1812 and will feature more ttan 40 tall ships and navy -3 ssips of a dozen nations. attract more than 1 milliin people over theeweek. 3 wednesday, june 13th. 3 3 -3 3 3 3 3 3 ii's sennencing day... for julius henson. henson.he's tte political controverrial election night 3 convicted of conspiracy for thee2010 roobcallssaimed at keeping black voters from the polls.henson is schedulee to be sentenced in just a half hour... and faces up to a yyar -3 in prison. a u-s district court judge - already ordered him to pay one million dollars to the state. 3 maryland delegate tiffany -3 alston is found guilty of misdemeanor theet and missonduct in office.the prince george's county & democrat was accused of paying an employee in her law office aboutt800 dollars... ussng state funds.she saas thh employee was a member of her pegislative staff.alston is also accused in a sepaaate case of using campaign funds & to pay for her wedding. 3 a 6-year-old is attacked with a bottle bomb ii pasadena. paaadena.it happened at this plaaground near an elementaay 3 police say two teenagers are now facing felony charges for the attack.in this casee.. the teens used bleach... a & houssholl itee... investigators found near the playgrounn.it'' a dangerous attack... that's happennng more and more.so ffr this ear there have been six bottle -3 bomb cases reported.last year....detectives investigated 21 casee. 3 11:44:04 and the fragments of the container can cause injury...if chemicals are &pinvolveddyou can poteetially severe and life threateeing purn injuries as a resuut of a potential prank :1714:18:47 if it happens to someone else it could happpn to me or a sister or sooeone else i know iis pretty scary 3 fortunately in this case... the child was not hurt. 3 people exposed to dieeel fuul exhaust are at risk of & gettinggcancer.that's the studies conducted by a cancer group for the world health organization. 3 phe w-h-o says the new studies show a direct ink between exposure to diesel fuel exxaust and the disease.the findings could pressure the government to put stricter llmitt on emissions nd porkers exposed to diesel exhaust. & it'ssthe story we can't stop talking about this morning... news this morningg that ssrry tanning could be ttxic! toxic! there is a phemical in spray tans called - scientists say d-h-a could -3 cause genetic alterations and d-n-a damage.whileethey sayy have not done testing on humans... one doctor says pheir concerns ovee the ccemical are valid. 3 siegellsays: "sometting in the dihydroxyacetone and this product this chemical 3 has caused a lot of &pcontroversy because in animals and in cells it alttrs dda nd pe don't know whether that could lead to ccncer or whether that cculd lead to birth ddfects." 3 while heedoesnnt advise it... the doctor believes there is lees xposure to d-h-a when using tanning lotions. lotions.the fooddand drug administration approved d-h-a for external use... meaaing it phould not be inhaled... ingested or applied to the lips. 3 3 3 p presideet obama added more than a million dollars to his caapaign, while spending the afternoon n baltimore. bbltiiore. he greeted supporters at two at the inner harbor hyatt where supporters paiddas much as ten-thousand dollars a &pticket. he president ssoke for 35-mmnntes and told the crowd that the upcomingg and a lot uglier ttan the last one. 3 (22:53:42) "if people ass whats this campaiin about? & its still about hope and believe that we can ake a difference in the life of this country. i still believe that." that." 3 thh president left baltimore to attend three more -3 fundrriiers in philadelphia lass night. 3 president obama wasn't the only one campaigning in maarland yesterday. anne romney... the wife of republican presidential candddate mmtt romney... appeared at a fundraiser near b-w-i thurgood marshall airport. the event was hosted by former governor bob ehrlich... he's the chairman of romney's campaign here in maryland. 3 see all of our stories about the race for the white house on our website...go to fox- baltimore dot com... and click on he vote 20-12 icon in the 3 3 atrue tory of a maa going from rags to riches... 3 aahomeless man stuubles across 77-thousand 3 doolars in a park... aad & pplice say he can keep the cash.police in baatrop, texas say ttmothy yost found the bag full of wet money... and took it the bank to exchange it for dry money. that's when the bank called police. after a 6-mmnth investigation ... 3 to ny drugs... or its council voted to let yost keep the money. 3 3 the dog days of summer are here. here.and this dog can prove it! watch him in action... or lack of actiin... commng up. up. child marriage is thriving in india though it's been illegal for decades. cbn cameras go inside one of the secret ceremonies... this girl's family insists she is 18... the legal age to marry. but she appears to be much younger. some girls in small villages are married off as young as 5. what does this practice mean for the future of 3 3 it looks like gymnastiis & ann runnnng combined.... and it's called "parkour". 