 955map 3 - severe flooding has led to aadatory evaccations in port deposit. p joel d. smith is theee pow where shelteessare housing dozens of residents who fear good morning joee d. l. 3 3 33 & we have school closingg to tell yyu about this morning. harford county schooos are schools in that county are al closedd havre de grace eeementary.. &pmiddle anddhigh school.. meadowvale elemtary and aberdeen high school. charles county schools are closed. high waters tear through baltimore countt ... a bridge was one of the many things in it'' path ...this morning it is gone.megan giililand is live ii randallstown with a look at hhw long it could take to repair. repair. 3 3 3 3 3 just days before thh 10th anniversary of the 9/11 &pattacks... u-s officials say they have "crrdible but unconfirmed" information... about a otentiallthreat states.insiie sources say the alleggd plottappears to be focused on new york cityyand pashingtonnd-c.it's believed to nvolved three people... one of ttem... a u-s citizen. aad initial information showss it ácouldá involve a vehicle filled with explosives...the mayors of new york and washington d-c say there's no reason to panic... but remind &pamericans that if you seee something... say something. "we should all keep our eyes wide open. but the best thing that we can do to fight terror is to reffse to be intimidated bb it." it..a whiie house spokesman says president obama has bben briefed on the pptenttal ttreat... but for now... officials are releasing few details. read and watch more on the 10th anniversary of the -&sept oing to our website.we have ept stories from witnesses, links to other sites and you ccn submit your own commeets. comments. gg to fox baltimooe dot com and look ffr "remembering you either lovv them... or hate them. them.the niversity of maryland's nnw football uniforms... hat the team wore in their first home game hit the auction block today. the maryland pride ccllection will bb available for auction... on the school's website.all prrceeds will program.helmets will starttat 550-bucks... while bidding for the jerseys will starttat coming up... a new articcl estimates the ácostá of 9/11... and it's entire aftermath.how many áátillionsá of dollars... have been spent. here's a live look of flooding in port deposit.. floodiig is an issueefor many counties.i'll fill you in on the etaill coming upyou're watching fox 45 morning neew.. all local.. all morninn. (((reak 5)) ((bump in)) ((ad lib mmteorologist)) 3 3 map rtr 2 map 3 3 3 coming up... coasttare waking up without st - has nothing to do with weather. what's cauuing the massive power outage... nnxt. and a new aaticle estimaaes eetire afteemath.how many átrillionsá of dollars... hhve been spent.you're watching fox 45 mornnng news.. all local.. ((break 6)). 45 mornnng news.. all local.. ((break 6)). -3 everybody knows the best place for a good time is mississippi. and that's only until they visited us in louisiana. which is a distant second to sunny florida. for beautiful vacation, nothing beats alabama. ok, we'll never agree on who's best. but we can all agree on one thing. the gulf's the worlds number one vacation spot. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. mississippi has wonderful people, great music, and the beautiful outdoors. louisiana's the best seafood you'll ever eat. shrimp gumbo, crab cakes, etouffee. florida means beautiful beaches and sugar white sands. actually experts agree that the best beaches are here in alabama. which can't compare to a good time on the gulf in mississippi. louisiana fresh catch. florida beaches. alabama beauty. mississippi outdoors. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters. and we are 100% open for business. i'm glad we got that settled. new this morning... theelighhss are coming back n out west following a massive power outage.more thhn 5 million people lost power thursday &peveeing in southern mexico.the outage caused mmjor traffic jams during the evening rush hour.thh utility compaay says aatransmission failure at a swiiccing station in aaizona caused the ootage. ten years after 9-111.. a price tag is being put on how much the wwr on terror has cost the u-s. "the ffscal times" reports that the price for the attacks and subsequent wars in both iraq aad afghanistan are estimated to dollars.that price includess - both the next decade's pnterest payments on the debt- veterans' benefits. &p september 11th, 2001 .. tarted likeeany other day .... bbt by the end offit ... our nation had -&cha anniversary of the terrorist attacks thht killed nearlyy3- thousand peopll ... many are stopping to refllct on hat thinking about the people who behind ... and the first eft responders who dii everythiig fire m..- lieutenaat marr gardner was one of those first respooders ccllee into action. he works with the baltimore county fire deeartment ... but he spent 9 &pdays at ground zero. lieutenant gardner joins ussthis morning.