wednesday, marrh 23rd 3 3 map fiver map 3 we are followwng developing news out of nnrthwest baltimore this morning.we have learned that the victim in an overnight fire has died.megan gilliland is live with the latest on the two alarm fire. good morning patrice,officials are not releasing much information abbut the victim... no names, no gender or age... all they're telling us at this hour... is that... paramedics and fire orts of fighters... one person has dded as a result of thhs fire. fire.take a look at this video &pfrom the scene... amidst alll the smoke lingering innthe night ky... you can ee fire crews surrounding the home here t the intersection of springdale avenue and el dorado avenue.ffames broke out aroond 11:30 last night.when firefighters arrived,,all but one of the residents had made it out of the home.crews rushed inside the burning home... and that's whhn they found thh victim... lying unconscious on the second floor.outside, neighbors watched as a fire fighters pulled out a stretcher. we're all concerned. we dont know him but hes our neighbor this is a great neighorbhood and we're concerned about eachotter in this neighborhoodd &pneighborhood.again, we have learned that the victim, found still no word on what caused this fire.investigators will likely return to the home later today.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a teenage boy from baltimore county is dead this morning... shot and killed while standing with friends.and police say ... it appears ... an aagument between the friends triggered the gunfire. happened in the baatimore highlands community. was with a group of people in a parking lot on songbird circle yesterday, when they started arguing.we're told at least one person pulled out a gun and shot the boy. he was just 16-years-old.detectives say he started running... but the gunman chased him up a hill toward the victim's homee.. where he collapsed and later died.its news that is becoming all too familiar for neighbors. (terry) "a lot, a lot of our don't have no more remorse.."ak (marion) "it's sad that these little kids are dying like this" this..."so far, no one has calling two brothers, person's of interest. 3 lawmakers are debating seveeal immigration bills. would bbn laa enforcement from questioning victims of robberies or domestic violence about thier immigration status.officials say many llegal immigrants are reluctant to contact police for fearrof depootation. (jaisingh) "this oman who picked up the phone to call the police and ended up in deportation proceedings and she herself said that, she would not call the police again" again."another bill would give officials more auuhority to question suspects about thher 3 the threat of radioactive food is looming in japan... officials confirm radioactive materials are now leaking into seawater... near a nuclear plant reactor.researchers are now collecting and analyzing samples to determine the dangerrthe health ministry is protect people... by ps to increasing the monitorinn of seawater and seafood. meanwhile... the uus isn't taking any chances.the food and drug administration is issuing a temporrry ban on certain foods impooted from japan... ncluding all milk, vegetable and fruit products. the move is called an "import expected to be banned for are about six months.f-d-a officials will continue testing all ood products frrm areas affected by the radiation in japan. it was one year ago today... the controversial health are reform act... became law. law.march 23rd of 2010... the "affordaale health care for ameeicans act."supporters hailed the bill as landmark legislation... that would make everyone.but critics slammedd the law as doing nothing to improve health care... nly forcing americans to buy insuranceeeven if they didn't want it.accooding to a new c-n-n poll... most voters that bringg us to our question about the health care reform - law, one year later?we'll bee taking your calls in our 7 o'clock hour. you can also go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell through facebook... or send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore. a call for help has sparked the biggest response in the history of the anne arundel county animal shelter. more than 50 seized dogss up for adoption had animal lovers in line for hours. hours. and joel d. smith where many of the dogs are about to be taken to their new homes. good morning joel d. good morning patrice, (ad lib) 3 3 an emotional reunion for one woman... after finding out her dog... who she thought was dead... is actually alive. "i miss you. i miss you so much" &pmuch."tte dog went missing... &pafter a fire ripped through her massachusetts home.days after the firr... there was no sign of lola anywhere.almost a returned to the house after her car alarm started going off.thht's when she heard something unusual. "i just hear, like, scratching at the door, and then,,i called out my dog's name, and she started crying, and i couldn't believe that she was in the house for almost a month. like, it's crazy!" crazy!" lola was rushed in for emergency care.doctors say lola's in good connition... considering she survived a fire and 27 days trapped in the house. coming up... the struggle continues... to get moammar gadhafi out of libya. libya."we will be victorious in this fight. we will not give up." up."what the libyan ruler is now vowwng to do. you're watching fox 45 morning ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] bursting with mouth-watering real fruit and refreshingly blended with creamy low-fat yogurt, mcdonald's strawberry-banana and wild berry smoothies are 100% pure sipping fun. the simple joy of real fruit smoothies. ♪ it's all greek to me!celebrate the anniversary of greek may be the 190th year of that...but it's the very firss year that baltimore is holding "greek weee."meteorologist mily gracey is live with the details on this morning's hometown hotspot. hotspot. 3baltimore greee week goes through sunday.the greek independence day parade steps off from eastern avenue at haven street on's from 2pm to 4pm.for more information, log on to foo baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 map fiber map 895 coming up... libyan ruler moammar gadhai... continues to show resistance. resistance."we will be victtrious in this fight. we will not give up." up."what he's now vowing to do. and later... many argue it's not the "christian" thing to do. why one group of women sayyii brings them fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) ((bumppin)) ?ca violence continues to escalate in libya today... as several loud explosionssand heavy anti- aircraft gunfire ring out in reports... moammar gadhafi has vowed to fight ack against coalition forces imposing a no-fly zone. 3 we will be victorious in this fight. we will not give up. libyan leader moammar gadhafi remains defiant -- in the midst of a military operation against hii government.we will defeat them in any way by any method.he spoke to a group of supporters tuesday-- at times mocking coalition attaacs.they will not terrorize us..we are maaing fun of their rockett. the libyans are laaghing at these rockets. those rockets.... fired by allied ffrces enforcing a 'no-fly' zone. nnght vision video from the mediterranean sea shows u-s figgter 3 jets taking off for libya. halfway around tte world in el salvador... presidenttobamaaemphasiied the importance of the multinational mission.because of the extraordinary capabilities and valor of oou men and women in uniform, we have already saaed lives. while protecting libyan citizens is the mmediate goal -- the future of libya remains áunclearduring an interview with c-n-n, the president revealed his hopessfor the counnry.the first thing that happens once we've cleared the space is that the rebels are able to start discussing how they organize themselves.... and creatt a legitimate government. i'm greg black reporting. coming up... one mother relives the nightmare... of her daughter's tragic death. death."she died instantly. she swerved on the other side of the curve. the truck driver did everything he could to keep frommhittin' her." her."why she's blaming it all on technology. but next... watch out apple... the i-pad now has a little competition. how &pmuch the "blackberry playbook will start selling for... next're watching fox 45 morning. ews.. all local.. all - 3&((break 33) p(bump in)) blue diamond almonds! more bold flavor! more variety! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds... more than a snack. stocks edged lower tuesday, as investors took a break after ore than a week of volatile trading tied to eventssin libya and japan. the dow lost 17 pointsthe nasdaq and s and p 00 also lost ground.if you're in the market foo a new car, experts say buy now!tte plant shhtddwns and other disruptions following japan's earthquaae and tsunami mean car prices in the u-s could rise as soon as this week.even american-made cars couud be affected, since some out ipadd..a d in - little ore competitionnis about to hit the tablet market. research in motion's "blackberry laybook" will go on sale april 19th.prices start at 499-dollars for 16- gigabytes, the same price as apple's ippd.pre-orders began tuesday.this is just the beginning of the 2011 tablet wars...industry insiders say more han 100 models could hit business is fizzling.... according to "beverage digest," soda sales volume was down about half-a-percent in the u-s last year..there hasn't been an increase in the u-s soft drink market since 2004...meaning ii's not tied to the what are americans drinking? "beverage digest" says bottled water and energy drinns.for business brief, i'm stan case. coming up... upp..chris brown's post-interview temper tantrum. what was found in his dressing room... shortly after being asked about his relationship with ex-girlfriend rihanna. ((megan live tease))and one person is now confirmed dead... after ire rips through aahome in northwest baltimore.i'm megan gilliland, the rescue attempt straight ahead. ((joel live tease))you're patching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) health reform. the unexpected costs of the massive overhaul.. on fox 45 news at 5:30 3 3 3 map fiber map we are following developing news ouu of the victim in an overnight fire has died.megan gilliland is live with the latest on the two alarm fire. good morning patrice,fire officials are not releasing much information about the victim... no names, no gender or ages... all they're telling us at this hour is that deepite paramedics and fire fighters best efforts... one personnhas died as a result of this fire. fire.take a look at this video frrm tte scene... amidst all phe smoke lingering in the night sky... you can see firee crews surrounding the home here at the intersection of springdale avenue and el dorado aveeue.flames broke out around 11:30 last night.when firefighters arrived, all but one of the residents haddmade it out of the home.crews rushed insideethe burning home... and that's when they found tte victim. we did find a victim on 2nd floor unconscious and unressonsive our firefighhers rescued him hiiwe saw them bringing out a geetleman in a body bag or some kind of sack sackagain, we have learned that the victim, found unconscious inside... has diid. still no word on what caused the fire.investigators will likely return o the home later today.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a stabbing in east baltimore... is now declared a . happened around 9:30 ast night... at the interssction of east north avenue and harford road.pollce found the man lying on the sidewalk.... heewasstaken to annarea hospital.there's no word on a suspect or a motive in the stabbiig. the family of a marine from westminster ... who was killed in afghannstan speaks out. 25 year old marineestaff sargeant jjmes malachowski waa killed sunday after a hooemade bomg exploded during a combat missson.his family says after graduating from north carrolll high school... all he ever wanted to do was be a marine. (3:53)he said if he ever weet he wanted to go out in behind a wifeeand two young sons. mayor stephanie rawlings blake is pushing for tougher gun laws.she says maryland needs to do more and should be looking to othhr states for examples of crime ighting. 3 "in new york, when their legislature passed a similar bill for a 3 year mandatory miniumum sentence their homicide rate wwnt down by nearly 20% in just the 1st year so we now that the miniumum mandatory sentence work." it's a story that touches dog lovers so deeply, that more than a hundred of them were willing to stand in line for hours, just for a chance to adopt. adopt. joel d. smith ii live in millersville now where many of these rescued dogs are ready to go to ew homes this &pmorning. good morning patrice, (ad lib) chris brrwn isn't escaping the drama with ex-girlfriend rihanna just yet. yet.drama unfolds shortly afttr his inttrview on "good morning america..anchor robin roberts starts asking questions about his relationship with his ex... months after being sentenced to prooation and community service for assault. "have you all seen each other, been around each other?i mean, not really, it's not reaaly a big deal to mm now, as far as that situation, i think i'm &ppast that in my life, and i think today's the album day so that's hat i'm focused on, so everybody go get that album." album."after his performance... brown stormed off the set anddreportedly stared down the producer.a discovered in his dressing room.brown later posted that his album was for his fans only... and that he's quote "so tired of everyone else." ssme say it's not a christian thing to do... but for a group of women in texas... pole dancing isn't just forr's a way for them to get closer to ggd. god.once a month... dance moves once reserved for's called "pole fitness for jesus."instructors pnd students say it's not about sex.instead... it's about connecting with god. "i do feel a spiritual connection whenever you have the music on, and it's singing about llfting you up and beingg closer to god. you do feel that" that.""people who want to it there and judge it, you know, like well that is sacrilegious or you know. that doesn't make you a good christian when you judge other people." classes are free for women whoo bring in church pamphlets. according to one instructor... it's because she doesn't want to prrfit on god's dayy coming up... technology that takes the distractions out of texting while driving. driving.(sot: phone)"hi, want to meet for lunch?" a look at some ofthe best programs... and how much they cost. here's a livv look of the beltway at ###...getting busy but no accidents in the area. but there is trouble on 95 and 295-i'll tell you all of the details coming up in the traffic edge report. you're watching fox 45 morning morning. l local.. all - ((break 5)) 3 ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 map fiber map 895 coming up... a technology that keeps your teenager's hands on the wheel... and their eyes on &pthe road. road.(soo: phone)"hi, want to meet for lunch?" why experts say it's worth the price. but next... it's been one year today... since president obama igned a controversial health care the biggest concerns... critics still have. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all morning... a newwreport shines some pooitive light on education in the u-s... daaa gathered from the department of education... finds the nation's worst high schools are getting act... the number of high schoolers dropping ouu... has gone down drastically.the largest improvement is being ssen in rural schools in california and south carolina. rumors are swirling... that ccarlie sheen may return to "tww and a half men."according to t-m-z and rraar online... c-b-s wants him back. sheen is currently suingghis bosses... for 100-million dollarr. so far... nothing has been confirmed. it's theeone- year annnversary of president obamaas health care reform bill. and all this time later .. democrats and republicans are still at odds over the type of reform americans shoold have. the iisue as been taken to court .... money to support it has been threattned ... all while parts of it have already gone into effect. health care reform? nick loffer, deputy tate director for ameeicans for prosperity joins us this morning.-republicans lashed out at this from the 3 beginning .. but it's been a year and nothing has fallen apart as a result 3-provisions have already started going into place ... the more they do ... isn't it going to be harder to tell people we want to repeal thht existing condiditoos can't be denied-policy can't be rescinded if you getttoo siik -no lifettme caps on coverage -preventative care -critics say the most costly parts of the bill go iito effect now .. one of the big concerns going forward is the swelling meddcaid rolls and how states will pay for thee dems have shown their willing to ontinue to look at it and mmke changes where needed ... they changed small business having to give out 1099's -where does t go from here 3 all f this brings us to our question of the day:what do you think about the health care reform law, one year later?we'll be taking your calls in ur 7 o'clock hour. you can also go to fox-baltimore dot com and telll us what you think.sound off through facebook... or send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore. coming up... one mother relives the nightmare... of her daughter's tragic death. swerved on the other siie of e the curve. the trrck driver &pdid everything he could tt kkep from hittin' hhr." her."why she's blaming it all on technology. and in oor hometown hotspot... some of the exciting activites you'll find... at the greek independence day parade..ou're waaching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) ((bump in)) we download about four free songs a month. i play online poker two nights a week. my fiancee shops online about an hour a day. we're exposing ourselves to web viruses that could obliterate our finances and leave our future together a bleak and tortured existence. [ laughs nervously ] i got it covered. we switched to kaspersky. no matter who you are, we've got you covered. kaspersky, the most advanced internet security software. 30 states now outlaw texting whhle driving... but thatt hasn't stopped people from doing it. in a just-released nationnl survey by consumer reports... 64-percent of ddivers report recentty seeing someone texting behind the wheel. as james andrrws explains... that action can have dire consequences. consequences. (v/o))racy o'carroll says her daughter, sarah, was reading a what appened ext is hard to llok at. (sot: trrcy o'carroll) "she died instantly. she swerved on the other sidd of phe curve. the truck driver did everythiig he could to keep rom hittin' her."(v/o) texting while driving is frighteningly coomon among younger drivers, according to a consumer reports national rik paulconsumer reports (soo) "in oor survey, nearly one in three drivers under 30 admitttd that they'd recently been texting behind the wheel." (v/o)consumer rrports checked out several new phone apps designed to limit texting and other distractions in the car. some, llke drive safe-dot-l-y prr, readdtext messages to you. for lunch?" (v/o)you can meet answer out loud ((ot: frank spinelli) "sure what time?"(v/o) and it sends your message back as a text. that keeps your hands on tte wheel and your eyes on the road. but it isn't perffct. (sot: rik paul)"we found that it doesn't always recognize what you're saying tte first time, and repeating your ommands can be annoying." (v/o)another app called txtblocker goes even further. parents can install it on a teen's phone for seven dollars a month. when the phone is in a moving car, txtblocker blocks aay incoming messages and disables the keypad. (sot: rik paul)"for a concerned pareet, txtblocker is hh most effective system drivers, he best and least exxensive way to stay safe is to siiply ttrn oof your ppone pehind the wheel." (v/o) that's a message tracy andrees. s. this is james - coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... a courtroom outburst... caught on tape. taae.leave me lone! leave me a! alone!what this suspect was starting to do... before being tackled to the ground. ((joel live tease))you're watching @ blue diamond almonds! more bold flavor! more variety! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds... more than a snack. today is wednesday march 23rd. 3 3 map fiber mmp 3 3 we are following developing news out of morning.we have learned that &pthe victim in an overnight &pfire has died.megan gilliland is live with the latest on the two alarm fire. good morning patrice,officials are ot releasing much information about thh victtm... no names, no gender or age... all they're telling us at this hour... is that... despitt the best efforts of paramedics and fire person has fire.take a look at this video from the scene... amidst all night sky... you can see fire crews surrounning the home hereeat the intersection of sprrngdaae avenue and el dorado avenue.flames broke out around 11:30 last night.when firefighters arrived, all but one of the residents had made it out of the home.crews home... and that's when they unconscious on the second floor.outside, neighbors watched as a fire fighters pulled out a stretcher. know him but hes our neighbor - this is a great neighorbhood and we're concerned about eachother in this neighborhood. neighborhood. again, we hhve learned ttat &pthe victim, founn unconscious inside... has dded. 33still no word on what caused this fire.investigators will likell return to he home later today.megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. &p a stabbing in east baltimore... is now declared a 9930 last night... at the interrection f east north avenue and harford road.police found the man lyyng on he sidewalkk... he was taken to an area hospital.there's no word on a suspect or a motive in the stabbing. he so-called "east coast" rapist is revealiig new informmtion aboot his attacks... that police never knew about. about.aaron thomas waa arrested earlier this month... after d-n-a linkeddhim to attacks on 17 women over the past 12 of those attacks... was here in maryland.yesterday... he pleaded not guilty to one cass of rape... but ddd admmt to committing sex offenses since 1991.the news camm as a shocker to pplice... who didn't think his first attack was until 6 years later. 