3 police are on theehunt for a killer in southhast baltimore. baltimore.this was the scene... on east pratt street ... near patterson high school. police arrived around 8:30 last night ... to find tte victim ... in a vehicle.the & car somehow ended uppover the curb... through a ccain metal fence... on joplin ssreet.the victim had multiple gunshot wounds in upper part of the torso....righttnow... there are no suspects or motive. 3 the weekend proved to be the city's most viilent so far this year. yearrthere were 8 shootings.... two fatal. patal. the first happened on -33 friday here along east chase street in east ballimore. the - victim... a 54 year old man. police say as a result they've increased patroos in the area. but that's done little to get people to talk. police are trying to figure outtif the shootings are related. 11:43:17 were trying to go caae... some may be related. some may not. it's just tough rihg now to put everything 3 detectives arr looking to see 3 hhve two homicides over the weekeed a total of 8 shhotings and were rrally trying hard tt & figure out what the motiies in these cases are 43:35 3 police arr alsoolooking at people who were recently released from prison and may pe getting back into the city's drug game as ppssible suupects. 33 a maryland ationaa guardsman killed in afghaaistan will be laid to rest todayyat arlington national emetery. cemetery.family and friendd gathered at the triniiy assembly of god in lutheevvlle - monday to say gooodye to army major robert marchanti. marchanti was killed last month when the affhhn interior &pministry was attacked.he was a baltimore county teachee... and his children say.. a loving father. 3 " "words can't express how sad we areetoday, i hope if -3 the military is ,3 watching thii who eeer t is that gges out and is looking & for whoever did this to my father...i hope they find that coward"//butt to//"my dad as the pefect image of looe, he just showed us how much he loved uu...and he woold do anything for us and for the milittry" military"mmrchanti llaves &pbehind a wife... four children 3 3 several car bombs went off in iraq today... the ninth pnniversary of the u-s led invasion. invasion.the aftermath of one attack can be seen herr in kirkuk..ttacks took place in potal of eight cities... killing at least 23 people. investigators say they were coordinattd acts of violence. the attacks come as iraq gets reedy to host the arab league summit next week. &p3 baatimore's new archbishop &pwill be introduced today. today.bishop william lori was namee as carddnal edwin po'brien's replacement as head of the archdiocese of ballimore by pope benndict the baltimore from theediocese oo -3 bridgeport connecticut. 3 googling your symptoms when health.thaats according to new repoor... ppblishee in "u-s-a tooay." toddy."reeeerch shows many people are making health message boards... their firsst& stop for information....before visiting aadoctor.doctors say the important thing is noo to 3 3 p a new study finds women can have an orgasm... just by working out.the study is based on an online survey... put together by researcherssat indiana university.they found 3 and sexual pleasure when performing exercises that used the abdominal muscles... like weight lifting and yoga. 3 yyu don't have to be married to legally break-up 3anymore. anymore.a new poll shows a couples who live together are getttng prenupts.in fact... attorneys say they've seen an increase in the number of court battles between say the reason behind the increase is that a lot more or bypassinggit altogether....and tte lder pou get, the mmre things you have to 3 protect. 3 it looks like there could e a lot less lawyers in our country's future.theenumber of & people taking the lsat has dropped for the second straight year.the 16-percent decrease in tests for the 3 deccde.exxerts say these numbers show the legallmarket is innbad shapp and that degree doesn't meen getting a & job. 3 pe all know... most teens love 3 text.now a nnwwstudy shows juss how much. much.new ressaach from the pew internet and american life project finds the averrge teen ssnds about sixtyá ttxts aa day.older ttenaged girls... send and receive an aavrage of 100 texttmessaggs a day. &presearch shows that 63-percent of teens ext everyday. 3 it's not often thattyour message is "more" effective &pwhen wearing spaadex... but that "is" the case this - morning at the inner harbor. 3 joel d. smith is live with the cyclists from the "ride on washington" movement, to sse how they expecc o get more of us to ride tww wheels instead of four. good morning joel d. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 talking trash is making a come back. about anybody, cooe sit by me..1:07)) 1:07))a remake of thh classic movie... steel magnolias is commng to t-v.finddout who's &pbehind a revamped version. veesion. 3 you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore.. 3 ((bump - beer, bburbon and bbrbecue festival.- meteorologist emily & gracey is ive in cliiper mill with a sneak peek at this weekend's "beer, bourbon and barbeccee 3& a classic movie is getting a makeover. & makeover.((:55 there's so much static electricity in this &proom, i pick up everything but boys and money. :59)) :59))the rapper that's picking up steel mmgnolias... for a television remake. remake. yoo're watching ffx 45 3 3 the movie... steel maggolias... is about to get a - makeover... by queen latifah. the actress is set to staa nn and executive produce thee remake for lifeeime.latifah will play sally ffeld's & characttr from the 19-89 film. alfre woodard... phylicia -3 rashad... aad jill scotttare also signed on for main roles. the updated version starts shoooing next month in atlantaa and will debut later this year. 3 3- 3 fiber-83atexit27-95at152 pls pls 3 3 pls ppsfiber--3atexit27-95at152 ffber-83atexit27-955t155 3 3 3 fiber--3atexit27-95at152 pls pls 3pls plsfiber-83atexii27-95att52 3 & 3 fiber-83aaexit27-95at152 pls pls & 3 & 3 fiber-83atexit27-95at1522 3 fiber-83atexit27-95at152 pls & 3 fabulous abs on set. set.((:31 nats :35)) :35)) 3 a new girl cast member's ssx pack ecomes big news... hhw the cast is reaccing to rumorr that the abs are actually a body double's.-3 double's.plus... you won't need a stand in afterrthis workout.our personal trainer gets our arms ready ffrrspring. spring.and if you hhve a question about fitness for our personal trainer... justtcall 410-481-45-45 right now. &p you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. 3 ((break 3)))- 3 puff up for spring.we're herr let's et our arms lloking nice and toned.also, if you have any questions about &pfitness, dnny's here to answer hem...--arms--cclls 3 3 3 a facebook fan 3 asks, "what's the best pnd outer thigh cellulite?""- cellulite?"jenny asks, "how 3 can i jog longer without beiig 3 fast?" felicia asks, "what's the best exercise 2 tighten up your belly?" &p 3 gettyour kids fit for spring .... a fashion how of ggeat up.plus... a car versus igh ssanding water... find out who break. yyuure watching foo >> it would collapse elect grids not just in the united states but the planet. >> the solar forms they are powerful as they get. >> there is no water, no communication no transportation. >> how it stop the storms. >> it's a question we ,3 &p3 3 3 3 3 3 maps-fiber-88at27- 695greeespring-back o mmps 3 pcams are hotá 3 3 an employee for the city's housing authority... is accused of stealing a & resident's identity. identity.the victim... tarshia tanner... used to live at tte mcculllugh apartments... a public housing complex. when sse moved out, she tried setting up a b-gge account at her new apartment and was toll shh already hhd an account... with an outstanding bill of more than 15-hundred bucks. she found out that the tenant who created the account... was an employee at mccullough.that employeee.. shalonda lowe... had access to all of tanner's &ppersonal informattonntanner -3 says she also opened two credit cards under her name. 3 22:28::8"i feel like i've been raped, that's how i feel, and i donnt kkow who to turn to: "the caae ii currennly in the iispector geeeral's office and she issrrviiwing the ase. once the facts of thaa case are dettrmined,,we'll take appropriate action." 3 resignee from the city's hhusing authority and is now facing charges of fraud and identity theff.she's expected to be in court soonn-3 3 miit romney is scheduled to & campaign in mmryland this week. p3 romney is scheduled to attend &pa town hall event at american robert ehrlichhii an arbutuu & pativve.. nd the chairman of romney's maryland campaign. -3& marrland's primary is scheduled for april third. earll voting begins saturday. 3 54 delegates are at stake today....in the illiniois g-o-p primary.the latest poll by theeamerrcan esearcc group shows mitt romney with a double digit lead over rick santorum in the state.early vottng also shows rommey leading santorum 51--ercent to -3 36-percent. 3 the baltimore county school board is xpected to vote causing a battle between parents and park lovers. 3 the county school board held a public hearing monday ight over the fate of mmas chapel -3 park ii lutherville. the board a new eleeentary school as a sooution to overcrowding. but -3 many who live neer the park say the plan will only iicreese trafffc and cuu open space. 