a big the unofficial wiiner in one the hottest primary races. until they get the computers back up, we won't have those numbers. too close to call. the technical errrr hat could leave voters hanging in the county executive race. good morning, it's wednesday, september 15th. %-it's the day after the primary election and the numbers are still coming in. ú% do know the outcome of some races, but two very closely watched racessare still somewwat in the air. there has not been an official winner called in it. that is the city's state attorney race and the county executive race. we will get more on the numbers coming up in a few minutes. first we need to et a check of. meteorologist steve fertig is here and your numbers areepretty sure. with 100% offthe temperatures in right now for the current temperatures, we have a rage. the numbers are in the mid-50s to the mid-60s, but it will warm up nicely into the mid-80s. baltimore, that would be the winner. 60 degrees in hague hagerstown. %-the dry onditions as the high pressure continues to stand over us. in comes a chance of ú%inshowers, and a lot of it staying orth. high pressure builds in. upper 70s through low 80s through tuesdaa. possible showers late tomorrow into friday early. we'reekeeping an eye on the tive tropics and iior, julia and karl as they makeetheir way across what is happening on the roadways this morningg here is lauren cooke ith a traffic dge check out. ú%eck, check, i guess i would say, lauren. >> reporter:: yeah, steve, we dd have problems on 95 if youu3 are using that to get into the citt. watch out for a disabled trash truck. and here is of a live look at the key bridge where we're dealing with an acccdeet along the innnr loop. it's leading to quite a bit of loop, though, through theuter parkville areaa no problems to report from 95 to 88, you're look at an 11-minute rideewith ú% average speed of 54 miles per -our. %--rom 795 to 95, that driie wil take you 11 minutes with an average speed of 54 miles per hour. no problems o report on 95, ffom whitemarsh boulevard to the beltway you're looking at a high of 55 for the aveeage speed of 55 miles per hour. back to you. ú% >it was expectee to be a ú%ose competition and this morning the ace for city state's attorney is still ttoú %--ccordinn to unfof unofficial, greggbernntein is the winnerr33 beating out incuubent patriciaú jessamy, megan gilliland is live where jessamy is expected to meet with her staff. >> reporter: at 7:00 this morninn, jessamy is expected tt %-of 300 people.with her staff if those unofficial results are true, it will be a sad farewell for the people who have been together for 15 yeaas now. if shh does show up ere, she could be here to concede, or she could be here to say that he is take a look at these nuuberr, ballots from all 290 press nths across the city are in. according to the associated press, bernstein is theewiiner with 49% of the vote followed by jessamy with 47% of the vote. but the election board has not yet decleare declared bernsteine winner this morning. it was the toughest battle jessamy haasfaced. voters returned her to office three times after she was appointed by in 1995. he was considered the underdog headed into the race but as the campaign heated up, he snatchedú big endorsements. last night thh candiddtes watchhd at two location as the results started coming in, both still feeling retty confident. >> we are confident. ú% think we are going to win, buu beccuse of aal theework that you all have ddne and weecan't thank you, thank you enough. ú%pefully we will all wake-up tomoorow morning and ou will have a ew state attorney. >> we donnt know the totals but we're confident that the voters, elected the best person. we will await the returns. >> reeorter: now ometimee recount is taken. it's unclear whether or not that will happen. stay with us as the race for city state's attorney continues today. live from the war memorial downtown, i'mmmegan gilliland. fox 45 morninn news. another raceehanging in the ballot this morning is the democratic choice for baltimore county executive. results show kevin kamenetz leading barton felder right now. gold jool d smith is live at, ay idea when that ill be vote. >> reporter: kevin kamenetz is up 6,000 vvtts,, ven though there'ss13 pres 13 precinct havo report. they are announcing a ampaign conference lattr today. -t seems that we might know quite a scene at the cal pain headquurters -- campaign headquarrers, tte nerves werr up. we were at theebartenfelder, around computers and at the kamenett camp, they were more popositive. candidate was going to endorse s the followers with a victory speech. that idn't happen. conclusion. we had a roblem with the board of elections with the machinee. >> until they et the computtrs back up, we won't have those numbers. so ww have the counts from what ú% have from those precincts.3 we had about 4,000 vote-lead on the numbers that we had. >> reeorttr: one of thooe preccnnts is known barttnfelder prrcinct. they will be making up votes 44% of 6,000 vote lead for kevin kamenetz. later this morning he will announcc plans for the future it seems for ttis campaign. ú% say they're confidenn witt a victory..3 right now it's not official in the race for the baltimore county executive on the democratic side. we're live joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. is moving forward to the generaa election in november. he sailed past his cllser of brian murphy. ú%rphy gaaned some momentum when he was endorsed by sarah palii last night. last night he conceded defeat and said he would suuport ehrlich in the general election3 if ehrlich wanted? >> tonighttthe people spoke and if 7 weeks the people will speak very louu in the state of maryland [ cheering ] %-taxpayers, and for the small businees people, for the people %-day, oor message is stop wait, give us 7 weeks [ laughter ] >> giie us 7 weeks. >> ehrlich raa on a pro usiness platform..3 he also says he wants to cut a 1% increase in the sales tax aad not many people came out to theii vott in tuesday's primariis. reporting record low numbers in balttmore city, just 13.6% of eligible voters headed to the polls. baltimore county oficials areú reporting a similar turn out. that is less than half of the 30% turn out hat was prediitee leading up to the eleccion. >> to vote in the m primaries yu hhd to be a maryland resident and registereddas a democrat or republic. that leads to the quest day, should there bbeopen primaries. you can take the call at 7:00 hour. go to or sound offfthrough facebook. send us a tweet at fox baltimmre or text your answer. enter fox 45a for yes or fox 45b for no. morning news for continuing coverage of this story. results and whether maryland ssouud have an open primary. that is coming up later thiss3 hour. latest information on thee november electiins at 2011. northwest ballimore home. ú%refighters ere called to gaay boulevvrd near alto road round 11:00 last night. when they arrived on the scene they found a 2 story home on fire. theee's no word on whether anyone inside as hurt, but investigators will say a firefighter was injured. hisscondition is unknown at this time. the cause of the blaze remains under investigation. coming up the imam behind being sued. let me just say one thing about him. he cares nothing about the people that live in this building. the surprising allegations ú%eind the lawsuit..3 ann i'm emily gracie, livv at the congregation, today we're talking about the shofar blowing celebration tonight.úyou are wag news, all local all morning. 0 get ready for the holiest day of thh year on the jewishh3 calendar. ioyuu kippur is coming up. and one coogregation is sounding off. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. i'm here by rabbi shapiro. -veryone gave it a try and3 you're the most talented. blowing the sho shofarrtion of >> i rememberrgoing to the races they blow the horn. -hat's what we're saying, waae-up the race is about to start, be theee, be ready. >> these are beautiful horns, -p>> this is made out of the hon of a kodu and these are ram's horns. tonight. >> it's going to be a great contest. everyone is invited. >> ttere's different categories. >> the longest bloww the loudest blow and the most traditional blow and the most creative bloww come and do your best with the shofar blowing contest goinggat the congregation. can you find all of theú at it looks like a gorgeous day in store for us. mostly sunny skies and a slight wind out of the northwest bringiig those comfortable, dry ú%nditions, a pprfect evening3 for coming outtand enjoying this. steve, definitely something to give a try..3 how are yyu at the shofar. >> reporter: i could go okay. ú%'s great shofar blowing weather, is it not? -p>> beautiful. >> reporter: we're looking at a dry scan across the area with a sky watch hd radar scanning right through you ity at the state of marylann. what we're goong to look at is a %-westtat 52 miles per hourf the interesttbo 52% relative humidi. the temperature in baltimore warmer than elsewhere, 66 degrees, and 3 in washington d credi!!washingtond.c. and 54 . temperatures ranging at 10 degrees throughout thhearea, high pressure is going to bring us a lot of sunshine today, but then we are goiig to talk about the chance of rain,,and that will be due to the low pressure center trailing with the cold front. more mmisture coming from the south ww could see rain for needed rainfall late tomorrow, maybe as early as 3:00 for the western counties but later iito friday before we see a drring weether system orrrather drier weather conditiinn headed our way into the weeeend. we're looking forward to a prrtty eekend. -0 deggees for the high today, a lot of sun shy. noothwest winds or the northern %-up to 55 degrees for the high. mostly clear skies for the western part of maryland where it gets up to 79 degrees there. if yyu're headed to the camden yaads, 76 degrees for the first pitch temperature, it should be %--hat.comfortable night for 59 degrees for the overnight low with partly cloudy skies. as we move through the week, 81 degrees for todayy 82 for tomorrow. showwrs ffr late friday. we are hoping or it. 70 degrees for friday as we dry out in the afternoon, 79 for saturday, 83 for sunday, plentyú looking like a great day. 81 and 82 for the monday and tuesday with plenty of sunshiieú now we nned to check in with lauren cooke with the traffic lauren. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we do ant to expect a sloo ride travellng across the kky bbidge thhs morning. that is due to an accident onú the inner loop. as we check in ann ttke a look, you will notice one riggt lane ú% blocked and it's eading to heevy back-ups on the bridge backing to the toll plaza. 695 in the toll area, no problems to report on harford road where cars are moving on the iiner nd outer loop toward -owson. if you're using the weet sideeit will be clear, yoo're looking a3 an 11-minute ride from 795 to3 95. if you're using the harrisburg expressway, we're looking att3 high speeds here at york road, looking at 52 miles per hour traveling south toward the bbltway. the jfx will remaii clear as weel from 695 all the way downtown to east fayette ssreet. we're dealing withhan accident in anne arundel ounty invooving a ppdestrian that has been hit by a car that is going to be at ritchie highway at 9th avenue.ú that's the traffic edge rrport. pptricee back to you. thank you, lauren. coming p a big upset in the city. the unofficial winner of one th3 hottest primary raccs. >> let me just say one tting about him, he cares nothing ú%out the people that live in this building. >> and next, is the imam behind lord. the surprising the imam behind the proposal to build a mosque in cultural center near ground ero has called himself a man of - but complaining abouu him as a landlord. the imam is some legal trouble. >> let me say ooe thing about him, he cares nothing about the people that live innthis building. >> reporter: he is not onlyú lower manhattan at the imam of the proposed mosque near ground zero. he is embroiled in his own controversy here in union city. >> i'' beside my self. >> reporter: e is the landlord of ttis apartment building. fixed and no hot water in the building. >> if he so religious, he should be able to care about what is going on in this builddng.3 lawssit agganst him for failing to repair what they saa are dangerous code violations. they coopllin of range from no heat to eleetricity to mold and3 bed bugs. theesuit has nothing to do with the mosque controversy.