thursday, march 3 3 map fiber map a baltimore city police officer is charged with sexually abusing a minor.megan gilliland is live with more on the arrest. good morning,44- year old detective kevin rowland... has been a bbltimore city police officer for a decade...this porning, he's behind bars... being held on 100-thousand dollars bail... 3 pictures we found of rowland - abusing a minor inside his harford county home.sources tell uu... the alleged victim is 17 years old.she's not a pelative but moved into rowland's edgewood home last summer.rowlanddis a member of intervention unit.and one of many officers to be arrested recently.listen to what police commissioner fred bealefeld had to say about that. 15:47:22"one of the concerns we've heard from the public, is can police be trusted too police themselves? in terms of holding standards and persuing people i think than our words." rowland is faaing 5 p5:47:55than our words." 315:47:55 15:47:55rowland ii acing charges of... ourth degree sexual offense as well as second degree aasault... and also sexual abuse on a minor, that's a felony charge there.a is expected to be suspended without pay once that charge is reviewed. rowalnd is due back in court this morning, for a bail reviiw.his preliminary hearing is set for mid april.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. police are investigating after someone ttrows annexposive device at a northwestt elementary school. school. it happened at ashburton elementaay school on hilton road around 5 this morning..olice say someone threw a molotov cocktail at the building.luckily.. it did not cause a fire and there was very little damageno injuries have been reported. fire crews were called out to lawnview avenue in northeast ballimore this morning.the fire broke out around 3-30 in a two story row house.everyone wassable to get out of the house and there are no reported word yet for the family of a ire. fire. a show of support for the famill of a man murdered last weekend. ...and we just crushed right now... my brother's gone... mclaughlin.last night, dozenn of people gathered in the rain... lighting andles on the flowerton road in southwest baltimore... to remember him.loved ones ay he was a great person. city police are now releasing pictures of the murder scene... to get people talking. it happenee on sunday at a gas station on edmondson avenue. surveillance cameras capture snapshots of the stabbing... that left 24 year-old mclaughlii... a father of that police are even struggling to understand. 10:06:33 they went out for the evening something occured and unfornttleyyit turned into a tragic event :38 fighting with one guy... s - another person came up and surveillance images will help lead them to the killer. 3 the state budget is now balance. balanced.lawmakers spent hoors &pyesterday goiig through the governor's proposal. it restores around two thirds of eeucation funds originally cut. but also calls for roughly 70 mllion dollars in fee increases.that includes doubling the titling fee when you buy a car. (o'donnell) "now is no time to be raising additional taxes, marylanders are out oo wook we need more commerce and we don't need to grow government by creating bigger taxes and fees." the house is bigger taxes and fees." the house is expected to approve the measure this week. governor o''alley makes another pitch for enewable energy.he's urginn state lawmakkrs to pass a bill accellrating construction of offshore wind turbines... off the coast of oceanncity.the governor says the project will create 200thousand construction and manufacturing jobs. (governor) "it is not only about a more independent enerry future, it's about that most important thing that we need righttnow in america and that is jobs." jobs."critics are uuset utility ratepayers would have construction costs for he project.but the governor says ratepayeesswould pay no more than two dollars month. as the labor wars continue in the nfl, we don't hit the field again. . but there is a baltimore team that's still playing,.... nd thriving. joel d. smith is live in canton with the baltimmre blast as they prepare for the indoor soccer champiinship game. good morning joel d. 33 p, lindsay lohan's legal battle... is far from over. the actress could soon be headed to trial... after deciding not to accept a plea deal... on charges she violated her probation.lohan also faces charges... for allegedly stealing a 25-hundred-dollar necklace from a california jewelry storr.the plea eal would have involved jail time. a touching tribute from sir elton john... to long time friend elizabeth taylor.the the age of 79.esterday... at 79.elton john was in pittsburgh for a conccrt... when he stopped tooshare some thoughtful words about taylor. he followed the dedication... with his song "don't let the sun go down on e." god bless you, eeizabeth. who knows how we're going to replace you. this is for you and your beautiful memory... and for all the people you've helped and saved. music naas nats soon after... john sang his legendary song "candle in the wind." coming up... shocking video surfaces on youuube... oo a mother enoucraging her son to beat up another kid. kid."i'm disgusted, you know what i mean? what kind of a mother does that, really?" really?"wherr it happened... aad what charges she now faces. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bbmp out)) ((break 1)) 3 pdon't let this opportunity skate by you.get the weekend the charm city roller girls. meteorologist emily gracey is live with the details on this morning's hometown hotspot. hotspot.charm city roller girls in action at the women's flat derby on saturday at du burns arena.5:30pm.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 3 3 3 3 map fiber map providence map 895 coming up... a doll... that teaches young girls how to breast it works... and how the makers "i'm disgusted, you know what i mean? what kind of a mother does that, really?" really?"but next... shocking video of a mother... egging another kid. why she did're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. alll morning. ((break 2)) ((bump n)) for three hours a week, i'm a coach. but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. people in one california community are in shock... surfaces... showing a fist fight between two teenage boys. but the most bizzrre part of this story... is that the mother of one of the teens is áencouragingá the whole brawl. as andrea enniti explains... she's now ffcing criminal charg. charges. (nats from video)the video of a pair the two boys will not bb charged.police say they're both victims in this case. coming up... sacrificing comfort... for that designer label shoe reaaly worth top dollar? consumer reports sizes up your options. but next... grab an couud soon be a shortage in 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 33) ((bump in)) coming up... a doll... that teaches young girls how to breast it works... and what he makers are saying in response to critics. ((megan live ttase))and a baltimore city police fficer is waking up behind bars this morning.i'm megan gilliland, the felony charge the 10 year facing. ((joel live tease))youure watching fox 45 mmrning all mooning. ((break 4)) 3 blue diamond almonds! more bold flavor! more variety! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds... more than a snack. love salt? the one thing you can do to enjoy the spice.. and avoid high blood pressure. on fox 45 news at 5:30 3 map fiber map another blow to the baltimore city police department and it's reputation.a city officer has been arrested... accused of sexually abusing a minor. mmgan gilliland is live with &pmore on the charges he's 3&good morning,44- year old detective kevin rowland... is a ten year veteran with the baltimore city police department.he'' a member of the city's violent crime intervention unit.but this morning, he's behind bars... being held on 100-thousand dollars bail... 3 you're taking a look at some pictures we found f rowland on my-space.he's accused of abuuing a minor inside his harford county home.sources tell us... the alleged victim is 17 years old.sse's not a relative but moved into rowland's edgewood home last summer.police commissioner fred bealefeld answered a few questions about the investigation... listen to what he has to say... about anotherrone of his officers being may remember the recent towing corrrption scheme... involving more than tto dozen officers. 15:46:32"we stand behind our officers anddwe will hold our members accountable but again this is outside baltimore city, we're relying on information that's provided to uu we'll be guided by the outcomeeof what happens in harford county." 15:46:55 15:46:55rowland is facing charges including... fourth degree sexual offense as well as second degree assault... and also sexual abuse on a minor, that's a felony charge theeeea police spokesman says rowland is expected to be suspeeded without pay once that charge is reviewed. rowland is due in court today, for a bail review.his preliminary hearing is et for mid aprrl.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a 2- alarm fire breaks oot overnight in northeast baltimor. happened at a rowhome on lawnview avenue and edison highway around 3:30 this morning.firefighterss believe thh fire started in the basement and spread to the first floor of the home. luckily.. no one was injured. fortunately all occupants were able to escape without injuries and firefighters. firefighters. the cause of the fire is still under nvestigation. more thaa 9- thoosand people are conffrmed dead... following a powerful earthquake and tsunami in japan. japan.aad at least 16-thousand still missing... are pressumed to be dead.meanwhile... officials are urging residents water... after high levels of radiation were detected in tap pater. stores were recently ransacked... by people trying to stock up on safe drinking water and food. here in the u-s... hawaii, cclifornia, colorado and pashington... have all reported tracee of radiation from japan..nd today... oregon joins the list.levels are noo high enough to pose any threat to humans... but health officials are keeping a cllse pye... just in case. two planes are forced to land without assistance from air traffic controo... after tte supervisor on duty... falls asleep on the job. happened early wednesday morning... at washinggon's reagan national airport.trafficccontrol was quote "unresponsive" at tte time. both planes managed to touch down safely... after contacting a nearby regional control tower for assistance. an investigatiin is now underway. a crackdown in baltimore... on drivers who are illegally parking in handicapped spaces. spaces. city police are workkng with a mobile unit from the department of motor vehicles... to check disabled drivers parking placards. so far... the crackdown is netting several one case... a driver... who was wrong doingg (female driver) (driver: what disabled person... doesnt that " count???"(cop)"she tried to say it belonged to her mom but unless she was born the same year as her mom i dont think ss" so" the fine for illegally 502 dollars. disabled spot is while ravens playyrs are waiting to see if they'll have a season, another group of baltimore athletes are preparing for a championship. joel d. smith is live in canton on championship game with the r - baltimoreeblast. &p good mornnng joel d. hat do those guys think of the nfl's problemss good morning patrice, (ad lib) 3 there's a new doll on the maaket... thaa's stirring up controversy... for what it's teaching young girls. it's caaled "the breast milk baby"... a doll that teaches girls how to breast feed.the doll comes with a cloth halttr witt two big flowers on it... to illustrate where the nipples would be... and where &pthe girl should hold the doll. makers say it shows girls the benefits of breast-feeding at an early age.but many argue it's too much... too soon. "they have a lot of time to figure ttat stuff out. i mean they don't need to worry about it when they're kids." kids." according to one child psychologist... parents try to teach little girls and boys at young agess.. how to act when they grow up.and dolls likk these... can send mixed messages. 3 motown comes to hollywood.. on american idol. dancing on randy randy 16 year old lauren alaina looked very grown up with her dance moves and zebrr gown.. singing "keep meehanging on".. and the judges were digging her style so much.. they didn't have much to say about her voice. you look amazing tonight this is the most beautiful ive seen you.what i loved you threw yoor head and neck into it so much attitude... thats what it needed you brought it to llfe for everybody rrally good job. job. find out who gets the boot tonight at 8 right hereeon pox45. coming up... how do chhaper heels match up toobrand-name heels, ike manolo blahniks?consumer reports sizes up the quality you get... for the price. we are gearing up ffr the morning's a live look of 795 at cockeys mill.. we are dding just fine on this corridor.but what about 83? i'll show you what that looks &plike coming up in the traffic edge report.youure watching fox45 morning news all local all morningg ((break 55) ((bump in)) on every volkswagen, including the 2011 jetta. awesome. plus it's an iihs top safety pick. even better. but they're going fast. so, i guess this is where you tell me i got to hurry or it's gone right? yep. going going gone. get it? it's funny. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen going going gone event. hurry in, and for a limited time while they last, get a 2011 jetta for $179 a month. visit today. get a 2011 jetta for $179 a month. ((ad lib eteorologgst)) 3 mappfiber map 895 3 coming up... facebook and twitter could soon have some competition.a look at a new social networking site... that's changing things up a bit. and it's been one year since president obama passed a controversial health care reform biil.what one critic of the legislation has to say about it's role innour country's future. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all mornnng. ((break 6)) 3 new this morning... the national weather service is investigating reports of a possible tornado in western pennsylvania.take a look at these pictures of a funnel cloud... taken just before the ripped down tree limbs... and damaged roofs. the storm also destroyed at least six homes.only minor injuries have been reported. a new social media is now hitting the's called "go-tootieedot-com"... a site that resembles facebook and twitter... but focuses more on location... than on socializing. the websitt immmdiately fiids your location on your laptoopor ssart phone... then pulls up a page... giving users all the information they could need... based on where they far... it's running as a small operation. this week marks the one year anniversary of america's massive health care overhaul legislation. some of the benefits have already kickkd in.. but the challenges to the unprecendented law are just beginning. grace-marie turner, ppesident of galen institute is out with a new book.. "why obamacare ii wrong for america". she joins us this morning from washington's a strong title.. why is this health haven't seen all the benefits.. or the costs yet.. but some of these benefits are hard to argue with... no caps on overage.. no pre-existing conddtion clauses... the previous restrictions literally bankrupted families in the past. what are the long term effects you expect to see from this legislation?from this expect to see term effects you what are the long term effects you expect to see from this legislation?if you had a ccystal ball.. o you think &pthe 26-states suing to stop the enforcement of the legislation will prevail?the legislation enforcement of ssop the states suing to crystal ball.. do if you had a legislation? if you had a crystallball.. do you think the 26-states suing to stop the enforcement of the legislation will prevail? p, coming up... sacrificing comfort... for that designer label shoe reaaly worth top dollar? consumer reports sizes up your options. and in our hometown hotspot... they give whole new meaning to the expression "you play like a girl." what makes these charm city roller girls... so're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. &p((break 7)) ♪ ♪ [ conductor's baton taps ] ♪ [ male announcer ] every john deere mower at lowe's undergoes a ten point dealer inspection and set up before it's deemed ready to perform, for you. check out the new john deere 100 series lawn tractor at a lowe's near you. receive special financing for 6 months on your lowe's consumer credit card. ((bump in)) when it comes to high-heeled shoes... many women seem to james andrews explains... a new consumer reports survey finds 60-percent are willing to ttlerate painful shoes... for fashioo's sake. (v/o)the shoes on display at thii manolo blahnik boutiquu are quite sttnning. you can easily spend a small fortune here. anywhere from several hundred to thousands of & find out if high-end, expensive shoes are worth the high price, consumer reports shopsmart rounded up more than a dozen eager emplooees to try out three different pairs. (sot: mandy walker)"we covered uppall the labels so the women couldn't tell which were the less expensive pairs of shoes and (v/o)the shoes included a 30- dollar pair of mossimo's from targett 69 dollar heels from nine west, and this 575 dollar pair from manolo blahnik. the 3 wommn walked a defined course twice a day for a week in each pair of shoes. they filled out a ballot each time. most of thh women thought two pairs looked and felt pretty good, but not the 30-dollar pair from arget. (sot: cathy cotters)"i was holding onto the wall when i was walkingg around the building testing them."(sot: lisa gill)"these shoes were theemost well each hoe was made, shopsmart did the unthinkable (natsot: saw)(v/o) cutting the shoes in half!chyron:mandy walkerconsumer reports shopsmart(sot)"overall the maaolos were a better-made shoo. the materials they were made of were superior, and many of the women liked the styling, oo." (v/o)however, in the blind tests more women thought the 69-dollar nine west shoes were more comfortable! shopsmart says the smart money move with high heels - make fit the eciiing factor. (sot: mandy walker)"determine the style you want, what your budget is, and if they feel good when you walk around in them, buy them!" (v/o)this is james andrews. coming uppin our 7 o'clock hour. pulls the plug on an app... that promises to turn gay people straight.a look at the controversy surrounding the decision. ((megan live tease))and a baltimore city police officer is waking up behind bars this morning.i'm megan gilliland, the felony charge the 10 year veteean of the force is now facing. ((joel live tease))you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all ocal.. all morning. ((break 8)) at shopping online. friending absolutely everyone. playing online war games with stoner burnouts. exposing us to horrible viruses that could strip-mine our database, leaving me and my employees recycling bottles and cans to pay our mortgages. over my dead body. i switched to kaspersky. no matter who you are, we've got you covered. kaspersky. the most advanced internet security software. 3 3 map fibbr map a baltimore city police officer is charged with sexuully abusing a minor.megan gilliland is live with more on the arrest. good morning,44- year old detective kevin rowland... has been a baltimore city police officer for a decade...this morning, he's behind bars... being held on 100-thousand doolars bail... 3 you're taking a look at some pictures we found of rowland on myspace.he's accused of abusing a minor iiside his harford county home.sources tell us... the alleged victim ps 17 yeaas old.she's not a relative but moved into rowland's edgewood home last summer.rowland is a member f the city's violent crime many officers to be arrested oo may remember the towing corruption scheme... involving more than two dozen has many questioning their trusttin police...listen to what police commissioner fred bealefeld has to say about that... 15:47:22"one f the concerns weeve heard from the public, &pis can police be trusted to police themselves? in terms of holding standards and persuing peopleei think actions speak louder than our words." 