monday, july 9th. this week... we're giving away 250 dollar giant giftcards.'s our giant one... you ssill's how it works:iffww announce your name... you have 15 minutes to call in and claim doeen't call in... ww'll drrw anothee name. just go to our facebook page.. facebooo dot com sllsh foxbaltimoree.. become a fan enter.go to our website for to - complete contest rules. 3 3 3 3 3 3 -3 3 3 3 3 3 they're calling it one of phe most damaging storm's in the 200 year history of b-g-e. but after 9 days... the power is back to all customers who storms on june 29th. maryland... d-c and virginia.-- virginia.tom rodgers is here today's other top stories.good - we are expecting some relief from the heatttoday... but phat cooler air also means more storms here in baltimore. as a result... this morning there are juss áunderá 5- thousand people waking up baltimore city and county. joel d. smith is live in towson where they're waking p pn the dark again as the next round of storms come in. good morning joel d. 3& patrice, right now, thereeare a handful of newwoutagee to report: bge now says 2 hundred customers aar withoutt power... mostly in the towwon area... that's rough,, bbt nothing compared to the 3/4 of a million knockkd out a week and a half ago, including hhre on cedarcroft road. itttook workers frrm all over the country, and canada, working around the clock in done. the last custooer restored yesterdayyafternoon. the storm was historic in it's mmhem... trees fell on power linns, aad homes on this road. some of the folks we talked with headed to hotels for days, wwile their homes basically boiled. others tried to stick it out, sleeping in the basement....., but quuckly learned it's not just humans having a tough time with 80 or 90 degrees iidoors. 5122 we have two large dogs inside, 70 pounds each. they &pcouldn't get cool for a whole week. they panted 24-7, ha ah aha aha .. foo 24-7 and its hard to sleep with a panting dog blowing hot aii on you. insurance agents are a still that ii's over, many on this block are just happy to realize, bbseddon the way it loooed... it really could have been worse. live in north baltimore, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning newss 3 3 3 today yoo're waking up to what some are calling an ""nternet d" doomsday."dangerous maaware could cut peoole off the .. - internnt was first discovered in 2007.but when last year... agents realized that if they turned off the malicious ervers... victims would lose internet they set up temporaryy servers.... but that safey net expired at midnight.leaving thousands of you at risk oday. service providers are braciig to take helppcclls.if you do ssill have internet... protect yourself now... now...according to cyber security xperts:keep your anti virus software uuddted. make sure you're using a firewall when browsing the internee.and don't click on a link or accept an attachment if ou have anyy oubt it might not e what it seems to be. two fire companies in the city will close today.. due to baltimore's udget deficit.buu one of tte companies slated to close.. will be ooen a liitle bit longer.ttis is video of truck 10 at a fire on roberts street in west baltimore on wednesday night.the president of the firefighhers union says truck 10 will not close until october. a warning today... for families planning another barbecue this summer. the centers for disease control and prevention ssys there's emergency room visits... due pristles from grill brushes. the c-d-c says injuriissrange from smallsscut innthe neck... to more serious conditions... such as intestinal gashes that require emergency before you start flippiig burgers... be sure to examinee pristles. the bbltiiore farmers' markkt is giving you another option on how you pay for your freeh ppoduce. 3&p mayor stephani conference sunday announcing thaa the baltimore bucks incentivvs and debit cards can now e used to buyyfresh fruits and vegetables at the city's argesttfarmers markee. health fficials say tte new payment options wwll ive families aacess to healthhee foods. president baaack obamaa is expected to call on one-year extension on the cuts.the ax cuts are or people earninn less than 2-hundree-fifty-thhussnd ssys president obama will make the announccment in the rose garden.the president will then take his messageeon the road... hosting a seeres off events in attleground states across the country. how do you remove aa antenna building?the answer: very caref. carrfuuly...a heeiccpter helped lower w-g-n's television aatenna from atop the willls tower might know it better as the stories in the heart of dd 108 chicago.the antenna wwigged in at four-thousand poundd... and siinals went digital a few years ago.a new antenna for digital signals will be 3&áátoss backáá &p sky. daredevil falll from the - caught on camera... the misstep that sent a tightrope &pwalker free falling from 7- hundred feet... coming up. up.pluu... stay cool and safe in the pool.the things youu next outing a little bit safer. 45 good day baltimore. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) 3 with the temperatures being in the triple digits everyone is rushing to their nearest pool, you should know before ty tips - swiming. tar--h giich from the mar-tar swim school joins us live for ttis mornings hometown hotspot.. - what is this eventtabout? - who will be 3 making a special appearance at water safety day?- what things will water safety day?appearancc at waterrsafety day?- what things will you be giving awwy??-&away? 3 wattr safety day will take place water safety day water safety day will ake place sundayyjuly 15th fromm2-5 p.m. for more informatioo long onnto fox baltimorr dot com sllah morning this next guy took no safety pr. precautions.coming up... the moment a aredevil falls from a tightrope... and his survivinn álacká of injuries. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 2)) aachinese tightrope walker survives an almost sevenn hundrrd foot rop... after falling off the ropee.. while trying to walk backwards almost half a mill with his eyes closed. cllsed.the tightrope also sloped at up to thirty degrees in some places and was also swaying slightly during the walk.the tightrope walker... who took no safety precautioos... ssipped and fell 655- feet right near the end.incredibly... he wasn't seriously hurt. 3 3 &p33 3 3 3 3 3 3 phink you've got what it takes to be the next americannidol? white marsh ford this friday -- july 13th starting at 5 aam singer will be ggven a rite - of americannidol producers.t - producers.the winner of our contest last year.. hallle day... made the top 24 on &pamerican contest rulee attfoxbaltimore dot com. 3&keep the sun... sand and surf from ruining your smartphone. smmrtphone.what one ácheapá item can be the bestt protection for your expensive g. best night's sleep... ways to laa to knock out the muscce tension... and wake up feeling ggod. you're watching fox 45 ggod day baltimore. after the storm.the battle to news at "we have made it dangerous just to be alive in america." out of control federal regulation it doesn't make sense; it wastes the tax payers' money; and it doesn't reduce crime unpredictable enforcement "i said, 'you're here with guns and you can't tell me why?" frush outdated laws "i think it's fair to say it's out of control." are we 33 if you wake up sore after getting what you think is a restful night's sleep... it could all be in tte way you laid. eriik busick frommabout faces day spa and salon joins us tooay to show us how to night's rest.- how are we should we be 's wrong?-how -3 sleeping?- how can we form better sleep habits?. . tension log on to fox n muscle - morning e dot com slashh these nexttguys may need a better night's sleep. pleep.((nats of fighting)) fighting))cooing up... the wild fight on liveet-v... what these lawmakers were discussing... that has one man gun. you're watching fox 45 you''e , good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. p,3 3 3 3&p 3 fiber map 3 &p we have big neww when t comes to restoring powee in baltimore county following another group of storms last night nighttom rodgers is here witt the latest numberr... and some of the day's other top stories. good morning, tom. 3&just minutes ago b-g-e update it's website... website...and look at those numbers... they have cut the amount of power uuages in half in jjst the past half hour.there are now 22-hundred power ouuages in the baltimore county... it's gone about á2-hundredá people joel dd smith is live in towson where theyyre waking up in thh dark aaaii as the next round f storms ccme in. good morning joel d. atrice, right now, outages to reportt bge now says 52 hundred customers are without power... mostll in thht's rough, but nothing compared to the 3/4 of a million knocked out a week and p half ago, including here on cedarcroft road. it took workers from all over the country, and canada, working around the clock in done. the last customer ot - restored yesterday afternoon. the storm was historic in power lines, and homes on this road. some of the folks tried to stick ii out at k home... sleeping in the basement to find a bit of relief. buu otters fled for hotels... and worrred about this tough time turning into a real ightmare.... like deliverrng a baby in this heat. 2512 we had those fears every day, especially k my doctor says we're going to go early.. so we're waiting minute by minute, and yes, i had the fear we'd be bringing the baby back o a hotel, but it didn't happen thankfully. insurance agents areea still a common site here. but now ttat itts over, mmny on this block are just happy to realize, based on the way it lookedd.. it really could have been worse. 3 live in north baltimore, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news. 3 autopsies are being conducted... for 3 maryland children who drowwed over the weekend..olice say the three and an 8- year- old friend.... were pulled ffom marrhy-hope creek in federalsbuuggsunday morning.police saa the boys were playing basketball nearby... and may have gone into the creek to cool off. (last sot) "it's a tragedy. and they need to do something. they need to do somethhng. so that this ddesn't happen agaan. so that no other child has to drown or fall into quickssnd. this doesn't make any sense at all." all."police say they do nott believe foul plaa was a ffctor. usher's stepson is in grave condition this morning after a jetski accident in atlanta.there are reports that kkle glover has been declared &pbrain dead.the 11 year old an a frrend were inner tubing friday on lake lanier when a man on a jetssi lammed inno the pair.police are investigating the cause of the crash. 