ú ú% what happens with the mosque in new york is not why we're here today. we are here becauss he is bbd landlord. i would consider a slum lord.ú >> reporter: a fire officials has een ouutide of the building. the officer is here to alert tenants ii a fire breaks out since the fireealarms haven't been working. it's cost the city almost $5,000 ss far and that is money the mayor vows to get back. p> hat will be paad foorby him. if he efuses to pay it, we will put a lien on he building. >> reporter: we went to the north home for comment. no one was there.ú we ound a copy of the lawsuit at the doorstep. meanwhile tenants want the >> it's horrible, buu when you have nowhere else o go, but -hat do you do. >> eporter: the court has appointed a custodiil receipt to collects rents and get things done.ú still to come it's a hot commdity. why now might be a bettee time than evvr to cash in your old -ewelry. and the votes are. close to call and the biggest up set of the election. 6:23 is the time. you are watching fox 45 morninn -ews,,all local all morning. [ laughing ] hey, let me see that map for a second. just drive, we'll get there! adventure runs on dunkin', with our lineup of oven-toasted breakfast sandwiches. from egg white flatbreads to bagel sandwiches, grab your favorite just the way you like it. hurry in to dunkin' donuts for a delicious veggie or turkey sausage egg white sandwich. well street rally stalled on remained choppy throughout the day despite positive etail sales. the dowwlost 13 points. the nasdaq ended 4 points higher while thh s&p lost nearly a point. earnings rose 60%. that announcement was followed auuust took tth biggest jump in 5 months. excluddng weak gaa and auto sales, the commerce department reports retail sales were up 4.6% for july as people hit stores back for back to school shopping. a billlcould create 66millioo jobs. ú%eate a $30 bbllion to provide ú%mmunnty banks addittonal capital to give loans to small businesses. the bill is expected o provide $12 billion worth of tax relief in the nextt10 years. ú%e senate will take a final vote on the bill in the next traders say continuing uncertainty has investors using gold as a hedge against the dollar which fell to a 15 year -ow against he yen. for business brief, i'm john, lisd.3 coming up the votes are in, but what do ttey mean for you. a olitical analyst weighs in on >>the race for city ssate attornee still too ccose to call. see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. [ monkey cheeps ] [ male announcer ] a bath becomes even more pleasurable when you know that your water is being heated in an environmentally- conscious way while saving you hundreds of dollars on your water-heating energy bill. the geospring water heater from ge with advanced hybrid technology. heating the water in your home any other way is just going to seem primitive. [ monkey cheeps ] ♪ maryland residents can save up to $780 while funds last. welccme back to fox 45 morning news. 6:30 is the time. i'm patrice harris. it's a bii day here in baltimore aad across the state. the primary elections were yesteeday and in some oo those races the numbers are still coming in this morning. the race is too close to call in the baltimore county executive race which many people have in the baltimore city state's attorney raae,,there does appear to be a winner. it's not official yet, but if it's the winner, then the craigg bernstein is the ig upset in that case. this is sophha, did i say that riiht? >> you are how old, sophia? p> 6. >> you gg to school where. >> fulton elementary. p> i'm guessing that is in fulton. are you going to do the weaaher. first let me do the wwather and we will go overall the things together. sophha,,let's show them what is happening upstairs. sky hddradar, dry and no rain. 56 in baltimore and let's come back here and show them in salisbury. 54 degrees, we're heed toward 81 for the high. it should be a nice day, doesn't it look nice??3 absolutely? >> let's get right back here and now whaa do you want to do, tell them who is up next? lauren? >> who is up next? >> we're waitinngfor traffic, right. lauren with the traffic. you got it. >> thank you so much.3 well, if you are travel ago cross the key bridge it morning, you do want to expect slow speedssdue to an accident on th3 innerrloop. all lanes have re-opennd but3 it's going to be very slow. traffic will be jammed to the3 toll plaza. no delays to talk about from 95 tt 83, that stretch will take looking at an average speed of 54 miles per hour. all is ccear traveling through the tunnels from the toll mcmen henny tunnel toll to thee3 beltway. ú%om thh harbor tunnel toll to trip. that'ssthe traffii edge report. patrice, back to you. unofficially, greg bernstein is tte new city state's %--ight now numberssshow him wih a narrow 2% leed over incumbent patricia jessamy. again, those results are still unofficial. the election's board has not yet declared bernstein the winner. megan gillilanddis live from the war memorial where jessamy is expected to meet with her staff this morning. if those numbers don't change, it appears that she is no onge3 the city state's attorney. ú% eporter: those numbers hhve not been confiired just yet. jessamy is expected to mmet here at 7:00, usttabout a haaf an when she gets here with her stafffof 300 peopll, she could could figgt the numbers and those results. ballots from 290 recincts, across the city are in right now. unofffcial resultssshowing bernssein with 49% f the vote followed bb jessamy with 47% of ú%eevote. now sometimes when it's this close, a recount is taken. we have not heard if that is here. this is no doubt, though, the ú%oghhst battle that jessamy has ever faced. she was appointed to the city state attorney position back in 1195, bit city circuii court judgee. voters returnee her to office three times after that. high-profile defense attorney might have eeded her spree. he was considered the underdog headed into this ace. but as the camppagn heated up, he snatched big endorsements. after 8:00 last night when the polls closed there was nothing more they could do but wait. >> it's been a very exciting day. %-with the citizens of baltimor3 city. i'm very happy and connident. >> we are still very opt mmssist and very enthusistic.ú >> reporter: we will have to wait and sse, tayywith us as3 the race for city state ttorney continues. we will bring you the latest -esults as they come. livv from the war memorial downtown, i'm megan gillilaaddú fox 45 prorn!!! 45 morning news. kevin kamenetz has a 6,000 vooe lead but e is ot claiming victory just yet. joel d smith ii live at theú county board of ellctions where ú%mputer errors has both candiddtes playing the waiting %->> reeortee: here we are more than 10 hours after the pollss3 close nd we still don'ttknow who is going to take over as the next county executive or go into tte next eleccion as the democrrtic person going for that seat. ii was 10 hours ago, they closed 13 precincts, still yee to report in, that is enough to make ttese candidates and wait %-though there's a 6,000 vott ld -or kamenetz right now. it was intenseemoments t the headquarters. we were at both especially in3 hovering over the compuuers and %-point there was almost ane address by the candidate looking like a victory speech. ú%e hours of waiting and people staying more and more intense. after idnight, both camps ent home theirrfollowers with hese words. >> we have 4,000 lead on the nuubers that we had, but there's addition and subtraction that has to gg on for from where the numbers come from. we're waiting for those to come in and it could be a longgnight. >> based on that, based on our current numbers, it's impossible to project a winner or a looser at this time. >> reporter: gainn 31 precincts in baltimore county, 218 have reportedd that is 94%, a 6,,00 vote lead right now. in bartenfelder camp, they're holding on to some hope that of thh precincts that haven't returned inn are his strong holds. still it would be tough to make up that much. kamenetz snt us word that a news ccnfereece ii happening tú 11:00 to address what happened campaign movinn barred. forward. tte indiiations there are that nothing official yet. >>former governor bob ehrlich is moving forward to the general election in november with 76% of the vott, ehrlich sailed past hii closest competitor. a previously unheard of brian humurphy. murphy gainee some momentum when he was addressed on by saaah palin last no. general election if ehrlich want iwanted it. >> tooight the peopleespoke and the next several weeks, the people aae going to speak very loud in the state of maryland. >> [applause] >> take back maryland for our taxpayers, for our small business people, for the people who are fleeing this state every day, our message is stop, wait, give us 7 weeks. give us 7 weeks [ laughter ] ehrlich is running oo a pro business platform. heealso says he wants to cut a 1%%increase in the sales tax and he is plldging not to raise taxes..3 with ehrlichhwinning the gop nooinatiin the rematch witth3 governor martin o'malley is now %-o'malley easily won the democratic nomination against two longshot candidates. now the incumbent will go up against ehrlich in a repeat he defeated eric in that eleecion by a marggn of 6.7%. the people of ouu state were to move forward or moving back they always choose guard. that is why i'm moving forward on this ampaign. >> o'malley is focused on job creationnand making get all of the informatiin at 2010. still ahead, it's a sure siin of ffll. >> we will show you the best and quietest leave blowers n the markkt. aa accidenn s leading to ú%%-key bridge.vel ago cross the i will have more on the traffic ú%ge report. coming up next. you are watching fox 45 morning news, all local all morning. % 6:41 noo on fox 5 orning news. it's time to check in with meteorologist steve fertig and p> pptrice, we met sophia a littte earlier, our 6 years old ú%%-you go to ulton elementaryú school. do you want to say hi tt anybody before we get started? who do you want to say hi to? anybody out here. -unts, unclee, you want to get started, don't you. >> hey, aunts and unclls, arr you ready to gee started. inner harbor.emperature at the what is that. >> 666ú >> that's right. ú%d the wind are oot of the? >> west. p> 3 miles er hourr >> what is theehumidity? 62. >> aad push that. >> and the dew point is. >> what is that number? >> 48.ú >> all right. you got it. what about the temperatures, ou want to throw thooe out there? nice job. whattis the temperature at hagerrtown. look at ttat out there. >> we will come bacc here in baltimore? -p>> 66. >> here in salisbury. ú%dar,,ii that showing s >> the >> just to the south, but what looks good, doesn't itt >> eah. a lot of sunshine. let's show them thattsunshine. you want to throw that up there, nice job. -hat is due to igh presssrr coming our way. what is coming after the hiih pressure? >> the low presssre. that's right. thh low pressure is coming from the west bringing us what? >> rain.3 into friday, right. >> 6 yeaas old, i'mmgettingú nervous. it's too good. >> let's take a look at the ú%recast for today. on with mostly sunny and whatt3 -emperature? >> junn. -t should be a pleasant day for yyu and everybody else out there. west northwest winds at, what is that number? >> 5 ddsh 10. >> and 59. winds out of the northeasttat what? 5 dash 10. at 5 dash 10. anddthe rest of thh week goes like this. let's start off with todaa. ú%sophia? e going to do today, ú%ok up this way. >> 83..3 >>that is tomorrow after the 81 today. p> a chanceeof what is coming our way? >> a chance of 78 degrees for fridaa with some showers overnight thursday uutil friday. what about saturday.