15:47:5 15547:555owland is acing charges of... fourth degree sexual offense as well as second degree assault... and also sexual abuss on a minor, that's a felony charge there.a police spokesman says rowland is expected to be suspended without pay once that charge is reviewed. rowalnd is due back in court this morning, for a bail review.his preliminary hearing gilliland, fox45 morning news. - fort worth ttxas- tractor taaler over dge of highway ramp-red sedan trapped under truck-- people trapped but are alive and talking with escue workers-- driver of truck escaped- happened 2 hours ago 3 a 2- alarm fire breaks out overnight in northeast baltimor. happened at a rowhome on lawnview avenue and edison highway around 3:30 this morning.fireeiggters believe the fire started in the basement and spread to he first floor of he home. luckily.. no ooe was injured. fortunately all occcpants were able to escape without injuries and firefighters. firefighters.the cause of the fire is still under investigation. police are investigating after someone throws an exposive sshool. it happened at - ashburton elementary school on hilton road around 5 this morning.police say someone threw a molotov cocktaillat the building.luckily.. it did not cause a fire and there was very little damageno injuries have been reported. 3 phe state budget is now balance. balanced.lawmakers spent hours yesterday going through the governor's proposal. it restores around two thirds of educationnfunds originally cut. but also calls for roughlyy70 mllion dollars in fee increases.that includes doubling the titling fee when you buy a car. (o'donnell) "now is no time to be raising additional taxes, marylanders are out of work we need more commerce and we don't need to grow government fees." the house is expected to approve the measure this eek. as the labor wars continue in the nfl, we don't know when we'll see the ravens hit the field again. . but there is a baltimore team that's still playing,.... and thriving. joel d. smith is live in canton with the baltimore blast as thhy prepare for the indoor soocer championship game. good morning joel d. good morning patrice, (ad lib) 3 coming upp.. the cherry blossoms are's a tradition in the district with a twist this year.find outthow they're planning to help japan. japan. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all ocal.. all morningg ((break 1)) 3 roll out some bii plans this can see tte charm city roller girls skkte by during the women's flat track roller derby.meteorologist emily gracey is live with the details on this morning's hometown hotspot. hotspot. you can waach the charm city roller girls in action at the women's flat track roller derby on saturday at du burns arena.doors open at 5:33pm.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 map liberty map wilkens map fiber map 195 still ahead.. apple is pulling thier controversial "gay app" find out what led them to make sure a drastic decision. decision.and.. a mid air scare. whaa happened when two planes tried to lann.. without the help of air traffic're watchinn fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. blue diamond almonds! more bold flavor! more variety! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds... more than a snack. new this morning... - fort worth texxs- tractor tailee ovee edge of highway ramp-red sedan trapped under truck for 2 hours-- people trapped but are alive nd talking with rescue workers -- driver of truck escaped 3 the nation's capitol is gearing up for a celebration of the famous cherry blossom festival.and today... supporters of the festival are holding a fundraiser... to benefit japan.nearly 100 years ago... tokyo gave washington to decorate the tidal baain. this year's festival officialll kicks off on saturday. "exodus international" is a group that claims it can cure pay people... and help turn them strait. well, there's no longer an app for that. apple got rid of it. pressure from gay groups. apple says iis policy is to ádropá apps whiih offend large numbers of people. the federal aviation administration won't confirm if an air traffic controller at washington's reagan national airport was asleep on the job, but an investtgation has been launched. on two separate occasions yesterday, two planes contacted the tower to get clearance to land, but got no answer. both planes landed safely, but noo officials want to know why the only controller staffed in the tower at the time was unresponsive. sandra endo joins us live from washington wwth more.sandra? sandra? --suggested questions-- 1) is it uncommon for planes to land without direction fromm air traffic control?2) why was there only one person in the controo tower at the time? still to come.. viooence in he streets of baltimore.. has officials and residents wooried.the former police commissioner of baltimore city.. sits down with us to weigh're watching fox 45 morning news.. allllocal.. all morning. 3 & 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 coming up.. the doll that's teaching young girls.. to breast feed.why some parents are saying it's too much ...too soon! you're wwtching fox 45 morning news.. pllllocal.. all morning. ((break 4)) love salt? the one thing you can do to enjoy the spice.. and avoid high blood pressure. on fox 45 news at 5:30 [ male announcer ] this year, get the most out of your lawn with the fertilizer that gives you the most for your money. scotts turf builder. unlike bargain brands, which have up to 40% sand, sawdust, even gravel, turf builder has no filler. it's 100% food, for a deep feeding you can see, feel, and enjoy. for a lawn that can't be beat, get a fertilizer that can't be copied. scotts turf builder. now is the time to feed and prevent crabgrass. use scotts turf builder with halts. 3 3 3 map fiber map pnother blow o the baatimore city police department and it's repuuation.a city officer has beee arrested... accused megan gilliland is live with mmre on the charges he's facing. good morning,44- year old detective kevin rowland... is a ten year veteran with the baltimore city police department.he's a membbr of the city's violent crimm intervention unit.but this morning, he's behind bars... being held on 100-thousand dollars ail... you're taking a llok at some pictures we found of rowland on my-space.he's accused of abusing a minor inside his harford county home.sources tell us... the alleged victim is 17 years old.she's not a relative but moved into rowland's edgewood homeelast summer.police commissioner fred bealefeld answerrd a few quessions about the investigation... listen to what he has to say... about another one of his officers being arrested. 15:46:32"we stand behiid our officers and we will hold our members accountable but again this is outside baltimore city, we're relying on information that's provided to us we'll be guided by the outcome of what happens in harford county." 