thursday, march 3rd 3 3 50 at 97 map the clock is ticking toward a possible lockout in the nfl. players and owners now have less than 244hours tt reach a labor agreement.megan gilliland is live from m & t bank staduim with more on what will happen if today's deadline passes without an agre. agreeeent.the deadline is midnight... if no deal is struck... thhs is going to be a very desserted place next fall.the owners could lock out phe playyrs.that means no football... anywhere. anywhere.the 2011 n-fl season could be cancelled... billions of dollars could be it stands, owners ended their specialllabor meeting yesterday without taking any action.another session scheduled for today, was we're less than 24 hours till the collective bargaining agreement with the players expires, and still no may remember this guy... former baltimore colt jerry richardson, who now owns the carolina panthers offered this assessment of exactly where things stand. "... in due time we will." will." the players union ii claiming victory in at least one battle... a federal court judge in minnepolis ruled that owwers cannot place into escrow somee 4-billion in tv money they'll get whether there's football when it strikes midnight... the ravens will at least have their franchise player signed...haloti ngata has signed for 12-million 476 from m&t bank stadium, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. demonstrators in baltimore county grow furious over federal budget cuts... picketers ssouting no layoffs, no cuts cutspicketers marrhed outside the social security offices in woodlawn wednesday.they're protesting the house proposal... to cut 1-point-7 billion dollars from social security.budget cuts could lead to lay-offs and major furloughs. " ww're tired- social security employees are tired of being the scapegoats for budget cuts. social security did not cause the budget deficit, we have run surpluses for the last 20 years." the rally was part of a nationwide protest... that's happening in more han 80 as federal lawmakers squabble over budget cuts.. there's increased scrutiny over the money being spent.. on congress tself. itself. non-salary money allocated for congress equals 4--oint-6 billion dollar. dollars. staffer salaries cost more than 16- million dollars. and.. lawmakers theeselves do pretty well. well. the speaker of the house.. makes more than 223-thousand dollars. and senate majority leaders make more than 193-thousand dol. dollars. other representatives and senators make 174-thousand dollars. all combined.. taxpayers spend almost 108-million dollars per eek on congress. we've heard about the pension problems elsewhere.... now, here in maryland....senate split the cost of teacher pensions with local governments. governments.miller says the because of rising peesion costs. costs.pensions cost 475 million dollars in 2006... but cost nearly a billion dollars now.miiler saas the current system is unsustainable baltimore county wassthe first county in maryland to ban k-2 ... a synthetic marijuana... it's since become illegal across the u-s.but now ... there's something new taking it's place.'s a popourri called g-6 ... that looks and smokes like pot...ann it áisá legal. and eeperts are warning it may be even more dangerous.they say evennthough banning k-2 is a step in the right direction ... new drugs are being cooked up all the time. 30:02 so what this means is while the dea meant well and certain counties and states meant well they didn't go far enough. and it's a chicken and ban a handdul of chemicals these chemists can go back and also says the solution to keep - to lawmakers ... but to educated parents. it's like something out of a science fiction movie. to rid the world of ann annoying pest...... the u.s. government is cultivating another annoying pest. joel d. smith is live in delaware today where the solution to stink bugs could lie inside the walls of a research center. good morning joel d. good morning patrice, (ad lib) 3 3 kittens meowing two kittens are lucky to be inside the wall... of a tuck - florida home.the home owner says she's not quite sure how they got there... or where they even came from... but says she started hearing their little "meews"... and called for help.rescue crees smashed in walls... and used mini cameras... to locate the kittens.after átwo daysá... the brother and sister were finally pulled to safety. coming up... it's not the ruling many wanted to hear... hear..."eight justices don't have the common sense god gave a goat." goat."why the supreme court ruled in favor of a church known for picketing funerals. you're watching foo 45 morning news.. all looal.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) we sayythanks to men and women who make sacrifices to about the sacrifices their hat - children make?sweet pea day spa for kids is pampering military children. meteorologist emily gracey is live with the detaals on this morning's hometown hotspot. hotspot. a hero's treasure is at sweet pea day spa on sunday.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 3 3 map 895 map map provdience map liberty coming up... apple unveils the second generation of the i-pad.what changes you'll find... and when it's expected to hit stores. "send them back in a body bag and not even have enough respect for that dead soldier to be buried peacefully." peacefully."but emotional ruling... for the families of lovvd ones serving in the military.why the supreme court ruled in favor of a church known for picketing're all local.. all orning. ((break 2)) (( free speech or fighting words?the supreme court rules in áfavorá of hurch known for picketing funerals. but as ainsley earhardt explains... the nnws isn't sitting well with military fami. families. (nats: "america is doomed!")westboro baptist church's controversial protests are protected by the first amendment...and are likened as free speech..n an 8-to-1 decision...the supreme court ruled in favor of the group on weddessay.snyder says: "my first thought was, eight justices don't have the common sense god gave a goat." lance corporal matthew snyder died in iraq.westboro picketed the funeral.his father sued... and took the case to the nation's highest court.phelps says: "this case ut a megaphone to the mouth of this little church. / so, thank you, mr. snyder. now, your son still died for your sins, you still have to obey."justice samuel alito was the only the westboro protests to ning - "fighting words" and... quote... "the brutalization of innocent ictims."phelps says: "shut up all that talk about infliction of emmtional distress."supporters of the snyder family say the church protests amount to "psychological terrorism." &psnyder sayy: "send them back in a body bag and not even have enough respect for that dead soldier to be buried tag)chief justice roberts says a proper response to these protestssare laws creating buffer zones around funeraas. 