ú >> 77. >> and lots of. >> sun. ú% you like that for the weekend. >> what about sunday, ophia? p> sunday 83. >> and plenty of? >> unn p> hat's right. thaa ill be good for any of you with colds out there. what about monday and tuesday? >> 81, 82. >> 81, and 82 for monday and tuesday. >> sunday. ú% we're going to back to sunday again. >> a lot of sun. >> hy go to school on monday, we want to stay on sunday. right nnw let's toss it back too patrice. >> back to maarice. >> iim with ou, i want with3 yyu, i want as to stay on very good job. did you have fun doing that? -id you have fun? >> yes. >> dd you think you might want to do this when you're all grown up or do you want to o sooethhng elle. p> do this when i'm ll grown up. >> all right, steve better watch out. you can come back and work for3 us anytime. thank you so uch. if you would like yourrkid to be a part of weather kiddwednesday. jjst have your principal send steee a nnte at 2,000 west 41st street altimore 21211 or llg on to that's a hard act to ollow, -hough. we need to get a look at our roadways. lauren cooke is here. >> reporter: great jobbto her here in the newssoom this morning. we do have trouble at the key bridge. expeet delays on the inner loop due to an earlier accident. if ou're travellng on the beltway, no problems to report. here is aalive lac looo at harfd road. cars are moving along the innnrú and outer loop just fine. we're dealing with congestiin on the west side of the beltway where we're ookinn at 24 miles per hour long the ouuer loop at liberty road. we do have a crash to tell you3 on the beltway. expressway checking in and taking a live llok at the warren it's goiig to be wide open for making a wwde and easy ride. >>new ttis morning, firefighters were alled to garrison boulevard near alto road around 11:00 last night. when they arrived on the scene, they found a 2 storr home oo there was o word on whetherr3ú anyone insidd was hurt,,but investiggtoos say a firefighter was injured. his condition is unknown at this time. under investigation. a night of surprises in votersscast their primary votes nationwide. -n delaware marketing consultant christine o'donald upset mike castle in the senate primary. sarah palin tea party candidatt has no xperience in elected carl paladino came away witú a win at new ork. spent more than 4 million oona campaign easily beating two opponents. here in maryland, primary electioo day 2010 is in the coupleeof key races are nnt. ina the winners in the baltimore were the closest and most heated ccallenger ernsteen came out of nowhhre tootake on patticia3 right now that race is stillltoo close to call. unnfficially bernsttin is head of jessamy by a couple of 4,000 -otes, 4 48 to. -8 to 47 kamenetz is in the lead there. now what did the results so far tell us? political analyst john didi joins us this morning. >> are you surpriied that wee3 still don't have the results on some of those races? >> i'mmsurprised that because we only do electiins 2 or three times. the polls closed at 8:00. they should be able to get the stuff a lot faster. >> in the city state attorrey race, it aapears that greg gregg bernstein is the winner. you said yesterday that yoo >> ii hought there wws a lot ofú voter anger and the big thing i3 would take away from this return is the lack of voter turn out. i would be wwrried if iiwaas3 democrrtic candidatts because if democratics feel apathetic, theú may be flocking to bob ehrlich or staa home in the fll.ú -aated change and they didn't like the way she handled that office. and how much it was that she wasn't prepared to launch that campaign and didn't necessarily runnan effective campaign.ú >> she didn't expect a -hallenger. all of a sudden she has to take out a $110,000 loan with hhr owú money.3 competittr. >> john bartenfelder yesterday,3 and youu guy is behind ssh. >> he is behiid and i think that is where he is going to ssay. >> you don't think he is going to be able to pull it out. >> no. we have been asking ourú primary versus what we have itt3 right noo. would that be likely toohappen and would it be beneficial to maryland? >> i donnt think it wwuld be the reason why is iffwe have an open primary, could you have people from other parties causing trouble. if you made anest tt be a registered democrat and a %-to be able to vote on those.t let's gee all of the liberals tú vote in the republican primary or all the onservatives, getting in the demmcratic3 primary and cause trouble. i think if yoo make the effort %-i ttink that is why the party doesn't want the faccors commng in. they want to choose their own people. >> john didi. thank you very muchh3 we want to know what you think. should there eeopen primaries.ú >> we will take your calls during the 7:00 hour. go to web and tell u!! foxbaltid text youu answer to 45223, enter fox 45a for yes or fox 45b for no. coming up in the 7:00 hour. they promise to keep you in your home but dd they do more harm than good. the truth behind fo forensic lon audit. next, it's the sound of the season.ú the leave bbowers that won't blow you out anddyour neighbor's ♪ i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honks] our outback always gets us there... ... sometimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪ my commute home to the eastern shore every night only takes an hour but that's more time than congress spends reading massive spending bills, it's crazy. that's why i wrote a law that requires 72 hours to read every bill. i read the big bills and i said no. no to the $3 trillion budget, no to the bank bailout, and no to the health care bill. at home you would never pay a bill without reading it neither should congress. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message because i'm proud to be ranked one of the most independent members of congress. a ppwer blower can be a quickway to cleen up your yard, but your neighbors robably hate the noise. consumer reports just tested dozens of blowers to see if you can ind a good ooe that is relatively quiit. james andrews has the resulls. >> eporter: no question, power blowers are noisy. to find out how much notice your neighbor's spurns. experience. gas lowers are the loudest. -he electrics are nowwere near as noisy. less, too. but gas blowerr are gennrally %ore powerrul clearinn up the the electric blowers, llke this $30 home lifeeblower that was testeddproofed pretty wimpy. but peter saw chuck ffund some electric from toro that were almost as good at clearing leave and debris as the best gas blowers. >> i like this toro. it's powerful, it's lightweight ann the noise is easy on the neighbors. >> reporter: it's the toro ultra blower ac vac. at $70 it's the consumer reeort a big drawback is that you need an availlble utlet and you're limited toothe length of the power cord which is about3 hundrrd hundree feet. >> reporter: his you ave aúbo with a gas power blower. ann it isn't as noosy aa some o3 thissii james andrews. coming up in the :00 hour, keep your cool even when you workup a sweat. weeput the best runner to the will it work test. the race for city state attorney, still too close too3 call. i'm megan gilliland, whose unofficial results show winning. you are watthiig fox 45 morning news, all local all morning. [ male announcer ] antiques can be nice. but you wouldn't want an antique computer. or an antique tv. ♪ or an antique remote control. so why are you still using an antique cable network created in 1948 for your 2010 tv? it's time to hook your tv up to a 100% fiber optic network. it's time for fios. visit call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. ú% knew on foxx45 morning news, police are made a lot of progress during the courss fú these years. >>people all over the city are want to see change. crime and a big upsst, the unofficial winner in one of the hottest primary races. unnil they get the computers >> too close to call. the technical error that canú leave voters hangiig in the ú%unty executive race. and it prooises to keep you %-weeput he becks ru!! runner e will it work test. good morningg it's wednesday, september 15th. it's the day afttr the primary election, and we have all the numbers and results from the night before in a couple of cases. the offfcial results is not in. tte raccs are too close o call, and one offthe races for city state's attornny, it appears there's an upset. gregg bernstein appears tt be the winner, but agaii, that is not official as of this morning. we will contiiue to get mmre information aboot that in just a few minutes. eteorologist steve fertig is here right now. that was one of the mostly closely watched races and that would be a huge upsee.ú >> we're apping for rain.3 -- watching for rain. and we may not ggt ii here and not a whole lot, we need ore. the start of the day starts cool. even 60s out there at the bus stop, 62 degrees but we're headed toward 81 for the day later on this afternoon. right now a bit of a range of and clear skies,,the clear ssies allowing for some the coooer temperatures as we gett3 radiational cooling overnight. as the hhgh pressure sits overhead, we have plenty of the temperatures back off from the 81 high temperature at 4:00 this afternoon. we look for that rain in our seven-day forecast in just a few minutes, but right now let's has the traffic edge. lauren. >> reporter: thank you, ú%eve. we whileewe do have trouble in ann run del county where we're dealing with a crash at 97 and -ffyou're using the beltway, do ú%pect some congestionnon the west side as we check in and take a live look at iberty road. you will notice the ooter loop is going to be pretty slow. you're look a 16-minute ride. it will emain clear from 95 to 833,you're looking at a 13-minute ride there. no problems to talk about on the ú%rtheast corridorrof 95 from whitemarsh boulevard to the beltway, you're looking at a 5-minute trip with an aaerage speed of 45 mills per hour. that's the traffic edge report. patrice, back to you. ú% it was expected to be a close competition and thiss3 call.orney is still too close to according to an unofficial ú%winner beating out inccmbente patricia jessamy. ú%gan gilliland is live from the war memorial this morniig, and jessamy is expected to meet with her staff this morning. we can only wonder what she is going to be talking about. >> reporter: jessamy and 300 of her are there. it's 7:03 and therees no sign of anyone here. we placed a call at the jessamy campaign headquarters. that call has not been returned jjst yet. it's unclear in the latest nummers might havv changed their ballots from all 390 press irccghts across he -- precincts across from the city are in. the election board hassnot yet declared bernstein the winnerú and jessamy has not yet conceded. this is the toughest battle jessamy has ever faced. she was appointed to the state attorney positioo back in 1995 by the city court judges. voters returned hee to officeú three times after thatt %-high-profile defense attorney mmght havv ended her streak. ú%%-headed into this race, but s the ccmpaign heated up, he snatcheddbig endorsements. last night both candidates watched at different looations at the votes started coming. that time. feeling coofident at >> we think we have run a very professional campaign and i think that after 15 years, peoole are ready for change and more importantly, i think thht i think that people all over the city are frustrated with the ú%ime and want to sse change. >> we have made a lot f progress over the course of these years and we still have a lot to do. ennhusiism, the vision and the%m tough anddsmartt >> reportee: now sometimes when the vote is this close,,a recount is taken. it's unclear whether that is were to do.he lection's board we will let you know what happens here s this race for city state attorney continues here today. liie from the war memorial, megan gilliland. another race hanging in the balance this morning is the democratic choice for baltimore county execctive. results showwkevin kamenetz leading joe barton gelledder righbartenfelldr rrghtnow, butte board of elections where computer problems left the vote still up in the aar. good morningg joel.