she claims the ratings have improved since i left the show. in the anals of wives, everybody -oves their wife and thinks they have the best wife. i married the right girl. kendall ehrlich, trust me. she loves politics, football, and gglf, couple. drew ehrlich my linebacker here toniggt as well. and josh is sleeping, i hope. he is an ehrlich, probably not sleeping actually. a lot of you commented about the campaign, and negative ads, and some of the silly stuff we saw, just know that's politics. that's the nature of politics, we can congratulate o'malley tonight. ww do. that is the -- you know, we are competitors, and competitors fight. and believe me, i was born to fight. i was raised to fight. i was raised to compete. but tonight, is at an end and wish him well. and the state well. this is our state. congratulate him. that's an applause line, absolutely, please. i don't know what to say to you. we have been -- this is closing a chapter in our life. that chapter begannin 1986 with a 93 vote victory. maryland house of delegates district 10. that was a long time ago. and over the years we have gathered friends. and some of you heard my speech and kendall heard a million times. not new best friends, not rental friends, not title friends, not the friends you see in public office. kendall and i remark a lot about how lucky we areein life to have real friends, who have been with us, who have competed with us, who care about us, who love us, who give us energy, and don't care what our title is, whether a lot of those folks are here tonight. we thankkyou from the bottom of our hearts. we love you very much. thank you. you know, my dad the other night said look, want you to win, expect to win, but if we lose it is a pretty good ride for a little kid from where we grew up. and that wws a small apartment, trusttme. my dad was right. and that ride, ssate legislature, congress, governor, was with you. with all of you. tonight. there are no words. there are no words to describe how we feel about you. the energy, the bumper stickers, signs, everything, that you have given us over the past 24 yearss including prior to kendall yeaas. to those as the dark >> former governor ehrlich with a concession speech from timonium fairgrounds congratulating o'malley in victory t has to be hard for him. these were two fieece competitors in a tough race. >> alluded o that. and interesting that e is saying this closes a chapter in our lives. so we don't know what that means. but, you know, certainly indicating that, perhaps, you know ttis, may be the end of the political road for him. talking about 24 year career. of course, we don't know what the future holds. but we know tonight that he is putting this campaign behind him. with his family at his side. >> a lot of pundits are saying that the looser of this race, political career is over. that's not necessarily the case. we have seen that in history. especially with nixon in 1962. and 6 years later he is president of the u.s. after losing the govvrnor's race in californiaa we have county executive race o say look att tell you why. many are close here. baltimore county executive being one with 44% of the precincts reporting. kevin kamenetz, is leading republican kenneth holt 52% to 48%. of course filling the seat of outgoing county executive jim smith. >> and looking at arundel county. john leopold at 51 percent of the vote. the incumbent there. his challenger conty at 44%. that's with 43% of the precincts reporting. >> in howard county encome dent ken olman 69% winning over kiddleman with 42% of the precincts reporting. >> of course, we will watch the county executive races and want to know ♪ ♪ [ dad ] yeah! [ cheers and applause ] [ male announcer ] achievement gets points for living life. earn pnc points for your credit and debit card purchases. ♪ find out more at pnc. for the achiever in us all. find out more at >> major race in arundel county when it comes to slots at $1 billion slots parlor at the stand now. those for question a, 56%. those against the slots, 44%. with 43% of the precincts reporting. >> our joy lepola has been covering this issue for many months now. she is standing by live tonight at the stop slots headquarters -n hanover with the latest and reaction there. joy? >>well, the, jennifer, as you mentioned, this has been a long and hard fought battle. for opponents of question a here in arundel county. joining me now is the chairman of no slots at the mall. david jones. set he stage for us, as to what is happening back there, in that back room, where you and some of your friends, are spending the evening? >> yyah, we are just trying to get ahold of and dig deeper ii the numbers to find out which precincts have reported. whether our stronghold has reported or whether the opposition stronghold is reported. with 43% of the vote in, it will be a long ight. wait for every vote to be counted. it is somber. we thought we would be a little bit closer right now. but still, a lot more votes to be counted. >> you are remaining optimistic? >> absolutely. until the precincts report say 100 and all the votes counted we have shot to win. >> what happens if you don't walk away with a stricktree tonight? have you made any plans