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the search continues for a motorist who killed a hopkins student. reaction from students this morning. we have since learned as many of you have that these people are active. it's the sons that captivated the nation. the charges the balloon family is facing. from the big screen to the small screen, we have a sneak peek at the dvd of the transformers in the low down. good morning, i'm megan gilliland. today is monday october 9th, we're starting off with pictures to show to you of what mother nature has left us over the weekend. take a look. scott from high reisterstown, ts snow on rooftops. it's tough to believe that this is october and we are dealing with some of this stuff. but steve has promised that we will have a warm up and nothing but two seconds left in the game. >> but you and i were saying, i think it's better to lose when it comes down to a great come back, than to lose like the titans lost. >> i don't know. >> i think the ravens looked back. >> it's a tough to swallow. they will get a break, have the week off, and we will come back strong and see what we can do. let's see what is happening out there at the bus stop. it's chilly as you just heard. we did tell you about some snow over the weekend that we thought we would get and we sure did. now we're talking about dry and cool temperatures, 29 degrees with mainly clear skies. 39 in hagerstown, and 37 in loafer delaware, so generally speaking we're in the upper 30s and it's going to be a chilly start no matter where you begin this day. clear skies with the calm wind we're seeing a frost advisory in place for baltimore county and points east, down to the northern part of the shore. look for a freeze warning to be in effect until 9:00 a.m., from the carroll county, out to the west, toward carroll, and allegheny. here is what we have in terms of the temperatures, 39 degrees. it's going to be chilly and we will bounce back to 58 degrees for the high today. we will see the temperatures make somewhat a come back this afternoon, but not as much of a come back as we will see tomorrow and several more days as we warp u up even more. i think will you that part of the forecast. we will tell you about it in a few minutes. right now candace will let you see what the traffic situation is out there. >> reporter: it's difficult to wake-up this morning, after the ravens loss. if you are out heading on the roadways, i do have good news on the main lines. starting on 95, to the mountain roadway, we're looking at a 10 minute clip. once you approach the beltway, in the green, from 72 to 18 minutes. if you're headed from liberty toward wilkens on the westbound stretch, picture perfect ride, and it will only take 10 minutes there. that's a look at the morning commute. megan, back to you. police have found the truck allegedly used in a deadly hit-and-run at john hopkins university. the driver remains at large. that's what students know. now as they head back to class the first day since their classmate myriam fran cowas killed. good morning, joel. >> reporter: good morning, megan, it happened here friday afternoon. that is when myriam franco was walking back to t her dorm. friday afternoon around 3:00 when franco was hit a white s250. a ford f250 truck. a driver came and hit franco and drove away at the intersection of university parkway. franco was taken to shock trauma but died early saturday morning with her family by her side. franco was a junior majoring in active biology. the student center is providing a chaplin and counselors to anyone who may be in need to get help in coping with this loss. >> to lose a student is really a tragic loss for all of us. >> reporter: now the truck was missing for a while but then was located on edgeton road in the northwest district of the city. police say the truck that was known for having an engineering sticker on its back, with a tate engineering sticker, but tate says that the company does not own the vehicle, it's to a private owner. the university is planning to honor fran cowith a ceremony on campus. there will be a private funeral in illinois, that is franco's home. joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. police are searching for a the driver of a hit-and-run. a man was hit in front of the friendly restaurant at the 400 block of crane highway in glen burnie. he was taken to washington baltimore medical center. police are looking for a black honda or acura with front end damage. it happened at a 711 on baltimore avenue, just before 3:00 yesterday afternoon, officers say the suspect entered the store and locked himself inside with two knives. then he allegedly called 911 and said he wasn't coming out alive. did he eventually leave the store but he was shot as he came at police with knives. >> i mean college park, that is a very safe area. this is completely out of character for this area. >> there were two other robberies in college park on friday as well. police shot the suspects in both incidents, but they survived. a man is shot overnight in south baltimore. police say the man was shot just before 11:00 last night in the 900 block of east patapsco avenue. they say he ran to the 2700 block of st. victor street looking for help. he was taken to an area hospital, no word this morning on the man's condition or any suspects in the shooting. investigators are looking for the person who shot and killed a man in southwest baltimore over the week. police were called to holland street at 9:00 yesterday morning. they found a 21-year-old victim on the scene. no word on the suspect of the shooting. could a wet sweekd be the we sign of a wicked winter away. they are predicting more wet weather and more snow this winter than usual. they say it will be the worst winter we have seen in nearly over a decade. baltimore residents got a preview waking up to snow on sunday morning, but officials say even with budget cuts, they will make sure that there will be salt to last all season. >> we make sure that the elderly, people with disabilities can get to dialysis and to their doctor's appointments and we coordinate snow trucks to make sure they're streets are cleared during the winter snow. >> still to come light up your life. we have a live preview of the lantern's parade coming up next in the hometown hot spot. after a week and it make halloween shine this year. it's a great halloween lantern parade. mollie is live this morning with our hometown hot spot. >> good morning, mollie. >> good morning. >> you're all decked out. tell me what you're wearing here. >> i'm wearing a shawl all made out of tie ve ty vek. >> so you guys are dressing up as lantern? >> yes, we are, yes it's an entirely illuminated parade. in addition to the parade, there's lots more going on, it's not just the parade, tell us what else is going on? this, this is the 10th year for the halloween parade. beforehand we have larn tern making and food ride, food and amazing bands that will be playing. >> tell us what kind of music. >> ellen cherly will be performing and there's a whole live range of music that will be happening. we also have as i said the lantern making and we are excited to have ray lie rides through the park. >> it sounds like a great think. the great lantern parade is at patterson park. for more information log on to i tell, clear skies and it's giving us cool temperatures to begin this morning. our sky watch hd radar not going to show us a whole lot of rain because we did see a little bit of it over the weekend. this time around, clear skies and dry conditions that are going to lend themselves to see clearing temperatures. as we move we're not going to see a lot around the country. we got a frost advisory until 9:00 a.m., you can see it through baltimore county and further points south and east. back to the north and west, a freeze warning until 9:00 a.m. that is for carroll county and further points west. it's ale chilly start especially for the northern half of the state, northern 2/3 of state with temperatures that are going to be in the 30s in many locations. hagerstown, 39 degrees and 32 in oakland. wilmington delaware 37 degrees in salisbury, 38. 41 in baltimore, relatively mild in comparison. i don't know if you would call that mild, but it's relative. 40 degrees in washington d.c., itself and again clear skies have allowed for this. high pressure is build in to the south and it's going to move in our general direction. we're going to get a northwesterly flow, but we will see plenty of sunshine thanks to the high pressure. that will warm things up. that is nothing comparing to what we could be seeing. the blue that is over the eastern part of the united states, will be compared to the warmer air as it moves further the east. we will see temperatures here get into the mid-to upper 60s. high pressure does fly off to the east. we get the westerly return flow and the rest of the forecast does shape up, probably to your liking. here is what we got for today. bay degrees, with a 10--- 58 degrees with 10-15-mile-an-hour wind. the central part of the state climbing to 58 but lesser winds. plenty of sunshine for everybody, though, the cool start because the clear skies brings us sunshine later and milder temperatures for the afternoon than we started. 58 degrees for the high and tonight 39 degrees, another chilly night, again because of the wind. moving through the day, expect the temperatures, too late to go to the beach i think. let's go back to -- 38 degrees for the starting temperature, 52 and plenty of sunshine, 53 at 6:00 p.m., getting to the high temperature of 58 around 2:00 this afternoon, to 23:00 i woe -- 2 to 3:00, i would say in that range. we will do a whole lot better then. a high of 70 degrees, doesn't that sound nice, 70 again on thursday, with mostly clear skies, a pretty day. 67 on friday, we will begin partly cloudy, but it turns cloudier later in date and showers in the night that carry into saturday. of thsaturday. and a little cooler than average, 69 but better than it has on sunday with partly cloudy skies. skyfox weather is at your finger tips. you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. interactive tools will let you see when rain or thunderstorms are over your house. candace dold is back with a look at traffic edge and what is happening on the roadways. >> reporter: thank you, steve. it's a monday morning and when you have to head back to work, this is not a bad day to start it off. 65 miles per hour on the northeast and 62 on 82 moving through baltimore county. as to the jfx looking at 40 miles per hour. look up to 63, and 65 on 95 traveling through howard county. we do have one incident to talk about, but the good news it's on secondary roadways. we have fallen trees on monkton road, and shepherd road at baltimore county, there's no road closures. just being beware you will find those there. as for 83, approaching the 695 ramp and up 83 above the beltway it's going to be pretty clear ride heading on the southbound lanes and the northbound stretch area. you can see the southbound at the end and a few cars traveling on the northbound lane. as for the top end of the beltway, traffic is building from towson and eventually to 95. on the beltway on the other side of flip side of 95, here s's at pulaskit isat pulaski show and t liberty road not a bad ride. back to you. thank you, candace. coming up, it's not a wrong turn you want to make. we have a sneak peek at the halloween thriller wrong turn 3 coming up in the low down. charges are expected to be filed away soon on the run away balloon incident that ♪ maybe that's why we go to so many memorable places. the all-new subaru outback. love the road you're on. some people don't notice the difference between meat and mystery when they enter... ...the frozen zone is it real chicken? or something else? some chicken nuggets and tenders look like they have mystery meat. with my perdue frozen nuggets, there is no mystery. just real all-white meat, made with 100% natural ingredients, no fillers, no preservatives, and a delicious taste your family will love. perdue frozen chicken. all-white meat. no mystery. many suspected the balloon boy drama was a load of hot air. now authorities in colorado agree and say the elaborate ordeal was made up to market the family for a t.v. deal. the colorado couple who claimed they thought their 6-year-old boy was floating away in a homemade spiri experimental baln could be facing charges. nicole collins is live from colorado with more this morning. good morning, nicole woz that's >> reporter: no arrests have been made, but the sly says that charges are expected to be filed soon. an attorney representing the henye says that ones the charges are filed they will turn themselves in. he stuck to his story this weekend, but authorities in laramer county, colorado say have evidence that the elaborate ordeal was a publicity stunt. >> they put on a good show for us and we bought it. >> reporter: authorities interviewed family again, when suspicion arose when falcon gave a response in an interview at cnn. >> dad said, we did this for the show. >> reporter: colorado law, authorities cannot say if a confession was made during the weekend interviews, but they got enough probable cause to execute search warrants in the home. >> we have enough evidence to believe that it was a publicity stunt done with the hopes of marketing themselves or better marketing themselves for a reality television show. >> reporter: the sheriff said nothing was