-where were you when you heard what happened -you went thh same day ... was the devastation as bad as you imagined-what were your days like-never found survivors .. only victims -people lining the streets and wavinggflags-how do you feel 10 years latee read and watch more on the 10th anniversary of the septtmber 11th attacks by going to our wwbsiteewe have stories from witnesses, links to other sites and you can submit your own comments. cooments. go to oo altimore dot com and look for "remembering p911" under hot topics. ccming up... ww'll take you live... to &pground zero... where many are remembering vvctims of the p/11 attacks.how the nation is anniversary.you''e watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. alllmorning. ((break 7)) two new releeses may give "the help" a run ffr its money at the box office.candace dold has the details for today's lowdown. both "warrior" and "contagion" have been raking up great peviews lltely. "the help" has been number at the box office for a few weeks...but it looks like it might áneedá some help this weekend..p firrt? "contagion". "contagion". director steven soderbugh again, ut this tiie they're &pnot robbing casinos... they'r stopping a crippling disease. internatiinal team of doctors worldwiie, lethal irus.there are a lot of potential infected in this one from kate inslet to laurence fishbourne to jude law. 'contagion' is rattd pg-13. from finding cures to inflicting pain...an ex-marine returns home and trains for a huge mixed martiallarts competition. his underdog status brings him fist to fist with his own brother.warrior is rated pp-13.another up and comer is trying to find success...in a differnet way. in "buukyylarsso: born toobb a star" a small town grocery &pbagger discovers he comes fro a liniage of adult film stars. with ewfound inspiration, he sets ouu to follow in theii footsteps.not surprisingly, bucky larsonn s rated r. 3 and a new film hopes to add tt "lockjaw" - a half--an, half- alligator monster from new orleans. in the new film say áitá?.... ttrrorizes friends on aaroad trip in the bayou. 'creature' is rated r. i'm candace dold and tha'ts if you liked "tte blindside"... there's another famillyfilmmcentered around football you might be interested in. ii. "the 5th quarter" is based on aatrue story about a family that poses a teennger in car pacident. the young man's for tte wake forest football team.. 20th century fox sent us copies of "the 5th quartee" to giie away. away. you can win a copy on dvd now if you're the 4th or 55h caller at 4100488-4545. coming up in our 7 o'ccock hour... our natton remembers a tragic day.we take yoo live to groundd zero... for the 10th attacks.you're watching fox 45 morning news.. ll local.. all morning. ((break 8)) my wife the dentist allows only one mouthwash in our home. [ male announcer ] act for kids, with maximum fluoride for up to 40% fewer cavities act. stronger teeth and better checkups in every bottle. "we should all keep our eyes wide open. a credible terrrr threat against the u-s.. on the anniiersary of 9-1-1.the peoppe and vehicle you need to 3 and.. they stolee he show during the terps season opener. new maayland football unnforms. how many hhnnreds of dollars the helmet alone will cost you. 3 3 today is friday, september 9th. 3 3 map fibee map 3 3 severe flooding continues to make dozens of roadss impaasable.in baltimoreecounty one bridge has been swept away. megan gilliland is live n randallstown with a look att how thissis affecting traffic morning.good morring &p 3 3 we have school closings tootell you about his morning.. harford county schools are open...but several individual schoolssin that havre de grace ellmentary.. mmddle ann high peadowvale elemtary and - aberdeen high schooll chaalessccunty schools are closed. flooding continuus to be a big concern today in anneearundel county... wherr more than 400 thursday... and some homes were even damaged. damaged.in gambrills... waaerr made its way into several houses off crain highway. it's at least six eet deep in some yarrs. some people had to usee a boat.... to eecape. luccily... everyone got out safely. amy... rom havre de gracc... sent us this photo... of flooding at the lockhouse museum.the whole lawn is ccvered in water! if you've got pictures of flooding n your area... send them in to us.just go to foxbaltimore ot com... and click on the "seeeit shhottit, send photos from your cell &pphone... to "pics at foxbaltimoreedot coo." one man is dead following a shooting neer a baltimore churc. church.it happened last night near the blessed scrament chuuch on old york road.a visitinggpastor says he heard the shooting as he was sitting down to inner. a enerous donation goessa long way... ffrrbaltimore city . police.this was the scene ootside under armour offices afternoon. it was surrrunded by baltimore's men and women in blue.under armour c-e-o kevin plank was therreto announce the donation of 1- hundred thousand ollars... to city police. the money will be used to buy things like patrol bikes... tasers... and for officers in the southern district. it's friday and that meens it's your ttrn to ound off on our facebook age about anything you wwnt. want.lettuu knowwwhat'' on your mind-- and youu response could air in our "facebook feedback" segment. segment.just go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore to becomm a fan ann join he converration. coming up... a piece of balitmore's history &pissback.what you can expect a the grand re-opening of the broad market... in your hometown hotspot. hotspot. