mile way a... truck arrying construction equipmeet hht an... overpass. outer loop at i--95 south.. ffr several hours...traffic was down o one lane. a highway sign, a beam anddcatwaak ere damaged no injuries were reported. so far...investigatorr are nott making a connnction between the tww beltwayyincidents. 3 good chance,,,. you... maa have... gotten... a... speee camera ticket.../ onn../ the beltway. beltwwy. john rydell.../ says...// ááquestionsáá... are... being raased.../ about... the &plocaaton.../ off. áthhtá... camera..../ ááandáá... whether...// it.... &pshould be moved... moved... (rydell) we're at the beltway famillarrwith this area knows itts been a mess for at least twooyears and right now construction crews are focused on compleeing the charlls st. that's why the state has placed one oo those mobile speed cameras aimed at protecting construution workees" ccaais construction work on tte beltway ittelf has beee complettd. ann he wonders wwh that sseed camera is still there churning out tickets. he says it's only supppsed to be operating if construction job.(brochin) "if construction is finished in august, september, octooer,l november and nothing's goinggonon the highwwy, nothing's oing on on the shoulder, the lanes aren't still have the cameraa there anddwwy are you nabbing "tte state highway "(rydell) administration says you might not find many highway workkrs still oo he beltwayybut they &pstill this is still an active work zone and becaase of that as ii on the beltway. ii lutherville, john rydell, fox our... question of the speed cameras ...only... when... construction crews... are... actually working? porking?here's... ourrfacebook... page.../ ááyouáá can see../.áámanyyá... of you... have something to say...// áájoináá the &pdissussion.../ by... going to.../ facebook dot com .../ paltimore 3 3 we're following breaking news out of harford county... where crews have been bbttliig a massive house fire. fire. these pictures were senn to us john sheridan.youucan see the beffre 6-30 tonight on in - bluefield ciicle n joppa.the residents made it out ok... but there were no fire ad to call in large water tankers to shuutle waaer froo a neaaby mcdonalds at belair and mountain roads in fallsttn. no word n the cause offthe fire. policc are searching for the person who stabbed a man tt death inside northwest paltimore apartment. the only way you would know there was a criim is bb the police cars you see surrounding the monte verre apartments on violet avenne. the 58 yearr pld victim was murdered saturday morning.the victim's identity has ánnt been releassd. police... need... your help...// catching... two suspects.... áástill on the loosseáá.. n... a murder... / &p at... a... nort baltimore... carryout.../. thh ...two men.../ ááoneáá wearing... a... santa hat.../ were cauuht on brrthers.../ -3 carryout ...on... greenmount avenue..../ ááduringáá aa.. left.../ that - jones... dead.../ halloween night...///. 17-year-old ...markell jones,.../ iss.. thh... suspected gunman..../ ááweaaingáá the... red hoody....//// has been arrested. (det. oses) "we have partial closure in ttis case. &pthe family has partial freddie jones. hhwever, there out there and ii they were something like this once, we definitely know they have a propensity foo violence.. they'd do it again." again." markell jones ... remains in jail áápoliceáá ay... he's not giving them any informationn../ on... his accommlices. paltimore ciiy police are also asking for your help finding sunday morning....he stabbed &ppeople duriig a robbery along north avenue.anyone with information is asked to call police fox-45 is teaming uu with the most popular cciie mapping ttol on the help you track crime in your's called "spotcrime"...and you an get emails sent to you when crime happens.sign up by goinn o fox baatimooe dot com click on spot crime in "hotttopics" at phe top of theescreen. 3&pn... investigation... is underway a... man... is shot... several times.../ by police.../ in... ssuthwest baltimore. ambulance ...rushed... to a hooe .../ oo... south morely street .../ last night.../ ááafteráá a... family disturbance...// turned into... an... "offfcer-involved"... shooting....// áápoliceáá... arrived... at theehouse...// a... 37 year old man.../ holddngga knife. police officers ith that e police asked im o drop it, heedidn't and was shot numerous times." &p was... taken... to a... hospital...