3 happy new year 3jaauaryy1st, 2013. 3 2013 is offiiially here. And includiig the leglizatioo of same sex marriage here in mryl. Maryland. The mayor was on handd to perform the first same sex marriage ceremony when the clock struck midnight. Midnighttthere you go ou may kissladies and gentlemen i am honored to present. Marriige partners for ife life james scales and Willlam Tasker were the first same sex coupll o be legally married in baltimore. Scales says that he can hardly believe that he is finnlly years. 02 13 16 weve had good times forward to what comes next and its partner for tte rest f our lii. Lives. Scaaes has wookee or the Baltimore Mayors Office for 25 years. Samesex couples in maryland have been able to get marriage licenses since ecember 6th buu they did not take effect until today. Nine states aaddthe district of cooumbia have leealized samesex marriage. 3 a fiscal cliif deal. Heads senate overwhelming approoedda 3 last minute package that era tax cuts in pllce for sh 400thousand dollars. Or couples making less than 450 pice president joe bbden delivered the news of a deal to ddmoocratic lawmakers. The packkge blocks spenddng Unemployment Benefits for the longgterm jobless, prevents a 27 perrent cut innfees fr pdoctors who treaa medicare patients and prevvnts a spike in milk prices. A lastminute additioo would also prevent a pay raise for members of congress from lawmakers are rrlievee thht phey ffnally reached an agreement. Whole sot working through the pnight. Weeve reached a deal. This legislation doos that that whole sot we can say weve done some good or the country. Through. Repuclibans arr eady for pfor the house is expected ttovote on the proposal either today or tomorrow. Cliff. Llwmakers also have ceiling. The us rrached its legal Borrowing Limit of 16point4 trillion dollars yesterday. The Treasury Department is taking measurrss to buy time until the end of february. They include. Suspending some investmenns in peneeit funds for fedeeal worrers. But after that. The ptreesury will not be able to in full. And on timm. S Bills Congress would have toovote n raising the debt ceiliig. Setting the stage for another fight n capital hill. Even though gas prices nevee went higherrthan they did back in 2008. Gas prices. Onn aveeage. Forr2212 were the ever. The naaionwide average prices for a gallon of regular pit 360 this yyar. Hats up 9 cents frommthe previouss record set in 2011. Triple a blames hurricanes. Refinery outages and tensions in the prices. Despite prices of more than 4 dollars a gallon back in 2008. The average price that year as juut 325. Aanew studd shows size. Shape. And color of a pill directlyyinfluences wwether patients will take the some pptients who received gennric drugs varying in color were more than 50percent likely to stop takkng them. Generrccdrugssmust have tte same dosage strength as the brandname verssons, despite how differenttthey may look. Of the pill, but whats inside that counts. Baltimore rings in the new year. Ii syle. Anddin safe. Safety. Bmore fireworks nats natsnew years violence has become a tradition here in thh city. But last night. Was thankfully a peaceful one. P5. 4. 3. 2. 1 happy newwyear year in new york and around the 2011. Thousands of people crowded in times ssuure to pwatch the crystalcovered bal drop. This year,among thh one crowd at midnight ere fans clark. Longtime host of the celebrrtion whh paasee away in peally big new years resolutio. Resolution. Theyre going to pun 365 marathons this year thats one a ddy day just minutes ago one a day day jjst minutes ago these aagrandparentsaa in theer 60s embarked on the run of a lifetime. They will cover more than 9 thuosand miies if they live up to their goal. This isnt thhir first time on the run. In 2000 they ran 50 marathoos in 50 days. It turnssout love at first siiht. Might bb impossible. A ee tudy finds that the rush you gettwhen you meet a handsome stranger is really all about chemicals. And not about actual feeeings. Within five eccnds of spottiig a hunky strangee, your brain starts producing dopamine. Thats thh feelgood brains pleasure centerr 3 around the five minute mark, youustart proddciig adrrnaline and estosterone upping your risktaking impulse. And fterr ten minutes with tall, dark, generate oxytocin, which o promotes ondinn. So chances are itts probably just ust. 3 voters for the next littll more time to cast their ballott. The academy is friday. Its an effort to 33 assure tte transition to pnline balloting ii as smooth s possible. The nomination annoucement still set for thursday, january tenth. From crazy collisions to the zombie apocooypse, there were caught our attention this t year. Heressa look at some of the clipp that ade headlines in 2012. 2012. P3 3 get fittwith fox. Fox. The best timeeof day too start your orkout. To burn the mosttcalories. 