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. ((break 1)) -- joanne cha s livv with the details on this morninn's hometown hotspot --following the completion of and interior renovaaions, celebrate the mmrkets new look" --grand-re-opening ribbon stephanierollins-blake --live mc music thh broad market grand re-opening issin fells ppint today at 11am.for more information, log on to fox baltimorr dot com slash morning. 3 3 -3 map meg map fiber map 3 still ahead.. pro football season is here! and we'reeassing celebritiie who they think will come out on top.find out what the band pall time low 's" predictionss are for this upcoming season.. next. you're watching fox 45 morninggnews.. season.. next. you're watch[ male announcer ]gnews.. at the s you can get a flu shot from an experienced professional. we've given over 5 million flu shots over the last 10 years. [ male announcer ] hey, but who's counting? get your flu shot from a specialist you can trust. at the safeway pharmacy. and you'll get a bonus. you get 10% off your groceries. [ male announcer ] save 10% on your groceries when you get a flu shot. that should make you feel better already. safeway. ingredients for life. 3 if you'd like toogive us yyur pigskin preeictions.. log onto foxbaltimore dot com and select your teams. ssill to ome.. are you willing to pay top dollar or the new maryland uniforms? &pthey're up for auccion.how much they're goinn for. for.and... we take you live to ground zero.. where they're getting reedy to honor the victims.. on the 10th anniversary of 9-11. you're watching fox 455morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) what's the one best thing about vacation on the gulf? the great outdoors in mississippi. our seafood in louisiana. our beaches in florida. alabama beauty. choosing between them might be tough. but everyone agrees, the gulf is vacation at it's best. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. so come on down to mississippi. louisiana. florida. alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters, and we're 100% open for business. new this morning... eitherr love them... or hhte hem.thee university of maryland's new football uuiforms... that the peam wore in their ffrst home gamm against miami monday... &pwill hii the auction block today.the maryland pride coolecttin will be available website.all proceeds will ol's - benefit the school's athletiis proggam.helmets will start at the jerseys will start aa &pthe lights aae coming back on out west following a massive power outage.more than 5 mmllion people lost powerr thurrday evening in ssuthernn california... arizona aan new mexico.the ouuagg causee major traffic jams during the evening rush hhur.the utility company says a ttansmissson &fa innarizona caused the outage. puch of southern california, are in the dark this morning, after massive power outage. thissis video out of orange county.you can see there's pothing lit up... except headlights from veeicles on the an emppoyee removing a piece of monitoring equipment that problems... is likely to &pblame for the outage.power company arizona say, it wasn't sunday marks ten years since the deedlieet terrrriss attack on our country.and with this wonderinggif there's is a planned.l plot.. planned..- patricia wu joins us live from ground zero in new york, with phat the ggvernment is saying about these plots.. and the evvnts expected to happen to -- suggested anchor questions --1.) ttll us more about the terror hreat that fedeeal and local officials have been talking about.2.) what is security like in that area of lower manhattan so close to ground zero? how tight will it get this weekend? coming up.. the fathhr of the one year old found stabbed to death in the crime.but this wasn't his violent action taken efore the toddler was killedd killed.you're watching fox 45 morning news...all local.. all morning ((ad lib horoscopes)) phylicia barnes murder. the person f interest.. claiming ♪ [ male announcer ] some people say... good things come to those who wait. truth is... good things come to those who work. ♪ this is l.a. and this is what we do. ♪ [ male announcer ] now lease the all-new 2011 chrysler 300 for $339 a month for well-qualified lessees. wcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwc 3 3 3 3 map fiber mapp, 3 3 high waters tear through was one of the many things in it's pathh...this morning it live in randallstown withha look at how long it cculd ake &pto repair. repair. 3 po mandatoryyevacuaaions in led port deposit. joel d. smith is there now where phelters are housing dozenn of have lost t all. good morning joelld. 3 3 we have school closings tootell youuabout this mrningg harford county schools are open.. but several individual &pschools ii hat county are clooed. hhvre de grace elementtry.. middle and igh school.. meaddwvale elemtary and abbrdeen high school. chhrles countyy schools are closed. how is the flooding affecting the mainnroads?charlie gischlar with the state phone.e on the phone..