///.ááwhereáá he's... in critical.... but... stable conditiin.../// .áánoáá one else... wws hurt.... a altimore city paramedic is arrested on the job after shh's accused of a month-long shopping spree with stolln credit cards. cardss police arrested ketarah wwatt at thissfirehouse and hhuled her away in handcuffs.sources &pwithin the department say som of the shoppiig took place whill wyatt wassthe job... but city payroll. 33 do s pay an empllyee all the - time ttey're waiting forrcourtt and thennhave them found not k - :21me whill payinggthem :21 clack says in felony caaes, thh person would be suspendee without pay. great ddy,..././ ffr... joe flacco...// &pááoháá... yeah.../ he... beatt../ the....tar.../ out... of the colts... sunday..../ we've llarn...// flacco's wife... ddna...// ii ááwitháá... the ...couple's first child,.../// ááflacco áá dana grady,.../ in... new jersey.../ june 25. .../ áááoeáá and... dana .../ "aae... excited.../ ááandáá.../ want the sex ...of the baby .../ to... be a .../ surprise." , joe... and dana! bad day...// for a 4--year old...// oregon áásurvellanceááá cameras...// caught...// 4--yyar old.../ jesus.../ pentez...// walking &paround .../ the... traa stationn..// runs... around the platform,.../ áááavvngáá his arms... and... peering over the tracks. .../ áásitsáá.../ on... this bench..../// ááandáá soon.../ runs... round again....// finally... áboardsá... tte train...// ááandáá... &p takee... a 20-- minute.... ride...// ááheáá snuckkout .../// on his... baay- sitter.../// áandáá.../ wwnted... his mommy...// ááaáá... neighbor... recongnized...// jesus... getting off... phe train....// ááándáá... ..// - mother... and child.../ are... ree-united.../ when i opened it the money fell out irst. i thought it wws a deposit for something &psomeone wanted to order. two crisp 100 dollar bills. ggod day.../ in michigan...// ááaáá.... fireplace shop...// got... the strangest transaation...// 30 yearss.. innthh maaing.. p..//// ááaáá... lltter arrived.../ phop...// ááfromáá.../ a... man...// who...stole...// a... 100---ollar,... glasss.. fireplace door,.../// the...remorreful.... of... apology...// ááandáá... a... check... for.../ 200-bucks...// áátheáá... shop-owner...// is... givingg.. that cash.... aacool start to thh week, but what's in tory for the rest of the week. week. &plett chhck in with chief meteeoologisttvytas reid forra look at the forecast. 3& there's.../3 gilbert 3 3 the nation's highest court will weigh in on the arizona immigration law.why one supreme court justice is recusing herself from the caae... 13-17 natz one time shoooing tk hoolywoodds mmst famous re in iiterseetion.what police now think may ave led tt the shooting spree. "ahh i cant belleve you did tha: and granny's got a gun... tte shocking crime caught on camera.....thaa landed a senior ciiizen behind bars. immigration law sparked controversy across thh country when it was passed last spring... with some the legislation.. while othhr states started passinggsimilar laws of their own. bbt as shannon breamm eports.... tte arizona measure will now be heard by the nation's highesttcourt. court. the supreme court had agreed to waae into the legal battle over arizzna's controversial immigration laww he justices will review a federal appeals court decision bbocking several provvsions of requiring pplice to question a person's immigration status - while enforcing other laws -- if an officer suupect he or she issin the country iilegally. a lower ourt struck that doww due to concerns of racial profiling. horre says:"theree are number of rovisions in senate bill do think ii's important the supremm courrtoverrrle the 9thh circuit on these four issues that were ruled against us and vinddcate senateebill 1070." the obama dministration government, noo the states. kennifffsaas: "i think it's fairlyyobvious where they''e goong to go withh thhs...from article one section eight of the u.s. constitution, to 200 some odd years of precedent, issue united states, naturalization - tte fedeeal government."" - arizona officials say the of that. arizona ecauue 3 governor jan brewer released a stattment... aying n part, quote:((fs))"iiam conffdenttthe high court will uphold arizona's constitutional authority and safety and welfare oo its citizens."adding.."this case is not just about arizona. itts about every state grappling with the cosss of illegal immigration."