ease the pain for motorists on the inter-coonty connector. connector.a wild scene at the b. beach."i had an errie feeling he wan's going to make it." it." the search for a teen buried alive and how he minutes. and a slow speed chase.the surprising thing the suspect was doing when poliie finally pulled him over. sell, sell, sell. sell. a... terrible day.../ &p as... americannmarkets... jumped offfa cllff.../ losing... 512 points.../. áátheáá panic... on wall street... cost the country percent... of our... public wealth..../ áátodayáá was... the worst sinnle day... for america's economy.../ since 2008. hello... i'm... jeff &pbarnd..../ ááaáá day... of panic nd fearr..//. ááeveryoneáá... oo... wall street...// working once.../ too.. move their money.../ out... of the market.../ áácausingáá in stock values.../. áed henryá has... the latest... / on... how the white house playing.../ thh... blaae gamee.../ celebrates his 50th birthday. birthddy. wiih the dow skidding and wall street braccng for what coull be grim new unemployment figuresson friday, president obama's team is groping for no silver bullet and i have s not heard one proposed by anyone in washington or beyond, that there is a silver bullet to help our economy grow faster or create jobs." not exactly the kind of gift president obama was expecting for his 50th birthday, so at a glitzy chicago fundraiser he fell back on a familiar refrain that fires up his base -- blaming the bush administration obama says: "we knew the road ahead was going to be difficult, that the climb was going to be steep. i have to phe climb was going to be." ep house's new strategy from the - white house is to expand the &pfinger-pointtng to hanggthe slowing recovery n other tsuuami in jjpann the aaab spring spiking ol priiess and the ncertainty of the debt debatehenry says: "do you worry at all that the message to the american people is that you're blaming all theee things that are happening &paround the world and not taaing more responsibility for the obs crisis?"carney says: "no, i don't worry about that. and we're not blaming anything. we're simply pointing out that there -- there have been faators that have affected growth globally and affected job creation at - that, the latest iicrease to the debt ceiling now means when you include social security nddall federal programs -- has reached almost domestic product for context, at the end of the clinton adminnstration, debt was just over 57 percent of gdp -- then cciibed to over &p69 percent at the end offthe bush administration -- and is still soaringmarron says: "as a result we'rr n a situation where if you look ahead it lookk like the debt is goiig to continue to row faster thhn the economy and at some point we're going to get into sustainable." economists... already say.../ this... is turning... into a perfect storm...// for... what is known a... "double dii"... recession...//. ááit'sáá... the... type of condition... that led the ...great depression..../ ááwhatáá hhppens... iss../ a... recession... like 2008... hits...//. áátheáá economy... reeovers... a bit.../ ,ááthenáá it... plummets again...//. ááthháá second dip... &pcan be devastating.../ and... persist for years. 3& the signs.../ are... all there.../ for... another.../ drk spell.../ has the averageeinvestor.../ - spooked..../ ájaniceáá park... here... with... how baltimore's... dealing... with todays dip.... dip...//. ww got some input from a mall business owner too a young see whht for them. readings book store in unt valley...owner steve baum says this means banks will have a tighter leash on loans. in turn e along with other small business owners will have a tough time exppnding any time soon.parents of young kids we spoke to today, say heir retirrment and children's college funds are on the line: "and in their minds they think it's a market in the past couple of years have juss been an exception and i think business owners we to see the umemployment numbers that come out tomorrow. it's the monthly report that the labor department puts of the most important ways to gaugg how the economy is doing. janice park fox 45 news late edition. we asked:do ou have confidencc in the economy?not one of you said... yes... yes...ryan writes on faccbook..."economy? i don't evee have faith innthe executive/legislative branches" branches." chevonne writess"not at all...too much poneyygoing into the pockets 3 &p3 first on fox ... a baltimore city police officer.../ is... under investigation -/ after a woman claims.../ her.. for sex. solicit - tiara mack.../ says... she was...on grantley &pstrret.... tuesday.../ when marijjana..../. áásheáá says... the officer... cited her..../ áá butáá áhintedá... e wouldn't arress her -/ if... she had sex... wiih him... in return...//. áásheáá says... he... gave her his personal phone numbee.../ áásheáá recorred... the ensuing... conversation. tiaira: 38:39 question though don't get my reefer or nothhig - back, mancop: 38:44 nn you'rr going to get everything aak relax .. 49 relax it's not what you're thinkinn you're going to get it back /// butt ever appened to me. so it's like now i gottworried aboot see if heeffllowing me 08 08mack as not arrested or charged with drugs. the incident is nnw being affairs. ted by internal - ááseveraláá balttmore... police officers.../ will... fatal shooting .../ of... páákeitháá daniels... 3 live... outside the nightclub../ where ...the shooting oocurred...// occurred...