as it seems when it came to richard hennye. >> his education is only high school. he is not what i think, the nutty professor. he may be nutty but he is not a professor. >> reporter: the attorney for richard, says his client are cooperating with the authorities. >> these folks are presumed innocent and they are willing to turn themselves in. >> reporter: they could face conspiracy, contributing to the dill consequencey of a moin or d attempting to influence a public servant. when the balloon went into the air, this lasted for hours, people praying, and hoping that this little boy was okay. at what point did police officer realize this was a hoax. >> reporter: it was at moment when falcon said, you guys said we did this for a show. they said that was the a-ha moment, that was the moment that authorities realized these folks are lying. they decided to reinterview them and execute search warrants. >> we're learning that the father went over with reality show ideas with somebody and that incident happened to thursday. it sounded a lot like the ideas. tell us about that, is that really happening? >> reporter: yeah, there was a 25-year-old student at colorado state university who worked with richard henney and he was interested with electric owe magnetic and he ended up being a stenographer and would write down reality ideas, one which involved a media host involving a balloon that was involved in this stunt but missing children were not a part of that pitch that he wrote down for richard hennye. authorities are interested to talk to that 25 years old. >> what about the balloon itself, is it possible that this balloon could carry the boy up into the air. >> reporter: that is something that people were skeptical that all of this happen. they had an expert look at into authorities. and an expert said that this was able to carry 37-pound falcon. now that they recovered the balloon, the perimeters were not correct. this balloon weighed 18 pounds more than henny told them, but based on that, this balloon wasn't able to carry falcon in the first place. >> nicole, thank you. it's truly fascinating. stocks start the work at a record high. found out the latest business news next. this is not how something like that should happen. the search continues for a motorist who killed > a new study finds the housing market suffered its worst 3 months of all time in the 3rd quarter. stan case has mower i more in ts business brief. a rally for the second day in a row on better than expected earnings from city group and goldman sachs. the a new report found the number of foreclosure filings found a high in the 3rd quarter. nearly 1 million homeowners received some form of foreclosure. nevada still leads the u.s. in filings with 1 in every 23 households taking a hit. vermont which has the nation's lowest rate, saw foreclosures, soar nearly 147%, but that is still one filing in every 5,000 households in the state. 37 million americans receiving social security won't get a cost of living increase next year. it's predicated on consumer prices which have fall 1.3% last year. the obama admnistration is calling for a ste stimulus checs for seniors. critics say that the increase isn't necessary, since buying power has increased in line with vying consumer prices. i'm stan case. coming up a flu scam online. a warning about drugs on the internet. it's the first day back in classes after a deadly hit and run on friday. i'm joel d smith, up >>you are taking a look at some of the pictures taken in reisterstown over the weekend. scott sent these pictures from baltimore county there and you can see snow covering wind shields and houses and cars. unbelievable that we're dealing with this in october. hopefully we won't be seeing much more of that in the days to come. good morning, welcome to fox 45 morning news. i'm megan gilliland. patrice harris has the morning off. we have heard of snow all over the place and meteorologist steve fertig says, no worries. those worries are all melted away as the day continues, because we're going to see a warm up. >> for this week. >> this week. >> but keep in mind this winter will be more active than we have seen in a while. we have been saying that. you will enjoy the forecast for the next several days, especially after we get past today. today not bad but a cold one. we do have a frost advisory in the northern part of the north central county and in the northern part of the eastern shore. you can plainly see the dark with the shaded areas of blue. back to the west from carroll county and further points, you can see the lighter shade of blue and a freeze warning there until 9:00 a.m. 32 in oakland, 37 degrees in wilmington, delaware and down in we are in baltimore, 41 degrees, and 40 at washington d.c., so definitely chilly, especially with the wind at 4 to 5 miles per hour, enough to make it feel chillier. the high pressure to the south will build in, we will get more of the rebounding temperatures, today it's 58 degrees for the high, look for a dry day with a lot of sunshine and warmer through the entire week ahead with temperatures in the upper 60s or 70 degrees or so. showers are possible, though, for friday night into your saturday that would be the only glitch in our seven-day forecast. otherwise things looking good, what about on the roadways, are they looking good? here is candace dold with the answer in the traffic edge, candace. >> reporter: thank you, steve. all in all we have a decent ride. we have an incident to talk about on the secondary roadways. some fallen trees on monkton road and at shepherd road. no lane or road closures as a result of that. on 83 scooting through the area it's going to be a pretty calm ride from freeland to the beltway. we're looking at a 25 minute clip. oon the top end of the beltway, from route 702, so far a of cars that are starting to file in. coming out of the northwest corner from westminister pike down toward 695, it's sneaking up as well, but no significant delays, a 9-minute trip. that's a look at morning travels, back to you. john hopkins university students are going back to classes this morning with heavy hearts. it's the first day back since 20-year-old student myriam franco was killed following a hit-and-run. the driver is still at large but police are making progress in the case. joel d smith is live at john hopkins with the latest. good morning, joel. >> reporter: good morning, megan here is the very latest. police say they have found the truck that allegedly hit myriam here at this intersection on friday. a dwight f250, a ford truck that was found on the northern part of the city. it all happened on friday afternoon at this intersection. take a look, it's very confusing intersection if you're not used to it as a driver and the students around here say it's very dangerous as well. the police say it happened add he 3:00 on friday when franco was walking back to campus from her home. three streets intersect here and sometimes people say that people don't weigh around. this happened on friday at the intersection of university parkway and st. paul street. franco was taken to the saturday morning. franco was a major in molecular boiling. students were shocked to hear that one of their classmates was killed but they do know-how dangerous this intersection is. they get impatient with the students and they like to cut them close. >> i don't know who would do something like that. maybe they didn't realize they hit someone, but i doubt it. police say the truck was found and it had a tate sticker on the back. that was the original description given by witnesses be but the company says that the company does not own the company. it's registered to a private owner. that driver is still at large today. the university says they will have a special memorial service for myriam and as for her funeral it will take place back at her hometown in illinois. that's latest from here john hopkins university. joel d smith. now a new proposal could mean there's no end in sight. that as the county council wants to move the slots to an industrial area south of route 32. the cordiscompany submitted a bid to build a casino with 4700 machines outside of the mall. many opponents are concerned to having a slot parlor so close to a residential area. the plan will be introduced at tonight's council meeting. senfor ben cardin and representative elijah cummings are scheduled to be at sandy state park later today. together they will unveil the chesapeake eco system restoration system of 2009. it also provides new enforcement measures and incentives for conservation. the spread of the h1n1 virus shows no signs of slowing. the cdc reports that 11 children died last week after battling the swine flu. that brings the total number of child deaths to 43 since september. health officials say it's troubling because during the normal 6 month flu season, there are usually only 40 to 50 child flu deaths. there are also reports today that the swine flu vaccine supply will be in limited supply through the end of the month. federal officials say there not be as much of the vaccine to go around as originally thought due to manufacturer delays. in the meantime, the fda is warning people to steer clear of drugs being sold on the internet. officials say counterfeit meds are popping up everywhere and they have found 75 websites selling fake remedies for flu viruses. >> there's always a possibility that they could contain a an ingredient or something that could hurt people, we just don't know. >> other possibilities is that by purchasing or taking these products they are giving consumers a false sense of direction. officials say that there will eventually be enough of the vaccine for everybody. baltimore county has some the nasal flu mist available for you. there will be a clinic october 24th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to anyone who interested. still ahead from the big screen to the small screen. we have a sneak peek at the transformers dvd release coming up in the low down. and it's back to work on this monday morning and we're monitoring the roadways for you. check out 695 at liberty road, it's already a pretty busy ride there and people are already tapping their brakes. i will show what you the 6:38 is the time at fox 45 morning news. we are waking up to a chilly, chilly start to the day. there could be a heat waiving coming up for -- wave coming up for us. meteorologist steve fertig is here to tell us what to expect. i don't know if it would qualify as a heatwave but it may look that way. it's clear skies morning and also it is morning that begins with little in the way of winds. so that combination will allow for a chilly start as as a result, we do have a frost advisory for baltimore county in the further parts of the eastern shore. yo looku back west, we do have a freeze warning, all until 9:00 a.m. here are the temperatures as we start off the day, 41 degrees in baltimore, 40 in d.c. could drop a degree or two, 38 in salisbury and 39 in hagerstown, oakland at 32 degrees. and as you can see, the winds out of the northwest, 5-10 miles an hour, that will certainly make it feel a bit chillier as well. be prepared for a cool start to the day. we will warm up as we move into the afternoon. the nor'easter well off to the north and east now moving out of our way toward new england and beyond. high pressure will become the fa that will be bringing us the sunshine and the warmer temperatures as the high flies off to the east. when it moves off to the east, it will get more of the southwesterly flow behind it. the result will be milder air moving in here, maybe mid-to upper 60s. how does that sound for tomorrow? if that doesn't sound good enough, 70 will sound good to you, when we get to wednesday and thursday. >> a heatwave. >> not quite, but in her mind. there's plenty of sunshine, a 10-20-mile-an-hour wind. it will certainly be a lot warmer than it has been as we get into the midweek. on the cool side but warmer than it it was as we get into the weekend. definitely not seeing any snow out there, this week, but plenty of sunshine and warmer temperatures. back to the west, 58 degrees across the board with a lot of sunshine. a pretty day as well. northwest winds, and tonight a chilly night. a west wind and 5-mile per hour winds at that. it will be chilly. i don't hear any howling now, yeah, chilly. we're headed to the cool air for a while longer until the warm air returns. 68 for tomorrow's high temperature, mostly clear skies, 70 and partly cloudy on wednesday, 70 on thursday with mostly clear skies. that looks a whole lot better. 67 degrees on friday, it may not look a whole lot better with the showers but they hold off until nighttime and continue into saturday. 