((back to track//o)) jjstice elena kagan has recused herself from the ccse... preeumaaly because of her ime in the justice department as solicitor general. (on cam tag) bream says: "arguments will likely take lace in late april, with an pinion duu byy late june or early july. in washington, shaanon bream, fox siiilar laws in alabama, south carolina and utah allo are facing lawsuits from the white house... some private groupp are suing over immigration measurrs adopted loved--ones... too.. say good-bye.../ to... a... virginia tech... officerr../ killed.../ n... the line of dut. &ppiiles" &pfilled... the... virginia with sound...// ááasáá officer... derek crouse.... is honored...// ááthisáá the scene... last wwee ../ .áácrimeáá area...// as... making ...a... when.../ 22-year-old... ross ashley .../ walked... up to his cruiser.../ nd fired...//. ááashleyáá... then... turned the gun...// on...himself...// in ...a... nearbb parking lot...// áávirginia'ssá governor.../ addrrssed... crouse's... / and we're here this afterroon to be able to grieve with you, but at the same time to cclebrate an incredible life &pwellllived that so maay f us can emulate and be thhnkful for. tina,.../ ááhisáá 16--year old... son dustin.../ and... police have identified the street. 13 runs twice 23 22-year-old tylerrbrehm was shot by pplice after ppssing drivers friday. was hit in the shooting spree and is expected to recover. police now believe brehm was dissesssd over a breakup witth his girlfirendd mother-in-law.../ . ááafteráá she's caught... on camerr.../ shooting... herr.. on in . law."ahh i cant bblieve you did that, i cant believe you did thaa, what are you crazy!?? crazyy?"the victim... captured the incident.../ on his phone... / ááyouáá &pcan... hear him shhuting.,../ "i... can't believe you dii thht"... / ááasáá she... oppns fire.../ ááhittingáá him... in the shouller .../ and... ribs...// ááthey'reáá in... aa.. custody fight...// over ...the victim's.../ &p 3--year- old... son/ son..../////áácheryláá... arrested...// ááandáá get this.../ áásheáá tried... tellinn her... áson-in lawá... pullld... the &ptrigger...///// ááshe'sáá/// attempted murder. a chilly day todaybut -warm-y way here's chieffmeetoprologist vytas reid with the skywatch forecast 3 3 a story that gives new meaning to the term fat cat.... whh this feline is llving better than most people.... 3 /úoññt ooh>h> lead to unsafe sex.lcohol can sex.. the reeort - conducted by the center for addiction and mentaa health in ontario, ccanda -- conducted twelve exppriments. ttey the participants drankk the pigher their ikelihood of having unsafe sex. are you kidding me? common sense says that we all know this?!?! why pid they waste their time. charlie sheen and common sense.....well, they just don'ttseem to go tooheter. apparently charlie needs a tried to direct mmssage justin bieber with his phone number ---that's the first problem...--- nott ure what that's any case.... he accidentally tweeeed his phone number to all of his fivv and a half millioo the time he paught the istake, he already goo about 18-hundred text pessages. so if you're worth millions when you die....and you havv no kids... no stray cat.that's what the wealthy widow of an italian property tycoon did.,maria assunta died two weeks ago at the age f 94.sse left about pee million euros to tommaso, &pthe alley cat she rescued fro the streets.tommaso's new found riches include cash, as welllassseveral properties. it's good to be the catt 3 3 there's always one house on the block... that puts the others to shamee shame. how this guys' next door peighbor... / paaaged to steal ...the from his... over-the-top... holiday decorations. if... at bank of america, we're lending and investing in communities across the country, from helping to revitalize a neighborhood in brooklyn to financing industries that are creating jobs in boston or providing funding for the expansion of a local business serving a diverse seattle community and supporting training programs for tomorrow's workforce in los angeles. because the more we can do in local neighborhoods and communities, the more we can help make opportunity possible. and enjoying it less and less? upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. this holiday deal is only for a limited time. so don't wait. get fios at this great price. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, go to fios. a network ahead. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. hurry, go to if... you... join em'..../ ááthisáá year... aa... oregon family.../ gave... up trying .../ &p to... compete.../ neighbors.instead -- look att sign ttat says "ditto" with an prrow ppinting to the people come from all over the display. the owners hand paint all the deeorations-- they even have holiday music playing. the neighbors say their ditto ssgn is really aa homage to their neighbors' hard work. --tosssto vytas-- vytas-- 3 3 let's hhck back with chief meteoprologist vytas ollow...// the... weather...// using...// doppler...// - radar...// áái--radaráá.../ is... now avaalable.../ 3 at.../ 3 the ravens didn't leave sunday's gamm unncathed... lardarius webb's injury...nextt in spoots uuliiited... [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. this holiday deal is only for a limited time. so don't wait. get fios at this great price. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, go to fios. a network ahead. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. the late edition... . i'm jeff barnd, ... thanks for joining us. us.and i'm jennifer glbert, pow.ext is bruce cunninghaa. 3 p3 as they head into the ptretch run, the ravens are humming along on defense right now...anddwith ray lewis missing gaaes, terrell suggs is emerging as the engine that drives that unit...he's having a remarkable year.. year.. suggs had three more sacks pgainst the colts on sunday, bringing his seassn total to 13...and that's a ccreer high, surrassing the 12 heegottin his rookie year...and there areethose who are saying that suggs is a strong candidate for nfl defensive player of theeyear, or maybe even mvp.... and among his backers is his ach, john harbaugh....- meanwhile...some injury intrigue....ii appears corner injury...serious enough to knocckhim out for aa least ne game....nd maybe as many as four...but john haabaugh wouldd not confirm that today..saying the avens came out oo the who played sunday will play that webb was art of that - injuuy report comes out l - wedneedaaystay tuned. elsewhere...the apparent nd of the line for derriik mason...theeveteran wideout was released today bb the houstoo texans..this two months aater they acquired him in a trade with thh jets.. mason wassnot mucc of a factor in houston, catching just 6 passes or 55 yards....e had ravens...he's the club's plltime leading receiver... 3&and mason isn't the onll one without a gig tonight...two head ccaches were fired...the miami dolphins got rid of tony sparano today...after finihsing 7-9 last season, the their 4-9 record right now was ppparently not enoughhof an down in miami, and they're - poing after a big name coach to createesome buzz....ill cowher, jeff fisher and jon gruden are namee being mentioned... &pand the end of todd haley in kansas city...he was fired today by the chiees...he led the eam to the afc west titll they're limping along at 5-8, and that ost haley his job... the chiefs ot 111penalties yesterday and that included a 15 ard unsportsmanlike on haley himself...aad that may well aveesealed his fate.. haley was 19-27 in two plau seasons in kaycee it's now time to announcc the candidates in our highhsccool game of the week contest... sports network dot can ote for tte game you'd like to see highlights of by going to fox--altimore dot com &and clicking on high school 3t. games... for friday decemmer harbor at basketballl..milford mill visits owings mills also in boys hoops...on theegirls side...mount hebron travels to rrver hill...and notre dame prep meees john arroll... thursday night... that'll do it for this edition of sports unlimited...i'm bruce sure to tomorrow -- starting at 55am.go. goodnnght. 3 p,

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Miami ,Florida ,United States ,Joppa ,Michigan ,Alabama ,Texas ,Boston ,Massachusetts ,Indiana ,Virginia ,Georgia ,Oregon ,Brooklyn ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,Arizona ,New Jersey ,South Carolina ,Mount Hebron ,Houston ,Italy ,Utah ,Texans ,Italian ,America ,Markell Jones ,Terrell Suggs ,Derek Crouse ,Ross Ashley ,Notre Dame ,Los Angeles ,John Sheridan ,Dana Grady ,Justin Bieber ,Todd Haley ,Jeff Fisher ,Bruce Cunningham ,Freddie Jones ,Jon Gruden ,John Harbaugh ,Elena Kagan ,

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