as to what your next step may be, or is this the end of the road for you? >> me personally, i am looking for real estate broker, because i am about to sell my home. i think the people have spoken. and that's what we wanted. but as a private individual, i have a choice to make. i am making my choice, i might be moving. because, i think,,that casino at the mall will be a detriment to the neighborhood. >> your concerns have been traffic aad crime at the top of -he list? >> absolutely. and exposure to our children to adult entertainment. and it continues to be there. i will not shop at arundel mills mall. i am quite sure there are a lot of other people around the county and state that won't shop ttere. but they will not have david jones to kick around much longer. >> thank you for joining us. appreciate it. again, there is still a sense of optimism here. we will of course keep you posted on the latest developments throughout the evening. reporting live in hanover, joy lepooa, fox 45 news at 10:00. >> all right joy, continue to follow those numbers, as they come in and get an answer oo the slots question. >> interesting to see mr. cordish's reaction to the numbers, he must be pleaseed. >> look at the governor's numbers now. again o'malley declared the winner, incumbent with 55% of the vote over former governor we have 69% of the precincts. reporting. >> jeff abell is live in the middle of the victory celebration. as o'malley headquarters downtown. hi, jeff. >> hello jennifer and jeff. the party is still on. in federal hill tonight. and even many democrats here seem surprised by the margin of victory in this race. few moments ago, governor o'malley and his family stepped through the to the stage here. and declared victorr. and thanked voters for sending him back to annapolis for another other four years. >> i want to thank the people of maryland for their hard work. for their resilience. for hope, for belief in the future. our country is going through tremendous struggle right now. it is a fight or our children's future. becauss it is a fight for our economic future. and there will be states to win, and there will be states that lose. and if we want maryland to be in the winner's categooy we haae got to continue to move forward. and that's what the people of maryland chose to do tonight. to move forward.@ >> well, governor o'malley never directly addressed his opponent bob ehrlich in that speech. but he did thank his opponents for voting today. and promised that they would have a voice in annaaolis. live in federal hill. edition." >> thank you jeff abell for that report tonight. we have the governor's race inn3 maryland decided. first district race. decided. and watching the slots in arundel ounty. >> only arundel voters could vote on. that back with more of our vot >> welcome back to our vote 2010 coverage. we will go back to the first district of maryland's eastern shore where andy harris is tonight along with our karen parrs. karen? >> hat's correct. andy harris is here with me. and first let me say congratulations. this has been a long tough haul for you and your campaign. we were talling two weeks ago, 15% of the voters undecided. what do you think you did to sway some of the vote? >> i think they looked one last time at what has been going on for two years in the country. looked at the job situation, unemployment situation, deficit. and decided we needed a new direction.@ send the same team back. >> andy, what do you think you said to make a difference in this race? >>well, the, i think we told them there was a clear distinction in this race. i mean, i stood for lower taxes, lower spending. %-back in the private sector. people realize we need that in america. >> big question, how hard are you ready to work? >> i am ready to work. i am a physician, i work, 12, 14,,16, nights, weekendd, do %-country back on track. the %-and congratulations. jennifer and jeff back to you in the studio. >> all right. to andy harris in the first congressional district from his headquarters in kent island and he brought up a good point. 15% undecided this morning. and they made the difference in the world in this race. >> it is so interesting to see how that unfolded today. and it was called relatively early in the night. you know, it wasn't something where we are counting absentee ballots like tww years ago. so we got that answer fast. stay with us, our vote 2010 coverage continues in a few moments. more perspective on the national picture with political analyst armstrong williams.3 be right back. can a smartphone be its own guardian angel ? can it keep an eye out for itself, literally show and tell you where it is when you don't even know yourself ? droid can with lookout mobile security, one of thousands of free apps for the droid x and droid 2 by motorola. available on the ever-expanding android market. when there's no limit to what droid gets, there's no limit to what droid does. >> we are watching the interesting story nationally that will determine who gets control of congress. here is what we have got. republicans picking up four seats in the senate. and 34 seats in the house. so far. >> let's go to our political@ analyst armstroog williams. joining us from dc. as