69 on sunday, nevermind the average for this time of year, 66, but you can see most of the week at least, we should be at or above that number. that is looking good compared to last week. skyfox 45 weather is at your fingers tips. iradar is available at can you use iradar to track incoming storms. enter ak tive toolinteractive tu see when rain or thunderstorms are over your house. now here is candace dold with the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we don't have any snow to talk about on the roadways. if you're heading out not too many accidents to get in your way. we have two to tell you about this morning. there's a crash at baltimore county at scott adam road at york road. no problems and a decent ride heading on 83 moving through cockeysville down through timonium. on the 83, just above the 96 ramp, it is going to be building quickly on the southbound lanes, especially with the new traffic pattern, it slows down a little bit approaching both the inner and outer loop direction. in towson, trouble there. we do have a new accident to warn you about. this one is going to be at york road at pennsylvania avenue. that is right at the heart of towson. of course, you will be surrounded by cars as usual traveling outer loop lanes from overly toward parkville and toward towson. it's easier of a drive heading on the inner loop direction down toward 95. on 695, the flip side of 95, traveling at pulaski highway, it's going to be a building up to speed, but again the traffic is just building conditions in both directions there. that's a look at morning travels, patrice megan back to . up load photos, visit oror written stories to neighborhood news. go to take. you can also send us phots photd videos directly from your new this morning, john hopkins university students are going back to classes this morning with heavy hearts. it is the first day back since 20-year-old student myriam franco was killed in a hit-and-run. the driver is still at large but police are making progress in the case. police have found the truck that allegedly truck franco friday afternoon. the missing f250 was located on edgarton road in the northwest baltimore district of the city. the spread of the h1n1 virus shows no signs of slowing. the c dc reports that 11 children died last week after battling the swine flu. that brings the total number of child deaths to 43 since september. health officials say it's troubling because during the normal 6 month flu season, there's usually only 40 to 50 child flu deaths. if it you don't want it anymore, you put it in the garbage, take it to the street and it's gone forever. well, at least that is how it used to be. now the baltimore county council has passed a new bill that makes illegal for residents to throw away certain kinds of electronics. tim dunn with the baltimore county of public works is joining us this morning. >> good morning. >> we were talking about cell phones,dvd players, tvs, you don't know what to do with them and a lot of people throw them out. those are the items that are you targeting. >> these are items that have hazardous materials in them, things like lead, arsenic that we want to keep them out of land fills and on the roadway. >> i have them i'm hoarding them in my basement. i i'm not sure what to do with them. >> a lot of people are like you, they get a new t.v. and a new cell phone, which a lot of us do pretty often and they stockpile those items, because they are not quite sure what to do with it. for a long time they feel guilty to throwing that in the trash. >> there's a good reason to feel guilty for that. tell us about the action that comes as a result of that. >> anytime you're put ago has re-- puttinghazardous material e environment. we don't want people to put it on the side the road to get into the environment. >> this kind of idea is an east resick lining lin ling idea. tell us what you can do with your items if you can't throw them out anymore. >> there's three good options. the first is inquire with a machiner or retailer take back program. a lot of manufacturers have a program which is low cost or free where a resident can take back that material and have it recycled or porall properly reu. the second option is contact a charity. a lot of these places will take back things like t.v. and give them a second life by letting someone else reuse them. you would want to check with your charity to look that the type of material that you're looking to get rid of is something that they do expect. as a 3rd option, baltimore county has three drop off centers, and each one of those centers has an electric recycling area which is open year-round and people can take those materials will as well. >> at this point, the bill does not include house appliances, like dis dishwashers, do you see that happening in the future. >> wasn't things of those itestimonies that we talked -- items, is there's a good system. you buy a new washer, the company generally takes the old one away. we have an area where you can take dishwashers and washer machines and recycle those items as well. >> do you think that is going to be something that catches elsewhere and in neighboring areas. >> it could be. we're a little bit ahead of the curve with this particular issue with waste management recycling, it would be great if it took off in some areas as well. >> tim, thank you, east sick lining a necyclinging. they have come a long way. hansen joins us live here in our studio. from the big screen to the small screen. we have a sneak peek at the transformer sequel was a huge hate the box office, now it's going for big numbers at video stores. candace dold gives us a look at the low down. hi, megan. the transformers film equaled success at the box office. if you're one of the few who missed the se sequel or if you t to check it out again, transformers, revenge of the fallen is on dvd tomorrow. >> there's so many minuscule details involved, it's a spectacle of a film. >> leave it to the director to make a larger than large sequel for the transformers sag a. when sam heads off to college, he plans to leave his technological drama in his past, or so he thinks. after stumbling on rare symbols, he has to put the books aside and find out how to safe the world. and yes, this is the one with megan fox. halloween is around the corner, so it seems only fitting that we have a scary movie. wrong turn 3, takes us to the woods of west virginia. >> our advice to these people, bring a map next time you take a road trip. the most profitable horror franchise in history returns. we will talk about the new installment of the movie saw next time. i'm candace dold and that is the low down. candace, you and i have been talking there's a lot of new movies that are coming out that we are excited about, including the new michael jackson movie. >> i think this is going to be one that take the month of october and the year way over the top. of course, it's at the imax threaters and reel threater for. they say this is going to rival with something like harry potter. all weekend long there were specials across news networks that were talking about this and interviews with kenny or teg a it's interesting, because people are debating, was he up for this. the details for the concert were up so they took it to so many shows and michael said, i can't do this. people are going back and forth, debating was this the reason why and could he have done it. we will have to wonder. i'm excited to see it. the presales are up and we will link them to our website. you can go to our website and purchase your ticket for advanced screening. what about the rest of the box office. >>it was a pretty weekend at the box office. where the wild things are, brought a $32 million. this was a much-needed success for the producer to tom hanks. the last movie he did was he city of ember, that one brought in 47 million. it was drastic up for the box office 39%. >> not bad. i'm a big tom hanks fan, too. hopefully this one does well, too. the magic of disney comes to baltimore. disney on ice presents celebration. it's at the arena from october 28th to november 1st. you can win a family 4 pack to the show. just be the 4th caller to (410)481-4545. if you don't win now, don't worry. we will give away more tickets to the show. a valiant come back fal fals just short for the ravens. how the team is reacting to losing another heartbreaker in the final seconds. 6:56 is the time. .you are watching fox 45 morning news, all local all morning. that's now how like something like that should happen. the search continues for a motorists who killed a hopkins student. reaction from students this morning. we have learned that these people are active. >> the charges that the colorado balloon family is facing. a valiant come back falls short for the ravens. >> how the team is reacting to losing another heartbreaker in the final seconds. many of you were hyping your eyes yesterday morning, wondering -- were wiping your eyes yesterday morning wondering if this was true. yes this is true. we can see snow covering wind shields and cars and a cup of others from owings mills. a dusting of snow already in october perhaps a preview of what is to come. but of what is to come, because we're not going to see that this week. we have good, warm thoughts as we work through this monday and the workweek. good morning, i'm megan gilliland. welcome to fox 45 morning news. today is october 19th, and patrice harris has the morning off. and meteorologist steve fertig, is here. we thought we would get the white snow over the weekend, and we are not going to see more of that this week. >> but? this, it could be a rougher winter as we get deeper in. there's still people wiping their eyes for a different reason after the ravens. >> oh my god, final two seconds, painful. >> they were painful. we will get past this, we certainly will and we will get past the snow that we saw this weekend because there's nice weather to come. first it's cold out there. we have a frost advisory to the northern part of the eastern shore. back to west, freeze warning in place for carroll county and toward frederick county and further points west as we see this to continue until 9:00 a.m. with temperatures dropping a little bit. 35 degrees in elkton. 40 degrees in baltimore, but there are chilly temperatures especially with the 5-10-mile-an-hour wind which is a strong wind but enough to make it chillier still. there's clear skies with an overnight winds that will calm allow for the cool down. 52 degrees for the noontime temperatures. we bounce back, 53 at 6:00 p.m., and we should top out around 58 and we won't top out during the week because in a couple of days we will see temperatures close to 70 degrees once again. doesn't that sound a bit better? let's see what is happening on the roadways with candace dold. we will see here with the track edge. candace. >> reporter: i did earlier this morning but unfortunately now not such hot news out there. if you're traveling on 95, there's a new accident at 279. here is the problem, though. it takes out two lanes so you will want to stick with route 40 as your alternate. 95 running heavy on the northeast stretch from mountain road down toward 695, we're in the red with a 14 minute clip. but it does ease p a bit through the city in the fort mchenry tunnel it will take 4 minutes. if you are going to approach the south end of the jfx better news there, looking at a 14 minute clip. that's a look at morning travels. police are found the truck allegedly used in a deadly hit-and-run at john hopkins university, but the driver still remains at large. that is what students know now as they head back to classes today. it's the first day of school since their classmate, 20-year-old myriam franco was killed. joel d smith is live at hopkins with the latest, good morning, joel. >> reporter: good morning, megan. this is the intersection where it happened. apparently myriam was walking back from her apartment to campus where she was hit and later died. we talked to students who said this is a very dangerous intersection. cars are coming or going in 10 different directions. a lot of times drivers don't wait for students to cross. witnesses tell police that is what happened at 3:00. that is when myriam franco was struck. it was an f250 that hit fran co. franco was taken to shock trauma but she did die due to her injuries on saturday morning with her family by her side. franco was a junior majoring in molecular and cell biology. they are providing chaplin and peer counselors to anyone who may need help coping with the loss. >> having our students here is what makes it john hopkins and to lose a student is really a tragic loss for all of us. >> reporter: the missing truck was located on edgerton road in the northwest district of the city. police say this was the truck that struck march ya myriam ands found an engineering sticker on the back. but the company does not own the vehicle. it belongs to a private owner. police have not yet released the name of that owner. the university will be honoring myriam in someway, this week and she will be buried at her hometown that is in illinois. we're live at john hopkins this morning. joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. police are searching for a driver involved in a hit-and-run over the weekend. the man was hit yesterday in front of the friendly's restaurant at the 400 block of crane highway at glen burnie. he was taken to washington baltimore medical center, police are looking for a lack honda or acura with front end and windshield damage. a man is shot overnight in south baltimore. police say the man was shot before 11:00 last night in the 900 block of east patapsco avenue. he then ran to the 2700 block of st. victor street looking for help. he taxen to an area hospital. no word on the man's condition or even any suspects in the shooting. the spread of the h1n1 virus shows no signs of slowing. 