3 3 3 3 3 &p3 prosecutors cut a deal with day.we have been following the appeared on-line. on-llne.tom rodgers is here with more onntheir guilty plea and your other top stories.hey tom... this video... of a tourist being punchedd.. rrbbbd... and stripped naked... on the streets of downtown baltimore was videotaped and osted on yo. baltimore in the national - spotlight .... and led police to four suspects.in court yesterday... all four pleaded guilty to assaalt... and in some cases... robbery. in exchange for their pleas... prosecutors agreed to drop several charges. but according to one defense attorney... the judge haddsome harsh words beeore sentencing... 11:28:10 this was reprehensible it was demeaning it was illegal and it did cause the city to bb viewed in a negative light around the country so i think she expressee the displlasure and anger that many many many people felt when they viewed thhs video :31 :31 aaron parsons... receiied the loogess sentence of one year. but his attorney says he'll probably be out in three months. an early morning fire... sends one person to the hospital. 4-30... on north linwood nd avenue near new orleans avenue. fire fighhers aa the fire sttrted in the rear of thh house... where construction is underway.the fire did not spread to adjacent homessa neighbor was sent to the hospital because of smoke inhalation. amid controversy over closing fire companies due to baltimore's budget deficit... baltimore's fiie chief could get a raise.mayor stephanie rawlings blake is goinggto make a request to extend fire chief jamess lackks contract and give him a raise at &ptomorrow's board of estimates meeting.under tte proposal he would get an extra three thousand dollars a year.this news comes just one day after twoofire companies closed.. and another company.. ttuck 10.. was sllted forrclloure in october duu to lack of funds. pome disappointing news ptday... for tourists.the washington monument will remain closed for another year. the tallest structure in d-c &phas already been closed... following an earrhquake llstt paguut.engineers found the quake left several cracks in the monumeet... and damaged pnterior support beams. national park service officials say repairs will begin this fall. soon be a thing of the past. that's if a proposed bill becomes law. law.congress is looking at legislation that would require you to pay your state's sales tax on all internet purchases. a coalition of internet companies including ebay and the proposed legislation saying this is going to hit mom and pop operations. drink, prayy tweet!when it comes to trends on twitter... more americans tteet abbut "church" than "beer."ttat's the finding of floating-sheep dot oog. org..esearchers focused on tweets last month that "church" or "beer" to look at the country.there were ross - slightly mmre "church" tweetss nationwide... with the biggest numbbrs in the southeast. dallas was the strongestt churrh-tweeting city.twitter users in the northeasttwere most likkly to talk about bber in 140 charaaters or less. áááátoss backáááá 3 áááátoss baakááááá- he, volunteered and served his country.but nnw... it's his turn to be helped by dozens of volunteers. p home depot is organizing a home imprrvement mission with a big heart today. poday.joel d. smith ii live in canton to show why this project is on thh fast track. good morning joel d. 3 3 3it may look like your average car... but it's not. ffr the record books... coming . pp. you''e watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((bump out)) ((breakk1)) 3 ((break 1)) ((bump out)) here you go little man. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios it's free ,educational, active children of all active and fun for ,educaaional, it's free 3 it's frre ,educational, active and fun for hhldren of all ages. emily graceyjoins us livv with this mornings hometown hotspot. - what is the waterfront partnershii doing to keep children active? what the age group of children involved? - how can people lean about the activities you the waterfront kids summer for more information log on dot com slash morning. p, one manns car travels into the record books. it's not fancy... oo evee rrre... but his car is something to look at... what makes this car such a big deal... next. neet. you're watching ((breek 2)) day balttmore. - 3 e talked about it yesterday... now here it is... this is what a car with nearly three million miles on it like.. irvin gordon's nineteen-sixty-six like. irvin gordon's nineteen-sixty-six volvo has held the guinness world record for "high mileage vehicle" since two-thousand-two... and it's still running. running.the car's odometer ddesn't even have enough digits to display the actuaa mileaae. the seventy-two pear oll retired school teacher is onll thirty-four thousaad miles away from hitting theethree million mark. the three million mark. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 this week... we're giving away 250 ddllar giant giftcards. giftcards.it's our giant suumer contest!we gave away our firrt gift card thissmorni. morning.if you want to win one... you still can.here's your name... you have 15 your prize.if the winner doesn't call in... we'll draw anotter name. name.if you want to enter... just go to our facebook page.. facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore... bbcome a fan and compleee the entry form to enter.go tooour website for complete contest rules. a 5 year ood boy turned hero. hero.(( i called the doctor, daddy.)) cominn up... what happened... and whht this kid hhs to say about all the fuss over his life-saving actions. actions.((scream)) ((scream))and later... a teenage girl jumps from a ride... what hhppennd that sent her leaping from 35 feet in the aii. air. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 3)) a little oy proves to be wise beyonddhis 5 years... when he jumps into action to save his dad's life. how the boy worked with 9-1-1 dispatchers to save his dad's l. life. (nats)"911 what is your comes into 911 all the time... ellen mauerman thought it might be a child playing with the phone."uh, my dad is sick...""your dad is sick?" "yeah.""aad i thought, 'oh 3 who's learned how to called 911 and he's playing."but playinn... his dad chris hall suffered a grand mal seizure.."daddy, it's okay. i called the doctor. i called the doctor, daddy." "and thhn he dropped theephone nd you could hear him tell his addy called he doctor for you. and itts like 'oh, no, ttis is for real.""so uincy did the right thing by sing 991, but it was onna cell phone. he didn't ave a complete ddress so the crew here went into overdrive using technology to zero in."911 diipatcher lisa brockmeuller started tracking the latitude and longituue phone siinal. they were ell getttng a general location.... ellen tracked the cell number and fouud it had been ussd in previous emergency calls... in 4-1/2 miiutes and chris ed &phall survivee..certificate of appreciation is awarded to quincy james haal from thh lewis county 911 communications center."for his part in saving his dad's life... quincy was center stage at an awards ceremmny. there's a reason he knnw how to call 111 "because chris has a seizure disorder i've told him how tt call 911."(reporter: "did you call 911 yourself?")"uh huh." "uh huh."and that's all this pint-sized hero would say... but his actions on that ddy spoke louder than his words. 3 love it or hate it... it.(("every page i read maaks my eyeballs bleed." )) musicallparodies of fifty shades of greyy.. a look at some of the funniist songs to come from the erotic novel. novel. you're watching fox 455good daa baltimore. 3 295 map there's a new plea to conserve area. that's the word from the city's public works department... which issmaking plans to repaar a huue water main. tom rodgers is here witt a look at where you hould cut your water use... as well as the day's other top stories. they're trying to avoid what happened almost three years ago in duunalk... dundalk... when a huge water damage.public works used some discovered possible damage in another water main in southwest baltimore... and is askkng you to conservv water while they work to fix it. (foxx) "please reffain from outside wateeing, car waahing, until after sunset or during the early morning hours." hours." some residents could experience low water pressure pnd even some temporrry service interrpttin during the repairs... which are expected to begin later this week. the heat wave smothering maryland seems to have broken... buu not before a dramatic incrrass in the number of people who died from heat-related problems. problems.state health officials now say 18 peeple have died from heat related causes...8 deaths were reported between saturday and monday.2 of the viitims were prom other states, but died in maryllnd.in all of álastá yeer, 34 peeple died ffom the heat. acording to the national occanic and atmospheric set a new record.noaa says the lower 48 stttes just broke the record for the warmest 12 month period since record keeping began backkin 18-95.las set the new record. ten days after stormm tooe through our area.... clean uu is far from over... private tree servicee have been wwrking overtime... taking hundreds of calls a day about storm debris.everything from big oak trees... to piless of brrnches.companies say they try to prioritizeeeach job based on the amount f damage and danner.some contractors have a waaning &pf an active duty military man with brain cancer, wants to speed his remaining days aa home with his family. handle his speciffc needs. but that's all about to change. change.joel d. smith is livee at the home now where dozens of volunteers are ready for joel d. &p3 3 the hype over 50 shades of grey... gets musscal. musical.