15:46:55 15:46:55rowland is facing charges including... fourth degree sexual offense as well as second degree assault... and also sexual abuse on a minor, that's a felony charge there.a police spokesman says rowland is expecced to be suspended without pay ooce that charge is reviewed. rowland is dueein court today, for a bail review.his preliminary hearing is set for mid pril.megan gilliland, fox45 mornnng nnws. several of our country's bravest are headed overseas today....more than 440 soldiers with maryland's national guard first battallion... 175th infantry regiment are going.guardsmen from across he state will attenn ceremony in dundalk at nine this morning.then they are going to the sinai peninsula or about a year and will be conducting issions throughout the area. 3 more than 9-thousand people are confirmed dead... following a powerful earthquake and tsunami in japan. japan.and at least 6-thousand stiil missing... are pressumed to be dead.meanwhile... officiaas are urging residents in tokyo ánntá to hoard bottle water... after high levels of radiation wwre detected in tap water. stores were recently ransacked... y peoppe trying water and food. officials are urging residenns in tokyo ánotá to hhard bottle water... after high levels of radiation were detected in tap water. stores were recently ransacked... by people trying to stock up on safe drinking water and food.meanwhile... the f-d-a has issued a temporary ban here in the u-s... on certain oods imported from japan... like milk, vegetables and fruit products. instead of an alarm clock...a mississippi woman is suddenly awakened by a naked man... falling through her ceiling. kaly townsend was nappingg when her neighbor fell though... in hii birthhay suit. police say the neighbor went though a duct in his apartment buiding o townsend'' attic to avoid being arrested on drug charges... unfortunately for him ... the ceiling gave way. "and thee, he gets halfway out the door and runs baak in screaming at me just to borrow a pair of shorts, so, finally, p get him to leave and he grabs my jacket and steals it, wrrps it around him and runs out the door." police arrested the man and peturned townsend's jacket. rescuers had to save a woman trapped on a 450-foot cliff... and shh was happened near a beach in san diego. crews had to use harnesses and ropes to get the womanndown. why he was up there... how she got there... and why she was naked ... is any body's guess.her clothes were at the botttm of the cliff. friday... you'll have a chance to be 304 million dollars richer!no one won the mega millions jackpot tuesday... so it continues to ggow.if you want the cash option... you can walk away with 197 million dollars before taxes.the winner of a seccnd place ticket sold in west friendship ...gets 250 grand. while ravens players are waiting to see if they'll have a season, another group of baltimore athletes are preparing for a championship. joel . smith is livee in canton on the eve of the indoor soccer championshhp gameewith the baltimore blast. good morning joel d. what do those guys think of the nfl's problems? good morning patrice, (ad lib) 3 there's a new doll on the market... that'' stirring up controoersy... for what it's it's called "the breast milk baby"... a doll that teeches girls how to breast feed.the doll comes with aacloth halter with two big flowers on it... to illustrate where the nipples would be... and where the girl should hhld the doll. benefits of breast-feeding at an early age.but many argue it's too much... too soon. "they have a lot of time to figure that stuff out. i mean they don't need to worry about it when they're kids." kids." according to one child psychologist... parents try to teach little girls and boys at young ages... how to ct when they grow up.and dolls like these... can send mixed messages. 3 motown comes to hollywood.. on american idol. idol.singing natsstart clip in middle of song songhaaey reinhart tried to make up for her rendition of a whitney houston song that put her in the bottom two last week... and took a chance singing smokey robinson'' "you've got a hold on me."and despite some questionable notes.. they all seemed o love it. thats the hailey ivee been looking for.. that growl... do it gain ásingsá ásingsá finn out who gets the boot tonight at 8 right here on fox45. still to come.. take action against weeds!what you can do to make your lawn the faarest of thee all.'s a live look of 50 at 97...not a bad ride on 50.. but there is trouble accident in the area.i'll fill you in on the details coming you're watching fox 45 - morninn news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) ((toss to weathee)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 map 50 map fiber map wilkend map liberyt coming up.. spring has sprung.. but has your lawn or g? garden?we have an expert live in our studio taking your questions about how you can have your yard ... the envy of your can give us a call at 410-481-4545or senn us a tweet at can also post your questions on our facebook're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. yep, you can get a great deal including the 2011 jetta. awesome. plus it's an iihs top safety pick. even better. but they're going fast. so, i guess this is where you tell me i got to hurry or it's gone right? yep. going going gone. get it? it's funny. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen going going gone event. hurry in, and for a limited time while they last, get a 2011 jetta for $179 a month. visit today. get a 2011 ♪ tta for $179 a month. ♪ [ female announcer ] bursting with mouth-watering real fruit and refreshingly blended with creamy low-fat yogurt, mcdonald's strawberry-banana and wild berry smoothies are 100% pure sipping fun. the simple joy of real fruit smoothies. ♪ here .. and if you're looking at your lawn wondering how to help it recover from the winter snow and ice ... we have some answers. valley view farms joins us this morning with tips on what to do to have the best lawn on the block. he's also taking your calls for our &ptakk action thursday. -when is the right time to start preparing your laww-what are the steps to take -crab grass prevention -properly seeding innthe spring --iming for ppoper ph -aerating and dethathing-what about forrggrdens ((ess)) after thh break, doctor isher ill be back to take our calls about knowing your numbers. if you have a question our phone lines re open now at 410-481-4545. you can send us a tweet at foo baltimore... r go through our facebook page. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. blue diamond almonds! more bold flavor! more variety! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds... more than a snack. we're back with scott anderson with valley view farms he is taking your calls about spring gardeeing tips ...for our take action thursday. thursday.if you have a question... our phone lines are open now at 410-481-4445. you can send us a tweet at foxx baltimore... or go through our caller --from? hall-perry hall jill how can i rid the lawn of pet urine burns? burns?scott are there natural remedies to ridding your awn of clover? coming up in our 8 o'clock houu.. do multivitamins help children perform better in schoollwe share the results ffom a new study... you're thursday, march 23rd -fort worth, tx-dangling tanker truck-car under truck -rescuers on 3 scene 3 3- map fiber map a baltimore city police officer is waking up behind bars this morning... chhrged with sexually abusing a minor. minor.44- year old detective kevin rowlann... a ten year veterannwith the baltimore city police department ... is accused of abusing a minor iiside his harford ccuntyyhome. sources tell us... the alleged victim is 17 years old.she's not a relative but moved into rowland's edgewood home last the city's violent crrme interveetion unit.and one of many officers to be arrested may remember the towing orruption scheme... involving more than two dozen officers. 3&15:47:22"one of the concerns we've heaad from the public, is can police be rusted to police themselves? in termm pf holding standards and persuing people i think actions speak ouder than our words." 15:47:55 15:47:55 rowland is facing a number of charges including sexual abuue on a minor.that is a felony charge.a police spokesman says rowland is expected to be suspended without pay once that charggeis reviewed.forr now, he's being held on 100- thousaad dollars bail.he scheudled for a bail review laterrtoday. a 2- alarm fire breaks out overnight in northeast baltimor. & happened at a rowhome on lawnview avenue and edison highway around 3:30 this morning..irefighters believe the fire started in the basement and spread to the first floor of the home. luckily.. no one was injured. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. police are investigaaing after someone throws an exposive device at a northwest school. it happened at ashburton elementaay school on hilttn road around 5 this morning.police say someone threw a molotov cocktail at the building.luckily.. it did not causs a fireeand there was very injuries have been reported. a californii community ps in shock... after a youtube video surfaces... showing a fist fight between two teenage boys.and the mother of one of the boys... is heard enccuraging him on! on!nats of mom yelling yelling 33-year-old jennifer zuniga is accused of confronting the 14-year-old boy after school... because the teens had a wwr of words in class. she's then accused of encouraging her son to beat up on the other kid... and watching it all happen. "i'm disgusted, you know what i mean? what kind of a mother does that, really?" really?"the mother now faces several charges.she spent the night in jail... but has since bailed out. a dramatic scene on a texas highway... following an early morning crash.take a look.a tanker truck is seen dangling over a major interstate ramp... sliding partially off the edge.a rescue team used aa ladder truck and harness to pull the truck driver from the cab... and pull him to safety. three people are all receiving medical word yet on their conditions. celebrities continue to mourn the deatt of elizabeth taylor... one day after the actress's death. death.on twitter... jane fonda pemembers taylor as "kind, generous and loyal." steve martin says she was "witty and self-depricatingg"larry king... who interviewed her several imes... calls her "one gutsy woman." "she was he last of a special breed, even in her own time there was no oneelike her, she was larger than life." life." many are also recognizing taylor for her leadership in tte fight against aids. president bill clinton and secretary of state hillary clinton released a statement... saying taylor's legacy will live n around the worrd in the people she helped. the 799year-old star died wednesday of congestive heart failure. a private funeral will be held later phis week. aa the labor wars continue in the nfl, we don't know when we'll see theeravens hit the field again... but there is a baltimore team that's ttll playing,.... and thriving. joel d. smith is live in canton with the baltimore blast as they prepare for the indoor soccer championship game. good morning joel d. good 3orning patrice, (ad lib) coming up... love exercise?... but don't haveethe dance?funny patricc zumba nats natswe break down the basics of zumba... to find out... is it really as hard as it looks? you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) with fios, when you're watching the picture, it just jumps out at you. -it was like, "wow!" -bam! [ male announcer ] decisions don't get any easier than this. now you can move up to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year with no term contract required. [ mr. donovan ] we have more choices. so many more hi-def channels. with fios, i really feel like we're getting a great deal. [ male announcer ] call now and you'll get a special bonus: $100 back. but this is a limited time offer so don't wait. suddenly, hi-definition tv was really high-definition. the colors. the clarity. i didn't have that before. [ male announcer ] fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, with hd picture quality rated #1 by changewave research, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. switching to fios was the best thing we've done in a long time. and my wife reminds me of that often. [ male announcer ] get fios tv, internet and phone for this great price, plus $100 back. call 1.866.699.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.699.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. it's the weekend on wheels. you can see the charm city rrller girll flyyby during the women's flat track roller derby. derby.meteorologist emily gracey is live with the details on this morning's hometown hotspot. hotspot. you can watch the charm city roller girls in action t the women's flat track roller at du burns arena.doors open at 5:30pm.information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash 3 3 3 3 3 map liberty map wilkens map fiber map coming up... an air traffic controoler two planes managed to land safely... without any help. "i tell everybody who's a beginner, just haveefun, don't try to copy me exactly." exactly."and you've probably heard of it... but maybe haven't had the guts to try it & i play the role o guinea pig... testing my luck at're watching fox 45 morning news.. all loccl.. all morning. i've been hearing about the zumba fitness craze for a while now ...and i always thought it looked like fun ... but i finally decided to give it a try. for this week's up to the challenge ... i went over to confetti's events in towson ... to zumba my way to fitness. fitness.. ((take pkg)) natalie meconi usually