11 children died last week in the battle of the swie swine flt bring the total death of children to 43. that is troubling, because during the normal 6 month flu season, there's 40 to 50 childhood deaths. the flu vaccine will be in limited supply. there won't be as much of the vavaccine to go around as originally thought due to manufacturer delays. in the meantime the fda is warning people to steer clear of drugs being sold on the internet. counterfeit meds are popping up on the internet and they found 75 websites selling fake medications for the virus. >> there's always a possibility that it may contain an ingredient that may hurt people. the other possibility is by purchasing or taking these products, they are giving consumers a false sense of direction. there will eventually be enough of the vaccine for everyone who wants it. if you are sick, get a prescription for tami flu instead of turning to the internet for. there will be a clinic at perry hall middle school for anyone who is interested. could a wet weekend be a sign of a wicked winter ahead? experts are predicting lower temperatures and more snow this winter than usual. in fact, they're saying it will be the worst winter we have seen in nearly a decade. baltimore county residents got a preview over the weekend waking up to snow on sunday morning. take a look at that. city officials say don't worry, even with the budget cuts, they will make sure there's enough salt to last all season. >> we make sure our most vulnerable population, the elderly, people with disabilities can get to dialysis and can get to their doctor's appointments and we coordinate all of the snow trucks to make sure they're streets are cleared during a winter storm. >> the snowy surprise capped off three days of rain across the baltimore region. it was another difficult sunday for the ravens and of course, ravens fans as well. the team suffered a 3rd straight defeat at the hands of the minnesota vikings. the loss was a tough one. the team mounted a valiant come back only to lose 33-31 on a missed field goal in the final seconds of that day. the ravens have a week off before facing the undefeated broncos. we want to know what you think, how many games will the ravens win this season? that is the question of the day. we will open our phone lines soon and you can also send us a tweet at fox baltimore. coming up, what you can see during the annual halloween lantern parade. and we still have a parade of snow flakes in some parts of it's the great halloween lantern parade. halloween artist ellen is here. >> good morning. >> before we get about what you're wearing and you're holding. we want to hear the fox 45 song that everyone has come to love. >> we are baltimore. >> we sing that song every day. >> i'm so happy that we love it and respect it. >> yes, we know that you're going to be singing that song and more at the parade. >> i'm going to be performing with the trio. and the music goes from 3 to 6:00 on saturday. you don't have to get up this early at the parade to go hear the music. i won't have to get up this early, i'm really excited about that. tell me about the get up, what are you wearing. >> i wear this every day, but today it's a saturday that is special. these hats are made by annie who put on the lantern parade. that is a peg got a hat. the great thing about the parade is you can go to the festival on saturday and can you make your own lantern that you can carry during the parade. i will be there making a lantern, and i will be carrying at the parade. you should come, everyone that can hear me should come. >> it's a lost fun and in addition to the floats and in addition to the me music, therea lot of food there. it's not a festival without the food. >> it's early to mention that. but they are sponsoring a beer garden. if that is your thing you can grab a brew. >> ellen, thank you. the great lantern parade is at patterson park on saturday. for more information, log to sing it, steve. >> reporter: i say, ellen is not just baltimore, she is a lantern in baltimore. did you see how i got out of that one. it's called deflection technique. hd radar indicating that there's no deflection of any images coming up, no echos on the board. certainly dry through much of the u.s. this morning. however the clear skies and the calm winds, frost advisory for baltimore county and further points east, further points west, you will see that we have a freeze warning until 9:00 a.m. this morning with chilly temperatures. take a look at the temperatures right now. we're at 40 degrees in baltimore, but there's a 37, wilmington, delaware. 39 in oakland and 38 in salisbury. a lot of 30s out there this morning. with the 5-10-mile-an-hour wind, it's going to feel chillier when you feel the breeze on you. hd regional radar showing us clear skies as i mentioned. high pressure will bring us a day filled with sunshine. that will help temperatures back down a little bit. what we're seeing here is digging the trough of cold air. we indicate that by the blue. meanwhile there's a high pressure off to west showing the warmer temperatures. the yellow and green area is going to start sliding to the east further through the week. it's going to bring the temperatures on the back pressure. we get the southwesterly direction, the wind that will bring the up to near 70 degrees, once you get past today. we are looking great for the middle of the week. 58 degrees for the eastern shore's high temperature today with a west wind, 10-20-miles per hour. that temperature it will be coming we will see in common. 58 degrees for the western part of the state, plenty of sunshine and 5-10 miles per hour. further points west we go, we look at temperatures here looking to the west of 68. tonight, 39 degrees under clear skies, looking pretty but it will feel rather chilly with a west wind at flief mile 45 miler and the temperatures dropping to the 30s. we will see temperatures climb to 52 degrees by noon. a bit better then, 53 after getting to the high temperature of 58 around 3:00 this afternoon. 58 degrees for the high temperature, tomorrow there's a temperature getting close to 70 with mostly clear skies, we will get to 70 right around wednesday and tuesday with partly cloudy skies. and in starting off partly cloudy with showers and increasing chances of a shower later in the day ask ask and ni. we have a chance of showers carrying through that day before we dry out on sunday with a high of 65 degrees. it's now at your finger tips. iradar is available at can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. the interactive tools will let you see when rain or thunderstorms will be over your house. go to and click on iradar. we want to check out roadways this morning so you know how toe plan your route. here is candace dold with the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we do have trouble on 95, so you will need to plan accordingly. it's on the southbound lanes right at route 279. the problem is this takes out two right lanes there. you will want to use route 40 instead. that is going to be a much better option for the alternate route. on 95, it's going to be packed as usual from whitemarsh heading toward 695. and then on the beltway just at bulls kepulaski highway travelig and a much better ride. it gets heavier on the top end, the outer loop lane, traveling from overly toward parkville with lengthy delays heading toward the towson region. on the heart of towson, you will find flashing lights on york road at pennsylvania avenue. the good news is no delays or road closures as a result. you can keep up with them round the clock with personalized traffic reports for your travels. just log to and click on traffic edge. that's a look at the morning commute, megan, back to you. still ahead, questions surrounded the disappearance of a little boy, thought to have floated away in a balloon. there's word today that not everyone was fooled. the city police officer's concern, swept under the rug. the investigation that could so what comes to mind when we switched the tv from cable to fios? tv looks like new. much better. awesome. i wrote 'dark magic'... actually, it's the 100% fiber optics that makes the tv look new. i was curious why we're listening to customers? call the verizon center oh. boy. for customers with disabilities seems dumb... at 800-974-6006 tty/v (announcer) unlike cable, fios uses 100% fiber optics for the best picture quality, period. and you can get $150 back when you order today. $150 back when you new this morning, lawyers for two murder suspects are said to challenge the state's new penalty law. prosecutors can seek the death penalty in murder cases if their dna or other biological evidence, a confession on video or a tape of the climb. but attorneys for harris, say how it makes it unconstitutional. they seeking testimony from all 24 of maryland's attorneys. they are both charged in the july stabbing death of a correction's officer. a new proposal could mean there's no end in sight. the head of the county wants to move the slot's project from the proposed site at arundel mills to an industrial area south of the route 32. the cordiscompany submitted a bid to build a casino with 4700 machines but they are concerned with having a slots parlor close to the residential area. the plan will be introduced at tonight's council meeting. senator ben cardin and representative elijah cummings are scheduled to be at sandy point state park later this morning. together the three will unveil the chesapeake water eco system restoration bill of 2009. the bill gives maryland the ability to award grants to improve the health and incentive investigation. the sheriff investigating the balloon saga says he knew it was a hoax all along. julijulyjulie bedane is. >> reporter: it was a hoax what thought to be a boy in a run away bole lone. iballoon. it was a grand scheme to land the family a reality of its own. he confessed over the weekend that even though he continued to state publicly that he believed the family was telling the truth, he was actually quietly investigating the story. he apologized for misleading te media. the heene family could face charges. you thought that easy or money mortgages for people with bad credit was a thing of the past. the think again. the federal admnistration has become the new subprime lenders and giving out the same kind of loans that were at the root of the crisis inside if it's okay in your state it's okay with them. federal prosecutors will be instructed not to pursue cases against people who use or provide medical marijuana in states where it's allowed. well, that is the latest from washington today, until tomorrow from the washington times, i'm julie bedane, back to you. read those stories and more by logging on to and clicking on washington times. love the road you're on. mayor dixon promises to investigate a forged memo said to have been written by a vet baltimore police officer. the memo was sent to the unemployment commission. and it appears to have down played the concerns over discrimination on the force. it's prompting new questions about how biases within the department are being investigated. stephen janice with investigative voice joins us this morning. >> how are you? >> good, good. >> you know lieutenant furman is a black officer on the force and he did submit a report. >> he filed a complaint and he went to the department. cod unit. later he came and they asked him about this memo which he did not author which was in his name. it appears to be a totally fake and bogus report put into his file. >> how did they determine that they were -- he was telling the truth. >> they misstepped his name and they put a fake number on it. if he is going to write a report, he would spell his name right. just the fact that his name was spelled wrong, indicated that it was false. >> why are people trying to cover up the fact that there's discrimination. >> the police officer's vanguard say they are trying to down play the discrimination complaint. this is the symptom of the problems that they have been cleaning for a long time. that the doc isn't always fair and doesn't always take the complaints seriously. that is part of th issue and part of what they're aiming. >> this is the same lieutenant of the suspended from the force. >> the original allegation is that he raised his voice so he was somewhat rude. i'm not really sure because there's no punishment on the matrix for that. they reinstated him today and they're saying it might be insubordination. it's questionable of what happened at the meeting and whether or not he deserved to be suspended. it's still a big question. >> how did it come about, that he came to be reinstated? >> did not know. i was called and told that he was reinstated. he has his police powers back and working with the police unit. we will find out at this point. >> mayor dixon is promising that she will look into the internal affairs that they are investigating. >> she said if there's a fake we will investigate it. we will see what will happen. it should be interesting. >> it will be interesting. keep us to speed. to read more on this story, go to and click on investigative voice inside later on fox 45 morning news, the ravens lose a tough one to the minnesota vikings. team reaction coming up in sports.. >> reporter: it's the first day back at school for john hopkins university students after one of their own is killed in a hi hit-and-runment > good morning and welcome back to fox 45 morning news. 7:30 is the time. i'm megan gilliland. we're waking up to a chilly start to the day, but there's a warm up in sight. some good news after a chilling ravens loss yesterday. meteorologist steve fertig is here with us. we have been talking about this all morning and it lives on the, the pain of a few seconds. >> to come that far and to be put back. >> it was a great come back. >> people are saying we're out of it, we're not out of it. >> and things are going to change around after about week. don't worry about them either, although the temperatures are chilly to start the day. all right, worry a little bit. only for the temperatures i mean this morning of the frost advisory for baltimore county and points east of baltimore county. further points west in carroll county and continuing west we have a freeze warning in effect until 9:00 a.m. as well. 46 degrees is the temperature in baltimore, 37 in wilmington, delaware. 