3 lawmakers are debating several immigration ills. bills.debating severrl several immigration bills. would ban law enforcement from questioning victimssof robberies or domeeticcviolence about thier immigration statts.officials say many illegal immigrants are reluctant to contact police for fear of deportatiin. (jaisiigh) "this woman who the olice and ended up in - deportation proceedings and she herself said that, shh would not call the police agaii" again."another billl ould give officials more authority to quustion suspects about thier status. that six pack of beer or bottle of winn... could soon cost you more.a senate bill would phase in a ssles tax for beer... wine... and othhrr liquor over the next three years.alcohol is already taxed at six percent.this bill would increase the sales tax by one cent a year ... for the next three years. 3&(demarco) "this is a public health measure. it will reduce underage drinkingg reduce drunk driving and other kinds of allohol abuse and will bring in the kind of money we community services." opponents ay over 3 years... that amounts to a 33 percent increase. a call for help has sparked the biggest response in the history of the anne arundel county animal shelter. more than 50 seized dogs lovers in line for hours.l - hours. and joelld. smith is live at the shelter now where many of the dogs are about to be taken to their new homes. gooddmorring joel d. good morning patrice, (ad lib) 3 coming up... the federal goverment is protectinn you aaainst possible contaminated food in japan.we'll tell you the rule &pthat's in place. fox 45 morning news.. all hing - local.. all morning. &p((break 1)) baltimore is going greek!you can celebrate the anniversary be the 190th year of that... but it's thh very first year that this city is having 3q lysol believes a healthy family is a happy family. that's why lysol does more with our new stainless look no-touch hand soap system. it fits any decor... and automatically dispenses the perfect amount of soap and kills 99.9% of bacteria. so you'll never touch a germy pump again. with the lysol no-touch hand soap system, healthy hands are automatic... all over your home. for healthy tips and more, visit missionforhealth. baltimore is goiig reek!you can celebrate the anniversary of greek independenceeit may be the 190th year of that... but it's the very first year that this city is having its very own "greek week." meteorologist emily gracey is live with he details on this morning's hometownnhotspot. hotspot. baltimore greek week goes through sunday.the greek indeppndence day parade steps oof from easternnstreet on's from 2pm to for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 map fibbr map provdience map liberty map wilkenn still ahead...trying to get an education trying to get an some people still ahead...still ahead...some people trying to get an getting to avoid non- accredited schools online. online. you're watchinn fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) 3 new this morning...the house is expected to begin budget talks latee this of the main topics to be discussed... is restoring money back into maryland' s education system.the house committee has approved a plan to raise certain vehicles fees to generate some of the money needed. the u-s isn't taking any chances.the food and drug administration is issuing a temmorary ban on certain foods imported from japan... including all milk, vegetable and fruit products.the move is called an "import alert"... and the products are expected to be banned for about ix months.f-d-a officials wwll continue testing all food products from areas affected py the radiation in japan. a u.s. fighter jet has gone down after day four of the u.s. campaigg in libya ... commander of u.s. naval forces says air strikesswill continue until moammmr gadhafi stops violating the u.n. security council rrsolltion by attacking civiliaas. sandra endo joins us live fromm washington with mmre.sandra? sandra? --suggested questions--1- who will take charge offthe operations once the u.s. takes a back seat?2- what are other country's saying is the main goal?country's sayinn is the main goal?3- what's the troops still to come.. don't get duped when taking those nline courses.we're sitting down with an expert ...who tells you how tooavoid diploma mills. mills.i mean, noo really, it's not really a big deel to me now, as far as that situation, chris brown ...unhinged!find out what sent the singer.. into a rage! you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) all local.. all morning. (([ maleget the most out of youn with the fertilizer that gives you the most for your money. scotts turf builder. unlike bargain brands, which have up to 40% sand, sawdust, even gravel. turf builder has no filler. it's 100% food, for a deep feeding you can see. you can feel. you can enjoy. for a lawn that can't be beat, get a fertilizer that can't be copied. scotts turf builder. get a fertilizer that can't be copied. if you saw an adverttsement, claiming you could get a phd ... in 7 days ... for as loo as 239-dollars ... that hould raise a red flag and tell you unfortunately manyypeople doo pay their money ... in what has becomm a growinggtrend called . diploma mills. for this weeks ccnfident consumer, angie buuiness bureau joins us - information on what you need to look out for. for. 3 if you would like if you would like more informaaion on the better business bureau, log onto our website.... fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 cominn up.. the reason behinddthis man... pttacking a judgg.why he didn't to go to jail... quietly! yyu're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) 3 health reform. the unexpected costs of the massive overhaul.. on fox 45 news at 5:30 my "me time" is when i thought i parked on level 2. or maybe 8? my "me time" is when there's a 10% chance of rain! [ cellphone rings ] my "me time" is when he doesn't get the hint. ♪ my "me time"... [ bang ] is when everybody's takin' shots at me. [ male announcer ] discover you time anytime. mccafé your day with a mcdonald's frappé. smooth and icy caramel or mocha blended just for you and topped with a decadent drizzle. "me time"! [ male announcer ] the simple joy of a frappé. ♪ 3 3 p fiber map 3 we are foolowing developing news out of northwest baltimore thissmorning.we have learned that the victim in an overnight fire has died.megan gillilaad is live with the latest on the two alarm fire. 3good morninggpatrice,fire officials are not releasing much information about tte or ages... all they're telling us at his hour is that despite paramedics and fire fighters best efforts... one person has died as a result off this fire. fire.take a look at this video from the scene... amidst all the smoke lingering in the niiht sky... you can see fire crews surrounding the home here at the intersection of springdale avenue and el dorado avenue.flames broke out around 11:30 lasttnight.when firefighters arrived, all but onn of the residents had made it out of the home.crews rushed inside the burning home... and that's when they found he victim. we did find a victim on 2nd floor unconscious and unresponsive ourrfirrfighters rescued him him we saw them bringing out a gentlemaa in a body bag or sackagain, we have learned that the victim, found unconscious inside... has died. still no word on what caused the fire.investigators will likely return to the home later today.megan gilliiand, fox45 morning news. a teenage boyyfrom baltimore county is dead this morning... shot and killed while standing with friends.and police say ... it apppars ... an argument between the friends triggered theegunfire. happened in the baltimore highlands community. investigators say tte victim was with a group of people in a parking lot on songbird circle yesterday, when they started arguing.we're told at least one person pulled outta gun and ssot the boy. he was just 11-years-old.detectives say he started running... but the gunman chased him up a hill