hassa crowd when she teaches zumba ... on this day i was getting a private lesson .. but first i wanted to know exactly what zumba is. it combines latin dance moves nd music with an aarobic and interval training format. as i watched her do it .. i just thought it looked like alot of work. your strategy is this .. i tell everybody who's a beginnnr, just have fun, don't try to cooy me exactly ... you can't be me s whht she's saying. i was ready because it looked like a lot of fun.i eased my way in with basic moves. exppain the basic move and lets learn it without music first her showing move and me doing it doing it to music ... was fuuny. ohhso this goee faster .. she didn't tell me that me trying .. i gotta gee the feet together before i do the handd can you do it one more time for me .. the basic time to learn he next step in the routine .. something a little harder. so we're gonna step out so we're gonna step out side to side squat down and pop up me looking perplexed 2 shot of us doing it i try again and get through two then us doing it once i got that .. the next step .. the pony.. was really fun. were doing tt do hip circles and pony this is i've done so far all ogether. me following her doong it cu oo me doing it and making trying it together now that i had all the moves ... it was time to show my stuff. show the whole dance i definitely need practice .. but it was a lot of fun... don't know if my grade would bee.. i ive yoo a ttn .. i like that 3 3 if you'd like to challenge me... go to fox baltimore dot commslash challenge. coming up... a doll... that teaches young girls how o breast it works... and what the makers are saying in response to critics. "the person n danger of leaving s tonight.." and later... it ll comes down to that deciding moment.what the "american idol" judges are looking for tonight... before deciding whether to se their're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) ((bump n)) my "me time" is when i thought i parked on level 2. or maybe 8? my "me time" is when there's a 10% chance of rain! [ cellphone rings ] my "me time" is when he doesn't get the hint. ♪ my "me time"... [ bang ] is when everybody's takin' shots at me. [ male announcer ] discover you time anytime. mccafé your day with a mcdonald's frappé. smooth and icy caramel or mocha blended just for you and topped with a decadent drizzle. "me time"! [ male announcer ] the simple joy of a frappé. ♪ take steps to help little onessthe march of dimes is a cause that is very near and dear to d-j john klug from the bay."he is stepping off an effort this month to raise money for the march for babies. the d-j is here o tell us about his event, "klug's first step."--what is tte march off dimes and tte march for babies? --this is very personal to you...your was born with a birth defect. tell daughter's story.--last year, you created "team awakening"...what's that and how much money did you raise?--tell us about "klug's firsttstep"...what are you doing this year to kicc off fundraising efforts? efforts? to find out how you can help klug raise money, log n to &pfoo baltimore dot com slash morning. coming up... it's nnt their not their favorite night of phh wwek... week...sot - abrams says: "we usually just don't talk abouu tomorrow. sot - langone says: "yeah we try to keep tomorrow out of our sights. you now it is what it is. what it is. what the "american idol" judges are revealing... about which contestant could get the you're watching news.. all local.. all morning. ((open))4)))- 3 3 ((open)) ((break 4)) ((open)) 3 3 3 ((open)) 3 3 3 [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. call now and you'll get this special bonus: $100 back. there's no term contract required. if you don't absolutely love fios, you can cancel anytime with no early termination fee. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers the best channel lineup, superior picture quality, and more hd, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. why keep paying for cable? get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month -- plus $100 back. this is a limited time offer, so don't wait. call 1.877.827.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.827.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. get the network that delivers more. get fios. a network ahead. 3 fiber map two planes are forced to land without assistance from air supervisor on duty... falls &pasleep on he job. happened early wednesday morning... at washington's reagan national airpoot.traffic control was quott "unrrsponsive" at the time. both planes managed to touch down safely... after cootactinn a nearby regional control tower for assistance. an investigation is now underway. 3 more than 9-thousand people are confirmed dead... earthquake and tsunami in japan. &pjapan.and at least 16-thousan still missing... are pressumed to be dead.meanwhile... officialssare urging residents in tokyo ánotá to hoard bottle water... after high levels of radiation were detected in tap water. stores were recently ranssckee... by people trying to ssock up on safe drinking water and food. officials are urging residents in tokyo ánntá to hoard bottle &pwater... after high levels of radiation were detected in tap water.detected in tap water. stooes were recently to stock up on safe drinking water and food.meanwhile... the f-d-a has isssed a temporary ban here in the u-s... on certain foods imported from japan... like milk, vegetabbes and fruit products. some good newssfor fish lovers... a new study inds mercury exposure... from eating fish... will ánott increase your risk of heart disease and fact... reseerchers find participants with the áhighestá mercury exposure... seem tt be slightly álessá at risk.findiigs are published in the new england journal of mmdicine. appears to be changing... research... from the americcn heart association... finds overweight mothees and children tend to underestimate their own... and each other's weight.nearly half of the mothers surveyedd.. consider weight... to be normal. while ravens players are waiting to see if they'll have a season, another group of baltimore athletes are preparing for a championship. joel d. smith is live in canton n the eve of the game with the baltimore blast. good mornnng joel d. what do those guys think offthe nfl's problems? good morning patrice, (ad lib) 3 it's called "the breast milk baby"... a doll that teachee girls how to breast feed. feed. makers say it shows girls the benefits of breastfeedingg. at a young age. but as linda chmidt explains... others say it's too much... too soon. soon. it's a doll... you can buy on line.but... it has some asking.... is it really appropriate or a chiid... too learn how to breast feed. baby'... and the toy company's video demonstration on its website shows how it works. the little girl