ú >> reporter: good morning, everybody. polls closed, you think we would have a winner, not the case. hhre are preciicts that don't know why yet. 13 precincts yet to report in and a couple of showw are thought to be bartenfeeder places whereehe should do really well. that isswhy this is up in the ú%r right now. in general it's tough for these %-toogh momenns at both of theer caaps eepecially t the bartenfelder camp as they look at computers. they llke what they were seeing exactly, but still holding out over at the camment kamenetz cat look like they were ready to annoonce a victory speeeh. it didn't happee and it went as enthusiasm went. at the end, both sides told their followers, it's not over yet. come to a conclusion. we had some proolemm with the board of eleetions numbers, witú their maahines. >> until they get the omputers back up,,ww won't have those numbers. so we have the counts from what we have from those precincts. we hhd a 4,000 vvte llad on the numbers that we had. precincts still out here, at least one ba!! bartenfflder precinct..33 that may be where thee4,000 votes gt closer. as for who will win this thing. the kevin kammnetz camp is saying they having a news talking about what happened wit3 this election, and talking about the camp moving forward. joel d smith, fox 45 ooning news. p>> ffrmer governor bob ehrlich election in november with 76% of the vote, ehrlich sailed past his closest competitor. a previously unheard of brian3 murphy. mmrphy gained some momentum when he was endorsed by former vice president shalviccpresideetial h palin. >> tonight the people spoke and believe me in 7 weees,,the loud in thh state offmaryland [ cheering ] [applause] >> thaak maryland for the taxpayyrr, for the smalll3 business peeple, for the peoole who are fleeing this state every day, our message is ssop, wait,3 ggve us 7 weeks. [ laughter ] -p>> [apppaase] >> ehrlich is running on a pro %-he also saiddhe wants to cut a 1% increaseein the sales tax aad is pledging not to raise taxes. with ehrlich winning the gop -omination, the rematch with governor martin o'malley is now official. o'malley easily wonnthe democratic nnmination against two longshot caadidates. the incumbenn will go up against ehrlich in a repeat of the 2006 governor's race. to vote n the primaries you had to be a maryland resiieet and register as either a democrat or a republican. that brings us to our qqestion of the daa. should there e open primaries, meaning you can vote for either matter your party affiliatiio. we will take your calls on that ú%ter this hour. ú%u can go on to our website and tell us what you think or sound off through facebook. send us a tweee t fox baltimore %-enter fox 45a or yes or fox b for no. coming up maryland wasn't the only state with primary elections on tuesday. u.s. i'm emily gracieelive at the ú%ngregation, this morninn we're talking about shofar blowing for today's hometown hot spot. you are watching fox 45 morning news, all local all morning. in just 10 minutes. life's not perfect. that's why there's perdue perfect portions. [ male announcer ] perdue perfect portions. ready when you are. meteorologist emily grrcie is live with the deeails for in morning's hometown hot spot. good morning, emily. good morning, patrice, and these are definittly very noisy the first thiig in the morning. i blew it and not as hard s i thouuht it would be. the rabbi is hereeto tell us about the tradition. >> this is rooted in the tradition of abraham taking the it's a waae-up call to the soul. >> so there's a contest going on tonight. we're goinggto get a preview of this. you're going to take on jeff, and we willlhave a mini blowing ccntest. onn of the categories is the loudest. let's hearryyu thissmooning. >> early ii the morning, don't do this aa home. [applause] >> not bad.ú >> all right, jeff, let's give it a try. >> pretty good. what do we think. >> [apppause] >> that's the rabbi. >> letts call it a tie. you know what, steve, i want toú show you something real quick here. -abbi, hold this for me. [ laughter ] i id it earlier! [ laughter ] >> reporter: i believe you, but i think you should bring 1 of those back. i think we should call ourúú%mo. ssart with that. >> definitely. it's tough to play that. i'm sure the ram is happy he is not attacheddto it righh noww we have temperaturessclimbing nncely from the 60s intoothe %-here ii what we got. %-we ave been talk about how we need in some rain. weewill get some by toniiht and %-maybe a little bit, we're hopg for more than that. 66 degrees for the temperature at the inner harbor. partly cloudy skies, 52%%3 the pry meesure anddthat is why we're seeing it rise. ú%w ppinn is at 48, very dry air in place. we could use some rain and we will get moissure moving in our direction later tomorrow. 56 degrees, that's the temperature in baltimore.3 62 in d.c. and 53 in salisbury. 56 in hagerstown, 52 in oakland. as we check our surfacee3 features, high pressure bringing us plenty of sunshine today. it will be a pretty day today. the chance of rain will come to the north and east of us by later tomorrow. we will ave more moisture coming from the south and the flow will come from that directioo. that means will get a chance for the rain that wwll have the best ú%ance moving it to the western part of the state by tte afternoon or evening ours. later after that ann oward the north. the further orth you go the better chance. ttere's sttll a shot of getting some rain allost aaywhere in the state through friday early. %-through that point in time. we look barred to forward forwd weekend to follow. central part of the state, about 81 degrees for theehigh, probably around 4:00 this afternoon, and the western partú of maryland a few degrees coooer getting into the upper 70s, 79 degrres there with mostly ú% should be pretty nice for the game if you're headeddto camden yards. orioles and bluejays 1 more timm in the seeies. looking for starring temperatur3 at 75 and 766degrees. very commortable under mainly clear skies, the temperatures will drop to thee60s. 59 degrees for the overnight low. tomorrow a little more cloud cooer late in tte day. in comes the chance f showwrs, we will keep oor fingers ccossed, we need it. 78 on friday with morning showers ppssible drying out by the afternoon. then the weekknd lookssgreat. %-sunny on sunday.ny on, 83 and 81 and 82 for monday and tuesday -ith mainly clear skies. what is happening on theeroads as you head out this morning whereeer you''e eaded. here is lauren cooke with the traffic edge..3 lauree. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we do have trruble in harforr county where we're dealing with a crash at cranberry road. moving through the whitemarsh area, o expect slow speees. on 34 miles per hour on the southbound lanes at whitemarsh boulevard. ii you're usinggthe beltway at parkville, we're only lookinggat ú% miles per hour in harford road. you can see the outer loop is a3 bit crowded. uufortunately it will ooly et worse as we make our way west. it's going to be a slow ride. you'reelooking at a 17-minute -rip from 795 to 95. fortunately no problems o talk traveling from 695 all the way downtown to eat fayette -- east3 downtown to eat fayette -- east3 fayette street. my commute home to the eastern shore every night only takes an hour but that's more time than congress spends reading massive spending bills, it's crazy. that's why i wrote a law that requires 72 hours to read every bill. i read the big bills and i said no. no to the $3 trillion budget, no to the bank bailout, and no to the health care bill. at home you would never pay a bill without reading it neither should congress. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message because i'm proud to be ranked one of the most independent members of congress. now it integrates your work e-mail, so you can be hooked up to everything you need to do. now it does 1 ghz speed on a more intuitive keyboard. turning you into an instrument of efficiency. introducing the new droid 2 by motorola. part of the next generation of does. baltimore home.e northwest firefighters were called to garrison boulevard near alpha road around 11:00 last night. when they arrived on the scene they found a 2 story home onú fire. there'' no word on whether anyyne inside was hurt bbt investigators say a fir firefig3 was injured. his conditioo is unknown at this time. the cause of the blaaeeremains undee investigation. the store at the cenner of the bribeey and extortion case %-currcurrie is helping thees proseeution. currie is accused of using his supermmrket. now they have allowee the supermarkettto pay aú $2.5 million fine and cooperateú in thh prosecution of senntor currie and two grocery executives. 7 states plus the district ballots n tuesday's primmry..3ú o'donald made the biggest chaage ú% the night beating thh seat for of delaware.ú another tea party candidate beat out rrck asio, for the republican primary. %-all of the results. wrap up good morning, sandra. >> reporter: good morning, morning is are you having coffee or tea? because a lot of voters it seems may be preferring tea maybe. ttey certainly made their voices heard at the balloo box yesteeday. primaries before eading intoth. %-teaaparty candidates came you. the on top. in delaware the battll to win joe biden, pitted mike castle against conservative tea party the washington outsidernald. >> ladies and gentlemen,,the people of ddeaware have poken - cheering ] >> reporter: in new yorrktea party backed carl paladio challenged rick azio in the go3 gubernatorial primary. voters take paladino to forge >> i want everyyody in the to know this, you are welcomed >> reporter:!!crusade. attorney leads conservative candidate despite trailing early on in the night. ii maryland's gop gubernatorial primary, former governor robert ehrrich beat out challengerr3 business, robert murphy who he ú%s endorsed by sarah palin last ú%t charrie wrangle beats out 5 primary challengers in a clossly watched mayoral races incumbent mayor fenty wassdefeatee y gray now both the demooratic and reppblican national committees are holding kiccoff eventsstooay headed intoothh general election. the big test will be howwwill thess conservative tea party backed candidates will do when they're matched up in the general election against thh democrats. llve in washington, i'm sandra endo, patrice, baakkto ou. sandra, that is going to be interesting. let me ask you aboot voter turn out. herr llcally we had very, very lowwttrn out. what as it likk across thee3 country. >> reporttr: traditionnlly3 primaries in the off election year is very low. keep in ind across the board low turnoutt this year. but of course, wwth a lot of interesting races out there, it was interesting to see that republicans came out in higher nuumers yesterday for hese key primmry raccs than democrats. usualll ii's the other way %aound. here and a of those rrpublican races were doww and dirty ann you will see by the results today thht certaanly voters are changing tteir minds out there in terms of who they want in office. i see, all right, sandra endo reporting live from washingttn, thank ou. coming up next on fox 45 morning news managing your mortgage. theenew businesses that claim to be looking out for homeowners and why some people should think twiceebefooeesiining up. and as we o to break, here is a look at the numbers in the closest races in tuesdayy' primary election..3 ú%24 is the type. you are waaching fox 45 morning news, all local all morning. upgrade your family now and get an lg env touch. or get this samsung alias for just $29.99. plus add a line for just 9.99. but hurry - offer ends march 31st ! families can connect for less at verizon. but hurry - offer ends march 31st ! some companies romise they can help you with that by providing foreclosure rellef or loan modificaaion assistance. the fact is many of those coopannes that say that will cause you more harr than good. for this week's connident consumer, angie barnett for the better business bureau is here with a new trend called forensic audit. p> that's a mouthffl. >> t's an audit of your mortgage loan paperwork. the audittrs are looking for any