next on fox 45 morning news. i feel for him inside, and i really do hope that one day i can forgive him. a mother speaks out a judge's ruling in her son's death. what will happen to the teen's suspect now. wildfires range on in california. when they expect to have the massive fire contained and a live report. and what you need to know, before you hit the roads this holiday weekend. the travel numbers from aaa. good morning. it's wednesday, september second, i'm patrice harris. a nice start to the morning. meteorologist steve fertig is here to fill us in all on the details. yesterday i complained that it was a cold start to the morning and it was still summer and i didn't like that. >> you came prepared. >> i did, you just have to say, i have to take back the complaints, because yesterday afternoon it was absolutely gorgeous. >> what did i say yesterday morning. >> that's what you were saying. >> that's what i was saying. >> because i need to give. >> you know i'm going to take i beating. >> and i will be there to dish that out to you. >> you will be. here is the temperature as you head out to the bus stop this morning. 57 degrees. it's a clear start to the day. it's a pretty sky that will be emerging as the sun shines brightly. we will look for clear skies through the day. it should be a pretty one, if you liked yesterday and we know patrice did. she will enjoy the rest of the day and you will too with temperatures warming up a little bit into the 70s. most of the temperatures are in the mid-50s and i think that is why it may be odd, so bear with me. 56 degrees starting out on average. 73 by noon and 75 by 6:00 p.m. and no sign of any showers on the future scan model anytime soon. we will talk about a tropical storm out there,er ica and that is the next weather cast anyway in a few minutes. right now here is candace dold with the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. all in all a decent ride out there. we do have one thing to talk about, it's the northwest corner. it's a broken watermain. it was there, and that is the case this morning. you will find that. west mount, and westminister pike, it's out at glen falls road that it takes out one lane this. nevertheless, you can get by. once you get on 695, it's going to be an easy drive. from westminister pike, it's a 510 commute. entire outer loop stretch right now from route 702 wrapping toward 70, so far the cars that are filtering in but no significant delays it will take a 27-minute ride. that's a look at the morning commute, patrice, back to you. candace, thank you. 6:02 the fox 45 morning news. the white supremacist accused of gunning down a security guard inside of a holocaust museum is expected to appear in court this morning. veiljames von bron is facing sel counts including first-degree murder. megan gilliland is here with the rest. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. von bron has been in hospital after guards shot him in the face. expecting to make a full recovery, he could be staring death in the face yet again. holocaust museum, dedicated to millions of holocaust victims. there's a haunting reminder of a shootout. moments after opening the museum's front door for 89-year-old james von bron, security guard stephen john's was gunned down and killed. two other security guards returned fire wounding von bron, a man known as a white supremacist. >> we have to ask ourselves, all of these years of hatred impacted his actions. >> reporter: police searched his annapolis apartment which he shares with his son. they found a notebook with a message that says, the holocaust is a lie, obama he was created by jews. >> we're looking at potential civil rights or hate crimes that he can also be with at a later date. >> reporter: von bron is a convicted felon. he served six yeaz fro years inn after bringing weapons into the reserve building in 1981. von bron has been charged with several counts, including first-degree murder. the hate charges have been added to the charges making him eligible for the death penalty. stay with us for today's court appearance. fox 45 morning new. one man is dead after a double shooting in west baltimore. police were called to the 1400 block of north fulton after 4:00 yesterday afternoon. medics rushed both victims to shock trauma. one of the men was shot several times and was pronounced dead several hours later. there's no word on a suspect. a teenager accused of killing another teenager is headed to a juvenile facility. the 15-year-old was in court yesterday facing manslaughter charges in the death of 14-year-old christopher jones. jones was attacked by two members of a gang known as the eastside diamonds, while riding bike last may. in the court the defendant apologized to jones' family. >> honestly, i know that he killed my son and i know that he played a big part in his death, but he is still a child, and i feel for him inside. i really do hope that one day i can forgive him. >> the other defendant in this case goes to trial next month. stay tuned to fox 45 morning news for continuing coverage of this story. chris jones' mother will join us for her plans to combat gang violence. she will join us later this hour. sometimes silent tests are s are the loudest one. he is flying a flag this morning in protests of the cuts in his east funding. joel d smith is joining us on why the mayor is doing this. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. the mayor we're talking about is avon shoe maker junior, he is fed up with the state handling of funding. the amount of money coming for things like road improvement down 90%. that is why he has got a new flag flying here at the war stead memorial. now you see one from the 1770s, america's original flight for independence, the one with the flight and the mote odonthe treamotto, don'ttread on me was. big cities lick baltimore are seeing cuts in the 18%, small towns are getting hammered. he wants the flag to draw attention to the town's new bottom line. >> i think we were supposed to get after the first round of cuts in the neighborhood of $280,000. now we are looking at about $20. we may be able to filet few pot holes with that, but that is about it. >> reporter: he has about 20 employees, including police, but the mayor says layoffs could be next, if more money doesn't come soon. so far the businesses and the residents are supporting this new flag. there's talk about putting up more around town. live in hamstead, joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. still ahead, massive wildfires, the city is being threatened by out of control flames in california. i'm jessica starr, coming up this morning in the hometown hot spot, i'm live at the ♪ the art of getting dirty. the art of getting clean. new powerfully formulated wisk®... is better on tough mud stains than tide total care. wisk®. powerfully clean. perfectly priced. bring the kids to the see the kids. the goat show is one of the exciting things to do with the family at the maryland state fair. jessica starr is live from the timonium fairgrounds with all the details for our hometown hot spot. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. i'm live here with live goats, for the goat show that was yesterday and. it's very educational with the animals and the berthing center. i learned that most goats are born as twins and/or triplets. so to get more information on the goats and the goats that are joining me this morning i'm joined by ned davis. good morning. >> good morning. >> tell me about what are the goats judged upon? n they're judged on their confirmation, which is how correct they stand. their body confirmation. how straight they are across the back. how tall, what kind of legs they stand on, and they have judged on their otters and the strength and the capacity. you know, all of those different areas of the body that they look at. >> real quick, i'm going to go over and talk with the kids. they have the goats that are in the show. introduce yourself and tell me what type of goat it is. >> my name i is jim hawkins andi goat a. >> reporter: and then. >> i'm jacob and i have an alpine. >> reporter: you have a what? shrks an alpine. and last but not least with the long ears. >> hi, i'm samantha and i have a nubbian. >> reporter: you can come to the goat show. it happens today. you can get all of that information by logging on to the weather if you're going to come down today, at 2:00, 76 degrees and sunny. at 8:00, we will be dealing with clear skies and the temperature around 70 degrees. for the full forecast, let's head to steve in the sky watch center. boy, that forecast not looking half b-a-a-ad. that was pretty bad. clear skies, looking like a clear day today. that's the way things should look like right now. we're looking at a chance of any rain coming your way. guess what? you're not going to find a whole lot over our area for the next several days. the best chance of seeing a shower would be the south extreme area of the state. that would be because of a low pressure center moving long stationary boundary. you can see on this model that the moisture gets a little bit close rain gets closer to the southeast. that is the closest it does get if there's any chance at all. otherwise, it stays dry with the dry pressure to the new york. you will take a look at that and you will see the nice shrear skies up in the northern part of our region. it stays nice and pleasant around here. we're watching something else and i told you a little bit earlier. i gave you a little hint, tropical storm erica. and it's got 52-mile per hour winds and 63-mile per hour gusts and it's far off the mainland but it's moving close to the west near the antilles islands with the tropical storm warning and moving further points west as well. it's picking up speed as it goes. rye now 5 miles aright now it's. it's not going to affect our holiday weekend, but they're taking precautions at the antilles islands as well. it should stay moving west and it's moving west for most part. this looks to threaten, if it did continue to move through the area and continue to strengthening, maybe florida as well. you could see the widening of where it's moving. we will keep an eye on this over the next week or so. but until monday, through labor day, it doesn't make its way at the u.s. mainland. we are looking at 53 degrees at hagerstown. 59 in salisbury. 46, though, in oakland, and the temperatures 62 degrees in baltimore. and we will see the temperatures climb, just a couple of more degrees than yesterday. it should be a beautiful day around here. 74 degrees for the high with the northeast winds picking up a little bit on the eastern shore. a little breezy. they are 10-20 miles per hour, clear skies, the high temperature of 78 degrees for the central part of maryland. back to the western part of maryland, about the same. 78 degrees, and clear skies, northeast wind 5-10 miles an hour. tonight, 56 degrees, clear skies and then as we move through the day today, the temperatures move from the chilly mid-50s to upper 50s to 73 by noon. clear skies through 6:00 p.m., 75 degrees, mainly clear then, and if you're headed to the fair, as you just heard, it looks like a great day there, but if you're going to the game tonight, for the yankees and orioles. 73 degrees for the first pitch temperature at 7:05. mainly clear skies, very comfortable. it should be a great evening to be out there and pick up a wind. 75 degrees for thursday,'s high temperature mainly clear skies, 82 degrees for friday, partly cloudy skies, 84 and mainly clear on saturday, and a mix of sun and clouds, 83 sunday through thursday. you can track tropical storms, with fox 45 sky watch 45 tacker. it's available at fo go to now candace dold is back with a look at what is happening on the roadways, with the traffic edge, candace. >> reporter: we're monitoring the average speeds and so far we're loving it on 95. 53 miles per hour on the northwest corner and the same number through the northwest county. we took a dip on the southbound end of the jfx. we're now at 38 miles per hour there. we're back up to 55 on the west side of the beltway and a nice 60 miles per hour on 95 moving through howard county. as for incidents, while baltimore city is in the spotlight right now, we do have the persistent problem in the downtown region. it's the broken watermain. it's on saratoga street on green street. you know the deal, strick with h franklin or mulberry. watch for the flashing lights that will command your attention as you drive in that vicinity. as for the main lips, the southbound end of 95, through the fort mchenry tunnel, we're looking at a 6 minute clip. the cars are filing on 95, moving through whitemarsh. you can see a good crowd through both directions. so far no significant delays, we're keeping our fingers crossed hoping it stays that way, for a little bit longer. from parkville toward towson and the same traffic pattern moving through pikesville. as we hit the 695, that is right at liberty road. we're starting to see the brake lights on outer loop direction, but dealing with the moderate congestion heading up to 795. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back to you. candace, thank you. still to come, what you need to know before you hit the roads this holiday weekend. the travel numbers from aaa. and massive wildfires, the cities being threatened no to pricey diapers. it's time for luvs with the luvs money back guarantee. ♪ firefighters are making some progress in containing a massive wildfire in southern california, but residents and homes are still at risk. selma guitierrez has the details live from lake guitierrez. good morning, selma. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. i'm at the command center, and i can tell that you firefighters are breathing a sigh of relief. they're finally gaining some grounds. evacuations orders at some of the communities nearby have been lifted. residents have been allowed to go back in. this is the first time in a week that he has felt optimistic. the break from mother nature, firefighters were hoping for. higher humidity and cooler temperatures rolled through los angeles on tuesday helping them gain some ground on the mon troughs fire. >> we have the best, most aggressive, best trained and most courageous firefighters in the world and that is why we are able to push back very heavily. >> reporter: the battle is far from over. on tuesday, the fire grew, charring more than 127,000 acres. its massive side size captured by a camera in space. still in the path of destruction, thousands of homes. and the historic mount wilson observatory which is a major telecommunications hub for the region. stepping up their fight, firecrews brought in a top weapon in their arsenal. a world war ii era, am fib yous air tanker filled for the navy. it could scoop up to 7,000 gallons of water from a lake or ocean. efforts that may be too late for some. >> there were three houses here, right here and now they're gone. >> reporter: possibly enough for the thousands who can't help but fear the worst. >> now, damage teams are expected to be out later this morning. so far a total of 62 homes and structures have been burned to the ground. patrice. >> selma, is the break from the hot temperatures expected to last since that is the on thing that has helped the firefighters out so far? >> reporter: i'm sorry, patrice, you were asking about the weather? >> yeah, if the weather and the break in the hot temperatures is going to last? >> reporter: you know, the interesting thing about this is that about a week ago, the weather was about -- we were looking at 105, 109 degrees out here, but today we are looking at 87 degrees. hopefully that will holdup and by the end of the week, we're looking at a cooler trend in temperatures, higher humidity. you it already feel it now. and that is exactly the break the firefighters are hoping for? >> you said that 60 something homes, had already been destroyed in this, how many other homes are in the line of fire? >> reporter: right now, patrice, i can tell you that on the northern plank of this fire, that is the area of most concern right now for firefighters, there are 3,000 homes near the city of athens, that are still under threat. however, the area of la crescenta, the southern end the flank of the fire has been -- those orderses have been lifted and those people have been allowed to return home. still 3,000 people who are not able to return home and that community of athens, still jeopardized right now. >> all right. a lot of worried people this morning. selma, thank you so much. yeah. still ahead a rough start to a historically rough month. find out the latest business news. an upset over budget cuts. the unusua they have alzheimer's and heart disease, diabetes and cancer. and they've heard that biomedical research offers hope, that it could control, maybe even cure, their disease. senator barbara mikulski understands the importance of innovative biomedical research, for patients, their families, and our economy here in maryland. call senator mikulski today. tell her, thanks for protecting the promise of biomedical research and the maryland jobs it provides. it's not just the future, it's life. wall street gets off to a rough start in what is a traditionally a weak month for the market. stan case has more in today's business brief. >> reporter: despite stronger than expected housing and manufacturing reports, the markets took a sharp retrieve amid concerns that recent gains about paced the recovery. the dow fell 185 points, finishing 2% lower on the day. the nasdaq lost 2%, while the s&p 500, lost 2.5%. pending sales went down. signed real estate contracts jumped 2.3% in july, the highest point in two years. manufacturing grew in the u.s. after 13 months of decline. the cash author clunkers gave a boost on the auto sales in august. ford sales rose, 42%. and the toyota which had more clunker sales than any other automaker reported a 6% rise in sales. gm and chrysler showed positive gains for august, but posted sharp declines from this time last year. ebay announced to sell skype to a unit. the deal works out less than the $3.12 billion that the retailer paid for skype in 2005. for business news, i'm stan case. still ahead, a plea and an apology. i don't feel like he even wanted to say he was sorry. >> the mother of a murdered teen tells us what it was like facing one of her sons accused killers? court. the man accused of opening fire inside d.c. holocaust museum heads to court for the first time. this morning. i'm megan gilliland, the sentence he could receive if he convicted coming up next. i'm joel d smith, at hamstead where a new flag is ♪ for fresh deli taste, ( scanner beeping, music ) why pay for the whole deli? ♪ ( laughs, beeping ) price check on deli man. oscar mayer deli fresh shaved meats. great, fresh-from-the-deli taste... without the deli counter price. sliced, packed, and sealed at the peak of freshness. oscar mayer deli fresh. for the love of a great sandwich. welcome back to fox 45 morning news, 6:30 is the timement i'm patrice harris. let's check in with meteorologist steve fertig. it's 6:30 in the morning. in the commercial break, we are here talking about crabs and what we want to eat later today. >> it's maryland. >> i told you that riders was terrific. you said. >> i said, no, other people here say brackies. >> i'm such a novice. it's going to be a nice day to eat crabs later. head down to at the state fair, of course. >> i don't think they have crabs there, thgh.ou >> i got crabs on my mind. >> no, but they got so much else at state fair. high pressure is bringing us a nice day today just like yesterday. if you didn't get a chance to get out and enjoy the day yesterday, you will get another chance today. you will get many chances as the stationary boundary heads out of our way and low pressure offshore. many of the shower chances, although there's a tropical storm to talk about which we will later that is well out in the atlantic. 52 degrees in baltimore, 58 in washington d.c. should head to 78 degrees for the high today but still with plenty of sunshine, low humidity, it should be another spectacular one. what about the trip to work this morning. how is it looking on the roadways. here is candace dold with the traffic edge. >> reporter: i am partial to brachie as well. it's busy out there. on 95 at whitemarsh boulevard, you can see there's a lot of cars starting to file out on both the northbound and southbound lanes heading toward 695. as a result from mountain road heading toward the beltway we have the moderate congestion that will take 11 minutes. on 95 to do the city, from 895 to 295, pretty much the same traffic pattern. we're looking at the 10 minute clip. on the top end of the beltway, building pretty fast from 702 toward 70, you will find a lot of company, we're looking at a 20-minute ride right now. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back to you. candace, thank you. 6:42 on fox 45 morning news. the suspected holocaust museum shooter is expected to appear in federal court today. 89 years old james von bron is scheduled to be arraigned on several charges including first-degree murder. if convicted von bronc bron, cod face the death penalty. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. this is going to be the first court appearance since the june shooting. he has been in hospital since guards shot him in the face. now expected to make a full recovery he is expected in court. he is accused of gunning down and killing security guard 67 john's inside of dc,'s holocaust museum after john's opened the door for him. moments later two other security fires returned fire wounding von bron. >> not many people, not many at all had to say that they had to leave this world and we're doing something kind. and it's very, very unfair. >> you always expect something like this. it's still a surprise and shock when it happened. >> reporter: von bron a world war ii vet was convicted? 1981 of trying to kidnap members of the federal reserve. he served more than 6 years in prison for that crime. he is described as a white supremacist and ha his website s evidence of that. hate crime and weapons charges have been added against the case of the 85 years old making him eligible for the death penalty. the arraignment is scheduled for 10:00 this morning. stay with us. megan gilliland. fox 45 morning news. mayor's lawyers want subpoenas issued since she was first brought up on corruption charges? january. they hope to prevent any possible injustice in the case. they've already publicly accused the state prosecutor of abusing the grand jury process when he issued the processes. the state prosecutor says that everything was used properly for an indictment against mayor dixon. holton was reindicted in july on charges she violated campaign finance laws. this two months after bribery charges against her were dropped. according to the indictment, holton met privately with rips companlipscomb and another busin asking that they finance a $12,000 political survey on her behalf. at the time holton was seeking re-election. other charges were dropped because of a technicality. the charges are scheduled for 10:00 this morning. a mayor is protesting his funding cuts in a silent but noticeable way. joel d smith is at homestead where a new motto is getting new life. >> reporter: that's right, patrice. we're talking about don't tread on me. the old yell e yellow flag frome 1870s next to the u.s. flag. we're wondering why it's there. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> where did the idea come up from putting the new flag up and replacing the city flag? >> it's born out of frustration morning anything else. recently we got word that we're going to take a tremendous hit in budget cuts. the good people of hamstead are paying their tax dollars and getting very little in return because of a failure of leadership at the state level to get their fiscal house in order and they're passing the buck on to us. guess what? we don't have anybody to pass the buck to. >> reporter: 90% difference? >> we're going to lose 90% of our highway user funds. 35% of the police aid that we use to provide enforcement for hahamstead, a tremendous hit foa town our size. >> reporter: why this flag. where did you come across this idea. >> it seems to be the protest flag did you jure, and i think it's fitting. people are frustrated out. people are very upset, and it's not just in hamstead but throughout the united states, as you can see from viewing the footage from the town hall meetings going on. >> reporter: you're trying to get the officials to notice from the state. >> i hope it sends a message. people here are very, very frustrated. >> reporter: you're getting support from the residents and the businesses here. they agree. he is going to get a couple of nay sayers. they have support for the new flag here in hamstead, and coming up in the next hour, we will tell you how long the mayor plans to keep this up. live from hamstead, joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. coming up trying to forgive. i feel for him inside and i hope that one day i can forgive him. >> the mother of a dead teen tells us how she is hoping to help the community. check out 695 at liberty road. drivers are already tapping their brakes there. i will tell you what you need 6:39 now on fox 45 morning news. time to check in with meteorologist steve fertig and steve, what we can expect as we head toward the weekend. it's wednesday, mid days when people start thinking about, steve. >> reporter: that's right, we left the weekend and headed toward the weekend. it's equal either way you look. sky watch hd radar. we're looking at a dry start today. it's pretty out there with lots of sunshine. temperatures will warm up a little bit more as as you check out the sky watch hd radar and zoom out a little bit. i think it's going to be like we said yesterday, quite a distance. as we see rain. a low pressure center moving along the boundary could be bringing us a chance of a couple of showers the southeast extreme. i mean, we're talking about the southeast extreme, for thursday night into friday. that would be the only chance, even then unlikely that we see anything around here. we're looking good. 63 degrees right now the current temperature at the inner harbor with partly cloudy skies. the winds are calm, and rising on the barometer, 53 is the dew point. as we check out the temperatures around the area. we are at 53 at delaware or wilmington, delaware. and 55 in salisbury to come down back to the state. 53 in hagerstown and 46 in oakland. again, temperatures are going to climb because of the sunshine. we will climb to 78 for the high. we got a high pressure that is bringing you the northeasterly flow. that is where the dry is coming from. let's try that again. i'm going to try that again. i'm persistent. we got the northeast flow. there you go, no flow is necessary. take a look at the rest of the forecast. you get to see that we enjoy the nice. staying dry for the foreseeable future. best chance for any shower activity, wouldn't be until friday morning, for the southeast extreme of the state. even then while we watch the model, you will see the green kaight thindicating the rain. it gets close, but it doesn't make in here. the labor day weekend, the rest of it looks real nice. we keep the eyes to the tropics, too. we will tell you more about tropical storm erica that will be putting a role -- playing a role by the end of next week. high pressure is what we are having tonight. the low pressure center is the one that brings the outside chance of a shower. other than, more nice weather. if you enjoyed yesterday, you will enjoy another one today. mostly sunny skies, a little breezier there than elsewhere, 10-20 miles an hour. the breeze will is due to the low pressure center, and high pressure building it for us. 78 degrees, far enough for the low that we enjoy a pretty day today with only a 5-10-mile-an-hour winds. plenty of sunshine here as well as the western part. up in maryland where we get to 78 degrees, a 5-10-mile-an-hour wind. winds there as well. i think i need more sleep. bay degree58 degrees the overni. it was cool last night it will be cool again today. 