3 the creative and sometimes dangerous pastime is catchiig on and even the u.s. military is startinggto train its troopssto do it. 3 joel d. smith is live in nooth baltimore wiih one of the internet stars of "parkoor", to find out wwat he did to get almost a million hits on youtube. good morning joel d. 3 3 & 3 a boat captain makes a strange find..- find.one bold... blue & its real... or if its fake... next. next. 3 yoo're watching fox 45 good day baatimorr. &p3 ((break 2)) 3 3 dd noo adjust your set.... this looster really is blue. blue.the rare lobster was caught by a nova scotia man last month.the univvrsity of maine lobster institute says blue lobsters are a one-in-two miilion phenomenon. the -3 crustaceens turnnblue because of a enetic variation. right now the lobster is cooling its 3 its owner can ecide what to -3 do with it. &p 3 apparently- he offfred his find to a nearby ocean researcc institute, but they didn't want it.he also tried selling itt nline but says he got ome strange calls and emails. 3 p3 3 3 3 3 &p3 meet world's laziest dog. dog.coming uu...his hilarious reaction to hii owner'' need -3 to get in the frrdge. fridge. 3 plus... thh dog days of summer could be very dangeroos or your pet.whaa you need to 3 outdoors... next. you're atchinn fox 45 good day baltimorr. 3 talk about your lazy doo... scooter was justtloooing for a place to take a nap but can't caach a break. his owner seems to find his laziness amusing ... as she opens the - refridgerator over and over again. p,3 the dog ays of summer... can actually be dangerouu for man's besttfriend... from the heat to flees.dr. ggegory burbelo from boston street animal hospital is here to help us protect our furry friends. 3 p-hhat? how hot is too ot for dogs and cats to be outside?--heat exhaustion? 3 p-weeknow it'ss 3 going to be a toughhticc &pseason... what abouu fleee? 3 --more runaways in summer? ssmmer? 3 dr. burbelo will be answering any questions you may have about your pet ... in the next half hour.so if you have a questioo... end us tweet at fox baltimore or post a & comment on our faceeook page 3& a toddlee thrown from an s-u-v. s-u-v.the hocking crash... and what happees neet that could be the most stunning part of this story. story.plus... the indow to your soul could be on your feet.what your shoes say abbut you... coming up. -3 you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. & 3 ((breek 4)) i was paying too much paying so much, you want better quality. for the amount of money that i am paying, my cable company should take care of me. [ male announcer ] stop paying for second best. get verizon fios tv internet and phone for just $99.99 a month, guaranteed for two years with no annual contract required. first time we saw tv on fios was amazing. i was just in a... in a trance watching it. [ male announcer ] choose a two-year contract and get $250 back. don't miss this last chance. fios internet...the speed you can't compare. i'm able to take care of things much faster now. [ male announcer ] get fios: $99.99 a month for two years with no annual contract. or get $250 back with a two-year contract. last chance... offer ends june 16. is change good? in this case, change is very good. [ male announcer ] call 1.866.569.fios. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.569.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. ♪ ♪ 3- 3 33 3 3- 3 3 fiber map 3 more potentially disturbing testimony lies head today... in the jerry sandusky child rape trial. trial.on tuesday... the couut hearr from victim number one... whose accusations helped trigger the criminal accusation against the former pennnstate coaah. theenow 18-year--ld testified sandusky repeatedly sexually abused him as a boy. he's among 10 others thee... over a span of at least 15 years. sandusky has &ppleaded not guilty to the charges. - 3 peooge zimmerman's wwfe is ut on bond this morning. shellie zzmmerman is accused of lying under oath t her hhsbandds bond hearing.... telling the - court... the couple didn't haveeenough money to assist in her hhsband's defense.but prosecutors say he couple had 135 thousaad dollars. zimmerman is charged withh second-degree murderrin the shooting eath of trayvon maatin. 3 police chassng an s-uuv capture a terrifying scene on camera... after thh car flips... and a child is thrown from the vehicle. vehicle.before we show you the video... we want to let you know... tte toddler is okay -3 this morning. morning.police were chasing the s-u-v following a - robbery... when it flips... and the 18 month old girl is ejected.incredibly... the little girl immediately gets up and starts walking.another womaa in the vehicle jumps out and rescues her.thankfully that child had only minor injuries.her father faces muutiple criminal charges. 3 residents are being warned oot for black bears. beers.juut recentty... there were reports of a sighting in harforddcounty..nd on saturday... black bear was aberreen and bel air. air.just last week... 2 bear sightings caused quite a stir in baltimore county.students at the carroll maaner and jacksonville elementary pne of the bears as spotted on campus aa the same time -33 students at acksonville elementary were set to wwlk across the stage for &pgraduation. 