violations in some of the ú%deral and state regulationn that protect you from predatory lenddng. hese companies say they can and find flaws and you can use >> in some cases it's very ledge legitimate. if you are working with an audits.m of predatory act. a my concern is for consumers that are addertising, the onlinee3 wwbsites marketing to consumers promising they can help them -itt loan modifications or even gee their loans for given because these eerors are found and that promise is the one that concerns me for our marrland residents. >> because they can't necessarily guarantee that your loan will beemodified. ú%ey can't do that legally. >> in fact the fcc issued a evidence to upport this this process, the audit process alooe -ill result in any moved modifin >> people who are coosidering using these companies, what do you advvie them to look out for? >> watch ut for the promises like i mentioned. you wann to be using this in tandem with an attorney or othe3 professionals who are helping you through. most importantly, if these companies ever advice you to ú%op talkinggto your mortgage lender, if they advise you not to pay your mortgagor pay -reasure mortgage directly to them, those are the big signs. that warning signs of a scam..3 >> if you thouggt you wereegoing affer that. >> angie, thank you very much. %-information on the better business bureau, log on to foxbaltimore.coo/morning. coming up no winnnr declared county executive. the computer glitch that could [ laughing ] hey, let me see that map for a second. just drive, we'll get there! adventure runs on dunkin', with our lineup of oven-toasted breakfast sandwiches. from egg white flatbreads to bagel sandwiches, grab your favorite just the way you like it. hurry in to dunkin' donuts for a delicious veggie or turkey sausage egg white sandwich. now it integrates your work e-mail, so you can be hooked up to everything you need to do. now it does 1 ghz speed on a more intuitive keyboard. turning you into an instrument of efficiency. introducing the new droid 2 by motorola. part of the next generation of does. welcome back to fox 45 morning news, 7:32 s tte time. i'm patrice harris. we're taking a look at aal off3 ú%e primary election numbers from yesterday. sometime races have been %-the air due to technical in glitchhs and some have just not been officiilly declared yee, even thougg it apppars n one %-attooney race there was an unset. we will have more on that in a few minutes. forecast. mt stevmeteorooogist teve ferts here. we have had nice days. temperatures, we're in the 50s -nd 60s, cool, pretty much for moot of the ouulyinggareas, but milddr in downtown. dry conditions as high pressure builds in..3 that high brings us plenty of %-the east, it will bring usto ccaaces of showerr late tomorrow into friday. upper 70s and maybe into the low 80s through more of the days ahead until tuesday. ú%u would like me to say ll the days ahead through the winter. a possible shower tuesday ttrough sunday mornnng. that are very active right now keeping our eye on igor, julia and then karl, lauren? if you'reetrrveling in nne arundel county, you do want to eepect slow speees along routt 50 due to annaccident at interstate 97. the accident has shutdown, the route. stick with route 2 and taae that assan alternate. oo 195.55 no problems to report hchecking in anddtaking a live fine allng the northbouud lanest where sseeds are clocking in at 60 miles per hour. unfor at an at any!unfortunatelg with a good bit of congestion traveling on the whitemarsh area, from the whitemarsh -oulevard to the beltway, we're look a speed of 27 miles per hour. expect some volume from 95 to you're looking aa a 21-minute ride with an average speed of no relief as we head westt a 22-minute trip with an average trip of 62 miles per hour. -hat's the traffic edde report. patrice, back to you. city state'ssattorney patricia jessamy could learn today that she will lose her3 job. unofficcally greeg bernstein has won the democratic nomination which would bbing an end to the job jessamy has held for 15 years. as it stands righttnow ballots from 230 ppecincts are in, bernstein has 49% of tte vote followed by jessamy with 47% of3 the vote. a recount is ttken, but we have heard ittthat nothing like this has been done in ttat case. she was appoonted to the cityy3 state attorney's position in 1995 by the city's circuit court judges. voters returned her to office three times after that. but this year, gregg bernstein a high-profill deeense attorney might havv ended her ssreak. he was onsidered the underdog headee into the this racee but as the ampaign hhated up he snatched some big endorsements. after 8:00 last night, there wa3 could do but waat.r candidate >> it'' been a very exciting day. it's been a pleasure to be out among the cctizens of baltimore city, o i'm very, very happy, very confident..3 >> we juut have to wait and see. veryyenthusissic. >> well in the democratic race for baltimore county executivee keein kamenetz has a 6,000 vote %-morning.he is still ot joee d smith is liveeat the county court of elections where computer errors have both candidates waiting to see who really won. good mmrning, jjel.ú reporter: gooo morning, patrice, tough times for those campaigns, thinking about november and movinggon, but innteed it's oing to take a while longer. %-are here at thh board of3ems -eections or out t the precincts. i spoke ith folks f the campaign hea headquaarers of ken kkmenetz, they will have a news conference at 1:00 and ttey think that they will hold on toú the vote lead. 13 prrss nth precinct yet to re. let's take a look at the heeaquartersswhere you see like that happened. instead they were huddled around the computtrs aiting to seee3 what the currents results were. that was the case of he bartenfelddr campaign. it seemed that there was a victory speech getting ready to go but they slowed their enthusiasm,,when they didn't get the results they were looking ffr. ú% mmdnight they both sent theer campaignn home their followers with these words. >> we had a 4,,00 llad on the numbers that we had, but there's addition and subtraction that has to go on for from where the numbers come from. we are waiting for those to come in and it could be aalong night. >> bassd on thatt based on ourr3 currenttnumbers, it's impossible to ppoject a winner or a looser %--- a looser at this time. talking about the 4,000 votes, and that would leaae him 2,000 votes short of the nuubers right now..3 about 66 of thh vote still out there in total. ssoit's not official yet, ut the kamenetz campaign feeling hhld on no matter what theill %-13th precincts.ith the extra we will have a news conffrence at 11:00 alking more about that. former governor bob ehrlich -s mooing forward to the genera3 election in november with 76% of the vote, ehrlichhsailed past his clossst competitorr a previously unheard of brian hur fee. murphy gainee momentum when he was endorsed by former vice pressdenttal candy shar share a. >> tonight the peeple spoke and belief me in 77weeks the people will speak very loudd n the3 state of maryland >> take back maryland ffr our business people, for the people who are ffeeing this state everr day,,our message is stop, waat, give s 7 weeks [ llughter ] >> give us 7 weeks. >> there's hope. ehrlich is running n a pro business plat tomorrow. he also says heewants to cut a 1% increase in the sales tax and is pledding not to raise taxes. with ehrlich winning the gop nominatton, the rematch with governor marttn o'malley is now officiia. democratic nomination against tto longshot candidates. now the incumbents will go up against ehrlich in a repeat of the 2006 governor's race. he defeateddehrlich in that election by a margin of .5%. to vote in the primaries you had o be a maryland residentú that bring us to the question of the day. should there be open primaries? our phone lines are ooen nnw at (410)481-4545. you can also go to what you think, sound off us through facebook. send us a tweet at you are watching fox 45 morning news, all local al!!!!!--foxbaltimore. enter fox 45a for yes or fox 45b for no. coming up working up a >> this summer with the heat, it >> learn more about a product that promises to kkep things cool during your fitness routines. expect those speeds on 95 traveling throogh whitemarsh. i wwll have more on the delays and show you what some of the otherrmain lines areelooking like cominggup next on theetrack edge report. you are watching fox 45 morning news, all locaa all morring. ♪ ♪ i like your messy hair ♪ i like the clothes you wear ♪ i like the way you sing ♪ and when you dance with me ♪ you always make me smile ♪ don't know why i love you [ male announcer ] we believe you're at your best when you can relax and be yourself. and at thousands of newly refreshed holiday inn hotels, you always can. holiday inn. stay you. %-wednesday morning.43 on the check on sky hd radar and dry conditions right nnw and tt3 rrmains that way for the rest of the day. 56 degrees the temperature at and the winds are calm. look at the barometer, youusee it rising as high pressure continues to brinn us sunshine. 48 is the dew ppint. that means it's pretty dry out 56 degreee in baltimore, 62 in d.c. the warmer temperatures innthe central part of the state but out in tte outlying areas, 53 in salisbury and it'' cool in haggrstown at 55. oakland, we can certainly use some rain. we arr not going to see it3 toddy. we will talk about the chance of raii, ust a chance, a 30 to 40% chance as the next low pressure center moves north and eass and traiis that old front hat ú%ves thhough. now we will get moisture moving in from the south, sunshine, we will be happy to see that in the weekend. before had a happens, weewill have to deal with more moisture and more cloud cover later tomorrow and hopefully a chance of rain as we said, we need it. %-you see into early friday and then the high pressure bind it issgoing to bring drier weather. weekend. meantime, the tropical storm karl headed oward the bay of campeche and as it doessit will make landfall, probably as maybe aahurricane as it restrengthens3 mexico. the 18 par eastern partf ú%ewiil watch if that occurs. meanwhile there's another system in the atlantiicand it's we hhve been talking about this one. strong,,a major hurricane. 144 miles per hour winds and gusting to 48.3 this one too, expect to stay bermuda which is in the lineeof fire around here you see it could be affected by the system, ú%t eekend, saturday or sunday and it stays well off to the eastern seaboard. it could definitely increase he rip currents toward cean city for the weekend. back home, though, we looked at3 eastern shore and look for aú% a 5-10-mill no-mile-an-hour win. get to 81 degreessat 4:00 this afternoon and mostly sunny skies.ú get to see plenty of ssnshine, 79 deggees with a northwest winú tonight t camden yard, first pitch ttmpprature between tte orioles and bluejays, a nicc and comfortable start tt the game. it will cool down and drop to 59 overnight for the low. theerest of the week getttng temperatures up to 83 tomorrow. ú%rtly cloudy and beccming with the chance of rain, ann into friday still a chance. we dry out late frrday with a higg of 78 degrees. 77 degrees, sunny on saturday. and 82 for thh monday and tuesday. -e're eeping our eye with hurricane julia out there. it's become a very active part of hurricane season and will be for the ext couple of weeks. tte rradways.t is happening on here is a look at the traffic edge with lauren cooke, lauren. >> reporter: if you're traveling in anne arundee ú%unty, you want to waach out for a crash along the eastbound lanes of 100. t going to be ssutdown at katherine avenue.ú you want to stick with ritthie alternate. 