// ááwitháá the...connroversial deei. john....... baltimore's top proecutor says there's ssmply not enough evidence to prosecute tte four officers whh fired those shots. he went on to say.. he believes the officers acted responssbly here that night during a highly chaotic situation...... the shooting happened in tooa fight call..... when officers arrived they &pfound fficer william torbit junior in plain clothes, his gun pulled, struggling with sean gamble, a 22-year-old unarmed man. berstein ssid torbit shot and killed gamble.. the 4 uniformed officers then shot and killed torbit, naware that he was a fellow officer. and for critics of bernsteii'' decision today.. he said this. "as i said in the beginning, &pthis case like all our cases truth and the facts and our investigatton. and we will be bound by ttattat all times. it has nothhng to do with trying to protect anybody.. maaor and pooice commissioner - have requested that the investigative file be released to the public. live in downtown baltimore, keith danielss fox 45 news late eeition. maryland's... first...."all ttll road. road.but...// &pprivers... on the inner-count connector.../ are... upset about... an... extraa3--doolars...// - if... thhy don't have... an e-z-... pass...// state officials...// have proposed... áeliminatingá... that... fee.../ by... slightly.. raising the (mano) "i think folks are rightfflly upset, this is ot the time to be aising tolls, folks are hurtiig, we're in the middle of a recession, we're trying to climb out of it plans... to make final decision.../ on....tte added fees... later this yeer. 3 p a... bizarre pplice chase in suspect.../ telling police... "he had... a day.".../ááusuallláá you'll... see poliie... chasing the suspect... /// áábut áá in... áátheáá suspect... followed ápoliceá.../ p at... a slow speed..../ because his "stop sticks"...//.ááwhenná police... stopped him.../ hii... tiirs were down... to the rims... / ááandáá he... was phatting... on his cell phone..../ itt.. was... supposed to be a gooo day.... áábutáá for... one anyyhing but.../ as --3 newpoot beach, california.../ coolapsed... on... matt mina..../ áátheáá teen... dug down... roughly &pfive feet.../ when.. the sand arouud hii... caved rushed. his side.../- and... dug... mina out.. with the elp of beachgoers.../ áámmna'sáá okay... tonite. &pan ... unusual site... at an aquarium..... and... a... bad day...// for... a deer.../// &p ááináá.../ connecticut .../ a ...deer... got into a seal tank... in mystic.../. ááitáá swam... some laps.../ before... it was finally... able to pull itself... out of with... the hell... of a worker.../. ááapparentlyáá... the... deer... got into the tank.../ after... swimming from ...theenorwalk river...//. ááitáá.../ became... a good day when.../ zzo workers the deer.../ out.../ aad... sent him on his way. state health officialss../ say....11 people have died.../ from... the ppressive heat.../ in maryland, .. last week. that.../ raises... the total more than ...20 people this season...//.ááexpertsáá say... all people... had underlying... health conditioos.../ that....made them.. more 3 we'll takk the humidity if it meens we can avoid that deadly . heat. 3&chief mmeeorologist vytas rei forecast. 3 p22:06:08) (pplis) "i was &pkinda nervous being here toda. today. justice for punishment the court ordered for one of theeppople responsible for this mcdonalds beating. cculd it start a new category of histtrical pornographh. where you can have a ssot at owniig what some claim is a marilyn monroe sex tape. if you likeeto make an entrance or in this case an exit, these guys have a solution forryou. how they'll guarantee your funeral will be loud enough for everyone to hear. turn left. you have arrived. sweet belt. e-reader for textbooks. gps. video camera for lectures. game pad. have you considered this ? it's got all that and more than 200,000 apps. technology to learn and play on-the-go. only at verizon. android powered. playstation certified. the xperia play by sony ericsson. only $99.99. you saw it first on fox. fox.a...ggilty plea ../ from... a teen.../ in... of... a transgender... woman. woman. it... happenee... at the rose-dalle.. mcconalds.../ and... was apturrd... by... surveillance caaeras....// áátodayáá... , 19-year old... teonna brown, .../ in.....the denim shorts../. pled... guiity... to first degree assaull.../ and... a ate crime...///. sheeattacked ...tte victim...// for... using the ladies... room....// áátheáá victim... was in... the courtroom.../ ffr... the plee...// p (22:06:08) (polis) "i was kinda nervous beiin here come. still hhve o comment. i'm gonna lay low and keep my liie as normal as p" possible..." brown's... expected to get... 5-years.../ when... she's sentenced.. next month, .../ a... 14-year old... also took... rrsponsibility.../ .and... is doing time... in a juvenile center. a ...91 year od... northeast baltimore woman.../ is... fatally stabbed... in... a ápossibleá robbery. irene logan's.../ family... says... a bedroom was ransacked.../ and... jewelry stolen.../. ááloganáá celebrated... her 90th birthday last yearr../ and... was actively involved... i her church..../ &p ááheráá ((rene ushry) "when i came in - i found her on the kitchen floor..face down in a pool of b" blood" (son in law)""o me i think, they were surprised when they seen her and i think my mother in law ppt up a fight, because.. she might f been left." etroocrrme stoppers../ is... oofering a rewaad.../ of... up to 2- thousaad dollars.../ for... information... leading of... the killerr. 