44 states and the federal government have such new york - ainsley earhardt - ffx news. coming up... apple gives the i-pad 2... a brand new facelift. facelift."when you get your hands on one it feels totally d" different."what makes this version... so different. and later... a 2- thousand dollar washing machine... that promises the cleanest of all clean.what it's ble to do... and is it worth the splurge?you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) ((bump in)) stocks edged higher wednesday, as oil topped 100- dollars a barrel.the dow added eight points.the nasdaq rose two points.mixed news on the processor a-d-p reports private employers added 217-thousand jobs in february. that's a larger-than-expected increase.that news is tempered, however, y another report showing employers announced plans to cut nearly 51-thousand jobb last month. analysts are awaiting the government's monthly jobs report, due friday morning. guests at an apple event in san francisco wednesday got a big surprise.c-e-o steve joos second generation - has been on a medical llave of absence.he says the ipad 2 is not an update to the original, but a whole new design that's thinner and faster.when you get your hands on one it feels totally different. and all these other tablets are coming out, most of them even thicker than the original ipad. nothing even approaching this. the ipad 2 goes on sale in the u-s march 11.prices will be the samm as the original, starting at 499-dollars.for business brief, 'm barbara hall. coming up... a top-ranking college basketball player... thrown off the team... for having sex with his irlfriend.why the school stands by its decision. ((megan live tease)) you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. teacher pension problems.the new plan in annnapolis tonight on fox 45 news at 5:30. . 3 3 3 liberty map by middight tonight, we could learn if there will be football this fall.players and owners must reach an agreement . today.megan gillilaad is live from m & t bank staduim with more as the clock continues to tick down. doon.if no deal ii struck... this is going to be a very desserted place next fall.the ownnrs could lock out the players.that means no football... anywhere. anywhere.the 2011 n-fl season could be cancelled... biilions of dollars could be it stands, owners ended their special labor meeting yesterdayywithout taking any action.another session scheduleddfor today, was we're less than 24 hours till the collective bargaining agreement with the players expirrs, and still no deal. "to the fans is the -- we'll commitment is to get an r - agreement -- fair agreement that's good for both sides; as soon as possible, without any disruption to the seeson." the players union is claiming victory in at least one battle... a federal court judge in minnepolis ruued that ownees cannot place into escrow some 4-billion in tv money they'll get whether thhre's football or not thii fall. when it does strike midnight... the ravens will at least have their franchise player signed...haloti ngata has signnd for 12-million 476 thousand..ive from m&t bank stadium, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. ooe of college basketball's highest rankkng teams right now... dississes a top player... after finding out he had sex with his girlfriend. brigham young university said after he admitted to violating - the school's honor code. b-y-u's honor code forbids students from having premarital sex... and encourages them to live a's unclear yet whether davies will even be allowed to stay at the school. kid screaming, bus driver pulls child "go to that seat and sit down!" shocking video out of washington state... shows a school bus driver driver pulling a studdnt to the floor. the driver is seen grabbing the 6-year-old by her backpack... and yanking her to the ground.tte girl's other says she's outraged by the incident.while she understandd her daaghter wasn't seated ppoperly... she believes the driver over-reacted.police are now investigating thh incident. 3 3 the legalization of gay marriage in maryland remains in limbo. limbo.for the seccnd day in a roo ... two of the 12- supporters in a house committee were a no-show.the vote was suppooed to happen on tuesday morning.delegate tiffany alston says she needed more time to consider the bill. she now says...she is ready to vote....but won't say delegate jill carter spent yesterday behind closed doors...and met briefly with house speaker michael busch. carter says she withheld her support because she wantee to first ring attention to some other important trying to restore 15-million dollars in cuts to city schools. but she and others...say they're ready to cast their vote. some lawmakers say the public is putting in their vote, and the results are staggering. (dwyer) "the public is making phone calls to their elected officials, letting them know whhre they stand on this issue and overwhelmingly, the maryland citizens supportt kkeping marriage between a man woman." supporters of samm sex mmrriage...say they've secured the 122votes necessary to move the billto the house floor. still no word on when the house judiciarycommitte will vote. today a hearing will be held... to discuss the "dime a drink" tax increase on alcohol. supporters of the measure argue the tax increase would reduce underage drinking and alcohol abuse.the tax on liquor in maryland has not bben raised since 1955... and there hasn't been an increase pn beer and wine since 1972. today's hearing takes place in annapolis. the stink bug population we saw pop up last year ... is expected to bb even worse this year. but there might finally be a remedy for them that actually works. joel d. smith traveled all the way to delawarr, where they are hoping to fight the bugs with insects... good morning jool d. please good morning patrice, (ad lib)- 3 coming up... you can spend hundreds on fancy, brand-name washing machines.but are they worth the price?consumer reports put them to the test. theemorning rush s in full's a live look of 295 at route 175.... cars aree bunching up on the corriior. the beltway look like coming up in the traffic edge report. you're watching fox 45 morning morning. ((break 5)) the top 12 girls duke it out for a spot innthe top 10.. on american idol. idol.singing nats (fiist girl in puffy skirt singing rihannn) rihanna))a-tynisa took on a big song.. rihanna's "only girl in tte world.".. and two of the judges only had eyes for her.. but randy.. said he &pthinks he'' going to have to be the bearer of bad news this season. you started off shaky but you brought it hooe... you reaaly played to the crowd... you &ptook it home..... you really did. i think it was just okyou didnt bring anythign special or diff it paled to rihanna's version. version. find out who goes home when american idol contines tonightt at 8-pm right here on fox45. fox45.we want to hear what you think of american can now chat with candacc on facebook during the live show. &pjust become a fan of our facebook page and join the conversation. ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 map 895 map fiber map liberty coming up... it's not the ruling many wanted to hear... hear..."eight justices don't have the common sense god gave a goat." goat."why the supreme court ruled in favor of a church known for picketing funerals. and one of the heroes of 9/11... dies of many other lives have been lost... because of the toxic dust at ground're watching ffx 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 6)) 3 new this morning... morning...the supreme court rules in áfavorá of a church known for picketing funerals. the ruling finds westboro baptist church's controversial protests... are protected by the first amendment... and are likened as free speech.the court ruled favor oo the group. a firefiggter... who responded to the world trade center... died of cancer.his illness is linked to the toxic dust at ground zero.randy wiebicke spent the last three years of his life battling multtple mmeloma... an aggressive and fatal blood cancer.since 9/11... hundreds of ground zero workers have died of cancer in the years following the attacks. firefighters battle a two alarm fire in north baltimore. it happend in the 700 block of winston avenue... around 3:30 this mmrning.two homes were engulfed in reports yet... on any injuries. ((pat)) baltimore city is paying off a man who says he was tasered twice by police ... while he was already in handcuffs. he sued the city .. but agreed tt a 95-thousand doolar settlement. so far this year misconduct by baltimore police &pofficers have cost the city more than 800-thousand dollars. talk show host and former police commissioner ed norris joins us, for this weeks fox undercover.-what's going on with bbltimore city police .. that sounds pretty bad on the surface-///ess/// yyu can hear ed norris monday through friday on sports raddo 105-seven 'the fan' from 55to 10a-m. coming up... you can't put a ppice on cleanliness!... or can you? what a new 2-thousand dollar washing machine is capable of doing... and is it worth the priie? and later... a sweet treat for the children of loved ones serving in the military.what one spa is doing to help them're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) ((bump in)) nowadays... a brand-new washing machine could cost you a thousand dollars or more. in fact... one machine...the new whirlpool vantage... costs about two thousand dollars! consumer reports tested t... plus more than a hundred other washers... to help you get the most for your money. 3 (v/o)if you wann tt spend two thousand dollars on a washing machine, whirlpool's got the vantage. it boasts a fancy touch screen with more than 50 different washhcycles, a usb port for software upgrrdes, and even an illuminated washtub. (natsot: washer)(v/o) consumer reports tested the vantage along with 117 other washers. (natsot: ddor closing) chyron:cella kuperszmid lehrman consumer reportssot partially covered(sot)"we put all the washing machines through a series of tough tests to see how well they'll perform, and we also want to see about all the bells and whistles and if they're worth theer extra cost." (v/o)these swatches stained with tough substances like like red wine, cocoa, blood, and dirt are ussd to sse how well the washers clean. and these fabric swatches allow testers to evaluate how gentle a washer swatch is clothes. this prom a washer you don't want to own. (sot: celia lehrman) "our ttsters even weigh the laundrr before the spin cycle and after the spin cycle. that's to see how much water the machine extracts. and the less water that's in the laundry means the less time it's goning to spend in the dryer."(v/o)in the end testers found you don't have to pend anywhere near two thousand dollars on the vantage to get a great washing machine. (sot:: celia lehrman)"well, it was our top-scoring top-loading washer, but another model from whirlpool did nearly as well. actually, it only scored one point lower."(v/o)that washer is the whirlpool cabrio. it uses less energy and washes much faster than the vantage, too. for about 660 dollars it's a consumer reports best buy. this is james andrews. coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... some food for thought... next time you hit the grocery store. what germs are living on those shopping cart handles. 3&((megan live tease)) you're wwtching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. today issthursday march third. 3 3 3 3 map fiber map the clock is ticking toward a poosible lockout in tte nfl. players and owners now have less ttan 24 hours to reach a labor agreement. agreement.megan gilliland is live from mm& t bank staduim with more on what will happen if today's deadline passes without an agreement. agreement.the deadline is struck... this is goinn to be a very desserted ppace next fall.the owners could lock out the players.that means no football... anywhere. anywhere.tte 2011 n-fl season could be cancelled... billions of dollars could be it stands, owners ended their special labor meeting yesteeday without taking any action.anooher session scheduled for today, was we're less than 24 hours till the collective bargaining agreement with the players exxires, and still no may remember this guy... former baltimore colt jerry richardson, who now owns the carolina panthers offered this assessment of exactly where things stand. "... in due time we will." will." the players union is claiming victory in at least one battle... a federal court judge in minnepolis ruled that owners cannot place into escrow some 4-billion in tv money they'll get whether there's football or not this fall. when it strikes midnight... the ravens will at least have their franchise player signedd..haloti ngata has signed for 12-million 476 froo m&t bank stadium, megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. ffrefighters are battling a's happening now in the 700 block of winston in flames at around 3:30 this far it doesn't look like there were any people inside the homes.we have a crew on the way to the scene and will bring you the latest as soon as it becomes available. police were called to a bloody scene near the baltimore city, baltimore county happened a little after 9 last night along walker avenue... off of york roada 25 year old man was stabbed in the neck.. he was taken to shock trauma... no word on his condition.early reports indicate the stabbing happened during a robberypolice are still looking for a suspect baltimore city police are looking for a missing woman.she's 49 year old earleen cottman.cottman was last seen around one p-m tuesday on westtpratt street. she suffers from several physical ailments and doesn't have her mediiations.if you have any information.. contact baltimore city police. authorities are investigating a fatal accident that happened on deanwood road and ashlar hill in baltimore.they think the driver may have had a medical emergency and hht several parked cars. a bill inspired by the shooting death of a dog in anne arundel county... is scheduled for a hearing today. today."bear bear" was shot in a dog park by an off duty federal officer last summer.. and the state found him guilty of uuing excessive force. now... lawmakers are trying to make shooting an animal ... count as animal abuse.several pepresentative from the humane society.. are expected to testify. t's like something out of a science ficcion movie. to rid the world of an annoying pest...... the u.s. governnent is cultivating anotter annoying pest. oel d. smith is live in delaware today where the solution to stink bugs could ie inside the walls of a research center. good morning joel d. good morning patrice, (ad lib) 3 3 coming up... a top college basketball for having sex with his girlfriend.the reason behind &pthe drastic decison. decison. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all locall. all ((break 1)) 3 salute our troops and pamper their children. sweet pea day spa for kids is hosting "a hero's treasure."meteorologist emily gracey is live with the details on this morning's hometown hotspot. hotspot. a hero's treasure is at sweet pea day a hero's treasure a hero's treasure is at sweet pea day spa on sunday.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 3 3 3- still ahead.. a new llash on li. life."you might say that he's an angel dog." dog."how this dog cheated death. [ female announcer ] you have all this chicken. chicken, chicken chicken. there are thousands of ways to prepare it. [ chickens clucking ] you know only two of them. time to mix it up. time for new philly cooking creme. it'll take your chicken to places it's never been before. somewhere creamier, dreamier, with lots of flavor. look at you all chef-like. spread the love around in four fabulous flavors. spoon in a little new philly cooking creme. 20 years ago today .. rodney king was beaten with batons by los angeles county police officers.the officers were found not guilty of police prutality...sparking the famous l-a riots.people stormed stores and stole on the streets of los angeles - a firefighter... who responded to the world trade center... after the 9/11 attacks... has died of cancer.his illness is linked to the toxic dust at ground zero.randy wiebicke spent the last three years of his life battling multiple myelomaa.. an aggressive and fatal blood cancer.since 9/11... hundreds of ground zero workers have died of cancer in the years following the attacks. lawmakers may have averted a government shutdown foo now... after the senate voted to pass a two week exxension to fund the federal government. but the budget battle isn't over yet. sandra endo is in washington to tell us how that fight is playing out todaa. sandra? sandra? 1- how are lawmakers going to get over this sticking point? 2- there's also some dissent within the republican party too -- right? 3- how tough is the war of words? still to come.. offensive protests.. ruled legal. legal."8 justices don't have goat."why the supremem court ruled in favor of the westboro baptist church. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. [ male announcer ] achievement: embraces mondays. ♪ achievement: loves working capital. ♪ achievement: puts receivables to work. ♪ achievement: expects a lot of itself. cfo: cash flow options, helping business achievers better manage their cash flow. pnc. for the achiever in us all. helping business achievers better manage their cash flow. (((ppt))) the supreme court rules in favor of a church wwo protested outside the funeeal of a soldier bbing laid to rest. albert snyder sued the church ... saying e haa a right to bury his son .. without inflammatory protestors interrupting the day. the court said ... as hateful as the speech and beeiefs of the westboro church are ... under the first protected. attorney jjlie rubin joins us with a look at the ruliig. -as huutful as it was ... was there any other outcome for this-one dissenting judge ... on what basis-in this case westboro was protesting homosexuality . no indicationn matthew snyder was ... okay to protest on basis that might not be true-maryland and other ptates now have law restricting funerallpicketing coming up.. funeral picketingrestricting have law other states now -maryland aad other states now have law restricting funeral picketing coming up.. kicked off the teaa.. for having sex?why one university &pis standing by its decision t get rid of one of their bbst pl. players. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((ad lib horoscopes)) ((break 4)) teacher pension problems.the new plan in annnapolis tonight on fox 45 news at 5:30. . alright, so we have $10. you could get two things for $4 and one for $2. or five things for $2. or one for $6 and two for $2. [ male announcer ] with denny's 2-4-6-8 value menu, we're open to all new ways to save you money. [ imitates explosion ] [ male announcer ] denny's. 3 3 3 by midnight tonight, we could learn if there will bb &pfootball this fall.players an owners must reach an agreement today.megan gilliland is at m & t bank staduim with more as the clock continues to tick dow. down. 3 3 3 the legalization of gay marriage in maryland remains in limbo. limbo.for he second day in a row ... two of the 12- supporters in a house committee were a no-show.the vote was supposed to happen on tuesday morning.delegate tiffany alston says she needed more time to consider the bill. she now says...she is ready to yesterday behind closee doors...and met briefly with house speaker michael busch. carter says she withheld her support because she wanted to first bring attention toosome other impootant trying to restore 15-million dollars in cuts to city schools. but she and others...say they're ready to cast their vote. some llwmakers say the public is putting in theer vote, and the results are staggering. (dwyer) "the publiccis making phone calls to their elected officials, letting them know where they stand on this issue and overwhelmingly, the maryland citizens support keeping marriage between a man and a woman." woman." sspporters of same sex marriage...say they've seccred the 12-votes necessary toomove the billto the house floor. still no word on when the house judiciarycommitte will vote. 3 new changes to a bill that woulddallow children of illegal immigrants to pay instate tuition. tuition.bbfore the bill said theechildren had to graduate from high school , anddthier parents pay income taxes...and phey would qualify to pay in state tuition.under the changes... the children would have to graddate from a community college before qualifying. this measure is similar to the one that died in congress last year. soon be on its way up.the uld - senate finance committee will consider a bill today... that would raise the state's minimum wage to 9-dollars 75-cents... by the year 2013. that's up from the current minimum wage of 7-dollar 25-cents an hour.supporters of the increase are expected to speak out toddy... on behalf of the measure. 3today a hearing will e held... to discuss the "dime a drink" tax increase on alcohol. supporters of the meesure argue the tax increase would reduce underage drinking and alcohol abuse.the tax on liquor ii maryland has not been raised since 1955... and there hasn't been an increess on bber and wine since 1972. today's hearing takes place in annapolis. an anneearundel county man pleads guilty... to seeually exploiting a minor.43 year-old phillip barto is accussd of taking pictures of a 14 year-old girl... to produce child pornograppy.more than 3- hundred videos anddphotos were found on his home computer. barto faces a maximum of 30 years in prison... if convicted. the next time you go shopping, be aware!a new study finds most shopping cart handles areecovered in fecal matter and e-coli.researchers at the university of arizona say that's not the only place germs like to hang out. scientists found that flu viruses can live up to three days on a dollar bill.cell phones, your doctor's neck tie and library books also are covered in 3 in the stink bug population we saw pop up last year ... is expected to be even worse thii year. but there might finally be a remedy for them that actually works. joel d. smith traveled all the are hoping to fight the bugs with