3 lynnnwarfield/park llver: - 22:50 oh, they need a school, & i agree theyyneee a school, theyy ust don't neee it here 55 yara cheiih/parent: 3750 3 kids providing them with seats and looking at sites that the school system already owns 56 56if the plan does pass, the schhol could open in the next pwo to three ears. 3 a rivee gets caughh on camera... doing what you're not suppooed to do during 3 theeman behind heewheel oo into the water that's covered a road in tulsa oklahoma.he psde before the watee gees too deep.luckily ... someone in a jeep came by aad picked him up. thh national weather servicee says it takes just two feet of rushing wattr to ccrry away vehicles s big as s-uuvs. 3 if gaa reaches 5 dollars a allon... we might all be on bikes soon. 3& but until thenn... a group of riders are finishing a 500 mile trip for bbking awareness today in washinngon dc. dc. joel d. smmth is live at the inner harbor with them pow, to see how they ope to inspire more riders .... before gas prices get morr out of control. gooo morning joel d. 3 3 3 &pp updatt your kidds spriig wardrobe. wardrobe.some of the cutest trends in kids sring fashion... ccming up. up.plus... og lingees this mmrning after some raan overnight... finddout ii there is more headed ourrway.. meteorologist steve fertig has your forecast next. you're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. 3 ((break 5)) springgmay mman time or new clothessffr the kids. kkds.spring trends... and just plain adorable threadd for your kids... next. 3&p((:44 that's the reatest rumor on the planet :50)) :50))pluss.. the big rumor swirling round one of the characters n the show ánew girl.áwhat it's all about... and if it's realll true. true. 3 your little ones caa spring into style.we've got the latest trends for kidssthis seasonn.ridgee stickline and some little characterssfrom wee chic join us this morningg with more.--spring break --resort looks--easter/passover --what are iitle characters? it has toodo with yyur search for local kids to appear in your spring advertisinggcampain... -3& campain... 3for more 3 information on wee chic, log oonto ox baltimore ot com slash morningg 3 no shirt? no probbem..- problem.((:31 nats :35)) :35)) 3 a new girl cast member's lack - of clothing leads to a big rumor... are those abs really his?find out next. next. you're watching fox 45 good day bbltimore. 3 ((break 7)) 3 3 3 the show may be called - "nne girl," but t's a boy who seems to bb athering a lot of the attention. 3 sabrina sabbagh 3 3 foxx' freshmmn hit "new - girl" continues to explore 3 theme of co-star max greenfieed's well defined chest. throughout the show his -3 character chmidt feels a - need to remove hhs shirr and let america admire his well fit six pack . 3 the shirtless acting haa spawned some bizarre -3rumors, including one in particular is there a body ptunt double for schmidt? simone says, "whateverryou do don't, you can say hannah aid this do not say that to him, don't say that to him." greenfield says, "that's the greatest rumor on the planet &pcauue that meenssthat i need one and ttat it'ssthere and what they are seeing it good, iiwwrk very hard, if they ant - toosay it's a double, i don't caae."simone says, "he works out so mmch and takes such good care of himself, that hot body is all grrenfeld." deschanel ssys, "it is not true, max greenfeld is 100% ripped." e made the obvious offer tt dispel &peverything. greenfield says, "i'm not a clown, what you want me to dance too, what s this? where are you pointing that thing man, you know i don't like whereethis - interview is going, you went right into a bad place." squirmmng with that rumoo, anooher about takinggalong time to ssoot ome scenes with hannah simone needdd to be asked as well. imone says, "he doee seem to laugh alot scenes, which means we have to do take after take, if ttere is a methhd to his madness he haa not told me yet." -3 greenfiell says, "it does and it getss ood babe, it does 3 polllwood, saarina sabbagh, 3 an all new eeisode of new girl airs onight at 9.. right here on fox. 3 jess reeuctantly dates the - wealthy father of ne of her -3 students... and schmidt and winston get ultra-competitive playiig bar trivia. 3 tte sunnshould hine today.. but changes could be in store. store.meteorologist steve fertig has your 7-day forecast right after the break. you're atching fox 45 good day baltimore. 3 3 value.the incentives to promote home ownership in baltimore city tonight on fox 45 news at 5:30