95 ii anne arundel county no problems to reporr at 195, checking in and taking a live 66 mmles per hour along theú northbound lanes.3 we're however, dealing with quite a bit of congestion as we make our way uu to whitemarsh. here is aalive look at white match boulevard, where you can -- white match boulevard where yo-- whitemarshboulevard. -he volume will cootinue as we hop on to the beltway. here ii a look at harford road, as for the west sidd of the bellway, here is a look at the liberty road where you can see not much of a difference.3 no problems to tell you aboutt3 though traveling on theejfxxfrom 695 all the way downtown to east ffyette street. at lombard treet and another in east baltimore al alibert aven. stilllahead, voting in tuesday's primary eleetionss the only marylanders eligible were registered emocrats and we want o know what you think,ú should there be open primarres? our phone linns are open now at ceetainly. >> i wanted to vote yesterday for one gentleman who is democrat and one who is a republican and i cculdnnt. i'm sure there's a lot offpeople who can't vote. it's riiicuuous. i love your show, you guys are the best and good luck to you. >> thank you. helen s on the line. good morning, helen. >> what do you think, should we3 have open primaries here n maryland, a lot of other states >> we shhuld be opee. including theeindeppnnenne. yet hey are not allowed. people who are elected y the people and yet we can't vote for who we want. we had a lot of people weigh in on the matter. calkilekyye said, ican only vot3 others pick. >> dan says, yes, the entire system needs an overhaul. but then lopez weighed in and said the point of the primary is for a partyyto select their cannidate for the general election. if you aren't a member of that party, why should you be allowed to select heir candidate? that issa lot of people's argument againstthaving an open primary. so far 80% of you say, yes, maryland shoull have open primaries, 20% say no. coming up later on fox 45 mooning news, a whole new set of contestants isslooking to cash in on the upcoming season onú"w" the wistt that are cominggto even after the shower i'm still a little warm. >> but next it promises to help you cool down after hitting the gym. we put the best runner to the will %-work test. it to the will it >> when i look out, i do a loo of weight training and cooe training. >> at the maryland athled ic3 club at arbor east, the3 personal trainers now how to turn up the heet. >> this summer with the heat it3 was unbearable. >> the cool down doesn't always come quickly. >> even after the shower i'm still warmm >> noo one product promises too3 makeesure you don't ose your ccol when it comes to worker. the best runner promses to be pe the first cooling device. it promises human hands have natural radiators that help to >> yoo put the bbst runner in one hand.device in the palm of >> did the best runner help them keep their cool? >> i'm swwating. >> or was it all a bunch f hot >> my hand is cool. >> my legs are warp, m warm my e >> the best runner costs about by. just my palms re cool. i don't think it's assisting me to cool down for me to spend by. >> instead. >> i will drink water as i workout tty to tay ool and >> will it work? >> not worth it. it's a lot of money especially in his economy. >> it's a dud. >> if you want more information for news links. coming uu in the 8:00 hhur, starting young, thh new program aimed at attacking childhood obesity at an early age. the race for city state's attorney is still too loos to unofficiil results are winning. >> reporter: 'm joel d smith at the county head quarter of elections where still after almost 122hours after theepoll county exxcutive director. what are the problems? we hree you neet. youuare watching fox 45 morning news, all local aal mornnng. in case of everyday emergencies, it's important to be prepared for dinner. that's why i've prepared my perdue perfect portions fresh chicken breasts. they're individually wrapped, so you can cook what you need and store what you don't. [ male announcer ] perdue perfect portions. ready when you are. i do 22 more inspections than the government requires. and my fresh, all-natural chickens are never given any hormones or steroids. ♪ ...and no candy, gladys. [ clucks ] [ male announcer ] perdue. extra inspections... extraordinary chicken. [ monkey cheeps ] [ male announcer ] a bath becomes even more pleasurable when you know that your water is being heated in an environmentally- conscious way while saving you hundreds of dollars on your water-heating energy bill. the geospring water heater from ge with advanced hybrid technology. heating the water in your home any other way is just going to seem primitive. [ monkey cheeps ] ♪ maryland residents can save up to $780 while funds last. progress through the courseeof these years. >> people all over the city are frustrated with the crime and want to see change. a big upset. tte unofficial winner in one of the hottest primary races. fighting childhood obesity, one kid at a time. the new reallty show that puts you on thh front line of n epidemic. >> i'm sorry. i can'ttdo this. >> and any publicity s goodú publicity, right? >> a look at some of this year'% most memorable political add good morning. it's wednesday, septtmber 15th. i'm patriceeharris. we're taking a looo at all of the electton resulls from last night. conclusivv as to what the winner is, we will get to that inna few minutes of the first we need to get a check on the forecast. meteorologist steve fertig iss3 here. i can't wait o see hose insane ads. some of them look liie ray lewis' commercial, don't they. >> take a look at what the temperaaures look like..3 56 degrees in baltimore, temppratures are in the 50s in the outlying areas in agerstown 59 and salisbury the same..3 clear skies we're going to enjoy plenty of sunshine even thoughh3 we will need some rain.3 we will find it in theeseven-day forecast ttat we will tell you about in a little bit. righttnow we are looking of a a pleasant one so ejoy. let's see what is hhppening n tte roadways with lauren cooke ú%h is here wwth the traffic edge. lauren? we do have an accident inn3 baltimore county involving a schoollbus at pikesville at greenwood roaa at old court road. police say that 15 kids were on board but none of them sustained serious iijuries. do expect slow speeds checking in and taking a live look at you're looking at a 26-minute %-24 miles per hour. spped of the congestion will onninue from 95 to 83, thaa stretch wilú take yoou2 28 minutes and there you're lloking at an average speed of 28 miles per our. no relief if you're traveling on 95 through the whitemarsh from route 43 to thh beetway, you're looking at a 28-minute ride with an average speed of 48 miles per hour.ú patrice, back to you. it was expected to be a close competition and this morning, the race for city state's attorney is still too close to call. according tt unofffcial resultsú gregg bernstein is tte winner beating out incumbent patricia jessamy. megan gilliiand is live from the war memorial owntown where jessamy was expected to be with her staff this morning. >> reporter: sheewas supposed members at 7:00. it's 8:03, take a look at me. all morning loog, they didn't shhw up. they weren't here as expected. we dii all her campaign office whether it has o do wiih the latest results that is unclear. take a look at nuubers, according to all 2900preciicts and associateddpress, bernstein is the winner with 49% of the votes followed by jessamy with 47% of the votes. buttthe election board has not declared bernssein the winner just yet and jessamy has not conceded. this is the toughest attle she has ever faced. jesssmy was appointtd to the city state attorney position baak in 1995. by the city's ciicuit court judges, voters returned herrto officeethreeetimes after that. but this year, bernstein, a high-profile defense attorney might have ended her streak. he was considered the underdog hhaded into his race. as the campaign heated up he -ast night both candddatesú watched at different locatiins as the resulls started coming, the ttme. >> we are confident.3 we thinkkwe're going to win. we think we're going to win not -nly because of the voters but because of all the work that you have done. and i can't thank you, thank you hope level e will al!!full!opp3 tomorrow morning and we will have a new state attorney. >> we are ccnfident that the voters elected the best erssn. we will await the returns. >> reporter: sometimes when the vote is thii close, a3 recount is taken. it's unclear at thisspoint stay with us as this raceefor city state's attorney continues. live from the war memorial downtown, megan gillilandd fox 45 morning news. nother ace hanging in the balance this morning is the3 democcatic choice for baltimore county executive. results show kevin kaaenetz leadinn joseph barto!! bartenfer right now. -oel d smith is live at the board of elections where computer problems are playingú theewinner,,joel. >> reporter: going on 12 polls closed we would hhve a 13 precincts still to report. a 16,,00 vote lead frommkamenetz over barteefelder. they wiil speak at 11:00 this morning.. talk about what happenndú yesterday and talk about their campaign moving forward. we were there and it was very tense for bothhsides. you saw bartenfelder hovering arounn the computers trying to ggt the most recent results. over at the kamenetz camp it looked like almost a ictory sppech waa about to hhppen. then when the esults slowed, they had to sllw the enttusiasm as well. aa the end of the night, both candidates told their followers >> i think tonight wee rr not %-conclusion.ble to come to a ú%elections.the board of >> until they get the computers back uppwe won't have thooe numbers. so we have the coonts from what we have from those preeincts. we had about a 4,000 vote lead on the numbers that we had. >> reporter: bartenfelder thought thatthe was very strong on those precincts to be counted. maybe noo enough to come. that is what the kameneez campaign thinks. we talked to the kameneez campaign and asked them whht wa3 the problem. was it here at theeboard elections and t was at the precincted. we heard of inexperienced3 workers at the polls that still expecting to get more results. maybe it doesn't maater. we will hear more later this -orning. joel d smith, foxx45 morning news. former governor bobbehrliccú -s moving forward to the genera3 election in november. ehrlich ssiled past his closest competitor a previously unheard of brian murphy. -e gained momenttm when he waa endorsed former vice presidential candidate sarahú palin. %-in the generaa election iflich >> believe me in 7 weeks the people are oing to speak very loud in the state of maryland. take back maryland for ur taxpayers [applause] for our small business peopll and for the people who areefleeing this state every dayy our message ii, stop wait, give us 7 weeks [ laughter ]ú ú% there'sshooe. ehrlich is running on a pro business platform.3 ú% also says he wants to cut a 1% incrrase in thh sales tax and is pledging not to raise taxes. not many people came out to cash their vote in tuesday's primaries. staae election officials are reporting a record low numbers. in baltimore city, just 1 13.6 f eligible voters headed to tte polls. in baltimmre county officiils %-out.porting a similar urnn3 that is less than half of the 30% turnnout that was predicted3 leading p to the electioo.33 flames reak out in a norrhwwst baltimore home. firefighters were alled to garrison boulevard near alto rood around 11:00 lass night. when they arrived on the scene theyyfound a 2 story home on fire..3 %herr's no word on whetherú investigators say a firefighter his condition is unknown at this time. the cause f the blaze remaiis underrinvestiggtion..3 the store at the center oo the bribery and extortion case against state senator ulysses currieeis helping the prosecution. currie is accused of f illegaly using his compliewns t influenc. now they are going to allow the cooperate in the prosecution of currie and 2 other grocerr executives. -p think what you think. %-years,,a wolf in sheep'sr the clothing. >> a look at ssme of this year's moss redi redid kuehl redid ii . >> reporter:!!!you are watchhngg news, all local all morning. ♪ i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honks] our outback always gets us there... ... sometimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪ you can ttot your own horn, the holiest daa of thh jewish calendar is coming up..3 meteorologist emily racie isúún morning's hometown hot spot.3 good mooning, emily.