3 and nnxt. Boot scoot and boogy into he new ear. Where youucan go today to burn off pnd have fun all at theesame time. Yyure i knew what i was doing was wrong, but i chose to ignore that. She had blended christianity with witchcraft. Basically, i just ignored what the bible said in certain parts and read the rest of it to be what i wanted it to mean and folded it into witchcraft. Its very real and its only intent is out spiritual destruction. Learn a new the rocess. Creative impulse is hosting an aal day line dance party. Tahirah bowery from creative immulse is streaming now with this mornings hometown hottpot. What line dances will we learn todaa . What is the cost of the class . Caa you show us some of the line da . Dancee . 3 the new year line 3 pdancc arty is today from 2 0 p. M. 5 00 p. M. At the creative impulse ance studio. To leern more log on to Fox Baltimore dot com slash morning. A chrrstmas miracle. Delayed. Delayed. Christmas came a little late this year, but it came. The one thing this owner did that helped get his stolen dog back. Weeks after heewas taken. Yourr watching fox 45 ggod day baltimore. break 2 3 a dog stolen in South Carolina is back wwth its owner. Police say he dog was in an suv whee someone took off with it from aastore pprking lot. Lot. As derek elliiger reports, an online appeal hhlped track the annmal doww. Down. This is a sight for sore eyes. Two weeks after police say an suv was taken with a dog inside, they say it was a tip that led them to a discovery anddthis eveetuaa reunion. Through the help of the community and mm friends and my ffiends ooline n the online community, we ggt the dog back. Jason tharp was one determined pee owner. He took out add to getthis dog and his thh Travelers Rest walmmrt back on december 14th getting camping supplies when the theft happened. Whattwound up responne. He possed n appeal to ggt his ddg backkand friends and completeestranners those tips madd their way to Travelers Rest ppliceethe truck was at a location, possibby at a location ann the pgrrennille county sheriffs information. Police rent the innvstigation is still se going on. But they tell s ttey found the suv and thee dog in one location. But police say the fact that the dog waa found attall is a rarityythe longer a ase goes without a resolution, the less likely that ii will be aagood a llng time for a dog to be i missing nd o come backkto an owner, so again, that makes it real special and very sweet for them. Tharp and his girlfriend kim rudoll say theyre still missing some of their stuff, but they say he most importaat thing thht was taken is now back home. Thats your child, thats your family pand itts your love. You looo forward to waking up and little late thhs year, but it came. 3 3 3 still to come. Should you take pain mediiine before bed. To prevent a headache . Pheadache . We separate hangovvr fiction. sot to breakk oure watching ffx 45 good day baltimore. 3 fox 45 nn nn n n n 3 bbeak 4 3 3 3 3 after weeks anddweeks of meetingss. In an Early Morning session, tth Senate Approves a measureeon tax innreases and spenning cuts. Cuts. As ed payne reports. The measure now goes to the house of represennatives. Reprrsentatives. Reporter kgas ffllows at thh stroke of idnnght, mann pmerrcans were celebrating and ringing in the nee year. Bbt much more serious. Vice presidenn joe bbden went to pafterrsenate leaders struck a deal withhthh white house. Happy new year. The senate went back intoosession. And around 2amm. The vote was in. The bill as amended is assed. In an 89to8 vote, the senaae ppprrved a measure that uts months and keeps the bushera ttx cuts or innividuals earnnnggless than 400,000 aad 450,000. Senate majority leader harry reid said their goal was to protect americas middle class. Middle class wont go up 22undrrdddollars 3 pcertainty to lan how theyll pay for groceries, reet, car paymenns all during nnxt year. Senate minooity leader Mitch Mcconnell said repubbicans agreed to the measure rather sufferrwe dont think taxes should be going up on anyone but we all knew hat if we did nothing they would be going up pn everyooe todaa. We werent going to let that happen. Thee house reconvenes today at noon and is expected to take up the measure at thhtt ime. Im ed payneereporting. Us lawmakkrs also have tt worry about the debt ceiling. The us reaahed its legal trilllon doolars monday. The pTreasury Department is taking eed of february. Ime until the same sex marriage is officially on the books here in marrland. Maryyand. By the authority pvested in e i pronounne you married. Cheers cheersseveral ccuplessmarried soon aaterrmidnight at baltimores city hall. Voters legalizeddthe unions in nooember. And the law wenn into effect as soon as the first couples to be legally wed nnmaryland says its been a long road to et here. Ryan wilson 3 44 iicuee it was a yoyooutcue made history in november tooallow Marriage Equality innthh state. State. Nine states and the district oo columbbi have legalized ssmesex mmrriage. Other than same sex marriage. Othhr laws also go tooay. A new law to protect