39 in hagerstown and out in oakland, 36 degrees. and it's the high pressure that is building into the area as the low pressure moves up into new england. that is the one the nor'easter that brought us a little state of snow in some spots. high pressure moves in and we look forward to a warm up. upper 60s then. not today, 58 degrees for the high, not bad after the chilly start. it only gets better from here. let's see what is happening on the roadways this morning with candace dold. she is here with the track edge, candace. >> reporter: thank you, steve. good morning, we're talking about 95 this morning. there's a crash on the southbound lanes. it's right at route 279. there's one lane that is blocked as a result of that one. you will want to stick with route 40 instead. taking 95 from mountain road heading toward the beltway, of course, we're in the red as usual. we're looking at a 13-minute ride. on the top end, it's going to be jammed from 83 down toward 70 only looking at a 15-minute commute, and i can guarantee you it's going to build from here. now we do have delays that do span the entire stretch. on 795, from westminister pike toward the beltway, it's going to be a hectic ride as well. no accidents to talk about, just the volume that you will have to deal with, right now a 12-minute commute. that's a look at the morning travels, megan, back to you. thank you, candace. 7:32 on fox 45 morning news. john hopkins university students are going back to classes with heavy hearts. it's the first day back since student 20-year-old myriam franco was killed. the driver is still at large but police are making progress in the case. joel d smith is live at hopkins with the latest. good morning, joel. >> reporter: good morning, to you megan. police say they have found the truck that allegedly truck myriam franco last friday, but as you said, the driver is still at large. this happened on friday as we said, as myriam was just walking back to campus from her apartment. this truck, however was found on edgerton road after apparently leaving here. it was found edgeton road on the west side of the city. a very busy intersection, one that has literally 10 different directions can you go as you come in here. witnesses say it's dangerous. this is where it happened, where a driver of a white ford f250 hit franco at the intersection of st. paul street. franco was taken to shock trauma to deal with her injuries. she died on saturday morning. her family was able to make it there in time when she passed. franco was an active member of her sorority. most students were shocked to hear that one of their classmates was killed in this way, but they do know how dangerous this intersection is. >> they get impatient with the students who are crossing. they like to cut them close. >> i don't know who would do something like that. >> reporter: the truck that was found had a tate engineering sticker on its back. the tate official says that the company does not own the vehicle. it belongs to a private owner, but police have not released the name of that person at this time. the university says they will remember myriam the best way they can in a memorial service and the funeral will be held in illinois. joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. it was another difficult sunday for the ravens and, of course, ravens fans as well. the team suffered a 3rd straight defeat at the hands of the minnesota vikings and the loss was a tough one. the team mounted a valiant come back in the 4th quarter only to lose 33-31 on a missed field goal in the final seconds of that game. the ravens have off this week before facing the still undefeated ravens broncos. we want to know, home games will the raven win this season? >> it's the question of the day. you can call us at (410)481-4545. you can also send us a tweet at fox baltimore. the colorado parents at the center of the balloon boy controversy could soon be facing felony charges. yesterday the lamier county sheriff confirmed that the heene family planned two weeks ahead of time. the parents haven't been arrested yet but the shriver shf will recommend, charges conspiracy and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. >> we have since determined that they met together, the way they met and established a relationship was in acting school in hollywood. needless to say they put on a good show for us and we bought it. >> they want to bring in a denver man for questioning in relation to the incident. they want to question him in relation to e-mails that he shared with the father. the hear break that the team suffered in the final seconds. it's a monday and we're in the middle of the morning rush. heck check out 695 at liberty road, it's a sea of brake lights heading toward 70. i will show y more powerful. kaiser permanente. thrive. you are taking a live look at our makeup room, this looks like a little boy right now, but in a while he will look like a goblin. employees are transforming our model here into a monster, part of their halloween festivities. take a look at him, because we when with come back. he will look a lot scarier. scary. we will look at a scary man, meteorologist steve fertig who is here with a look at our scary weather. but our weather is not scary. >> how is that. >> he is going to hear me better than anybody else. i tell you that the temperatures are going to warm up nicely. clear skies and a cool start to the day so there's a little bit of chill in the air to deal with first thing this morning. again, it's due to the clear skies. at least that will bring us plenty of sunshine for the afternoon and the sun will warm us up again. let's take a look at what we got out there. the northern part of the eastern shore. back to the west of carroll county, including carroll county a freeze warning in place fll 9:00 a.m., chilly temperatures with clear skies. 38 in salisbury, 37 in wilmington, delaware. and 32 out in oakland. definitely a chill even with that 5-10-mile-an-hour wind if it's not strong, it's enough to make it chillier. definitely be aware to dress warmly as you head out this morning. there goes to the nor'easter that went out of our way. it makes room for the high pressure to build in. on the backside of that warmer pressure we get the warmer air to come our way tomorrow. we are looking at temperatures that will climb into the upper 60s then and the 70s but not quite yet. chilly over the weekend, 58 for the west wind at 8-20 miles per hour on the eastern shore. look for the temperature of 58, the sunshine and northwest wind less 5-10 miles per hour. further points west, looking at this again, northwest winds at 5-10 miles per hour. 39 degrees for the overnight low, it will be chilly with a northwest wind at 5 miles per hour. clear skies allowing for the cool temperatures. as we move through the day, the temperatures will get into the 50s by noon. 52 degrees by then. plenty of sun still, and planning ahead, you will look barred to a nice few -- forward to a nice few days tomorrow. tuesday and wednesday. temperatures near 70 degrees, 68 for tuesday's high. 70 on wednesday, and 70 on thursday. 67 for the high with partly cloudy skies and then it turns cloudy later in the day and chances of showers move in on friday afternoon. 51 on your sunday. fox 45 sky watch weather is now at your finger tips. iradar is available at you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. the interactive tools will let you where rain and thunderstorms will be over your house. go to and click on iradar. we will he se will see what is n the roadways, candace dold is here with a look at the traffic edge. >> reporter: 95 is in the spotlight because of an accident in the northeast corner. it's a crash on the southbound lanes right at route 279. it's going to a pretty lengthy ride there because one lane is taken out. you will want to stick with route 40 as an alternate. on 95 traveling through baltimore county from 95 to 695, it's going to be a lousy ride because there's so many cars that are traveling. once you approach the beltway heading at pulaski highway, here it is the decent amount of volume but the cars are zipping along in both directions. moving through baltimore city this morning, it's a disabled vehicle on the southbound lanes of 895. it's right at moravia road. you will want to stick at 95 as an alternate route. on 95, it's going to be a big clutter traveling down to the beltway. thankfully no incidents to report on that stretch of 95. that is going to be the better bet to go. 95 further down traveling on route 32, here it is, you can see a lot of cars traveling at the route 1 exit. again you will find a stop and go ride there. travel farther across from the southbound lanes right before the capital beltway near college park. just be aware of that. you will want to stick with 295, so route 40 in the northeast corner as and route 95 in the southeast corner. that's a look at the morning travels. megan, back to you. the ravens suffered their 3rd straight loss yesterday. they are 3-3 with plenty of difficult games ahead of them, including the match up with the undefeated broncos. we want to know, how many games do you think the ravens will win this season? give us a call at (410)481-4545. or you can always send us a tweet at it was another top one for the baltimore ravens. they lost their 3rd straight game to the minnesota vikings on a missed field goal in the final seconds of the game when hearts of racing. that was after mounting a valiant 4th quarter come back after being down 17 points. they do have a week off before facing the undefeated broncos. that bring us on the question of the day. how many games will ravens win this season. we have shawn on the home. good morning. >> what do you think, are the ravens going to pull out, do we have another win coming up. >> no, they're going to lose again. the ravens suck. >> why do you say that? you have a lot of people who are going to be angry with you. >> i definitely don't like ravens, period. >> i think a lot of people are booing you here. we are hoping that the ravens pull it out, but thank you for calling in this morning. we have julia on the phone. good morning, to you julia. >> what do you think, how are the ravens going to look this week? >> there are people on my team. >> they are on your team. >> i'm never going to bet against them ever. >> right now we are 3-3. we have 10 more games to go. how many do you think we're going to win. >> we have 4 games to go, i would say half of them. i go with all of them. >> you think they're going to win all of the rest of them. >> they are a good team. i love them guys. >> what do you think, flacco, is he going to stay calm ask cool as he -- and cool as he has in the past. >> yes. >> very good. julia, thank you very much. we have been getting a lot of tweets on this topic this morning. we will go to our twitter page. we will go to tim from baltimore, who says i think wily will win all of them. >> she says the rest of them, hoping anyway. >> bobby says, i hope they win most of the games. and there's a steeler's fan who says my money is on four, go steelers. we have eugene on the phone, good morning, ujoan. -- eugene. >> i feel like i'm the number one fan. you can't put a number on it. judging from these games, you can't call it until it's over. you can't say it's going to be 5 more or 3 more, because it really determines by on the day of the game. you never really know. >> every given sunday, right. >> yes, indeed. we vo beewe have been looking g. i'm looking more positively than negatively. >> we are going to vie this week, thank you for calling in this morning and sending your tweets. later on fox 45 morning news, mixed martial arts comes to baltimore where you can catch the so what comes to mind when we switched the tv from cable to fios? tv looks like new. much better. awesome. i wrote 'dark magic'... actually, it's the 100% fiber optics that makes the tv look new. i was curious why we're listening to customers? call the verizon center oh. boy. for customers with disabilities seems dumb... at 800-974-6006 tty/v (announcer) unlike cable, fios uses 100% fiber optics for the best picture quality, period. and you can get $150 back when you order today. $150 back when you good morning, everybody. here is a first look at sports. heat break again for the ravens as they were trying to snap the losing streak and brett harbauge vicings -- brett farb with the vikings. despite all of the surge, the ravens couldn't bring home the win. the second play of the game. adrian peterson cuts through the line and breaks free. peterson breaks 36 yards before being brought down by the ravens territory. later in the brett farb cuts back. and they make the catch for the 19-yard touch down just like that. it's 7-0 vikings. minnesota has the first and farb finds it wide open, and bernard burying for the yard score. it's 8 minutes into the game. moving to the 3rd quarter, the ravens offense comes to life. joe flacco comes. 