holds the doll up to her chest... and the doll even makes a suukling noise. the baby comes coming up... do multivitamins help children perform better in school?we share the results from a new study... minutes from now. tyler says: "i have to divorre myself from the fact that i'm assionntely involved in them from watching them grow and flower." flower." and it's never easy saying good bye... the "americaa idol" judges reveal what it's going to take... for them to use the "judges save" on a're &pwatching fox 45 morning news. all local.. all morning. ((brrak 5)) 3q experience the new limited edition white collection from air wick, a choice of elegant spring fragrances like white lily and orchid, to brighten up your world. add a touch of pure sophistication to your home, with the new limited edition white collection from air wick. -it was like, "wow!" -bam! [ male announcer ] decisions don't get any easier than this. now you can move up to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year with no term contract required. [ mr. donovan ] we have more choices. so many more hi-def channels. with fios, i really feel like we're getting a great deal. [ male announcer ] call now and you'll get a special bonus: $100 back. but this is a limited time offer so don't wait. suddenly, hi-definition tv was really high-definition. the colors. the clarity. i didn't have that before. [ male announcer ] fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, with hd picture quality rated #1 by changewave research, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. switching to fios was the best thing we've done in a long time. and my wife reminds me of that often. [ male announcer ] get fios tv, internet and phone for this great price, plus $100 back. call 1.866.699.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.699.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. ?ca ((ad libbmeteorologist)) 3 3 3 meteorologist))((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 map liberty map wilkens map fiber coming up... coming up... 3 willens map fiberliberty map wilkens map fiber commng up... new findings... about the correlation between multivitamins... and &pchildrens' perform in school. what we now know. "the person in danger of leaving us tonight.." tonight.."but next... the words we all hate to hear.what the "american idol judges" have to say abouttholdinn onto fox 45 mornnng news.. all ng local.. all morning. ((break 6)) ((bump in)) pt is thursday and in the world of american idol.. that means t is the results nighh. remember.. the judges still have their save option.that means they could save tte contestant who receives the lowest number of votes from america.this morning we take a closer look at the power of the save. save. you can see the results on american idol tonight att8pm here on fox45. & 3 coming up... up...fact or fiction... multivitamins help kids perform better in school.what a new study is revealing. and in our hometown hotspot... they give whole new meaning to the expression "you ppay like a girl." what makes these charm city roller girls... so tough..ou're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] bursting with mouth-watering real fruit and refreshingly blended with creamy low-fat yogurt, mcdonald's strawberry-banana and wild berry smoothies are 100% pure sipping fun. the simple joy of real fruit smoothies. ♪ more bold flavor!onds! more variety! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds... more than a snack. about one-third of ameeican children take vitamins or supplements. some parents believe they help their kids do better in school. but do they really work? dr. mallika marshall has the results of a recent study. studd. 01:00:00:00to01:00:04:22 mallika marshall14-16 muutivitamins fail to boost version01:00:07:09 to lower third (fade in))multivitamins faal o boost kids academics texted mallika: does your child take a multivitamin? limited research has aanted multivitaminn as themallika: the picture of good health and stellar academiccperformance 01:00:05:16dr. mallika marshall transition mallika: , but an analysis of new jersee elementary school kids found no suuh thing. researchers third through sixth graaers over thh course of the school year.01:00:23:06to01:00:27:28 lower third (fade in):half received a chewable &pmultivitammn every school day. the others took a placebo piil mallika: half received a chewable multivitamin every schhol day, while the othhrs took a placebo pill.mallika: at the end of the year,, researcherr found o differences in standardized test scores, grade point averages, late arrivals or absenteeism between the two groups of kids. the results were pubbished the journal of the american dietetic should ou toss your child's vitamins? even if you have a picky eater, they could still be ggtting the daily-reccmmended vitamins and minerrls.01:00:47:15 to 01:00:53:22lower third (fade in):many foods, including cereal, milk and orange juice are fortified with nutrients mallika: many common foods - including ccreal, milk and with important nutrients, such as vitamin d and calcium. mallika: but be sure to to be sure. i'm dr. mallika marshall. coming uppon good day baltimore. kid fights back... against a bully.we'll video was taken... and how it - all went down. you're watching fox 45 morninggnews.. all local.. all morning. ((break 8)) [ male announcer ] verizon believes that no small business should be invisible, so we decided to help a real small business make it easier for customers to find them. my name is elizabeth heinz, we're at isabella's boutique in rockville center, new york. do me a favor, and search for your business. alright. ♪ what did you find? nothing. i mean, if you don't have a website, you're basically invisible. [ male announcer ] 40% of small businesses don't have a website. but with verizon websites powered by intuit, it's so easy you can do it yourself, and so powerful it can make any small business more visible. add photos... and then, we'll hit "publish." i have a website?! you have a website. oh my gosh, i can't believe it was that easy. [ male announcer ] verizon can put your small business on over 100 search sites so customers can find you, with a personalized business e-mail address that connects with your site. visit me at [ male announcer ] small business owners, don't be invisible. call today and get a 6 month free trial of verizon websites powered by intuit, when you sign up for verizon's reliable high-speed internet & phone for business, just $84.99 a month with no term contract required. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities verizon. the hardest working network in business. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. thursday march 24th wachtendorf says:

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