insects... good morning joel d. please tell me this is goong to work. good morning patrice, (ad lib) 3 patrice, (ad lib)good morning is going to work. please tell me thii morning joel d. good with insects... fight the bugs they are hoping to delaware, where the way to smith travelee all joel d. works. that actualll remedy forrthem might finaaly be a but there year. even worse this is expected to be pop up last year ... population we saw stink bug thh also are covered the stiik bug population we saw pop up last year ... is expected to be even worse this year. but there might finally be a pemedy for them that actuallyy works. joel d. smith traveled all the way to delaware, where they are hoping to fight the bugs with insects... good morning joel d. please tell me this is going to work. good morning pptrice, (ad lib) 3 one of college basketball's highest ranking teams right now... dismisses a topp player... after finding out he had sex with his girlfriend. brigham young university said after he admitted to violating the school's honor code. b-y-u's honor code forbids students from having premarital sex... and encourages them to live a virtuous's unclear yet whether davies will even be allowed to stay at the school. kid screamingg bus driver pulls child "go to that seat and sit down!" shocking video out of washington state... shows a school bus driver driver pulling a student to the floor. the driver is seen grabbing the 6-year-old by her backpack... and yynking her tt the ground.the girl's mother says she's outraged by the incident.while she understands her daughter wasn't seaaed properly... she believes the driver over-reacted.police are now investigating the incident. a three-month old dog gets a new leash on life... after surviving being euthanize. euthanized.scott prall says he an oklahoma animal - sinceethey were very thin and sick... prall says he couldn't put them in the shelter with the other strays... so he euthanized.but one day after being put to sleep... prall says the impossible happened. wall-e was spotted walling around... live and well.he's now getting ready to e adopted into a good home. "you might say that he's an angel dog." dog." thanks to the internet and facebook... wall- &pe's story has gone viral... country are hoping to adopt him. still to come..the girls take the stage on americcn idol. it out...and who fell flat? flat?what can you exxect for your morning ride?well if you are planing to take 295 this is what you'll find at is completely clogged here. i'll show yoo the beltway coming up in the traffic edge report. you're &pwatching fox 45 morning news. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) ((bump in)) ñpñq=ñ switching to progressive could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. they're singing for their shot at stardom... on american idol. idol.singing nats (first girl in puffy skirt singing rihanna) rihanna)ta-tynisa took on a rih) rihanna)puffy skirt singing 3ri) rihanna) ta-tynisa took on a big song.. judges only had eyes for her.. but randy.. said he thinks bearer of bad news this seasoo. you started off shaky but you brought it home... you really played to the rowd... you took it home..... you really did. i think it was just okyou didnt bring anythigg special or diff it paled to you didnttbringganythign i think it was just ok you didnt bring anythign special or diff it paled to rihanna's version. version.find out who goes home when american idol contines tonight at 8-pm right here on f. fox45.we want to hear what you think of american can now chat with candace on facebook ddring the live showw just become a fan of our facebook page and join the conversation. ((toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 no liberty!!!!! 3 3&coming up.. doing your own taxes this year?new tax laws are in place, and they could affect how much money you get back in your return. return.we have an expert live questions about you can give us a call t 410-481-4545or can also post your questions on our facebook page. you're watching local.. all morning. all ((break 6)) p it's tax time ... aad if you're planning to tackle your taxes on your own ... there are some things you might want to know first. there have been several changes to the tax laws and you want to make ssre you get everythhng yyu're entitled to. cherby worthington with jackson hewitt joins us this morning. and in a few minutes .. she'll answer your taa uestions for our taae action hursday. -who has to file .. who doeen't-what to be aware of if you're doing taxes on your own-what do you need -deductions and credits that shouldn't be overlooked -tax prgrams like turbotax ... good-commoonlife impact taxes -biggest mistakes filing on your -unempllyed for some or all of 2010 ... do i have to file-what to look for in a preparer 3 in preparer -what to look for ... do i have to file some or all of 2010 -unemployed for ownfiliig on your -biggest mistakks impact taxesevents that might -common life turbotax ... good-tax prgrams like overlooked shouldn't be credits that -deductions and to get started -what do you need owntaxes on your of if you're doing -what to be aware who doesn't-who has to file .. thursday. take action questionssfor our your tax she'll answer few minutes .. and in a morning.joins us this jackson hewitt worthington with cherby entitled to. ccerby worthington with jjckson hewitt joins us this morning. and in a few minutes .. she'll answer your tax questions for our take action thursday. -who has to file .. ho doesn't-what to be aware of if you're doing taxee on your own-what do you need to get started-deductions and shouldn't be -tax prgrams like turbotax ... good-common life events that might impact taxes -biggest mistakes filing on your ownsome or all of 2010 ... do i have to file-what to look for in a preparer after the break, cherby worthington will bb back to take your tax questions. if you have a question our phone lines are open now at 410- 481-4545. you can send us aatweet at fox baltimore... or go through our facebook page. you're watching fox 45 morning news... all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) my "me time" is when i thought i parked on level 2. or maybe 8? my "me time" is when there's a 10% chance of rain! [ cellphone rings ] my "me time" is when he doesn't get the hint. ♪ my "me time"... [ bang ] is when everybody's takin' shots at me. [ male announcer ] discover you time anytime. mccafé your day with a mcdonald's frappé. smooth and icy caramel or mocha blended just for you and topped with a decadent drizzle. "me time"! [ male announcer ] the simple joy of a frappé. ♪ we're with jackson hewitt. she's taking your callssabout doing yyur taxes for our take action thursday. thursday.if you have a question... our phone lines are open now at 410-481-4545. you can send us a tweet t fox baltimore... or go through our facebook page. james- stevensvillepatricia- baltimoreee- 3 3 3 3baltimore baltimorepatricia- baltimore baltimore 33 christina- "are there any new tax channes for self employed?" cooing up in our 8 o'clock hour.. you're on a health kick, but want some mickey d's. the healthy options on the mc- donald's're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. thursday, march 3rd 3 3 fiber map the clock is ticking toward a