23-yard pass play and the ravens first down. on the very next play, ray writes this to carey, and breaks a cup -- a carry. and he had a huge day. the ravens cut the vikings lead to 17-10. farb rolls out, and the second hook of the day, the vikings take a 27-10 lead, the game over, no. >> flacco fires deep down a side line and makes the catch for the 32-yard touch down. the ravens back in it. 8 1/2 minutes to go. the minnesota answers, peterson bounces it outside and turns on the jets outside line. he is going to go 58 yards. he ran for 143 for the day. the vikings get the field goal, they lead it 17. flacco hits rice out of the back field, rice breaks 3 tackles and breaks into the clear. 63-yard, catch for rice as he brought down the 12, and the ravens won't go away. on the very next play, flacco finds derrick mason on the quick pass. and runs for the score line, ravens trail 30-24. after the vikings 3-out, 3rd place for the ravens, busts through a huge hole, goes 34 yards untouched, ravens come all the way back and take a 31 will have 30 lead with 3 1/2 minutes to go. but brett farb had magic in the 30-year-old right arm. he files to sydney rice, rice makes the catch despite past interference, 58-yard pass play inside of the ravens 15. and that led to this. brian long well, makes a 30-yard field goal. could joe flacco lead the ravens down the field in the 2 minute drill. here he goes. 50 yards in the first down and later in the drive, 3rd and 7, flacco under pressure, still completes to mac mason for 8 yas and the other first down. the ravens are in a field goal range. he lines up a 44-yarder for the win but he misses, wide left. the ravens lose their 3rd straight game and heartbreaking fashion, 33-31 to brett farb in the unbeaten vikings. >> couldn't be more proud of our team. there are many things that we can and will get better on. we have to get better on it, but the essential element is in place. basically our guys are the heart of the line and that is what they are. it doesn't make it okay not to finish the game. it doesn't make it okay to play the way we did in some stretches, but it's the key element. we can build on that. we can stand on that foundation and we can be the team that we are going to be the rest of the year. >> i thought i put a decent swing on t i looke it. i looked up and there it was. >> we did a good job playing the game. pee puwe put touchdowns on the d and eventually taking the lead. it was a hard fought game on both sides. >> it's not over, you know, until it's over. you know. i'm not saying that team gave up, but i know, the look in all guy's eyes, you know, it was a physical game. it was a game where you are supposed to go down for the wire. every game came down to the freaken last drop. >> it's the defense last drop. to me, that speaks volumes. it speaks volumes, because you know, it shows the team that never stops fighting. so the bottom line, is, you know, we get away from it. we come back to it and correct the things in the 4th quarter that gets us over the edge. >> we don't feel good about losing the game. at the same time we realize what kind of team we are and what kind of players we have in our locker room. we can overcome anything. this group of guys is great. right now we got to go back and just believing each other and continuing to play. heartbreak again for the ravens as they lose their 3rd straight, 33-31 to the vikings. joe flacco completed 38-23 for a career high, 385 yards and three touchdowns. they had 47 yards and the touch down. rice also caught hand passes for a career high, 117 yards and a touch down there, too. on the other side line, 40-year-old brett farb, threw for 278 yards and three scores. the ravens head into the by week at 3-3 and host the unbeaten broncos two weeks from last night. that is your morning sports. i'm bruce cunningham, fox 45 morning news. no matter are you are from, we're looking for all of you ravens fans to send us photos showing off your purple pride. go to purple pride or send your videos directly from your cell phone at pics at sphwhz the magic of disney is coming here to baltimore. disney on ice presents celebration. it's at of the first mainer arena from october 28th to december first. disney gave us tickets to give away today. just be the 4th or 5th caller at (410)481-4545. if you don't win, right now, no worries, we are going to be giving away more tickets in our ur giant card and save on thousands of deals, like tropicana orange juice, $3.99. starkist solid white tuna, 10 for $10, and other weekly specials and real deal savings. enjoy more savings, only with your giant card. tightening your purse strings? shop with your giant card and save on thousands of deals, like 45-ounce ragu pasta sauce, 2 for $5. arm & hammer laundry detergent, $2.99. and other real deal savings and weekly specials. enjoy more savings, only with your giant card. >>the search continues for a motorist who killed a hopkins student. reaction from students this morning. put your best face forward. we have this fall's hottest beauty trends. ♪ they have come a long way since umba. hansen joins us live in studio. you are taking a live look in our makeup room where was once a sweet little boy is now getting into the holiday spirit. he is transforming into a monster. employees with six flags are helping them transform this little cute little boy into a scary little guy at further halloween festivities. we are checking in. he is a happy little monster. we checking with him throughout the show as you see what he is going to look like for the holiday season. today is october 19th. >> let's go to meteorologist steve fertig. do you know what you're going to be for halloween. >> it's scary. definitely happy is the way you want to keep those little monsters. >> yes. >> absolutely, much easier to deal with. take a look at what is happening out there. we have a little monster of a forecast. just a cool start to the day, chilly one, no matter where you are, pretty much. freeze warning in the western part of the state with a frost advisory to the eastern shore. it's a chilly start to the day. 42 degrees is the temperature in baltimore. 41 in washington d.c. we do have 30s out there as you night expect, 36 degrees in salsalisbury, 32 in oakland, whe it's real chilly there with a 5-10-mile-an-hour wind while not a strong wind, still yuf to make it chillier. the low pressure that gave us a taste of the snow flakes some part of this weekend it moving northeast toward new england. the high pressure will replace it and today it will be pretty with a lot of sunshine but still on the cooler side. warming through the week, should see upper 60s -- should see upper 60s and go to talk about showers coming on friday night into saturday. that will be the next chance of that kind of a thing. let's see what is happening on the roadways with candace dold. candace. >> reporter: we will take it. no snow right now. we don't need any. if you are heading out on the roadways, you will say you don't need these headaches. that's going to be the indicates on 95. it's run - the case in on -- th. heading right now we're in the red with a 14 minute clip. on southbound 895, southbound we do have a disabled vehicle at moravia road. you will want to stick with 95 as your alternate, although that is running heavy as well. from 895 to 295, a 12-minute ride. it's going to be packed on the beltway from 83 toward 70. take a look at this, we're in the red with a 15 minute clip. that's a look at your morning travels. megan, back to you. thank you, candace. 8:03 on fox 45 morning news. police have found the truck allegedly used in a deadly hit-and-run at john hopkins university, but the driver still remains at large. that is what students now know as they head back to classes today, it's the first day of school since their classmate, 20-year-old myriam franco was killed. joel d smith is live at john hopkins with the latest. good morning, joel. >> reporter: good morning, megan. this happened right here, that is when 20 year-old hopkins junior myriam franco was walking to campus from her apartment. this is a dangerous intersection. if you look around, there's 10 different directions that cars can go. sometimes people just don't wait to see everyone gets across. witnesses say that is what happened on friday afternoon, around 3:00. that is when myriam franco was hit by a white ford f250 truck as she was trying to cross the intersection of university parkway and st. paul street. franco was taken to shock trauma to try to deal with her injuries. she did died earl either saturda--early saturday morningr family by her side. the school counseling center is providing chaplin and peer counseling to anyone who may need help coping with this loss. >> having our students here is what makes it at john hopkins. to lose a student is a tragic loss for all of us. >> reporter: after the investigation, now the missing truck was located on edgerton road on the southwest district of the city. police say that truck was found to have a tate engineering sticker on the back. that is the way it was reported by witnesses as well. the tate officials say that the company does not own the vehicle. it belongs to a private owner. police have not released the name of the owner at this time. they are still on the look out for this person. as for myriam franco, they will have a memorial service this week and as for the funeral that will take place at her hometown. people in anne arundel county are searching for the driver involved in a hit-and-run over the weekend. officers say a man was hit yesterday in front of the friendly's restaurant in the 400 block of crane highway in glen burnie. he was taken to baltimore, washington medical center. police are looking for a black honda or acura with front end and windshield damage. a man is shot overnight in south baltimore. police say the man was shot just before 11:00 last night in the 900 block of east patapsco avenue. they say he then ran to the 2700 block of st. victor street, looking for help. he was taken to an area hospital, no word on man's condition or if there's any suspects in the shooting. could a wet weekend, be the sign of a wicked winter ahead? well, experts with accuweather and the national weather service are predicting lower temperatures and get this, more snow than usual this winter. in fact, they're saying it will be the worst winter we have seen in nearly a decade. baltimore county residents got a preview over the weekend waking up to snow on sunday morning but city officials say no worries even with the budget cuts, they will make sure there's enough salt to last all season. we make sure our most vulnerable population, the elderly, people with disabilities can get to dialysis and can get to their doctor's appointments and we coordinate all of the snow trucks to make sure their streets are cleared during winter storm. the snowy surprise capped off three days of rain across the baltimore region. the colorado parents at the center of the balloon boy controversy could soon be facing felony charges. yesterday the lark larimir couny sheriff confirmed that the heene family planned the stunt two weeks ahead of time. the sheriff will recommend charges including conspiracy and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. the sheriff says they hoped it would help secure the family a reality t.v. deal. >> they met together, the way they met and established a relationship was in acting school in hollywood. so needless to say, they put on a very good show for us and we bought it. >> authorities also want to bring in a denver man for questioning in relation to this incident. they say they are interested in him based on e-mails he exchanged with the boy's father that referenced a similar stunt. still to come, light up your life. we have a live preview of the lantern parade coming up next in our hometown hot spot. if i told that you we don't have to worry ghten up the weekend, it's the great lar lantern parade. >> good morning. >> tell us about the lantern parade. we got a little bit of taste off the some out of the fits that you will be dressing in. >> it's one thing that the creative alyans tha alliance ths participates in. the halloween lantern parade happens every year with thousands of participants come together, make beautiful lantern and participate in a wonderful parade around patterson park. a lot of workshops has already happened where families made the wonder lantern for free and lantern making is still going on the 24th or saturday, from 3 to 6:00 during the festival. if you haven't had a chance to make this lantern yet, you still have. >> there's a parade and music and food and a lot of good time at this festival. >> yes, and this is a new a addition to the lantern parade. there's a line up at 7:00 p.m. and the parade kicks off at 7:30. this year there's a festival attached to the front end that starts at 3:00 p.m. so you can hang out all day, have tasty refreshments, enjoy activities and then star in the parade. >> karen, thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you. the halloween lantern parade is at patterson park on saturday at 7:00 p.m. for more information log on to halloween around the corner. it sounds chilling. you know what, it's cold outside. sky watch hd radar, clear skies. that is not showing a whole lot, but what is indicating is clear skies and the lack of winds. we are seeing the temperatures drop quite a bit this morning. as a result the temperatures will be in the 30s for most of you as you step out the door on this particular day. here is what we're looking at as far as the big picture goes. not a whole lot there across the united states but we do have a frost advisory for the north central counties and further points east from baltimore county over to cecil county and down through talbot county and back to the west from talbot county and further west, the freeze warning in place until 9:00 a.m. because of the cold temperatures out there. a 9-10-mile-an-hour wind. 46 degrees in baltimore, not so bad in comparison to other places. 