phildrrn from identity heft in. Alllws parents to frreze thher childs credit at time. Veterans will now be able have their veterrn status shown oo their drivers license. License. And another measure bans arsennc in chicken feed to help keepptoxinssout of the chesapeake bay. A thirreenyearold massachusstts boy gets an phone for chhistmas. Christmas. But as crystal haynes tells us. It wasnt without some strings attached. Attached. Merry christmas. Ou are ow the proud owner of an iphone. Greeg says, i was probably the last one of my friends to get a phone, and buu theres a contract. Jannll sayss he was basically was basicallyygonna have the world at his fingertips without my constant supervision which s part of growing up; i was but i fell like i needed to t get it all on paper. Thats exactty what blogger and writer, Janell Hofmann did. Hofmannnggveeher 13year old greg a simple choice contract and et an iphone. Gregg says, it just like her to ppt together all these rules, but not being like one of those stricttparents; shes pike ppeventing me from dangers of etting myself nto too uch trouble that i couldnt handle. But the decision itself was not so simple or the mom of five. Says, were the first group of parents that are ever parrnting this kind f guidelines. So, were rrlying pon our common sense, our instincts, and so i compiled things i always want him to know some rules and some structure around such a large gift. The rules coold bb considered a gift themselves ssme re seriouu like dont use it to lie, fool, or deceive another human at 7 30 onnschool nights. Ut 3 some are ust plain liff lesson hofmann wanted to share likee llstee to the birds wwnder without googling. Janell says, tteres a part of me that was really trying to preserve his boyhood. In that final rule aboot being, eyes up, wonder, stare out a window; i really meaa that. I mean that without the iphone. Just dont always be plugged in. And speeking of plugged in, hofmaan is getting a lot of feeddack on her ppontract. Some saying add rulls likeedont ext and drivvof course greg ii 13 and some are calling herra hhlicopter mom. But some pomments even say adults need im crystaa aynes, fox news. 3 hugh hefner rings innthe new year a married man. After weddinn 26 year oll crystal mansion. Not everyonn was sure the eremony would happen. First planned wedding to her before it was supposed to happen. This is hefners 3rdd marriage. Herrfirst. If youurr nursing a hangovee you feel better without wasting your time. Were separating hangover cure fact from fiction. Fiction. Myth 1. Stay hydrated fact. Alcohol causes dehydration and is often pbehind the morning affer feeling. One of the best things you can do to cure aa wattr. Myth 2. Take pain mediiine before bbd fiition. Phis willlnot prevent a hannover and can have a dangerous interaction wiih the alcohol in your system. Sssttm. Myyh 3. Eat while drinking act. Food slows alcohol absorppton. Fatty foods work best. Best. Myth 4. Drink caffeine pfiction. It ill wake you up any quicker. Quiccer. Myth 5. Sleep it off fact. Time and rest are some of the best hangover cures. Coming up. Speed. And danger tteyre both coming to first mariner ar. Arena. Your chhnce to win when it comes to baatimore. Is cominngup riiht after the bbeek. Youre watching ox 45 gooddday baltimore. reak 5 p 3 p brrakk5 breakk5 aa llb meeeorologist save money. And your waistline. Waiitlineethree things you can doowhen ordering akeouttto good day balti watching fox 45 33 after ccooing big holiday meals, Many Americans will turn to takeout this week. Online ordering maaks it easy, but alories can add p, years resolutions. Karin caifa has tips to keep online orders healthher anddcheaper. Cheaper. The concept of rdering ood pnline or using a smartphooe app has made diiner easy. But it can alsoomake it more costly, and less healthh. A uuiversity of rochester evaluated 160,000 onlinn the world really knowsshow to yearrfireworks nntsar. Natswe how you theebest fireworks displays acrosssthe globe. Wiih all theeaction of arena. Cross. Your chance to win tickets. Is coming up in the next 10 mmnutes. Ouree watching fox 45 morning news. All local. All morniig. K 7 2013 is here, and it arriied wwth a bang in major citiis around the world. Heres a look at some of the biggest and brightest celebrattons, from australia tt europe. Europe. The wait is almoot over overryour chance to win arenn cross tickets is coming up right after the break. Fox 45 good day ballimore. P . o 3 painttng the ttwn purple. How baltimore is celebratinggthe start of the ravens playoff run. Tonight on fox 45 newssat five. All the action of arena ross baltimore. The crew comes to first mariner arrna january 11th13th. Tickets are on sale noo. But we want to et you inside for free. Feld entertainmenttseet us some this morninn. Ve away to you morninggthe 10th caller right now at 4104814545 wins a family 4 pack. aa7 ay ffrecastaa

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