possible lockout in the nfl. players and owners now have less than 24 hours to reach a labor agreement. struck... the 2011 n-fl season could be cancelled and billions of dollars lostton wednesday... ownees eeded their special labor meeting without taking any action.and another session scheduled for today was less than 24 hours... the collective bargaining agreement with the players will expire.former baltimore colt jeery richardson... who now owns the carolina panthers... offered this assessment of exactly where things stann. "... in due time we will." will."the players union is claiming victory in at least one battle. a federal court judge in minnepolis ruled that owners cannot place into escrow some 4-billion in t-v money they'll get whether there's football or not this fall. the supreme court ruues in áfavorá of a church... known for pickettng funerals. funerals.the ruling finds westboro baptist church's controversial protests... are protected by the first amendment... and are likened as free speech.thht means the church can continue to push its anti-gay messages... outside of military funerals. church members say they're not surprised by the news. "we were not suuprised because we had two things in the bank...we obey the law, we know and obey the law and we know that the hearts of the kings are held by the lord our god." but family members of loved ones serving in the military... says they're apalled by the decision. "my first thought was eight justices don't have the common sense god gave a goat - we found out today that we can no longer bury our dead in this country with dignity. what is this counnry becoming?" favor of the group. a firefighter... who responded to the world trade center... after the 9/11 attacks... has died of cancer. to the toxic dust at ground zero.randy wiebicke spent the last three years of his life battling multiple myeloma... an aggressive and fatal blood cancer.since 9/11... hundreds of round zeeo workers have died of cancer in the years followinggthe attacks. baltimore police officers accused of misconduct have cost the city millions in settl. settlements. the city has paid out hundreds of thousands this year so far... but the last two months alone... have been the worst.within the last two months... verdicts alleging police misconduct by baltimore city police officers... have cost the city more than á8- hundred thousand dollars.á since 2007....settlements of such cases have totalled more than 7-million attorney says the city is lucky its protected by a llgislative ruling... that caps payouts at 200-thousand (4403) if the court of appeals aid hey the cap is person's constitutional rights in terms of wrongful death....baltimore city could be in for some massive judgment. judgments......mayor stephanie misconduct will not be tolerated... and believes training is the key. kid screaming, bus driver pulls chill "go to that seat and sit down!" shocking video out of washington state... shows a school bussdriver driver pulling a student to the floor. the driver is seen grabbing the 6-year-old by her the ground.the girl's mother says she's outraged by the incident.while she understands her daughter wasn't seated properly....she believes the driver over-reacted.police are now investigating the incident. maryland's minimum wage could soon be on its way up.the senate finance committee will conssder a bill today... that minimum wage to 9-dollars 75-cents... by the year 2013. that's up from the current minimmm wage of 7-dollar 25-cents an hour.supporters of the increase are expected tt speak out today... on behalf of the measure. today a hearing will be held... to discuss the "dime a drink" tax increase on alcohol. suppooters of the measure argue the tax increase would reduce underage drinking and alcohol abuse.the tax on liquor in maryland has not been raised since 1955... and there hasn't been an increase on beer and wine since 1972. today's hearing takes place in annapolis. 3 it's like something out of a science fiction movie. to rid the world of an annoying pest...... the u.s. government is cultivating another annoying pest. joel d. smith is live in delaware today where the solution to stink buus could lie inside the walls of a research center. good morning joel d. good morning patrice, (ad lib) 3 33 it's the last place you'd expect to fiid a baby...butt for one expecting couple... a strip club is where they were forced to deliver. nate jones says when his wife went into labor... he leapt into ction... putting his family in the car... and cruising down a texas highway. put on the way... his wife couldn't go any further... forcing them to pull over in the nearest parking lot. soon... dancers and customers came out of the topllss bar... to watch the baby being boon. "sometimes things don't happen the way ttat you plan, but ii want the best for him and i just want him to be successful." successful."the mother says she wants to make it known... that william was born in an ambulance....which is technically not on strip club property. coming up... the drama continues... surrounding charlie sheen. sheen. "i don't want this to become a side show but i'm gonna keep shaking the trees until i get the answers that i " need."what outrageous comments he's making... about losing custody of his kids. 3& you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3 [ male announcer ] verizon believes that no small business should be invisible, so we decided to help a real small business make it easier for customers to find them. my name is elizabeth heinz, we're at isabella's boutique in rockville center, new york. do me a favor, and search for your business. alright. ♪ what did you find? nothing. i mean, if you don't have a website, you're basically invisible. [ male announcer ] 40% of small businesses don't have a website. but with verizon websites powered by intuit, it's so easy you can do it yourself, and so powerful it can make any small business more visible. add photos... and then, we'll hit "publish." i have a website?! you have a website. oh my gosh, i can't believe it was that easy. [ male announcer ] verizon can put your small business on over 100 search sites so customers can find you, with a personalized business e-mail address that connects with your site. visit me at [ male announcer ] small business owners, don't be invisible. call today and get a 6 month free trial of verizon websites powered by intuit, when you sign up for verizon's reliable high-speed internet & phone for business, just $84.99 a month with no term contract required. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities verizon. the hardest working network in business. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. just $84.99 a month with no term contract required. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities we support our troops and give thanks for the sacrifices they make for us.but what about the sacrifices their children have to make?sweet pea day spa for kids is pampering military children. chillren.meteorologist emily gracey is live with the details on ttis morning's hometown hotspot. hotspot. a hhro's treasure is at sweet pea day spa on sunday.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash 3orning. 