41 in bre dc. hagerstown is at 38. 32 chilly degrees in oakland, really feeling the chill there then. the high pressure is going to move to the south and west moving in our direction. the high pressure will bring plenty of sunshine today and by tomorrow that high will slide off to the east and when it does on the backside of that high, it's going to bring in milder air. first you see the cool air in place, the trough digging in the 30s. look at atlanta at this hour, 37 degrees in atlanta right now. back to the west, the ridge of high pressure showing warmer temperatures. doesn't that look nice in phoenix at 73 degrees for a good contrast. we do get to the 70s by midweek. we get the southwesterly return flow and that allows the temperatures to warm up nicely. this week, you're going to like a whole lot better than last week. 57 degrees for the high today, the eastern shore with plenty of sunshine, and temperature of 58 will be common throughout as far as the high temperatures, central part of the maryland getting to the 58 and so will the western part of maryland with a lot of sunshine there. just the winds out of the eastern shore about 5-10 miles per hour. it definitely makes us feel the chill a little bit more this morning. for tonight look at temperatures feeling chilly as we drop into the 30s once more. look for an overnight low of 1-10 degrees under clear skies. and through the day today, those temperatures will bounce back from the 39 up to about 52 at noon and 53 at 6:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. or so, 2-3:00 i would say hitting the high of 58. tomorrow, how does 68 sound? pretty good. mostly clear skies, i didn't hear you. say that again. pretty good it sounds good. 46 degrees on wednesday, partly skies. 67 on friday with some sunshine to start. look for more clouds later in the day and rainshowers overnight into saturday. 61 and partly cloudy on sunday. fox 45 sky watch weather is at your finger tips. you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. the interactive tools will let you see when rain or snow will be over your house. go to and click a iradar candace dold has the traffic edge right now. >> reporter: unfortunate will i won't be so popular with people this morning. we have a road closure in pasadena. it's a crash that completely shuts down ray nard boulevard. that's going to be a better bet for you if you're traveling in that portion of anne arundel county this morning. nothing to disturb the northbound stretch from glen burnie to 695. on the beltway it gets heavy moving from catonsville. right now we're looking at a 9 minute clip. that's the inner loop, the outer loop that is going to be a bigger headache this morning if you're heading from liberty road down toward 70. here it is, you can see the cars are creeping along down toward the 70 exit. on the top end, a pretty cramped ride moving through pikesville toward the 83 and the intermittent slowing only continues moving down toward 95. 95 is the way to go through the city this morning. that's because we do have a disabled vehicle on the southbound lanes of 895. that is right at moravia road. just stick with 95 as an alternate. that's a look at morning travels, me megan, back to you. still to come, it just became legal here in maryland last year. now it's coming to baltimore. we see what mixed martial arts is all about. that is coming up next. and later things are getting spooky here at fox 45. we reveal our goblin makeover. that is coming ( piano music playing ) by putting an end to paper medical records, we have ushered health into the digital age. saving lives, sometimes when seconds count. managing chronic conditions. making amazing new discoveries. and, oh yes, saving a lot of trees. kaiser permanente. thrive. get your fight on. it's the first mixed martial arts event in maryland since it was legalized just last year. it's happening at the first mainer arena. john is one of the fighters and joins us this morning with along with the arena general manager. good morning to you guys. >> good morning. >> this is a huge deal. this has never been legal in maryland until a a while. being a fighter yourself, why should people be concerned about this? >> being a contact sport, there's concern for injury. when we were going through the legal process, we used a study that john hopkins did to prove the safety of the sport. it's proven to be saver than boxing and football. those sports have been around and are part of our culture. you don't think of them and the terms of mixed martial arts. i feel in the future, people will accept it the same. >> is there a rule in mixed martial arts. >> that's the stereotype when the sport first came on the scene in the early '90s, there were no rules. that is when it was marked as a blood sport. since then, there's weight classes. the fighters have to take physicals and drug testing. there's no eye shots, no small joint manipulation. there's three, 5 minute rounds in a regular fight. and 5, five minute rounds in a championship fight with a five-minute break in between. there's no shots to the spine. there's so many rules now that it would be hard to get them in at the present time. >> to make it safe for the people fighting. >> you were working to make this happen in baltimore. who is going to be here. what kind of fighters are we going to be seeing. >> it's more john. i talked to john coming to the arena versus a smaller venue. once we talked we partnered up and we agreed that the arena is probably the best venue for the first time event. >> do you think a lot of people think are going to be excited to see something like this? >> from what we're hearing, absolutely, the phone calls and even during the other events, ticket sales and things like that. >> you have told us that you will give us a little taste of something you will see. i know you're a retired fighter and i know you have the fight in you. i have to warn you that i have fists of furry, so you can't sake me down as we move you can see it. >> move that is one that was made famous in the wwe. you hear people talking about the sleeper hold. the sleeper hold is a real hold. you can probably stay seated. >> let me know if you need backup. >> with this hold it's a chokehold. you will want your arm lined up around your opponent's neck. i'm going to grab my bicep. this thing is going to come behind the head. i will squeeze and my partner will tap out. that is the beauty of this sport such as boxing. it's acceptable for your opponent to tap here because of the different martial arts that is made. a lot of times fighters tap out and you live to fight another day. >> hoadz thaholds that not evere should run out and be trying. the first mariner event is on saturday at 7:00 p.m 7:00 p.. for more information log to still ahead who are you going to call? >> he said, i have to go home now and because i have to rethink everything i ever thought about these things. >> just? time for halloween, we have a real live ghost story. and from mortal to monster, we reveal our completed 6 flags halloween goblin makeover straight ahead. airborne guy: i first started taking airborne to help support my immune system when i travelled. but then i realized ... there are so many other times my immune system could use help. sfx: waaaaaahhh! wife: guess who's teething? airborne guy: like whenever life gets a little out of control ... daughter: daddy, meet snake. airborne guy: or any time life catches up to you. anncr: airborne helps support your immune system with a special blend of ... zinc, ginger, echinacea, and 13 other vitamins, minerals and herbs - plus a blast of vitamin c! sfx: kissing sound wife: 'night dear. airborne guy: try airborne. it's good for you when life is not. find your favorite brands from head to toe. all the looks you love and the colors you crave. for an affordable unforgettable fall. style, quality and price matter. jcpenney. all morning you have been watching the transformation from human to glo to goblin. we are here from 6 flags to talk about this. i'm scared of who you are holding here. this is not the ill little boy i saw a little while ago. >> yes, it is. >> quite the transformation. it's our friend cadon who is tantrance fordtransformed. >> this is what is going to be going on. people are dressed up and ready for halloween. tell us what is going to be going on out there. >> we have the haunted bridge and the haunted -- and two scare zones, all kinds of great shows. we have stuff for the little goblins and gools, like this one here. we have the trick-or-treat trail and not so scary hey ride. >> most people will be coming looking like cadon coming dressed. >> only children under 54 inches can wear costumes and things just to throw that out there. >> but he can wear it? >> yes. >> you brought other people in addition to this little goblin, you brought scary folks along with you. >> i did. i brute adult gools, too and they're going to come in and show you something. >> i'm scared of these people and they're going to do something even special, something that has everyone here in our studio moving in grooving. -- moving and grooving. i'm going to let you take it away of what we might see in fright fest. >> ready to do it, caden! ♪ ♪ ♪ it's close to midnight ♪ something is lurking in the dark ♪ ♪ it's in the moon light ♪ it almost stops your heart ♪ i try to scream but there are things of zombie before you make it ♪ ♪ you start to freeze ♪ ♪ your very eyes ♪ thriller thriller ♪ no one is going to save you from the beast ♪ ♪ it's thriller, thriller night ♪ you're fighting for your life ♪ getting tonight ♪ o.♪ and hope this is just your manage good morning, and welcome back to fox 45 morning news. time now is 8:30, i'm megan gilliland. let's get a check with our weather with meteorologist steve fertig and we're still dancing after that last guest, the thriller. >> really. >> it was thrilling and chilling and definitely chilling outside as well. >> absolutely. it's a cold one. that made you go, ooh, this will. take a look, frost advisory for the northeastern part of region, and the northern counties around baltimore county and harford county as well as cecil county. back to the west we have a freeze warning through 9:00 a.m. this morning because of the chill in the air. 35 degrees in elkton and 37 in westminister, 40 to cockeysville and in baltimore at 32. temperatures are going to climb a little bit today. clear skies, the reason we had the cool down overnight. it's why we will have plenty of sunshine as high pressure sits over us. 52 over the noon hour and 53 at 6:00 p.m. tonight getting to the high temperature of 58 degrees. the good news is, it's only the beginning of temperatures bouncing back. by tomorrow we will be in the upper 60s and 70s out there in the seven-day forecast. right now we want to know what we're looking at on the roadways. candace dold is here with what we are look athth looking at th. >> reporter: there was a power outage on the penn line that affected the mark and amtrak trains. the good news is the power has been restored, but unfortunately we are left with delays. you should expect at least a 30 minute-delay if you're traveling on the lines. as for the roadways, big time delays because of an accident at route 40 moving through catonsville. we are left with a stop and go ride from reisterstown road. a 10 minute clip and from 83 up toward 70, now that will take 15 minutes. showing on the southbound end of 795, that is backed up as well from westminister pike toward the beltway. right now we're looking at a 13-minute ride. that's a look at the 14 minute travels, megan, back to you. here are the stories we are following this morning. lawyers for two murder saint paddy's are expect -- murder suspects are expected to challenge the death penalty law. the confession on video or a tape of the crime. attorneys for lee stevens and lamar harris says the difference is between how prosecutors enforce the law to make it unconstitutional. they're seeking testimony from all 24 maryland district attorneys. i'm joel d smith, near john hopkins university where students and staff return today with heavy hearts. the first day back in class since 20-year-old junior mirian franco was struck and killed here on friday afternoon. she was taken to shock trauma but died from injuries early on saturday morning with her parents by her side. the hit-and-run driver is still at large. the driver is still at large, a ceremony for myriam franco will be held here at the campus sometime this week. the slots debate has ranged on in anne arundel county for months now and a new proposal could mean there's no end in sight. the head of the county council wants to move it to the industrial area south of route 32. the cordis, company submitted a request to build it outside the mall. but many are concerned with having a slots parlor so close to a residential area. it will be reintro doesed tonight. ladies do you have the