3 casey anttony.../ is... living in ohio.../ ááandáá... we... have.../ are...t-m-z... photos .../ streets.../ shopping for been the target ...of áá hatee.. and rage .../ after... being accuitted...// of... murdering her daughter caylee..../ áásheáá &p was... supposed to return.../ to... orlando todaa, .../ áábutáá her... return...//. áásayingáá pthat... would put her liie in danger .../ to bb back... in florida.... 3 common sense... on...capitol...hill...? ááisáá it possible? ppssible? it seems.../ theee'ss.. a deal get thousands.../ of.,,..f-a-a employees... back to work...//. áásenatoráá harryyreid... ssys.../ compromise... to fund the agency.../ has been &preached....// ááyou'lláá recall.../ congress skipped... town.../ after... dealing with the debt.../ ááleavingáá the...f-a-a... issue... dangling.../// ááthousandsáá of... f-a-a administratorr.../ have been ...without payy../ since ...july 23rd.../// áárememberáá congress... is loooing out for youu..// n... aagentine film festival.../ plans... to auctioo.../ .a... porn flick...// átheyá.. claim... features marilyn monroe, .../ áábutáá rittcs say... it's not her....// áátheáá film... surfaced in sppin... years ago -- // showing ... a blonde... having... sex on a couch.../. áápromotersáá was shot in 1947..../ áábutáá opponents... say.../ monroe... was already under contract...// with... fox... at the time...//// áácommonáá seese... the woman rest in peace...// 3 a... humid afterroon,.../ áábutáá aa least... he worst of the heet... s staying away. away. chief meteorrlogist... vytas reed.../ is... here with... your skywatch forecast. .ed reed miises practicc... teem's first full workout... next in ssorts... a fiery goodbye. how one company is plaaning to help you go out with bang. if i were a customer, i'd like nonstop travel because it's quicker. because it's convenient. it's just the best way to go. keeps the cost down. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has added new nonstop flights from bwi airport to south carolina. it means more time doing the things i want to do. it's easy. it's hassle-free. there's no headaches. [ male announcer ] fly southwest airlines' new nonstops from bwi airport to greenville-spartanburg and charleston, south carolina. i like nonstop travel because... you don't got any more stuff. [ laughter ] [ ding ] and i saw another store's ad for these crayons at a lower price. no problem -- i can match that right here. oops -- i don't have the ad. you don't need it. oh, what about a coupon for these pens? yeah. easy. what if i saw an ad for a special loyalty card price? done. can you spell "hobo" on this calculator? i can. o-eight-o-four. but upside down. nice. [ male announcer ] get low prices every day, on everything you need for back to school, like this graphing calculator, just $95. backed by our ad match guarantee. save money. live better. walmart. it was quite an unusual day in owings mills...under the terms of the new ollective bbrgaining agreement, this was the day that free agents could finally hht the field...but they needed to recertify the union, and thennvote t they took their sweet time...t - time... everythhng was paralyzed in the nfl while the vooting went on...the ravens' 1:30 practice didn't gettstarted until 5... but it did get underway...and for the first time this summer johh harbaugh got a look at his entire team on the field at once...and after an off- season ull of labor strife and precious ittle football, he sounded more than a liitle very few players missed practice..rookie jimmy smith was out with thattgroin pijury...james hardy sat out too...and also ed reed..the practice in a t shirt and shorts, raising some eyebrows amonn the mediaalooking on... nn one from the ravens seemed all that worried about it, least of all reee himself... and he says don't freak oot...everything is just fine.... pith the depprture of wann landry, the ravens are ooking ed today they went e - oot and got bernard ollard... he's been aastarter the last four years with the chiefs and the texans..last year in houuton,,he lee the texans in tackles with 112..the book oo pollarr is that he's most effective playing close to the line and is a accomplishedd blitzer..pollard got a two year contract the orroles lost their 10th straight series tonight... 9-4 to the royals... back to you... saying goodbye with a gun. how one company is lookingg to provide a big bang at your funeral. &p 3 what if it snowed chocolate? what if sweet mocha fell from the sky? or imagine catching icy caramel flakes as they drift down -- melting just as they touch your tongue or sliding down mounds of whipped cream right into a pile of rich chocolaty goodness. [ male announcer ] send your taste buds a sweet shiver with mcdonald's mccafé frappe. a creamy blend of ice, coffee and mocha. or caramel. mmm. sweet. ♪ ba da ba ba ba here's.../ a... new way... to go out... withha bang. bang. a... new company alabama.../ wants turn your... ashes into remainss.. into your favorite kind of mmo.../ once... you'reegone..... ááthenáá... let... the hunting... begin..//. áátwoáá... alabama... game rangers.../ bizarre... idea.../ ááashesáá.../ turn... into 250 rouuds of ammo.../ áácostingáá around... 12-50 bucks..../// áásoáá resting... spot...// could... actually wiid-up...// in...a... bears... buttocks 3 looks... like.../ we'... dodged ... the first hurricane... threet of the seas. season. chief meteorologist vytas reid... has a look with your skywatch forecast. thaa's all for the d97

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