73 degrees by noon, and 75 degrees by 6:00 p.m. with plenty of sunshine, so don't worry about a thing. just get outside today and enjoy it. anytime of the day should be a pretty one. it will warm up at 76 degrees at the state fair. at 2:00 p.m., 78 degrees, at 3:00 p.m., still clear skies. if you're headed to camden yards, how about 73 degrees for first pitch temperature, very comfortable and the mainly clear skies, it should be a very nice night. 79 degrees tomorrow with mainly clear skies. 84 for saturday, with mostly clear skies and partly cloudy skies for 80 degrees for sunday and monday. speaking of erica, you can track tropical storm erica or any other on tropical storm for that matter with fox 45 tacker. you can go to now, here is candace dold with another look at your traffic edge. >> reporter: , thank you, steve and good morning. if you are about to head out the door, you need to listen up. we are tacking our average speeds out there. now at 63 miles per hour on 95 in the northeast corner and the same on 83 moving through baltimore county. 50 miles per hour now on the jfx and on the west side of the beltway, we're definitely seeing a slow down now at 55, traveling on the outer lop lanes. back up to 65 miles per hour on 95 through howard county. we do have trouble to talk about on the beltway. it's an accident that just happened. it includes responding to the scene as we speak. it's on the inner loop lanes of 695 at hollins ferry road. there's no problems to report on the key bridge, if you're going to use the beltway this morning. pretty much the same deal moving through the tunnelsablewell. the southbound end of 95, through the fort mchenry tunnel, right now we're looking at a 5 minute clip. 595 from 395 heading toward the beltway. continuing the trek on 95, through route 32 moving on howard county, look at this light activity on the southbound lanes. that's the same traffic pattern on the northbound direction as well. if you're going to opt for 295, instead this morning, route 175, we already have some intermittent slowing on the southbound lanes, but the northbound lanes are problem-free heading all the way up toward beltway exit. now, of course, these conditions are changing, but you can keep up with them around the clock with personalized traffic reports for your travels. just log on to our website at and click on traffic edge. that's a look at your morning commute, patrice, back to you. candace, thank you. if you have something happening in your community, you can share it with all of baltimore. up load photos, videos or written stories to neighborhood news. go to take. you can also send photos and videos directly from your cell phone through pi they have alzheimer's and heart disease, diabetes and cancer. and they've heard that biomedical research offers hope, that it could control, maybe even cure, their disease. senator barbara mikulski understands the importance of innovative biomedical research, for patients, their families, and our economy here in maryland. call senator mikulski today. tell her, thanks for protecting the promise of biomedical research and the maryland jobs it provides. it's not just the future, it's life. inside new this morning, the suspected holocaust museum shooter is expected to appear in federal court today. james von bron is scheduled to appear on courts of first-degree murder among others. if convicted, he could be facing the death penalty. the face of helen holton heads to court this morning the holton was recharged on charges that he violated campaign laws. similar charges were dropped back in may because of a technicality in state law. a crofton teenager is headed to a juvenile facility for his role in the death of another teenager. he entered a plea deal on manslaughter charges. the judge sentenced him to six years. he said he and another teen attacked christopher jones. the two teens are a part of a local band for saying something they thought was disrespectful. chris jones, mother jennifer atkins was in court yesterday. she is joining us this morning along with chris' aunt susi estrada. i see you looking at the pictures and i know that is difficult for you. you talked about forgiveness yesterday when you left court. what will it take for you to get that, if ever? >> that's what i'm really working hard for. i know that teenagers make awful choices and very bad decisions, and in my heart i know that he is just a child. and although he took my son's life, i still know that he is just a child. and i hope that i can forgive him. i'm trying really hard. >> you and the community it seems are trying to get past what happened and focus on something more positive. you all are trying to get a life station community center built. tell me what that is? >> the life station, it's the most amazing thing that could happen at such a terrible time in our life. our church riva church presented the idea to my members which my sister susi is a member of the church. after chris died, she mentioned it to me, maybe that would be something you would be interested being involved in. i would absolutely would be more involved because of the kids in the neighborhood and the kids that are struggling with, you know, just social skills and life skills and, you know. it's not like it used to be like the way when we were growing up. you treat people the way you wanted to be treated. these guys have gone crazy. they want to fight and they want to join the gangs to have some kind of recognition. obviously, with what happened to my son, there's tragic, tragic outcomes. and the life station is -- it's not just a community center like a rec hall where you can go play ball or you can go run a muck with your friends, it actually has leaders that will be there, that will help the kids with good days and bad days. they're going to teach the kids life skills, social skills, character training. there's a performing arts studio that is going to be there. they will also have a latte bar, just a lot of good things. it's a very safe place for the kids to be. >> a lot of families would think, gangs aren't in my neighborhood or this would never impact my family, but you're saying, kids are just angry today. they don't have a lot going on. is this a way to keep all kids safe and to keep all kids something to do, not just kids like your son, but even -- >> absolutely. absolutely. it's not just for -- even though it's a faith-based program, it's not just for kids that are religious, it's for all kids of all walks of life. i'm not sure how much you know about the case, but six kids were involved in my son's death. two were charged because there were only two that actually beat him, but all six of those kids come from dual parent homes. they don't live, you know, in a house that is run down on the corner with a mom or a dad. they both have both of their parents in the home and they live in a big house, in a nice neighborhood. you know, where the houses are 3, 4, 5, $600,000. it's just not the normal -- it's not the normal. but it's becoming the new normal. >> sus hey, i know you were here to give some support to jennifer, but your community and your church also embraced this. what is it for you all to be involved? >> it's obviously a very special thing for us to be involved. it was an emotional day when the church called and wanted to run the idea for me first to see if jenny was ready. this was a few months ago and it was pretty soon after chris' death. i said absolutely, she would be ready. it's going to be named chris jones life station. my last question for you, what do you want the last memory about your son to be, i guess this is what it will be? >> yeah. and the director of the life station, he is a guy who lived out in the midwest. he contacted us -- through the church two weeks ago and said there's a place in essex, which is out here in baltimore county, not even close to where we live. they already have a building. and they're interested in having a life station created here. >> a lot of good can come from this. we appreciate you coming in. we thank you for taking the ♪ ♪ i'm cool like that, i'm cool like that ♪ ♪ i'm cool like that [ female announcer ] there's a smarter, cooler way to get your clothes brilliantly clean. and it's a turn for the better. ♪ i'm cool like that, i'm cool like that ♪ [ female announcer ] tide coldwater. it's specially formulated to clean in cold better than the other brand does in warm. ♪ cool like that and by washing in cold, you can save up to $10 on your energy bill with every 100 oz bottle. and that's cool. tide coldwater. get out of the old and into the cold. ♪ i'm cool like that >>the labor day weekend is just a few days away. it's usually the time for the people to stop working and start playing. many people will be hitting the roads. what will you need to do. the mid-atlantic aa is here to help you have a save holiday. i can't even get it out. my brain is on holiday mode. how many people will be out playing on the treats and having -- on the streets and having a nice holiday time. >> we will see a curtailing just like americans in the u.s. we looking a 14% decline like last year. air travel is expected to go down significantly, 21%, as well as travel by auto. it's due primarily to the labor day holiday falling a week later this year, versus the last year. you have school districts already in school for two weeks now. so families are less inclined on travel. >> for knows who are traveling, and even if you're not, you have an auto safety clinic that could help people? >> we do, this is a free event at the i no on timonium fair. we're offering, tire pressure fair, and we are looking at edging services. this is where we stensil your vehicle identification on all the windows and your car is less likely to be stolen. we also have the anticar theft committee. we have to wrap it up. you always are good about helping people. again this holiday you're offering tipsy taxi if people need a ride from the bars. >> you have to be drinking at a baltimore bar, 21 as and 21 an . it's tomorrow from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the timonium shopping center which is across the fairgrounds. for more information log on to coming up in our 7:00 hour, just in time for labor day, one product promises disposable mess free grilling. we put the easy grill to the will it work test. >> reporter: i'm joel d smith, live in hamstead where we smith, live in hamstead where we need to ask discover a light yogurt like no other. activia light! delicious, fat free, and above all... the only one that has bifidus regularis and is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system. activia light. ♪ activiaaa! still haven't tried activia? i am definitely a skeptic. my commercials didn't convince you? actually, my mom convinced me. and? activia definitely helped with my occasional irregularity. take the activia challenge. it works or your money back! ♪ activia! with "special savings" on select custom dining. you choose the style... we custom make it. it's more affordable than you think. now with smart finance options for the way you live. it's more affordable than you think. next other fox 45 morning news. an elderly man blamed for the shooting at at holocaust museum. healthcare reform takes center stage in maryland. one of the top democrats hear from the people in his district just in time for labor day. one product promises mess free grilling. we put it to the will it work test. good morning. it's wednesday, september second. i'm patrice harris. another nice day in store. meteorologist steve fertig is here to give us all the good details. yeah, i can say, just like yesterday, it's another shot to get outside and enjoy this day. >> yeah, later in the day. >> i've been working kind of hard. >> telater in the day, in the morning it's chilly, but in ther in the day it's gorgeous. >> it's technically still summer and when you leave school, it will still be nice, don't worry too much. 62 degrees in baltimore. and 53 degrees in cockeysville. and in annapolis, 63 degrees, but temperatures will climb nicely with the clear skies out there. you will see plenty of sunshine and when you head home from school, temperatures will be in the 70s so not to worry. it looks lik like a great day. you head home from work, still in the 70s. s temperatures will drop into the low 70s later on about 7 or 8:00. it cools down a little bit more. let's see what is happening during the day. here is candace dold with the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we are pretty far away from any 70s on the roadways because we have a slow go on the crash. a crash on 695, it's at hollins ferry road. because of that we do have delays on 295. on 295, the northbound lanes right now we're seeing our fair share of volume from the d.c. line up toward russell street that will take 28 minutes. the inner and outer loops of the beltway from 95 toward 97. we're in the red woods an 8 minute clip. as far as the top end from the jfx toward 70, a lot of cars there, but no incidents to talk about. we're looking at a 13-minute ride. that's a look at the morning travels. patrice, back to you. the white supremacist a excused of gunning down a security guard inside d.c.'s holocaust museum is expected to appear in court. 89 years old james von bron is facing several counts, including first-degree murder mple. megan is joining us with the latest. >> reporter: this is going to be first court appearance since the june shooting. he has been in the hospital ever since guards shot him in the face. now expected to make a full recovery, he could be staring death in the face yet again. outside d.c. museum dead indicated to millions of holocaust victims, there's a haunting reminder ever of a dead shootout. >> everyone was panicking. >> reporter: moments after opening the museum's front door for james von bron, as security guard was gunned down. >> terrible. >> reporter: two other security guards returned fire wounding von bron, a man known as a white supremacist. >> of all of these years of public hatred, impact is action. >> reporter: after searching von bron's car and his annapolis apartment which he shares with his son, he they foun they founk that reads the holocaust is a lie, obama was created by jews. >> we are looking at potential civil rights or hate crimes that he he could also be charged with at a later day. >> reporter: von bron is a convicted felon. he served six years in prison after bringing weapons into the federal building back in 1991. he is facing hate crime and weapons charges and first-degree murder. it makes him eligible for death penalty. stay with us for the latest on today's court appearance. megan gilliland, fox 45 morning news. one man is dead after a shooting in west baltimore. police were called to the 400 block of north fulton avenue after 4:00 yesterday afternoon. medics rushed both of the victims to shock trauma. 