ú >> reporter: good morning, patrice and before today i %-blowing contest and i think i should eeter. tell me what the ontest issfor and the tradition behind this. >> the contest is basically celebrating the fact that jewish this time f year by blowing the all the politians are announcin3 that they're confident they won. i'm confiddnt that i'm goinggto win tonight. >> theee's bben a lot of shooar ú%ack talk tonight. competition..3ng up to the competition here this morning. you me and jeff are going to go here we go. ♪ ♪ >> all right a bit of aahigger3 pitch theree my tuun. >> what do you think, hould iú win? >> alall right. - won. i have the support of everybbdy else here at least. the shofar blowing contest is going on tonight att7730. you can gettall of the information by going to our ú%bsite at and t looos like a gorgeous day in store foo us today. 81 degrees for the afternoon nice light wind out of the northwest at 5-10 miles per hour. steve, i get better and better every time i do this. by tonight i will have mastered %--t is getting better. >> it's difficult, it's very difficult. >> reporter: i used to play -- i blew enough ear drums out then. i wouldn't even try it now withú the shofar. this is what we got. temperrtures that are going to be climbing nicely today nto ththe 80s. we have clear conddtions and that's because igh pressure is sitting overhead..3 as far as temmeraaures go, though, hereeis what we got at the inner harbor, 66 degrees, partly cloudy skies, wiids are calm andd52% relative humidity, and the barometer is holding steady right now. ú%e high ressure is sitting overhead. fra 48 issthe dew point. still e can use some rain. we're not gging to get any ttday. 65 in d.c. andd59, cooler in salisbury and cooler in hagerstown at 59. coolerrstill attookland at 52 degrees there. everybody in the upper 70s o the low 80s. high pressure overhead bringing us a lot of sunshine. will we get any in the near %-the best chance from the low pressure center moving to the north and east withhthe traaling cold front behind it. we wwll get moisture from the south, that will set theestage late thursday into friday early through and brings us, as youhes can see shower hancee foo the as i said into friday morning, before high pressure builds ack looking at plenty of sunshine we will talk abouttthat in a moment. here is what is brewing in the atlantic and the caribbean. we have tropical storm karl %-peninsula, with winds gustingo 81. expected to move across the yucatan and the into he bay of campecce and the strengthens an3 the astern side of mexico as it in strength of theewe're watching igor a category hurricann in the atlantic. it's going tootrack further toward the north as it moves toward the west and miss us, it may e bringing rip currents, bubermuda is in theeline of fire by the end of the week. we will bb watching that. there's also urricane juliaú behind that. very active in the ext two weeks with regards to trooical systems and we will be waaching there as well as the central part of he state where we clim3 %-probably 4:00 this afternoon. back to the west, we should get3 comfortable and pretty ith a lot of sun as wwll. a few more clluds. the first pitch temperature if %-the temperatures cool ddwn in %-look for a high temperature of we will definitely take whatever %-system pushing through.t 78 for friday, 79 and 83 for the weekend. plenty of sunshine, 81, and 82 -or the monday and tuesday. here is lauuen cooke with the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, we do have several accidents in baltimore county, onn in owings police car at liberty ridge road at liberty road and more3 problems in pikesville wheee that involved a school bus.ent that is ight at greenwood road3 15 kids were on board but none of them were serioussy injure. do expect slow speeds on the top side at greenspring avenue.ú take a look it's going to be slow on thh inner loop and outer -oop lanes whhre speeds are clocking in at 18 miles per hour. as you make your way over to parkville, here is a look at hartfield road. this is going to be at liberty rood where it's jammed here as well. congesteddas you make the push3 from 95 toward 83. we are dealing with quitt a bit of congestion traveling south from padonia road to 695. for those f you trrveling in the city do watch out for an anothhr accident in eastett -altimore right on halibert avenue. fortunattlyyno problems to report travelinn through the tunnels.3 patrice, back to report. -p thank you, lauren. p>> coming up tackling childhood obesity one child aa a time. %-mission to end the epiddmii. next she is music to your ears and your heart. ccuntry superstar martina mccride shares tips heaat disease is the number one killer of women in america..3 health. cheerios is aking me music couy star, martinaback mccride of how to do this. >> women are great caretakers, we take care of everybody andd3 not so well ourselves most of the ttme. >> i think itts imporrant to try to take time and focus on ourselves, a little bit o we can be healthy and keep taking care of the peopleewe love. >> you know, what, women will say thaa is just it. %-i'm taking care of this perron aad they don't fit in the time for themselvee. yyu're very busy, you have the career and family, how do you fittit in to take care of yourself. >> it's really hard. it's hard and there's -- obviously, i don't know everybody's life and liiestyle, so it's harddfor me -- i try to know. i try to make a it priority. i think everyone, hopefully can a ay or 0 to 30 minutes three times a week or whatever it might be just to make a sttrt. once you start working doing little fitness anddtakiig a little bit of extra time to make habit and then you -- it getss a easier. >> you're working with cheerios itteasier for women to monitorg3 their hhart health. >> yeah, i'm workin working with cheerios to raise heart health awaaeness. that is to eat healthy foods. cheecheerios is made oo 100% oa. you can go to a lot of information on that website as well as a chance to winsomeeppizes. >> that's a nice. you have daughters of your oww.. how important it as to pass on this message especially to share %-daughters.otant for me tt maybe that is the motivation some women eed to take time for themselvess when you realize you're setting an examppe for youu children,ú young wooen, you know, to teach them that they need to nurturr themselves as well, it's good motivation for me. >> can't keep badgering the men not doing it ourrslves. that's more motivation. >> that'ssright. >> mmartina thank you for joinig us. we wush the best of % snooze childhood obesity is a eating more than they shhuld and exercising ess than they should. celebrity trainnr monty sanders ii tryyng to change that. he is featured in a reality show called big kids in the discovery channel. monty joins us ttis morning. >> good morning.ú >> you have been dealing wiih the chhldhood obesity and discovery channel is tackling it as well. tell meeabout the show. -p>> big ids and discovery. it's talkiig about the childhood obesity through the eyes of thh kids asswell as the arents. aa you know the statistics nd the epidemmc that is gging on. these kids want to live a %-struggles tat go along witt . it's easier to say i want toogo wwth this. >> what is your role in the show. >> well, my role to the harrison's family is to be a personal trainer and fittess expert. beyond the physicall making the family understand that it's jond ú%ysiial. it is ental, it's ssiritual. whhn you think of making this ú%ansformation for your family, thousand ou have to make it mentally as well as physicaaly >> this is one of the camps -here thh harrison family you are ttaining workssout.3 >> the firsttstep is getting started. i ncoorage people to do it as a you see the camps, we have a lot of families. ú% talk about wwy childhood obesity is such an epideemc..3 why do we have this roblem? >> the ana age of video games. a lot of children don't have access to the fresh food and vvgetables. a lot of their fooddis processed, so the video gamee >> you also do kids camps herec. >> yes, we're in the baltimore city sshool systems. -hat you find out is you can ú%ain the kids, but if you don't have the parents involved as well, then it's not going to wwrk the. so the challenge wiit this childhood obesiiy is getting the kids as well as the family, the3 ú%rents togethhr on the same ppge so they can do t as a team.ú >>the school system, the parents aren't there with the kids but you do have the camps that where workout wwth their children. >> absolutely. ttey come out with as afamily. we allow the kids to be theú%-o. we are teacciig them the importance. iffthe parentssare aving a hard well..3e can use the kids as >> one of those camps is tonight. weewill get folks information of %-big kids irsson discovery health ccannel tomorrow at ú%00 p.m. and for more informatton yyu can log on to our website at foxbaltimoreecom. still ahead, they can't be p> right now. ridiculous campaign ads. still too close to call. what unofficial -- who unofficial results show as he winner. which may be nothing at all. royal caribbean international. visit today. [ male announcer ] the kfc double down. today is the day i double down. double meat, double cheese, double bacon. double awesome. get yours today. so good. ♪ so s-o g-double-o-d good welcome bacc to fox 45ú morning news, 8:31 is the time. i'mmpatrice harris. by this time in the morning many candidates in yesterdayyss3 primaries thought they ould know the winner. that is not in fact the casee we are still waiting on close races too ind out who is the we are going o gettmore on that in a few minutes. first we need to get a check of ú%r foreeast. meteorologist steve fertig is here. another great day it looks like on tap for today on this wednesday looking very nice, in it's a little bit cool in some 59 degreessin salisbury. %-cooler in oakland at 54, bbt generally not bad innthe downtown area, both downtown3 areas of baltimooe and d... at %-sky hd radaa not bad shooing3ú not bad in the sense that it will look real pretty. we ight get some rain llte tomorrow into friday. right now on this day,,we're looking forward to a sunny day aad 81 degreessfor he high coming at :00 this fternoon. what about what is happening on3 the roadways as you head out this morning, you need to know. with the answer here is lauree3 cooke. she has the traffic edge. >> reeorter: ttank you,ú steve. %e do have severaa accidents in mills that involves the pollce ccr that is going to be at idge court at liberty roadd ú%volving a school bus.hat is at old court road. police said this 5 kids were on boaad ut none of them were seriously injured. if you're using the west side of the beltway, we arr exppcttng heavy congestiin. the outer loop is really, really goiig to be slow. if you do have to travel the ú%ter loop from 795 to 95, you're loookng at some dellys. you 4 miiutee, with an avvrage speed oo 54 miles per hour. we will remean heavy.3 that will take you 66 minutes with an average speed oo 56 miles per hour. do expect quite a bit of congestion, traveling on 95 ú%ving through the whittmarsh area. you're looking at a 9-minute trip withhan average speed of 54 miles per hour. that's the trafffc dge repoot. patrice, back to you. unofficially, gregg steen incumbenn patricia jessamy.5 yer those results are still unofficial.3 declaaed bernstein the wiinee yet, but the numbers seem to say one thing. megan gilliland is live from the with the staff earlier. ú% reporter: by taking a look around me, wweare the only onns jessamy and 300 of her staff members were supposeddto bb here ú% 7:00. 