3&a hug turns deadly in detroit. a woman was shot when she officer while dancing at a police say the embrace caused the officer's service weapon to fire.the officer is now on administrative ddties until pplice repprt their findings to the county prosecuter. a politician pulls out the big guns during a political television. on live - 3((nats)) ((nats)) parliament threw a shoe... and then pulled a gun on a talk show last week.the men were diicussing the syrian crisis on a ttlk show when the debate turnee astyy the mmn now faces charges of attempted murrer... and could be forced to resign from office. a beaatiffl giveway for women in baltimore. baltimore.coming up...some of the latest styles in bridal stormy start to the day... find outtif the storms will put a ákaboshá on your pool plans next with the forecast. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. itts time to caption thii! faccbook page we posted a picture of a tot taking a nap &pby aabookshelf.'s what some of you captioned it.david says, "reading a good bookshelf always puts me to sleep!" what her shhll life is." ashley says, i have a terrible case of the mondayy." mondays." here's some of libááá))if youuwant to lay d 3 along... join us on our facebook page at facebook dot com slash fox baltimore. ((toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist))((ad libb ((toss to weather))((toss to weathee)) p, ((ad lib meteorologist)) help your smaatphone beat the h. heat.what one ácheapp item you may already have in your hooe... thaa couud save you hundreds of dollars in phone damage t the beach. beach. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. [ male announcer ] the magic of nature appears every day, within each strand of an oat's rhythmical sway. when an apple's vibrant red temptation, and honey's sweet touch of golden sensation, join together with a pecan crunch you'll savor, creating the most perfect lesson in flavor. at nature valley, nature's best-written recipe is ready for you to enjoy. delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley, nature at its most delicious. [ horn honks ] ♪ oh, those were the best of days ♪ ♪ i still feel the summer rays ♪ that graced our backs as we went down the lane ♪ [ horn honks ] [ male announcer ] when your car is more than just a car to you, the right insurance matters. are you getting the coverage options you need and the discounts you deserve? for an agent or quote, call 800-my-coverage or visit you may love the sand... sun... and surf... but t's no day at the bbacc if you've ever ruined an electronic gadet while here. there.there arr manyy áexpensiveá ccvers out there to keep your deeice safee.. costs just penniee that does the best job at beach proofing your phone. phone. beachgoers slather on sunscreen to stay safe. but what about protecting your favorite gadget?the beach is &pnot a very friendly place to technologg. water ii obviously an enemy of it, but also sand devices, it can get into the seams between things and make them grind as they move.there are a variety of cases on the market for smartphones, e- readers, and tabllts. but consumer reports found hat a simple plastic bag with a zipper r seal can also provide protection. just keep a few things in mind.-- bag thaa gadget before you leave &ppome so you're not fumbling with it on the beach.-- don't remove it until returning home to avvid contact with sand and regularly so sand doesn't accumulate.sand ann water aren'' the only concerns. sun damageea device. it's so - pood idea to keep the device out of the sun, keep it someehere cool, like in a bag -- a little bit nsulated even would be good..don't leave it in the car. pay attention to that. 95 degrees to 100 degrees is sort of the max you should be looking at. and if an unprotected device takes a dip in the water, act fast. remove the attery and sim card, and ressst the urge to dry it with a heat source like a hair drrer which can warp what's inside. 3 serve our country.gettaagown. giveaway... how you can qualify to receive a wedding dress for free! fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 7)) 3 they put tteir lives on the line for us all the time and now one organization along wih bridessacross america is giving back. brigette lancaster from outurr miss bridal and riccy roberson from brides across america are joining us with more.- tell us about your involvement with brides motivated you to get involved? - what are the requirements for givinggthe gown away? for more innormation on mmlitary wedding gowns log on to fox &pbaltimore-dot-com slash morning. could the weekend heat stick around for the workweek? workweek?meteorologist steve fertig shows uu what to expect as far aa youu temperaturrs are concerned next. you're watching fox 45 good day after the storm.the battle to news at ááá day forecastáá 3 3

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