1 of the men was shot several times and was pronounced dead several hours later. there's no word on a suspect. baltimore county police identify the man gunned down monday night near the unbc campus. investigators say can you wan range-- kuwanranger was returnie after 7:00 p.m. according to witnesses that is when several armed men walked up to him and opened fire. he later died at st. agus hospital. police are still searching for spd suspects. the corof special appeals sides with the o'malley admnistration with its right to fire a truenes transportation e. metaloni was a hold over appointee from former governor bob ehrlich's term when o'malley took over in 2007. the tranportation office says that the metaloni was fired as part of a planned reorganization. sometimes silent protests are the loudest one. that is what a local mayor in carroll county is hoping. he is flying a new flag this morning in protests of huge cuts in his city's funding. joel d smith is live with more on wha why the mayor is doing t. good morning, joel. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. we have a flag flying above the skies. let's take a look at it right now. don't strad on me. it's a way of protest. going with the traditional flag that you see there. we are here with the mayor why exactly we have the new flag. why over the skies things look different this morning. >> reporter: it's an outgrowth of the frustration that we feel here in hamstead but across the country with the direction that the nation is going and specifically the state of maryland. >> reporter: you're talking about funding which is sort of the tipping point for you? >> that was tel the straw that e the proverbial camel's back. it's spend aththe national level. it's the state's failure to get the fiscal house in expord passinorder, andpassing the buc. >> reporter: you're getting attention for this locally but also a little bit nationally, huh? >> i'm amazed, actually. i've gotten e-mails, and facebook friend requests from across the country on this particular issue. and they've been uniformly supportive. i've gotten e-mails from california, arizona, all over the place. >> reporter: real quickly, how long will it be up? >> that remains to be seen. we don't know, maybe a month, maybe longer. >> reporter: we will stay tuned on that. maybe it will get there until he gets the kind of attention he wants. a change in the funding for small towns coming from the state and federal level. joel d smith at hamstead fox 45 morning news. we want to know are the state budget problems caused by the poor economy or just poor management? that is the question of the day. we will take your calls later. you can also send us a tweet at fox baltimore. maryland officials are gathering for a briefing on swine flu preparation today. the briefing will include officials from the maryland department of health and mental hygiene and the maryland emergency management. it will include the maryland state department of education and the maryland higher education commission. governor o'malley says dealing with swine flu this fall will be a big challenge. clean up the bay. that is the message local environmental groups took to annapolis yesterday. the groups presented the signatures of 19,000 people to the environmental protection agencies faith senior advisor. they're demanding the epa enforce the federal clean water act. last spring, president obama signed an executive order directing the epa to create new plans to clean up the bay. that report is scheduled to be released next week. coming up on fox 45 morning news, the mystery shoppers scams. angie barnett with the better business guys remember, we're a solar system. mars is down...and... um, it's only 10am. who hasn't had their jimmy dean breakfast this morning? mmmm! now lets orbit i feel awesome. you're all awesome. jimmy dean breakfast sandwiches, fight the morning fade. make sure not to miss out on the 11 best days of summer. they're only six of them left so bring the family out to the maryland fair and do it soon. meteorologist jessica starr is live at the maryland state fair for our hometown hot spot. still enough time to get outen and joy. >> reporter: it's plenty of time. the weather is cooperating. it's going to be beautiful today through the weekend. we have a lot of animals, educational, rides, and food. joining me this morning, i have an alpaca. i've never seen an alpaca close up in person. this why you need to come out to the maryland state fair. tiffany, tell me who is this guy? >> this is war lock. >> reporter: and his hair looks like that. >> the top of his head is naturally like that, so, we actually sheared his body. that way he keeps cool during the summer. >> reporter: so tell me about the obstacle. the obstacle course is going on today. what are some the things that they have to do? >> they have to go over a teeter totter and backing them up and showing their teeth and picking up their feet and all. >> reporter: on average, how many alpacas normally participate in the obstacle course? >> there's 20 that participate. >> reporter: you are telling me something interesting earlier, that they judge, something about their fur. tell me about what we were talking about? >> during show manship which is a different kind of show. they judge on the crimp of their fiber and how well you can show your animal, how well you can present your animal. at the will ask you questions about their bones and what they eat and things like that. >> reporter: perfect. we have a couple of things that this guy can do, maybe back up? >> sure. we can back him up. >> reporter: fabulous. very interesting. you definitely need to come on down to the maryland state fairgrounds. there's a lot of interesting things going on here with animals, and food, and rides. you can get all of the information by log on to our website at the weather, if you want to come on down today, beautiful day. at 2:00 today, 76 degrees with sunny skies and at 8:70 degrees with clear skies. you need to come on down, with the kids and it's very educational. for the full forecast today, let's head to steve at the sky watch center. >> reporter: thank you, jessica. it's a smart look. very cute. here is what we got out there right now. t going tit's going to be anotht day. if you liked yesterday, you are going to like today unless you're not feeling too well. it's just a repeat. it's like rewind. hit rewind and play again. we are going to look for showers but you won't find any. they're out of the south and east and out of our way. the future scan model looking exactly at that. what you will eventually find is a near miss, or a near hit is what we should call it as the low pressure center moves across the south and east of us through the carolinas. you can see it there, thursday night into friday morning when you see the showers missing the southeast extreme of the area. if there's any showers that is where it would be. other than it would be dry to the south of the area. that is because the stationary boundary is sitting out of the way. that means dry and up through the tennessee valley and into the mid a themimid at lanmid-atlantic muck at what is happening in the ocean. we have tropical storm erica. 52 miles an hour winds. gusgusting at 53 miles per hour. it's going to pose a problem for thelywoothe leewood islands. they are under a tropical storm watch as they make slow progress. not going to get anywhere near the eastern part of the u.s. until after the labor day weekend. we are okay at least for the extended forecast. beyond that, we will keep an eye on it for you. 62 degrees. the same for salisbury. 52 in hagerstown. hague ors townhagerstown, there. i'm going to get it. 56 degrees in oakland. let's see what temps we get up to for the high. 20-mile-an-hour winds. for the central part of the state getting up to 66 degrees. 10-15 degrees. and back to the west, the same, 78 degrees. tonight a chilly night. it's going to be cool night and comfortable afternoons. as we move through the day today, look for temperatures to get up to about -- let's try that again. 56 degrees for the starting temperature, 73 by noon and 75 by six p.m. if you're headed to camden yards, h 63 degrees for a first pitch temperature. and 81 for sunday wit with party cloudy skies. 81 and mostly clear skies on thursday. you can track tropical storms like erica, with sky watch hurricane tacker. it's available at go to now candace dold is back with another look at your traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. and good morning. if you are heading out and hitting many of the main lines you will find a slow go out there. 95 at the northeast corner at 52 miles per hour and 55 on the jfx, now at 50 at 83 moving through baltimore county. look at this number, though, 38 miles per hour on the west side of the beltway and up to speed with 60 on 95 traveling through howard county. as for incidents, well, we're talking about trouble on the beltway. there's a crash on the inner loop lanes. it actually takes out one lane. that is right at hollins berry road and it's jammed from 295. just be aware that you will find the flashing lights and a lot of cars that will be surrounding you. on 695 at liberty road, here it is on the outer loop lanes and we're starting to see stop and go delays heading toward 70, but no troubles to report on the inner loop direction up toward 795. on 795, heavy traffic to be expected, you know the drill on the usual morning rush delays, from owings mills boulevard, down to 695, that is going to be a bit of a slow go for you. as far as pikeville is concerned, if you're traveling on top end, be aware there's moderate congestion there. it definitely picks up moving through parkville down toward towson on the outerville direction. on 95, if you are going to travel on whitemarsh boulevard, look at this, it's going to be a straight stack of cars there on the southbound lanes. that is the scenario heading toward 695. that is a look at your morning commute, patrice, back to you. candace, thank you. still ahead, investigating cia interrogation tactics, under president bush. who is backing the obama decision. and getting ready for hurricane jamina. new this morning, firefighters are hoping the cooler temperatures will help deter the massive wildfire burning in california's angeles national forest. at least five wildfires are burning now in the state consuming more than 120,000 acres. more than half of the size of new york city. fire authorities say it could take weeks before the fire is contained. medical supplies have been flown in and shelters prepared as hurricane jamina rumbles through the pacific. the storm is closing in on mexico's baja peninsula. it remains a dangerous cat gorey ii hurricane. kick up huge waves and flooding streets. attorney general praises the decision to investigate whether cia agents tortured terror suspects. >> reporter: here is a quick look at what we're following today from washington. forker vice president dick cheney has been one of the most outspoken critics of holder's decision to investigate whether cia investigators used torture tackics on the terror suspects. alberto gonsalez said holder was correct to make the legal decision to pursue the investigation based on facts. gonsalez who himself was criticized for politicizing the jus tivjustice department. he says no one who went beyond the rules should be investigated. the lieutenant governor has called for his resignation. south carolina state lawmakers are urging him to step down. state attorney general is conducting an official ethics probe, but governor mark sanford told the washington times he is not giving up his fight to keep his seat. while he has been acknowledged by the fact that not a single republican has supported him. he still believes this is what god wanted me to do with his life. he compared himself with the car aysarah palin. thehe told the mix of schol, he deplot at, citizens gathered for the effect that all religions shared the desire for pursuit of peace and dignity of all human beings and renewed the call he made in kiro for a new relation for the muslim world. read those stories ♪ the amazing always infinity. ♪ it's astonishingly flexible. ♪ unbelievably soft. ♪ and has an amazing material... that's 4x more absorbent than you may need. making fluids seem to... poof... disappear. just like magic. ♪ always infinity. have a happy period. shop, dine, and get paid. it sounds like a great part-time job be but you better be careful before you sign up for it. for today's consumer confident report. angie barnett from the better business bureau is here to tell us about a misery shopper scam. >> it sounds like it would be fun to be a mystery shopper. >> it is. >> people are trying to put that out because they think you will do it. why shouldn't you do it. >> what is happening with marylanders, is they're receiving letters and an accompanying check. the letters telling them deposit this check in your bank and go out and mystery shop. you're going to go for customer service and how long you wait in line things like that. they're shopping you at places we know, gap, jc penney, wal-mart. then they going to tell us go shop a place that does money grams and you're going to send money to canada. let's say the check is $1,500 and we have seen some over $4,000. they're going to tell you to buy items for 30, $50 and then they're going to tell you to money gram $201,500 some large amount $1,500, 2,000. when you money wire that money the money is gone. it's untrackable. >> not only do you lose the money because the initial check they send you, it's a fake. you put that in your account thinking it's the money is there and it's not there. >> wasn't checks that we have seen come across maryland the last week is from diamond comics distributor. so the