-joons 3 a man hole cover in baltimore cityyblows off... making for a complete mess on falls road. youu an see water bubbling... pnd flowing everywhere.one car... driving thrrugh the mmss... gets quite a splash. floodwaters ssray over his car... even getting inside. áand after amy sent us thissphoto... bill from havre de graae sent us áthisá one... of him waterskking on the lawn of lockhouue museum. ittlooks like a lake outtthere! if you've got pictures of floodinggin your area... send them in to us.just o to foxbaltimmre doo com... and send it" icon.you can also send photts from your cell phone... to "pics at 3 3 new this morning... an update first on fox... an arrest is mmde in connection with hee stabbing death of a one-year old in bbltimooe. the chill's crime.25-year-old hari close faces first-degree mmrder charges. police say he stabbed &phis onn-year-old son, dalyrie mcfaddenn ssveral times in the neck inssde the chill's home wednesdaa morning oo riggs avenue. investigators say the boy's mother first eportedd hhr on was missing. but when officers arrived... they foond the child's body wrapped in a deflated airrmattress in the bassment. ccose's father says he has o idea what rrve 59:23 i brought himmup in a christian home with his other sacrificed ffr school. some great advantages. i can't answerrthat question and i court docuuents show close did try to harm his son in the past ... by choking him. police were called, but the incident was isted as in novembbr... the third trial will begin for two men aacused of killing three children in 2204.29-yeer olddpolicarpio perez and 24- ear old adan canela entered not ggiity baltimooe courttthe men havee beee held since their arrest . they're accused of killing eight, nine, and ten- year old throatssthe men are facing several charres includdng first egree murder. coull a terror threat be looming ... amid the 10th some say... yes there is. is.thursday, former new york mayor rudy giuliani cameeto talk about small businnsses...but was flooded with questions about 9-11. giuliani stressed that the biigest mistake is for people to forget just how dangerous slamic extremest terrorism s can be. "how e had ignored that payyenoogh attentionnto it, i'm completely convinced we people willlthink it's over anddnot think about it, i'm not asking them o think aaut it because it's still alive, it's still real" real" &p giuliani says he will be at ground zero on sunday. &pit's friday anddthat means it's youu turn to sound off on our facebook paae about want.let us knowwwhat's on your mind-- and your responss could air in our "facebook feedback" segment. segment.just go to facebookk dot coo slash foxbaltimore to become a fan and join the conversation. &pstill to come.. are we in store ffr a soggy weekend?the answer next.. in your skywatch weather forecast. forecast. we are talking about widespread damage because of flooding.take a look at this situatino in baltimore county... how do i get my kids to fight cavities? i make it delicious and fun. [ male announcer ] act for kids with maximum fluoride for up to 40% fewer cavities. act. stronger teeth and fewer cavities in every bottle. get america's favorite coffee for america's favorite single-serve brewer. try all five delicious varieties, only at dunkin' donuts stores. america runs on dunkin'. ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 still ahead... ahead...it'sstime... to let it all out.tell us whhttyou're thinking about... ann your resppnse might air in our facebook feedback seggent. you're atching fox 45 morninn news.. all local.. all porning. ((brrak 6)) it's friday... ann that meaas it's time for fox45 viewers to sound off about anything you want. we've been asking you all morning to let us know what's on your mind for our áfacebook feedbacká segment... segment...david "will the the rain stop and will the ravens w" win?"nick "will there be more money in my paycheck every eek" week?"nicole " the ravens are steelers!!" sean "grand prix ==waste of time, and a loss of bbsiness to some store owners. not to mentioo it murdered the traffic. grand prix rouud 2, no thanks!!" thanks!!" 3 coming up in our 8 o'cllck hour.. a piece of balitmore's history issbaak.what you can expect at the grand reeopening of the broad market... in your hommtown hotspot hotspotsunday in the tenth anniversary of the 9-11 how some people are hhtting the pavement... to reeember the lives lost on that tragic day.. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all ((bal.. all mmrning. - as we approach the tenth anniversary of 9-11 p. many peopleeare wondering what they can do to remember on that day. and to pay tribute to the pirst responders who riiked it all. in baltimore ... one group has the answer ... they run. (((pat))) the run too reeember is this sunday. josh levinson with charm city run joins us thhi morning with more on the run. -what ii the purpose of theerun -hoo long have you bben doing &pit-what's the ressonse eaah year -wheee does the money go-can you still -can you sttll register. -where does the ourse go-is it ffr families(ess) or more information on fox baltimore dottcoo. 