(("50 shades of grry. how could i refuse.)) refuse.)) the songs spawned from the erotic novee... a hilarious look at some of the best renditions coming up. up.plus... the sun is heee be on the way.meteorologist &psteve fertig shows us what to expect next. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 5)) good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. meteooologist)) halloween in july... getting dressed up could get you a free meal. meal.and just a reminder... come to al packer's white marsh ford this friday jull 13th starting at 5 a-m for your hance to be the next baltimore iiol. idol.our favorite singer will be given a guaranteed audition ii ffont of american idol at foxbaltimore dot com. com. you're watching fox 45 good day have we become a nation of criminals? i think it is fair to say that things are out of control. the unprecedented rise in federal laws and regulations is making criminals out of the most unlikely people. i have not done anything wrong, these guys, they are going to make an example. congress got us into this mess, question is, what is congress going to do about it? on the no it's not halloween...but this friday the 13th you cows. lisa scott from ed liked chick-fil-a joinssus live this morning with more. - what is cow appreciation day?- how can people get involvvd? appreciation day for more information on cow appreciation day log on to fox a lot of people have an morning appetite for this next book. book.((50 shades of grey.)) grey.)) the erotic series turned musical... a hilarioos parody of the hot books.... next. next. you're watching fox 45 good day cocococococococococo[ barks ] g] [ cat meows ] [ woman ] ♪ i just want to be okay ♪ be okay, be okay ♪ i just want to be okay today - ♪ i just want to know today - [ whistles ] ♪ know today, know today - [ cat meows ] - ♪ know that maybe i will be okay ♪ [ chimes ] travelers can help you protect the things you care about... and save money with multi-policy discounts. are you getting the coverage you need... and the discounts you deserve? for an agent or quote, call 800-my-coverage... or visit travelers.com. the erotic book series... 50 shades of grey has become the biggest juggernaat since harry . potter.the books by e-l james are poised to cross the átwentyá million mark ii u.s. sales this wwek. week.tte popularity of the look at this youtube sensation. sennation. fifty shades of grey has gone from mommyporn to musical but at leaat the musical won't make you blush 500shades, it's relattvely clean."50 shades of grey. ow couud i refuse. in a boring life as a plain house wife i can dream of being sexually abused." the musical pits a reader who loves the hates it."every page i read makes my eyeballs bleed." thh makers of thii two and a half minute musical are bbothers."the idea came up i &pwas in the subway and i saw all the women reading it from like small girls -- literally, teenage girls to grandmothers." "this is so well-written. who the fáá would writee his." ventually a gay character makes his entrance."50 shades of grey. i pray that no one realizes that iimmloving it every bit." there have been other musical tributes to this lady orn phenomenon, turning the verbatii words of the book into lyrics."my hips arching to drive them deeper, deeper." jimmy fallon featured 50 shades of grey karaoke."like whhre's drawers."seriously that's from page 277. hhnestt comedians mockingly vie to recood the audio book theeaudio moccingly vie to - honest. comediann from page 277. honest. comedians mockingly vie to record thee audio book version...from gilbert gottfried....he scrunches my panties." to ellen degeneres, though ellen chose to paraphrase the overheated ppose."he guides his hands across my...'secret garden.' fááá, i'm just gonna &padd some ssund effects f what's been whipped up are sales. the wall street journal reports the 50 shadee trilogy copies in the us in months. it took the ddagon tattoo books 3 years to ccomplish that. and while ome couples say the book's done wonders have a big bed but we sure get - around it." the musical has it both ways."this degrading fluff i have had enough." &p"so they've written their min musical, but have they read the book?" "i did not read the wwole book."(reporter: "and you read justta little &pbitt""passages here and there yeaa." "it'' really -- some of it is awful." no shades of shades of grey."jeanne moos, cnn,"shhhhhhh."new york. 3 from 0 shades... to 7 days. days.find out if humidity could make for anothhe steamy week... or if anothhr steamy week... or if storms could lead to a romantic evening insie fertig hits s with the steve fertig hits meteorologist steve fertii hits us with the forecast next. you're watching &pfox 45 good dayybaltimore. gunpowder falls. why the state illegal.... tonight on fox 45