checks have these real names, they look very real. a lot of people can't tell the fake from the real. so you deposit the check thinking it's going to clear and you're actually going to get paid. you're going to keep the items and you're going to wire money. when it bounces, you're out all the money you spent, plus for most people it would be insufficient fund fees and all of the other charges from the stores when the checks bounce. >> there are legitimate mystery shoppers programs out there. how does somebody determine the difference between the two? >> the first -- most of these cases, nobody. they're totally unsolicited. nobody asked about them. that is one warning flag. on the other that's an association -- excuse me -- called the mystery shopping providers association. and you can actually become certified and they will link you up with very legitimate firms who do mystery shopping. that is your best piece of advice. when it sounds too good to be true, it is. >> it is. angie, thank you as always. if you would like more information about the better business bureau and all of the good information they have, just log on to our web site at and/morning. still ahead a baltimore councilman will spend his morning in court. the your home sees a lot of life, and so does new airwick imotion. it's the only continuous air freshener with a smart motion sensor, so it sees when there is more activity and automatically adjusts the fragrance. it creates the perfect scent in your home's busiest places. airwick freshmatic ultra with imotion gives you freshness where life happens. airwick, it's good to be home. 7:31 now on fox 45 morning news. welcome back. i'm patrice harris. let's check in with meteorologist steve fertig and get a look at our forecast for the morning, good morning, steve. good morning, patrice. it's another pretty morning, sunshine out there, cool but it will warm up again. >> i'm having to get used to seeing the school bus there again. it's been so long since we had the school bus forecast. >> you may want to step out of the way. >> candace is moving in my direction. she has got the traffic covered. here is the way it is at the bus stop. clear skies, mostly 5-10 miles per hour, very pretty out there. high pressure is continuing to bring us the nice conditions for today and the next several days. we will be talking about what is not so nice out in the atlantic, tropical storm erica. for us, things are quiet. temperatures in the upper 50s through most of the area or mid-50s. we get to 73 degrees by noon with plenty of sunshine. 75 degrees with mainly clear skies, going through 6:00 p.m. after getting through the high of 78 right around 3:00 today. all right. let's check with candace dold right now. she has got the traffic edge, candace? >> reporter: thank you, steve. well cars have barely been moving on the inner loop lanes of 695 near hollins ferry road. that is because we had an accident. the good news it's clearing out. and we're tracking the beltway. the outer loop lanes, look at this, we're in the red with a 16-minute commute. on the inner loop lanes from 70 up toward the jfx, that is a little bit lighter there, right now looking at a 13-minute drive. as for the southbound end of 83, traveling from fayette street, these are the cars that you will have to contend with. that is incident free, that will take 15 minutes. patrice, back to you. 7:33 on fox 45 morning news. the suspected holocaust museum shooter is expected to appear in federal court today. 89-year-old james von bron is scheduled to be arraigned on several charges including first-degree murder. if convicted von bronc bron, cod face the death penalty. megan gilliland joins us with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, patrice. this is going von bron's first court appearance since the shooting. he has been in the hospital ever since guards shot him in the face. after making full recovery, von bron will be in court today. he is accused of gunning down and killing security guard stephen john's after john's opened the front door to the brethed.c. holocaust for him. it makes him eligible for the death penalty. moments after von bron opened fire, two other security guards returned fire wounding von bron. here is what they had to say shortly after the shooting. >> not many people, probably not many at all have to say that they had to leave this world and they were doing something kind. it's very, very unfair. >> you always expect something like this, it's still a surprise and sock when it happened. >> reporter: von bron a world war ii vet was convicted in 1981 of trying to kidnap members of the federal reserve. he served more than six years in prison for that crime. he is described as a white supremacist and his website has evidence of that. he is scheduled to be arraigned today. stay tuned for that megan gilliland, fox 45 morning news. a teenager accused of killing another teenager is headed to a juvenile facility. the judge sentenced him to six years. the victim's family says it was the best they could hope for. jones was attacked by two members of a gang known as the eastside diamonds while riding his bike last may. in court the defendant apologized to jones' family. >> honestly i know that he killed my son and i know that he played a big part in his death. he is still a child and i feel for him inside. i really do hope that one day i can forgive him. the other defendant in this case goes to trial next month. mayor dixon's lawyer want all the grand jury's subpoenas issued since she was first brought up on corruption charges in january. dixon's lawyers filed that request yesterday. they hope to prevent any possible injustice in the case. they have already publicly accused the state prosecutor of abusing the grand jury process when he issued the subpoenas. the state prosecutor claims that everything was done properly in order to gain evidence for a new indictment against dixon. meanwhile the case against council wan helen holton heads to court this morning. holton was charged that he violated campaign laws. according to the indictment, holton met privately with developer ronald lipscomb and businessman john pat rats. bat rat is. similar charges against holton were dropped back in may because of a technicality in state law. a baltimore county councilman will be in court to face drunk driving charges. police charged sam moxley in july. it's his second dui in four years. moxley's court appearance is scheduled for 9:00 this morning. the congressman held a town hall meeting in charles county last night. he met with the crowd of 1500 people during the event. the program was scheduled to last for about an hour and a half, but highwaye hoyer and thf 4 talked about the proposal for about an hour before they took questions. tempers flared in the audience and several people took off. a group that opposites the public option, held a forum their own. they support expanding health insurance options focused on patients. i have a bunch of kids and great grands kids and kids. and i don't want them to be in debt up to their eye balls for forever. >> beginning september 14th, americans for prosperity will begin a bus tour that will include stops in maryland. let your voice be heard. tell lawmakers what you think about healthcare reform. will you find their phone numbers and e-mail addresses at slash your voice. a mayor in carroll county is protesting his town's gunning cuts in a silent, yet noticeable way. joel d smith is live at hamstead where an old motto is getting new live. >> reporter: we're at the hamstead war memorial. flying in the air is a different flag. the one on the right says don't tread on me. famous from the 1870s when america was still being formed. we have the mayor here. good morning to you. >> googood morning, joel. >> reporter: why use this one. and use this to say that you are not happy? >> people are frustrated and it's not just me. it's people throughout the community and people throughout the country. they are dissatisfied with the direction that our country is going. they are dissatisfied in the direction with which our state is going. >> reporter: you're getting 90% cut in funding on your highway funds to fix roads and things like that. isn't everybody feeling the pinch? what made it different that you felt you had to do something for the town? >> sure, everybody is feeling the pinch, but the fact remains that we're at ground zero. we're the ones that have to fill the potholes, pave the streets, provide the police protection, provide clean water. there's nobody that we could pass the buck to. that is our dilemma. we have to take the hit. >> reporter: what is going to be the result of that, then? >> well, the result, is we may be able to filet couple of potholes with $20,000. that is basically what we will be looking at highway user funds. we will take a 35% hit to our police aid. worst case scenario, we're going to have to do some serious budget examination which may even require, you know, some personnel changes. i mean, who knows? it's very desperate. >> reporter: that is why you're trying to get that point across to the officials that make the decisions on money. he wanted to put this flag up so everyone knows that they're not happy here at the small town. he's getting a lot of support from across the country with other mayors who agree with this type of protest. the flag could be flying for up to a month or until he gets some response. we want to know what you think about the state budget problems? are they caused by the poor economy or poor management? that is the question of the day. the phone lines are open now at (410)481-4545. or you can also send us a tweet at fox baltimore. the city police department is in line to get some new crime fighting equipment and it will all be paid for with federal stimulus dollars. baltimore's board of estimates is said to receive $5.8 million. it will go toward items including five crime cameras and 2,000 pocket cops, those are blackberries that provide police officers with quick access to crime information like outstanding warrants. $200,000 will go back to a tuition reimbursement program that had been cut from the budget. fox 45 morning news, reports of a haunted theater in hagerstown. the proof that employees claim prove their claims. check out 695 at liberty road. we're dealing with stop and dodi lays 7:43 on this wednesday morning. another pretty day in store today. if you didn't get a chance to enjoy yesterday, will you bet a repeat for today. you will see the best chance of showers well off to the south and east. that is where it stays for the most part. sometime moisture creeping up to the north. the south carolina coast, could start to moving close to us by thursday night into friday as the boundary moves further north. for the most part we're looking rather good around here. take a look 62, degrees for the starting temperature of the partly cloudy skies right now, winds are calm and 70% relative humidity. 52 is the dew point so it's another dry day. in salisbury, it's 58, and the same for d.c. and oakland at 50 degrees. high pressure is controlling the weather as i said getting the northeasterly flow of air. northeasterly flow of air bringing in the dry conditions today once again. and we look at our future scan model and search for rain. even though we could use a little bit frankly at this point, we are not going to see anything nearby, by overnight thursday into friday as you see the moisture streaming up. with the low pressure center that moves to the south or moves to the north and east to the south. so it misses us for the most part we think. if we don't get any rain it will be because of the low pressure center and it will be for the southern most part of the state as we get into the overnight period thursday into friday. other than, high pressure continues to control our weather all week long. the low pressure center is well to the south. we're not concerned about a thing but getting time out and enjoy it. getting up to 77 degrees for the high today. breezier because of the low pressure center off the coast and the high pressure building. whenever you get to nearby each other, you get stronger winds. take look at the stronger winds. north winds at 5-10 miles per hour. further points west, about the same. 78 degrees, a northeast wind at 5-10, with sun there as well. today, clear skies, 66 degrees for the overnight low. we will get to the 78 degrees by hitting 73 at noon. getting to the 78 at 3:00 this afternoon and backing up to 75 at 6:00 p.m. with lots of sunshine. also, if you'ring to the fair, i should tell you that 2:00 p.m. temperatures, 76 degrees with sunshine. 