always armstrong, good to see you sir. >> hello everyone. >> mid term elections are unkind to n incumbent president. but tonight from what we have seen so far, number wise, this armstrong seems to be off the charts? >>well, the, it is off the charts. there is so much going on in this country. i think, we are beginning to hear the voice of a third-party. both parties would not like to freight, both like to keep them out. no matter how many pundits they try to dismiss, tea party has been a strong force in this country. and you look at the candidates, from new hampshire, to south carolina, where early on sarah palin took the risk and sort of blessed them. as a king maker. and many of them have won. many peeple saying that the tea party is one thing to run, in the aspect rapus (inaudible). i don't think that's the case. i think people that run rand paul and others sophisticated and intelligent. understand that america could be on the brink of bankruptcy. understand why people sent them to congress. i don't think they would ccme to congress asking to repeal health care because they know it is a far fetched idea. but they could stop the obama spending. stop the bailouts going on. and even if you look at what would have been the crowning moment for the republicans, even in nevada, you are not hearing much about nevada where it is neck and neck between harry reid and ms. angle but what you don't understand. while it is neck and neck, if you look at the exit polls, that we have copies of. if you look at the indents, angle is running with them 51 to 43% to harry reid. i predict when it is all done, that she will pull out the upset of this election that harry reid will be defeated. i mean, you are talking about a gaaning four seats, but our predictions are republicans have plus six in thh senate and project 7 to 8 before the night is over. so listen, this is a strong message to the president. that the landscape of the country is changed. and while many say the democrats in the senate while they control the senate will not go to ways of he house. many senate democrats look at the carnage taking place in this election and realize that they could be nnxt. look at patty murray in a fight for her life. that should not happen. patty murray if she is able to win, will learn she cannot be a rubber stamp for the proposals that the president is trying to set in motion. -> armstrong, tomorrow, when we hear from the prrsident tomorrow, what can he say to the american people, to say, i get it. i hear what you are saying. %-ssys, what does defrom here on out? >> i think,,it is very important something, jennifer, an echo that is going on from cuomo to the candidates, rubio in florida, this is not about republicans or indents, it is not about democrats, it is bout we the people. it is aaout the voice of the american people have spoken. we must adhere to it. i think, the president can show humility by saying we should have never left the gold campaign without passing a budget. it is irresponsible. we should hhve passed a budget. the president needs to pass the bush tax cuts. i think, the president is going to look too heavy on regulation. even though there is not much you can do about health care right now. the president needs to set a tone, where he has heard the voice of the people and he is ready to do the ill of the people. >> all right. armstrong williams, if hat upset happens in nevada that will be the ultimate upset getting harry reid out. >> no one knew who sharon angle was a year ago. so incredible. >> armstrong thank you for the upda >> he big question still undecided tonight. the slots issue in arundel county. we will look at the latest numbers that we have with 43% oo the precincts reporting. the numbers ight now, 56% in favor. voting for the slots question. 44% against. >> so far wide margin there percentage wise. melinda roeder our reporter talked to david cordish, owner of the cordish company and obviously he must be pretty happy. here is what he said. @% this is mr. david cordish, developer behind the deal. congratulations, first of all. >> thank you very much. >> i have to ask, months and months ago, when you first submitted that bid for a gaming license, did you ever expect so many challenges would arise? >> no. no, i didn't. but we knocked them off and met them one by one. which is the only way you do anything. a lot of people thought that the arundel county council was, you kkow -- they were fair, took time, deliberaaed. got through it. county executive sign off. we filed our application ith the state, location commission, laurel files, laurel was thrown out. we were close end. each time there is a challenge, we have had the people hine us. %-and we have met the challenge. >> you may still have your work cut out for you in terms of anything you plan to do now to try to extend the olive branch to the neighbors. >> thank you very much for asking that question. i meant to mention it in my remarks. which is i told you were not prepared. left that out. we have a strong contention and3 outreach to the neighbors. i worked aa one of the poles within five minute walk of here today for seven hours. and the vote was -- i mean really close. but you would never know.