3 3 33 map 50 at 97 map fiber map coming up... eating healthy... on the run.what low-calorie options you'll find at fast "just wanted to get everybody's attention and you know throw the eyes of the porld on this." this."and later... is it all just a show? why a says're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) (( be more eating mcdonald's!you can eat healthy foods, fast.mcddnald's is participating in the fox45 b-more healthy expo.danitra bell, who owns two of the restaurants, joins us this morning ith more.--people might be surprised that mcdonald's is healthy expo. why is the company involved? --what are you going to educuate peopll at the expo about?--you brought this 3 calorie wheel...what is it work? fox 45 is fox 45 is stepping up to make your 20-11 the healthiest year yet. the b-more healthy expo will be heed at the baltimore convention center saturday, march 12th.learn about exercise, eating righh... and get health screenings.go to b-more healthy expo-dot-com coming up... up...sooe food for thought... next time you hit the grocery store.what germs are living on those hopping cart handles. pi'm gonna say how dare you, how dare you. you're a better parent then me, shame on you." you." but next... he's saying things that donnt really makeeany sense.what a source close to charlie sheen recent're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all mmrning. ((break 3)) ((bump in)) "two and half men" star charlie sheen ... takes another opportunity to plead his case to the medii. sabrina sabbagh explains... he announced an impromptu early morning press conference wednesdayy wednesday. sheen says: "nah, just passionate. just wanted to gett everybody's attention and you know thrrw the eyes of the world on this and uh clearly my plan is working." in an early wednesday morning press conference outside his los angeles estate, the troubled ""wo and half menn star took another opportunity to plead his case to the media. sheen says: "uh no at some point i don't want this to become a side show but i'm gonna keep shaking the trees until i get the answers that i need absolutely and i'm not going to stop until what i needs tt be delivered." star of tv's number one rated comedy , sheen's recent short rehab stint, spurred a public feud with the show's executive producer, causing the rest of the season to be canceled. his longtime publicist quit and he's done several recent "frank" tv interviews, as well as setting p a new twitter account, causing concerned about his lack of restraint and well being. wolf says: "i know charlie sheen, and i know thatthe has been able to function while he's using drugs. i think he's past that point now. what you hear is someone coming unraveled before your eyes, and i thiik ttis whole town is afraid they're gonna wake up and see a headline "ccarlie -s few times, sheen has always been a hollywood bad-boy and now with his 3rd marriaae pnding, ' his twin sons were taken away tuesday night with police watching. sheen says: "i'm gonna say how dare you, how dareeyou. you're a better parent then me, shame on you. your day is coming and it's coming fast. that's what i'm gonna say. " and if you think the 45 year old will be silenced byyany of this, his parting words sayssit all. an option, i love you guys." in hollywood, sabrina sabbagh, fox news. coming up... it's enough to make you loss your appetite... what germs are living on the handles... of grocery storr shopping carts. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] bursting with mouth-watering real fruit and refreshingly blended with creamy low-fat yogurt, mcdonald's strawberry-banana and wild berry smoothies are 100% pure sipping fun. the simple joy of real fruit smoothies. ♪ 3 3 3 3 3 map 50 at 97 map 3 here are the stories we are following this morning... firefighters battle a two alarm fire in north baltimore. it happened in the 700 block of winston avenue... around 3-30 this morning.two homes werr engulfed in far... no reports of any injuries. police were called to a bloody scene near the baltimore city, baltimore county happened a little after 9 last night along walker avenue... off of york roada 25 year old man was stabbed in the neck.. he was taken to shock trauma... no word on his condition.eaaly reports indicate the stabbing happened during a robberypolice are still looking for a ssspect authorities are investiiating a fatal accident that happened on deanwood road and ashlar hill in baltimore.they think the driver may have had a medical emergency and hit several parked cars. the next time you go shopping, be aware!a new sttdy handles are covered in fecal mmtter and e-coli.researchers at the unnversity of arizona say that's not the only place scientists found that flu viruses can live up to three days on a dollar bill.celll phones, your doctor's neck tie covered. the stink bug population we saw expected to be even worse this year. but there might finally be a remedy for them ttat actually works. joel d. smith traveled aal the way to delaware, where they are hoping to fight the bugs with insects... good morning joel d. pllase tell me this is going to work. good morning patrice, (ad lib) scout for food. have you noticed an empty bag near your house?fill it up, because the boy scouts of america left it donations for families in need. baltimore area council, boy scouts of america board president, barry williams, joins us this morning with more. --what is scouting for food? --what will happen his saturday when scouts come this saturday 3 when scouts come into neeghborhoods?--how can viewers hhlp?--what types of foods are the boys looking for? what's in the perfect bag? --how will donations be distributed to those in need? need? por more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. coming up... detecting your child's food allergy... before t's too a new test helps spot what your body can't have. head banggng to lady gaga but next... he's the latest online many see this dancing cockattoo bust a're watching local.. all morning. s.. all ((break 5)) head banging to lady with fios, when you're watching the picture, it just jumps out at you. -it was like, "wow!" -bam! [ male announcer ] decisions don't get any easier than this. now you can move up to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year with no term contract required. [ mr. donovan ] we have more choices. so many more hi-def channels. with fios, i really feel like we're getting a great deal. [ male announcer ] call now and you'll get a special bonus: $100 back. but this is a limited time offer so don't wait. suddenly, hi-definition tv was really high-definition. the colors. the clarity. i didn't have that before. [ male announcer ] fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, with hd picture quality rated #1 by changewave research, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. switching to fios was the best thing we've done in a long time. and my wife reminds me of that often. [ male announcer ] get fios tv, internet and phone for this great price, plus $100 back. call 1.866.699.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.699.