70 and clear skies at 8:00. if you're headed to camden yards for the orioles yankees games, 75, and first pitch temperature, should be a great night for baseball. clear skies so very comfortable indeed. low 80s for the rest of the week at 82, friday, 84 on saturday. right near 80 degrees for sunday through tuesday with a mix of sun and clouds. we're keeping an eye on tropical storm erica. we will tell you more about that in the next full weather forecast. but you can track tropical storm erica and any tropical storms with fox 45 tacker. you can use the doppler rai rado track any incoming storms. go to now candace dold is back with a look at the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. we're tracking the average speeds out there and they're pretty far off now. 50 on 83 moving through baltimore county. we will get this number, 47 on the southbound end of the jfx and down to 32 miles per hour on the west side of the beltway at 60 miles per hour moving on 95 through howard county. here is what we're dealing with. we do have trouble on baltimore city to focus on right now. there's an accident on the heart of baltimore, that fact, pratt street at gay street. we're dealing with the broke enwatermain. franklin or mulberry are going to be the better alternate routes. and 895, scooting through the harbor tunnel. dipping back on to 95, pretty much the same traffic pattern from 395 down toward 695. on 95 in howard county, moving right at route 32, very light activity on the southbound direction. it's heading all the way down toward washington d.c. and then on 295, at route 175, we definitely have seen our fair share of delays. now things are starting to ease up a bit. it's just the cars that you will have to contend with, northbound lanes and the northbound direction up toward the 695 direction. that's a look at the morning commute. patrice, back to you. candace, thank you. coming up protesting cuts to state funding. the mayor of hamstead says maryland fiscal problems are the result of mismanagement at the state level. we want to know what you think. are the state budget problems caused by the poor economy or just mismanagement? that is the question. day. the phone lines are open at (410)481-4545. e mayor of hamstead is ordering the city flag be tang down with replaced with a flag that reads don't tread on me. mayor shoe maker junior is protesting the governor's decision to cut the funding to town. he says that the state budget problems are as a result of the state management. we want to know, are the budget problems a cause of the recession or mismanagement. call us at (410)481-4545 or send us a tweet. ana, what do you think mismanagement or the economy? >> totally mismanagement. he can't manage the city budget. he can't manage the state budge. budget. he raised taxes on everything and we don't have any money. >> ana, thank you for your call. let's go to cynthia. what do you think? >> hi, good morning. >> what do you think economy and mismanagement? n certainly the poor economy has had something to do with it, but it's very obvious that it is blatant mismanagement. it's blain blaint ant misagemen. >> this is what they say poor management as leaders of the state you should always be prepared for bad times, no pay raise, no first class trips. poor management in the sense that the state seems to unfairly tax the wealthiest zeit sens and another one, poor management. they start to change when money comes out of their pocket, all of a sudden things aren't as bad. so everyone, so far seems to be on the side of poor management. let's see what steve in catonsville has to say about it. good morning, steve? >> good morning. >> so far everybody says it's mismanagement that is causing the problem? >> i would definitely say it's mismanagement. this is the highest states to live as far as the fines we pay to renew our cars. if you don't pay car insurance, we have the highest fines across the east coast. there's no reason why we should be mismanaging that much money. >> everybody is in agreement today. thank you for your calls and your tweets. later on fox 45 morning news, the red cross is looking for volunteers, but not to donate blood. what they need and who can help. next in all in one barbeque promises to take all the hassle out of your next cook out. plus, does the easy grill labor day is almost here and that means one last official cook out before the end of the summer. while charcoal grills give the best flavor, they can sometimes be a bit messy. the new mess free grill claims to make your holiday stress free, but does it really work. >> reporter: some nice day out at the lake, helping with football, but what is for lunch. forget the hassle of bringing along all the supplies. the makers of easy grill, promise their product will keep your party going without any fuss. the volunteers give it a little shake to move up the charcoal inside. place it on the stand and let's bring the instant grill to light. we light the starter paper. after 20 minutes, the fire dies down and the char coal charcoale ready. but this aluminum grill holdup to the weight. we placed nine pieces of meat. there's a problem with the last steak. >> okay. everybody knows the right one didn't sear, sizzle as much. >> reporter: so scoot it over for better placement on top of the coals. >> there you go, better. >> reporter: the coals are botched ubunched up in one areae grill cover doesn't allow you to move them. >> that is hot. as you can see we have to keep it all left over. honkerred over. >> reporter: but before you know it, it's time to turn out steaks. >> oh, nice. >> reporter:prove that the he hs doing its job. it even gives the grill marks. they're done cooked to a perfect medium. >> beautiful, beautiful. >> reporter: we dig in, nothing like a good piece of red meat. >> the steak is great and no mess at all, really. >> for as little costs you have to put into it, i think it's well worth the money. >> reporter: so, we asked these guys, does it really work? >> deal. >> deal. >> deal. for more information on easy grill, go to and click on morning news. coming up in our 8:00 hour, the summer antique show makes its way to maryland. when you can catch it. the man accused of opening fire inside d.c.'s holocaust museum heads to court for the first time this morning. the charges he is guys remember, we're a solar system. mars is down...and... um, it's only 10am. who hasn't had their jimmy dean breakfast this morning? mmmm! now lets orbit i feel awesome. you're all awesome. jimmy dean breakfast sandwiches, fight the morning fade. next on fox 45 morning news. i feel for him inside and i hope i can forgive him. a mother speaks on a judge's ruling in hi her son's death. what will happen to the teen now. wildfires range on in california. when they expect to have the massive fire contained and a live report. carmelo anthony and mario celebrity weekend. why the nba star r&b singer are joining forces. welcome back to fox 45 morning news on this wednesday, september second. i'm patrice harris. good morning, i'm megan gilliland. it's another chilly start to the day. steve was right yesterday. it turned out to be beautiful. we will check in with him now. >> he was right about that. he is not right about some things. >> we will give him this one. it really was perfect. >> it's a little cool in the morning. once the hat comes out. >> the little jacket. >> it's a little cool out there. temperatures will warm up nicely again this afternoon. it should be a repeat of yesterday, high pressure controlling our weather. low pressure stays south and east of us and keeps the showers out of our way. we get to enjoy a nice day once more. temperatures begin at 68 degrees. while here in baltimore at 64. the north and west cooler air there in the low 50s and even chillier in some spots. 78, that is where we're headed for a high temperature today. that's a couple of degrees warmer than yesterday but still below average for this time of year. all in all, it's a pleasant day. we will see what is happening this time of day, as we head out. we will see what candace dold has to say about the roadways. she has the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve. and good morning. well, if you're traveling out and heading out on many of the main lines right now, it's going to be a pretty hectic ride for many of you. we do have a new incident, it's a disabled car on the southbound lanes of 95 right at the fort mchenry tunnel. now that does take out one lane there and it's going to be a mess. you will want to stick with 895 and head through the harbor tunnel instead. as for approaching the downtown region on the southbound end of the jfx that, is going to be problem-free as the cars you have to deal with. right now from 695 toward east fayette street, a 15-minute commute. check this out, it's going to be packed like sardines on the outer loop lanes traveling from the jfx toward 70. we're in the red with a 19 minute clip there. and on 95, from mountain road down toward 695, not doing too much better, that will take 17 minutes. that's a look at your morning travels. megan, back to you. candace, thank you. time is 8:03 on fox 45 morning news the suspected holocaust museum gunman is expected to appear in court for the first time. 89-year-old james von bron is expected in court on 7 counts including first-degree murder. he is accused of gunning down steve jones. after john's opened the front door for him. moments later, two secure tier guards shot him in the face. here is what they had to say shortly after the shooting. >> probably not many people can say that they had to leave this world and were doing something kind. it's very, very unfair. >> you always expect something like this, it's still a surprise and shock when it happens. >> von bron has been in the hospital ever since. today he will have his day in court. hate crime and weapon charges have been added to the case making him eligible for the death penalty. a teenager accused of killing another teenager is heading to a juvenile facility. the 15-year-old was in court yesterday facing manslaughter charges in the death of 14-year-old christopher jones. the judge sentenced him to six years. the victim's family says it was the best they could hope for. jones was attacked by two members of a gang known as the east diamonds while riding his bike last may. in court, the defendant apologized to jones' family. >> honestly, i know that he killed my son and i know that he played a big part in his death, but he is still a child. i feel for him inside and ily do hope that one day i can forgive him. >> the other defendant in this case goes to trial next month. mayor dixon's lawyers want all grand jury subpoenas issued since she was first brought up on corruption charges in january. dixon's lawyers filed the request yesterday. they say they hope to prevent any possible injustice in the case. they've already publicly accused the state prosecutor of abusing the grand jury process when he issued the subpoenas. the prosecutor claims everything was done properly in order to gather evidence for a new indictment against dixon. meanwhile the case against baltimore city councilwoman helen holton heads to court this morning. holton was reindicted in july on charges she violated campaign finance laws. this after bribery charges against her were dropped a cording to the indictment she met privately with developer ronald lip lipscomb and busines, asking them to finance a $12,000 political survey on her behalf. at the time holton was seeking re-election. similar charges were dropped back in may because of a technicality in the a state law. sometimes silent protests are the loudest ones. that is what a mayor in carroll county is hoping for. he is flying a flag this morning. joel d smith is live at hamstead this morning with more on why the mayor did doing this. >> reporter: good morning, patrice, mayor shoe maker junior says he is fed up. the federal and state government is not paying enough attention to the small towns anybody. the proof is that the lack of funding he is getting to fix roadways. 90% of that budget has been slashed. as a sign of protest, here is what he is doing. changing the city flag from the city flag to this one from the 17 i17 seventies1770s is where l nation comes from. the flag was born then. says that hamstead has seen no stimulus money and while big cities like baltimore are seeing cuts in the 18% range, towns like his are getting hammer add 90%. we asked him why this flag at this time? >> people are frustrated and it's not just me. it's people in my community and it's people throughout the country. they are dissatisfied in the direction in which our country is going. they are dissatisfied in the direction in which our state is going. is this a an out broke of that. >> reporter: hamstead only has 20 employees here. he says if things don't get better, eventually toe fix these -- to fix these roads, you have to take money from other things and eventually it could be layoffs in hamstead. people going by and beeping their horns and giving the thumbs up. he will keep it up for about a month to try to get his point across. joel d smith, fox 45 morning news. if you have something happening in your community, you can share it with baltimore, up load void yoz videos or writtens to take. you can send photos through your phone at senior mario tells us why he is facing off against carmelo anthony. i'm jessica something new is happeng at ethan allen! with "special savings" on select hand-made upholstery you oose the fabric... we custom make it. it's more fordab than you think. now with smart finance options for the way you live. if you have an appetite for fun, the maryland state fair is the place to be. the rides, the animals, the entertainment, and of course, food are sure to satisfy your hunger for a good time. >> meteorologist jessica starr is live from timonium fairgrounds for this morning's hometown hot spot. >> reporter: good morning, guys, we're counting down the top food at the timonium fair. we have the animals and we have the rides. you're going to get hungry when you're riding all of those rides. let's talk to sam. >> good morning, how are you today. >> reporter: we have fabulous today before us. let's do the david letterman, top 10 food list. >> chicken nuggets for the kids. number nun, the lemon stick. italian sausage is number eight. we have the maryland ham steak grown french fries that are on board at number 7. we have a turkey leg which is number 6. a rib eye sandwich is number 5. we have a lamb gyro that is absolutely delicious, number 4. and number 3 is the maryland develop dump lin. and number two is the cat fish sandwich and the number one at the maryland food pavilion is the maryland fresh peach that you're going to try. >> reporter: i can't wait. it's going to be so good. i'm going to try it. >> oh my gosh. >> reporter: it's so good. you definitely need to come on down to the maryland state fair. not only the rides, but the animals and the food. it's awesome! it's amazing. come on out and check all the fascinating things that will be going on. you can get all of that information by logging on to our website at and the weather, if you want to come on down today, a beautiful day to come on down to the fair. we will see temperatures right around 76 degrees at 2:00 with sunny skies and at 8:00, around 70 degrees with clear and nice conditions and perfect conditions as well. for the full forecast today, let's head to steve in the sky watch center. >> jessica, did you become a flower child in the last half hour. i see th.i see the decoration. >> reporter: don't forget to water it and keep it healthy. it's looking like a dry scan. it's going to be a pretty day with a lot of sunshine thanks to the high pressure. you got to lac to like the high pressure. upper 70s doesn't sound so bad, does it? it sounds good, at least to me. as we move through the day, and over the next few days, the few future scan model is going to show you rainshowers to the south and east along the stationary boundary. it stays there for you. you will see it creep up as it gets into late thursday into the friday morning. that is when we have a chance for the southern extreme of the area to get a shower, but really, it looks like according to this model, it misses even then. as we get the bigger picture, you're going to see a lot of rain falling and it's out in the atlantic ocean. for us it's dry. what i'm referring to is all of the rain and strong winds is another tropical storm that we got to keep an eye on. it's tropical storm erica and it's well off of the atlantic ocean. we will keep an eye on this, because it will move into warmer waters, although it's moving at 5 miles per hour right now. it should pick up speed as we move through today and next few days. even still, it won't make its way into the u.s. mainland for the next week. meanwhile the antilles getting ready for the system as it moves through. a trop tropical storm warning t. for us through lab for day, we're looking pretty good with regard to where we are up to the northeast or the mid-atlantic i should say more technically. 