toward the victim's home... where he collapsed and beeoming all too familiar for neighbors. (terry) "a lot, a lot of our young people are getting taken out.. and the young people don't have no more remorse.." (marion) "it's sad that these little kids are ying like this" thhs..." so far, no one has been arrested.but police are calllng two brothers, person's pf interest. the winner of the nation's first ever spelling bee... has died.frank neuhauser... winner of the á1995á spelling bee... was a patent lawyer from silver spring.he won tte championship at age 11... after successfully spelling the word "gladiolus."neuhauser was 97 years old. it was one year ago today... &pthe controversial health care 23rd of 2010... president obama signed off on thee "affordable health care for americans act."supporrers hailed the bill as landmark legislation... that would make health care accesssble to everyone.but critics slammed the law as doing nothing to improve health care... only forcing americcns to buy insurance even if they idn't want it.according to a new c-n-n poll... most voters still oppose the law. that brings us to our question of the day:what do you think about the health care reform law, one year later?phone lines are open 410- 481-4545. you can also go to fox-baltimore dot com and tell us what you think.sound off through facebook... or send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore. positive light on education in the u-s... data gathered from thee department of education... finds thh nation's worst high schools are getting fact... thh number of high schoolers dropping out... as gone down drastically.the largest improvement is bbing seen in rural schools n california and south carolina. it's a story that touches dog lovers so eeply, that more than a hundred of them were willing to stann in line for hours, just for a chance to adopt. live in millersville now where many of these rescued dogs are ready to go to nee homes this morning. good morning joel d. good mooning patrice, (ad lib) 3 some say it's not a christian thing tt do... but for a group of women in texas... pole dancing isn't just for's a way for them to get closer to god.once a month... church-going women embrace the dance moves once reserved for's called "pole fitness for jesus."instructors and students say it's not aboutt connecting with god.about - "i do feel a spiritual connection whenever you have the music on, and it's singing about lifting you up and being closer to god. you do ffel that" that.""people who want to sit like well that is sacrilegious 3 or you know. that doesn't make you a good christian when you judge other people." classes are ree for women who bring in church pamphlets. according to one instructor... it's because she doesn't want to profit on od's day. chris brown isn't escaping the drama with ex-girlfriend rihanna just yet. yet.drama unfolds shortly morninggamerica."anchor robin roberts sttrts asking &pquestions about his relationship with his ex... months after being sentenced to prrbation and communityy service for assault. "have you all seee each othhr, been around each other?i mean, not really, it's not really a big deal to me now, as far as that situation, i think i'm past that in my life, and i thiik today's the album day so that's hat i'm focused on, so evvrybody go get that album." 3 album."after his performance... brown stormed off the set and reportedly stared down the producer.a shattered window was also discovered in his dressing room.brown later posted that his album was for hhs fann only... ann that he's quote "so tired of everyone else." a violent outbbrst in a massachusetts courtroom... leaves witnesses stunned. stunned.leave me alone! leave me alone! alone!for this 26 year-old suspect... going to jail áquietlyá... wasn't an option. shortly after the sentencing... he jumps over the bench and starts running toward the judge.but courr officers quiikly tackle him to phe ground.the suspect could now be facing more charges. still to come.. thh battle of the bulge could just be a breath away. away.""you just put your lips breath in and out slowly" slowly"the new tool that measures your calorie intaae. we puu ittto the will it work test.find out if it passes. passes. 3 3 you'rr watching fox 45 morning news.. all morning. ((break 5)) morning. ((break 5)) at shopping online. friending absolutely everyone. playing online war games with stoner burnouts. exposing us to horrible viruses that could strip-mine our database, leaving me and my employees recycling bottles and cans to pay our mortgages. over my dead body. i switched to kaspersky. no matter who you are, we've got you covered. kaspersky. the most advanced internet security software. ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 p3 3&meteorologist))((ad libb((ad lib meteorologiitt) 3 map fiber map 195 map wilkens map liberty map provdience cooing up.. today marks the one ear anniversary offthe historical and controversial health carr refoom act... becoming law. law. ttat brings us to our question offthe day...what do you think about the health care reform law, one year later??hone lines are open now 410 -481-4545...weewant to hear from you!you're watching fox 45 morning ews.. all local.. all morninn. ((break 6)) it was one year aao today.... the conttoversial health care reform act... became law. supporters hailed the bill as landdarr legislation...but critics slammed the law as doing nothing to improve health care... only forcing americans to buy insurance even if they didn't want it. it. that brings us to our question of the day...what do you think about the heallhh care reform law, one year later?phone lines are open now 410 -481-4545...we want too heaa from you! rhino- baltimore felicia- baltimore baltimore dottie - "i still feel like iidid one year ago, gone down, aad my rates went sky high. not to mention how the changes to flex spending have affected my family." family."treva - "i'm still opposed to it. rates have gone up and coverage is down. tell me how that issbetter?" better?"christopher "what health care reform law?? thats howwi feel about it. i mean it is still confusing and there has been little done to even make an attempt to spell it oot to americans..i find that i" don'ttunderstand, i thought everybody was to have hhalth insurance, ut i still don't." don't."michelle - is it really helping those that can't afforddand who don't have insurance? if so i love it." coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. celebrate greek independence... without going to greece!!e're taking you tt baltimore's first greek week! wwek!it takes 10 minutes and the machine will measure the amount of oxygen your body uses" &puses" and neet, you've heard of one measuring your alcohol level, but what about your calorie intake?weere testing out the calorie you're watching fox 455 &pmorning news.. all local.. al morning. 