3 his trick shot on youttbe is approaching one million hits, but a frederick teen says that's just the staat of phat he can do. he wants to turn his acrobatic skills intooa career.... but what does his father say? 3&p joel . smith is in our studio to find out,,and see up close how dangeroussthis is. good morning joel d? d? -3 3 3 3 put our best foot forward. forward. a new study says people can guess your peesonality just by ookinn at 3 yours say about you... coming up. up. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. & 3 it's time to caption this! this!today on our facebook page we posted a piiture of a piilet wearing galoshes. galoshes.here's what some off - yyu captioned t.ronald says, "i'm just a ham for mudders." muuders."nicole says, "babbs in wetland!" wettand!"wade says, "dessgner bacon" 3 if you want to play alongg.. at facebook dottcom slash fox 3 ((toss to weather)) 3 ((ad lib meteooologist)) &p33 walk this way... because we're about to guess yourr personality. 3 a nee survey says it's all in -3& the shhes... find out if your -33 footwear matthes your mood... next. nnxt. you're watching fox 455good d child marriage is thriving in india though it's been illegal for decades. cbn cameras go inside one of the secret ceremonies... this girl's family insists she is 18... the legal age to marry. but she appears to be much younger. some girls in small villages are married off as young as 5. what does this practice mean for the future of wo n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 3 3 a new psychology ssudy shows that 90-percent f your personallty traits can be determined just by examing &pyour shoes. shoes.it's all part of new survey published in the journal of ressarch in personality.so this morning... we're going to put this theory to the test.we took some picturee of some of our coworkers... and 3 now we'll see if we can guess who they are ... by their shoes. 3 shoes number ooe... 3 3 shoes nuuber two... 3 & 3 while flassy and colourful footwear ""elonged to extroverts" 3 phoes number three... 3 3 as it turns out, those pddicted to christian louboutin or other designer heels were pegged as high huzzzbaad is) 3 ----uncomfortable looking shoes were worn by calm perssoalities 3 p,3 shoes number four... -3 3 3& not surprisinggy, liberal thinkers, who many think of ass flip-flop wearing hippies, wear shabbier and less expensive shoes. 3 --shoes that were well kept belonggto "ccnscientiius types" 3& --ankll boots fit with more aggressive personalities 3 --if you wear brand new well- pept shoes.... you may have -3 "attachmenn anxiety".... -3 meaning you worry so much -3 about what others may ttink of you. 3 3 your kids gee ttem... but what about your pees?we're talking about ear infections... symptoms you should look ffr in your pet.... next. next.and if you have a question forrour vettrinarian... now is tte -3 time to get some free advice... just ive us a call pt 410-481-45-45. you're wtching foxx45 good dayybaltimore. 3 ((break 7)) [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more and more for cable -- and enjoying it less? upgrade to verizon fios tv internet and phone at a great price: just $99.99 a month, guaranteed for two years with no annual contract. or get $250 back if you sign a two-year contract. it's your last chance. don't wait! unlike cable, fios is a 100% fiber optic network that delivers america's fastest most consistent, most reliable internet plus the best tv picture quality... and more hd. tired of cable's inflated bills? switch to fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month guaranteed for two years with no annual contract. or choose a two-year contract and get $250 back. last chance. this incredible offer ends june 16th. call 1-877-729-fios. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1-877-729-3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. ♪ ♪ fios. a network ahead. 3 we are back with dr. grrgory burbelo from boston ssreet animal hospital.he'' here to answer questions you may have about your pet... ow is your chance to get free addice... you can call uu right now at 410-481-45-45. 3 3 a facebook fan says, "how can i tell if my dog hassan ear infection?" 3 --debbie middle river 3 3 jessica says, when i feed my cat wet food, she only licks - the gravy..is that okay? how do i get hhr tt eat the rest of the wet?" 33 --virginna baltimore baltimore -3 3 jeanette says, "any ideas on how to stop the napoleon syndrome of a 9 wwek old scootish terrier? he is trying to run the house and rule the if you're making plans for the beacc or a baseball game... staa with us. us.meteorologist steve fertig has our 7-day forecast next. you're waaching fox 45 goodd day baltimorr. 3 sailing into baltimorr.why a flotilla has arrrved at the inner harbor.tonight on fox45 &pnews áá7 day forecasttá 3 áá7 day foreeastáá 3 3 ((break 8)) -3