52 at salisbury. 64 in baltimore, 62 in washington d.c. 55 in hagerstown, and 50 out in oakland. the temperatures will climb as i said a little more yesterday but still cooler than average. 66 degrees for the eastern high temperature. the high pressure to the north we get a strong a wind in the eastern side of the state, 10-20 miles an hour wind. as we go inland we are affected by the strong pressure. only 5-10 miles per hour, 78 degrees for the high and lots of sunshine. further points west about the same, actually. 78 degrees for the high with lots of sun and the northwest wind at 5-10. mainly clear skies, 53 degrees, cooler than average. and generally that will be the trend through the week. cool nights, pleasant afternoons. 78 degrees for today's high. we will get up to 73 by noon and 75 degrees after hitting the high at 3:00 p.m. and if you are heading to the game tonight, it's the state fair is not on your schedule but the game tonight against the yankees, the orioles will have the first pitch temperature at 73 degrees. kleclear skies and a nice nightr baseball. 84 on saturday with mainly clear skies. i won't keep it there but mother nature will. temperatures stay around 81 and 80 degrees for the remainder of the period, sunday, monday and tuesday with a mix of sun and clouds. we also want to let you know that you can track hurricane -- you can track now, it's tropical storm erica, but it could become a hurricane. he we will want to watch that. you can track it on the sky watch return tacker. it's available at use the to track incoming storms. go to now here is candace dold with the traffic edge. >> reporter: thank you, steve, and good morning. we're tracking the average speeds and look at this morning. 39 miles per hour now on 95 moving in the northeast corner and 33 at the jfx. if you're traveling at 33 through baltimore county, we're looking at 44, but then it's back down again, 34 miles per hour on the west side of the beltway. back up to 60 on 95 through howard county. we do have quite a few incidents to talk about. there's a crash on the new lanes of 695. crews are responding to that scene as we speak. we will continue to keep you up-to-date on that one. we do have a disabled vehicle on the southbound end of 95 at the fort mchenry tunnel. this blocks the left lane in the left tube. now as a result, you will want to use 895 and scoot through the harbor tunnel or 695 around the key bridge instead. on 95, traveling in that northeast corner right now at whitemarsh boulevard, check it out. it's going to be a pretty hectic ride, pretty much a parking lot toward 695 but the northbound lanes doing much better obviously moving toward harford county. on the top end of the beltway, a lousy ride from parkville toward towson. and it does ease up a bit moving through pikeville. on the west side at liberty road, here it is on the outer loop lanes, those cars are not even moving in that lane. very slow inching along down toward 70. that's a look at morning travels. megan, and patrice, back to you. candace, thank you. still to come the opera has a phantom. we ask him, jason, what is wrong? he said, i saw t i saw something out there. >> what paranormal investigators found inside of a maryland theater. and the nba meets r&b. singer mario tells us why he meet the buttertons! back then, a lot of us were like the buttertons. dinner's ready! golly! that sure looks delicious. ha ha, let's eat. we didn't know much about saturated fat and cholesterol. mmm, yummy! today, we know better. that's why there's i can't believe it's not butter! it has no trans fat, 70% less saturated fat than butter, and even less saturated fat than smart balance. best of all, it has the fresh butter taste you love. i can't believe it's not butter! ur child can help with a great cause. the red cross is helping for youth volunteers to help out at blood drives. katie joins us with more. >> good morning, katie. >> thanks for being here. >> my favorite thing is you have to get transportation, but you must have a smile and enjoy free snacks. i think i can apply for this. >> and everybody kids enjoys free cookies. kids can volunteer after school and earn community service hours. they would be serving snacks to donors and you know, just generally making everybody feel welcomed at our blood drive. it's a great way to get involved. >> what are ages you're looking for is there a cut off? >> you have to be 14 years of age to volunteer with the american red cross. to find out other information for the requirements and what our position available are you can go to -- an average blood drive is five hours. we are flexible. we're willing to work with the kids and find out what the flexibility is. i don't want to discourage the parents, either, because we do look for volunteers during the dame time hours when a lot of kids are in school, too. if you're looking for something to do and you want to help the american red cross, and you're an adult, you can volunteer during the daytime hours. speaking of donations how are things right now. >> we always need blood donations and we are coming up on the holiday. i encourage everyone to call 1-800-and schedule a donation appointment. it's a good time of year to give. go a heal and call 1-800-give blood. >> thank you, katie. for more information how to volunteer go to is there hidden cash in your attic? >> we have a sneak peek on the summer antique show coming up. they're teaming up with a o super stars with roots here in cham charm city are dukg out. carmelo anthony's foundation and r&b sensation mario is here to tell us about that. that face-off sounds intense. let's not talk about that part yet. let's talk about your organization. it's called do right. >> it focuses on kids. i was a child of that environment, so, you know, i wouldn't -- and it went to first hands. my organization gives back to them, mentally helping them to prepare themselves for their future not carrying the -- those memories and those barriers on their shoulders through mentoring and just being there and being there for them. >> that ought to be special for them, especially to see someone like you that has gone on to do such big things. >> absolutely. >> this weekend, the face-off weekend. tell me what that is about? >> well, it's a fun weekend. we invited our friends, me and carmelo to join us in this weekend. >> i'm telling you. you say it's fun, but you call it a face-off, so that is a little more intense? >> carmelo is very competitive and so am i. there's definitely going to be come competition going on there. >> you're all gathering your celebrity friends, nationally and locally. he is going to bring some in and you are going to bring some in. >> we are going to go at it. you should come out? >> what are you going at doing what? >> raising money. >> you're going to be doing what? softball game. >> softball game, and bowling, and there will be a party to all of our guests who help us with our foundation. and the weekend, also, we want to raise money for both of our foundation. >>you're saying come on out. you are saying, i chose to do softball. i chose to do bowling. >> it was on my short list. >> you know -- >> i'm a good bowler. i consider myself -- i don't have the gloves. i haven't brought my own bowling ball. >> those are the people that worry me. i might be able to take you then. >> i would love to see that happen. >> let me back up. let me back up. all right. so that is a little of what is going on for the weekend. and then that money goes back directly to each of the? >> we are dividing into each of our organizations, absolutely. >> very nice. >> we want to raise as much money as possible. you know that is information about it there. you will be able to come out and see firsthand what we do. we're both passing -- and we have both been blessed to be able to do this. >> mario, thank you, have fun. >> we will. >> the mario versus carmelo face-off benefits the carmelo/anthony foundation and the do right organization. for more information log on to welcome to fox 45 morning news. 8:30 is the time. i'm patrice harris. good morning, i'm megan gilliland. a chilly start to the day. i'm a baby about it. i can't wait for the warm weather to come. >> you are shivering here. i'm okay today. meteorologist steve fertig is here to tell us. maybe because i already know that yesterday it was going to be nice as the day progressed. soy believ -- so i blee believe. >> wow! >> you see the surrounding areas. as we climb into the mid-and upper 70s. we're looking at clear skies at sky watch hd radar. the bigger view indicated expanded areas of dry air moving in from the northeast. that is keeping us cooler than average. 68 degrees is not to shabby. it should be a pleasant day. with plenty of sunshine, you would say you want to get outside and have lunch somewhere outdoors today because it's a nice and comfortable day. chilly, what about the roadways? here is candace dold with the answer in the traffic edge. >> reporter: , than thank you, steve. many people won't be cool and collected this morning traveling on the main lines because we have a lot to talk about. there's an accident on the inner loop lanes of 695 right at 295. and we also have a disabled vehicle on southbound 95 at the fort mchenry tunnel. that takes out one lane in the left tube. now you will want to use 895 as your alternate. 95 at the northeast stretch, look at this from mountain road from 695 a 17-minute commute. there's not exactly much relief on the top end of the beltway, we are in the red with a 19-minute trip. that's a look at your morning travels. megan, back to you. are the stories we are following this morning. the suspected holocaust museum shooter is expected to appear in federal court today. 89 years old james von bron is scheduled to be arraigned on charges of first-degree murder among others. if convicted, von bron could be facing the death penalty. >> reporter: i'm joel d smith, in hamstead where flying high above the city this morning, not the city flag anymore, but a different one from the 17 i 1770s, a flag of protest with a motto that says, don't tread on me as a protest on the highway local cities have been treated for their funding. the roadway funding is down 90%. he will leave this up until state and federal government change their ways and give more money to the local cities that need it. as a result, he may have to eventually layoff workers. baltimore can councilman will be in court this morning facing drunk driving charges. police charged sam moxley with driving under the influence in july after a car accident in west baltimore. this is his second dui charge in four years. they are oldies but goodies, dusted off and ready to buy. the largest art and jewelry show begins this week inside of the baltimore convention center. scott diamond from the antique show joins us with more. >> good morning to you. >> i'm so nervous. i've already said that i'm so bad when it comes to gracefulness. i have a beautiful brace that i don't want to fall off of my wrist. tell me about it? >> that is onyx. >> a lot of people have donated this for you to bring this and they will be at the show this weekend. >> they will be. and it's the 29th year and the largest show of its kind. >> tell me about interesting things that you have seen over the years? >> we have items that have belonged to kings and princes. but we have something at the show. we would like to say that it's all under one roof at the doorstep. >> we are talking a of hundreds of vendors. >> yes, there's over 500 exhibits. >> and a book fair. >> i'm too nrves to keep that bracelet on. other things we can find there? >> it's one of the largest silver shows. we have over 50 exhibitors that are exhibiting silver. this piece was done by a silver smith from baltimore and it's a 19th century piece. we have jewelry items, over 75 exhibitors exhibiting jewelry at the show as well as asian items. these are snuff bottles from the 17 and 18th century. >> a lot of people come out to these every year, expecting another crowd? >> we are expecting 38,000 people. it starts on thursday and runs through labor day. >> what is the one thing that everyone should come to see. if they're coming to the convention center, where should they head first? >> i think they should head down the main aisle of the show and talk with as many exhibitors as they possibly can. there's something to learn and there's something to purchase. we have items at the event from $100 to over a million. >> i was going to say. there's price rages for everyone, too. >> there's definitely something for everyone at the show. >> thank you for sharing this with us this morning. i'm going it take this off and hopefully somebody can check this out this weekend? >> thank you, i appreciate it? >> for more information on the summer antique show, go to still to come paranormal activity in maryland. >> sharon. >> so she stopped working, looked around and there was