3((break 7)) ((bump in)) do you ever wonder how many calories you burn a day?? new medical device claims it can tell you exactly how many calories ou burn, at rest in a day.we put the calorie breathalyzer-type machine to the will it work test. you've heard of breathalyyzrs to etermine drunkenness... wolin-riklin "you just put your lips securely around this and you breath in and out ssowly"buu now, one machine &pclaims it's not counting cocktails..."it takes 10 minutes and the machiie will measure the amount of oxygen your body uses"but calories. wolin riklin "hi ashley, we're gonnn check your metabolic rate ooay and this willlhelp you know how manyycalories it will take you just to maintain your weight oo if you want to lose any additional weight how many calories you should go under to help you gradually lose weeght healthy and saae" it's a calorie claims to take just ten minutes to tell you what you need to do to lose or maintain your weight.but willlit work? wooin riklin "now everybody is different, some people have very fast metabooisms and some are very slow"it works by measuring the amount of oxygen your body usessfor evvry takes in, you spend a certain - numbee of calories, so this machine works it out and tells you within a fixed period of time, how many calories your body needs in a rested state. wolii riklin "okay you are done missy, i bet that was the longest 10 minutes of your day huh and this prints out a whooe report to show and explain everything to you and ssows you where your metabolism is"so will it work? ashlee "i'm ssocked because for years i've always thought i ad a really slow metabolism and that's not the case" case"wolin riklin "the onny way to answer the question, scientifically, is with an indirect calorimeter, there are all kinds of predictive equations out there where you could guess how many killograms of body weight or you could use an equationo and you will get an pproximate number, but this is exact" the "u-t" health surgical cenner is offering this test to their patients for 50 dollar. doolars.ffr more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash news links. coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. royal wedding watchers...we've got a sneak peak at what's in store for prince williaa and kate middleton's upcoming nuptu. nupttals. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 8)) blue diamond almonds! more bold flavor! more variety! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds... more than a snack. wednesday, march 23rd -capitol building 3 33 3 3 map fiber map 3 3 we are following a developing story out of northwest baltimore this morning.we have now learned that the victim in an overnight fire has died. died.take a look at this video from the scene... amidst all the smoke lingering in the night sky... you can see fire crews surrounding the home here at the intersection of springdale avenue and el dorado avenue.flames broke out around 11:30 last night.when firefighters arrivedd all but one of the residents had made it out oo thh home.crewssfound the victim... lying unconscious on the second floor.outside, neighbors watched as a stretcher wass pulled out. we're all oncerned. we dont know him but hes ouu neighbor this is a great neiihorbhood and we're concerned about eachother in thhs neighborhood. neighborhood.again,,we have learned that the victimm found inside... has died.the victims identity is not being released and at this point there's no word on what caused the fire. a teenage boy from baltimore county is dead this morning... shot and killed while standing with friends.police say ... it appears ... an argument between the frieeds triggered the gunfire. baltimore highlands community. investigators say the victim was with a group of people in a parkingglot on songbird pircle yesterday, when they started arguing.we're told at least one person pulled out a gun and shot the boy. he was just 16-years-old.detectives say he ssarted the gunman chased him up a hill toward the victim's &phome... where he ollapsed an later hat's becoming all too familiar for neighbors. (terry) "a lot, a lot of our young people are getting taken out.. and the young people don't have no more remorse.." (marion) "it's sad that these little kids are dying like this" this..." so far, no one has been arressed..ut police are calling two brothers, person's of interest. aastabbing ii east baltimore... is now declared a happened around 9:30 last night... at the intersection of east north avenue and harford road.police found the man lying on the sidewalk.... he was taken to an area hospital.there's noo word on a suspect or a mooive in the stabbing. sparked the biggest response in the history of the anne arundee county animal shelter. more than 50 seizzd dogs up for adoption had animaa lovers in line for hours. hours. and joel d. smith is live at the shelter now where many of the ogs are about to be taken to their new homes. good morning joel d. good mooning pptrice, (ad lib) p3 3 your neet inttmate encounter could be deadll.that's according to a new study... exercising... nearly átriplesá a person's risk of hhart's the one piece of good news... the rrsk mainly regularly engage in those activities.those who are regulars... ave a much lesser sttrting a day with a bowl of cereal... could be doing more good than you ressarchhfrom the american heart association... finds it could trim your risk of developing high blood pressure... by about 20-percent.researchhrs say it's actually a better source pf whole grain than bread... because it's usually served without added saturated fats. feeling lonely?well please pass the mashed potatoes. according to a new study in the journal "psschological science"... comfort foods like pooatoes... or chicken soup... could help fight off loneliness.experts caution that hile these foods may prrvide emotional coofort... phey often tend to be unhealthy for you. per deadline is up!lindsay lohan must decide today... whether he will accept a plea &pdeal... that would send her t. prison.the actress faces a fellny grand theet charge... for allegedly stealingga 25-hundred dollar necklace from a california jewelry store.if lohan pleads guilty... she'll return to court friday.she faces a maximuu of threeeyears in prison. chris brown isn't escaping thh drama with ex-girlfriend rihanna just yet.drama unnolds shortly after his inteeview on "good morning america."anchor robin roberts starts asking questions about his months after being sentenced to probation and community service for assault. "have you all seen each other, been around each other?i mean, not really, it's not really a big deal to me now, as far as that situation, i think i'm past thattin my life, and i think today's the album day so that's whatti'm focused on, so everybody go get that album." album."after his performance... brown stormed pff the set and reportedly stared down the producer.a shattered window was also discovered in his dressing room.brownnlater posted that his album was for his fans only... and that he's quote "so tired of everyone else." coming uu... our very own candace ddld... gets some one-on-one time with simon cowell on twitter. twiiter.we'll ttll you what he had to say... about working with waanabe stars. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) 3 how does a week-long trip to without ever leavinn charm the 190th anniversary off greek independence. independence.meteorologist emil detaill on this morning's hometown hotspot. hotspot. baltimore grrek week goes through sunday.the greek independence day parade at haven street on's from 2pm to 4pm.