8:33 is the stairs compleeely empty. not a singleesoul at the war memorialland there hasnnt been. we did place a call into jessamy's campaign office. ú%ey have not returned any of our calls yet this mornnng. we don't know why they change anything to do with the latest -olllnumbers. as it standssright now, balllts from the pres!! precinct acrosse city are in. showing bernstein with 49% of the vote followed by jjssamy with 47% of the vote. sometimms when it's this close, a recount is taken. done. jessamy as appointed to the city state attorney position back in 1995 y the city circuit couut judges. voters returned her to offiie ú%ree iies after that. this year, bernstein a high-profile defense attorneyy3 might aae ended her strrak. he was coosidered the underdog the campaign heated up, he snatched big endorsements. was nnthing they could do but wait. >> it's been a pleasure to be out amoog the citizzns of baatimooe city. so i'mmvery happy, very3 confident. >> we will just haae to wait and see. weeare optimistic and enthusistic.ú wait and see. stay wwth us or the latest as attorney continues.state livv from the war memoriaa downtoon, i'm megan gillilaad. in the democratic race forú balt for count!!baltimore count, kevvn kamenett has a 6,000 vote lead but he is not claiming victory yet. good morning, joel. >> reporter: good morning, paarice.ú i kkwkd to the evi!! talked toz campaign earlier saying thhy are usurer.o speak thissmorning still expecced to repoot in. like last night. uncertainty everywhhre as the two campaigns are looking at the results. this is the joe bartenfelder hovering around the computer. results so slow to come. after midnight both cap pains -- %-followers, go home.o their we are not done yet. >> we have a 4,000 lead on tte numberr that we had, but there's addition and subtractiin thhtú has to go on from where the nuubers ooe from. so, we're waiting for thoseetoú come in. and it coold be a loog night. it's impossible to project a winner or a looser at this time. >> reporter: so with 94% of the precinctt reporting, still 13 precinctt out there, a %3 ú%ad. tte problems, and they are looking into the future in november, they think they have a win in their hands. -ertainly the details ave noo worked out yet.ú get all of the results ofú the primary elections and the latest information on the novemmer elections at foxbaltimoreecom/vote 2010. coming up, they're away from home buttyou can still keep them safe. what you need to know about preventing meningitis in your colleee kids. for $25,000. >> wwat is this question worth. >> later it'' a questioo thatú really only has one answer, me. a sneak peek of the nnw season 8:40 on this wednesday mmrninggú check out sky watch hd radar.3 yoo won't find a whole althhughn the way of radarmmnt we search for rain and rain that we need and we may find some ii tte seven-day forecast. winds are calm, 52% relative humidity, and the barometer 48 is dew point number. that is an indication that it's rather dry. 66 in baltimore, 65 in d.c. milder therr than n salisbury where it's 59 degrees and cool. oakland. -s far as tte emperatures -oday, sunshine shining brighhly a thankk to thh high temperature overhead. otherwise a hance of rain comes by late tomorrow to get first on moisture moving in and that brings more cloudsslater in the day. it will also bbing a chance of rain as the front pushes in our direction by the afternoon hours state at 3:00. look for later at night shown here at 10:00 p.m. for somee3 especially. it could be anywhere in the throughout the state, but again, timeframe on that, if we get it thursday into early fridaa. my pressure builds back in and more suushine and nnce conditions for this weekend. %-tte eastern ssore. expect at the temperaturessclimb to 80 degrees, aalot of sun for you. if you are in the entral part and 81 degrees with plen see off sunshine that is. not nearly as breeze' as it haa been over tte last coople of days. high of 79 degrres wiih mostly headed to camden yaads, 76 degrees with mainly clear skies. comfortable night to be there. watching orioles taking on theú %-mid serres.the last time in the temperrture tonight as we ú%oppdown into a cooler rangg. northwest wind at 5-10 miles per ú%ur and partly cloudd skies. 83 egrees for the high. the clouds begin to build llte in the daa and he chance foo the showers ate thursday intt early frrday. late friday we dry out. look at tte temperature, cooler, 78 degreee. %-the weeeend looks great.3of pleety of sunshine, and 81 for monday, 82 for tuesddy still with plenty of sunshine heading hat is haapening on the roadways as we head on this hereeis lauren cooke with thh traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we are dealing with several accidents in baltimore county. ttouble in owings mills where there's been a poolce car that3 ú%s been involved in the as we make our way over to been involved in the an accident at innersectton of old wood road. 15 studentsswere on board the bus and fortunattly none of them were seriously injured. expect slow peedzz speeds at 15s per hour. as we take a look, t's going to be slowwalong tte outer loop lanes..3 continues.ely the congestion as we can see the outer loop lanes re going to be slower. hour clocking in there. we do ave an accident in parkville that you want to watcc out for. it's going to be at hills way avenue at perring parkway. and unfortunately we're dealing with a good bit oo congestion this morning on the harrisburg expressway. do expect a slow ride from padoniaaroad down to thh beltway. that's tte traffic edge reeort. patrice, back to you. thank you, lauren. you have been inundated with them. %-pretty fair shot.iitian and a >> if you need a break? ú% ttke a look at some the funniest campaign ds. >> what is this question worth?3 -p>> and next, "who wants to bea millionare?"? the new twist on theeclassic game. 8:44 is the time. you are watching fox 45 morning news, all local all morning. and get an lg env touch. or get this samsung alias for just $29.99. plus add a line for just 9.99. but hurry - offer ends march 31st ! families can connect for less at verizon. but hurry - offer ends march 31st ! ú >an all new seasonnof would host meredith voyeurr vieira isg this year the twists that make the shhw more unpredictable. nbc is making vieira available %-good morning to you.3 >> good morning, welcome to are glad you are on board. we >> we ant to know about the new changes so we can keep up with everyone. >> absolutely. firrt of what you may notice is whaa we don't have anymore, we couldn't have a hot seat. were getting too comfortable or they were too restricted by it. they cannroam theestage and the3 canngo to their companion while they're thinkinggabout the answer.ú weehave two rounds to play. the first two are randdmized so youuhave no idea of thh level of difficclty of any question that you are going to answer. it used to be that they would %-we random ice the money so you don't know how much money is behind the question. in theery you could be facing the easiesttquestion and could be worth the most monny of a rounddwhich would be $25,000 per question. >> there's a lot of excitement and there's a twist when it comes to the life lines, still.3 >> we still ask the udiince, because we love that, a new life jump the question. -ou have two oppootunities to that. good news is you havv that much cllser to the question. so ou jumped, you can be jumping over like i aid, the $25,000 question. >> and you will never know..3 >> it's amazing all of quustions i have been watching you for years and i have never seen a single questioo repeated. how in the world do you do that? know.úly reat writers and they i'm sure they keep tabs on al of these questions to make sure that nothing is repeated, because there's people that are religioussabout watching the show and they would call us, thh truth is there's always new mateeial coming out. we try to stay topical as well. some of it is speech and history or literature, but a lot of ssuff is pop culture or current events. that is always changing. >> can you help us out, meredith, any clues as to what qatcat goriee are going t!!!!ca. if we venture n to thh stagg, we will be one step aheadd.3 >> we can walk baak and forth instead of sitting doon. >> i still have my high heels on that is for sure. >> errdith, ww're xcited to tuneein. >> thank you, megan, we are glad to have yyu. >> can you watch ♪ [ monkey cheeps ] [ male announcer ] a bath becomes even more pleasurable when you know that your water is being heated in an environmentally- conscious way while saving you hundreds of dollars on your water-heating energy bill. the geospring water heater from ge with advanced hybrid technology. heating the water in your home any other way is just going to seem primitive. [ monkey cheeps ] ♪ maryland residents can save up to $780 while funds last. as kids head off to college3 one thinggthey need to be prepared for in addition to new friends and new teachers is the introduction of new ggrms, especially those that cause the -isease meningitis. dr. mollica marshal has information that every paaent should hear. >> men gitemeningitis is rare bn claam a life n just 24 hours. thereeare two main types. ú%ral and bacterial. viral is more common and3 generally less dangerous. bacterial meningitis cca be deadly if not treated promptly with antibiotics. college kiis are at higher risk of both forms since they share -losed quarters. teens account for 50% of the all the cases in the u.s..3 men 9 gentleman caucus is easiiy to prevent. >> in fact, many states require vaccination for all kids living on campus be sure your child is protected. it really could savv their life. i'm dr. mollica marshall poll tis!!politiins are fams slinging, name-calling and -ownrighttcrazy ads. as jeanne mose tells us, this year the creative juices are flowing. when it omes to this season's campaign commerciils, -he best remake of a classic awaad oes tt the republican who tried to get nanny pelosi, by portraying her as the wiiked witchhú >> hello, my pretty's, i will savv you. >> reporter: but she can't save herself from pelosi's op nenopponent. >> thank you foo saving us ho are you? >> reporter: he hhs run into criticism. >> ssying you're a sexist pig. >> o. >> eporter: this season's most odd ball ads eatured tattoos, lunch boxes, sneakkrs, scary old peoole. >> you're going to have to answer to us.ú >> reporter: babies.ú >> i'm sorry. i can't do this. >> reporter: and even demon sheep. >> is he what he tells us? or ii he what he has become over the years, wolf in sheepps clothingg case was slaughtered by reeubllcan carlly fiorino. best horror movie remake goes to a doctor who portrayed is >> we need a liver and say spleen. >> reporter: frankenstein won. too nggtive or you? >> every time i see a negative ad, i feel like i have to taae a shower. ú% reporter: he is the cleanest candidate for ggvernor of colorado. his wassan ad that required the candidate to make at least -hen we say six wwrdrobe changing, we're not counting the head. the best shot award goes to this arizona congressional candidate. >> and i pretty fair shot. -p>> i'm pamela gored mon and a prove this message. >> reporter: some ads are so machoo they invite par dee. >> i bet you didn't know thaa. >> but it ain't because i made it up.ú >> repprter: at least this candidate for alabama didn'' open fire. contenders lost, buttguns don't kill campaigns, candidates do. >> give me the republican nomination or i will shoot you in the . >> reporter: jeanne mose, cnn, newwyork [ llughter ] >> are yyu serious. >> n the primaries. >> i fflt pressure by all the folks i got. >> that scared me. i felt like i should go to thhir state and vote for them. p> no kidding. >> all right. >> noo you can enjoy the weather i'm not going to tell you what to do. take a ook. it should be nice, 81 degrees with mostly sunny skies, showers, possible late ttursday into ffidayy we will ake t because we need the rain, 83 degrees forú tomorrow's hiih and 78 egrees on your friday. look at the weekend though, 7993 and 83, lots of sunshine both dayy, and 81 and 82 for he monday and tuesday. >> all right, very cute weather kid today sophia. >> absolutely. she was terrific. -ake a look at her right there. %-sheeis young and she is fromm3 school. sophia, let me try it again. -p>> have fun saying herrlast name. two close races to the statee3 attorney county executive. be sure tootune in to fox 44 at 5:30 ffr alllthe reeults. we will leave you with the current results.

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