nobody here. >> find out where things are getting a little spooky straight yellow buses help transport nearly 25 million kids in the u.s., but they're gas guzzlers. they only get 6-8 miles to the gallon. nava star plug inhybrid is rated at 28 miles per gallon. this could cut fuel costs while reducing greenhouse gases. those savings to go toward other classroom expenses, but the more efficient buses cost over $200,000, more than double the regular school bus. at that price, the buses won't pay for themselves over the life based on fuel savings. however, technical improvement will likely bring the price down to only $40,000 more than regular buses. at that price, they will pay for themselves in just a few years with lower maintenance and lower fuel costs. nava store is expected to receive help from the uncle sam in order to reduce the cost of the school bus. i'm jill cortris reporting. to learn more about brighter living go to let's check in with meteorologist steve fertig and see how yo our day will be shapg up today. good morning, steve. good morning, megan, and checking out the sky watch hd raid are. look for some rain and let me know if you can find any, because i sure can't. you won't find any. the dry day much like yesterday when we got to enjoy a nice day with comfortable temperatures and low humidity, down to the south and east of the u.s., seeing showers there. that is what they say is the stationary front sa sitting there, by definition, stationary front not moving a whole lot. that is where they keep the rain to the south and east. the thing is, it will eventually start to creep further north and threaten the most southern part of the state with a couple of showers. i think the most it's going to stay away from us, until we're through the holiday weekend. now our future scan model will show you the threat of some showers according to it, as you see the green area representing some rain falling off the well atlantic coast and into the atlantic ocean. as we move into thursday night and into friday, you will start to see the green creep in just a little bit closer and maybe the southern most part of the state will get a light shower. that will be about it. it's the high pressure to the north that will continue to influence our weather and bring us dry days. we will look at something we in a moment. as i was just going to allude to, we do have a tropical storm out there, and it's tropical storm erica. and erica is well off in the atlantic. it's something worth keeping an eye on. it's got 45 miles per hour winds and moving up to 52. and a tropical storm warning has been issued for the antilles, and chances of strong winds and heavy downpours there as well. we are going to track the storm as it moves further points west. it's not going to show it making much progress, only moving 5 miles per hour to the west right now. it's picking up a little bit of what ter. that is why the potential is for more development. through the labor day weekend it should not present a problem for the u.s. mainland, but we do have to keep an eye on it as we get into the next week. low 60s for some, baltimore 54 degrees and in salisbury 62. the same for d.c. we got 55 up in hagerstown. 52 in oakland and these temperatures will climb a couple of degrees warmer than yesterday. yesterday very nice, 77 degrees, looks pretty nice today as well. a little bit of wind at the eastern shore, about 10-20 miles per hour because of the low pressure center off to the south and east and high pressure building from the north. we get a low pressure gradient and we get the influence from the low. low pressure bringing us the sunshine. a high of 78 and more of the same for the western part of maryland as we climb up to the 78-degree high. as we check out the temperatures for tonight, in order to get the cool as it will be through the week. cool nights, mild days, nice weather speaking throughout the week. clear skies, with the cool 56. today, expect the temperatures to get up to. >> well, my aim not too good this morning. noontime and 75 degrees at 6:00 p.m. with a lot of shine to enjoy if you're headed to -- sunshine to enjoy if you're headed to the fair. 76 degrees and and sunny skies. if you're going to the camden game, first pitch temperature, 73 degrees an east wind at 5-10 miles per hour. it should be a beauty. as far as the beach forecast, we should get that tomorrow. as you head toward the weekend, a lot of you wrapping up this weekend. 75 degrees for tomorrow it should be nice. 82 for the friday, partly cloudy, and 84 and mostly clear skies on saturday. right around 80 degrees give or take a degree with a mix of sun and clouds on sunday, monday and tuesday. as far as erica is concerning, you can track tropical storm erica or any tropical storm with the hurricane tacker at go to slash hurricane. and now ca candace dold is e with a last look at the traffic edge. >> reporter: thanks, steve. we're tracking the average speeds. and look at this down to 26 on the jfx. on 56 through 95. we're doing much better on 95 through ho howard county lookint 55 miles per hour. we do have a road closure on the main line all the way down toward the eastern shore. an accident completely shuts down all lanes of route 50 at 404. eastbound route 50 is completely shutdown and we will continue to give you more information as soon as we get it in into our newsroom. as far as 50 moving through annapolis and heading toward 97, here it is. you can see a lot of cars there but no delays to talk about on either the eastbound and westbound lanes. on 295, we do have a crash, it's on the northbound lanes, that is right at route 100, this is a new accident in fact. right on 295, here it is at 175 and no delays. those cars are cruising along at top speeds. northbound and southbound lanes toward d.c. no need to take an alternate if you're going to take 175. closer up to 100. we cleared out a disabled vehicle at the fort mchenry tunnel. now we have a new one stalled car at the northbound direction at route 40 in baltimore city. be aware that 895 is going to be the better option for you this morning. of course, these conditions are changing, but you can keep up with them round the clock with personalized traffic reports for your travels. just log on to aand click on the traffic edge. patrice, and megan back to you. still to come, celebrate family. how you can make this saturday all about the children. that is coming up next. all a sudden she, sharon! she stopped working and looked around and there was nobody here. >> paranormal activity here in maryland. find out where things are now you can save more every time that you shop, with thousands of items at prices that pop. now double the number of deals through the store, with your new card, you can't help but save more. it's specials each week on the things that you use, and real deal savings, now how can you lose? low prices every day in every aisle, top off the savings, so go ahead, smile. more and more reasons to fill up your cart, it's good for your wallet, your family, your heart. isn't it nice to know that you're shopping smart? more savings every time you shop, only with your giant card. make this saturday all about the children. it's an event for the foster care community and there's plenty of fun to be had. teresa mercer from the institute of face fo for fill an for fills us this morning. >> we have over 6,000 children out of home in baltimore city alone at the foster care system. our organization i flip, as you have given the name. we determined that we would make a fun day that would be used to recruit potential foster care, adopted care for baltimore city or the region. >> you don't have to be a foster parent to come out. if you're thinking about it, this is a good day to come. >> this is a wonderful day. if you have been thinking about, it given the environment we have ages that will recruet. we're having a health -- recruit. we are having a health fair. the will receive oriole tickets that -- the winners will receive oriole tickets. we will have a talent show and the winners from that will receive a studio appointment. >> very nice, very fun, a lot of ak titactivities throughout the. >> yes. >> while you're having that fun, you get to see what it's like to be a part of their lives and go ahead and take the next step. so this is two fold. >> exactly, this is two fold. someone says i would like to have that child or a child that -- adopted through the process. >> what kind of person does it take to say i want to mentor a child or i want to go even further or foster or adopt? >> just the one who loves children and sees the plight of our children. our children are in trouble and need support. we are trying to get the people to come and participate with us. >> talk about the impact it has on the kids to let them know that there's people that want help them. >> the children find that there's love in other areas, and for them to have someone to love them and give them the nurturing and the mentoring, it's just awesome for them. >> then the kids get to take on the adults in basketball this weekend and teach them a thing or two. >> absolutely. we cur turn carroll park into a bouncing area. we have clowns and games and gifts. everything is free, everything. it's a love offering to the families and children. >> it sounds like it. teresa, thank you so much and have fun this weekend. i don't have to tell you because it sounds like you're having it already. >> thank you for having us. >> for information on all about the children day. just log on to still to come the opera has a phantom. >> we asked him, jason, what is wrong? he said i saw it -- i saw something down there. plus a free multi-room dvr for three months. record shows in one room- watch in another. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v before september 19th. and get fios tv - ranked highest in overall customer satisfaction by j.d. power and associates america's top rated internet-- now even faster, and crystal clear phone service. all for just... plus, for a limited time, a free multi-room dvr for 3 months. that's an overall savings of $240 dollars over six months. it's your last chance to get this incredible deal. 3 great services, for the price of 2. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v today. it's my "save-so-much-on- his-graphing-calculator... look. i made it say, "booger." ...i-can-get-him-a- math-tutor" button. (announcer) if others run out, we still have what you need for school. staples. that was easy. it's my "save-so-much-on- his-graphing-calculator... look. i made it say, "booger." ...i-can-get-him-a- math-tutor" button. (announcer) if others run out, we still have what you need for school. staples. that was easy. a maryland theater has a show that is getting plenty of attention, not for what you see, but for what you hear after that final curtain call. theater say it's haunted and now they have proof. we have more. >> reporter: if the opera has a phantom then every theater should have a ghost. >> i feel a presence. i just feel like i'm not alone. >> reporter:ly ann hudson, the maryland's theater production director believed there was a spiritual presence here. there have been stories like the cleaning lady hearing a voice in the balcony. >> all of a sudden, she heard sharon. she stopped working and looked around. there was nobody here. >> reporter: a crew member seeing something in the boiler room. >> we asked him, jason, what is wrong? he said i saw it. i saw something down there. he said it was something cloudy and it was transparent with pink eyes. >> reporter: in july, the paranormal thoughts were validated. the mason dixon paranormal society contacted the theater about claims it had received that the theater was haunted. they wanted to investigate with video and audio equipment. on the night of the ghost hunting the theater investigated along with the paranormal investigators, gathered here for six hours in the dark just waiting and watching for something to happen. they didn't see anything, but they heard several things caught on ecp or electronic voice phenomenon. in the boiler room, the recording picks up a woman's voice. >> what is when he heard the little voice's boy say can i have a pillow. >> reporter: in the boiler room, the paranormal investigator said do you like working here. a voice not in the room responds, no. >> the theater dates back to 1915 and has hosted countless performers. a fire in 194 destroye 1974 dese build front of the building it's killed one man. it's made a believer out of mickey o'brien. >> when we find received the results, that is when i had goose bumps. >> i say those things aren't true, but i'm the first to run. a lot of people die on the stage, every day, you know. their performance becomes a ghost. >> maybe. >> maybe -- >> do you buy it? >> i wouldn't go there to see a movie just in case. let's leave it there. who knows. >> i don't know. >> well, here is the movie that you can watch at home. you don't have to worry about going to haunted threaters. "the soloist" is on this dvd. it's a story of a reporter. that is the ghost speaking. this is me. [ laughter ] >> he befriends a homeless musician and helps to bring him back to life. we have coptie copies could giva away. our phone lines are open at (410)481-4545. i think there was a ghost rolling our teleprompters because i don't know where they have gone with the script. >> blame it on the ghost [ laughter ] >> the ghost of our skint room. let's see what we can expect. very nice day, clear skies, and 79 for tomorrow, mostly clear skies as well. 83 degrees for the friday. could have potentially light showers in the morning in the southern part of the state. really, we're looking at a nice stretch of weather all week long into the labor day weekend. labor day itself, 81, 81 for tuesday. and keeping an eye on tropical storm erica, well off in the atlantic. >> okay. >> we don't want to snsh. >> not at all. we like the nice weather that you are bringing us. >> our ghost in the control room, rose in the -- wrote in the teleprompters, boo. >> i don't think they're booing us. >> it's not halloween. real-time closed captioning provided by u.s. captioning company

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