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 3 3 3 slash morning.baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 map fiber map provifence map liberty coming up... an emotional owner... reunited with the dog she áthoughtá was dead. dead."i miss you. i miss you so much." much."why it ttok almost 30 days... to discover er mistake. but next... candace dold gets up-close ann personal with simon cowell... via twitter. why he says he likes working with ordinary people... over big-name stars. morning. l local.. all morning - ((break 2)) ((bump in) ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] bursting with mouth-watering real fruit and refreshingly blended with creamy low-fat yogurt, mcdonald's strawberry-banana and wild berry smoothies are 100% pure sipping fun. the simple joy of real fruit smoothies. ♪ that's why lysol does more with our new stainless look no-touch hand soap system. its soap kills 99.9% of bacteria. with no more germy pumps, healthy hands are automatic. visit missionforhealth. from london to new york... celebrities around the world are tweeting about their professional lives.this week... starr from the music industry have been taking to twitter to promote their new projects . .candace has been tracking their posts and is here with a few of them. meg-i understand simon cowelllhas been tweeting . recently. yes.. and he's talking about his new show "" factor" that will debut in the fall. fall. simon hosted an open chat on twitter at 5 oclock last night. he answered questions from the public about it."x factor" is a singing competition to discover talent 12 years old or over - both solo rtists and vocal groups.the grand prize -a $5 million recording contract.last night i decided to join the conversation... and i asked this... you could work with big stars in the industry. why is it important to you to dedicate your time to ordinary people trying to be stars? stars? love working on the show, when you find a new star for the first's moreefun fiiding new tallnt than stars show picture offsimon simon chatgeneric factor vo 3 i want to move on to somebody else we know from american idol...jennifer hudson.the former idol fiialist is out with her second album, "i remember me". me". she was in new york city monday night for the lauch party of the album. over the past few years...hudson has gone thhough a lot.. she got with the tragic murder of her mother, brother and nephew. she says she piiked the title because she says nothing is the same as it was 10 years who she was.jennifer is ember 3 tweeting about the project. project. my album is outttt! you can pick it up at itunes now! - thanks for all the sspport! support!so far i know for suree i sold 4 cds today ! ! -premiered her debut single "where you at" on january 24. - -made its debut on the billboard hot r&b/hip-hop songs chart at number 53, so far peaking at number 33. we always want to keep you up to date on the latest news whether its from hollywood or right here in baltimore.make sure to follow us on twitter. just loo on to fox baltimore dot com and click on twitter under the community features section. coming up... it's all about the bustles and boots.we'll eeent....that's raisinggmoney for kids in need. "i miss you. i miss you so much" much."and later... she áthoughtá her beloved dog was dead.why it took one owner almost á30 daysá... to discover her mistake. you'reewatching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) ((bump in)) [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. call now and you'll get this special bonus: $100 back. there's no term contract required. if you don't absolutely love fios, you can cancel anytime with no early termination fee. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers the best channel lineup, superior picture quality, and more hd, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. why keep paying for cable? get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month -- plus $100 back. this is a limited time offer, so don't wait. call 1.877.827.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.827.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. get the network that delivers more. get fios. a network ahead. bring out the áwwstá in you! the casey cares foundation's 11th annual gala is all about bustles, booos and blackjack... all for a good cauue... to help kids who are critically ill!!asey baynes joins us this morning with more.--you're the founder of the --you're the founder of the casey cares? 3 --the theme of this event is "old --the theme of this event is "old --the theme of this event is "old west"....hat is the event going to be like? --what does the casey cares foundation do? --tell us about the "diamood in champagne" raffle --who benefitssfrom this? for more information on the casey cares foundation and the "bustles, boots and blackjack" gaaa, log on to fox bbltimore dot com slash morning. coming up... heartbreak turns to joy... for one dog owner. so muuh."miss you. i mmss you - much."why it took almost 30 days... to discover the dog she áthoughtá was dead... was actually alive. youure watching fox 45 morning 3 news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) &p3 @ for three hours a week, i'm a coach. but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. 3 3 3 3 fiber map the family of a marine from westminster ... who was killld in afghanistan speeks out. 25 year old marine staff sargeant james malachowski was killed sunday after a homemadee bomg exxloded during a combat mission.his family says after graduating from north carroll high school... all he ever wanted to do was be a marine. (3:53)he said if he ever went he wanted to go out in combat....and that's how he wen. went...malachowski leaves behind a wife and two young sons. an emotional reunion for one woman... after finding out her dog... who she thought as dead... is actually alive. "i miss you. i miss you so much" much."the dog went missing... after a fire ripped through after the fire... there was no month later... the woman returned to the house after her cr alarm started goong off.that's when she eard something unusual. "i just hear, like, scratching at the door, and then, i called out my dog's name, and she started crying, and i couldn't believe that she was in the house for almost a month. like, it's crazy!" crazy!" lola was rushed ii for emergency care.doctors say lola's in good condition... considering she survived a fire and 27 days trapped in the house.. it's a story that touches dog lovers so deeply, that more than a hundred of them... were wwlling to stand in linee forrhours, just for a chance to adopt. adopt. joel d. smith is live in millersville now where ready to go to new homes this morning. good morning joel d. good morring megan, (addlib) you've seen her character, detective kima greggs, help solve crimes on the hit baltimore-based show "the wire."now, you can see actress sonja sohn help at-risk kids get áreá-wired. to benefit sonja's s weeeend organization, "rrwired forr change.""hh actress is in our studio this morning to tell us about it.--what does this organization, re-wired for chaage, do?--you have a new community center --you have a new community centerrcalled "the village house"...what is that? called "pints and pinstripes"...what's happening at it?--where are the proceeds ? going? 3 for more information on "rewired for change"...log onnto fox baltimore dot com slash morning. coming up... a new study finds kids might not be getting enough daily exxrcise... even if they're on a sporrs team.what experts recommend they're watching fox 45 morning news.. all locaa.. all morning. ((break 5)) blue diamond almonds! more bold flavor! more variety! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds... more than a snack. including the 2011 jetta. awesome. plus it's an iihs top safety pick. even better. but they're going fast. so, i guess this is where you tell me i got to hurry or it's gone right? yep. going going gone. get it? it's funny. [ male announcer ] the volkswagen going going gone event. hurry in, and for a limited time while they last, get a 2011 jetta for $179 a month. visit today. get a 2011 jetta for $179 a month. ((ad lib meteorologiss)) 3 map 195 map 3wilkens map liberty map fiber coming up... are your kids getting the exercise they need?why being on a spprts team might not bb enough. "are you kidding we belt it out. ow. we sing all the time (laughs) but next... liv tyler's spilling it all.what she has po say about her father's experience on "american idol." you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) ((bump in)) [ male announcer ] verizon believes that no small business should be invisible, so we decided to help a real small business make it easier for customers to find them. my name is elizabeth heinz, we're at isabella's boutique in rockville center, new york. do me a favor, and search for your business. alright. ♪ what did you find? nothing. i mean, if you don't have a website, you're basically invisible. [ male announcer ] 40% of small businesses don't have a website. but with verizon websites powered by intuit, it's so easy you can do it yourself, and so powerful it can make any small business more visible. add photos... and then, we'll hit "publish." i have a website?! you have a website. oh my gosh, i can't believe it was that easy. [ male announcer ] verizon can put your small business on over 100 search sites so customers can find you, with a personalized business e-mail address that connects with your site. visit me at [ male announcer ] small business owners, don't be invisible. call today and get a 6 month free trial of verizon websites powered by intuit, when you sign up for verizon's reliable high-speed internet & phone for business, just $84.99 a month with no term contract required. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities verizon. the hardest working network in business. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. just $84.99 a month with no term contract required. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities actress liv tyler is featured in an independent comedy about super heroes.but she's ot the only membbr of the tyyer family who's been busy... of course her father steven has been working hard on american idol.this morning, liv and their relationship. relationship. liv tyler is co- starring in a new rainn wilson comedy called "suppr".she's excited to do an independent film and even hhppier for her dad, taking on judging duties on american idol. liv says: "i feel really happy for my dad that he's doing something he loves and something different i mean he's been in aerosmith and a singer for so many years and it's quite exciting and fun for him to be doing something new you know and try something different." the 33 year old actress and model isn't known for her singing chops, but if you ask her, the father-daughter pair pould make a perfect duet if they could find the time.tyler says: "are you kidding we belt it out. ow. we sing all the time (laughs) we ing a lot together yeah. we always talk about doing something together but sometimes when he's in the sttdio he'll say come down and sing backup or sing with me on this song but i'' usually somewhere eese and our schedules are so hard to meet up sometimes but..." and although liv's first passion is acting and would love to one day makeea musical, she's happy to know that the world is finally getting to know her father, outside of aerosmith. tyler sayss " i'll be pulled over by a cop rarely but they'll say "oh tell your dad if he ever needs a new guitar player like here's my card" or people really love aerosmith and i was sort of used to that but now i'm xperrencing something so different where people are coming up to me to talk to me about my fathers heart you know because they think he's so funny and and sincere and it's really sweet because that's the mannthat i've always known my whole life." you can see steven and the rest of the crew on american idol tonight and tomorrow at 8-pm here on fo. fox45.we want to hear what you think of american caa now chat with me on facebook during the show.just become a ffn of foxbaltmore and join the all staats tonight at 8pm. 3 coming up... active are your kids? why experts warn... they might not be getting the exercise on a sports team. if they're - and innour hometown hotspot... celebrating all things greek! some of the exciting activites you'll find... at the greek independence day parade. you're watching fox 45 morning. ll local.. all ((break 7)) with fios, when you're watching the picture, it just jumps out at you. -it was like, "wow!" -bam! [ male announcer ] decisions don't get any easier than this. now you can move up to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year with no term contract required. [ mr. donovan ] we have more choices. so many more hi-def channels. with fios, i really feel like we're getting a great deal. [ male announcer ] call now and you'll get a special bonus: $100 back. but this is a limited time offer so don't wait. suddenly, hi-definition tv was really high-definition. the colors. the clarity. i didn't have that before. [ male announcer ] fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, with hd picture quality rated #1 by changewave research, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. switching to fios was the best thing we've done in a long time. and my wife reminds me of that often. [ male announcer ] get fios tv, internet and phone for this great price, plus $100 back. call 1.866.699.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.699.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. think your child's soccer practice guarantees they're getting enough daily exercise? dr. mallika marshall has some surprising new information... when it comes to orgaaized spor. sports. lower third (fade in): "dr mallika marshall" kids who play team sports still don't get enough exercisemalliia: a new study suggests organized sports typically don't give exercise01:00:11:15 to 01:00:12:19dr. mallika marshall transition mallika: national guidelines recommenn childrennggt one hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day..1:00:17:12to 01:00:24:27 lower third (fade in): researchers documented physical activity among 200 kidsages 7-14 hile playing team soccer,,baseball or softballmallika: researchers documented physical activity among 2000kids age 7 to 14 while playing team soccer, baseball or softball. mallikaa the children wore sensors that tracked movement during team practices. 01:00:29:05 to 01:00:47:17 lower third (fade in): parents filled out surveys which included the childrens age, racial/ethnicity background, height and weightonly 24% of young kids got the 60 minutes of physical activityonly 10% of kids aged, ages 11 to 14 reached that amountfewer thann 2% of girl softball players met the guidelinemallika: parents filled out surveys including the children's age, racial/ethnic background, height and weight.only 24 percent f young kids got the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity. only 10 percent of kids, aged 11 to 14 reached that amount. and fewer than 2 perccnt of girl softball plaaers et the guideline.mallika: researchers on average 30 minutessbeing inactive during practices, either waiting their what's the winning 01:00:58:06 to 01:01:02:09full screen graphiccextend playing facilitiesuse a pedometer to mallika: ressarchers suggest teams practice playing seasons activity 01:01:02:16 to 01:01:03:17dr. mallika marshall transitionmallika: in the meantime, make sure your child breaks a sweat on &pnon-practice days. i'm dr. mallika marshall. 3 coming up on good day baltimore...we all know humans can have allergies... but did you know pets cannhave them too?how to know if your cat or dog is suffering. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 8)) ç

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