3 coming up in our 8 o'clocc hour.. a moose ends up in a tree.the odd way.. e ended up there. there. "we should all keep our eyes wide open. a credible terroo threat against the u-s.. on the anniversary of 9-1-1.the people and vehicle you need to be on the lookout ffr. 3 i want to put a mic on you, where can i put t? but he one thing one town iss. asking nudists toodd.. and it'' not to put on clothes. 3 friday, septembee 9th 3- 3 map fiberr map 3 & severe flooding continues to make dozens of roadss impassable.ii baltimore county one bridge has bben swept away. megan gglliland is live in randallstownnwith a look at how this is affecting traffic &pthii morning. porning. 3 severe flooding has led &pto mandatory evacuations in port deposit. joel d. smith is on his way to a new live location in that town... butthas just gotten someenee information he wanned to share with you immediattly.he joins ps live on the phone.good d. 3 3 know theyymust. p, we have school closings to teel you about this morningg harford county schools are open.. but several indivvdual schools in thaa county are closed. havre de grace elementary.. middle and high chool.. meadowvale elemtary and aberdeen high school. charles county schools are closed. 3 they may not truly understand the magnitudeeof what happpned on september 11th, 2001... 2001... but ttat's nott stopping a group of high schoolers in ohio... fromm memorializing the ddy with a stage play. it's called &p"the guys"... and it's the story of a new york writer... helping a firefighter writee eulogies forrhis men who died. school seniors were in second experiencing 9/11.. bb acting "you can see that eople pctually went through this and you start to rrlate it to real life so muuh more than an even thatthappened." happened."the schhol's drama teacher says itts nnense lessoo... but important forr the students to undeestand the impact itthad on ouu country. read and watchhmore on the 10th anniversary of the &pgoing to or website.we havee stories from witnesses, inks to other sites nd you can submit your own comments. commentt. go to foxxbaltimore dottcom aad look for "remembering 9/11" under hot topics. coming up... 33the grand re-opeeing... of at its new look... in our ak - hometown hottpot. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. aal local.. all morning. ((break 1)) 3 --dave holmes is --dave holmes is live with the details on this morning's you are the developer of this rennvation?--following the completion of 750 thousand dollar exteriorrand interiir renovations, broadway market will hold a two-daa "grand re- opeeing to cellbrate the --grand-re-opening ribbon cuttinggceremony with mayor stephanierollins-blake ---ive mc music the broadway marret grand re- openinggis in fells point &ptoday at 11am.for more information, log on to fox baltimmre dot com slash morning. 3 map fiier map &pcoming up... it's fuuny frida! friday!comedian guyytorry joins us live in studio next. i want to put a mic on ou, where can i put it? and later... a crackdown on nudists in san rancisco.what áetiqutteá... city officials are asking they uueeyou're watching fox 45 morning news.. pou're looking to lighten the mood...you've come to the right place.it'' time ffr funny fridays!comedian guy torry will be at the ballimore comedy factory this wwekend and he'' here this mooning with more. --original member of the &pking's of comedy.. --he also wrote for other television series such as others. ---ast comic standing 2010. --a veterrn of jay &pleno's tonighh show phow for more information on the baltimore comedy factory, log on tt fox baltimore doo coo &pslash morning. 3coming up... &pflooding continues to beea concern foo many maryland residents this morning. where conditionss.. are the worst. 3all ttme low nats natsbut next... the guys of "all time low" weigh in... on you're watching fox 45 mooning news.. all ocaa.. all morning. ((break 3)) ñ [ male announcer ] humble beginnings are true beginnings. they are the purest way to gauge success. maybe the only way to gauge success. but the most powerful thing about humble beginnings is that they are... ♪ ...humbling. show where you're going without forgetting where you're from. ♪ now lease the all-new 2011 chrysler 300 for $339 a month for well-qualified lessees. (((ump inn) 3 3 if you'd like to give us your ppgskkn predictiins.. log onto foxbaltimore dot com and select your teams. coming up... officials are cracking down on public nudists... but hey're ánotá clothes back on.what simple etiquette... they want to see. you're waaching fox 45 morning news.. all loccl.. all morning. ((open)) plive look orld trade center site in new york city 3 3 map fiber map 3 3 3 high waters tear through ballimore county ... a bridge was one of the many things in pt's patt ...this morning it is gone.megan gilliland is inn randallstown... with a looo at how long it could take to repai. repair. 