look? you can sport the latest trends without breaking the bank. good morning. >> good morning, patrice, how are you? >> i am great. all right, everyone wants to look nice no matter the season, but fall comes around, your skin is a different than it is in summer. what are the fashion tips we need to know for this time of year? >> for anytime of year, we want to start the day off feeling good about yourself. you can in the morning use the toothpaste like the crest and scope to make sure that your fresh breath lasts throughout the day and that is one less thing you have to worry about? >> that is important. >> that comes across in the way that you're looking. >> okay. >> how you can sort of maintain the rest of your look, you want your skin to look great, because whether you're wearing a lot of makeup or a little makeup. this thing -- skin is like the base or the canvas. how you maintain that is using, starting after your moisturizer, you can add a little bit of makeup base. you want to find one that is silicon based and oil free. you put that and what happens is it creates a nice canvas for your makeup, but it also absorbs oil throughout the day, so you don't have to worry about blotting your skin or getting too oily throughout the day. >> had a is important. -- that is important. what else do you have? >> one the trends we're seeing is a smokey eye. we want a smokey eye but not a raccoon eye. so one of the things that happens to me is my mascara starts to wear off under my eyes. >> yes. >> an easy way to prevent that is by taking waterproof mascara, you can put that on top of your mascara or get a water clear coat and put it on top of your mascara. it helps to keep things stay put, but it means because you're not putting waterproof mascara directly on your lashes at end of the day you can take it off pretty easy without taking your lashes off with it. >> that is so good to know. i have that problem and i'm glad we're talking with you this morning. okay. what is next? >> in terms of skin, a great value is to look for powder foundation that is a wet/dry formula. what that means is there's a great one from dolce gab ban that. you can brush on your foundation and then take the dry side and take a fluffy brush and take the dry side and dust over top. it will make your foundation last. depending on the coverage you can add little or a lot. the way to make your manicure last, take a clear coat and brush that on after you have painted your nails every other day. it helps the color and gives you a nice glossy finish. >> all best tips to help everybody in the partnership for sustainable communities is a coalition of three government agencies. they're teaming up to help make america's neighborhoods, safer, healthier and more vie bran. the new partnership will coordinate the epa the department of transportation and the department of housing and urban development. the agencies will be using six live ability principles to help guide their efforts. this will include providing better transportation choices and cutting down on the greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. they include locally generated renewable energy and providing healthy states and walkable neighborhoods. >> the department of transportation and started forming the partnership earlier this year. with the epa joining in environmental protection is sure to play a parole with planning communities across the country. to learn more about brighter living go to now we're going to get a check on our weather with steve fertig and see if we have bright living ahead of us. more sunshine today and for the rest of the week. we will talk about temperatures rising through after today. right now we're looking at clear skies on hd radar and not looking active at all. we will move things along and look elsewhere and not find it there, either. as a result a frost advisory for baltimore county and further points east under the frost advisory until 9:00 a.m. for the western part of maryland from carroll county further points west with a freeze warning until 9:00 a.m. we are at 38 degrees at wilmington, delaware and salisbury as we come back to maryland, 38 degrees. baltimore not so bad in comparison, 41 in d.c., but not nearly what is going on at oakland where temperatures dropped to the freezing mark this morning. way 10-15-mile-an-hour wind it's going to feel chillier still. the low pressure center or nor'easter that we were talking about last week has moved out of our way making way for low pressure. that low pressure is going to bring us plenty of sunshine for the next several days. we will see with that dry air moving in the warm up behind the high pressure, so the southwesterly flow coming your way, that allow temperatures to climb about 67 degrees tomorrow. and about 70 degrees for wednesday and thursday, so definitely looking better and we will talk about the showers moving in for friday night and saturday. for today, 58 degrees, plenty of showers with a west wind at 5-10 miles an hour. the central part of the state getting up to 58 degrees with plenty of sun. not as windy, but top bay 58 degrees, just because i don't have enough imagination, bay at the western part of -- 58 at the top of maryland. 58 degrees with a northwest wind at 5-10 miles per hour. clear skies and a northwest wind at 5-10 miles per hour. it will be chilly like last night and the rest of the week will be go like this. today will warm up to 62 degrees by noon. and 53 after 6:00 p.m. afterring to the high temperature of 58 at 2 or 3:00 this afternoon. a bit better with mostly clear skies. 70 on thursday with mainly clear skies so a nice middle of the week for sure. 67 degrees on saturday, we start partly cloudy and showers coming in on late saturday. we should be around 66, so we're above that for most of the week. 61 degrees on sunday as we drop a little bit but partly cloudy skies and staying dry. fox 45 sky watch weather is at your finger tips. you can use fox 45 powerful doppler radar to track incoming storms. the interactive tools will let you see when rain or thunderstorms will be over your house. go to and click oirks radar. click iradar. >> now for a final look at the traffic situation, candace dealecandace doldis back with t. >> reporter: we have been left with 30 minutes worth of a delay. also some trouble on the roads. a crash on the outer p lines of. this takes out two right lanes. the messy ride on the beltway it worst this morning. here it is you can see the cars are not moving, they're gridlocked on the entire west side stretch down toward where all of the flashing activity is there, and unfortunately, it's going to be packed from reisterstown road making the bend on 795. delays from towson toward 95, and now some new trouble on 95, a crash on the southbound lanes on whitemarsh boulevard. bel air road, route 40 and route 7 is going to be better options for the alternate route. still to come, who are you going to call? >> she said, i have to go home because i have to rethink everything i have thought about these things. >> just in time for halloween, we have a real life ghost story. ♪ >> and they have come a long way since umbament hansen joins us live here in our studio coming up next. 8:45 is the time. you are watching fox 45 morning news, all local all mo deals on full-size trucks. like silverado. backed by america's best coverage... and with the lowest cost of ownership of any full-size pickup, it's america's best value too. now during chevy truck month, get 0% apr for 60 months or $6,000 total cash back on select 2009 silverado vehicles in stock. see your local chevy dealer. admit it. whenever you hear about hansen, you start singing umba. now the brothers want you to sing to their other tunes. >> you're usually a trio, but you're down one this morning. what is going on with taylor. >> taylor has had a little bit of the flu but he is feeling better. you figure, the thing you need when you're sick is sleep so we're making sure he rests. >> no swine flu and he will be there tonight? >> he will be there tonight. the show will be rocking. >> tell us about the show tonight because after we're stepping away from the umba shadow and now moving forward, right? so we have new tunes. >> 12 weeks later, i guess that is what you do. right now we got a new ep out. and we have a new record coming out next may. >> we don't know what it means is the short owl. >> right, but for this new album, what album are you guys on now? >> we're on number 5. >> i cannot believe that, number 5. you all have been pretty busy working out there. >> we try to stay busy. a few years back we formed our own record label and we have been doing that. it keeps us as busy as one can be. that record, i guess, every record is an evolution and we're excited about what this new record, how it's being received already and how they're starting the process up early by getting out and playing shows for people. >> we love it. >> here is what the new music sounded like and we will be playing new stuff tonight. >> there's a little bit of a campaign with this, too, what is going on? >> a few years back we had a personal trip in africa. we went not as a band but as people and saw the issues with what is going on with aids and hiv and poverty firsthand. >> i really felt like the message we came back, which is, you don't necessarily have to have the perfect solution. the best thing is to start. so many of the problems particularly are extreme poverty and aids are very small, whether it's access to clean water, whether you could provide that for someone for a dollar for a year. >> it can really help shrks we d-- we doone mile barefoot walks starting at 2:00. we do barefoot as an idea that we can associate with what it is not to have basic needs. we do it barefoot. we have done about 125 times already. >> people can come out. if they finish the mile and register, we will donate on their behalf on five different causes. >> very inspiration. it's like you said, it's the small things we can do but it does make a huge difference. one last plug for the show tonight after the walk. you come out to the show, doors open at 6:00. is this going to be -- what have you been seeing. >> they are screaming. >> we have been lucky that we have been doing it for long enough that you get a pretty good array of people. i'm 28 years old and zack your 24. >> but all the fans. >> the fans are a broad of mid-20s to even as young as in some cases, you know, into high school, even. >> so everybody can come out. it's for everybody. >> we play stuff from all kinds of different records, old stuff, new stuff and brand new stuff. you will definitely hear the songs you know and the songs you don't know. >> and the songs we will come to love. we urge everybody to come out and to hear hansen it's in baltimore tonight. the doors open at 6:00 p.m. for more information log on to you are watching fox 45 morning news, all local all morning. tis' the season for ghost stories and employees at a denver museum say they have some after stories. >> is history all in the past? >> it wasn't an evil feeling. it was very calm and peaceful. >> or is it still here with us? >> every single person that has volunteered here at the museum has experienced something. >> something or someone. >> it was just too weird for one of those volunteers. >> he said, i have to go home because i have to rethink everything i every thought about these things. >> clearly shaken up. >> museum executive lowana larson thinks she knows who is lurking and wants to hear even more. >> today is october second, 2009, and the time is 9:00 p.m. >> cameras rolling, a team of paranormal investigators hope children will stir up the spirit of dr. justin a ford. >> the doctor seems to get agitated when kids get out of handle, she will make a noise and knock a picture or something. >> i thought something moved upstairs. >> you saw something move. >> it was kind of a picture. >> reporter: pictures are not the only way that visitors say they have seen her. >> they always same the same place. i thought i saw a woman walk across the back room, but when i went in there, she was gone. >> an american female doctor west of the mississippi lived here. >> everyone that she took care of referred to her as their best friend. >> reporter: dr. ford treated her patients here, the many who couldn't get care elsewhere because of discrimination or poverty. >> my wife and ritually expecting, so since she was known for delivering babies and being a great doctor, we're hoping she will give us great baby advice. >> ddo you know if we will havea boy or a girl. >> reporter: they reported an auto current when they held dr. ford's belongings. >> the same two women who were mishandling her glasses, say they felt a huge wave of nausea. they felt, very ill. once they left the room they started to feel better. >> reporter: of the official reportresults of the paranormal investigation are still pending. they can't convince the skeptics, they won't disway the believes. >> yes, i believe because i have experienced it, as simple as that. one place that is not haunted, the magic of disney is coming right here to baltimore. disney on ice presents celebration. it's at the first mainer arena from october 28th to november 1st. disney gave us ticket to give away to you today. you can win a family 4 pack. be the 4th or 5th call ear at (410)481-4545. good luck to you, we hope you have a wonderful day. now we're going to leave you.

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