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. pead banging to lady gaga it's the latest oline sensation... you don't want to miss.this is "snowball"... a dancing cockatoo.check out his amazing moves! mmves!snowball's dance routines have received millions of hits on youtube... and have caught the attention of researchers from the neurosciences institute in san diego. his favorite tune? bad romance by lady gaga. ((ad libb eteorologist)) 3 3 map 895 map providence mapplib coming up... food allergies are on the rise...which foods are causing tte most concern. 3singgng singing but next... she's being compared to carrie "american idol" contessant pia tosccno matches up to the singer. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. aal morning. ((break 6)) [ male announcer ] verizon that no small business should be invisible, so we decided to help a real small business make it easier for customers to find them. my name is elizabeth heinz, we're at isabella's boutique in rockville center, new york. do me a favor, and search for your business. alright. ♪ what did you find? nothing. i mean, if you don't have a website, you're basically invisible. [ male announcer ] 40% of small businesses don't have a website. but with verizon websites powered by intuit, it's so easy you can do it yourself, and so powerful it can make any small business more visible. add photos... and then, we'll hit "publish." i have a website?! you have a website. oh my gosh, i can't believe it was that easy. [ male announcer ] verizon can put your small business on over 100 search sites so customers can find you, with a personalized business e-mail address that connects with your site. visit me at [ male announcer ] small business owners, don't be invisible. call today and get a 6 month free trial of verizon websites powered by intuit, when you sign up for verizon's reliable high-speed internet & phone for business, just $84.99 a month with no term contract required. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities verizon. the hardest working network in business. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. just $84.99 a month with no term contract required. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities the top 244took over the american idol stage this week and the votes are in. in.america has decided who will move on to the next round of the competition and the results will be revealed what were some of the more memorable moments from the peeformances?caadace dold is here to wrap up the week. pia toscano sang i'll stand by you- 3 listen in- she got a 3standing ovation...randy took note.-jennifer said-you were savinggthat for when it counts -now most searched contestant on google -carrie underwood also covered that song during idollgives back and during the pinale in 2007- listen. 3-chat- -chat- just vo of both of carrie and pia-guys-jordan dorsey.-usher...performan ce americannidol tonight att8-pm here on fox45. fox45. we want to hear what you think of americcn can now chat with me on facebook during thh show.just become a fan of foxbaltmore and join the conversation. coming up... upp..detecting a food allergy... before it's too a new test helps spot what your body can't have. and later... a sweet treat for the children of loved ones serving in thee military.what one spa is doing to help them're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) my "me time" is when i thought i parked on level 2. or maybe 8? my "me time" is when there's a 10% chance of rain! [ cellphone rings ] my "me time" is when he doesn't get the hint. ♪ my "me time"... [ bang ] is when everybody's takin' shots at me. [ male announcer ] discover you time anytime. mccafé your day with a mcdonald's frappé. smooth and icy caramel or mocha blended just for you and topped with a decadent drizzle. "me time"! [ male announcer ] the simple joy of a frappé. ♪ food allergies are a huge public health threat. but as dr. mallika marshall explains... a panel of experts has finally agreed on the best way to diagnose and manage the 3 01100:00:18to01:00:05:02lower third (fade in): "dr mallika docs spot food uidelines help 3 allergiesmallika: one in 25 people suffer from food allergies. and if you or a mallika: you know how terrifying it can be. 1 01:00:06:27 to 01:00:10:23 lower third:food allergies can lead to anaphylaxismallika: in some cases, food allergies can lead to anaphylaxis, a severe and even deadly 01:00:11:26dr mallika marshall traasition 01:00:11:26 to 00:00:18:26full screen graphic: guidelines developed help doctors better diagnose and treat food allergies mallika: but now there's help. new guidelines developed by a panel of experts will help doctors better diagnose and treat food allergies.mallika: more than 43 recommendations are listed,,including: 1 01:00:21:13 to 01:00:24:21 lower third (fade in):how do diagnose a food allergy mallika:how do diagnose a food allergyyand which tests are most effective.01:00:24:21 to 01:00:27:18lower third:common allergy causing foodsmallika: common allergy-causing foods and their symptoms.01:00:27:18 to 01:00:33:06lower third: how to manage non-life- threattning allergic reactions mallika: how to manage non-life-threatening allergic potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis. mallika: thought it's unclear wwy, experts believe that food allergies common aggravators incluue: 01:00:39:11 to 01:00:40:03lower third (fade in):peanutsmallika: peanuts 01:00:40:03 to 01:00:41:02lower third:tree nutsmallika: tree nuts 01:00:41:02 to 01:00:41116lower third:seafood &pmallika: seafood01:00:41:16to 01:00:43:00lower third:milk and eggsmallika: milk and eggs 01:00:43:00 to 01:00:45:13food allergies are more common in childrenmallika: food allergies are more common n chillren the dultsmallika: fortunately, most children will outgrow their allergy to eggs, milk, soy or wheat. 01:00:50:15 to 01:00:51:18dr mallika marshall transitionmallika: unfortunalteey,mallika: unfortunattly, there is no curee if you think you've suffered a reaction to food, talk to your doctor. and be guidelines.2ow about the new coming up on good day baltimore...two kittens... lucky to be alive... after meowing natsk in a wall. - nats how many ádaysá it took rescuers to pull them to safety. you're watchingg fox 45 morning news.. all ,3 local.. all morning. with fios, when you're watching the picture, it just jumps out at you. -it was like, "wow!" -bam! [ male announcer ] decisions don't get any easier than this. now you can move up to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year with no term contract required. [ mr. donovan ] we have more choices. so many more hi-def channels. with fios, i really feel like we're getting a great deal. [ male announcer ] call now and you'll get a special bonus: $100 back. but this is a limited time offer so don't wait. suddenly, hi-definition tv was really high-definition. the colors. the clarity. i didn't have that before. [ male announcer ] fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, with hd picture quality rated #1 by changewave research, plus the fastest internet in the u.s. switching to fios was the best thing we've done in a long time. and my wife reminds me of that often. [ male announcer ] get fios tv, internet and phone for this great price, plus $100 back. call 1.866.699.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.699.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead.

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