3 -3 severe flooding has led port ddpositt joel d. smith is there now where shelters are hoosing dozens of residents who fear thee may have lost it all. dozens of residents who fear thee may have lost it all. & 3 3 3 3 we have school closings to tell you about this morning. harford county schools are open.. buu severrl individual schools in that county are closed. &phavre de grace elementaryy. middle and high school.. p meadowvaae elemtary and aberdeen high school. charlesscounty schools are clooee. sent us in this photo.it shows the concord point lighthouse. bill allo sent us this phott... of him waterskiiig in havre de grace.you can see him here... etting pulled by a car.this is ánotá something we recommend you do! if you've got pictures of ffooding in your area... send them in to us..ust go to foxbaltimore dot com... and click on the "see it shoot it, send it" icon..ou an also phone... to "pics at cell oxbaltimore dot com." cell theebattle cootinues in san francisco... to crack down on n. nudists.i want to putta mic on you, where can i put it? it?city officials are considering a new law... to seats bbforeesittiig down. as to be naked in public... so al - long as you're not aroused.the nee leeislation would ánotá require peoole to cover up... but rather cover the seats they're about to sit on. "mister wiener is tryinn to legislate what'' already "and, actually, if youure --- going to hang out here, these seats, it's not very of comfortable not to hhve a cloth baarier." bbrrrer."the new legislatton would also require nuddsts to cover up in rrssaurants.if it passes... violators of the laww time. 3&coming up... angry birdss.. in real life. how the popuuar aap... is beiig turned into a theme paak. 3 man: my employer had been putting together a program for executive education, grooming the leadership abilities of their top 5%. a requirement to be accepted in the program was an undergraduate degree, which i did not have. that was the wake-up call i needed. ♪ don't want to miss a thing strayer university has afforded me the opportunity to progress to the level that i am now, which is chief information officer at the largest teaching hospital in southern new jersey. i'm michael sinno, and i earned my bachelor of science degree from strayer university. [ male announcer ] unisom helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep. so i wake up rested. [ male announcer ] unisom. fall asleep faster. sleep longer. pagry birds....it's a highly &paddictive app ... that's now people in china can load a - ptuffed angry bird nto a giant catapult and take aim aa floating ig shaped balloons above. it may seem easy put these folks say it's harder than it looks. the popular computer version of the game ttracts forty milllon players a month, ndd it's one of apppe's top mobilee ppps. ((toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 if your kid wnnssto be a weather kid... submit your pntry to our statton..00 west 41st street... baltimore, 3arrland... 21211. map fiber map ,3 your kids cann latest animated aaventure from 20th century fox. fox.áámovie natsáá natsáá a macaw.. raised in captivity... is released into the wild in the movie "rio". &pjesse eisenberg.. anne hathaaay.. and jamie foxx mainncharacterr. rio was one of the biggeet animated hits of the year.. and it's on video now. 20thhcentury fox sent us copies to give away. can win the movie on dvd now pf you're the 4th or 5th caller at 410-481-4545.. if you don't win this time.. stay tuned...weell giie away more copies in our 9 a-m hour. coming upp.. a moose... in a tree? we'll tell yoo what exactlty it did... to end up there. you're watching fox 45 morning morning. local.. all ((break 6)) ((bump in)) design center has a great deal you can get a 100 dollar gift certificate there.linda leventis aad doctor myron kellner from the smile design with more.--services you ng 3offer: implants, sedation, enhanciig smill screeningrating an oral cancer - to get your half off gift card, log on to hey iis half off dot com riggt now.they are limited, so don't wait. coming up... he's laying down the law. law..udge roos talking nats we sit down with judge ross... &pand in our hometown hotspot.. the grand re-opening... of broadway market.a sneek peak watching fox 45 morning news.. ((break 7)).all morning. wcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwc ((bump in)) america's court with judge ross isscominggto foxx5!judge kkvin oss is live in our studio this orning to eel s about it. --show s already on the c-w, but wiil be coming to fox45 later this month--tell us &pabout our show--what's your courtroom sttle? style? ammrica's couut with judge ross will airrrighh here on starting septeeber 9thh until then you can catch him on our baatimore at 11 and 11:30 a-m. 3&coming up on good day baltimore... a moose....in a átree?ááow exactly it ended up there. t knt knew that it was not an accident. somebody was attacking our country. as we were driving in, we noticed people running towards us. i'm up 81 flights. how am i getting out of here? suddenly, i... i felt god's hand touch me. i am alive? is this real? i was scared to death. ♪ [ female announcer ] have you ever seen a glacier while sunbathing? why not? have you ever climbed a rock wall in the middle of the ocean? or tried something really wild? why not? it's all possible in the nation of why not. royal caribbean's floating nation. where you are free to do anything you want.